Brussels, 12.5.2010
COM(2010) 250 final
Reinforcing economic policy coordination
Reinforcing economic policy coordination
"The euro area's governance and coordination of economic policies must be improved. This
will involve both deepening and broadening economic surveillance arrangements to guide
fiscal policy over the cycle and in the long term and, at the same time, address divergences in
growth, inflation and competitiveness." (Commission Communication on "EMU@10: successes and challenges
after 10 years of Economic and Monetary Union" – 7 May 2008 - IP/08/716)
The global economic crisis has challenged the current mechanisms of economic policy
coordination in the European Union and revealed weaknesses. The functioning of the
Economic and Monetary Union has been under particular stress, due to earlier failures to
comply with the underlying rules and principles. The existing surveillance procedures have
not been comprehensive enough. This Communication proposes measures that should be
taken in the short term on the basis of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union
(TFEU) to remedy the situation.
The recent economic crisis has no precedent in our generation. The steady gains in
economic growth and job creation witnessed over the last decade have been wiped out and the
crisis has exposed some fundamental weaknesses in our economy. The fiscal and other
macro-economic imbalances built up in the years before the crisis made the EU economy
vulnerable when the global financial crisis and economic downturn struck. Our public
finances have been severely affected, with deficits of 7% of GDP on average and debt levels
over 80% of GDP clearly above the 3% and 60% of GDP reference values set in the Treaty.
High levels of public debt cannot be sustained indefinitely. The pursuit of the Europe 2020
strategy agreed by the European Council in March must be based on a credible exit strategy.
The EU faces big challenges in the coming years – the need for fiscal consolidation and at the
same time the need to boost sustainable growth levels. The Stability and Growth Pact
provides the right framework for an orderly exit from the crisis. But to support the EU's
economic growth potential and the sustainability of our social models, the consolidation of
public finances requires setting priorities and making hard choices: coordination at EU level
will be crucial in this task and help address spill-over effects.
The recent financial crisis and pressure on the financial stability in Europe have
underlined more clearly than ever the interdependence of the EU's economies, in
particular inside the euro area. Member States were supported by being part of the EU,
with its 500-million-people strong internal market and common currency for sixteen Member
States. Existing instruments and methods of co-ordination enabled the EU to pull together its
recovery efforts and to weather a storm that no Member State could have done on its own.
However, these recent experiences also showed gaps and weaknesses in the current system,
underlining the need for stronger and earlier policy co-ordination, additional prevention and
correction mechanisms and a crisis resolution facility for euro-area Member States.
Urgent action has been taken to deal with the immediate needs of the crisis culminating
on 9 May when an extraordinary Ecofin Council decided, based on a proposal of the
Commission, on the establishment of a European stabilisation mechanism and agreed on
a strong commitment to accelerated fiscal consolidation where warranted. Lessons
should be drawn and steps taken to strengthen the EU's system of economic governance for
the future. In this Communication, the Commission sets out a three pillar approach to
reinforcing economic policy co-ordination. Most of the proposals pertain to the EU as a
whole, but a more demanding approach is proposed for the euro area, based on Article 136 of
the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
The Communication stresses the case for making full use of the surveillance instruments
available under the Treaty. Where necessary, existing instruments should be modified and
complemented. The Communication calls for reinforcing compliance with the Stability and
Growth Pact and extending surveillance to macro-economic imbalances. To do this, it
proposes the establishment of a European Semester for economic policy coordination, so that
Member States would benefit from early coordination at European level as they prepare their
national stability and convergence programmes including their national budgets and national
reform programmes. Finally, it sets out the principles that should underpin a robust
framework for crisis management for euro-area Member States.
These are ambitious and necessary ideas on which the Commission is seeking the views
of Member States, the European Parliament and stakeholders. The Commission will
come forward with legislative proposals to implement these ideas in the coming months.
Public debt was not sufficiently reduced over the past decade. There was not enough
commitment to fiscal consolidation, in particular during good economic times. In some
Member States, revenues were temporarily boosted by tax-rich activity, driven by
unsustainable booms in housing, construction and financial services. As these macro-financial
imbalances have unwound sharply due to the crisis, tax revenues in concerned Member States
have collapsed, revealing a much weaker-than-anticipated underlying fiscal position.
Government budgets in the European Union have gone from close to balance (-0.8% of GDP
in EU and -0.6% in the Euro area) in 2007 to an expected deficit of close to 7% of GDP in
2010. Public debt continues to rise. According to the latest Commission services' forecasts,
public debt will reach 84% of GDP in 2011 (88% in the Euro area), wiping out the results of
twenty years of consolidation. Sizeable contingent liabilities related to financial rescues,
representing another 25 percentage points of GDP in the EU, present an additional source of
concern, adding to the long-standing fiscal challenges related to ageing.
Other macroeconomic and financial imbalances aggravated the vulnerability of the
euro-area economy in particular. Persistent competitiveness divergences and
macroeconomic imbalances within the euro area cause a risk to the functioning of Economic
and Monetary Union. In the years preceding the crisis, low financing costs fuelled the
misallocation of resources to often low productive uses, feeding unsustainable levels of
consumption, housing bubbles and the accumulation of external and internal debt in some
Member States. The competitiveness gap reached an all-time high just before the crisis. From
a balanced position in 1999, current account surpluses in the euro area steadily accumulated
and reached 7.7% of GDP in 2007, while aggregated deficits rose from 3.5% of GDP in 1999
to 9.7% in 2007
. The economic and financial crisis has triggered a partial rebalancing of
current accounts. But this rebalancing is only partly structural. Major policy reorientation is
needed to bring about the necessary adjustment in terms of costs and wages, structural reform
and reallocation employment and capital.
The exceptional combination in Greece of lax fiscal policy, inadequate reaction to
mounting imbalances, structural weaknesses and statistical misreporting led to an
unprecedented sovereign debt crisis. The underlying public finance situation was brutally
revealed to be partly due to data misreporting in the past, but in fact was mainly the result of
inappropriate fiscal policy. While this situation was in part made possible by the shortcomings
of the existing economic surveillance framework, it clearly highlights the vital importance of
ensuring effective compliance with rules. Confronted with an exceptional sovereign debt
crisis, for which the euro area was left with no remedial instrument, the Member States agreed
on a package of measures to preserve financial stability in Europe
. This Communication is
intended to resolutely strengthen our surveillance mechanism in order to prevent a Member
State from slipping into such a situation again. But the crisis also underscores the need for
appropriate tools to manage a situation that threatens euro-area financial stability.
III.1. Reinforcing compliance with the Stability and Growth Pact and deeper fiscal
policy coordination
The rules and principles of the Stability and Growth Pact are relevant and valid. But,
despite the Pact, Member States failed to build up adequate buffers in good times. Reinforcing
the preventive dimension of budgetary surveillance must be an integral part of closer
coordination of fiscal policy. Also, compliance with the rules needs to be improved and more
focus needs to be given to sustainability of public finances.
The preparation and assessment of Stability and Convergence Programmes forms the
core of the preventive work under the Pact. Its impact and effectiveness should be
decisively strengthened by increasing the ex-ante dimension of the process, and by giving it
teeth. The former is addressed below (in Section III.3) through the introduction of a
"European Semester". The latter could be done, for example, by including the possibility of
imposing interest-bearing deposits in case of inadequate fiscal policies when Member States
make insufficient progress towards their budgetary Medium-Term-Objectives in good
economic times. This would require a change in secondary legislation.
National fiscal frameworks to better reflect the priorities of EU budgetary surveillance.
Member States should be encouraged to integrate the Treaty objective of sound public
finances in their national law. A national fiscal framework is the set of elements that form the
basis of national fiscal governance, i.e. the country-specific institutional policy setting that
shapes fiscal policy-making at national level. To give concrete meaning to the
complementarity between the EU and national fiscal frameworks, the obligation in Protocol
Nr 12 TFEU for Member States to have in place budgetary procedures that ensure compliance
The current account surplus ratios reported here reflect the combined surpluses of Germany,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria and Finland. The current account deficit ratios reflect the
combined deficits of Ireland, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, and Portugal.
Conclusions of the Ecofin Council of 9 May 2010.
with their Treaty obligations on budgetary discipline could be specified through legally
binding instruments. Such instruments would for instance require national frameworks to
reflect multi-annual budgeting procedures, so as to ensure the achievement of the budgetary
The Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) forms the cornerstone of the corrective part of
the Stability and Growth Pact. But, the corrective dimension embedded in the EDP comes
into play too late to provide the right incentives for Member States to tackle emerging fiscal
imbalances. The functioning of the EDP could be improved by speeding up the procedures, in
particular with regard to Member States in repeated breach of the Pact. This will require
changes in secondary legislation.
More prominence should be given to public debt and sustainability. Recent events have
highlighted not only the vulnerability of Member States servicing a very large public debt
burden, but also the potentially negative cross-border repercussions. High indebtedness
weighs on medium- and long-term growth prospects and deprives governments of the ability
to run credible counter-cyclical policies when they are needed most. This applies particularly
in view of mounting threats to the sustainability of public finances, including those deriving
from recent bank rescue packages as well as from ageing populations.
The debt criterion of the excessive deficit procedure should effectively be implemented.
The EDP should better take into account the interplay between debt and deficit to improve
incentives to run prudent policies. Member States with debt ratios in excess of 60% of GDP
should become subject to the EDP if the decline of debt in a given preceding period falls short
of an appropriate benchmark. Specifically, the Commission and the Council would need to
assess whether the budget deficit is consistent with a continuous and substantial decline in
public debt. Fiscal risks stemming from explicit and implicit liabilities should be taken into
account as a relevant factor. Symmetrically, the abrogation of the EDP for Member States
with debt in excess of the 60% of GDP threshold should be conditional on an assessment of
projected debt developments and risks.. This approach is fully consistent with Article 126 of
the TFEU and would require some changes in secondary legislation.
To ensure better compliance with the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact, , more
attention should be paid to the use of the EU budget. Currently, the suspension of the
Cohesion fund, from which only a limited number of Member States is eligible, is only
considered at a late stage of the EDP (Article 126(8) of the TFEU).
Broader and more timely use of EU budget expenditure as an incentive for compliance
should be considered when decisions on the next Financial Framework are prepared. The
aim should be to establish fair, timely and effective incentives for compliance with the
Stability and Growth Pact rules. Conditionality could be enhanced and Member States could
be asked to redirect funds to improve the quality of public finances, once the existence of an
excessive deficit is established (according to Article 126(6) of the TFEU).
Cohesion policy should have a clearer role to play in supporting Member States actions
to address structural weaknesses and competitiveness challenges. The forthcoming 5
Cohesion Report will present proposals in this respect, particularly with a view to
strengthening institutional capacity and efficiency of public administrations.
During the current Financial Framework a more rigorous and rules-based application of the
existing suspension clause for Cohesion fund commitments should be pursued in case of
recurrent breaches of the Pact.
Improving the functioning of existing mechanisms under the Stability and Growth Pact
Increase effectiveness of Stability and Convergence Programmes assessments through
better ex-ante coordination
National fiscal frameworks to better reflect the priorities of EU budgetary surveillance
Addressing high public debt and safeguarding long-term fiscal sustainability
Give new prominence to the debt criterion of the Treaty
Take better account of the interplay between debt and deficit
Better incentives and sanctions to comply with the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact
Interest-bearing deposits in case of inadequate fiscal policies
More rigorous and conditional use of EU expenditure to ensure better compliance with the
rules of the Stability and Growth Pact
Recurrent breaches of the Pact to be subjected to more speedy treatment and more rigorous
use of the Cohesion Fund Regulation
III.2. Towards broader surveillance of intra-euro area macroeconomic and
competitiveness developments
The EU's comprehensive Europe 2020 strategy for growth and jobs puts the focus on
macro-financial and structural imbalances. Europe 2020 sets out an ambitious and
comprehensive strategy towards smart sustainable and inclusive growth for the EU economy.
Against the background of the crisis it sets a new focus on addressing Europe's weaknesses in
the surveillance of macro-financial and structural challenges. Taking account of the deep
economic and financial inter-linkages within the euro area and their impact on the single
currency, Europe 2020 calls for the development of a specific policy framework for the euro
area to tackle broader macroeconomic imbalances
. Accordingly, in March 2010, the
European Council called the Commission to present by June 2010 proposals to strengthen
coordination within the euro area, making use of the new instruments for economic
coordination offered by Article 136 of the Treaty (TFEU).
The accumulation of large and persistent macroeconomic imbalances among euro-area
Member States has the potential to undermine the cohesiveness of the euro area and
hamper the smooth functioning of EMU. To prevent the occurrence of severe imbalances
within the euro area, it is therefore important to deepen the analysis and expand economic
surveillance beyond the budgetary dimension to address other macroeconomic imbalances,
including competitiveness developments and underlying structural challenges. It is proposed
to upgrade the peer review of macroeconomic imbalances now carried out by the Eurogroup
into a structured surveillance framework for euro-area Member States by making use of
Article 136 TFEU. This framework will imply deeper surveillance, more demanding policy
The Commission made the case for deeper and broader economic coordination in the euro area
repeatedly in the past, including in the 2009 Annual Statement on the Euro Area and the 2008
Communication on "EMU@10: successes and challenges after 10 years of Economic and Monetary
co-ordination and stronger follow-up than envisaged under Europe 2020 for all EU member
States. As with the EU's fiscal framework, which also applies to all EU Member States, more
stringent rules would apply to euro area Member States.
The surveillance will include a scoreboard that will indicate the need for action. A
scoreboard, reflecting both external as well as internal developments, would be defined and
regularly monitored. It would encompass a relevant set of indicators and reflect, inter alia,
developments in current accounts, net foreign asset positions, productivity, unit labour costs,
employment, and real effective exchange rates, as well as public debt and private sector credit
and asset prices. It would appear particularly important to detect asset price booms and
excessive credit growth at an early stage to avert costly corrections of fiscal and external
imbalances at a later stage. This analysis would form the basis for the formulation of the
recommendations for preventive or corrective measures in the Member State(s) concerned.
As regards the euro area, the Commission will also assess macroeconomic imbalances
developments and prospects as a whole. Looking at the euro area as a whole and on a
country-by-country basis, the Commission would assess the risk of all possible forms of
macroeconomic imbalances that jeopardise the proper functioning of the euro area. In such a
case, the Commission would conduct a more in-depth analysis of the underlying risk of
emerging imbalances. This analysis will be the basis for policy orientations. The Council,
with only euro-area Members voting, would invite the Member State(s) concerned to take the
necessary action to remedy the situation. Should the Member State(s), within a stipulated time
frame fail to take the appropriate measures to correct the excessive imbalance, the Council,
with a view to ensure the proper functioning of EMU, could step up the surveillance for the
Member State concerned and decide, on a proposal by the Commission, to issue precise
economic policy recommendations. Where necessary, the Commission would use its
possibility to issue early warnings directly to a euro-area Member State. Recommendations, if
and when appropriate, could also be directed to the euro-area as a whole.
Preventive and corrective actions are potentially needed in a wide range of policy areas
to effectively influence the macroeconomic imbalances and their underlying structural
causes. Unlike in the correction of excessive deficits, economic policies tend to have only an
indirect and lagged impact on the development of external imbalances. Therefore, depending
on the specific challenges of the economy concerned, policy recommendations could address
both the revenue and expenditure side of fiscal policy (in the context of the Stability and
Growth Pact) as the crisis has shown that the evolution of the composition of government
revenues is also an important lead-indicator of potential imbalances. In this context,
recommendations could address the functioning of labour, product and services markets in
line with the broad economic policy and employment guidelines. They should also cover
macro-prudential aspects to prevent or curb excessive credit growth or exuberant asset price
developments, in line with the future European Systemic Risk Board analysis.
Strengthening and broadening surveillance of macroeconomic developments in the euro
Building on Europe 2020, develop a framework for enhanced and broader
macroeconomic surveillance for euro area Member States in form of a regulation based
on Article 136 TFEU
Develop a scoreboard of indicators to identify alert thresholds for severe imbalances
Formulate country-specific recommendations
Recourse to formal Council acts, by the Council voting in euro-area configuration
III.3. An integrated economic policy coordination for the EU: a "European Semester"
With a view to achieving a more integrated surveillance of economic policies, it has been
suggested under the Europe 2020 initiative to synchronise the assessment of fiscal and
structural policies of EU Member States. The outcome of broader macroeconomic
surveillance should be reflected also when fiscal policy recommendations under the SGP are
being formulated. In particular, the emergence of sizeable macroeconomic imbalances may
call for more ambitious budgetary targets. Likewise, when assessing the risk of severe
imbalances and deciding on the appropriate policy response, the Commission would take into
account relevant input from the European Systemic Risk Board. Warnings and
recommendations from the European Systemic Risk Board addressed to one or several
Member States would be considered as a matter of common concern, while applying
appropriate peer pressure for remedial action. Synergies and consistency between the different
strands of economic surveillance should be facilitated by an integrated surveillance cycle
under a European Semester.
Prevention is more effective than correction. The current cycle of economic surveillance
consists mainly of an ex-post assessment of the appropriateness of economic policies with the
rules of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) and the broad economic policy guidelines. The
currently missing ex-ante dimension of budgetary and economic surveillance would allow the
formulation of genuine guidance, taking into account the European dimension, and their
subsequent translation into domestic policymaking. The formulation of more timely country-
specific recommendations would benefit all aspects of surveillance - fiscal, macro-financial
and structural.
A system of early peer-review of national budgets would detect inconsistencies and
emerging imbalances. To ensure true and accurate data, a prerequisite would be to strengthen
Eurostat's mandate to audit national statistics in line with recent Commission proposals. It is
important to bring this proposal swiftly into force as this will improve the quality of reporting
on public finances. An earlier tackling of the building-up of fiscal imbalances would ease
their reversal and avoid becoming a serious risk to macroeconomic stability and fiscal
sustainability. The submission of the Stability and Convergence Programmes should take
place in the first half of the year rather than towards the end of the year as is the current
practice. In full respect of the prerogatives of national parliaments, the early peer-review
would provide guidance for the preparation of the national budgets in the following year.
For the euro area a horizontal assessment of fiscal stance should be carried out on the
basis of the national Stability Programmes and the Commission forecasts. Special
consideration to the aggregate stance should be given in the cases of serious economic stress
in the euro area, when sizeable fiscal policy measures taken by individual Member States are
likely to produce important spill-overs. In case of obvious inadequacies in the budget plans
for the following year, a revision of the plans could be recommended. The Eurogroup should
have a crucial role to play in this new system of enhanced coordination and, where
appropriate, have recourse to formal decision making as provided by the Lisbon Treaty.
A European Semester should encapsulate the surveillance cycle of budgetary and
structural policies. It would start early in the year with a horizontal review under which the
European Council, based on analytical input from the Commission, would identify the main
economic challenges facing the EU and the euro area and give strategic guidance on policies.
Member States would take conclusions of this horizontal discussion into account when
preparing their Stability and Convergence Programmes (SCPs) and National Reform
Programmes (NRPs). SCPs and NRPs would be issued simultaneously, allowing the growth
and fiscal impact of reforms to be reflected in the budgetary strategy and targets. Member
States would also be encouraged, in full respect of national rules and procedures, to involve
their national parliaments in this process before submission of the SCPs and NRPs for
multilateral surveillance at the EU-level. The Council, based on the Commission's assessment,
would subsequently provide its assessment and guidance at a time when important budgetary
decisions were still in a preparatory phase at the national level. In this context, the European
Parliament should be appropriately engaged.
A "European Semester" for better ex-ante integrated fiscal policy coordination
Align submission and discussions of SCPs and NRPs to assess the overall economic
situation and improve timing with national budgetary cycles
Ensure effective and timely policy advice from the European Council and the Council
based on the Commission assessment
ÆMore effective integrated surveillance, reaping the full benefits of peer review
III.4. Towards a robust framework for crisis management for euro area Member
The unravelling of the Greek crisis showed that a robust framework for crisis
management for euro area Member States is needed.
Indeed, financial distress in one Member State can jeopardize the macro-financial
stability of the euro area as a whole. The crisis has demonstrated that a robust framework
for crisis management is a necessary complement to the instruments for surveillance,
prevention and adjustment discussed above. The EU's balance-of-payments assistance
provided crucial support to non-euro-area Member States in financial distress. The uncertainty
related to the availability and modalities of financial assistance to Greece aggravated
contagion to other Member States and put at risk the overall financial stability within the euro
A clear and credible set of procedures for the provision of financial support to euro-area
Member States in serious financial distress is necessary to preserve the financial stability
of the euro area in the medium and long term.
A framework for well-designed conditional financial assistance should strengthen euro-
area financial stability while avoiding moral hazard. At the heart of this euro-area crisis
resolution mechanism are strict conditionality and interest rates that create incentives to return
to market-based financing while ensuring the effectiveness of the financial support. When
crisis prevention fails, and this is evidenced by an objective financing need, assistance would
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be activated as a last resort, to safeguard financial stability in the euro area as a whole. It
would be accompanied by a detailed and demanding programme of policy conditionality
which would ensure that the assistance period is used to implement the necessary adjustments
(fiscal and structural) to ensure solvency in the long run and so facilitate the swiftest possible
return to market-based financing.
Financial assistance should be provided in the form of lending. Lending to a euro-area
Member State – as opposed to assuming its debt - is not in contradiction with Article 125
TFEU. The policy programme and conditionality should be set within Article 136 TFEU. The
experience with the EU's balance-of-payments assistance for non-euro area Member States
has demonstrated that a single framework, with the EU issuing debt to finance emergency
loans, provides a good combination of relative efficiency of management with political
oversight by the Council.
Policy conditionality must aim first at tackling the underlying imbalances in the affected
Member State to ensure a smooth functioning of EMU. Conditionality would typically
involve an appropriate mix of fiscal consolidation and the strengthening of fiscal governance
including tax policies; financial sector stabilisation to the extent that financial sector distress
is at the root of the public finances problems; and broader policy interventions to restore
macroeconomic stability and external viability. Beyond the budgetary dimension priority
should be given to addressing macroeconomic imbalances, including competitiveness
developments and underlying structural challenges. This will imply closer surveillance, more
demanding policy co-ordination and stronger follow-up to ensure that necessary structural
reforms are implemented swiftly.
On 9 May, based on a proposal of the Commission, the ECOFIN decided on the
establishment of a temporary European stabilisation mechanism to deal with the
immediate needs of the crisis. This was part of a wider package, including strong
commitments to fiscal consolidation where warranted and involvement of the IMF through its
usual facilities in line with the recent European programmes.
This mechanism was created to respond to the current exceptional circumstances and
entails an overall financial support of up to EUR 500 billion. Financial assistance will be
subject to strong conditionality, in the context of a joint EU/IMF support, and will be on terms
and conditions similar to the IMF. This mechanism will be financed through two
complementary sources. The first, building-on a Council Regulation based on Article 122(2),
can mobilize up to EUR 60 billion. In addition, the euro-area Member States stand ready
through an intergovernmental agreement to complement such resources through a Special
Purpose Vehicle. This SPV would borrow using financial guarantees of the participating
Member Sates up to EUR 440bn.
This mechanism largely respects the basic principles for a permanent robust crisis
resolution mechanism. Therefore, the Commission considers that the first priority must now
be to make this mechanism fully operational. Based on this experience, the Commission
intends in the medium-to-long term to make a proposal for a permanent crisis resolution
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The Commission will develop the reform proposals presented in this Communication, in
line with its responsibilities under the Treaty. It considers it important to make swift
progress on the reform agenda laid out in this Communication: the present economic situation
requires urgent action to implement the measures proposed to improve the economic
governance of the EU and the euro area. The first European Semester should start with the
beginning of 2011.
The Commission stands ready to follow-up swiftly with legislative proposals, including
amending the regulations underpinning the Stability and Growth Pact, to enhance the
prevention and correction of macroeconomic imbalances within the euro area, and to establish
a more permanent framework for crisis management.