Petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) are common site contaminants, but they are not generally regulated
as hazardous wastes. Methods for sampling and analysis of environmental media for the family of
PHCs are generally thought of as TPH methods. For purposes of this profile, the term TPH refers
not only to analytical results, but also to environmental and health properties of PHCs. In part due to
the complexity of TPH components themselves, little is known about their potential for health or
environmental impacts. As gross measures of petroleum contamination, TPH results simply show
that petroleum hydrocarbons are present in the sampled media. Measured TPH values suggest the
relative potential for human exposure and, therefore, the relative potential for human health effects.
The assessment of health effects due to TPH exposure requires much more detailed information than
what is provided by a single TPH value. This chapter, Chapter 5, and the accompanying Appendix E
provide more detailed physical and chemical properties and analytical information on TPH and its
The federal government has left much of the specific regulation and oversight of crude oil production/
refining to the states. Leaking underground storage tanks (LUST) are the most frequent causes of
federal and state governmental involvement in petroleum hydrocarbon problems. Soil contamination
has been a growing concern, because it can be a source of groundwater (drinking water) contamination;
contaminated soils can reduce the usability of land for development; and weathered petroleum
residuals may stay bound to soils for years. Positive TPH test results may require action on the part
of land owners, local or state governments, and engineering firms called on to remove or reduce the
TPH problem.
ATSDR has the responsibility for health assessment at National Priorities List (NPL) hazardous
waste sites, many of which have petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. Specific contaminants that
are components of TPH, such as BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene), n-hexane, jet
fuels, fuel oils, and mineral-based crankcase oil, have been studied by ATSDR and a number of
toxicological profiles have been developed on individual constituents and petroleum products. The
ATSDR profiles relevant to petroleum products are listed in Table 3- 1. However, TPH itself has not
been as extensively studied by ATSDR and no previous profile was developed. Although several
toxicological profiles have been developed for petroleum products and for specific chemicals found in
petroleum, TPH test results have been too nonspecific to be of real value in the assessment of its
potential health effects.
Several approaches are discussed in this document for interpreting TPH and related analytical results.
The TPH approach taken by EPA and others, through the mid-1990s, followed general risk
assessment approaches for chemical mixtures. In all approaches there is a need to reduce a
comprehensive list of potential petroleum hydrocarbons to a manageable size. Depending on how
conservative the approach is, methods that have been used select: (1) the most toxic among the TPH
compounds (indicator approach); (2) one or more representative compounds (surrogate approach, but
independent of relative mix of compounds); or (3) representative compounds for fractions of similar
petroleum hydrocarbons. ATSDR has taken, in part, the third approach in keeping with the Total
Petroleum Hydrocarbons Criteria Working Group (TPHCWG), but has developed its own set of TPH
fraction representatives, many of which overlap those of the TPHCWG. In addition, this profile
provides information on petroleum products, where such information exists. TPH risk (screening)
values for fractions presented in this profile are based on the ATSDR MRLs previously developed for
individual constituents and petroleum products. These MRLs are summarized in Appendix A. This
fraction approach is the most demanding in information gathering and because of that would appear
to be the most rigorous approach to date. Sections 6.1.2 and 6.1.3 contain a more comprehensive
discussion of the approaches. The identity, chemical-physical, and analytical information discussed
and listed in this chapter, in Appendices D and E, and in Chapter 5 are integral to defining TPH.
Petroleum products are complex mixtures of hundreds of hydrocarbon compounds, ranging from light,
volatile, short-chained organic compounds to heavy, long-chained, branched compounds. The exact
composition of petroleum products varies depending upon (1) the source of the crude oil (crude oil is
derived from underground reservoirs which vary greatly in their chemical composition) and (2) the
refining practices used to produce the product.
During the refining process, crude oil is separated into fractions having similar boiling points. These
fractions are then modified by cracking, condensation, polymerization, and alkylation processes, and
are formulated into commercial products such as naphtha, gasoline, jet fuel, and fuel oils. The
composition of any one of these products can vary based on the refinery involved, time of year,
variation in additives or modifiers, and other factors. The chemical composition of the product can be
further affected by weathering and/or biological modification upon release to the environment. The
following subsections present overviews of petroleum products. Also, a master list of individual
aliphatic and aromatic compounds found in TPH is provided in Appendix D. Further information on
whole petroleum products, their identity, major components, and physical/chemical properties is
found in Appendix E.
Automotive Gasoline. Automotive gasoline is a mixture of low-boiling hydrocarbon compounds
suitable for use in spark-ignited internal combustion engines and having an octane rating of at least
60. Additives that have been used in gasoline include alkyl tertiary butyl ethers (e.g. MTBE), ethanol
(ethyl alcohol), methanol (methyl alcohol), tetramethyl-lead, tetraethyl-lead, ethylene dichloride, and
ethylene dibromide.
Other categories of compounds that may be added to gasoline include anti-knock agents, antioxidants,
metal deactivators, lead scavengers, anti-rust agents, anti-icing agents, upper-cylinder
lubricants, detergents, and dyes (ATSDR 1995a).
Automotive gasoline typically contains about 150 hydrocarbon compounds, though nearly 1,000 have
been identified (ATSDR 1995a). The relative concentrations of the compounds vary considerably
depending on the source of crude oil, refinery process, and product specifications. Typical hydrocarbon
chain lengths range from C
through C
with a general hydrocarbon distribution consisting of
4-8% alkanes, 2-5% alkenes, 25-40% isoalkanes, 3-7% cycloalkanes, l-4% cycloalkenes, and
20-50% aromatics (IARC 1989a). However, these proportions vary greatly. Unleaded gasolines
may have higher proportions of aromatic hydrocarbons than leaded gasolines.
Table E-1.b (Appendix E) presents ranges and weight percentage means for a representative subset of
the hydrocarbon compounds identified in gasoline. In cases where data are not available, the range
and mean are left blank.
Stoddard Solvent. Stoddard solvent is a petroleum distillate widely used as a dry cleaning solvent
and as a general cleaner and degreaser. It may also be used as a paint thinner, as a solvent in some types
of photocopier toners, in some types of printing inks, and in some adhesives. Stoddard solvent is
considered to be a form of mineral spirits, white spirits, and naphtha; however, not all forms of mineral
spirits, white spirits, and naphtha are considered to be Stoddard solvent (ATSDR 1995b).
Stoddard solvent consists of 30-50% linear and branched alkanes, 30-40% cycloalkanes, and lo-20%
aromatic hydrocarbons. Its typical hydrocarbon chain ranges from C
through C
in length.
Although a complete list of the individual compounds comprising Stoddard solvent is not available (Air
Force 1989) some of the major components are presented in Table E-2.b (Appendix E). Alcohols,
glycols, and ketones are not included in the composition, as few, if any, of these types of compounds
would be expected to be present in Stoddard solvent (ATSDR 1995b). Possible contaminants may
include lead (<1 ppm) and sulfur (3.5 ppm).
Jet Fuel. Jet fuels are light petroleum distillates that are available in several forms suitable for use in
various types ofjet engines. The exact compositions of jet fuels are established by the U.S. Air Force,
using specifications that yield maximum performance by the aircraft. The major jet fuels used by the
military are JP-4, JP-5, JP-6, JP-7, and JP-8. Briefly, JP-4 is a wide-cut fuel developed for broad
availability in times of need. JP-6 is a higher cut than JP-4 and is characterized by fewer impurities. JP-5
is specially blended kerosene, and JP-7 is a high flash point special kerosene used in advanced supersonic
aircraft. JP-8 is a kerosene modeled on Jet A-l fuel (used in civilian aircraft). For this profile, JP-4 will
be used as the prototype jet fuel due to its broad availability and extensive use.
Typical hydrocarbon chain lengths characterizing JP-4 range from C
to C
. Aviation fuels consist
primarily of straight and branched alkanes and cycloalkanes. Aromatic hydrocarbons are limited to
20-25% of the total mixture because they produce smoke when burned. A maximum of5% alkenes are
allowed in JP-4 (ATSDR 1995c). The approximate distribution by chemical class is: 32% straight
alkanes, 31% branched alkanes, 16% cycloalkanes, and 21% aromatic hydrocarbons (ABB
Environmental 1990). The typical hydrocarbon composition of JP-4 is presented in Table E-3.b
(Appendix E).
Fuel Oil #1. Fuel oil #l is a petroleum distillate that is one of the most widely used of the fuel oil
types. It is used in atomizing burners that spray fuel into a combustion chamber where the tiny droplets
bum while in suspension. It is also used as a carrier for pesticides, as a weed killer, as a mold release
agent in the ceramic and pottery industry, and in the cleaning industry. It is found in asphalt coatings,
enamels, paints, thinners, and varnishes.
Fuel oil #1 is a light petroleum distillate (straight-run kerosene) consisting primarily of hydrocarbons in the
range C
(ATSDR 19958). Fuel oil #l is very similar in composition to diesel fuel oil #l; the primary
difference is in the additives. The typical hydrocarbon composition of fuel oil #l is presented in
Table E-4.b (Appendix E).
Fuel Oil #2. Fuel oil #2 is a petroleum distillate that may be referred to as domestic or industrial. The
domestic fuel oil #2 is usually lighter and straight-run refined; it is used primarily for home heating and to
produce diesel fuel #2. Industrial distillate is the cracked type, or a blend of both. It is used in smelting
furnaces, ceramic kilns, and packaged boilers (ABB Environmental 1990).
Fuel oil #2 is characterized by hydrocarbon chain lengths in the C
range, whereas diesel fuels
predominantly contain a mixture of C
hydrocarbons (ATSDR 1995g). The composition consists of
approximately 64% aliphatic hydrocarbons (straight chain alkanes and cycloalkanes), l-2% unsaturated
hydrocarbons (alkenes), and 35% aromatic hydrocarbons (including alkylbenzenes and 2-, 3-ring
aromatics) (Air Force 1989). Fuel oil #2 contains less than 5% polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (IARC
1989b). The typical hydrocarbon composition of fuel oil #2 is presented in Table E-4.b (Appendix E).
Fuel Oil #6. Fuel oil #6 is also called Bunker C or residual. It is the residual from crude oil after the
light oils, gasoline, naphtha, fuel oil #l, and fuel oil #2 have been fractioned off. Fuel oil #6 can be
blended directly to heavy fuel oil or made into asphalt. It is limited to commercial and industrial uses
where sufficient heat is available to fluidize the oil for pumping and combustion (ABB Environmental
Residual fuel oils are generally more complex in composition and impurities than distillate fuels. Limited
data are available on the composition of fuel oil #6 (ATSDR 1995g). Clark et al. (1990) indicate that fuel
oil #6 includes about 25% aromatics, 15% paraffins, 45% naphthenes, and 15% non-hydrocarbon
compounds. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and alkyl PAHs and metals are important
hazardous and persistent components of fuel oil #6. Table E-4.b (Appendix E) presents the results of an
analysis of one sample (Pancirov and Brown 1975).
Mineral Oils, Including Mineral-based Crankcase Oil. Mineral oils are often lubricating oils,
but they also have medicinal and food uses. A major type of hydraulic fluid is the mineral oil class of
hydraulic fluids (ATSDR 1997b). The mineral-based oils are produced from heavy-end crude oil
distillates. Distillate streams may be treated in several ways, such as vacuum-, solvent-, acid-, or hydro- treated, to
produce oils with commercial properties. Hydrocarbon numbers ranging from C
to C
found in the various types of mineral oils, with the heavier distillates having higher percentages of the
higher carbon number compounds (IARC 1984).
Crankcase oil or motor oil may be either mineral-based or synthetic. The mineral-based oils are more
widely used than the synthetic oils and may be used in automotive engines, railroad and truck diesel
engines, marine equipment, jet and other aircraft engines, and most small 2- and 4-stroke engines.
The mineral-based oils contain hundreds to thousands of hydrocarbon compounds, including a substantial
fraction of nitrogen- and sulfur-containing compounds. The hydrocarbons are mainly mixtures of straight
and branched chain hydrocarbons (alkanes), cycloalkanes, and aromatic hydrocarbons. PAHs, alkyl
PAHs, and metals are important components of motor oils and crankcase oils, with the used oils typically
having higher concentrations than the new unused oils. Typical carbon number chain lengths range from
to C
(ABB Environmental 1990).
Because of the wide range of uses and the potential for close contact with the engine to alter oil
composition, the exact composition of crankcase oil/motor oil has not been specifically defined. Table E-
5.b (Appendix E) presents analytical results for some constituents in used automotive oil (ABB
Environmental 1990).
The purpose of this section is to describe well established analytical methods that are available for
detecting, and/or measuring, and/or monitoring TPH and its metabolites, as well as other biomarkers
of exposure and effect of TPH. The intent is not to provide an exhaustive list of analytical methods.
Rather, the intention is to identify well-established methods that are used as the standard methods
approved by federal agencies and organizations such as EPA and the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) or methods prescribed by state governments for water and
soil analysis. Other methods presented are those that are approved by groups such as ASTM.
The term “total petroleum hydrocarbons” (TPH) is generally used to describe the measurable amount
of petroleum-based hydrocarbons in the environment; and thus the TPH information obtained depends
on the analytical method used. One of the difficulties with TPH analysis is that the scope of the
methods varies greatly. Some methods are nonspecific while others provide results for hydrocarbons
in a boiling point range. Interpretation of analytical results requires an understanding of how the
determination was made.
Analytical methods for some petroleum products are discussed in existing ATSDR toxicological
profiles. The very volatile gases (compounds with 4 carbons or less), crude oil, and the solid
bituminous materials such as asphalt are not included in this discussion of analytical methods.
ATSDR profiles relevant to petroleum products are listed in Table 3-1. The TPHCWG also
addresses some of these issues from a different perspective which includes, in some cases, more detail
and references than provided here (TPHCWG 1998a).
3.3.1 Environmental Samples.
Most of the analytical methods discussed here for TPH have been developed within the framework of
federal and state regulatory initiatives. The initial implementation of the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act (FWPCA) focused on controlling conventional pollutants such as oil and grease. Methods
developed for monitoring wastewaters included EPA Method 4 13.1 (EPA 1979a) and EPA Method
413.2 (EPA 1979d) for Total Recoverable Oil and Grease (TOG), and EPA Method 418.1 for Total
Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) (EPA 1979c). Freon-extractable material is reported
as TOG. Polar components may be removed by treatment with silica gel, and the material remaining,
as determined by infrared (IR) spectrometry, is defined as Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons
(TPH, TRPH, or TPH-IR). A number of modifications of these methods exist. EPA Method 418.1
has been one of the most widely used methods for the determination of TPH in soils. Many states use,
or permit the use of, EPA Method 418.1 for identification of petroleum products and during
remediation of sites (George 1992; Judge et al. 1997, 1998). This method is subject to limitations,
such as inter-laboratory variations and inherent inaccuracies (George 1992). In addition, the EPA
proposed to withdraw wastewater methods which use Freon- 113 extraction (EPA 1996a). These
methods will be replaced with EPA Method 1664: n-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM) and Silica Gel
Treated n-Hexane Extractable Material (SGT-HEM) by Extraction and Gravimetry (Oil and Grease
and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) (EPA 1996a). Conventional methods of TPH analysis are
summarized in Table 3-2.
These conventional TPH analytical methods have been used widely to investigate sites that may be
contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbon products. Many state and local regulatory agencies rely on
and require EPA Method 418.1 (EPA 1979c) for determination of petroleum hydrocarbons (Murray
1994). The important advantages of this approach are (1) the method is relatively inexpensive, and
(2) excellent sample reproducibility can be obtained. The disadvantages are (1) petroleum
hydrocarbon composition varies among sources and over time, so results are not always comparable;
(2) the more volatile compounds in gasoline and light fuel oil may be lost in the solvent concentration
step; (3) there are inherent inaccuracies in the method; and (4) the method provides virtually no
information on the types of hydrocarbons present. Several recent reports have detailed the problems
with this approach (George 1992; Rhodes et al. 1995/1996). Thus, these conventional TPH methods,
although they provide adequate screening information, do not provide sufficient information on the
extent of the contamination and product type. In addition, The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
require the phaseout of the use of chlorofluorocarbons. Therefore, the EPA methods using Freon-l 13
will be replaced with EPA Method 1664, n-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM) and Silica Gel
Treated n-Hexane Extractable Material (SGT-HEM) by Extraction and Gravimetry (EPA 1996a).
Proposed Method 1664 includes thorough method quality control, but results may not equivalent to
the current methods. Examples of TPH methods for environmental media are shown in Table 3-3.
Gas chromatography (GC) methods do provide some information about the product type. Most
methods involve a sample preparation procedure followed by analysis using GC techniques. GC
determination is based on selected components or the sum of all components detected within a given
range. Frequently the approach is to use two methods, one for the volatile range and another for the
semivolatile range. Volatiles in water or solid samples are determined by purge-and-trap GC/FID.
The analysis is often called the gasolines range organics (GRO) method. The semivolatile range is
determined by analysis of an extract by GC/FID and is referred to as diesel range organics (DRO).
Individual states have adopted methods for measuring GRO and DRO contamination in soil and
water. The specific method details and requirements vary from state to state. Some of the GC TPH
methods are summarized in Table 3-4.
In the mid-1980s underground storage tank (UST) programs were a focus of federal and state
initiatives. The criteria and methodology for determining contamination are generally state-specific.
Although many states still use EPA Method 418.1, GC procedures have been developed to provide
more specific information on hydrocarbon content of waters and soils (Judge et al. 1997, 1998).
GRO and DRO are specified in some cases, and several states, such as California and Wisconsin,
aggressively developed programs to address groundwater contamination problems. These GC
methods, coupled with specific extraction techniques, can provide information on product type by
comparison of the chromatogram with standards. Quantitative estimates may be made for a boiling
range or for a range of carbon numbers by summing peaks within a specific window. Although these
methods provide more product information than the TPH and TOG methods, they are not without
limitations. These include high results caused by interferences, low recovery due to the standard
selected, petroleum product changes caused by volatility, and microbial activity (Restek 1994).
Many methods are available for analysis of petroleum hydrocarbon products, particularly in water
and soil matrices. The current literature includes a number of studies that document the performance
and limitations of the commonly used methods. Method modifications and new methods are being
investigated to provide better information about the petroleum component content of environmental
samples. However, the available analytical methodology alone may not provide adequate information
for those who evaluate the movement of petroleum components in the environment or evaluate the
health risks posed to humans (Heath et al. 1993a).
In its work to develop a fraction approach to assess TPH risks the TPH Criteria Working Group
(TPHCWG) has developed an analytical method for identifying and quantifying the presence of the
groups or fractions with similar mobility in soils. The technique is based on EPA Method 3611
(Alumina Column Cleanup and Separation of Petroleum Wastes) and EPA Method 3630 (Silica Gel
Cleanup), which are used to fractionate the hydrocarbon into aliphatic and aromatic fractions. A gas
chromatograph equipped with a boiling point column (non-polar capillary column) is used to analyze
whole soil samples as well as the aliphatic and aromatic fractions to resolve and quantify the
fate-and-transport fractions selected by the TPHCWG (Gustafson 1997). The method is versatile and
performance-based and, therefore, can be modified to accommodate data quality objectives
(Gustafson 1997).
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) approached its needs to
evaluate the potential health effects of petroleum hydrocarbons similarly by defining analytical
fractions. MADEP’s method is based on standard EPA Methods (8020/8015 Modified), which allows
it to be easily implemented by contract laboratories (Gustafson 1997; Hutcheson et al. 1996). Lighter
hydrocarbon fractions (C
are analyzed by purge-and-trap GC analysis using a FID to measure
the total hydrocarbons and a photoionization detector (PID) to measure the aromatics. The aliphatic
(e.g., hexane) component of the TPH is found by determining the difference. Aromatic and aliphatic
fractions are divided into carbon number fractions based on the normal alkanes (e.g., n-octane) as
markers. Heavier hydrocarbons (C
) are analyzed using an extraction procedure followed by a
column separation using silica gel (Modified EPA Method 3630) of the aromatic and aliphatic
groupings or fractions. The two fractions are then analyzed using GC/FID. PAH markers and
n-alkane markers are used to divide the heavier aromatic and aliphatic fractions by carbon number,
respectively. A couple of concerns about the methodology have been expressed: (1) the PID is not
completely selective for aromatics and can lead to an overestimate of the more mobile and toxic
aromatic content; and (2) the results from the two analyses, purgeable and extractable hydrocarbons,
can overlap in carbon number and cannot be simply added together to get a total TPH concentration.
Few methods are available for monitoring petroleum products in other matrices such as plant and
animal tissue and food.
Methods for determining TPH in soils and sediments are discussed in Section 3.3.1 above. These
methods are used primarily for UST programs. Currently, many of the states have adopted EPA Method
418.1 or modified EPA Method 801.5 or similar methods for analysis during remediation of contaminated
sites. Thus, there is no standard for TPH analysis; each state has adopted its own criteria, and in some
cases, developed its own methodologies (Murray 1994).
There is a trend toward use of GC techniques in analysis of soils and sediments. One aspect of these
methods is that “volatiles” and “semivolatiles” are determined separately. The volatile or GRO
components are recovered using purge-and-trap or other stripping techniques (Chang et al. 1992; EPA
1995d; McDonald et al. 1984). Semivolatiles are separated from the solid matrix by solvent extraction
(EPA 1995d). Other extraction techniques have been developed to reduce the hazards and the cost of
solvent use and to automate the process (Gere et al. 1993). Techniques include supercritical fluid
extraction (SFE) (Fitzpatrick and Tan 1993; Gere et al. 1993; Hawthorne et al. 1993; Lopez-Avila et al.
1993) microwave extraction (Hasty and Revesz 1995; Lopez-Avila et al. 1994) Soxhlet extraction
(Martin 1992) sonication extraction (Martin 1992) and solid phase extraction (SPE) (Schrynemeeckers
1993). Capillary column techniques have largely replaced the use of packed columns for analysis, as they
provide resolution of a greater number of hydrocarbon compounds. Water and Waste Water
Methods for determining TPH in aqueous samples are discussed above in Section 3.3.1. The overall
method includes sample collection and storage, extraction, and analysis steps. Sampling strategy is an
important step in the overall process. Care must be taken to assure that the samples collected are
representative of the environmental medium and that they are collected without contamination. There are
numerous modifications of the EPA, American Public Health Association (APHA), and American
Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) methods discussed above. Most involve alternate extraction
methods developed to improve overall method performance for TPH or replacement of the
chlorofluorocarbon solvents. SPE techniques have been applied to water samples (Schrynemeeckers
1993). Solvent extraction methods with hexane (Murray and Lockhart 1981; Picer and Picer 1993) or
methylene chloride (Mushrush et al. 1994) have been reported as well.
Methods for determining hydrocarbons in air matrices usually depend upon adsorption of TPH
components onto a solid sorbent, subsequent desorption and determination by GC techniques.
Hydrocarbons within a specific boiling range (n-pentane through n-octane) in occupational air are
collected on a sorbent tube, desorbed with solvent, and determined using GC/FID (NIOSH 1994).
Although method precision and accuracy are good, performance is reduced at high humidity.
Compounds in the boiling range 80-200 ºC in ambient air may be captured on a Tenax GC adsorbent
tube which is thermally desorbed for GC/MS analysis (EPA 1988). Performance of the method had
not been established on a compound-by-compound basis (EPA 1988). Gasoline vapor in air may be
sampled on a tube containing Tenax adsorbent. The traps are thermally desorbed and analyzed by
GC/FID. The minimum detectable concentration is 0.03 mg/m
total hydrocarbons in a 2.5 L sample.
Excellent recovery was reported (>90%) (CONCAWE 1986). Passive adsorbent monitors (badges)
may also be used. Compounds are solvent-desorbed from the exposed adsorbent and analyzed by GC.
Good recovery (>80%) has been reported for target n-alkanes and for gasoline, naphtha, and Stoddard
solvent (3M 1993).
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP), along with ENRS, Inc., of
Acton, Massachusetts, has developed a method for taking and analyzing air samples for the presence
of petroleum hydrocarbons (MADEP 1999). This Air-phase Petroleum Hydrocarbon (APH) method
uses SUMMA canisters and GC/MS for sampling and analysis of ambient air, indoor air, and soil
gas. This method can be downloaded from the MADEP website (http://www.state.ma.us/dep). The
complex mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons potentially present in an air sample is separated into
aliphatic and aromatic fractions, and then these two major fractions are separated into smaller
fractions based on carbon number. Individual compounds (e.g., benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene,
xylenes, MTBE, naphthalene) are also identified using this method. The range of compounds that can
be identified includes C4 (1,3-butadiene) through C 12 (n-dodecane).
Continuous monitoring systems for total hydrocarbons in ambient air are available. These usually
involve flame ionization detection. Detection limits are approximately 0.16 ppm (Lodge 1988).
3.3.2 Biological Samples
Few analytical methods were located for determination of TPH in biological samples. However,
analytical methods for several important hydrocarbon components of total petroleum hydrocarbons
may be found in the ATSDR toxicological profiles listed in Table 3-1.
Some methods developed for analysis of aquatic and terrestrial life may be adaptable to human
biological samples. Examples are summarized in Table 3-5. Most involve solvent extraction and
saponification of lipids, followed by separation into aliphatic and aromatic fractions on adsorption
columns. Hydrocarbon groups or target compounds are determined by GC/FID or GC/MS. These
methods may not be suitable for all applications, so the analyst must verify the method performance
prior to use.
Methods are also available for determination of specific hydrocarbon compounds in biological
samples. Some of these methods are shown in Table 3-5. Since these methods have not been demon- strated for
total petroleum hydrocarbons, the analyst must verify that they are suitable prior to use.
3.3.3 Adequacy of the Database
Section 104(i)(5) of CERCLA, as amended, directs the Administrator of ATSDR (in consultation
with the Administrator of EPA and agencies and programs of the Public Health Service) to assess
whether adequate information on the health effects of TPH is available. Where adequate information
is not available, ATSDR, in conjunction with the NTP, is required to assure the initiation of a program
of research to determine the health effects (and techniques for developing methods to determine
the health effects) of TPH. Since TPH is comprised of a number of component chemicals, these
directives and requirements can be assumed to extend to the individual compounds that may be found
as components of TPH.
Health assessment of the risks associated with petroleum hydrocarbons from environmental media are
difficult because of the complex nature of petroleum products, lack of adequate knowledge about the
movement of petroleum components in soil, and lack of knowledge about the toxicity of the components
(Heath et al. 1993a). Health assessors often select surrogate or reference compounds (or
combinations of compounds) to represent TPH so that toxicity and environmental fate can be
evaluated. One approach is based on benzene as the most appropriate substitute for TPH based on its
toxicity, motility in the environment, and solubility in ground water (Youngren et al. 1994). Other
researchers have investigated the use of several surrogate compounds to represent the movement of
TPH in the environment and TPH toxicity. Potential candidates are n-hexane, benzo(a)pyrene, and
pyrene to represent alkanes, carcinogenic PAHs, and noncarcinogenic PAHs in gasoline, respectively.
Benzene and toluene would be included for sites where the BTEX portion of gasoline is not analyzed
separately (Koblis et al. 1993).
Another approach is to categorize hydrocarbon compounds into surrogate fractions characterized by
similar chemical and physical properties (EA Engineering 1995). Compounds are assigned to a given
fraction on the basis of similar leaching and volatilization factors. Correlation to Carbon Number
Index was used because it closely follows GC behavior. This method has the potential to provide
realistic evaluation of potential risks; however, a full set of parameters is not available for all the
compounds of interest (EA Engineering 1995).
3.3.4 Ongoing Studies
Governmental, industrial, and environmental groups have been attempting to understand the problems
of environmental contamination with petroleum hydrocarbons. Major agencies, such as the International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the EPA are involved in the discussion of potential
health effects. Some groups have been attempting to improve the analytical consistency and
interpretation of results in dealing with petroleum hydrocarbons, and some have looked at the health
and environmental effects of petroleum. The ASTM publishes consensus standards, including analytical
methods. Committee D-19 of ASTM is concerned with the study of water and is responsible for
the standardization of methods for sampling and analysis of water, aqueous wastes, water-formed
deposits, and sediments. Committee D-2 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants is responsible for the
ASTM Manual on Hydrocarbon Analysis (ASTM 1992).
The Amherst annual conference continues to address issues surrounding petroleum contamination,
including analytical methods (Amherst 1999). Though the TPHCWG has taken on specific
responsibilities for TPH, further analytical developments will likely grow from this conference.
In another ongoing effort, EPA is looking at the problem of petroleum wastes in all media. They have
formed an internal working group and are supporting the efforts of other groups such as the Amherst
Conference Workgroups and Workshop on General Population Exposures to Gasoline (Lioy 1992).
Dr. R.J. Rando, Tulane University, is investigating the use of passive samplers for measuring
hydrocarbon components. The overall goal of the program is to characterize and improve the
performance of passive samplers for use in ambient and indoor air monitoring.
Petroleum companies have conducted a number of studies regarding the health effects of TPH
constituents and products that have not appeared in the open published literature (API 1995a).