In order to create a more streamlined process by which troops and regions can request both in-
kind (non-cash) and cash contributions, we have created the attached fill-in-the-blank Request
for Donations letter. These letters can be used at your discretion, as long as the guidelines
below are followed.
Guidelines for Troops and Regions:
From Policies and Procedures
1. Donations can be requested from individuals or businesses in the form of cash or in-kind
gifts (non-cash contributions) to support Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council
troops/groups and regions.
2. Support can be in the form of:
Cash donations; not to exceed $250.00 for troops (regions may raise and request
funds exceeding this amount, but must receive permission from the council if the
projected amount is over $300)
In-kind donations of services, facilities and goods;
Combination of direct cash donations and in-kind donations.
3. Members may solicit contributions from individuals or businesses, for a specific purpose,
ONLY WITHIN their own region area. It is permissible to ask for support from outside the
region area if the sponsor is related to a troop/region member (i.e. grandparent or other
4. Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council is the only non-profit entity; individual troops and
regions are not non-profits and do not have tax-exempt 501(c)3 status. Therefore,
they cannot apply for grants or other similar types of funding from corporations or
foundations (WalMart, The Community Foundation etc.)
5. If a troop or region receives a single donation in excess of $250, the funds must be
turned into council where they will be kept in a restricted account for the troop’s/region’s
How to Use the Request for Donations Form:
The form can be used to request both cash and in-kind (non-cash) contributions.
The top copy of the three-part form should be submitted to the company/person
from which the donation is being sought. At the top of the form, the blank lines are
for date and address.
The second copy should be sent directly to the Development Department at the
Central Service Center in Redlands for us to keep on file.
The third copy is for the requestor to keep for their records.
Send a copy of the completed form to:
GSSGC, Attn: Development Coordinator, 1751 Plum Ln., Redlands, CA 92374
Questions? Call Funds Development Department at (800) 400-4475
Y/Documentation Current Materials/Forms/3003 Request for Donations Instructions 2010 07/13
Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council
1751 Plum Lane.
Redlands, CA 92374
(800) 400-4475
Dear Friends of Girl Scouts:
This letter is to introduce you to ______________________________________ from Troop
_________________ of the ________________________ Region (part of Girl Scouts of San
Gorgonio Council).
They are requesting:
To be used for:
It is through contributions of community businesses and individuals like you that girls in Girl
Scouts of San Gorgonio Council have the opportunity to learn and use new skills to help them
become resourceful citizens in their communities. Your contribution will assist in providing girls
with an environment where they can develop self-esteem and become the leaders of tomorrow.
We are a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization and our Federal Tax ID# is 95-1967727. By joining
hands in partnership with Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council, you are helping to ensure the
continued success of Girl Scouts: Where Girls Grow Strong.
If you should have any questions, please contact:
Thank you for your consideration.
Cynthia H. Breunig
President & CEO
Girl Scouts of San Gorgonio Council, 1751 Plum Lane, Redlands, CA 92374 •800-400-GIRL •
White: Donor Yellow: Council Development Department Pink: Requestor
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