EY Scholarship
The exceptional EY experience.
It’s yours to build.
1. Overview and instructions for preparing the business case ............... 2
a. Instructions for preparing the business case ..................................... 2
b. Instructions for submitting the business case ................................... 3
Table of Contents
Overview and instructions for preparing the business case
Instructions for preparing the business case
Students need to submit a business case on building a better working world. Mentioned
below is a suggested outline for writing the business case. Applicants may add more
elements than those detailed below but must include the following elements in their
For-profit business case
Not-for-profit business case
What is the idea? Brief introduction
How will this idea build a better
working world - what are the
objectives and what will be the
What are the key industry drivers?
Who are the key competitors?
How is your idea
innovative/different from
What is your high-level
implementation plan for the first
year (consider people, process and
the technology needed)?
What is the investment you will need
in the first year?
What are the financial projections
for the first two years (revenue,
total operating costs and operating
What is the idea? Brief
How will this idea build a better
working world - what are the
objectives and what will be the
Who are the other key not-for-
profits operating in this space?
How is your idea
innovative/different from these
other not-for-profit organizations?
What is your high-level
implementation plan for the first
year (consider people, process and
the technology needed)?
What is the investment you will need
in the first year?
What are the financial projections
for the first two years (total
operating costs)?
What are we looking for in your idea?
Innovation - novel product or service being proposed or a novel way of making or
delivering it.
Clarity of thought - ability to convey the business case in a crisp yet effective manner.
Passion to win - depth of research and thought behind assumptions taken while
building the business case.
Impact on the working world - scale and relevance of the idea.
Instructions for submitting the business case
Format: PowerPoint presentation of not more than 7 slides
File size: should not exceed 5 MB
In case of any additional queries, write in to ey.scholarship@in.ey.com
The ‘EY Scholar’ will win
INR1 lakh and an opportunity to earn industry recognized digital credentials on future-
focused skills as well as an internship with EY for a period of two months in a service
line of their choice.
Ready to seize the exceptional EY experience?
#EYScholarship #TheExceptionalEYExperience