Wildfire smoke can irritate your eyes, nose, throat, and lungs.
It can make you cough and wheeze, and can make it hard to breathe.
If you have a lung disease or heart disease, inhaling wildfire smoke can
be especially harmful.
The most effective ways to protect yourself from wildfire smoke are to
stay indoors, limit time outdoors and reduce physical activity.
People who must be outside in smoky air may benefit from wearing
masks called “particulate respirators.” Most people will find it difficult to
wear the masks correctly. If the mask does not fit properly, it will provide
little or no protection. Using respirator masks can make it harder to
breathe. Anyone with lung or heart disease should check with their
health care provider before using any mask.
Will a face mask protect me from wildfire smoke?
Respirator masks worn correctly may provide some protection by filtering
out fine particles in the smoke. Masks do not help with hazardous gases
in the smoke.
What face mask should I get?
N95 respirators are the cheapest and most available mask to help
protect your lungs from wildfire smoke. They are generally available at
hardware stores and pharmacies. Make sure the mask is:
Certified by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Not a one-strap paper dust mask or surgical mask. It should have two
straps that go around your head.
A size that fits over your nose and under your chin. It should seal
tightly to your face. If the mask does not fit properly, it may not
provide any protection. Masks with a relief valve will make breathing
How do I use a face mask?
Place the mask over your nose and under your chin, with one strap
placed below the ears and one strap above.
Adjust the mask so that air cannot get through at the edges. Any
leakage around the edges of the mask allows unfiltered air to enter.
Pinch the metal part of the mask tightly over the top of your nose.
Follow instructions on the package to check for a tight face seal.
Masks fit best on clean-shaven skin. Masks do not work for people
with beards because they will not seal.
Masks are not approved for children.
Throw away your mask when breathing through it gets difficult, if it is
damaged, or if the inside gets dirty.
It is harder to breathe through a mask, so take breaks often if you
work outside.
If you feel dizzy or sick go to a less smoky area, take off your mask,
and get medical help if you do not feel better.
N95 masks can help
protect your lungs from
wildfire smoke. Straps must
go above and below the
Wildfire Smoke and Face Masks
DOH 334353 July 2019
Adapted from
California Department of Public Health
A one-strap paper mask
will not protect your lungs
from wildfire smoke.
A surgical mask will not
protect your lungs from
wildfire smoke.
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For More Information:
Washington State Department of Health