Policy I- Electronic Technologies Acceptable Use
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Educational Purpose
Arlington Public Schools provides digital devices to students to provide opportunities for
learning within and beyond the classroom walls as well as to eliminate the digital divide.
Arlington Public Schools utilizes networked information resources, including digital devices,
approved educational applications, and the Internet to support the strategic goals of the district.
Arlington Public Schools provides a robust and comprehensive data network to support the needs
of students. Arlington Public Schools recognizes the need to be responsive to technological
change and establishes procedures and collaborative processes to:
1. Provide an environment that allows students flexibility in accessing data, applications and
computing resources;
2. Facilitate the integration of applications to eliminate duplication of effort; and
3. Adhere to all copyright laws and vendor licensing agreements for products used.
Acceptable Use
This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) complies with federal telecommunication codes, laws, and
regulations, as well as the telecommunication codes, laws, and regulations of the Commonwealth
of Virginia. Arlington Public Schools’ AUP applies to any technology-based devices in one of
its schools, even those personal devices brought into the schools.
Use of Arlington Public Schools devices and network is a privilege, not a right. Use of the
Arlington Public Schools digital devices and network must not violate other Arlington School
Board policies and policy implementation procedures. Students must comply with instructions
from school staff related to use of digital devices and use of the network. Students who gain
access to inappropriate content or become aware of a security or hardware problem shall
immediately notify an administrator.
Each student and parent/guardian of each student shall sign the Electronic Technologies
Acceptable Use Agreement before using the Arlington Public Schools digital devices and
The primary use of devices and network services is for educational and instructional purposes.
Use therefore must:
1. Comply with Arlington Public Schools policy;
2. Comply with fair-use laws and other copyright regulations while accessing and utilizing
the Internet and other network materials and resources; and
3. Not interfere with the educational purpose of these resources.
All Arlington Public Schools discipline policies and policy implementation procedures,
including those actions outlined in School Board Policy J-7.4 Discipline and the corresponding
policy implementation procedure, apply to technology use. Any violation of this or related
School Board policies shall result in disciplinary or legal action as determined by School Board
policy and the Code of Virginia.
Policy I- Electronic Technologies Acceptable Use
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Anyone found to have engaged in illegal, unauthorized or unethical practices related to this
policy will be subject to disciplinary action that could result in termination of system access
and/or criminal prosecution.
Arlington Public Schools takes its responsibility to safeguard students’ personal information very
seriously. Therefore, Arlington Public Schools only collects, stores, shares, and uses data that
will support student learning and Arlington Public Schools operations, and as required by law.
Arlington Public Schools shall not collect unnecessary personal information by means of its
website, and shall collect appropriate personal information only to the extent necessary to serve
its constituents and the community.
Students shall not audio-record, photograph, or video-record other students or school employees
on school property, on a school bus or at school-sponsored activities without their knowledge
and consent, except for participation in activities considered to be in the public arena (e.g.
sporting events, public meetings, academic competitions, or public performances). School social
events, activities sponsored by student clubs, and activities that take place during the school day
are not considered to be in the public domain. Audio recording, photographing, or video
recording of others is strictly prohibited in locker rooms, dressing rooms, health offices and
All users shall keep their passwords confidential. Students may not use another person’s
passwords or use other users’ accounts.
Any communication or materials generated using Arlington Public Schools digital devices or the
Arlington Public Schools network, including e-mail, instant or text messages, tweets, or other
files deleted from a user’s account, may be monitored, read, and/or archived by school officials.
Personal Safety
The digital citizenship curriculum will include educating students about appropriate online
behavior, including interacting with students and other individuals on social network sites, public
websites, blogs, and other electronic communication tools.
Care of Device
Devices provided to students remain the property of Arlington Public Schools. Arlington Public
Schools is responsible for the routine maintenance or standard repairs to school-issued devices.
Users are responsible for any loss or damage not covered by Arlington Public Schools-provided
insurance, or caused by intentional or negligent acts. Students who are issued Arlington Public
Schools owned and maintained devices are provided specific examples of guidelines to assist
them with meeting the expectations for use and care of Arlington Public Schools equipment in
the accompanying policy implementation procedure.
Both the student and the student’s parent or guardian must follow expectations for home use as
outlined in the policy implementation procedure.
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Shared Responsibility
Arlington Public Schools provides students with a wide range of resources. The resources allow
students opportunities to utilize technology to enhance their learning and explore areas of
interest. To allow students this opportunity, the devices should be used only by the student to
whom they were issued.
When devices are taken home, parents are responsible for monitoring their student’s use of
Arlington Public Schools’ educational technologies as is done with other information sources,
whether utilizing the home network or other remote locations. Arlington Public Schools will
provide resources to assist families with guiding use outside of school to include digital
citizenship, screen time guidelines, family media plans, and online safety.
Arlington Public Schools recognizes that families assume primary responsibility for
communicating their family values to their children. Therefore, Arlington Public Schools
encourages families to specify to their child(ren) what material is and is not acceptable for access
by the student on Arlington Public Schools issued devices, including those prohibited by
Arlington Public Schools policies.
The School Board makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, that the functions
of the services provided by or through the digital devices or network will be error-free or without
defect. The School Board is not responsible for any information that may be lost, damaged, or
unavailable when using the digital devices or for any information retrieved via the Internet.
Furthermore, the School Board will not be responsible for any unauthorized charges or fees
resulting from access to the devices or network.
Every two years, Arlington Public Schools shall review, amend (if necessary), and approve this
AUP. Arlington Public Schools will incorporate any revisions promulgated by the Virginia
code, guidance from the Virginia Department of Education, and any additional terms it sees fit to
address its students’ needs and well-being.
Code of Virginia §22.1-70.2 Acceptable Internet use policies for public and private schools
Virginia School Boards Association, Acceptable Computer System Use Policy IIBEA/GAB
Policy Adoption and Revision History
Adopted November 2007, Effective November 2007
Revised May 17, 2018, Effective May 17, 2018
Renumbered (former Policy 20-2.210) effective July 1, 2018