Ag Decision Maker
File C1-10
2023 Iowa Farm
Costs and Returns
FM 1789 Revised June 2024
The farm record data utilized in this report were
obtained from the Iowa Farm Business Association.
The average of all farms in each table represents
a weighted average of the values for each size
group listed. Weighting factors are based on the
number of farms in each size group in the state,
as computed from the most recent Census of
Agriculture. Only farms with sales of $100,000 or
more were counted in making the weighting. Thus,
overall averages should be representative of mid-
size to large, commercial Iowa farms.
All records were kept on the accrual, or inventory,
basis. On rented farms, only operator income and
expenses were recorded. Data for ending assets and
liabilities represent those of the operator only, and
do not include the value of rented land.
Definition of Terms Used
Net farm income, cash–Total sales and other cash
income minus cash expenses, including purchases
of livestock and feed. Does not include principal
borrowed or repaid, sales and purchases of capital
assets, or nonfarm income and expenses.
Net farm income, accrual–Cash net income adjusted
for inventory changes and accrued expenses.
Represents a return to unpaid labor, net worth
(equity), management, and profit.
Value of farm production–Value of crops produced
(at market price), livestock production (net of feed
and purchased livestock), inventory value gain or
loss, and miscellaneous income. This measures the
total production per farm.
Management return–Accrual net farm income less
4% interest on value of equity (net worth) and
wages for operator and family labor. The wage rate
used for operator labor was $2,500 per month.
Inventory value gain or loss–Change in value of
crops or livestock sold due to differences in opening
inventory price and final sale price.
Livestock returns per $100 feed fed–Value of
livestock production minus livestock purchases,
divided by value of feed fed, multiplied by 100.
Machinery cost per crop acre–Total of machinery
repairs, fuel, custom machine hire, utilities,
machinery depreciation, and auto expense, less
75% of all custom hire income received, divided
by crop acres. Depreciation is estimated at 10%
of current value of the machinery. Interest is not
Return on assets–Net farm income, plus interest
expense, minus value of operator and family labor,
divided by total farm assets owned.
Return on equity–Net farm income minus value of
operator and family labor, divided by net worth.
Operating profit margin ratio–Net farm income,
plus interest expense, minus value of operator and
family labor, divided by value of farm production.
Working capital–Current assets minus current
The data for this report were collected by Iowa Farm Business
Association consultants and compiled by Iowa State University
Extension and Outreach.
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2023 Iowa Farm Costs and Returns
Iowa Farm Costs and Returns 2019-2023
The following summary is intended to provide a general picture of costs and returns to well-managed, full-time Iowa farms. The
values presented are averages; however, results vary widely from one farm to the next. Farms are grouped according to Total Value
of Gross Sales, and the State Averages for 2023 and 2022 are calculated using the number of Iowa farms in each group as reported
in the 2022 Census of Agriculture.
The average number of crop acres per farm increased by 11 acres to 587 acres in 2023, the second lowest mark since 2012.
The average value of farm net worth decreased by $4,559 (-0.2%), driven by a larger increase in total farm liabilities ($119,987)
than in total farm assets ($115,428). Consequently, the farm net worth per acre farmed decreased by 2% to $3,391.
The average accrual net farm income dropped by 78% to $64,583 in 2023, the lowest value since 2018, accumulating a reduction
of $277,251 from the 2021 peak. The average value of farm production declined by 18% to $710,030 in 2023, driven mostly by a
crop inventory value loss of $90,838.
Livestock returns per $100 feed fed increased by 21% to $188 in 2023, the highest value since 2014. The average sale price for
corn declined by 2% to $6.27 in 2023, and the average corn yield was 214 bushels per acre (2% higher than in 2022). The average
debt-to-asset ratio increased slightly to 0.23 in 2023, but remained below its long-term average. The average current asset-to-debt
ratio, a relative measure of liquidity, declined from 6.87 in 2022 to 4.31 in 2023, but remained above its long-term average.
Table 1. Comparison by Years.
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Financial Returns
Net farm income, accrual
$64,583 $294,202 $341,834 $132,339 $77,946
Return to management
-54,147 181,005 232,912 25,327 -31,252
Net farm income, cash
141,484 206,891 153,383 134,119 85,097
Resources Used
Acres in crops
587 577 599 647 674
Labor months
21 19 20 20 21
Livestock, feed, supplies
$762,448 $831,441 $746,988 $579,074 $600,110
Machinery and equipment
499,392 443,804 429,761 446,602 472,898
Land and improvements
1,427,976 1,299,143 1,426,445 1,497,413 1,470,496
Total farm assets
$2,689,816 $2,574,388 $2,603,195 $2,523,089 $2,543,504
Farm net worth
$1,991,341 $1,995,900 $1,899,545 $1,803,078 $1,791,128
Value of Farm Production
Livestock income less feed,
purchases for resale
$58,097 $59,320 $72,602 $34,389 $64,130
Crop production
622,649 638,567 491,399 418,614 427,857
120,122 95,762 121,544 193,776 127,320
Crop inventory gain or loss
-90,838 71,904 179,911 9,954 15,247
Value of farm production
$710,030 $865,552 $865,456 $656,733 $634,555
Cash Expenses
$372,481 $325,753 $279,820 $279,869 $301,941
272,965 245,597 243,802 244,525 254,668
Corn yield (bushels per acre)
214 210 218 189 199
Average sale price for corn, per bushel
$6.27 $6.42 $5.01 $3.44 $3.68
Crop value per acre
$1,006 $1,078 $777 $605 $606
Machinery cost per crop acre
$211 $196 $172 $149 $145
Livestock returns per $100 feed fed
$188 $155 $184 $122 $158
Gross revenue per person
$471,017 $558,975 $540,232 $435,641 $416,983
Gross revenue per $1 expense
$1.11 $1.45 $1.59 $1.21 $1.13
Gross revenue per $1 assets
$0.30 $0.36 $0.34 $0.28 $0.28
Return on assets (ROA)
2.1% 9.6% 11.5% 4.5% 2.7%
Return on equity (ROE)
1.5% 11.2% 14.2% 4.6% 2.1%
Debt-to-asset ratio
0.23 0.19 0.23 0.25 0.25
Current asset-to-debt ratio
4.31 6.65 4.62 3.06 2.69
Farm net worth per acre farmed
$3,391 $3,462 $3,170 $2,786 $2,659
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2023 Iowa Farm Costs and Returns
Assets and Liabilities
A breakdown of farm assets and liabilities by value of gross sales per farm is shown in Table 2. Total assets, total
liabilities, and the total debt-to-asset ratio indicate that larger farms tend to utilize relatively more credit and be more
leveraged than smaller farms. Total liabilities in 2023 were larger than in 2022 for all groups of farms. Total assets for
farms with $100,000-$199,999 and $800,000 and above in gross sales increased in 2023, while total assets for farms with
gross sales in the range of $200,000-$799,999 declined. Net worth increased only for the group of smaller farms, driven
mostly by increases in the land and improvements category. A major challenge in comparing Table 2 results across years
is that the farms included in each of the groups vary through time. Despite lower working capital across all categories in
2023 compared to 2022, liquidity measures suggest that all groups were well-positioned to cover short-term liabilities
with short-term assets in December 2023.
Table 2. Assets and Liabilities by Size of Farm, End of Year Values.
Total Value of Gross Sales
Farm Assets
Feeding livestock
$149,819 $9,622 $4,195 $24,610 $411,548
Crop inventory
451,201 107,781 195,695 352,971 886,083
48,601 13,184 31,022 67,615 68,387
Supplies, prepaid expenses, other
112,826 20,758 47,744 86,530 226,995
Total short-term assets
$762,448 $151,345 $278,656 $531,726 $1,593,013
Breeding livestock
$33,916 $11,706 $7,746 $16,835 $75,764
Machinery, equipment
457,836 86,053 170,316 319,951 956,752
Other intermediate assets
7,640 7,735 10,775 4,105 7,685
Total intermediate assets
499,392 $105,494 $188,836 $340,891 $1,040,201
Land and improvements
$1,427,976 $784,506 $778,011 $1,370,185 $2,280,883
Total assets
$2,689,816 $1,041,345 $1,245,503 $2,242,802 $4,914,097
Farm Liabilities
Operating notes, accounts payable
$206,569 $36,503 $44,808 $118,055 $472,495
Intermediate and long-term due
4,413 0 3,369 2,580 8,800
Other short-term debt
423 0 0 340 1,010
Total short-term debt
$211,405 $36,503 $48,178 $120,976 $482,305
Intermediate-term debt
$289,563 $19,726 $105,889 $193,159 $631,763
Long-term debt
$197,507 $113,201 $93,246 $217,959 $304,457
Total liabilities
$698,475 $169,430 $247,313 $532,094 $1,418,525
Farm Net Worth $1,991,341 $871,916 $998,191 $1,710,708 $3,495,571
Net worth change from last year
-$4,559 $379,674 -$150,730 -$168,821 -$10,378
Working capital
$551,043 $114,842 $230,478 $410,750 $1,110,707
Current asset-to-debt ratio
4.31 4.15 5.78 4.40 3.30
Working capital per $1 of gross revenue
$0.67 $0.70 $0.81 $0.75 $0.49
Total debt-to-asset ratio
0.23 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.29
Total crop acres farmed
587 149 276 474 1,124
Months of labor used
21 7 10 14 40
Farm net worth per acre farmed
$3,391 $5,869 $3,615 $3,610 $3,109
Purchased feed, accounts receivable, hedging accounts, sealed grain, investment in growing crops, short-term loans.
Capital leases, investment in cooperatives.
Labor related liabilities, accrued interest, taxes payable, and other current liabilities.
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2023 Iowa Farm Costs and Returns
Income and Expenses
A summary of operating and fixed cash expenses by value of gross sales per farm is shown in Table 3. Crop expenses
include seed, fertilizer, pesticides, and other expenses related to crop production. The average farm generated a net farm
cash flow of $170,944 for replacement of capital assets, expansion, savings, living expenses, and income taxes. Such
amount was 19% or $39,500 lower than in the previous year, driven mainly by higher crop and livestock expenses and
lower crop sales. Only livestock sales and government payments generated higher cash income ($42,852 and $26,933,
respectively) in 2023 than in the previous year. On average, farms increased their level of net operating debt (loans
received minus loans repaid) by $29,460 in 2023, after a year of only minor increases in net operating debt ($3,552) in
2022. Average interest expense increased by $8,656 in 2023, more than offsetting the $7,761 decline observed in 2022.
Table 3. Summary of Cash Income and Expenses by Size of Farm.
Total Value of Gross Sales
Livestock sales
$312,748 $18,837 $4,400 $37,162 $872,081
Corn sales
351,043 84,608 156,710 277,253 684,135
Soybean sales
199,995 41,655 101,400 171,082 376,411
Other crop sales
14,110 874 7,525 11,505 27,816
Other cash income
127,397 19,649 42,153 90,954 271,050
Total Cash Income $1,005,292 $165,624 $312,187 $587,956 $2,231,493
Machinery and equipment repairs
$34,686 $9,135 $17,183 $25,342 $67,307
Fuel and oil
23,822 5,387 6,983 15,676 51,221
Machine hire
21,442 6,020 14,328 13,972 39,901
Auto and truck expense
6,141 2,390 3,652 5,240 10,569
9,469 3,535 4,207 6,919 18,130
Labor hired
22,574 176 683 9,886 58,676
Livestock expense
35,719 1,949 574 4,388 99,571
Crop expense
211,970 51,541 101,979 167,798 407,445
6,658 612 2,367 4,972 14,141
Total cash operating expense
$372,481 $80,744 $151,955 $254,193 $766,961
Cash rent
$108,508 $12,491 $36,339 $67,509 $239,393
Property taxes
9,301 4,702 5,754 9,668 14,120
29,093 7,976 12,403 21,822 57,320
Building repairs
10,453 4,184 3,529 6,352 21,474
31,005 6,772 9,331 21,099 66,178
Other overhead expenses
16,774 2,893 5,399 16,597 32,624
Total cash fixed expense
$205,134 $39,018 $72,755 $143,047 $431,108
Feed purchased
$157,325 $8,163 $2,669 $25,079 $434,963
Livestock purchased
128,867 1,046 614 15,340 363,918
Total Cash Expenses $863,808 $128,970 $227,994 $437,658 $1,996,950
Cash Net Farm Income $141,484 $36,654 $84,194 $150,297 $234,543
Loans received minus loans repaid
$29,460 $1,679 $8,146 $29,652 $59,809
Net Farm Cash Flow $170,944 $38,333 $92,340 $179,949 $294,351
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2023 Iowa Farm Costs and Returns
A more accurate measure of net farm income is achieved by netting out changes in the values of beginning and ending
inventories, subtracting a depreciation charge for farm assets and including accrued income and expenses.
A summary of income and expenses using accrual accounting is shown in Table 4. The 2023 accrual net farm income
ranged from an average of $21,231 among the smallest farms to an average of $114,034 among the largest farms, and
averaged $64,583 across all farms. The latter was 78% lower than in 2022, driven by a 226% drop in crop inventory
values (-$162,742). Return to management, obtained after subtracting a return to unpaid labor and equity capital
invested, was negative for all groups and averaged -$54,147 across all farms in 2023. It was the first year with negative
returns after a three-year run of positive net returns. The operating expense ratio for the average Iowa farm increased by
18 percentage points in 2023 to 79%, and the net farm income ratio decreased by 21 percentage points to 9%.
Table 4. Summary of Accrual Income and Expenses by Size of Farm.
Total Value of Gross Sales
Total cash income
$1,005,292 $165,624 $312,187 $587,956 $2,231,493
Change in crop inventory
-90,838 -13,125 -31,594 -58,557 -196,771
Change in livestock inventory
24,476 6,092 3,846 6,062 61,166
Feed credits, change in other inventories
57,292 4,814 1,779 9,818 156,359
Total accrual income (gross revenue) $996,222 $163,405 $286,218 $545,279 $2,252,247
Total cash expenses
$863,808 $128,970 $227,994 $437,658 $1,996,950
67,831 13,204 24,513 48,538 141,262
Total accrual expenses $931,639 $142,174 $252,507 $486,197 $2,138,213
Accrual net farm income $64,583 $21,231 $33,711 $59,082 $114,034
Charge for unpaid labor
27,371 18,125 23,929 27,937 34,588
Charge for equity capital (4%)
91,358 38,981 55,095 78,554 154,376
Return to Management -$54,147 -$35,875 -$45,312 -$47,409 -$74,930
Allocation of Gross Revenue
Operating expense
79% 75% 76% 76% 86%
Interest expense
3% 4% 3% 4% 3%
Depreciation expense
8% 8% 9% 9% 6%
Net farm income
9% 13% 12% 11% 5%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
The value of all crops and livestock produced on the farm is shown in Table 5. The value of farm production decreased
by 18% or $155,522, driven mainly by changes in crop inventory values, followed by a lower value of crop production,
and a slightly lower net value of livestock production, to an average of $710,030 in 2023.
Table 5. Value of Farm Production by Size of Farm.
Total Value of Gross Sales
Value of livestock production
$344,290 $25,095 $8,501 $48,729 $949,958
Less purchase for resale
128,867 1,046 614 15,340 363,918
Less purchased feed fed
157,325 8,163 2,669 25,079 434,963
Net value of livestock production
58,097 15,886 5,218 8,309 151,077
Value of crop production (incl. feed credits)
622,649 131,952 267,414 469,951 1,245,138
Miscellaneous income
120,122 19,484 41,898 85,155 253,921
Crop inventory change
-90,838 -13,125 -31,594 -58,557 -196,771
Value of Farm Production
$710,030 $154,197 $282,935 $504,859 $1,453,366
Accrual net farm income = value of farm production - total cash fixed expense - total cash operating expense - depreciation.
Value of farm production = gross revenue - livestock purchase for resale - purchased feed fed.
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2023 Iowa Farm Costs and Returns
Efficiency Factors
Selected efficiency factors are shown in Table 6 for the four farm size groups. Gross revenue per person and per dollar
of assets tend to increase with farm size, while gross revenue per dollar of expense tends to decline with farm size. The
rates of return on equity and assets averaged 1.5% and 2.1%, respectively, across all farm groups and marked the lowest
returns since 2017. The average interest rate on debt across all farms was 4.2% in 2023, 0.4% higher than in 2022.
Table 6. Overall Efficiency Factors by Size of Farm.
Total Value of Gross Sales
Acres in crops
587 149 276 474 1,124
Crop value per acre
$1,006 $888 $968 $992 $1,108
Crop acres per person
333 242 331 402 340
Machinery cost per crop acre
$211 $214 $249 $191 $197
Machinery investment per crop acre
$598 $464 $698 $592 $605
Livestock returns per $100 feed fed
$188 $191 $256 $165 $152
Gross revenue per person
$471,017 $265,880 $343,462 $462,661 $680,562
Gross revenue per $1 expense
$1.11 $1.15 $1.13 $1.12 $1.05
Gross revenue per $1 assets
$0.30 $0.16 $0.23 $0.24 $0.46
Value of farm production per $1 assets
$0.24 $0.15 $0.23 $0.23 $0.30
Return on assets (ROA)
2.1% 0.9% 1.5% 2.3% 3.0%
Return on equity (ROE)
1.5% 0.4% 1.0% 1.8% 2.3%
Operating profit margin ratio
(as % of gross revenue)
7.1% 6.0% 6.7% 9.6% 6.5%
Operating profit margin ratio
(as % of value of farm production)
8.6% 6.4% 6.8% 10.3% 10.0%
Average interest rate on debt
4.2% 4.0% 3.8% 4.0% 4.7%
(Accrual net farm income + interest - unpaid labor) / gross revenue.
High-, Middle-, and Low-profit Farms
Profits vary greatly among farms. In Table 7, farms were ranked by return to management and sorted into three groups
of similar sizes. The high-third group was the one with the fewest crop acres per person, the lowest machinery cost
and investment per acre, and the highest gross revenue per dollar of expense and per dollar of assets, and its return to
management averaged $143,854 in 2023. This group also had the lowest net worth per acre farmed across the three
The middle-third group had the lowest gross revenue, the lowest total expenses, the lowest area in crop production,
the highest machinery cost and investment per crop acre, and the highest livestock returns per $100 of feed fed, and its
return to management averaged -$53,863. The lowest-third group had the largest area in crops, the largest loss in other
income and inventory, and the highest total expenses, and its return to management averaged -$280,138. However, their
net worth per acre was the highest among the three groups, and their debt-to-asset ratio was the lowest.
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2023 Iowa Farm Costs and Returns
High-, Middle-, and Low-profit Farms
Table 7. Comparison of High-, Middle-, and Low-profit Farms, Ranked by Return to Management.
High Third Middle Third Low Third Your Farm
Farm Income
Crop sales
$709,006 $577,308 $1,091,941
Livestock sales
565,871 174,166 857,030
Other income and inventory
296,445 7,029 -65,952
Feed credits
73,198 37,094 174,335
Gross revenue
$1,644,520 $795,598 $2,057,355
Operating expenses
$500,764 $345,114 $761,531
Fixed expenses (incl. depreciation)
382,773 244,009 568,485
Feed purchased
200,071 92,714 492,972
Livestock purchased
291,228 60,456 298,422
Total expenses
$1,374,835 $742,293 $2,121,410
Accrual net farm income
$269,685 $53,305 -$64,055
Operator and family labor charge
$29,423 $27,634 $35,811
Charge for equity capital
96,408 79,534 180,273
Return to management
$143,854 -$53,863 -$280,138
Acres in crops
764 579 1,116
Crop value per acre
$1,024 $1,061 $1,135
Crop acres per person
311 342 379
Machinery cost per crop acre
$182 $217 $204
Machinery investment per crop acre
$503 $667 $639
Livestock returns per $100 feed fed
$170 $179 $143
Value of Farm Production $1,153,222 $642,428 $1,265,961
Gross revenue per person
$670,268 $470,213 $698,404
Gross revenue per $1 expense
$1.20 $1.07 $0.97
Gross revenue per $1 assets
$0.51 $0.33 $0.39
Value of farm production per $1 assets
$0.36 $0.27 $0.24
Return on assets (ROA)
8.8% 2.2% -0.7%
Return on equity (ROE)
10.8% 1.5% -2.5%
Operating profit margin ratio
(as % of gross revenue)
0.17 0.07 -0.02
Operating profit margin ratio
(as % of value of farm production)
0.25 0.08 -0.03
Debt-to-asset ratio
0.31 0.27 0.25
Net worth per acre farmed
$2,921 $3,000 $3,567
Allocation of Value of Gross Revenue
Operating expense
75% 82% 93%
Interest expense
3% 3% 3%
Depreciation expense
6% 8% 7%
Net farm income
16% 7% -3%
Values have not been adjusted for size of business.
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2023 Iowa Farm Costs and Returns
Crop Production
Details of crop production income and expenses per acre are summarized in Table 8. Some expenses, such as cash rent,
did not occur on all farms or on all acres, but are shown as the average cost over all acres. Total economic costs include
a 4% opportunity cost charge for the farm net worth capital, a depreciation charge, and a charge for operator and family
labor. The numbers presented in Table 8 refer to simple, unweighted averages across all farms included in the Iowa Farm
Business Association Summary Report. The selling price for corn exceeded its total economic cost by $0.80 per bushel,
but the selling price for soybeans was lower than its total economic cost by $0.99 per bushel. Each bushel of corn and
soybeans contributed, on average, $2.06 and $3.41 to the net cash flow of the operation.
Table 8. Crop Production.
All Corn Soybean
Total operator acres per crop
477 383
Yield, bushels per acre
214 62
Selling price per bushel
$6.27 $13.80
Crop value per acre
$1,344 $855
Crop Expenses per Acre
$124.98 $64.36
Fertilizer and lime
225.52 58.08
65.37 75.64
11.96 10.43
Drying and storage
13.82 2.50
Machinery, fuel, repairs, machine hire
126.34 117.91
10.79 9.70
44.04 41.03
Hired labor
14.11 12.21
37.13 32.86
Cash rent
174.22 170.59
Property taxes and building repairs
27.31 25.93
Other crop expenses
27.07 23.00
Total cash crop expenses per acre
$902.65 $644.21
Machinery depreciation
$74.49 $74.76
Building depreciation
18.97 17.43
Charge for equity capital
133.05 136.02
Unpaid labor value
44.51 43.81
Total economic cost per acre
$1,173.68 $916.24
Total economic cost per bushel
$5.48 $14.79
Total cash flow needed per acre
$902.65 $644.21
Total cash flow needed per bushel
$4.21 $10.40
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2023 Iowa Farm Costs and Returns
Table 9 illustrates trends in production and financial efficiency over the past 10 years. Livestock income per $100 feed
fed shows a cyclical pattern, and in 2023 it was 16% higher than its 10-year average. The average corn yield of 214
bushels was 2% higher than in 2022 and 5% higher than the 10-year average. The rate of return to owned assets averaged
2.1% in 2023, or 1.9 percentage points below the 10-year average.
Table 9. Trends in Production and Financial Efficiency on Iowa Farms.
Income per
$100 Feed Fed
Corn Yield
per Acre
Value of Farm
per $1 Expense
Crop Value
per Acre
Percent Return
to Owned Assets
2014 $223 184 $1.20 $667 2.5%
133 200 1.09 588 1.1%
2016 117 209 1.12 635 1.7%
179 214 1.08 604 1.5%
2018 161 201 1.12 617 2.2%
2019 158 199 1.13 606 2.7%
2020 122 189 1.21 605 4.5%
2021 184 218 1.59 777 11.5%
155 210 1.45 1,078 9.6%
2023 188 214 1.11 1,006 2.1%
10-year average $162 204 $1.21 $718 3.9%
Revised with additional farm data.
Revised using weights from the 2017 Census of Agriculture.
Revised using weights from the 2022 Census of Agriculture.
Percent Return to Owned Assets
Prepared by Alejandro Plastina
extension economist,
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