Toxoplasmosis: Truth, Fiction, and Crazy Cat Ladies? Page 1 of 42
Maddie’s Institute
, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
Toxoplasmosis: Truth, Fiction, and Crazy Cat Ladies?
Video Transcript
July 2013
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[Beginning of Audio]
Dr. Berliner: And I said I'd give a little introduction about myself. So I am the
Director of Shelter Medicine here at the college. I graduated from
Cornell in 2003, went into private practice and emergency practice for five
years, wandered into a local shelter and started working for Baltimore
Humane. I then came back to the college in 2010. So, I've been
fortunate enough to be a part of this conference for the last three years.
I'm really thrilled to see how many people are here. When I first proposed
this topic well, actually, it was earlier this week, nothing like right
before you're going to give the talk that I ran into two colleagues, and on
both occasions I was like, "Oh, my goodness; I don't know how I'm going
to get this down in this hour." I had two different people look at me and
go, "What are you possibly going to talk about regarding toxoplasmosis
for an entire hour?" I was like, "You don't even begin to imagine. It's
going to be fascinating."
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Maddie’s Institute
, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
So, here we go. I hope I can get it covered. I do have a lot of quiz
questions. This is a very interactive lecture. I've been asked to ask you to
hold your questions to the end because of the recording, so we'll try to do
that. But, I have a lot of questions for you. Some of this, I think, is going
to be challenging, depending on your background, so I'm going to ask you
to stick with me. I am throwing a bunch of science at you, because I think
it's important that you understand what the concerns are as we then move
into discussing the politics and the public health issues that have come up.
"Truth, Fiction, and Crazy Cat Ladies" we'll cover all three of those for
sure. Let's start here. Your first quiz question: Is Toxoplasma a bacteria,
a virus, a fungus, a protozoa, or a worm? Go ahead and vote. You vote
by, one, turning your clicker on, and then choosing A through E. Let's see
how you do. Indeed. Toxoplasma is a protozoa, so 45% of you got that
right. If you didn't get it right, don't feel bad because House didn't get it
right either. The reason [why] that picture is up there is [because] in 2005
they had an episode where somebody contracted toxoplasmosis and they
called it a fungus. I remember sitting there watching that episode in real
time it was when it was still on prime time and they called it a fungus.
I'm like, "Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?" Because, really, I
have this secret fantasy of working in Hollywood as a medical advisor for
television shows. I've always wanted to do that, and it makes me crazy
when they get it wrong.
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, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
Then, as I was preparing for this talk, I realized it made other people crazy
too. There's this entire website for people to argue with TV shows and
call out when people make mistakes. And, so this woman had come on
and she says, "What do you think of Toxoplasma in this episode being
called a fungus? I'm pretty sure it's a protozoa, not a fungus. But they
said 'fungus' multiple times. My friends and I were all bug-eyed. This is a
pretty big lapse, but it may be because I'm a vet med student." So, leave it
to the veterinarians to call it out. They've never really apologized for that,
and I don't forgive them, but I'm still waiting for my call to Hollywood. If
any of you know anybody, let me know because I'm obsessed with that
So you know 45 percent of you, indeed, were right that it is a protozoa.
It's a Coccidian protozoa. I'm not going to go into all the details of all
these fancy images, but I put them up here because protozoa have multiple
stages. We are going to go a little bit through the life cycle. They can
exist in all sorts of places. This is all Toxoplasma. What I don't have
there is a pointer. Let me see here in this one. So I'm not going to have
one, I guess.
The first one is what it looks like in tissue, but then it also forms cysts.
There is a replicating stage, which is that letter A. There are muscle cysts,
which are B and C. Then, there are oocysts, which are actually eggs. They
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, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
can look all sorts of ways in different stages of the life cycle. We will
talk about that. Let me see if I can get a clicker for the future. Yeah, that
will be helpful.
So, next quiz question I told you there's a lot: Toxoplasmosis is
acquired by people by (a) eating uncooked meat, (b) gardening in
contaminated soil, (c) ingesting or inhaling cat feces from litter boxes, (d)
contaminated water, or (e) all of the above. All right. So, indeed, 87
percent of you got it right: all of the above. So all of those ways are a way
that people can contract toxoplasmosis. All right? And I'm going to talk
about that in detail as well. You're going to see this beautiful pregnant
lady a few times today.
Human infection. Eating uncooked meat, handling or inadvertently
digesting uncooked meat can happen. People preparing meals and then not
washing their hands after handling the raw meat can happen.
Contaminated drinking water [is] more and more of a concern
contaminated reservoirs and that sort of thing. Ingestion of cat feces. I
know we don't plan on doing it, but it does happen sometimes, I guess.
Certainly, mother to child is one of the areas that we're most concerned
about in terms of active and acute toxoplasmosis, and I'll talk about that.
Then, there are transfusions or transplants through blood or through
tissue transplants it has actually been transmitted.
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, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
How about cats? [Poll question:] “How do cats get toxoplasmosis? Poll
is started. [Poll options:] Eating uncooked meat, gardening in
contaminated soil, ingesting or inhaling cat feces from litter boxes,
contaminated water sources or all of the above. Indeed, it's all of the
above again. Cats can get it in all of those same ways. Yes, they don't
truly garden, but they do go out there and dig around, so they can ingest it
in that way. The most common way, we think, is through uncooked meat,
because they don't cook their mice and their rats before they eat them. We
do think that that's probably the most common way that they contract it,
but they certainly can get it from other sources as well.
Here are your lifecycle basics. Here’s our cute, little kitty-cat, and the cat
is the definitive host for toxoplasmosis. So, what does that mean? It's
essentially where the most infective stage and where sexual reproduction
occurs. The cat sheds eggs, fecal oocysts. They then sporulate in the
environment. What that means is they have to go through a process, a
maturation process essentially, to then become infective. When they first
come out of the cat, they're not necessarily infective. It takes time. Those
oocysts then get eaten by birds and mice, and this is the initial cycle that
we think of. And that gets in the tissue, and then cat gets it, and it goes
around and around.
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, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
But there are these other ways that other animals can get it. The oocyst
can affect livestock and other animals that way, or infect people directly
that way, or people can eat the livestock and get it. Then, there are the
oocysts in the soil, or the litter boxes, that can contaminate directly to the
people. And then women can give it to their children in utero under
certain circumstances, which I'll break down specifically, okay? Those
are the lifecycle basics. Those things are important because as we talk
about trying to prevent toxoplasmosis, we really have to look at the life
cycle and figure out what points can we impact in our decision making.
A little bit on epidemiology. The estimates in terms of seroprevalence
and I'm going to explain what that means in the human population.The
CDC reports about 22 percent of people in the US have been exposed to
Toxoplasma. The way they know you've been exposed is by doing a blood
test and looking for antibodies to exposure. So, when you're exposed to a
disease, your body, your immune system, will launch antibodies, and we
can measure that. If we took a blood sample from all of you and
submitted it, they would estimate about 22 percent. Those percentages
vary. They're as high as 45 percent in some of the studies, and as low as
11percent. It does tend and it seems to be somewhat regional. But that is
their overall estimate of human population in people 12 years and older.
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, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
If we did a test right now, a fair number of us would probably have
antibodies to Toxoplasma. If you have been pregnant, there's a chance
you have been tested. Some of you have probably been tested, and so you
know whether or not you have antibodies. Much higher in other parts of
the world. In Latin America, Asia, and Africa, the seroprevalence
meaning the people who have antibodies to the disease is much, much
higher. There are reasons for that. We'll talk a little bit about that.
In terms of our cats and our dogs in the US, the seroprevalence that,
again, is a blood test in the cat looking for antibodies to Toxoplasma 30
to 40 percent of cats have antibodies, so they have been infected with
Toxoplasma at some point. They probably have tissue cysts or cysts in the
brain, just like the people who have been exposed or infected. So, 30 to
40 percent of cats. Twenty percent in dogs. It's lower. And, again, this is
based on antibody testing and so you're looking for infection or exposure
historically. That does not mean that those cats are shedding infective
stages of the disease now. It does not mean that you have active disease,
but it does mean that you have been exposed and you may indeed have
cysts somewhere in your body. The parasite may be hiding out.
We call that a cysticercus, if it's in your brain. It is one of my favorite
words, because it sounds like it's fun, like you're having a little circus in
your head. It's not really fun, I don't think. But, it is one of my favorite
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, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
words. I think it would be a great name for a boat or a band. Again, the
infective forms are the oocysts, and those are shed by cats wild cats, big
cats, little cats into the environment. And the shedding period is about
it's only about a week. Somewhere between one week and three weeks
will they actually shed oocysts. It's not like they're doing it all the time.
There will be a period of time, after they are infected, that they will then
shed these oocysts into the environment. It is a limited period.
Now, there is a question that, under stress or if they are re-exposed, can
they shed again some point in the future. We do think that's possible, that
for some cats it can be reactivated and they may shed again in the future at
some point again, for a short period of time. But, most of the time
there's no shedding occurring. Is that clear? Okay. I'm getting some
nods. I'll keep harping on this because that's important to understand.
The other thing is that when they shed these eggs into the environment,
they are not immediately infective. They have to sporulate. They have to
sit. They need to sit somewhere between one and five days in order to
actually be a problem in terms of infecting people or other animals. And
so there's that window of the first 24 hours when they are not in infective
stage. Okay? That's important too, in terms of our management. The
other way that you can get infected are these tissue cysts. That's how we
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get it from uncooked meat. That's how the cats get it from uncooked
mice. And, that is an infective form that can be ingested.
[Poll question:] “In your shelter, how do you know if a cat is shedding
Toxoplasma? [Poll options:] “You don't. You do a blood test. You
analyze a fecal sample. You see clinical signs.” They should be sick if
they're shedding Toxoplasma. Or a) and c): you don't or you analyze a
fecal sample. Take your best guess. This is when it gets harder. This is
when the veterinary students are glad they're not here today for this quiz
because this stuff is tricky. Let's see how you did. Good, 63 percent of
you A and C both apply. The truth is, most of the time we probably
don't know because we're not looking for it in all the cats. Unless you're
doing a fecal sample in every cat and you're essentially doing it every 14
days, you may miss a cat shedding.
Now, the truth is that we estimate that only about one percent of cats are
shedding at any moment in time, but they are shedding, and you may not
know it. If you do a fecal sample, you may catch toxoplasmosis, if your
lab is good at catching it and properly identifying it. It’s Coccidia. It can
look a lot like Isospera. It can look a lot like the other Coccidias that we'll
talk about later today. There is some concern that sometimes it can be
misdiagnosed, even in a lab. Certainly it may be misdiagnosed if you're
doing your fecals in-house. You may not know or you may catch it in a
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, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
fecal sample. You cannot identify it by a blood sample. So, going back to
choice B, you cannot identify shedding through a blood test. The blood
test tells you whether or not a cat or a person was exposed historically. It
tells you nothing about active disease or nothing about the cat shedding at
the moment. Okay?
Clinical signs in cats. Some of them will get sick from toxoplasmosis and
you will see clinical signs. What this is associated with most of them
won't. Most of them simply will ingest the parasite, they will shed oocysts
and they'll be absolutely clinically normal. If they do develop signs, it has
to do with the replication. It has to do with that letter A picture, of when
the cysts start breaking open and what are called tachyzoites start rapidly
dividing. And when they rapidly divide, they start destroying cells.
These can be muscle cells. These can be cardiac cells. This can be in the
lungs. It can be in fluids. It can be in the brain. Some of our kittens that
fade, some of our kittens that get really sick, may have toxoplasmosis. So,
in neonates it's particularly hard on them and it can actually kill them
through, essentially, a multisystem failure. And so that can sometimes be
a reason that you're losing kittens, is that they have actually gotten
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, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
It likes to show up in the eyeball, and so you get something called a
chorioretinitis. This is true in people too, where you will actually see
[that] the organisms are dividing. You get these little granulomas and
pockets of infection in the eye, along with cysts. That is one place that
they look, in human medicine and in veterinary medicine. We may first
see that as evidence.
If you're actually going to diagnose toxoplasmosis, then you are looking
for shedding of oocysts. It happens in the fecal sample. The animals that
are shedding, those are the ones that are a zoonotic risk. Those are the
ones where we worry about them transmitting disease to people. How
long is that shedding period, again? A couple of weeks so usually
between 1 and 3 weeks, on average 14 days. They are the ones, within
that realm of time of shedding, that are a risk.
If you have ill animals that you're worried about, they may not be
shedding at that point. They may have gotten disease earlier, or the
toxoplasmosis is now causing disease in them, but they're not actually
shedding. You can do blood tests on those guys to decide whether you
have systemic illness. And, what you're doing is an antibody titer. You
are looking for the body's response to the organism.
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, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
Now, what's the problem with that? They may have been exposed a long
time ago, and so they're just positive and it's not a problem. Or they may
have been exposed recently, and it is a problem. Those can be really hard
to distinguish. So, one of the ways we do it and this is, again, getting a
little heady and scientific but there is a way to break down your antibody
test for more immediate antibodies. IgMs (Immunoglobulin M) occur
pretty early in disease. IgGs (Immunoglobulin G) are a sign of a more
chronic disease. And just so you get a sense of it, if you're going to
submit serology, you really want to look at both of these. If it's a more
acute disease, your IgM is what's going to help you identify that and be
like, "Okay, this disease is new. It probably is responsible for what's
actually going on with this animal."
I also use this because if I'm worried that what I'm seeing in a kitten or a
cat may be toxoplasmosis, I can essentially rule it out if I get a negative
serology in a lot of cases. If I don't have any toxo showing up, I feel a
little bit better. If I don't have anything in the fecal sample, I feel a little bit
better that that's off my list of differentials, and I need to deal with other
things. They can absolutely remain positive for antibodies for life, just like
we do. Once you test positive, you're going to be positive for life. Those
cats are really a minimal zoonotic risk, if they're not sick and they're not
shedding. They may have been exposed a long time ago, and if it's
actually a positive serology, that is not a reason to consider that cat a risk.
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, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
This is a common error, where people will say, "That cat is Toxoplasma
positive on serology, and now that cat is a threat." No, it's not. That is the
exposure, at least not as we've thought of it traditionally.
How do we treat it in the shelter? I'm going to talk a little bit about an
individual animal here. It does respond to antibiotics. What you are
treating is the shedding of the oocysts. You do not want to treat titers.
You do not want to treat every cat that comes up positive on a blood test.
What you want to treat are the cats that come up positive on a fecal test,
because you want to treat the shedding and minimize the shedding. That’s
what is a risk to your shelter population and to the public. Okay?
Clindamycin will shorten the shedding period, and the shedding is the
infectious form. It does not clear the organism from the cat. The cat will
most likely have Toxoplasma for life, encysted somewhere, inactive, just
like we do. It does not clear the organism that's gone into hiding in
tissues, but it will shorten the shedding period, and that is what we're
concerned about in terms of public health.
If the animal has systemic disease, it has toxoplasmosis and it's got
neurologic signs from it, or muscle signs from it, or problems with its
heart or lungs, clindamycin will help with the symptoms. But, again, it
will not eliminate the organism. Neurologists will treat toxoplasmosis.
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, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
You will treat it with an antibiotic. It's not going to clear it completely,
but it will make the animal better. Some of those signs may remain.
Some of those signs may resolve.
But then how are we going to manage that? So let's take it from the
individual animal, so pretty easy to be like, "Yes, the cat has signs of
disease or the cat is shedding. Let’s pop it with some antibiotics." Then,
we stick that in our shelter. So now, we've got populations of animals that
are surrounding that animal. We've got populations of people that are
surrounding that animal. And, we've got potential adopters out there.
We need to manage the poop. This is pretty key every day in our lives.
This is what we do in shelter medicine, is we manage poop. One of the
things that's really recommended is to be sure that you're cleaning the
feces daily or multiple times before sporulation occurs. Remember a key
point those oocysts are not infective until one to five days after they
come out of the cat. If we can pick up, eliminate or throw away the poop
within that window of time, we're going to have a much better control
over that infective form. That may be our most key point in managing this
and managing risk.
The other issue is disposable litter boxes. These certainly a lot of
shelters are using them, and the nice thing about them is they eliminate
that option that oocysts or parasites of any kind are hanging around in the
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, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
crevices of all those plastic boxes, or getting passed from animal to
animal. Cardboard disposable boxes are really nice. They can be a little
costly, but they certainly eliminate all that cleaning that you're doing with
your staff.
How many of you use cardboard litter boxes, disposable ones? Okay.
And how many of you are cleaning litter boxes and recycling? I would
recommend that you at least have disposables for your ill animals, the
ones that are having diarrhea and that sort of thing, because you really
don't want to contaminate plastic litter boxes that you then pass around.
And so at least for that. Disposable litter boxes can go a long way to
trying to help with this.
The other thing is we've gotten very fond of spot cleaning. How many of
you doing spot cleaning? Probably you've heard me talk about it, because
we're all advocates of it in terms of cleaning to minimize stress in our cats.
One of the issues with spot cleaning is that we're just scooping the box and
then leaving some stuff behind, right? So we may be leaving oocysts
behind that can sporulate. again, disposable litter boxes could help with
trying to eliminate some of that.
The other thing to know about this is that those oocysts are super, super
tough. They are resistant to your standard disinfectants, right? Basically,
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, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
you need a flamethrower. I don't know how many of you are cleaning
with boiling water, but I am not. In order to kill them you basically would
need something hot enough to scald your hand, so that doesn't work out
very well. Steam will kill them, but your basic cleaners will not. Ten
percent ammonia might kill them, but it would probably kill everyone else
in the shelter, including you, so I don't recommend that either.
They need moisture, so dryness kills them. We don't exactly live in a dry
climate, so when it comes to these oocysts, we are challenged. We'd be
better off in a desert. Drying the spaces, completely drying the spaces,
will help. Sometimes it's just scrubbing and rinsing, scrubbing and
rinsing, more than anything too. Dilution is the solution to pollution,
right? Just wash those suckers away as much as you can.
I think the biggest thing is prevention is being one step ahead of the
game, getting rid of the feces in a timely fashion, educating your staff. I'll
talk about that too in terms of trying to prevent the parts of this cycle. If
we can prevent this part, then we feel a little bit better. There's not much
we can do about people that want to eat bleeding meat. They have to
worry about themselves. They can do that at home and not in our shelter.
Certainly, if you have a rodent problem in your shelter and I know some
of you probably do, because I've been in some places that have some
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, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
pretty difficult rodent situations this is certainly one of the risks of
increasing this in your shelter. Deal with your rodents, one way or
another. It's not always the best thing to be offering your shelter cats live
Managing the zoonotic risk. This gets really tricky because, like
everything, we are constantly mitigating risk in interacting with our
companion animals. I think it is really important that there’s some staff
and volunteer education about the risks with toxoplasmosis and lots of the
other parasites that our fuzzy little creatures may share with us. The most
prone to issue women of childbearing age. If they have not previously
been exposed to toxoplasmosis, they are at the greatest risk.
The immunocompromised. We don't necessarily have the right to ask
people if they have diseases that make them immunocompromised, but I'll
remind you that some people have a disease that may compromise their
immune system all the time, but any one of us with an illness could be
immune compromised. Chemotherapy, other sorts of treatments make us
immune compromised. And so it's important, I think, that we
communicate that to our staff and our volunteers.
Hand washing, hand washing, hand washing, hand washing. If you need
another thing to add to the list for why people should wash their hands,
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, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
add Toxoplasma to your list. And then adopter counseling, really making
sure that our adoption staff know how to discuss risk and potential
exposure with potential adopters.
So the worst cases that we've talked about with Toxoplasma and most of
you know how many people knew about toxoplasmosis in pregnant
women, like that's the thing that sticks out in your head? Yeah. Because
those are the worst cases that we see. And so we talk a lot about making
sure that pregnant women aren't exposed and I'm going to break this
down for you pregnant women aren't exposed to cats that might be
shedding Toxoplasma.
And that's because the congenital infections in humans are pretty awful;
they're severe disease. And what needs to happen is that a woman needs
to be exposed to the shedding oocysts, and she needs to have not had a
previous exposure. So she doesn't have antibodies. She gets exposed to a
shedding cat in that window of time when she gets pregnant, and then the
fetus is affected. That is how it happens. Right?
It's worse if you are exposed at the third trimester than in the first
trimester. So the worst defects occur in the third trimester, and they're
pretty bad. We're talking about spontaneous abortion. We're talking about
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brain, birth defects, retinal malformations, hydrocephalus, which is fluid
in the head. We're talking about very, very serious disease.
And I was surprised because I had no idea that the rate was this high, but
in the US it's reported that between 1 and 7 in every 10,000 births is
actually the babies are serologically positive, so they have toxoplasmosis
at birth. That's a much higher rate than I had thought, because I feel like
we don't hear about it very often.
Especially if you look at that 1 in 10,000 is about the rate of vaccine or
injection site sarcomas in cats, and how many of you have heard about
that? Like we all talk about injection site sarcomas and making sure that
we're being careful with how we inject our cats. I had no idea the rate was
that high. About 40 percent of those will actually have disease, but that's
still a fairly high number, and if this is your child, this is your baby, that is
I can't even imagine how devastating that is.
So here's your quiz question. When a cat-owning woman gets pregnant,
who needs a Toxoplasma titer test? Her cat? The woman? Both? Or
neither? This is when you get to play Dr. House, and he's not very good.
It takes him like four diseases before he gets to what the problem is, and
then he calls Toxoplasma a fungus. So let's see if you're better. Good.
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So, B we're a split between B and C, so we're split between "the woman"
and "both."
The recommendation is really the woman, and I'll tell you why as we go
through I think my scenarios are next. If you are childbearing age,
thinking about getting pregnant, exposed to cats on a regular basis
especially in a shelter or because you bring home a bunch of cats it's
about your serology; it's about whether you have antibodies or not. If you
have already been previously exposed and you have antibodies, they are
thought to be protective, so even if you are exposed while you're pregnant,
your body already has antibodies that will protect you. Does that make
And so oh, let's go through this one. When a pregnant woman gets
toxoplasmosis, titer performed, which result puts her fetus at greater risk
for acquiring congenital toxoplasmosis? I think I just answered that
question for you. If she's positive for antibodies, if she's negative for
antibodies, or they are of equal risk. Now see who was listening. Good.
So if she is negative for antibodies, that puts her at greatest risk. That
means she hasn't been exposed previously; she doesn't have protection.
Good. Excellent. You guys are awesome.
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So, now, opinion question: Pregnant women should get rid of their cats.
True, false, or you're a libertarian it's a free country; they can do
whatever they want. Yay 88 percent. Eighty-eight percent of you say,
indeed, no, they should not get rid of their cats, and that is the most
popular opinion for sure. And it is a free country. As her doctor, I'd
probably say, "You can do what you want."
But I think it's important people have accurate information, and a lot of
people get inaccurate information from their physicians no offense
intended for Dr. House and the other MDs out there. But it's about
mitigating risk again, and the truth is that if they are positive, they are
most likely protected, and then there are some other things you can do
other than get rid of your cats, because there's no reason to believe that the
cat that you lived with for a long time is necessarily any greater risk to you
than it was yesterday. But there are some things we can do to kind of
work that out.
So here's your first scenario, and these are not quiz questions with the
clicker. Let me turn that off for a minute. Toxoplasma scenario. This is
hard stuff, so I try to put up cute pictures and little signs, but if the cat is
seropositive meaning the cat has antibodies to Toxoplasma and the
woman has antibodies to Toxoplasma, as far as we have traditionally
thought, is this a problem? Probably not. It is possible this cat may shed
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again if there's some sort of stressful event, but the woman should have
protection, and so this is a low risk situation for congenital infections as
we understand them. Good.
Next one: the cat is seronegative and the woman is seropositive. Is this a
problem? Most of you are saying no, and I agree with that too. Now if
this is a cat that goes indoor and outdoor it may get exposed to its first
round of Toxoplasma, or it eats a mouse, and it may shed sometime in that
window, but she's positive for antibodies, so she should be protected. So
most likely not a problem. Again, I would say this is a lower risk
situation. Good.
How about if the cat is positive on a poop sample? Does that concern
anybody? It concerns me a little bit. We know this cat is shedding. It's
going to shed for a couple of weeks, right? But the woman's seropositive?
Yeah, she should be all right. But are we worried now that this cat is
shedding oocysts into the environment? Yeah, I'm worried, because now
this cat may be a source of contamination for somebody else or someone
else, and so this cat should be managed in your shelter or in a home.
We're going to start treatment on this cat. We're going to isolate this cat.
We're going to let people know that it's shedding Toxoplasma. We're
going to take some steps, right? So we need to manage that situation.
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So that yeah, that kitty, he's cute, but we probably need to do something
about that. And then if he's seropositive she; it's a calico; good job
seropositive and poop positive, and this woman and the owner is
seronegative or a shelter volunteer is seronegative, are we worried? Yeah,
we're worried. This is the worst case scenario. We don't like this at all,
right? So we need to manage this situation appropriately. Good.
So what are the current recommendations for pregnant or immune
compromised people in contact with cats? The overall big one is don't
clean the litter box, and I hear this time and time again: people are like,
"I'm so excited to be pregnant. I don't have to clean the litter box for nine
months." And they don't know if their cat's shedding. They don't know if
their cat's positive necessarily. It doesn't really matter. You just don't
have to clean the litter box. End of story, all right?
If you have to clean a litter box so you've got an immune compromised
disease and you get sick, if you have to clean it, the idea is clean it a lot.
Like if you have no choices and there's no one else to scoop, then you
need to clean it daily or multiple times a day to get that stuff out of there
to avoid sporulation. Does that make sense?
And so we use this sometimes systemic toxo, which I'll try to talk about
I'll get there, towards the end particularly a problem in AIDS patients,
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and that's when it became a big focus in the last couple of decades. And
so the recommendation was to find somebody else to scoop litter boxes for
AIDS patients that had cats, or to scoop really frequently, wear gloves,
and wear a mask, because they can be inhaled. Good. If you must clean
boxes, wear a mask.
Wear gardening gloves when you garden outside. Remember, cats are not
the only source of contamination. Soils can be contaminated from cats,
and so you want to make sure you wear gardening gloves, and we
recommend this in general, so all of you gardeners out there, you should
have a set of gloves, and then you should wash your hands when you take
them off. Wash your hands frequently and don't eat poop. Okay?
So here are all the ways that you can help. And I would argue women of
childbearing age should kind of look at this in general anyway. Yeah.
You want to eat poop? Okay. Is it okay to lick poop? No. No. No
Audience: Assuming that I have just received a face full of spoors, what is the
percentage chance that I will get infected?
Dr. Berliner: It is somewhat dose dependant. I don't know if I can answer that. So if
you have a face full of spoors, you may very well get infected. It's going
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to depend on your immune system, so is your immune system going to
tackle that or not? You will probably form antibodies to that, and so when
you're saying "infected," you are probably going to ingest it. You will
form antibodies. You may never get sick from it. But your body will
most likely respond with antibodies to that, as long as you are immune
competent to do that.
Audience: So what would you say is the percentage of people who get exposed who
actually develop it?
Dr. Berliner: We don't know because you can't do a challenge study. So the question is
how many people who get exposed get infected? To know that for sure
we would have to know everybody's exposure, which basically means
we'd have to ask you all to eat poop infected with oocysts and then
measure how many of you ended up seropositive. And I don't think
anybody's signing up for that experiment. We can do that in animals. We
do it and when I say "we" I mean science but we can't really do that in
people. So I don't know that answer.
I do know that in particular areas where the soil is highly contaminated
and we have studies on that where they pull high numbers of oocysts out
of the soil in those places, certain parts of Latin America, Egypt in
particular, and Africa, the seroprevalence is extraordinarily high. Sixty,
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70, 80 percent in some cases of people in certain urban areas have very,
very are seropositive, have been exposed. So there are regions where it's
really, really high. Yeah?
Audience: So, as ridiculous as it might sound, is it almost a better idea for a young
woman working in this field to ?
Dr. Berliner: Let me answer. So the question is, as ridiculous as it may sound, should I
eat poop before I think about getting pregnant, so that I will be positive?
Is that your question?
Audience: Yes.
Dr. Berliner: Let me address that as I hit the end of the talk, because what I'm going to
talk about is some of newer concerns about toxo. So, historically
speaking, we have said, yes, it may actually be better for you to have
antibodies, and people haven't been that concerned. With the AIDS
epidemic and with systemic toxo becoming an issue in some immune
when people are immune compromised, that has become more of a
concern. And there are some more concerns about whether we have some
subclinical toxo issues. So let me come back to that, and if I don't know
answer it, let me know, okay? But, yeah, I mean your thinking is not
crazy, because a lot of us, especially women in veterinary medicine have
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really thought about that and said, "Well, maybe I just need to be positive
and be done with it. Yes?
Audience: Don't you think all shelter workers and veterinarians in shelter medicine
have been already exposed?
Dr. Berliner: You would think she asked wouldn't you think all veterinarians and
shelter workers have already been exposed. You'd be amazed at how low
it actually is. And I don't have the numbers for you, but, no, it's not
actually true. The majority of them are not seropositive and, why, I don't
know. Because we're probably being good about our bio-security, right?
Maybe. That's what I'll believe.
All right. So let me move along and then I'll see if I can hit your
questions. So here's a scenario for you. You have a cat with positive
fecal, so oocysts in the stool sample, for Toxoplasma. What are you going
to do: (a) isolate it a 14-day shedding period with no treatment; (b) isolate
and treat, then adopt the cat out; (c) adopt out immediately, no treatment;
(d) euthanize; (e) we don't do fecal tests, so we don't need to know. B.
Good. Excellent. I agree with that one, so isolate, treat, and then adopt.
So if you've got a cat that's shedding, that's what I would do, personally, is
to isolate that cat, treat them, get through the shedding period, and then
they should be okay to go out and be adopted. Good.
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What if you have a cat with a positive titer? So now we're back to the
blood test. This is kind of quizzing you on what I've talked about. So
they have a positive titer for toxo; what are you going to do? Isolate for a
14-day shedding treat with no treatment; isolate and treat, then adopt;
adopt out, no treatment; or euthanize. C. Good. I'll leave that up there for
a second and then I'll repeat it. So, yes, you are going to adopt out, no
Remember, titers talk about exposure. They don't talk about infectivity.
And so it is fine to move them along for adoption because a lot of cats out
there are going to be seropositive; a lot of people out there are going to be
seropositive. We're not going to euthanize seropositive cats. We're not
going to euthanize seropositive people. We're going to go about our daily
life, all right?
So, here we go toxoplasmosis in the news. And so there's been a lot of
attention paid how many of you have seen news headlines and that's why
you're here today? Yeah, there's some stuff going on out there, and if you
haven't heard about you will, because there was just something on ABC
News a few days ago. A lot of stuff popped out. In fact, as I was doing
research for this talk, more things were popping up each day, and I was
like, "I can't keep up with all these stories." So there’s a lot going on.
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So I'm going to give you a little bit of background so that you understand
what some of the thoughts are. So when it comes to parasitology and I
find this fascinating there's something called the manipulation
hypothesis. And so there's this idea that parasites and we know this is
true in several of the parasites. Parasites will invade a host, so they will
invade an animal it can be an insect, or a cat, or a rat, or whatever and
change its behavior. And the hypothesis is that it changes the behavior in
order to benefit the parasite.
So Dr. Newmark was just talking about rabies; so there's a good example
of a virus that invades a host, changes the behavior it makes it run
around, salivate. And how does the virus spread? Through saliva. It
makes it run around and bite people, so it spreads the virus. And so it
changes the behavior in order to benefit the parasite. And so the question
is, do we think toxoplasmosis can change behavior? It certainly you end
up with cysts in your brain. Can they act on the brain to change behavior?
And so that was one of the questions that came up.
And, in fact, it's been shown that toxoplasmosis and this research is
pretty good toxoplasmosis actually does affect rodents and change their
behavior, and so infected rodents will demonstrate innate meaning
naturally reduced fear responses to cat pheromones and cat urine. So if
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you take a laboratory rat that has never met a cat, and you expose it to cat
urine, it is afraid and it will try to avoid it. It's never seen a cat, doesn't
know anything about cats, and yet it will avoid that urine naturally, as part
of something that it just has inherited.
And so when a mouse or a rat is infected with Toxoplasma, it actually loses
that innate fear and it is actually attracted to cat urine, so it will hang out
in the cat urine corner. And so they did this sort of thing where they
created this big round it was a big round circle, and they stuck bobcat
urine at one end of it, and they stuck rabbit urine at the other end, which
they should not be afraid of, and they're not. And the uninfected rodents
ran this way and spent a lot of time over here. The infected rodents went
over there and hung out in the cat urine because they were no longer afraid
of it.
They also demonstrated less learning, less learned fear. And so they took
collars and towels and soaked them in cat urine and exposed them to that,
and the ones who were not infected were afraid of the collars and towels
that were infected. The ones that were infected were not afraid. And then
the ones that were infected also didn't learn to be afraid of just a regular
old collar or towel, whereas the other ones did. So they failed to learn to
be afraid of something that smelled like cat urine as well, and instead they
found it really sexy and hung out in the cat urine corner.
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The other thing that they did is they demonstrated more risky behavior.
They'd jump around more in front of a cat. They became uncoordinated.
They were like attracting attention more. And so this idea that the parasite
got into the rat brain or the mouse brain and actually makes them attract to
the cats. They called it "fatal attraction." And so of course the next
question, if you're a crazy scientist, is what? Does this happen in people?
Chronic toxoplasmosis in humans does exist. If you have antibodies, you
may have tissue cysts that are in your brain or in muscle tissue, and in
most people they're going to do nothing. Again, the prevalence
anywhere from 14 to 22 percent in the US, much higher in other parts of
the world. People are usually asymptomatic, causes no disease
whatsoever in people, and actually protects you essentially against later
infection, or congenital infections if you're a woman getting pregnant.
In immune compromised individuals, particularly AIDS patients, we
became aware of the fact that those cysts can come out of dormancy.
They can come out of your brain and rupture, essentially, and the parasite
can start replicating again and causing disease in people, and so that could
breed significant disease in these individuals.
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And so it become a question, one, what do we do about that? How much
of a concern is that? What do we do? How do we treat it? Should we be
worrying about this? And then the other is, is it causing other disease that
we don't know? Especially if you go back to the idea and I'll back up to
look at our mice maybe not. I won't. If you go back to the idea that in
the mouse it affects behavior, can it affect behavior in people? And so the
question after that was can it make people attracted to cat pee? Does it
make people act like cats eat off the floor?
And somebody was telling me a story at dinner the other night I know
who it was about when they were a cat for Halloween as a child and
demanded to eat off the floor that night, and their mother let them do that.
And I thought of that as I was writing this. Come on you guys all know
you wanted to do that at some point eat out of the cat bowl. And so the
question became, does it affect crazy cat ladies? And so is there
something about toxoplasmosis that may make people attracted to the
smell of cat pee? Could it be playing a role in hoarding? Could it be
playing a role in some mental illnesses where hoarding cats becomes an
issue? Does it make people into crazy cat ladies?
So what do they do next? Get some cat pee and have people smell it.
Silly. Silly you. Come on, guys. And you're going to see this name come
up again and again as I'm talking. Does Toxoplasma affect how humans
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react to cat pee? And so this guy got some cat pee and did some titers on
people. And he took Toxoplasma negative people and toxoplasma
positive people and exposed them to cat pee to find out if they were more
attracted. And, indeed this is interesting men that had Toxoplasma
positive titers actually were attracted to the cat's pee smell. Women were
not. So it kind of went against the crazy cat lady, but it supports the crazy
cat man theory.
They tried it with other species, so they collected urine from all sorts of
animals and did the same thing, and there was absolutely no change.
There was no difference between the people that had toxo and the people
that didn't. But for cat urine, there was a difference. What does this
mean? I don't think we really know, honestly, and so I'm going to talk a
little bit more about research and how to think about it, but it was I think
an interesting finding, and at least it didn't support the idea that we're
making crazy cat ladies out of Toxoplasma positive people.
But this guy and there's his name, and I don't know how to pronounce it
Dr. Flegr [spelling], he's the one who shows up a lot with this research.
So he is Czechoslovakian, and he has done a lot of research looking at
behavioral conditions in humans, mental illness in humans, and whether or
not toxoplasmosis may play a role. And so he's popping up a lot in
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popular science. This article came out of Atlantic Monthly in March 2012,
and he's really interested.
And it all started because, as early as 1896, there was someone who
questioned whether schizophrenia might be related to a parasite. And so
he's had some issues in his life he talks about it in the article and he
wondered whether he had a parasite that might, indeed, make him act out
in certain ways, because he was a little disruptive in adolescence and early
adult. And, indeed, he went looking and, indeed, he's Toxoplasma
positive, and so he started questioning and then he started doing some
studies to try and investigate this.
So human behaviors in question that he's looked at schizophrenia. And
I'm going to come back to that one because that's the one where there may
actually be some connection. He's looked at suicide risk. He's looked at
car accidents and reaction times, the idea being that reflexes seem to be
compromised in people who are Toxoplasma seropositive, so they have
positive titers. Looking at risk taking and novelty seeking, that idea of
changing the behavior of the rat or the mouse. Does it change human
behavior? And certainly problem solvings and cognition there have
been questions about whether it compromises humans' ability to kind of
reason through problems.
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And there's a bunch of different studies. He did this through surveys. So
he used students, military people, a couple of other groups, and then asked
them long, long questions about their behaviors and their choices and what
they do, and then he took their titers to see who was positive and who was
negative. The one that has popped up most frequently and that there
actually has been something called a meta-analysis of, the one that has had
the most broad-based research, is schizophrenia. And there does seem to
be an increased risk. There's a higher number of schizophrenics that are
Toxoplasma [postitive] no, let me put it the other way. If you are
Toxoplasma positive, you have a higher risk of having schizophrenia, by
2.3 times higher at least in the population that he surveyed.
Now, I want to kind of break this down for a minute because just because
you have two things that pop up, doesn't mean that there's a cause-and-
effect relationship, and we all learn that pretty early on in trying to look at
research. So there are several ways to do research, and one of the things
we want to talk about is peer reviewed journals. So those are articles
where experts review them. So somebody writes an article based on
research and experts in the field review them before they ever go to
publication. So that's considered better research than non-peer reviewed.
Somebody's read it and said a panel of people have read it and said,
"Okay, this is good."
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Evidence-based is even better than that, where what they do is they take a
bunch of different studies, they do a meta-analysis which is what was
done with that schizophrenia piece and they tried to analyze a large
number of studies verifying that, indeed, what was found across the board
was the same and could be supported by multiple pieces of information.
Open source publishing is relatively new with the Internet, and it's a point
of concern. Open source publishing usually has no or very limited peer
review, and anyone can kind of go online and publish their study without
it being critically reviewed. And there's more and more of this out there.
The other thing about it is it's available to everyone, so you don't pay a
journal because, essentially, anybody can publish. And in some cases
these journals actually collect a fee to publish and a big fee to publish.
And so there's a lot of journals out there, especially if you're not in an
academic institution, that if you go looking for articles, this may be the
only articles you get, are the ones that people were allowed to publish
without perhaps the same level of peer review as ones that show up in
some of the scientific journals.
And then, of course, there's popular science in the news. How many of
you have ever been interviewed by a reporter, and a story went out there,
and there were just glaring errors that made you want to crawl back in
bed? Yeah, most of you are nodding. That can be really disheartening
and it happens all time because, and particularly in the popular media,
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they're trying to sell papers, they're trying to get people to watch their TV
station, and there may be a lack of peer review. Fair enough? So quick
nod to peer-review based research, and a quick nod to epidemiology, that
behaviors and conditions are complex.
And so one of the things with schizophrenia is that it also socioeconomic
status, genetics, and experience all play a role. And so, yes, there may be
a higher level of Toxoplasma positive people and a higher level of
schizophrenics. But a lot of times that's also associated with
socioeconomic status. Toxo, in particular, is higher in urban areas, where
there's higher concentrations of people, and in people with lower
educational levels.
And so there may be multiple factors, and my best explanation for this is
let's say okay, I'm a red head naturally. I get a little help these days. But
let's say I'm in gym class and I'm really bad at volleyball, and so the and
there's two other red heads in my class and they're really bad at volleyball.
And so you decide to write a study that red heads are bad at volleyball
because 3 out of 23 people are red headed and bad at volleyball.
Well, what if I say that what about if we're identical twins? So maybe
our genetics now played a role in all of us being bad at volleyball. Does
that make sense? Or maybe all three of us came from we just got to this
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school and we never played volleyball before seventh grade, and
everybody else has been playing volleyball since kindergarten because
they all were at this school and they had better training?
And so it's very easy to jump to a conclusion if you've got two things and
say, well, these two things are connected, when really they're not because
there's other factors that are involved. And for both toxoplasmosis and
schizophrenia there are complicated factors that play a role, and it may be
that some of those overlap. And even Flegr says that. If you actually read
what he wrote versus what the newspaper writes, that is absolutely in his
work as well.
So very small numbers of toxo positive people actually manifest mental or
behavioral disorders. So we have a lot of people that are seropositive.
Very few of them actually have mental illness. The other thing is that the
majority of schizophrenics are Toxoplasma negative, so if you look at it
the other way, the vast majority of them are not positive for Toxoplasma
titers. And the other question that I got from somebody yesterday and I
went back and looked is, indeed, countries that have the highest rate of
Toxoplasma positive serologies do not have higher rates of schizophrenia
than the US; the rates are the same even though their numbers of people
that are positive for Toxoplasma are much higher.
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So it begs the question if there is another factor, some kind of genetic
predisposition or known association. It's certainly something to pay
attention to and to be concerned about, but it's not an earth shattering we
don't all have to be afraid at this point, I don't think, based on what's out
there. But I certainly think it's something to watch.
The other thing that they've looked at and this is really, really recent
information is that toxoplasmosis in people, the quiet subclinical form,
the question is whether it can play a role in dopamine and whether this
might be the connection. So if you stick Toxoplasma in a Petri dish,
which is a little science dish, it does affect the amount of dopamine made
in mammalian cells, and dopamine has a lot to do with your fear
responses, your sense of pleasure, your sense of paying attention to things.
And so dopamine does have a really active role and there is a question of
whether toxoplasmosis may affect dopamine.
Now, again, in a Petri dish there is one study which was an open source
publication online that says, indeed, they think it does, but that's really
new. And we do know that in schizophrenia, dopamine is increased. That
we do know for sure. And so there may be a connection that's connected
through dopamine. Again, but not all schizophrenics are Toxoplasma
positive, and actually very few of them are.
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But we're seeing these sorts of headlines: "Harmful Parasites in Cat Poop
are Widespread," "Toxoplasma Oocsyt is a Public Health Problem." This
is the kind of stuff that's coming out, and I've already heard from some
communities where people are it's becoming the thing to go after feral
cats again, community cats, and so the concern whether they're going to be
a source of Toxoplasma and whether that means everybody's going to
develop schizophrenia in that neighborhood, or other diseases from
So this actually came out of a parasitology peer-refereed journal, and I'm
just going to read it out loud because this is kind of the vision that I'm
most afraid of, because I think it's a narrow vision. "Public health policy
should prohibit the practice of allowing pet cats to roam. Organizations
and individuals that feed feral cats are unwittingly contributing to the
dissemination of Toxoplasma by sustaining artificially dense populations
of the definitive host of these protozoa parasite." So, basically, the
parasitologists came out saying that we shouldn't feed feral cats, or
outdoor cats, or roaming cats.
This sounds familiar. To me it sounds familiar in talking about TNR and
all of those questions. And I say we need to be a little bit more creative
than that, because we know that trapping and euthanizing is not humane or
effective. And we know that ignoring the problem and not feeding the
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cats is not going to fix the problem. They're still going to be out there;
they're just not going to be fed. I mean this, to me, implies let's stop
feeding the cats and just let them die off, which is not going to happen. So
we need to be smart about it, and through spray-neuter we've been smart
about it. Let's target those communities. Let's reduce population.
So my take on points and I'll get to questions in just one second but
things I want you to go home thinking about. The number of cats
shedding oocysts is low. It's less than one percent at any time. The
shedding period is the risk period, so it is that one to three weeks, on
average 14 days, of shedding. That is the risk period for actually
spreading the oocyst, and we can control some of that in how we manage
our cats. Serologic testing of healthy cats is of little clinical value. You
do not want to use Toxoplasma titers as a screening test to elect what you
do with your cats.
Immune compromised individuals and pregnant women need to take
precautions. Maybe we all need to take precautions and manage how we
handle poop. That's what we're good at. Cats are only one source and
indoor cats very low risk, unless you have a rodent population. So, again,
cats are one source. Raw meat is a problem. Soils are now a problem.
Water is a problem in some areas; water sources can be contaminated.
Indoor cats extremely low risk.
Toxoplasmosis: Truth, Fiction, and Crazy Cat Ladies? Page 42 of 42
Maddie’s Institute
, 6160 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, CA 94588
Disposing of feces within 24 hours is your best approach, hands down; get
rid of it before it sporulates. And decreasing populations of free-roaming
cats through humane and effective methods meaning TNR, not PTS, put
to sleep could contribute to lower environmental contamination. We all
want to control the numbers of free-roaming cats we have out there, and
we're trying to do it through targeted spay-neuter efforts and other humane
efforts. I don't think trapping and euthanizing the cats is the answer to
that. We need to bring the numbers down, but let's do it through a way
that's not harmful to the cats.
These are my references. I put them all in there. There are lots of things
you probably never want to read in your life. I put some other ones that
are available online out there or that you should easily have on your shelf.
And thank you to Maddie's Fund
, the ASPCA, and Cornell for hosting
this conference. And now questions. Yes, sir.
[End of Audio]