What is Fresh Films?
Fresh Films is a film production studio and training ground for youth filmmakers. Teams of youth
work together, rotating through all film positions – from camera and sound, to editing and effects -
gaining technical and life skills. The resulting EMMY quality feature films, TV episodes or
commercials are released in theatres, at schools, on DVD, online, on TV, at major retailers and
internationally with funds from distribution reinvested to support more youth programming.
What is Fresh Films JERSEY CITY?
Fresh Films is working with Best Buy Teen Tech Centers across the nation to host programs
designed to build skills in filmmaking that can be used to launch career opportunities for youth in
the areas that they serve. We’ll be at the Best Buy Teen Tech Center at the Boys & Girls Clubs of
Hudson County in Jersey City to provide students with a hands-on filmmaking apprenticeship on a
professional film set this fall, followed by weekly training sessions that will take them through
in-depth narrative & unscripted filmmaking as well as video editing. Students will even have the
chance to create their own film festival entries. In the summer of 2020, Fresh Films will place the
participating youth in 4-8 week paid internships with other film and media organizations! No prior
film experience required. This program will focus on building resume skills for college, media
schools, or a first job in the field!
I thought Fresh Films made films and TV shows?
Yep, we do that too! Films and TV shows are created as part of our Fresh Films summer program.
Students who participate throughout the school year will have the chance to go on set to film a
project with a real film crew. There is more info on that near the bottom of this FAQ!
Where and when will Fresh Films Career Chicago take place?
- Where: Best Buy Teen Tech Center at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Hudson County at 225
Morris Blvd, Jersey City, NJ
- When: November 2019 - May 2020 (with enrollment taking place in December & February):
What is the timeline of the program?
November 2019 - May 2020 (with enrollment taking place in December & February):
Starting November 15, program participants will meet one evening per week with a Fresh Films
program facilitator at the Best Buy Teen Tech Center, learning film skills through our hands-on
curriculum and developing a film project.
COMMITMENT: One afternoon/evening per week, Fridays 4:30-7pm.
COMMITMENT: Full time for 4 days, up to 40 hours. (You’re going to work hard and put in some
long days, but you’ll learn a ton and have a blast!)
You will be placed in a part time paid 4-8 week internship with a local media or film organization,
working on projects for them and learning all about their corner of the industry while gaining real
work experience. You will receive a stipend of $250 every 2 weeks.
COMMITMENT: 15-20 hours per week
Do I have to participate in ALL parts of the 9-month Career Path Program?
Yes! To participate, you must commit to all program phases. We will make exceptions for those
coming in as new participants during December and February enrollments.
Who can participate in the program?
This program is open to teens ages 15-19 from the Chicagoland area. You can be of any
filmmaking skill level.
Do you need previous film experience? Or a certain GPA?
There is absolutely no experience necessary to be on a Fresh Films crew! And we don’t look at
your GPA, but we will help build your resume and tech skills. Teens just need to have a passion to
learn, get creative and collaborate with a team. We'll fill you in on the rest!
How do you apply for the program?
To be part of the Fresh Films Career Path Program, just go to freshfilms.org/programs and fill out
the online application.
Do I have to be a member of the Best Buy Teen Tech Center at the Boys & Girls Clubs
of Hudson County in order to participate?
Yes! You must be a member of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Hudson County in order to take part in
the program. But the application is fast and easy, and you will automatically gain a membership to
all that the Best Buy Teen Tech Center has to offer, even on non-program days. When you’re
accepted into the program, you will be required to complete your application to the BGC. OR, you
can apply now here: https://www.bgchc.org/newpage-1
Who leads the production?
College-aged interns from previous Fresh Films seasons along with our professional filmmakers will
work alongside the teen crews showing them everything they need to know in an intensive
filmmaking production on set. Once placed into an internship, participating youth will have a
mentor in which they work under.
Do you HAVE to answer the essay questions on the application?
Yes! It's how we determine your passion for filmmaking and choose our program participants.
What happens after you’re selected for this program?
Once you’re selected, you’ll need to confirm your participation by sending in your filmmaker
release form and any other necessary information. The release form confirms your participation on
the crew. We’ll also discuss production dates and other needs with you and your parent or
Is this a camp?
No horseback riding here! Fresh Films is a professional film company, where teams of teen
filmmakers apprentice alongside professional filmmakers and work on all the aspects of film
production. On-set you’ll rotate through all key positions on the film-set, working camera, sound,
lighting, costuming, make-up, production, set-design and more.
So you're gonna give us money to make my film?
Sorry, no film grants. But we will teach you the producing, directing and editing skills you will need
to create your own short film.
How much is this program going to cost?
The program is free to participate in, and in fact during your internship, you will be paid for your
What do you have to buy?
Nothing! There is no purchase necessary to submit to apply to be a filmmaker with Fresh Films!
What if we already have a crew including actors. Can we make our own film?
Sounds like you're well on your way – congratulations! Fresh Films, however, is a team-oriented
experience, from start to finish. Our program isn't designed to produce any one filmmaker's vision.
But, we certainly hope you go on to make your own short films!
Who is the director, the cinematographer?
No one filmmaker will be selected over another to serve in any crew position for the duration of
the production week. As a Fresh Films Filmmaker, you will rotate through several crew positions,
including camera, sound, assistant director, etc working alongside the professional film crew.
What equipment are we going use?
Get ready to start drooling! We use Blackmagic Design URSA cameras, Canon D1 DSLR cameras,
Dell Precision Laptops outfitted with Blackmagic DaVinci and Fusion, and Dell Alienware Area51m
notebooks! We also have professional sound and lighting packages, booms and dollies. It’s a
Hollywood set – although we have a lot more snacks and less sushi.
How do Actors get involved?
There is no experience necessary to audition and act in our Fresh Films! Whether you star in your
high school's musical or your family's Christmas talent show. All actors (union, non-union or
enthusiastic newcomers) are encouraged to come to our open casting call to try out for a paid role
in the film. Casting call info will be posted separately – usually within (4) weeks of the start of the
How do you intern with Fresh Films?
Interns are chosen from our Fresh Films alumni. Once you've participated in the Fresh Films
program, you will receive information on how to apply to be an intern for the following year.
Tell me more about your partnership with Augustana College?
Fresh Films is now located on-campus of Augustana College where Fresh Films and the college
launched a new Entertainment Media program in the Fall of 2017. College students at Augustana
get to intern and work with Fresh Films all year long in production, editing, marketing, business
and accounting. Our goal is to create leaders in the Entertainment Industry who have a
well-rounded background of production, technical skills and distribution. We encourage you to
check it out as you get closer to college!
What else has Fresh Films produced?
Here are some of the Film and TV projects teens have created as part of Fresh Films! Please check
them out – rent, download, stream or buy – and support your fellow teens!
+ “Alternate Universe: A Rescue Mission” is a science adventure film starring 80’s superstar Steve
Guttenberg that had nearly 200 teenagers from Colorado to New Jersey working on-set or in the
editing bay. The film launched at a White House Educational event, and just released at Redbox,
Family Video, iTunes, Amazon, Target and on all major cable systems.
+ “The Stream” starring Rainn Wilson and Mario Lopez released in theatres and then on iTunes,
Amazon and at Walmart. The film was created by over 160 teens from Los Angeles, Boston,
Chicago, Philadelphia, New York and other cities. See it here:  www.thestreammovie.com
+ Emmy-nominated show “Detectives Club” has kid-detectives seeking the scientific truth in every
episode – like do belugas really sing? Or do people interact with dinosaurs? Premiered on PBS
WTTW Chicago, the show is re-launching in late 2018 with even more episodes and
kid-detectives.View a trailer here  https://vimeo.com/127275089
+ During Summer 2017, teens in Chicago and Los Angeles worked on new TV Pilots! The new
shows, called “Miskits” and “Gwen’s World of Weird” just released to Hollywood heavyweights from
Disney, Warner Brothers, Amazon, National Geographic, Fullscreen Media and even to a producer
at Star Trek! You can view the TV Pilots at https://freshfilms.org/watch-our-films.php
+ Most recently, we partnered with AT&T and Hello Sunshine on the first-ever all-girls Filmmaker
Lab! The AT&T Hello Sunshine Filmmaker Lab produced by Fresh Films brought 21 girls to LA to
create a documentary featuring interviews with women in the entertainment industry, including
Reese Witherspoon! You can watch the final documentary at https://youtu.be/o4FXf_oPFks
Who is Fresh Films?
Fresh Films / Dreaming Tree Films has been around since 2002 – and have made it our mission is
to ignite youth through creativity. Our authentic film platforms give teens hands-on experiences,
real-life skills and a heightened responsibility to succeed. Teens have called it “the best time of
their lives” and over 250 media outlets have showcased the teens’ work.
For nearly a decade, our Fresh Films (https://freshfilms.org/) program has been the largest
national platform for youth creativity. Hollywood Celebrities including Mario Lopez, Rainn Wilson,
Usher, Jonathan Lithgow, Dominic Monaghan, Natasha Bedingfield, Alexa Vega, JoAnna Garcia
Swisher, Sean Astin & many others have acted or participated in the teen-created films. You can
learn more or make a donation towards the program by visiting
Have a question you're sure we didn't answer? Email us at [email protected]