VOLUME 40, ARTICLE 14, PAGES 359-394
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2019.40.14
Research Article
‘Will the one who keeps the children keep the
house?’ Residential mobility after divorce by
parenthood status and custody arrangements in
Giulia Ferrari
Carole Bonnet
Anne Solaz
This publication is part of the Special Collection on “Separation, Divorce, and
Residential Mobility in a Comparative Perspective,” organized by Guest
Editors Júlia Mikolai, Hill Kulu, and Clara Mulder.
© 2019 Giulia Ferrari, Carole Bonnet & Anne Solaz.
This open-access work is published under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 Germany (CC BY 3.0 DE), which permits use, reproduction,
and distribution in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source
are given credit.
1 Introduction 360
2 Background 361
2.1 Residential mobility and parental status 361
2.2 Residential mobility and custodial status 362
2.3 Consequences of the move 364
2.3.1 The distance of the move 364
2.3.2 Housing conditions 365
3 The French context 365
4 Data, methods, and variables 367
4.1 Data and sample 367
4.2 Methods 368
4.3 Variables 369
4.3.1 Outcomes 369
4.3.2 Variables of interest 369
4.3.3 Controls 370
5 Results 371
5.1 Descriptive statistics 371
5.2 Multivariate analysis 373
5.2.1 Moving after divorce 373
5.2.2 Moving distance 377
5.2.3 Housing conditions 378
5.3 Endogeneity issues 381
6 Discussion and conclusions 381
7 Acknowledgements 384
References 385
Appendix 389
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 14
Research Article 359
‘Will the one who keeps the children keep the house?’
Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and
custody arrangements in France
Giulia Ferrari
Carole Bonnet
Anne Solaz
After divorce, at least one of the partners usually relocates and, according to past
research, it is more often the woman. Women’s housing conditions are likely to worsen.
Divorces where children are involved are frequent and shared custody arrangements are
becoming more common in Europe.
This paper analyses the extent to which residential mobility after divorce is linked to
parental status and child custody arrangements in France, a topic that remains largely
unstudied. We assess not only the probability of moving but also the distance of the
move and changes in housing conditions.
We apply logistic and linear regressions to different indicators from a recent
administrative database, the French Permanent Demographic Sample, 2010–2013,
which makes it possible to track divorced people and their households over time.
One year after divorce, women are more likely to move than men, although the gender
gap is narrower for parents. While sole custody is associated with fewer moves than
noncustody for both sexes, shared custody arrangements imply many more moves for
mothers than for fathers. Parents more often move near their previous joint home than
nonparents, especially those with shared custody. Housing conditions do not necessarily
deteriorate after separation, but women are often disadvantaged compared with men.
Institut National d’Études Démographiques (INED), Paris, France. Email:
Institut National d’Études Démographiques (INED), Paris, France.
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
This paper expands on the current literature in that it addresses changes in residency
after separation by including the effects of parental status and child custody
1. Introduction
Divorce has become a common life event that affects an ever-increasing share of the
population in most developed countries. The stigma previously associated with divorce
is less pronounced (Wolfinger 1999; Lyngstad and Jalovaara 2010) and the negative
consequences of separation on well-being are more limited or of shorter duration than
previously, for both adults (Hetherington 2003; Andreß and Bröckel 2007) and children
(Amato 2001). However, the period around divorce remains a time of considerable
difficulty and stress for most individuals (Amato 2010). Part of this stress is linked to
the residential relocation that divorce entails. At the time of separation, partners must
either look for a new home and agree on who will move or decide whether the joint
home is to be sold. The new housing may be worse because of financial, parental, or
professional constraints. Relocation may also involve a possible loss of social contacts
with friends and neighbours.
Divorce frequently involves children, in which case parents must also make
custody arrangements. A growing trend towards shared custody has been observed in
many countries (Cancian et al. 2014), supported by new laws encouraging an equal
division of parental responsibilities. This has certainly been the case in France, where
more than one in five divorces that involve children result in shared custody
arrangements, while the most common arrangement, in which the mother has sole
custody, is on the decrease (Bonnet, Garbinti, and Solaz 2015). These trends may shape
the residential mobility of divorced parents in the future, because shared custody
implies that both parents must provide housing for their children on a regular basis.
This means that they need to have enough space in their home and also live close to
each other, especially when the children are young. Child custody arrangements,
decided by the parents and submitted for the approval of a family court judge in France,
may also be guided by the postdivorce housing conditions of each parent. Child custody
arrangements and mobility choices are thus closely linked (Thomas, Mulder, and Cooke
In most cases, divorce involves the relocation of at least one partner. According to
Durier (2017), only 20% of divorces involve simultaneous moves by both partners
within the year following separation, meaning that one parent typically leaves the joint
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 14 361
home before the other. Parents may have reasons for staying in the same
accommodation or area that do not apply to childless partners, such as wanting to limit
the changes associated with separation, whether for their children or because they have
other financial constraints. Several questions therefore arise. Do divorcing parents and
childless couples have different patterns of behaviour as regards moving? Is the father
or the mother more likely to move out of the joint home? Is the move due to gender or
custodial status? What are the characteristics of these moves: for example, distance
from previous home, housing tenure, house size?
Using an extensive administrative database, we consider the factors that determine
residential moves and the conditions of the new housing (if any) for married couples
and civil unions (or PACS
) that have recently been dissolved in France. The current
study investigates only the dissolutions of formal unions.
It makes two primary
contributions. First, it documents short-term mobility following divorce in France for
parents relative to nonparents, which is novel because, apart from Villaume (2016),
most of the available evidence is limited and outdated (Festy 1988; Bonvalet 1993).
Second, in the context of an increasing trend in Europe towards shared custody, the
originality of our work lies in expanding on the current literature, specifically regarding
the determining factors and the types of moves that occur after separation. We do this
by studying the specific role played by child custody arrangements following divorce.
2. Background
2.1 Residential mobility and parental status
The literature has studied what happens when divorce triggers a change in residence for
at least one of the partners in the relationship (Sullivan 1986; Symon 1990; Feijten and
van Ham 2007), emphasizing that divorce-related residential mobility has specific
characteristics that differ from mobility linked to other family reasons (e.g., union
formation or childbirth). First, the moves are often made in haste (Feijten and van Ham
2007), as a sense of urgency may affect the way the house is sold or induce some
The French Civil Code Act of 15 November 1999, which has since been amended several times, provides
the opportunity for unmarried couples to organize their lives together, with some social and tax advantages to
both partners. A civil union or PACS (pacte civil de solidarité) may be established by a private or notarial act.
It is registered at the district court where the partners jointly reside.
The only way to identify cohabiting unions is by linking tax data to census data (which includes a question
about unregistered partnership). However, due to the rotating nature of the French census, this is not possible
on a yearly basis. Throughout the text, we will use the terms ‘divorce’ and ‘separation’ interchangeably,
because we are considering official dissolutions of the two types of formal unions that are available in France,
namely marriages and PACS.
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
suboptimal choice of new accommodation. Second, the moves may be financially
constrained, since separation brings an end to the household’s economies of scale and,
in many cases, may also lead to a decrease in living standards, especially for women
(see Bonnet, Garbinti, and Solaz 2016 for France).
Moreover, the move may be spatially constrained because of the presence of
children, who can affect both the occurrence of a move and the geographical destination
(Mulder and Wagner 2010). Due to the parents’ desire not to unsettle the children even
more, they may attempt to ensure that their daily lives are as similar as possible to
before the divorce by keeping them in the same home – or at least in the same school.
Of course, the financial constraints (possibly faced by one parent more than the other)
can be particularly significant after divorce and may force one or both parents to leave
the joint home. Whatever their custodial status, parents are likely to stay closer to each
other if they want to maintain the parent–child relationship.
Hypothesis 1: We expect parents either to remain in the joint home or to move
closer to it more often than is the case for nonparents.
2.2 Residential mobility and custodial status
The literature, both theoretical and empirical, has paid much attention to which of the
two partners moves out, a topic which – even when children are not involved – clearly
has a gender dimension. Among parents, it is closely related to custodial status, because
women are much more likely to be the custodial parent. In this article, we go further by
trying to establish whether gender disparity in residential mobility is linked to custodial
Building on a theoretical cost-benefit approach, Mulder and Wagner (2010) study
which parent moves out of the joint home following separation. The ‘moveris the one
for whom the cost (monetary and nonmonetary) of moving is lower than the cost of
staying. We expect the custodial parent to bear a higher cost both monetary and
nonmonetary – of moving from the joint home than the noncustodial parent. Mulder
and Wagner identify three types of nonmonetary costs: housing disruption, which is
associated with the risk of a decline in housing conditions; the effort of finding new
accommodation and getting used to a new environment; and emotional distress. These
costs may be higher for custodial parents compared with noncustodial parents, because
relocation may affect the child(ren), who may lose some friends and, if the move
involves changing schools, have to adjust to new schoolmates or changes in
extracurricular activities. These developments could have some short-term negative
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 14 363
effects on educational performance, although not necessarily in the long term (Hango
Hypothesis 2: The cost-benefit approach predicts that the custodial parent is more
likely to stay in the joint home than the noncustodial parent following separation.
Remaining in the joint home requires sufficient resources to pay all the housing
costs after divorce, whereas, in the case of moving, it is possible to choose somewhere
smaller and therefore cheaper because of the reduced family size. So we may expect the
parent with more financial resources to remain in the house, which would be in line
with their greater bargaining power (Mulder et al. 2012).
Because custodial parents bear the largest share of child-related costs, which are
only partly balanced by the child support payment given by the noncustodial parent,
their relative resources compared with the noncustodial parent are diminished. Thus,
custodial parents are less likely to remain in the joint home. On the other hand, if we
include the bargaining power on certain nonfinancial aspects, such as the ability to
make decisions regarding the daily lives of the children, the custodial parent may be
considered to have more bargaining power than the noncustodial one. He or, in most
cases, she may advocate for “the best interests of the child,” which primarily means
remaining in the joint home. A family court judge may support these “best interests” by
deciding to keep the child in the joint home. These nonfinancial aspects may play a
greater role than financial ones, thus reducing the influence of relative financial
resources in sole custody arrangements. In shared custody arrangements, however,
where these nonfinancial aspects are split equally, the parents’ relative financial
resources may play a larger role.
These considerations help us understand the interrelationships of gender, custodial
status, and mobility, while possibly allowing us to disentangle the influence of gender
from that of custodial status. On the one hand, because women are on average
financially less well-off following divorce, they may be more likely to move out of the
joint home. On the other hand, women may be less likely to move because they are
often the primary caregivers of their children, and sole custodial parents are expected to
move less often. Cooke, Mulder, and Thomas (2016) observe that, among parents, those
with resident children are less likely to migrate than those without, while the latter are
just as likely to migrate as nonparents. Recent research indicates that women move out
of the joint home more often than men but not if they have children (Mulder and
Wagner 2010; Dewilde 2008; Gram-Hanssen and Bech-Danielsen 2008; Thomas,
Mulder, and Cooke 2017). These results are also found in France (Villaume 2016).
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
Hypothesis 3: We expect the gender gap in observed changes in residence
following divorce to be moderated by sole custodial status, but not by shared or no
custody arrangements.
2.3 Consequences of the move
Beyond changes in residence, the question of spatial trajectories has also gained
importance in the literature (Feijten and van Ham 2007). Researchers are interested not
only in who moves but also in where people move to (in terms of distance and the type
of environment), as well as in the type of housing adjustments made.
2.3.1 The distance of the move
When parents want to maintain a constant relationship with their children, they may
wish to move close to where the children live. Moving far from the preseparation joint
home is generally associated with higher costs, both monetary (e.g., it is more
expensive to see the children after moving further away) and nonmonetary (e.g., there is
an increased risk of losing contact with children and friends). Parents will move closer
to the preseparation home than nonparents will (Mulder and Malmberg 2011; Cooke,
Mulder, and Thomas 2016). Gram-Hanssen and Bech-Danielsen (2008) show that
separated parents live closer to each other than childless people do. Cooke, Mulder, and
Thomas (2016) observe that parents’ postseparation migration decisions are highly
correlated, unlike those of childless ex-couples.
With regard to custodial status, a recent study by Thomas, Mulder, and Cooke
shows that “the distance between separated parents is almost three times shorter when
both have a child(ren) resident as compared to when only the mother has the shared
child(ren)” (2017: 11). Along the same lines, Stjernström and Strömgren (2012)
observe that distances between children and their absent parents have decreased over
time in Sweden. They link this trend to the increasingly common practice of shared
custody arrangements following separation, which reflects changing norms and values
concerning parenthood.
Thus, we expect that the more equally time with the children is shared, the closer
the parents will live to each other, because their child custody arrangements will
involve frequent visits and journeys to school.
Hypothesis 4: Parents with shared custody are expected to move less far away after
separation than parents with sole custody.
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2.3.2 Housing conditions
As the literature has demonstrated, divorce often leads to a “downward move on the
housing ladder,” especially for women (Mikolai and Kulu 2018b). This downward
move is exemplified by an exit from homeownership (Dewilde 2008), which in Britain
is twice as likely for separated men and women as for couples (Mikolai and Kulu
2018b). However, the same study also shows gender differences. After separation,
women are more likely than men to move out of the joint home and more likely to
apply for social housing, especially when they are mothers, whereas men are more
likely to become homeowners. Further, the general worsening of the housing situation
on separation is also marked by a move to a smaller residence (Mikolai and Kulu
2018a). Since men are more likely to continue living in the joint home, they are less
likely to suffer from a decline in housing conditions. However, moving out strongly
depends on the presence of children and on child custody arrangements. Previous
studies (Mikolai and Kulu 2018a) in the British context found that parents are less
likely than childless people to move to smaller homes.
A larger property is necessary for the custodial parent because the child(ren) will
live with them, but a smaller one may be sufficient for the noncustodial parent. In cases
of shared custody, two properties of a similar size may be needed, though this will
mean giving up other expenses for parents with a limited budget.
Hypothesis 5: We expect the decline in housing quality to be less pronounced in
cases of both sole and shared custody than in cases of noncustody.
3. The French context
Marriage rates in France have halved since the beginning of the 1970s, while
cohabitation has become common. The civil union called PACS was introduced in 1999
and is now widespread as a form of legal union (Mazuy et al. 2014). Compared with
marriage, a PACS is simpler to enter into and to dissolve. It has also become similar in
terms of taxation,
although it offers less protection in matters such as inheritance
survivor’s pensions (in the case of a partner’s death). The legal framework for
cohabiting couples is less protective.
As of 2005, all PACS partners are required to file joint tax returns, as married couples do. Because income
taxation is progressive, filing jointly rather than separately leads to paying less tax in almost all cases where
one partner earns substantially more than the other.
Partners do not inherit from each other unless it is stipulated in a will.
Joint taxation is not possible and cohabiting partners are not eligible for a survivor’s pension.
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
Separation and divorce are widespread in France. In 2014, 44 divorces were
recorded for every 100 marriages, and PACS dissolutions increased over the period
2010–2013. In 2012, 52% of divorces involved a child who was a minor (HCF 2014).
Until recently, divorce required the intervention of a family court judge. The
average duration of divorce proceedings depends on agreement between the divorcees
on all the legal and economic aspects of dissolution (home, alimony, child custody
arrangements, etc.). Uncontested divorce is rapid and takes 3.6 months
on average,
while more acrimonious divorces last longer, on average 27.8 months (French Ministry
of Justice 2016).
Court decisions mandate parental custody arrangements, child support payments,
and the distribution of property and goods. The decision about child custody might be
exactly what is proposed by the parents, who are often advised by their lawyers. In most
cases, they come to an agreement before the judgement. Agreement about the property
depends on occupancy arrangements. If renting, the partner who leaves the joint home
is obliged to keep paying his or her part of the rent until the divorce is finalized. If both
parents have equal ownership, the partner who stays in the joint home normally has to
buy the other partners share. If both partners leave and sell the property, they are in
general both entitled to half of the sale price. Special cases are ruled on specifically by
the judge.
With a few exceptions, legal custody, which gives parents the right to decide about
the well-being of their child (e.g., health and education), is shared, but physical custody
is granted exclusively to the mother in the majority of cases (70% of divorces in 2012)
(Carrasco and Dufour 2015). Shared custody is granted in about one-fifth of cases
(21%), while sole custody to fathers accounts for 6%. In the French context, shared
custody means roughly that the child’s time is divided equally between each parent.
Parents are also expected to share child-related costs equally. In cases of sole custody,
the visiting rights of the noncustodial partner and the amount of child support to be paid
are decided by the judge.
With regard to housing tenure, 58% of households were owner-occupiers of their
main residence in 2013 (Laferrère, Pouliquen, and Rougerie 2017), while the remainder
rented in either the private or the public (social) housing sectors. Social housing in
France provides accommodation at moderate rents to low-income households. Since the
early 2000s, the public administration’s objective has been to reach a 20% share of
social housing in the total housing provision of each municipality. Due to their low
income, single-parent families are overrepresented in social housing (Trevien 2014).
Since January 2017, the duration of an uncontested divorce has been further reduced and, as long as all
parties meet the deadline, couples can now divorce in less than a month.
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4. Data, methods, and variables
4.1 Data and sample
To answer our research questions, we use the French Permanent Demographic Sample
(Echantillon démographique permanent or EDP), an administrative database linking
censuses, vital events registration, and salaries for individuals born in the first four days
of January, April, July, and October of each year (“EDP-individuals”). Since 2010, this
database has also been linked to the entire tax-declaring French population. The
strength of this data relative to panel or retrospective surveys is the large sample size,
the lack of attrition even in cases of moving, and the available information on shared
custody arrangements.
The analytical sample consists of 21,290 heterosexual divorced people or people
who have dissolved their civil unions (about 2.3% of unions) in 2011 or 2012 and were
tracked over at least three consecutive fiscal years. Because of missing values for some
of the control variables (especially on income), the empirical analyses were performed
on 20,099 observations (9,968 men and 10,131 women). The observation window
begins in the year before separation, when people are still married or in a civil union
and have filed a joint income tax return. The data provides information on their income
and current accommodation, as well as on several individual and household
characteristics. In the year of union dissolution (t), they declare themselves as either
“divorced” or “living single” (the latter applies to the PACS) or state that separation
was their last conjugal event. Finally, one year after separation (t + 1) and for half of the
sample at two years (t + 2), we study information on their current situation (Table 1).
The data allows tracking of EDP-individuals.
We gather information on other family
members, should there be any, if they are coresident. However, after a divorce or a
PACS dissolution, we can no longer identify the partners of EDP-individuals
(if they
are not EDP-individuals themselves) because they have left the household.
In cases of multiple tax returns for the same individual (frequent in cases of separation), we prioritized the
one with the earliest change in residence.
These people are unique because we can link their information from censuses, vital events registrations, and
tax returns, while being able to follow them over time.
This would be feasible for a very small portion of the sample (about 0.2%): in other words, couples
comprising two EDP-individuals who were both born on the selected dates of the panel inclusion criteria.
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
Table 1: Dataset description
T – 1 (in couple, shared housing)
T (year of divorce or
civil union dissolution)
T + 1 (housing change,
location, conditions)
Sample size
2010 2011 2012 10,608
2011 2012 2013 10,682
Source: French Permanent Demographic Sample (INSEE), 2010–2013
4.2 Methods
Because the previous literature has shown that moves after divorce are likely to be
gendered (see Section 2.2), we estimate models for the entire sample and separately by
sex. Control variables for child custody arrangements are observed for parents only.
Therefore, for each sex (and outcome category) we estimate two models: for the whole
sample and for parents only.
Different models are estimated according to the nature of the outcome variable.
Logistic regressions are used to model both the probability of moving (Y = 1 when
people change accommodation the year after divorce, Y = 0 otherwise) and the
probability of experiencing worse housing conditions (Y = 1 if moving from owner-
occupier to renter, Y = 0 otherwise; Y = 1 if moving to fewer bedrooms per person,
Y = 0 otherwise; and Y = 1 if moving to a smaller property per person, Y = 0 otherwise).
To analyse the distance of the move, we estimate a multinomial logistic regression
on whether they move short (Y = 1 if same municipality), medium (Y = 2 if same
county), or long (Y = 3 if outside county) distances. We then use linear regressions on
the distance of the move measured in kilometres. This alternative indicator of
continuous distance is more accurate. Indeed, there might be cases in which two
municipalities are very close but belong to two different counties.
We are fully aware that child custody arrangements and mobility choices are
decided simultaneously and are interrelated. Therefore, we use an instrumental variable
to correct for this possible endogeneity due to possible reverse causality or unobserved
characteristics (the results are provided in Appendix Table A-5). We expect
endogeneity to be particularly significant as regards the distance moved following
divorce, but we have made this correction on the other outcomes considered (decision
to move and housing conditions). In our instrumental variable approach, we take
advantage of the huge territorial discrepancies in shared custody arrangements at the
regional level in France (Bonnet, Garbinti, and Solaz 2015). We thus use shared
custody at the county level (France is comprised of around 100 county-like
administrative divisions called départements) as an instrument for individual shared
custody arrangements. The share of child custody ranges from 7% to 21% depending on
the place of residence. Reasons for this may include the effect of the decisions of a
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 14 369
divorce court (or a family court judge) at the local level. We checked for other possible
explanations linked to local variations, such as socioeconomic situation or religiosity,
but no obvious external causes explain this rate, confirming that it is a reliable
instrument because it is randomly defined from the individual’s point of view. The high
value of the F-statistics in the first-stage regression guards against the risk of a weak
4.3 Variables
4.3.1 Outcomes
We studied three dimensions of mobility: the probability of the move itself, its distance,
and the housing conditions following the move. First, we calculate the probability of
moving: that is, whether in the year following the divorce the EDP-individual lives in
the same accommodation as before the divorce. Then, for movers, we studied the
location of residence after divorce: whether the ex-partners live in the same
municipality as before, not in the same municipality but in the same county, or beyond,
that is to say outside the county of residence before divorce.
We also took into account the distance in kilometres between the two locations.
For this we used a software application called Metric, developed by INSEE (Bigard,
Timotéo, and Levy 2014), which calculates the direct-route distance between two
To measure housing conditions after divorce, we used several indicators: the type
of housing tenure (homeownership, private or public renting), the number of bedrooms
per person, and the size of the home per person in square metres. Exit from ownership
is another indicator of worse living conditions. The literature considers ownership to be
a desirable goal, and the well-being of a household is assumed to be greater when one is
an owner (Spilerman and Wolff 2012). Homeownership is also usually associated with
a wide range of beneficial outcomes (Dewilde 2008).
4.3.2 Variables of interest
Our variables of interest are parenthood status (parents or childless) at the moment of
divorce and, for the subsample of divorced parents, the child custody arrangements after
For overseas territories, we decided to take the maximum distance of the move, imputed differently by sex
and parenthood status. For people in Corsica, we took the distance between Marseille and the Corsican town
plus the distance between the town in metropolitan France and Marseille.
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
Thus, we distinguish between parents with sole, shared, or no child custody.
Type of child custody is associated with different income tax deductions and is thus
reported on tax returns.
The custody arrangement is self-declared, and the proportion
of shared custody declared by fathers is greater than that of mothers, who have more tax
incentives to declare sole custody.
Beyond tax optimization reasons, parents are more
likely to declare their children even if they do not live with them full-time, as shown by
Toulemon, Durier, and Marteau (2017).
4.3.3 Controls
We controlled for a set of sociodemographic variables (see Appendix Table A-1): sex;
age at divorce (2029, 3039, 4049, 5059, 60 and over); age gap between partners
(whether the man is older, both are the same age, or the woman is older); age of the
youngest child (less than 3 years, 4–14 years, 15 years or more); duration of marriage
(less than 4 years, 4–6 years, 7–10 years, more than 10 years or unknown duration
number of children; and nationality (native or foreign-born). With respect to
socioeconomic covariates, we considered two dimensions, education (divided into four
groups: lower than secondary, secondary, higher than secondary, or missing
) and
adjusted household income (grouped by quintiles). This is the sum of all employment-
related incomes (including unemployment or retirement benefits) received by the two
partners, divided by the number of consumption units, using the OECD-modified
equivalence scale that gives 1 for adults, 0.3 for children under 14, and 0.5 for children
14 and over or for other adults in the household. We also considered, as an additional
indicator of poverty, whether any household member received unemployment benefits
during the year before divorce. Such a situation could exacerbate housing difficulties in
a high-demand housing market and therefore hinder residential mobility. However, the
Again we use the term ‘divorce,’ but we consider both marriage and PACS dissolutions. Duties and rights
of parents do not change, regardless of their conjugal status.
Tax deductions are higher for parents with sole custody than for those with shared custody, where tax
deductions are shared.
Parents with no custody also include parents whose child moves elsewhere to another fiscal household: e.g.,
if he or she becomes a student and files a separate tax return.
Dates of marriages and civil unions are available from those that took place after 2000, so we assume that
unknown dates refer those that occurred before. We could not exclude the possibility that a few dates are
missing for other reasons.
Educational level is retrieved from the census, which is conducted on a rotating subsample of the French
resident population every five years. As the level of education is assumed to be quite stable over time, we
consider information on education each time the individual identified from fiscal data is found in the census.
However, the linkage was possible on only 63% of the total sample; the remainder was assumed to be
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 14 371
unemployed might also be less constrained than the employed in their choices about
place of residence, thus making them more spatially mobile.
We further controlled for housing tenure before divorce by distinguishing between
owner-occupiers, those with public and private rented accommodation, and, as a proxy
for location-specific capital, time spent in the predivorce home: fewer than 5 years, 5–9
years, and 10 years or more. Furthermore, we separated rural areas from cities
categorized as small (up to 20,000 inhabitants), medium (up to 200,000), and large (up
to 2 million inhabitants), and the Paris area. Finally, we took into account whether the
individual was married or in a civil union.
5. Results
5.1 Descriptive statistics
Divorce involves a change of residence for at least one partner and sometimes for both.
We omit the special cases of so-called LTA (living together apart) couples, who
continue to cohabit after divorce or separation for, say, financial reasons. This has been
shown to be uncommon (Martin, Cherlin, and Cross-Barnet 2011) and would concern
only 5% of divorced couples in the year immediately following divorce (Durier 2017).
Table 2 shows the distribution of the outcome variables for the entire sample and
the subsample of parents by sex. We find that fewer men move after divorce 59% of
men compared with 67% of women – which is consistent with the literature.
For parents, this gender gap is narrower, with 61% of men and 66% of women
moving, while it is larger for the childless, with 56% of men and 71% of women. This
means that parental status (and probably the custodial status, as women are much more
likely to be given custody) moderates the gender gap in the likelihood of moving, as
predicted by Hypothesis 3.
When divorcees move, they relocate within the same municipality (29%) or even
outside it but within the same county (47%). The mean distance is around 79
kilometres, but the median remains low (18 kilometres). Therefore, consistent with
Hypothesis 1, parents do not move as far away from the preseparation home as
nonparents, and are more likely to move within the municipality. Moving outside the
county relates to one in five parents and more than 30% of childless ex-partners, who
have fewer reasons than parents to remain close to the joint home.
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
Table 2: Observed outcome frequency distributions and descriptive statistics,
by sex and parenthood status (column percentages)
All Childless Parent
A year after divorce Total Men Women Men Women Men Women
Do they move?
No 37 41 33 44 29 39 34
Yes 63 59 67 56 71 61 66
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
N 21,290 10,512 10,778 3,298 3,344 7,214 7,434
For movers only
Where do they move?
Same municipality 29 28 30 23 27 29 32
Same county 47 48 47 44 43 50 49
Different county 24 24 23 33 30 21 19
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Mean distance (kilometres)
79 80 78 113 106 66 64
Median distance (kilometres)
18 19 17 26 23 17 15
N 13,491 6,241 7,250 1,845 2,363 4,396 4,887
What changes in housing
Fewer bedrooms 52 54 50 46 52 57 49
Same number of bedrooms 25 24 27 25 23 23 29
Fewer bedrooms per person
31 29 32 36 33 26 32
Same number of bedrooms
per person
15 13 16 18 19 11 15
Smaller size 67 67 67 59 66 70 68
Smaller size per person 34 30 38 39 36 27 39
N 13,491 6,241 7,250 1,845 2,363 4,397 4,889
For movers and owner-occupiers only
Owner-occupier to owner 31 35 29 41 34 33 26
Owner-occupier to private
55 55 55 50 52 57 57
Owner-occupier to public
14 10 16 9 14 10 17
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
N 7,719 3,444 4,275 889 1,189 2,555 3,086
Source: French Permanent Demographic Sample (INSEE), 2010–2013.
The new home does not necessarily have fewer bedrooms: around half do, while a
quarter have a similar number and the remaining quarter have even more bedrooms than
the previous property. Fathers who move are the most likely to live in a new home with
fewer bedrooms (57%). One reason might be that they have custody of the child less
often. Though in most cases the property is smaller, it is not necessarily smaller relative
to the new household configuration after divorce. In other words, the reduction in
property size might be in line with the new household size. Among parents, mothers are
more affected by a reduction in their living area per person: 39% have less space per
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 14 373
person after divorce than before, compared with 27% of fathers. In contrast, among
childless divorcees, 39% of men and 36% of women have less space per person in their
new home. For childless people, particularly women, the housing is often smaller and
with fewer bedrooms, but it does not always involve a reduction per person, as they
benefit from the whole space if they live alone.
Among spouses who were owner-occupiers of their housing (59%), a substantial
proportion (69%) became tenants in either the private or the public sector within the
year following divorce.
Parents, and particularly women, are more likely to ‘lose’
their status of owner-occupier than childless divorcees. In most cases, they become
private tenants. Parents and women become public tenants more frequently than
childless people and men. In 17% of cases, mothers who were previously owners move
into public housing. Having fewer financial resources after separation is the main
reason for this. Given the difficulties and the time required to obtain social housing in
France, these rates are remarkable as they are observed right after the transition. They
suggest that there is a real desire to help divorced mothers and their children (Trevien
5.2 Multivariate analysis
5.2.1 Moving after divorce
Table 3 shows the results of the logistic regressions separately for the full sample and
for parents only, by sex.
In the full model, women are more likely to move than men. This result is in line
with the relative resources argument: because men are on average older than women
and earn higher wages in the labour market, their economic resources are also higher on
average, and they are more likely than women to have accumulated wealth at the
moment of divorce. Their higher income may allow them to keep a home that is family-
sized, whereas women have fewer resources, especially if they took time off from their
jobs to have children.
Our data does not show whether the joint house or flat belongs to both spouses or to only one. In most
cases, however, married couples are joint owners of their main residence. According to Bonnet, Keogh, and
Rapoport (2014), 84% of homes are equally and jointly owned by married spouses.
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
Table 3: Logit models of moving out of the joint home one year after divorce,
by sex (odds ratios)
Men Women
All Parents All Parents
Parenthood (Ref: childless)
Parent 1.27*** 1.42*** 0.70***
Sex (Ref: man)
Woman 1.90***
Child custody arrangement
Sole custody 0.41*** Ref.
Shared custody 0.39*** 2.90***
No custody
Ref. 2.55***
Number of children (Ref: 1 child)
2 children 1.30*** 0.86**
3 or more children 1.25*** 0.69***
Age of the youngest child (Ref: 03)
4–14 0.83** 0.91
0.79** 0.67***
Age at divorce (Ref: 3039)
20–29 1.40*** 1.32*** 1.20 1.35*** 1.14
40–49 0.72*** 0.81*** 0.83** 0.73*** 0.74***
50–59 0.59*** 0.77*** 0.74*** 0.57*** 0.56***
60+ 0.58*** 0.85* 0.62** 0.50*** 0.38**
Age difference between the partners (Ref: same age +/– 4years)
Man older 0.91*** 0.64*** 0.67*** 1.25*** 1.26***
Woman older 0.91 1.49*** 1.73*** 0.61*** 0.58***
Level of education (Ref: lower than secondary)
Secondary 0.95 0.95 0.93 0.88* 0.89
Higher than secondary 0.91** 1.00 1.09 0.79*** 0.74***
Not available 1.25*** 1.34*** 1.47*** 1.08 1.08
Adjusted household income quintiles (Ref: Q3: €18,34722,665)
Q1: Up to €13,951 0.83* 0.79*** 0.70*** 0.87** 1.06
Q2: €13,952–18,346 0.91*** 0.88* 0.79*** 0.93 1.03
Q4: €22,666–29,653 1.14** 1.10 1.04 1.18** 1.07
Q5: More than €29,654 1.11*** 1.08 0.93 1.11 1.03
House occupancy status (Ref: owner-occupier)
Private renting 1.48*** 1.75*** 1.81*** 1.23*** 1.08
Public renting 0.74*** 1.16** 1.33*** 0.49*** 0.39***
Household member receiving unemployment benefits (Ref: no)
Yes 1.06 1.09* 1.13* 1.05 1.06
Union duration (Ref: less than 4 years)
4–6 years 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.01 0.92
7–10 years 1.04 1.00 0.96 1.06 0.95
Longer duration/unknown 1.17*** 1.17** 1.19* 1.07 0.97
Nationality (Ref: native)
Foreign-born 0.90** 0.89* 0.89 0.83*** 0.82**
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 14 375
Table 3: (Continued)
Men Women
All Parents All Parents
Town size (Ref: 200,000–1,999,999 inhabitants)
Rural 1.04 0.80*** 0.79*** 1.37*** 1.51***
2,000–19,999 inhabitants 1.13** 0.97 1.04 1.33*** 1.46***
20,000–199,999 inhabitants 1.05 1.06 1.03 1.05 1.16*
Paris area 0.78*** 0.86** 0.92 0.75*** 0.79***
Time spent in the accommodation (Ref: more than 10 years)
<5 years 1.32*** 1.51*** 1.58*** 1.27*** 1.26***
5–9 years 1.13*** 1.25*** 1.42*** 1.09 1.00
Type of union (Ref: marriage)
Civil union 0.89** 0.84** 0.89 1.00 1.00
Constant 1.17* 0.90 1.78*** 2.72*** 2.13***
Observations 20,099 9,968 6,503 10,131 6,638
Note: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1.
Source: French Permanent Demographic Sample (INSEE), 2010–2013
Parenthood positively affects residential mobility (first column of Table 3).
However, an interesting opposite effect of parenthood is observed by sex: fathers are
more likely than childless men to move out of the joint home, whereas mothers are less
likely than childless women to do so. These results are probably linked to both the
parental desire not to change the child’s environment (Mulder and Wagner 2010) and
the custody arrangements. This suggests that the mother, who is more likely to be the
custodial parent, will stay with the children in the original joint home whenever
possible, which is in line with Hypothesis 2. As shown by the regression on only
parents, which controls for the custody arrangements (third and fifth columns),
regardless of sex, the parent who has sole custody is indeed less likely to move than a
noncustodial parent.
The predicted probabilities of custody arrangements (computed
on the full model that accounts for the interaction between sex and custody
arrangements) clearly confirm that sole custodial parents are less likely to move (50%
for men, 60% for women) than noncustodial parents (70% or more). This is emphasized
by the increasing probability of moving for fathers with more than one child, but shows
a decreasing probability for mothers with several children. The joint home is kept for
the children and the sole custodial parent, probably to avoid relocating the children.
This may be reinforced by the family court judge, who may more often decide to grant
custody to the parent who keeps the house in “the best interests of the child.The story
differs in shared custody arrangements. Here, fathers are much less likely to move
Note that the reference category differs for the male and female regressions because we prefer to refer to
the most frequent situation by sex: no custody for the fathers and sole custody for the mothers. However,
predicted probabilities for the three types of custody are also computed (Figure 1).
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
(under 50%) than mothers (over 80%).
Because the children in shared custody may
remain (even if only part of the time) with either the father or the mother in the original
joint home, this is in line with our third hypothesis, since the issue of not moving the
children no longer plays a role in deciding who keeps the joint home. The greater
relative resources of fathers compared with mothers may therefore lead to their being
more likely to keep the joint home.
Figure 1: Predicted probabilities of moving one year after divorce, by sex and
child’s custody arrangements
Note: Whiskers represent 95% confidence intervals.
Source: French Permanent Demographic Sample (INSEE), 2010–2013
Regarding the other covariates, we find that the probability of moving after
divorce decreases with age. The age gap plays a role too, with the older spouse less
likely to move, while the younger one is more likely. This difference may be due to the
negotiation process between the couple or to wealth accumulation. The older spouse
may be the one who was already living in the joint home when the couple got together
or the one who has accumulated more wealth. The probability of moving also decreases
with the age of the youngest child, because moving is easier before children are
enrolled in school. The educational gradient is small: that is, not significant for men’s
moves and negative for womens. However, we observe an income gradient. Men and
women belonging to low adjusted income quintiles are less likely to move than those
Our data does not allow for analysis of some atypical arrangements, such as when the children stay in the
joint home and the parents move in and out.
Men Women Men Women Men Women
No custody Sole custody Shared custody
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 14 377
belonging to the median quintile. It might be that, for financial reasons, disadvantaged
families move less or take longer to move.
Ownership status reduces mobility for men, while residing in the public and
private rental sector increases it. In contrast, renting in the public sector reduces the
chances of moving for women, especially for mothers who might keep the joint home.
In the same vein, when a family member has received unemployment benefits, it
increases the likelihood of moving for men. We also find that marriage duration has no
effect and that foreign-born status has a small negative effect on mobility for women.
People living in the Paris area are less likely to move, probably because of the high cost
of housing, which may prolong the search for a suitable place. We observe a gendered
result for living in a rural area. While men are less likely to move out of the joint home,
we find the opposite for women. This could be related to the fact that men more often
choose the couple’s place of residence or are likely to have initially owned it for
professional reasons, such as farming, or other reasons related to wealth. In these cases,
women would be the ones to leave the premises.
5.2.2 Moving distance
Shorter moving distances are observed for parents. Fathers and mothers are more likely
to move nearby in the same municipality than childless men and women (see Appendix
Table A-2
) and less likely to move far. When fathers move, they live 32 kilometres
closer to their former homes than childless divorced men, while mothers live 22
kilometres closer than childless divorced women (see Appendix Table A-3). These
results are in line with Hypothesis 1, probably in order to maintain contact with the
children. If parents have sole custody, they often keep the original joint home (Figure
2). Figure 2 also shows that shared custody arrangements limit parents’ relocation. The
predicted probability of fathers with shared custody living in the original joint home
reaches 50%, and 20% move into a new home while remaining in the same predivorce
municipality. While mothers in shared custody are more likely to move than lone
mothers or fathers in sole custody, they generally move closer to the joint home. Family
court judges probably take into account the distance between parents (among other
reasons) when deciding to accept or reject a shared custody arrangement. The
probability of parents with shared custody moving beyond the county borders is low
(less than 5% for fathers and less than 10% for mothers), while this may happen more
frequently with the sole custodial parent. Parents with sole custody have a 12%
probability of living outside the predivorce county in the year following divorce,
whereas the probability of leaving the original municipality while remaining in the
Because multinomial logistic coefficients are not easy to interpret we show average marginal effects.
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
same county exceeds 25% for both fathers and mothers. Shared custody involves
moving a 37-kilometre shorter distance for men and a 78-kilometre shorter distance for
women, relative to non-custodial parents. For women, shared custody involves moving
a 55-kilometre shorter distance relative to those who have sole custody. This is in line
with our fourth hypothesis: that is, shared custody arrangements are associated with
shorter moves than other types of custody following divorce.
Figure 2: Predicted probabilities of not moving, moving within the same
municipality, moving within the same county, or beyond one year
after divorce, by sex and child custody arrangements
Note: Whiskers represent 95% confidence intervals.
Source: French Permanent Demographic Sample (INSEE), 2010–2013
5.2.3 Housing conditions
Finally, we looked at the decline in housing quality. To study whether conditions
deteriorate following separation, we combined different indicators of housing quality.
First, we examined the risk of stopping being a homeowner one year after divorce
(Table 4). Parental status is not associated with a higher probability of stopping
homeownership during the first year after separation. For fathers, having sole custodial
status is associated with a greater chance of remaining a homeowner. There is no
difference by custodial status for women. Women are more likely to lose their owner-
occupier status after divorce. This may be related to their comparatively worse financial
Not moving Same municipality Same county Greater distance
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 14 379
situation, which limits their ability to move and keep their ownership status. The
decision whether to sell the joint home is not particularly associated with custodial
Table 4: Logit models of moving out of homeownership for the subsample of
movers one year after divorce, by sex (odds ratios)
Men Women
All Parents All Parents
Parenthood (Ref: childless)
Parent 1.15 1.17 1.14
Sex (Ref: man)
Woman 1.26**
Child custody arrangement (Ref: no custody)
Sole custody
0.76** Ref.
Shared custody 1.07 0.97
No custody
Ref. 0.93
Number of children (Ref: 1 child)
2 children 1.00 0.95
3 or more children
1.14* 0.97***
Age of the youngest child (Ref: 0–3)
4–14 0.85 0.83
0.72* 0.51***
Age at divorce (Ref: 3039)
20–29 0.93 1.22 0.92 0.79 0.88
40–49 0.78*** 0.79** 0.81 0.77*** 0.87
50–59 0.65*** 0.71*** 0.74 0.59*** 0.72
60+ 0.47*** 0.49*** 0.68 0.46*** 1.55
Age difference between the partners (Ref: same age +/– 4years)
Man older 1.04 0.96 0.97 1.12 1.02
Woman older 1.09 1.06 1.11 1.13 1.07
Level of education (Ref: lower than secondary)
Secondary 0.80** 0.89 0.99 0.73*** 0.68**
Higher than secondary 0.67*** 0.77** 0.82 0.59*** 0.52***
Not available 0.77*** 0.79** 0.81 0.75*** 0.69***
Adjusted household income quintiles (Ref: Q3: €18,34722,665)
Q1: Up to €13,951 1.25** 1.09 1.19 1.40** 1.30
Q2: €13,952–18,346 1.27*** 1.19 1.09 1.32** 1.33*
Q4: €22,666–29,653 0.84** 0.98 1.01 0.72*** 0.67***
Q5: More than €29,654 0.73*** 0.76** 0.72** 0.69*** 0.64***
Household member receiving unemployment benefits (Ref: no)
Yes 1.03 1.00 1.03 1.07 1.05
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
Table 4: (Continued)
Men Women
All Parents All Parents
Union duration (Ref: less than 4 years)
4–6 years 1.05 1.21 1.27 0.94 0.96
7–10 years 1.00 1.13 1.05 0.92 0.98
Longer duration/unknown 1.04 1.15 1.12 0.97 1.20
Nationality (Ref: native)
Foreign-born 1.25** 1.33** 1.40* 1.17 1.20
Town size (Ref: 200,0001,999,999 inhabitants)
Rural 0.99 0.96 1.05 1.02 0.88
2,000–19,999 inhabitants 1.00 1.00 1.19 1.02 0.83
20,000–199,999 inhabitants 0.91 0.90 0.91 0.94 0.84
Paris area 0.83** 0.95 1.00 0.72** 0.54***
Time spent in the accommodation (Ref: more than 10 years)
<5 years 1.17** 1.20* 1.19 1.19* 1.30**
5–9 years 1.04 1.12 1.12 1.00 1.09
Type of union (Ref: marriage)
Civil union 0.89 0.81 0.77 0.96 0.99
Constant 2.68*** 2.13*** 2.66*** 4.12*** 6.42***
Observations 7,381 3,321 2,274 4,060 2,763
Note: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1.
Source: French Permanent Demographic Sample (INSEE), 2010–2013
Second, we analysed the probability of living in a smaller property after divorce
(see Appendix Table A-4). We define a smaller property as a reduction in the number of
bedrooms or the space per person. Family size is thus taken into account.
Fathers do not seem to experience a greater reduction in the number of bedrooms
or the space per person than childless divorcees do after their separation. On the
contrary, mothers are more likely to have a smaller property than childless divorcees, in
terms of both number of bedrooms and space per person. Hence, fathers are less likely
to suffer a decline in their living standards after divorce than mothers. However, the
results of the model on parents (that only controls for child custody arrangements)
mitigate the relative advantage of fathers, since fathers who have custody are also
penalized. After divorce, they are more likely to live in housing that is smaller per
person. Figure 3 shows that parents who have custody, either sole or shared, are more
likely to have fewer bedrooms per person than parents whose children live elsewhere.
Thus, the decline in housing conditions after divorce is more pronounced for mothers
and for custodial parents in general. Our fifth hypothesis, which suggests a less marked
decline in housing quality in custody versus noncustody cases, is therefore not fully
supported by the data.
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 14 381
Figure 3: Predicted probabilities of moving to accommodation with fewer
bedrooms per person one year after divorce, by sex and child custody
Note: Whiskers represent 95% confidence intervals.
Source: French Permanent Demographic Sample (INSEE), 2010–2013
5.3 Endogeneity issues
Custody arrangements and housing may be decided simultaneously. To tackle this
endogeneity issue, we tested the robustness of our results using an instrumental variable
approach. We took the proportion of shared custody at the county level as an
instrument. Table A-5 presents the main results. The sign and the significance of the
coefficients are very similar when using the instrumented custody arrangements
regarding the probability of moving, distance of the move, and housing conditions. This
means that, once endogeneity issues are taken into account, our results hold.
6. Discussion and conclusions
Although the economic and psychological consequences of divorce for both adults and
children have been widely investigated, housing outcomes of divorced individuals have
been less well studied, mainly because of the scarcity of adequate data for observing
residential changes around the time of divorce. Using recently available administrative
Men Women Men Women Men Women
No custody Sole custody Shared custody
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
data which allows French divorcees to be tracked, we observed their mobility and the
changes in their housing characteristics after divorce. We focused on parental status
and postdivorce child custody arrangements.
Consistent with previous research and the relative resources argument that
emphasizes the role of bargaining power between partners, our empirical findings show
that women are more likely to move than men after divorce. In most cases, men have
higher earnings than women, and this could explain why they are more likely to keep
the joint home. But parenthood status mitigates the gender gap, which is narrower for
parents. Mothers move less frequently than childless women, while fathers move more
than childless men. Furthermore, we show that moving behaviour is related to the type
of custody. For both sexes, sole custodial status is associated with less moving than is
the case with noncustodial status, which may reflect a preference for not moving the
child(ren) from the joint home, at least shortly after divorce. However, shared custody
arrangements imply many more moves for mothers than for fathers. Parents move
nearby in cases of shared custody. The willingness to maintain relationships with the
child and his or her environment certainly plays a role. Yet these additional spatial
constraints may have implications for other aspects of life, such as job market
opportunities, chances of repartnering, relationships with the family of origin, and,
more broadly, participation in the housing market. The increased demand for shared
custody can imply a greater number of moves for women and may affect housing prices
and demand for certain types of homes (e.g., houses and flats with two or three
Housing characteristics are not necessarily worse after divorce, but women are
more often disadvantaged. They are more likely to lose their owner-occupier status and
to have less space in their new home. The alternative of remaining would not
necessarily be better if they are unable to afford the whole cost of the joint (and often
oversized) home. This result corroborates previous findings on the greater negative
consequences of divorce for women than for men. Gender inequality in the
consequences of divorce, in terms of mobility and housing characteristics, may also be
of interest for public policy. There is now a debate in France about whether housing
allowances could be shared in cases of shared custody. The current policy allows for
only one parent to receive a housing allowance; the recipient is usually the mother
because she received other benefits from social security before the divorce, such as
family allowances. Thus, in shared custody arrangements, generally only the mother
receives a housing allowance, even if the father faces additional housing costs to
accommodate the children. A solution would be to share housing allowances. The
objective of the policymaker is to make benefits available to both parents if a child
spends significant time with them (Meyer and Carlson 2014; HCF 2014). The sharing
of housing allowances may be in line with this policy, as it helps parents share
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 14 383
economic and childcare costs. It may be desirable to support families (perhaps fathers in
particular) in their efforts to maintain postseparation proximity (when desired), as this
will facilitate their postseparation well-being.
This work has some limitations. First, the fiscal data that we used allowed us to
study only married people and civil partners, as they are the ones who filed joint income
tax returns. People who left cohabiting unions are thus excluded from our analysis. We
might expect to have similar results for cohabitating parents because they have similar
characteristics in France and their rights are comparable to those of married (and
PACSed) parents in terms of the children (Prioux 2009). Although it is not compulsory
for unmarried and PACSed parents, in most cases they go to a family court judge, who
decides on child custody and alimony. However, they enjoy fewer protections than
married people when the union dissolves. In contrast to divorce, no spousal alimony is
provided in cases of unequal resources between partners. However, based on our
different indicators for moving and housing characteristics, our results show few
differences between PACSed and married parents, suggesting that the results are likely
to be similar for cohabitating parents. Further research is necessary to confirm this
Second, we observed the housing situation only one year after divorce. Although
the literature indicates that mobility is greater just following divorce, there may be a
later adjustment in housing conditions, in particular if the relocation was to nonoptimal
accommodation. Nevertheless, Villaume (2016) used a larger observation window of up
to four years to observe mobility after separation and found similar results regarding
parenthood status for women, although they were slightly different for fathers. She
found no distinction in the probability of moving by fatherhood status, whereas we
show that fatherhood has a positive effect on the probability of moving. This could
mean that it takes more time for childless men to move than it does for fathers. Some of
the changes in status from owner to renter may be only temporary because buying a
new home takes longer. With the next round of data (available soon), we intend to
extend the observation window after divorce.
Third, we can observe the postdivorce location of only one of the partners and so
cannot link the postdivorce locations of both partners, which may be of interest,
particularly for parents.
Fourth, as previously mentioned, child custody arrangements are not completely
exogenous and stable over time; they might change in the years following divorce
(Cretin 2015).
Nevertheless, our analysis has shed light on a previously understudied
phenomenon and shown that postdivorce childcare arrangements and residential choices
are related. It opens opportunities for further research to analyse postdivorce mobility
over the long term within a context of changing coparenting norms and behaviours.
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
7. Acknowledgements
This work was funded by the French National Research Agency (grant ANR-16-CE41-
0007-01). We are grateful to the two anonymous reviewers and the guest editors for
their invaluable suggestions that significantly improved the paper. We also thank
Christopher Leichtnam for his careful language editing. In addition, we thank
participants at the research and policy symposium at St Andrews (UK) in May 2017, as
well as those who attended the 15th Meeting of the European Network for the
Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce in Antwerp (Belgium) in October
2017, particularly for their comments and remarks.
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 14 385
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Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 14 389
Table A-1: Descriptive statistics of variables used in the analyses
% in sample % moved
% in sample % moved
All Men WomenAll Men Women All Men Women All Men Women
Parenthood Equalized household income (quintiles)
Childless 6,642 31.2 31.4 31.0 31.2 29.6 32.6
Q1: Up to
20.0 19.2 20.8 19.0 18.6 19.4
Parents 14,648
68.8 68.6 69.0 68.8 70.4 67.4
Q2: €13,952–
20.0 19.9 20.1 19.7 19.7 19.7
Number of children
Q3: €18,347–
20.0 19.8 20.2 20.3 20.0 20.5
1 child 5,215
35.6 35.1 36.1 35.9 34.4 37.2
Q4: €22,666–
20.0 20.5 19.6 20.9 21.0 20.8
2 children 6,274 42.8 43.6 42.1 43.6 44.4 42.8
Q5: €29,654–
20.0 20.7 19.3 20.1 20.6 19.7
3 or more children
3,159 21.6 21.3 21.8 20.6 21.2 20.1
House occupancy status
Child custody arrangement
Owner 12,525 58.8 59.8 57.9 57.2 55.2 59.0
No custody 5,305
36.2 55.4 17.6 39.5 62.7 18.6 Private renting 5,367 25.2 24.8 25.6 29.0 29.5 28.6
Sole custody 6,897
47.1 25.5 68.1 43.5 21.4 63.3 Public renting 3,398 16.0 15.4 16.5 13.8 15.3 12.4
Shared custody 2,446
16.7 19.1 14.3 17.1 15.9 18.1
Household member receiving unemployment benefits
Age of the youngest child
No 14,849 69.8 70.2 69.3 69.1 69.3 68.9
0–3 2,587
29.7 30.1 29.4 27.4 27.1 27.7 Yes 6,441 30.3 29.8 30.7 30.9 30.7 31.1
4–14 4,955
57 56.4 57.4 58.4 58.4 58.3
Union duration
15+ 1,158 13.3 13.5 13.2 14.2 14.4 14.0 0–3 years 3,584 16.8 16.9 16.8 17.9 17.6 18.1
4–6 years 2,989 14.0 13.9 14.2 14.6 14.5 14.6
7–10 years 3,164 14.9 14.7 15.0 14.7 14.3 15.1
Man 10,512 49.4 46.3
11,553 54.3 54.6 54.0 52.9 53.7 52.2
Woman 10,778
50.6 53.7
Age at divorce
Native 17,995 84.5 83.8 85.2 85.5 84.0 86.9
20–29 1,977
9.3 6.5 12 11.3 8 14.1 Foreign-born 3,295 15.5 16.2 14.8 14.5 16.0 13.1
30–39 6,667 31.3 29.4 33.2 34.1 32.6 35.3
Town size
40–49 7,239 34 35.5 32.6 32.5 34.5 30.7 Rural 4,897 23.4 23.7 23.1 23.2 23.1 25.0
50–59 3,800 17.9 19.7 16 15.7 17.4 14.3
17.5 17.6 17.5 18.1 17.5 18.6
60+ 1,607 7.6 8.9 6.2 6.4 7.4 5.6
4,238 20.2 20.1 20.4 20.6 20.4 20.1
Age difference between the partners
24.2 24.4 24.1 24.5 24.1 23.5
Man 5 years
29.1 28.9 29.2 27.9 24.3 30.9 Paris area 3,075 14.7 14.4 15.0 13.7 15.0 12.9
Same age (+/
64.3 64.6 64.0 65.8 67.9 64.0
Time spent in the accommodation
Woman 5 years
6.7 6.5 6.8 6.4 7.8 5.1 <5 years 12,209 57.4 56.6 58.1 61.2 61.6 60.8
Level of education achieved
5–9 years 4,288 20.1 20.5 19.8 19.1 19.4 18.9
Lower than
6,298 29.6 32.2 27.0 28.1 29.5 26.9 10+ years 4,792 22.5 22.9 22.2 19.7 19.0 20.3
Secondary 2,746
12.9 12.1 13.7 12.8 11.5 13.9
Type of union
Higher than
20.8 19.2 22.4 20.7 18.9 22.3 Marriage 18,275 85.8 85.5 86.2 84.8 84.9 84.7
36.7 36.5 36.9 38.4 40.1 36.9 Civil union 3,015 14.2 14.5 13.8 15.2 15.1 15.3
Source: French Permanent Demographic Sample (INSEE), 2010–2013.
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
Table A-2: Multinomial logistic regression on the probability of moving within
the same municipality, same county, or beyond for the subsample of
movers one year after divorce, by sex- average marginal effects
Ref: no move
Same municipality Same county Greater distance
Men Women Men Women Men Women
All Parents All Parents All Parents All Parents All Parents All Parents
Parenthood (Ref: childless)
0.062*** 0.075*** 0.019 0.014 –0.081*** –0.088***
Child custody arrangement
Sole custody
–0.042** Ref. 0.007 Ref. 0.035** Ref.
Shared custody
0.111*** 0.073*** 0.023 0.043** –0.134*** –0.116***
No custody
Ref –0.034 Ref. –0.003 Ref. 0.036*
Number of children (Ref: 1 child)
2 children
0.033* 0.023 –0.025 0.015 –0.008 –0.038***
3 or more children
–0.008 0.035* 0.016 0.008 –0.008 –0.043**
Age of the
youngest child (Ref: 0–3)
–14 0.014 0.003 –0.000 –0.010 –0.014 0.008
–0.027 –0.075** 0.007 0.093*** 0.020 –0.018
Age at divorce (Ref: 30
–29 –0.004 –0.000 –0.034** –0.048** 0.005 0.057 0.012 0.014 –0.001 –0.057* 0.022 0.034
–49 0.029** 0.028 0.045*** 0.057*** –0.014 –0.001 –0.018 –0.033* –0.015 –0.027 –0.027** –0.024
–59 0.026 0.039 0.045** 0.072** –0.033 –0.019 –0.014 –0.048 0.006 –0.021 –0.031* –0.024
0.018 0.086 0.057* 0.346*** –0.079*** –0.107* –0.092*** –0.254** 0.062** 0.021 0.035 –0.092
Age difference between the partners (Ref: same age +/
– 4years)
Man older
0.015 0.006 0.004 0.009 –0.015 –0.022 –0.007 –0.016 –0.001 0.016 0.003 0.006
Woman older
–0.050** –0.052* –0.017 –0.002 –0.017 0.019 –0.039 –0.046 0.066*** 0.033 0.056** 0.048
Level of education (Ref: lower than secondary)
0.002 –0.004 –0.010 0.002 –0.021 0.020 0.011 0.008 0.020 –0.016 –0.001 –0.010
Higher than secondary
–0.040** –0.072*** –0.024 –0.025 –0.014 0.020 0.011 0.013 0.054*** 0.052** 0.013 0.012
Not available
0.022 –0.000 0.032** 0.031* –0.040** –0.010 –0.031* –0.037* 0.018 0.010 –0.001 0.006
Adjusted household
income quintiles (Ref: Q3: €18,347–22,665)
Q1: Up to €13
,951 0.019 0.057** 0.004 –0.010 –0.026 –0.055** –0.055*** –0.029 0.007 –0.002 0.050*** 0.038**
Q2: €13
,952–18,346 0.018 0.043** 0.027 0.016 –0.000 –0.026 –0.045** –0.020 –0.018 –0.017 0.018 0.005
Q4: €22
,666–29,653 0.005 0.031 –0.019 –0.036* –0.005 –0.039 –0.002 0.011 0.010 0.008 0.021 0.025
Q5: More than €29
,654 –0.023 0.003 –0.030* –0.007 –0.031 –0.054** 0.003 0.012 0.054*** 0.051** 0.027* –0.005
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 14 391
Table A-2: (Continued)
Same municipality Same county Greater distance
Men Women Men Women Men Women
All Parents All Parents All Parents All Parents All Parents All Parents
House occupancy status (Ref: owner
Private renting
0.035** 0.046** 0.030** 0.019 –0.042** –0.051** –0.047*** –0.029 0.008 0.005 0.017 0.011
Public renting
0.114*** 0.136*** 0.037** 0.050** –0.099*** –0.099*** –0.090*** –0.090*** –0.015 –0.037* 0.054*** 0.040*
Household member receiving unemployment benefits (Ref: no)
–0.004 0.008 0.004 0.013 –0.028* –0.033* –0.042*** –0.036** 0.031*** 0.026* 0.038*** 0.023*
Union duration (Ref: less than 4 years)
–6 years 0.025 0.032 0.025 0.026 –0.008 0.012 –0.014 –0.025 –0.017 –0.043** –0.011 –0.001
–10 years 0.035 0.038 0.063*** 0.025 –0.001 –0.001 –0.044* –0.032 –0.033* –0.037 –0.019 0.008
Longer duration / unknown
–0.011 0.012 –0.001 –0.028 –0.065*** –0.059** –0.058*** –0.039 0.076*** 0.048** 0.059*** 0.067***
Nationality (Ref: native)
-born 0.033** 0.033 0.001 0.018 –0.052*** –0.045* –0.005 0.005 0.019 0.012 0.004 –0.023
Town size (Ref: 200
,0001,999,999 inhabitants)
–0.219*** –0.230*** –0.263*** –0.314*** 0.147*** 0.150*** 0.198*** 0.246*** 0.071*** 0.080*** 0.064*** 0.068***
,000–19,999 inhabitants –0.037** –0.042* –0.076*** –0.098*** 0.004 –0.014 0.034* 0.036 0.033** 0.056*** 0.042*** 0.062***
999 inhabitants
0.049*** 0.049** –0.007 –0.045* –0.056*** –0.074*** –0.004 0.019 0.007 0.025 0.011 0.026
Paris area
–0.087*** –0.087*** –0.110*** –0.123*** –0.125*** –0.141*** –0.123*** –0.126*** 0.212*** 0.229*** 0.233*** 0.249***
Time spent
in the accommodation (Ref: more than 10 years)
years –0.014 –0.015 –0.013 –0.023 –0.044** –0.031 –0.026 –0.024 0.058*** 0.047** 0.039*** 0.047***
–9 years –0.007 –0.008 0.014 0.004 –0.028 –0.010 –0.013 –0.010 0.034** 0.018 –0.001 0.006
Type of union (Ref: marriage)
Civil union
0.005 0.009 0.021 0.030 –0.028 –0.019 –0.051*** –0.054** 0.024 0.011 0.030* 0.023
Note: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1.
Source: French Permanent Demographic Sample (INSEE), 2010–2013.
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
Table A-3: Mean distance (in kilometres) between pre- and postdivorce
accommodation for the subsample of movers one year after divorce,
by sex (OLS regression)
Men Women
All Parents All Parents
Parenthood (Ref: childless)
Parent –31.911*** –21.606***
Child custody arrangement
Sole custody
10.040 Ref.
Shared custody –37.041*** –55.876***
No custody
Ref. 23.766**
Number of children (Ref: 1 child)
2 children 1.446 –11.006
3 or more children –11.409 –7.482
Age of the youngest child (Ref: 03)
4–14 –10.940 17.957*
15+ 8.894 –7.181
Age at divorce (Ref: 3039)
20–29 3.551 –37.288* 15.373 35.763***
40–49 3.408 4.252 –1.325 –4.655
50–59 24.032** 28.309* 24.076** 16.753
60+ 82.290*** 104.316*** 82.275*** –55.762
Age difference between the partners (Ref: same age +/– 4years)
Man older 6.999 10.887 3.061 5.240
Woman older 35.544*** 35.515** 9.863 –8.837
Level of education (Ref: lower than secondary)
Secondary 31.802*** 18.134 10.068 4.993
Higher than secondary 25.099** 21.985* 20.035** 19.358*
Not available 8.154 11.422 13.841 18.693*
Adjusted household income quintiles (Ref: Q3: €18,34722,665)
Q1: Up to €13,951 12.440 20.173 38.540*** 38.161***
Q2: €13,952–18,346 –10.152 –9.143 13.952 6.281
Q4: €22,666–29,653 –1.368 9.103 4.310 7.409
Q5: More than €29,654 15.503 9.416 6.737 6.340
House occupancy status (Ref: owner-occupier)
Private renting 23.415*** 21.920** 29.164*** 30.843***
Public renting 32.492*** 25.026* 65.660*** 61.084***
Household member receiving unemployment benefits (Ref: no)
Yes 30.036*** 26.545*** 23.793*** 25.993***
Union duration (Ref: less than 4 years)
4–6 years 4.396 –8.997 1.244 –1.663
7–10 years 4.923 12.005 –4.678 –1.300
Longer duration/unknown 44.393*** 47.010*** 22.930** 19.702
Nationality (Ref: native)
Foreign-born –16.467 –23.739* –19.944** –32.140***
Town size (Ref: 200,0001,999,999 inhabitants)
Rural –20.373** –9.095 –37.280*** –21.395*
2,000–19,999 inhabitants –10.190 2.129 –24.077** –8.552
20,000–199,999 inhabitants –2.295 2.145 –16.643 –0.367
Paris area –7.425 –9.233 –5.044 14.217
Time spent in the accommodation (Ref: more than 10 years)
<5 years 41.861*** 50.798*** 13.573 8.261
5–9 years 25.359** 26.674** 6.019 –2.481
Type of union (Ref: marriage)
Civil union 26.917** 31.703** 5.075 8.173
Constant 26.944 –7.713 62.532*** 37.532*
Observations 4,309 2,791 4,774 2,967
Note: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1.
Source: French Permanent Demographic Sample (INSEE), 2010–2013.
Demographic Research: Volume 40, Article 14 393
Table A-4: Logit of moving to a smaller housing per person (fewer
bedrooms/smaller size) for the subsample of movers one year after
divorce, by sex (odds ratios)
Fewer bedrooms per person Less space per person
Men Women
Men Women
All Parents All Parents All Parents All Parents
Parenthood (Ref: childless)
Parent 1.11 1.10 1.63*** 1.14* 1.13 2.13***
Sex (Ref: man)
Woman 0.88* 0.91
Child custody arrangement
Sole custody 5.14*** Ref. 7.28*** Ref.
Shared custody
4.51*** 1.18* 5.92*** 1.10
No custody
Ref. 0.39*** Ref. 0.22***
Number of children (Ref: 1 child)
2 children
1.04 1.56*** 1.30** 1.87***
3 or more children
1.41*** 3.02*** 1.61*** 2.93***
Age of the youngest child (Ref: 0–3)
1.17 1.01 1.04 1.12
15+ 1.20 1.36* 1.13 1.31
Age at divorce (Ref: 30–39)
20–29 1.12 0.91 0.84 1.21** 1.32** 1.10 1.06 1.16 1.11 1.27*
40–49 0.76*** 0.77*** 0.77** 0.75*** 0.76*** 0.79*** 0.83** 0.77** 0.76*** 0.80**
50–59 0.50*** 0.63*** 0.70** 0.38*** 0.59*** 0.45*** 0.54*** 0.58*** 0.37*** 0.58***
60+ 0.41*** 0.48*** 0.97 0.34*** 0.40 0.33*** 0.39*** 0.38*** 0.27*** 0.80
Age difference between the partners (Ref: same age +/– 4years)
Man older 1.04 0.85** 0.86 1.14** 1.09 0.99 0.89 0.98 1.04 1.01
Woman older 1.13 0.91 0.85 1.59*** 1.58** 1.22** 1.09 1.39* 1.44*** 1.44*
Level of education (Ref: lower than secondary)
Secondary 0.91 0.83* 0.73** 0.97 0.85 1.04 1.01 0.84 1.06 0.93
Higher than secondary 0.93 0.81** 0.74** 1.01 0.97 0.90 0.81** 0.75** 0.95 0.91
Not available 0.98 0.87* 0.83* 1.09 1.03 0.95 0.93 0.93 0.96 0.93
Adjusted household income quintiles (Ref: Q3: €18,347–22,665)
Q1: Up to €13,951 1.13* 1.23* 1.16 1.05 1.05 1.17** 1.20* 1.16 1.16 1.29**
Q2: €13,952–18,346 1.12* 1.10 1.03 1.13 1.08 1.08 1.04 0.98 1.11 1.17
Q4: €22,666–29,653 0.95 0.98 0.92 0.92 1.01 0.98 0.96 0.85 1.00 1.09
Q5: More than €29,654 0.75*** 0.79** 0.65*** 0.71*** 0.84 0.71*** 0.75*** 0.61*** 0.68*** 0.73**
House occupancy status (Ref: owner-occupier)
Private renting 0.83*** 0.89 0.91 0.79*** 0.89 0.81*** 0.94 0.90 0.72*** 0.81**
Public renting 0.98 1.10 1.11 0.88 0.79* 0.96 1.06 0.95 0.88 0.89
Household member receiving unemployment benefits (Ref: no)
Yes 0.99 1.00 1.07 0.99 1.02 0.98 1.01 1.13 0.96 0.96
Union duration (Ref: less than 4 years)
4–6 years 1.07 0.96 0.94 1.16 1.31* 1.00 0.91 0.86 1.07 1.25
7–10 years 1.31*** 1.18 1.06 1.42*** 1.40** 1.28*** 1.23* 1.09 1.33*** 1.38**
Longer duration/unknown 1.19** 1.12 1.02 1.24** 1.28* 1.16** 1.14 1.04 1.18* 1.29*
Ferrari, Bonnet & Solaz: Residential mobility after divorce by parenthood status and custody arrangements
Table A-4: (Continued)
Fewer bedrooms per person Less space per person
Men Women
Men Women
All Parents All Parents All Parents All Parents
Nationality (Ref: native)
Foreign-born 1.43*** 1.70*** 1.81*** 1.22** 1.33** 1.40*** 1.61*** 1.88*** 1.22** 1.23*
Town size (Ref: 200,0001,999,999 inhabitants)
Rural 0.90 0.88 0.78* 0.91 0.86 0.90* 0.90 0.86 0.90 0.76**
2,000–19,999 inhabitants 0.99 1.03 0.97 0.97 0.90 0.93 0.86 0.88 0.99 0.87
20,000–199,999 inhabitants
0.90 0.86 0.88 0.95 0.96 0.86** 0.80** 0.80* 0.92 0.90
Paris area 1.66*** 1.70*** 1.83*** 1.63*** 1.85*** 1.47*** 1.48*** 1.82*** 1.47*** 1.76***
Time spent in the accommodation (Ref: more than 10 years)
<5 years 1.13* 1.15 1.05 1.10 1.12 1.29*** 1.28** 1.09 1.30*** 1.25**
5–9 years 1.08 1.14 1.07 1.01 1.03 1.23*** 1.21* 1.04 1.24** 1.12
Type of union (Ref: marriage)
Civil union 0.89* 0.93 0.88 0.86 0.96 0.95 0.92 0.81 0.96 1.22
Number of bedrooms
p.p./space p.p. predivorce
9.71*** 8.53*** 15.00*** 11.2*** 36.42*** 1.08*** 1.08*** 1.11*** 1.09*** 1.16***
Constant 0.05*** 0.06*** 0.02*** 0.04*** 0.01*** 0.04*** 0.05*** 0.01*** 0.03*** 0.01***
Observations 12,570 5,864 3,931 6,706 4,320 12,570 5,864 3,931 6,706 4,320
Note: *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1.
Source: French Permanent Demographic Sample (INSEE), 2010–2013
Table A-5: Comparison between the coefficients of child custody arrangements
derived from models with and without an instrument on the local
proportion of shared custody arrangements
Men Women
IV Logit
Probability of moving
Shared custody –0.946*** –0.198*** 0.172*** 1.063***
Sole custody –0.882*** –0.188*** 0 0
No custody 0 0 0.196*** 0.938***
Mean distance
Shared custody –37.041*** –26.87*** –45.80*** –55.876***
Sole custody 10.040 7.83 0 0
No custody 0 0 11.04* 23.766**
Shared custody 0.063 –0.013 –0.006 –0.028
Sole custody –0.274** –0.052* 0 0
No custody 0 0 –0.021 –0.071
Fewer bedrooms per person
Shared custody 1.507*** 0.023* –0.057 0.162*
Sole custody 1.638*** 0.060*** 0 0
No custody 0 0 –0.005*** –0.943***
Less space per person
Shared custody 1.778*** 0.267*** 0.010 0.094
Sole custody 1.985*** 0.332*** 0 0
No custody 0 0 –0.256*** –1.533***
These are results from logit models that include the same controls as previous models, except the analysis on the mean
distance which shows results from an OLS regression. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1.
Source: French Permanent Demographic Sample (INSEE), 2010–2013