Florence County/Municipal Summary Plat Requirements
Name on Plat: ____________________________________________ACRES_________
Tax Map, Block, and Parcel Number: _________________________________________
Name of Contact Person: __________________________________________________
Telephone Number: ______________________________________________________
_____1. The intent of the plat. (add property to existing parcel, subdivide, etc. )
_____2. Show the north arrow, scale and location map.
_____3. Show existing addresses and structures.
_____4. FEMA certification.
_____5. Surveyor’s raised seal and signature.
_____6. Recordable plats shall be required to show the development lot layout, tax
parcel being derived from, wetlands, and/or natural drainage ways.
_____7. Setbacks: Verify setback requirements from the Florence County Zoning
Ordinance. These spaces are to be linear distances measured from property lines inward.
Buildings or other principal structures comprising the activity of the lot may not intrude
on this space. Two types of setbacks exist for this lot; either a road right-of-way at the
front lot line, or at the side lot property line.
_____8. Lots that have access to city or county utilities are required to have a written
statement from the appropriate department. If lots will utilize a septic tank and well, and
are less than five acres, a permit from DHEC is required. If no permit is provided the
_____9. All roads shall be privately maintained.
_____10. All roadways shall originate at a public road at one end only, to eliminate
through traffic.
_____11. All roadways shall be the property of the homeowner’s association or sole
responsibility of the affected property owners. The roadways shall be held in common
and an assessment established for the perpetual maintenance of the roadways and
_____12. An access easement fronting a County maintained road shall be fifty (50) feet
_____13. The access easement fronting a State maintained road will comply with the
standards of the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT).
______15. Private developments (1 to 10 lots) shall abut County and State roads and the
plat shall contain the following statement:
“The road or driveway providing access to the lots in the development is private
and not maintained by Florence County. Property owner must maintain access
suitable for emergency vehicles.”
1. The roadway must be eighteen (18) feet wide and have a six (6) inch slag
or stone base. This provision is waived for developments that utilize a
private road less that 150 feet in length and provide access to three lots or
2. Private Developments with 4 to 10 lots will require a land development
3. Restrictive covenants shall provide that its provisions not be amended or
modified except by written consent of the Planning Commission and all
property owners in the subdivision.
4. Restrictive covenants shall require that any deed conveying interest in a lot
in the subdivision shall conspicuously contain the following language with
an appropriate space for a signature by the guarantee(s) acknowledge
“The real property described in this deed is subject to restrictive covenants
recorded in Deed Book ______ at page _______. These restrictive covenants
provide, among other things, a financial commitment to maintain a community
driveway. These restrictive covenants are specifically acknowledged by the
_____16. Sign: the owner shall conspicuously place on the driveway near the entrance, a
sign stating the E-911 street name.
_____17. If one (1) or more disturbed acres, including lots and roadways, are involved in
the development, storm water permits shall be required from SCDHEC.
_____18. If there is new development involving land clearing or major construction the
County Engineer will require storm water permit.
All plats are subject to the Land Subdivision Regulations Ordinance.
Conference, Telephone or other: