(Name of Association) ANNUAL MEETING
_____________________ (Date)
In accordance with the By-Laws of ________________________Association, you are hereby notified
that the __________ (Year) Annual Meeting will be held at _____________ (Time) on
________________________ at ________________________ (Location).
The purpose of the meeting is to update the membership on Association issues and the financial
status of the Association, to present the ___________ (Year) Budget, and to elect the ________
(Number) Association Directors. The Budget and related documents are enclosed with this notice.
To satisfy the quorum for this meeting, Owners holding _______________ (Percent) of the (eligible)
Association vote must be present in person or represented by proxy at the meeting. Only those
homeowners who are current with their Association fees may count towards this quorum and vote at
the meeting. Your attendance is important and definitely needed.
Enclosed is a proxy which you may use if you cannot attend. If you cannot attend or are uncertain
about whether you can attend the meeting, it is important for you to give your proxy to another
homeowner who plans to attend this meeting, or you may mail it to the following address to be
received prior to the meeting:
(City, State, Zip)
We hope to see you at the meeting and appreciate your continue support of the Board. If you have
questions regarding the meeting, please do not hesitate contacting us.
Thank you,
Board of Directors / Managing Agent
[Association Name]