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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
January 18, 2014
The Honorable Gina McCarthy
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Mail Code 4101M
Washington, DC 20460
Cc: President Barack Obama
Sally Jewell, Secretary, Department of Interior
Penny Pritzker, Secretary, Department of Commerce
Nancy Sutley, Chair, Council on Environmental Quality
Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, Acting Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Neil Kornze, Principal Deputy Director, Bureau of Land Management
Jonathan Jarvis, Director, National Park Service
Daniel Ashe, Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Jo-Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works
Lisa Murkowski, U.S. Senator from Alaska
Mark Begich, U.S. Senator from Alaska
Dear Administrator McCarthy,
We, the undersigned hunting and angling organizations and businesses representing millions of sportsmen,
outdoor recreation groups and related businesses, thank you and the EPA for finalizing the Bristol Bay
Watershed Assessment. We are grateful for the opportunity to have participated in the public and transparent
process to move this science-based study through its earlier drafts. The final Watershed Assessment and the
science it is based on makes it abundantly clear that the proposed Pebble Mine is a risk that we simply cannot
afford. We request immediate action from the EPA to protect the fish and wildlife resources of Bristol Bay.
Our 1,102 sporting conservation groups, businesses and trade associations are grateful for your personal visit to
the Bristol Bay region in August 2013 and for your agency’s many visits leading up to and during the watershed
assessment process. EPA’s effort to meet with the region’s local residents is greatly appreciated; as the world’s
greatest wild sockeye salmon fishery is facing unprecedented threats from proposed development of a massive
mining district. We write today to ask you to use all the tools at your disposal to protect a sport fishing and
hunting destination that is unrivaled in America and perhaps the world, for this and future generations of
sportsmen and women.
The proposed Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay poses numerous significant and potentially long-lasting threats to one
of the world’s foremost sport fishing and hunting regions. Specifically, fish habitat (including spawning and
breeding grounds), wildlife habitat and recreational areas are all threatened by several hard rock mining
proposals - most notably, the Pebble Mine. The potential impact from this type of activity could be severe. It is
estimated that the Pebble Mine would produce between 2.5 and 10 billion tons of waste containing elements,
such as copper and other heavy metals, that would threaten several fishery areas including spawning and
breeding grounds for world-renowned populations of salmon.
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
If this project moves forward, these toxins would have to be contained and potentially treated in perpetuity - in
an area of high seismic activity, which increases the risks tremendously. Because the Pebble property straddles
the Kvichak and Nushagak river drainages – two of the most productive salmon systems on the planet - any
release of this waste into the surface or groundwater has the potential to severely harm Bristol Bay’s salmon
and the livelihoods of the sport fishing and hunting business owners, all of whom depend on them for their
economic support.
Sport fishing in Bristol Bay generates $60 million annually; anglers looking for “once in a lifetime” experiences on
rivers such as the Nushagak, Mulchatna, Koktuli and Kvichak support more than 800 full- and part-time jobs.
Mining activity and increased development associated with mining will detrimentally impact these areas by
direct impacts to fish and habitat. Development will also negatively impact opportunities for sport fishing and
hunting operations in the area by diminishing the quality of the experience. Despite the remote nature of the
region and the costs associated with traveling to it, on a yearly basis up to 65,000 visitors come to Bristol Bay for
recreational opportunities to fish, hunt, and view wildlife.
Former Interior Secretary Salazar and the Obama administration recognized that oil and gas development in this
area is simply not worth the risk, and the same is true for mining operations in the headwaters of Bristol Bay.
The fish and wildlife values in the region, its size and setting, and the national significance of its resources are, in
the words of Secretary Salazar and President Obama,a national treasure that we must protect." The risk to this
national treasure is too great and the resource too unique and irreplaceable to allow the Pebble Project to
continue forward.
While we thank you for completing an assessment of the Bristol Bay watershed to better understand how future
large-scale development projects may affect Bristol Bay, it’s not enough. The science is in, and it’s irrefutable.
Large-scale mining is simply incompatible with the renewable resource values found in Bristol Bay. The EPA has
the authority under the Clean Water Act to invoke Section 404(c), which would give Bristol Bay the protection it
needs from mining and other large-scale developments.
The undersigned organizations and businesses urge EPA to use its authority under Clean Water Act Section
404(c) to ensure that the waters and wetlands in the headwaters of the Bristol Bay watershed are not turned
into waste disposal sites for mining operations. The EPA has an opportunity now to guarantee a future for
Bristol Bay that will generate economic opportunities while also conserving sporting traditions for generations to
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this process. We’ve been engaged in this effort for many years,
and will not rest until Bristol Bay is protected. To that end, we look forward to working with the EPA and all
federal agencies with an interest and role in the future of Bristol Bay’s tremendously productive lands and
National Organizations (24)
American Fly Fishing Trade Association
Bozeman, MT
American Sportfishing Association
Alexandria, VA
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
Missoula, MT
Bear Trust International
Missoula, MT
Bull Moose Sportsmen’s Alliance
Denver, CO
Campfire Club of America
Chappaqua, NY
Conservation Force
Metairie, LA
Dallas Safari Club
Dallas, TX
Delta Waterfowl Foundation
Bismarck, ND
Federation of Fly Fishers
Livingston, MT
International Assoc. of Fly Fishing Veterinarians
Tucson, AZ
Izaak Walton League of America
Poolesville, MD
National Bowhunters Association
Morrow, OH
National Wildlife Federation
Reston, VA
North American Fishing Club
Minnetonka, MN
North American Hunting Club
Minnetonka, MN
Orion – The Hunters Institute
Trumansburg, NY
Quality Deer Management Association
Bogart, GA
Pope and Young Club
Chatfield, MN
Recycled Fish
Nebraska City, NE
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
Washington, DC
Trout Unlimited
Arlington, VA
Union Sportsmen’s Alliance
Nashville, TN
Wildlife Forever
Minneapolis, MN
Alaska (151)
3 Rivers Fly & Tackle
Wasilla, AK
Afognak Wilderness Lodge
Kodiak, AK
Airventures Alaska, Inc.
Wasilla, AK
Alagnak Lodge
King Salmon, AK
Alaska Alpine Adventures
Anchorage, AK
Alaska Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Eastern Interior (Bush), AK
Alaska Bear Guides
Petersburg, AK
Alaska Drift Away Fishing, LLC
Soldotna, AK
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Alaska Fly Anglers, Inc.
Soldotna, AK
Alaska Fly Fish
Anchorage, AK
Alaska Fly Fishers
Anchorage, AK
Alaska Fly Fishing Goods
Juneau, AK
Alaska Fly Fishing Tours
Anchor Point, AK
Alaska Glacier Guides, Inc,
Gustavus, AK
Alaska King Salmon Adventures
Dillingham, AK
Alaska on the Fly Guides and Outfitter
Eagle River, AK
Alaska Rainbow Adventures
Wasilla, AK
Alaska Rainbow Lodge
King Salmon, AK
Alaska River Adventures
Cooper Landing, AK
Alaska Salmon Camp, Inc.
Dillingham, AK
The Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge
Igiugig, AK
Alaska Sportsman’s Bear Trail Lodge
King Salmon, AK
Alaska Trophy Fishing Safaris
Homer, AK
Alaska West
Quinhagak, AK
Alaska Wilderness Trips, Inc.
Soldotna, AK
Alaska’s Angling Addiction
Anchorage, AK
Alaska’s Boardwalk Lodge
Thorne Bay, AK
Alaska’s Enchanted Lake Lodge
Anchorage, AK
Alaska’s Fishing Unlimited
Port Alsworth, AK
Alaska’s Legend Lodge
Iliamna, AK
Alaska’s Wild River Lodge
Port Alsworth, AK
Alaskan Experience Guide Service
King Salmon, AK
Alaskan Leader Tours
Kodiak, AK
Alaskan Wilderness Outfitting Company
Cordova, AK
Angler’s Alibi Alaska
King Salmon, AK
Aniak Three Rivers Lodge
Aniak, AK
Arctic North Guides, LLC
King Salmon, AK
Arctic Rivers Guide & Booking Service
Kodiak and Kotzebue, AK
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Arctic Wild, LLC
Fairbanks, AK
The Bait Shack
Anchorage, AK
Baranof Wilderness Lodge
Sitka, AK
Bear Paw Outdoors
Kenai, AK
Bearclaw Group, LLC dba Alaska’s Bearclaw Lodge
Aleknagik, AK
Beyond Boundaries Expeditions
Sitka, AK
Blue Fly Bed & Breakfast and Guide Service
King Salmon, AK
Blue Mountain Lodge
Becharof Lake, AK
Blueberry Island Lodge
Igiugig, AK
Branch River Air Service, Inc.
King Salmon, AK
Brightwater Alaska, Inc.
Anchorage, AK
Bristol Bay Adventures
Dillingham, AK
Bristol Bay Lodge
Dillingham, AK
Bristol Bay Mission Lodge
Aleknagik, AK
Bristol Bay Retreat
King Salmon, AK
Bristol Bay Sportfishing
Iliamna, AK
Cape Ommaney Lodge
Port Alexander, AK
Captain Pete’s Alaskan Experience
Homer, AK
Chelatna Lake Lodge, Inc.
Cinder River Lodge
Eagle River, AK
Chinook Tours
Anchorage, AK
Classic Casting Adventures
Sitka, AK
Copper River Lodge
Iliamna, AK
Crystal Creek Lodge
King Salmon, AK
Denali Fly Fishing Guides, LLC
Cantwell, AK
Deshka Wilderness Lodge
Willow, AK
Dierick’s Tsiu River Lodge
Yakutat, AK
Egdorf’s Western Alaska Sportfishing
Upper Nushagak River, AK
EPIC Angling & Adventure, LLC
King Salmon, AK
EZ Limit Guide Service
Soldotna, AK
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Fairbanks Outdoorsman
Fairbanks, AK
Fish Alaska Magazine
Anchorage, AK
Fish Ranger!, Inc.
Eagle River, AK
Fish Tales Guide
Kenai, AK
Fishermen’s Inn
Port Alexander, AK
Fishing Bear Lodge
Dillingham, AK
The Fly Box Tackle Shop
Anchor Point, AK
Freelance Outdoor Adventures
Eagle River, AK
Frigate Adventure Travel
King Salmon, AK
Frontier River Guides
Anchorage, AK
Frosty View Lodge
Anchorage, Alaska
Glacier Guides, Inc.
Gustavus, AK
Goodnews River Lodge, LLC
Goodnews Bay, AK
Great Alaska Adventure Vacations
Sterling, AK
Grizzly Skins of Alaska, Inc.
King Salmon, AK
Hitaluga Guide Service, LLC
Anchorage, AK
Hodge’s Outfitters
Anchorage, AK
Icy Bay Lodge
Yakutat, AK
Igiugig Lodge, LLC
Igiugig, AK
Jake’s Nushagak Salmon Camp
Dillingham, AK
K-Kustom Rods
Anchorage, AK
Katmai Air, LLC
Kulik Lodge/Katmai Park, AK
Katmai Guide Service
King Salmon, AK
Katmai Service Providers, Inc.
(nearly 50 businesses)
Anchorage, AK
Katmailand, Inc.
Kulik Lodge/Katmai Park, AK
Keen Eye Anglers
Moose Pass, AK
Kenai Area Fisherman’s Coalition
Kenai, AK
Kenai River Trout Anglers
Cooper Landing, AK
KingSalmonGround, LLC
King Salmon, AK
Knik River Wood Works
Palmer, AK
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Kodiak Custom Fishing Tackle
Soldotna, AK
Kodiak Sportsman’s Lodge
Old Harbor, AK
Kodiak Treks
Kodiak, Alaska
Kvichak Anglers
Igiugig, AK
Kvichak Lodge
Igiugig, AK
Lake Country Lodge
Port Alsworth, AK
Lonesome Dove Outfitters, Inc.
Cordova, AK
Moosehorn Lodge
Wasilla, AK
Morrison Guide Service
King Salmon, AK
Mossy’s Fly Shop
Anchorage, AK
Mountain View Sports Center
Anchorage, AK
Muskeg Excursions
Ketchikan, AK
Mystic Waters Fly Fishing
Cooper Landing, AK
Naha Bay Outdoor Adventures
Ketchikan, AK
Naknek River Camp
King Salmon, AK
No See Um Lodge, Inc.
King Salmon, AK
Nushagak Outfitters / Nushagak River Lodge
Nushagak River, AK
Ocean Point Alaska Adventures
Douglas, AK
Ouzel Expeditions, Inc.
Girdwood, AK
Painter Creek Lodge
Anchorage, AK
Pioneer Outfitters
Chisana, AK
Price’s Guide Service
King Salmon, AK
Pristine Ventures, Inc.
Fairbanks, AK
Quartz Creek Lodge
Kodiak, AK
Rapids Camp Lodge
King Salmon, AK
Rainbow Bend Lodges
King Salmon, AK
Rainbow River Lodge
Iliamna, AK
Red Quill Lodge
Iliamna, AK
Reel Wilderness Adventures, Inc.
Dillingham, AK
River King Outfitters
Nushagak River, AK
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
River Wrangellers
Copper Center, AK
Royal Coachman Lodge
Dillingham, AK
Royal Wolf Lodge
Anchorage, AK
Saltery Lodge
Naha Bay, AK
Sasquatch Alaska Adventure Company, LLC
Homer, AK
Sea Hawk Air
Kodiak, AK
Silver Salmon Creek Lodge
Silver Salmon Creek, AK
Skull Creek Guiding
Dillingham, AK
Southeast Alaska Guiding
Douglas, AK
Stoney River Lodge
Stoney River, AK
TakeDown Sportfishing
Soldotna, AK
Talaheim Lodge
Anchorage, AK
Tikchik Narrows Lodge
Wasilla, AK
Togiak River Outfitters, LLC
Togiak, AK
Tok River Outfitters, LLC
Hoonah, AK
Tordrillo Mountain Lodge
Skwentna, AK
Ultima Thule Outfitters, Inc.
Wrangell St. Elias National Park, AK
Upstream Marketing
Palmer, AK
Westwind Guide Service/AK Big Game Hunting
Wasilla, AK
Wilderness Place Lodge
Anchorage, AK
Wildman Lake Lodge, Inc.
Anchorage, AK
Women’s Fly Fishing
Anchorage, AK
World Wide Angler Outfitters
Anchorage, AK
Arizona (13)
Arizona Council (Trout Unlimited)
Payson, AZ
Arizona Flycasters Club
Phoenix, AZ
Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife
Phoenix, AZ
Arizona Wildlife Federation
Flagstaff, AZ
Cliff Dwellers Lodge
Marble Canyon, AZ
Eastern Rocky Mtn Council (Fed. of Fly Fishers)
Flagstaff, AZ
Gila Trout Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Payson, AZ
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Lee’s Ferry Anglers
Marble Canyon, AZ
Old Pueblo Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Tucson, AZ
San Pedro Flycasters (Federation of Fly Fishers)
Sierra Vista, AZ
White Mountain Fly Fishing Club
Lakeside, AZ
White Mountain Lakes Foundation
Phoenix, AZ
Zane Grey Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Mesa, AZ
Arkansas (10)
Arkansas Drift
Little Rock, AR
Arkansas Fly Fishers (Federation of Fly Fishers)
Little Rock, AR
Hogs on the Fly
Mountain Home, AR
McLellan’s Fly Shop
Fayetteville, AR
North Arkansas Fly Fishers
(Federation of Fly Fishers)
Gassville, AR
Riverside Retreat
Norfork, AR
Southern Council (Federation of Fly Fishers)
Mountain Home, AR
White River Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Lakeview, AR
White River Inn
Cotter, AR
Women’s Fly Fishing of Japan
Lakeview, AR
California (68)
Abel Automatics, Inc.
Camarillo, CA
Abel Survivor
Somis, CA
Against the Flow Adventures
San Ramon, CA
BK Fly Fishing
Redding, CA
Bob Marriott’s Flyfishing Store
Fullerton, CA
Bowman Bluewater Guides & Outfitters
Encinitas, CA
Buff, Inc.
Santa Rosa, CA
California Council (Trout Unlimited)
Santa Rosa, CA
California Division
(Izaak Walton League of America)
Orange, CA
California Fly Fisher magazine
Truckee, CA
California Fly Shop
San Carlos, CA
California School of Flyfishing
Nevada City, CA
Central Coast Fly Fishing
Carmel, CA
Deep Creek Flyfishers
Redlands, CA
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Don Coffey Company
San Clemente, CA
El Dorado Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Placerville, CA
Fisherman Eyewear
Berkeley, CA
Fishermen’s Spot
Van Nuys, CA
Fly Fishers of Davis
Davis, CA
The Fly Fishing Guide Directory
Campbell, CA
The Fly Shop, Inc.
Redding, CA
Flycasters of San Jose, Inc.
San Jose, CA
Fresno Fly Fishers for Conservation
Fresno, CA
Galvan Fly Reels, Inc.
Sonora, CA
Golden West Women Flyfishers
San Francisco, CA
Hatch Outdoors, Inc.
Vista, CA
Hobie Cat Company
Oceanside, CA
JD Richey Sportfishing
Sacramento, CA
Jeff Bright Steelhead Flyfishing Expeditions
San Francisco, CA
KUIU, Inc.
Dixon, CA
Marmot Mountain, LLC
Santa Rosa, CA
Matt Heron Fly Fishing
Olympic Valley, CA
Mission Peak Fly Anglers
Fremont, CA
Mount Tamalpais Fly Fishers
Marin County, CA
Nevada City Anglers
Nevada City, CA
Northern California Council (Fed. of Fly Fishers)
Sonoma, CA
Rancho Santa Fe, CA
Okuma Fishing Tackle
Ontario, CA
Outdoor Pro Shop, Inc.
Cotati, CA
Patagonia, Inc.
Ventura, CA
Peninsula Fly Fishers
Pacifica, CA
Pit River Company
Petaluma, CA
Poly Fly Fishers Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
San Luis Obispo, CA
Randy Williams Fishing Guide Service
Pollock Pines, CA
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Redwood Empire Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Santa Rosa, CA
Reel Anglers Fly Shop
Grass Valley, CA
Riverbend Adventures Guide Service
Lewiston, CA
Sac-Sierra Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Sacramento, CA
Santa Barbara Flyfishers
Santa Barbara, CA
Santa Cruz Fly Fishermen
Santa Cruz, CA
Santa Lucia Fly Fishers
San Luis Obispo, CA
Shasta Trout
Mount Shasta, CA
Shasta Trinity Fly Fishers
Redding, CA
Sierra Pacific Fly Fishers
(Federation of Fly Fishers)
Van Nuys, CA
South Coast Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Orange County, CA
Southwest Council (Federation of Fly Fishers)
Malibu, CA
Sports Afield magazine
Huntington Beach, CA
Steve Huber Guide Service
Douglas City, CA
T.N.G. Motorsports Guide Service
Meadow Vista, CA
Tailwater Fisheries, LLC
Yuba City, CA
Tenkara USA
San Francisco, CA
Tri-Valley Fly Fishers
Livermore, CA
The Trout Spot
Santa Clara, CA
The Trout Underground
Mount Shasta, CA
Truckee River Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Truckee, CA
Tundra River Adventures
Woodland, CA
Whitney Gould Spey
Newcastle, CA
Wilderness Fly Fishers
Santa Monica, CA
Colorado (72)
Alpine Anglers Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Estes Park, CO
Anasazi Angler, Inc.
Hesperus, CO
Angler’s Covey
Colorado Springs, CO
Anglers Accessories
Centennial, CO
Anglers All
Littleton, CO
The Angling Book Store
Crested Butte, CO
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Angling Trade Magazine
Pine, CO
Blue Quill Angler
Evergreen, CO
Boulder Boat Works, Inc.
Boulder, CO
Boulder Flycasters Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Boulder, CO
Caribou Gear Outdoor Equipment Company
Centennial, CO
Cherry Creek Anglers Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Elizabeth, CO
Cheyenne Mountain Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Colorado Springs, CO
CJR Flyfishing
Idaho Springs, CO
Collegiate Peaks Anglers Chapter
(Trout Unlimited)
Salida, CO
The Colorado Angler
Silverthorne, CO
Colorado Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Boulder, CO
Colorado River Headwaters Chapter (TU)
Fraser, CO
Colorado Trout Unlimited
Denver, CO
Colorado Wildlife Federation
Denver, CO
Comb Enterprises, LLC
Telluride, CO
Compleat Thought, LLC
Denver, CO
Conejos River Anglers
Antonito, CO
Cross Current Travel Group
Colorado Springs, CO
Crystal Fly Shop
Carbondale, CO
Cutthroat Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Littleton, CO
Denver Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Denver, CO
Denver Fly Shop
Denver, CO
Dvorak Raft, Kayak, and Fishing Expeditions
Nathrop, CO
Eagle Valley Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Vail, CO
Emerald Water Anglers Colorado
Glenwood Springs, CO
Evergreen Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Evergreen, CO
Ferdinand Hayden Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Carbondale, CO
Fishpond, Inc.
Dillon, CO
Five Oceans, Inc. Sales & Marketing
Steamboat Springs, CO
Five Rivers Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Durango, CO
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Flies & Lies
Deckers, CO
Flow Tek, Inc. (Monic Fly Lines)
Fly Fishing Outfitters
Avon, CO
Front Range Anglers
Boulder, CO
Golden River Sports Outfitters
Golden, CO
Gore Range Anglers Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Breckenridge, CO
Grand Valley Anglers Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Grand Junction, CO
Gunnison Angling Society Chapter
(Trout Unlimited)
Gunnison, CO
The Greenbacks
Denver, CO
The Hatch Fly Shop
Pine, CO
High Country Fishing Charters
Pagosa Springs, CO
Hog Island Boat Works
Steamboat Springs, CO
Kingfisher Drifters
Fort Collins, CO
MidCurrent LLC
Fort Collins, CO
Next Ascent Outdoor and Sport
Littleton, CO
Nomad Fly Fishing
Littleton, CO
Professor Bodkin Fly Fishing
Windsor, CO
Rancho del Rio
Bond, CO
Rawah Ranch Flyfishing Lodge
Glendevey, CO
Rep Your Water
Lafayette, CO
RIGS Adventure Company
Ridgway, CO
Rip-N-Lips Fly Fishing
Clifton, CO
Rocky Mountain Flycasters Chapter (TU)
Fort Collins, CO
Royal Gorge Anglers
Canon City, CO
Schliske Bamboo Fly Rods
Fort Collins, CO
Scott Fly Rod Company
Montrose, CO
Seek Outside
Ridgway, CO
South Platte Outfitters
Deckers, CO
Southern Colorado Greenback Chapter (TU)
Pueblo, CO
Sporting Culture Advisors
Golden, CO
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Steel City Anglers
Pueblo, CO
Taylor Creek Fly Shops
Basalt, CO
Trout’s Fly Fishing
Denver, CO
Umpqua Feather Merchants
Louisville, CO
West Denver Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Denver, CO
Wild on the Fly
Boulder, CO
Connecticut (15)
Candlewood Valley Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Newtown, CT
Compleat Angler
Darien, CT
Connecticut Council (Trout Unlimited)
Norwalk, CT
Farmington Valley Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Unionville, CT
Fly Fishing Connecticut, LLC
Wilton, CT
Hammonasset Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Clinton, CT
Mianus Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Wilton, CT
Naugatuck-Pomperaug Chapter
(Trout Unlimited)
Oakville, CT
Cove Outfitters, Inc.
Old Saybrook, CT
NW Connecticut Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Torrington, CT
Nutmeg Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Bridgeport, CT
Nutmeg Guide Service
Southbury, CT
REC Components
Stafford Springs, CT
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc.
Southport, CT
Thames Valley Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Oakdale, CT
Delaware (2)
A Marblehead Flyfisher
Wilmington, DE
White Clay Outfitters
Newark, DE
District of Columbia (1)
National Capital Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Washington, DC
Florida (29)
Absolute Florida Flats Fishing
New Port Richey, FL
Angler’s Passport
Sarasota, FL
Argonaut Publishing Company
Chuluota, FL
AVID Tackle
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
The Blue Voodoo
Clearwater, FL
Captain Bruce Chard Fishing Charters, Inc.
Big Pine Key, FL
Chaser Key West Fishing
Key West, FL
Copout Offshore Fishing Charters, LLC
Oviedo, FL
Costa del Mar
Daytona Beach, FL
Florida Wildlife Federation
Tallahassee, FL
Fly Fishing in Salt Waters
Winter Park, FL
The Gypsy Guide Service
Sarasota, FL
John Miller Guide Service, LLC
Okeechobee, FL
Key West Angling
Key West, FL
Mangrove Coast Fly Fishers
Sarasota, FL
Winter Park, FL
Mosquito Coast Communications & Fishing Charters
Orlando, FL
Nautilus Reels
Miami, FL
Norm Zeigler’s Fly Shop
Sanibel Island, FL
Orlando Outfitters
Orlando, FL
Salt Water Sportsman
Winter Park, FL
Sanibel Island Fly Fishers
Sanibel Island, FL
The Sarasota Fly Fishing School
Sarasota, FL
Sport Fishing
Winter Park, FL
Spotted Tail Charter Service
Chuluota, FL
Suncoast Fly Fishers
Saint Petersburg, FL
Tarpon Coast Fly Fishers (Fed. of Fly Fishers)
Hernando Beach, FL
Tibor Reel Corporation
Delray Beach, FL
True Flies, LLC
Boca Grande, FL
Georgia (6)
Broadway Tackle
Augusta, GA
Deep South Fly Anglers
Kennesaw, GA
Fishing Waders Pro
Mansfield, GA
Georgia Council (Trout Unlimited)
Cumming, GA
Gray’s Sporting Journal
Augusta, GA
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Tybee Island Charters
Tybee Island, GA
Hawaii (4)
Bonefish Honolulu
Honolulu, HI
Fish Art LLC
Honolulu, HI
Hawaii on the Fly
Kailua, HI
Waikahe’olu Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Honolulu, HI
Idaho (41)
Argali Outdoors
Boise, ID
Ballistic Spey Lines
Idaho Falls, ID
Buck Knives
Post Falls, ID
Carriboo Conservancy, Inc.
Pocatello, ID
Down River Design Company
Irwin, ID
First Lite
Ketchum, ID
Fluid Peak Films
Swan Valley, ID
Global Fly Fishing
Hell’s Canyon Sport Fishing
Lewiston, ID
Hemingway Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Hailey, ID
The Idaho Angler
Boise, ID
Idaho Council (Trout Unlimited)
Boise, ID
Idaho Panhandle Chapter
Sandpoint, ID
Jimmy’s All Seasons Angler
Idaho Falls, ID
Kast Gear
Idaho Falls, ID
Kelly Creek Flycasters
Lewiston, ID
Kype Magazine
Boise, ID
Loon Outdoors
Boise, ID
Lost River Outfitters, Inc
Ketchum, ID
Magic Valley Fly Fishers Chapter
(Trout Unlimited)
Twin Falls, ID
Morning Star Lanyards
Pocatello, ID
Panhandle Outfitters, Inc.
Avery, ID
Peet Shoe Dryer, Inc.
St. Maries, ID
Pro Guide Direct, Inc.
Victor, ID
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Pursuit Anglers
Eagle, ID
Red Shed Fly Shop
Peck, ID
Reed Gillespie / Central Idaho Chapter (TU)
McCall, ID
RIO Products International
Idaho Falls, ID
Ron Spomer Outdoors, Inc.
Boise, ID
Sandpoint Outfitters
Sandpoint, ID
Smith Optics
Ketchum, ID
Snake River Cutthroats Chapter
(Trout Unlimited)
Idaho Falls, ID
Snake River Outfitters
Idaho Falls, ID
South East Idaho Fly Fishers Chapter (TU)
Pocatello, ID
StreamTech, LLC
Boise, ID
Ketchum, ID
Ted Trueblood Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Boise, ID
Teton Valley Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Victor, ID
Tightline Studio
Boise, ID
The Waterworks-Lamson
Ketchum, ID
Worldcast Anglers
Victor, ID
Illinois (7)
Chicago Fly Fishing Outfitters
Chicago, IL
Dan’s Tackle Service
Chicago, IL
Elliott Donnelley Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Chicago, IL
Gary Borger Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Grayslake, IL
Illinois Council (Trout Unlimited)
Highland Park, IL
Lee Wulff Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Elgin, IL
Oak Brook Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Oak Brook, IL
Indiana (3)
Buck’s Pro Mount Taxidermy
Fairland, IN
FlyMasters of Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN
Stonefly Press
Bloomington, IN
Iowa (4)
Clear Creek
Denver, IA
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
ColdWater Guide Service
Stuart, IA
Iowa Council (Trout Unlimited)
Des Moines, IA
Iowa Wildlife Federation
Solon, IA
Kansas (3)
Heart of America Flyfishers (Fed. of Fly Fishers)
Overland Park, KS
Kansas Farmland Outfitters
Potwin, KS
Kansas Wildlife Federation
Wichita, KS
Kentucky (2)
Bluegrass Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Lexington, KY
Kentucky Council (Trout Unlimited)
Louisville, KY
Louisiana (3)
Coldwater Committee (Fed. of Fly Fishers)
Lafayette, LA
Great Day, Inc.
Tallulah, LA
Louisiana Wildlife Federation
Gonzales, LA
Maine (10)
Coastal Fly Angler, Inc.
Freeport, ME
Eldredge Brothers Fly Shop
Cape Neddick, ME
George’s River Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Camden, ME
Kennebec Valley Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Whitefield, ME
L.L. Bean, Inc.
Freeport, ME
Maine Council (Trout Unlimited)
New Gloucester, ME
Maine Sport Outfitters
Rockport, ME
Merrymeeting Bay Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Sebasco Estates, ME
Mollyockett Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Otisfield, ME
Sebago Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Portland, ME
Maryland (4)
Lateral Line, Inc.
Easton, MD
Mayfly Enterprises, Ltd.
Chevy Chase, MD
Mid-Atlantic Council (Federation of Fly Fishers)
Columbia, MD
Potomac Valley Fly Fishers
Middletown, MD
Massachusetts (9)
Central Mass Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Framingham, MA
Cheeky Fly Fishing, LLC
Boston, MA
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Greater Boston Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Boston, MA
Massachusetts/Rhode Island Council (TU)
Hinsdale, MA
Mud Dog Saltwater Flies
Marshfield, MA
Nor’East Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Georgetown, MA
North Eastern Council
(Federation of Fly Fishers)
Wellesley, MA
Shadowcaster Charters
Newburyport, MA
Lancaster, MA
Michigan (36)
Alaska Adventure Safaris, LLC
Marine City, MI
Bay de Noc Lure Company
Gladstone, MI
Blood Run Tackle Company
Hamilton, MI
Caddis Shack Fly Fishing
Escanaba, MI
Cloud 9 Resort
Baldwin, MI
Dr. Tim’s Premium Pet Food
Marquette, MI
Dwight Lydell Chapter
(Izaak Walton League of America)
Rockford, MI
Feenstra Guide Service
Newaygo, MI
Fine Angler Art
East Lansing, MI
Fly Fishing Creations
Midland, MI
Fred Waara Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Marquette, MI
Gates Au Sable Lodge and Fly Shop
Grayling, MI
Great Lakes Council (Federation of Fly Fishers)
Pentwater, MI
Great Lakes Fishing and Sporting Alliance
Petoskey, MI
Great Lakes Fly Fishing Company
Rockford, MI
Greenhighlander Flyfishing
Linden, MI
Headwaters Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Vanderbilt, MI
Leon P. Martuch Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Midland, MI
Manistee River Salmon Guide Service
Manistee, MI
Mason-Griffith Founders Chapter
(Trout Unlimited)
Grayling, MI
Michigan Council (Trout Unlimited)
Zeeland, MI
Michigan United Conservation Clubs
Lansing, MI
Midwest Custom Fly Rods
Royal Oak, MI
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Miller – Van Winkle Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Petoskey, MI
Moore Outfitters and Angling Destinations
Thompsonville, MI
Old Au Sable Fly Shop
Grayling, MI
Southfield, MI
Rivers North Guide Service
Marquette, MI
Schrems West Michigan Chapter
(Trout Unlimited)
Grand Rapids, MI
Switchback Gear Exchange & Outfitter
Marquette, MI
Traverse City Bass Guide Service
Traverse City, MI
True North Trout
Traverse City, MI
Holt, MI
Vanguard Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Rochester, MI
William B. Mershon Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Essexville, MI
Wolfe Outfitters at Crystal Mountain Resort
Thompsonville, MI
Minnesota (31)
Action Fly Company
Laporte, MN
Austin Chapter
(Izaak Walton League of America)
Austin, MN
Bob Mitchell’s Fly Shop
Lake Elmo, MN
Clam Corporation
Medina, MN
Donahe Split Cane Rods
Victoria, MN
FishTraxx Guide Service
Breezy Point, MN
The Fly Angler
Blaine, MN
Front 20 Outfitters, LLC
Menahga, MN
Gitche Gumee Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Hermantown, MN
Great Lakes Fly Shop
Duluth, MN
Headwaters Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Bemidji, MN
Hiawatha Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Oronoco, MN
Rochester, MN
Ice Team
Medina, MN
J.W. McCabe Chapter
(Izaak Walton League of America)
Duluth, MN
Mid-Minnesota Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Rice, MN
Minnesota Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Grand Rapids, MN
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Minnesota Council (Trout Unlimited)
Chaska, MN
Minnesota Division (Izaak Walton League of America)
Saint Paul, MN
Minnetonka, MN
Forest Lake, MN
Roughfisher Fly Fishing
Detroit Lakes, MN
Sporting Life Adventure Travel
Saint Michael, MN
Thunder Creek Outfitters
Nevis, MN
Twin Cities Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Victoria, MN
W. Breckenridge Chapter
(Izaak Walton League of America)
Brooklyn Park, MN
Waybinahbe Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Cohasset, MN
White Fox Fur & Feather Company
Pemberton, MN
Whitefish Studio
Marine on St. Croix, MN
Wildwood Float Trips
Monticello, MN
Win-Cres Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Winona, MN
Missouri (8)
Branson Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Branson, MO
Driftwood Outdoors
Fayette, MO
SaintLouis, MO
Lilley’s Landing Resort and Marina
Branson, MO
Mid-Missouri Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Columbia, MO
Ozark Fly Fishers, Inc.
Saint Louis, MO
Ozark Sweetwater, LLC
New Broomfield,MO
Southwest Missouri Fly Fishers
Springfield, MO
Mississippi (1)
Fish Portraits, LLC
Hattiesburg, MS
Montana (73)
Absaraka Fishing Bear Lodge
Fort Smith, MT
Adipose Boatworks
Helena, MT
Big Horn River Alliance
Fort Smith, MT
Big Sky Anglers
West Yellowstone, MT
Big Sky Inflatables, LLC
Stevensville, MT
Bighorn Flies
Billings, MT
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Bighorn River Fly Fisher
Fort Smith, MT
Bitter Root Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Hamilton, MT
Blue Ribbon Flies
West Yellowstone, MT
Blue Ribbon Nets
Bozeman, MT
Bozeman Reel Company
Bozeman, MT
Brant Oswald Fly Fishing Services
Livingston, MT
Livingston, MT
Cascade Outfitter
Cascade, MT
Castafly Travel, LLC
Bozeman, MT
Castaway Films
Missoula, MT
Catch Fly Fishing, LLC
Billings, MT
Chuck Stranahan’s Fly Shop
Hamilton, MT
Confluence Films
Bozeman, MT
Belgrade, MT
Doublehaul Travel
Bozeman, MT
Fish Photo
Butte, MT
Fishing with Larry
Columbus, MT
FishTales Outfitting
Sheridan, MT
Flathead Wildlife, Inc.
Kalispell, MT
Flatwater Lodge
Fly Fishing Portraits
Bozeman, MT
Fly on the Wall Travels, LLC
Missoula, MT
Four Rivers Fishing Company
Twin Bridges, MT
Frontier Anglers
Dillon, MT
Gallatin River Lodge
Bozeman, MT
Glacier Raft Company / Glacier Anglers
West Glacier, MT
Greater Yellowstone Flyfishers, Inc.
Bozeman, MT
Grizzly Hackle Fly Shop
Missoula, MT
Headhunters, LLC
Craig, MT
Hellgate Hunters and Anglers
Missoula, MT
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
The Kingfisher Fly Shop
Missoula, MT
Kootenai River Outfitters
Troy, MT
Lakestream Outfitters
Whitefish, MT
Linehan Outfitting Company
Troy, MT
Madison-Gallatin Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Bozeman, MT
Merco Products
Nye, MT
The Missoulian Angler Fly Shop
Missoula, MT
Missouri River Flyfishers
Great Falls, MT
Missouri River Ranch, Inc.
Craig, MT
Montana Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Missoula, MT
Montana Fly Fishing Connection, LLC
Missoula, MT
Montana Flyfishing Expeditions, LLC
Bozeman, MT
Montana Trout Unlimited
Missoula, MT
Montana Troutfitters
Bozeman, MT
The Montana Way Outfitters
Ennis, MT
Mountain Air Marketing & Consulting
Whitefish, MT
Whitefish, MT
Mystery Ranch Backpacks
Bozeman, MT
On Your Own Adventures, LLC
Bozeman, MT
R.L. Winston Rod Company
Twin Bridges, MT
The Rivers Edge Fishing Company
Bozeman, MT
Riverside Anglers, Inc.
West Yellowstone, MT
Ro Drift Boats
Bozeman, MT
Robertson Stykbow
Forestgrove, MT
Simms Fishing Products
Bozeman, MT
Spring Creek Enterprises
Lewistown, MT
Steelhead Committee (Fed. of Fly Fishers)
Livingston, MT
The StoneFly Fly Shop
Butte, MT
Stonefly Inn & Outfitters
Twin Bridges, MT
Sunrise Fly Shop
Melrose, MT
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Sweetgrass Rods
Twin Bridges, MT
Sweetwater Travel
Livingston, MT
The Tackle Shop
Ennis, MT
Dixon, MT
The Trout Shop
Craig, MT
Upland Water Adventures
Missoula, MT
Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures
Bozeman, MT
Yellowstone Angler
Livingston, MT
Nebraska (2)
Lincoln, NE
Nebraska Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Bellevue, NE
Nevada (9)
CalVada Flyfishing
Reno, NV
Coalition for Nevada’s Wildlife
Reno, NV
Glacier Outdoor, Inc.
Reno, NV
Hendrix Outdoors
Fallon, NV
Nevada Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Reno, NV
Sagebrush Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Reno, NV
Southern Nevada Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Las Vegas, NV
Truckee River Flyfishers
Reno, NV
Webley & Scott, USA
Reno, NV
New Hampshire (10)
ASA / Eastern Fishing & Outdoor Exposition
Portsmouth, NH
Fly Fish America magazine
North Conway, NH
Great Bay Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Dover, NH
Greater Upper Valley Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Lebanon, NH
Minox USA, Inc.
Claremont, NH
New Hampshire Council (Trout Unlimited)
New Boston, NH
North Country Angler
North Conway, NH
On Target magazine
North Conway, NH
Saco River Valley Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
North Conway, NH
Thompson / Center
Rochester, NH
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
New Jersey (19)
American Fly Fishing Schools
Island Heights, NJ
Central New Jersey Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Clarksburg, NJ
Coastal Angler Fly Fishing
Beachwood, NJ
East Jersey Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
New Milford, NJ
Ernest Schwiebert Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Newton, NJ
Medford, NJ
Fred S. Burroughs North Jersey Chapter (TU)
Newton, NJ
Hacklebarney Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Denville, NJ
Jersey Shore Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Beachwood, NJ
Ken Lockwood Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Neshanic Station, NJ
Morning Dew Sport Fishing
Perth Amboy, NJ
New Jersey Council (Trout Unlimited)
Bedminster, NJ
Rahway River Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Bloomfield, NJ
Raritan Bay Anglers Club
Perth Amboy, NJ
Ray Neirle South Jersey Chapter
(Trout Unlimited)
Clementon, NJ
Ridge & Valley Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Washington, NJ
Shannon's Fly & Tackle
Califon, NJ
Tight Lines Fly Fishing
Parsippany, NJ
WeatherWool, LLC
South Orange, NJ
New Mexico (42)
ARCOM Outfitting & Guide
Farmington, NM
Artistic Creation Taxidermy Studios
Aztec, NM
Blue Sky Flyfishing Co., LLC
Navajo Dam, NM
Bob Gerding’s Outdoor Adventures
Albuquerque, NM
Bosque Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Albuquerque, NM
Charlie’s Sporting Goods
Albuquerque, NM
Dave’s Wildlife Studio
Albuquerque, NM
Dona Ana County Associated Sportsmen
Las Cruces, NM
Enchanted Circle Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Taos, NM
Final Approach Chapter (Delta Waterfowl)
Clovis, NM
Fire Power Gun and Pawn
Ruidoso, NM
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Flat Creek Rods
Rio Rancho, NM
Float ‘N Fish
Navajo Dam, NM
Gila / Rio Grande Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Las Cruces, NM
Gila Resources Information Project
Silver City, NM
High-Lonesome Books
Silver City, NM
High Desert Angler
Santa Fe, NM
Land of Enchantment Guides
Velarde, NM
Los Pinos Fly and Tackle Shop
Albuquerque, NM
Mesilla Valley Longbeards Chapter (NWTF)
Las Cruces, NM
New Mexico Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Albuquerque, NM
New Mexico Council of Trout Unlimited
Santa Fe, NM
NMSU Student Chapter
(American Fisheries Society)
Las Cruces, NM
New Mexico Wildlife Federation
Albuquerque, NM
New Mexico Trout
Albuquerque, NM
Pescador Solitario, LLC
Taos, NM
Qualifly Products
Albuquerque, NM
Rainbow Lodge & Resolution Guide Service
Navajo Dam, NM
The Reel Life
Santa Fe, NM
Rio Grande Return
Santa Fe, NM
Soaring Eagle Lodge
Navajo Dam, NM
Southwest Consolidated Sportsmen
Las Cruces, NM
SweetRock RodSmiths
Edgewood, NM
Takem Custom Calls
Albuquerque, NM
Talstar Lodge Alaska
Albuquerque, NM
Taos Fly Shop
Taos, NM
Truchas Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Santa Fe, NM
Tularosa Archery Pro Shop
Tularosa, NM
United Bowhunters of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
Wild Turkey Sportsmen’s Association
Las Cruces, NM
Zia Sporting Goods
Farmington, NM
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
New York (23)
Art Flick Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Medford, NY
Autumn Siren Flies
Olean, NY
Catskill Mountains Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Kingston, NY
Chenango Valley Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
McDonough, NY
Columbia Greene Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Tivoli, NY
Cortland Line Sales, LLC
Cortland, NY
Hungry Trout Fly Shop
Wilmington, NY
JP Ross Fly Rods
Whitesboro, NY
Mohawk Valley Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Whitesboro, NY
Neversink River Guide Service
Forestburgh, NY
New York Council (Trout Unlimited)
Elma, NY
North Flats Guiding, LLC
New York, NY
O.A. Mustad & Son (USA), Inc.
Auburn, NY
Ontario Fly Outfitters
Rise Fishing Company
East Hampton, NY
Royal Wulff Products
Livingston Manor, NY
Rugged Intellectual, Inc.
Canandaigua, NY
S.W.A.T. Fishing Guide Service
Pulaski, NY
Theodore Gordon Flyfishers
Roscoe, NY
Tri-Lakes Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Saranac Lake, NY
Urban Angler, LLC
New York, NY
Western New York Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
North Tonawanda, NY
Wild Trout Flyrodders, Inc.
Long Flat, NY
North Carolina (18)
Blue Ridge Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Winston Salem, NC
Cataloochee Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Waynesville, NC
Chattahoochie Nantahala Chapter (TU)
Hayesville, NC
The Green Drake
Winston Salem, NC
Hunter Banks Company
Asheville, NC
Jake Jordan’s Fishing Adventures
Havelock, NC
Land O’Sky Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Asheville, NC
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Nantahala River Lodge
Topton, NC
Nat Greene Fly Fishers Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Greensboro, NC
North Carolina Camouflage Coalition
Raleigh, NC
North Carolina Council (Trout Unlimited)
Arden, NC
North Carolina Wildlife Federation
Charlotte, NC
Pisgah Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Hendersonville, NC
Rocky River Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Charlotte, NC
Sportsman’s Toy Store
New Bern, NC
Table Rock Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Morganton, NC
Triangle Fly Fishers Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Raleigh, NC
Wing & Fly Company
Greensboro, NC
North Dakota (1)
Jason Mitchell Outdoors
Devils Lake, ND
Ohio (16)
Anglers Choice Flies
Dublin, OH
Bowhunting Supershow
Morrow, OH
Central Ohio Fly Fishers
Columbus, OH
Clearfork Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Wooster, OH
Fallen Timbers Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Toledo, OH
Flybum Media Productions
Middlefield, OH
Havalon Knives
Cincinnati, OH
Madmen Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
South Charleston, OH
Mohican Fly Fishers of Ohio
Mansfield, OH
Ohio Council (Trout Unlimited)
Lewis Center, OH
Ohio Division (Izaak Walton League of America)
Hamilton, OH
Senyo’s Steelhead Alley Outfitters
Holland, OH
Slow Water Drifters
Cleveland, OH
SmithFly Designs
Troy, OH
Western Reserve Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Akron, OH
World Hunting Expo
Morrow, OH
Oklahoma (4)
Eighty Niner Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Midwest City, OK
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Indian Nations Council (Trout Unlimited)
Broken Arrow, OK
Oklahoma Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Broken Arrow, OK
Tulsa Fly Fishers (Federation of Fly Fishers)
Broken Arrow, OK
Oregon (56)
Anderson Custom Rods
Gold Hill, OR
Archery Past
Bend, OR
The Ashland Fly Shop
Ashland, OR
Backcountry Fly Shop
Corvallis, OR
Bauer Premium Fly Reels, Inc.
Ashland, OR
Berkley Conservation Institute / Pure Fishing
Mulino, OR
Beulah Fly Rods
Medford, OR
Brian Silvey’s Flyfishing Guide Service
Maupin, OR
Cascadia Fly Shop
Corvallis, OR
Cascadia Vehicle Tents
Bend, OR
Catch Magazine
Powell Butte, OR
Clacka Craft
Clackamas, OR
Daxfly Fishing
Grants Pass, OR
Deep Canyon Outfitters
Bend, OR
Deschutes Angler Fly Shop
Maupin, OR
Deschutes Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Bend, OR
Deschutes River Camp
Madras, OR
Deschutes River Fishing Company
Camp Sherman, OR
Bend, OR
ffp Compound Rods
Gresham, OR
Fish Head Expeditions, LLC
Portland, OR
Fish On! Fly & Tackle, LLC
Milwaukie, OR
Fly & Field Outfitters
Bend, OR
The Fly Fisher’s Place
Sisters, OR
The FlyBook
Hillsboro, OR
Flyfishing & Tying Journal
Portland, OR
Bend, OR
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Flywater Travel
Ashland, OR
Frank Amato Publications, Inc.
Portland, OR
Homewaters Fly Fishing
Eugene, OR
Jim Teeny, Inc.
Gresham, OR
Koffler Boats, Inc.
Eugene, OR
Lake in the Dunes
Summer Lake, OR
Little Creek Outfitters
Brightwood, OR
Mainstream Outdoors
Oregon City, OR
McKenzie-Upper Willamette Chapter (TU)
Eugene, OR
Morrison’s Rogue River Lodge
Merlin, OR
Northwest Angling Experience
Tillamook, OR
Northwest Connection
Philomath, OR
Northwest Sportfishing Industry Assoc.
Oregon City, OR
Oregon Council (Trout Unlimited)
Hillsboro, OR
Oregon Pack Works
Bend, OR
Radditz/Sippler Outfitters
Madras, OR
River City Fly Shop
Beaverton, OR
Rod and Reel Adventures
Eugene, OR
Rogue Flyfishers (Federation of Fly Fishers)
Medford, OR
Royal Treatment Fly Fishing
West Linn, OR
Salmon & Steelhead Journal
Portland, OR
Salmon Trout Steelheader
Portland, OR
Spirit River, Inc.
Roseburg, OR
Roseburg, OR
Stream to Sea Travel
Powell Butte, OR
Tailwater Fisheries, LLC
Chiloquin, OR
Traveling Angler
Portland, OR
Tualatin Valley Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Portland, OR
Wild Rivers Coast Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Brookings, OR
Pennsylvania (22)
2Bonthewater Guide Service
Oley, PA
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Arrowhead Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Sarver, PA
Brodhead Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Bartonsville, PA
Caldwell Creek Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Columbus, PA
Chestnut Ridge Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Uniontown, PA
Cross Current Guide Service & Outfitters
Milford, PA
Donegal Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Ephrata, PA
The Fly Fishing Show
Rockwood, PA
Fly Fishing Top-2-Bottom TV
Clarks Summit, PA
Frontiers Travel
Wexford, PA
Hardy North America
Lancaster, PA
Laurel Highlands Guide Services
Melcroft, PA
The Lehigh Fishing Company
White Haven, PA
Lloyd Wilson Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Lock Haven, PA
No Brainer Expeditions
Boiling Springs, PA
Northwest PA Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Fairview, PA
Pennsylvania Council (Trout Unlimited)
Bellefonte, PA
Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs
Harrisburg, PA
Seele Fly Rods
Bellwood, PA
Tri-County Trout Club
Lower Burrell, PA
Valley Forge Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Malvern, PA
Yellow Breeches Outfitters
Boiling Springs, PA
South Carolina (6)
Chattooga River Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Liberty, SC
The Fiberglass Manifesto
Gilbert, SC
Free Fly Apparel
Charleston, SC
Mountain Bridge Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Taylors, SC
Saluda River Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Columbia, SC
South Carolina Council (Trout Unlimited)
Greenville, SC
South Dakota (6)
Cold Snap Outdoors
Sioux Falls, SD
Custom Accessories
Harrisburg, SD
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Dakota Angler & Outfitter
Rapid City, SD
Dakota Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Harrisburg, SD
South Dakota Wildlife Federation
Pierre, SD
The School of Fly Fishing
Lead, SD
Tennessee (5)
Little River Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Friendsville, TN
Smoky Mountain Troutfitters
Knoxville, TN
Strike King Lure Company
Collierville, TN
Tennessee Council (Trout Unlimited)
Friendsville, TN
Towee Boats
McMinnville, TN
Texas (25)
A Fishing Fantasy Guide Service & Outfitters
Aransas Pass, TX
Allen Fly Fishing
Southlake, TX
Class Five, LLC
Austin, TX
Coastal Experience / Skiff Gear
Lake Jackson, TX
Departure Publishing
Austin, TX
Diablo Paddlesports
Austin, TX
The Emu Outfitting Company
Arlington, TX
The Fly Photo
Dallas, TX
Good Eats Fly Fishing
Rio Hondo, TX
The Guides of Texas
Mission, TX
Gunn & Hook
Fort Worth, TX
Howler Brothers
Austin, TX
Laguna Madre Outfitters, LLC
Arroyo City, TX
Lower Mountain Fork River Foundation
Dallas, TX
Marine Service Company
Lindale, TX
Maven Fly
Austin, TX
Mountain Hideaway
Lubbock, TX
Oak Point, TX
The South Texas Fly Fishing Company
South Padre Island, TX
Tailwaters Fly Fishing Company
Dallas, TX
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Temple Fork Outfitters
Dallas, TX
Tosh Brown Photography
Austin, TX
Twintail Clothing
Dallas, TX
Wide Open Spaces
Austin, TX
YETI Coolers
Austin, TX
Utah (12)
Barebones Living
Bluffview, UT
Fishwest, Inc.
Sandy, UT
Goat Head Gear, LLC
Farmington, UT
Outlaw Adventures
Salt Lake City, UT
Ruta Locura, LLC
Ogden, UT
Tacky Fly Fishing
Saratoga Springs, UT
Titanium Goat
Ogden, UT
Trout Bum 2
Park City, UT
Utah Council (Trout Unlimited)
Park City, UT
Utah Stillwaters
Lehi, UT
Western Rivers Flyfisher
Salt Lake City, UT
William Joseph
West Jordan, UT
Vermont (8)
Central Vermont Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Richmond, VT
Finn Utility – Finn, LLC
Richmond, VT
Green Mountain Anglers VT
Colchester, VT
MadDog Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Moretown, VT
New England Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Montpelier, VT
The Orvis Company
Sunderland, VT
Southwestern Vermont Chapter
(Trout Unlimited)
Manchester Center, VT
Vermont Council (Trout Unlimited)
Williston, VT
Virginia (8)
Dead Drift Flies
Roanoke, VA
Dusty Wissmath Fly Fishing
Bluemont, VA
Fly Rod Chronicles
Winchester, VA
Hanover Fly Fishers, Ltd. LLC
Hanover, VA
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Mossy Creek Fly Fishing
Harrisonburg, VA
Murray’s Fly Shop
Edinburg, VA
South River Fly Shop
Waynesboro, VA
Virginia Fishing Adventures / Virginia Outside
Richmond, VA
Washington (70)
Alaska Bowhunting Supply / GrizzlyStik
Seattle, WA
Angler’s Obsession
Ellensburg, WA
Arch Anglers
Seattle, WA
The Avid Angler
Seattle, WA
Backcast Outfitters, LLC
Woodland, WA
Bellevue-Issaquah Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Issaquah, WA
Brazda’s Fly Fishing
Ellensburg, WA
CF Burkheimer Fly Rod Company
Washougal, WA
Catchercraft Boats, LLC
Ellensburg, WA
Coastal Conservation Association Pacific NW
Vancouver, WA
Deneki Outdoors
Seattle, WA
DRYFT Fishing
Bellingham, WA
Duwamish-Green Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Seattle, WA
Emerald Water Anglers
Seattle, WA
Emerging Rivers Guide Services
Snoqualmie, WA
The Evening Hatch
Ellensburg, WA
Seattle, WA
Far Bank Enterprises
Bainbridge Island, WA
Seattle, WA
Fish First
Woodland, WA
The Flyfish Journal
Bellingham, WA
G. Loomis
Woodland, WA
Gig Harbor Fly Shop
Gig Harbor, WA
Griff’s Fly Fishing Adventures
Twisp, WA
Icicle Valley Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Leavenworth, WA
Imaginary Trout Productions, LLC
Spokane, WA
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Inland Empire Fly Fishing Club
Spokane, WA
Klickitat Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Goldendale, WA
Little Stone Fly Fisher
Port Townsend, PA
Mack’s Lure, Inc.
Wenatchee, WA
Media Index Publishing Group
Seattle, WA
Bellingham, WA
Mike Z’s Guide Service
Forks, WA
Nate Treat Fishing
Lynnwood, WA
North Fork Composites
Woodland, WA
North Kitsap – Bainbridge Island Chapter (TU)
Bainbridge Island, WA
Northshore Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Port Angeles, WA
Northwest Women Fly Fishers
Seattle, WA
Olympia Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Olympia, WA
Olympic Peninsula Skagit Tactics
Seattle, WA
Pacific Fly Fishers
Mill Creek, WA
Pautzke Bait Company, Inc.
Ellensburg, WA
Peninsula Outfitters
Poulsbo, WA
Primal Angler, LLC
Seattle, WA
Puget Sound Fly Fishers
Tacoma, WA
R & K Guide Service
Rochester, WA
Rajeff Sports, LLC
Vancouver, WA
Recycled Waders, LLC
Seattle, WA
Red’s Fly Shop, LLC
Ellensburg, WA
Redington Tackle and Apparel
Bainbridge Island, WA
Rogue Outdoor Marketing
Vancouver, WA
Rvrfshr Products, LLC
Seattle, WA
Sage Manufacturing
Bainbridge Island, WA
Seattle Chapter
(Izaak Walton League of America)
Seattle, WA
Silver Bow Fly Shop, LLC
Spokane, WA
Sky Valley Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Monroe, WA
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Solitude Reels
Mount Vernon, WA
Spokane Falls Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Spokane, WA
Spokane Fly Fishers
Spokane, WA
Auburn, WA
Steelhead & Salmon Conservation Society
Olympia, WA
SunDog, LLC
Issaquah, WA
Swanny’s Fishing
Yelm, WA
Tacoma Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Lakewood, WA
Targus Fly & Feather, Inc.
Woodland, WA
Washington Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Spokane, WA
Washington Council (Federation of Fly Fishers)
Monroe, WA
Washington Council (Trout Unlimited)
Issaquah, WA
Waters West Fly Shop
Port Angeles, WA
Wild River Press
Mill Creek, WA
Wild Steelhead Coalition
Kirkland, WA
XRodz Fishing Redifined
Seattle, WA
Yakima Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Yakima, WA
West Virginia (6)
Blennerhassett Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Davisville, WV
Jerry’s Flies
Bridgeport, WV
Mountaineer Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Bridgeport, WV
Revelation Mountain Outfitters
Pecks Mill, WV
Upper Ohio Northern Panhandle Chapter (TU)
Dillonvale, WV
West Virginia Council (Trout Unlimited)
Spencer, WV
Wisconsin (20)
Aldo Leopold Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Beaver Dam, WI
Badger Fly Fishers
Madison, WI
Central Wisconsin Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Winneconne, WI
Central Wisconsin Waterfowlers
(Delta Waterfowl)
Amherst, WI
Coulee Region Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
La Crosse, WI
The Driftless Angler
Viroqua, WI
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Fly by Night Guide Service
Superior, WI
Fontana Sports Specialties
Madison, WI
Gary Engberg Outdoors
Mazomanie, WI
Green Bay Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Green Bay, WI
Harry & Laura Nohr Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Cassville, WI
Jacquish Hollow Angler
Richland Center, WI
Kiap-Tu-Wish Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
River Falls, WI
Northland Sales & Marketing
Ashland, WI
S.A. Bahn Rod Company
Neenah, WI
Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter
(Trout Unlimited)
Milwaukee, WI
St. Croix Rods
Park Falls, WI
Stream Dreams Outfitter
Menasha, WI
Tight Lines Fly Fishing Company
De Pere, WI
Wisconsin Council (Trout Unlimited)
Green Bay, WI
Wyoming (13)
Blue Quill Fly Company
Sheridan, WY
Cliff Outdoors
Casper, WY
Fish the Fly Guide Service & Travel
Jackson, WY
Flaming Gorge / Lower Green Chapter (TU)
Green River, WY
Grand Teton Fly Fishing, LLC
Jackson, WY
High Country Flies
Jackson, WY
Jackson Cardinal, Inc.
Jackson, WY
North Fork Anglers
Cody, WY
North Platte Trouters
Saratoga, WY
Platte River Fly Shop
Casper, WY
Teton Flies
Jackson, WY
Upper Bear River Chapter (Trout Unlimited)
Evanston, WY
Wyoming Council (Trout Unlimited)
Cody, WY
Wyoming Fly Fishing Guide Service
Casper, WY
Yellowstone Fly Rods
Jackson, WY
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
International (65 from 25 Countries)
Argentina (3)
Fly Fishing Top Patagonia
San Martin de los Andes, Neuquen
Nervous Waters Fly Fishing
Buenos Aires
Southern Cross Land
Mendoza City, Mendoza
Australia (1)
Ken Orr’s Tasmanian Trout Expeditions
Bahamas (2)
Abaco Lodge
Abaco Island
Bair's Lodge
South Andros Island
Belize (2)
El Pescador Lodge
San Pedro Town
Turneffe Flats Resort
Turneffe Atoll
Canada (12)
Blue Collar Adventures
Lytton, British Columbia
Calgary Women Fly Fishers Club
Calgary, Alberta
Fish On Charter
Mississauga, Ontario
Fly Fusion Magazine
Calgary, Alberta
Fly Gal Ventures
Chilliwack, British Columbia
Islander Reels
Saanichton, British Columbia
Quebec Sporting, Inc.
Gaspe, Quebec
Shallow Water Drift Company
Calgary, Alberta
Skeena Wilderness Fishing Charters, Ltd.
Terrace, British Columbia
Slipstream Angling
Toronto, Ontario
Sherbrooke, Quebec
Wilson’s Fly Fishing
Toronto, Ontario
Chile (1)
Fly Fishing the Run
Costa Rica (1)
Brodin Landing Nets
Finland (1)
Vision Group, Ltd.
France (2)
Phoenix Lines, Ltd.
Les Mortiers
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Planet Fly Fishing
Boulogne, Billancourt
Holland (1)
Mustad International Group BV
Honduras (1)
Fly Fish Guanaja
Iceland (1)
Fly Fishing in Iceland
Italy (1)
Fly Fishing Italy
Japan (1)
Kabuto Rods
Sapporo, Hokkaido
Kenya (1)
Johnflies Fly Factory, Ltd.
Mexico (1)
Baja Anglers
Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur
Namibia (1)
New Zealand (1)
Wild Angler
Nicaragua (1)
Fly Fishing Little Corn
Little Corn Island
Republic of Panama (2)
Come Fish Panama
Boca Chica
Propiedad de Paradise Lodge
Isla Paridas
Singapore (1)
Spinmade Oy
South Africa (1)
Mavungana Flyfishing
Dullstroom & Johannesburg
Spain (1)
Flymage Magazine
Switzerland (1)
Alaska Info
United Kingdom (23)
Aardvark McLeod International Fly Fishing Specialists
Tidworth, Hampshire
Albury Game Angling
Albury, Surrey
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EPA Letter from Sport Fishing and Hunting Interests on Bristol Bay Alaska (January 2014)
Cox & Rawle
Wincanton, Somerset
Dragon Tackle International, Ltd.
Llangan, Vale of Glamorgan
European Fishing Tackle Trade Association
London, England
Famous Fishing
Salisbury, Wiltshire
Fish and Fly, Ltd.
Worth, West Sussex
FishingMatters Ltd.
Wincanton, Somerset
Fly Fisher Group, Ltd.
Lechlade, Gloucestershire
Fulling Mill Limited
Salfords, Surrey
The Game Angling Consultancy
Derby, Derbyshire
Edinburgh, Scotland
Halstead and Bolton International Sporting Agents
Ilkley, West Yorkshire
Hardy & Grey’s Limited
Alnwick, Northumberland
Midlands Fly Fishing School & Guide Service
Forsbrook, Staffordshire
Partridge of Redditch
Wincanton, Somerset
Richard Wheatley Limited
Malvern, Worcestershire
Roxton’s Worldwide
Hungerford, Berkshire
Rutland Fly Fishing Adventures
Rutland, England
Specialist Trout & Salmon Flies
Bridgnorth, Shropshire
Sunray Adventures
Leyland, Lancashire
That Fly
Wokingham, Berkshire
Turrall Flies
Winkleigh, Devon
West Yorkshire Fly Fishing Services
West Yorkshire
Venezuela (1)
Sight Cast
Los Roques