University of Pittsburgh
School of health and rehabilitation sciences
School of health and rehabilitation sciences
Dr. Anthony Delitto
Executive Editor
Patty Kummick
Writing and Design
Red House Communications
University of Pittsburgh
1 From the Dean
Dr. Anthony Delitto
2 Giving
Scholarships and Awards
3 Perspective
Patty Kummick
4 Alumni News
6 Faculty News
8 Student News
9 Department News
Calendar of Events
10 Alumni Awards
12 Clinical
Instructor Profile
Dianne Koval
14 FACETS Feature
Forge Ahead: Research
and Technology in
a New Decade
18 Prosthetics
and Orthotics
Putting a Spring
in Their Step
20 Sports Medicine
and Nutrition
Risky Business: Developing
Technology to Assess
Injury Risk
22 Clinical Rehabilitation
and Mental Health
First-ever Scholarships
Help Counselors See Students
in a New Light
24 Occupational Therapy
Let’s Get Personal
26 Communication Science
and Disorders
Breaking Down Silos,
Creating New Knowledge
28 Physical Therapy
Research Success =
Patient Success
30 Rehabilitation Science
and Technology
Turning Ideas into
Impactful Solutions
32 Health Information
Professionals Get an Assist from
New Online Master’s Program
34 Physician
Assistant Studies
New Technology in
the Hands of PAs
36 Lab Notes
Happy 10th Anniversary, PT-CTRC!
3436 24
FACETS is published by the Office of the Dean, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. It is produced twice a year for alumni,
students, staff, faculty and friends of SHRS. The University of Pittsburgh is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution.
From the dean
As dean of the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, I am consistently reminded that our school’s
achievements in innovation, due to the efforts of our faculty, staff and students, place us among Pitt’s leaders.
We’re bold, courageous, inventive, forward-thinking and always up for a challenge. Indeed, we’re a powerhouse
of innovation, particularly in our departments that are technology driven. The Department of Rehabilitation
Science and Technology (RST) and the Human Engineering Research Laboratories (HERL), for example, are
particularly well-suited as innovation leaders and their accomplishments have been formidable.
Our strategy of late is to spread the innovation bug more widely across the school. You’ll see many examples
of this showcased throughout these pages. One major initiative of Dr. David Brienza, associate dean for
Technology and Innovation, is to accelerate the pace of innovation throughout SHRS. Dave has partnered with
Pitt’s Innovation Institute to create the SHRS Innovation Challenge, our rst ever in this space. Faculty, staff and
students will compete for funds to assist with the commercial translation of technology.
The challenge is a multi-step process involving an educational program and development activities. Historically,
SHRS entries into the University-level innovation competitions have ranked high, receiving “challenge grants”
and other funding to move our innovations and technology forward. I’m eager to see how creative our students,
faculty and staff will be in this schoolwide venture. So, more to come as we strive to accelerate the pace of
innovation in health and rehabilitation.
In closing, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the school’s 50th anniversary which we’ve been recognizing.
I nd that, not only has this been a time of great personal and team reection on where we’ve been and what
we’ve accomplished, it’s also been a time of planning for the future. Over the spring and summer months, we
will be reviewing our current strategic plan in order to update and revise it for the next ve years. We will be
mindful of the needs of our students, faculty, staff, alumni, donors and the greater community as we structure
our goals. If you would like to provide input or suggestions on the school’s direction, I always welcome
your thoughts.
Anthony Delitto
Professor and Dean
Joyce and Andrew J. Kuzneski Jr.
Student Resource Award
Ian Kemmerling
Brady Mellinger
Anne Pascasio Scholarship
Emma Galecki
Alec Hoover
Gabriella Mazzeo
Dr. Timothy C. and Mrs. Cynthia B.
Sell Student Award
Abigail Fortunato
Nichelle Llewellyn
Kelly Prangley
Grant Traeger
SHRS Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Stephanie Caggiano
Alaina Graziano
Megan McKenzie
Ryan Michaels
Tiffany Okerman
UPMC Endowed Scholarship
Nanno Dandi
Kara Kaniecki
Katherine Legatzke
Nicole Mikologic
Anna Shaw
Natalie Stadler
Mildred L. Wood SHRS Endowed
Student Resource Award
Jennifer Condio
Katherine Grunewald
Danielle Hall
Karen Miller
Kathryn Schuetz
Emily Shannon
Emeritus Award (CSD)
Lauren Ciemniecki
Alyssa Kelly
Audrey Holland Endowed Student
Resource Award (CSD)
Christina Dastolfo-Hromak
Azure Wilson
Leslie Zhen
Lisa Levy Memorial Award (CSD)
Erin Casey
Caitlyn Zaya
Walt A. Stoy Award for
Scholarly Activity (EM)
Cassandra Crouse
Catherine Kim
Emergency Medicine Program
Award (EM)
Taylor M. Dallas
Jordan E. Smith
Denise A. Dunyak
Student Award (HIM)
Rebecca Boland
Laurine M. Johnson Endowed
Student Resource Award (HIM)
Julia Przybos
Gerrilynne “Gerri” Siren Walk
Memorial Student Award (HIM)
Katelyn McGuire
Junwei Yue
Meagan Sampogna Williams
Student Resource Award (HIM)
Alyssa Dugan
Cindy Zak Student
Resource Award (HIM)
Annlyn Van Eman
Caroline Robinson Brayley
Student Enrichment Award (OT)
Michelle Beck
Department of Occupational
Therapy Award of Professional
Excellence (OT)
Monica Morrison
Joan Rogers Student
Resource Award (OT)
Haley Feller
Dorothy Bradley
Brown Scholarship (PT)
Allyn Bove
Alexandra Dubnansky
Ashley Saxe
Mary Behling
Browne Scholarship (PT)
Kaitlyn Colgan
Thomas J. O’Connor Award (RST)
Hailee Kulich
Shimada Student Award (RST)
Michael Huang
Virginia Kaufman Scholarship (RST)
Satria Ardianuari
Gabriel G. Burklund
Lauren L. Casertano
Taylor Dallas
Mack Devin
William C. Eddy
Claire Gallagher
Ashley Grifn
Megan Hrit
Cecelia R. Lee-Hauser
Eugene Lin
Adrianna Lopaczynski
Andrew Lucas
Saralyn Ostrowski
Brianna Perry
Kevin C. Quinn
Lisa A. Richardson
Emily G. Shannon
Jessica Rose Sider
Nicholas S. Sposito
Grishma Thakrar
Sophia Thompson
Olivia G. Tuck
Geoffrey D. Webb
Nolan R. Wilson
Farzana Zafar
Jill Conley Memorial Award (SMN)
Lauren Betts
Dr. Freddie H. Fu Undergraduate
Athletic Training Scholarship (SMN)
Allison Ross
Jennifer DeFazio
Maddy Mahonski
Kaitlyn Sweeney
Tim Kerin Memorial Scholarship in
Athletic Training (SMN)
Devon Trieschock
David H. Perrin
Student Award (SMN)
Brandon Gallimore
Sports Medicine
Student Resource Award (SMN)
Rob Colombi
Robert and Mercedes Chase
Scholarship in Physical Therapy
Daniella Woiski
Pat Croce Endowed
Student Scholarship (PT)
Julianna Mori
Stephanie Taylor
Mary K. Daly-Crum
Student Award (PT)
Malena Lennon
David Physical Therapy and Sports
Medicine Center/Joseph M. David
Endowed Scholarship (PT)
Haley Cozad
Joe Dietrich
Anthony Delitto Scholarship (PT)
Sebastian Fearon
Ron Reznichky
Victoria Green
Memorial Student Award (PT)
Tyan Kan
Pearl Cricco Mann Scholarship (PT)
Joshua Brain
Marie Pelner
Alice Chagnot Oulette
Endowment Award (PT)
Molly Rajewski
PT Class of 2009 Student Award (PT)
Keri Tkatch
PT Leadership Development Award (PT)
Mariah Callas
Paul and Judy Rockar Scholarship (PT)
Jordan Cargile
Aaron McCullough
D.T. Watson Alumni Scholarship (PT)
Neema Desai
Kacey Mikuteit
Rory A. Cooper and Dion Johnson
Student Award (RST)
Jenna Freedman
Todd Hargroder Endowed
Internship Award (RST)
Joseph Ott
“Perspective” is written by Patty Kummick, FACETS executive editor and SHRS executive director of Internal
and External Relations. This column serves to address topics relating to our students, faculty, staff, the school,
and local and global communities
Please indulge me while I talk about dogs. I love dogs. I’m amazed at the remarkable
relationships they can have with humans. Their antics crack me up. They have distinct
personalities. I enjoy watching them at play and at rest. At SHRS, I’m able to observe dogs
… service dogs … at work.
To my great joy, SHRS has introduced a new “service” for students, faculty and staff that
puts a smile on more faces than just mine. SHRS welcomes, on a regularly scheduled basis
during the academic term, C.C., the SHRS therapy dog! C.C. and her owner, Caroline
Passerrello, an instructor in our Dietician Nutritionist program, are a pet therapy team and
they positively impact so many of us at SHRS.
C.C. generates a calming atmosphere and is receptive to the stressed-out student, the
harried staff member, the multi-tasking professor. When C.C.s visiting, people (including
me!) seek her out.
I mention C.C. and the pet therapy program for a couple
reasons. First, C.C.s story is dichotomous to many of the
feature articles in this issue of FACETS. We talk about
Innovation and Technology. We highlight creative genius
among our students and faculty who are constantly
encouraged to be inventive and productive in the
classrooms and the labs. We recognize over-achievers and
perfectionists in their elds. Then there’s C.C. There’s
nothing complicated about her. She doesn’t perform
spectacular tricks (although I bet she could!). She’s not
demanding or judgmental. Instead, she provides some
of the most basic needs—comfort, playfulness, an often
much-needed calming effect in a usually hectic
and challenging environment. Her abilities, though,
deserve a little attention, much like the subjects in
these magazine articles, because of her impact on so many.
Secondly, as the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, we are all in tune with the
value of rehab and therapies and well-being. We study these. We conduct related research.
We create technologies with the expectation that our work will benet the masses. Then
there’s C.C. She’s an expert at “therapy. And it’s as simple and basic as rolling over to let
a stranger rub her belly. Or offering a paw or a wet nose. What she does is elemental yet so
appreciated by those who spend time with her.
C.C. provides what we hope our students will offer—just like so many of YOU do—as they
administer compassionate and caring services and therapy to their patients and clients.
Thanks to Caroline for sharing C.C. with us and thanks to SHRS leadership for allowing
her to grace our halls!
To comment or share your insights on this column, please contact Patty Kummick at
[email protected], 412-383-6548, SHRS, 4054 Forbes Tower, Pittsburgh, PA 15260.
The rising cost of tuition these days is often daunting for students … especially for those with limited nancial
resources seeking to establish careers promising moderate salaries. For most SHRS students, any nancial
assistance is welcome and vigilantly sought. We are grateful for our many alumni and friends who have chosen to
support our students by establishing awards and scholarships.
If you would like to learn more about creating a scholarship award in SHRS or any of its departments and programs,
please call the SHRS Development Ofce at 412-383-4084.
Dietitian Nutritionist program
student Christy Bender and C.C.
Dr. Audrey Holland,
(BS ’55, MS ’59, PhD ’61),
left, recently visited the
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare
System to meet with stroke
survivors with aphasia,
caregivers, professionals
and students during a
World Stroke Day event on
October 31, 2019, hosted
by the Veterans Research
Foundation of Pittsburgh.
She also visited the CSD
Department graduate students in Assistant Professor
Will Evans’ class. Dr. Holland is a strong supporter of
research in CSD; the Audrey Holland Endowed Award
was previously established in her name to support
student research through the CSD Department.
Emergency Medicine
John Mooney (BS ’13) paramedic crew chief and
Cardiac Care Team member, City of Pittsburgh Bureau
of EMS, played a role in the Bureau receiving the
American Heart Association’s 2019 Mission: Lifeline
EMS Gold Plus Performance Achievement Award. The
honor recognizes the critical life-saving role of EMS
in providing care to patients suffering from an acute
myocardial infarction.
Health Information Management
Dr. Eiman Al-Jafar (MS ’97, PhD ’02) presented on
ethical issues when using articial intelligence at the
GCC eHealth Workforce Development Conference in
Dubai, UAE. She currently serves as president of the
Kuwait Health Informatics Association and was the
rst doctoral graduate from HIM with an emphasis in
Health Information Systems.
Nutrition and Dietetics
Ka Hei Karen Lau (CMD ’10) is an author on the
2019 American Diabetes Association’s Nutrition
Therapy for Adults with Diabetes or Prediabetes: A
Consensus Report.
Athletic Training/Sports Medicine
Rick Burkholder (BS ’87),
Kansas City Chiefs vice
president of Sports Medicine
and Performance, along with his
athletic training team, helped
lead the NFL team to a Super-
winning 2019-2020 season.
Regina Stump (MS ’17) received an
assistantship through the National
Strength and Conditioning Association
Foundation. She will complete her
training at Fort Carson, Colo.
Christie-Lee (Miller) Coad, (MS ’10), center, provided
health care services as an athletic trainer with USA
Track & Field at the 2019 IAAF World Athletics
Championships in Doha, Qatar.
Alumni News
Mike Powell (MS ’17) was named one of the
Professional Baseball Athletic Trainers Society’s 2019
Minor League Athletic Trainers of the Year.
Communication Science
and Disorders
Dr. Julie Haarbauer-Krupa (MA
’80) became a fellow of the American
Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine.
She serves as a senior health scientist
on the Traumatic Brain Injury Team at
the CDC’s National Center for Injury
Prevention and Control.
Dr. O’neil Guthrie (PhD ’06) was elected to the
American Auditory Society Board.
Dr. Christine Matthews (CScD ’10) was recently
named chief of Audiology and Speech Pathology service
at the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System. She carries
responsibilities for the strategic direction and oversight
of the clinical, educational and research activities of the
integrated Audiology and Speech Pathology Program.
Audiology alumnae
Nicole Schuller
(AuD ’15) and Anna
Wickline (AuD ’18)
were chosen as part
of a group of seven
young professionals to
participate in Future
Leader training in Ohio.
Occupational Therapy
Benjamin Gross (MOT ’10) was elected vice chair
of the American Occupational Therapy Association’s
Afliated State Association Presidents (ASAP). The ASAP
is composed of state association presidents who are
elected by their members.
Physical Therapy
Nicole LeVan-Rubida (DPT ’07) was awarded
designation of board-certied clinical specialist in
neurologic physical therapy and was promoted to
clinical supervisor of Outpatient Rehabilitation Services
at The Reading Hospital – Tower Health, Reading, Pa.
Physician Assistant Studies
Janelle Porter
(MS ’12) is the
rst recipient of
the PA Studies
Alumni Award
honoring those
who have excelled
in service to the PA
profession or to
their communities.
Kevin Luong (MS ’11) received a
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Mentored Outreach Award from
the Physician Assistant Foundation.
The project will combine academic
and clinical expertise as Luong
teams with PAS Department Chair
David Beck and UPMC Chief
Advanced Practice Provider Ofcer Ben Reynolds to
improve the treatment of substance use disorders across
the UPMC health system.
Rehabilitation Science and Technology
Dr. Jeanne Zanca (MPT ’02,
PhD ’06) became a fellow of the
American Congress of Rehabilitation
Medicine. She is a senior research scientist,
Spinal Cord Injury Research, Kessler
Foundation; and research associate professor, Rutgers
New Jersey Medical School.
Alumni News
In November, SHRS hosted its rst international
alumni event in Dubai, UAE. Hosts Dr. Valerie
Watzlaf, HIM associate professor (back row,
right), and Patty Kummick, SHRS Internal
and External Relations executive director (back
row, left), were joined by alumnae Fatemah Al
Ghadheeb (HIM ’13), Zainab Lajami (PT ’14)
and Dr. Zahra Alakrawi (HIM ’17) (front row,
left to right), and Amal Nemangani (HIM ’08)
(back row, center left) and Dr. Haya Alkhatlan
(HIM ’10) (back row, center right).
Athletic Training/
Sports Medicine
Dr. Bradley Nindl,
professor and
NMRL director, presented a series
of ve lectures over ve days at
Texas universities in October 2019.
He was invited to speak by the
Texas Chapter of the American
College of Sports Medicine. He
highlighted his research addressing
military human performance
optimization and insulin-like growth
factor-1 as a biomarker for tness
and health outcomes.
Communication Science
and Disorders
Dr. Bernard Rousseau, professor
and chair, was appointed to a three-
year term on the American Speech-
Language-Hearing Foundation
Board of Trustees. The foundation
is governed by a Board of Trustees
whose members are appointed by the
Board of Directors of the American
Speech-Language-Hearing Association
(ASHA) as well as the CEO of
ASHA and the executive director
of the foundation.
Dr. Erin Lundblom, associate
professor, was elected to serve
as vice president of Convention
Planning & Program as a member
of the Pennsylvania Speech-
Language-Hearing Association
(PSHA)’s Executive Board. Her VP
responsibilities span the 2020 and
2021 conferences.
Dr. Will Evans, assistant professor,
was a member of the team named
a Pitt Innovation Challenge nalist
for their Aphasia Games for Health”
submission. With their award, the
team is developing and prototyping
this card-based treatment game
for people with aphasia to use in
person or remotely through video
conferencing software to improve
language and ght social isolation.
Dr. Bharath Chandrasekaran,
professor, was the keynote speaker
of the department’s 21st Annual Jack
Matthews-Herbert Rubin Lecture
at Pitt. His talk focused on the
neuroscience of speech perception.
Associate Professor Michael Walsh
Dickey presented on predictors
of aphasia treatment at the Centre
for Clinical Research Excellence in
Aphasia Rehabilitation and Recovery.
The presentation was live casted
across Australia.
Dr. Lea Sayce, research assistant
professor, was a guest speaker at
the American Association for
Laboratory Animal Science –
Three Rivers Branch and delivered
a lecture on “Surgical Modeling of
Voice Disorders” based on the
NIH-funded work being performed
in the Laryngeal Biology Laboratory.
Dr. Catherine Palmer, professor, and
her team of investigators including
Associate Professors Elaine Mormer
(CSD) and Natalie Leland (OT)
and Professor Charity Patterson
(PT), received a $2.23 million award
from Patient-Centered Outcomes
Research Institute (PCORI) for
their project, HearCARE: Hearing
and Communication Assistance for
Resident Engagement. The researchers
are examining better ways for older
adults to receive hearing assistance in
senior living communities.
Dr. Palmer was also invited to
speak on practice management at
the American Academy of Audiology
conference in Waikoloa, Hawaii.
Dr. Leah Helou, assistant professor,
won rst place in the Pitt Ventures
First Gear pitch competition.
Dr. Helou’s “Vocal Mirror” project
involves creating a web-based service
platform where speakers can get
feedback from listeners about how
they come across when they talk. Dr.
Helou will use the funds to develop
the website prototype, which will
support research and development
with collaborators including Drs.
Chris Brown, CSD associate
professor, and Jason Bohland, CSD
assistant professor.
Emergency Medicine Program
Dr. Tom Platt, program director
and associate professor, was elected
to the National Association of
Emergency Medical Technicians
Board as Region I director.
Occupational Therapy
Associate Professor Joanne
Baird presented at the American
Occupational Therapy Association
Education Summit in Fort Worth,
Texas, and at the International
Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare
(IMSH) in San Diego, Calif.
Associate Professor Roxanna
Bendixen presented at the 24th
International Annual Congress
of the World Muscle Society in
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Instructor Cara Lekovitch achieved
Board Certication in Gerontology
through the American Occupational
Therapy Association.
Associate Professor Natalie Leland
presented a webinar to address
fall prevention for the American
Orthopaedic Association as part
of their “Own the Bone” initiative.
She was also invited to participate
on the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services Unied Post-Acute
Care Prospective Payment System
expert panel.
Faculty News
Dr. Leland presented at the joint
American Health Care Association
and National Association for
the Support of Long Term Care
Rehabilitation Symposium and at
the American Occupational Therapy
Association 2019 Home Health
Payment-Driven Groupings Model
Specialty Conference.
Assistant Professor Amit Sethi
received the 2019 Pennsylvania
Occupational Therapy Association
Research Award for advancing
occupational therapy research in
Professor and Chair Beth Skidmore
presented the keynote lecture
on “Community Participation:
Occupational Therapy’s Role in
Community Health and Well-Being”
at the Singapore National
Occupational Therapy Conference.
Dr. Skidmore also presented the
keynote address at the Encompass
Health United Together with
Monumental Strength 2019
Director of Therapy Operations
Annual Corporate Meeting in
Washington, D.C.
Dr. Skidmore was featured on
the “How to OT” podcast which
was published on January 7,
2020, available at https://anchor.
Assistant Professor Alyson Stover
received the 2019 Pennsylvania
Occupational Therapy Association
Academic Educator Award for
excellence in occupational therapy
education and she presented a plenary
session on “From Prevention to
Recovery: Occupational Therapy’s
Vital Role in Combatting the Opioid
Epidemic” at the 2019 Pennsylvania
Occupational Therapy Association
Annual Conference.
Numerous students, alumni and
faculty presented at the 2019
American Congress of Rehabilitation
Medicine Annual Conference in
Chicago, Ill. Presenters included PhD
students (Rachelle Brick and Alex
Harper), alumni (Emily Kringle,
Chao-Yi Wu and Asari Yahata) and
faculty (Cara Lekovitch, Dr. Natalie
Leland, Dr. Beth Skidmore and Dr.
Lauren Terhorst).
Physical Therapy
Dr. Andrea
associate professor,
received the 2020
Academy of Acute
Care Physical Therapy Educator
Award. The award recognizes a
member of the Academy of Acute
Care Physical Therapy who has
exhibited outstanding leadership
through their career as demonstrated
by contributions to acute physical
therapy education in at least three
of the following areas: scholarship,
teaching and administration or service.
Dr. Hergenroeder also received
the SHRS Dean’s Distinguished
Teaching Award for her excellence
in teaching as exemplied in part
by her ability to create a student-
centered learning environment
where students are actively engaged,
and her contemporary and innovative
teaching methods.
Susan L. Whitney, professor, is the
2020 recipient of the Academy of
Neurological Physical Therapy Anne
Shumway-Cook lectureship. The
lectureship is designed to acknowledge
and honor an individual who has
made signicant contributions to
neurologic physical therapy research
and practice.
Assistant Professor Vicki Hornyak
participated in the Collaborating
Across Borders (CAB) VII
interprofessional conference in
Indianapolis, Ind., a joint venture
between the American and
Canadian Interprofessional Health
Collaboratives. She co-presented
three platform presentations on work
highlighting the outcomes of the
Interprofessional Dedicated Education
Unit, a clinical experience for Pitt’s
students of the Health Sciences in
collaboration with UPMC nurses and
rehabilitation therapists.
Prosthetics and Orthotics
Dr. Goeran Fiedler, assistant
professor, has been appointed as an
associate editor for Prosthetics and
Orthotics International.
Rehabilitation Science
and Technology
Professor David Brienza served as
keynote speaker at the 2nd World
Conference on Advanced Treatments
& Technologies in Wound Care in
Dusseldorf, Germany.
Dr. Alicia Koontz, professor, was
elected to the American Institute for
Medical and Biological Engineering
College of Fellows. She is also the
editor of the open-source publisher
PLOS’s online Veterans Disability and
Rehabilitation Research Channel.
Dr. Rory Cooper, associate dean for
Inclusion, FISA/PVA distinguished
professor and HERL director, was
featured on the cover and in the
pages of the September 2019 issue
of Inventors Digest and in the short
documentary video in the Freethink’s
“Superhuman” series. The series
proles the pioneers and patients on
the front lines of medical innovation.
Faculty News
Cancellations Due to
Coronavirus Pandemic
Due to concerns over the spread
of the COVID-19 virus, the nation’s
restrictions on large gatherings
and the University’s and School’s
attempts to keep alumni, students,
faculty, staff and the community
safe, SHRS has cancelled its 50th
Anniversary events in May.
We regret any inconvenience.
We intend to reschedule our 50th
Anniversary celebration at a later
date where we will properly
recognize our distinguished alumni.
We will keep you informed as details
are determined.
Alumni receptions planned in
conjunction with professional
association conferences have also
been cancelled. We look forward
to gathering with you in these settings
as conferences are scheduled
once again.
We wish you and your families
good health and safe environments
during this pandemic and salute all
of you who are called to serve those
in greater need.
Calendar of Events
Athletic Training/Sports Medicine
The NMRL co-hosted the Human Performance
Enhancement Research Meeting featuring sessions on
military-unique situations, brain/health neurobiology,
warghter physical enhancement, precision performance
enablers, and future directions. A multidisciplinary group
of speakers provided insight about provocative, new
research themes of human performance enhancement.
U.S. Congressman Conor Lamb (center) joined
Professor Bradley Nindl and Associate Professor Kim
Beals at the HPE Research meeting on Pitt’s campus.
Health Information Management
HIM faculty and staff introduced SHRS’s rst online
courses leading to a degree. The Master of Science
in Health Informatics online degree offering kicked
off with 19 students in the rst cohort that began in
January. More SHRS online and hybrid degree programs
and certicate programs are expected to be introduced
over time.
Human Engineering Research Laboratories
HERL used the occasion of its 25th anniversary to
host leadership of the Paralyzed Veterans of America
in November 2019. Board members and leaders were
treated to a dinner and lab tours.
Student News
Student News Department News
Members of the SHRS student
organizations, through the oversight
of the Student Advisory Board,
planned, organized and conducted
the rst SHRS Collaborative Care
Conference for undergraduate and
graduate students. The conference,
held at SHRS, featured concurrent
sessions where students from all
SHRS disciplines participated in case
studies as well as a panel discussion
including alumni engagement.
Communication Science
and Disorders
PhD students Amanda Mahoney
and Cara Donohue presented
a poster at the Pitt Med Ed Day
on development of a Massive
Online Open Course (MOOC)
on Computational Deglutition,
a collaboration between CSD and
Engineering, through which a
course is being prepared on
swallowing physiology and
kinematic analysis, and signal
processing/machine learning.
AuD students Hannah Famili and
Brandy Hollins were accepted
into the National Center for
Rehabilitative and Auditory Research
T35 training program. They will
spend 12 weeks in Portland, Ore.,
this summer completing the intensive
research program.
student Lauren
was one of ve
students chosen
for the American
Academy of
Audiology Student Research Forum.
She was mentored by CSD Associate
Professor Elaine Mormer.
Occupational Therapy
OTD students Julia Beatty, Emily
Pullman, Sam Whitney, Giulia
Watkins, Katie Massarsky, Alyssa
Carson and Katie Grunewald
participated in the 2019 School of
Medicine Interprofessional Geriatric
Week with over 240 students from
Schools of the Health Sciences.
Anna Marie Clark, OTD student, co-
presented on Ambitious Defensible
IEP Goals for Students with Greatest
Needs” at the 2020 Council for
Exceptional Children in Portland, Ore.
Haley Feller and Elise Krause, OTD
students, presented at the Steel City
Dental Conference on September
12, 2019. Their presentation,
“Ergonomics: Providing Patient Care,
was featured at a one-day conference
for 55 dental hygiene students and
focused on strategies to protect one’s
body in the context of care.
PhD student Jessica Kersey
presented at the American Speech-
Language-Hearing Association
Annual Conference in Orlando, Fla.
OTD students Jameson Matunas,
Ashley Thompson, Spencer
Sutter and Rachel Fleming were
selected for the Jewish Healthcare
Foundation’s Jonas Salk Health
Activist Fellowship.
Monica Morrison, OTD student,
received a Pennsylvania Occupational
Therapy Association Student
Scholarship and the Department of
Occupational Therapy Professional
Excellence Award.
PhD student Stephanie Rouch
(MOT ’17) was accepted to the
Health Equity Certicate program in
the Graduate School of Public Health.
The following OTD students
were selected to be interns for the
American Occupational Therapy
Association Special Interest Sections:
Sara Lessem (Rehab and Disability),
Leighann Warholak (Work and
Industry) and Taylor Wellman
(Mental Health).
The following OTD and MOT
students from the OTD Class of 2022
and MOT Class of 2021 have been
inducted as members of Pi Theta
Epsilon, the national honor society
for occupational therapy students
and alumni: Colleen Andris, Alicia
Brindle, Olivia Brooks, Hannah
Brown, Anna Marie Clark, Kaylee
DeCecchis, Lauren Dundore,
Marissa Durbin, Rachel Eilers,
Megan Graybill, Allison Leventry,
Kelsey Miller, Amber Shojaie,
Kayla Soltis, Spencer Sutter,
Alexa Taylor, Ashley Thompson,
Kristen Vilett, Caitlyn Wear and
Julia Zezinka.
Prosthetics and Orthotics
MSPO students Brianna Perry and
Kevin Quinn, along with faculty
members Drs. Goeran Fiedler,
David Brienza and Mary-Ann
Miknevich, were winners in the Pitt
Innovation Challenge (PInCH) with
their submission, Good Vibrations, to
treat residual/phantom limb pain and
muscle atrophy in amputees.
Department News
As SHRS celebrates its 50th anniversary, it will honor a new cohort of
exceptional alumni with six different awards of excellence. The largest group
ever to receive these kudos, the 2020 class of awardees includes 21 men and
women who consistently make the school proud. They shine in research,
education, clinical practice and leadership. SHRS is better because they have
been here, and the elds of health and rehabilitation are stronger because of
their contributions.
Alumni Awards
This award is bestowed upon an elite group of SHRS
graduates every ve years. Recipients have distinguished
themselves through their academic, professional and
humanitarian accomplishments. We recognize their
commitment to professional excellence and dedication
to serving their community through scholarship, education
and advocacy.
Distinguished Alumni recipients for 2020:
Athletic Training—Larry Cooper, BS ’83
Audiology—David P. Jedlicka, BA ’06,
AuD ’10
Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health
Counseling—Catherine Armstrong Getchell,
MS ’04
Emergency Medicine—Mohamed Hagahmed,
MD, BS ’09
Health Information Management—Meagan
Sampogna Williams, BS ’00
Nutrition and Dietetics—Helen Agresti, BS ’00
Occupational Therapy—Megan E. Driscoll,
MOT ’12
Physical Therapy—Cindy Miles, PT ’77
Rehabilitation Technology—Jongbae Kim, PhD ’05
Speech-Language Pathology—Rochelle S. Chabon, PhD ’80
This is the rst year SHRS recognizes emerging leaders
in the health and rehabilitation professions. The Rising
Star Award honors more recent alumni who exhibit
ongoing and exceptional growth in practice, research or
service; demonstrate leadership in their eld; and display a
commitment to furthering their profession.
The rst class of SHRS Rising Stars:
Occupational Therapy—Benjamin J. Gross, MOT ’10
Physical Therapy—Michael B. Gans, DPT ’06
Physician Assistant Studies—Kathryn J. Reed, MS ’16
Prosthetics and Orthotics—Alexander M. Rodriguez
Betancourt, MS ’13
Rehabilitation Technology—Maria Luisa Toro Hernandez,
MS ’11, PhD ’15
Speech-Language Pathology—Amanda I. Gillespie,
MS ’05, PhD ’13
The rst award of its kind at SHRS honors a world-class
researcher within the SHRS alumni community. We recognize
a commitment to professional excellence and dedication to
serving the community.
The inaugural Research Discovery Awardee:
Ryan Comfort Branski, PhD ’05 (CSD)
The SHRS Humanitarian Award recognizes
individuals whose demonstrated leadership
and outstanding volunteerism have served
to improve the lives of others. We honor
alumni who exemplify SHRS’s commitment
to community service and who personify the
compassion and caring that is intrinsic to the
varied health professions within the school.
Humanitarian Awardees:
Mary Lou Galantino, BS ’82 (PT)
Eliana C. Ferretti, MS ’03, PhD ’07 (RST)
SHRS would not exist today without the generous charitable
support of corporations, foundations, alumni and friends. This
special honor recognizes an individual or organization whose
nancial commitment to SHRS has made a lasting impact on
the students, faculty, programs and research, and who has used
philanthropy to further the mission, vision and values of SHRS.
The 2020 Philanthropist Awardee:
David H. Perrin, PhD ’85 (HPA)
Throughout the years, SHRS alumni have made great strides
in health-related elds. Our graduates are highly respected
by their peers and some are recognized worldwide as leading
experts. The Dean’s Choice Award recognizes alumni who
have successfully expanded their careers far beyond what their
degrees signify.
The 2020 SHRS Dean’s Choice Awardee:
Kysha Harriell, BS ’96 (AT)
Until we can
gather for
our formal
50th Anniversary
celebration, we
congratulate all
of our honorable
Clinical Instructor Profile
Toolan and the other Pitt interns are helping the MedAllies
team implement interoperability workows for care
coordination among EHRs in physician practices across the
states of New York and New Jersey.
“The students are working to help the practices become
interoperable with their clinical trading partners, explains
Koval. “MedAllies employees who developed the process serve
as mentors, but the students are on the front lines, seeing how
everything we do impacts patient care.
“We are working with health information exchange, software
development, e-referrals, implementation and optimization,
among other things, notes Toolan.
“It is exciting to see something being used in the workplace and
thinking to yourself, ‘we learned this in class!’” she continues.
“It is very validating and rewarding to know your education
has prepared you for current industry practices.
“Dianne has been a tremendous partner with the HIM
department, frequently supervising multiple students at one
time, notes Assistant Professor Patricia Anania Firouzan. “The
students return from MedAllies invigorated by their experience
and excited to share the work that they accomplished. Their
experience serves them well as they enter the workforce.
Former MedAllies intern Ankitha Challapalli (BS ’18) was
invited to join the IT Leadership Development Program
at Aetna, a CVS Health Company. She credits Koval with
preparing her for the two-year-long program, where she rotates
through four different areas within the IT organization.
“Dianne gave me a lot of hands-on exposure during my
time at MedAllies, says Challapalli. “From day one, she
immersed all the interns in team meetings, events and
innovation sessions.
“Dianne handed us the opportunity to network, learn and
absorb as much as we could, continues Challapalli. “She went
above and beyond in providing us with a versatile range of
activities that helped build condence and passion for health
care technology.
Koval says she treats interns like managers at MedAllies,
having them travel with the company to national conferences
and develop activities, materials and programs that the entire
company can use.
“Students have contributed so much to MedAllies over the
years, Koval notes. “In addition to working on specic HIM-
related projects, they have created our company’s Business
Continuity Plan, generated a new leads list for prospective
clients, developed a new hire orientation program and an
acronym list to help future interns get up to speed quickly,
along with other management and team-building activities.
Toolan notes that Koval is helping her to cultivate both
soft and hard business skills. “We are learning that both are
just as important in the HIM eld, and to learn from the best
mentor and her team will prepare me to be a better employee,
says Toolan.
“In addition, I am excited to learn about areas that I have not
yet explored, she adds. “Because HIM is always expanding, I
will be prepared to adapt to the change and even be a part of
the change in the future.
Koval has a number of goals for the interns she supervises. “I
want them to have a better understanding of how health
information technology leads to improved clinical care, she
says. “But I also want to instill in them the importance of being
a strong manager and leader in the industry.
“Strong managers have the power to create a culture of caring,
collaboration and even friendly competition among their
employees, she continues. “When people love what they do,
they are happy to go to work every day, and that results
in high engagement and productivity for the individual and
the company.
Koval encourages all of her students to develop the leadership
skills they need to go out and make a difference in the industry
and in the clients they serve, and, when they are ready, to
become mentors themselves.
Escape room activity with the team.
“For the ve weeks they are with us, they work hard. They get
up early, they work late, and hopefully go home with a real
sense of their unique skill set, and how it can best be used to
become strong, inspiring managers and leaders, she adds.
Cassie Toolan is one of six HIM students working with Koval
this spring. She says her internship is valuable because it is
giving her a peek into the specialization within the eld to help
determine what area she may want to pursue after graduation.
“Learning what you like—and what you are good at—helps
you to tailor a specic career path, notes Toolan. “Once you
know what you are interested in, you can nd opportunities to
gain even more experience in that arena.
Koval is a registered health information manager and chief
operating ofcer of Fishkill, N.Y.-based MedAllies, one of
the nation’s leading providers of electronic health records
(EHR) implementation and health information services for
interoperability between EHRs. With her background and
experience, she has a wealth of valuable information to share.
“When students arrive at MedAllies, I make sure they are
exposed to every aspect of our business, says Koval. “They
see rsthand what it’s like to have a career in this eld. They
work with all departments as account managers and project
managers, and participate in face-to-face visits with clients.
Weekly managers meeting at Panera Bread
(no computers allowed) to troubleshoot
problems as a team.
Ankitha Challapalli, Dianne Koval,
and Eugenia Noh
For more than ten years, Dianne
Koval has been offering career
advice and on-the-job training to
undergraduate students from Pitt’s
Health Information Management
(HIM) program.
Facets Feature
Take approximately 140 dedicated faculty
members supported by 120 staff, coupled with
more than 1,300 passionate students. Add
state-of-the-art science laboratories, a spirit
of collaboration and a desire to create new
knowledge that can improve the health, wellness
and rehabilitation for people with disabilities or
who are at risk for disabilities due to illness or
injuries across the lifespan.
This is SHRS in 2020. A powerhouse of research,
technology and innovation.
During the rst 25 years of its existence, SHRS established its reputation for
excellence in clinical education, with little research funding. During the 1990s,
a concerted effort began to foster a culture of scientic inquiry and research.
Recently, there has been a surge in the number and scope of studies, particularly
in areas that touch the lives of persons with disabilities.
In scal year 2019, SHRS reported $24.7 million in grant money, supporting
more than 200 research projects.
The grants come from prestigious funders including the National Institutes
of Health (NIH), the Department of Defense (DoD), the National Science
Foundation, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, the Department
of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Health and Human Services.
Elizabeth R. Skidmore, SHRS associate dean of Research and professor and
chair, Department of Occupational Therapy (OT), says there’s a good reason
that funding agencies are attracted to SHRS.
“We are distinct among schools of similar nature in the breadth, volume and
impact of the research conducted by our students and faculty,” she notes.
“Rather than specializing in one particular clinical population or one particular
methodology, our research addresses a wide range of clinical and public health
needs, impacting practice at the level of the person, provider, health system and
federal health policy,” Skidmore continues.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
~ Margaret Mead
Research and innovation go hand in hand. Today, in
conjunction with the University’s Innovation Institute, SHRS
is holding its rst innovation challenge. Faculty, staff and
students are invited to compete for funds to assist with the
translation of technology. The multi-step challenge involves
an educational program and development activities.
“Rehabilitation research is not nished until it is translated
into products and services that improve people’s lives, notes
Brienza. At SHRS we are working to take the scientic
knowledge and technology we generate to where it can have
real impact. That’s the last signicant mile in the process.
“The highly productive research programs at SHRS are
well-respected throughout the rehabilitation and health
science eld, continues Skidmore. “This is evident from the
increased external funding, the many journal publications
and number of panels our faculty are invited to join. In
the decade ahead, we will build on what we have already
established—a highly collaborative environment that
supports centers of excellence throughout the University and
across the nation.
Four different research initiatives—two from SHRS—are
currently underway.
Parmanto, the Center’s co-principal investigator and an
individual grantee, is developing a mobile health (mHealth)
app that addresses the special needs of caregivers. The app
will be delivered on a smartphone and include a portal
where caregivers can access information and resources that
can improve their own health and wellness while they care
for a person with disabilities.
OT Associate Professor Pamela Toto is adapting and
implementing an evidence-based intervention that
promotes aging in place and reduces the burden of care
for older adults and their caregivers through the Area Agency
on Aging.
CAPABLE, the Community Aging in Place—Advancing
Better Living for Elders intervention, focuses on providing
client-centered care to maximize wellness and prevent or
reduce disability.
“The goal in developing the Center is to centralize successful
caregiver training and resources across the University,
beyond SHRS, UCSUR and Nursing, states Toto. “We don’t
and shouldn’t treat clients in silos, so it makes sense that we
don’t use that approach to meet the needs of caregivers either.
The grant gives us permission—and an obligation—to create
the best resources through an interprofessional approach.
The SHRS Data Center, formerly the PT Data Center, now
provides a broader range of support in all phases of research,
from pre-award to post-award. It offers a variety of services
including data management, web-based applications, data
monitoring and statistical analyses for large, multi-site
clinical trials, health services and implementation research
and large observational studies.
Charity Patterson, PT professor and Data Center director,
says that since 2017, the SHRS Data Center has grown
from supporting one multi-center trial sponsored by the
DoD to managing ve multi-center trials from various
funding agencies.
Previous funding averaged $315,000 per year, but
projections for scal year 2020 are closer to $800,000.
“The Data Center is committed to team science and research
integrity. We provide expertise in study design, data quality
and analysis in all phases of research, Patterson adds.
Facets Feature
Research opportunities for undergraduate
students include working in one of these
discipline areas, either as an unpaid volunteer
or paid intern, for academic credit or as part of
the Bachelor of Philosophy program:
• Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health
Counseling – Kelly Beck
• Communication Science and Disorders –
Katie Belardi
• Emergency Medicine – Tom Platt
• Health Information Management –
Patricia Anania Firouzan
• Occupational Therapy – Laura Waterstram
• Physical Therapy – Sara Piva
• Rehabilitation Science and Technology/
Prosthetics and Orthotics – Dan Fisher
• Sports Medicine and Nutrition – Kevin Conley
Optimizing the quality of life for patients
is an overarching goal of much of
the research conducted at SHRS.
Investigators in every department and
program are examining physiological
and behavioral mechanisms of
disorders and recovery. They’re
improving diagnostic methods
and developing and testing novel
interventions that impact patient care.
Technology plays a major role.
In his highly sophisticated psychoacoustics lab,
Communication Science and Disorders Associate Professor
Christopher Brown uses multi-channel sound arrays
and electroencephalography to study tinnitus, hearing
impairment and cochlear implant processing.
Professor Bradley Nindl and Assistant Professors
Chris Connaboy and Shawn Flanagan, faculty in the
Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition, use
electroencephalography, brain imaging and motion
analysis in the Neuromuscular Research Laboratory to
study cognitive and physical performance in active military
members and elite athletes.
David Brienza, associate dean for Technology and Innovation
and Rehabilitation Science and Technology professor, has
developed and evaluated technology to preserve tissue
integrity in people with activity and mobility limitations,
while Skidmore uses augmented reality to address cognitive
impairments in patients who have experienced stroke.
A new model of
interdisciplinary collaboration
at SHRS has taken hold,
resulting in breakthrough
research that addresses social
as well as medical issues,
and sets new standards of
rehabilitation care.
Through a grant from NIH, investigators from the
Department of Physical Therapy (PT) and the University of
Pittsburgh’s Schools of Medicine, Engineering and Education
have established the Low Back Pain Center at Pitt.
“Unfortunately, some people with chronic low back pain end
up taking opioids for lack of a better alternative, despite the
lack of research supporting their use for chronic pain, notes
Dean and PT Professor Anthony Delitto. “The Center
will largely focus on thoroughly understanding the
individual characteristics of patients with acute and
chronic low back pain to then help develop more
effective and safer treatments.
At the Human Engineering Research Laboratories
(HERL), Pitt researchers are working with the
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Community
HealthChoices Health Plan and Transitional Paths
to Independent Living. Together they are piloting a
comprehensive technology-based intervention known as
ASSIST—Autonomy, Safety and Social Integration via Smart
Technologies. It supports independent living and community
integration of people with physical disabilities who are at
risk of institutionalization.
ASSIST focuses on providing mainstream home automation
technologies, such as entry control and light control, as
well as access technologies like smart speakers and touch-
free access to smartphones. It may also include apps for
smart speakers and smartphones that support instrumental
activities of daily living and community integration. ASSIST
will match the needs of individuals with disabilities to
these technologies and provide targeted training to ensure
technologies would be used effectively by people with
physical disabilities.
According to HERL Associate Professor Dan Ding,
“Through these technologies, we believe that individuals with
disabilities will be able to live more independently, become
more connected to their communities, and have more
choices and control over their lives.
Through a $4.3 million grant from the National Institute on
Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research
(NIDILRR), scholars from SHRS, Pitt’s School of Nursing
and the University Center for Social & Urban Research
(UCSUR) have established the National Rehabilitation
Research and Training Center on Family Support.
The Center is unique in that it leverages modern medical
research and technology to improve not only the health and
quality of life for people with disabilities, but also those who
support them.
“This is the only grant of its kind awarded by NIDILRR,
notes Bambang Parmanto, Health Information Management
chair and professor. “We received this funding because
Pitt stands out as a leader in the eld of caregiving, and
we have the expertise in technology for health intervention
and implementation.
Joseph Mancino Jr.
Prosthetics and Orthotics
In a new study, Hovorka is collaborating with several
partners to examine the effectiveness of several types of
lower limb orthoses as they relate to the quality of life,
satisfaction and uidity of gait among stroke survivors.
Fior & Gentz Neuroswing of Lüneburg, Germany, and
Tillges Technology of Maplewood, Minn., are designing
the various orthoses for use in the study, while Del Bianco
Prosthetics and Orthotics in Raleigh, N.C., serves as the
clinical testing site.
Co-investigator of the study is Del Bianco’s Gary Wall, a
certied prosthetist and orthotist. He recruits and ts
patients with either an articulated or non-articulated brace
that contains the spring technology, a conventional, rigid
orthosis or no orthosis at all.
The team will examine clinical outcomes based on the OPUS
Health Quality of Life Index, OPUS Satisfaction with Device
Use assessment tool, and other measures such as a two-minute
walk test, narrowing beam-walk test, and timed up and go.
“We are at a time of great advances in the eld of P&O,
says Wall. “While prostheses usually grab the attention of
mass media and research funding, orthoses are also seeing a
revolution in available ankle joints and material construction.
Stroke is one of the leading causes of
disability in the United States. When
a stroke occurs, part of the brain is
deprived of blood, causing a variety
of mental and physical impairments.
Frequently, survivors of stroke have difculty standing or
walking because they lose control of muscles and coordination.
According to Christopher Hovorka, assistant professor in the
Prosthetics and Orthotics (P&O) program, assistive devices
such as braces—also known as orthoses—are traditionally
used to stabilize the ankle and foot to keep patients who
have weak muscles from collapsing when they stand and
walk. “The brace acts as a surrogate muscle, explains
Hovorka. “But over time, the muscle itself becomes weaker
and less active.
This phenomenon, known as “learned disuse, can eventually
result in muscle atrophy. “It’s like the old adage, ‘if you don’t
use it, you lose it,’” Hovorka continues. “This notion has led
some rehabilitation practitioners to avoid the use of motion-
constraining lower limb orthoses combined with footwear.
According to Hovorka, there is growing evidence showing
that new materials and technologies, including one that has
a spring-like mechanism in the orthosis, can improve the
walking velocity and ankle power of highly active persons
with neuromuscular disorders, such as children with cerebral
palsy and former military service members.
But there is limited research on the efcacy of similar ankle
braces on the gait of less active patients, like stroke survivors.
In addition, there is little knowledge on how orthoses control
motion or inuence a person’s neuromotor control system.
“However, orthotists have little authoritative knowledge on
how newer designs work, what patients are best suited for
them, and most importantly, which designs are preferred by
the patient, he continues.
Hovorka believes this study will begin to provide some of
the critical information that clinicians need.
“Preliminary results are showing that stroke survivors are
walking with a more uid forward motion when they use
orthoses that contain the spring mechanisms, reports
Hovorka. “The springs release stored energy to control tibial
advances and facilitate ankle power.
“However, we also need to explore how to design a brace
with the correct number of springs to help a patient walk
more quickly, he continues. “We believe this will also
increase the patient’s muscle activity.
Hovorka says it will likely take years of study to effectively
prove his hypothesis, but small studies such as the one they
are currently conducting provide evidence that can be used
moving forward.
“Having a clinical partner such as Del Bianco Prosthetics and
Orthotics is tremendously helpful, Hovorka adds.
“The value of university collaboration with an independent
clinic as ours cannot be overstated, says Wall. “Oftentimes,
university research is hampered by the lack of access to ‘real’
patients and current clinical knowledge, while clinics such
as ours lack the overhead for Institutional Review Board
submission and professional staff to turn our ndings into
results that can be published in peer-reviewed manuscripts.
Hovorka says that as knowledge is updated with well-
controlled clinical research in this area, it will help inform
practitioners of optimal evidence-based therapies involving
exoskeletons, orthoses and footwear.
Spring motion
Foot-ankle orthoses that contain high-force disc
springs like the one shown here help patients
walk with a more uid motion.
Sports Medicine and Nutrition
Imagine a receiver clutching a football, heading toward
the end zone with two defenders closing in. Based on an
internal understanding of his physical abilities and an
attuned perceptual system, the receiver sees an opportunity
to split the defenders and score a touchdown.
But what happens if the receiver recently returned from a
sports-related concussion? Will his perception of the closing
distance between the two defenders and his goal be accurate
enough to make the right moves? And will he be able to realize
the action with enough precision to avoid being tackled?
Perception-action coupling behaviors such as these are of
great interest to SHRS alumnus and Pitt School of Medicine
Post-doctoral Fellow Shawn R. Eagle (PhD ’19) as he
investigates sports-related concussions at the UPMC Sports
Medicine Concussion Program.
“Studies show that there is an increased risk of musculoskeletal
injury after concussion but no one knows why, says Eagle.
A unique tool known as the Perception-Action Coupling
Task (PACT) is helping Eagle determine some of the “whys.
In a recent study, he used PACT to evaluate the differences
between athletes with a history of concussion (but cleared
for full activity) and those with no history of concussion.
PACT is a tablet-based software application that was
developed by Chris Connaboy, assistant professor,
Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition (SMN). It
requires participants to quickly and accurately complete a
task that involves “throwing” virtual balls through virtual
holes that randomly change sizes. Among other things, PACT
measures reaction, movement and response times as they
relate to the accuracy of judgment.
Eagle administered the PACT
assessment along with two of
the most widely used concussion
screening tests—the Immediate
Post-concussion Assessment and
Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) and
the Vestibular Ocular Motor
Screening (VOMS).
He found that college-aged
athletes who had recovered from a sports-related concussion
within the previous two years demonstrated slower and
less accurate performance on the PACT test compared to
athletes with no sports-related concussion history. They also
exhibited several impairments that were not evident through
other measures, including vestibular/oculomotor dysfunction.
According to Eagle, these decits in perception-action
coupling behavior is a critical nding. Athletic competition
involves a myriad of dynamic movement decisions that
requires the detection and integration of perceptual
information with subsequent adaptations to motor output.
He adds that subsequent research in perception-action
coupling behaviors might help mitigate the risk of another
concussion or musculoskeletal injury for athletes.
Connaboy says PACT offers portability and convenience to
researchers who are investigating behavioral risks in a variety of
populations. He originally developed the assessment to measure
how astronauts at the NASA Human Exploration Research
Analog (HERA) site adapted to rapid and unpredictable
changes during a 30-day period when they were exposed to
isolated, conned and controlled environments.
“The inability to correctly perceive possibilities for actions
may cause astronauts to attempt behaviors that place them
at greater risk, says Connaboy. “If an individual incorrectly
perceives their ability to complete an action, they may either
attempt an action that is not possible or not attempt an
action that is possible.
“This greatly impacts the success of the mission as well as
the safety of the astronaut, he continues. “If we can identify
behaviors that cause risk, we can help to avoid future
accidents and injuries.
During the HERA study, PACT provided critical information
to doctoral student Alice LaGoy (MS ’17) as she investigated
how sleep patterns affect performance. LaGoy learned that
accuracy of judgment was worse in individuals who slept
less and had worse sleep quality. Better sleep related to
improved perceptual judgments but not quicker judgments,
since better sleepers had slower response times than those
who did not sleep well. Conversely, both accuracy of
judgment and response times were affected by one night of
sleep deprivation.
“We found that performance was
inuenced by individual daily variation in
sleep patterns and by sleep deprivation,
notes LaGoy. “The patterns of response
time were also inuenced by feelings of
anxiety and apprehension.
The compelling utility of PACT
assessments has resulted in a newly
funded grant from the U.S. Department of Defense. The
Neuromuscular Research Laboratory team will employ
PACT to study sleep deprivation and performance among
members of the U.S. military in order to characterize key
markers of cognitive resilience among warghters.
“PACT is one way we use our knowledge and expertise to
address real-world problems, says Connaboy. “We hope to
commercialize this tool to help minimize risk and prevent
injuries for individuals in a variety of occupations, from
long-haul truck drivers and airplane pilots to health care
workers and those who work in the oil elds.
Subject positioned for PACT testing.
Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling
Project CRESTS offers an interdisciplinary,
collaborative approach to improving the
training of educators and counselors who are
interested in working with young adults with
visual impairments.
In the fall of 2020, ve full-tuition CRESTS
scholarships—the rst ever in the Clinical
Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling
(Counseling) program—will be awarded
to Counseling students who are committed
to this cause.
According to Counseling Assistant Professor
Jamie Kulzer, students will receive cross-
disciplinary instruction to meet the
communication and adaptive needs of clients
with visual impairments.
“Our scholars will enroll in two additional
courses offered by Pitt’s School of Education’s
Teachers of Students with Visual Impairment
program, says Kulzer. “They will also complete
their clinical experiences with students who are
blind or visually impaired at facilities such as the
Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children.
“Ultimately, this interdisciplinary training
grant will elevate the curriculum in the
Counseling program and positively impact the
lives of individuals with visual impairments,
Kulzer adds.
Tessa McCarthy, Department of Instruction and
Learning in Pitt’s School of Education, serves as
the principal investigator on the CRESTS grant.
“There are very few things that someone with
vision can do that someone without vision can’t
do, explains McCarthy. “The person who is
blind may just need to perform tasks differently,
be a bit more organized and convince the people
around them of their capabilities. I think the
Counseling students who participate in Project
CRESTS will be able to see rsthand that this
really is true.
Kulzer agrees. “Due to the large number of
counseling courses required by our accrediting
body, CACREP, Counseling training programs lack
focus on specic needs for individuals who are
visually impaired. With Project CRESTS, we have
a unique opportunity to give counselors additional
specialized training in a high-needs area.
Individuals who are blind and
visually impaired typically have
the highest rates of post-secondary
education of any disability category.
But they also tend to have the
highest rates of unemployment and
underemployment after completing
their studies.
The reason: Teachers, support personnel and counselors
are not always trained in the disability-specic needs of
transition-aged blind students, or the steps they can take to
help them.
That’s about to change, thanks to a grant from the U.S.
Department of Education called Project CRESTS (Certied
Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Supporting
Transition Success).
Additional Counseling scholarships are being offered beginning
in the fall of 2020 through the generosity of the John Francis
Oyler and Nancy Lee Victoria Fleck Oyler Foundation. The
Nancy L. Oyler Student Award in Counseling will be presented
to Counseling students who exemplify a commitment to
excellence in service to persons with disabilities.
The award honors the late Nancy
Oyler’s career as a rehabilitation
counselor who provided
psychosocial adjustment services to
persons with disabilities. She began
working at the Greater Pittsburgh
Guild for the Blind while attending
graduate school at Pitt. After
taking a hiatus to raise her three
children, Nancy Oyler returned
to the Guild, which had been
renamed Blind & Vision Rehabilitation Services of Pittsburgh,
until her retirement in 2005.
Nancy’s husband, Dr. John F. Oyler, retired associate professor,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the
University of Pittsburgh, says his wife was heavily inuenced
by the philosophy of Father Thomas Carroll, as recorded in
Carroll’s book, “Blindness: What It Is, What It Does, and How
to Live with It.
“Father Carroll believed that psychological rehabilitation was
necessary before physical rehabilitation could succeed, notes
Dr. Oyler.
“Nancy was always grateful for the opportunity to earn a
master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling, he continues.
“We are eager to see this program continue to ourish. We felt
the best way to honor her was to provide similar opportunities
to current and future students.
Counseling Director and Professor Michael McCue calls Nancy
Oyler a visionary and an advocate. “She was particularly
passionate about supporting individuals with disabilities. It is
entirely tting that the new scholarship be awarded to students
who plan to follow in her footsteps.
“We are very grateful to the Oyler Foundation for this
endowment, says McCue. “While it takes a great nancial
burden off the recipient, it also epitomizes the concept of paying
it forward. We hope to instill that idea in all of our students,
and this award is a wonderful example.
The late Nancy Oyler and her
husband, Dr. John Oyler.
Occupational Therapy
White began teaching 3-D printing technology in her
Biomechanical Theory and Practice class in 2017. Students
learn how patterns are created based on specic sizes and
shapes, and then use spools of polylactic acid “thread” to
build the splint on the 3-D printer.
“The real skill comes from the OT’s ability to t the splint to
the client’s needs, notes White.
Several Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) students
recently took what they learned in White’s class and applied
it in their Level II eldwork.
Madeleine Wirth (BS ’17) created a customized splint for a
client with a spinal cord injury who was living in a skilled
nursing facility. “The client had limited use of her upper
extremities, says Wirth. “Her goals were to read her Kindle,
grab her own tissues and feed herself.
At rst, Wirth tried a more traditional intervention that was
not effective. She recalled the success of the splints made
with a 3-D printer. After taking precise measurements, Wirth
printed a splint that gave her client more independence.
“My eldwork educator was very excited about the new
approach, adds Wirth.
Fellow student Haley Feller (BA ’14) gave a presentation about
using 3-D printing to create custom orthoses for clients in the
outpatient clinic where she was completing her eldwork.
“Neither my eldwork supervisor nor the physical therapists
on staff were familiar with 3-D printing or its effectiveness
in a therapeutic setting, says Feller.
“The biggest benet for clients is that 3-D printing leads to
greater levels of customization without sacricing durability
and quality of the orthosis, Feller adds. An indirect benet
is that it is less expensive to produce, which could result in
lower costs to insurance companies.
White says that while 3-D printing has not been
perfected yet for general use in OT practice, she
foresees a time when it is readily available.
She adds that some occupational therapists currently
use 3-D technology to provide low- to no-cost adaptive
equipment to help clients complete an activity, modify
their environment or use an assistive device.
White has future plans to provide students with more
hands-on experiences with the 3-D printer. Her idea
is to involve students in the creation of adaptive
devices and occupation-based interventions using 3-D
technology for a simulated patient who has rheumatoid
arthritis. Additionally, she plans to introduce students
to software like Tinkercad, a free online app used to
create 3-D designs.
“Learning how to create custom 3-D printed assistive
devices and occupationally based activities will
empower future practitioners to improve the health and
well-being of all patients, says White.
Students like Wirth share her vision. “The intersection
of technology and health care, specically rehabilitation,
is complex, she observes. After my experience in the
eld, I can envision technology that tracks repetition and
movement outside of therapy sessions. This would inform
therapy plans and the quality of therapy for our clients.
Feller agrees. She foresees virtual reality becoming
a more commonplace technological intervention in
occupational therapy sessions of the future. “Through
virtual reality, OTs could simulate occupations with
clients before actually stepping into the occupation in a
contextually appropriate setting, observes Feller. “That
way, we will be able to provide even more personalized
occupation-based care to clients.
“OTs have always used rudimentary technology in the
eld, notes White. “For example, we typically make our
own splints that t the needs of individual clients. But 3-D
printing lets us do it faster and more economically, allowing
us to reach a broader patient population.
Until now, occupational therapists used traditional materials
such as thermo-plastics that are very expensive. The splints
take long to fabricate and then need to be tted to the
individual client. Often, the splint needs to be adjusted—or
even re-created.
Splints created with 3-D technology cost just a few dollars
compared to several hundred dollars for traditional thermo-
plastic splints. Furthermore, the material used in 3-D
printing is totally recyclable.
“If you need to make adjustments, the material goes at and
can be reused over and over again, continues White. “This
allows us to make effective and inexpensive modications as
the patients’ needs change.
Let’s talk about how occupational
therapists go out of their way to nd
personalized solutions to help people
live fuller lives.
They devise novel ways to help people of all ages perform
the activities that they want and need to do. Because clients
may be recovering from illness or injury or living with a
permanent disability, occupational therapists may adapt the
activity, modify the environment or use an assistive device.
But Department of Occupational Therapy (OT) Instructor
Jennifer White is using innovative technology to take
adaptive creativity to an even higher level. She’s using 3-D
printing. This, she says, gives new meaning to the words
“individualized care.
Madeleine Wirth (BS ’17) used 3-D printing
to create a customized splint that enabled a
client to have better use of her hands.
Communication Science and Disorders
Silo busting is not a new idea. For decades, forward-thinking companies have
been coaxing individuals out of their cubicles to collaborate with coworkers in
efforts to improve productivity and protability. When it comes to research, this
approach has not always been easy. But in the Department of Communication
Science and Disorders (CSD), faculty are sharing their lab resources and vision
with others, not only within their own department but across disciplines, with
seemingly unlikely partners throughout the University of Pittsburgh.
The result is a dynamic cross-pollination of ideas. And
exciting breakthroughs destined to improve patient care.
CSD Professor James Coyle has forged a unique research
partnership with Dr. Ervin Sejdic, associate professor in the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE),
Swanson School of Engineering. Both are committed to
helping individuals with dysphagia (swallowing disorders)
due to neurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s
disease, ALS and traumatic brain injury, or other causes,
achieve improved health and a better quality of life.
Over the past nine years they have collaborated on grants
and co-authored more than 30 journal articles. Their
greatest accomplishment to date is the development of a
new eld—computational deglutition—that uses articial
intelligence and its main components such as signal
and image processing to gain a better understanding of
swallowing disorders.
Typically, patients with dysphagia undergo screening or
sophisticated diagnostic assessments by highly trained
speech-language pathologists. “The most common tests to
evaluate swallowing use x-ray uoroscopic or ber optic
equipment, notes Coyle. “These tests are not available to all
patients, are costly and invasive, and can involve the use of
radiation exposure.
“Our research has proven that we can use complex
algorithms and machine learning to approximate the
accuracy of an expert clinician’s judgment in identifying
dysphagia, he adds.
In a recent study, Coyle and Sejdic assessed the physiological
components of swallowing by tracking the movement of the
hyoid bone in 114 patients at UPMC Presbyterian Hospital.
In addition to uoroscopic testing, they attached a non-
invasive accelerometry sensor to the surface of the neck of
each patient.
Coyle reports that the sensors not only proved to be nearly
as accurate as the judgment of expert human clinicians
using x-ray images in diagnosing physiological movement
of the hyoid bone but showed that hyoid bone movement
tracking was inuenced by patient diagnosis. In the past,
these ndings have been possible only through the use of
x-ray imaging.
“This provides preliminary evidence for using the sensor as a
noninvasive screening instrument and tool, notes Coyle. In
the future, he urges researchers to share data sets with other
researchers in an effort to standardize instrumentation and
develop algorithms that can improve health care delivery
and patient outcomes.
Sejdic agrees. “In our work, we’re able to combine multiple
disjointed elds in articial intelligence such as data science
and machine learning with speech-
language pathology to develop novel
swallowing screening and assessment
tools that can be translated to bedsides.
“The main purpose of the eld of
computational deglutition is to utilize
advances in data science and articial
intelligence to develop better tools for
patient care, he continues.
“The Pitt ECE department thrives on
interdisciplinary collaboration, notes
ECE Department Chair Dr. Alan
George. “Our top strategic emphasis is
research and education in computer
and electrical engineering for the health sciences, and thus
the growing partnership between our two departments
and schools is of paramount importance to our interests
and future.
CSD Assistant Professor Leah Helou is using machine
learning to study the relationship between communication
and a person’s perceived identity.
“Your voice and speech behaviors strongly impact how
others perceive you, explains Helou.
Helou says the human brain makes complex “social
calculations” about a person based on their voice and
speech. In our culture, a listener might think someone
sounds like a leader, another person with a soft voice might
be perceived as compassionate, and someone with a timid
voice might seem insecure. Interestingly, Helou has shown
in her research that individual listeners often aren’t accurate
about a speaker’s personality traits, but groups of listeners
tend to agree about a speaker nonetheless.
“Now we not only have the technology to build a massive
speech repository, we can also extract information to
determine what voice and speech features facilitate certain
perceptions, Helou continues. “Maybe we can identify
less stereotyped social markers. For instance, leadership can
sound different across people. What does leadership sound
Engineering and CSD PhD students
in the x-ray room testing equipment.
like in millennial women of color versus
older Caucasian men? I can imagine many
interesting and useful social ramications
Assistant Professor Jason Bohland, who
joined the CSD department in September
2019, is an expert in speech production.
With a background in computer and
electrical engineering, speech science
and computational neuroscience, he is
collaborating with Helou to direct the
machine learning efforts and determine
which voice and speech features drive
listeners’ perceptions.
“Part of my work involves analyzing large datasets, including
behavioral data, functional and structural brain imaging
data and gene expression data, says Bohland.
Helou is currently developing a website that other
researchers could access and use to upload their own speech
samples and solicit listener ratings of those samples. “The
sharing of information will help us unmask the mysteries of
voice and identity perception.
“This project is a good example of how taking what might
have been a small experiment in a research lab to a much
larger scale can enable more powerful conclusions and give
other researchers a rich dataset to address future questions,
adds Bohland.
CSD Professor and Department Chair Bernard Rousseau
believes collaborations such as these have the potential to
increase the impact, translation and commercialization of
new technologies and tools to improve health-related quality
of life in voice and swallowing.
“These projects demonstrate the powerful impact of bringing
teams of clinicians, scientists and engineers together to
transform health care. These interdisciplinary research
collaborations align very nicely with our vision to advance
health and wellness and eliminate barriers to full life
participation, says Rousseau.
Physical Therapy
“When we conduct research, it’s
always nice to have our work
published in prestigious journals.
But that is not why we do it, states
Associate Professor Michael Schneider,
Department of Physical Therapy (PT).
“We do it because we want health care
professionals to take these novel ideas
and therapies and implement them in
their clinics and practices where they
can make a real difference in the lives
of patients.
The PT researchers at SHRS have an excellent record of
making this happen. The results of their research funded
through the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute
(PCORI) are prime examples.
PCORI is the country’s leading research organization
dedicated to funding studies comparing which care
approaches work best for which patients, focused on
outcomes most important to them. PCORI has also been
acknowledged as a leader in inuencing the U.S. clinical
research enterprise to become more patient-centered.
In 2012, Schneider was the rst investigator from the
University of Pittsburgh—and among the rst 25 in the
nation—to be awarded a PCORI clinical effectiveness grant.
Thanks to his research, older patients with lumbar spinal
stenosis (LSS) and their health care providers now have
three evidence-based non-surgical interventions that are safe
and helpful alternatives to steroid injections or surgery.
“Prior to this study, we were lacking evidence of the
effectiveness of non-surgical treatment options for this
condition, notes Schneider. “Today, with evidence in hand,
we are offering continuing education classes for physical
therapists and chiropractors about effective manual therapies
and exercises for patients with LSS and are working to
implement appropriate interventions in the UPMC Centers
for Rehab Services across the area.
“PCORI is unlike other funding agencies in that it really
challenges investigators to engage with patients in a
systematic way at various stages of our research, says
Associate Professor Sara Piva. “This allows us to consider
patient needs and opinions at the beginning of our study,
and then follow up with them at the end of the project using
methods such as focus groups to hear what they liked about
different interventions.
In Piva’s research, she compared the effectiveness of three
different treatments for patients following total knee
replacement. One group was under the care of a physical
therapist, one group participated in group exercises at a
community center and one group did not take part in any
study-related exercises.
Although all three groups improved in physical function,
the patients in the PT group did the best when faced with
challenging daily activities that they want or need to do, like
carrying a bag of groceries up a ight of stairs, notes Piva.
“Patients and doctors can now use this evidence when they’re
considering options for improving physical function at later
stages of recovery after knee replacement surgery.
“PCORI’s mission is to fund research that helps patients
consulting with their doctors to weigh their health care
options and make the best choices based on their values,
preferences and circumstances, which totally aligns with
research at SHRS, notes SHRS Dean and PT Professor
Anthony Delitto.
Delitto recently completed a PCORI study that evaluated
the feasibility and effectiveness of using a nine-item
prognostic screening tool to successfully identify groups of
patients with the highest risk for transitioning from acute
low back pain (LBP) to chronic LBP.
In the Targeted Interventions to Prevent Chronic Low Back
Pain in High-Risk Patients (TARGET) trial, investigators
from four sites across the United States examined the
effectiveness of psychologically informed physical therapy
(PIPT) compared to usual care alone for LBP patients
identied as high risk for developing chronic back pain.
Results showed patients in both groups had higher-
than-expected transition to chronic LBP. However, the
stratication tool successfully identied groups at highest
risk, where almost 50% transitioned to chronic.
“Low back pain is a highly prevalent condition, continues
Delitto. “Many patients do well with little intervention.
However, some patients do require more attention, and the
trick is to distinguish those who are at higher risk and provide
focused interventions to prevent transition to chronic.
Walking difculty is a common and costly problem for
many older adults. But now, thanks to the research efforts of
Professor Jennifer Brach, there’s a solution.
Brach’s PCORI-funded On the Move (OTM) group exercise
program focuses on the timing and sequences of a patient’s
movements to improve the smoothness and efciency of
walking. Music, partner activities and certain props keep the
exercise session lively and fun. “On the Move exercises were
proven to improve overall walking difculty better than
typical group exercises, says Brach.
Since results were published in the Journal of the American
Medical Association, the National Council on Aging has
designated On the Move as an evidence-based program that
“meets rigorous standards for quality research and readiness
for community use.
Brach and her team are currently offering training sessions
in various cities across the country to prepare certied
OTM instructors, and through a new grant proposal to the
National Institutes of Health, Brach is hoping to implement
the program across Western Pennsylvania. So far, she has
also partnered with the YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh to
offer OTM classes to its members.
“It’s very satisfying to see a program that was introduced in a
research environment now being used effectively in the real
world, notes Brach.
Rehabilitation Science and Technology
The numbers are staggering. The World Health Organization estimates
nearly one billion individuals in the world would benet from one or more
assistive devices to help them overcome the barriers that exist in their lives.
Furthermore, the organization predicts that number will double by 2050
due to expanding population rates.
Associate Professor Jonathan Pearlman, Department
of Rehabilitation Science and Technology (RST), and
Associate Professor Mary Goldberg, Human Engineering
Research Laboratories (HERL), are on a mission to help
ll that need. As recipients of a $4.6 million grant from the
National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and
Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), they have created
IMPACT, the Initiative to Mobilize Partnerships for
Successful Assistive Technology Transfer.
Now in its second year, the IMPACT Center provides
training and support for other NIDILRR grantees to
successfully move their assistive technology ideas through
the development pipeline.
“There is an urgency to build capacity for assistive technology
transfer, says Pearlman. “The IMPACT Center is designed to
foster interdisciplinary collaboration and to share our expertise
in research and development with other grantees.
The rst cohort of grantees recently completed a massive
online training course called idea 2 IMPACT (i2I). The
course is hosted on Coursera and is open to anyone around
the world interested in taking it on-demand asynchronously.
“The goal of the training is to help researchers and
entrepreneurs understand their strengths and identify
challenges that might impede getting their products to
market, explains Goldberg.
“The pathway to commercialization might be different
for a product developed by a small business compared to
one from a large university, she continues. “We focus on
creating the means to ensure success for every grantee.
Kevin Cleary, scientic lead, the Sheikh Zayed Institute for
Pediatric Surgical Innovation at Children’s National Hospital
in Washington, D.C., serves as the principal investigator and
project lead of a team composed of physical therapists and
engineers. They developed an ankle robot for rehabilitation
of children with cerebral palsy.
“The ankle robot controls an airplane video game which the
kids play to exercise their ankle and improve their range of
motion, explains Cleary. “Improved range of motion should
help them ambulate better.
The team hoped the i2I training would help them develop a
business plan. “Instead, it made us realize we need to talk to
customers outside our local environment rst to better dene
the need and the desired size of the device, Cleary adds. His
team will participate in the second phase of training in the
spring of 2020.
A collaboration between researchers at the Boston University
School of Public Health and Phoenix Society for Burn
Survivors led to the development of the Life Impact Burn
Recovery Evaluation (LIBRE) Prole, a measure of social
participation for persons with burn injury. The LIBRE
Prole is a computerized adaptive test that assesses six social
participation domains. Research has demonstrated the
validity and reliability of the LIBRE Prole and it is ready
for dissemination.
Mary D. Slavin, director of Education and Dissemination,
Health Outcomes Unit, Boston University School of Public
Health, and Amy Acton, Executive Director of the Phoenix
Society for Burn Survivors, are working to make the LIBRE
Prole available to improve the lives of persons with burn injury.
“Through idea 2 IMPACT training, we learned that we are
at a critical juncture, says Slavin. “We have an important
product and a vision for how we could implement the LIBRE
Prole, but we lack the relevant business and technology
expertise to bring this product to the next level.
The IMPACT Center will help the team take the next steps.
“Developing a strong business plan will help us secure funding
to provide burn survivors with access to the LIBRE Prole
app to help them monitor their social recovery and connect
with targeted real-time resources and support, adds Slavin.
Roger O. Smith’s team from the Rehabilitation Research
Design & Disability (R2D2) Center at the University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee is developing a set of apps that rate
and display the accessibility of public buildings to promote
equitable community participation.
Smith says the i2I training provided clarity. Among other
things, it helped the researchers identify stakeholders,
product benets and competitors. They were also able to
establish regulations and reimbursement strategies and
develop an action plan for moving forward.
The Access Ratings for Buildings (AR-B) project will
soon roll out community engagement events to assist in
populating the community database. AR-B has partnered
with the 2020 Democratic National Convention with plans
to be the ofcial accessibility app used during the conference,
and provide people with disabilities a diverse assortment of
building reviews they may use to determine which ones meet
their needs.
“Programs such as IMPACT provide participants with
a guided entrepreneurship experience to maximize the
potential and marketability of their product, says Smith.
“In turn, the product has greater chance of being distributed
to the public and benet the customers who need them.
“We at SHRS have been very successful at assistive technology
development and transfer as well as increasing technology
transfer activities through partnerships, adds Pearlman.
“We are pleased to be able to apply similar approaches to
a national network of NIDILRR grantees and provide the
resources and support they need to succeed.
Health Information Management
Like any working professional, Vazquez’s schedule is hectic.
She trains twice a day, ve days a week and competes in one
match per week.
“The online format allows me to choose my own school
schedule and allocate time as I see t, says Vazquez. “The
professors are always available for a phone call, an email or
even a video chat if I need help or have questions.
According to HIM Assistant Professor Andi Saptono, online
delivery of this graduate program helps any working
professional up their game.
“HIM professionals are the heartbeat of any health care
organization, notes Saptono. “Many prospective students
are in leadership positions at hospitals, physician practices or
insurance companies, and it’s difcult for them to step away
from their jobs in order to earn an advanced degree.
The online MSHI, introduced in January 2020, offers the
same content as its on-campus equivalent. “It’s a convenient
program that allows HIM professionals to gain a whole new
skill set without interrupting their careers, Saptono continues.
MSHI students select from four tracks—General
Health Informatics, Data Science, Registered Health
Information Administrator (RHIA) and Health Care
Supervision and Management.
Leming Zhou, associate professor and MSHI program director,
says the Pitt program is unlike others of its kind.
“Some universities offer HI degrees, but the content is not specic
to the health care industry, he explains. “Their students might be
required to take Data Management courses that originate in the
Department of Computer Science, for example.
At SHRS, we draw on our expertise in health informatics,
he continues. “That is our focus and our expertise. We’ve
developed a curriculum that is very ne-tuned to the current—
and future—needs of health informatics professionals.
The online MSHI utilizes a “ipped classroom” technique,
requiring students to complete readings on their own prior to
an hour-long live session once a week.
Saptono says this greatly enhances the students experience.
“When the entire cohort comes together for a video conference, we
have a very lively discussion, says Saptono. “It’s very interactive!”
“The weekly sessions are a great opportunity for me to check in
with my professors, adds Vazquez. “It is easy to communicate
and, in my opinion, is equivalent to in-person classroom
sessions in that we can ask questions, get answers and pose
ideas we may have.
Although she is following the Data Science track, Vazquez
believes the MSHI program will prepare her for any path in
the eld of health information management.
Zhou points out that the rapidly changing health care
environment demands that HIM professionals keep up with
new technology and practices. “Health-related data is growing
exponentially, creating challenges for managers in health care
institutions in how to store, analyze and use the vast amounts
of information available to them, says Zhou.
He notes that new online certicate programs also help
working professionals gain new knowledge in specic
areas such as Health Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, Health
Informatics Leadership and Revenue Cycle Management.
“The certicate programs provide a way for working HIM
professionals to gain access to new trends and information in
a relatively short period of time, says Zhou. He notes that
students can apply the credits they earn from a certicate
program to a master’s degree down the road.
“Whether a student is enrolled in an online or in-person
class, the MSHI or a certicate program, they will have the
opportunity to work with the most amazing professors,
continues Vazquez. “They are passionate, experienced,
inclusive, patient and accommodating. They care deeply
about their students and the future of health care. They have
contributed immensely to my education and for that, I am
forever grateful.
Juliana Vazquez works hard and plays hard. In 2019, she earned an
undergraduate degree in Health Information Management (HIM) while leading
Pitt’s soccer team to its rst Atlantic Coast Conference match win in three years.
Today, she’s playing professional soccer with the Puerto Rico Sol FC—and
working toward her master’s degree in Health Informatics (MSHI). All thanks to
a new online program through SHRS’s HIM Department.
New classes for the master’s degree and
certicate programs in Health Informatics
are now forming for the summer and fall
2020 semesters. For more information
about curriculum, requirements or learning
outcomes, visit https://online.shrs.pitt.edu/.
Physician Assistant Studies
Medical ultrasound imaging has
been a reliable diagnostic tool for
more than 50 years. But recent
developments have changed the way
the technology looks, the way it is
used—and who is using it.
A redesigned Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) machine is
a far cry from the traditional ultrasound device that typically
occupies a diagnostic suite in any hospital and requires
a specially trained technician to operate. It’s significantly
more compact than POCUS models introduced a few years
ago. They were the size of laptops and could be rolled into a
patient’s room, much like an EKG machine.
The new POCUS is a hand-held device with a single probe that
connects to a smartphone or tablet and can be used in a variety
of locations, including at a patient’s bedside. It fits in the lab
coat pocket of someone who is on the front lines of medical
care—like a licensed physician assistant (PA).
According to Physician Assistant Susan Graff (MS ’12), it is
revolutionizing patient care.
“I work with critically ill patients at UPMC Presbyterian and
UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital. Often questions arise that a
physical exam simply cannot answer, explains Graff. “Maybe I
suspect a blood clot in the patient’s vein, or fluid on the lungs.
“I don’t have to compromise the patient’s health by waiting for
a technician to come, or rely on anyone else for answers, she
continues. “I use a hand-held POCUS to get answers right on
the spot. I can then consult with the doctor on call and begin
immediate treatment.
The use of POCUS began in trauma and emergency care
settings but has expanded to other specialties ranging from
internal medicine to obstetrics.
Although the hand-held devices can be found in some clinical
settings, its use is not widespread. Yet.
“Medical schools are beginning to train their students in the
use of hand-held POCUS, but it’s not always included in the
training of other health care professionals like PAs, says
Mary Allias, assistant professor, Department of Physician
Assistant Studies.
“Here at Pitt, we want our PA students to be able to provide
cutting-edge care. That’s why we are adding POCUS training
to our curriculum in the summer of 2020, she continues.
Graff, also an adjunct assistant professor in Pitt’s PA program,
says POCUS technology was cost-prohibitive even five years
ago. “The size and affordability of today’s model makes it a
dream come true for PA educators.
She notes that by using POCUS in the classroom, students gain
a greater understanding of the human body. “PA students have
always been taught to use a stethoscope to listen carefully to a
patient’s heartbeat, says Graff. “Imagine having the opportunity
to actually watch the heart that creates those sounds.
Allias and Graff agree that at this time, it’s unclear how the
new technology may impact the cost of providing health care
services. “Our role as educators is to ensure our students
are keeping pace with the latest diagnostic techniques, like
POCUS, says Graff. “We want our students to be armed with
this kind of knowledge and experience so they stand out as the
most sought-after candidates in their field.
PA Chair and Assistant Professor David Beck welcomes the
new training. “By embracing this technology, we are preparing
our graduates to work at the top of their licenses in ways that
only a few PAs can, says Beck.
“This training will make our graduates more competitive in the
marketplace, adds Allias. “But more importantly, it will allow
them to provide a higher level of care to their patients.
“POCUS training gives our students a valuable new skillset and most certainly
enriches the quality of our curriculum,” says Adjunct Assistant Professor Susan Graff.
lab notes
Faculty researchers from the
Department of Physical Therapy
(PT) fondly recall the early days of
the Physical Therapy Clinical and
Translational Research Center
(PT-CTRC) when they operated
out of a tiny space in Forbes
Tower. “We jokingly said we were
conducting research in a closet,
recalls PT-CTRC Founding Director
and Professor G. Kelley Fitzgerald.
Since 2009, thanks to a partnership with the University
of Pittsburgh Clinical and Translational Science Institute
(CTSI), the lab has evolved into a sprawling 6,000-square-
foot facility in Bridgeside Point with four full-time physical
Ongoing research to improve the quality of life for patients
with knee osteoarthritis (OA) recently culminated in the
presentation of the Academy of Orthopaedic Physical
Therapy’s 2019 Rose Award to Fitzgerald and his Pitt
colleagues, Assistant Professors Allyn Bove and Christopher
Bise, and Dr. Kenneth Smith, Pitt School of Medicine
professor of Medicine and Clinical and Translational Science.
Fitzgerald’s most recent study, which began in the PT-CTRC,
examines the clinical effectiveness of physical therapy booster
sessions for patients with knee osteoarthritis.
“It’s common for individuals to go to PT for a certain
number of treatments and then be released with
instructions to follow an exercise program at home,
explains Fitzgerald. “But research shows that, over time,
the benecial effects of PT start to decline.
In his booster study, Fitzgerald is examining the
effectiveness of holding back some of the physical therapy
sessions that insurance would typically cover and bringing
patients back to PT for a booster visit every three months.
“We’re nding that when patients are treated with a
booster session of physical therapy, they do not experience
a decline, but in fact are still doing well two years later,
reports Fitzgerald. “Our study indicates that this type of
intervention will be more cost effective in the long run,
with less money spent on knee-related medical care.
Fitzgerald hopes to start using booster sessions for knee OA
at the UPMC Centers for Rehab Services in the near future.
“This is how we measure the success of the PT-CTRC …
seeing pilot studies evolve into large clinical trials, and
eventually, evidence-based practice being implemented in
the real world, Fitzgerald concludes.
delivery of research procedures with high delity. This
approach has promoted continued collaboration with the
University’s Medical School, the departments of Psychiatry,
Orthopedics and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, as
well as investigators from other universities.
“Collaboration adds to the depth and caliber of all of our
research, notes Gil.
“The beauty of the PT-CTRC is that we have been able to
conduct small studies that are very successful, and turn
them into very large, multi-site studies that are funded
by renowned research organizations such as the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Patient-Centered
Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), says Fitzgerald.
Associate Professor Sara Piva, who was the founding co-
director of the lab with Fitzgerald, credits the PT-CTRC
with helping to launch her research career. “I was a junior
investigator working on several pilot studies relating to
patients with total knee replacement when the facility
opened, says Piva. “Without having the extensive resources,
it would have been very challenging to complete my studies
and receive signicant funding to do much larger randomized
trials. The PT-CTRC made it much easier.
“The umbrella of CTSI also helped me utilize UPMC
Monteore CTRC for needle biopsies to obtain muscle
tissue in another study in patients with rheumatoid
arthritis, adds Piva. “Because the hospital is also a partner
of CTSI, I had access to their medical facilities for my
study. It was a very efcient process.
For Professor Jennifer Brach, a pilot study conducted at the
lab early in her career helped her collect the preliminary
data that was necessary to secure a larger Research Project
(R01) grant from the NIH. Her ve-year-long PRIMA
(Program to Improve Mobility in Aging) study is currently
in its nal phase. The ndings, expected later this year, will
provide evidence for the added value of task-specic timing
and coordination training in promoting walking ability in
older adults.
therapists who provide consistent, high-quality physical
performance testing and rehabilitation intervention to
clinical and translational investigators from various
departments across the university.
“CTSI focuses on supporting multidisciplinary
collaborations that advance research and its translation
to practice. We worked with SHRS leadership and
identied physical therapy research as a eld that could
be accelerated through broader institutional support and
catalyzing new research collaborations, says Steven E.
Reis, MD, associate vice chancellor for Clinical Research,
Pitt Health Sciences, and founding director of CTSI.
“The PT-CTRC does just that. It provides research
resources and serves as a center for collaborators to
come together to conduct state-of-the-art research and to
test novel methods to implement research ndings into
practice, Reis continues.
As administrative director of the PT-CTRC, Assistant
Professor Alexandra Gil helps to facilitate the research
projects. She says the success of the PT-CTRC is ensured
by a wonderful team of experienced physical therapists
who are able to combine patient-centric care with the
Sara Piva, David Wortman, Joseph Mancino Jr.,
Kathryn Brown, Debra Voss and Alexandra Gil (seated).
Kathryn Brown
David Wortman
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