Authorization to Release Protected Health and/or Substance Use Disorder Records
Authorization to Release Protected Health Information Of:
Patient Name:
Date of Birth:
Phone Number:
Authorization to Release Protected Health Information From:
Facility Name/ Provider:
Phone Number:
Authorization to Release Protected Health Information To:
Agency/Individual (include contact person):
Relationship to
Phone Number:
Purpose of Disclosure:
Dates of Treatment/Service Requested (mm/dd/yy --mm/dd/yy):
Delivery Information:
In Person
Mail Oral/two- communication Secure Email
Fax number:
Other electronic format(check with provider for available electronic options)::
Release the Following Information (check all that apply):
Patient Health Information:
History and Physical Emergency Room Records Treatment Plan Consultation
Radiology Reports Laboratory Reports Operative Reports Pathology Reports
Discharge Summary Progress Report Immunizations Outpatient Clinic Records
Medication List Genetic Testing HIV/AIDS or other communicable disease
Mental/Behavioral Health Information:
Evaluation/Assessment Treatment Plan
Progress Notes Therapy Records Discharge Summary
Medication List Consultation Other________________________________
Substance Use Information:
Evaluation/Assessment Treatment Plan Consultation Progress Notes Therapy Records Discharge
Drug Test Results Medication List Other_____________________________________
Health Insurance Claim Form Billing Form Itemized Billing Other_____________________
Authorization Will Remain in Effect for:
1 year from date signed one time disclosure other(date/event/condition):
I understand that:
I understand that the information to be released may include reference to sensitive information related to drug or alcohol abuse treatment
which may be federally protected Under 42 CFR Part 2, genetic testing, HIV/AIDS or other communicable disease and/or mental/behavioral
health. By checking the boxes related to this information this disclosure will reveal my presence as a patient at this treatment facility and/or
that I am receiving this type of treatment.
Once this facility/provider discloses my health information by my request, it cannot guarantee the Recipient will not re-disclose my health
information to a third party. The third party may not be required to abide by federal and state law governing the use and disclosure of my
health information.
The facility/provider will not condition treatment, payment, enrollment, or eligibility for benefits on whether I sign this Authorization.
I may inspect, request, or copy any information used or disclosed under this authorization.
If I have questions about disclosures of my health
information, I can contact the facility/provider and speak to their medical records department.
This authorization is subject to revocation at any time except to the extent that the facility/provider or other lawful holder of the protected
health information has already acted in reliance of this authorization. The revocation must be provided in writing to the “facility.
Signature of Patient or Representative
Printed Name of Representative:
Relationship to Patient:
This form is provided by DHHS in accordance with UCA 26-70-102