CAS Publications Copyright Assignment Form 02/27/2017
CAS Copyright Assignment Agreement
I am the author of _______________________________________________________________
(the “Work”) to be published by the Casualty Actuarial Society (“CAS”). Based on good and
valuable consideration, I grant to the CAS all right, title and interest, including copyright, in and to
the work. I authorize the CAS to edit the work and to publish my name, photograph, and
biographical data in connection with the CAS’s use and promotion of the work. I understand that I
will receive no royalty or other compensation from the CAS for the use of the work by the CAS.
I understand that the CAS grants back to me a limited permission to:
1) Present the work orally;
2) Distribute the work for educational, personal, noncommercial or commercial purposes or
for my own professional use; and
3) Revise, adapt, or prepare derivative works and to present such works orally and distribute or
authorize publication of the works for educational, personal, noncommercial or commercial
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provided that a) the works are not used in a manner that may be considered similar to the use or
publication of the work by the CAS, in which case the prior approval of the CAS must be obtained,
b) an appropriate written acknowledgment is included in the works that distribution is made with
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revised, adapted, or derivative works.
I also specifically grant a royalty-free license to any CAS members or other users of the CASs
publications for use of any patents or other procedures described in the work.
I confirm to the CAS that the work is my own, that I have the full right to make this assignment,
that the work is factually accurate and lawful, that the work does not violate any copyright,
proprietary or personal rights of others, and that I have obtained all necessary permissions from