Vol. 5(7), pp. 72-77, August, 2013
DOI: 10.5897/JMCS13.0355
ISSN 2141-2545 ©2013 Academic Journals
Journal of Media and Communication Studies
Use of photo-manipulation techniques in enhancing
magazine cover portraiture: Lessons for journalistic
graphics in Nigeria
J. I. Azi, S. U. Dakyes and S. O. Ogunwole
Department of Industrial Design, Ahmadu Bell University, Zaria-Nigeria.
Accepted 13 August, 2013
Evidence of the information age includes the flexibility, availability, accessibility and affordability of
information, consequently expounding the frontiers of Graphic Design as well as all the tools of its
practice. It is noted that publishing is one of such areas benefiting from digital transformation. Attempt
is being made in this article to highlight the role of a few photo-manipulation in developing a standard
magazine front cover, from the technological to the creative points-of-view. A critical assessment of
some prominent photo-manipulation tasks and their aesthetic, functional and other far reaching
implications are carried out. The essence being to elicit fundamental lessons Nigerian journalistic
graphic designers can learn, especially with a view towards enhancing their professional standing
(technically and ethically) and advancing the attainment of the information technology age.
Key words: Graphic design, photo-manipulation, magazine cover, journalistic graphics, Nigeria
It cannot be denied that almost all facets of human
endeavor today have been affected by information
technology. Indices of the advent of the information age
include the dramatic enhancement of the capacity of
media in all ramifications. Research reveals that the
flexibility, availability, accessibility and affordability of
information; are among key manifestations of this
dominance, occuring through the convergence of diverse
dissemination tools and channels in the digital revolution.
This offers a unique platform for expanding the capacity
of traditional media like: TV, cinema, newspaper,
magazine, telephone and the emerging new media (the
internet, mobile telephony and interactive satellite
broadcasting). Publishing is the umbrella terminology
referring to the production of the digital contents used by
media such as audio (music), audio-visual (movies) or
visual (visual effects, screen saver etc.). According to
The Free Dictionary (2012), publishing entails preparing
and issuing (printed material) for public distribution or
sale. The outcome of which is posters, books, maga-
zines, brochures, newspapers or advertisement com-
mercials, movies, jingles and special effects.
Publishing is carried out by a team of technicians
ranging from writers, sound engineers, computer
programmers, lithographers, cameramen, editors and
graphic designers, information technologists, photo-
graphers, social psychologists, printers and marketers.
Interestingly, advances in hardware and software
technologies have in recent years drastically transformed
the methods and materials of digital media contents
design, production and dissemination (Azi, 1999).
Such advances have not only enhanced productivity (in
terms of output), but also the flexibility of information
management to all stakeholders (technicians). This is
especially relevant to the graphic designers whose
traditional roles of typesetting, page layout (manual cut-
and-paste), plate making, printing and finishing (binding,
trimming and packaging) have been transformed with
*Corresponding author. E-mail: azijoe86a2000@yahoo.com.
digital automation.
Bear (2012) affirms that before the invention of desktop
publishing (DTP) software the tasks involved in desktop
publishing were done manually, however the software
specifically allow for combining and rearranging text and
images and creating digital files. Most of these software
packages that come with inbuilt predesigned templates
facilitate and enhance the creation of page layouts.
Further cutting edge technologies have evolved that push
the publishing frontiers higher with the capacities to
digitally colour separate, print, trim, collate and finish
(packaging) in one process.
For instance, according to Trukmann’s (2012) the
Xerox 4 Colour iGen digital printing machine which is now
available for businesses of any size, offers a fast and
affordable short run digital printing process. Creating
superior quality, professionally printed and finished
pieces such as brochures, newsletters, catalogues,
handouts to name a few. ADS Worldwide Ltd. (2012)
ascertains that The Xerox iGen press technology does
not use plates or film and requires little set-up time, thus
making it very cost-effective for short production runs and
products requiring variable data.
It is noteworthy that when such technologies combine
with the expressive capacity of human creative ingenuity,
for instance in magazine design, be it at the cover or
inner layouts, the outcome is exquisite. Of course,
designing a magazine layout generally is undoubtedly a
daunting task. Cover design requires even much more, it
is part of a long process, creativity and skills in
typography, guides, visual communication, aesthetics,
principles and elements of design, logic and so on
(Vasile, 2012). Also, according to Insua (2012) a
designer’s basic skill should be his/her capacity to
absorb, understand and recreate the information given to
be expressed into a clear, concise and effective visual
solution, capable of providing the viewer with a fresh new
perspective. Wu (2009) argues that “the art of graphic
design is continually evolving with society, fashion, tech-
nology and politics.” Adding also, “styles and colors are
inspired by everything around the environment and in
turn snapshots can be seen of such evolving culture in
the designs of the recent past.”
The goal of this article therefore is to examine the pro-
cesses involved in magazine cover design, with specific
reference to the designer’s capacity to edit the main
image to fit specific aesthetic and utilitarian challenges.
The essence is towards solving an impending visual
challenge and meeting broader functional requirements
of a given publication. This is to be carried out through
different photo-manipulation processes, from resizing and
repositioning of a photograph to adjusting its brightness,
contrast and colour balance filters. It is also applicable in
photo-editing a damaged picture or integrating non-
existent elements, towards enriching the visual metaphor
and storytelling capacities of the image.
This is accomplished using software packages like:
Azi et al. 73
Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw and InDesign (Azi 2012).
Of course, it is in consideration of these digital tech-
nology advances that Creative Skillset (2012b) argues
“publishing is going through a sustained period of change
and development.” Against which backdrop, this article
advocates for the enhancement of the creative craft-
smanship of publishing in Nigeria to meet global stan-
dards, this is especial relevant with regards to magazine
publication. Given the current explosion in magazine
publication in Nigeria, it is noted that dozens of special
interest titles have been added to the traditional
Newswatch, Tell, Newsweek magazines, like: Arise, Flair,
Mode, New African Woman, Y!, True Love, FAB, Pop
Africana, Elan etc (Plate 1 (a), (b), (c)). For which key
stakeholders include: graphic designers, artists, journa-
lists, government, creative writers and printers.
Key parts of a magazine cover design include: masthead
(also called: title, logotype, logo or nameplate); dateline;
main image (photograph); model credit; cover lines, main
cover line; left third; bar code and selling line (see Plates
1 and 2 below). According to Quinn (2012b) however
over the years the design structure of magazine cover
might have been tweaked to exploit new printing
techniques; that is switched from full face to a body shot;
used illustration rather than photography; moved the
target readership age up or down; or simply freshened
things up. Characteristically, magazines are periodicals,
hence published in regular schedule. They contain variety
of articles and are usually financed by advertising,
purchase price and subscriptions. Magazine have been
good sources of information and entertainment, for
instance a fashion magazine, art magazine, design
magazine, cookery magazine, car magazine, health
magazine, product magazine, sports magazine, computer
magazine and many more (Acebedo, 2012).
However, contrary to the saying you cannot read a
book by its cover, magazine designers strive to make
sale through offering a promising cover, by attracting
reader’s attention using the most skillful portrayal of the
summary of key inner contents on the cover page. Insua
(2012) argues that magazine covers not only offer
information about what is inside a particular issue, they
also provide significant cultural cues about social,
political, economic and cultural trends. With these
significant functions in mind, the need cannot be over-
emphasized for graphic designers to produce befitting
magazine cover pages with adequately captivating visual
imagery and complementary textual contents. Care
however must be taken by the designers, not to mislead
the beholder with forged concepts, unnecessary exag-
gerations or extreme unnatural fantasies. Capabilities
and liberties availed to the artists and designers of
magazine covers.
74 J. Media Commun. Stud.
According to Berg (2012), “magazine publishers, editors
and circulation directors know the importance of the
cover image as both a newsstand impulse buy and as a
brand.” Also, that “80% of consumer magazines news-
stand sales are determined by what is shown on the
cover, a fact that can mean the difference between a
magazine’s success and failure over time.” The cover
image and design reinforce the brand, as an important
identification factor because the average reader spends
only three to five seconds scanning a magazine cover
before deciding whether or not to buy that issue.
Morla (2010) argues that although in magazine cover
design, words are as important as images, however
images can be more powerful than words. Although,
Reed (2011) alluded to the fact that there is no secret
success formula to designing a magazine cover, however
submits the following as elements to look out for when
creating covers:
(i) Clever, provocative, fun
(ii) Simple
(iii) Edgy content
(iv) Compelling cover lines
(v) Bold visuals
In fact, a good designer must surprise as well as inform a
beholder. Hence, to make a magazine remarkable artistic
and marketable, magazine cover designs deserve a
closer study. This challenge is even more critical for the
developing world like Africa, where the practice of
journalistic publishing is still far from reaching the peak of
its development. Morcos (1999) observed that most
publications have a small readership and fewer advertise-
ments, hence are strapped financially; this makes it
difficult to keep up with changing technology. Vasile
(2012) asserts the importance of consistency in
magazine cover design, not only from one page to
another, but also from one edition to the next one. Adding
that all the big brands such as: Cosmopolitan, FHM,
Reader’s Digest, Men’s Health or Sports Illustrated, have
a style that have lasted a long time (see magazine cover
samples below).
Of course, changing design concepts too often will not
help in building a strong visual identity. It is noted that
magazine front cover page structure can either be
designed mainly as textual, pictorial (using human,
product or abstract images) or a combination of texts and
pictures (Plates 5 and 6). Consider the versatility and
dynamics of the magazine front cover design samples
presented on Plates 3 to 5 and their different
characteristics as appropriate examples that showcase
these structures. Quinn (2012a) affirms in the book:
Secrets of Cover Design 3: Some Finishing Touches that
magazine front covers have used the main elements of
image and text in terms of words, pictures (human full
body or close-up facial posture) or a combination of
words and pictures.
One common fact in all of these design compositions is
that, they were all carefully crafted using different photo-
manipulation techniques and complementary computer
graphic software packages.
In digital editing, photographs are usually taken with a
digital camera and input directly into a computer, how-
ever transparencies, negatives or printed photographs
may also be digitized via a scanner. Images may also be
obtained from stock photography databases. With the
advent of personal computers, graphics tablets, scanners
and digital cameras; the techniques of image editing have
been transformed beyond the traditional darkroom
procedures onto a handful of hi-tech devices and
manipulation skills. Photo manipulation is often much
more explicit than subtle alterations to color balance or
contrast this may involve overlaying a head onto a
different body, changing the colour of a shirt or even
enhancing the textual feeling of an image.
Of course, the technical procedure for photo-
manipulation span from being a fun seeking activity to a
stunning exhibition of intense artistic mastery. During
which processes, image editing software are used to
apply effects on an image until the desired result is achie-
ved, such an image may have little or no resemblance to
the original photograph (or photographs in the case of
compositing) from which it originated (Ask Define, 2012).
In publishing a book, magazine, brochure, newspaper,
pamphlet or leaflet, relevant images are used to com-
plement inner textual contents. However, seldom do
pictures exist to fit exact dimensions and purposes for the
proposed published items, for instance, most times it is
observed, design spaces allotted for photographic
images and other complementary elements may either be
too large or too small. Hence, requiring a form of
manipulation or editing so as to fit design specifications of
such a publication. Also, the quality of the image may
require some form of retouching in order to make it
appropriate for the specific purpose it is meant for.
According to Lim (2012) image editing encompasses
the processes of altering images. Employing photo-
manipulation or photo-editing techniques empowers the
designer with the capacity to reshape a photographic
image to fit specific needs like newspaper, magazine or
web publication at a point in time. Photo manipulation is
one of the most creative art forms to come out of the
digital age (Outlaw, 2011). According to Grant (2012)
photo manipulation is an ever evolving collaboration
between photography and graphic design, combining
certain elements to create a unique image that can
convince even the most experienced set of eyes and re-
quiring very creative set of skills. Of course, manipulation
of a photograph gives a realistic view of an unreal
posture, which offers designers the tool to be able to
express their inner creative skills.
Technically, raster graphics editor is used as primary
tool to edit a digital image through processes that include:
manipulating, enhancing, transforming, applying effects
and filters and file formats converting. Image editing has
become a common activity that everyone is engaged in,
including non-professional designers; this is due to the
technological advancement that has place variety of
amateur digital cameras and DeskJet printers on creative
and curious every tables. Also, a lot of free software
programmes can be downloaded online. All of which
developments make the task of editing family or personal
pictures no longer a difficult nut to crack. This
development is one of the most significant benefits of the
digital age; its capacity to make for ample availability,
affordability and flexibility of information.
It is important to state however that irrespective of this
opportunity availed by digital technology; the quest for
competent designers who would handle high-end
professional photo-manipulation challenges still remains
unfulfilled. Of course, whether the need is to simply crop
a photograph or more professionally retouch a damaged
part or even altering certain components to meet a set
goal the need for exceptional creative ability cannot be
overlooked. As Gralla (2010) puts it “sometimes your
pictures turn out less than perfect and you have to adjust
their color, remove red-eye or alter the dimensions, photo
editors can do all of those things and more.” Adding that
“even if you are a professional photographer, your
pictures still could use the occasional touch-up and
certainly software exist that are up to the task. In all, it is
needless to overstress the significance of technical com-
petence digitally and creatively, especially in accom-
plishing design reputability in magazine publications.
Dozens of photo-manipulation software programmes
exist for all requirements and competency levels. These
include: Picasa, Opera, Nero, Photoscape, CorelDraw,
HP Photosmart Essential, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator,
Free Image Editor, ACDSee, Ulead PhotoImpact,
EPSON Easy Photo Print, jetAudio, Neroo Multimedia
Suite, Photo! Editor, Phantasmagoria, InDesign, Image
Analyzer, Artweaver, Active Pixels, Evan’s Image Editor
and MAGIX Xtreme Photo Designer to mention a few
(Plate 7).
Gube (2009) conducted a survey of 150 respondents
via the website ‘Six Revisions’ in a quest to know the
‘best image editing software’ currently in the market and
found the top 5 to be: Photoshop, GNU Image
Manipulation Programme (GIMP), Fireworks, Inkscape
Azi et al. 75
and Pixelmator.
Over the years dozens of designers have been involved
in the art of photo-manipulation, creating visually stunning
editorially effective magazines covers. It is noteworthy
however, while some of these creative works become
award-winning master pieces, others turn out as
controversial. For instance, The American Society of
Magazine Editors announced the winners of the best
magazine cover design as The October 3, 2011 issue of
New York Magazine - entitled “Is She Just Too Old for
This?” Magazine editors plucked it from a group of thirty
finalists in various categories (The Huffington Post, 2012;
Miller, 2011). See Plate 8 (a, b) (below) entitled “is she
just too old for this?” and “are you mom enough?”
Some of the best contemporary photo-manipulation
artists and designers include: Karol Kolodziski, Christohe
Huet, Jill Greenberg, Clive Biley, Koen Denmuynck,
Jonathan Foerster, Craig Shields, Justin Maller, Chris
Haines, Jennifer Farley, Cristiano Siqueira, Alberto
Seveso, Jerico Santander, Eduardo Rodrigues, David
Waters to mention a few.
Journalistic graphics designers are involved in the
appropriate selection, manipulation and use of graphic
images to enhance information present for publications.
These skills often require the use of photographic and
textual images. Hence, in addition to writing a successful
journalist report, the graphic journalist must be visually
literate and creative. The essence is in order to be able to
appropriately apply visual images and translate visual
languages for a magazine publication. It is fundamental
that as social engineers of public information, journalists
should keep abreast with the knowledge of creativity,
visual communication and graphic design principles and
their application to publishing.
Stovall (n.d.) argues that purpose and content should be
the chief considerations in the design of a graphic work,
not the ability of a computer programme to design a fancy
or pleasing picture; design should always give way to
function. Accurate presentation of information is the chief
goal of a graphic journalist. In fact, just as good
journalistic writing often takes the simplest form possible,
so also should good graphics be simple (Azi, 1999).
Against which backdrop, Nigerian magazine journalists
should note that although photo-manipulation is a
desirable graphic tool for resizing, editing, repositioning of
magazine cover photographic or other images, care must
be taken not to use the tool for unethical practices.
It is advisable that extreme illogical and unnecessary
76 J. Media Commun. Stud.
exaggerations must be avoided, especially if doing so
would deform the originality of the image or become
insignificant. Of course, while some of such controversies
may have positive effects on the designer and or the
company responsible for the publication, others may
have very far reaching negative consequences. Of
course, controversial publications may or may not affect
the designers and sponsors alone, but can even trigger
local or international social unrest.
Photo-manipulation is a development whose advent
dates back to traditional darkroom as well as lithographic
processes however digital technology advances are
dramatically transforming its development. The outcome
would forever affect the outlook of magazine publications
remarkably. This advancement the Nigerian journalistic
graphic designers can carefully and creatively take
advantage of, in repositioning their practice and business
in a digital age. It is noted that while on the one hand,
photo-manipulation can be a positive design tool for
visual accentuation, however care must be taken not to
misuse these craft towards falsehood, irrelevant
exaggerations or triggering unnecessary controversies.
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