Learning with iPad
Supporting English-Language
English-language learners are a growing
and important focus area for K12 schools.
Educators are looking for effective ways
to support these learners and help them
achieve. They’re discovering that iPad is
the ideal device for personalizing learning
and strengthening language skills to ensure
student success.
How iPad can help
The built-in features on iPad along with the breadth of available learning resources make it a valuable tool
for supporting English-language learners (ELLs). iPad allows students to immediately and independently
start taking charge of their learning—at their own pace and tailored to their specific needs. It can become
almost any tool students need—a camera, a translator, a book, a drawing canvas, a voice recorder—and so
much more.
iPad is both highly personal and inconspicuous—ELLs who carry iPad devices don’t feel singled out.
They can practice language verbally on a device thats intimate and customized for them, leveraging the
power of language skill development through repetition.
English learners can instantly create with iPad—they can draw, record audio, take pictures, and shoot
video. Built-in creativity tools, as well as many third-party apps, provide diverse and authentic options
for ELLs to improve their language skills, practice oral language, and communicate in a variety of ways.
iPad supports students where they are in their learning journeys to meet their individual skills, interests,
levels, and learning styles.
This booklet provides a quick look at the built-in features on iPad that you can use to support ELLs.
You’ll also find examples of outstanding learning materials, as well as activity ideas and stories from
schools that are using iPad to help their English learners achieve.
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iPad includes many built-in features that can be used to support
English learners. Here are some examples.
Spoken Text
With Speak Selection, students can highlight text and use the Speak option
to have the text read aloud, helping them to learn correct pronunciation.
Learners can also use Speak Screen to read the entire contents on a screen.
This both increases their exposure to language and helps them proofread
text theyve written.
Alex is Apple’s proprietary text-to-speech voice and is the most human-
sounding voice available. Alex actually reads a whole paragraph before
beginning to speak. Alex knows when to pause and literally takes a breath,
making it possible for ELLs to understand the text and its pronunciation.
With the typing feedback feature, students can have a word spoken back
to them once they’ve typed it, which confirms they’ve correctly spelled and
written the word. This also reinforces English pronunciation of the word at
the time of typing it.
Thanks to the built-in microphone and Dictation, learners are no longer
limited by having to write or type their thoughts. Allowing students to talk
instead of type helps them practice speaking, enunciating, and pronouncing
words in English more effectively. Dictation works offline and doesn’t require
an Internet connection, which is great for the mobile learner.Additionally,
when students dictate in their native languages, teachers are better able
to assess student thinking on the curricular topic—not just on language
development. And teachers can use a translation app to convert the native
language to English.
Built-in features for
English-language learners
Supporting English-Language Learners with iPad | 3
Safari Reader
Students can use Safari Reader to view a web page article in one page,
optimized for easy reading and presented without ads, navigation, or other
distracting items. They can adjust the font, font size, and background
color, as well. This gives students greater confidence when reading the
content on the page without becoming overwhelmed by distractions.
Communication tools
English learners can use iPad to practice language acquisition skills
and interact with written text in a variety of formats—audio, visual,
emoji, and video. Here are a few examples:
FaceTime. Great for getting students conversing and using
language authentically, FaceTime supports visual verbal
communication through video chats.
Messages. Communicating via text chats using emojis, pictures,
and video engages learners and enhances communication.
Students can type in two languages at the same time without
having to switch betweenkeyboards to ensure they get their
messages across effectively.
Camera. Building fluency is fun for students when they capture
video of themselves practicing their speaking skills, listen to their
pronunciation, reflect on areas of improvement, and then rerecord.
Notes. Writing in the Notes app—using Speak Selection, predictive
text, and Dictation—can help students practice speaking and
listening and enhance their written language. They can add images
or draw a sketch of what they’re trying to say, then share it in real
time with their teachers or classmates.
Content creation
Students often demonstrate their thinking and understanding of content
in ways that don’t rely solely on the written English language. The built-in
content creation apps on iPad help them scaffold through visuals, text,
and other media, and provide them with opportunities for authentic use
of language and academic vocabulary. And these apps allow teachers and
students to author culturally relevant materials, especially in languages
for which purchased content is not widely available. Students can even
add illustrations directly in Pages, Numbers, and Keynote using Apple
Pencil or their finger. Here are a few ideas for using Apple creation apps
with English learners:
Pages. Use the new digital book templates to create interactive
books that include images, videos, drawings, shapes, and audio
Keynote. Create visual vocabulary cards with images, audio
recordings, animations, and video.
Numbers. Document the writing process on individual sheets
for prewriting, writing, and revisions.
GarageBand. Record reading to improve reading fluency or
capture students singing songs to learn language and patterns.
iMovie. Build video versions of picture books using titles,
images, voiceovers, images, and sound effects.
Clips. Create videos that capture learning quickly and easily.
Using Live Titles, students can add animated captions and
titles—just by talking—that sync perfectly with their voice.
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Additional built-in features
There’s a wide variety of learning materials available for iPad that
can engage ELLs and help them learn in new and exciting ways. And
many of these outstanding resources are ideal for teachers as well.
App Store. A vast collection of engaging apps on the App Store can help
ELLs boost literacy skills, improve fluency, and create in many different ways.
Translation apps are also available that allow learners to instantly translate
words into their primary languages.
iBooks Store. There are thousands of engaging Multi-Touch
books in the iBooks Store for English learners, including leveled
readers and dual-language books. One example is My Best, Best
Friend—an interactive book designed to expand language while
having fun. Many books have built-in reading tools, such as
spoken text, instant access to dictionary definitions, and study
cards that help with comprehension.
iTunes U. This online catalog includes free education courses from top schools
and prominent institutions worldwide. Much of this content is ideal for teachers,
such as the Learn English with Photos course from EM Normandie school or the
ESOL course from the University of South Florida College of Education.
iBooks Author. With iBooks Author on a Mac, educators and
students can create their own interactive books for viewing on
iPad. Teachers can develop materials personalized for students’
own reading levels. Explore Just-Right Books at Their Fingertips:
Authoring for Primary Readers to see how a teacher uses iBooks
Author to create leveled texts for her students. This strategy
also benefits older ELLs who need scaffolded reading options to
access the content.
Engaging learning materials
English-Language Learners: Learning with iPad | 5
Apps for English-language learners
Here are just a few examples of how engaging apps can support
English learners.
Drops. Provides a visual way to learn English vocabulary in just
five minutes a day. Offers a fun approach to language learning
in a gamelike format. Includes a strategic vocabulary selection
with over a thousand practical words.
Duolingo. This fun and simple app for learning grammar allows
students to build their own sentences in “free-form” mode using
a dynamic, grammar-based tree structure. In “challenge” mode,
they work in the opposite direction, analyzing sentences and
figuring out the underlying grammar.
Endless Reader. Students have fun learning sight words along
with their context and usage with the adorable Endless monsters.
As they place each word in a sentence and watch a character act
out its meaning, they gain early word-recognition and reading skills.
eSpark. Delivers customized iPad curriculum that includes
engaging apps, videos, and quizzes based on students’ unique
needs and assessment data. Helps teachers to differentiate
learning by diagnosing skill levels and recommending instructional
content for each student.
Explain Everything. Turns iPad into an interactive video
whiteboard that allows students to demonstrate what they’ve
learned by combining interactive visuals and recorded narration.
Teachers can create instructional tutorials for students and use
it for formative student assessments.
Lexia Core5 Reading. A literacy improvement and assessment
solution that allows students to master fundamental literacy skills
through individualized learning paths. For ELLs, audio directions
are available in multiple languages.
Milly, Molly & the Bike Ride. Learners can touch the text in this
engaging story to have it read aloud. The app also translates text in
a variety of languages. After learners gain context and comprehend
the story, they can record themselves reading and play it back to
practice fluency.
Newsela. Builds reading comprehension by delivering daily news
and nonfiction at a reading level that’s just right for each student.
Articles are published at five reading levels, and most are available
in English and Spanish.
Puppet Pals HD Directors Pass. This playful app lets students
choose characters and settings to create or retell stories in any
language. Using a variety of literacy skills—engagement with text,
oral language fluency, and even hand-eye coordination—students
move the puppets on the screen while speaking.
Quizlet. Make flashcards in any language to practice spelling
and vocabulary, play learning games, test knowledge, and more.
Students can add images and audio to their flashcards and listen
to pronunciations in 18 languages.
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Learning activity: Design vocabulary flashcards
Students can use the built-in features on iPad to strengthen
their language skills. Flashcards, especially when customized
with visuals, context clues, and definitions, help English
learners personalize and streamline the process of acquiring
new and difficult words.
Students create their own support practices through vocabulary
flashcards that can be duplicated and used for any subject area or
learning concept.
In this workflow, students build a flashcard template in Keynote that can
be used in multiple disciplines and shared with others. Once the template
has been created, they can personalize each slide with their own text,
images, drawings, videos, and audio recordings.
Keynote Camera
To view the full lesson, download Enhancing Productivity with iPad from
the iBooks Store. See pages 23–24.
English-Language Learners: Learning with iPad | 7
Learning activity: Track reading fluency
With the right tools, monitoring and documenting reading
fluency growth can be engaging and meaningful for your
students. Recording reading progress and capturing data
helps them self-assess and develop decoding and reading
comprehension skills.
Using a spreadsheet and voice recordings, students are empowered to
monitor progress over time through tracking and recording their fluency
rate, expression, and errors.
In this activity, students build a fluency tracking system in a Numbers
spreadsheet. Working with a partner, they’ll read an appropriately leveled
passage in iBooks while recording themselves in Numbers. Students
are then able to quickly add self-assessment data to tables in Numbers
that help them collect, organize, and keep track of learning progress.
Additionally, students can set reading goals and monitor progress toward
their goals.
To view the full lesson, download Enhancing Productivity with iPad from
the iBooks Store. See pages 30–31.
English-Language Learners: Learning with iPad | 8
Learning activity: Practice fluency and share progress
Sock Puppets
At Valencia Park Elementary, teachers are able to personalize
lessons with iPad no matter where students are on their
language development journeys. This is one example of an
activity they use with their English learners to build fluency.
Students build reading fluency by using iPad to create an animated story
with their narration included. This way they can track their pronunciation,
speed, and accuracy progression. They then demonstrate and share their
progress in a variety of ways.
In this workflow, students use the Sock Puppets Complete app and
the built-in microphone on iPad to bring virtual sock puppets to life by
recording themselves reading aloud. To demonstrate their progress, they
write original stories and film themselves with iMovie, practice speaking
English, and use their presentation skills with Keynote. They then read
aloud with book buddies in different schools using FaceTime.
iMovie Keynote FaceTime
English-Language Learners: Learning with iPad | 9
Impact on learning
Schools are seeing great results by providing ELLs with access
to iPad and learning content. Here are just a few examples.
Valencia Park Elementary, Fullerton, California. At Valencia
Park Elementary, 62 percent of students are learning English as a
second language. For most second graders, the average expected
rate of increase in words-per-minute reading fluency is one word
per week. Yet over the course of 8.4 weeks, Valencia Park reports
that second-grade students participating in the Young Scholars
Program, in which they used iPad in the classroom, increased their
reading fluency rate by 4.6 words per week. Because of this success,
they’ve expanded the program to include a VIP take-home iPad pro-
gram for fifth and sixth grades.
Escondido Union School District, Escondido, California. For eight
years, Escondido has seen significant student achievement gains in
reading comprehension. The district has deployed two different iPad
implementations across their district: 100-plus classes with Shared
iPad and 150-plus classrooms with a one-to-one model. Escondido
observed that students in the one-to-one mobile device classroom
made nearly two years of progress in reading comprehension in just six
months; a comparable class had just two-and-a-half months’ growth
in the same period.
John C. Fremont Elementary, Corcoran, California. Located in a
small agricultural community in California’s Central San Joaquin Valley,
John C. Fremont Elementary serves all the district’s grades two and
three students. For years, their ratio of ELL classes to English Only
(EO) classes was 7:4. Learning with iPad has had a positive impact on
language acquisition, and now the ratio is reversed, with only three to
four ELL classes per grade level and six to seven EO classes.
McKinna Elementary School, Oxnard, California. At this Title I
school, over 80 percent of students receive free or reduced lunch
and 75 percent are ELLs. iPad has helped all students gain access to
the curricula and construct meaning that personalizes learning. Students
access lessons at home, making learning an anytime, anywhere adventure.
Text can be translated into Spanisha huge advantage for this 98 percent
Latino population. Parents can also fully participate in the education of
their students.
The class collaborates on engaging projects
that encourage reading, writing, and speaking.
Literacy and fluency scores have vastly improved
and attendance hasskyrocketed.
Alina Mills, teacher, Valencia Park Elementary
English-Language Learners: Learning with iPad | 10
This versatile teaching assistant puts the teacher in charge of
every iPad in the classroom, keeping students focused, even
when they’re working on different tasks. Learn more >
Schoolwork is a powerful iPad app built to help teachers and
students use the creative power of iPad. Teachers can distribute
and collect assignments, assign activities within apps, and view
student progress. They can also collaborate with an individual
student and provide instant feedback, enabling them to tailor
instruction for that student’s needs. And students have one place
to see assignments, organized by class and due date, submit
work, and view their own progress. Learn more >
Tools for teaching
English-Language Learners: Learning with iPad | 11
Many solutions are available that make it easy to guide the use of devices and apps in the classroom, get insight into each student’s
progress, and share student work.
© 2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Apple Pencil, FaceTime, GarageBand, iBooks, iMovie, iPad,
iTunes, iTunes U, Keynote, Mac, Numbers, Pages, and Safari are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and
other countries. Multi-Touch is a trademark of Apple Inc. App Store and iBooks Store are service marks of Apple Inc.,
registered in the U.S. and other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks
of their respective companies.
Apple provides many resources to help teachers learn how to
use our products and integrate them into classroom learning.
Here are some to get started.
Apple Teacher
We designed the Apple Teacher program to help teachers build skills to
use Apple products in the classroom. It offers self-paced learning with
free learning materials, tips, news, and inspiration. And after completing
online quizzes, they’ll receive an official Apple Teacher logo to share their
achievement with the world. Learn more >
Everyone Can Create
Everyone Can Create was designed to give every student the opportunity to
develop the skills and techniques they need to become the next generation
of innovators, artists, and creators. It includes a versatile set of resources
designed to help teachers infuse core creative skills into the topics and
subjects they teach every day. Learn more >
English Language Learning collection
The best place to find great content is the English Language Learning
collection on iTunes—a rich collection of resources with leveled texts
to help students become experienced and confident readers, as well
as apps to develop speaking and writing skills. You’ll also find valuable
lesson ideas and best practices from other teachers. Explore now >
Apple Professional Learning
We want your teachers to feel confident using Apple technology for learning
and teaching. Our specialists are former educators who can support your
teachers with onsite coaching and mentoring that helps them design deeper
learning experiences for each student. Many solutions are available that
make it easy to guide the use of devices and apps in the classroom, get
insight into each student’s progress, and share student work. Learn more >
To learn more about Apple in Education, visit www.apple.com/education
or call 1-800-800-2775 to speak with an Apple Education representative.