Planning and Land Use Management Committee and
Board of Directors Joint Meeting -- Agenda
Tues., Feb. 21, 2023 -- 7:15 PM
Video Link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81811639087 [ NEW VIDEO LINK]
Meeting ID 818 1163 9087 (and press #)
Phone: (669) 900-6833 or (833) 548 0282, (888) 475 4499, (877) 853 5257, (833) 548 0276
All stakeholders who wish to address the Neighborhood Council may dial (669) 900-6833, and
enter 818 1163 9087 (and press #) to join the meeting.
Press *9 to raise your hand to speak. Press *6 to unmute your phone.
Email public comments to Chair at JayR@WestLASawtelle.org
No paper documents are associated with this meeting.
Agenda and files posted online: https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WestLASawtelleNC
Physical: WLASNC office - 1645 S. Corinth Ave., West LA (glass door, west side by the ramp).
AB 361 updates:
Public comment cannot be required to be submitted in advance of the meeting, only real-
time public comment is required.
If there are any broadcasting interruptions that prevent the public from observing or
hearing the meeting, the meeting must be recessed or adjourned.
If members of the public are unable to provide public comment or be heard due to issues
within the N.C.’s control, the meeting must be recessed or adjourned.
As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los
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reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign
language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be
provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3
business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by calling WLASNC Board
Chair Jamie Keeton (ADA contact) at Jamie@WestLASawtelle.org .
All items on the agenda are subject to discussion, possible action and filing of a
Community Impact Statement to the Office of the City Clerk.
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West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
1. Call to Order:
a. PLUM Committee is 6 members, 4 are required for quorum.
b. Board is 15 members, 9 are required for quorum.
2. Administrative:
a. This is a regular meeting, not a special meeting, because it is held at its regularly
scheduled time (per DONE’s virtual meeting requirements).
b. Review of Minutes from Jan. meeting.
c. Planning 101 training (Cornerstone): Completed - J.Ross, T.Temme,
K.Wataghani, T.Sweeney, D.Swartz, V.Pacheco. Not completed - G.Pindell.
3. Public Comment - Items not on the Agenda: 1-minute minimum per speaker.
4. Government/Agency/Community Partner updates: Council District #11 (Planning Deputy
- Jeff Khau):
a. Website for affordable units: https://LAHousing.LACity.org/AAHR
5. Ex parte communications: J.Ross:
a. 11540 Santa Monica Blvd. apartments: Aimee Luan, Craig Lawson & Assoc.-
PLUM scheduling and project information.
b. 1828 Butler Ave. apartments: Chloe Parker, Pacific Crest Consultants - PLUM
scheduling and project information.
6. Santa Monica Kosher Market building (11540 Santa Monica Blvd.): Demolition of 2-story
commercial building and new construction of 5-story apartment (56 ft height) with 46
units (7 very low-income). Incentives to increase FAR from 1.5 to 3.0, increase height
from 45 ft. to 56 ft.
a. Case #: ADM-2022-6423-DB.
b. Application/plans: (click on "SantaMonica 11540" folder).
c. Community status: TBD.
d. City status: Planner - TBD. Submittal on Sept. 1.
e. NC status: 2
presentation in Feb. PLUM voted to oppose current design and
requested revisions in Oct.
f. Representative: Aimee Luan, Craig Lawson & Assoc.
g. Owner: Andrew Sands, Thrifty Oil, Colby Springs LLC.
7. 1828 Butler Ave. apartments: Demolition of 2-story apartment with 8 units, and new
construction of 4-story apartment with 11 units (48 ft to roof surface, 49.5 ft to parapet
height). Zoning variance adjust to increase height of elevator shaft by 2.5 ft. (10 ft to 12.5
ft.). Each level of the building is 10.5 ft. tall (9.5 ft to ceiling).
a. Case #: ZA-2022-9401-ZV-HCA. ENV-2022-9402-EAF.
b. Application/plans: (click on "Butler 1828" folder).
c. Community status: TBD.
d. City status: Submittal on Dec. 28. Planner - Connie Chauv, Anacany Hurtado.
e. NC status: First presentation for PLUM in Feb.
f. Representative: Chloe Parker, Pacific Crest Consultants.
g. Owner: Kavel Bral, 1828 Butler Ave LP.
8. Discussion and possible motion: Eliminate 1 or 2 parking lanes on the Olympic-
Mississippi block and/or the Mississippi-La Grange block, and establish wider sidewalks
or a pedestrian promenade (includes pull-outs for delivery trucks).
a. Presentation: The Lamar Johnson Collective (boardmember David Swartz).
b. Outreach: 300 flyers distributed to Sawtelle businesses and neighbors in late
P a g e | 3
West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
c. Link:
9. 11701-11707 Wilshire Blvd. (Brentwood CC district): Demolition of 2-story commercial
mall. New construction of 24-story mixed-use building with 152 units (16 extremely low-
income), 66,902 sf of office, 7,082 sf of retail. TOC incentives.
a. Case #: DIR-2022-7013-TOC-CDO-SPR-VHCA.
b. Application/plans: (click on "Wilshire 11701" folder).
c. Community status: TBD.
d. Link:
e. City status: Submittal on Sept. 28. Planner - Milena Zasadzien.
f. NC status: Brentwood CC to notify when it will consider. First presentation for
PLUM to be scheduled in Mar.
g. Representative: Matt Dzurec, Armbruster Goldsmith & Delvac law firm.
h. Owner: Tom Yeh, Century Investment LLC.
10. Motion: Development Guidelines checklist - revise to add construction conditions.
11. Motion: Amend October motion to add #C (PLUM approved 5-0-0) and recommend that
the Board request that the City:
a. Postpone the Housing Element’s proposed upzoning of our neighborhood until
the zoning capacity is fully disclosed.
b. Collaborate with our WLASNC in its review of census data, and use the State
HCD handbook criteria that advocate social justice and fair housing goals to
develop an alternate method of analyzing upzoning, instead of the City’s current
criteria. Use those results to determine if upzonings are justified in West L.A.
c. Collaborate with the NC to analyze local demographics, and create a better
upzoning (if warranted) that complies with fair housing and social justice goals.
d. Channel new housing to 600 parcels and commercial corridors and some high-
density residential streets (can fit 5,000 units and 12,000 residents).
12. Motion: Request revisions to LAMC zoning to allow more greenery and open space, and
reduce the impact of large TOC buildings on neighbors (bigger setbacks, more
transitional height, lower FAR, more open space at ground level) (WRAC LUPC motion).
13. West L.A. Commons: Info - https://WestLACommons.com/
a. Scoping meeting (Jun. 14):
i. Presentation: https://youtu.be/fv0enzMvt8I.
ii. Public testimony: https://youtu.be/zI2-E_stSuU
b. Info: https://planning.lacounty.gov/case/view/prj2022-000303
14. DWP-West L.A. facility:
a. Proposed new office building: www.LADWP.com/WLADistrictYard.
i. No design changes were made from original proposal.
ii. PLUM will request for a second meeting with neighbors to discuss
revisions to proposed plan for new office building (first meeting was in
July 2020).
b. Persistent noise from generator fans that don’t have enclosures. Rear 3
generator does not have barriers.
i. 2 new generators will have enclosures.
c. New poles and high-power electric lines installed on north border of Nebraska
i. Request to calculate EMF in neighborhood at various distances.
d. Construction staging noise and visual blight at facility. Request to install plywood
fence or sound blankets.
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West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
i. Request to access the site from the south and prohibit workers from
parking in neighborhood.
15. West L.A. Community Plan update:
a. Schedule:
i. Community Plan Advisory Board formed (J.Ross, Isabelle Duvivier).
ii. Responses to conceptual land use suggestions will be in the Fall/ Winter
(based on last year’s community meetings).
b. CD11 to lead supplemental tour.
c. Determine if City has calculated population projections - Replies from Kinikia
Gardner, Westside Plan Update:
This information is disclosed when the DEIR is published.
In tandem with refining concepts based on all of last summer/fall
feedback, the team is also working on understanding SCAG
projections - and once the team is ready to share that information
they will. Planning staff does not do projections - SCAG
demographers do. After Scoping the staff will then again refine
plan concepts and work on the Proposed Plan's reasonably
anticipated development that may meet and/or exceed SCAG's
In order to get there - we need to wrap up refining concepts and
collect more feedback during the Scoping process.
In between Scoping and the DEIR publication there will be MORE
outreach efforts to show progress and solicit feedback on the draft
plan and zoning.
d. Request for community to review a draft copy of the community plans to review,
before the CEQA scoping starts and it's too late.
i. Yes, a preliminary draft of the emerging goals and policies is shared. And an
open house and
/or outreach event is hosted to share the draft plan and
draft zoning before the DEIR is published. It takes 8-12 months - there are
various factors that can prolong this time - in between a Scoping Meeting
and a DEIR publication for a comprehensive and long range community
plan update.
16. Santa Monica Blvd. Overlay Plan: Report - USC student Kevin Barrow (School of Public
Policy). Review mandatory commercial/retail at ground level.
17. Track leasing of affordable units in new apartments:
a. “&” apartment (Pico Blvd.) - opened in April.
b. YMCA site (Sawtelle Blvd.) - opened in April.
c. 1650 S. Sawtelle Blvd. – completion by Jan. 2021.
d. CIM Buerge site #2 (Santa Monica Blvd./Stoner) – completion by Feb. 2021.
e. Pico/Federal apartment – completion by Jan. 2021.
f. Dolores site (Santa Monica Blvd./Federal) – completion by Oct. 2021.
g. 1730 Colby Ave. apts. - not started.
h. Whole Foods/old Vons site (Santa Monica Blvd./Barrington) – not started.
i. Wertz parking lot (Santa Monica Blvd./Westgate) – not started.
j. Chevron station apartment (Santa Monica Blvd./Beloit) – not started.
k. 1656 S. Sawtelle Blvd. – not started.
l. 2444 S. Barry Ave. – not started.
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West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
Future projects:
1. Sawtelle Institute of Japan (2110 S. Corinth Ave.): Renovations to existing institutional
facility’s classrooms, play area, landscaping (community center, school, gymnasium).
Zoning Adjustments for area, increase in height, decrease in yards/ setbacks.
a. Case #: DIR-2023-0669-ZAA, ZA-2023-0668-ZAA.
b. Application/plans: (click on "Sawtelle Institute of Japan" folder).
c. Community status: TBD.
d. City status: Planner - Phillip Bazan. Submittal on Jan. 30.
e. NC status: First presentation for PLUM to be scheduled in Mar.
f. Representative: Pierre de Angelis, Good Project Co.
g. Owner: Sawtelle Institute of Japan (Miwa Takahashi).
2. 2225 S. Amherst Ave. houses: New construction of 4 houses (3 stories). Demolition of 1
house of 1-story height.
2041 S. Barry Ave. houses: New construction of x houses (3 stories). Demolition of 1
house of 1-story height.
a. Application/plans: (click on "Amherst 2225" folder).
b. Community status: TBD.
c. City status: Permits issued.
d. NC status: First presentation for PLUM to be scheduled in TBD.
e. Representative: Cory Singer, Thomas James Homes.
f. Owner: Cory Singer, Thomas James Homes.
3. Stratford School (2000 S. Stoner Ave.): Conditional Usage for school with parking
variance. Case is withdrawn - Planning Dept. determined that no entitlement is required.
a. Case #: CPC-2021-10050-CU-SV. ENV-2021-10051-CE.
b. Application/plans: (click on "Stratford School" folder).
c. Community status: TBD.
d. City status: Planning Dept. will determine if new entitlement is necessary.
Submittal on Dec. 7.
e. NC status: First presentation for PLUM to be scheduled in Feb.
f. Representative: Christopher Murray, Rosenheim & Associates.
g. Owner: .
4. 11879 Santa Monica Blvd. (Wertz Building): Proposal for renovation for public storage
with retail on ground level (see Exhibit).
a. NC Status: In Dec. 2020, PLUM oppose proposal for public storage renovation.
b. Owner: Fred Cordova, Corion Capital Partners.
5. Urban design presentation: Martin Leitner, Perkins Will; John Kaliski, JK & Associates.
6. 11879 Santa Monica Blvd. (Wertz furniture building): CUP for new storage facility.
a. ZA-2020-6766-CUP. ENV-2020-6767-EAF.
b. Application/plans: https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM-2020 (click on "Santa
Monica 11879" folder).
c. Community status: TBD.
d. City status: Application withdrawn. Planner - Phillip Bazan. Submittal on Nov. 2.
e. NC Status: In Dec. 2020, PLUM oppose proposal for public storage renovation.
f. Owner: Fred Cordova, Corion Capital Partners.
7. 11801 Olympic Blvd. retail/office building (Sports Chalet site): Demolition of 2-story
commercial / retail building, and new construction of a 9-story, 161-ft. commercial
building with 594 parking spaces (318 required) on 71,000-sf site in M2-1 zone. 30,000
P a g e | 6
West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
sf of retail and 97,000 sf of research and development space for total of 128,000 sf.
Export soil - 63,000 cy (1,600 truck trips). Site Plan Review, Zoning Administrators
Adjustment for 20% increase in FAR to 1.8 (1.5 allowed). 90% hardscape and building
footprint, 10% landscaping.
ZA-2018-7490. Class 32 Infill CEQA Exemption.
a. Application/plans: https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM-2019 - go to “Olympic
11801” folder.
b. Community status: TBD.
c. City status: Project was withdrawn, requested developer to contact us in advance
of future applications.
d. NC status: First presentation for PLUM in Apr. 2019.
e. Representative: Dana Sayles, Jason Friedman, 360.
f. Owner: Gillis Family Partnership.
8. Future project
a. Case #: .
b. Application/plans: (click on "ADDRESS" folder).
c. Community status: TBD.
d. City status: Submittal on .
e. NC status: First presentation for PLUM to be scheduled in.
f. Representative: .
g. Owner: .
Other items (may or may not be considered at this meeting, pending time availability):
9. Administrative:
a. What does “we need housing” mean?
i. Is it an excuse for developers to build as big as possible?
ii. Does every project “need” to be as big as possible while providing
miniscule open space and minimal landscaping? Or, should housing be
built that blends with the neighborhood, does not impose on the older
housing stock, yet still increase the unit count?
b. Role of PLUM:
i. Rubber-stamp for Planning Dept. and approve all project as long as they
“comply” with zoning in our opinion (though only the Planning Dept. can
determine that)? Or, shall we defend the long-time neighbors and
character of the community by supporting reasonable, smart growth?
1. See Exhibit: Letter from Gloria Campbell.
ii. Is the minimally-required amount of required affordable housing OK for
density bonus and TOC projects, or should we request more?
c. NC reputation with Planning Dept. – do they actually hold NCs in low regard if
NCs place conditions/ restrictions on projects to improve the project and protect
the neighborhood?
i. Which planners say the WLASNC requests unreasonable design
revisions, and which planners hold them in low regard because of
community input?
d. Role of NC involvement: Desire of land owner vs. desire of community. NC is one
of several community groups who can influence city.
e. What does it mean when developers say “The Council Office supports it”?
i. Examples of 1735 Westgate Ave. small lot subdivision and 1702 Granville
Ave. small lot subdivision.
P a g e | 7
West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
f. What does it mean when developers say “The Planning Dept. supports it” for
small lot subdivisions?
i. Consequential items (height, FAR, setbacks, open space) vs. non-
consequential items (design, articulation, color).
g. Philosophy of PLUM and basis of decisions: Rubber stamp for Planning Dept.,
defer to developers for design decisions, vs. push back for better projects for
i. Facts vs. speculation (i.e. hearsay).
ii. City prohibition on decisions based on financial impact on owner,
developer and neighbors.
iii. Minutiae of Planning/Zoning Code vs. concept/vision of best way to
integrate with existing neighborhood.
h. Items of consideration:
i. Condominiums vs. apartments.
ii. Sales prices and rents.
iii. Types of retail.
10. Old/new/future business:
a. Motion: Ban on campaign contributions by developers to City Councilmembers
and support Councilman Ryu’s Motion (see exhibit).
b. Motion: Planning Commissions appointees shall have defined terms (e.g. 5
c. Motion: CD11 shall notify the NC of all meetings with developers and invite an
NC member to attend.
d. Motion: Planning Dept. staff reports shall list all meetings between the developer
and Planning Dept., Planning Commissioners and Council District, and shall list
all campaign contributions from developer employees and their spouses/
domestic partners to elected officials.
e. Motion: PLUM shall recommend that the NC require commercial uses within 200
ft. of residences to reduce nighttime noise after 10:00 pm to 35 decibels and/or
prevent noise from leaving the site (per DBS code).
f. Motion: Housing Committee proposal for addition of a “penalty of perjury” clause
to forms required for demolition, giving the city the ability to punish developers
who mislead planners about the project’s compliance with the rent stabilization
ordinance. Prohibit condominium conversions unless neighborhood vacancy rate
is 5% or more (see exhibit).
g. Motion: Request status of Quimby/Parks funds available for NC district and
possible uses (pocket parks, playground equipment, sports fields, Civic Center).
h. Motion: CD11 and DOT shall audit parking meter revenue and designate traffic-
calming and other projects to fund.
i. Parking ratios: Discussion of ratios for suburban, urban, and transit-oriented
locations, leadership by government versus desires of drivers, increase in traffic
caused by free parking, increase in global warming from car pollution (see
j. Link: Mobility vs. place-making - http://curatingla.com/2017/07/31/la-needs-to-
11. Board action on previous PLUM resolutions:
a. 2456 S. Purdue Ave. apartments: Appeal of Nov. 29 Determination of Planning
i. Case #: ENV-20215597-CE-1A.
P a g e | 8
West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
ii. Application/plans: (click on "Purdue 2456" folder)
iii. NC status: The Board voted to oppose the project as designed in Nov.
b. Bundy/Exposition/Amherst/Tennessee apartments: Appeal of south building.
i. Case #: DIR-2021-10047-TOC-VHCA-1A.
ii. Link (see Initial Submittal tab on the right):
iii. Application/plans: (click on "Bundy/Expo/Amherst" folder):
iv. NC status: Board to voted to support PLUM resolution to request design
changes and additional moderate-income units at Nov. meeting.
c. Resolution: Request that DBS, Public Works and AQMD inspect construction site
at 11753 Iowa Ave. for possible violations of working days/hours, violations of
dust control, violations of noise ordinances, and blocking access and parking for
long periods of time.
d. Resolution: Lighted exterior signs/fixtures: Request that DBS review various
projects to comply with LAMC.
i. Link: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/los_angeles/latest/lamc/0-0-
0-183817 (b) No person shall construct, establish, create, or maintain
any stationary exterior light source that may cause the following locations
to be either illuminated by more than two footcandles (21.5 lx) of lighting
intensity or receive direct glare from the light source. Direct glare, as used
in this subsection is a glare resulting from high luminances or
insufficiently shielded light sources that is in the field of view.
ii. 2433 S. Barry Ave. Ayres-Barrington apartment: Lighted sign.
iii. Olympic-Butler mixed-use: Neon lights on walls that face houses on
Purdue Ave.
iv. Lumen office: Bright lights on roof pavilion that shine outward to the north
neighborhood across Mississippi Ave. and to the front street Olympic
v. Tower at old Pavillions site (Wilshire Blvd.): Illuminated at night.
e. Sawtelle Sake (1836 Sawtelle Blvd.): Proposed CUB for sale and consumption
for onsite and offsite of wine in a 488 sf tasting room with 12 indoor seats and 86
sf outdoor patio with 8 seats.
i. Case #: ZA-2022-8758-CUB, ENV-2022-8759-CE.
ii. Plans: Application/plans: (click on "Sawtelle Sake" folder).
iii. Website: www.SawtelleSake.com
iv. NC status: Board to consider PLUM resolution to support at Jan. meeting.
f. Bundy/Exposition/Amherst/Tennessee apartments: 3 apartments of 8 stories of
621 units (69 affordable-extremely low income), 569 parking spaces. 486 sf of
retail. Demolition of 21 1-story houses. Preservation of ~15 street trees, removal
of ~60 onsite trees. TOC Tier 4. Zone RAS4-1VL.
i. Case #: DIR-2021-10047-TOC-VHCA. ENV-2021-10048-EAF. DIR-2022-
ii. Link (see Initial Submittal tab on the right):
iii. Application/plans: (click on "Bundy/Expo/Amherst" folder):
P a g e | 9
West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
iv. North building: 2201 S. Bundy Dr., 12102-12114 Exposition Ave. and
2200 S. Amherst Ave.: 26,663-sf site. Demolition of 6 1-story houses, and
new construction of 8-story building (83 ft tall) with 136 units (15
affordable) and 486 sf of retail. Total building area: 184,000 sf. Total open
space: 11,842 sf. Total grass space: 0 sf. At-grade and 2-level
subterranean parking (93 spaces). 14,800 cy of excavation (1,057 truck
trips). Street trees: Preserve 11, plant 13 new along road/ outer sidewalk.
Onsite trees: Remove all 13 trees, 67 new trees (0 in soil, all in pots/
planters). Vehicle entrance via alley.
v. Center building: 2217-2227 S. Bundy Dr. & 2222-2244 S. Amherst Ave.:
1.3-acre site. Demolition of 9 1-story houses, and new construction of 8-
story building (83 ft tall) with 290 units (32 affordable). Total building area:
423,000 sf. Total open space: 32,000 sf. Total grass space: 0 sf. 2-level
subterranean parking (285 spaces). 59,300 cy of excavation (4,236 truck
trips). Street trees: Preserve 4, plant 23 new in soil along road/outer
sidewalk. Onsite trees: Removal of all 33 trees, 115 new trees (2-3 in soil
by “public” corner cut, all others in pots/planters). Vehicle entrance via
Amherst Ave.
vi. South building: 2301-19 S. Bundy Dr. & 2302-2312 S. Amherst Ave.: 1.0-
acre site. Demolition of 7 1-story houses, and new construction of 8-story
building (83 ft tall) with 195 units (22 extremely low-income). Total
building area: 254,000 sf. Total open space: 18,265 sf. Total grass space:
0 sf. At-grade and 2-level subterranean parking (177 spaces). 38,800 cy
of excavation (2,770 truck trips). Street trees: Preserve 3, remove 3, plant
17 new in soil along road/outer sidewalk. Onsite trees: Removal of all 13
trees, 80 new trees (0 in soil, all in pots/planters). Vehicle entrance via
Tennessee Ave.
vii. NC status: Board to voted to support PLUM resolution to request design
changes and additional moderate-income units at Nov. meeting.
g. Resolution: Request that City halt proposals to upzone West LA-Sawtelle until
the zoning capacity is fully calculated and disclosed. Request that City use the
State HCD handbook criteria that advocate social justice goals instead of the
City’s current criteria, if upzonings are determined to be needed.
i. NC status: Board to consider at Jan. meeting.
h. 11835 Tennessee Place houses: Demolition of a 1-story house, and new
construction of 4 houses of 2-3 stories in R4 zone. Request for Specific Plan
Exception to reduce front setbacks from 15 ft. to 5 ft.
i. Case #: AA-2022-1158-PMLA-SL-HCA. ENV-2022-1157-EAF. APCW-
j. City status: West L.A. Area Planning Commission to schedule hearing
date TBD. Planner - Connie Chauv. Submittal on Feb. 18.
k. NC status: Board rejected PLUM motion, and voted to support project and
give 4,000 sf of land to developer for free, forfeiting $3,000,000 that could
reduce the city’s deficit and subsidizing 2 houses with $3,000,000 in
public funds.
l. 2450 S. Barrington Ave. apartments: Motion to request additional moderate-
income unit, more EV spaces and chargers, and 4 trees to be planted in real soil
and not stormwater planters (36-inch box size).
i. Case #: DIR-2022-2882-TOC-HCA, ENV-2022-2883-EAF.
ii. NC status: Board requested that developer consider PLUM conditions at
July meeting, will consider at Sept. meeting.
P a g e | 10
West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
m. Motion: Request that City revise the Exposition Station Transit Neighborhood
Plan as follows: Building breaks shall be clarified and defined per the same
standards of the Westside Multifamily Q Conditions (below) – buildings that
exceed 150 ft. in length (reduced from 250 ft.) shall have a break that is at least
20 ft wide and landscaped as an amenity, continuous from the ground floor to the
sky, and must extend back the entire building. Garage entrances shall not count
as breaks.
2. MASSING b. Any building that has more than 150 feet of frontage along a public
street shall provide at least one vertical break beginning at the ground floor. This
shall be a minimum of 40 feet deep and 20 feet wide and shall be open to the sky.
i. NC status: Board voted to request more parkland/ open space at July 29
n. Motion: Request that Planning Dept. provide zoning capacity of the city, in order
to review proposals for upzoning.
i. NC status: Board to consider at Apr. 27 meeting.
o. 11800 Wilshire Blvd.: Support renovation and add greenery to front stair area.
i. Case #: DIR-2022-1258-CDO.
ii. Application/plans: (click on "Wilshire11800" folder).
iii. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to support at Mar. 23
p. Motion: Request for new street lamps in Centinela / Nebraska / Amherst / Idaho
neighborhood, per BOE standards.
i. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to support at Mar. 23
q. Tuk Tuk Thai (1638 Sawtelle Blvd): Conditional Use Permit for beer and wine
onsite consumption for existing restaurant with 36 seats in C2 zone (hours 8:00
am to 11:00 pm).
i. Case #: ZA-2021-9981-CUB. ENV-2021-9982-CE.
ii. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to support at Feb. meeting.
r. Landmark Apartments (11750 Wilshire Blvd. - old Pavillions): 1 monument sign
and 2 wall signs as part of new apartment towner.
i. Case #: DIR-2021-10102-CDO. ENV-2021-10103-CE
ii. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to support at Feb. 23
s. 1624 Amherst Ave. house: Previous demolition of 2 1-story houses and new
construction of a 2-story house in R1-1 zone (2,986 sf, 4-bedroom, 2-bathrooms,
2-half-bathrooms). Request for Zoning Adjustment for increased height for
portion of the roof that encroach into 45-degree stepback for encroachment plane
on both sides and in front (~680 sf of area is flat instead of sloped downward 45
i. Case #: ZA-2021-10614-CE.
ii. NC status: Board voted to oppose the Zoning Adjustment request at Feb.
23 meeting.
t. 1713-1717 S. Beloit Ave: Demolition of 5 apartments, and new construction of 7-
story, 80-ft apartment with 63 units (7 extremely low-income) in R4-1 zone.
Removal of 6 trees, and plant 16 new trees (0 in soil, 16 in planters and in pots).
Excavation of 14,000 cy (1,000 truck trips). Lot coverage of 90%, open space of
10% (no flat recreational space at ground level or on podium, roof deck provides
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1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
open space). TOC Tier 4 incentives for 8 incentives: Density increase of 70%.
FAR increase from 3.0 to 4.5. Parking reduction to 0.5 spaces (63 spaces
provided). Front yard setback reduced from 15 ft to 7-10 ft. Back yard setback
reduced by 30% from 19 ft to 13 ft. North side yard setback reduced from 10 ft. to
7 ft. South side yard setback reduced from 10 ft. to 7 ft. Height increase of 11 ft.
i. Case #: DIR-2022-357- TOC-HCA. ENV-2022-358-EAF.
ii. NC status: Board voted to oppose project as designed and suggested
design revisions at Feb. 23 meeting.
u. Chili Bowl (12444 W. Pico Blvd.): Request that owner not demolish the Chili Bowl
building (demolition permit was issued on Feb. 4), and ask owner to collaborate
with CD11 to find a new site to preserve the building.
i. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution at Feb. 23 meeting.
v. 1920-1924 Barry Ave houses: Demolition of 3 1-story houses, and new
construction of 4 3-story houses (on 2 parcels) in R2-1 zone. Houses are 3,006-
3,022 sf each. Lot Line Adjustment.
i. Case #: AA-20219576-PMLA. ENV-2021-9577-CE.
ii. Application/plans: (click on "Barry 1920" folder).
iii. https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1HhqzTUIOJkVDtPRBNFLktB1
iv. NC status: NC status: Board to consider at Jan. meeting.
v. City status: Submittal on Nov. 19. Planner - Michelle Carter.
w. 814 S. Federal Ave. apartment: Appeal - Demolition of 1-story house and new
construction of 5-story apartment with 11 units (1 very low income), per TOC.
Reduced setbacks.
i. ADM-2021-3739-DB-HCA-1A.
ii. Application/plans: (click on "Federal 814" folder).
iii. Community status: TBD.
iv. City status (appeal): Planner - Dylan Sittig. Submittal on Aug. 16.
v. NC status: Board to consider at Jan. meeting.
vi. Appellant: Keiko Ota, neighbor at 1810 Federal Ave.
vii. Owner: Matthew Hayden, Hayden Planning, representative of developer.
x. Motion: Request for Planning Dept. inspections during construction.
i. NC status: Board approved at Nov. 17 meeting.
y. 2456 Purdue Ave. apartment: Demolition of 2 houses and new construction of 6-
story apartment with 27 units (6 affordable), per TOC Tier 3. Setbacks, open
space, parking.
i. DIR-2021-5596-TOC-HCA. ENV-2021-5597-EAF.
ii. Application/plans: (click on "Purdue 2456" folder).
iii. Community status: TBD.
iv. City status: Planner - Dylan Sittig. Submittal on Jun. 30.
v. NC status: Board opposed at Nov. 17 meeting.
z. Motion: Revision to AB 330: The NC requests that when RSO units are
demolished and replaced, any density bonus units (per SB 1818) are additive to
those replacement units (instead of inclusive). In addition, all replacement units
shall have the same number of bedrooms and the at least the same square
i. NC status: Board approved at Nov. 17 meeting.
P a g e | 12
West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
aa. Motion: The NC opposes the City’s use of Specific Plans that would result in
upzoning open space and/or low-density residential neighborhoods – WRAC.
i. NC status: Board approved at June meeting.
bb. Motion: Policies and Procedures Ordinance: The NC requests that the Council
postpone consideration of the Policies and Procedures Amendment (CF #12-
0460-S4) for six months in order to enable further community presentations and
feedback, and to have independent, outside counsel review the revisions to
ensure that the City Council does not transfer its land use authority to the
Planning Dept. – WRAC.
i. NC status: Board approved at June meeting.
cc. Motion: “Ghost”/commercial kitchens for numerous restaurants: The NC requests
that the City establish of a specific land use or zoning classification, and review
properly of the impacts, such as increased power usage and higher traffic
generation/ parking demand – WRAC.
i. NC status: Board approved at June meeting.
dd. Chili Bowl historic / cultural designation (12244 W. Pico Blvd.): Proposal to
preserve onsite as preferred action with Conditions if relocate former Chili Bowl
building to Bundy Triangle Park.
i. City status: Council voted on Jun. 29 to oppose designation, and CD11
opposed designation. Owner filed lawsuit and submitted a second historic
analysis that opposed Historic-Cultural Monument designation.
ii. NC status: Board to consider at July meeting.
ee. 1906 S. Colby Ave: Demolition of 2 1-story houses, and new construction of 2 3-
story houses (condominiums). AA-2021-3125-CC-HCA-PMLA. ENV-2021-3126-
i. City status: Planner - Dylan Sittig. Submittal on Apr. 15.
ii. NC status: NC status: Board to consider at July meeting.
ff. The Block renovation (old Olympic Collection) - 11301 Olympic Blvd.: Renovation
of existing 3-story commercial conference center/ retail/ offices. New facades, no
new construction or change in building envelope.
i. City status: Renovation in process.
ii. NC status: Board to consider at July meeting.
gg. Motion: Maintain inexpensive fees for residents for appeals, not the $16,000 that
is proposed, per cost recovery policy (WRAC LUPC motion).
i. NC status: Board approved at May meeting.
hh. Motion: Request that City Council and City Attorney clarify if Planning Dept. and
Planning Commissions may use developers’ financial interest as criteria to
determine entitlements and discretionary approvals (WRAC LUPC motion). See
i. NC status: Board approved at May meeting.
ii. Barrington Plaza apartments (11700 Wilshire Blvd.): Proposal for renovations to
exterior façade. DIR-2021-2141-CDO. ENV-2021-2142-CE.
i. City status: Submittal on Mar. 16. Planner - Dylan Sittig.
ii. NC status: Board to consider at May meeting.
jj. Auto Concierge delivery truck parking on Nebraska Ave.: Neighbor complaints
about delivery truck parking on Nebraska Ave.
i. CD11 Transportation Deputy Alek Bartsorouf conferred with owner about
parking violations and future enforcement.
kk. Motion: Support for Senate Constitutional Amendment 2 (Allen and Wiener),
which would eliminate the State of California’s Article 34 (approved by WRAC
P a g e | 13
West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
i. NC status: Board to consider PLUM resolution to support in Feb.
ll. West L.A. Civic Center redevelopment: Design ideas.
i. NC status: Board to consider PLUM resolution to support in Feb.
mm. Bundy Triangle Park: Review 2018 PLUM Resolution to support removal
of one lane of traffic and expansion of the park.
i. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to support in Jan.
nn. Motion: West L.A. Community Plan update: Determine specific zones for specific
i. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to support in Jan.
oo. Motion: The City shall create a floating, voting seat on the APC/CPC/PLUM that
is allotted for the NC in which the project is located. This seat would only be filled
by a certified NC member, elected by its NC, and will advocate for NC position.
i. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to support with condition in
pp. Bike lane extension: Ohio Ave. between Santa Monica and 405.
i. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to support with condition in
qq. Lone Wolf Cigar Lounge (11950 Wilshire Blvd.): CUB for sale and dispensing of
a full line of alcoholic beverages for onsite consumption in an existing 1,630 sf
private members cigar lounge.
i. ZA-2020-3144-CUB.
ii. Application/plans: https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM-2020 (click on
"Wilshire 11950" folder).
iii. City status: Submittal on Apr. 13. Planner: Oliver Netburn (213) 978-1382
iv. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to support with condition in
rr. 11759 Iowa Ave. duplex condominiums: Demolition of 1 1-story house. Parcel
map for new construction of 2 3-story condominium units.
i. AA-2020-5417-PMLA-CN, ENV-2020-5418-CE.
ii. Application/plans: https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM-2020 (click on
"Iowa 11759" folder)..
iii. City status: Submittal on Sept 15. Planner: Maxfield Vermy
iv. NC status: NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to support in Oct.
ss. 2444-2456 S. Barry Ave. apartment: Demolition of 3 apartments of 1-2 levels (8
units). New construction of 6-story apartment with 32 supportive housing units,
28 low-income units, and 12 parking spaces. TOC and PSH incentives include:
Reduction of rear setback from 15 ft to 12 ft. Increase in FAR from 3.0 to 3.57.
Reduction in open space from 7,425 sf to 6,238 sf.
i. DIR-2020-2956-DB-PSH-SIP-HCA-PHP. Exempt from CEQA per Prop.
HHH funding.
ii. Application/plans: https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM-2020 (click on
"Barry 2444" folder).
iii. City status: Submittal on May 5. Planner: Eric Claros.
iv. NC status: BOD tabled at Oct. meeting.
tt. 2033 Butler Ave.: Motion - Request that developer explain why they cut down all
the tall, mature trees on the site, when they promised at our NC hearing to
preserve them.
i. NC status: Board tabled at Oct. meeting.
uu. Motion: Support for CF 20-0189, which proposes that the term of affordability
shall be extended to 55 years for Transit-Oriented Communities projects.
P a g e | 14
West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
i. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution of support at Oct. meeting.
vv. Motion: Support for CF 20-0498, which proposes to study incentives to give
businesses to encourage telecommuting after the Covid 19 emergency ends.
i. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution of support at Oct. meeting.
ww. Motion: Support for Streets for All proposal for the City’s ADAPT program
of expedited street re-paving and striping, which would mandate re-striping to
accommodate bus and bicycle lanes in the City’s approved Mobility Plan.
i. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution of support at Oct. meeting.
xx. Motion: Request that City develop long-term “Slow Streets” program, which
includes increased safety for pedestrians (such as K-rails and concrete barriers).
i. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution of support at Oct. meeting.
yy. Sushi Tsujita (2006 S. Sawtelle Blvd.): CUB for full line of alcohol service in
existing 1,244 sf restaurant with 30 seats and 400 sf patio with 12 seats. Zoning
variance for 44 off-street parking spaces in lieu of the required 51 spaces. ZA-
2020-3501-CUB-ZC. ENV-2020-3502-CE. ZA-2008-3900-CUB-ZV.
i. Application/plans: https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM-2020 (click on
"Sawtelle 2006 Tsujita" folder).
ii. City status: Submittal on Jun. 4. Planner: Dylan Sittig.
iii. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution of support at Oct. meeting.
zz. West L.A. Community Plan: Support for concepts and request for additional
concepts to be included.
i. NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution at Oct. meeting.
aaa. 11628 Santa Monica Blvd. mixed-use apartments and retail (strip mall
with Nook, Western Bagel, Star Bakery): Demolition of 2-story commercial mall.
New construction of 6-story mixed-use with 99 units (6 very low-income, 2 low-
income, 1 moderate income) and 12,121 sf of commercial. Total size: 179,000 sf.
Incentives for increase FAR to 3.6 and increased height of 3 stories and 45 ft. to
6 stories and 66 ft.
i. CPC-2018-3128-DB-SPR. ENV-2018-3129-EAF.
ii. Application/plans: https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM-2020 (click on
"SantaMonica 11628" folder).
iii. City status: Submittal on May 31, 2018. Planner: Chuanzhe “More” Song.
Hearing date TBD.
iv. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution of support with conditions at
Oct. meeting.
bbb. 1656 S. Sawtelle Blvd. apartments: Demolition of 2 1-story and 2-story
houses house on 7,100 sf lot. New construction of 67-ft. (6 stories), 33-unit
apartment with 23 car spaces in C2-1VL zone (4 extremely-low income units).
On-menu incentives for shorter setbacks/yards per RAS3 zoning (5 ft. front, 5 ft.
back, 0 ft. sides), increased height (2 stories, 22 ft.), and reduced open space by
25%. 5,000 cy yards of dirt to be exported (500 truck trips). X trees to be
removed. ENV-2020-2121-EAF.
i. Application/plans: https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM-2020 (click on
"Sawtelle 1656" folder).
ii. City status: Submittal on Mar. 26. Planner: Chuanzhe Song (213) 978-
1319 More.Song@LACity.org.
iii. NC status: Board revised PLUM motion to oppose project and suggest
revisions at July meeting.
ccc. DWP facilities renovation (11761-12300 W. Nebraska Ave.): New
construction of 3-story (50-60 ft. tall) office/ storage/ vehicle service/ customer
service building of 92,000 sf (__ cy of soil export > XX trucks) with 356 parking
P a g e | 15
West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
spaces in PF-1XL (Public Facilities) Zone. 191 staff at opening to increase to 373
staff by 2030.
i. Application/plans: https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM-2020 - go to “DWP
- Nebraska 11761” folder.
ii. NC status: Board approved PLUM motion to oppose project and suggest
revisions at July meeting.
ddd. Dan’s Modern Chinese (2049-2051 Sawtelle Blvd.): Alcohol CUB for beer
and wine onsite consumption for 2,160-sf restaurant with 54 seats. Case #ZA-
i. Application/plans:
ii. City status: Submittal on Jun. 2020. Planner: Courtney Shum (213) 978-
1916 Courtney.Shum@LACity.org.
iii. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to support project with LAPD
Conditions at Jul. meeting.
eee. 12229 W. Pico Blvd. - Kiff Kafe: Alcohol CUB for beer and wine as part of
1,164-sf restaurant with 17 indoor seats and 344-sf patio. ZA-2020-1213-CUB.
i. Application/plans:
https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM-2020 (click on
"Pico 12229 CUB" folder).
ii. City status: Phillip Bazan, Planner (213) 978-1309
Philip.Bazan@LACity.org. Submittal on Feb. 25.
iii. NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution to support project at May 28
fff. 2110 S. Barry Ave. houses: Request for adjustment to reduce 2 side setbacks
from 6-2 ft. to 5-2 ft. ZA-2020-1441-ZA.
i. Application/plans:
https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM-2020 (click on
"Barry 2110 houses " folder).
ii. City status: Jun. 25 hearing postponed, new date TBD. Planner: Dylan
iii. NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution to oppose project at May 28
ggg. 1730 Colby Ave.: Condominium conversion of apartment with 20 units
and 40 parking spaces. TT-82687. ENV-2019-6995-CE.
i. Application/plans: https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM-2019 - go to
“Colby1730” folder.
ii. City status: Submittal on Nov. 2019.
iii. NC status: NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution to support project
at May 28 meeting.
hhh. 12311 W. Santa Monica Blvd. - hotel restaurant: Alcohol CUB 9Type 47
ABC license) for full line as part of 32,594-sf hotel with 1,303-sf restaurant with
XX seats. Change hours of operation from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm as required in
Commercial Corner Ordinance, to 6:00 am to 2:00 am all 7 days of the week. ZA-
i. Application/plans:
https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM-2020 (click on
"Santa Monica 12311 CUB" folder).
ii. Community status: TBD.
iii. City status: Phillip Bazan, Planner (213) 978-1309
Philip.Bazan@LACity.org. Submittal on Feb. 21.
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West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
iv. NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution to support project at May 28
iii. 2451 Purdue Ave.: Legalization of existing loft/mezzanine, which was expanded
by 460 sf without proper permits by converting it to a 3
story and obtaining
Adjustments for decrease yard setback from 6 ft. to 5 ft., and decrease in
passageway separations between buildings from 11 ft. to 10 ft./5 ft. in R3 zone.
i. Application/plans:
https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM-2020 (click on
"Purdue 2451 apts " folder).
ii. Community status: TBD.
iii. City status: Submittal in Jan. 2020.
iv. NC status: NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution to support project
with Conditions at May 28 meeting.
jjj. Alley vacation (between Stoner Ave. and Barrington Ave. - south of Santa
Monica Blvd.: VAC-E 1401378.
i. City status: Bureau of Engineering report to Council on Feb. 20 to begin
ii. NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution to support project at May 28
kkk. Kura Revolving Sushi (2130 Sawtelle Blvd.): CUB for alcohol service from
10:00 am to 12:00 am (midnight) every day of the week. Restaurant is 1,947 sf,
and has 44 seats. ZA-2020-660-CUB, ZA-2013-1109-CUB.
i. City status: Submittal in Jan. 30. Planner - Phillip Bazan.
ii. NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution to support project at April
lll. 2033 S. Butler Ave. condominiums: Demolition of 1 house, and new construction
of 2 condominiums of 3 stories on 5,300-sf parcel in R2-1 zone. Lot is
substandard 40 ft. wide. 2 ft. road dedication. Minimum setbacks provided: 18 ft.
in front, 4.8 ft. on sides (12 ft. for driveway for half of the site), 15 ft. in rear. 5
parking spaces. Truck trips: X. Trees removed: x (all with 12-inch trucks or
larger). Request for adjustment (variance-type entitlement) to reduce 6-ft.
setback to 4.8 ft., and to reduce distance between the 2 buildings from 12 ft. to
10 ft., and to reduce front setback from the prevailing block’s setback of 21 ft. to
18 ft. AA-2019-3917-PMLA. ENV-2019-3922-CE.
i. City status: Planner: Jeanalee Obergfell.
ii. NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution to support project at April
mmm. 12248 W. Pico Blvd.: Proposed historic/cultural monument designation.
CHC-2019-6975-HCM. ENV-2019-6976-CE.
i. City status: Submittal on Nov. 2019.
1. Staff report: https://planning.lacity.org/odocument/392ac16c-ea4c-
ii. NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution to support project at April
nnn. Motion: Support for Consolidated Rental Car Facility / Air Pollution
Reduction / Electric Vehicle Availability (CF 19-1586). Proposes to increase to
80% of car rentals are electric, and add charging stations in the city (museums,
malls, destinations). Only 200 chargers are proposed for the facility, which may
be insufficient for demand.
i. NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution to support project at April
P a g e | 17
West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
ooo. Motion: Opposition to SB 50 (State mandates for increased density near
transit and job centers).
i. NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution to support project at April
ppp. Motion: Co-living residential projects – Implementation of zoning
regulations for specialized land use:
i. Parking: 0.5 spaces per bedroom.
ii. Bedroom: 150 sf minimum size.
iii. Kitchen: 1 per 6 bedrooms (stove, refrigerator, sink).
iv. Bathroom: 1 per 6 bedrooms (shower, toilet, sink).
v. No density bonuses.
vi. Zones: C, high-density Residential (R, RAS).
vii. Onsite manager for 12+ bedrooms.
viii. Open space: 100 sf per bedroom.
ix. Tenancy: 30-day minimum (not a hostel or vacation rental).
x. NC status: NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution to support project
at May meeting.
qqq. Motion: Design guidelines - Open space in apartments (roof decks).
i. NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution to support project at April
rrr. Motion: Design guidelines - Landscaping in high-density apartments (trees in
stormwater planters).
i. NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution to support project at April
sss. Motion: New crosswalk: Pico Blvd. and Wellesley Ave. intersection.
i. NC status: BOD approved PLUM resolution to support project at April
ttt. Motion: Public Storage (11625 Olympic Blvd).: The City shall cite the owner and
Public Storage for failure to comply with the original Conditions of Approval that
mandate that the building look like an office building, and provide lush, mature
and tall landscaping on the frontage that prevents graffiti.
i. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution in Dec.
uuu. 1452-1456 S. Butler Ave. small lot houses/subdivision: Demolition of 1
duplex and 1 house (3 units), and new construction of 5 houses of 4 stories on
5,900-sf parcel in R3-1 zone. Minimum setbacks provided: 15 ft. in front, 5 ft. on
sides, 5-10 ft. in rear (5 ft. where building overhangs). 10 parking spaces. Truck
trips: X (X cy of earthwork). Trees removed: 4 (all with 12-inch trucks or larger).
VTT-82781-SL. ENV-2019-4554-EAF.
i. City status: Approved on Dec. 6 (Planner: Qiuana Williams).
ii. NC status: PLUM voted to oppose project, per failure to receive
notification. PLUM voted to request city action address property nuisance
issues and report on inspections.
vvv. Motion: The city shall prohibit the staging of heavy trucks during
construction (tractor trailers) in neighborhoods.
i. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution in Dec.
www. Holiday Inn hotel (11250 Santa Monica Blvd.) CUB alcohol service: CUB
for 56-sf market with 8 lobby seats with 24-hour sales of sealed containers of
alcohol for personal use. Part of a 78-room hotel with 1,168-sf food area with 32
seats and 731-sf covered rooftop deck with 20 seats (no alcohol sales/ service).
P a g e | 18
West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
i. City status: Hearing date TBD. Submittal on Aug. 7. Planner: Jojo
ii. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to support in Oct.
xxx. 2130 Sawtelle Blvd. karaoke studio: CUB for new alcohol service (beer
and wine) for onsite consumption until 2:00 am for an existing karaoke studio in a
strip mall, and to extend the hours until 4:00 am for all days of the week. Zone
Variance to bring the existing land use into compliance from karaoke retail to
karaoke studio, and to reduce the additional parking requirement from 15 more
spaces to 0 more spaces. ZA-2019-3824-CUB-ZV, ENV-2019-3825-CE.
i. City status: Hearing on Oct. 28 (this month). Submittal on Aug. 9.
Planner: Courtney Shum.
ii. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to support with conditions in
yyy. 1729 S. Barrington Ave. condominiums: Demolition of a 1-story house
and new construction of four condominiums that are 3 stories tall and
subterranean parking (__ cy of soil export > XX trucks) with Parcel Map.
AA-2019-1980-PMLA-CN, ENV-2019-1981-EAF.
i. City status: Hearing date TBD. Submittal on Apr. 3. Planner: Julia
ii. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to oppose with request for
design revisions in Oct.
zzz. West L.A. Courthouse project: Resolution to request the County to
include substantial amounts of affordable- and moderate-income housing,
commercial/ institutional that is viable to be leased in the long term, and public
open space.
i. NC Status: Board agenda for Nov.
aaaa. 12121-12133 Pico Blvd. (Marukai Market): Resolution to request:
i. Allow trees to grow and stop constant trimming that leaves only large
stubs with no branches or leaves, which will allow shading of the parking
lot and sidewalk, and reduce ugly views of parking lot and tall building.
ii. Plant more trees on north border with neighbors, per NC approval.
iii. NC Status: Board agenda for Nov.
bbbb. TOC Ordinance: Resolution for revisions to regulations.
i. NC Status: Board agenda for Nov.
cccc. 2415-2419 S. Barrington Ave. apartments: Demolition of 2 1-story houses
and new construction of a 7-story, 86-ft. tall building with 38 apartments
(including 4 extremely low-income units). Request for TOC Tier 3 incentives for
30% reduction in side yards, 30% reduction in rear, and 25% reduction in open
space. DIR-2019-2171-TOC, ENV-2019-2173-EAF.
i. City status: Submittal on Apr. 11. Planner: Latanya Roux.
ii. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to oppose with request for
design revisions in Sept.
dddd. 1721 S. Colby Ave. apartment: Demolition of 6 apartments and 1 duplex
(8 total), and new construction of 34-unit apartment of 5 stories / 56 ft., including
4 very low- and 2 low-income units. 19,500-sf parcel in R3-1 zone. Density bonus
from 24 base units to 35 units. 3 incentives for FAR increase from 2.0 to 4.0,
height increase by 11 ft./ 1 level, and front yard setback reduction by 20%. Class
32 CEQA exemption. 57 parking spaces. Truck trips: 1,000 (11,000 cy of soil
export). Trees provide: 6 (in planters). Trees removed X. DIR-2019-4004-DB,
i. City status: Appeal filed on Jan. 17, 2020.
P a g e | 19
West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
ii. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to oppose with request for
design revisions in Sept.
eeee. 11600-11618 Santa Monica Blvd. (car wash site): Demolition of car wash
and restaurant and new construction of 5-story building with 100 apartments (9
affordable). On-menu density bonus incentives (for FAR of 3.5:1 and 11-foot
height increase). Class 32 CEQA exemption. 29,000 cy of dirt (2,700 trucks). 2
trees to be removed. DIR-2019-2757-DB-SPR. ENV-2019-2758-CE.
i. City status: Submittal on TBD.
ii. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution in August.
ffff. 1733-1737 S. Westgate Ave. small lot houses project: Request to keep promise
to allow for driveway of 1743 Wesgate Ave. to encroach 6-18 inches onto their
property, as part of verbal contract for entitlement support of their project.
i. NC status: Board directed developer and neighbor to negotiate in August
and report to Board in September.
gggg. 11857 Santa Monica Blvd. (empty lot next to Wertz): New construction of
5-story apartment with 52 units (5 very low-income) on a 14,670-sf vacant lot.
Density bonus incentives for 3.1 FAR and 1 additional story. 60 parking spaces.
Total size 70,000 sf. DIR-2018-6213-DB. ENV-2018-6214-EAF.
i. City status: Hearing date TBD.
ii. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution in August.
hhhh. Elevate mixed-use project (Santa Monica Blvd. & Granville Ave., old
Buerge site): The NC shall request that CIM Group explain why the design was
changed to include a big box retailer (Target), to eliminate public open space on
the northwest corner and in the lobby entrance area, and to eliminate street
furniture and lush landscaping along Santa Monica Blvd. These land use and
design elements were promised during the NC hearings.
i. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution in August.
12. Status of previous decisions:
a. 1851-1855 S. Barry Ave. small lot subdivision: Demolition of 2 1-story houses.
New construction of 8 4-story houses (houses sizes of 2,175-2,400 sf each) on
12,400-sf site in RD1.5-1 zone. 10 of 11 trees on the site will be cut down. Soil
export of 50 cy (5 truck trips). Merger of 2 parcels. VTT-82467. AA-2018. ENV-
i. City status: Hearing date TBD.
ii. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution to oppose project as
b. 11916 Pico Blvd.: CUB for new restaurant with full line of alcohol service (license
transfer from Fantasy Island) in ground-floor of mixed-use building in C2-1VL-
CDO zone. Indoor is 2,468 sf with 73 seats. Patio on private property is 568 sf
with 30 seats. Patio on public right-of-way sidewalk is 224 sf with 20 seats. ZA-
2019-3183-CUB, ENV-2019-3184-CE.
i. City status: Submittal on May 29.
ii. NC status: Board approved PLUM resolution of support with condition in
c. 2218 Sawtelle Blvd. (restaurant) alcohol CUB: Full line of alcohol for an existing
restaurant of 1,050 sf with 30 seats. ZA-2019-2150-CUB, ENV-2019-2151-CE.
i. City status: Hearing date TBD.
ii. NC status: Board resolution to support CUB.
d. 11434 Pico Blvd. (Fantasy Island site) apartment: Demolition of 1-story
commercial building. New construction of apartment.
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1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
i. City status: Hearing date TBD.
ii. NC status: Board resolution to support revised design.
e. Zone change (2146 S. Colby Ave.).: Change of zone use of 5,300-sf parcel from
R3 to C2. APWC-2018-7163-ZC. ENV-2018-7164-CE.
i. City status: Hearing date TBD.
ii. NC status: Board resolution to support with conditions to maintain R
f. 2222 Corinth Ave., 2255 Sawtelle Blvd. & 11330 Olympic Blvd. office building:
Demolition of 2 1-story commercial buildings of 52,000 sf and new construction of
8-story office building and 4-story parking garage with 472 spaces (135,000 sf)
on 3.2-ac. site in M2-1 zone. FAR is 1.44. No setbacks required. 500 ft. from
freeway. Road widenings on Sawtelle Blvd. (5 ft.) and Tennessee Ave (3 ft.).
Export soil - 26,000 cy (650 truck trips). 91% hardscape and building footprint,
9% landscaping.
i. DIR-2018-7625-SPR. ENV-2018-7626-EAF.
ii. City status: Hearing date TBD (SPR).
iii. NC status: Board resolution to support with traffic study and cap.
g. 1730 Armacost Ave. small lot subdivision: New construction of small lot
subdivision with 3 houses of 4 stories on 6,000-sf vacant lot in RD1.5 zone. AA-
___2018. ENV-2018-____-CE.
i. City status: Submittal in 2018. Hearing date TBD. Planner: Connie Chauv.
ii. NC status: Board resolution to support.
h. Zoning on 2300 block of Wellesley Ave.
i. NC status: Board resolution to support similar zone to area, only if
i. Kimukatsu restaurant (2121 Sawtelle Blvd.) alcohol CUB: Beer and wine alcohol
onsite sales and service for sit-down restaurant. ZA-2018-6331-CE.
i. City status: Submittal (Planner: Maritza Lee). Hearing date TBD.
ii. NC status: Board approved at Feb. meeting.
j. 2110 S. Barry Ave.: Demolition of 1 house. New construction of 2 houses of 3
stories with minimum setbacks and maximum height. Variance for reduced lot
width.Parcel map. Variance for reduced lot width. AA-2018-4026-PMLA-CN.
ENV- AA-2018-4027-CE.
i. City status: Hearing date TBD.
ii. NC status: Board opposed PLUM resolution (to support project) in Feb.
k. 2465 S. Purdue Ave.: Demolition of 1-story apartments (4 units). New
construction of 5-story, 17-unit apartment (1 very low-income, 2 extremely-low
income) with 4.5 FAR. TOC Tier 3 incentives include 70% density bonus,
reduced parking to 0.5 spaces per unit, and FAR increase of 50%. On-menu
incentives include decrease in open space by 25%, decrease in both side
setbacks by 30%, and increase in height of 1 story. DIR-2018-3411-TOC. ENV-
i. City status: Submittal in Apr. 2018.
ii. NC status: Board opposed PLUM resolution (to support project with
l. 2412 S. Federal Ave.: Demolition of 4 studio residences and commercial store.
New construction of 40 units (including 4 very low-income) with Transit Oriented
Communities incentives, minimum setbacks and maximum height. DIR-2018-
4928-TOC. ENV-2018-4929-EAF.
i. City status: Submittal on Aug. 22, 2018.
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West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
ii. NC status: Board supported PLUM resolution (to support project with
m. 11261 Santa Monica Blvd. & 1611-1625 S. Beloit Ave.: Demolition of 1-story gas
station with mini-market. New construction of 6-story (67 ft.) apartment with 119
units (17 affordable). 135 car parking spaces. 94 bicycle parking spaces. Transit-
Oriented Communities incentives for increased height from 45 ft. to 67 ft., 25%
reduction in open space from 12,225 sf to 9,175 sf, and reduced setbacks to 5 ft.
In-lieu fee for removal of 5 trees (30 replacement trees required, 23 trees
proposed in pots on podium and roof). Waiver for road dedication on Santa
Monica Blvd. (5 ft.) and Beloit Ave. (3 ft.). Lot coverage 69%, paving 22%,
landscaping 9%. DIR-2018-3038-TOC-SPR-WD1. ENV-2018-3039-MND.
i. City status: Submittal on May 24, 2018. Planner: Steve Kim.
ii. NC status: Board supported PLUM resolution (to support project).
n. New Target store (11800 Santa Monica Blvd.): Alcohol CUB for sales of full line
of alcohol for offsite consumption as part of new store (30,200 sf), part of mixed-
use project (169,000 sf). ENV-2018-3771-CE. ZA-2018-3770-CUB.
i. City status: Hearing on Oct. 22.
ii. NC status: Cancellation of Board meetings prevented NC from
considering in time for Planning Dept. hearing.
o. 12300-12328 W. Pico Blvd.: Demolition of 1-story commercial and new
construction of 6-story apartment with 65-units, 1,740 sf commercial (15% very
low income housing- 10 units). Uses Transit Oriented Communities Tier 3
incentives for affordable housing – 70% density increase, 3.75 FAR, 0.5 parking
spaces/unit, height increase of 2 stories/ 22 ft., reduced side setbacks of 5 ft.,
reduced transitional height. Adjacent to I-10 freeway in rear. DIR-2017-5254.
i. NC status: Board supported PLUM resolution (support with design
p. 1947 S. Sawtelle Blvd. (old YMCA site): Alcohol CUBs (full service) with hours of
operation until 2:00 am for all nights.
i. New 1,490-sf restaurant, 63 indoor seats and 18 patio seats. ZA-2018-
4860-CUB. ENV-2018-4861-CE.
ii. New 1,261-sf restaurant, 60 indoor seats and 12 patio seats. ZA-2018-
4862-CUB. ENV-2018-4863-CE.
iii. New 2,022-sf restaurant, 104 indoor seats and 92 patio seats. ZA-2018-
4866-CUB. ENV-2018-4867-CE.
iv. City status: Submittal on Aug. 22. TBD hearing.
v. NC status: Board supported PLUM resolution (to support CUB).
q. 12001 W. Pico Blvd.: Demolition of 1-story commercial buildings. New
construction of 6-story mixed-use (67-ft. height) with 80 units (8 affordable),
4,117 sf of commercial, and 82 parking spaces. Incentives to reduce open space
from 8,000 sf to 6,000 sf (reduction of 25%), to reduce transitional height, and to
increase height by 22 ft. and 2 stories. ENV-2018-3173-EAF. DIR-2018-3172-
i. City status: No hearing - Director’s administrative determination.
ii. NC status: Board supported PLUM resolution (to oppose project).
r. Nong LA restaurant (Yamaguchi Bldg., 2055 Sawtelle Blvd.): CUP for alcohol
(beer and wine) service and a deviation from the commercial corner ordinance
for extended hours of service from 11:00 am until 2:00 am at a 909-sf restaurant
with 25 seats and 8 exterior seats. Expiration in May 2019. ZA-2012-0382-CUB.
i. City status: Hearing date TBD.
ii. NC status: Board supported PLUM resolution (to support CUB).
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West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
s. 11347 W. Mississippi Ave.: Demolition of 1-story house. New construction 2-unit
condominiums (3 stories, 4 bedrooms) with minimum setbacks and maximum
heights. Variance for reduced lot width. ENV-2018-3578-CE. AA-2018-3577-
i. City status: Hearing date TBD. Submittal on Jun. 19, 2018.
ii. NC status: Board supported PLUM resolution (to support CUB).
t. 1702 S. Granville Ave.: Re-design - demolition of 1-story house and new
construction of 4 small-lot houses of 4 stories (Small Lot Subdivision). AA-2017-
3856-PMLA-SL, ENV-2017-3857-CE (see exhibit).
i. City status: Approved in Aug. 2018. Re-submittal in 2018. Submittal
9/26/2017. Planner: Connie Chauv.
ii. NC status: Presentation of revised plan to PLUM on Jun. 12, no
resolution - forwarded to Board for Jul. 25 meeting. First presentation for
PLUM in Nov. 2017 - no resolution, forwarded to Board with no
13. Public Comment - Items not on the Agenda: 1-minute minimum per speaker.
14. Member announcements.
15. Adjournment.
NOTICE: Out of an abundance of caution, this committee meeting is noticed as a joint board meeting,
and will be making recommendations for the NC Board of Directors to take action at a later meeting.
THE AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT: As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with
Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request,
will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.
Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices and other auxiliary aids and/or services, may be
provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business
days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting Jay Ross, Board Member, at (310)
494-1115 or email JayR@WestLASawtelle.org.
PUBLIC ACCESS OF RECORDS: In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt
writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board in advance of a meeting may be viewed at our
website: www.WestLASawtelle.org, or at the scheduled meeting. If you want any record for an item on
the agenda, contact Chair Walton Chiu at Walton@WestLASawtelle.org .
NOTICE TO PAID REPRESENTATIVES: If you are compensated to monitor, attend, or speak at this
meeting, City law may require you to register as a lobbyist and report your activity. See LAMC 18.01 et
seq. More information is available at www.Ethics.LACity.org/Lobbying . For assistance, contact the Ethics
Commission at (213) 978-1960 or Ethics.Comm[email protected] .
PUBLIC INPUT AT N.C. MEETINGS: The public is requested to fill out a “Speaker Card” to address the
Board on any agenda item before the Board takes an action on an item. Comments from the public on
agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public
on other matters not appearing on the agenda that are within the Board’s jurisdiction will be heard during
the General Public Comment period. Please note that under the Brown Act, the Board is prevented from
acting on a matter that you bring to its attention during the General Public Comment period; however, the
issue raised by a member of the public may become the subject of a future Board meeting. Public
comment is limited to 2 minutes per speaker, unless adjusted by the presiding officer of the Board.
Any messaging or virtual background is in the control of the individual Boardmember in their personal
capacity, and does not reflect any formal position of the N.C. or the City.
RECONSIDERATION AND GRIEVANCE PROCESS: For information on the WLASNC’s process for
board action reconsideration, stakeholder grievance policy, or any other procedural matters related to this
P a g e | 23
West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
Council, please consult the Bylaws. The Bylaws are available at our Board meetings and website
RECORDING MEETINGS: Meetings may be sound or video recorded.
PUBLIC POSTING OF AGENDAS: Agenda are posted for public review as follows:
Website: www.WestLASawtelle.org (see Committees tab).
• Google drive: https://tinyurl.com/WLASNC-PLUM
• Dropbox (see PLUM 2021 folder): https://www.dropbox.com/home/2021%20PLUM%20(WLASNC)
• Planning Dept. Early Notification System: https://www.lacity.org/subscriptions
RECORDING MEETINGS: Meetings may be sound or video recorded.
LOCATION: For questions - Fredrik Matevossian (310) 479-4119 Fredrik.Matevossian@LACity.org .
SERVICIOS DE TRADUCCION: Si require servicios de traduccion, avisar al Concejo Vecinal 3 dias de
trabajo (72) horas) antes del evento. Por favor contacte a Jay Ross a JayR@WestLASawtelle.org para
avisar al Concejo Vecinal.
Members: Jay Ross, Chair, Boardmember (310) 979-9255 JayR@WestLASawtelle.org
Teri Temme, Boardmember, Secretary Teri@WestLASawtelle.org
Galen Pindell, Boardmember Galen@WestLASawtelle.org
David Swartz, Boardmember representative DavidS@WestLASawtelle.org
Timothy Sweeney SweeneyTim[email protected]
Karim Wataghani Karim@WestLASawtelle.org
Vic Pacheco [email protected]
Exhibit # 13: Housing Element resolution
Planning and Land Use Management Cmte.
To: Jamie Keeton, Chair, Board of Directors
Fr: J.Ross, Chair
Date: Jan. 25, 2023 (with updated maps from August resolution)
Re: Resolution: Postpone Housing Element upzones until gross/theoretical and
realistic zoning capacity is fully disclosed, and request that City revise its process
to analyze upzoning to include social justice and fair housing criteria
This resolution is only a recommendation from the PLUM Committee, and it will be considered
by the Board of Directors for a final decision on TBD..
Motion: The PLUM voted, 5-0-0, to recommend that the Board request that the City:
1. Postpone the Housing Element’s proposed upzoning of our neighborhood until the
gross/theoretical and realistic zoning capacity is fully disclosed.
2. Collaborate with our WLASNC in its review of census data, and use the State HCD
handbook criteria that advocate social justice and fair housing goals to develop an
alternate method of analyzing upzoning, instead of the City’s current criteria. Use those
results to determine if upzonings are justified in West L.A.
3. Collaborate with the NC to analyze local demographics, and create a better upzoning (if
warranted) that complies with fair housing and social justice goals.
4. Review the NC’s list of 500 development sites, which can provide 12,000+ units and
housing for ~27,000 residents.
a. Most of the sites are along commercial corridors, which are zoned for high-
density and eligible for affordable housing density bonuses and incentives. This
P a g e | 24
West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
may preclude the need to upzone or provide overlays on low-density
b. The City’s Affordable Housing Overlay would allow 6-story apartments to be
built in R1 and R2 zones.
Maps of upzones: https://planning.lacity.org/plans-policies/housing-element-update#maps
Facts and background:
1. The City proposes extensive upzoning and density bonuses for of R1, R2 and multi-
family neighborhoods, and commercial corridors.
2. The Community Plan’s proposal to preserve the R2 neighborhood to the west of Sawtelle
Blvd. will be overridden.
3. The Community Plan’s proposal to preserve the R1 neighborhoods near Stoner Park,
along Ayres Ave. and Pearl Ave. south of Pico Blvd., and west of Centinela Ave. to the
north of Nebraska Ave. will be overridden.
4. The State HCD handbook lists criteria that advocate for zoning based on social justice
and fair housing criteria, and the City may not have used them in its analysis and
determination of upzoning in its first Housing Element submittal to the State.
5. The State HCD rejected the City’s first Housing Element submittal, which proposed
200,000 new units (SCAG wants 400,000, so an additional 200,000 units are mandated)
and was not sufficiently based on fair housing and social justice.
6. The State HCD approved the City’s second Housing Element, which proposes more
upzoning in high-resource areas to provide the additional 200,000 units and to comply
with fair housing and social justice requirements, but does not yet finalize their locations.
a. The City has an extension of 2 years to locate those additional 200,000 units.
7. West L.A. has 7 high resource and higher resource census tracts, and has 1 of the 6 city
job centers. The area has high levels of transit, jobs and good schools.
8. City analysis requires 2,555 affordable units (5,400 persons at 2.1/unit) in West L.A.,
which is ~4% of the 72,000 required for the city.
9. Current gross capacity in West L.A. (includes West L.A. Sawtelle and Westside NC/
Rancho Park NC districts) may be as high as 205,000 persons, and current population is
90,000 (available gross capacity is 100,000 persons, or 54,000 units).
a. Sites within fire zones, in hillsides, and without sewer cannot be counted, but
West L.A. has few of those.
10. To accommodate 2,555 units, 25 apartment buildings of 100 units must be built (25 acres
of land needed).
a. Missouri Place is 64 units on 0.5 acre.
11. To fund 2,555 affordable units by public agencies, City must subsidize with
$255,000,000 of grants ($100,000 per unit).
a. This funding is required to obtain matching funds from the State (tax credits).
12. To fund 2,555 affordable units by developers (with no public funds), 25,550 units must
be built (10% of units in market-rate apartments).
13. 25,550 units (53,000 persons) can be already accommodated within the existing excess
capacity of 115,000 persons (54,000 units) in West L.A.(20,000 in WLASNC, 25,000 in
Westside NC district).
a. 25,000 available units equals the required 25,550 units in WLSNC.
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West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Council
1645 Corinth Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 235-2070 www.WestLASawtelle.org
Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood
b. See chart below that shows population of 90,000 and zoning capacity of 205,000
(100,000 in WLASNC, 105,000 in Westside NC district).
14. City has not disclosed their excess gross/theoretical or realistic capacity in West L.A.
Findings and justifications:
1. The City must demonstrate that it actually needs to upzone properties, but it can do that
only if it knows the current zoning capacity (including TOC incentives, and C zones).
2. In the 1990 General Plan, the (gross) zoning capacity was 7,900,000, and that did not
include any affordable housing incentives, C zones, or ADUs. Current gross zoning
capacity may be as high as 10,000,000.
3. Upzoning based on geography may not mitigate past harms from redlining and