Online Resources
Digital Resources
iActor http://www.sag.org/iactor-online-casting
Backstage http://www.backstage.com
CallSheet http://www.backstage.com/bso/call-sheet/index.jsp
Actors Access http://www.actorsaccess.com
MST Connect http://www.mstconnect.com/
ArtSearch http://www.tcg.org/artsearch/
Dept. Webpage http://theatreanddance.missouristate.edu/
Screen Actor Guild www.sag.org
Actors Equity www.actorsequity.org
AFTRA www.aftra.org/
Am. Guild of Variety Artists www.agvausa.com/
Assoc. Theatre Movement Educators www.atmeweb.org/
Voice & Speech Trainers www.vasta.org/
Society of Am. Fight Directors www.safd.org
Fight Directors Canada www.fdc.ca
Am. Council on Exercise www.AceFitness.org
Jeff Nicholson (LA) http://www.theshotphotography.com/
Melissa Hamburg (NY) http://www.melissahamburg.com/
Argentum (repro/retouch) http://www.argentum.com/2004/index.php Reproductions
Reproductions (repro/retouch) http://www.reproductions.com/
National Photo (repro/retouch) http://www.nationaltalent.com
ABC (litho reprints only) http://www.abcpictures.com
Improvisation for the Theatre by Viola Spolin (Improv)
Theatre Games for the Classroom by Viola Spolin (Improv/Games)
An Actor Prepares by Stanislavski
Building a Character by Stanislavski
Creating a Role by Stanislavski
On Acting by Sanford Meisner
Respect for Acting by Uta Hagen
Free to Act by Mira Felner (Good Beginning Text)
Audition by Michael Shurtleff (Audition)
How to Stop Acting by Harold Guskin (Support Reading)
Irreverent Acting by Eric Morris (Advanced)
No Acting Please by Eric Morris (Acting)
Acting Onstage and Off by Robert Barton (good exercises)
Advanced Acting by Robert Cohen (Style)
112 Acting Games by Gavin Levy (Improv/Games)
On the Technique of Acting by Michael Chekhov
To the Actor by Michael Chekhov
The Art of Acting by Stella Adler
At Work with Grotowski by Thomas Richards
The Incredible Indoor Games Book (Youth Games)
Acting in Musical Theatre: A Comprehensive Course by Rocco Dal Vera
Lessons for the Professional Actor by Michael Chekhov
Acting Styles
Freeing Shakespeare’s Voice by Kristin Linklater (Voice/Style)
Acting in Shakespeare by Robert Cohen (Shakespeare)
Style: Acting in High Comedy by Maria Aitken (Comedy)
Secrets of Acting Shakespeare by Patrick Tucker (Great Read)
Style: Acting in High Comedy by Maria Aitken (Comedy)
Acting With Style by John Harrop
Playing Shakespeare by John Barton
Acting in Restoration Comedy by Simon Callow
Backwards and Forwards: A Technical Manual for Reading Plays by David Ball
Acting for the Camera
Acting in the Million Dollar Minute by Tom Logan (Commercial)
Acting for the Camera by Tony Barr (TV/Film)
Acting in Commercials by Joan See
Stage Combat
Fight Directing for the Theatre by J. Allen Suddeth
Actors on Guard by Dale Girard
Swashbuckling by Richard Lane
Freeing the Natural Voice by Kristen Linklater
The Right to Speak by Patsy Rodenburg
Voice and the Actor by Cicely Berry
The Use and Training of the Human Voice by Arthur Lessac
The Actor and the Text by Cicely Berry
How to Learn the Alexander Technique by Barbara Conable
Team Building Through Physical Challenges by Donald Glover
The Actor and His Body by Mitz Pisk
The Alexander Technique: A Skill for Life by Pedro de Alcantara
The Alexander Technique: Freedom in Thought and Action by T. Miller and D.Langstroth
Awareness Through Movement Moshe Feldenkrais
The Viewpoints Book: A Practical Guide to Viewpoints by Anne Bogart & Tina Landau
Acting is Everything by Judy Kerr LA
The New York Agent Book by K. Callan (current ed.)
The LA Agent Book by K. Callan (current ed.)
LA Access by Richard Saul Wurman (current ed.)
NY Access by Richard Saul Wurman (current ed.)
The Courage to create by Rolo May
The Artists Way by Julia Cameron
Directory of Theatre Training Programs
Regional Theatre Directory
Summer Theatre Directory
Acting Professionally: Raw Facts about Careers in Acting by Robert Cohen
Fodor's Guide to New York City
Fodor's Guides (NYC, LA, Chicago)
Faculty Written Books
Evangeline Drowning (play), Dr. Kurt Gerard Heinlein
Green Theatre: Dr. Kurt Gerard Heinlein
Clifford Odets and American Political Theatre, Dr. Chris Herr
Performing Disability: Staging the Actual, Dr. Telory Davies