May FifthEighth, Two Thousand Twenty-three
The One Hundred Seventy-eighth
Emory University Commencement 2023
Table of Contents
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The Alma Mater
In the heart of dear old Emory
Where the sun doth shine,
That is where our hearts are turning
’Round old Emory’s shrine.
We will ever sing thy praises,
Sons and daughters true.
Hail we now our Alma Mater,
Hail the Gold and Blue!
Tho’ the years around us gather,
Crowned with love and cheer,
Still the memory of Old Emory
Grows to us more dear.
We will ever sing thy praises,
Sons and daughters true.
Hail we now our Alma Mater,
Hail the Gold and Blue!
—J. M R C T
Order of Exercises .................................................................... 2
Musical Selections .................................................................... 3
Order of Procession ................................................................. 3
Award Recipients ..................................................................... 4
Honorary Degree Recipients .................................................... 6
Diploma Ceremonies ................................................................ 8
Retiring Faculty and Staff ........................................................ 9
In Memoriam ........................................................................... 9
Recipients of Degrees-in-Course ............................................. 10
Emory College of Arts and Sciences ................................... 10
Oxford College .................................................................. 15
School of Medicine ............................................................ 15
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing ....................... 16
Candler School of Theology .............................................. 19
School of Law .................................................................... 20
Roberto C. Goizueta Business School ................................ 21
Rollins School of Public Health ......................................... 25
James T. Laney School of Graduate Studies ....................... 28
Recipients of the Doctor of Philosophy Degree ...................... 29
Recipients of Honors and Prizes ............................................ 40
A Commentary on Commencement ....................................... 56
Emory University Commencement 2023
Gathering Music Atlanta Symphony Brass Quintet
Processional Atlanta Pipe Band
Atlanta Symphony Brass Quintet
National Anthem Atlanta Symphony Brass Quintet
Invocation Gregory W. McGonigle
Dean of Religious Life and
University Chaplain
Presidential Address Gregory L. Fenves
Student Address Nicole C. Felix-Tovar 23C
Presentation of the Marion Luther Brittain Service Award Enku Gelaye
Senior Vice President and
Dean of Campus Life
Presentation of the Exemplary Teacher of the Year Award Ravi V. Bellamkonda
Provost and Executive Vice President
for Academic Affairs
Presentation of the Thomas Jefferson Award Allison Dykes
Vice President and Secretary of
the University
Authorization to Confer Degrees Robert C. Goddard III 23HA
Chair of the Board of Trustees
Conferral of Honorary Degrees Gregory L. Fenves
Keynote Address Anthony Ray Hinton
Conferral of Degrees Gregory L. Fenves
Welcome to the Emory Alumni Association Munir Meghjani 08Ox 10C
President, Emory Alumni Board
Closing Remarks Gregory L. Fenves
Benediction Rishab Bhatt 23C, Hinduism
Jasmine Mahadumrongkul 23B, Buddhism
Dylan Goldberg 21Ox 23C, Judaism
Jonna Austin 23C, Christianity
Suad Mumin 23C, Islam
Alma Mater Aayush Chopra 26C
Scott Masterson 25C
Ethan Parker 25B
Peter Petrakis 24B
Julian Portis-Escoto 23B
Recessional Atlanta Pipe Band
Atlanta Symphony Brass Quintet
Guests are asked to please remain seated during the processional and recessional. Please silence any electronic devices and refrain from
talking during the ceremonies. The Quadrangle and Emory College of Arts and Sciences ceremonies can be viewed in rooms 206, 207, and
208 in White Hall and on the web at
In support of Emory’s sustainability initiatives, we ask that you return any unneeded copies of this program to the program distribution
tables and take the time to properly dispose of your recyclable and compostable waste items in the proper containers.
The Order of Exercises
Emory University Commencement 2023
G M
Jubilate Deo .......................................................... Gregor Aichinger
Revecy Venir du Printans ....................................... Claude Le Jeune
Sonata from Die Bänkelsängerlieder ............................ Daniel Speer
“Nimrod” from the Enigma Variations .......................Edward Elgar
Georgia on My Mind .............................. Hoagy Carmichael/Moore
The Fairest of the Fair .......................................... John Philip Sousa
Contrapunctus IX ........................................ Johann Sebastian Bach
Soliloquy for Solo Trumpet ........................... John Anthony Lennon
The Atlanta Symphony Brass Quintet performs this morning’s
Commencement music as it has since 1981 and includes arrange-
ments written for the occasion by Michael Moore.
Michael Tiscione and Anthony Limoncelli, trumpet
Kimberly Gilman, horn
Nathan Zgonc, trombone
Michael Moore, tuba and artistic director
Emory and Old St Andrews .............Henry Frantz 71C 74L/Moore
An Academic Procession ........................... Johannes Brahms/Moore
Hogwarts March .........................................................Patrick Doyle
Prelude du Te Deum ...............................Marc Antoine Charpentier
Please remain seated while the platform party, faculty, and
graduates process into the Quadrangle.
Emory and Old St Andrews .............Henry Frantz 71C 74L/Moore
La Rejouissance from
“Royal Fireworks Music”..............George Frederick Handel/Moore
Please remain seated until the platform party, faculty, and
graduates have departed.
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(The Golden Corps of the Heart)
Members are Emory University alumni from the Class of 1973
or earlier. They are attired in distinctive golden robes.
T F
    
Professor Tracy McGill
  
Gonfalon Bearer Siva Prasad Kalimuthu 23B
Vice President and Secretary of the University Allison Dykes
University Trustees
Recipients of Special Awards
Student Speaker Nicole C. Felix-Tovar 23C
Commencement Vocalists
Student Ministers
Dean of Religious Life and University Chaplain
Gregory W. McGonigle
Senior Adviser to the President Robert M. Franklin Jr.
Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion; Chief Diversity Officer;
Adviser to the President Carol E. Henderson
Senior Vice President for Advancement and Alumni Engagement
Joshua R. Newton
Executive Vice President for Health Affairs; Executive Director
of Woodruff Health Sciences Center and Vice Chair of the
Board, Emory Healthcare Ravi I. Thadhani
President of the Emory Alumni Board of the Emory Alumni
Association Munir Meghjani 08Ox 10C
President-Elect of the University Senate
Nitika Arora Gupta 06MR 07FM
Registrar JoAnn McKenzie
Director of Emory National Primate Research Center
R. Paul Johnson
Senior Vice President and Dean of Campus Life Enku Gelaye
Interim Dean of Oxford College Kenneth E. Carter 87Ox 89C
Dean of Rollins School of Public Health M. Daniele Fallin
Dean of Roberto C. Goizueta Business School Gareth James
Dean of the School of Law Mary Anne Bobinski
Dean of Candler School of Theology Jan Love
Associate Dean for Education, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of
Nursing Kristy Martyn
Interim Dean of the School of Medicine
Carlos del Rio 86MR 88FM
Interim Dean of Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Carla Freeman
Dean of the James T. Laney School of Graduate Studies
Kimberly Jacob Arriola 01PH
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Ravi V. Bellamkonda
Anthony Ray Hinton
Sarah Kenan Kennedy
James Cox Kennedy
Chair of the Board of Trustees Robert C. Goddard III 23HA
Bedel of the University Aditi Vellore 21Ox 23C
President Gregory L. Fenves
Emory University Commencement 2023
to study water purity in Guatemala and create a plan to distribute
water-filtration systems throughout the country. As a result of her
boundless compassion, Bourdon’s impact will be felt long after she
E M N
Graduate Recipient
D       ,
Elsa Mekonnen made a significant impact by putting scholarship
and service into practice. As a Woodruff Fellow, a member of
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, and an
Emory Healthcare nurse, she’s no stranger to teamwork.
Her peers describe her as a driven, passionate, and kind
clinician who centers patient care in everything she does—all while
balancing her role as a working mother of two.
In October 2022, Mekonnen organized a Woodruff volunteer
day at MedShare in Decatur, a national nonprofit that collects
surplus medical supplies from local hospitals and distributes them
to hospitals in developing countries and free clinics throughout the
greater Atlanta area.
A few weeks later, Mekonnen again gathered the Woodruff
cohort to participate in the November 2022 Emory Cares Day,
where scholars planned and executed a planting project at
Lullwater Preserve, restoring woodland growth and preventing
soil erosion. When volunteers arrived, Mekonnen was there to
greet them, offer an Emory Cares T-shirt, and walk them into the
preserve to join the group.
She served as an acute-care, board-certified, medical-surgical
registered nurse at Emory University Hospital for more than
seven years before graduating with an MSN. Mekonnen is now
a research nurse practitioner in Jeanine Park’s human integrative
physiology lab, which is part of Emory University School of
Medicine’s nephrology department. She regularly volunteers both
locally and abroad, including a recent immersion trip to Cusco,
Peru, associated with the Lillian Carter Center for Global Health
and Social Responsibility at the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School
of Nursing.
During her time as a registered nurse, Mekonnen cared for adult
patients served by specialties such as general surgery, cardiology,
oncology, transplant, and others. She also leveraged her expertise
as a super-user for clinical informatics projects and trained nurse
clinicians and staff on innovative technology solutions to improve
health care delivery.
Looking ahead, Mekonnen plans to continue her involvement
with Woodruff Scholars and returned in March 2023 to volunteer
with the group at MedShare. The graduate Marion Luther Brittain
Award recognizes Mekonnen’s compassionate character, tenacious
leadership, academic success, and service to Emory.
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Chosen by the university president from nominations by the
deans on behalf of the United Methodist Church Board of Higher
Education and Ministry.
I K. S
Associate Professor, Family and Preventive Medicine;
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Emory University School of Medicine
Assistant Professor, Global Health and Behavioral, Social,
and Health Education Sciences
Rollins School of Public Health
Director of Admission and Associate Dean for Medical Education
and Student Affairs
Emory University School of Medicine
  
Professor Nitika Arora Gupta 06MR 07FM, Faculty Marshal
Associate Teaching Professor Amanda Freeman 06G,
Faculty Marshal at Large
Associate Professor David Davis III, Faculty Marshal at Large
Professor Peter Wakefield, Emory College
Professor William M. McDonald, Medicine
Associate Professor Laura Zajac-Cox, Allied Health
Professor Beth Ann Swan, Nursing
Associate Professor Nichole Phillips, Theology
Professor Richard Freer, Law
Professor Doug Bowman, Business
Associate Professor Laurie Gaydos, Public Health
Associate Professor Jessica M. Sales 00G 04G, Graduate School
Munir Meghjani 08Ox 10C, Alumni Association
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The Marion Luther Brittain Service Award is presented each
year to two graduating students (one undergraduate and one
graduate) from any academic division of the university who are
considered to have performed the most “significant, meritorious,
and devoted service to Emory University. Considered the highest
honor presented to a student by Emory University, the Brittain
Award recognizes two students whose contributions to Emory are
outstanding. The award is made under provisions of a gift by the
late M. L. Brittain, former president of the Georgia Institute of
Technology and alumnus of Emory.
S B C
Undergraduate Recipient
S       S
Bourdon’s time at Emory. A human health major with a
concentration in health innovation, she has made a difference
in every part of campus she has touched. During the COVID-19
pandemic, Bourdon recognized that first-year students did not have
the same chances to build a community as she did, so she decided
to do something about it.
With the support of friends and the Office of Spiritual and
Religious Life (OSRL), Bourdon created the Welcoming Interfaith
and Spiritual Exploration (WISE) pre-orientation program. In
WISE, incoming students explore different belief systems and
spiritual pathways before their first semester. Bourdon visited
faith and religious centers throughout metro Atlanta, trained
other students to be peer mentors, and became the program’s
first student coordinator. Since fall 2021, WISE has welcomed
fifty first-year students.
Bourdon also created connections for her peers through the
Voices of Inner Strength (VOIS) Gospel Choir, where she has
served as president and secretary. She helped promote the VOIS
Forever fund, which established a $100,000 endowment to secure
the choir’s future. Building on her belief in interconnection,
Bourdon also served as the founding assistant editor of Canopy
Forum, a digital publication on the role of religion in society from
Emory’s Center for the Study of Law and Religion.
In addition, Bourdon served as co-coordinator of the Menstrual
Product Initiative, a partnership with Emory’s Office of Health
Promotion and Center for Women to provide free menstrual
products to students in need. As a first-generation college student
from Warner Robins, Georgia, she also serves as a mentor to high
schoolers through the Emory Pipeline Collaborative.
Beyond campus, Bourdon volunteers with Camp WINGS (When
in Need Get Support), a bereavement camp for children who have
lost a loved one, run by Heart of Georgia Hospice. In 2021, a Field
Scholar Award from the Emory Global Health Institute enabled her
Emory University Commencement 2023
Awards have flowed to him: eight times he has received
National Coach of the Year honors, including at the 2017 National
Championships, where he won for both the men’s and women’s
teams. In 2015, he was awarded the National Collegiate and
Scholastic Swimming Trophy, the highest award of its kind in the
US. The Collegiate Swimming Coaches of America, in 2021, named
him as one of the 100 Greatest Coaches of the Past 100 Years.
For him, the highest reward is “watching who these men and
women become.
Howell applies a scientist’s rigor, pulling in experts on sports
psychology, wellness and nutrition, and even sleep neurobiology.
His record might encourage the beguiling idea that success
begets success. The truth is that Howell begins anew each season,
constantly fine-tuning to stay ahead in this “game of inches”
where his expertise, and his care for Emory’s athletes, have
meant so much.
As his many admirers agree, Howell has made good on his desire
to “achieve something uniquely Emory, motivating his athletes
to be not just fierce competitors but thoughtful, compassionate
leaders and scholars who support their communities.
T E W A
 D T
The university’s oldest awards for teaching were established in
1972 by alumnus Emory Williams 32C. Awards in the arts and
sciences are determined by a committee of Emory College faculty.
Emory College gives three of these awards each year, while other
schools of the university give one award.
Harshita Mruthinti Kamath 04C 12G
Associate Professor in Telugu Culture, Literature, and History
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
John Kim 05B
Associate Professor in the Practice of Organization and Management
Goizueta Business School
Manuela Manetta
Assistant Teaching Professor
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Paul Oser
Teaching Professor of Mathematics
Oxford College
Michael Leo Owens
Professor of Political Science
Director of Graduate Admissions and Placement
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Katherine M. Pfeiffer 02Ox 04N 21N
Assistant Clinical Professor
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
W        
and encompassing public health, global health, and pediatrics,
Ira Schwartz has kept students at the center of his multifaceted
career at Emory. His office door in the medical school admission
office is always open and used by many a student (and faculty
member) seeking his guidance, wisdom, and calm counsel. One
wall is filled with photos of alumni who have kept in touch long
after leaving medical school to pursue their careers.
After training in pediatrics and infectious diseases, Schwartz spent
several years at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
where he worked on malaria and other problems in tropical medi-
cine. His years working in Thailand and Kenya were helpful when
the burgeoning AIDS epidemic called him to work at Emory, first
at the Rollins School of Public Health (RSPH) and then the School
of Medicine, where he helped care for children at Grady Memorial
Hospital’s Ponce de Leon Clinic. For more than twenty years, he
directed the Southeast AIDS Training and Education Center, a feder-
ally funded professional education program in six southeastern states.
His long-running course, Public Health Implications of HIV/AIDS,
garnered Schwartz the RSPH Professor of the Year honors twice.
He helped organize and taught the Patient-Doctor Course and a
case-based learning course in the medical school for more than two
decades. Based on his teaching prowess and ability to relate to and
support medical students, he was appointed assistant (now associate)
dean of medical education and student affairs in 1999.
During curriculum reform in the medical school in 2007,
Schwartz was put in charge of the Medical Society system, orga-
nizing and leading the faculty advisors’ group. He received the
Evangeline T. Papageorge Distinguished Teaching Award in 2013,
the most prestigious award given to medical faculty, with students
saying, “Dr. Schwartz has been critical in our evolution throughout
medical school and will undoubtedly continue to be a role model for
all of us not only in our medical careers but for our lives in general.
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Awarded each year to a faculty member or administrative
officer for significant service to the university through personal
activities, influence, and leadership.
J H
Swimming and Diving Head Coach
O        
set since Jon Howell’s arrival in 1998 as coach of the Emory men’s
and women’s swimming and diving teams. Such runaway success
fosters community pride and attracts high-achieving students to
this now-legendary program.
Howell has guided the Eagles to fifteen National Collegiate
Athletic Association (NCAA) National Championships since 2005,
including wins for both the men and women in 2017. From his
first year at Emory, Howell set a tone for accomplishment, and
each year his teams have won conference titles, now totaling
forty-eight. He has overseen fifty-eight individual and fifty-one
relay national champions, nurtured fifty-one NCAA postgraduate
scholarship winners, and coached former Emory swimmer Andrew
Wilson 17C to the pinnacle of becoming the first Division III
swimmer to join a USA Olympic Team in 2021.
Committed to supporting students “beyond the water, Howell
has fostered excellence on every level, creatively used resources,
and encouraged athletes to “bring their whole selves” to the
community he has inclusively created. For the current squad and
engaged alumni, Howell is one of the most significant teachers they
have ever had, fostering their development and well-being
in myriad ways.
Emory University Commencement 2023
A  C D
The conferring of degrees is authorized in formal session by the
Board of Trustees of Emory University on the recommendation
of the president and the faculties. At today’s ceremony, Chair
Robert C. Goddard III 23HA symbolically will authorize President
Fenves to confer degrees upon the graduates, including the
recipients of honorary degrees.
H D
S K K
Compassionate Philanthropist, Health Care Activist,
Community Champion
Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa
F ,  A S K   
of her community’s most active, compassionate, and effective
civic leaders. She has a long history of advocating for education,
the arts, mental health, families affected by Alzheimer’s, the
environment, children and adults living with disabilities, and more.
At Emory, Kennedy has been instrumental in A Family Affair,
the signature event benefiting the Goizueta Alzheimer’s Disease
Research Center. The annual event has raised more than $9.5
million since 2009.
Through the Spray Foundation and SKK Foundation, she
supports groundbreaking Alzheimer’s research and clinical trials at
Emory, as well as Emory’s research and clinical care for alcohol-
and opiate-affected children. She serves on the Executive Advisory
Council of the Emory Brain Health Center—a body whose
members contribute to the center’s mission through philanthropy,
networking, and advocacy.
Kennedy raised awareness of the needs of patients diagnosed
with mild cognitive impairment and their caregivers, and she
helped design the facility for the Charlie and Harriet Shaffer
Cognitive Empowerment Program, funded by the James M. Cox
Beyond Emory, she has been involved with, and supportive of,
the Alzheimer’s Association Georgia Chapter and Respite Care
Atlanta, which provides a stimulating, meaningful day program for
adults with cognitive challenges plus information and community
support for caregivers.
Committed to helping people with disabilities achieve
independence, she serves on the advisory board of the Bobby
Dodd Institute. In 2018, the organization bestowed the Circle of
Excellence Award on Kennedy, which “honors organizations and
individuals who have made significant contributions to the lives of
people with disabilities.
She supports Skyland Trail, a nonprofit mental health treatment
organization in Atlanta that helps people with mental illness thrive
through a holistic program of evidence-based psychiatric treatment,
integrated medical care, research, and education. Kennedy has
contributed to its financial aid program, in her words, to “allow
families to focus on togetherness, positive energy, and healing.
Financial aid plays a critical role in assuring that those in need
can fully participate in a program that offers recovery and leads to
lives filled with purpose.
Kennedy also serves on the boards and executive committees
of the High Museum of Art and the PATH Foundation, and
she is a former member of the Board of Trustees of the Atlanta
Speech School and the Woodruff Arts Center. The Kennedys were
previously recognized as Philanthropists of the Year by the Greater
Atlanta Chapter of the Association for Fundraising Professionals.
As the foregoing attests, Kennedy wholeheartedly embraces
Emory’s mission to apply knowledge in the service of humanity.
T G P. C A
 E  M
Established in 1997 by John T. Glover 68C.
Elaine Walker
Charles Howard Candler Professor of Psychology
and Neuroscience
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
T PD T A
 E 
G  P E
Rajiv Garg
Associate Professor, Information Systems
and Operations Management
Goizueta Business School
Amanda I. Gillespie
Associate Professor of Otolaryngology
School of Medicine
Kimberly Bob Sessions (Kimbi) Hagen
Assistant Research Professor
Rollins School of Public Health
Joel B. Kemp
Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible
Candler School of Theology
Emmanuel Y. Lartey
Charles Howard Candler Professor of Pastoral Theology
and Spiritual Care
Candler School of Theology
James T. Laney School of Graduate Studies
Matthew B. Lawrence
Associate Professor of Law
School of Law
Erica Moore
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing
T E M
G F M A
Established by friends and family whose lives were impacted
through Main’s love and mentorship.
Kathryn M. Yount
Asa Griggs Candler Chair of Global Health
Hubert Department of Global Health,
Rollins School of Public Health
Department of Sociology, Emory College of Arts and Sciences
James T. Laney School of Graduate Studies
Emory University Commencement 2023
A R H
Man of Courage, Exemplar of Resilience,
Defender of Human Rights
Doctor of Letters, honoris causa
O D , , A R H  
row in Alabama for crimes he did not commit. He would spend
the next thirty years there until the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI)
secured his freedom.
A native of Birmingham, Hinton was twenty-nine when a series
of crimes in area restaurants led to the murder of two managers
and the wounding of another. The surviving manager identified
him from a photo lineup, despite the fact that he was working in
a locked warehouse fifteen miles away.
Following his arrest, Hinton repeatedly stressed his innocence
to the detective, who responded: “I don’t care whether you did or
didn’t do it. But I’m going to make sure you are found guilty of it.
He recited the five things that would convict Hinton: “Number
one, you’re Black. Number two, a White man is going to say you
shot him. Number three, you are going to have a White prosecutor.
Number four, you are going to have a White judge. And number
five, you are going to have an all-White jury. A polygraph test
exonerated Hinton, though the judge refused to admit the test at
Hinton was confined to a five-by-seven-foot cell. In the first
three years, Hinton was “so angry with God” that he did not speak
to anyone. However, hearing another inmate crying over the death
of his mother propelled Hinton from his silence as he realized:
“My mother was still alive, and I was still alive. I had given the
state of Alabama my joy.
Ultimately, EJI attorneys showed that the crime bullets could not
be matched to a gun owned by Hinton’s mother. At 9:30 a.m. on
April 3, 2015, Hinton left the Jefferson County Jail a free man, the
152nd person exonerated from death row since 1983.
Hinton now serves as an EJI community educator. He is a tire-
less and powerful advocate for the abolition of the death penalty,
having watched fifty-four men he had known be executed and an
additional twenty-two take their own lives. He also works with
LifeLines, which supports prisoners on death row through letter
writing. In 2018, Hinton wrote the memoir The Sun Does Shine:
How I Found Life and Freedom on Death Row.
His personal indulgences are few—and of heartbreaking simplic-
ity. As he describes it, “Every night, I go outside and look up at the
stars and moon, because for years I could not see either. I walk in
the rain, because I didn’t feel rain for years.
Mr. Hinton will be presented by Carla Freeman, interim dean of
Emory College of Arts and Sciences.
Through generously offering her time, resources, and expertise,
she has improved patient outcomes and enriched the lives of many
Mrs. Kennedy will be presented by Carlos del Rio 86MR 88FM,
interim dean of the School of Medicine.
J C K
Visionary Philanthropist, Civic Leader, Health Care Advocate
Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa
B       AtlAntA
Journal-Constitution in 1972, Kennedy rose to become chairman and
CEO of his family’s company in 1988 and now serves as chairman
emeritus. During his tenure, annual revenues increased from $1.88
billion to $20 billion.
Today, as chairman of the James M. Cox Foundation, Kennedy
brings an unwavering commitment to improving the world around
him. Named for Kennedy’s grandfather, the foundation supports con-
servation and the environment, early childhood education, health, and
empowering families and individuals for success.
A former competitive cyclist, Kennedy is a past Masters National,
Pan American, and World Champion in the three thousand–meter
pursuit. He understands what it takes to conquer a tough hill, such
as the one facing scientists seeking a cure for cancer. Kennedy and his
wife, Sarah, have made important investments in the Winship Cancer
Institute to support faculty researchers. They also help cancer patients
through funding Winship’s patient-assistance program.
Kennedy was diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer at Emory
in 2014 and became a vocal supporter of men’s health awareness. He
was treated for cancer at Emory again in 2022.
The foundation made a transformational grant to Emory to
improve patient experiences and outcomes in 2015. The James C.
Kennedy Initiative for Transforming Care brought the lean operating
model from manufacturing to Emory Healthcare.
In 2018, the foundation established the Charlie and Harriet Shaffer
Cognitive Empowerment Program at the Goizueta Institute @Emory
Brain Health. Inspired by a friend’s experience and hearing stories
from caregivers, the Kennedys wanted to leverage an area of Emory’s
strength to develop more effective, evidence-based therapies for mild
cognitive impairment.
Kennedy has a long history of supporting Atlanta institutions,
including serving on the Atlanta Committee for Progress and being a
leading force behind Atlanta’s successful bid to host the 1996 Olympic
He serves on the board of the PATH Foundation, which has created
a network of greenway trails throughout metro Atlanta. Driven by a
love of the outdoors and its positive effects on health and well-being,
Kennedy is one of the largest private donors supporting the Atlanta
BeltLine. A former president of Wetlands America Trust, he previously
served on the board of Ducks Unlimited.
Translating best practices from his personal life to Cox’s business
operations, Kennedy launched Cox Conserves, a sustainability pro-
gram with goals to send zero waste to landfill by 2024 and become
carbon- and water-neutral by 2034.
In evaluating his philanthropic investments, Kennedy always begins
by asking, “What difference did it make?” Through game-changing
initiatives across a range of causes and organizations, he has offered
hope and healing, positively impacting countless individuals and their
Mr. Kennedy will be presented by Carlos del Rio 86MR 88FM,
interim dean of the School of Medicine.
Emory University Commencement 2023
D C
Diplomas will be awarded in individual ceremonies. The map in the
back of this program shows the locations of the diploma ceremonies.
School of Graduate Studies, Doctoral and Master’s Programs,
Woodruff Physical Education Center (WoodPEC), 2:00 p.m.,
Friday, May 5
Physical Therapy Program, Emory Student Center, 2:30 p.m.,
Friday, May 5
School of Medicine (MD), Glenn Memorial Auditorium, 4:00 p.m.,
Friday, May 5
Business School, MBA and MSBA Programs, Woodruff Physical
Education Center (WoodPEC), 5:30 p.m., Friday, May 5
School of Theology, Glenn Memorial Auditorium, 9:00 a.m.,
Saturday, May 6
School of Public Health, Woodruff Physical Education Center
(WoodPEC), 10:00 a.m., Saturday, May 6
Genetic Counseling Training Program, Woodruff Health Sciences
Administration Building (WHSCAB) Auditorium, 11:00 a.m.,
Saturday, May 6
School of Law, Woodruff Physical Education Center (WoodPEC),
11:00 a.m., Sunday, May 7
Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Quadrangle, 10:15 a.m.,
Monday, May 8
Business School, BBA Program and Master of Professional
Accounting Program, Woodruff Physical Education Center
(WoodPEC), 11:00 a.m., Monday, May 8
School of Nursing, Emory Student Center, 11:00 a.m.,
Monday, May 8
Medical Imaging Program, Harland Cinema, Alumni Memorial
University Center, 12:30 p.m., Monday, May 8
If the dangerous weather schedule is activated Friday, Saturday,
or Sunday, all ceremonies will remain at the same time and location
as indicated.
On Monday if the dangerous weather schedule is activated, the
Quadrangle ceremony will be canceled and the diploma ceremonies
below will be held as listed:
Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Woodruff Physical Education
Center (WoodPEC), (indoors and ticketed), 8:00 a.m.
School of Nursing, Emory Student Center, 11:00 a.m.
Medical Imaging Program, Harland Cinema, Alumni Memorial
University Center, 12:30 p.m.
Business School, BBA Program and Master of Professional
Accounting Program, Woodruff Physical Education Center
(WoodPEC), 1:00 p.m.
Emory University Commencement 2023
R  F  S R
Recognition of recently retired members of the faculty, administration, and staff. Year indicates initial employment at Emory.
F 
Timothy Edward Albrecht (1982)
Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im
Jack Arbiser (1998)
Bruce Barron (2008)
Lawrence Benveniste (2005)
Roy Black (1999)
Alfred Brann Jr. (1975)
Peter Brown (1978)
Mary Shackleford Carlton (2008)
Shun Yan Cheung (1990)
Richard Compans (1992)
Jerard Cranman (1994)
Michael David Crutcher (1991)
Anne Daniel (2008)
Cynthia Derdeyn (2004)
Dirck Dillehay (1988)
John Douglas Jr. (1972)
Cristina Drenkard (2004)
Marshall Duke (1970)
Sandra Dunbar (1988)
Alexander Duncan (1984)
Dian Evans (1994)
Judith Evans-Grubbs (2010)
Joel Felner (1972)
Charles Frame (2001)
Mary Galinski (1998)
Ernesto Garcia (1985)
Alan Gordon (2013)
Sarah Gouzoules (1983)
Brenda Greene (1988)
Anne Hall (1995)
Leonard Heffner Jr. (1969)
Yitzhak Hermoni (2013)
Ahsan Husain (2008)
Corey Lee Keyes (1997)
Corinne Kratz (1993)
Howard Levy (1993)
Curtis Lewis (1985)
Daya Manatunga (2005)
Karen Mann (1999)
Reynaldo Martorell (1993)
Jennifer McDowell (1996)
Jan Mead (1991)
Melvin Moore (2010)
Edward Morgan (1986)
Michael Morrier (1992)
Thomas Murphy (1989)
Patricia Jean Nichols (1986)
Cynthia Patterson (1984)
Todd Mitchel Preuss (2002)
Roger Rochat (2000)
P. Barry Ryan (1995)
Winfield Sale (1980)
Debra Saxe (1990)
Julie Anne Seaman (2001)
Mary Ann Sevier (1994)
William Shapiro (1979)
Emilie Vanessa Siddle Walker
Rachelle Spell (1999)
Nanci Stauffer (1998)
Sidney Stein (1975)
James Paul Steinberg (1979)
Stephen Paul Stuk (1990)
Peter Topping (1999)
Frank Vandall (1970)
Catherine Vena (1999)
Xiaonan Wang (1994)
Drew Westen (2002)
John White (2009)
Byron Williams Jr. (1994)
Barbara Woodhouse (2009)
Chinglai Yang (1992)
Ling Ye (2000)
Twenty-five or more years
of service
Judy Andrews (1990)
Anthony Arnold (1988)
Pearl Backman (1990)
Gregory Lee Beavers (1984)
Pearlie Beavers (1996)
Jayne Brown (1986)
Charles David Cooke (1988)
Christopher Culberson (1991)
Gwendolyn Dent (1982)
Joyce Eckersley (1992)
Katharine Foster (1993)
Audrey Graham (1984)
Cathy Groen (1979)
Yvonne Hall (1994)
Rhonda Heermans (1995)
Freida Henderson (1993)
Theresa Hicks (1989)
Terence Jefferson (1990)
Cassandra Battle Johnson (1987)
Beth Michelle Jones (1994)
Margie Jones (1981)
Charlie Kong (1996)
Arthur Lewis (1991)
Joni Lewis (1996)
Katherine Goodwin Lewis
Anita Waite Mann (1985)
Marian Mathis-Grant (1991)
Tina McDowell (1989)
Jan McSherry (1995)
Guy Andy Mitchell (1987)
Sean Moore (1996)
Sheila O'Neal (1986)
Ernest Theodore Parker (1985)
Felicitas Quintana (1997)
Judith Rabern (1978)
Claude Reese Jr. (1996)
Bridget Guernsey Riordan (1992)
Linda Roback (1996)
Brenda Rockswold (1995)
Tarina Rosen (1978)
Catherine Shiel (1996)
Lisa Simmons (1991)
Orman Simpson Jr. (1999)
Sandra Smith (1992)
Judy Steele (1992)
Jennifer Stevenson(1986)
Nell Ruth Sullivan (1986)
Suzanne Theriot (1990)
Keith Thomas (1984)
Brian Wayne Wheeler (1987)
Neville Whitehead (1996)
Callie Wilson-Minott (1986)
Phillip Joseph Wise Jr. (1994)
Michelle Zhang (1997)
I M
We pause in memory of those members of the Emory community lost to us in the past year.
Emmit Steven Ayers Jr. 23T
Cameron Austin Boutelle 24C
Preethi Choudary Karnam 26M
Kendra Lumpkin 22N
Alexander James Vallejo 23C
Peggy Ann Burns
Martha Dimant
Zenobia Whitelow
Matthew T. McKenna 84M
R F
Robert Wayne Alexander 66G 68G
Eugene J. Gangarosa
Alfred B. Heilbrun Jr.
Armand E. Hendee Jr. 45C 48M 56MR
Carl Casimir Hug Jr. 74MR
Walter Lee Ingram 91MR 92FM
David Steven Menaldino 83C 93G
Brian Michael Olson
Gretchen E. Schulz
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
Presentation to the president,
by Interim Dean Carla Freeman,
of candidates for the degrees of
bachelor of arts and bachelor of
science; conferral of the degrees
by the president.
F M
Eladio Abreu
Susan Y. Ashmore
Jessica Barber
Eric John Battaglioli
Sam Cherribi
Katrina Dickson
Peter Hoeyng
Cora MacBeth
Hiram Maxim
Lisa Paulsen
Leah Roesch
LaTonia Taliaferro-Smith
Didem Uca
John Wegner
Matthew Weinschenk
S M
Rachel C. Broun
Iris Y. Chen
Zeeyong Alex Kwong
Nithya Sudhakar
Alvaro Perez Daisson
Akshat Toshniwal
Annika Frances Urban
Yicheng Xue
 
Jewel Akudo Okoronkwo
B  A
Aayra Aamer
Hamza Aamer
Yokabed Aflegn Abera
Kyla Catherine Tan Achacon
Paula Acocal Ramirez
Kaitlyn Diana Adams
George Stephen Adams Jr.
Pooja Sri Addala
Oreoluwa K. Adenikinju
Madison Rylee Adkins**
Nishuchukwu Joshua Afobunor
Samantha Hailey Agnew
Ammarah Rafia Ahmed
Mohammed Abdulkareem
Bukola Ashley Ajani
Chloe Lynn Akins
Hunter Reed Akridge
Sahar Nuri Al-Gazzali
Noor Sarah Aldayeh
Shifa Ali
Raegan LeShea Allen
Eunice Amador
Ayla Serin Anderson
Carson Elliott Anderson*
Benjamin David Archer
Isabel Marie Arscott
Shanza Ashraf*
John Patrick Avé-Lallemant**
Deborah Frimpong Baafi
Leah Rose Bader
Jennifer Hyeji Bae
Jin Bae*
Jaymin Jongwoo Baek
Anish Dutt Bagga
Runhua Bai
Sarah Baig
Lauren Bailey
Brammhi Mathura Balarajan
Stephanie Elena Ballas
Lauren Bandera**
Willa Mary Barnett
Angel Barrueta I**
Colleen Wynn Baskin
Paris Imani Bates
Kian Behmard*
Sol Bender
Samuel Avram Berliner-Sachs
Alexia Rae Bernhardt-Lanier
Alison Sara Beskind
Joshua Neil Beskind
Sachi Umesh Bhasin
Zoe Woyu Bienert
Anna Pomeroy Biglaiser
Donalie Rose Black
Jada S. Blanding
Lauren Brooke Blaustein
Isabel Esparza Bloch
Shmiel Bochner
William Joseph Bock
Zoe E. Bockenek
Carson Quinn Bohl
Sreekar Bommireddy
Luke Charles Boston
Sandra Marie Bourdon
Chloe Ruth Boynton
Paulo Sequerra Koogan Breitman
Rachel Callisha Broun
Sophie Athene Susan Brown
Olivia Grace Browne
Madeline Bryce
Patrick Grattan Burke IV**
Sophia R. Burlaka
Justin Kendall Burnett
Caitlin Elizabeth Burns
Ibrahim Najam Butt
Adam Eggert Byrnes
Minho Byun
Yide Cai
Harrison Graham Campbell**
Yu Cao**
Anna Kirwan Carey II
Katherine Ann Carmichael
Mykiah Lolita Maria
Morgan Brooke Cash
Alejandro Castro**
Ashley Yunhee Cha
Rashel Chahine
Allen S. M. Chak*
Benjamin Chaleki*
Joseph Elliott Chamoun
Sonia Shengni Chang
Wittika M. Chaplet
Jazmine Helen Charnin
Brian Chasanoff
Prerit Chaudhary
Nikhil Chaudhry
Baige Chen
Daniel Chen
Hsiang Chen
Iris Y. Chen
Jay Jing Chen
Julianna Elizabeth Chen
Michelle J. Chen
Qianyu Chen**
Yaxin Chen
Yiwen Chen
Jesse Byung Hwi Cho
Catherine Yinson Chon*
Hannah Chong
Samir Anwor Chowdhury
Yena Chung
Grace Elizabeth Church
Lola Marie Cleaveland
Zoe Coblin
Laura Catherine Cocroft
Samuel Giuseppe Cohen
Carly Resceda Colen
Osasere Justyn Collette-Ighile*
Aliyah Monique Cook
Peter Nicholas Cooke
Daniel Augustine Cooley
Sarah Skylar Cooper
Sarah Nicole Corasanti
Isabel Anne Coyle
Molly Elizabeth Cravens
Dean A. Criser
Jessica Jazmin Cruz
Yiwen Cui
Amani Dabriwala*
Argie Betty Dabrowski**
Emma Laure Alexa Danielson
Gabriella Sara Danziger
Howard Hugh Davis III
Sabrina Anna Minda
de Gunzburg
Audrey DeRossett
Britney Del Solar
Krista Delany
Marissa L. Denys
Carlisle v. DiValentin
Christopher S. Diab**
Jeffrey Loren Dillon*
Twisha Dimri
William Samuel Langstaff
Gabrielle Elyse Dolan**
Emma Haze Dollar
Cory Edward Dorfman
Lara J. Drinan Yeganeh
Cosette Marie Drook
Katie Isabelle du Plessis
Samara Lee Duerr
Jasmine Luz Echevarria**
Lilith R. Edwards*
Christopher I. Ejike
Mohamed El Asery**
Oluwatobiloba Elutilo
Benjamin Emery**
Adriana Brookes English
Jacob Marvin Estrada**
Loren Ettlinger
Jared Faircloth*
Yixiang Fan
Anran Fang
Calvin Jacob Feidler
Andrew M. Feld
Edward Felsenthal
Hongzhi Feng
Lucia Rowe Ferry
Elexis Danyell Fisher
Jacob Daniel Florence
Julia Katherine Foos
Jessica Anne Forsstrom
Catherine Frances Fort**
Alec Josh Freedman
Maya E. Freeman
Rebecca Lauren Bauman
Harrison Chogi Hart Fukutomi*
Audrey Meihua Caroline Gao
Lutong Gao
Yifei Gao
Cecilia Monserrat Garcia
Claire Rebecca Garcia**
Michael Angel Garcia
Yanira Garcia
Federico Garcia-Bengochea
Paige Madison Garrett
Stephen Gray Gaunt
Qiuyu Geng**
Noah Oliver Gentry
Rose Gertzman**
Elena Ghitan
Caleb A. Ghrist**
Eugenia Giampetruzzi
Steve Giang**
Alaina Gibson**
Dayshia Latye Gibson*
Katherine Rose Ginter
Isaac Mayer Gittleman
Mia Danielle Gleklen
Alice Cleo Goddard
Dylan P. Goldberg
Marlie Rubin Golden
Joshua Daniel Gomes
Ming Gong
Naomi Celeste Gonzalez
Anna Gorsche
Austin Joseph Graham*
Gabriel Granados**
Dahlya Green**
Margaret Rainey Greene
Samantha Madison Greene
Sophia Alexandra Greenhoe
María Belén Grosso Zelaya
Kaiyuan Guan**
Xinyi Guan
Destinee Jenae Gulley
Rhea Gupta
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Blythe Holladay Gurche**
Syed Mikail Haider
Muhammad Ejaz Haider Zaidi
Lindley Kathryn Hall*
McKenzie LaRue Hann
Gabriel Brian Harr-Siebenlist
Katriana Harris**
Siena Harris-Gissler
Edina J. Hartstein
Conor Joseph Harty
Jordan Elliott Hasty**
Kendall Boynton Hauerwas
Ruilin He
Eileen Hernandez
Oliver R. Hinton
Alexander Marcus Hirsch
Charlotte Deitsch Hochman
Dillon Grant Hodes
Sahil Arun Hotchandani
Elizabeth Anne Hsieh
Yunhao Hu
Jacqueline Lorraine Hubbard
Elizabeth Hayden Hubner**
Jazmin Deyanira Huerta*
Alan Hughes**
Anjali Linh Huynh**
Philip Sansung Hwang
Seongmin Hyun**
Myles Ibanez
Rauf Alim Iftikhar
Adam Randle Ingram*
Dickerns Keith Zacchaeus
Alexander Israel Issokson
Laurel Ivanoski
Joelle Olivia Jacobs
Danielle Ann Jacoby
Taral Kumar Jella**
Alexis Catherine Jenkins
Suneil Josephine Jeter
Lucinda Jeune
Michelle Jiang
Olamina Jimenez Sanchez
Tate Christopher Jodoin
Matthew Angelo Fernandez
Myles Johnson
Quaylin Johnson
Caleb Emrys Jones
Dylan Morgan Ramaiah Jones**
Fiona C. Jones
Guinevere Anne Jones
Taylor Christian Jones
Victoria Laine Jones
Justin K. Joseph
Vivek Deepak Joshi*
Maja Jovanovic
Monserrath Juarez
Ikki Kaijima
Connor David Kamp**
SooMin Kang
Yoonji Kang
Sriya Naga Karra
Sonia Hetal Karsan
Ajay Karthik
Nicole Marie Kassabian
Diana Kerolos
Ardyn Gabrielle Kesterman
Hannah Y. Kidane
Cailee Suhyeon Kim
Celline H. Kim
Daeyoung Kim
Daisy Yurim Kim*
Eugenia Kim
Gabriele Ka Young Kim
Hannah Kim
Jeong Hyun Lilias Kim
Jun Kyung Kim
Kevin Kim
Michael N. Kim
Siwon Kim**
Yun Jae Kim
Charles Kimball**
Suheyla N. Kipcakli
Divya Kishore
Juliana Raya Kislin**
Lillian Jane Knetter
Leigh Kong
Henry Livingston Koskoff
Talya Kovalsky
Natalya Janice Krekorian
Hannah Carrington Kreuziger
Ashwin V. Krishnan
Shreya Krishnan
Jenna Elise Krumerman
Daniel Lee Ku
Tenzing Kunsang
Anusha Kurapati
Adam Michael Kuritzky*
Edith Minwoo Kwon*
Yubin Kwon
Kat LaFever
Victoria Lachac
Emlyn Langlieb*
Jenna Paige Lasky
Olivia Marie Latshaw
Ella Nicole Lavelle
Christopher Matthew Lawrence
Andres Alejandro
Lebed Wright**
Anna Daeun Lee
Christopher Lee
Christopher Lee
Eugene Lee**
Gena Lee
Hyungsuk Lee
Jennie Ju Lee
Philip Hyun-Jun Lee
Sunoo Lee
Thomas Yune Jay Lee
Christina Cerda Leonard
Charlotte B. Lerner
Ashley Morgan Lew
Culver Lewis
Gabriella V. Lewis
Asuka Li
Haonan Li**
Yikuan Liao
Esther Ruey-Han Lin
Gheric John James Lindberg
Daniel Joseph Litton
Muzhi Liu
Ruiyan Liu**
Xiaoteng Liu*
Zhaozheng Liu
Zhenke Liu**
Charlotte Augusta Lowndes
Raquel Victoria Luna*
Xinyi Ma*
Jose H. Macias Jr.
Devavrata Vishad Mafatlal
Suvra Juthica Majumder
Ishani Padmini Malipatlolla
Payton Sydnie Malone
Leah Naomi Maltzman
Luke Philip Maly
Demetrios Christos Mammas
William Mario Ignazio
Manca di Villahermosa
Kate Margaret Margiotta
Kelly Martinez
Sarah Kamel Marzouk
Indraneel Massie
Isabel Pearl Glynn Mattson
Brandon Mayberry
Katarina Isabella Mazzanobile
Abigayle Rosalie Mazzocco
Edrick Shane McCravy II
Natalie Rose McGrath
Sydney Maya Mells
Veronica Isabel Mercade Freiria
Olivia Katherine Metzger
Amanda Miao
Abigail Rose Middlebrook**
Marshall K. Miles Jr.
Abigail Eve Millender
Emma Sloan Miller
Scott David Miller
Oren Francis Miller IV
Kaito K. Mimura
Catherine Joanna Minyard
Aaron Mishoulam
Anjali Mistry
Lucas Oursa Dagavarian Mock
Alisha Elizabeth Mody**
Dabin Moon*
Amya Nicole Moore
Spencer Marshall Moore
Zion K. Moore
Regina Morales
Ella Caitlyn Morgen
Hannah Nichole Morrison
Saaya Morton
Kaitlin Michelle Mottley
Alexander Scott Motz
Vivian Muhumuza**
Neharika Mullick
Suad Z. Mumin
Alejandra Munoz
Sejal Murthy
Emma Lorraine Mutz
Maxwell J. Myerson
Cadence Marie Nabors
Rhea Pradeep Nair**
Jordan Brynn Narins
Jasleen Narula**
Laila Sabreen Nashid
Tatiana Paola Navarrete
Karina Ashley Nehra
Wren Florence Nelson
Raven Natalie Nesbitt
Sophia Maria Nettuno
Christina Ni
Tobechukwu Chukwudubem
Cierra Mckenzie Norman
Naomi Chinonyerem Obioha
Ojiro Ochiai**
Anne Marie Odney
Oluwabusayo A. Ogunlusi
Haesun Oh
William Douglas Olsen
Ian McKinley McEvoy Olson
Merveille Ywaya Oluoch*
James Ouyang
Ziqian Ouyang
Teoman Schneider Ozaydin
Mert Ozbay**
Adisa Ozegovic
Valeria Pacheco
Xiner Pan
Isabel Andrea Paredes Cantos
Caleb Yaejun Park
Eunice Park**
Jiwon Park
Derek Timothy Parker
Nathan Robert Parks
Aneeka Sonal Patel
Carlye Annika Pathman
Nicholas Pete Pehrson
Francis Yu-Hsing Peng
Yixuan Peng
Alejandra Perozo
Emily Sumintra Persaud*
Caleb Marc Peters**
Alexander Charles Petralia
Taylor Lauren Phan
Annika Elisabet Polatsek
Ronald Wayne Poole II
Lonzie Portis IV
Nicole Pozzo
Amanda Monika Przygonska
Sara Qi**
Huiyu Qin
Jiyoon Ra
Amartya Raj
Muassar Dewan Mohammad
Olivia Marie Ralston
Nicole Ramirez
Yuritzy Sarai Ramos
Carson Heineken Rea**
Sanjana Krishnan Reddy
Allison Brooke Reinhardt
Qing Ren
Yifei Ren
Emma Grace Renz
Caitlyn Leigh Reynolds
Eli Noah Rice*
Marissa LaRue Ridge
Joshua Evan Riembauer
Ameer Hytham Rifai
Seung Ho Rim**
Sebastian Roa
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
Madelyn Grace Roberts
Michael Anthony Roberts Jr.*
Miles William Hipley Robertson
Peyton Elizabeth Robertson
Jackson Patrick Robey
Natasha Valentina Robles*
Marie Francesca Roc**
Paulina Rodriguez Manuele
Kasey M. Romo-Nieves
Gisell Anais Rondon*
Jeffrey Dylan Rosen
Emma G. Rosenau
Joseph Eugene Golden
Tess Aliza Rosenthal
Annelise Olivia Ross
Alison Jill Rothman
Kheyal Roy-Meighoo
Megan Hiroko Ruder
Alec Joseph Russin
Simran Sadhwani
Amna Haydar Sadig
Naman Sahni
Kayla Ann Salehian
Jeffrey Jay Salpekar*
Estevan Samayoa
Caleb Eric Sanders
Carson Redick Sanford
Max R. Sankey
Virginia Alexandra Sanson
Joe Lee Santifer IV
Giovana Sarmiento
Trinity Kaméa Saxon
Naresh N. Schmad
Jackson D. Schneider
Charles Hans Agron Schnell
Ellis Jacob Schwartz
Ulika Josefine Scout**
Isaac Murrell Sencer*
Joshua Michael Sensiba
Myungji Seo**
Nikita Shafranik
Aashna Bipin Shah
Vishal Shankar
Ashani Sharma
Tushaar Sharma**
Muraya O. Shekhey*
Haosi Shen
Alan Aaron Sherman**
Liam Sherman
Yihoon Shin
Isabel Gilligan Shubatt
Andrew Nicholas Shulman
Victoria Regan Siegel
Victoria Silva*
Juan Miguel Allarey Simbahan**
Daniel Murphy Sinacole
Amisha Singh
Anya Veronique Singh
Aryan Singh
Ann Felicia deGuzman Sinsuan
Julia Eleni Skarimbas
Annie Elizabeth Skelton
Adia Elizabeth Slaughter
Evelyn Britta Sload
George Chandler Smith*
Joseph Christian Smith
Nicole Alexandria Smith
Trevor James Smith
Haoting Song
Joseph Song
Kefan Song
Zeyu Song
Gustavo Ismael Soto Reyes
Barbara Elizabeth Soucie
Thorin J. Spiegelman
Michael Taylor Starr
Gabrielle Louise Stearns
Alyssa Lynn Stegall
Colin Parker Stelmach
Miles Antoni Sterling
Martha Maidantchik Stern
Nichole Marie Stettner
Xavier Anthony Stevens
Nick Su
Rebecca Helaine Sugerman
Jisoo Suh
Madeline Claire Sulser
Trisha Sundaram**
Ritika R. Surabhi
Sierra A. Talbert
Carissa Tan
Jiarui Tang
Sofia Dora Tartaglia
Olivia Anne Te Kolste
Nsai Elizabeth Temko
Mateo Tewari*
Benjamin Jacob Thomas
Natalia Johanna Thomas
Molly Xia Pan Thomason**
Griffin A. Thompson
Michael Tiffin
Tre’Vontaye Breon Toby
David Topchyan
Hallie Fei Toren
Devyn Mckenzy Townsend
Dung Anh Tran**
Ruth Tran
Emily Ann Trujillo
Sophia Rose Tufariello
Neel Hari Tummala
Trinity Brielle Tunstall
Annika Frances Urban
Alexander James Vallejo
Davis E. Van Inwegen*
Arturo Varela-Larrainzar III
Avery L. Verona
Ruby Tallulah Annie Vickers
Jamie Nayelhi Villalobos
Marcos Villarreal
Cara Waite**
Andres Lennell Walker
Matthew Wang
Shiyuan Wang
Yuechen Wang
Zhefeng Wang**
Madeline Louise Warren
Sydney Cheyenne Webb
Yuchen Wei*
Paul Isaac Weinshenker*
James Robert Wendt Jr.
Mackenzie Elizabeth Arkowitz
Lauren E. White*
Mackenzie JoAnne White**
Tiffany Kim Whitfield
John Kyle Whitlock
Kaela Lynn Wilkinson**
Bethany Mackenzie Williams
Selah Andrelea Williams
Grace Marie Wilson
Layla Gari Wofsy
Leah G. Woldai
Amanda N. Wolf
Madison Elizabeth Woods
Lucas Brandon Wright*
Maya Charisse Wright
Sarah Grace Wright
Hongyi Wu
Ruiqi Wu
Yu-hsuan Wu
Amy Xia
Mengmeng Xiao
Bochao Xu
Yifei Xu
Yue Xu
Yicheng Xue
Peiying Yang
Haley J. Yao
Tianqing Yao
Sreyas Yennampelli
Chae Won Yoon
Jiwoo Yoon
Stella You**
Siyoung Youn*
Jaclyn Brooke Youngentob
Feihan Yu
Jeongrok Yu
Yan Yu
Mark T. Zaynidinov
Allen Zhang
Ethan K. Zhang
Jiqiong Zhang**
Juhao Zhang
Junyi Zhang
Shengyi Zhang*
Xiqing Zhang*
Wendi Zhao
Yuchen Zhao**
Sicong Zheng*
Runze Zhou
Yuyao Zhou*
Yueqi Zhu**
Yuxuan Zhu**
Rachel Marissa Zipin
B  S
Ahmed Shahin Abdel Naby
Sarah A. Abdul-Ghani
Amalia Abraham
Sarah Marie Abraham
Afnan Moh’d Ayman Abu Sarar
Colette Aline Achee*
Alice Acosta*
Shinsuke Adachi*
Elyanor Adnane
Robina Afzal
Marianna Sharpe Ahlquist**
Mikail Albritton**
Hanifah Aisha Ali
Andrea Almada
Lucas Alonso-Munoyerro Anton
Kyla Alston
Anna Cooper Alworth
Joseph Ara Ambarian
Manavi Anantula
Lauren Elyse Anshen
Jack William Anstey**
Eythen Aaron-Thomas Anthony
Ella Arms
Schuyler Mathews Arn
Jai K. Arora
Sheintah Artison
Sivasomasundari Arunarasu**
Don G. Asafu-Adjaye
Jonna Michelle Austin
Walter Moises Avila
Alexandra I. Ayala
Seung-joon Baek**
Tara G. Balu
Tianqi Bao
Nikhil Shekhar Bapat
Kathryn Julia Barr
Olivia Izel Bautista
Lauren Michele Baydaline
Amandeep Singh Bedi
Rachel Eileen Beling
Janhavi Belwalkar
Pamela Chopra Beniwal
Eve Belle Berrie
Kayla Reed Berry
Rishab Harish Bhatt
Sahil Dharmesh Bhatt
Manish S. Bhatta
Selina Grace Bilsel*
Avery Paige Bishop
Henry McLean Blair
Eden Kate Blizzard
Tatiana Olivia Bolds
Madison Taylor Borman
Riley Bondell Brackin
Melissa Bravo*
Beyonce Lenae Brice**
Claire Elizabeth Brock
Emma Rose Brown
Iliyah N. Bruffett
George Joachim Buck
Anna Katharine Bussler
Matthew Anderson Buxton
Sylvie Soleil Call
Camila Florencia
Calviño Pintado
William H. Cao
Allison Grace Cartee
Sharay Castanon Franco
Isabella Grace Cavagna
Julianna Hope Celeste
Mino Cha**
Virginia Jean Chambers
Kai Chang
Kai Chieh Chang
Rebecca Jiae Chang
Seowon Chang
Antara Chaudhuri
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Leng Seong Che
Jacqueline Tian Chen
Joanna Chen**
Ruishi Chen
Ruohan Chen
Siran Chen
Tangchao Chen*
Tiffany Chunwei Chen
Yitong Chen
Yixiao Chen
Zhouyi Chen
Ziyi Chen**
Mu Cheng
Austin Zach Cherian
Rachel Avery Chernoff
Sai Venkata Ganesh Chilukuri**
Lina Sophie Chitadze
Haley Goeun Choi
Jae Ho Choi**
Elijah Chou
Ritika Choudhary
Brianna Christen Chun
Tarralyn Yvonne Clark
Leonardo Claure
Lauren Alexandra Cobitz
Rebecca Sara Cohen
Julia Claire Colizzo
Efrain Colunga
Madison Alexander Conduah
William Worley Coupe
Emily Zhang Cui
Patrick M. Czabala
Xinyu Dai**
Zeshi Dai**
Joseph Martin Dalloul
Jennifer Nicole Dam
Tedy Rachel Dasher
Lis Ragip Dautaj**
Ashley Nicole Davis**
Thomas Quintin Davis
Maxwell Tsai de la Paz
Evan Bailey del Carmen
Andrew William DeMaster
Kathleen Jeannette Dedora
Dasani Kaylee DelRosario
Henry M. Delavan*
Estefano Paolo Delgado
Ryan Joseph Dieudonne
Jiongchao Ding
Ye Ding
Yi Ding
Momar Abdou Diop
Justin Nguyen Doan
Kevin Yuan Chicheng Dong
Julia Christine Donovan
Josie Dylan Douglas-Brown
Jared J. Druss
Robert Edward Dullanty
Solanch Dupeyron
Ali Ebada
Naurica Elva Encarnacion
Grace Marie Heilig Engel
Jacob T. Ennis-Bailey
Sergio Eraso Jr.
Madina Eshova
Christopher Esqueda-Orozco
Ethan Marshall Essenfeld
Samuel Leo Essenfeld
Mark Edoho Essien
Elise Mae Etrheim
Claire Elizabeth Evans
Muqi Fan
Xin Fang
Fan Fei
Samantha J. Feingold
Nicole C. Felix-Tovar
Siyan Feng
Anyssa Destiny Fernandez
Angelina Nichole Ferritto
Mikolaj Bartlomiej Figurski**
Morgan Isabella Finch
Hannah McCray Finke
Jordan Fischbach*
Ilana Rachel Fischer
Shana Marie Fitzmaurice
Jissela Tatiana Flores Delgado
Elijah Haven Fox
Max David Friedman
Jeffrey Gao
Yuhao Gao
Elba Jimena Garcia*
Jose Agustin Garcia
Stephanie Meghan Garcia
Jackson Samuel Gardner
Bridgette Grace Garnache**
Thomas Barry Garrett
David Milton Gaviria
Yi Ge
Joshua Gelfond
Hannah Grace Geoffroy
Garrett Benson George
Sydney Law Gillespie
Sanne Fleur Glastra**
Willem Alexander Goedecke
David Aaron Goldberg
Chen Gong
Xiaoyun Gong
Camelia P. Gonzalez**
Sandy A. Gonzalez
Sophia Miranda Manabat
Adway Gopakumar
Vanessa Caroline Goris
Seth Gottlieb*
Arpita Govil
Jessica R. Grauberd
Eleanor du Plessix Gray
Eliza Carey Grenci
Helen Adair Griffith
Allison Rebecca Grubman
Fly Gu
Siyi Gu
Dian Guan**
Pulkit Gupta
Duncan Maxwell Guy**
Shalme A. Hai
Owen Russell Hallauer**
Bruno Luigi Hammerschlag III
Jamie L. Hampton
Sarah Catherine Hancock
Kathryn Elizabeth Hanfelt
Yujia Hao
Alwi M. Haque**
Blaise Charity Amelia Hartsoe**
Mason Grey Harvill
Olivia J. He
Brett Thomas Henshey
Diana A. Hernandez
Vivian Scott Herron
Kaitlyn Morgan Heyt
Paul Martin Hirschorn
Ducal Nhat Tam Hoang**
Hannah Elizabeth Holliday
Madison Leigh Hopkins
Riesa F. Hoque
William Cecil Horne IV
Zhongqi Hou
Janus Felix Houchen-Haun
Debbie Hsu
Irene Miao Ning Hsu
Zhenran Hu
Sheng Huang
Yijin Huang
Michael Huffman
Diego Hurtado de Mendoza
Ameer Hani Husary
Osama Elsaid Hussein
Victoria Ngoc Huynh
Gianne Elise Ifill
Sabina Afroz Iqbal
Alysha Salim Ismail
Hope Nozomi Jackson
Gelsey Elise Jaymes
Paul Marriot Jean-Marie*
Simon Hao Jiang
Zixin Jiang**
Kaijia Jin
Yeer Jin
Anikka G. Jordan
Erin Kathleen Joyce
Saeyeon Ju
Elena Isabel Juarez
Fabian Alexander Jujescu
Emmanuela Jules
Sheikh M. Jumman
Shayaan A. Kabir
Samir Kaddoura Jr.
Dana Alexis Kahn
Pragati Kapila
Sophie Chor Kaplan**
Sonia Corbett Karkare
Douglas Massashi Kavaguti
Bahaa Kazzi**
Karen Lin Ke
Kedhejah B. Kelley
Kennedy Gabriella Kerr
Alexander Jakob Kershaw
Nicholas Lap-Yin Keung
Aman Girish Kewalramani
Samia Masuda Khan
Sara A. Khan
Sumedh Kaustubh Khanolkar
Tristen Tiansin Kho
Krish Khurana*
Christopher Minjae Kim
Doyon Kim
Hailey Inhee Kim
Heesue Kim
Jae Sun Kim
Jiwon Kim
Jonathan Min-Hyuk Kim
Minju Kim
Seong Ug Kim
Seung Hyun Kim
Sun Woo Kim
Sunmin Kim
Tae Yeon Kim**
Taeheon Kim
Yu Jun Kim
Ticia Anne King
Jordyn Alexis Kirksey*
Emma Rose Klein
Hannah Rose Klein
William Lewis Cowen Knight
Sebastian James Kocz
Saketh Kollipara
Lauren Jean Kolodge
Isha Radha Konety
Cayanne R. Korder
Anna Grace Kottakis**
Jack A. Krulewitch
Steven Paul Kuhn
Beamlak Tsegaye Kuma
Jared M. Kupersmith
Valerie Kureya**
Natalie Leah Kuzniecky Faskha
Zeeyong Alex Kwong
Caroline Hope Lamberts**
Trevena Aviann Faith Lampley
Ryan Alexander
Jacob Samuel Lapp
Adam Gordon Lax**
Rachel Leah Lebovic
Nathaniel Jacob Lechtzin
Frances Hyemin Lee**
Joseph Dong Lee
Kevin Lee**
Richard Sean Lee
Seung Kyu Lee
Tyler James Lee
Andrew Robert Levy
Shirel Haya Levy
Tiara Lewis-Falloon
Chenhao Li**
Christopher G. Li
Daisy Y. Li**
Dar-Yin Li
Grace Xinyi Li
Ke Li
Kevin Li
Mutian Li
Naye Li
Tiantian Li
Xinran Li
Xiyuan Li
Yujia Li**
Zeman Li**
Zhenglun Li
Ziyu Li
Noah Fan Lichtenberg
Kevin Lige
Eugene Lim
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
Ling Lin
Xuanyang Lin
Yuxi Lin**
Alexa Leigh Lisenby
Jacob Lishnoff
Jiazheng Liu
Joyce Qiaosi Liu
Nicholas Liu**
Yen Chung Lo
Benjamin Fitzpatrick Lonial
Aylanna S. Lopez*
Anna Ruth Lu**
Brett Thomas Lucas
Shuxuan Luo
Yuanjun Luo
Yun Luo
Yifei Lyu*
Carolyn Ma
Yuen Ma
Jessica Lynn Maaskant
Christian Daniel Macri
Rahil Riad Mahmood
Caroline Kei Maki
Simran Mallik
Abhiram Reddy Manda
Danielle Leigh Mangabat
Jacob Ryan Marcus
Sam Ana Marrack
Sabrina Anna Martinez
Yoselin Alexandra Martinez
Cynthia Selin Martucci**
Sophia Joy Mascialino
Sahana Mathiarasan
Jenna Leigh Mathis
Oscar Eduardo Mayorga
OduduAbasi Mbaba**
Marshall P. McCall
Clare Choi McCarthy
Caroline Emily McNelly
Ellington Dubois McDaniels
Alejandro Seth Armando
Andrew Xavier McElroy
Trinity L. McRae
Kylie Brianne Measimer
Obinna Fitzgerald Megwa**
Matthew George Menkart
Jesus Alberto Merida
Kara Taylor Michaud
Jack Michael Conway Miklaucic
Blake Andrew Miller
Molly Anne Miller
Savannah Eileen Miller I**
Daniela Minondo Beverini
Neel Gopal Mirani**
Elena Mishkovsky
Alexa Zara Mohsenzadeh
Pia M. Montenegro
Jeremy Saw Montgomery
Rhiannon Bennett Moore
Keita Morisaki
Atlas Spencer Moss
Abhijay Kedar Mudigonda
Ishika Mukherjee
Sai Sreehith Mummareddy
Abdullah Murad
Shashwat Murarka
Nykia Tiara Murry
Lauren Nicole Musachia
Nathan Gabriel Muz
Anjanay A. Nangia
Nithya Sudhakar
Nelson James Navarrete
Jorge Luis Naveira
Vu Duy Ngo
Elizabeth Khanh-Uyen Nguyen
Kiet T. Nguyen
Rita Ni**
Niki Maryam Nikain
Nivedita Nimmagadda
Ruize Niu
Paul L. O’Friel
Laura K. O’Hanlon
Carys Elaine Obertone*
Zachary Aaron Ofenloch
Noah Seiji Okada
Jewel Akudo Okoronkwo
Victoria Cristina Ontiveros
Danielle Hannah Orloff
John Patrick Osborne
Arman Mehdi Ostadazim
Wukun Ouyang
Joseph Cole Owens
Andrew Palmer Pahnke
Andrew James Pak
Jesus Miguel Palenzuela
Antara Malhar Palkar
Aarjav Pratyush Pandya
Yasmine Elizabeth Pang
Khushi Bhavin Parikh
Hae Won Park
Isabella Ha Young Park
Jung Ho Park
Madison Heesung Park
Sean Robert Parker
Connor Jeffrey Parrish
Shayan Parvini Najafabadi
Hely H. Patel
Kajal Nilesh Patel
Mit Patel
Nikita Kalani Patel
Sneh Patel
Josh Caleb Peacock
Adina Rachel Peck
Siri Chandana Peddineni
Patrick Mathew Pema
Jackson Matthew Pentz
Elena Rosalind Perez
Kirsten E. Perez
Karoline Ann Reisaeter
Angelanah Leah Petrillo
Marcia Pettis
Nhu Huy Pham
Josie Hannah Pilchik
Zia Rizwan Pirani
Victoria Isabella Ploerer
Jonah Nicolas Pohl
Giovanni Y. Ponzio
George Antonio Poppitz
Rachel Claire Prizer**
Siyuan Qi
Yongchen Qian
Muran Qin
Yining Qu
Amanda Methika Randunne
Gianni Felipe Rasetto
Kriti Rastogi*
Vaishnavi Reddy
Vijaya Lakshmi Reddy
Lawrence Sanders Redmond
Peyton Elizabeth Rees
Alex Scott Reid
Sophia Emmaline Rice
Uziel Edgar Rios
Holly Elizabeth Robinson
Fabian Alexev Robles
Allie Ann Rodgers
Abigail Lilly Roman**
Cecelia Margaret Rose
Michael Ru
Qinchen Ruan
Gabriela Margaret Rucker
Alexandru Rudi
Ryan Stephen Ruhde
Dong Chan Ryu
Fahad Salman
Abigail Miriam Saltzman
Daniel Quentin SanGiovanni**
Daniel Dae-Sung Sanz
Shivam Saran
Sofia Sarmiento
Nishant Satapathy
Katerina Rose Savvides**
Zohar Adrianna Schettini
Bailie L. Schock
William Joseph Schuler
Benjamin Schwartz
Noah Schwartz
Tiana Ruth Scott
Jewel Blessing Sekle
Annie Seo
Byungsoo David Seo
Jonathan Lee Sgaglione*
Adam Preston Shah
Tanvi Shah
Muhammad Haider Shahid
Akash Shanmugam
Wenyi Shao
Parul Sharma*
Hanan F. Shehadeh
Annie Shen
Yishen Shen
Bakai Kubanychbekovich
Huachen Shi
Michael Shi
Wenzhe Shi**
Samuel Abraham Shih
Ayusha Shrestha
Krithika Shrinivas
Jacob Mitchell Shupak
Liam Benyamin Simckes
Luke Ashley Sims
Balwant-Amrit Virk Singh
Ramandeep Singh
Tanisha Sinha
Connor Smith**
Leah Sidonie Smith**
Jessica Emily Solomon
Haorui Davy Song
Yoon-Suh Song
Caroline Grace Spancake
Susanna Arletta Spooner
Henry Laird Stewart
Maxwell Su
Jiayu Sui
Jesse Sun*
Pu Sun
Sarah Claire Swiderski**
Faiza Syed
Frederick Orrin Tackey
Esha Hitesh Talati*
Sierra Louise Talavera-Brown
Anusha Tanneru
Luisa S. Taverna
Stephanie Francis Smithe Teng
Lois Tracy Naameyah
Katelyn Alexis Thomas
Weiyi Tian
Akshat Toshniwal
Kristina O. Trifonova
Kara Jenelle Trotman
Caleb Hoang Truong
Randy Truong
Hsing-tien Tsai
Sherry Tsui
Michael Z. Tu
Nina Christina Turcanu
Brooke Elizabeth Tylka
Ashwin Ujre
Amal Fatima Umerani
Emilie Chenda Ung
Afshin Kabiru Valani
Georgia Emmeline Van Doorn
Julia Anne Varner
Nikhita Hema Vasan
Kiara Ailani Vazquez Narvaez
Andres Everardo Velasquez
Rachel Mary Vellanikaran
Aditi Sathishkumar Vellore
Nina Vijayvargiya
Derek Villanueva
Carlos Dylan Villatoro
Parth Subhash Virani
Sophie Hoang Vo
Nandish Ketan Vora
Truong Gia Khanh Vu**
Jenny Thuy Vy**
Elizabeth Kate Wagman
Nevin Rikhy Walia
Isabel Danu Wallgren
Daniel A. Walters
Harry Haolun Wan
Amy Shuran Wang
Anthony Anshih Wang
Boqi Wang
Caiwei Wang
Emily Hsu-Chi Wang
Grace Wang**
Hao Wang
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Jessica X. Wang
Lily Xiaoyi Wang
Runming Wang
Ruohe Wang
Sihan Wang
Silu Wang
Yiyao Wang**
Yizhou Wang
Yongyi Wang
Yuchen Wang*
Yuqi Wang
Yuwen Wang
Zanmin Wang
Zheyu Wang
Winslow Chung Lu Wanglee
Sydney Marie Warner
Alaina Louise Waters
Marshall Alexander Webster
Mengzhe Wei**
Zeou Wei**
Nicholas Victor Weinrich
Samuel Ellis Weinstein
Jory Hannah Weiss
Jacob Nathaniel Wessell
Emma Gabrielle West
Grace Moore Wetsel
Olivia West Willingham
Niner Wilson
Alexia Witthaus Vine
Maxwell Robert Wolpert
Jennifer A. Wolters
Yena Woo
Daniel Joseph Woodruff
Aaron K. Wozniak
Alyssa Y. Wu
Carissa Huan Wu
Kevin Wu
Peihan Wu
Yunjie Wu
Yuxuan Wu
Jingao Xu
Lennox Everest Xu
Zhongzheng Xu
Renhao Xue**
Jayant Dave Yagnick
Jiarui Yan
Anna Yang**
Shuoyuan Yang
Tianen Christopher Yang
Yi Yang
Zhenglang Yang
Clifford Obiri Yeboah
Alicia Yin
Yuxin Yin
Miyuka Yoshida
Aya Raifat Youssef
Joanna Yu**
Melanie Feng Yu
Michael Ryuta Yu
Trent Yu
Qingyue Yuan
Qinxin Yuan
Zachary M. Zaiman
Annabelle Lola Zekeri
Helena Abebaw Zeleke
Christopher Zeuthen
Daren F. Zhang
Drason Han Zhang
Eric Yi Zhang
Hengrui Zhang
Kuo Zhang
Luoran Zhang
Lynnea Jia Lin Zhang
Minxing Zhang**
Ting Dan Zhang
Yongqi Zhang*
Yujia Zhang
Zechen Zhang
Zhuyan Zhang
Zishang Zhang**
Ziyang Zhang**
Ziming Zhao**
Alexander Zhong
Elaine Hsihang Zhou
Grace Chenfei Zhou
Nam Zhou
Ziyu Zhou
Jedidiah Zhongyao Zhu
Wendy Zhu*
Cathy Zhuang
Chengzhi Zou
Wencen Zou
Associate of arts degree
candidates were presented by
Interim Dean Kenneth Carter on
Saturday, May 6; conferral of the
degrees by the president.
F M
Susan Y. Ashmore
Brenda Harmon
S M
Eva Alexandra Capelson
Jahnavi Chamarthi
Audrika Chattaraj
Rachel Meira Friedman
Siri Barbara Johnson
Lydia Anne King
Seoyoung Lim
Jonathan Sterrie
Max Brian Migdon
Reaghan P. Moore
Nathaniel Skye Nash
Gitanjali Paladugu
Trinity Kate Peck
Satwik Vakada
Navya Sai Valavala
Presentation to the president,
by Interim Dean Carlos del Rio,
of candidates for the degrees
of bachelor of medical science,
master of medical science, doctor
of medicine, and doctor of
physical therapy; conferral of
the degrees by the president.
F M
Erica Brownfield
S M
Joshua Fournier
B 
M S
Peyton Grace Allison
Enya Cailin Barnes
Dru Blakeney
Margo Elaine Delaney
Nicholas Edward Harris
Aungelic Latrice Hughes
David Daniel Lee
Chang Bin Park
Samuel Austin Parks
Anna Clare Parrish
Fuoad Saliou-Sulley
Savannah Paige Sanderson
Kaitlynne JoAnne Sperano
M 
M S
Oluwatoyin Adedapo-Jimoh**
Benjamin Anderson**
Angela Darlene Andrews
Cedar Kruesi Brock Baker**
Blake Darby Ballard**
Morgan Anastasia Swan
Andrew Carson Bartley**
Kathryn Jalal Bauman**
Akos Berthold
Dana Marie Bocinsky**
Kasandra Lauren Bost**
Elise Pippert Boudreaux**
Samantha Sue Bowie**
Madeleine Przybyl Boyte**
Megan Jasmine Childs**
Christina E. Cho**
Megan Diane Clack**
Shannon R. Connolly**
Allison Meyer-Hopp Cooper**
Kathryn Brooke Crawford
Sarah Jane Crawford
Grace Caroline Daniels**
Countess Ayana Davis**
Hanna Averill DeMeester**
Jonathan David Derryberry**
Beverly Ann DiCorso**
Matthew Joseph Driscoll**
Shannon Marie Duffy**
Jennifer Lynn Dykeman
Avery Louise Elloway**
Brooke Cynthia Ferris**
Vanicki CaShay
Kaleb Flores**
Bria Katherine Frehner**
Jenna Wray Gladney
Elaine Catherine Golden**
Hannah Rose Grindling
Matthew I. Guy**
Lily Jieun Ha**
Katherine Monica Hall**
George M. Hunt
Sharanya Iyer
Taylor Nicole Juretic**
Andrew Philip King
Katie Adelaide Knight**
Brent Michael Leonard**
Mingxin Lin**
Lucas Emilio Lopez
Daniel Joseph Lor**
Jhonny Josue Lorenzo**
Anna Katherine Luquire**
Christopher Jalen Madden**
Haley Martin**
James Keith Martin**
Hakim V. Maurice**
Joshua Michael McAuliffe**
Danielle Katherine Mitchell**
Joshua Lance Morris**
Abel P. Nguyen**
Bernadette T. Nguyen**
Jacquelyn Elizabeth Nunez**
Jennifer Michelle Olshanskaya**
Hannah Lee Palmer**
Cody Wayne Phillips
Christian Thomas Price
Melayna Rose Prudhomme**
Julia M. Ritch**
Ky Tai Le Ruiz**
Taylor Rose Sabato
Cole R. Sarembock**
Keegan W. Schlager**
Samuel J. Secord**
Ellen Seno**
Jamie Samantha Shatz**
Gina Shipman
Brynn Shrom
Caroline Blake Szczecinski**
Yazmin Amanda
Tenorio Chavarria
Ann Lockard Thorne
Kristine Tran**
Arlen Tucker**
Jay Visbal**
Avina Jignesh Vyas**
Isabel Cecilia Walker**
Colleen Marie Weber**
Cedar Wilkening**
Melissa Beth Williams**
Anthony Wolfer**
Katayon Yadegari**
Gabriel Adrian Yoon**
Julia Yu**
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
D  M
Michael Thomas Aaberg
Oluwasegun Alfred Adeagbo
Simon Bishoy Akhnoukh
Colleen Elizabeth Alexander
Ryan Hoffman Archer
Nadia Azad
Soufiane Azargui
Samridhi Banskota
Joshua Delgado Barbosa
Greti Barokas
Joseph Aaron Behnke
Mackenzie Price Bennett
Sabrine Bensouda
Daniel Jonathan Berger
Christine Marie Bethencourt
Cameron Blount
Caroline Berg von Linde Braun
Matthew Brown
Huyen Thanh Bui
Kyle Elizabeth Bundschuh
Dina Busaba
Ramoncito Lagman Caleon
Patrick Ashton Cardel
Claire Lucia Castellano
John Wesley Chancellor
Anjali Chandra
Daniel Yunmin Chang
Lena Chu
Drake Weston Conner
Lisette Marie Corbin
Charles Edouard Crepy
Gregory L. Darville II
Christian Thomas Devlin
Lily Catherine Devlin
Sean Patrick Doyle
Audrey Marie Duquette
Lucie Kaiyi Fan
Samir Cyrus Faruque
Kevin Churchill Flood
Kingsley Fortin-Leung
Stephanie Lynne Foster
Rachel Lynn Clauson Slappy
Ameya Gangal
Apoorva Gangavelli
Elisa Garcia Gomez
Anna Magdalena Goebel
Harrison Malone Goodall III
Brendan Gray
Marcus Gresham
Danielle Louise Harlan
Paige Louise Harmon
William Harousseau
Vincent Julian Hayward
Michaela Maria Henderson
Mary Sims Hershey
Jonathan Michel Heyman
Hannah Louise Hoff
Katie Louise Jackson
Adam Avraham Jamnik
Emily Hyery Jung
Candice Yang Kaminski
Lucky P. Khambouneheuang
Henry Walker Kietzman
Joshua Hyunkee Kim
Hana Muse Kusumoto
Charles B. Lane
Courtney Rae Lewis
Giancarlo Licitra
Oliver Liu-Lam
Stephanie Chiching Liu-Lam
Miguel Antonio Locsin
Emily Shea Lovern
Nicole Gillian Lue
Matthew Lee Margol
Andrea Martinez
Charles Edward Marvil
David Thomas Marvin
Troy Marxen
Jason Scott McLean
Alexander Robert Milani
Nneka Molokwu
Mohamed Munye
Danielle Erica Mustin
Parker Phi Nguyen
Tim Niyogusaba
Joseph Colin Novack
Chibueze Dominic Nwagwu
Akinade Adebayo Ojemakinde
Timothy Anders Olsen
Ezra In Soo Pak-Harvey
Cecily Mackie Parker
Thomas Edward Partin
Daniel Pastan
Mary Margaret Pelling
Tyler H. Perry
Sarah Helen Pirkle
Karunesh Reddy Polireddy
John Matthew Pothen
Benjamin Mark Rabin
Benjamin David Rapsas
Jessica Elyse Reed
Hannah Reiss
Isaiah Lawerance Rivera
Paola Alexandra Rodriguez
Aaron Michael Rosado
Robert Scott Roundy
Arrix Lamar Ryce
Daniel Rzewnicki
Michael Sayegh
Morgan E. Schafer
Kathryn Robinson Sharma
Aditya Sood
Patrick James Speck
Elinor Anna Stern
Sophia Lee Stylianos
Dale Tager
Oludamilola Temitope Taiwo
Jeffrey Quinn Taylor II
Oluwatoyin Thompson
Patience Temitope Timi
Vineet Ravi Tiruvadi*
Katya Marie Balach
Van Anderlecht
Olivia Ann VanBenschoten
David Cope Wang
Caroline Smith Wasserman
Clarence M. Williams Jr.
Travis Wilson
Emily Anne Wright
Richard Wu
Stephanie Nicole Wyman
D 
P T
Emily Kaitlyn Adams
Lily Ahn
Jessica Lynn Audy
Aliena Ayaz
Madison Victoria Beasley
Sydney Bennett
Miranda Boyden
Landen Brock
Brooke Brotzman
Stefano Campana
Peri Charapich
Hannah J. Christianson
Meredith James Copetillo
Alexis Faith Costlow
Megan Elizabeth Coyle
Allison L. D’Costa
Tessa Michelle Evans
Brandon Michael Ford
Joshua Lee Fournier
Raul Garcia
Lily Leal Graff
Nadia Hassler
Katherine Anne Hines**
Maxwell Ji
Gabriel Monae Jones
Hiroya Kosaki
Nina Llado
Yaohui (Jeff) Lou
Abigail Lynn Malcom
Shannon Elizabeth Marsh
Alexandra Mazza
Matthew D. McDaniel
Kylie Mink
Uchechukwu Obed Ifeme
Tara Jordan Moore
Olivia Mould
Alexandra Muench
Madison Amelia Orton
Tiffany Patch
Rahee Virendra Patel
Sarah Phrasavath
Cory James Prince
Brian Rozman Proppe
Kayleigh Elizabeth Rathbun
Brenee Kimsey Rockholt
Lydia Rotenberger
Alison Holland Spears
Madison Lee Strickland
Anne True
Aljoeson Walker II
Lily J. Wei
Madison M. Winter
Sharon Crystal Xu
Ziyan Xu
Presentation to the president,
by Dean Linda A. McCauley,
of candidates for the degrees
of bachelor of science in
nursing, master of nursing,
master of science in nursing,
and doctor of nursing practice;
conferral of the degrees by the
F M
Beth Ann Swan
S M
Erica Davis
Jenny Kim
B 
S  N
Ingrid Jayne Abel
Chisom Daisy Akali
Valerie Sophia Alanis
Ioana Andreea Albu
Trevon Bautista Allen*
Madeleine Ava Anderson
Tabitha Anderson-Service
Oyindasola Motunrayo Ayorinde
Gabriela Anais Baez
Ahanu Nathaniel Banerjee
Ariel H. Berwald
Jordan Bryce Best
Aubrey Leigh Blanchard
Lori Nicole Bowlin**
Jessica Kandace Brenner
McKinsey Brooke Brining
Avery Craig Browning
Angela Sue Buchanan**
Natalia Busuttil*
Roxana Castillo Rivas
Yvrose Charles
Donna Chen
Wesley Chu**
Heidi Chung
Cassandra Rose Clemente*
Anna Clounie
Kate-Chloe Coronado**
Paula E. Covert*
Amy Louise Curran**
Saffron Pu’uhonua Datta*
Audric Mayon Donald
Anah-Kate E. Drahn
Jessica Drop*
Emily S. Elder
Lennox Rodrigues Elrod
Madelyn Rachel Elster
Siman Mohamed Farah
Miry Motue Fear
Christina Michelle Fink
Matthew Scott Fischer
Zaria M. Ford
Brook Angel Gauthier*
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Anna Elizabeth Glowniak
Jennifer Paola Godoy Avila
Aileen Gayle Z. Gopez
Maria Chantelle Gresham**
Megan Elizabeth Halverson
Wendy Hernandez
Debbie Ho
April Yukyung Hong
Kathryn Hooper*
Catherine Hulme
Caroline Shrewsbury Hyde**
Kristina Nicole Jacobsen*
Hannah Beth Jarvis
Kirstin B. Jastak
Coi Jaydyn Jones*
Jeanne Jung
Caroline Marie Kee
Kaylha Demetria Kegel
Jiwoo Jenny Kim
Joshua Kim
Kimberly Kurniawan
Erin Michelle Laurens
Katie Yoon-ji Lee
Yuemeng Li
Hyun Tae (Paul) Lim
Lucy Ma
Sandra Esther Macias*
Andrea Madariaga
Allye Nicole Marko
Whittany Paige Martin*
Zamirah Monae Martin
Morgan Lynne Massa
Camille Michelle McClain
Taylor McPhail*
Sarah Elizabeth Milburn**
Tyler Nicole Miller
Ellie Jackson Mora*
Catrin Morris*
Olivia Estelle Nave*
Sara Louise Nelson**
Veronica Neutzler*
Laura Maryse Nicol
Anna Nieman
Arnelle Nketiah**
Deanna Alyse Noriega
Rachael Mojolaoluwa Obe
Ella Jule Ocasio
Valerie Ogden**
Kameron Michael O’Hara**
Emma Grace Olson
Gabriela Ortega
Clarke Denise Parham*
Allison S. Park
Amanda Elizabeth Pate
Trina My-Tran Pham
Vivienne Pauline Phemister
Emily Ramos
Maria Yvonne Pontuya Ramos
Sheyenne D. Reyes
Katherine Frey Rochlin
Cheryl Rodgers
Emma Roseman**
Rachel Felice Rudnicki
Madeleine Michelle Schult*
Payton Patricia Schult*
Jamie Ray Siegler*
Tatiana Slade
Lilah Beth Smolev
Jane Son**
Taylor Marie Sorensen*
Stephen Preston Stone Jr.
Danny T. Ta
Sylvia Tang
Annabelle Neel Tomlin
Ariana Torres*
Emily Toubali
Whitney Tran*
Jenae Nia Tribbett-Talley
Sydney Marie Turner
Joyceline Fekaa Tweneboa
Brianna Patricia Valverde
Danielle Nicole Vara
Lindsay Danielle Wade
Lauren Grace Wallace*
Savannah Julianne Wallace**
Abby Lee Wareham**
Diamond Watson
Ahmyya White**
Brendan Scott Williams*
Sara Ferebee Williams
Jaime N. Wong
Sienna Marie Woodyard
Kaya Makeda Wright*
Yuhua Wu
Ja’Mya Yancey
Yuting Yang
Charles Raymond Yzaguirre
M  N
Kristin Ashley Adams*
Rahel Yalew Addis**
Caylee Desiree Addison
Naddia Annastacia Ahmed*
Alyssa Shoshana Alalouf*
Reagan MacKenzie Albright**
Lindsey Ann Allen
Heather Allstrom*
Nicholle Kaitlyn Alto
Nana Ama Afriyie Amoah*
Caroline Anderson**
Bijaun Arnold**
Oluwafunmbi Oluwafunto
Aminata Bah**
Marie-Naomie Masengu
Kristie Erin Barnes*
Tara Ashlie Barney**
Nicketa Trishana Bernard**
Victoria Christina Birchett
Kathy Elsie Bonhomme*
Sara Boufakhreddine*
Anne Bowen-Long
Annie Boydston
Emma Rachel Bradford**
Naomi Bridger**
Courtney Nicole Britt**
Angelique Irene Marie Brown*
Brianna Matisse Brown*
Eleanor Virginia Brown**
Jaiylan Lauren Brown**
Nile Ecero Brown**
Margaret Helen Brucker*
Jami Lynn Bunner
Carly Burkhardt**
Wynter Grace Burlock
Alexandra G. Burney**
Lindsay Taylor Callahan**
Mary Callaway*
Avery Malloy Cavins**
Faith Elizabeth Cheplick*
Tauris Monique Claiborne
Tanna Coley**
Laura Constantinescu**
Amina Maree Cordova*
Danielle Marie Cortes*
Isabel Hilaria Cota**
Natalie Anne Dalimonte*
Chloe Sarah Davis**
Steven Charles Davis
Hannah Grace Day**
Blythe Nicole DeZayas**
Marika Deliyianni*
Anneke Demmink*
Ariel Taylor Denberg**
Harrison Boyd Diamond*
Nina Fujiwara Dipboye**
Myeisha Candace-Shantal
Katie Lynn Donnellon**
Melinda Duah**
Maria A. Duran Juache**
Robert Jackson Eaton*
Sarah Massey Echols*
Brianna Isabella Edmonston*
Omamuzo Henrietta Efeadue**
Alyssa Michelle Einstein*
Kimberly Lynn Ellis*
Rebecca Epright*
Thalia Escarcega*
Alexis Greer Espevik**
Arnisha Atkinson Evans
Mia Annis Facey**
Temitayo Maiya Falayi*
Leslie Taylor Farrell*
Juanisha Elizabeth Felder
Sophia Resia Ferere
Julia Fine**
Marina McBrien Freeburg*
Jacob Ryan Fridgen**
Lauren Danielle Friedman*
Jacelyn Levora Frierson*
Julie Elizabeth Gardiner
Karah Ann Gebhard
Hannah George*
Sophia P. Georges*
Joseph A. Goodson**
Bre’onna Lashun Green**
De’Miah Greene
Julia Louise Greene**
Grace Caroline Greenwell*
Margaret E. Griffin**
Kayla Carolyn Grover**
Kathryn Michele Haering*
Breanna Alexis Hamby*
Sarah Yesul Han*
Antoinette Leona Harper*
Jourdan Janae Harper**
Ashton Harris*
Shannon Breann Hawks*
Jennifer Elisabeth Haynes**
Taylor Alexandria Heaston**
Maia Ashley Heath*
Chloe Hendricks
Polyanna Keocharanay Heng*
Macy Elizabeth Henry**
Christina Anne Heppard**
Aria Danielle Hill
Meghan Margaret Hines**
Meghan Hiryak**
Paige Hoover
Chloe Marie Regina Hope**
Rebecca Horn**
Maeve Norinne Howard*
Aaliyah Jade Hubbard*
Ashleigh Elizabeth Hudson*
Chukwuebuka Nnamdi Ibeziako
Mei Sin Ieong
Jasmine Ja’Net Ingram**
Delaney Madisen Jackson*
Sophie Frances Jackson*
Trenidy Jenkins**
Alexis Teel John**
Tina Joksimovic
Tayana Jones*
Isabella Jordan
Jin Gyo Jung*
Johnson Chau Kam*
Bonwara Beatrice Kamara**
Rachel Kandzierski
Isbah Farid Kapadia*
Katelyn Keniston
Sean Brooks Kennedy
Tylah Adai Kennedy**
Morganne Joy Kerr**
Kainat Khan*
Christin Yeji Kim*
Hanna Kim
Joy Kim**
Ryul Hee Kim
Samuel Kim*
Kassidy Joan Klaphake
Rachel Koller*
Malar Kumarappan
John Eunjin Kwon*
Vi Lai*
Kristina Marie Lam**
Mariam Amber Latif*
Thi An Hao Le*
Daniel Lee*
Jenny Lee
Yejin Lee*
Joshua Daniel Lehrer*
Kristin Mckenna Lenderink*
Ada Leung
Claire Levar*
Sari Devorah Leven**
Brittiney Lewis*
Johnson Phillip Liem**
Annie Lim*
Olivia Leigh Linn*
Tylesha Lockett**
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
Maria Lopes*
Ellen Elizabeth Loudermilk**
Shania Lowery
Madison Paige Luckhaupt**
Kendra Lumpkin*
Marissa Allen MacDonald*
Cydney Jenae Mack
Andrew D. Maddox**
Kadian Kadeen Magerl*
Brandon Christian Magno*
Leah Maille**
Emily Malec*
Claudine Moma Malonga*
Gina Marie Mann**
Anthony Marshall*
Shannon Leigh Martensen*
Savannah Elyse Martin*
Olivia Grace Massucco*
Colette Mira Masunaga
Lauren Matherly*
Mary Margaret McCarthy
Joscelyn Alessandra McDonald
Christine Margaret McGowan*
Holly McGrory**
Alexandra Rose McHale**
Sarah Christine McLendon**
Alyssa Mychelle Meadows
Meredith Meagher**
Luke Thomas Medley*
Mireya Mendez
Josette Martinez Mendiola*
Jocelyn Merkin**
Megan Elise Mettler*
Briana Sade Miller
Michelle N. Mirjani*
Morgan Anne Mitchell*
Torri Alyssia Moore**
Shanelle Mikayla Morales-Allen
Renee LaJhaya Mostashari*
Caroline Jeanne Moulton*
Aditi Rammohan Narayan*
Urvashi Nath*
Jennifer Nguyen*
MinhAnh Thi Nguyen*
Sylviann Lovece Nguyen
Charlyne Anne Arellano
Eden Cole Norris**
Emily Northey*
Hannah Martin Ogden**
Ogechukwu Mavis Ohazuruike*
Chibuzor Adelakin Okonweze
Akelachi Okparanta**
Oluwaseun Oloruntoba
Esther Park*
Taylor Dawnyale Parrish**
Alana Leigh Parsons**
Bria Joi Pasley*
Sruthi Paspunoori
Juhi Patel*
Puja Pinakin Patel**
Serena Sunit Patel*
Tiffany Paul*
Amber Lynn Payne*
Alexa Rose Pazienza*
Diana Meehan Perreiah*
Kendall Newell Peterson**
Chandler Vaughan Phelps
Kaitlyn Taylor Pierson*
Caitlyn Romee Plattel
Kamilah Donrae Ali Plummer**
Jayde Avory Presley**
Essence Preston*
Mia Dawn Price-Ippolito
Genevieve Elizabeth Pritchard**
Noelle Graves Pruitt*
Janessa Analise Quintana**
Christina Nicole Raabe**
Savannah Leigh Ramsey*
Hannah Elizabeth Ray
Michelle Razo**
Angelica Renteria*
Nicole Marie Reynolds*
Alexandria Dynasia Riley
Bree Chante Rios-Bonner**
Jennifer Xiomara Rivas*
Ariella Roberts*
Haley Lorraine Rodrigue**
Dahlia Alicia Rodriguez*
Katharine Grayson Roever**
Alyssa Roger**
Grace Elizabeth Santaguida*
Gisela Santos
Katherine Yvonne Sasser**
Dominique Cierra Schneider*
Fabiane Apolinário Sención*
Shezza LaRose Shagarabi*
Deena Shapiro**
Kayla McKenzie Shaw**
Abigail Anne Shelton
Jannet Shim*
Allyssa Shoaf
Gabriella Moran Simonetti**
Sha’Leicia Moneya Simpson
Olivia Simpson-Duckworth*
Erica Situ*
Isake Akanke Slaughter
Heather Renee Smith
Kyana Smith**
Mia Smith**
Nia Renee Smith*
Savana Elyse Smith**
Caroline Grace Solberg**
Jennifer Christina Stai
Jayla Menano Starcher*
Rebekah Stephens**
Rachel Stevenson*
Sarah Elizabeth Steward
Unshante Strader*
Madison Haley Strine**
Symbol I’Line Swain
Mary Grace Sykes
Erica Nguyen Talosig*
John James Tarchis**
Kelsey Taylor*
Manuella Sandra Tematiau Tazo
Selina Mikael Tesfai
Kristen Danielle Teuscher**
Samantha Stephanie Thermidor
Dachona Brianna Thomas**
Jadaria Sera Thomas**
Savannah Elizabeth Thomas**
Kassaundra Rose Tickle*
Jessica Lauren Times**
Anna My Thi Tran*
Sarah Morgan Treadway**
Erykah Rochelle Trotter**
Savanna Jean Urick*
Andreina Valenzuela*
Carmen Vangalis*
Kelly Nicole Vanwert*
Gabrielle Diane Veselik
Brett Harrison Vogel
John Thang Tien Vu
Jason Daniel Wade*
Hannah Margaret Walton
Maya Deneen Ward*
Ashley Nicole Waters**
Sarah Wattkis
Abigail Marianne Webster**
Tara Ja’Net White**
ZeAndra Danielle Whitfield
Sophie Elizabeth Wilks**
Amelia Grace Williams**
Mark Dakota Williams
Shepard Williamson**
Marissa Ann Willis*
Priscilla Wong*
Kelsey Jolan Worthy*
A’metra L. Wright**
Carol Yoon*
Ravina Mukesh Zaveri*
Gretchen Louisa Zungailia**
M 
S  N
Megan Rae Amayo**
Alireza Arabnia**
Aileth R. Avila
Katherine Denise Blanchard**
Joya Deneen Bland**
Frances Weldon Boan**
Allison Rachel Boardman**
Ashley Elizabeth Borum**
Bobbyjoe Taylor Bridgman**
Allison Rose Cansler**
Patricia Anne Chambers**
Regina Sade Chen**
Tim Chi**
Aubrey Claxton**
Natalie Anne Clifton**
Taylor Cohen**
Hannah Ytterbo Coletta**
Katie Elizabeth Cooke**
Elizabeth Moore Cowart**
Elaine Margaret Cramer**
Nastassja Janaye Crawford**
De’Von Deon Cross**
Galit Sigal Deitel*
Zabeena Bashir Dharani**
Stacy Marie Dixon**
Heather Nicole Donaldson**
Carolyn Dymond**
Kristiana Engler**
Celina Yvonne Ensenat
William Daniel Erwin**
Jennifer O. Faluade**
Kelvin Flores**
Katherine Blair Ford**
Angelica Maria Forero**
Paulette Fuerst**
Amanda Marie Gearhart**
William Edmundson Geer**
Nicole Marissa German**
Iraj Ghaini Hesaroieh**
Amy Girard**
Ann-Robert Venable Goode**
Anastasia Greeley**
Courtney Morrell Gregory**
Erin Brielle Grissinger**
Mallory James Grizzle**
Courtney Clark Hawkins**
Reeves Whelchel Henderson**
Hannah Wassim Hojeij**
Jaimie Nicole Hollis**
Tali Jacobson*
Aisling Julia Kagan
Ahtyanna Kendrick**
Lauren Olivia Kim
Robyn Kim**
Mekayla Kiersten Kirt**
Sarah Danielle Knafo**
Maria LaMont**
Jung Min Lee**
Lulu Rosemary Lemma**
Rebecca Li**
Alexis Marie Lopez**
Rachael Logan Lott**
Rachel Elyse Manciagli**
Aaron J. Manders**
Cameron Arik Mazza**
Baralyn QaShonda McClurkin**
Tessa Elliott McDonnell**
Shemiko Sharae McInnis**
Meghan Kennedy McKee**
Caroline Newkirk McMinn**
Garrett Medley**
Elsa Mekonnen**
Aviva Leah Movsas**
Jordan Osur Myers**
Lesley Nicole Myrick**
Kayla Nicole Newstrom**
Sarah Nichols**
Sydney O’Donnell**
Rebecca Genz Ogrin**
Olivia Oliver**
Esther Itunu Olorunlona**
Clarissa Michelle Palmer**
Srutte Kala Panta
Hemali Patel**
Khusbu Vijaykumar Patel**
Shivani Patel**
Rosalie Plofchan**
Jessica Kate Podlaski**
Kimberly Puerto**
Natalie Rabb**
Madeline Elizabeth Ramirez**
Nandi Ramirez**
Kayatana Latrice Ramsby**
Rotrease S. Regan**
Megan Reilly**
Katelyn Leigh Reitz**
Chloe Alexander Reuland**
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Taylor Danielle Rhoads**
Ashley Rim**
Lucia Coral Roderique**
Brittany Nicole Ross**
Caroline Roth**
Jasmine Ryans**
Maria Bernarda Saavedra**
Julia Harber Schrogin**
Caroline Shuart**
Brittney Noel Smith**
Justin Souter**
Sara Ann Stone*
James Dorsey Strom III**
Luci Caitlin Marie Strong**
Briana Maria Suarez**
Jen Suarez**
Candice Darchell Sullivan**
Christine Tong**
Jennifer Tram**
Brionna Umstead**
Alexis Hope Vanbastelaer**
Carley Weeden**
Aubriel Weiner**
Julia Michelle Weirbach**
Sara Katherine White**
Katarina Sue Williams**
Emily Marie Windham**
John Moo Wood**
Norae S. Woodard**
Talia Zellner**
D 
N P
Marlen Alvarez**
Tannisa Denyell Bailey**
Bonnie Lou Barnette*
Ed Anthony Labid Bayya*
Tishan Diana Bowen-Gordon**
Danielle Joyce Broadnax**
Caitlin Lane Parham Burnett**
Kindra Rajiean Bussie**
Shelby Anne Collins**
Brittany Leigh Cunningham**
Sholana Day Daly*
Judson Thomas Eidson**
Anna Lauren English*
Kelly Goszkowicz**
Alexandra Smallwood Hanna*
Sierra Linsley Hardy*
Tia Leanne Harper**
Patricia Renee Harris**
Christopher Kyle Hopper*
Julie Kay Johnson*
Amy Labib**
Hannah Beverly Lecesne**
Bryce Liebel**
Carson Heatherly Marvin**
Ijeni Jessica Masagara**
Alexandra Jane McGuire*
Marye Angelyn McKenney**
Delaney Mae Morris**
Nana Aisha Nasir-Deen**
Emmanuela Neba*
Jessica Sahar Nooriel**
Janica Jitendra Patel**
Margaret Ann Payne*
Raynusha Pillai**
Lacie Elizabeth Piotrowicz**
Morgan Leslye Webb Sanders*
Priya Ramamurthy Schaffner**
Madeline Alyce Silva*
Nekea Alyse Smith**
Niambi Yvonne Smith**
John L. Stanton**
Sydney Mara Suss*
Eric Glenn Thomas Jr.*
Jessica Scott Thompson**
Jessica Hinton Vincent**
Katherine Torrance Welsh**
Polina Yakushchenko**
Presentation to the president,
by Dean Jan Love, of candidates
for the degrees of master of reli-
gion and public life, master
of theological studies, master
of theology, master of divinity,
and doctor of ministry; conferral
of the degrees by the president.
F M
Antonio Alonso
Nichole Phillips
S M
Emily Elizabeth Castelloe
Joshua Burgin Howard
M  R
 P L
Shundelle LaTjuan Dogan**
Katherine Owen Kennedy
Lee Wendell Loder*
Rebecka Denise Martin**
M 
T S
Arisha Abdullah Ali
Jonathan Parker Durrance
Julie Groke
Robert Alan Hinkle III
Joshua Burgin Howard
Lana N. Lockhart
Taniecia Adair McFarlane
Joseph Ryan Muti
Marija Ivanka Pritchard
Steven Michael Rooney
David Guild Runyon
Mari Shiukashvili
Dante Christian Stewart
Allison Jean Stickley-Miner
W Imlisangla W Imlisangla
Eric Hu Wang
Michael Anthony Yorke
M  T
Jakaela Louise Davis
Tamara L. Gurley*
Jae Eun Hwang
Chongneiril Kom Karung
Jonathan James Moehlig
Brendan Rossell Smith
Daryl Joy Walters*
Tammy L. Wiese**
JunSig Yoon**
Mose Yoon
M  D
Jun Hyung Ahn*
Karina Aragon-Buchanan
Sharrice L. Autry
Regina McGuire Barrett
Cerise Alana Barton
Nathan Aaron Bramel
Sarah Elizabeth Bueter
Allison Bailey Burnette
Emily Elizabeth Castelloe
Hangyoon Cho
Seongbin Cho
Sarah Elizabeth Cook
Lauren Noelle Cowan
Dyke Crane Jr.
Charlotte Jeanne Crofton
Molly Kathleen Rice Cross
Alexandra Margaret Daley*
McKaylin Madison Darsey
Brandon Antoine Davis
Travion Cortez Davis
Theneshia Shermain Dixon**
Sara Drew
Keyla Patrice Edwards
Kim Yvette Evans
Julia Celeste Falgout
Crystal Harper Fallesen
David Emmanuel Fitzer
Christian Alexander Foster
Kelsey Elise Gay
Nicholas John Grainger
Jesse William Guffin II
Ciarra Lashaune Henderson*
Logan Paul Henderson
Rachel Virginia Hester
Robert Paul Hollman*
Katherine Lynn Humelsine
Stacy Ingram**
Rodell Jefferson III
Ezekiel Isaiah James Johnson
Kayla Roselind Adina Jones**
Daniel Peter Kasbohm
Brooke Elizabeth Keneipp
Muriel Nmn Kennedy
Chulyu Kim
Margaret Burnley Kuester*
Andrew Paul Lake
Daeja Tonice Langston
Barry Everett Lee
Rebekah Grace Malpass
Angelo Luis Martinez*
Carmie Jones McDonald
Thomas Chasen McKoon
Aiden Gus McMahon
E. David Morgen
Keila Nicole Mumphord
Cassidy Lynn Padgett
Sotico Vinoya Pagulayan III**
Connor Edward Perry
Zachary Alexander Plants
Adira Briana Polite
Kandice Megan Ramsey
Christopher Mark Ray
Alexis Morgan Reed
Jacqueline Donna Maree
Rebecca Rowell**
Christopher Charles Rudolph III
Justala Faith Simpson
Justin Heemin Song
Kimberly Celeste Stephens
Barbara Grace Stiles Williams
Megan Kathleen Swett
Scott Andrew Taylor
Queen Jonafa’ Mychelle’
Ceu Lian Thang**
Alante’ Dejuan-Markii Thomas
Junmey Wang
Ryan Edward Washington*
Danny Joe Watson Jr.
Katie Marie Wax
Asti Nicholas White
Edward Alexander White Jr.
Mary Meagan Williams
D  M
James Rudolph Andrews II
Connie Elaine Bramlett
Aaron Keith Brewer
Peter Wilson Dietz
Elvyn Ledell Hamilton
Bryan Thomas Hinson
Darlene Marie Hutto
David Joshua Kim
Gregory O. Lawson
Stephanie Leonard
Meredith Frances Loftis
David Robert Lyle
Matthew Hunter Marston
Mandy Sloan McDow
Caroline Peacock
Craig Michael Pelissero
Timothy D’Arius Lamar Peoples
Daniel Rocco Randall
Jeffrey William Rogers
Elizabeth H. Shannon
Jennifer Lynn Shultz-Thomas
Khalif Akil Smith Sr.
Ryan Christopher Snider
Carolyn Albertha Stephens
Matthew Nolan Stone
Brian Armon Tillman
Jonathan Theodore Trapp
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
Presentation to the president,
by Dean Mary Anne Bobinski,
of candidates for the degrees of
doctor of juridical science, doc-
tor of law, juris master, master of
comparative law, and master of
laws; conferral of the degrees by
the president.
F M
Richard Freer
S M
Eric Wang
D 
J S
Nourah Alharbi**
Abdulrahman Fahad Samandar
D  L
Jolie S. Abrams
Stuart Algood
John Joseph Angel
Shabib Ansari
Morgan Ashurian
Shahin Alexander Assadnia
Martine Augustin
Elizabeth L. Autrey
Sarah E. Baker
Amy C. Barber
Samantha J. Bartley
Hannah Leigh Baskind
Steven T. Beldner
James Edward Belina
Natalie Rose Berkowitz**
Taylor Melony Denese Bernard
Grace F. Berner
Adrianna M. Bethea
Roman Black
Tyler J. Blackington
Caleesha U. Body
Suresh S. Boodram
Jonah M. Brafman
Joshua Walter Brennan
Harold E. Britton
Rhakeem J. Brown
Bailey Brusca
Sydney Calas
Matthew Albert Carter
Naomi-Beth Carter
Ethan Scott Case**
Enrique J. Chaljub Garcia
Maxwell Chase
Binjal Chaudhari
Shannon R. Cherney
Kathryn P. Chilton
Anna C. Chumley
Michael P. Clancy
Carson S. Clear
Blake Clevenger
Isabella Marie Codinach
Simon Cohen
Stephen K. Constantakes
Carson Lenore Cook
Carson B. Cromartie
Bryant G. Cross
Caylie Cross
Adrienne G. Culver
Abigail Kay Dagher
Nicole M. Davies
Kobie J. Davis
Olivia K. Dean
Frank William DeBorde Jr.
Eliza Ashley del Carmen
Sarah Raichlen F. Denhard
Anna Louise Denton
Jack Dewinter
Madison Blair Dodge
Kristina Michele DuBois
Kevin C. Duong
Florian Dylewski
Eric Frank Edmonson
Carter Michael Eldreth
Amoy Reneé Ellis
Misty Ifeanwuli Ezejiofo
Nicole Falcone
Taylor Fay
Robert Spartan Ferrari
Henry Carson Fink
Natasha V. Fisher
Daniel J. Fitzpatrick
Kayoko Meagan Fong
Meredith Morgan Freidheim
David Craig Frisch**
Anna Gabianelli
Vaibhav Ganesh
Matthew Evan Gang
Darian K. Gann
Michael James Gauch
Alyssa Grace Gill
Radley A. Gillis
Ari B. Gordin
Steven R. Grayes
Jake Greenstein
Patricia Marlow Greer
Michael Foster Gregory
Khari Malik Griffin
Steven Eric Grotch
Jacklyn Patricia Gunn
Ashley M. Guthrie
Alana Gutierrez
Brooke Nicole Hamby
Elizabeth Marie Hanna
Josephine Jenkins Hardin
Ellie Marie Harris
Payton Hein
Annemarie Faith Heitz
Elizabeth F. Hemann
Grabiela D. Hernandez
John Hillman
Sloan L. Hodges
Holley Nichols Howell
Adriano Iqbal
Cesar Augusto Iturrino
Jessica Jackson**
Samuel Jasinski
Arvind Jayakumar*
Jae Yeon Jeong
Alexis D. Johnson
Nicole K. Johnson
Samuel Timothy Johnston
Charles Jones
Saxon Shiraia Kagume
DaYoun Kang
Marianthi Marcella Karas
Mary Katherine Karcher
Kevin J. Kaufman
Heidi Maria Keller
Bryce M. Kelly
Sarah K. Kelly
Rachel Christine Kennedy
Ethan D. Kim
Hye Yoon Kim
Taeyeong Kim
Skylar Amanda Klein
John Joseph Kokolakis
Kamari Javon Koonce
Samantha Krenson
Brook F. LaBounty
Lucy V. Lansing
Tyler Lavender
Donna A. Le
Sarah H. Leflar
Jacob G. Lille
Harrison M. Lipsky
Shannon Elaine Lundin
Katelyn N. Luong
William Henry Aplin Lyon
Lauren A. Madeira
Sonya A. Maharaj
Claire Cathleen Maloney
Ahmad H. Mango
David Marini Jr.
Robert M. Markus
Brooke Halle Mason
Christina Mason
Jonathan A. Matthew
Nicholas Stratton Matthews
Kendrick Bryce McCabe
Reese A. McCullough
Robert McKendry
Kristan Makayla McLendon
Nathan M. McMullen
Timothy A. McWhirter
Halak S. Mehta
Yiyang Mei**
Sauliha Begum Mitchell
Virginia Grace Mitchell
Irene Naomi Mizuki
Nathan J. Monga
Elise N. Moormann
Logan Moran
Kathryn Morris
Christina R. Morrison
Samuel Moulton
Melissa Danielle Murphy
McKenzie Rivers Nadel
Shion Nagasaka
Georgia R. Neal
Evan Steel Nelson
Kelly Nguyen
Adam Jaret North
Eugene O’Halloran
Caitlin Elizabeth Oh
Victoria T. Olender Hellstrom
Hailey Olesnavich
Alexandra Noelle Opdyke
Eleanor R. Parker
Alexander Paul Patton
Shelby Lee Peek
Shane Plavin
Marilyn Claire Plecha
Rushton Davis Pope
Zachary J. Poretz
Carlton Powers
Ryan Matthew Preston
Rae Ra
Elliott D. Race
Jake A. Rauchberg
Jennifer Eileen Reefe
Anne C. Reid
Wyatt J. Reid
Savanha D. Renald
Lauren Marie Rennecker
Gabrielle Resnick
Joshua Richards
Rebecca Rigas
Valentina Rivera
Jordan Robinson
Trey Lamont Robinson
Jacob A. Rodon
Andrew Rogalski
Alyssa P. Rogowski
Laura Suzanne Rossi
Alex J. Rozas
Kellsie Davis Ruane
Jack Ryan
Insiyah Saeed
Mordechai Sahler
Johnson Alexander Salisbury Jr.
Bonnie Elizabeth Schipper
Addison M. Schlatter
Stephanie Schorsch
Grant Michael Schwabrow
Danielle Bimston Shapiro
Matthew Thomas Sharon
Zoe E. Shields
Kyle Amendt Shimomura
Hunter D. Snowden
Emily Kathleen Spears
Margaret Sport
Rebecca Spraggins
Renuka Rani Srivastava
Everett Richard Stanley
Maddison J. Stemple-Piatt
Joseph H. Stone
Virginia Marion Strauss
John Peter Stupek
Caitlin Siobhan Suarez
Ian M. Surdell
Emmakristina Patricia Sveen
Jadyn D. Taylor
Grayson Scott Thompson
Megan D. Toomer
Kevin D. Tran
Caroline E. Tripp
Sravya Vallapureddy
Justine A. Vandermel
Mary Kathryn Ayers Velazquez
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Stephanie Elizabeth Verdery
Julie Uyen Nguyen Vo
Rachel A. Waddey
Nicole Marie Waitzman
Alexandria Walls
Eric Hu Wang
Ané Onika Wanliss
Joseph Benjamin Ward
Andrew M. Weiner
Destiny D. Williams
Jordan Wirth
Madeleine R. Wood
Chuanze Yan
Sydnie L. Zachary
Aviya Zarur
Jack Zheng
J M
Jill Suzanne Allen*
Faith Bagot**
Michael Wade Bailey
Olubunmi Bakare
Adrian Brown
Maria Ester Carthon
Philip Dow
Latrice E. Eggleston Williams*
Kiran Ejaz
Elliott Doral Farmer Jr.
Memory Melody Gardner**
Karen Delores Glover
Aissatou Guisse**
Sophie Haralson
Jay Johnson*
Aliana Lawrence**
Kevin Lewis**
Tiarra M. Lewis
Cassandra Dee Littlejohn*
Michelle Eleen Miles Meertins
Elena Warmack Morales**
Maria Oppedisano*
Donica Paasewe*
Brooke Parker*
Lisa Marie Perry
Arlo Pittman**
Marion R. Piérre*
Amanda Polk
Shirell Rivers-Edmonds
Sharicka Samuels-Johnson
Tomina Schwenke
Weslynn Tillman-Cherry*
Carol Yvonne Tucker-Burden
Kelleya White*
Joel Zivot**
M 
C L
Gloria Wang*
Wen Wang*
M  L
Marcel Beck
Kaiwen Chen
Yun Cheng*
Yingjin Dai**
Alissa Andrea Del Pino Hidalgo
Susanne Kirkeby Eieland**
Jing Jiang
Sun Won Kim
Bowen Li
Danping Li**
Xiaoyun Liu
Minghui Ma
Chiara Marano
Keerthan Mohan Murali**
Naomi Emeka Nwokolo**
Amaka L. Nwosisi
Leticia Pavlak**
German Giovanny Pinzon
Loren Rodrigues Silva
Jose F. Santos**
Pauline Schneider**
Priya Shah
Robert None Sharp Jr.
Hee Jun Shin
Simon Stormer**
Tsimbombu Eric Wa
Xiang Xiao**
Jingwen Zhang
Xinyi Zhang*
Presentation to the president, by
Dean Gareth James, of candidates
for the degrees of bachelor of
business administration, master
of analytical finance, master of
business administration, master
of professional accounting, and
master of science in business
analytics; conferral of the degrees
by the president.
F M
Jan Barton
Allison Burdette
Marina Cooley
Allison Kays
Tom Smith
S M
Daniella Nakash
John Robert Schellhase
B  B
Eve Anna Abraham
John Accardi Jr.
Shriya Agarwal
Mohak Agrawal
Hashim Ahmed**
Edward Junhyuk Ahn
Oluwatomisin Morenike Akanbi
Iara Sheridan Al-Schamma
Jared Blake Albert
Jarred Bryan Allen
Uddhav Almal
Benjamin Grant Altschuler
Nan An**
Shivansh Anand
George Edward Anderson
Zachary H. Anderson**
Jai Arora
Ayah Noor Assaadi
Holly Violet Astley-Sparke
Akhil Sai Atluri
Mariane Auza Suarez
Abigail Florence Baisley
Ishika Bajaj
Joshua Bladen Baker
Tia Marie Bakhaya
Jack Henry Ballato
Rebecca Jane Bamforth
Valerie A. Barajas
Cameron Barrett
Caleb Jansen Bart
Nikita Baskar
Quetzal Baum
Guillermo Andrés Bendeck
Rahul Bendre
Bryce Preston Benjamin
Emily Nicole Berger
Kyle Robert Berkowitz
Samantha Eidlin Bernstein
Aanya Sneha Bhandari
Saumya Bhartia
Samantha Xinyun Bian
Olena O. Bilukha
Jason Tyler Bisgay
Oliver Leo Blackman
Benjamin Matthew Block
Joshua Monet Block
Michael C. Bole
Jaeden Alexander Boschulte
Ethan S. Brandon
Julia Braun
Owen Robert Breen
Justin Samuel Bright
Peri Gillian Brooks
Halle Elizabeth Brown**
Hunter McCarley Bryson
Abigail Erin Bucklin
Aiden Jordan Buettgen
Lucas John Bumgarner
James Kennett Burch
Grace Ann Byers
Sarah Grace Byers
Luke Christopher Carey
Alyssa Nicole Castillo
Arlen Castillo Gonzalez
John P. Cawood
Leonardo Cerda
Margaret Chang
Marco Antonio Chapa
Jessica Chen
Meng-Che Chen**
Yu Jia Annabelle Chen
Cindy Cheng
Joseph J. Choi
Brian Juwon Chong
Amanda Yuewen Chu
Alyssa Chuang*
Alicia Chung
Camille Emmathomas Ann Clay
Elizabeth Sofia Cohen
Zachary R. Cohen
Gianni Colbertaldo
Margarethe Kuhl Conner
Edith Cortez Lopez
Emma Claire Costin
Eleanor Chandler Cottrill
Hernan Jose Cueva Arteta**
Grant Adam d’Adesky
Arianna Victoria Dabdoub
Nicolas Sebastian
de Diego Arozamena
Juan Jose De Mendiola**
Willa Rae DeMasi
Bowen Deng
Zhiqi Deng**
Ian Michael Deuberry
Coumba Diao
Katherine H. Dong
Grant Paul Drogosch
Julian Dubeck**
Myles K. Dunn
Seth Elliot Eisenstein
Marawan Moustafa Elgohry
Tallie Yvonne Elisha
Kira Xian Eng
Andrew Stephen Esses
Nathan Fang
Zachary Alexander Feldman
Noah James Finkelstein
Audrey G. Flammang
Andrew R. Florence
Valentina Fontainhas
Paige Aaliyah Forbes
Asa Nance Forman
Zachary Daniel Forman
Grace Gianna Formichella*
Anna Elizabeth Fossier
Jeremy Alex Friedman
Matthew Sean Friedman
Emily Frost
Jessica Yishu Fu*
Mahee Gandhi
Runjia Gao**
William Gao
Zelin Gao
Daniela Maria Garcia Perello
Molly Elizabeth Gassman
Camila Gedanken
Andrew Peter Gellert
Deming Geng
Rebecca Grace Gerber
Thomas J. Getman
Joshua Robert Giardinelli
David S. Gibbons
Navkaran Singh Gill
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
Spencer Broderic Gillie
Alexa Susan Goetz
Julia Beth Goldman
Cassidy Elizabeth Goldsmith
Michael Alexander Golob
Oscar Ivan Gomez Nava
Tenzin Tsomo Gonshar
Adriana Gonzalez
Dhruv Goswamy
Aryan Gourisaria
Sarah Elizabeth Groh
Victor Gueiros*
Noufissa Guennoun
Arnob Guha
QiRong Guo
Ishika Gupta
Pranav Gupta
Laurence Joseph Habbouch**
Samantha Eden Haberfield
Jack Kenneth Hahn
Adeshola J. Hanciles
Sarah Harari Minian
Ellen Marie Harnisch
Liam Xavier Harvey
Mohamed Hashim
Carmelo Hawkins
Yueming He
Abigail Joelle Heimlicher
Cole Francis Hendricks
Dany Hernandez Gonzalez
Sofia Jennifer Himmel
Eugene Hong
Amaia Darcel Howard
Hui-Lun Hsu
Ziyan Hu
En-Ting Huang
Zhaoqi Huang
Lauren Denise Huiet
Cole Harper Huntley
Simran Fahima Hussain
Janet J. Hwang
Benjamin Aaron Jacobson
Eliza Rose Jagid
Anushree Jain
Pranav Jain
Ksheera Jalakam**
Mabel Lin Ji
Krish Jogani
Jacob Atticus Johnson
Mason T. Johnson
Brittany Aljalae Jones
Manushri Kanoria
Benjamin Evan Kaplan
Anne Elizabeth Kaser
Samantha Grace Kass
Amit Vivek Kavadi
Ryan Everett Kessler
Varun Khanna
Lili Kibel
Ruth Abrha Kiflu
Emily H. Kim
Heuitae Kim
Seong-Hyeon Kim
Natalie Paige Klar
Jennifer Alexandra Kloner
Sydney L. Knecht
Praneeth Sai Kolli
Joyce Chepchumba Korir
Zachary Connor Kornblum
Colin Edward LaFave
Riya Lakkaraju**
Ethan Henry Lane
Vivek Deval Lashkari
Lilian Phi Le
Angela Sarah Lee**
Daniel Suhwan Lee
Jacob Alexander Lee**
Pole Yoonhyung Lee
Sanghyun Sean Lee
Shineui Lucas Lee
Si Eun Lee
Tzu Tung (Nicole) Lee
Victoria Ambre Léger
Joshua Eli Levy
Isaiah Edgar Dominic Lewis*
Jiayi Li
Kaiyuan Li
Xiaoran Li**
Rachael Lim
Sofia A. Lim
Jiaxin Lin
Olga Lindner
Eleanor H. Liu
Jessica Jiexi Liu
Xiangyu Liu
Xingnan Liu
Zhi Luo
Jing Lyu
Pengyu Ma
Madison Patricia Mae
Allison Claire MacMillan
Sachi Madan
Chana Mahadumrongkul
Calla Marie Mahr**
Michael Reese Mariam
Eli Jacob Mars
Nicole Sophia Martinez
Mina Masody
Jack Leander Masonis
Aman J. Mavani
Ethan Louis Mayblum
Marisa Kai-Lee McMorris
Ian Wayne McMurry
Jael Woladem Medzagoh**
Meenakumari Shankar
Luna Adorno de Mello
Peter Raimund Melton
Justin Melton-Tudor
Noah Lev Meyer*
Ryan Everett Michelson**
Gatlin Jae-Shik Miller
Thomas Mills III
Shuhan Min
Bonny Minn
Janhavi Minocha**
Vikesh Manoj Mirpuri
Tara Mittal
Amal Amrish Mody**
Dara Moghadam
Shreya Mohandas
Michael J. Moll
John Jungtaek Moon
Jake Moreh
Ashley Nicole Morel
David Foster Mosden**
Jonathan David Mukamal
Ethan T. Nadeau
Manish M. Nagaraj
Daniella Nakash
Lauren Namer
Isabella Grace Nash
Sophie Nordine Nathanson
Israel Negrete-Abreu
Kayla Brooke Nejat
Laila Nordberg
William K. O’Daffer
Ama A. Ofosu
Sidney Oladipo
Gabriel James Olesky
Kiaya Mozelle Padmore
William Yet Fan Pang
Alexander Michael David Panton
Ishaan Parikh**
Eugeane Park
George Park
Sarah Park
Yogini Patel
Brian Swift Peck
Justin Alexander Pecore
Sahitya Peggerla
Henry Nielsen Pelinski
Prunella Leimope Olopai
Jiayi Peng
Benjamin Edgar Perez
Emma Evelyn Petr
Jenna Merri Pfeffer
Jessica Phan
Malcolm Stephen Phillips
Trinity Ann Pizzuti
Joseph Ryu Pogue*
Ayk Polat
Jack Edward Polzin
Julian Rafael Portis-Escoto
David Joshua Portnoy
Marisa A. Powell
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Price
Luke Royal Price
Joshua Walker Pritchard
Ria Puri
Kunal Anand Purswani
Alan Qiu
Monica Quirante
Raheel Rafiq Rahim
Catalina del Carmen
Ramos Nasser
Rebecca Paige Raphaelson
Fizza Rehman
Anna P. Rhoads
Jacob Alexander Ribotsky
Sabra K. Rich
William Colin Richards
Treyson Rielly**
Nicholas Carson Robinson
Aviel Rodriguez
Dariana Mia Rodriguez
Andrew Kenneth Roisenberg
Ethan James Rosen
Dustin Ari Rosenfeld
Sydney Lauren Rosenkrantz
Stefano Scomparin Rossetti
Ethan Joseph Rothstein
Lia Rose Rubel
Tanvi Lalitha Rudraraju
William Tyler Russell
Jonathan Gabriel Russo
Jt Ryan**
Thomas Anthony Ryan
Ryan Dongmin Ryu
Alexander Isaac Sadock
Matthew Louis Saltzman
Thomas A. Sarsfield
Sarah Scherzer
Alec Reid Schmigelski
Aaron Jacob Schrader
Adam Noam Schreiber
Sadie Ilana Schwartz
Matthew Bond Scruton
Emily Lauren Shaener**
Vipasha Subodh Shah
Heather Shao
Lauren Ashley Sharp
Chuheng Shi
Wesley Davidson Shick
Haixin Shou
Rayaan Krishna Shrestha
Stephanie Julia Shulman
Sandhya Shyam
Xiaoyang Si
Aaron Walter Silk
Elene Victoria Marques Silva**
David Eunoo Sim
Jaylen Michael Simons**
Emelia Rose Sinconegui
Benjamin Gilbert Singer
Hannah Siegel Smith
Luíza Peres Guimarães Sobreira
Noah Aaron Sochaczevski
Dina Rose Sofair
Aron Oogie Sohn**
Kripa Solanki
Sherraina Yang Song
Xianghong Song
Ziwei Song**
Meera Rajesh Sood
Savannah Mae Sowards
Natalie Adelle Spitzer
Paakhi Srivastava**
Josephine Monica Steenbergen
Sawyer Grossman Steinmiller
Corey Taft Stern
Ethan Irving Sternberg
Hang Su
Jacob Salvatore Sugarmann
Brian N. Sun
Weihao Sun
Yutong Sun
Mark Sverdlov
Kimia Tabatabaei
Hongyi Tang**
Michael Harris Tanz
Matthew Leon Tanzer
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Hongye Tao
Yu Tao*
Justin E. Taub
Andrea Tejada
Aaron Lee Thaler
William Christian Tichy**
Claire Toh
Sophie Torosyan
Nicholas Trimble
Ved Ravindra Udare
Carolina Patricia Undurraga
Justin K. Urban
Aneri S. Vakil
Daniel Valencia
Isha Nandan Valia
Feride Varol
Andrew Philip Varughese
Lorena Ivon Ventura**
Lyric Brenet’ Vinson**
William Vo
Mayur Vora**
Pranav Wadhwa*
Jayna Jill Waldman
Jia Wan*
Aoran Wang**
Derek Jason Wang
Emily Wang
Spencer Wang
Stephanie Wang
Tianhao Wang*
Wuxiong Wang
Xinyi Wang
Yuyao Wang
Zeyu Wang
Zhenghao Wang
Landon Alexander Warner
Tommy Edward Warner III
Michelle Wassmuth
Brady Douglas Watkins*
Spencer Savid Weinhoff
Ethan Wesselkamper
Naomi Michelle White
Robert Christopher Wilson
Abigail Jungah Woo
Max Wu
Katelyn Anne Wunsch
Ziqi Xu
Audrey Yang**
Jeremiah Woong Yang
Meng T. Yang
Qianyi Yang
Siheng Yang
Sooyoung Yang
Jonathan Michael Yellen
Jiwoo Yeon**
Qing Ying
Suh Ho Yoo
Timothy David Yoon
Yongle Yu
Yue Yu**
Brian Jee Yun**
Jordan Ashley Zelikoff
Jiayi Zhan
Hengkai Zhang**
Julanna Y. Zhang
Kaitlin Z. Zhang
Xinxin Zhang**
Yongwei Zhang
Christine Zhou
May Ying Zhou
Christine Zhu
Wenxuan Zhu**
Oona Zola Zlamany*
M 
A F
Wenqing Bao
Lucia Judith Bermudez
Keyi Chen
Kunqi Chen
Joseph McMillan Culpepper
Malek Daouk
Johannes Fiedler
Ansh Gupta
Jala Hawkins
Jackson Heideman
Yu Hu
Yan Hui
Charlie William James
Yajun Jie
Lauren O’Banion
Abhishek Arvind Pandey
Vraj Patel
Aditya Patibandla
Brendan Pellegrino
Tatiana Guadalupe Ramirez
Natalia Anais Rosas Villeda
Minjeong Seok
Krishna Thakkar
Leonardo Gabriel Torres
Garilyn Amare Vause
Pranav Wadhwa
Ssu-Yuan Wang
Yifan Wang
Yiming Wang
Di Wen
Patrick Wilson
Shu-Hsien Wu
Wen Xiao
Tianyi Yang
Jingchuan Zhang
Xuanzhe Zhao
Runzhao Zhou
M  B
Kunal Neal Abichandani
Shaun Abraham
Yves-Dany Accilien
Jaiwardhan Agarwal
Khawaja Hamza Ahmad
Chibuijem N. Ajulu
Emily Rose Allen
Gabriel Paul Altman
Oscar Hugo Andrade Lillo
Stephanie Christine Andrews
Alejandro Angeles
Ryon LaMont Arrington
Ayah Assadi
Maliha Azizi
Michael J. Badami
Evan Michael Bailey
Ajay Balasundaram
Matthew Griffin Ball
Anthony Paul Barletta
Zachary Clark Barnett**
Galimah Baysah
Ross Beard**
Renee Christine
Becker Bourbeau**
Chad Michael Bednar
Nicholas Bell
Andrea Beltran
Jonathan Paul Berman*
Paige Ushuna Boatwright
Heather Hooker Boggio
Timothy Brock Boleman
James Edward Bolles
John Bone
Charles John Bramorski
Jonathan Alex Bresler
Henri Bricard
Charis Salome Brooks
Crystal Lowery Brown**
Morgan Elli Brown
Caitlyn Arnold Burkhardt
Laura Frances Callahan
Maxwell Carll
Nicholas Skye Carlson*
Robert Meadows Carpenter Jr.
Michael Paul Carriere
John F. Carter
Ethan Scott Case**
Shaunak Anand Champaneria
Amina Devika Chandiram
Amy Yamei Chen
Jiajia Chen
Tailun Chen
Gianluca Chiari
Kelvin Chirapornsuk
Swetha Chittari
Bum Kyung Cho
Hyun Min Cho
William Merritt Choate Jr.
Bora Choi
Bernard Samuel Clevens*
Bradley Stewart Coley
Robert Emmitt Connely IV
Brandon J. Cook
Michael Costello
Rhett Laurent Couture
John Patrick Crain
Samuel Thomas Craver
Carson B. Cromartie
Nicholas Frank DAmato
Sehar Dadani
Qiaoqiao Dai
Shize Dai
Eric Matthew Daiter
Joelle Dake
Scott Robert Damerow
Peter Isaac Danis
Nikita Das
Dalita Davis
Madeline Michele Davis
Matthew Joseph De Geeter
Tucker Deane-Krantz*
Shivam Devin Desai
Viraj Desai
Cuong Huy Do
Danni Dong
Mason Alexander Dumas*
Hunter Michael Dye
Gregory Jacob Elgort
Hermann Paul Engelmann
Lasa Fontaine Ennis
Scott Hamilton Ennis
Michael Richard Erickson
Olivia Evans
Ari Fabian
Omeed Fatemi
Brien Patrick Faucett
Stephanie Faucher
Mark Charles Feldmann
Kevin Matthew FitzGerald
Kelsey Flynn*
Julie Levine Friedberg
Takashi Fukuda
Lauren Fuqua
Rosa Amelia Galindo Ching
Manvi Gannabathula
Conor Austin Gattis
Adedamola Gbadamosi
Xin Geng
Joshua Giesler
Iris Nickens Giggetts
Brandan David Gillespie
Diana Goodwin
Sahil Gosain
Mohan Suresh Gote
Michael Austin Green
Matthew Greenberg
Arianit Gruda
Alberto Tomas Guardia
Ivan Guerrero
Gautham Kailash Gurumoorthi
Camilo Gutierrez**
Tae Joong Ha
Seojeong Han
Christopher G. Hanna
Steven William Hargis
Stephon Harris
Ryan Bryce Hawks
Kelli Haywood
John Healy**
Robert Earl Heightchew III**
Myles Thomas Henry
Alton Howell Herron III**
Ansley Victoria Hiles*
Shanae Lisa Ann Hillhouse
Himanshu Hitesh
Liam Holthaus
Ananya Hooda
Katherine Hoole
Jacob Bernard Housen
Kung Lin Hsieh
Chen-Tse Hsu
Joel Jerome Humphries
Dal Mi Hwang
Vineeth Inakollu
Syed Muntaser Islam**
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
R  D--C
Joseph Andrew Jackson
Stephen Thomas Jackson
Tekesha Nicole Jackson
Joshua David Jacobs
Sonji Alicia Jacobs
Jimmy John
Allison L. Johnson**
Daniel Jones
Kayla Roselind Adina Jones**
Raynard Leslie Josephs
Amogh Sanjiv Joshi**
Chase Andrew Jubinsky
SooHyun Jung
Woncheol Jung
Mark Kahan
Suraj Kakkar
Siva Prasad Kalimuthu
Ifeoma Camille Kamalu
Dileep Rayudu Kandula
Patrick Ryan Kelley
Stephen Larry Kennedy
Pankaj Keshwani
Bekzod Khaitov
Safa Nawaz Khan
Shruti Khanna
Kwanghyung Kim
Taewoong Kim
Youngmin Kim
Caroline Hanrahan Kimberly
Colin Michael King*
Azusa Kobayashi
Arun Kodakadath
Gregory Allen Koenig
Ranganath Koratikere Ramesh
Nicole Kathryn Kosko
Nicholas William Kuczerpa
Michael Ricardo Laguna
Ali Lakhani
Timothy Yiu Tin Lam
Shane Thornton Laufer
Thi Ngoc Huyen Le
Scott David LeVine
Eric Timothy Lee*
James Edward Lee
Seonggu Lee
Matthew Bailey Leinwand
Carlos E. Lemos*
Miles Leonard**
Moises Paul Leser Cordova
Sarah Yael Levine**
Abraham Jack Levy**
Xin Li
Joshua William Lorenz
Andrew Ryan Lowenthal
Christopher Travis Lucas
Peter O’Connor Lucas*
William Henry Aplin Lyon
Anuj Mahajan**
Connor M. Marshall
Alexander Thomas Marshman
Ryan Martin
Carlos Mario Martinez
Jean-Paul Martinod Sánchez
Jeffrey Harris Marx
Nikhil Mohan Mathur
Sophie Lucille Maus
Fred Mbena**
Arminda McCaskill
Lara Hannah Davis McGee
James O’Neil McKenna III**
Michael Lynn McNeill
Kendall Albert McVey
Kathryn L. Meagley
Daniela I. Medina
Chinelo Jennifer Menkiti
Anastasia Lin Mergner
Margot Dahms Wielgus Merwin
Garett Eli Michael
Christopher Miller
Georgeline Mitchell
Yuki Miyatake
Max Sawyer Mosky
Kason Moss
Niko Moustakis
Matthew James Mullins
Ryan Alexander Murray
Nikhil Houston Mysore
Everett Michael Nadal
Ryoma Nakamoto
Pratibha Nayak
Saif Nazrul
Evan Steel Nelson
Duc Thien Nguyen
Ky Vong Nguyen
John Robert Noland
Areanna Caitlin Novaes Sabine
Courtnay N. Oddman
Sadia Jannat Ahmed Oishee
Yu Okada
Chinedu Okpukpara**
Rochelle Orlando**
Maria Isabel Orozco Mendoza
Jooho Park
Bahman Parvinian
Aakash Mayank Patel
Manisha Patel
Alejandra Pavon
Cristina Elena Petrovich
Jeffrey Allen Pfister
Thomas David Pilliod
Ryan Jacob Polus
Juan Sebastian Alejandro Ponce
Derek Chase Porter**
Rishab Pradeep Padukone
David Anselmo Prado
Caroline Barnes Price
Maxwell Prizant
Arvind Raghothama
Clementina Maria Ramos
Clara Sole Raugei**
Badrinarayanan Ravendran
Shilp Samir Rawal
Jared Thomas Ray
Emari Janae Bicinia Ready
Daniel Refai
Elizabeth Ann Reynolds
Cade Austin Ricker
Michael Thomas Robertson*
Nassim Rostane
Matthew Damon Roth
Kyle Ambrose Rubright
Matthew Rzonca
Arnav Sachdev
Indera Janee Sahadeo
Anisha Sharma Sahay
Alexander Robert Saladna**
Titoyia Selewuan Salaon
Andres Fabian Salazar
David Ryan Sanders
Abraham Santamaria
Mark Saporsky
Neil Lowell Savage
John Robert Schellhase
Bonnie Elizabeth Schipper
Paula Scotman
Evan Thomas Scott
Mouammar Seck
Natalie Elizabeth Seeber
Jack Karim Semrau**
Mir Ali Shabbir
Maksim Shabliy
Pia P. Shah
Anshu Shekhar
Daria R. Shelton
Tanvi Dinesh Shetty
Zachary Silva
Lee Matthew Silver
Murli Manohar Singh
Sukhreet Singh
Boopathy Sivaraman
David Joseph Sklar
Lynn Sladek
Julian Daniel Smith
Kirstyn Imani Smith
Hunter D. Snowden
Won Jin Song
Vinay Kumar Srivastava
Sarah Elizabeth Steiner
Jonathan Aloysius Stenger
William Tucker Stewart Jr.
Grischa Stracke
John Sullivan
Emmakristina Patricia Sveen
Akinori Tanaka
Jared Brandon Tencer
Nibin C. Thomas
Andrew Arthur Thompson
Tina-Ann Cecelia Kerr
Donald Robert Tope
Jorge Gustavo Trujillo
Osereme Ujadughele
Arun Babu Unnithan
Kyle Vachon
Laura Vasile
Atul Vats
Aapurva Bhalchandra Vekhande
Matthew Adam Vieson
Felipe Villahoz
Hunter Wagnon
Melanie Diane Waitzer
John Mabry Warrick
Nicholas Alexander Wasilov
Antonio Jones Weinberg
Michael Weiner
William Glenn Welch
Griffin Zane West
Robert Andrew Wetherington
Aliya Danielle White
James David Wiltshire*
Hyunsik Won
Brendan Clark Wood
Katherine Boykin Woods
Bronson Worthy
Kenan Rahmahn Wright
Andrew Wright-Hall*
YiXin Wu
Zi Wei Xie
Kyuyoul Yi
Junho Yoon
Suh Yoon
Josh Young**
Yige Yuan
Kasmi Zaman
George Graham Zinger
M  P
Cameron Barrett
Kyle Robert Berkowitz
Oliver Leo Blackman
Edith Cortez Lopez
Cole Francis Hendricks
Pole Yoonhyung Lee
Kaiyuan Li
Sofia A. Lim
Xiangyu Liu
Janhavi Minocha**
John Jungtaek Moon
Joshua Walker Pritchard
Ziwei Song**
Claire Toh
Lorena Ivon Ventura**
Emily Wang
Tianhao Wang*
Audrey Yang**
Meng T. Yang
Suh Ho Yoo
Yongwei Zhang
M  S
 B A
Sobin Ahn
Kaya Nihat Aslanoba
Ayah Noor Assaadi
Nikita Baskar
Tingting Brill
Beiyu Cao
Anqi Chen
Benson Silent Chiro
Yu Chen Chou
Henry Ryan Dimlow
Shaoyu Ding
Marawan Moustafa Elgohry
Andrew Stephen Esses
Jessica Yishu Fu*
Zachary Goldberg
Jason Hamilton
Hao Hsin Hong
Tse-Heng Hsu
Yu-Cheng Huang
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Shandlie Sara Jean-Baptiste
Runqing Jia
Levi M. Joseph
Yuan Kai
Vijay Kapoor
Ye Jee Kim
Sumitra Kumari
Jiaqi Li
Jiayi Li
Qingyang Li
Ruixin Li
Ryan Everett Michelson**
Ethan T. Nadeau
Janvier J. Nshimyumukiza
Faustin Nzitonda
Lessly Rocha
Faarid Sanaan
Haixin Shou
Sherraina Yang Song
Paakhi Srivastava**
Ziyuan Sui
Suchanya Trakarnsakdikul
Aoran Wang**
Junru Wang
Wuxiong Wang
Ye Wang
Yun Wang
Zhenghao Wang
Jiahao Wu
Qianyi Yang
Ting-An Yang
Wenqi Zhai
Xinyi Zhang
Difan Zhao
Wenxuan Zhou
Junyi Zhu
Presentation to the president,
by Dean M. Daniele Fallin, of
candidates for the degrees of
master of public health and
master of science in public
health; conferral of the degrees
by the president.
F M
Robert Bednarczyk
S M
Sabrina Chow
Noah Mancuso
M 
P H
Mayya V. Abdullayeva
Alexa Aburto
Brenda Achuchi
Esmeralda Acosta
Oyindamola Mercy Adisa*
Marie Adjei
Sandra Adeline Adounvo
Leah Aeschleman
Arijan S. Ager
Maham Ahmad
Jacob Joseph Aiello*
Aramide Mercy Akintomide
Komal I. Alam
Shahzina M. Ali*
Marianne Gail Allard
Lindsey Ann Allen
Michelle Latrice Allen*
Quasheba Allen
Sumaya Alshaar
Deanna Grace Altomara
Lucia Maria Alvarez
Adili Amila
Mira Amin
Afia Amponsah
Nick Hongcheol An
Anushka Anand
Mehar Kaur Anand
Netra Anand
Kayla Gabrielle Anderson
Zachary William Anderson
Olivia Anike
Fnu Anmol
Hannah Morgan Anolik
Madeline Anscombe
Deborah Arnold
Benita Arokiaraj
Victoria Asekomeh-Ojuri
Nyawung Lillian Asonganyi
Yasmine Reem Atamna
Samrath Ayinala*
Arrey-Takor Ayuk-Arrey
Md Jahirul Alam Azad**
Allison Elizabeth Bailey
Melissa Simone Baker*
Teniola Dorcas Balogun
Ana Isabel Balthazar Henao
Ionie Banner
Zyon Barbosa Monteiro
Robert Paul Barclay**
Tamara Sumer Barnard
Aliza Jaye Barnett
Isabella Veronica Batina
Lauren Elizabeth Beagle
Madison Lavalia Bearden
Grace Nichole Beasley
Mackenzie Price Bennett
Liyu Enkuselasse Berhanu
Brielle Ann Berkowitz
Claudlyne Sindy Bernaus
Kushmita Bhakta
Shifa Bhamani
Anuska Bhandari
Parie Bhandari
Priyanka Anil Bhanushali
Amelia Shiori Bhatnagar*
Sartiani Suatmi Bili
Chloe Billstrom
Patrick Michael Bircher
Binita Biswas
Gabrielle Black
Patricia Olivia Blake
Maya Morgan Sands Bliss
Emma Lynn Blythe
Gloria Murielle Bognin
Jackie Yasmin Bonilla
Michaela Bonnett
Laura Maria Bosque Ortiz
Cassandra Maria Boutelle*
Tomorrow Rayshell Bowen
Rachel Boxwell
Shaylin Bradford
Amanda Bradica*
Corbin W. Brent
Sarah Brock
Jaymie Alexandria Bromfield
Mary Elizabeth Brooks*
Kathryn Marie Brousseau
Everett Brown
Chiara Ailin Brust
John Chase Bryan
Hebah Javeed Bukhari
Samantha Burton*
Lindsey C. Burton-Anderson
Sharon Bustrak
Ajia S. Caldwell
Ramoncito Lagman Caleon
Shericia Camille Campbell
Ilse Gabriela Campos
Meghann J. Cantey*
Yu Cao
Chelsea Nicole Carlisle
Fernanda Estefania
Carlosama Ruiz
Sarah Victoria Carnahan
Maria Amália
Carvalho Guimaraes
Leyana Casey
Deaundra Audrey Alyse Cash
Alexandra Nicholle Aguiman
Michael Taylor Cassidy*
Claire Lucia Castellano
Denise Catbay
Cho Ching Rachel Chan
Chloe Sutton Chaudhury
Eric Neil Chen
Hongyue Chen
Xinyue Chen
Yangwenjia Chen
Haoran Cheng
Lyzberthe Chery
Krystal Chiu-tung Cheung
Sopheany Chhum
Ji Young Choi
Samira Choudhury
Magdalen Leigh Chouinard
Sabrina S. Chow
Arshi Chowdhury
Uzoamaka N. Chukka
Ellen Lodge Clewett
Benjamin Coker
Chelsea Elisabeth Cole
Krista Lenore Cole
Whitney Rae Cole
Emelie Victoria Coleman
Maria Colton
Tucker Casey Colvin
Sydney Comstock
Gabrielle Corrigan*
Juliana Carolina Cortes
Lauryn Bryant Cravens
Raven Nichole Crosby
De’Von Deon Cross
Talia J. Crowther
Melese Crozier
Dontray J. Crump
Diego Armando Cruz
Alexander Cummiskey
Mackenzie Rae Cureton
Autumn Marie Curran*
Eva Martha Curran
Linlin Da
Shazneen Damani
Akouvi Alda Yvette Dansou
Emily Marie Danzl
Montanna Eleese Darty
Mithila Ayshee Dastider
Ivree Datcher
Carey Jackson Davies
Annie Davis
Cameron Tate Davis
Carol Davis
Joseph Lawrence Davis
Shannon Lillian de la Garza
Gianna Jade del Vecchio
Donald Patton DeBevoise
LaShondra T. DeYampert*
Michelle Delk
Kristin Lanell Denning
Trisha Deshmukh
Tung Quoc Doan
Stephane Docteur
Rachel Dornfest
Amanda Dorsey
Nicole Renee Doucet
Jessica M. Douglas*
Madeline Berhane Dowd
Aly Drame*
Fanta Nani Drame
Jennifer Lanning Drey*
Chenxi Du
Mengke Du
Caitlin Duffy
Victoria Elizabeth Dunkley
Andrew Durkin*
Srija Dutta
Mitchell Spencer Dvorak
Daneilia Abigail Dwyer**
Tiffany Ann Eberhard*
Alicia C. Edwards*
Haneen Elfaki
Daryn Gabrielle Ellison
Avery Louise Elloway**
Iyesatta Massaquoi Emeli*
Lena Michelle Enciso Feldman
Kristiana Engler**
Jacarra Anita Eshan
Yemariam Z. Eyob
Nneka Sarah Ezeanya
Chimdiebere Ezeigwe
Kelly Anne Falcone
Yihan Fan
Caitlin Shaw Arvidson Farrell
Eleanor May Fausett
Kierstin Mary Faw
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
Kimberly Fenin
Matheus Fernandes Gyorfy
Kennedy Files
Bridget Brianna Fitzgerald
Victoria Elizabeth Fletcher
Jenny Fleuristal
Sabrina Flores*
Nicholas Fonseca Nogueira*
Ian Fowler
David Craig Frisch**
Kelsey Elayne Fudge
Erica Elizabeth Fuller
Samantha Jane Gagnon**
Yunqi Gao
Elliot Vann Gardner
Madison Marie Gardner
Amanda Parr Gaylord
Hilawit Worku Gebrehanna**
Imari Elsie Genias
Hayat Kassim Geresu
Joelle Ghali
Ronak D. Ghiya*
Lauren Elyse Gibson
Emma Beth Gile
Ashley Glasser
Heather Lauren Gold*
Benjamin Aaron Goldberg
Addison Goldstein
Delphine Akoissy Golly
Sheryl Zalkin Golub*
Janelly A. Gonzalez
Harrison Malone Goodall III
Kathleen Goodwin
Yashaswini Gottigundala
Brendan Gray
K’Erika Green*
Camille Jude Grigsby
Tiffany Groom**
Nathan Gross
Alison M. Grossman
Camilo Gutierrez**
Lily Jieun Ha**
Ebitu T. Hailu
Natalie Hakim
Carmen D. Hall*
Brianna Elizabeth Halliburton
Emma Halper
Stephanie Kay Hardee
Rebecca Leigh Harper*
Olivia Riley Harris
Sydney Rae Harris
Rachel Hartman*
Alyssa Harvey
Adolfo Hassan
Ashleigh N. Hawk
Thomas Reilly Head
Erika Heard**
Sara Elizabeth Hendrix
Chloee Noel Henley
Joi Celeste Henry**
Megan Henry
Ellisen Emille Herndon
Laura Bryn Higdon
Mekhi Hill
Katherine Grace Hines*
Caitlin Rose Hoefer*
Imani D. Holmes
Madeline Grace Holodnik
Jacqueline Audrey Holstein
Abigail Corrie Lucas Hooper
Michael A. Horner-Ibler
Emma Joy Horwath**
Anisha Hossain
Molly Halpin Houghton
Sneha Hoysala
Chengcheng Hu
Jiamin Hu
Ryan Huang
Alexa Marie Huff*
Mallorie Lee Huff
Chloe Elizabeth Hultman
Jamie Francis Humphrey
Riley C. Hunt
Dania Hussain
Thompson Huynh
Estefani Ignacio Gallegos*
Grace Im
Christa Ishimwe
Subrina Islam
Tasfia Jahangir
Alexandra Jahn
Shilpa Ruchi Jain
Sarita Grace Jarrett
Jakarra Jenkins
Luis Jimenez*
Erica Lynn Johnson
Zoë Nzingha Johnson**
Horija Joof
Grace Ann Joseph*
Michelle Maria Joseph
Veronica M. Joseph
Taylor Nicole Juretic**
Louma Kaakarli
Erica Diane Kahn
Eunice Mwikali Kamami
Jessica R. Kennicker
Zora Kesich
Alessia Elizabeth Kettlitz
Aminah Octavia Keys
Soniza Khan
Suha Halim Khan
Fatima Kheiri Ahmed Kheiri
Siyuna Kim
Caroline Hanrahan Kimberly
Julia Buckleitner Knebl
Jordyn Faith Kohn
FNU Komal
Sravani Konatham
Yishiow Kuo
Hiroki Kyo
Carla Lucia La Rotta
Erin LaFon
Sophia Rachael Lamb
Sarah Katherine Landes
Sandra-Lily Lirfe Lantum
Jemima Tanzey Laryea
Anna Virginia Laws
Julia Theodora Lega
Stephanie Joy Lehman
Nia Lewis
Louis Yanlong Li
Ruixi Li
Yixuan Li
Xiuran Lin
Yu-Tien Lin
Audrey Clara Ling
Keighly Little
Mingze Liu
Xiaoyan Liu
Cecelia Jean Lofton
Audrey Long
Mario Antonio
Angelina Marietta Luciano
Jackie Mai Luong
Xiajie Lyu
Ileana Catalina López-Martínez
Sandra Maduforo
Katherine Olivia Maher
Margaret Amy Manchester
Exaucee Marie Manishimwe*
Rachel Marchand*
Angelo Thomas Marra
Rachel Marie Marschke
Julia Grace Marshall
Joselyn Karu Martinez Garcia
Olivert Aboh Mbah
Meg McAloon
Samantha Ann McChesney
Caitlin McConaghy
Emily McDonald
Terri McFadden*
Stevene L. McGee*
Caileigh McKenna*
Norah McKinley
Haydn Michael McLaughlin
Jason Scott McLean
Lily McNulty
Yiyang Mei**
Amarachi Eleanor Metu
Courtney H. Meyer*
Andres Lee Miller
Lauren Miller
Brae Morgan Mitchell
John Taeho Mitchener
Chloe Sumiko Miwa
Shakila Moharam Ali*
Miranda Marie Montoya
Antoinette Yvette Moore*
Kendra Denise Moore
Lauren Elise Moore*
Sohini Moravineni
Ababa Morke
Andra Lucille Morris
Grace Ellen Morris
Mariah Sativea Morris
Kelvine Moyers
Fabien Matundu Mpitu
Maya Mualem
Gina Mucciardi
Ruqiyah Mukarram
Mohinee Mukherjee
Rithi Mulgaonker
Tiarra Tishera Murphy
Camille Ruth Murray
Sarah Murray
Sarah Anne Murray*
Sanjna Nag
Priyanka Nair
Anuj Nanavati
Angelle Renee’ Naquin
Rida Naseeb
Thomas Navarro
Pranay Nayi
Mesmine Ndandou
Waruguru Ndirangu
Phillip Anthony Ndowu**
Hans-Kristof Nelson
Kayleigh Jo Nerhood
Carly Nesbitt
Anh Thu Thi Nguyen
Liah Phung Nguyen
Emily Marie Nieckula
Surovi Sultana Nimmi
Mundayi Victorine Nlandu
Maheen Noorullah
Olivia Marie Norman
Madeleine Belle Nuebel
Angie Joanna Nunez Rodriguez
Nushrat Jinan Nur
Lilly Anna O’Brien
Benjamin K. O’Connell**
Haley Oberg
Nkiruka Ifeyinwa Obodoechina
Hidayat Yetunde Ogunsola
Hanvit Oh*
Jashan Ohri
Erick Ojeda
Nneka S. Okeke
Chisom Okereke
Tiffany Ngozi Okoli
Olaoluwa Olasimbo
Margaret Oluwaseun Olawoyin
Oluwatosin Olojo
Paula Ndeke Olson*
Deborah Omoyege*
Christine Doyle Opela*
Vanessa Orduna Zarazua
Jeffery Osei
Adegbolahan Otuneye
Changrui Ou
Lexi Ouellette
Sofia Alexandra Oviedo
Petek Özgül*
Atiya Nafisa Page
Elianna Paljug
Ajay Kumar Panda
Ashi A. Parikh*
Casey Emilee Parker
Adrienne J. Parks
Thomas Edward Partin
Tucker Parvin
Krishna Shailesh Patel
Reyna Cierra Patterson
Rickey Patterson*
Jocelyn Jean Pawcio
Jessica Catherine Peck
Meghan Nicole Peel
Adrienne Ashley Perea
Stephen Perez
Alejandra Perez Ramirez
Tahira Lovell Perry
Tyler H. Perry
Clara Alcira Petrucelli
R  D--C
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Katherine Phillip
Taylor Pickett
Eileen Joy Jatulan Pidazo
Evangelia Pitsoulakis
Brianna Lynn Plummer*
Shreya Pokhrel
Sarah Pool
Derek Chase Porter**
Richard Alasdair Powers
Annika Grace Pracher
Prachi Prasad
Marija Ivanka Pritchard
Karl Josef Protil III
Haley Putnam*
Hongyan Qu**
Annette Afrowa Quansah
Elizabeth Mary Quincer**
Benjamin Mark Rabin
Lutfe-E-Noor Rahman
Inaara Rajwani
Keyanna Dawnette Ralph*
Dayanna A. Ramirez Leon
Sohail Rana
Casey Jordyn Randleman
Dhanish Revanth
Rangaswamy Nandakumar
Sheritha Dolis Rayford*
Julia Frances Raymond
Jessica Elyse Reed
Kirsten Reid
Paula-Ann Marjorie Reid
Katherine Reilly
Hannah Reiss
Jalera Remy
Jiyuan Ren
Sydney Leigh Resler
Emma Elizabeth Rice
William Rich
Nasaura Richard
John Joseph Ridgway**
Melissa Forbach Riedel*
Abigail Claire Rigole
Ilse K. Rivera*
Chelsey N. Roberts
Kailey Rose Roberts
Gray Mills Robicheaux
Nyah Iman Rodman
Kenia Michelle Ruiz
Greer Alexandria Saddler
Olivia Grace Sadler*
Sammy E. Saeed*
Rachel Elizabeth Sagers
Touria Salvati
Zoya Samiuddin
Ryan C. Sandford
Mickel Armstrong Sandifer
Kathryn Elizabeth
Kamela Ahilya Sanichara**
Jyotsna Sanjeevi
Ankeeta S. Saseetharran
Isaac James Schneider
Emily Reiss Schoendorf
Alessandria Joyce Schumacher
Kendall R. Schutzer
Megan Claire Schwinne
R  D--C
Francena Mirianda Scott*
Hanah Scott
Kierra AlellaDalee Scott
Aminata Secka
Jennifer Karina Segovia
Sakshi Sehgal*
Miriam Selva
Sara Seo
Karina Serrano
Leslie Giselle Serrano
Anjali R. Shah*
Priya Chandresh Shah*
Bayana Nazreen Shajahan*
Yasmine Shakur
Caroline Homa Sheikhzadeh
Angela Shen
Natalie Grace Shen
Yang Shen
Anika Shetty
Xianglin Shi
Minji Shin
Ebrima Sidibeh
Jamie Lee Simoben
Herveen Kaur Singh
Zhenyu Situ
Grey Skelton
Davina Smalls
Amanda Leigh Smith*
Brianna Denise Smith
Christopher Gordon Smith*
Tracy Kathryne Smith*
Hnin Soe
Ololade Oluwaseun Solaru
Jacob Chandler Sole
Aderayo Aderinsola Soyemi
Tianni Rebekah Virginia
Vijay Arvind Srinivasan
Nandita Srivatsa*
Jalyssa Stanford
Krista Mae Stenberg
Michela Stephens
Shannon Linn Stephens
Adele Caroline Stewart*
Kofi A. Stiles
Samantha Strelzer
Priyanka Lakshmi Subash*
Rana Khalid Sulieman*
Sabah Sumo*
Katherine Angela Sun
Tanvi Suresh
Chloe Kathleen Svezia
Enid Stephanie Swatson
Fiona Syed
Haley Tailor
Sho Takeuchi
Jason Omar Joseph Talley
Alexa Taylor
Lia Elisabeth Teng
Allison Priscilla Tep
Ranni Farid Tewfik
Kevin Dinesh Thakkar
Kayla Michelle Thomas
Brianna Shandrell Maria
MaryConnor Tacy Thompson
McKenzi Thompson
Frederick Jerome Thompson II
He Tian*
Brian Oliver Tolleson
Andrea Natalie Torres
Binta Amadou Toure
Makenzie Towery
Jessica A. Trevisan
Anna Grace Tribble**
Andrea Guadalupe
Tristan Urrutia
Queensley Nneoma Uba
Miho Ujiie
Hinako Unno
Alexandra Mychelle Vanegas
Natalie Vaziri
Srividya Vempati
Tyler Martin Vernon
Eric D. Viera
Paul Vila
Ari Villanueva
Dilanthi Vinayagamoorthy
Mahek Virani*
Jay Visbal
Carmen Maria Wagener
Sejal Waghray
Ajay Walther
David Cope Wang
Jinyu Wang
Qingyi Wang
Shitao Wang
Wen-Li Wang
Yanan Wang
Yilin Wang
Yuqing Wang
Kaylan Alise Ware
Ben Watkins
Roseanne Ololade Weaver
Jeffery D. Whatley
Naomi Martelia Whitaker
Emily Blythe White
Nia Assata White
Chandler Paige Whitenton
Lydia Naja-Mae Willhite
Alexis Williams
Quinci Olivia Williams
Clarence M. Williams Jr.
Sigal Willner
Ewura Ama Wilson
Marisa Danielle Yee Wong
Ashley Gabrielle Woods
Stephanie Woodson
Zachary Landon Wright
Allene Xing
Han Xu
Haoling Xu
Lallo Dereje Yadeta
Lifan Yang
Yanyao Yi*
Jung Min Yim
Thomas Yohannes*
Haijiang Yu
Zirong Yu
Alondra Zapata
Madeleine Eva Zeiler
Logan Madeline Zelenak
Zhehao Zhang
Ziwei Zhang
Jessie Wang Zhao
Emily Zheng
Qing Zheng
Xiao Bin Zhu
Christiana Albert
Maya Zvavitch
M  S
 P H
Madelyn M. Bayles
Gabrielle Catherine Blade
Juliana Ya-Ting Bushnell
Emma Noelle Casey
Min Hsuan Chen
Xinyi Dan
Danni Dong
Joel Samuel Espinoza
Weiding Fan
Logan Kent Gerig
Kexin Guan**
Shuyi Guo
Muxin Han
Runing Huo
Yishi Jia
Xiaonan Ju
D’Anndria Kendrick
Samuel Walker Lawton
Haley Alexa Liakakos
Jiahui Liu
Yutong Liu
Zhanxu Liu
Sophie Lockwood
Noah Mancuso
Lindsay Anne Pett
Nicholas John Ripper
Evelyn Shi
Huiqing Sun
Karina Dilani Wallrafen-Sam
Liangkang Wang
Yanzheng Wu
Derun Xia
Xinyi Xu
Yixin Yang
Maozhu Yin
Xiuru Ying
Xiaohan Zhang
Yijing Zhu
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
Presentation to the president, by
Dean Kimberly Jacob Arriola,
of candidates for the degrees
of master of arts, master of
development practice, master
of science, and doctor of
philosophy; conferral of the
degrees by the president.
F M
Katharine Koelle
Robert C. Liu
Andrew J. Mitchell
Gerard Vong
S M
Jordan Alexander Lewis
Caroline Carrasco Garcia Silva
M  A
Nikita Agarwal**
John Gregory Angeles
Angelle Elizabeth Antoun*
Victor Bene
Rusen Bingul
Yelena Burklin*
Jason Exar Cabitac*
Rohit Chakraborty**
Roshni Chattopadhyay
Amber Daylynn Churchwell
Jareka Star
SJ Dillon
Joy Udoka Emenyonu
Ashley Anne Emery
Sarah Mfon Etuk*
Tara Finnegan
William Patrick Fost*
Hanna Lynn Glenn**
Fabrice Hapi Nono**
Jareema Amani Hylton**
Tiara Raven Marie Jackson*
Natalia Edith Jaume-Feliciosi*
Michaela Jenkins**
Kiana Jodeiry
Christopher Michael Jones*
Sophie Koenning Joseph
Christopher David King*
Ryno Kruger*
Joe M. Larios*
Francisco Lopez*
Teelin Dia Lucero**
Alexis Joy Mayfield*
Adriana Isabel Mendez*
Leonardo Michelini*
Marta Migo
Sinisa Miric*
Chelsy Reboyah Monie
Tania Wabari Ndirangu*
Olivia Le Nguyen*
Prudence Nkansah
Aleo Naz Pugh
Katherine Elizabeth Riedel
Erik Jacob Ringen*
Rael Bernard Sammeroff*
Kanika Sharma**
Surbhi Shrivastava
Caroline Carrasco Garcia Silva
Kevin Sparrow**
Margaret Sport
Morinade Stevenson**
Allison Jin Sullivan
Ana Zacil Vieyra Ramirez*
Rebeccah Gabrielle Wood**
Jacob Steven Yudin**
Tianhao Zhao**
Jiajun Zou**
M 
D P
Henry James Blinoff*
Honora Frances Cargile*
Melissa Alice Cobb*
Andrew Anton David*
Sam Tosua Isaac Grimes*
Adrienne Javana Hines
Gabrielle K. Jones
Laura Kemp*
Samridhi Rajbhandari*
Natalia Rezk*
Chelsea Lorraine Riley
Nicholas Joseph Rodgers
Makayla Elizabeth Stadler
Madeline Rae Steiner*
Nicholas Joseph Theyerl
Amanda West
Rostam Zafari*
M  S
Olamide Alabi
Karah Alexander
Nmachi Chinenye Hannah
Miguel Armenta Ochoa
Raquel Freitas Arthuzo**
Ahmed Babiker
Riti Bahl
Shivam Bajaj
Jack Barlow*
Divya Ramani Bhamidipati*
Alexis Blake**
David Painton Bray
Faith Elizabeth Breen
Nettie Elizabeth Brown**
Arene Butto
Melissa Andrea Cadena
Jonathan Jia Yee Chang*
Samuel Hong Chang*
Kevin Zihao Chen*
Xu Chen
Franklin Chien
Kelly Elizabeth Coles
Michael Jerome Ernest Collins
Hejie Cui**
Kenneth Jadiel
De Jesus Morales*
Joseph Del Rosario*
Zackery Dentmon**
S’Dravious DeVeaux
Erika Diosdado Castro
Ziwei Dong**
Alexander Thomas Dunbar
Retta El Sayed
Charles Anthony Ellis**
Rebecca O. Shasanmi Ellis**
Jacob Randall Englert
Ansley Scott Felix*
Ida Tchuisseu Fonkoue
Ayako Wendy Fujita
Jack Christopher Galanek
Apoorva Gangavelli
Marlon Demetri Gant
Udita Delta Ghoshal
Caroline Rose Goel
Grace Yoonheekim Gombolay
Julia Gonzalez Varela Saborio
Patrick Gross**
Jocelyn Rebecca Grunwell
Michael Robson Hollerbach**
Chenbin Huang
Qiao Jiao
Angela Cristina Jimenez**
Yutong Jin
Abigail Julian
Kai Fung Kan
Xuan Kan**
Diane Karloff**
Isaac Ildar Karpovsky
Brianna M. Karpowicz
Ruochen Kong
Christopher James Krueger*
Breana Laguera
Moira Michelle Lancelot
Stephanie Mae Lee
Christina Mae Lester**
Lauren Nicole Liebman*
Chen Lin
Jiaying Lu**
Jintian Lyu**
Malvern Madondo
Megan Elizabeth Mayfield
Nirja Mehta
Marina Elizabeth Michaud*
Katherine Hao Nguyen*
Sean Mark O’Connell
Brigitte Pfluger**
Alexandria Lexis Quillin*
Cooper Thomas Read
Christian Alec Sanchez*
Parisa Sarikhani**
Michelle Long Schoettler
Kasthuri Sivalogan
Sierra Alisa Sterling*
Joseph Ives Stockert
Gary Kenneth Vestal**
Juan Carlos Vizcarra*
Jeffrey Wang
Yu Fung David Wang
Zihao Wang
Lucy Sabrin Witt
Mattie Feasel Wolf
Han Xie*
Mengxuan Yan
Ailing Yu**
Shaojun Yu**
Jing Zhang**
Yazhuo Zhang**
Zheyuan Zhang
Jiahao Zhao
R  D--C
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Emory University Commencement 2023
Rachel Lee Barbara Bath
Andrew Mitchell, Adviser
Dissertation: Edith Stein’s Philosophy of
Personal Becoming: On Her Theory of Values,
Gender, and Its Relevance for Feminist and
Critical Phenomenology
Brady Alan Beard
Brent Strawn and Joel LeMon, Advisers
Dissertation: Seeing Visions with the Prophet:
Toward an Iconographic Hermeneutic of Joel
Rachel Bender
Khalid Salaita, Adviser
Dissertation: Expanding the Molecular Tool
Kit: From Scaffold Synthesis to Measuring
Bailey Elizabeth Betik
Deepika Bahri and Laura Otis, Advisers
Dissertation: Home Schooling: Heuristics
of Education in Postcolonial Fiction
Sruti Bheri
Biomedical Engineering
Michael Davis, Adviser
Dissertation: Engineering Small Extracellular
Vesicle-Derived Vehicles Carrying Optimized
microRNA for Cardiac Repair after
Myocardial Infarction
Lacey Anne Birnbaum**
Biomedical Engineering
Erik C. Dreaden, Adviser
Dissertation: Development of Optically
Responsive Cytokine Cancer Immunotherapies
Lou Tancrède Blanpain
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Annabelle Singer, Adviser
Dissertation: Multisensory Flicker Modulates
Widespread Brain Networks and Reduces
Interictal Epileptiform Discharges in Humans
Austin C. Boese
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Sumin Kang, Adviser
Dissertation: Succinyl-Coa Ligase ADP-
Forming Subunit Beta Promotes Stress
Granule Assembly to Regulate Redox and
Drive Cancer Metastasis
Nicole Eileen Bowen
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Baek Kim, Adviser
Dissertation: Sink or Swim: Mechanisms
of dNTP Pool Elevation by Lentiviruses
and Cancer
Matthew Armstrong
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Peng Jin and Karen Conneely, Advisers
Dissertation: Ten-Eleven Translocation
Proteins-Mediated Epigenetic Regulation
in Alzheimer’s Disease
Jennifer Lynn Aycock
Arun Jones, Adviser
Dissertation: Becoming an African Noah:
John Chilembwe’s Missionary Consciousness
in the Black Atlantic World (1872–1915)
April Marie Ballard
Environmental Health Sciences
Bethany Caruso, Adviser
Dissertation: Characterization and
Measurement of Child Exposure to
Zoonotic Enteric Pathogens in Esmeraldas
Province, Ecuador
Carlos Andres Ballesteros-Ruiz*
Juan Rubio-Ramirez
and Zhanwei (Vivian) Yue, Advisers
Dissertation: The EZ Way to Global
Britton Rae Barbee
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Shannon Gourley, Adviser
Dissertation: Isoform-Selective
PI3K Inhibition Confers Resilience
to Cocaine-Elicited Behaviors
Julie Agnes Barberio
Timothy Lash, Adviser
Dissertation: Evolving Health Care Database
Methods to Advance Pharmacoepidemiology
Leonardo Portugal Barcellos**
Kathryn Kadous, Adviser
Dissertation: Can Investors See
through Managers’ Evasive Responses
in Earnings Calls?
Jack Barlow
Parimala Raman, Adviser
Dissertation: A Local-Global Principle
for Adjoint Groups over Function Fields
of p-adic Curves
Dakshitha Bashettyhalli Anandakumar**
Biomedical Engineering
Robert Liu, Adviser
Dissertation: Noncanonical Auditory Cortical
Plasticity for New Sounds that Drive an Innate
Social Behavior
Hannah Rose Abrahamson*
Yanna Yannakakis, Adviser
Dissertation: Women of the Encomienda:
Households and Dependents in Sixteenth-
Century Yucatan, Mexico
Victor Tolulope Adebomi**
Monika Raj, Adviser
Dissertation: Chemical Tools for Selective
Peptide Modications
Sena Agezo
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Gordon Berman and Robert Liu, Advisers
Dissertation: Quantifying Animal Social Be-
havior during Pair Bond Formation
Ryan Akman**
Biomedical Engineering
Scott Hollister, Adviser
Dissertation: 3D Printed Biodegradable
and Shape Memory Polymer Poly(glycerol
dodecanedioate) (PGD) for Soft Tissue
Ryan Allen
Bill Wuest, Adviser
Dissertation: Natural Product Inspired
Complementary Approaches to Counter
Antimicrobial Resistance: Synthetic and
Biological Investigations of Antibacterial
Small Molecules
Brent Elliott Allman*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Katia Koelle and Daniel Weissman, Advisers
Dissertation: Within-Host RNA Virus
Evolution in the Context of Cellular
Coinfection and Genetic Linkage
Amanda Faith Anderson
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Elizabeth Wilson, Adviser
Dissertation: “Is My Blackness Getting on
You?”: Race, Porousness, and the Problem
of Empathy
Emeli Jane Anderson**
Samuel Jenness and Neel Gandhi, Advisers
Dissertation: Network Models to Understand
Heterogeneity in the Co-circulation of HIV
and Sexually Transmitted Infections in the
United States
Hector Argueta-Gonzalez*
Jennifer Heemstra, Adviser
Dissertation: Exploration of Bilingual Peptide
Nucleic Acids
D  P
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
D  P
Emma McLaurin Corey
Ellen Ott Marshall, Adviser
Dissertation: Bridging Borders: Religion,
Health, and Collective Well-Being
Alexander Maximilian Cors*
Yanna Yannakakis, Adviser
Dissertation: Newcomers and New Borders:
Migration, Settlement, and Conict over Land
along the Mississippi River, 1750–1820
Thomas Hennessee Costello*
Scott Lilienfeld and Arber Tasimi, Advisers
Dissertation: The Divergent Foundations of
Social and Economic Political Ideology
Ying Cui
Limin Peng, Adviser
Dissertation: Flexible and Robust
Methods for Evaluating Covariate Effect
on Biomedical Outcome
Cara Curtis
Elizabeth Bounds, Adviser
Dissertation: Fragmented Flourishing:
Maternal Perspectives on the Good Life
in an Unequal Social Landscape
Erica Nicole Davis*
Sandra Dunbar and Brittany Butts, Advisers
Dissertation: Relationships among Dietary
Patterns, Metabolites, and Symptoms in
Persons with Heart Failure
Madeline McGuire Dekarske*
William Wuest, Adviser
Dissertation: Synthesis and Biological
Investigation of Membrane-Targeting
Gabrielle Kelly Delima
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Anice Lowen, Adviser
Dissertation: Coinfection Dynamics and Host
Restriction in Inuenza A Virus Infection
Adrian Richard Demeritte
William Wuest, Adviser
Dissertation: Total Synthesis and Biologi-
cal Evaluation of Natural Product Mimics
towards Fungal Pathogens
Luxiao Chen
Hao Wu, Adviser
Dissertation: Deciphering the Cell Type
Specic Activities from High-Throughput
Omics Data
Ruu Harn Cheng*
Daniel Dilks, Adviser
Dissertation: Uncovering the Visual Features
Relevant to Human Visual Scene Processing
Danielle Cicka*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Haian Fu, Adviser
Dissertation: Molecular Interactions between
SARS-CoV-2 SPIKE Protein and Host Targets
Maria Cilento*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Stefan Saraanos, Adviser
Dissertation: Inhibition and Resistance
Mechanisms of HIV-Targeting Antivirals
Tesia Lynn Cleverley
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Daniel Kalman, Adviser
Dissertation: Imatinib Mesylate as a Host
Directed Therapeutic for Mycobacterial
David Howard Cloud
Behavioral, Social, and
Health Education Sciences
Hannah Cooper, Adviser
Dissertation: Embodiment of Carceral
Violence: Solitary Connement, Extreme
Heat, and Self-Injury in Deep South Prisons
Elisha Ann Cohen*
Political Science
Adam Glynn, Adviser
Dissertation: Measuring Bias in the Selection
Processes of Political Institutions
Dylan James Collette*
Laura Finzi and David Dunlap, Advisers
Dissertation: Effects of Macromolecular
Crowding on Protein-Mediated DNA Looping
and hKIF4a-Mediated Compaction of DNA
Graham Calvin Collins*
Biomedical Engineering
Brooks Lindsey, Adviser
Dissertation: Forward-Viewing Ultrasound
Guidance of a Robotically Steered Guidewire
for Peripheral Interventions
Lauren Calvin Cooke
Jennifer Ayres, Adviser
Dissertation: Wisdom’s Pedagogy: Engaging
Biblical Wisdom Literature with Young People
Matthew Harris Brittingham
Eric Goldstein, Adviser
Dissertation: “No Heart for Faith”: Depicting
Freethinkers and Debating Freethought in the
American Yiddish Press (1880s–1920s)
April L. Brown*
Patricia Brennan, Adviser
Dissertation: Breaking the Cycle: Crime
Prevention through Positive Parenting and
Self-Control in Early Childhood
Stephanie Nicole Bryan
Allen Tullos, Adviser
Dissertation: “Domesticated Outlaws”:
Indigenous Species and Monocultural
Capitalism in the American South
Kemal Budak*
Frank Lechner and
Timothy Dowd, Advisers
Dissertation: It Takes a Village to Raise a
Child: The Religious Socialization of Muslim
Immigrant Children
Chad Ronald Camp
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Stephen Traynelis, Adviser
Dissertation: Synaptic and Cellular Evaluation
of NMDA Receptors in Health and Disease
Simone Alicia Campbell
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Ellen Hess, Adviser
Dissertation: Contributions of the Direct and
Indirect Basal Ganglia Pathways to Dystonia
Natalie Catasús
Comparative Literature
Jose Quiroga and Angelika Bammer, Advisers
Dissertation: Subjects Adrift: Makeshift
Movement in Caribbean Texts
Michael Lee Cato
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Eric Ortlund, Adviser
Dissertation: Development and Character-
ization of Synthetic Modulators of Nuclear
Receptor LRH-1: Driving Divergent Signaling
Using a Common Molecular Scaffold
Jonathan Jia Yee Chang
Biomedical Engineering
Shuichi Takayama, Adviser
Dissertation: Kinetic Analysis of Novel
Micro-Physiological Systems Using
Automated Live-Cell Imaging
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Emory University Commencement 2023
Daniela Franco Montoya*
Health Services Research and Health Policy
E. Kathleen Adams and
Sara Markowitz, Advisers
Dissertation: Differential Impacts of States’
Policies: Three Essays on Health Care
Provision and Health Outcomes
Yuyang Gao**
Computer Science and Informatics
Liang Zhao, Adviser
Dissertation: Interpretable and Interactive
Representation Learning on Geometric Data
Byron A. Gardner**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Larry Young, Adviser
Dissertation: Examination of Brain Chromatin
Accessibility in the Prairie Vole (Microtus
Lin Ge
Robert Lyles and Lance Waller, Advisers
Dissertation: Capture-Recapture Methodology
for Epidemiological Surveillance Accounting
for Misclassication of Disease Status
Vincent Giacalone**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Rabindra Tirouvanziam, Adviser
Dissertation: Translational Studies of Neutrophils,
Macrophages, and T Cells in the Human Lung:
Implication for Cystic Fibrosis and Other
Chronic Respiratory Pathologies
Amanda Leanne Gill
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Ra Ahmed, Adviser
Dissertation: CD8 T Cell Differentiation
during Viral Infection
Felipe Oliveira Giuste
Biomedical Engineering
May Dongmei Wang, Adviser
Dissertation: A Translational Informatics
Framework for Generating Data-Driven
Solutions to Clinical Challenges
Ordy Manuela Gnewou*
Vincent Conticello, Adviser
Dissertation: Cryo-EM as a Tool to
Understand Cross-Alpha and Beta
Nanotubes Peptide Systems
Donald Grasse*
Political Science
Jennifer Gandhi, Adviser
Dissertation: Essays in the Political Economy
of Development
Yuxin Duan*
Khalid Salaita and Yonggang Ke, Advisers
Dissertation: Ultrasensitive Tension Sensors
with Catalytic Amplication Reactions:
From Fundamental Development to Clinical
Cam Duong**
Nutrition and Health Sciences
Melissa Young and
Usha Ramakrishnan, Advisers
Dissertation: Food Environment and Child
Diet Quality in Southeast Asia
Mary Grace DuPree*
Judith Evans-Grubbs and
Elizabeth Pastan, Advisers
Dissertation: Faces of David: Late Antique and
Medieval David Cycles in East and West
Kelly Duquette
Patricia Cahill, Adviser
Dissertation: War Pastoral: Martial Eco-
spaces in Early Modern Literature
Kamyra Edokpolor**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Gary Bassell, Adviser
Dissertation: MBNL2 Dependent Dysregulation
of GABAARs: Implications for CNS Symptoms
in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1
Charles Anthony Ellis
Biomedical Engineering
Vince Calhoun, Adviser
Dissertation: Novel Explainability Approaches
for Analyzing Functional Neuroinformatics
Data with Supervised and Unsupervised
Machine Learning
Meredith E. Fay
Biomedical Engineering
Wilbur Lam, Adviser
Dissertation: Automated Precision
Computational Image Analysis and Applied
Machine Learning for Experimental and
Clinical Hematology Applications
Charles Lester Ford IV**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Larry Young, Adviser
Dissertation: Oxytocin in Translation:
Manipulating the Social Brain with
Pharmacology and Contextual Stimuli
Ewelina Maria Forker
Karen Sedatole, Adviser
Dissertation: The Informativeness of Dark
Data for Future Firm Performance
Catherine Demos*
Biomedical Engineering
Hanjoong Jo, Adviser
Dissertation: Identication of Novel Flow
Sensitive Transcription Factors in the Endo-
thelium and Their Role in Atherosclerosis
Zackery Dentmon**
Dennis Liotta, Adviser
Dissertation: Studies in Small Molecule
Drug Discovery: Part I. Synthesis of Novel
Nucleoside-Based Antivirals to Treat Hepatitis
C; Part II. Validation and Implementation of a
Machine Learning Algorithm to Create a Safer
Kinase Inhibitor as a Potential First-in-Class
Antiparkinsonian Agent
Juline Nicole Deppen
Biomedical Engineering
Rebecca Levit, Adviser
Dissertation: A Cellular Therapeutic Strategy
for Peripheral Artery Disease in a Swine
Model of Limb Ischemia
Kimberly Kamille Diaz Perez
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Elizabeth Leslie, Adviser
Dissertation: Uncovering the Contribution
of Rare Genetic Variants in Orofacial Clefts
Michael Antonio DiCandia**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Shonna McBride, Adviser
Dissertation: Investigation of the Factors
that Regulate Sporulation Initiation in
Clostridioides difcile
Brian Seth Dobosh**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Rabindra Tirouvanziam, Adviser
Dissertation: Regulation of Leukocyte
Inammation by Small Particles Including
Extracellular Vesicles and Viruses
Christine Abiva Doronio*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
William Kelly, Adviser
Dissertation: Understanding the Role of
MRG-1 in C. elegans Germline and Somatic
Liz Dreggors*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Homa Ghalei, Adviser
Dissertation: Box C/D snoRNP Assembly
Factors Regulate Translation and Contribute
to Disease
Samuel Adam Druzak**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Eric Ortlund, Adviser
Dissertation: Differential Regulation of
Peroxisome Proliferator Activating Receptors
(PPARs) via Host- and Microbial-Derived
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Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
D  P
Cecilia Mae Hendy
Simon Blakey, Adviser
Dissertation: Radical Reactivity via Transient
Carbon Dioxide Radical Anion
Jessica Reggan Homan*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Michael Davis, Adviser
Dissertation: Statistical Modeling of C-kit+
Progenitor Cell Extracellular Vesicles to
Predict Clinical Trial Outcomes
Michael Robson Hollerbach
Simon Blakey, Adviser
Dissertation: Group IX Metal-Catalyzed C-H
Activation towards the Development of New
Synthetic Strategies
Jasmine M. Hope**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Edelle Field-Fote, Adviser
Dissertation: Control of Ankle Dorsiexion
in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury:
Neurophysiology and Neuromodulation
via Afferent Stimulation
Isaac Horwedel
Ted Smith, Adviser
Dissertation: Critical Limits: Addiction’s
Critique of Capitalist Society
Justin Cody Houseman*
Art History
Eric Varner, Adviser
Dissertation: Roman Imperial Cinerary Urns:
Production and Display
Allison Ju-Chen Hu
Health Services Research and Health Policy
Adam Wilk, Adviser
Dissertation: Medicaid Managed Care and
Access to Specialty Care
Yingtian Hu*
Yijuan Hu and Glen Satten, Advisers
Dissertation: Statistical Methods for
Analyzing Compositional Microbiome Data
Yanting Huang*
Computer Science and Informatics
Zhaohui Qin, Adviser
Dissertation: Disease Risk Annotation of
Genomic and Epigenomic Variants Using
Machine Learning Approaches
Sydney Corinne Hubbard
Environmental Health Sciences
Matthew Freeman and Karen Levy, Advisers
Dissertation: Evaluating the Efcacy of Water,
Sanitation, and Hygiene Interventions in the
Context of Climate Change with a Focus on
Urban, Coastal Mozambique
Michael Keith Hanley*
Political Science
John Patty and
Elizabeth Maggie Penn, Advisers
Dissertation: Three Essays on Information and
Accountability in American Politics
Carolina Montanez Harm**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
John Hepler, Adviser
Dissertation: The Impact of Genetic Variation
on RGS and G Protein Signaling in Physiology
and Disease
Lynnea Danielle Harris
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Dennis Liotta, Adviser
Dissertation: GluN2B-Selective NMDA
Receptor Negative Allosteric Modulation
as a Treatment for Chronic Pain and Opioid
Wyatt Terrell Harris
Kendall Soulen, Adviser
Dissertation: The Afterlife of Law and Gospel:
Protestant Theology and Antiblackness
Christina Rose Hartigan
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Mandy Ford, Adviser
Dissertation: Targeting TIGIT to Alleviate
Costimulation Blockade-Resistant Rejection:
Analysis of the Effects of TIGIT Agonism
on Regulatory and Memory T Cells during
Allograft Rejection
Dana Clark Harvey**
Justin Burton, Adviser
Dissertation: High-Speed and Long-Time
Electrostatic Measurements of Fluid and
Particle Interfaces
Han He
Computer Science and Informatics
Jinho Choi, Adviser
Dissertation: Computational Structures as
Neural Symbolic Representation
Nan He*
Francesco Evangelista, Adviser
Dissertation: Develop Multi-reference
Quantum Embedding Theories for Chemical
Sara Michelle Hendrick
Melissa Williams, Adviser
Dissertation: Men’s—More than Women’s—
Parenthood Identity Is Contingent on Work,
Harming Well-Being during Unemployment
Hannah Claire Griggs*
Barbara Ladd, Adviser
Dissertation: The Ethos of the Binge:
Drunkenness and Modernity in Twentieth-
Century New Orleans
Jonathan Charles Groce*
Susan Hylen, Adviser
Dissertation: Barbaric Beasts: Visual
Representations of Barbarians and the
Book of Revelation
Jayanth Guhan*
Suresh Venapally, Adviser
Dissertation: Local-Global Principles for
Hermitian Spaces over Semi-global Fields
John Wayne Gulledge
Patricia Cahill, Adviser
Dissertation: Prosthetic Laughter: Feeling
Disability in Early Modern England
Cynthia Xinran Guo*
Philippe Rochat, Adviser
Dissertation: The Motivation behind Early
Xiaoyuan Guo**
Computer Science and Informatics
Imon Banerjee, Adviser
Dissertation: Medical Image Analysis with
Deep Learning under Limited Supervision
Zhenxing Guo*
Hao Wu, Adviser
Dissertation: Statistical Method and Tools
for the Analysis of High-Throughput
Epitranscriptome and Gene Expression Data
Carolina Murphy Gustafson
Mi-Kyung Song, Adviser
Dissertation: End-of-Life Care of Young
Adult Solid Organ Transplant Recipients:
A Retrospective Cohort Study
Jakob George Habib
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Andrew Adams and Mandy Ford, Advisers
Dissertation: Immune Modulatory Strategies
to Prevent Costimulation Blockade Resistant
Jamie Aaron Golden Hamilton**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Curtis Henry, Adviser
Dissertation: Delineating How Aging- and
Obesity-Associated Chronic Inammation
Impacts B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic
Leukemia Progression
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Emory University Commencement 2023
Youngsun Kim*
David Lynn, Adviser
Dissertation: Structures and Functions
of Peptide-Metal Co-assemblies
Amy Rebecca Kolwaite
Lisa Thompson, Adviser
Dissertation: Identifying and Addressing
Health Care Disparities in the Pediatric Acute
Care Setting
Janise Nichole Kuehner
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Bing Yao, Adviser
Dissertation: A Proling of DNA Modications
in Neurodegenerative and Neuropsychiatric
Trisha Lala**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Randy Hall, Adviser
Dissertation: Phosphatidylserine Exposure
Modulates GPCR BAI1 (ADGRB1) Signaling
Andrea Nicole Lane*
Hao Wu, Adviser
Dissertation: Statistical Methods for
Mediation Analysis of Omics Data
Connor Larsen*
Paul Kelleher, Adviser
Dissertation: Constructing and Deconstruct-
ing Narratives of Adolescence in the Long
Twentieth Century
Daniel Lee*
James Rilling, Adviser
Dissertation: Genetic and Neural Basis
of Cultural Norm Acquisition
Hyunju Lee
Walter Wilson, Adviser
Dissertation: Toward the Emptied Self:
Reading Jesus’s Prayer at Gethsemane
as the Ideal Example of Sectarian
Subjectivity (Matt 26:36–46)
Yeongju Lee
Hispanic Studies
Sergio Delgado Moya, Adviser
Dissertation: Latino Soldiers and Global
Coloniality: The Korean War
Emily Rose Legan**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Renhao Li, Adviser
Dissertation: Unraveling Auto-inhibition
and Activation Mechanisms of the von
Willebrand Factor A1 Domain
Amanda Nicole Ruggieri Joyce**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Gregory Lesinski, Adviser
Dissertation: MEK Inhibition Mediates
Immunomodulatory Factors and Cell
Populations in Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer
Yazan Kamalulddin**
Claire Nouvet and Rkia Cornell, Advisers
Dissertation: Language, Auto-Exoticism,
Adviser and Ambivalence: Recontextualizing
French Novels by Arab Authors
Nourine Ahmed Kamili*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Sean Stowell, Adviser
Dissertation: Insights into Bactericidal Activity
of Galectins against Molecular Mimicry
Kai Fung Kan
Lars Ruthotto, Advisers
Dissertation: Low-Rank Exploiting
Optimization Methods for Inverse Problems
and Machine Learning
John Alexander Kaufman
Michele Marcus, Adviser
Dissertation: Life-Course Pathways to
Carcinogenesis for Persistent Endocrine-
Disrupting Chemicals
Anna Victoria Kellner**
Biomedical Engineering
Khalid Salaita, Adviser
Dissertation: Using DNA Mechanotechnology
to Relate T-Cell Biophysics to Immunological
James Michael Kelvin
Biomedical Engineering
Erik Dreaden, Adviser
Dissertation: Discovery and Development
Strategies of Combination Nanomedicines
for Childhood Blood Cancers
Miriam Jerotich Kilimo*
Peter Little, Adviser
Dissertation: The Making of Female
Politicians: Gender Quotas and Political
Subjectivity in Kenya
Tae Seok Kim*
Anand Swaminathan, Adviser
Dissertation: Negative Spillover Effects
of Interorganizational Conict
Ye Ji Kim
Shakira Suglia, Adviser
Dissertation: Social and Political
Determinants of Health and Health Services
Use of US Immigrant Children
Alisha Desiree Hunter*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Christopher Porter and
Curtis Henry, Advisers
Dissertation: IL-12 Overcomes B-ALL-
Mediated Immune Suppression
Amir Hussain*
Comparative Literature
Angelika Bammer, Adviser
Dissertation: The Ballad of Oscar Wilde
Katherine Marie Hutchinson*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Daniel Reines, Adviser
Dissertation: Mitochondrial Deciencies
Inuence Variable Penetrance of Nuclear
Nab3 Granule Accumulation
Alexa Faith Iannitelli
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
David Weinshenker, Adviser
Dissertation: Noradrenergic Dysfunction
in Neurodegenerative Disease
Crista Irwin
Rebecca Gary, Adviser
Dissertation: Living Fit (LivFit) with HIV:
Reducing Inammation and Improving
Vascular Function with Exercise among
Older Persons with HIV
Derek Yu-Bon Jang*
Biomedical Engineering
Mark Prausnitz, Adviser
Dissertation: Microneedle Patch Delivery of
Controlled-Release Microspheres to the Skin
Jinoug Jeung
Tarun Chordia and Clifton Green, Advisers
Dissertation: Three Essays in Financial
Anders Frederick Johnson
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Christopher LaRock, Adviser
Dissertation: Proinammatory Mechanisms
of Streptococcal Pyrogenic Exotoxins
Jordan Allen Johnson*
Ben Lopman, Adviser
Dissertation: Population-Level Observations
and Natural History Implications in Norovi-
rus Epidemiology
Ryan Johnson
Andrew Mitchell, Adviser
Dissertation: The Tragedy of the Political:
Heidegger and the German Conservative
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Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
D  P
Daniel Jordan Lustberg*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
David Weinshenker, Adviser
Dissertation: The Role of Central
Norepinephrine Transmission in
Affective Responses to Novelty Stress
Wenjing Ma
Computer Science and Informatics
Hao Wu, Adviser
Dissertation: Cell Type Identication in
Single-Cell Genomics and Its Applications
Shari Chana Mackinson**
Elizabeth Bounds and
Dianne Stewart, Advisers
Dissertation: Who Are Your People?
A Decolonizing Framework for Black
Christian Well-Being
Lillian Helen Madrigal**
Behavioral, Social, and
Health Education Sciences
Cam Escoffery, Adviser
Dissertation: Multilevel Factors Related to the
Successful Implementation and Sustainability
of the National Diabetes Prevention Program
Darius Mahboubi
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Stefan Saraanos, Adviser
Dissertation: Characterization of HIV-1
Antisense RNA and Enhanced Transcription
with Interference of LEDGF/p75-Directed
Andrew Robert Mahoney
William Wuest, Adviser
Dissertation: Overcoming Antibacterial
Resistance through Synthesis of Small
Molecules Targeting Efux Mechanisms
Aalekhya Malladi*
Joyce Flueckiger and
Harshita Kamath, Advisers
Dissertation: Gender, Detachment, and
Devotion in the Lives of 18th-Century Telugu
Poet Vengamamba
Mary Taylor Mann
Deborah Elise White, Adviser
Dissertation: Vascular Aesthetics: Blood and
British Poetry in the Long Nineteenth Century
Alexandra Manta
David Jacho-Chavez and
Elena Pesavento, Advisers
Dissertation: Econometrics Modeling with
Multilayer and Induced Network Data
Yuchen Liang
Andrew Mitchell, Adviser
Dissertation: Negotiating Nothingness: An
Intercultural Interpretation of the Ineffability
of Nothingness in Martin Heidegger and Song
Dynasty Chan Master Dahui Zonggao
Yi Juin Liew**
Biomedical Engineering
Garrett Stanley, Adviser
Dissertation: The Timescales of
Transformation across Brain Structures
in the Thalamocortical Circuit
Hong Seo Lim*
Biomedical Engineering
Peng Qiu, Adviser
Dissertation: Developing Graph-Based
Computational Algorithms for Single-Cell
Data Science
Pai Liu*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Keqiang Ye and Art English, Advisers
Dissertation: High-Fat Diet-Induced Diabetes
Couples to Alzheimer’s Disease through
Inammation-Activated C/EBPb/AEP Pathway
Jenna Leigh Lobby**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Jacob Kohlmeier, Adviser
Dissertation: Factors Impacting the
Generation and Maintenance of CD8+
Tissue-Resident Memory T Cells following
Respiratory Immunization
Alejandro Jose Lopez**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Michael Borich and Trisha Kesar, Advisers
Dissertation: Characterizing Interactions
between Descending Cortical and Spinal
Sensorimotor Circuits across the Adult
Lifespan and Their Implications for Balance
Qinyi Lu
Yonggang Ke, Adviser
Dissertation: DNA Origami in Protein
Oligomer Assembly and Mesoscale
Self-Assembly of DNA Origami
Nanorod with Polynucleotide Brush
Xinlin Lu
Craig L. Hill, Adviser
Dissertation: Polyoxometalate-Based Catalysts
for Oxidation Reactions: Redox-Buffering
Catalysts and Alkane Dehydrogenating
Arturo Luna Loranca
Javier Villa-Flores, Adviser
Dissertation: The Dog Remains: Mexico City’s
Canine Massacres during the Enlightenment,
Kelly Marie Lehman**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Marcin Grabowicz, Adviser
Dissertation: An Exploration of Two
Mechanisms of Lipoprotein Trafcking
Emily Diane Lemon
Behavioral, Social, and
Health Education Sciences
Briana Woods-Jaeger, Adviser
Dissertation: Exploring and Addressing
the Inuences of Immigration Policy
Enforcement on Latinx Adolescent
Depressive Symptoms and Suicidal Ideation
Alexandra Lemos Zagonel**
Jeffrey Lesser and Thomas Rogers, Advisers
Dissertation: Blessed Generation:
Countercultural Youth, Music, and
Spirituality in Authoritarian Brazil
Elena Lesley*
Bruce Knauft, Adviser
Dissertation: Testimony as Transformation:
Resilience, Regeneration, and Moral
Action through Spiritually Adapted
Narrative Therapy in Cambodia
Jordan Alexander Lewis**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Levi Morran, Adviser
Dissertation: The Inuence of Evolutionary
Reciprocity and Genetic Architecture on the
Evolution of Host Defense in Caenorhabditis
Patricia Lewis*
Kathryn Yount, Adviser
Dissertation: Locked Out: Women’s Housing
Insecurity in a Hostile Social Environment
Handi Li**
Political Science
Jennifer Gandhi, Adviser
Dissertation: Transparency and Authoritarian
Stability: Open Government Information
in China
Wei Li
Kurt Warncke, Adviser
Dissertation: Contributions of Protein and
Coupled Solvent Dynamics to Ethanolamine
Ammonia-Lyase Enzyme Catalysis: An EPR
Zhenjiang Li
Environmental Health Sciences
Donghai Liang and Anke Huels, Advisers
Dissertation: Characterizing the Molecular
Mechanisms Underlying the Health Effects
of Fine Particulate Matters among Susceptible
Populations via Multi-omics Analysis
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Emory University Commencement 2023
Ogonna Joachin Nwajiobi*
Monika Raj, Adviser
Dissertation: Development of Chemical
Methods for Labeling Monomethyl Lysine
Post-translational Modication and Serine
and Their Applications
Katherine Elizabeth Overman*
Gordon Berman, Adviser
Dissertation: Long-Time Scales and
Hierarchical Structure in Drosophila Behavior
Andrea R. Pack**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Samuel Sober, Adviser
Dissertation: Measuring and Understanding
Muscular Control of Vocal Production
in Songbirds (The Neuromuscular Dynamics
of Avian Karaoke)
Eric Scott Parigoris*
Biomedical Engineering
Shuichi Takayama, Adviser
Dissertation: Geometrically Inverted
Elaine Penagos*
Dianne Stewart, Adviser
Dissertation: Santeria Poetics: Africana
Continuity through Afro-Cuban Religious
Ryan Nicholas Peterson
Teresa Fry Brown, Adviser
Dissertation: On Being an Issue of Delores: A
Meditation on Black Faith in an Anti-Black
Kaitlin Nichole Piper
Behavioral, Social, and
Health Education Sciences
Jessica Sales, Adviser
Dissertation: Adoption of Family-Driven
Behavioral Health Services in the Juvenile
Justice System
Dylanger Skyler Pittman
Vladimir Oliker, Adviser
Dissertation: On the Design of Reecting
Systems with Virtual Sources
Savannah Jordan Post*
William Wuest, Adviser
Dissertation: A Three-Pronged Approach
to Combatting Antibiotic Resistance
Stephanie Marie Prince
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Annabelle Singer, Adviser
Dissertation: Neural Codes Underlying
Memory and Flexible Navigation in Health
and Alzheimer’s Disease
Keith A. Menhinick*
Emmanuel Lartey, Adviser
Dissertation: To Be Loved while We’re
Living: Queer Trauma, Resilience, and
Spiritual Practice
Tatenda Mangurenje Merken*
Peter Brown, Adviser
Dissertation: Fractured Belonging:
Black Police Ofcers and the New
Civil Rights Movement
Kelin Tesia Michael
Art History
Elizabeth Pastan, Adviser
Dissertation: Word, Image, and Copy: The
Reception of Hrabanus Maurus’s “In
honorem sanctae crucis, c. 810–1600 CE
Jessalyn Grace Miller
Vincent Conticello, Adviser
Dissertation: Design and Characterization
of Natural and Naturally Inspired Helical
Protein Assemblies
Connor Nico Morozumi*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Berry Brosi, Adviser
Dissertation: Perturbations in Plant-Pollinator
Networks: Integrating Theoretical and
Empirical Approaches to Understand
Responses to Global Change
Marcella Harrison Morris
Political Science
David Davis and Danielle Jung, Advisers
Dissertation: Interim Governments’ Role
in Institution Building Post–Civil War
Hyemin Joanne Na
Ted Smith, Adviser
Dissertation: Megachurch Modernities:
Visualizing Progress at a Korean and
Korean American Megachurch
Apurba Nandi*
Joel Bowman, Adviser
Dissertation: Development of Machine-
Learned Potential Energy Surfaces with
Application to the Reactive and Vibrational
Dynamics of High Dimensional Molecular
Sohail Nizam
David Benkeser, Adviser
Dissertation: Methods for Improving the
Interpretability and Evaluation of Machine
Learning Models and Decision Making
Brea Arielle Manuel**
Jennifer Heemstra, Adviser
Dissertation: Building Nucleic Acid–Based
Technologies for Biological Sensing and
Steven Aaron Marquardt
Susan Hylen, Adviser
Dissertation: Unleashing Holy Hell: A
Socio-Rhetorical Investigation of Punitive
Miracles in the Septuagint and Luke-Acts
Michael Martin*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Katharina Koelle, Adviser
Dissertation: Leveraging Genomic and Genetic
Diversity to Gain Insights into Viral Evolution
and Spread
Courtney Jane Matheny*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Guy Benian, Adviser
Dissertation: The Chaperone UNC-45 Has
a Crucial Role in Maintaining the Structure
and Function of the Muscle Contractile
Apparatus during Aging
Donna Rosa McDermott*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Berry Brosi, Adviser
Dissertation: Communicating across Boundaries:
An Examination of Social Information Use
by Foraging Bumble Bees and of Integrated
Assessments in Ecology Teaching
Brooke Gavin McKenna
Patricia Brennan, Adviser
Dissertation: Risk and Resilience in the
Intergenerational Impacts of Childhood
Trauma among Black Americans:
Moderating Roles of Epigenetic Aging
and the Gut Microbiome
Juan David Medina*
Biomedical Engineering
Andres Garcia, Adviser
Dissertation: Biomaterial-Mediated
Approaches for Persistent, Localized, and
Targeted Delivery of Immunomodulatory
Namrataa Dipak Mehta*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Jennifer Felger, Adviser
Dissertation: Inammation-Associated
Alterations in Corticolimbic Circuits and
Transdiagnostic Symptoms of Anxiety and
PTSD in Clinical Populations
Logan Melot
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Paul Rota, Adviser
Dissertation: Characterizing the Infection
of B Cells with Vaccine and Wild-Type
Strains of Measles Virus
D  P
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
D  P
Leslie Kristina Salas-Hernandez*
Behavioral, Social, and
Health Education Sciences
Hannah L. F. Cooper, Adviser
Dissertation: Unpacking Police-Public
Contact: Person-Centered, Intersectional, and
Mixed-Methods Perspectives
Marcelo Tadeu Sales
Vojtech Rodl, Adviser
Dissertation: On Pisier Type Problems
Eashani Sathialingam*
Biomedical Engineering
Erin Buckley, Adviser
Dissertation: The Theoretical and Transla-
tional Advancement of Diffuse Correlation
Spectroscopy Measurements of Blood Flow
Kaylyn Jackson Schi*
Political Science
Tom Clark and Zachary Peskowitz, Advisers
Dissertation: The Digital Citizen: The Impact
of Technology on Public Participation and
Government Responsiveness
Scott Taylor Schnur**
David Nugent, Adviser
Dissertation: “We’re Not the Polar Bears”:
Climate Crisis, Politics, and Environmental
Futures in Greenland
Meriah Shira Schoen**
Nutrition and Health Sciences
Rani Singh, Adviser
Dissertation: Choline Nutriture in
Phenylketonuria: Metabolomic Patterns,
Dietary Determinants, and Implications
for Cognitive Performance
Michelle Kathryn Sequeira**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Shannon Gourley, Adviser
Dissertation: Understanding How Cocaine
Propels Inexible Action Strategies
Yuefan Shao*
Alvaro Alonso, Adviser
Dissertation: From Epidemiology to
Decision Making: A Systems Science
Approach to Evaluate Effectiveness
of Complex Behavioral Interventions
Jack Christopher Sharland
Huw Davies, Adviser
Dissertation: Overcoming the Limitations
of Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric
Cyclopropanation and Other Adventures
in Strained Ring Synthesis
Erik Jacob Ringen*
Craig Hadley, Adviser
Dissertation: Developing a Modern Tool Kit
to Study the Co-evolution of Human Subsis-
tence and Social Behavior
Luisa Rivera**
Carol Worthman, Adviser
Dissertation: Three Stories about
Intergenerational Trauma
Melinda Elizabeth Robb**
Comparative Literature
Geoffrey Bennington, Adviser
Dissertation: Because I Said So: Idiomatic In-
sistence and Queer Feminist Refusal in Woolf,
Nelson, and Philip
Beverly Victoria Robinson*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Dorothy Lerit, Adviser
Dissertation: The Role of Drosophila CPEB
Protein, Orb2, on Centrosome Regulation
during Asymmetric Neural Stem Cell Division
Alicia Rodriguez
Valérie Loichot, Adviser
Dissertation: Women in Motion: Remapping
Francophone Narratives in a Digital Space
Ahmed Hemdan Roman*
Ilya Nemenman, Adviser
Dissertation: Learning Physics from Biology
and Data
Timothy R. Romans*
Tonio Andrade and Mark Ravina, Advisers
Dissertation: The Rise and Fall of the
Suetsugu Maritime Dynasty of Tokugawa
Japan, 1571–1676
Violeta Cristina Ruiz Espigares
Comparative Literature
Geoffrey Bennington and
Maria Mercedes Carrion, Advisers
Dissertation: Bleeding Secrets: Literature,
Politics, and Religion in Early Modern Iberia
Elizabeth Tess Sajewski*
Environmental Health Sciences
Benjamin Lopman, Adviser
Dissertation: Targeting Enteric and
Respiratory Viruses across Scales: The
Impact of Immunization, Exposure Control,
and Environmental Change on Population
Disease Dynamics
Mohsen Salari Sharif Abad**
Computer Science and Informatics
Gari Clifford, Adviser
Dissertation: Framework for Spatial Health
Analytics Using Digital Exhaust, Crowd-
Source Data and Electronic Health Records
Nataliya Prokhnevska**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Haydn Kissick, Adviser
Dissertation: CD8 T-Cell Activation Is
Comprised of Two Distinct Phases
Belen Pueyo Ibanez
John Stuhr, Adviser
Dissertation: (Im)possible Communities:
The Cooperative Structure of Moral Thinking
Devina Puri
Biomedical Engineering
Kyle Allison, Adviser
Dissertation: Single-Cell Dynamics of
Self-Assembling Bacterial Communities
Jingyi Qian
Ilia Dichev, Adviser
Dissertation: The Value of Auditor Assurance
in Cryptocurrency Trading
Andrew Raddatz
Biomedical Engineering
Melissa Kemp, Adviser
Dissertation: Multiscale Computational
Modeling of ROS-Generating Chemotherapies
in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Mahajabin Rahman
Stefan Boettcher, Adviser
Dissertation: Analysis of Avalanches in the
Landscape of Disordered Systems
Sk Aysha Rashid
Khalid Salaita, Adviser
Dissertation: Utilizing DNA Nanotechnology
to Unveil the Effects of Receptor Forces on
Cell Maturation and Function
Meghna Ravi
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Vasiliki Michopoulos, Adviser
Dissertation: Oppressive Systems and Risk
for PTSD in Minoritized Communities
Fereshteh Razmi Marani
Computer Science and Informatics
Li Xiong, Adviser
Dissertation: Defensive Machine Learning
Techniques for Countering Adversarial Attacks
Steven Riley*
Jack McDowell, Adviser
Dissertation: Approximating McDowell’s Evo-
lutionary Theory of Behavior Dynamics with
Stochastic Neural Networks
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Emory University Commencement 2023
D  P
Julianne Elizabeth Todd**
Sharron Close, Adviser
Dissertation: Evaluating Stochastic Epigenetic
Mutations as a Potential Mechanism
Translating Psychosocial Stressors into
Risk for Postpartum Depression
Anna Grace Tribble**
Craig Hadley, Adviser
Dissertation: Understanding the Impact
of the UN Oil for Food Program on Later
Iraqi Kurdish Population Health
Jennifer Kim Truong**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Paul Dawson, Adviser
Dissertation: Roles for Bile Acid Transporters
in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Liver
and Intestinal Diseases
Pei Wen Tung*
Environmental Health Sciences
Carmen Marsit, Adviser
Dissertation: Prenatal Metal Exposure Effects
on Newborn Neurobehavior and Epigenetic
Modications in a US Birth Cohort Study
Thomas Colin Turner**
Biomedical Engineering
Edward Botchwey, Adviser
Dissertation: Shifting the Balance of
Inammatory and Pro-resolving Lipid
Mediators in Volumetric Muscle Loss Injuries
Sokol Tushe**
Diwas Singh KC, Adviser
Dissertation: Essays on Health Care
Marisol Valenzuela Lara
Travis Sanchez and Patrick Sullivan, Advisers
Dissertation: The Undiagnosed HIV Epidemic
in Mexico: Factors Associated with
HIV-Testing Behaviors in Mexican Men
Who Have Sex with Men
Hans Peter Verkerke*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Sean Stowell, Adviser
Dissertation: Viral and Immune Factors in
Acute Respiratory Virus Infections: Evaluating
the Role of SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Anti-
genemia in the Diagnosis and Pathogenesis
of SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Amanda Vicente*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Thomas Gillespie, Adviser
Dissertation: Anthropogenic Disturbance
Effects on Disease Dynamics
Betty Jean Stoneman**
John Lysaker, Adviser
Dissertation: Ambiguity, Freedom, and
Civil Disobedience: A Beauvoirian Account
of Civil Disobedience
Kayla Stoy*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Nicole Gerardo and Levi Morran, Advisers
Dissertation: The Persistence of Host-
Symbiont Mutualisms: Investigating the
Roles of Genetic Variation, Coevolution,
and Transmission Mode
Anastasiia Strakhova*
Eric Goldstein and Ellie Schainker, Advisers
Dissertation: Selective Emigration: Border
Control and the Jewish Escape in Late
Imperial Russia, 1881–1914
Zachary Strongin
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Mirko Paiardini, Adviser
Dissertation: Mechanisms of HIV Pathogenesis,
Persistence, and Control in SIV-Infected
Rhesus Macaques
Ian Alexander Tamargo
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Hanjoong Jo, Adviser
Dissertation: The Role of Shear-Sensitive
Protein Heart of Glass Homolog 1 (HEG1)
in Endothelial Biology and Atherosclerosis
Kyle Takeshi Tanaka
John Lysaker, Adviser
Dissertation: Philosophy Shelved: Philosophy’s
Displacement in the Library
Kuei-Chien Tang**
Monika Raj, Adviser
Dissertation: Chemo and Site Selective
Modication of Proteins and Chemical Tools
for Studying Mono-Methyl Lysine (Kme)
Ganzhong Tian*
Benjamin Risk, Adviser
Dissertation: Probabilistic Clustering of Complex
Biomarker Data for Alzheimer’s Disease
Vineet Ravi Tiruvadi*
Biomedical Engineering
Robert Butera and Helen Mayberg, Advisers
Dissertation: Oscillatory Dynamics in
Antidepressant Deep Brain Stimulation
Radhika Sharma**
Khalid Salaita, Adviser
Dissertation: Engineering Nanodiscoidal
Nucleic Acids as the Next-Generation
Platform to Deliver Oligonucleotide
Jessica Ruby Shartouny*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Anice Lowen, Adviser
Dissertation: Genetic Determinants of Inuenza
A Virus Dependence on Multiple Infection
Julia Silva Sobolik
Environmental Health Sciences
Juan Leon, Adviser
Dissertation: Evaluating Norovirus
Contamination of Fresh Produce on US
and Mexican Farms and Mitigating SARS-
CoV-2 Risk among Essential Food Workers
Sang Woo Sohn
Teri Yohn, Adviser
Dissertation: CEO-Employee Political
Alignment and Financial Reporting Outcomes
Racheal Marie Spurlin
Eric Ortlund, Adviser
Dissertation: Design and Synthesis of Chemi-
cal Modulators for Altered Activity of Nuclear
Receptor Liver Receptor Homolog-1 and
Synthesis of Spirocyclic Piperidines via Radi-
cal Hydroarylation
Upali Sraman
Sara McClintock, Adviser
Dissertation: Bending the Body, Keeping
the Mind Upright: Pedagogy of Bodily
Comportment in the Mulasarvastivada
Vinaya Tradition
Pooja Srinivas**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Christine Dunham, Adviser
Dissertation: Ribosome Rescue, Remedies,
and Resistance: Structural Insights into
Bacterial Translation Regulation
Maria Carson Sterrett
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Anita Corbett, Adviser
Dissertation: Characterizing Human-Disease
Mutations in the Essential RNA Exosome
with the Budding Yeast Model System
Madelyn Marie Stone*
Clifton Crais, Adviser
Dissertation: Sovereignty Work: Policing
Colonial Capitalism in South Africa,
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Nicolas Villa-Roel**
Biomedical Engineering
Hanjoong Jo, Adviser
Dissertation: Dening the Pathogenic
Mechanisms of Calcic Aortic Valve Disease
through Single-Cell RNA Sequencing
Nelly Wamaitha Wambui
Ted Smith, Adviser
Dissertation: The Lunatic Express:
Development, the Rule of Law, and the
Myth of Progress
Jian Wang*
Luiz Santos, Adviser
Dissertation: Novel Quantum Phenomena in
Fractal Band Structures
Junxiang Wang**
Computer Science and Informatics
Liang Zhao, Adviser
Dissertation: The Applications of Alternating
Minimization Algorithms on Deep Learning
Shuhe Wang*
Francesco Evangelista, Adviser
Dissertation: Development of Analytic
Energy Gradients for the Driven Similarity
Renormalization Group Second-Order
Perturbation Theory
Wenjie Wang**
Computer Science and Informatics
Li Xiong, Adviser
Dissertation: Towards the Robustness of
Deep Learning Systems against Adversarial
Examples in Sequential Data
Yunmiao Wang
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Dieter Jaeger, Adviser
Dissertation: Wideeld Cortical Voltage
Imaging Reveals Fast Network Activity
Dynamics during Locomotion, Reaching,
and Decision Making
Zihao Wang
Computer Science and Informatics
Jinho Choi, Adviser
Dissertation: Contextual Embedding
Representations for Retrieval-Based
and Generation-Based Dialogue Systems
Andrea Dionne Warmack*
Dilek Huseyinzadegan and
George Yancy, Advisers
Dissertation: Sister, You’ve Been on My Mind:
Perceptual, Affective, and Expressive Practices
of Lived Flesh
Midori Lucia Wasielewski**
Biomedical Engineering
Shuichi Takayama, Adviser
Dissertation: A Biomimetic Approach to
Characterize Neutrophil Extracellular Trap
(NETs) Degradation
David Brandin Weir*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Lawrence Boise, Adviser
Dissertation: Characterization of Cell
Death in Casp3-Decient Mouse
Embryonic Fibroblasts
David Warren White**
Brian Dyer, Adviser
Dissertation: Redox Enzymes for Biocatalysis:
From Asymmetric Hydrogenation to CO2
Shyra Wilde*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Christopher LaRock, Adviser
Dissertation: Role of Interleukin-6
during Restriction of Acapsulated Group A
Julia Taylor Wilson
Patricia Bauer, Adviser
Dissertation: Generative Processing
and the State of Knowledge
Emily Faith Wissel
Vicki Hertzberg and Timothy Read, Advisers
Dissertation: The Gut and Vaginal Microbial
Communities during Pregnancy in Patients
with and without Urogenital Infections
Madeleine Flora Wittenberg*
Patricia Brennan, Advisers
Dissertation: Exploring Direct and Intergener-
ational Effects of Discrimination on the Sleep
Health of Pregnant Black American Women
and Their Children
Ellen Woon*
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Shannon Gourley, Adviser
Dissertation: How Value Informs Decision
Making: A Molecular and Circuit-Level
Samantha Pinson Wrisley
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Elizabeth Wilson, Adviser
Dissertation: Misogyny, a Condition:
Feminism, Heteropessimism, and the Self
Liyan Xu
Computer Science and Informatics
Jinho Choi, Adviser
Dissertation: Enhancing Document
Understanding through the Incorporation
of Structural Inference
D  P
Hanyi Yu**
Computer Science and Informatics
Jun Kong and Vaidy Sunderam, Advisers
Dissertation: Computational Image
Processing and Deep Learning with
Multi-model Biomedical Image Data
Cassandra Lynn Zaremba**
William Wuest, Adviser
Dissertation: Membranes and Metals:
Bacterial Targets to Fight Antibiotic
Jing Zhang
Computer Science and Informatics
Joyce Ho, Adviser
Dissertation: Attention-Enhanced Deep
Learning Models for Data Cleaning
and Integration
Andrew Zhao
Biomedical Engineering
Stanislav Emelianov, Adviser
Dissertation: Characterization and
Development of Laser-Activated
Peruorocarbon Nanodroplets as
Theranostic Agents
Kun Zhao*
Biomedical Engineering
Peng Xi and Yonggang Ke, Advisers
Dissertation: Extending Spatiotemporal
Resolution of Super-Resolution Microscopy
Jianghong Zhou**
Computer Science and Informatics
Eugene Agichtein, Adviser
Dissertation: Improving Interactive Search
with User Feedback
Feng Zhu**
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Chethan Pandarinath, Adviser
Dissertation: Overcoming Spatiotemporal
Trade-Offs in Calcium Imaging Using Deep
Learning-Based Dynamics Modeling
Qingyang Zhu
Environmental Health Sciences
Yang Liu, Adviser
Dissertation: Investigating the Association
between Air Pollution and Cognitive and
Mental Health Outcomes Using Satellite-
Driven Exposure Models
Zhengyi Zhu**
Yijuan Hu and Glen Satten, Advisers
Dissertation: Statistical Methods for
Analyzing Microbiome Data
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Emory University Commencement 2023
  
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 
Cameron Barrett
Kyle Robert Berkowitz
Oliver Leo Blackman
Edith Cortez Lopez
Cole Francis Hendricks
Pole Yoonhyung Lee
Kaiyuan Li
Soa A. Lim
Xiangyu Liu
Janhavi Minocha**
John Jungtaek Moon
Joshua Walker Pritchard
Ziwei Song**
Claire Toh
Lorena Ivon Ventura**
Emily Wang
Tianhao Wang*
Audrey Yang**
Meng T. Yang
Suh Ho Yoo
Yongwei Zhang
  
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Ayah Assaadi
Nikita Baskar
Marawan Moustafa Elgohry
Andrew Stephen Esses
Jessica Yishu Fu*
Jiayi Li
Ryan Everett Michelson**
Ethan T. Nadeau
Haixin Shou
Sherraina Yang Song
Paakhi Srivastava**
Aoran Wang**
Wuxiong Wang
Zhenghao Wang
Qianyi Yang
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  
Margaret Sport
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Ethan Scott Case**
Carson B. Cromartie
William Henry Aplin Lyon
Evan Steel Nelson
Bonnie Elizabeth Schipper
Hunter D. Snowden
Emmakristina Patricia Sveen
   /
   
David Craig Frisch**
Yiyang Mei**
   /
  
Vineet Ravi Tiruvadi*
   /
   
Mackenzie Price Bennett
Ramoncito Lagman Caleon
Claire Lucia Castellano
Harrison Malone Goodall III
Brendan Gray
Jason Scott McLean
Thomas Edward Partin
Tyler H. Perry
Benjamin Mark Rabin
Jessica Elyse Reed
Hannah Reiss
David Cope Wang
Clarence M. Williams Jr.
   /
  
Apoorva Gangavelli
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   
Anna Grace Tribble**
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   
Olivia Le Nguyen*
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  
Kayla Roselind Adina Jones**
  
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Camilo Gutierrez**
Caroline Hanrahan Kimberly
Derek Chase Porter**
  
 /  
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Danni Dong
    /
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Avery Louise Elloway**
Lily Jieun Ha**
Taylor Nicole Juretic**
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   
Lindsey Ann Allen
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Kristiana Engler**
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Marija Ivanka Pritchard
R  D D
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
H H
Sarah Marie Abraham
Paula Acocal
Film and Media
Pooja Sri Addala
Hunter Reed Akridge
Noor Sarah Aldayeh
Film and Media
Sahar Nuri Al-Gazzali
Middle Eastern and
South Asian Studies
Hanifah Aisha Ali
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Joseph Ara Ambarian
Lucas Alonso-Munoyerro Anton
Physics and Astronomy
Ella Arms
Don Gabriel Asafu-Adjaye
Walter Moises Avila
Quantitative Sciences
Deborah Frimpong Baafi
Leah Rose Bader
Political Science
Stephanie Elena Ballas
Philosophy, Politics, Law
Nikhil Shekhar Bapat
Computer Science
Kathryn Julia Barr
Pamela Chopra Beniwal
Anthropology and
Human Biology
Carson Quinn Bohl
Human Health
Riley Bondell Brackin
Rachel Callisha Broun
Camila Florencia Calviño Pintado
Quantitative Sciences
Allison Grace Cartee
Engineering Sciences
Julianna Hope Celeste
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Virginia Jean Chambers
Joseph Elliott Chamoun
Kai Chang
Leng Seong Che
Quantitative Sciences
Iris Yutang Chen
Ruishi Chen
Applied Mathematics
and Statistics
Ruohan Chen
Sanne Fleur Glastra**
Quantitative Sciences
David Aaron Goldberg
Chen Gong
Computer Science
Xiaoyun Gong
Applied Mathematics
and Statistics
Sophia Miranda Manabat
Adway Gopakumar
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Margaret Rainey Greene
Art History
Siyi Gu
Computer Science
Pulkit Gupta
Rhea Gupta
Bruno Luigi
Hammerschlag Medaglia
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Sarah Catherine Hancock
Yujia Hao
Applied Mathematics
and Statistics
Gabriel Brian Harr-Siebenlist
Middle Eastern and
South Asian Studies
Edina Hartstein
Osama Elsaid Hussein
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Sabina Afroz Iqbal
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Gelsey Elise Jaymes
Simon Hao Jiang
Olamina Jimenez Sanchez
African American Studies
Yeer Jin
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Matthew Angelo Fernandez
Justin K. Joseph
Pragati Kapila
Sonia Corbett Karkare
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Sriya Naga Karra
Human Health
Kennedy Gabriella Kerr
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Nicholas Lap-Yin Keung
Samia Masuda Khan
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Tiffany Chunwei Chen
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Yixiao Chen
Applied Mathematics
and Statistics
Hannah Chong**
Elijah Chou
Computer Science
Lola Marie Cleaveland
Rebecca Sara Cohen
Samuel Giuseppe Cohen
Isabel Anne Coyle
Emily Zhang Cui
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Patrick Michael Czabala
Britney Del Solar
Emma Haze Dollar
Creative Writing
Cory Edward Dorfman
Josie Dylan Douglas-Brown
Lara Juliette Drinan Yeganeh
Philosophy, Politics, Law
Jared Joseph Druss
Solanch Dupeyron
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Ali Ebada
Mark Edoho Essien
Claire Elizabeth Evans
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Andy Fan
Applied Mathematics
Xin Fang
Fan Fei
Lucia Rowe Ferry
Philosophy, Politics, Law
Ilana Rachel Fischer
Environmental Sciences
Sara Flano*
Rebecca Lauren Bauman
Fan Gao*
Yifei Gao
Yuhao Gao
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Isaac Foster Gazmararian
Film and Media
Eugenia Giampetruzzi
Celline Hayoung Kim
Political Science
Seung Hyun Kim
Sunmin Kim
Divya Kishore
Interdisciplinary Studies
in Society and Culture
Emma Rose Klein
Henry Livingston Koskoff
Creative Writing
Zeeyong Kwong
Kat Renee LaFever
Rachel Leah Lebovic
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Nathaniel Jacob Lechtzin
Richard Sean Lee
Seung Kyu Lee
Tiantian Li
Computer Science
Xinran Li
Computer Science
Zhenglun Li
Esthey Ruey-Han Lin
Xuanyang Lin
Computer Science
Joyce Qiaosi Liu
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Benjamin Fitzpatrick Lonial
Shuxuan Luo
Applied Mathematics
and Statistics
Carolyn Ma
Wittika Mingus
Rahil Riad Mahmood
Danielle Leigh Mangabat
Anthropology and
Human Biology
Kate Margaret Margiotta
Sarah Kamel Marzouk
Film and Media
Caroline Emily
McNelly McCormack
Natalie Rose McGrath
Matthew George Menkart
Jack Michael Conway Miklaucic
Environmental Sciences
Abigail Eve Millender
Alexa Zara Mohsenzadeh
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Pia Marina Montenegro
Spencer Marshall Moore
Political Science
Regina Morales
Spanish and Portuguese
Keita Morisaki
Applied Mathematics
Atlas Spencer Moss
Anthropology and
Human Biology
Abhijay Kedar Mudigonda
Ishika Mukherjee
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Anjanay Ansel Nangia
Jordan Narins
Laila Sabreen Nashid
Angel Navarrete Ramirez
Latin American and
Caribbean Studies
Ruth Santiago Nelson*
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Wren Florence Nelson
American Studies
Vu Ngo
Cierra Mckenzie Norman
Women's, Gender, and
Sexuality Studies
Carys Elaine Obertone*
Noah Seiji Okada
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Danielle Hannah Orloff
Teoman Schneider Ozaydin
Mert Ozbay
Middle Eastern and
South Asian Studies
Andrew Palmer Pahnke
Antara Malhar Palkar
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Hely Hetal Patel
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Nikita Kalani Patel
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Sneh Patel
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Josh Caleb Peacock
Engineering Sciences
Francis Yu-Hsing Peng
Yixuan Peng
Jackson Matthew Pentz
Kirsten Ema Perez
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Alvaro Perez Daisson
Anthropology and
Human Biology
Annika Elisabet Polatsek
George Antonio Poppitz
Muran Qin
Computer Science
Vijaya Lakshmi Reddy
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Sasha Rivers*
Jewish Studies
Peyton Elizabeth Robertson
Computer Science
Gisell Anais Rondon*
African American Studies
Jeffrey Dylan Rosen
Emma Grace Rosenau
African American Studies
Tess Aliza Rosenthal
Theater Studies
Kheyal Roy-Meighoo
Film and Media
Alexandru Rudi
Computer Science
Abigail Miriam Saltzman
Shivam Praveen Saran
Quantitative Sciences
Jackson Devall Schneider
Akash Shanmugam
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Wenyi Shao
Annie Shen
Haosi Shen
Yishen Shen
Bakai Sheyitov
Evelyn Britta Sload
Hannah Elizabeth Soloff
Haorui (Davy) Song
Caroline Grace Spancake
Nichole Marie Stettner
Human Health
Jiayu Sui
Applied Mathematics
and Statistics
Sierra Angele-Renee Talbert
Women's, Gender, and
Sexuality Studies
Benjamin Jacob Thomas
Comparative Literature
Weiyi Tian
Kristina Ognianova Trifonova
Michael Z. Tu
Trinity Brielle Tunstall
Ruby Tallulah Annie Vickers
Classics and English
Sophie Hoang Vo
Nandish Ketan Vora
Elizabeth Kate Wagman
Anthropology and
Human Biology
Boqi Wang
Hao Wang
Applied Mathematics
and Statistics
Shiyuan Wang
Comparative Literature
Yizhou Wang
Quantitative Sciences
Yongyi Wang
Zheyu Wang
Applied Mathematics
and Statistics
Nicholas Victor Weinrich
Samuel Ellis Weinstein
Anthropology and
Human Biology
Jacob Nathaniel Wessell
Computer Science
Bethany Mackenzie Williams
Grace Marie Wilson
Amanda Nicole Wolf
Environmental Sciences
Yena Woo
Aaron Khing Wozniak
Alyssa Y. Wu
Kevin Wu
Computer Science
Yunjie Wu
Computer Science
Yuxuan Wu
Mengmeng Xiao
Political Science
Lennox Everest Xu
Peiying Yang
Yi Yang
Computer Science
Alicia Yin
Qingyue Yuan
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Zachary Moshe Zaiman
Computer Science
Helena Abebaw Zeleke
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Christopher Zeuthen
Anthropology and
Human Biology
Allen Zhang
Computer Science
Drason Han Zhang
Luoran Zhang
Applied Mathematics
Minxing Zhang**
Computer Science
Grace Chenfei Zhou
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Ziyu Zhou
H H
Manavi Anantula
Quantitative Sciences
Schuyler Mathews Arn
Amandeep Singh Bedi
Political Science
Henry McLean Mofield Blair
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Matthew Anderson Buxton
Creative Writing
Yide Cai
Isabella Grace Cavagna
Daniel Augustine Cooley
Film and Media
William Samuel Langstaff Dinneen
Julia Christine Donovan
Sergio Andres Eraso
Ethan Marshall Essenfeld
Elexis Danyell Fisher
Christopher Ryan Rola
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Stephen Gray Gaunt
Conor Joseph Harty
Brett Thomas Henshey
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Samaia Ireyan Hill
Women's, Gender, and
Sexuality Studies
William Cecil Horne IV
Lauren Densie Huiet
Political Science
Alexis Catherine Jenkins
Film and Media
Nicole Marie Kassabian
Sara Amina Khan
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Christopher Minjae Kim
Gabriele Ka Young Kim
Yu Jun Kim
Quantitative Sciences
Christopher Lee
Yujia Li**
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
Muzhi Liu
Political Science
Zhi Luo
Abigayle Rosalie Mazzocco
Interdisciplinary Studies
in Society and Culture
Kylie Brianne Measimer
Elena Mishkovsky
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Ella Caitlyn Morgen
Maxwell J. Myerson
Hazel Oh
Valeria Pacheco
Creative Writing
Mit Pinakin Patel
Eddy Ariel Pineda
Ameer Hytham Rifai
Film and Media
Madelyn Grace Roberts
Joseph Eugene Golden Rosenbaum
Political Science
Alison Jill Rothman
Film and Media
Kayla Ann Salehian
Political Science
Nishant Satapathy
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Noah Schwartz
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Tanvi Shah
Anthropology and
Human Biology
Huachen Shi
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Michael Taylor Starr
Maxwell Su
Nick Su
Luisa Taverna
Lois Tracy Naameyah
Griffin Abner Thompson
Interdisciplinary Studies
in Society and Culture
Hallie Fei Toren
Emilie Chenda Ung
Amy Shuran Wang
Anthropology and
Human Biology
Ruohe Wang
Silu Wang
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Xinyi Wang
Alaina Louise Waters
Lucas Brandon Wright*
Philosophy, Politics, Law
Sreyas Yennampelli
Philosophy, Politics, Law
Jaclyn Brooke Youngentob
Middle Eastern and
South Asian Studies
Trent Yu
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Qinxin Yuan
Kuo Zhang
George Stephen Adams
Benjamin David Archer
Psychology and Linguistics
Samuel Avram Berliner-Sachs
Interdisciplinary Studies
in Society and Culture
Chloe Ruth Boynton
Yitong Chen
Sarah Cooper
Jessica Anne Forsstrom
Naomi Celeste Gonzalez-Garcia
Zhongqi Hou
Anikka Genoa Jordan
Douglas Kavaguti
Lilias Jeong Hyun Kim
Cayanne Ruth Korder
Anthropology and
Human Biology
Ella Nicole Lavelle
Christopher Seungmin Lee
William Douglas Olsen
Political Science
Ronald Wayne Poole II
African American Studies
Krithika Shrinivas
Anthropology and
Human Biology
Xavier Anthony Stevens
Creative Writing
Sherry Tsui
Aditi Vellore
Runming Wang
Neuroscience and
Behavioral Biology
Olivia West Willingham
Art History
Jiarui Yan
Eric Yi Zhang
H H
Hannah L. Baskind
Sydney J. Calas
Ethan S. Case**
Frank William DeBorde Jr.
Daniel J. Fitzpatrick
David Craig Frisch**
Anna Grace Gabianelli
Steven R. Grayes
Annemarie F. Heitz
Rachel Kennedy
William Lyon
Christina R. Morrison
Melissa D. Murphy
Shion Nagasaka
Anne C. Reid
Johnson A. Salisbury Jr.
Everett Richard Stanley
Joseph H. Stone
Nicole Marie Waitzman
Eric Hu Wang
Stuart Algood
John Joseph Angel
Shahin Alexander Assadnia
James Edward Belina
Natalie Rose Berkowitz**
Grace F. Berner
Danielle Robyn Bimston
Suresh S. Boodram
Jonah M. Brafman
Bailey Brusca
Enrique J. Chaljub Garcia
Binjal Chaudhari
Shannon R. Cherney
Kathryn P. Chilton
Michael P. Clancy
Carson S. Clear
Blake Clevenger
Simon Cohen
Carson Lenore Cook
Carson B. Cromartie
Adrienne G. Culver
Abigail Dagher
Rushton S. Davis
Eliza Ashley Del Carmen
Sarah Raichlen F. Denhard
Anna L. Denton
Jack Dewinter
Madison Blair Dodge
Kristina Michele DuBois
Kevin C. Duong
Carter Michael Eldreth
Amoy R. Ellis
Nicole Falcone
Taylor Fay
Robert S. Ferrari
Natasha V. Fisher
Matthew Gang
Michael James Gauch
Radley A. Gillis
Steven Eric Grotch
Alana Gutierrez
Brooke N. Hamby
Josephine Jenkins Hardin
John Hillman
Jessica Jackson**
Samuel Jasinski
Nicole K. Johnson
Saxon Kagume
DaYoun Kang
Marianthi Marcella Karas
Mary K. Karcher
Bryce M. Kelly
Ethan D. Kim
Taeyeong Kim
Skylar Amanda Klein
John Joseph Kokolakis
Samantha Krenson
Brook F. Labounty
Allie R. Lefkowitz
Harrison M. Lipsky
Shannon E. Lundin
Lauren A. Madeira
Claire C. Maloney
Brooke H. Mason
Jonathan A. Matthew
Nicholas Matthews
Nathan M. McMullen
Timothy A. McWhirter
Yiyang Mei**
Virginia G. Mitchell
Kathryn R. Morris
Georgia R. Neal
Evan S. Nelson
Adam Jaret North
Caitlin Elizabeth Oh
Victoria Taylor
Olender Hellstrom
Shelby Lee Peek
Shane Plavin
Marilyn Claire Plecha
Zachary J. Poretz
Elliott D. Race
Jake A. Rauchberg
Jennifer Eileen Reefe
Wyatt J. Reid
Gabrielle Resnick
Joshua Richards
Valentina Rivera
Jacob A. Rodon
Alyssa P. Rogowski
Alex J. Rozas
Kellsie Davis Ruane
Jack Ryan
Branigan M. Satterfield
Bonnie Elizabeth Schipper
Addison M. Schlatter
Grant M. Schwabrow
Kyle A. Shimomura
Emily Spears
Margaret Sport
Virginia M. Strauss
Caitlin Suarez
Ian M. Surdell
Grayson Thompson
Sravya Vallapureddy
Justine A. Vandermel
Stephanie Elizabeth Verdery
Julie Uyen Vo
Rachel A. Waddey
Joseph B. Ward
Destiny D. Williams
Madeleine R. Wood
Chuanze Yan
John C. Ying
Aviya Zarur
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
H S
Kennedy G. Kerr
Samia Masuda Khan
Sumedh Kaustubh Khanolkar
Jonathan Min-Hyuk Kim
Henry Livingston Koskoff
Zeeyong Alex Kwong
Joseph Dong Lee
Richard Sean Lee
Ashley Morgan Lew
Mutian Li
Muzhi Liu
Benjamin Fitzpatrick Lonial
Shuxuan Luo
Abhiram Reddy Manda
Marshall P. McCall
Clare Choi McCarthy
Jack Miklaucic
Blake Andrew Miller
Alexa Zara Mohsenzadeh
Spencer Marshall Moore
Keita Morisaki
Hannah Nichole Morrison
Maxwell J. Myerson
Anjanay A. Nangia
Carys Elaine Obertone*
Danielle Hannah Orloff
James Ouyang
Mert Ozbay**
Aarjav Pratyush Pandya
Isabella Ha Young Park
Connor Jeffrey Parrish
Nikita Kalani Patel
Sneh Patel
Francis Y. Peng
Jackson Matthew Pentz
Taylor Lauren Phan
George Antonio Poppitz
Muran Qin
Kheyal Roy-Meighoo
Alexandru Rudi
Kayla Ann Salehian
Tiana Ruth Scott
Vishal Shankar
Akash Shanmugam
Annie Shen
Victoria Regan Siegel
Luke Ashley Sims
Evelyn Britta Sload
Haorui Song
Jiayu Sui
Luisa S. Taverna
Benjamin Jacob Thomas
Weiyi Tian
Hsing-tien Tsai
Julia Anne Varner
Ruby Tallulah Annie Vickers
Nina Vijayvargiya
Sophie Hoang Vo
Elizabeth Kate Wagman
Nevin Rikhy Walia
Anthony Anshih Wang
Boqi Wang
Hao Wang
Runming Wang
Ruohe Wang
Shiyuan Wang
Mengzhe Wei**
Jacob Nathaniel Wessell
Mackenzie JoAnne White**
Bethany Mackenzie Williams
Layla Gari Wofsy
Yena Woo
Alyssa Y. Wu
Lennox Everest Xu
Yue Xu
Yicheng Xue
Peiying Yang
Haley Jon-Huey Yao
Alicia Yin
Christopher A. Zeuthen
Daren F. Zhang
Drason Han Zhang
Kuo Zhang
Minxing Zhang**
Ting Dan Zhang
Alexander Zhong
Nam Zhou
Jedidiah Zhongyao Zhu
O D K
national honorary leadership
Hanifah Aisha Ali
Raegan LeShea Allen
Kayla Reed Berry
Tatiana Olivia Bolds
Justin Samuel Bright
Justin Kendall Burnett
Elijah Chou
Carly Resceda Colen
Audrey Jean DeRossett
Katherine Hanru Dong
Myles Kole Dunn
Solanch Dupeyron
Asa Nance Forman
Jeremy Alex Friedman
Matthew Sean Friedman
Rebecca Lauren Bauman
Garrett Benson George
Sydney Law Gillespie
David Aaron Goldberg
Adway Gopakumar
Allison Rebecca Grubman
Pulkit Gupta
Rhea Gupta
Ellen Marie Harnisch
Gelsey Elise Jaymes
Simon Hao Jiang
Anikka Genoa Jordan
Amit Vivek Kavadi
Sara Amina Khan
Hannah Yakob Kidane
Gabriele Ka Young Kim
Divya Kishore
Zeeyong Alex Kwong
Lilian Phi Le
Rachel Leah Lebovic
Dar-Yin Li
Justin Chen Li
Zhenglun Li
Sachi Madan
Abhiram Reddy Manda
Clare Choi McCarthy
Matthew George Menkart
Jack Michael Conway Miklaucic
Blake Andrew Miller
Sejal Murthy
Daniella Nakash
Laila Sabreen Nashid
Danielle Hannah Orloff
Aarjav Pratyush Pandya
Aneeka Sonal Patel
Nikita Kalani Patel
Sneh Patel
George Antonio Poppitz
Ria Puri
Allison Brooke Reinhardt
Sabra Kayla Rich
Ryan Stephen Ruhde
Kayla Ann Salehian
Ashwattham Meenakumari
Akash Shanmugam
Jessica Emily Solomon
Miles Antoni Sterling
Benjamin Thomas
Akshat Toshniwal
Trinity Brielle Tunstall
Amal Fatima Umerani
Kiara Ailani Vazquez Narvaez
Emily Hsu-Chi Wang
Samuel Ellis Weinstein
Emma Gabrielle West
Leah Girmai Woldai
Yena Woo
Alyssa Y. Wu
Katelyn Anne Wunsch
Alicia Yin
Qinxin Yuan
Muhammad Ejaz Syed Haider
Annabelle Lola Zekeri
Christopher A. Zeuthen
Jiayi Zhan
Cathy Mengtong Zhuang
T O  A
The Order of Ammon is a
secret society at Emory whose
members are chosen due to their
merit, character, imagination,
and persistent commitment to
better Emory and the world at
large. The order differentiates
itself by striving to create an
inclusive community on campus.
Ammon does not reveal its six
graduating members.
P B K S
Founded in 1776, the society
honors high achievement in the
liberal arts. Emory’s chapter,
Gamma of Georgia, was
chartered in 1929.
Aayra Aamer
Ahmed Shahin Abdel Naby
Hanifah Aisha Ali
Raegan LeShea Allen
Joseph Ara Ambarian
Anish Dutt Bagga
Nikhil Shekhar Bapat
Amandeep Bedi
Pamela Chopra Beniwal
Kayla Reed Berry
Joshua Neil Beskind
Rishab Harish Bhatt
Sahil Dharmesh Bhatt
Claire Brock
Madeline Bryce
Emma Cahalan
Anna Kirwan Carey II
Allison Grace Cartee
Joseph Elliott Chamoun
Seowon Chang
Wittika M. Chaplet
Iris Y. Chen
Joanna Chen**
Ruishi Chen
Ganesh Chilukuri**
Elijah Chou
Patrick M. Czabala
Joseph Martin Dalloul
Gabriella Sara Danziger
Andrew William DeMaster
Yi Ding
Josie Dylan Douglas-Brown
Ali Ebada
Angelina Nichole Ferritto
Jissela Tatiana Flores Delgado
Jessica Anne Forsstrom
Max David Friedman
Rebecca Lauren Bauman
Yuhao Gao
Bridgette Grace Garnache**
Rose Gertzman**
Eugenia Giampetruzzi
David Aaron Goldberg
Dylan P. Goldberg
Xiaoyun Gong
Margaret Rainey Greene
Siyi Gu
Pulkit Gupta
Yujia Hao
Gabriel Brian Harr-Siebenlist
Sheng Huang
Yijin Huang
Victoria Ngoc Huynh
Rauf Alim Iftikhar
Fiona C. Jones
Justin K. Joseph
Bahaa Kazzi**
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
H S
Founded in 1902, D.V.S.
offers membership to rising
seniors who have given
significant leadership and service
to the university and who are
expected to continue an unusual
degree of loyalty and dedication
to Emory in the future.
Ashley Yunhee Cha
Katherine Hanru Dong
Adway Gopakumar
Clare Choi McCarthy
Anne Marie Odney
Balwant-Amrit Virk Singh
A K D
international honorary society
in sociology
Justin Burnett
Qianyu Daniel Chen
Ruishi Chen
Hannah Chong
Cory Dorfman
Elexis Fisher
Veronica Freiria
Nicole Kassabian
Olivia Latshaw
Selah Williams Mercade
Laila Nashid
Nicole Ramirez
Marissa Ridge
Akshat Toshniwal
Avery Verona
Ellen Wu
Jiwoo Yoon
A O A
national honorary medical
Soufiane Azargui
Greti Barokas
Sabrine Bensouda
Caroline Berg von Linde Braun
Matthew Brown
Ramoncito Lagman Caleon
Claire Lucia Castellano
John Wesley Chancellor
Lena Chu
Lisette Marie Corbin
Charles Edouard Crepy
Kingsley Fortin-Leung
Anna Magdalena Goebel
Michaela Maria Henderson
Oliver Liu-Lam
Stephanie Chiching Liu-Lam
Andrea Martinez
Nneka Molokwu
Danielle Erica Mustin
Tim Niyogusaba
Chibueze Dominic Nwagwu
Daniel Pastan
Mary Margaret Pelling
Jessica Elyse Reed
Paola Alexandra
Rodriguez Morales
Michael Sayegh
Morgan E. Schafer
Sophia Lee Stylianos
Richard Wu
B G S
honorary society of
business administration
B  B
Samantha Xinyun Bian
Oliver Leo Blackman
Aiden Jordan Buettgen
Margaret Chang
Grant Paul Drogosch
Kira Xian Eng
Zachary Daniel Forman
Andrew Peter Gellert
Alexa Goetz
Tenzin Tsomo Gonshar
Laurence Joseph Habbouch**
Cole Francis Hendricks
Eliza Rose Jagid
Amit Vivek Kavadi
Heuitae Kim
Natalie Paige Klar
Jennifer Alexandra Kloner
Vivek Deval Lashkari
Angela Sarah Lee**
Tzu Tung (Nicole) Lee
Joshua Eli Levy
Ethan Louis Mayblum
Justin Melton-Tudor
Michael J. Moll
Daniella Nakash
Jiayi Peng
Jenna Merri Pfeffer
Trinity Ann Pizzuti
David Joshua Portnoy
Joshua Walker Pritchard
Sabra K. Rich
William Colin Richards
Dustin Ari Rosenfeld
Lia Rose Rubel
Emily Lauren Shaener**
Heather Shao
Hannah Siegel Smith
Dina Rose Sofair
Savannah Mae Sowards
Corey Taft Stern
Jacob Salvatore Sugarmann
Justin K. Urban
Landon Alexander Warner
Spencer Savid Weinhoff
Abigail Jungah Woo
Siheng Yang
Yongle Yu
Jiayi Zhan
Kaitlin Z. Zhang
M  B
Khawaja Hamza Ahmad
Gabriel Paul Altman
Ross Beard**
Chad Michael Bednar
Jonathan Paul Berman*
Heather Hooker Boggio
Jonathan Alex Bresler
Morgan Elli Brown
Nicholas Skye Carlson*
Amy Yamei Chen
Jiajia Chen
Robert Emmitt Connely IV
John Patrick Crain
Sehar Dadani
Shize Dai
Joelle Dake
Scott Robert Damerow
Peter Isaac Danis
Madeline Michele Davis
Lasa Fontaine Ennis
Scott Hamilton Ennis
Stephanie Faucher
Kevin Matthew FitzGerald
Julie Levine Friedberg
Rosa Amelia Galindo Ching
Conor Austin Gattis
Joshua Giesler
Michael Austin Green
Steven William Hargis
Ryan Bryce Hawks
John Healy**
Jackson Heideman
Alton Howell Herron III**
Shanae Lisa Ann Hillhouse
Himanshu Hitesh
Jimmy John
Dileep Rayudu Kandula
Pankaj Keshwani
Shruti Khanna
Taewoong Kim
Nicole Kathryn Kosko
Shane Thornton Laufer
Scott David LeVine
Abraham Jack Levy**
William Henry Aplin Lyon
Ryan Martin
Jeffrey Harris Marx
Lara Hannah Davis McGee
Kathryn L. Meagley
Yuki Miyatake
Max Sawyer Mosky
Courtnay N. Oddman
Yu Okada
Manisha Patel
Vraj Patel
Aditya Patibandla
Brendan Pellegrino
Caroline Barnes Price
Badrinarayanan Ravendran
Daniel Refai
Arnav Sachdev
T D S
The Dobbs Society recognizes
exemplary leaders who leave
a profoundly positive impact
on the residential community
through significant contributions
and service to Emory’s residence
hall community.
Leah Rose Bader
Cindy Cheng
Cosette Marie Drook
Solanch Dupeyron
Yanira Garcia
Celline Kim
Zee Kwong
Caroline Grace Spancake
An honor society comprising
anonymous senior student
leaders whose mission is to
improve the Emory community
by promoting loyalty, wisdom,
integrity, tradition, and vision.
T P S
The Paladin Society seeks to
promote spirit, foster community,
and uphold tradition at Emory
University through dedication
to a humble service.
Cosette Marie Drook
Caroline Marie Kee
Andrew Palmer Pahnke
Aarjav Pratyush Pandya
T J G S
S  S
for potential and proven
ability in creative leadership
at the undergraduate level
Paris Imani Bates
Donalie Rose Black
Yide Cai
Alexis Catherine Jenkins
Abigayle Rosalie Mazzocco
Daniela Minondo Beverini
Kheyal Roy-Meighoo
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Ababa Morke
Mohinee Mukherjee
Camille Ruth Murray
Kayleigh Jo Nerhood
Emily Marie Nieckula
Maheen Noorullah
Oluwatosin Olojo
Jeffery Osei
Lexi Ouellette
Jessica Catherine Peck
Lindsay Anne Pett
Katherine Reilly
Nicholas John Ripper
Kendall R. Schutzer
Bayana Nazreen Shajahan*
Angela Shen
Natalie Grace Shen
Rana Khalid Sulieman*
Tanvi Suresh
McKenzi Thompson
Jessica A. Trevisan
Andrea Guadalupe
Tristan Urrutia
Natalie Vaziri
Tyler Martin Vernon
Shitao Wang
DP A
honorary society in
German studies
Yide Cai
Cosette Marie Drook
Lilith R. Edwards *
Laurel Ivanoski
Sonia Corbett Karkare
Sonia H. Karsan
Hannah Rose Klein
Hannah Carrington Kreuziger
Caleb Marc Peters
John Thomas Ryan**
Wenyi Shao
Trevor James Smith
D S
national Slavic honorary society
Kripa Solanki
Ben Thomas
E S P
national honorary society
in classics
Tedy Rachel Dasher
Jared J. Druss
Julia Christine Donovan
Willem Alexander Goedecke
Margaret Rainey Greene
Hannah Y. Kidane
Suheyla N. Kipcakli
Divya Kishore
Nelson James Navarrete
Joe Lee Santifer IV
Thomas A. Sarsfield
Xavier Anthony Stevens
Olivia Anne Te Kolste
Ruby Tallulah Annie Vickers
Isabel Danu Wallgren 
L A
national honorary society
in anthropology
Hunter Reed Akridge
Lauren Michele Baydaline
Pamela Chopra Beniwal
Eve Belle Berrie
Rachel C. Broun
Thomas Q. Davis
Ryan J. Dieudonne
Nicole C. Felix-Tovar
Lucia Rowe Ferry
Alaina LaShea Gibson**
Naomi Celeste Gonzalez
Emmanuela Jules
Grace Xinyi Li
Alexa Leigh Lisenby
Abhiram Reddy Manda
Danielle Leigh Mangabat
Nykia Tiara Murry
Siri Chandana Peddineni
Vaishnavi Reddy
Alex Scott Reid
Krithika Shrinivas
Adia Elizabeth Slaughter
Molly Xia Pan Thomason**
Elizabeth Kate Wagman
Andrew Mintse Wang
Samuel Ellis Weinstein
Olivia West Willingham
Grace Marie Wilson
Christopher A. Zeuthen
L N
national honorary society
in radiologic and imaging
Peyton Grace Allison
Enya Cailin Barnes
Aungelic Latrice Hughes
David Daniel Lee
Savannah Paige Sanderson
Kaitlynne JoAnne Sperano
N R P
national honor society
in neuroscience
Hanifah Aisha Ali
Claire Elizabeth Brock
Julianna Hope Celeste
Tiffany Chunwei Chen
Rachel Avery Chernoff
Madison Alexander Conduah
Emily Zhang Cui
Solanch Dupeyron
Owen Hallauer**
Allison Rebecca Grubman
Hannah Elizabeth Holliday
Beamlak Tsegaye Kuma
Rachel Leah Lebovic
Joseph Dong Lee
Ellington Dubois McDaniels
Kara Taylor Michaud
Daniela Minondo Beverini
Ishika Mukherjee
Lauren Nicole Musachia
Noah Seiji Okada
Aarjav Pratyush Pandya
Nikita Kalani Patel
Amanda Methika Randunne
Solana Shani Rivera
Luke Ashley Sims
Ashwin Ujre
Emma Gabrielle West
D E
international honorary society
in economics
Eric H. Albanese
Isabella Aguado
Sophia Grace Barthel
Leslie Berg
Charles Braverman
Samuel Giuseppe Cohen
Kardelen Ergul
Elaine Han
Manushri Kanoria
Aayushi Khanna
Bryan Lipton
Jaejun Kim
Audrey Margolies
Tara Mittal
Vidhi Mittal
Aradhya Munjal
Rikhil Nanda
Ruichen Ni
Moyosoreoluwa Odugbemi
Kendall Pollard
Aashna Shah
Jacob Sugarmann
Jiarui Tang
Yingyi Tan
Yishu Wang
Ethan K Zhang
Tianqi Zhang
Jessie Zhu
H S
David Ryan Sanders
Neil Lowell Savage
Bonnie Elizabeth Schipper
Natalie Elizabeth Seeber
Lee Matthew Silver
Sukhreet Singh
Boopathy Sivaraman
Lynn Sladek
Won Jin Song
Krishna Thakkar
Andrew Arthur Thompson
Leonardo Gabriel Torres
Laura Vasile
Patrick Wilson
James David Wiltshire*
Hyunsik Won
Suh Yoon
George Graham Zinger
D O
national honorary society
in public health
Alexa Aburto
Adili Amila
Anushka Anand
Netra Anand
Arrey-Takor Ayuk-Arrey
Lauren Elizabeth Beagle
Parie Bhandari
Jackie Yasmin Bonilla
Mary Elizabeth Brooks*
Maria Amália
Carvalho Guimaraes
Michael Taylor Cassidy*
Denise Catbay
Sabrina S. Chow
Emelie Victoria Coleman
Tucker Casey Colvin
Linlin Da
Annie Davis
Gianna Jade del Vecchio
Amanda Dorsey
Jessica M. Douglas*
Chenxi Du
Mengke Du
Kelly Anne Falcone
Nicholas Fonseca Nogueira*
David Craig Frisch**
Ronak D. Ghiya*
Kathleen Goodwin
Muxin Han
Sara Elizabeth Hendrix
Chloee Noel Henley
Ryan Huang
Estefani Ignacio Gallegos*
Shilpa Ruchi Jain
Zora Kesich
Sophia Rachael Lamb
Stephanie Joy Lehman
Keighly Little
Yutong Liu
Mario Antonio Lopez-Rodriguez
Sandra Maduforo
Chloe Sumiko Miwa
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
P A T
national honorary society
in history
SophieAthene SusanBrown
Isabel Anne Coyle
William Samuel Langstaff
Justin Nguyen Doan
Edina J. Hartstein
Kendall Boynton Hauerwas
Harrison Taylor Helms
Victoria Robin Jordan
Gabriele Ka Young Kim
Si YoungKim
Maxwell J. Myerson
Annika Elisabet Polatsek
Kheyal Roy-Meighoo
Miles Antoni Sterling
Julia Anne Varner
James Wendt Jr.
Leah G. Woldai
P E S
national honorary society
for first-year college and
university students
O C
John Wyatt Bettis
Tanya D. Bhagatwala**
Federico Bitar
Katherine Elizabeth Clark**
Ashwin Julius Giri
Zhiyan Huang**
Daniel Jackson**
Sydney Elizabeth Kampmier**
Vorakarn Karnburisudthi
Carl Haig Kassabian**
Masin Ainsley Kearney**
Connor Scott Kelso
Jason Tyler Lee**
Zhe Xuan Noah Lian
Kaitlynn Elizabeth Love**
Emma Addison Martin
Nathaniel Skye Nash
Brielle Natenzon**
Shuqian Ni**
Gitanjali Paladugu
Zetao Pan**
Elizabeth Kinnan Peters
Ly Mai Pham
Julia Yangyuan Ponek
Doreen Gyamfua Sasu
Maxwell Baker Shumway
Jinghan Sun**
Maxwell Michael Troilo
Zijian Wang
Maxwell Wu
Lan Yang**
Yuanxiang Zhao**
Zhiheng Zhou
E C
Aayra Amer
Ahmed Shahin Abdel Naby
Paula Acocal Ramirez
Stephen Adams Jr.
Raegan Leshea Allen
Eunice Amador
Joseph Ara Ambarian
Holly Violet Astley-Sparke
Nikhil Shekhar Bapat
Amandeep Singh Bedi
Rachel Eileen Beling
Pamela Chopra Beniwal
Kayla Reed Berry
Rishab Harish Bhatt
Sahil Dharmesh Bhatt
Jason Tyler Bisgay
Oliver Leo Blackman
Luke Charles Boston
Helen Louise Bradshaw
Madeline Bryce
Emma Jane Cahalan
Sylvie Soleil Call
Seowon Chang
Marco Antonio Chapa
Daniel Chen
Iris Chen
Jacqueline Tian Chen
Joanna Chen**
Zhouyi Chen
Joseph Dalloul
Andrew William DeMaster
Spencer Morris Dickman
Christina Ding
Kendra Ding
William Dinneen
Myles Kole Dunn
Angelina Ferritto
Elexis Fisher
Asa Nance Forman
Zachary Forman
Jeremy Alex Friedman
Rebecca Frischling
Emily Frost
Lutong Gao
Yuhao Gao
Bridgette Grace Garnache**
Qiuyu Geng**
Rebecca Grace Gerber
Rose Gertzman**
Marlie Golden
Xiaoyun Gong
Tenzin Gonshar
Aryan Gourisaria
Ishika Gupta
Pulkit Gupta
Yujia Hao
Ellen Marie Harnisch
Gabriel Harr-Siebenlist
Olivia He
Oliver Hinton
Paul Martin Hirschorn
Hannah Holliday
Jinhao Huang
Sheng Huang
Lauren Denise Huiet
Victoria Ngoc Huynh
Mabel Ji
Matthew Angelo Fernandez
Justin K. Joseph
Erin Kathleen Joyce
Benjamin Kaplan
Sonia Karkare
Amit Vivek Kavadi
Kennedy Kerr
Alexander Kershaw
Nicholas Keung
Sumedh Khanolkar
Jonathan Kim
Jennifer Kloner
Zeeyong Kwong
Caroline Hope Lamberts**
Ryan Langhinrichsen-Rohling
Chenhao Li**
Yuxi Lin**
Olga Lindner
BenjaminFitzpatrick Lonial
Cristina Macaya
Sachi Madan
Calla Mahr
Leah Maltzman
Abhiram Manda
Ethan Mayblum
Clare Choi McCarthy
Matthew Menkart
Blake Andrew Miller
Nathan Muz
Daniella Nakash
Aarjav Pratyush Pandya
Caleb Yaejun Park
Connor Jeffrey Parrish
Carlye Annika Pathman
Adina Rachel Peck
Jenna Merri Pfeffer
Nhu Huy Pham
Muran Qin
Sabra Kayla Rich
William Colin Richards
Ethan James Rosen
Emma G. Rosenau
Dustin Ari Rosenfeld
Tess Aliza Rosenthal
Ethan Joseph Rothstein
Kheyal Roy-Meighoo
Ryan Stephen Ruhde
Kayla Ann Salehian
Evelyn Britta Sload
Leah Sidonie Smith**
Dina Sofair
Nichole Marie Stettner
Jacob Salvatore Sugarmann
Jesse Sun*
Olivia Anne Te Kolste
Stephanie Teng
Benjamin Thomas
Kristina Trifonova
Nicholas Trimble
Aneri S. Vakil
Julia Anne Varner
Nikhita Vasan
Ruby Tallulah Annie Vickers
Elizabeth Kate Wagman
Cara Waite**
Isabel Wallgren
Emily Wei**
Jacob Wessell
Yena Woo
Alyssa Wu
Siheng Yang
Alicia Yin
Jennie Youn*
Melanie Feng Yu
Helena Abebaw Zeleke
Shelly Zhang*
Ting Zhang
Joy Zhou
Rachel Marissa Zipin
P S I
national honorary society
in modern languages
Yide Cai
Alexa Louise Davis
Jeremy Friedman
Matthew Sean Friedman
Paige Garrett
Sydney Law Gillespie
Ella Caitlyn Morgen
Isabel Andrea Paredes
Annika Elisabet Polatsek
Ronald Wayne Poole
Sasha Rivers
Sofia Sarmiento
Dan Sinacole
Nikolay Smirnov
Josephine Monica Steenbergen
Benjamin Jacob Thomas
Ruby Tallulah Annie Vickers
Maya Wright
P S T
national honorary society
in philosophy
George Stephen Adams Jr.
Chloe Lynn Akins
Stephanie Elena Ballas
Samantha Eidlin Bernstein
Joseph Elliott Chamoun
Samuel Giuseppe Cohen
Lara J. Drinan Yeganeh
Kira Xian Eng
Lucia Rowe Ferry
Audrey Meihua Caroline Gao
Stephen Gray Gaunt
Thomas J. Getman
David Gibbons
Mia Danielle Gleklen
Dylan P. Goldberg
H S
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Marlie Rubin Golden
Oliver R. Hinton
Myles Ibanez
Rauf Alim Iftikhar
Danielle Ann Jacoby
Kang Hyun Kim
Yubin Kwon
Xinran Li
Gheric John James Lindberg
Jacob Lishnoff
Benjamin Fitzpatrick Lonial
Shuxuan Luo
Kate Margaret Margiotta
Isabel Pearl Glynn Mattson
Jack Miklaucic
Hannah Nichole Morrison
Abhijay Kedar Mudigonda
Ian McKinley McEvoy Olson
Nikita Kalani Patel
Alexander Charles Petralia
Ria Puri
Madelyn Grace Roberts
Caleb Eric Sanders
Carson Redick Sanford
Daniel Murphy Sinacole
Anya Veronique Singh
Julia Eleni Skarimbas
Juliana Elisabeth Stauffer
Miles Antoni Sterling
Luisa S. Taverna
Spencer Wang
Bochao Xu
Jingao Xu
Peiying Yang
Sreyas Yennampelli
Runze Zhou
P S A
national honorary society
in political science
Sahar Al-Gazzali
Brammhi Balarajan
Aman Bedi
Janhavi Belwalkar
Madeline Bryce
Cindy Cheng
Grace Church
Carly Colen
Emma Danielson
Audrey DeRossett
Katie Du Plessis
Seth Eisenstein
Michael Garcia
Ellen Harnisch
Lauren Huiet
Celline Kim
Muzhi Liu
Katarina Mazzanobile
Peter Melton
Marshall Miles
Karina Nehra
Adele Pereira
Caitlyn Reynolds
Madelyn Roberts
Gabriela Rucker
Carson Sanford
Giovana Sarmiento
Ashwattham Shankar
Annie Skelton
Michael Starr
Bethany Williams
Mengmeng Xiao
Timothy Yoon
Jordan Zelikoff
P C
national honorary society
in psychology
Benjamin David Archer
Colleen Wynn Baskin
Joshua Neil Beskind
Zoe Bienert
Anna Pomeroy Biglaiser
Lauren Brooke Blaustein
Shmiel Bochner
Carson Quinn Bohl
Chloe Ruth Boynton
Peri Gillian Brooks
Katherine Ann Carmichael
Virginia Jean Chambers
Margaret Chang
Michelle Junya Chen
Ruohan Chen
Daniel Augustine Cooley
Argie Betty Dabrowski**
Sabrina Anna Minda
de Gunzburg
Britney Del Solar
Twisha Dimri
Katie Isabelle du Plessis
Lutong Gao
Qiuyu Geng**
Garrett Benson George
Rose Gertzman**
Mia Danielle Gleklen
Tenzin Tsomo Gonshar
Maria B. Grosso Zelaya
Xinyi Guan
Lindley Kathryn Hall*
Anikka G. Jordan
Diana Kerolos
Ardyn G. Kesterman
Jiwon Kim
Jonathan Min-Hyuk Kim
Natalie Leah Kuzniecky Faskha
Katlyn Renee LaFever
Ryan Alexander
Esther Ruey-Han Lin
Charlotte Augusta Lowndes
Demetrios Christos Mammas
Eli Jacob Mars
Molly Anne Miller
Pia M. Montenegro
Vivian Muhumuza**
Emma Lorraine Mutz
Jordan Brynn Narins
Niki Maryam Nikain
Laura K. O’Hanlon
Jewel Akudo Okoronkwo
Adina Rachel Peck
Allison Brooke Reinhardt
Sabra K. Rich
Ryan Stephen Ruhde
Kayla Ann Salehian
Alan Aaron Sherman**
Anusha Tanneru
Hallie Fei Toren
Julia Anne Varner
Yongyi (Edith) Wang
Mackenzie Elizabeth Arkowitz
Bethany Mackenzie Williams
Amanda N. Wolf
Ruiqi Wu
Yicheng Xue
Haley Jon-Huey Yao
Jiwoo Yoon
Qingyue Yuan
Qinxin (Abbey) Yuan
Rachel Marissa Zipin
S P S
national honorary society
in physics
Allison Grace Cartee
Sergio A. Eraso Jr.
Willem Alexander Goedecke
Pulkit Gupta
Sumedh Kaustubh Khanolkar
Steven Paul Kuhn
Lauren Jean Kolodge
Benjamin Fitzpatrick Lonial
Jacob Ryan Marcus
Josh Caleb Peacock
Yishen Shen
Kristina O. Trifonova
Nandish Ketan Vora
Shiyuan Wang
Jedidiah Zongyao Zhu
S T T
honorary society of nursing
B  S
Ariel Hannah Berwald
Aubrey Leigh Blanchard
Lori Nicole Bowlin**
Angela Sue Buchanan**
Natalia Busuttil*
Amy Louise Curran**
Madelyn Rachel Elster
Siman Mohamed Farah
Brook Gauthier*
Jennifer Godoy Avila
Caroline Shrewsbury Hyde**
Caroline Marie Kee
Andrea Madariaga
Morgan Lynne Massa
Tyler Nicole Miller
Sara Louise Nelson**
Laura Maryse Nicol
Veronica Neutzler*
Arnelle Fosuaah Nketiah**
Emma Grace Olson
Cheryl Rodgers
Payton Schult*
Madeleine Schult*
Tatiana Felicity Slade
Emily Heck Toubali
Danielle Nicole Vara
Savannah Julianne Wallace**
Charles Raymond Yzaguirre
D 
N P
Marlen Alvarez**
Tishan Diana Bowen-Gordon**
Danielle Joyce Broadnax **
Caitlin Lane Parham Burnett**
Shelby Anne Collins**
Judson Thomas Eidson**
Kelly Sue Goszkowicz**
Tia Leanne Harper**
Amy E. Labib**
Hannah Beverly Lecesne**
Bryce Elizabeth Liebel**
Ijeni Jessica Masagara**
Nana Aisha Nasir-Deen**
John Lee Stanton Jr.**
Jessica Scott Thompson**
Jessica Hinton Vincent**
D  P
 N
Erica Nicole Davis*
Carolina Murphy Gustafson
Crista Irwin
Julianne Elizabeth Todd**
M  N
Nicholle Kaitlyn Alto
Caroline Taft Anderson**
Oluwafunmbi Awe**
Victoria Christina Birchett
Anne Marie Bowen-Long
Annie Fay Boydston
Emma Rachel Bradford**
Courtney Nicole Britt**
Eleanor Virginia Brown**
Carly Elizabeth Burkhardt**
Avery Mallory Cavins**
Tanna Coley**
Chloe Sarah Davis**
Nina Fujiwara Dipboyle**
Katie Lynn Donnellon**
Maria A. Duran Jurache**
Alexis Greer Espevik**
Mia Annis Facey**
Julia Nicole Fine**
Jacob Ryan Fridgen**
Karah Ann Gebhard
Margaret E. Griffin**
Kayla Carolyn Grover**
Chloe Nicole Hendricks
Macy Elizabeth Henry**
H S
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
Chloe Marie Regina Hope**
Rebecca M. Horn**
Alexis Teel John**
Tina Joksimovic
Ryul Hee Kim
Kristina Marie Lam**
Jenny Lee
Sari Devorah Leven**
Alexandra Rose McHale**
Sarah Christine McLendon**
Alyssa Mychelle Meadows
Hannah Martin Ogden**
Kendall Anne Peterson**
Caitlyn Romee Plattel
Haley Lorraine Rodrigue**
Katharine Grayson Roever**
Katherine Yvonne Sasser**
Gabriella Moran Simonetti**
Sha’leicia Moneya Simpson
Caroline Grace Solberg**
Jennifer Christina Stai
Madison Haley Strine**
Jadaria Sera Thomas**
Sarah Morgan Treadway**
Gabrielle Diane Veselik
Brett Harrison Vogel
Hannah Margaret Walton
Sophie Elizabeth Wilks**
Mark Dakota Williams
Shepard Louise Williamson**
Gretchen Louisa Zungailia**
M  S  N
Aileth Rocio Avila
Joya Deneen Bland
Frances Weldon Boan**
Allison Rachel Boardman**
Bobbyjoe Taylor Bridgman**
Regina Sade Chen**
Aubrey Erin Claxton**
Elaine Margaret Cramer**
De’Von Deon Cross**
Stacy Marie Dixon**
Carolyn Dymond**
William Daniel Erwin**
Jennifer O. Faluade**
Katherine Blair Ford**
Angelica Maria Forero**
Amy Leigh Girard**
Ann-Robert Venable Goode**
Anastasia Grace Greeley**
Courtney Morrell Gregory**
Courtney Clark Hawkins**
Reeves Whelchel Henderson**
Hannah Wassim Hojeij**
Jaimie Nicole Hollis**
Aisling Julia Kagan
Ahtyanna Kinshassa Avees
Mekayla Kiersten Kirt**
Maria Victoria LaMont**
Jung Min Lee**
Cameron Arik Mazza**
Baralyn QaShonda McClurkin**
Elsa Mekonnen**
Aviva Leah Movsas**
Jordan Osur Myers**
Lesley Nicole Myrick**
Sarah Bridget Nichols**
Sydney O’Donnell**
Esther Itunu Olorunlona**
Nelly Osakwe-Ozumba
Clarissa Michelle Palmer **
Srutte Kala Panta
Khusbu V. Patel**
Jessica Kate Podlaski**
Natalie M. Rabb**
Nandi Afi Ramirez**
Kayatana Latrice Ramsby**
Rotrease Shunyad’Trel Regan**
Megan Marie Reilly**
Taylor Danielle Rhoads**
Ashley Rim**
Chloe Alexander Rueland**
Jasmine Kiyanna Ryans**
Brittney Noel Smith**
Luci Caitlin Marie Strong**
Briana Maria Suarez**
Candice Darchell Sullivan**
Brionna J. Umstead**
Katarina Sue Williams**
Emily Marie Windham**
Norae Shanell Woodard**
Talia Bethany Zellner**
P S
Evelyn Mojirade Adesanya
Melissa Anne Campbell
Vicki Johnson Green
Tarvorshae Jones**
Patrice Triviyuna Jones**
Erica Louise Pittmon
Julianne Elizabeth Todd**
T A K
national honorary society
for religious studies / theology
Olivia Katherine Metzger
Ella Caitlyn Morgen
H S
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
A  P
Sergio Eraso Jr.
Clare Choi McCarthy
Pulkit Gupta
Kheyal Roy-Meighoo
Kristina O. Trifonova
Bethany Mackenzie Williams
100 Senior Honorary
Jonna Austin
Jennifer Bae
Alison Beskind
Joshua Beskind
Manish Bhatta
Benjamin Block
Sam Bochner
Michael Bole
Owen Breen
Claire Brock
Lucas Bumgarner
Emma Camfield
Ruishi Chen
Carly Colen
Emily Zhang Cui
Thomas Davis
Audrey DeRossett
Ryan Dieudonne
Audric Donald
Cosette Drook
Myles Dunn
Solanch Dupeyron
Ali Ebada
Miracle Ejidike
Jeremy Friedman
Matthew Friedman
Audrey Gao
William Gao
Molly Gassman
Camila Gedanken
Hannah Geoffroy
Rose Gertzman
Eugenia Giampetruzzi
David Gibbons
Anna Glowniak
Dylan Goldberg
Aileen Gayle Gopez
Ellen Harnisch
Edina Hartstein
Samaia Hill
Jacqueline Hubbard
Ameer Husary
Sabina Iqbal
Alexis Jenkins
Simon Jiang
Hannah Klein
Joyce Korir
Vivek Lashkari
Lilian Le
Richard Lee
Gabriella Lewis
Zhenglun Li
Eleanor Liu
Chana (Jasmine)
Caroline Maki
Payton Malone
Abhiram Manda
Eli Mars
Mina Masody
Morgan Massa
Clare McCarthy
Meenakumari Shankar
Jack Miklaucic
Blake Miller
Ashley Morel
Ishika Mukherjee
Daniella Nakash
Dubem Nnake
Anne Marie Odney
Antara Palkar
Aarjav Pandya
Alexander Panton
Ishaan Parikh
Sneh Patel
Adele Pereira
Alvaro Perez Daisson
Ronald Poole
Ria Puri
Anna Rhoads
Jack Rowland
Ryan Ruhde
Amna Sadig
Saad Shaban
Akash Shanmugam
Yihoon Shin
Ayusha Shrestha
Balwant-Amrit Singh
Caroline Spancake
Natalie Spitzer
Akshat Toshniwal
Aditi Vellore
Ruby Vickers
Nandish Vora
Pranav Wadhwa
Elizabeth (Lizzy) Wagman
Cara Waite
Samuel Weinstein
Emma West
Alyssa Wu
Annabelle Zekeri
Boisfeuillet Jones Medal
Jack Miklaucic
Schear Book Award
Hanifah Aisha Ali
Leah G. Woldai
Lucius Lamar McMullan Award
Clare Choi McCarthy
Continuing Excellence
Members of Phi Eta Sigma who
were inducted into Phi Beta
Kappa or Omicron Delta Kappa
Aayra Amer
Ahmed Shahin Abdel Naby
Raegan Leshea Allen
Joseph Ara Ambarian
Nikhil Shekhar Bapat
Pamela Chopra Beniwal
Kayla Reed Berry
Rishab Harish Bhatt
Emma Jane Cahalan
Iris Chen
Joanna Chen**
Joseph Dalloul
Andrew William DeMaster
Myles Kole Dunn
Angelina Ferritto
Asa Nance Forman
Jeremy Alex Friedman
Rebecca Lauren Bauman
Yuhao Gao
Bridgette Grace Garnache**
Rose Gertzman**
Xiaoyun Gong
Pulkit Gupta
Yujia Hao
Ellen Marie Harnisch
Gabriel Harr-Siebenlist
Sheng Huang
Victoria Ngoc Huynh
Amit Vivek Kavadi
Kennedy Kerr
Sumedh Khanolkar
Jonathan Kim
Zeeyong Kwong
Zeeyong Alex Kwong
BenjaminFitzpatrick Lonial
Sachi Madan
Abhiram Manda
Clare Choi McCarthy
Matthew George Menkart
Blake Andrew Miller
Daniella Nakash
Aarjav Pratyush Pandya
Connor Jeffrey Parrish
Muran Qin
Sabra Kayla Rich
Kheyal Roy-Meighoo
Ryan Stephen Ruhde
Kayla Ann Salehian
Evelyn Britta Sload
Benjamin Thomas
Julia Anne Varner
Ruby Tallulah Annie Vickers
Elizabeth Kate Wagman
Emily Wei**
Jacob Wessell
Yena Woo
Alyssa Wu
Alyssa Y. Wu
Alicia Yin
Ting Zhang
Joy Zhou
Beinecke Scholarship
Hunter Reed Akridge
The Center for the Study
of the Presidency and Congress
Jack Michael Conway Miklaucic
J. William Fulbright
US Student Program Grant
Anish Dutt Bagga
Yanira Garcia
Isaac Mayer Gittleman
Erin Kathleen Joyce
Monserrath Juarez
Zeeyong Alex Kwong
Danielle Leigh Mangabat
Kheyal Roy-Meighoo
Regina Morales
Giovana Sarmiento
Lois Tracy Naameyah
Samuel Ellis Weinstein
Sarah Grace Wright
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
Anish Dutt Bagga
Noah Seiji Okada
Yena Woo
Humanity in Action Fellowship
Alexa Zara Mohsenzadeh
Mitchell Scholarship
Alexa Zara Mohsenzadeh
National Science Foundation
Graduate Research Fellowship
Joseph Ara Ambarian
Caroline Emily McNelly
Noah Seiji Okada
Eddy A. Pineda Jr.
Kristina O. Trifonova
Isabel Danu Wallgren
Sonny Carter Scholarship
Riley Bondell Brackin
Robert T. Jones, Jr. Scholarship
Carly Resceda Colen
Balwant-Amrit Virk Singh
Benjamin Jacob Thomas
Alicia Yin
Charles Elias Shepard
Iris Y. Chen
Ruishi Chen
Solanch Depeyron
Jacob T. Ennis-Bailey
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
Trevor E. Stokol Scholarship
Hunter Reed Akridge
Pamela Chopra Beniwal
Nicole C. Felix-Tovar
Danielle Leigh Mangabat
Alvaro Perez Daisson
Christopher A. Zeuthen
Outstanding Junior (2022)
Hunter Reed Akridge
Rachel C. Broun
Abhiram Reddy Manda
Outstanding Senior
Hunter Reed Akridge
Rachel C. Broun
Marjorie Shostak Award
for Excellence and Humanity
in Ethnography
Pamela Chopra Beniwal
Audrey Grace Lu
Alvaro Perez Daisson
Christopher A. Zeuthen
A H
Dorothy Fletcher Paper Prize
for an Outstanding Paper
in Art History (1st Place)
Meera Rajesh Sood
Dorothy Fletcher Paper Prize
for an Outstanding Paper
in Art History (2nd Place)
Caitlin Elizabeth Burns
Ralph and Russell Bridges
Lucas Bumgarner
Annika Urban
H. Y. McCord III Award
Ellen Dong
Pat Pema
Thomas Aliberti Award
Claire Brock
Brett Lucas
Clyde Partin Sr. Award
Daniel Woodruff
Scholar-Athlete Award
Aubrey Blanchard
Thomas McDonough Award
Women’s Golf
2022 National Champions
The Biology Award for Excellence
in Honor of Darrell R. Stokes
Zeeyong Alex Kwong
The Biology Award for Excellence
in Honor of Darrell R. Stokes,
Honorable Mention
David Aaron Goldberg
The Biology Research Award
in Honor of Pat Marsteller
Richard Sean Lee
The Biology Research Award
in Honor of Pat Marsteller,
Honorable Mention
Lawrence Sanders Redmond
Excellence in Chemistry
Patrick M. Czabala
Excellence in
Undergraduate Research
Yuwen Wang
McCord Latin Prize
Olivia Anne Te Kolste
Reppard Greek Prize
Margaret Rainey Greene
Classical Civilization Prize
Ruby Tallulah Annie Vickers
Classical Association of the
Middle West and South Award 
Paige Madison Garrett
Nicholas Pete Pehrson
Peter Bing Award for
Summer Study in Classics
Margaret Rainey Greene
Ruby Tallulah Annie Vickers
C S
Computer Science Chair’s Award
for Academic Excellence
Elijah Chou
Computer Science
Undergraduate Research Award
Chen Gong
Tiantian Li
Computer Science Award
for Academic Achievement
Siyi Gu
Noah Seiji Okada
Minxing Zhang
Outstanding Computer Science
Student of the Year Award
Alexandru Rudi
C W
Academy of American Poets
Prize / Artistine Mann
Award in Poetry, Winner
Nicole Lee
Chloe Wegrzynowicz
Academy of American Poets
Prize / Artistine Mann
Award in Poetry,
Honorable Mention
Christopher Gadomski
Henry Koskoff
Artistine Mann Award in Fiction,
Cody Nelson
Artistine Mann Award in Fiction,
Honorable Mention
Madeleine Kleinerman
Artistine Mann Award
in Creative Nonfiction, Winner
Isabel Cuellar
Artistine Mann Award
in Creative Nonfiction,
Honorable Mention
Chaya Tong
Artistine Mann Award
in Playwriting, Winner
Dylan Malloy
Artistine Mann Award
in Playwriting,
Honorable Mention
Yide (John) Cai
Agnes Nixon and Kiki McCabe
Prize for Screenwriting, Winner
Sarah Marzouk
Agnes Nixon and Kiki McCabe
Prize for Screenwriting,
Honorable Mention
Tabitha Healey
Peter Loiselle
Tom-Chris Allen
Scholarship in Nonfiction
Ellie Purinton
Chaya Tong
Grace Abernethy Scholarship,
Isabel Cuellar
The Pioneer Award
Olivia Browne
W. Tate Whitman
Prize in Economics
Jackson Schneider
Jack and Lewis Greenhut Prize
Lola Cleaveland
George Benston and Richard
Muth Prize for Excellence
in Economics
Jackson Pentz
Award for
Outstanding Undergraduate
Teaching Assistant
Vanessa Goris
Andrea de Man Award
for Excellence in English
Rhea Gupta
Jeffrey Rosen
Trinity Tunstall
Betty and Michael Wolf Prize
in American Literature
Hazel Oh
Trinity Tunstall
Undergraduate Essay Contest,
Sarah Davis
Undergraduate Essay Contest,
Honorable Mention
Anna Kottakis
The Johnston Prize for
Excellence in English 205
Emma Lee
Faith Schofield
The Harry and Sue Rusche
Tiffany Low
F  I
Mrs. Renée Bray Prize for
Year’s Best Work in French
Colleen Wynn Baskin
Lucinda Jeune
Annika Elisabet Polatsek
A  P
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
G S
Der Sprachpreis
Hunter Reed Akridge, 2020
Hannah Rose Klein, 2021
Marshall K. Miles Jr., 2021
Marianne Lancaster Student
Engagement Award
Yide Cai, 2021
Hannah Carrington
Kreuziger, 2022
Trevor James Smith, 2023
German Studies Award
for Excellence
Sonia Corbett Karkare
The Yiddish shprakhprayz
Joseph Eugene Golden
Rosenbaum, 2020
Trevor James Smith
George P. Cuttino
Scholarship for Independent
Research Abroad
Wittika M. Chaplet
Isabel Anne Coyle
Edina J. Hartstein
Kendall Boynton Hauerwas
Bell I. Wiley Prize in US History
Si YoungKim
Theodore Henley Jack Award
Gabriele Ka Young Kim
James L. Roark Prize
in American History
The Loren and Gail Starr
Award in Experiential Learning
Kheyal Roy-Meighoo
Matthew A. Carter
Citizen-Scholar Award
Wittika M. Chaplet
George P. Cuttino Prize
in European History
Kaitlyn Diana Adams
James Z. Rabun
Prize in US History
Latin America and Non-Western
World History Prize
Christopher Lee
H H
CSHH Outstanding
Scholar Award
Carson Quinn Bohl
CSHH Outstanding
Leader Award
Cosette Marie Drook
CSHH Outstanding
Citizen Award
Nicole C. Felix-Tovar
CSHH Outstanding
Innovator Award
Vivek Deval Lashkari
L C
Excellence in Language Studies
in Arabic
Lex Davis
Excellence in Language Studies
in French
Nevin Rikhy Walia
Excellence in Language Studies
in German
Sonia Corbett Karkare
Excellence in Language Studies
in Greek
Margaret Rainey Greene
Nelson James Navarrete
Ruby Tallulah Annie Vickers
Excellence in Language Studies
in Hebrew
Kylie Reed Hall
Jiwon Kim
Excellence in Language Studies
in Italian
Estefano Delgado
Excellence in Language Studies
in Japanese
Mark Li
Excellence in Language Studies
in Latin
Jared J. Druss
Olivia Anne Te Kolste
Excellence in Language Studies
in Persian
Alexa Zara Mohsenzadeh
Excellence in Language Studies
in Portuguese
Regina Morales
Excellence in Language Studies
in Russian
Ben Thomas
Excellence in Language Studies
in Spanish
Maya Charisse Wright
Excellence in the Study
of Linguistics
Ella Caitlyn Morgen
Excellence in the Study
of Psychology and Linguistics
Benjamin David Archer
Leadership and Service
in Linguistics
William Mario Ignazio
Manca di Villahermosa
Putnam Prize
Noah Fan Lichtenberg
Trevor Evans Award
Xiaoyun Gong
Yuija Hao
Keita Morisaki
Zheyu Wang
Ziyu Zhou
Friends of Music
Excellence in Music Award
Grace Li
Paul Kuntz Prize for Best
Performing Senior in Philosophy
Joseph Elliott Chamoun
Peiying Yang
Paul Kuntz Prize for
Best Performing Senior in
Philosophy, Politics, and Law
Lara J. Drinan Yeganeh
Charles Hartshorne Prize
for Outstanding Essay
in an Undergraduate
Philosophy Course
Josh Rubin
P S
Elliott Levitas Award
Celline Kim
Paul B. Courtright Prize for
Overall Excellence among
Majors in the Department
Olivia Katherine Metzger
John Fenton Prize in the
Comparative Study of Religion,
Nelly Wamaitha Wambui
Eugene Bianchi Prize in Religion
Ella Caitlyn Morgen
William A. Beardslee Prize
in Religion Literature
Leah Rose Bader, 2022
Gabriele Ka Young Kim, 2023
Soloman and Sara Sutker
Award for Outstanding
Student in Sociology
Elexis Fisher
S  P
Award for Excellence
in Lusophone Studies
Gisell Jaqueline Fuentes
Carlos Rojas Award
for Excellence in Writing
Yanira Garcia
Award for Excellence
in Spanish and Linguistics
Isabel Andrea Paredes Cantos
Award for Excellence
in Community Engagement
Luis Gabriel Pastore-Manzano
Emilia Navarro Award
for Excellence in Spanish
Michael Harris Tanz
Latin American and Caribbean
Studies Student of the Year
Tatiana Paola Navarrete
Alice N. Benston Award
Willa Barnett
Brenda Bynum Award
Eythen Anthony
Fine Award
J’Dyn Plater
Friends of Theater at Emory
Paris Bates
Amanda Przygonska
A  P
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
W’, G,
 S S
Outstanding Student
of the Year Award
Karina Nehra
Cierra Norman
Outstanding Student
of the Year Award,
Honorable Mention
Samaia Hill
Virgil Eady
Sophomore Service Award
Virginia Cano
Robert W. Woodruff Fellowship
Ameye Gangal
Charles Edward Marvil
Benjamin Mark Rabin
Genetic Counseling
Student of the Year
Jennifer Lynn Dykeman
Johnnie Morgan Excellence
in Clinical Science Award
Jessica Lynn Audy
Raul Garcia
Madison M. Winter
Zoher F. Kapasi Excellence
in Leadership Award
Joshua Lee Fournier
Excellence in Service Award
Madison Amelia Orton
Madison M. Winter
Frances A. Curtiss Excellence
in Community Service Award
Peri Charapich
Lydia Rotenberger
Ziyan Xu
Directors Award for
Academic Excellence
Nina Llado
Kylie Mink
Kayleigh Elizabeth Rathbun
Madison Lee Strickland
Pamela Catlin Excellence
in Critical Inquiry Award
Brandon Michael Ford
Uchechukwu Obed Ifeme
Susan J. Herdman
Clinical Practice Award
Joshua Lee Fournier
Madison Lee Strickland
Director’s Award for
Excellence in Growth Mindset
Wellsley Brown*
Gabriel Monae Jones
Uchechukwu Obed Ifeme
Kayla Spencer*
Ian H. Tovin Scholarship Award
Maxwell Ji
Brenee Kimsey Rockholdt
Frank S. Blanton Humanities
in Rehabilitation Scholar Award
Madison Victoria Beasley
Boone M. Bowen Award
Connor Edward Perry
Alexis Morgan Reed
Frederick Buechner Award
Sarah Elizabeth Bueter
Candler Community
Service Award
Cerise Alana Barton
Fellowship Seminarian Award
Nicholas J. Grainger
Ruth Sewell Flowers Award
Queen Jonafá Mychelle’
The Hoyt Hickman Award
of the Order of St. Luke
Justala Faith Simpson
G. Ray Jordan Award
Rebekah Grace Malpass
Berta R. and James T. Laney
Award in Contextual Education
Christopher Charles Rudolph III
Master of Divinity Award
for Academic Excellence
Emily Elizabeth Castelloe
Master of Theological Studies
Award for Academic Excellence
Joshua Burgin Howard
Michael Anthony Yorke
Mary Katherine (Myki) Mobley
Memorial Award
Marija Ivanka Pritchard
Mari Shiukashvili
Pitts Theology Library
Student Research Award
Emily Elizabeth Castelloe
Russell E. Richey
Award in Wesleyan Studies
Scott Andrew Taylor
John W. Rustin Award
Dyke Crane Jr.
John Owen Smith Award
Justin Heemin Song
United Methodist
First Career Seminary Award
Allison Bailey Burnette
A. James Elliott Community
Service Award
Martine L. Augustin
Emily Spears
Attorney’s Title Guaranty Fund
Christina R. Morrison
Adam Jaret North
Everett Richard Stanley
Burt and Betty Schear
Book Prize
Radley A. Gillis
Loren Rodrigues Silva
Class of 2007 Distinguished
Service Award
Jaydn D. Taylor
Custer-Tuggle Award of
Excellence in Family Law
for Excellence in Family
Law Courses
Mary K. Karcher
Dean’s Service Award
Eliza Ashley Del Carmen
Madison Blair Dodge
Daniel J. Fitzpatrick
Radley A. Gillis
Adriano Iqbal
Mary K. Karcher
Rachel Kennedy
Danping Li**
Kendrick Bryce McCabe
Naomi-Beth McCall
Naomi Emeka Nwokolo**
Caitlin Elizabeth Oh
Victoria Taylor
Olender Hellstrom
Shelby Lee Peek
Jordan Robinson
Trey Lamont Robinson
Nick Smith
Emily Spears
Eric Hu Wang
Xiang Xiao**
Dean’s Teaching Fellows
Hannah L. Baskind
Sydney J. Calas
Eliza Ashley Del Carmen
Madison Blair Dodge
Radley A. Gillis
Alexis D. Johnson
Christina R. Morrison
Caitlin Elizabeth Oh
Anne C. Reid
Douglass Lee Peabody
Moot Court Award
Lucy V. Lansing
Edward J. Henning
Memorial Award
Rae Ra
Eliza Ellison Award
in Law and Religion
Rachel Kennedy
Georgia Association of Women
Lawyers Award for Outstanding
Woman Graduate Committed to
Practice in Georgia
Rachel Kennedy
Georgia Tax Conference
Award for Excellence
in Taxation Courses
Jennifer Eileen Reefe
The Gertie and John Witte
Prize in Law and Religion
Eric Hu Wang
3L House Coordinators
Martine L. Augustin
Decatur House
Daniel J. Fitzpatrick
Inman Park House
Sloan L. Hodges
Sweet Auburn House
Eleanor R. Parker
Kirkwood House
Shelby Lee Peek
Old Fourth Ward House
Rebecca Rigas
Druid Hills House
Trey Lamont Robinson
Midtown House
Laura S. Rossi
Virginia Highland House
Nick Smith
Morningside House
James C. Pratt Memorial Award
for Most Outstanding Member
of the Moot Court Society
Brooke N. Hamby
A  P
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
Judge Clarence Cooper American
Inn of Court
Morgan Ashurian
Rushton Davis
Anna Grace Gabianelli
George Gelzer
Steven Eric Grotch
Adriano Iqbal
Rachel Kennedy
Lucy V. Lansing
Sarah H. Leflar
Eugene O’Halloran
Shelby Lee Peek
Carlton Powers
Judson Graves Prize
Madison Blair Dodge
Juris Master Leadership Award
Olubunmi Bakare
Judge Clarence Cooper American
Inn of Court
Morgan Ashurian
Rushton Davis
Anna Grace Gabianelli
George Gelzer
Steven Eric Grotch
Adriano Iqbal
Rachel Kennedy
Lucy V. Lansing
Sarah H. Leflar
Yevhen O’Halloran
Shelby Lee Peek
Carlton Powers
Minister Gloria Jean Fowler
Angel Award
Emily Spears
Moffett Litigation Award for
Outstanding Achievement in
Trial Preparation and Litigation
Shannon R. Cherney
Most Outstanding
Third-Year Student
Eric Hu Wang
National Association of
Women Lawyers Award for
Demonstrating Integrity,
Academic Achievement, and
Commitment to Excellence
in the Legal Profession
Kellsie Davis Ruane
Order of Barristers National
Honor Society Promoting
Excellence in Achievement
in Advocacy
Eliza Ashley Del Carmen
Shannon R. Cherney
Madison Blair Dodge
Kevin C. Duong
Alyssa Grace Gill
Brooke N. Hamby
Victoria Taylor
Olender Hellstrom
Alexis D. Johnson
Sarah H. Leflar
Sauliha M. Mitchell
Order of Emory Advocates for
Outstanding Achievement in or
Contribution to Excellence in
Advocacy Activities
Misty Ezejiofo
Meredith M. Freidheim
Lucy V. Lansing
Katelyn N. Luong
Kayla Makayla McLendon
Nathan M. McMullen
Rebecca Spraggins
Maddison Stemple-Piatt
Trey Lamont Robinson
Jadyn D. Taylor
Ané Wanliss
Order of the Coif
Provisional Candidates
as of May 7, 2023
Hannah L. Baskind
Sydney J. Calas
Ethan S. Case**
Carson S. Clear
Frank William DeBorde Jr.
Kristina Michele DuBois
Robert S. Ferrari
Daniel J. Fitzpatrick
David Craig Frisch**
Anna Grace Gabianelli
Steven R. Grayes
Annemarie F. Heitz
Rachel Kennedy
William Lyon
Christina R. Morrison
Melissa D. Murphy
Shion Nagasaka
Shelby Lee Peek
Zachary J. Poretz
Anne C. Reid
Johnson A. Salisbury Jr.
Everett Richard Stanley
Joseph H. Stone
Nicole Marie Waitzman
Eric Hu Wang
Pro Bono Publico Medal
Recipients as of March 7, 2023
Amy C. Barber
Sydney J. Calas
Madison Blair Dodge
Alexis D. Johnson
Rachel Kennedy
Lauren A. Maderia
Sonya A. Maharaj
Chiara Marano
Victoria Taylor
Olender Hellstrom
Shelby Lee Peek
Savanha D. Renald
Loren Rodrigues Silva
Andrew Rogalski
Alyssa P. Rogowski
Insiyah Saeed
Emily Spears
Robert Beynart Award for
Professionalism and Ethics
Madison Blair Dodge
Robert W. Woodruff Fellows
Rachel Kennedy
Lucy V. Lansing
Emily Spears
Eric Hu Wang
State Bar of Georgia
Environmental Law
Section Award for
Outstanding Achievement
in Environmental Law
Phylicia Thomas
Wolter Kluwer Publishing
Excellence in Taxation Award
Stephanie Elizabeth Verdery
BBA A
American Marketing
Association Award
Dany Hernandez Gonzalez
Atlanta Society of
Financial Analysts’ Award
Jacob Salvatore Sugarmann
BBA Career Management
Center Award
Sarah Scherzer
Christine Zhu
BBA Meritorious Service Award
Benjamin Matthew Block
Owen Robert Breen
Aaron Lee Thaler
Nicholas Trimble
BBA Scholar Athlete Award
Justin Melton-Tudor
Savannah Mae Sowards
Budnick Award
for Transformation
through Creativity
Julian Rafael Portis-Escoto
Burt and Betty Schear
Book Prize
Camila Gedanken
Campbell Accounting Award
Oliver Leo Blackman
Campus Leadership Award
Amit Vivek Kavadi
Ria Puri
Educational Foundation of the
Georgia Society of CPAs Award
Joshua Walker Pritchard
Entrepreneurship Award
Dany Hernandez Gonzalez
Excellence in
Communication Award
Owen Robert Breen
Samantha Grace Kass
Faraaz Hossain
Core Values Award
William Gao
Brittany Aljalae Jones
International Ambassador Award
Sanghyun Sean Lee
ISOM Consulting
Analytics Award
Yongle Yu
ISOM Distinction Award
Kaitlin Z. Zhang
ISOM Emerging Technologist
Corey Taft Stern
John R. Jones Accounting Award
John Jungtaek Moon
Marketing Faculty Honor Award
Eliza Rose Jagid
Organization and Management
Faculty Award
Samantha Xinyun Bian
Partnership Award in Finance
Zachary Daniel Forman
Aryan Gourisaria
Real Estate Faculty Award
Ethan James Rosen
Ron Frank Marketing Award
Tenzin Tsomo Gonshar
Social Enterprise
Distinguished Student Award
Ashwattham Meenakumari
Transcendence Award
Myles K. Dunn
Marawan Moustafa Elgohry
A  P
Emory University Commencement 2023
*graduated august 2022
**graduated december 2022
Unsung Hero Award
Calla Marie Mahr**
Noah Aaron Sochaczevski
Wall Street Journal Student
Achievement Award
Abigail Florence Baisley
Michael J. Moll
Boisfeuillet Jones Medal
Ashwattham Meenakumari
Andrew Ethridge Outstanding
BBA Achievement Award
Daniella Nakash
Most Outstanding
Academic Accomplishment
Zachary Daniel Forman
Ethan Louis Mayblum
Michael J. Moll
Roberto C. Goizueta
Award for Leadership
Tia Marie Bakhaya
MBA  MSBA A
Roberto C. Goizueta
Award for Leadership
John Robert Schellhase
Al Bows Outstanding Executive
MBA Achievement Award
Boopathy Sivaraman
Michael Lee Outstanding
Evening MBA
Achievement Award
Courtnay N. Oddman
Gordon Siefkin Outstanding
MBA Achievement Award
Madeline Michele Davis
Shruti Khanna
Accounting Achievement Award
Madeline Michele Davis
Rosa Amelia Galindo Ching
John Robert Noland
Admissions Service Award
Charis Salome Brooks
American Marketing
Association Award
Khawaja Hamza Ahmad
Matthew Joseph De Geeter
Pankaj Keshwani
Grischa Stracke
Suh Yoon
Art Dietz Faculty Award
for Excellence in Finance
Lasa Fontaine Ennis
Rosa Amelia Galindo Ching
Won Jin Song
A  P
Changemaker Award
Emily Rose Allen
Danni Dong
Brandan David Gillespie
Jimmy John
Nikhil Mathur
Lara Hannah Davis McGee
Ryan Alexander Murray
Julian Daniel Smith
George Graham Zinger
Community Service Award
Ajay Balasundaram
Matthew Griffin Ball
Siva Prasad Kalimuthu
Entrepreneurship Award
Julie Levine Friedberg
Daniel Refai
Katherine Boykin Woods
Zi Wei Xie
Evening MBA Merit Award
Joel Alvey
Rosa Amelia Galindo Ching
Arianit Gruda
Kung Lin Hsieh
Tamarra Michel
George H. Mew Organization
and Management Award
Manisha Patel
Innovation Award
Lara Hannah Davis McGee
Kirstyn Imani Smith
International Ambassador Award
Azusa Kobayashi
Yuki Miyatake
Sukhreet Singh
Akinori Tanaka
Osereme Ujadughele
ISOM Distinction Award
Jimmy John
Jack Levy
David Anselmo Prado
David Ryan Sanders
MAF Award for Academic
Excellence in Analytical Finance
Leonardo Torres
Patrick Wilson
MAF Award for
Dedication and Professionalism
Krishna Thakkar
MAF Award for
Outstanding Leadership
Jackson Heideman
MAF Core Value Award
Jackson Heideman
Krishna Thakkar
Leonardo Torres
MAF Service Award
Minjeong Seok
Natalia Rosas Villeda
Marketing Faculty Honor Award
Ryan Bryce Hawks
Sonji Alicia Jacobs
Yuki Miyatake
Neil Lowell Savage
MBA Core Value Award
Khawaja Hamza Ahmad
James Edward Bolles
Amy Yamei Chen
Eric Matthew Daiter
Matthew Joseph De Geeter
Lasa Fontaine Ennis
Julie Levine Friedberg
Ivan Guerrero
Steven William Hargis
Ryan Bryce Hawks
John Healy
Katherine Hoole
Raynard Leslie Josephs
Ifeoma Camille Kamalu
Alexander Thomas Marshman
Lara Hannah Davis McGee
Georgeline Mitchell
Ryan Alexander Murray
Courtnay N. Oddman
Neel Patel
Cristina Elena Petrovich
Clementina Maria
Ramos Garrido
Daniel Refai
Mark Saporsky
Mouammar Seck
Sarah Elizabeth Steiner
Yaa Bema Tutu
Suh Yoon
Yige Yuan
MBA for Executives
Leadership Award
Daniel Refai
MBA Meritorious Service Award
Myles Thomas Henry
Katherine Hoole
Cristina Elena Petrovich
Evan Thomas Scott
Michael Weiner
Suh Yoon
MBA Multicultural Award
Jenny Di
Moises Paul Leser Cordova
Mark Saporsky
Yaa Bema Tutu
Laura Vasile
Zi Wei Xie
Yige Yuan
MSBA Core Value Award
Anqi Chen
Benson Chiro
Lessly Rocha
MSBA Service Award
Faustin Nzitonda
Lessly Rocha
Suchanya Trakarnsakdikul
Yun Wang
MSBA Student Excellence
in Business Acumen Award
Levi Joseph
MSBA Student Excellence
in Data Award
Faustin Nzitonda
MSBA Student Excellence
in Tech Award
Janvier Nshimyumukiza
Organization and Management
Faculty Award
Chad Michael Bednar
Robert Emmitt Connely IV
Lee Matthew Silver
Laura Vasile
Outstanding BBA/MSBA
Joint Degree Student
Yulu Shi
Outstanding Club Leader
Arun Kodakadath
Nicholas William Kuczerpa
Sophie Lucille Maus
Indera Janee Sahadeo
Social Enterprise Distinguished
MBA Student Award
Danni Dong
Transcendence Award
Stephon Harris
Tanvi Dinesh Shetty
Julian Daniel Smith
Katherine Boykin Woods
Unsung Hero Award
Paige Ushuna Boatwright
Scott Robert Damerow
Himanshu Hitesh
Ifeoma Camille Kamalu
Connor M. Marshall
Alexander Thomas Marshman
Maria Isabel Orozco Mendoza
Aapurva Bhalchandra Vekhande
Emory University Commencement 2023
* graduated august 2022
** graduated december 2022
A  P
George Armelagos Award
for Excellence in Teaching
by a Graduate Student
Elena Lesley*
Luisa Rivera**
Scott Taylor Schnur**
Marjorie Shostak Award
for Excellence and Humanity
in Ethnography
Elena Lesley*
Tatenda Mangurenje Merken*
Centennial Scholars Fellowship
Nmachi Chinenye Hannah
Raquel Freitas Arthuzo**
Alexis Blake**
Jason Exar Cabitac*
Kimberly Kamille Diaz Perez
Erika Diosdado Castro
Rebecca O. Shasanmi Ellis**
Sarah Mfon Etuk*
Ordy Manuela Gnewou*
Jareema Amani Hylton**
Michaela Jenkins**
Angela Cristina Jimenez**
Breana Laguera
Christina Mae Lester**
Teelin Dia Lucero**
Brea Arielle Manuel**
Alexis Joy Mayeld*
Adriana Isabel Mendez*
Chelsy Reboyah Monie
Aleo Naz Pugh
Christian Alec Sanchez*
Kevin Sparrow**
Sierra Alisa Sterling*
Morinade Stevenson**
Dean’s Teaching Fellowship
Emma McLaurin Corey
Kelly Duquette
Connor Larsen*
Elena Lesley*
Donna Rosa McDermott*
Savannah Jordan Post*
Alicia Rodriguez
Violeta Cristina Ruiz Espigares
Upali Sraman
Edward A. Bouchet Graduate
Honor Society Scholars
Karah Alexander
Brent Elliott Allman*
Jasmine M. Hope**
Jordan Alexander Lewis**
Tatenda Mangurenje Merken*
Juan Daniel Rodriguez
Morinade Stevenson**
Emory Graduate
Diversity Fellowship
Brent Elliott Allman*
Rachel Bender
April L. Brown*
Justin Cody Houseman*
Andrea Nicole Lane*
Tatenda Mangurenje Merken*
Hyemin Joanne Na
Elaine Penagos*
Luisa Rivera**
Timothy R. Romans*
Leslie Kristina Salas-Hernandez*
Kyle Takeshi Tanaka
George W. Woodruff Fellowship
Nmachi Chinenye Hannah
Julie Agnes Barberio
Jason Exar Cabitac*
Elisha Ann Cohen*
Cara Curtis
Cam Duong**
Jessica Reggan Hoffman*
Angela Cristina Jimenez**
Miriam Jerotich Kilimo*
Elena Lesley*
Alexandria Lexis Quillin*
Steven Riley*
Marcelo Tadeu Sales
Kanika Sharma**
Anna Grace Tribble**
Andrea Dionne Warmack*
Kharen Fulton Award for
Diversity, Inclusion, and
Community Engagement
in Graduate Education
Brent Elliott Allman*
Juan Daniel Rodriguez
Laney EDGE Fellowship
Jordan Alexander Lewis**
Alejandro JoseLopez**
Ryan Nicholas Peterson
Laney Graduate School
Ryan Allen
Amanda Faith Anderson
Angelle Elizabeth Antoun*
Miguel Armenta Ochoa
Rachel Lee Barbara Bath
Natalie Catasús
Kevin Zihao Chen*
Ruu Harn Cheng*
Emma McLaurin Corey
Gabrielle Kelly Delima
Mary Grace DuPree*
Ashley Anne Emery
Jacob Randall Englert
Daniela Franco Montoya*
Patrick Gross**
John Wayne Gulledge
Ju-Chen Hu
Crista Irwin
Christopher Michael Jones*
Christopher David King*
Joe M. Larios*
Daniel Lee*
Yeongju Lee
Jordan Alexander Lewis**
Patricia Lewis*
Daniel Jordan Lustberg*
Alexandra Manta
Michael Martin*
Namrataa Dipak Mehta*
Connor Nico Morozumi*
Brigitte Puger**
Kaitlin Nichole Piper
Aleo Naz Pugh
Alicia Rodriguez
Juan Daniel Rodriguez
Elizabeth Tess Sajewski*
Kaylyn Jackson Schiff*
Meriah Shira Schoen**
Michelle Kathryn Sequeira**
Madelyn Marie Stone*
Kayla Stoy*
Julia Taylor Wilson
Cassandra Lynn Zaremba**
Mellon Interventions Public
Humanities Teaching Fellowship
Cara Curtis
Cynthia Xinran Guo*
Wyatt Terrell Harris
Belen Pueyo Ibanez
Kyle Takeshi Tanaka
Samantha Pinson Wrisley
Women in Natural Sciences
Riti Bahl
Alexis Blake**
Erika Diosdado Castro
Angela Cristina Jimenez**
Abigail Julian
Breana Laguera
Christina Mae Lester**
Wenjing Ma
Marina Elizabeth Michaud*
Alexandria Lexis Quillin*
Sierra Alisa Sterling*
Han Xie*
Emory University Commencement 2023
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a concern for higher education in a Christian setting on the part
of the Georgia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Chartered in 1836 in Oxford, Georgia, the college was named
after John Emory (1789–1835), bishop of the Methodist Episcopal
Church. In 1964 the college at Oxford was named Oxford College
of Emory University.
Emory College became Emory University by virtue of a char-
ter granted by the Superior Court of DeKalb County on January
25, 1915. Although classes on the Atlanta campus were begun in
the schools of law and theology as early as 1916, the college did
not move to Atlanta until 1919. The university now includes nine
schools, most tracing their origins to years before the chartering of
the university itself. These schools are Emory College and Oxford
College (1836), the School of Medicine (1854), Nell Hodgson
Woodruff School of Nursing (1905), Candler School of Theology
(1914), the School of Law (1916), Roberto C. Goizueta Business
School (1919), the James T. Laney School of Graduate Studies
(1919), and Rollins School of Public Health (1990).
The intent of the founders is perpetuated by the universitys
vision statement: A destination university internationally
recognized as an inquiry-driven, ethically engaged, and diverse
community, whose members work collaboratively for positive
transformation in the world through courageous leadership in
teaching, research, scholarship, health care, and social action.
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Emory University acknowledges the Muscogee (Creek) people who
lived, worked, produced knowledge on, and nurtured the land
where Emory’s Oxford and Atlanta campuses are now located.
In 1821, fifteen years before Emory’s founding, the Muscogee
were forced to relinquish this land. We recognize the sustained
oppression, land dispossession, and involuntary removals of the
Muscogee and Cherokee peoples from Georgia and the Southeast.
Emory seeks to honor the Muscogee Nation and other Indigenous
caretakers of this land by humbly seeking knowledge of their
histories and committing to respectful stewardship of the land.
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This is Emory’s 178th commencement. The exercises witnessed
today represent an imposition of medieval academic tradition on
an institution that had its roots in the nineteenth-century frontier.
The first Emory commencement was held in 1840, four years after
Emory College had been chartered and two years after the college’s
first classes. That first ceremony, however, was without graduating
students, as there were no graduates until the following year. Then,
as now, sermons and addresses had a central focus in the exercises,
though rarely have these addresses been so crucial as in 1849,
when all fifteen members of the graduating class were assigned
speaking places and spoke for as long as half an hour each.
Early commencement audiences sat for up to four hours in the
midsummer heat to listen to the numerous student and faculty
orations on such topics as “Our Government Unfavorable to
High Attainment in Literature, “Social Equality, and “Modern
Refinements. These addresses in the early days were in English,
contrary to the practice at many other institutions. As President
A. B. Longstreet argued in 1842, speeches in Latin and Greek
were “worthy of the name pedantry, and nothing more. In spite
of this advice, several later generations of students instructed their
audiences in the ancient tongues.
A D  C
Academic dress goes back to the founding of European universities,
which were the products of the intellectual revival of the twelfth
century. All medieval students were clerks and consequently wore
the dress of clergy. This is the academic costume we wear today, with
certain changes introduced in the sixteenth century by Protestant
reformers. The oldest articles of academic wear were the robe, over
which was worn the habit, usually a kind of tunic with short, wide
sleeves. The medieval hood was lined with fur or inexpensive skins
and could be gathered around the neck or pulled up on the head
as a turban. It is uncertain when different colors became associated
with different degrees.
There were four kinds of caps: the round cap, reserved for
doctoral dignity; the tena, a round cap with strings tied under the
chin, worn by jurists; the square cap; and the Tudor bonnet. At
Oxford University in 1565 the square cap became the norm, but the
faculties that had become laicized adopted the Tudor bonnet that
is still worn by doctoral candidates today. The basic design of all
academic costume in the United States was first established in 1895
and was first used at Emory by the Class of 1902. The bachelor’s
gown features an embroidered Emory University seal in gold thread
and has long, pointed, open sleeves. The master’s gown has longer
sleeves, which are closed at the bottom with openings about midway
for the hands. Beginning in 2014, the bachelor’s and master’s
gowns are made of fabric spun from molten plastic pellets from
recycled water bottles. An average of twenty-three postconsumer
plastic bottles are used to create each gown, furthering Emory’s
commitment to sustainability initiatives. The doctor’s gown has full-
length lapels of velvet and bell-shaped sleeves with three horizontal
velvet bars. Tassels for bachelor’s and master’s caps are black; tassels
of gold thread may be worn by doctors. Gowns and caps are usually
black, although Emory and some other schools have specified that
their doctors may wear gowns of distinctive colors. Yale’s deep
blue doctoral gown, Harvard’s crimson, Columbia’s dark blue, and
Emory’s blue and gold are a few that may be seen in the procession.
The hood varies for the respective degrees, the doctor’s hood
being longer and fuller than the master’s. The field of study can
be determined from the velvet facing on the hood according to the
following color scheme: white, the arts; gold-yellow, science; purple,
law; apricot, nursing; green, medicine; teal, physical therapy; scarlet,
theology; salmon, public health; drab, business; and dark blue,
doctors of philosophy. The hood is lined with silk in the colors of
the degree-granting institution. For Emory graduates the lining is
blue with a chevron of gold.
The president of Emory University wears a badge of office given
to the university in 1965 by the Emory chapter, Gamma of Georgia,
of Phi Beta Kappa. Designed by Eric Clements of Birmingham,
England, and executed by the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths
in London, the solid gold badge is an open teardrop enclosing the
raised seal of the university and is suspended on a gold chain.
The chief marshal and deputy marshals lead the academic
procession. The faculty marshals and the secretary of the university
jointly manage the forming of the procession, the seating of com-
mencement participants, and the planning of other aspects of com-
mencement exercises. Marshals are identified by their unique blue
tunics, which are sleeveless and lined with gold.
The Quadrangle stage with blue canopy was named the
University Marshals’ Stage in honor of the dedication and service
provided by Emory’s chief marshals throughout history.
The university mace is carried in the procession by the imme-
diate past president of the Student Government Association.
Academically the mace is the symbol of a university as a corporate
A C  C
Emory University Commencement 2023
body of scholars possessing its own jurisdiction and its own legally
constituted authority. Traditionally the mace is borne in procession
immediately before the chief officer of a university and is placed
before them during formal academic ceremonies.
The mace of Emory University, a gift from D.V.S., an Emory
College senior honor society, was designed by Eric Clements
and executed in silver and gold by the Worshipful Company of
Goldsmiths. In the teardrop at the apex of the mace, against a
background of oxidized silver, is a freestanding representation in
gold of a human skeleton. This is Dooley, the “spirit” of Emory,
who traditionally “rises” once each spring and for a week rules
campus. Immediately below the skeleton, in an open teardrop, is
a gold sphere divided (by stippling) into eight segments. Topping
the sphere is a simple cross, symbolizing the relationship of Emory
University to the Methodist church. The seal of the university is
sculptured in gold within the circular base.
Before each school in the procession, the school’s student mar-
shal carries its gonfalon, a banner in the color associated with the
respective school’s degree: medicine, green; public health, salmon;
nursing, apricot; theology, scarlet; law, purple; and business, drab.
The gonfalon of the graduate school is gold representing Emory’s
gold, and the gonfalons of Emory College and Oxford College
represent Emory’s blue.
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Graduating students who have a parent, grandparent, and/or
sibling who is also an Emory graduate are wearing specially
commissioned medallions hanging from blue and gold ribbons.
The medallions are expressions of the university’s gratitude to
those families who have chosen to continue the Emory education
tradition throughout the generations.
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Spectators on the Quadrangle are seated facing the former Pitts
Theology Library, one of the two oldest buildings on the Atlanta
campus. Designed by the distinguished Pittsburgh architect Henry
Hornbostel (1867–1961), Convocation Hall—as it is now known—
was the original theology building in 1916. It was renovated in 1975
by architect Paul Rudolph to house the expanded library collection
of Candler School of Theology. Renovated again, the building
reopened in 2019 as a community gathering space and to welcome
visitors and members of the campus community alike as they meet
with the university’s president and other leaders.
Directly behind the spectators are Carlos Hall, the other original
campus building, and the expanded Michael C. Carlos Museum.
Formerly home to the School of Law, Carlos Hall was renovated
in 1986 according to a design by Michael Graves to house the
museum and the Department of Art History. The museum is named
for the philanthropist who donated most of the cost of the facility.
It was designed to maintain the classic symmetry and proportion of
the surrounding buildings, which are listed on the National Register
of Historic Places.
Bowden Hall, east of the museum, was constructed in 1951 in the
same style as the original campus buildings. Originally the History
Building, it was renamed in 1991 in honor of the late Henry L.
Bowden, former chair of the Board of Trustees of Emory University.
To the southeast of Bowden Hall is the Center for Library and
Information Resources. The center joins the tall, red-tile-crowned
Robert W. Woodruff Library and is linked to the Asa Griggs Candler
Memorial Library at the east end of the Quadrangle. Candler
Library was dedicated in 1926 in honor of the man who donated
the land for the campus and who provided the university with
strong leadership in its early years.
Next to Convocation Hall is the Loula Walker and Ely Reeves
Callaway Sr. Memorial Center. Thanks to a generous gift from
alumnus Ely R. Callaway Jr. in honor of his parents, this center joins
the former Humanities Building with the original Physics Building,
which was constructed in 1919.
At the west end of the Quadrangle is the Administration Building
(1955), a gift of Charles Howard Candler. Like his father, Asa,
Charles chaired the Board of Trustees for many years. Between
the Administration Building and the former Pitts Library sits the
more modern White Hall, the main classroom building of Emory
College. Above the trees on the north side of the Quadrangle are
the curved red roof of the William R. Cannon Chapel—designed
by Paul Rudolph and dedicated in 1981—and the towers of Emory
University Hospital to the east.
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Read more about what makes graduation
at Emory unfailingly special.
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Emory University Commencement 2023
From 8:15 a.m. until
ceremony end
Emory University Commencement 2023
Ridehail Stops
Visitor Parking
Gambrell Parking Deck
Enter from Gambrell Drive at
Clifton Road - no shuttle service
The Oxford Road parking deck is
reserved for guests requiring
disability services. All shuttles are
equipped with wheel chair ramps.
1. Alumni Memorial University Center (AMUC)
2. Candler, Asa Griggs, Library
3. Candler School of Theology
4. Cannon Chapel
5. Carlos, Michael C., Museum
6. Cox Hall
7. Emory Conference Center Hotel
8. Emory Student Center (ESC)
9. Glenn Memorial Auditorium
10. Goizueta Business School Building
11. Health Sciences Research Bldg. II
12. McDonough Field
13. Medical Education Building
14. Quadrangle
15. R. Randall Rollins Building
16. Rollins, Grace Crum, Building (Public Health)
17. Rollins Plaza
18. School of Nursing
19. Schwartz Center for Performing Arts
20. White Hall
21. Woodru Health Sciences Center
Administration Building (WHSCAB)
22. Woodru P.E. Center (WoodPEC)
23. Woodru, Robert W., Library
Live Shuttle Tracking:
Emory University Commencement 2023