Duncan M. Beagle, Chief Judge of Probate
Jennie E. Barkey, Presiding Judge of Probate
F. Kay Behm, Judge of Probate
Assigned to the Circuit Court
900 S. Saginaw Street, Room 502
Flint, Michigan 48502
Samuel A. Olson, Administrator/Probate Register
Telephone: (810) 257-3528
Fax: (810) 257-3234
DATE: November 12, 2020
TO: Genesee County Probate Attorneys and Court Patrons
FROM: Sam Olson, Genesee County Probate Court Administrator/Register
RE: COVID-19 – Probate Court Operations
E-Filing / E-Payments
As a result of the COVID-19 data in Genesee County and concern for the health and welfare of judicial
staff and members of the public, the Genesee County Probate Court will be modifying its operations to
further limit the number of people in the court building and probate clerk’s office.
Chief Judge Duncan M. Beagle has determined that it is in the best interest of the members of the public,
judges, court staff, attorneys and other stakeholders, to temporarily suspend in-person court proceedings
through December 31, 2020. Effective August 17, 2020, the Genesee County Probate and 7
Courts entered Phase Two of the return to full capacity framework established by the Michigan Supreme
Court, as detailed in Local Administrative Order 2020-06J. The courts remain in Phase Two.
Please be advised of the following important information regarding the Genesee County Probate Court’s
operations at this time:
Individuals are able to schedule in-person appointments with the probate clerk’s office using the
following link:
Please be advised at this time appointments can only be made for the following purposes: 1) file
review, or 2) document pick-up. Appointments for general filing is not permitted at this time
(see below).
Appointments are available on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Appointments are not
available on Wednesdays and Fridays.
General Filing:
Regular Mail:
o Any filing may be sent via regular mail to the Probate Court, at 900 S. Saginaw Street, Room
502, Flint, MI 48502.
o A document that does not require a filing fee (e.g., Proof of Service,
Guardianship/Conservatorship Inventory, GAL Report, etc.) may be sent to the Court via
regular mail, fax (810-257-3234), or email ([email protected], or staff email
E-Filing/E-Payments NEW:
o E-payments are now available at the Probate Court website,, under
the “E-Filing” tab. This option allows for online payments of court filings.
o At this time, the Probate Court is able to accept online payments for the following items only:
New Deceased Estate Filings
New Guardianship Filings
New Conservatorship Filings
General Petitions/Motions
Estate Inventory Services Fees
Emergency Filings / Petitions for Mental Health Treatment:
The probate clerk’s office will be available for emergency filings (e.g., temporary/emergency requests
for guardianship) and Petitions for Mental Health Treatment.
Non-emergency matters must be filed consistent with the above under “General Filing.”
Remote Hearings:
With the exception of annual accounts (see below), the Probate Court will continue to conduct remote
court proceedings using Zoom video conferencing for all scheduled matters.
For new filings, please send a Notice of Hearing form to the Court, leaving the date/time blank. Filers
are able to use the general form (PC 562), or the modified forms for remote/Zoom hearings (GCPC
562, GCPC 506) available on the court’s website (
Annual Accounts:
Petitions to Allow Account(s) will continue to be reviewed by the Probate Register without a formal
hearing, consistent with Local Administrative Order 2004-08, unless objected to, in writing, by an
interested party.
A GCPC 562A Notice of Hearing form would be filed with the petition. The “hearing” date will
serve as a control date for purposes of effectuating proper notice and service to interested parties.
The GCPC 562A form is available on the court’s website (
For any petition to allow account(s), petitioners shall be required to serve a blank GCPC 690
Objection to Petition form on all interested parties, with a Proof of Service to be filed evidencing
service of the form.
The Court would welcome the filing of PC 561 Waiver/Consent forms for interested parties in an
effort to confirm the consent of interested parties to the account and entry of an order, if entry of
an order is otherwise appropriate.
Guardianship/Conservatorship Seminar
The guardianship/conservatorship seminars regularly held on Tuesdays at 12:00pm noon remain
cancelled until further notice. The material handed out at the seminar is available on the Probate Court
website, via the following pathway:
o Forms dropdown Adult Conservatorship Appoint Conservator of an Adult
Accounting Procedures & Instructions for Completing Annual Account of Fiduciary
Please contact the Court by phone at 810-257-3528 if you have any questions, and continue to access the
court’s website ( for the latest information.
Effective Monday, January 4, 2021, the Genesee County Circuit and Probate Courts will continue
to conduct court proceedings virtually to the maximum extent possible.
In-person proceedings will be limited to those where there is a statutory or constitutional right
that has not been waived and adjourning the proceeding has first been considered by the assigned
In-person proceedings will be limited to no more than ten (10) people or any number that ensures
six-foot distancing at all times. Face coverings will be required in court in a manner consistent
with the directives from the State Court Administrative Office (SCAO). Face coverings will not
be provided by the court.
The above provisions are consistent with Genesee County Phase One (Return), Joint Local
Administrative Order 2020-18J/2020-09J. This Order applies to the Genesee County Circuit and
Probate Courts.
After reviewing the current COVID19 new case data for Genesee County, Chief Judge Duncan
M. Beagle determined that it was in the best interest of the members of the public, judges, court
staff, attorneys, and other stakeholders, to remain cautious and limit in-person court proceedings.
The Courts will remain open and continue operations via Zoom to the maximum extent possible.
Individual judicial offices will be the contact for inquiries regarding scheduling for particular
The Courthouse will remain open for other business that requires an appointment to receive
Please consult the Probate Court webpage for further information at
The Circuit Court webpage contains information relative to new filings and other operational
information at
Effective through January 31, 2021
Honorable Duncan M. Beagle
Honorable F. Kay Behm
Honorable Celeste D. Bell
Honorable Joseph J. Farah
Honorable John A. Gadola
Honorable Elizabeth A. Kelly
Honorable Mark W. Latchana
Honorable David J. Newblatt
Honorable Brian S. Pickell
Honorable Michael J. Theile
Duncan M. Beagle, Chief Judge of Probate
Jennie E. Barkey, Presiding Judge of Probate
F. Kay Behm, Judge of Probate
Assigned to the Circuit Court
900 S. Saginaw Street, Room 502
Flint, Michigan 48502
Samuel A. Olson, Administrator/Probate Register
Telephone: (810) 257-3528
Fax: (810) 257-3234
DATE: June 17, 2020
TO: Genesee County Probate Attorneys and Court Patrons
FROM: Sam Olson, Genesee County Probate Court Administrator/Register
RE: Return to Full Capacity Phase One to Begin June 22, 2020
Local Administrative Order 2020-05J
On Monday, June 22, 2020, the Probate Court will begin the process of returning to full operations as it
enters Phase One of the phased reopening plan established by the Michigan Supreme Court. On June 10,
2020, the State Court Administrative Office approved the Phase One plan, as detailed in Local
Administrative Order 2020-05J.
Please be advised of the following important information regarding the Genesee County Probate Court’s
operations during Phase One:
Individuals are able to schedule appointments with the probate clerk’s office using the following link:
Please be advised at this appointments can only be made for the following purposes: 1) file
review, or 2) document pick-up. General filing will be permitted via appointment at a later date
(see below).
General Filing:
A filing that requires a filing fee must be sent via regular mail to the Probate Court, at 900 S. Saginaw
Street, Room 502, Flint, MI 48502.
A document that does not require a filing fee (e.g., Proof of Service, Guardianship/Conservatorship
Inventory, GAL Report, etc.) may be sent to the Court via regular mail, fax (810-257-3234), or email
([email protected], or staff email address).
The Court will return copies via regular mail, or return email.
Procedures updated 11-20-2020
Emergency Filings / Petitions for Mental Health Treatment:
The probate clerk’s office will be available for emergency filings (e.g., temporary/emergency requests
for guardianship) and Petitions for Mental Health Treatment.
Non-emergency matters must be filed consistent with the above under “General Filing.”
Remote Hearings:
With the exception of annual accounts (see below), during Phase One the Probate Court will continue
to conduct remote court proceedings using Zoom video conferencing for all scheduled matters.
For new filings, please send a Notice of Hearing form to the Court, leaving the date/time blank. Filers
are able to use the general form (PC 562), or the modified forms for remote/Zoom hearings (GCPC
562, GCPC 506) available on the court’s website (
Annual Accounts:
Petitions to Allow Account(s) will continue to be reviewed by the Probate Register without a formal
hearing, consistent with Local Administrative Order 2004-08, unless objected to, in writing, by an
interested party.
A general PC 562 Notice of Hearing form would be filed with the petition. The “hearing” date
will serve as a control date for purposes of effectuating proper notice and service to interested
For any petition to allow account(s), petitioners shall be required to serve a GCPC 690 Objection
to Petition form on all interested parties, with a Proof of Service to be filed evidencing service of
the form.
The Court would welcome the filing of PC 561 Waiver/Consent forms for interested parties in an
effort to enter an order without a hearing, if entry of an order is otherwise appropriate.
Guardianship/Conservatorship Seminar
The guardianship/conservatorship seminars regularly held on Tuesdays at 12:00pm noon remain
cancelled until further notice. The material handed out at the seminar is available on the Probate Court
website, via the following pathway:
o Forms dropdown Adult Conservatorship Appoint Conservator of an Adult
Accounting Procedures & Instructions for Completing Annual Account of Fiduciary
Please contact the Court by phone at 810-257-3528 if you have any questions, and continue to access the
court’s website ( for the latest information.
Procedures updated 11-20-2020
Duncan M. Beagle, Chief Judge of Probate
Jennie E. Barkey, Presiding Judge of Probate
F. Kay Behm, Judge of Probate
Assigned to the Circuit Court
900 S. Saginaw Street, Room 502
Flint, Michigan 48502
Samuel A. Olson, Administrator/Probate Register
Telephone: (810) 257-3528
Fax: (810) 257-3234
May 7, 2020
Genesee County Probate Attorneys and Court Patrons
FROM: Sam Olson, Genesee County Probate Court Administrator/Register
RE: COVID-19 Probate Court Operations
Executive Order 2020-59 / Administrative Orders 2020-12, 2020-14
On April 24, 2020, Governor Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-59 reaffirming the “stay home, stay
safe” measures put in effect on March 24, 2020, with some modifications. As of the date of this
memorandum, EO 2020-59 shall be in place until May 15, 2020. The Michigan Supreme Court likewise
issued Administrative Order 2020-12 on April 27, 2020, which extend the expiration dates applicable to
essential functions of the Michigan courts until further order of the Court”
On May 6, 2020, the Supreme Court issued Administrative Order 2020-14, which directs courts to
“maintain their current level of operations” until the State Court Administrative Office approves a plan to
expand in-court proceedings.
The Probate Court will continue to operate in furtherance of these orders, while continuing to utilize
Zoom video conferencing to conduct judicial proceedings for all proceedings to the greatest extent
Please be advised of the following information regarding the Genesee County Probate Court’s current
level operations in effect at this time:
General Filing:
A filing that requires a filing fee must be sent via regular mail to the Probate Court, at 900 S. Saginaw
Street, Room 502, Flint, MI 48502.
A document that does not require a filing fee (e.g., Proof of Service, Guardianship/Conservatorship
Inventory, GAL Report, etc.) may be sent to the Court via regular mail, fax (810-257-3234), or email
(probatecour[email protected], or staff email address).
The Court will return copies via regular mail, or return email.
Remote Hearings / Adjournments:
The Court will utilize Zoom video/audio conferencing for litigants to appear for hearings. Please be
advised a hearing will only be held if all interested parties received appropriate notice of the remote
hearing, with specific instructions related to Zoom and accessing the virtual courtroom.
The Court has created a modified Notice of Hearing form (GCPC 562) to be served in advance of any
scheduled hearing. Petitioners can alternatively use the newly-created GCMC 506 form. These forms
are attached to this memo. The appropriate notice document(s) must be served on all interested parties,
with a Proof of Service to be filed with the Court evidencing the same.
In further efforts to ensure all interested parties are provided appropriate notice and opportunity to
participate in a remote hearing, the State Court Administrative Office has created a Contact
Information form (GCMC 505) to collect contact information in advance of a scheduled remote
hearing. This form was created as a result of Michigan Supreme Court Administrative Order 2020-13,
issued April 29, 2020. This Court may utilize this form in advance of future hearings to collect
requisite contact information.
Pursuant to MCR 5.119(C), the Probate Court will be adjourning all non-emergency matters that were
not heard as of March 16, 2020, and those currently set on the docket that were or are not heard. Any
petitions/motions currently set before the Court that were not heard will be adjourned to a date yet to
be determined.
The Court will notify petitioners and interested parties of the adjourned dates when the Court is
able to “re-open” for expanded operations.
The Court is scheduling new non-emergency filings to July dates, or as otherwise required by
Michigan Court Rules.
Objection Form:
For any new filing, petitioners shall be required to serve a GCPC 690 Objection to Petition form on all
interested parties, with a Proof of Service to be filed evidencing service of the form.
The Court would welcome the filing of PC 561 Waiver/Consent forms for all interested parties in an
effort to enter an order without a hearing, if entry of an order is otherwise appropriate.
MCR 2.107(C) Electronic Service
Pursuant to Michigan Supreme Court Administrative Order 2020-09, MCR 2.107(C) has been
temporarily amended to require electronic service to the extent possible, without the necessity of an
agreement between parties for such service during the effective period of the administrative order.
Annual Accounts:
Petitions to Allow Accounts will be heard without a formal hearing, consistent with Local
Administrative Order 2004-08, unless contested or objected to, in writing, by an interested party.
The hearing” date will serve as a control date for purposes of effectuating property notice and
service to interested parties.
Acceptance of Appointment / Letters of Authority
For any petition seeking the appointment of a fiduciary, the petitioner should be submitting, at the time
of initial filing, a completed and signed Acceptance of Appointment, along with completed Letters of
Authority, in anticipation of the entry of an order appointing the fiduciary.
This will allow the Court to readily process the documents upon entry of the order, thereby
alleviating the necessity to follow-up with the Court for filing of the documents after appointment.
Guardianship/Conservatorship Seminar
The guardianship/conservatorship seminars regularly held on Tuesdays at 12:00pm noon are cancelled
until further notice. The material handed out at the seminar is available on the Probate Court website, via the following pathway:
o Forms dropdown Adult Conservatorship Appoint Conservator of an Adult
Accounting Procedures & Instructions for Completing Annual Account of Fiduciary
Emergency Guardianships:
Adult Guardianships: Individuals should contact MDHHS at 855-444-3911 or Sergeant Jillian Macey
with the Sheriff Department’s Elder Abuse Team at 810-424-4403 (office) or 810-730-4773 (cell).
Minor Guardianships: Individuals should contact MDHHS at 855-444-3911 or DHS-CPS-
Petitions for Mental Health Treatment:
Petitioners seeking to petition for a pick-up order should contact Genesee Health System at 810-348-
If there are any other matters you believe require immediate action, you are free to contact the Probate
Court at 810-257-3528, call me directly at 810-424-4426 (office) or 810-516-2799 (cell) to discuss, or
Honorable Duncan M. Beagle
Honorable F. Kay Behm
Honorable Celeste D. Bell
Honorable Joseph J. Farah
Honorable John A. Gadola
Honorable Elizabeth A. Kelly
Honorable Mark W. Latchana
Honorable David J. Newblatt
Honorable Brian S. Pickell
Honorable Michael J. Theile
Genesee County Probate Court
7th Judicial Circuit Court, Genesee County
The Genesee County Probate Court and the 7th Judicial Circuit Court have been closed to the
public except for essential and emergency operations since March 19, 2020.
Effective Monday March 30, 2020, the public hours of access for only essential and emergency
court operations are reduced to 11:30A.M.-1:30P.M. The Beach Street entrance is the access
point. Visitor screening remains in place during this period.
Further information about how to access the courts can be found at
You are advised not to come to the Courthouse before reviewing the websites as a first point
of information.
Most court operations have been adjourned, except for those that have been determined to be
essential and emergency in nature.
The Probate and Circuit Courts have developed alternate methods of court filing, during this
period of closure related to the COVID-19 health emergency.
This action is taken out of concern for the health and safety of the public, as well as court staff.
Court operations necessarily entail other state and local agencies who have worked
cooperatively to reduce the hours of court operations while continuing to serve the citizens of
Genesee County.
Duncan M. Beagle
Chief Judge
Genesee County Probate Court
7th Judicial Circuit Court, Genesee County
Duncan M. Beagle, Chief Judge of Probate
Jennie E. Barkey, Presiding Judge of Probate
F. Kay Behm, Judge of Probate
Assigned to the Circuit Court
900 S. Saginaw Street, Room 502
Flint, Michigan 48502
Samuel A. Olson, Administrator/Probate Register
Telephone: (810) 257-3528
Fax: (810) 257-3234
March 31, 2020
Genesee County Probate Attorneys and Court Patrons
FROM: Sam Olson, Genesee County Probate Court Administrator/Register
RE: COVID-19 Probate Court Operations
Executive Order 2020-21 Additional Details / Points of Clarification
The Probate Court continues to review the latest orders and guidance from the Michigan Supreme Court
and Governor Whitmer’s office regarding the current climate. With these orders and guidance in mind, I
wanted to provide additional details and points of clarification/reiteration regarding the Court’s docket:
Pursuant to MCR 5.119(C), the Probate Court will be adjourning all non-emergency matters that
were not heard as of March 16, 2020, and those currently set on the docket. Because the Court is
primarily closed for general in-person purposes, any petitions/motions currently set before the
Court will be adjourned to a date yet to be determined.
The Court will notify petitioners and interested parties of the adjourned dates when the Court is
able to “re-open” for expanded operations.
The Court is scheduling new non-emergency filings to June/July dates, or as otherwise required by
Michigan Court Rules.
To reiterate from the March 13, 2020 memo, the Court would welcome the filing of PC 561
Waiver/Consent forms for all interested parties in an effort to enter an order without a hearing, if
entry of an order is otherwise appropriate.
The following processes remain for the emergency matters:
Emergency Guardianships
- Adult Guardianships: Individuals should contact MDHHS at 855-444-3911 or Sergeant Jillian Macey
with the Sheriff Department’s Elder Abuse Team at 810-424-4403 (office) or 810-730-4773 (cell).
- Minor Guardianships: Individuals should contact MDHHS at 855-444-3911 or DHS-CPS-
Petitions for Mental Health Treatment
- Petitioners seeking to petition for a pick-up order should contact Genesee Health System at 810-348-
If there are any other matters you believe require immediate action, you are free to contact me directly at
810-424-4426 (office) or 810-516-2799 (cell) to discuss.
7th Judicial Circuit Court and Genesee County Probate Court
Emergency Filing Procedures /4.1.2020
Regular Mail: Any filing may be sent to the court clerk via regular mail: Genesee County Clerk,
Legal Division, 900 S. Saginaw Street, Flint MI 48502. If a filing fee is required, send a check or
money order made payable to Genesee County Clerk. The court will return copies via regular or
return mail.
Email Filing (NEW): Any filing may be sent to: If a filing fee
is required, it can be paid by credit card. Go to the G2G link and follow these instructions. The
G2G link can also be found by visiting, clicking the Payment tab and
concluding with clicking the Make a Payment button. Once the payment is confirmed, the court
clerk will process the documents.
Personal Protection Orders (domestic relationship): The YWCA of Greater Flint, is currently
assisting the community and court as the central point of information and filing. Click HERE for
Juvenile Division Hearings for detained youth and hearings on other emergency petitions will
be conducted weekdays via zoom conferencing between the court, attorneys, parents and
Service of petitions and court orders relative to preliminary hearings will be done by email to
the professional email address, listed with the State Bar of Michigan, for each of the attorneys of
record. Counsel for parents or youth will provide a hard copy to their clients.
After hours child abuse and neglect petitions can be filed at
During regular business hours, emergency child abuse and neglect petitions can be emailed
Non-emergency child abuse and neglect petitions can be emailed
The following filing operations should be observed at this time:
A filing that requires a filing fee must be sent via regular mail to the Probate Court, 900S.
Saginaw Street, Room 502, Flint MI 48502.
A document that does not requires a filing fee (e.g. proof of service,
guardianship/conservatorship inventory, GAL report, etc.) may be sent to the Probate
Court via regular mail, fax 810.257.3234 or email (, or
staff email address.
The Court will return copies via regular or return mail.
Duncan M. Beagle, Chief Judge of Probate
Jennie E. Barkey, Presiding Judge of Probate
F. Kay Behm, Judge of Probate
Assigned to the Circuit Court
Samuel A. Olson, Administrator/Probate Register
Telephone: (810) 257-3528
Fax: (810) 257-3234
900 S. Saginaw Street, Room 502
Flint, Michigan 48502
DATE: March 24, 2020
Genesee County Probate Attorneys and Court Patrons
FROM: Sam Olson, Genesee County Probate Court Administrator/Register
RE: COVID-19 Probate Court Operations
Executive Order 2020-21
As you are likely aware, yesterday Governor Whitmer issued executive order 2020-21 directing Michigan
residents to “remain at home or in their place of residence to the maximum extend feasible.” The
executive order takes effect today, March 24, and continues through April 13. Under the order, all in-
person government activities that are not necessary to sustain or protect life, or to supporting those
businesses and operations that are necessary to sustain or protect life, are suspended. Although court
workers are considered “critical infrastructure workers,” this order has required the Probate Court to
further curtail operations and on-site personnel.
Court leadership met yesterday afternoon to assess what the Governor’s order means to the Genesee
County courts. In evaluating court operations, the presiding Judges agreed to effectively scale back many
non-emergency proceedings.
For the Probate Court, this means the Court will be primarily closed for general in-person
purposes, with the exception of emergency guardianships brought by MDHHS (Adult Protective
Services or Child Protective Services) or the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department, and Petitions
for Mental Health Treatment brought by Genesee Health System.
While the current climate remains fluid, the Court will “re-open” for expanded operations no earlier than
April 20, 2020. This of course remains subject to change.
The following process has been adopted for the emergency matters:
Emergency Guardianships
- Adult Guardianships: Individuals should contact MDHHS at 855-444-3911 or Sergeant Jillian Macey
with the Sheriff Department’s Elder Abuse Team at 810-424-4403 (office) or 810-730-4773 (cell).
- Minor Guardianships: Individuals should contact MDHHS at 855-444-3911 or DHS-CPS-
Petitions for Mental Health Treatment
- Petitioners seeking to petition for a pick-up order should contact Genesee Health System at 810-348-
If there are any other matters you believe require immediate action based on the Governor’s order, you
are free to contact me directly at 810-424-4426 (office) or 810-516-2799 (cell) to discuss.
The Court is currently reviewing files for the weeks of March 30 and April 6 to determine what files, if
any, can enter without a hearing (i.e. those with Waivers/Consents from all interested parties). The
majority of the files, if not all, will be adjourned by the Court.
Please continue to utilize the case search functions on the court’s website ( to
check the status of your case(s).
Duncan M. Beagle, Chief Judge of Probate
Jennie E. Barkey, Presiding Judge of Probate
F. Kay Behm, Judge of Probate
Assigned to the Circuit Court
Samuel A. Olson, Administrator/Probate Register
Telephone: (810) 257-3528
Fax: (810) 257-3234
900 S. Saginaw Street, Room 502
Flint, Michigan 48502
March 17, 2020
Genesee County Probate Attorneys and Court Patrons
FROM: Sam Olson, Genesee County Probate Court Administrator/Register
RE: COVID-19 Probate Court Operations
Building Access & Filing
Pursuant to Local Administrative Order 2020-05J, signed yesterday afternoon by Chief Judge Duncan M.
Beagle, the Genesee County Probate Court is closed except for essential operations as outlined in the
LAO. In summary, the Genesee County Courthouse is closed, with access to limited entry available
only for emergency or time-sensitive filings.
Please review the following regarding additional operational details in light of yesterday’s announcement:
General Filing:
The following filing operations should be observed as this time:
A filing that requires a filing fee must be sent via regular mail to the Probate Court, at 900 S. Saginaw
Street, Room 502, Flint, MI 48502.
A document that does not require a filing fee (e.g., Proof of Service, Guardianship/Conservatorship
Inventory, GAL Report, etc.) may be sent to the Probate Court via regular mail, fax (810-257-3234), or
email (, or staff email address).
The Court will return copies via regular mail, or return email.
This information will be posted to Genesee County Probate Court website (
Probate staff is working hard to update the case management system with the most recent orders. Please
utilize the case search functions on the website to review specific cases.
Duncan M. Beagle, Chief Judge of Probate
Jennie E. Barkey, Presiding Judge of Probate
F. Kay Behm, Judge of Probate
Assigned to the Circuit Court
Samuel A. Olson, Administrator/Probate Register
Telephone: (810) 257-3528
Fax: (810) 257-3234
900 S. Saginaw Street, Room 502
Flint, Michigan 48502
March 13, 2020
Genesee County Probate Attorneys and Court Patrons
FROM: Sam Olson, Genesee County Probate Court Administrator/Register
RE: COVID-19 Probate Court Operations
Additional Details / Points of Clarification
The Probate Court continues to be in regular contact with county leadership to examine the rapidly-
evolving situation. I wanted to address some specific operational issues that may assist as we progress
into next week:
The Probate Court would welcome stipulated adjournments of petitions/motions presently set
before the Court. This is not a mandatory directive, but rather should be based on the exigency of
the particular request in consultation with other interested parties and attorneys. The Court is
likewise examining the dockets for the next two-three weeks to adjourn matters given the current
situation and attendant risks.
For the upcoming week of March 16, 2020, all Tuesday and Thursday matters set for
9:00am will be adjourned by the Court to early April. Orders to follow.
As provided yesterday, the Court has created a GCPC 690 Objection to Petition form in an effort
to readily enter orders without the need for a formal hearing. Along this same line, the Court
would similarly welcome the filing of PC 561 Waiver/Consent forms for all interested parties in
an effort to enter orders without a hearing. Objections to Petition and Waivers/Consents will not
have a filing fee associated with them.
Objection to Petition Form Service Time
If you have previously set a hearing before the Court and still have time to effectuate proper
service before the date, please serve the GCPC 690 Objection to Petition form and file a Proof of
Service with the Court.
“Electronic” Filing
For any paper/document that does not require a filing fee, litigants are welcome to send
documents to the Court via email or fax. The Court has created an email address
(probatecour[email protected] to communicate logistics regarding hearings, etc. Feel free to
utilize this email address for filing, as well as emails to staff, etc.
The Court’s fax number is 810-257-3234.
“Call” Docket Scheduling
As a point of clarification, any new filing will still set a date and time for hearing.
This hearing date will serve as a control date for purposes of effectuating proper notice and
service to interested parties.
At the date and time set for the hearing, the Court will call the case, with or without parties in
o If the file is incomplete, the petitioner will receive an adjournment to serve on all parties.
o If an Objection to Petition is filed, or if the Court has a question regarding the relief
requested, parties will receive an Order for Adjournment setting an evidentiary hearing,
pre-trial, or non-jury trial.
o If the file is complete, no Objection is filed and the Court has no questions, the Court will
enter an order granting the relief requested.
Guardianship/Conservatorship Seminar
The guardianship/conservatorship seminars regularly held on Tuesdays at 12:00pm noon are
cancelled until further notice. Upon the appointment of a guardian/conservator, the Court will
provide a packet of material to new fiduciaries. The material is available on the Probate Court
website, via the following pathway:
o Forms dropdown Adult Conservatorship Appoint Conservator of an Adult
Accounting Procedures & Instructions for Completing Annual Account of Fiduciary
MCR 2.107(C)(4) Alternative Electronic Service
Pursuant to MCR 2.107(C)(4), parties may agree to alternative electronic service among
themselves by filing a stipulation in the matter. Please file such an agreement with the Court if
agreed upon.
Acceptance of Appointment / Letters of Authority
For any petition seeking the appointment of a fiduciary, the petitioner should be submitting, at the
time of initial filing, a completed and signed Acceptance of Appointment, along with completed
Letters of Authority, in anticipation of the entry of an order appointing the fiduciary.
This will allow the Court to readily process the documents upon entry of the order, thereby
alleviating the necessity to follow-up with the Court for filing of the documents after appointment.
Please note at this time the Court is NOT banning anyone from the courthouse/courtroom.
Rather, in an effort to avoid unnecessary risks to court patrons and personnel, we have provided options
to appear in court remotely and/or enter orders without the need for a formal, in-person hearing.
We encourage COMMUNICATION to the Court regarding the logistics on any matter you currently
have set (e.g., whether an adjournment will be sought, whether you intend to hold an in-person hearing,
whether you intend to conduct a hearing via video or telephone, etc.). Please refers to the Zoom
instructions/material posted on the Probate Court website, This will help the
Court appropriately plan and manage its dockets in the coming weeks.
Duncan M. Beagle, Chief Judge of Probate
Jennie E. Barkey, Presiding Judge of Probate
F. Kay Behm, Judge of Probate
Assigned to the Circuit Court
900 S. Saginaw Street, Room 502
Flint, Michigan 48502
Samuel A. Olson, Administrator/Probate Register
Telephone: (810) 257-3528
Fax: (810) 257-3234
March 12, 2020
Genesee County Probate Attorneys and Court Patrons
FROM: Sam Olson, Genesee County Probate Court Administrator/Register
RE: COVID-19 Probate Court Operations
The Genesee County Court leadership is reviewing court operations consistent with the Michigan
Supreme Court, Genesee County and local health officials to respond to COVID-19. Based upon the
emergency declaration of Governor Whitmer and communication from Bridget M. McCormack, Chief
Justice, Michigan Supreme Court, the Probate Court has implemented the following measures to continue
operations in probate proceedings while protecting the health of probate litigants:
Remote Hearings
The Probate Court will utilize Zoom video/audio conferencing for litigants to appear for hearings
o Specific instructions regarding Zoom and phone appearances can be found on the Genesee
County Probate Court website:
o The following email address has been created to coordinate with and ask questions to the
court regarding remote hearings: probatecour[email protected]
Vulnerable Persons
The Probate Court will utilize remote hearings to ensure vulnerable persons (i.e., at-risk
individuals age 60 and over) need not travel to and appear physically at court proceedings. The
Court will rely on court-appointed counsel and guardian ad litems to represent and convey the
interests of the vulnerable person. Any objection to a petition will be set for a contested hearing.
Annual Accounts
Petitions to Allow Accounts will be heard without a formal hearing, consistent with Local
Administrative Order 2004-08, unless contested or objected to, in writing, by an interested party.
Objection Form
Petitioners shall be required to serve a GCPC 690 Objection to Petition form on all interested
parties, with a Proof of Service to be filed evidencing service of the form.
Further information about Genesee County Court operations may be obtained by accessing the Circuit
Court website, The website includes a tab for any COVID-19 updates related
to the courts.