The purpose of the Flint Property
Portal is to increase public access
to property informaon in order to
strengthen engagement, transparency,
and trust between residents and
local government in Flint.
We launched the Flint Property
Portal so the public will be more
informed and beer able to hold
us, as government, accountable.
This Flint Property Portal is delivered to you by the Genesee
County Land Bank Authority and the City of Flint as part of their
commitment to increasing the public’s access to informaon and
ensuring governmental transparency and accountability.
What does the Flint Property Portal do?
Property Lookup: The Portal contains a prole
for every property in Flint. Each property prole
includes a photograph and up to 40 pieces of
property specic informaon. Users can lookup
the prole for any property in Flint by locang
it on the Flint map or entering its address or
parcel ID number in the search toolbar.
Property Update: Property condions in Flint change
overnight. Meanwhile, the Land Bank and the City
of Flint use the informaon that they have to make
decisions every day. Users can report property changes
through the Property Update feature to keep the Land
Bank and City informed. Users can also report their
community work, including boarding, trash removal,
and mowing by sending a Maintenance Message.
Map Making: The Portal gives users the ability to map
property informaon. Users can create their own
mapping criteria for any area within Flint, small or large.
About the Flint Property Portal
The Flint Property Portal was launched by the Genesee
County Land Bank Authority and the City of Flint
in 2017. The purpose of the Portal is to increase
public access to property informaon in order to
strengthen engagement, transparency, and trust
between residents and local government in Flint.
The Portal was outlined and recommended by
the Beyond Blight: City of Flint Comprehensive
Blight Eliminaon Framework in 2015. Who
owns the vacant house across the street? Why
hasn't the Land Bank demolished that house on
the corner? How can I let the Land Bank know
that the house next door has deteriorated?
The Land Bank and the City of Flint have heard
feedback from the public about property informaon
for years. In response, we launched the Flint Property
Portal so that the public will be more informed and
beer able to hold us, as government, accountable.
What are some things the Flint Property
Portal can tell me?
Who owns that house?
How can I get a list of properes for sale by the Land Bank?
Can I report my vacant property cleanup work to the City?
When is that house going to be demolished?
This informaon and more is now easily accessible
thanks to the Flint Property Portal!
How do I get in touch with the Flint Property
Portal team?
If you have quesons about the Portal, you can send a
message to us through the form on the "Contact" page.
How can I submit condion or maintenance
updates without vising the site?
You don't have to be online to contribute to the site!
Call the City of Flint Blight Eliminaon Division at
(810) 237-2090 to report any property updates and
community maintenance over the phone.
Zoom in / out
Switch basemap to aerial photograph
Find your locaon on the map
How do I nd informaon on a specic
To bring up a list of the data associated with a property,
you can either:
Type the address or parcel ID number into
the search bar at the top of the page:
What informaon can I nd on a property?
Once you've selected a property, the sidebar will display
imagery of that property along with a list of its relevant
For more informaon on this data including denions
and sources, click the "Info" buon next to each entry
or see the data glossary on the next page of this guide.
Find the property on the map and select
it by clicking on that property:
How do I complete a Property Update?
If you noce any property informaon that is inaccurate
or outdated, you can update the Property Portal's
records, including whether there is a structure, tall
grass, and trash or debris on the property.
How do I complete a Maintenance Message?
If you or anyone you know has cleaned-up a vacant
property by mowing the grass, removing, trash, or
boarding open windows, let us know by subming a
quick Maintenance Message.
Click the "Property Update" link:
Click the "Maintenance Message" link and follow
the same direcons as the "Property Update"
Use the "yes" or "no" buons to answer the
prompts, including whether there is a structure,
tall grass, and trash or debris on the property:
If there has been a change in the property
condion, you can upload an updated photo of
the property by clicking on "Upload a photo" and
selecng it from a folder on your computer
You can also leave a message to tell us about any
other issues or nuisances the property might pose.
Once you've completed the prompts, click the
"Submit Survey" buon and the informaon
will be delivered for review and appear on the
Property Feed page once it is veried.
Where does the data come from and how up-
to-date is it?
The Flint Property Portal is made-up of City of Flint and
Genesee County Land Bank Authority data. For this site,
the City of Flint and the Land Bank have strategically
collected and combined more than sixty data points for
each of the 56,000 properes that comprise Flint, more
than 4 million pieces of property informaon in total.
The Land Bank and the City of Flint maintain this data
and use it on a daily basis to make decisions.
Your Neighborhood Inventory
The Your Neighborhood Inventory is an iniave that
annually engages community-based organizaons in
property condion informaon in Flint. The Inventory is
oered through a partnership between the Community
Foundaon of Greater Flint and the City of Flint.
The City of Flint idenes inventory needs, develops
data collecon tools, and engages with parcipang
groups on data collecon and use. The Community
Foundaon of Greater Flint selects parcipang groups
through an applicaon process and awards to each
group a $500 mini grant. This unprecedented endeavor
provides citywide property condion informaon
that is consistent and current. The iniave began in
2012 as part of the Imagine Flint Master Plan process.
Since 2012, community-based organizaons in Flint
have received more than $70,000 in mini grants and
conducted ve citywide inventories, including two
housing condion assessments, one commercial
property condion assessment, a sidewalk audit, and
a lighng audit. The iniave has been recognized
naonally as a model for parcipatory planning and
community engagement. The data that is collected
through the Inventory is presented here through the
Flint Property Portal. For more informaon on the Your
Neighborhood Inventory contact kschronce@cityoint.
com at the City of Flint or at the
Community Foundaon of Greater Flint.
How can I download the datasets used in the
You can request data that feeds the Flint Property
Portal by e-mailing intgis@cityo Please
include your name, organizaonal aliaon (if
applicable), and potenal data use and allow ve
business days for e-mail inquiry replies.
What do the dierent terms mean?
Boarded by the Community
The month and year of vacant property boarding
work (securing windows and/or doors with boards)
reported by the community
Building Condion
The condion of structures according to the City of
Flint’s four-point building condion scale
Census Block Group
The smallest geographic unit used by the United
States Census Bureau for tabulang all census
Census Tract
A geographic unit used by the United States Census
Bureau, comprised of mulple census block groups,
which generally encompasses between 2,500 and
8,000 people
City Ward
One of nine local authority areas for electoral
Cleaned-up by the Community
The month and year of vacant property cleanup work
reported by the community
Community Maintenance Commitment
Vacant properes that are being cared for (grass
mowing and trash removal at a minimum) by the
community on an ongoing basis
Current Zoning District
Current zoning designaons that permit development
of varying natures throughout the city
Demolion Status
Completed: structure(s) formerly on the property
were demolished and all grading, seeding, and nal
inspecons were completed
Funded: structure(s) on the property are planned
for demolion and funding has been allocated to
complete the work
Land Bank Listed: Not Funded: the Genesee County
Land Bank Authority is seeking funding to demolish
structure(s) on the property
City Listed: Not Funded: structure(s) on the property
went through the City of Flint’s standard moon
process for demolion aer being inspected by
ocials from the City of Flint Building & Safety
Dra Zoning District
Proposed future zoning designaons that permit
development of varying natures throughout the city
Fire Damage
Properes that have visible exterior re damage
reported by the community
Future Land Use
Future land-use designaons that chart the
community vision of the Imagine Flint Master Plan for
a Sustainable Flint
Land Bank Lots Available
Adopted: vacant lots owned by the Genesee County
Land Bank that are adopted and cared for by
community members annually
Leased: vacant lots owned by the Genesee County
Land Bank that are leased and cared for by
community members for 2 – 5 years
Side Lot: vacant lots formerly owned by the Genesee
County Land Bank Authority that were purchased by
adjacent homeowners
Listed for Sale by the Land Bank – Commercial
Improved properes listed for sale by the Land Bank
for commercial use
Listed for Sale by the Land Bank – Residenal
Improved properes listed for sale by the Land Bank
for residenal use
Mowed by the Community
The month and year of vacant property mowing
reported by the community
Occupancy Status
Occupied: individuals are residing in the house on the
property (residenal properes) or the property is in
open for business (commercial properes)
Vacant: individuals are not currently residing in the
house on the property (residenal properes) or
the property is not open for business (commercial
Owner Address
The full address of the property owner
Owner Name
The full name of the property owner
Parcel Number
The ten-digit number that idenes the property
Parcel Size
The size of the property in acres
Projected Demolion Date
The esmated date, month and year, for the
demolion of one or more structures on the property
Publicly Owned
Properes owned by public agencies
State Equalized Value
The assessed value of the property, equal to roughly
50% of the market value
Street Address
The street address for the property
Structure on Property
Yes: improved properes – those that contain one or
more structures
No: unimproved properes – those that do not
contain a structure
Suggested Demolion
Vacant properes that were suggested for demolion
by the community
Tall Grass
Vacant properes that were reported by the
community to have tall grass
Trash and/or Debris
Vacant properes that were reported by the
community to have trash and/or debris
The current use of the property
Zip Code
The zip code for the property
How do I nd stascs for properes within
a specic boundary?
To view the Flint Property Overview charts within a
specic boundary, you have several opons.
How do I draw a custom boundary?
To draw your own boundary, select "draw a layer" from
the "choose a boundary" drop-down menu and click on
the map to draw the outline of your boundary.
Click the "Start Making Your Map" buon and then
click the "Oponal: choose a boundary" buon to
select a boundary type from the drop-down menu:
You can now navigate to the boom of the
sidebar on the right and click the "Show Flint
Property Overview" buon to see charts
and stascs for your specied area:
Click on the rst point to close the boundary:
This brings up a layer on the map that you can click to
select a specic zip code, census tract, ward, or secon:
Click on the map to connue drawing your boundary:
How do I use the pre-made maps?
At the top of the sidebar, you will nd these six pre-
made maps displaying informaon that is commonly
requested by the Flint community.
Community Maintenance: status of properes
maintained by the community
Demolion Status: status of properes completed,
funded, or listed for demolion
Future Land Use: land-use designaons that chart the
community vision of the Imagine Flint Master Plan
Land Bank Buildings for Sale: improved properes listed
for sale by the Land Bank
Property Condion: property condion according to
YOUR Neighborhood Inventory property inventories
Property Type: presence of building or vacant lot
Publicly Owned: ownership status of properes
How do I search for properes that meet
specic criteria?
Let's assume you're looking for properes within the
boundary drawn on the previous page that contain an
exisng structure that is in good condion and is for
residenal use.
Click on the eld next to Structure on Property
that says "Select value(s)" and click on "Yes":
Do the same for the Building Condion and Use elds, then click on the "Search" buon at the boom
of the sidebar — this will bring up a new layer of all properes which meet these criteria:
How do I download a list of addresses from
my search?
Once you've made a search of properes, you can
download a spreadsheet which lists all addresses that
meet your criteria within a selected boundary.
Click on the "Download Property List" buon at the
boom of the sidebar to download a spreadsheet:
What surveys can I submit?
Property Update
Noes the City and Land Bank if there is a change in
any property informaon such as condion, unkempt
grass, trash, or other blight issues.
Maintenance Message
Reports any community work, including boarding,
trash removal, and mowing to the Land Bank.
What is the Flint Property Portal app?
The Flint Property Portal app is a more basic version
of the website. The app is comprised of the two most
essenal components of the Portal – the Property
Lookup and the Property Update.
1) Property Lookup
Search for an individual
property by entering in the
street address or the parcel
2) Selected Parcel
Highlights your selected
parcel with a blue outline
(either tap on or search for
a property to select)
3) Your Locaon
Shows your locaon within
the map
4) Locator
Re-center the map to your
current locaon
5) Property Prole
View property details by
tapping on the ˄ icon (to
return to the map tap the
˅ icon)
Note: on iOs devices, the
arrow is replaced with a +
6) Start Survey
Submit a survey for the
selected property
7) Map Viewer
View the interacve map,
zoom in/out, and move
within the map to select
8) Survey Selecon
Switch between surveys
9) Posts
Track submied surveys
(a check-mark will appear
next to each post once it
has been uploaded)
10) User Account
Log-in for City or Land Bank
sta only
How do I submit a survey using the app?
The rst step is deciding which survey you'd like
to submit. Let's say that you would like to submit a
Property Update. Click on the "Start Survey" icon (#6)
to bring up the survey menu.
Once selected, the parcel will be highlighted in blue
and its address will appear on the boom of the screen:
To start surveying the selected parcel,
click on the "Start Survey" icon (#6):
Click on the "Property Update" tab:
Either select a parcel by tapping on it on
the map or using the search bar (#1):
Use the buons to answer the prompts,
including whether there is a structure, tall
grass, and trash or debris on the property:
You may upload an updated photo of the parcel
by clicking on the camera icon and tapping
"Use Photo" at the boom of the screen:
You can also leave a message to tell us about any
other issues or nuisances the property might pose:
Once you've completed the prompts, click the
"Submit" buon and the informaon will be delivered
for review and appear on the "Posts" menu (#9):
Thank you to the Charles Stewart Mo Foundaon, Local Iniaves Support
Corporaon, and the Community Foundaon of Greater Flint for your
generous nancial support that made the Flint Property Portal possible.
The Flint Property Portal
app for your iOS or
Android device makes it
easy to update property
condions and view property
informaon on the go!