RFP 24-362
A Division of the Genesee County Office of Fiscal Services
Phone: (810) 257-3030 Fax (810)257-3380
Chrystal Simpson, CPA
Chief Financial Officer
February 23, 2024
Sealed proposals will be received until 2:00 p.m. (EST) Thursday, April 4, 2024, at the Genesee
County Purchasing Department, 1101 Beach Street, Room 361, Flint, MI, 48502 for Records
Management Software System.
This procurement is conducted in accordance with the Genesee County Purchasing Regulations,
a copy of which is on file and available for inspection at the Genesee County Purchasing
Department or at the website
A mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 10:00 AM
(EST) at 1101 Beach Street, Room 301, Flint, MI 48502. All contractors submitting a proposal
must attend the mandatory pre-proposal meeting and arrive within a reasonable time following
the start of the meeting. This meeting will afford contractors the opportunity to obtain information
about this project and ask any questions directly related to this solicitation. An attendance sheet
will be provided and will serve as the official document verifying attendance. Failure to attend this
meeting shall result in disqualification of a Contractor’s proposal.
Each offeror is responsible for labeling the exterior of the sealed envelope containing the proposal
response with the proposal number, proposal name, proposal due date and time, and your firm’s
name. The proposal request number and due date for this RFP are:
2:00 p.m.(EST), Thursday, April 4, 2024
Friday, March 8, 2024, before 5:00 pm (EST)
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 @ 10:00 AM (EST)
Thursday, March 14, 2024, before 5:00 PM (EST)
Rita Schubert, Purchasing Manager
RFP 24-362
SECTION 1 - INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPOSERS ...................................... 3
SECTION 2 - STANDARD TERMS & CONDITIONS .................................. 5
SECTION 3 - ADDITIONAL TERMS & CONDITIONS ................................ 5
SECTION 4 SCOPE OF WORK .............................................................. 7
SECTION 5 QUALIFICATIONS OF PROPOSERS ............................... 11
COST PROPOSAL FORM ....................................................................... 17
SIGNATURE PAGE.................................................................................. 18
GENESEE COUNTY INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ............................. 19
REFERENCES…….. ................................................................................ 20
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT .............................................. 21
EXHIBIT A…………. ................................................................................. 28
RFP 24-362
RFP #24-362 Records Management Software System
1. Sealed proposals will be received until 2:00 p.m. (EST), Thursday, April 4, 2024, at
the Genesee County Purchasing Department, 1101 Beach Street, Room 361, Flint,
MI, 48502. The Genesee County Purchasing Department hours of operation are 8:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m., closed holidays check website for closed days. Label the envelope
containing the proposal response as described on page 1. LATE PROPOSALS AND
2. A mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 13, 2024,
at 10:00 AM (EST) at 1101 Beach Street, Room 301, Flint, MI 48502. All contractors
submitting a proposal must attend the mandatory pre-proposal meeting and arrive
within a reasonable time following the start of the meeting. This meeting will afford
contractors the opportunity to obtain information about this project and ask any
questions directly related to this solicitation. An attendance sheet will be provided
and will serve as the official document verifying attendance. Failure to attend this
meeting shall result in disqualification of a Contractor’s proposal
3. Please carefully review this document. It provides information necessary to aid
participating vendors in formulating a thorough response. A formal, comprehensive
review period will be conducted to ensure that Genesee County selects the best
possible vendor that will provide the best value and service.
4. Submit one original and paper copy of your proposal. After the proposal closes
you will be contacted to send the County an electronic copy of your proposal.
All proposals become the property of Genesee County. The original must include a
signature on the Signature Page of a person authorized to make a binding offer.
Failure to provide the required number of duplicate copies may result in rejection of
your proposal. Proposals may not be submitted at the MITN site for this offering.
5. All submissions will be time stamped by an individual within the Office of Fiscal
Services. The only acceptable evidence of the time of receipt of the submissions is
that of the time clock that resides within said department. It is each Bidder’s
responsibility to ensure that its bid is time stamped by the Fiscal Services Department
by the deadline. This responsibility rests entirely with the Bidder, regardless of delays
resulting from postal handling or for any other reasons. Bids will be accepted at any
time during the normal course of business only, said hours being 8:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. Local Time, Monday through Friday, legal holidays as exception.
6. Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Networkan alternate review of this proposal
under Proposal # 24-362 Records Management Software System can be done
at https://www.bidnetdirect.com/mitn.
a. Genesee County has partnered with BidNet as part of the Michigan Inter-
governmental Trade Network (MITN) and will post their bid opportunities
to this site. As a vendor, you can register with Michigan Inter-
governmental Trade Network (use hyperlink or
https://www.mitn.info/Registration.asp?ID=2340) and be sure that you see
RFP 24-362
all available bids and opportunities. By selecting automatic bid
notification, your company will receive emails once Genesee County has a
bid opportunity that matches your company's business. In addition, the
site handles bid opportunities, RFPs, and RFQs for other member
governmental agencies. If you need help registering, please call Michigan
Inter-governmental Trade Network support department toll free 1-800-835-
7. All communications, any modifications, clarifications, amendments, questions,
responses or any other matters related to this RFP, shall be made by and through
the purchasing contact reference in this solicitation. No contact regarding this
solicitation made with other County employees is permitted. Any violation of this
condition may result in immediate rejection of proposal.
8. All prospective proposers shall be responsible for routinely checking the Genesee
County Purchasing Department website at
ent/current_bids_2024.php for issued addenda and other relevant information.
Genesee County shall not be responsible for the failure of a prospective proposer to
obtain addenda and other information issued at any time related to this RFP.
9. The County’s Standard Proposed Contract is attached to this RFP. After the award
is made to the successful proposer, the County and the successful proposer will
negotiate a final contract that substantially conforms to the Standard Proposed
Contract. Any exceptions to the terms and conditions of the Standard Proposed
Contract and this RFP must be clearly set forth in your proposal and referenced on
company letterhead. The County will not entertain negotiations to change any terms
and conditions of the Standard Proposed Contract or RFP unless those changes are
requested in your proposal.
10. Insurance must be provided prior to the contract starting date and kept in full effect
and compliance during the entire contract period. Insurance requirements are
provided in Section 9 Insurance Required from Proposer. Failure to comply with these
provisions will cause termination of the agreement. The County of Genesee requires
a signed Genesee County Insurance Requirements acknowledgement form with
each proposal submitted.
The contractor agrees to be responsible for any loss or damage to property or
persons due to the performance of services herein contracted and further agrees to
indemnify and defend the County of Genesee against all claims or demands
whatsoever, and to hold the County of Genesee harmless from any loss or damage
resulting therefrom.
County Policy dictates that under no circumstances can the County agree to
indemnify bidders pursuant to Michigan Law.
11. Proposal Format: Proposals must be submitted in the format outlined in SECTION 6
RFP 24-362
View Genesee County’s Standard Terms and Conditions by going to the following link:
1. Purpose: Through this RFP, Genesee County (“the County”) is soliciting
proposals from qualified firms who can provide a Records Management Software
System for Genesee County Clerk and Register of Deeds Offices.
2. Issuing Office: This RFP is issued by the Genesee County Purchasing
Department on behalf of the Genesee County Clerk/Register of Deeds. The
contact person is Rita Schubert, Purchasing Manager, Genesee County, 1101
Beach Street, Room 361, Flint, Michigan 48502, phone: (810)-257-3195, and
rschubert@geneseecountymi.gov. Email is the preferred method of contact.
3. Questions & Inquiries: All questions regarding this RFP shall be submitted in
writing and received no later than Friday, March 8, 2024, before 5:00 p.m. (EST)
to the Genesee County Purchasing Department as listed above. E-mail is the
preferred method of contact for all inquiries concerning this RFP, and please
entitle the subject line of your e-mail as follows: Question(s) for RFP #24-362 No
verbal interpretation to any respondent as to the meaning of any requirement
stated in this RFP shall be binding on Genesee County. All responses to
questions regarding this RFP shall be issued in writing and distributed as an
addendum by Genesee County. Contractors who have attended the pre-bid
meeting will also be allowed to submit questions no later than Thursday, March
14, 2024, before 5:00 PM.
4. Addenda: Genesee County reserves the right to amend and provide clarification
of this RFP prior to the date for proposal submission. In such an event, an
addendum will be posted on the Purchasing Department website
rtment/current_bids_2024.php). Further, all proposers shall acknowledge having
seen any and all addendums issued (1, 2, 3, etc.) on the Signature Page.
5. Proposal Considerations: All costs incurred in the preparation of a response to
this RFP or any costs prior to approval of the contract by Genesee County and
formal notification to the selected proposer will be the responsibility of the
respondent and will not be reimbursed by Genesee County. Bids should be
prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description
of the proposer’s ability to meet the requirements of this RFP.
6. Responsive Proposals: To ensure proper consideration, all proposers are
encouraged to submit a complete response to this RFP using the format outlined
least one of the paper proposals must be signed with an original signature of the
official authorized to bind the proposer to its provisions.
RFP 24-362
7. Proposal Modifications: Clarifications, modifications, or amendments to any
Proposal that has been submitted, but prior to the Proposal Opening Date, may be
made only within the discretion and written approval of the Purchasing Manager.
8. Withdrawal of Proposal: Proposals may only be withdrawn by a proposer with
written notice prior to the date and time set for the opening of proposals.
9. Validity Period: Any proposal submitted as a result of this Request for Proposal
shall be binding on the proposer for 120 calendar days following the due date.
10. Right to Reject: Genesee County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals
received in response to this RFP.
11. Disclosure: All information in an offeror’s proposal is subject to disclosure under
the provisions of Public Act N. 442 of 1976 known as the “Freedom of Information
Act”. This Act also provides for the complete disclosure of contracts and
attachments thereto. In the event that a proposer wishes to designate any portion
of their submission as “confidential” or “proprietary,” the proposer must contact the
Purchasing Manager prior to submission of the proposal. All requests regarding
disclosure and requests for confidentiality of a proposal response to this RFP shall
be submitted in writing and received no later than noon, Wednesday, March 27,
2024, to the Genesee County Purchasing Department as listed above.
12. Errors, Omissions, and Discrepancies: If a Proposer discovers any ambiguity,
conflict, discrepancy, omission, or other error in this RFP, it shall immediately notify
the Genesee County Purchasing Manager of such error in writing and request
modification or clarification of the document prior to the deadline for submitting
questions. Genesee County will make modifications by issuing a written
addendum. The Proposer is responsible for clarifying any ambiguity, conflict,
discrepancy, omission, or other error in the Request for Proposals prior to
submitting a proposal or it shall be waived.
13. Best and Final Offers: Discussions may be undertaken with those proposers
whose bid, based on the evaluation criteria stated herein, has been determined to
be reasonably susceptible of being selected for award. After discussions are held,
and prior to award, proposers may be allowed the opportunity to submit revisions
to their bids for the purpose of obtaining best and final offers.
During the aforementioned procedures, neither the names of any of the proposers
nor the contents of any bid will be disclosed until the completion of negotiations and
revision of proposals (Best and Final Offers).
The contract that may be entered into will be awarded based on the bid response
and, where applicable, the Best and Final Offer that is the most advantageous to
Genesee County, per the evaluation criteria included in this RFP.
14. Prime Contractor Responsibilities: The successful offeror(s) shall be required
to assume responsibility for all services offered in the proposal regardless of who
produces them. Further, the County will consider the successful offeror to be the
RFP 24-362
sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters, including payment of any
and all charges resulting from the contract.
15. Non-Assignability: The contract may not be assigned, transferred, or conveyed
by the Contractor without the expressed written consent of Genesee County.
16. Independent Contractor: It is understood and agreed to, by and between the
Contractor and Genesee County, that any and all acts that the Contractor or its
personnel, employees, and servants perform pursuant to the terms of the Contract
shall be undertaken as independent contractors and not as employees of Genesee
County by or with a contract or agreement, nor imposed any liability upon Genesee
County. All acts and contracts of the Contractor shall be in its own name and not
in the name of Genesee County.
17. Subcontracts: The Contractor shall not enter into subcontracts to this Agreement
with additional parties without obtaining prior written approval of Genesee County.
A condition of granting such approval is that such subcontractors shall be subject
to all conditions and provisions of this contract. The Contractor shall be responsible
for the performance of all subcontractors.
18. Statement of Exceptions: The proposer shall furnish a statement on company
letterhead giving a complete description of all exceptions to the terms, conditions,
and specifications set forth in the proposal. Failure to furnish this statement shall
mean that the proposer agrees to meet all requirements set forth in this solicitation.
19. Acceptance of Proposal Content: It is proposed that, if a contract is entered into
as a result of this RFP, the RFP will serve as the basis for the contract. The
contents of the proposal of the successful offeror may become contractual
obligations if a contract is issued. Failure of the successful offeror to accept these
obligations will result in cancellation of contract award.
20. Termination for Misrepresentation: If the successful proposer receives a
contract and is subsequently found to have misrepresented any information in its
bid and/or Best and Final Offer submission, the contract may be terminated at the
discretion of Genesee County.
21. Acceptable Deviations: The decision of Genesee County shall be final as to what
constitutes acceptable deviations from specification or requirements.
22. News Release: News releases pertaining to this RFP or the services to which it
relates will not be made without prior written Genesee County approval, and then
only in accordance with the instructions form the contract administrator. No
information regarding the procurement and services shall be released without prior
approval of the contract administrator.
The Genesee County Clerks and Register of Deeds office is soliciting proposals for a fully
integrated Vital and Land Records Management Software System. The County will need to
have robust and reliable data storage options, have an online function to search and order
RFP 24-362
certified records for the Vital Records Division and to search and order copies of land
records for Register of Deeds, have in person and online credit card payment options.
The software vendor would need to have a responsive support staff. We must be ready
to go live with the software by July 1
, 2025.
Background of Genesee County Clerk/Register’s Office
Genesee County is the 5
largest county in the state of Michigan. The Genesee County
Clerk/Register’s office services thousands of constituents per year in person and on-line.
We strive to provide the best customer service and to ensure they get the best is by
utilizing software that allows us to be efficient and effective. The Vital Records Division
manages, stores, retrieves and preserves birth, death, and marriage records that took
place in Genesee County. They are also the office that processes marriage license
applications, assumed names/DBA’s, Concealed Pistol Licenses, and notary applications
for Genesee County constituents. The Register of Deeds Division maintains land records
such as deeds, mortgages, liens, and other documents affecting real property in Genesee
County. Register of Deeds is also responsible for recording these documents and
indexing them into a searchable database and to preserve these records and their
integrity in a timely manner. The Genesee County Register of Deeds records an average
of 85,000 documents annually, and Vital Records provides over 35,000 copies of certified
records a year to residents, processes on average 4,000 CPL applications and 2,000
marriage applications a year just to name a few. The current software is provided by Tyler
Technologies. Register of Deeds uses Tyler Eagle and Vital records uses Tyler Clerk. The
software was installed in 2018 in Register of Deeds and then in 2020 Vital Records also
began using Tyler Technologies. That system has been upgraded to include giving local
units of government access to all electronic images, CAM for rescanning faulty images,
branding images with document labels, the single page album of scanned but not indexed
images (to 1970) public access print (onsite), certification, batch processing Treasurer’s
Office documents (BS&A) and e-recording. Currently, documents from 1970 to the present
are digitized and available for public access. A complete conversion of data and images
from the current system to a new system is necessary. Please note: All data and images
collected and maintained by any software vendor and/or system always remain the property
of Genesee County and shall always be accessible to Genesee County and the public. No
documents shall be copywrite by the vendor. This shall be noted in the ultimate contract for
services. At the end of the contract term, the Contractor will provide all data to the County
in an appropriate manner for continued access. During the performance of the services, the
vendor will be responsible for any loss of or damage to the documents while they are in its
possession and must restore the loss or damage at its expense. Any use of the information
and results of this contract by the vendor must reference the project sponsorship by the
County. Any publication of the information or results must be co-authored by the County.
Scope of Project
Components of a software system shall include, but is not limited to the following:
1. Software Modules
a. Document Receipt and Review
RFP 24-362
i. Must maintain order of arrival for documents, i.e., between incoming
mail from the post office, over the counter mail, overnight delivery, and
electronic filing.
ii. An audited tracking system for rejected documents and preparing
rejection cover letters should be included.
b. Recording/Cashiering
i. Must support cash, check, credit card (both in person and online) and
escrow account transactions.
c. Receipting
i. Would like to have the ability to customize the form and delivery of
d. eRecording
i. Must be able to integrate with third party submission vendors including
Simplifile, Indecom, CSC and eRecording Partners Network and
e. Indexing/Data Entry
f. Auto-Indexing
i. Proposal should address the availability of OCR or similar auto-
indexing features that may be available.
g. Auto-Redaction
h. Scanning/Imaging
i. Ability to perform basic image manipulation including adjust brightness,
rotate, add/delete pages, and redaction.
ii. Must have the functionality to image multi-sided documents and
perform batch scanning.
i. Quality Assurance
j. Verification/Validation/Browsing
k. Rejections
i. Ability to create and track rejection letters and images of rejected
2. System Requirements - The proposer must present, in detail, features and
capabilities of the proposed application software.
In addition, the following information should be included:
a. Solutions considered must be cloud-based
b. The web service module should be compatible with tablets, iPad, and
smart phones - Apple, Android, and Windows applications.
RFP 24-362
c. Would like separate environments for testing and production.
d. The system must support E- Recording capabilities.
e. The system should support subscription-based online search capabilities.
f. The system must be able to interface with the BS&A financial software
g. Must have cloud-based storage solution.
i. The system must support installation in a VMWare virtual environment.
h. The system must be totally integrated. All the proposed modules must
seamlessly integrate to share the same data and eliminate redundant data
i. The system should help to minimize keystrokes (hotkeys), by facilitating
duplicate field entries within the same document and duplicate field entries
between different documents. Common indexes values should be easily
copied to multiple documents.
3. Data and Image Conversion
a. Proposers must state their ability and plan to convert existing databases,
images, and index data to the new system.
b. Conversion and timeline for conversion must be outlined in the proposal.
4. Training
a. The proposal should include a plan for training staff on the new system prior
to going live. This should include a description of the process to be
provided onsite to train staff and a description of the training materials that
will be provided.
b. Please specify what ongoing training (if any) is provided for staff and what
training (if any) is provided when updates and/or upgrades are released.
c. We will also need a demo of the product provided and ample time for the
staff to test.
i. We currently have 7 employees in Vital Records, 8 employees in
Register of Deeds as well as the Clerk/Register, Chief Deputy, and
County Clerk.
5. Support and Upgrades
a. One year maintenance should be included in purchase price with an option
for multi-year maintenance.
RFP 24-362
b. Ideally, support and maintenance to include system fixes and upgrades,
customer support available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST).
c. Provide SLA’s for incident response times.
6. Data Archiving and Disaster Recovery Proposal should include an explanation of
the vendor’s data archiving process and the disaster recovery plan in place.
7. Equipment needs If on premises, the County shall provide the hardware required
to support the software system.
a. Proposals should identify the equipment requirements and specifications
needed to support this system, including local servers, operating systems,
storage, and software.
b. If the system is hosted remotely vendor must include information on
connectivity between the remote system and the County
8. Data Security & Compliance Provide proper documentation to show data security
and compliance.
9. Accounting Ability to provide comprehensive and accurate accounting and interface
with the County Treasurer, Tax Assessor, General Ledger, and other finance
10. Standards of Testing, Performance and Acceptance – Establish a standard for User
Acceptance Testing and Test Plan to validate system performance before any portion
of the system is accepted by Genesee County and any progress payment is made
under this contract. This includes all modifications required to meet the system
In order to qualify for award, a vendor shall have the capability in all respects to perform
the work with integrity and reliability, which will assure good faith performance. This
requirement shall include, but is not limited to, the availability of the appropriate financial,
material, equipment, facility, personnel, ability, expertise, and experience necessary to
meet all procurement requirements.
A vendor must have the capability, qualifications, and the necessary experience to
provide services of a character similar to that required in this solicitation. If a vendor does
not convince Genesee County that it possesses the above minimum qualifications with
the proposal submission, Genesee County shall not consider its proposal for award.
At a minimum, the following requirements are necessary for submission of a proposal:
1. The proposer shall be financially stable with financial resources that will ensure
the successful completion of the project.
2. The proposer shall demonstrate business longevity, providing similar software
and services, for at least five (5) years.
RFP 24-362
If a proposer does not convince Genesee County that it possesses the above minimum
qualifications with the proposal submission, Genesee County shall not consider its
proposal for award.
Qualified individuals or firms interested in providing the product and services described
herein are required to submit a complete (responsive) proposal for consideration. The
proposal shall address the items listed below. Failure to provide all requested items may
be sufficient cause for rejection of proposal as non-responsive.
Administrative Proposals
1. Business organization and reporting structure: Provide information on the
business’s history with the proposed product and past installations. Identify
installations of similar size and complexity to Genesee County. Identify key
individuals by name and title.
o Business organization, state the full name and address of your organization,
and, if applicable, the branch office or other subordinate element that will
perform or assist in performing the work. Include the names and phone
numbers of personnel at your organization authorized to negotiate the
proposed contract.
2. Staff Qualifications & Experience: The project requires a knowledgeable team with
technical and procedural know-how. Provide qualifications of key personnel that
are proposed to be involved in the project.
3. Statement of the Project: State in precise terms your understanding and
interpretation of the project requirements.
o Define the scope and timeline, specific deliverables and the acceptance
criteria for the deliverable, include the project closing and user acceptance
o Describe how the proposed product will accomplish the scope of work.
o Include staffing and the number of labor hours you have allocated for each
project phase.
o Define the support and training that is provided.
o Define the firm’s assessment process.
4. Describe the product that will be provided, the interface with the existing programs
and the conversion process. If applicable, please include the following information:
a. Hardware Environment. Describe the ideal hardware environment required
to utilize the proposed software. In the event there is more than one suitable
hardware platform, list all options indicating the relative strengths and
drawbacks of each, if any. Genesee County invites proposers to outline the
option for and cost of vendor-provided hardware.
b. Network Environment. Describe the ideal network environment required to
utilize the proposed software. (Please note that only TCP/IP protocols will be
considered). In the event there is more than one suitable network
RFP 24-362
configuration, list all options indicating the relative strengths and drawbacks
of each, if any.
c. Operating System. Identify the ideal operating system required by the
proposed applications software and database management system in the
hardware environment recommended above. In the event there is more than
one suitable operating system, list all options indicating the relative strengths
and drawbacks of each, if any.
5. Additional information and comments include any other information that is believed
to be pertinent but not specifically asked for elsewhere. Genesee County
welcomes innovative and unique strategies from proposers.
Submit the required submittals contained in the RFP that are required to substantiate a
responsive proposal as indicated below.
1. Signed Signature Page
2. Signed Insurance Requirements Page
3. Reference Form: Prior experience with similar requests is essential for any firm to
provide the services required in this solicitation. This section shall consist of a
minimum of three (3) references with project descriptions. In addition, contact
information for each reference shall be provided with the name, address, phone
number and email address. The contacts for each reference must be knowledgeable
of the offeror’s performance on the referenced project and the scope of services
performed by the proposer.
4. Cost Proposal Form
5. Financial Stability: Most recent Financial Audit or audited Financial Statements.
6. Statement of Exceptions: Furnish a statement on company letterhead giving a
complete description of all exceptions to the terms, conditions, and specifications set
forth in the Standard Proposed Contract and this RFP.
It is the intent of Genesee County to conduct a fair and comprehensive evaluation of all
proposals received. The County will award the contract to the most responsive,
responsible proposer having proven experience as described herein.
An Evaluation Committee consisting of, but not limited to, members of the Register of
Deeds office and the Information Technology Department shall be formed to review and
consistently evaluate proposals based upon, but not limited to the following criteria:
Years the bidder has been providing indexing and imaging services to land
records offices.
Years the bidder has been in business and proven financial stability.
RFP 24-362
Number of installations of similar size and complexity in Register of Deeds
Demonstrated ability of the proposed solution to satisfy and support the
functional requirements defined in this RFP.
Availability of proposers’ personnel, facilities, equipment, and other resources.
Ability to support the County in planning for a conversion from a competing
Ability to support the County in converting existing images and index data.
Quantity and quality of system documentation and County staff training
Demonstrated ability to support a large, installed base of users and to provide
system integration.
On-going support services to be provided by the proposer
Proposed pricing and payment structure
Quality and thoroughness of the bidder’s submitted work plan.
Demonstrated understanding of the County’s needs and requirements.
Completeness and thoroughness of technical data and documentation provided.
Potential of the proposed software to accommodate the County’s future needs
and expected technical innovations in the industry
Demonstrated performance in providing critical security features and practices
Ability to provide and host a user-friendly online search component for public and
professional use.
Each factor will be scored based upon points indicated. Each proposal for this project will
then be ranked by total score.
Evaluation Criteria
Responsiveness of proposal to the requirement of the RFP
Demonstrated understanding of the project
Product offered
Proposed timeliness of completion of the project
Interface ability with existing programs
Training offered
Conversion process
Warranty and Service Maintenance Program
Total Points Available
The Contractor shall at all times maintain in full force and effect for duration of the term
of this agreement the following insurance coverages. All coverage shall be with insurance
companies licensed and admitted to do business in the State of Michigan, having an AM
RFP 24-362
Best rating of at least A- and acceptable to Genesee County. In addition, the County
reserves the right to modify or waive at any time any applicable insurance requirements
based on the scope of services provided at the discretion of the County’s Risk Manager
or other authorized representative of the County.
Commercial General Liability Insurance on an “occurrence basis” with minimum limits
of $1,000,000 per occurrence and a $2,000,000 aggregate limit.-. The policy shall name
Genesee County, including all employees, elected and appointed officials and volunteers,
all boards, commissions, and/or authorities, and their board members, employees, and
volunteers as additional insureds. Coverage shall be primary and non-contributory,
including a waiver of subrogation in favor of the County.
Workers’ Compensation Insurance as required by and in accordance with all
applicable statutes of the State of Michigan, including Employers’ Liability Coverage.
Automobile LiabilityIncluding Michigan No-Fault coverages, with limits of liability not
less than $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury and property
damage. Coverage shall include all owned, non-owned, and hired vehicles. Limits may
be satisfied using primary and excess/umbrella liability policies. -. The policy shall name
Genesee County, including all employees, elected and appointed officials and volunteers,
all boards, commissions, and/or authorities, and their board members, employees, and
volunteers as additional insureds.
Professional Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per
occurrence and $1,000,0000 aggregate. If this policy is a claims made form, the
Contractor shall be required to keep said policy in force, or purchase “tail” coverage for a
minimum of three (3) years after the termination of this contract.
Cyber Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and
$3,000,000 aggregate including, data breach response, network security liability and
business interruption. Coverage should be primary and non-contributory, name Genesee
County as additional insured. Including legal and regulatory compliance.
A licensee or its insurance broker shall notify the County of any cancellation or reduction
in coverage within seven (7) days of receipt of insurer's notification to that effect. The
contractor, licensee, permittee, or lessee shall forthwith obtain and submit proof of
substitute insurance to the County Risk Manager within five (5) business days in the event
of expiration or cancellation of coverage.
1.1 Insurance Certificate and Additional Insured Coverage
1. Certificate of InsuranceThe contractor must provide a Certificate of
Insurance evidencing the required insurance set forth above. The
Certificate Holder should be listed as follows:
Genesee County
Attn: Risk Management
1101 Beach Street, Flint, MI 48502
2. Endorsements In addition, the contractor must provide the following
endorsements, including but not limited to:
RFP 24-362
a. An additional insured endorsement (equivalent in coverage to ISO form
CG 20 10 and CG 20 37) naming the "Genesee County, its officials,
employees and agents, all boards, commissions and/or authorities and
board members, including employees and volunteers thereof" as
additional insureds under the general liability policy. No person or
department should be identified as the additional insured. Coverage
afforded shall be considered primary and any other insurance or self-
insurance, maintained by or available to the County shall be considered
secondary and/or excess.
b. An endorsement to each policy stating that such policy shall not be
cancelled or reduced in coverage except after thirty (30) days prior
written notice to County. Cancellation, material restriction, nonrenewal
or lapse of any of the required policies shall be grounds for immediate
termination of the Agreement by the County. If any of the required
coverages expire during the term of the contract, the vendor shall deliver
renewal certificates, endorsements, and/or policies to County at least
ten (10) days prior to the expiration date.
In lieu of required endorsements, a copy of the policy sections, where
coverage is provided for additional insured and cancellation notice, may be
acceptable. Copies of all policies mentioned above shall be furnished, if so
1.2 Indemnification
The Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the County,
its officials, officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims,
damages, or liability, including defense costs, arising out of the Contractor’s
performance of the Services or presence on the County’s property or
worksite. Contractor agrees that the insurance requirements specified in
the contract do not reduce the liability Contractor has assumed in the
indemnification/hold harmless section of the Contract.
RFP 24-362
(complete and submit with proposal)
PROJECT: RFP #24-362 Records Management Software System
The information requested in this section is required to support the reasonableness of
each proposal. Use the format below. Please provide the pricing for installation and
ongoing support of a total records system.
Service Description Cost
Records Management
Software System and
Licensing Fee
Web-based search
Implementation services $
Training Services $
Remote hosting Charge $
Conversion Services $
Annual Maintenance $
Party Software (if any) $
Equipment $
Other Services $
Total Cost $
RFP 24-362
Records Management Software System
The undersigned represents that he or she:
1. is duly authorized to make binding offers on behalf of the company,
2. has read and understands all information, terms, and conditions in the RFP,
3. has not engaged in any collusive actions with any other potential proposers for this RFP,
4. hereby offers to enter into a binding contract with Genesee County for the products and services
herein offered, if selected by Genesee County within 120 days from proposal due date,
5. certify that it, its principals, and its key employees are not “Iran linked businesses,” as that term is
described in the Iran Economic Sanctions Act, P.A. 2012, No. 517, codified as MCL 129.311, et
6. acknowledges the following addenda ___________________ issued as part of the RFP:
Conflict of Interest:
____To the best of our knowledge, the undersigned firm has no potential conflict of interest due to any
other County contracts, or property interest for this proposal.
____The undersigned firm by attachment to this form, submits information which may be a potential
conflict of interest due to other County contracts, or property interest for this Proposal.
Exceptions to Solicitation and/or Standard Contract: NO_____ YES_____ (include attached statement)
Name (typed):
Signature: Title:
Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN): _____________________
DUNS Number: ___________________________________
Contact Person of company representative for matters regarding this RFP
RFP 24-362
Prospective Contractor’s Acknowledgement
I have reviewed the insurance requirements listed in the attached sample contract and
will comply in full if awarded the contract.
___________________________________ _______________________
Contractor Signature Date
RFP 24-362
List 3 references of similar projects Submitted by: ____________________
Dates of Service:
City, State:
Dates of Service:
City, State:
Dates of Service:
City, State:
RFP 24-362
This Contract for Professional Services (the “Contract”) is by and between the County of
Genesee, a Michigan Municipal Corporation, whose principal place of business is located
at 1101 Beach Street, Flint, Michigan 48502 (the “County”), and [Contractor Name], a
[State] [Entity Type], whose principal place of business is located at [Contractor
Address] (the “Contractor”) (the County and the Contractor together, the “Parties”).
2. Agreement and Authority
This Agreement is entered into pursuant to RFP #24-362 issued by the Genesee
County Purchasing Department, and execution of this Agreement is authorized by
Resolution #________ issued by the Genesee County Board of Commissioners.
3. Term
3.1 Initial Term
The initial term of this Contract commences on [Start Date]and shall be
effective through [End Date] (the “Initial Term”).
3.2 Extension Terms
The County has the option to extend this Contract for up to three (3)
additional one-year terms (the “Extension Terms”).
4. Scope of Work
The Contractor agrees to perform the services described on Exhibit A (the
5. Compensation
Unit Rate. The Contractor shall be paid according to the rates identified on Exhibit
A. The total amount paid to the Contractor shall not exceed $_____________. The
Contractor must provide to the County monthly invoices in a form acceptable to
the County, along with any necessary supporting documentation such as time
sheets. The County will pay the Contractor within sixty (60) days of the County’s
acceptance of the invoice and supporting documentation.
6. Taxes. The County is a Michigan Municipal Corporation. The Contractor
acknowledges that the County is exempt from Federal Excise Tax and Michigan
Sales Tax.
7. Contract Administrator
The contract administrator for this Contract is [Contract Administrator] (the
“Contract Administrator”). The Contractor acknowledges that the Contract
Administrator is the primary County contact for notices and instructions related to
this Contract. The Contractor agrees to provide a copy of all notices related to this
Contract to the Contract Administrator.
RFP 24-362
8. Warranties
The Contractor warrants that:
8.1 The Services will be performed in a good and workmanlike manner and in
accordance with generally acceptable practices in the industry.
8.2 The Contractor will comply with all federal, state, and local laws in the
performance of the Services.
8.3 The Contractor will comply with the requirements of any federal or state
grants used to fund or support this Contract.
8.4 The Contractor will obtain and maintain all applicable licenses and permits
necessary to provide the Services for the entire term of this Contract.
8.5 The Contractor will obtain and maintain all applicable licenses and permits
necessary to provide the Services for the entire term of this Contract.
The Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the County, its
officials, officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims, damages, or
liability, including defense costs, arising out of the Contractor’s breach of these
9. Suspension of Work
9.1 Order to Suspend Performance
Upon written order of the Contract Administrator, the Contractor agrees to
immediately suspend performance of the Services. The Contractor shall not
be entitled to compensation for any Services performed during any period
in which the Contract Administrator has directed that the Services be
9.2 Necessary Actions Before Suspension
If immediate suspension of the Services would cause harm, injury, or
damage to persons or property, the Contractor must immediately notify the
Contract Administrator of the nature of such harm, injury, or damage, and
obtain written authorization from the Contract Administrator to take such
necessary action as to prevent or minimize such harm, injury or damage.
Actions authorized by the Contract Administrator pursuant to this paragraph
are compensable.
10. Termination
10.1 Termination for Cause
If the Contractor is in breach of any provision of this Contract, and such
breach continues for fourteen (14) days after written notice is issued to the
Contractor by the County of the breach, the County may terminate this
RFP 24-362
Contract. Such termination for cause is effective upon receipt of the notice
of termination by the Contractor.
In addition to any other remedies provided by law or this Contract, the
Contractor shall be responsible for all costs incurred by the County as a
result of the Contractor’s breach and termination, including any costs to
obtain substitute performance.
10.2 Immediate Termination
If the County, in its discretion, determines that the Contractor’s breach of
this Contract constitutes a threat to public health, safety, or welfare, the
County may terminate this Contract immediately upon notice to the
In addition to any other remedies provided by law or this Contract, the
Contractor shall be responsible for all costs incurred by the County as a
result of the Contractor’s breach and termination, including any costs to
obtain substitute performance.
10.3 Termination for Convenience
If the County determines that it is in the County’s best interests, the County
may terminate this Contract upon thirty (30) days written notice to the
The County shall pay for all work properly performed up to the effective date
of the notice of termination.
10.4 Termination for Lack of Funding
If this Contract is funded by public funds or a grant from a public or private
entity, and the funds are not appropriated or the grant is discontinued, the
County may terminate this Contract by written notice specifying the date of
The County shall pay for all work properly performed up to the effective date
of the notice of termination.
11. Nondiscrimination
The Contractor covenants that it will not discriminate against an employee or
applicant of employment with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or
privileges of employment, or a matter directly or indirectly related to employment,
because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual identity, gender,
gender identity, gender expression, height, weight, marital status or a disability that
is unrelated to the individual’s ability to perform the duties of a particular job or
position, and that it will require the same non-discrimination assurances from any
subcontractor who may be used to carry out duties described in this contract.
Contractor covenants that it will not discriminate against businesses that are
owned by women, minorities, or persons with disabilities in providing services
RFP 24-362
covered by this Contract, and that it shall require the same assurances from
subcontractors. Breach of this covenant shall be regarded as a material breach of
this contract.
12. Freedom of Information Act
This Contract and all attachments, as well as any other information submitted by
the Contractor to the County, are subject to disclosure under the provisions of MCL
15.231, et seq., known as the “Freedom of Information Act”.
13. Intellectual Property
Any intellectual property created by the Contractor in the performance of the
Services shall be considered a work made for hire, and any and all rights in such
intellectual property shall belong solely to the County. Upon the County’s request,
the Contractor agrees to execute any documents necessary to convey ownership
of such intellectual property to the County.
14. Audit Rights
14.1 Certification of Accurate Information
Contractor certifies that all information provided to the County by the
Contractor relating to the award or modification of this Contract, or any
payment or dispute related to this Contract, is true and correct. The
Contractor further certifies that its accounting system conforms to generally
accepted accounting principles.
14.2 Inspection
The Contractor agrees that the County may inspect the Contractor’s plant,
place of business, or worksite to ensure compliance with the terms of this
Contract. If this Contract is funded or supported with any state or federal
grant funds, the state or federal agencies responsible for administering the
applicable grants may examine the Contractor’s plant, place of business, or
worksite to ensure compliance with the terms of this Contract and the terms
of the applicable grant.
14.3 Audit
The Contractor agrees that the County may examine the Contractor’s
records to ensure compliance with the terms of this Contract. If this Contract
is funded or supported with any state or federal grant funds, the state or
federal agencies responsible for administering the applicable grants may
examine the Contractor’s records to ensure compliance with the terms of
this Contract and the terms of the applicable grant.
14.4 Records Retention
RFP 24-362
The Contractor agrees to maintain any business records related to this
Contract or the Contractor’s performance under this Contract for a period of
at least three (3) years after final payment.
15. Identity Theft Prevention
15.1 In the event that the Contractor will obtain identifying information during the
performance of the Services, the Contractor must take reasonable
precautions to ensure that such identifying information is protected from
unauthorized disclosure and is used only for the purpose of performing the
15.2 For the purposes of this Paragraph, “identifying information” means any
name or number that may be used, alone or in conjunction with any other
information, to identify a specific person, including but not limited to name,
address, telephone number, social security number, date of birth, driver’s
license number, taxpayer identification number, or routing code.
16. Insurance Requirements and Indemnification
The Contractor shall at all times maintain in full force and effect for duration of the
term of this agreement the following insurance coverages. All coverage shall be
with insurance companies licensed and admitted to do business in the State of
Michigan, having an AM Best rating of at least A- and acceptable to Genesee
County. In addition, the County reserves the right to modify or waive at any time
any applicable insurance requirements based on the scope of services provided
at the discretion of the County’s Risk Manager or other authorized representative
of the County.
Commercial General Liability Insurance on an “occurrence basis” with minimum
limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and a $2,000,000 aggregate limit.-. The policy
shall name Genesee County, including all employees, elected and appointed
officials and volunteers, all boards, commissions, and/or authorities, and their
board members, employees, and volunteers as additional insureds. Coverage
shall be primary and non-contributory, including a waiver of subrogation in favor of
the County.
Workers’ Compensation Insurance as required by and in accordance with all
applicable statutes of the State of Michigan, including Employers’ Liability
Automobile Liability Including Michigan No-Fault coverages, with limits of
liability not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit for bodily
injury and property damage. Coverage shall include all owned, non-owned, and
hired vehicles. Limits may be satisfied using primary and excess/umbrella liability
policies. -. The policy shall name Genesee County, including all employees,
elected and appointed officials and volunteers, all boards, commissions, and/or
authorities, and their board members, employees, and volunteers as additional
RFP 24-362
Professional Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per
occurrence and $1,000,0000 aggregate. If this policy is a claims made form, the
Contractor shall be required to keep said policy in force, or purchase “tail” coverage
for a minimum of three (3) years after the termination of this contract.
Cyber Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and
$3,000,000 aggregate including, data breach response, network security liability
and business interruption. Coverage should be primary and non-contributory,
name Genesee County as additional insured. Including legal and regulatory
A licensee or its insurance broker shall notify the County of any cancellation or
reduction in coverage within seven (7) days of receipt of insurer's notification to
that effect. The contractor, licensee, permittee, or lessee shall forthwith obtain and
submit proof of substitute insurance to the County Risk Manager within five (5)
business days in the event of expiration or cancellation of coverage.
16.1 Insurance Certificate and Additional Insured Coverage
3. Certificate of InsuranceThe contractor must provide a Certificate of
Insurance evidencing the required insurance set forth above. The
Certificate Holder should be listed as follows:
Genesee County
Attn: Risk Management
1101 Beach Street, Flint, MI 48502
4. Endorsements In addition, the contractor must provide the following
endorsements, including but not limited to:
c. An additional insured endorsement (equivalent in coverage to ISO form
CG 20 10 and CG 20 37) naming the "Genesee County, its officials,
employees and agents, all boards, commissions and/or authorities and
board members, including employees and volunteers thereof" as
additional insureds under the general liability policy. No person or
department should be identified as the additional insured. Coverage
afforded shall be considered primary and any other insurance or self-
insurance, maintained by or available to the County shall be considered
secondary and/or excess.
d. An endorsement to each policy stating that such policy shall not be
cancelled or reduced in coverage except after thirty (30) days prior
written notice to County. Cancellation, material restriction, nonrenewal
or lapse of any of the required policies shall be grounds for immediate
termination of the Agreement by the County. If any of the required
coverages expire during the term of the contract, the vendor shall deliver
renewal certificates, endorsements, and/or policies to County at least
ten (10) days prior to the expiration date.
RFP 24-362
In lieu of required endorsements, a copy of the policy sections, where
coverage is provided for additional insured and cancellation notice, may be
acceptable. Copies of all policies mentioned above shall be furnished, if so
16.2 Indemnification
The Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the County,
its officials, officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims,
damages, or liability, including defense costs, arising out of the Contractor’s
performance of the Services or presence on the County’s property or
worksite. Contractor agrees that the insurance requirements specified in
the contract do not reduce the liability Contractor has assumed in the
indemnification/hold harmless section of the Contract.
17. Independent Contractor
The Contractor and its agents and employees are independent contractors and
are not the employees of the County.
18. General Provisions
18.1 Entire Contract
This Contract, consisting of the following documents and Exhibits,
embodies the entire Contract between the Parties.
18.1.1. The Contract This Professional Services Contract
18.1.2. Exhibit A The Scope of Work
18.2 No Assignment
The Contractor may not assign or subcontract this Contract without the
express written consent of the County.
18.3 Modification
This Contract may be modified only in writing executed with the same
formalities as this Contract.
18.4 Binding Effect
The provisions of this Contract shall apply to and bind the heirs, executors,
administrators, and assigns all of the parties hereto.
18.5 Headings
The paragraph headings in this Contract are used only for ease of
reference, and do not limit, modify, construe, and or interpret any provision
of this Contract.
RFP 24-362
18.6 Governing Law and Venue
This Contract is entered into under the laws of the State of Michigan. Any
litigation between the Parties arising out of this Contract must be initiated
within two years of the cause of action accruing and must be brought in a
court of competent jurisdiction in Genesee County, Michigan.
18.7 Subpoena Power
The Contractor acknowledges and understands that the Chairperson of the
Genesee County Board of Commissioners, pursuant to MCL 46.3(5), as
amended, has the power to administer oaths, issue subpoenas, and compel
a person’s attendance in the same manner as a court of law. The Contractor
agrees to submit to this power with respect to this Contract.
18.8 Severability and Survival
In the event that any provision of this Contract is deemed by any court of
competent jurisdiction to be legally ineffective, such decision shall have no
effect on the remaining provisions of this Contract.
18.9 Interpretation
Each Party has had opportunity to have this Contract reviewed by legal
counsel and has had equal opportunity to contribute to its contents. In the
event of any dispute concerning the interpretation of this Contract, there
shall be no presumption in favor of any interpretation solely because the
form of this Contract was prepared by the County.
18.10 Remedies
All remedies specified in this Contract are non-exclusive. The County
reserves the right to seek any and all remedies available under this Contract
and applicable law in the event that the Contractor fails to abide by the terms
of this Contract.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Contract to be executed
by their duly authorized agents.
By: By:
____________________[Name] James Avery, Chairperson
____________________[Title] Board of County Commissioners
Date: Date:
RFP 24-362
Description of the Services
This information will be provided upon mutual agreement between the County and
selected vendor.