Office of Research and Policy Analysis
270 Washington Street, SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30334 | (404) 962-3030
Internet Address:
October 25, 2022
Fall 2022
“Creating a More Educated Georgia”
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College•Albany State University• Atlanta Metropolitan State College•Augusta University• Clayton State University
College of Coastal Georgia•Columbus State University•Dalton State College• East Georgia State College•Fort Valley State University•Georgia College & State University
Georgia Gwinnett College•Georgia Highlands College•Georgia Institute of Technology•Georgia Southern University•Georgia Southwestern State University
Georgia State University•Gordon State College•Kennesaw State University•Middle Georgia State University•Savannah State University•South Georgia State College
University of Georgia•University of North Georgia•University of West Georgia•Valdosta State University
FALL 2022
The SER presents basic data on student enrollment for University System of Georgia
institutions from the Fall 2022 mid-term Academic Data Collection (ADC). The
following tables are included:
Enrollment, FTE, and Full-Time Students Page 1
Classification of Current Enrollment Page 2
Enrollment by Level of Classification Page 3
Enrollment by Self-Declared Race/Ethnicity Page 4
New Student Enrollment by Classification Page 5
Enrollment by Type of Residency and Tuition Status Page 6
Selected Student Characteristics Page 7
Note: The column numbers on each page refer to the definitions of calculations used in
the SER at
University System of Georgia
Fall 2022 Semester Enrollment Report for All Students
Enrollment, FTE, and Full-Time Status
Fall 2021
Change in
FTE Fall
FTE Fall
in FTE
Institution (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Augusta University 9,813 9,606 2.2% 9,110 8,846 3.0% 81.8%
Georgia Institute of Technology 45,296 43,859 3.3% 33,466 32,243 3.8% 52.8%
Georgia State University 51,995 52,350 -0.7% 44,044 44,289 -0.6% 63.2%
University of Georgia 40,607 40,118 1.2% 38,948 38,401 1.4% 89.5%
Research Universities 147,711 145,933 1.2% 125,568 123,779 1.4% 68.5%
Georgia Southern University 25,506 27,091 -5.9% 23,018 24,491 -6.0% 76.1%
Kennesaw State University 43,268 42,983 0.7% 38,575 38,292 0.7% 70.3%
University of West Georgia 11,914 12,718 -6.3% 9,871 10,490 -5.9% 57.9%
Valdosta State University 10,225 11,573 -11.6% 8,656 9,854 -12.2% 63.4%
Comprehensive Universities 90,913 94,365 -3.7% 80,120 83,127 -3.6% 69.5%
Albany State University 6,358 6,324 0.5% 5,653 5,468 3.4% 70.9%
Clayton State University 5,857 6,820 -14.1% 4,751 5,433 -12.6% 56.0%
Columbus State University 7,500 7,924 -5.4% 6,320 6,596 -4.2% 61.6%
Fort Valley State University 2,609 2,783 -6.3% 2,469 2,596 -4.9% 85.3%
Georgia College & State University 6,315 6,763 -6.6% 5,893 6,259 -5.8% 80.7%
Georgia Southwestern State University 3,076 3,158 -2.6% 2,488 2,532 -1.7% 61.2%
Middle Georgia State University 7,689 7,885 -2.5% 6,317 6,449 -2.0% 58.5%
Savannah State University 2,962 3,395 -12.8% 2,751 3,070 -10.4% 82.3%
University of North Georgia 18,046 18,985 -4.9% 15,615 16,299 -4.2% 66.2%
State Universities 60,412 64,037 -5.7% 52,257 54,702 -4.5% 67.0%
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College 3,649 3,815 -4.4% 3,097 3,216 -3.7% 65.1%
Atlanta Metropolitan State College 1,440 1,612 -10.7% 1,055 1,145 -7.9% 39.2%
College of Coastal Georgia 3,155 3,249 -2.9% 2,575 2,565 0.4% 57.7%
Dalton State College 4,535 4,535 0.0% 3,879 3,839 1.0% 61.0%
East Georgia State College 1,900 2,023 -6.1% 1,557 1,656 -6.0% 61.1%
Georgia Gwinnett College 11,030 10,949 0.7% 9,669 9,498 1.8% 65.2%
Georgia Highlands College 4,776 5,245 -8.9% 3,667 3,925 -6.6% 41.1%
Gordon State College 3,144 3,101 1.4% 2,571 2,454 4.8% 55.1%
South Georgia State College 1,794 1,774 1.1% 1,509 1,459 3.4% 60.3%
State Colleges 35,423 36,303 -2.4% 29,579 29,757 -0.6% 58.3%
University System Totals 334,459 340,638 -1.8% 287,524 291,365 -1.3% 67.4%
* Starting with the Summer 2020 term, FTE is rounded instead of truncated. As a result the sum of the individual institutions’ FTE may not equal the sector FTE.
Note that this change will be retro-actively applied to terms prior to Summer 2020 if those reports are re-run in Cognos.
ADMTE007 Semester Enrollment Report 1 Oct 21, 2022 4:01:44 PM
University System of Georgia
Fall 2022 Semester Enrollment Report for All Students
Classification of Current Enrollment
Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate First
Transient Residents and
All Others Total Current
Institutions (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Augusta University 149 1,286 1,062 1,142 1,519 2,376 1,386 76 655 162 9,813
Georgia Institute of Technology 832 3,582 2,795 4,214 6,784 26,881 0 198 0 10 45,296
Georgia State University 2,402 14,915 11,323 6,565 8,637 6,893 700 104 0 456 51,995
University of Georgia 78 5,152 7,125 8,064 10,205 8,244 1,649 70 0 20 40,607
Research Universities 3,461 24,935 22,305 19,985 27,145 44,394 3,735 448 655 648 147,711
Georgia Southern University 799 6,043 4,885 4,317 5,389 3,503 0 51 0 519 25,506
Kennesaw State University 712 10,890 9,153 8,145 9,873 4,263 0 70 0 162 43,268
University of West Georgia 655 2,251 1,767 1,835 2,087 3,227 0 27 0 65 11,914
Valdosta State University 250 1,792 1,575 1,682 2,093 2,636 0 35 0 162 10,225
Comprehensive Universities 2,416 20,976 17,380 15,979 19,442 13,629 0 183 0 908 90,913
Albany State University 145 2,262 1,301 1,045 997 525 0 7 0 76 6,358
Clayton State University 729 1,042 897 1,033 1,531 569 0 14 0 42 5,857
Columbus State University 278 1,664 1,087 1,146 1,645 1,478 0 23 0 179 7,500
Fort Valley State University 12 934 511 437 460 245 0 1 0 9 2,609
Georgia College & State University 60 1,561 1,312 1,089 1,223 1,050 0 15 0 5 6,315
Georgia Southwestern State University 220 653 396 451 579 597 0 125 0 55 3,076
Middle Georgia State University 544 2,058 1,278 1,386 1,867 429 0 26 0 101 7,689
Savannah State University 79 1,018 566 469 589 205 0 5 0 31 2,962
University of North Georgia 1,335 5,713 4,043 3,000 2,945 790 0 55 0 165 18,046
State Universities 3,402 16,905 11,391 10,056 11,836 5,888 0 271 0 663 60,412
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College 476 1,150 773 622 616 0 0 11 0 1 3,649
Atlanta Metropolitan State College 89 627 294 170 152 0 0 76 0 32 1,440
College of Coastal Georgia 296 1,122 695 404 526 0 0 8 0 104 3,155
Dalton State College 241 1,606 909 780 990 0 0 4 0 5 4,535
East Georgia State College 355 1,106 316 75 22 0 0 2 0 24 1,900
Georgia Gwinnett College 410 4,305 2,254 1,842 2,059 0 0 26 0 134 11,030
Georgia Highlands College 308 2,224 1,294 596 276 0 0 27 0 51 4,776
Gordon State College 458 1,216 586 451 408 0 0 14 0 11 3,144
South Georgia State College 216 832 343 231 154 0 0 7 0 11 1,794
State Colleges 2,849 14,188 7,464 5,171 5,203 0 0 175 0 373 35,423
University System Totals 12,128 77,004 58,540 51,191 63,626 63,911 3,735 1,077 655 2,592 334,459
* Beginning Fall 2010, USG changed the umbrella term used for students enrolling in a USG institution prior to their high school graduation from Joint Enrollment to Dual Enrollment
ADMTE007 Semester Enrollment Report 2 Oct 21, 2022 4:01:44 PM
University System of Georgia
Fall 2022 Semester Enrollment Report for All Students
Enrollment by Level of Classification
Lower Level Upper
& Residents
and Other
Masters Educ. Spec. Doctorate First Prof.
Institution (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Augusta University 2,497 2,661 4,417 238 21 1,361 319 675 1,386
Georgia Institute of Technology 7,209 10,998 26,881 208 59 23,189 0 3,633 0
Georgia State University 28,640 15,202 7,593 560 363 4,588 14 1,928 700
University of Georgia 12,355 18,269 9,893 90 0 4,693 127 3,424 1,649
Research Universities 50,701 47,130 48,784 1,096 443 33,831 460 9,660 3,735
Georgia Southern University 11,727 9,706 3,503 570 0 2,565 301 637 0
Kennesaw State University 20,755 18,018 4,263 232 140 3,294 422 407 0
University of West Georgia 4,673 3,922 3,227 92 523 1,586 864 254 0
Valdosta State University 3,617 3,775 2,636 197 118 1,638 426 454 0
Comprehensive Universities 40,772 35,421 13,629 1,091 781 9,083 2,013 1,752 0
Albany State University 3,708 2,042 525 83 0 518 7 0 0
Clayton State University 2,668 2,564 569 56 0 569 0 0 0
Columbus State University 3,029 2,791 1,478 202 49 1,163 113 153 0
Fort Valley State University 1,457 897 245 10 0 217 28 0 0
Georgia College & State University 2,933 2,312 1,050 20 87 864 58 41 0
Georgia Southwestern State University 1,269 1,030 597 180 0 434 163 0 0
Middle Georgia State University 3,880 3,253 429 127 0 380 0 49 0
Savannah State University 1,663 1,058 205 36 0 205 0 0 0
University of North Georgia 11,091 5,945 790 220 70 501 13 206 0
State Universities 31,698 21,892 5,888 934 206 4,851 382 449 0
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College 2,399 1,238 0 12 0 0 0 0 0
Atlanta Metropolitan State College 1,010 322 0 108 0 0 0 0 0
College of Coastal Georgia 2,113 930 0 112 0 0 0 0 0
Dalton State College 2,756 1,770 0 9 0 0 0 0 0
East Georgia State College 1,777 97 0 26 0 0 0 0 0
Georgia Gwinnett College 6,969 3,901 0 160 0 0 0 0 0
Georgia Highlands College 3,826 872 0 78 0 0 0 0 0
Gordon State College 2,260 859 0 25 0 0 0 0 0
South Georgia State College 1,391 385 0 18 0 0 0 0 0
State Colleges 24,501 10,374 0 548 0 0 0 0 0
University System Totals 147,672 114,817 68,301 3,669 1,430 47,765 2,855 11,861 3,735
ADMTE007 Semester Enrollment Report 3 Oct 21, 2022 4:01:44 PM
University System of Georgia
Fall 2022 Semester Enrollment Report for All Students
Enrollment by Self-Declared Race/Ethnicity
Not Hispanic/Latino or Undeclared Ethnicity
(of any race)
American Indian
or Alaska Native
Asian Black or African
Native Hawaiian
or Other Pacific
White Two or More
Race Unknown or
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number
Institution (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
Augusta University 805 8.2% 17 0.2% 1,067 10.9% 2,173 22.1% 15 0.2% 5,093 51.9% 430 4.4% 213 2.2% 9,813
Georgia Institute of
3,641 8.0% 31 0.1% 20,341 44.9% 2,676 5.9% 27 0.1% 16,217 35.8% 1,531 3.4% 832 1.8% 45,296
Georgia State University 7,136 13.7% 59 0.1% 8,999 17.3% 21,764 41.9% 34 0.1% 10,982 21.1% 2,573 4.9% 448 0.9% 51,995
University of Georgia 2,768 6.8% 39 0.1% 4,704 11.6% 3,154 7.8% 18 0.0% 26,500 65.3% 1,625 4.0% 1,799 4.4% 40,607
Research Universities 14,350 9.7% 146 0.1% 35,111 23.8% 29,767 20.2% 94 0.1% 58,792 39.8% 6,159 4.2% 3,292 2.2% 147,711
Georgia Southern
2,007 7.9% 76 0.3% 658 2.6% 6,522 25.6% 29 0.1% 14,921 58.5% 1,116 4.4% 177 0.7% 25,506
Kennesaw State
6,108 14.1% 64 0.1% 3,049 7.0% 11,037 25.5% 56 0.1% 19,807 45.8% 2,061 4.8% 1,086 2.5% 43,268
University of West
909 7.6% 19 0.2% 206 1.7% 3,668 30.8% 10 0.1% 6,398 53.7% 479 4.0% 225 1.9% 11,914
Valdosta State University 967 9.5% 18 0.2% 181 1.8% 3,559 34.8% 15 0.1% 5,062 49.5% 358 3.5% 65 0.6% 10,225
9,991 11.0% 177 0.2% 4,094 4.5% 24,786 27.3% 110 0.1% 46,188 50.8% 4,014 4.4% 1,553 1.7% 90,913
Albany State University 305 4.8% 13 0.2% 32 0.5% 5,022 79.0% 0 0.0% 583 9.2% 124 2.0% 279 4.4% 6,358
Clayton State University 646 11.0% 17 0.3% 407 6.9% 3,641 62.2% 7 0.1% 806 13.8% 167 2.9% 166 2.8% 5,857
Columbus State
625 8.3% 19 0.3% 276 3.7% 2,812 37.5% 15 0.2% 3,328 44.4% 279 3.7% 146 1.9% 7,500
Fort Valley State
58 2.2% 3 0.1% 29 1.1% 2,360 90.5% 0 0.0% 86 3.3% 65 2.5% 8 0.3% 2,609
Georgia College & State
385 6.1% 9 0.1% 113 1.8% 468 7.4% 6 0.1% 5,052 80.0% 197 3.1% 85 1.3% 6,315
Georgia Southwestern
State University
176 5.7% 6 0.2% 237 7.7% 805 26.2% 1 0.0% 1,759 57.2% 78 2.5% 14 0.5% 3,076
Middle Georgia State
552 7.2% 16 0.2% 286 3.7% 2,358 30.7% 9 0.1% 4,117 53.5% 315 4.1% 36 0.5% 7,689
Savannah State University 165 5.6% 3 0.1% 8 0.3% 2,543 85.9% 1 0.0% 114 3.8% 91 3.1% 37 1.2% 2,962
University of North
2,839 15.7% 28 0.2% 692 3.8% 723 4.0% 13 0.1% 12,874 71.3% 639 3.5% 238 1.3% 18,046
State Universities 5,751 9.5% 114 0.2% 2,080 3.4% 20,732 34.3% 52 0.1% 28,719 47.5% 1,955 3.2% 1,009 1.7% 60,412
Abraham Baldwin
Agricultural College
321 8.8% 10 0.3% 53 1.5% 322 8.8% 3 0.1% 2,892 79.3% 42 1.2% 6 0.2% 3,649
Atlanta Metropolitan
State College
83 5.8% 1 0.1% 18 1.2% 1,253 87.0% 0 0.0% 46 3.2% 33 2.3% 6 0.4% 1,440
College of Coastal
287 9.1% 6 0.2% 66 2.1% 617 19.6% 4 0.1% 1,893 60.0% 69 2.2% 213 6.8% 3,155
Dalton State College 1,620 35.7% 17 0.4% 105 2.3% 147 3.2% 2 0.0% 2,473 54.5% 76 1.7% 95 2.1% 4,535
East Georgia State College 134 7.1% 2 0.1% 25 1.3% 730 38.4% 2 0.1% 881 46.4% 83 4.4% 43 2.3% 1,900
Georgia Gwinnett College 3,010 27.3% 25 0.2% 1,349 12.2% 3,496 31.7% 21 0.2% 2,604 23.6% 432 3.9% 93 0.8% 11,030
Georgia Highlands
925 19.4% 9 0.2% 73 1.5% 788 16.5% 5 0.1% 2,751 57.6% 193 4.0% 32 0.7% 4,776
Gordon State College 165 5.2% 0 0.0% 24 0.8% 1,186 37.7% 2 0.1% 1,616 51.4% 121 3.8% 30 1.0% 3,144
South Georgia State
203 11.3% 4 0.2% 7 0.4% 420 23.4% 1 0.1% 1,086 60.5% 46 2.6% 27 1.5% 1,794
State Colleges 6,748 19.0% 74 0.2% 1,720 4.9% 8,959 25.3% 40 0.1% 16,242 45.9% 1,095 3.1% 545 1.5% 35,423
University System Totals 36,840 11.0% 511 0.2% 43,005 12.9% 84,244 25.2% 296 0.1% 149,941 44.8% 13,223 4.0% 6,399 1.9% 334,459
* Starting with Spring 2020 term, Race_Ethnicity_Code = M is categorized under Two or More Races, instead of Unknown.
ADMTE007 Semester Enrollment Report 4 Oct 21, 2022 4:01:44 PM
University System of Georgia
Fall 2022 Semester Enrollment Report for All Students
New Student Enrollment by Classification
Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate First
Transient All
Institutions (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
Augusta University 101 985 53 152 223 49 727 359 68 96 2,813
Georgia Institute of Technology 704 3,070 28 412 247 24 6,619 0 136 1 11,241
Georgia State University 1,752 7,994 595 952 361 140 1,801 219 85 186 14,085
University of Georgia 69 6,061 4 829 734 63 2,288 455 64 9 10,576
Research Universities 2,626 18,110 680 2,345 1,565 276 11,435 1,033 353 292 38,715
Georgia Southern University 508 4,260 180 497 310 84 873 0 47 175 6,934
Kennesaw State University 676 6,865 505 1,163 598 198 1,346 0 66 66 11,483
University of West Georgia 336 1,394 146 198 119 44 826 0 23 11 3,097
Valdosta State University 150 1,096 78 189 180 41 636 0 31 27 2,428
Comprehensive Universities 1,670 13,615 909 2,047 1,207 367 3,681 0 167 279 23,942
Albany State University 57 1,356 120 137 24 4 173 0 4 18 1,893
Clayton State University 377 483 82 171 145 48 181 0 10 12 1,509
Columbus State University 166 993 99 117 109 56 390 0 18 43 1,991
Fort Valley State University 4 545 56 50 6 0 49 0 1 2 713
Georgia College & State University 25 1,241 22 80 69 8 266 0 13 1 1,725
Georgia Southwestern State University 116 482 61 93 77 24 59 0 124 16 1,052
Middle Georgia State University 303 1,236 218 156 152 81 137 0 17 30 2,330
Savannah State University 42 584 60 42 42 11 56 0 4 16 857
University of North Georgia 887 3,726 186 304 104 19 144 0 41 40 5,451
State Universities 1,977 10,646 904 1,150 728 251 1,455 0 232 178 17,521
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College 240 835 50 90 27 2 0 0 9 0 1,253
Atlanta Metropolitan State College 52 216 127 27 9 1 0 0 55 15 502
College of Coastal Georgia 108 724 58 68 24 16 0 0 4 39 1,041
Dalton State College 181 894 59 63 59 33 0 0 4 4 1,297
East Georgia State College 222 675 77 13 3 1 0 0 2 13 1,006
Georgia Gwinnett College 308 2,270 246 168 105 46 0 0 18 45 3,206
Georgia Highlands College 186 931 210 104 26 2 0 0 22 26 1,507
Gordon State College 252 838 105 60 29 10 0 0 4 2 1,300
South Georgia State College 98 547 44 10 4 0 0 0 4 5 712
State Colleges 1,647 7,930 976 603 286 111 0 0 122 149 11,824
System Total 7,920 50,301 3,469 6,145 3,786 1,005 16,571 1,033 874 898 92,002
* Beginning Fall 2010, USG changed the umbrella term used for students enrolling in a USG institution prior to their high school graduation from Joint Enrollment to Dual Enrollment
ADMTE007 Semester Enrollment Report 5 Oct 21, 2022 4:01:44 PM
University System of Georgia
Fall 2022 Semester Enrollment Report for All Students
Enrollment by Type of Residency and Tuition Status
Out-of-State Sub-
Out-of-Country Sub-
Total Current
Institutions (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Augusta University 8,717 242 709 951 24 121 145 9,813
Georgia Institute of Technology 13,347 15,234 2,435 17,669 11,481 2,799 14,280 45,296
Georgia State University 44,699 2,018 1,578 3,596 1,537 2,163 3,700 51,995
University of Georgia 31,616 3,734 3,129 6,863 458 1,670 2,128 40,607
Research Universities 98,379 21,228 7,851 29,079 13,500 6,753 20,253 147,711
Georgia Southern University 22,489 1,157 1,345 2,502 125 390 515 25,506
Kennesaw State University 40,456 804 635 1,439 685 688 1,373 43,268
University of West Georgia 10,942 476 330 806 88 78 166 11,914
Valdosta State University 7,684 1,220 1,158 2,378 62 101 163 10,225
Comprehensive Universities 81,571 3,657 3,468 7,125 960 1,257 2,217 90,913
Albany State University 5,738 255 331 586 14 20 34 6,358
Clayton State University 5,330 321 94 415 68 44 112 5,857
Columbus State University 6,429 349 549 898 39 134 173 7,500
Fort Valley State University 2,339 72 168 240 3 27 30 2,609
Georgia College & State University 6,109 116 26 142 40 24 64 6,315
Georgia Southwestern State
2,412 328 131 459 173 32 205 3,076
Middle Georgia State University 6,934 443 150 593 90 72 162 7,689
Savannah State University 2,372 151 388 539 10 41 51 2,962
University of North Georgia 17,256 368 190 558 112 120 232 18,046
State Universities 54,919 2,403 2,027 4,430 549 514 1,063 60,412
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural
3,114 145 355 500 18 17 35 3,649
Atlanta Metropolitan State College 1,220 161 36 197 23 0 23 1,440
College of Coastal Georgia 2,829 79 191 270 26 30 56 3,155
Dalton State College 4,352 124 2 126 56 1 57 4,535
East Georgia State College 1,674 216 0 216 10 0 10 1,900
Georgia Gwinnett College 10,346 221 99 320 184 180 364 11,030
Georgia Highlands College 4,298 378 32 410 62 6 68 4,776
Gordon State College 3,098 23 15 38 5 3 8 3,144
South Georgia State College 1,706 15 63 78 4 6 10 1,794
State Colleges 32,637 1,362 793 2,155 388 243 631 35,423
University System Totals 267,506 28,650 14,139 42,789 15,397 8,767 24,164 334,459
* Starting with the Summer 2020 term, waiver code ISRA was removed from the report. Note that this exclusion will be retro-actively applied to terms prior to Summer 2020 if those reports are re-
run in Cognos.
ADMTE007 Semester Enrollment Report 6 Oct 21, 2022 4:01:44 PM
**Waiver data for Dalton State College is incomplete and the values displayed in columns 3 and 6 are an undercount. The data will be updated in January 2023.
University System of Georgia
Fall 2022 Semester Enrollment Report for All Students
Selected Student Characteristics
Number Male Number
Students w/
Senior Citizen
Number Non-
Institution Name (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Augusta University 3,491 6,322 64.4% 21.8 29.3 44 491 163 237
Georgia Institute of Technology 30,704 14,592 32.2% 20.0 30.2 52 196 12,395 2,592
Georgia State University 20,317 31,678 60.9% 22.5 31.2 328 4,569 3,496 2,833
University of Georgia 16,641 23,966 59.0% 20.2 29.2 92 234 2,053 684
Research Universities 71,153 76,558 51.8% 21.3 30.1 516 5,490 18,107 6,346
Georgia Southern University 10,319 15,187 59.5% 21.4 31.6 85 1,655 471 249
Kennesaw State University 21,308 21,960 50.8% 21.7 33.5 148 3,028 1,267 1,256
University of West Georgia 3,836 8,078 67.8% 22.1 36.0 64 779 155 126
Valdosta State University 3,188 7,037 68.8% 22.5 35.2 43 805 126 96
Comprehensive Universities 38,651 52,262 57.5% 21.8 33.9 340 6,267 2,019 1,727
Albany State University 1,610 4,748 74.7% 23.0 34.2 20 672 30 47
Clayton State University 1,810 4,047 69.1% 24.9 35.6 91 1,239 91 200
Columbus State University 2,986 4,514 60.2% 23.9 35.5 41 1,071 155 101
Fort Valley State University 903 1,706 65.4% 21.2 33.5 7 115 27 12
Georgia College & State University 2,176 4,139 65.5% 19.9 33.0 18 27 58 30
Georgia Southwestern State University 1,025 2,051 66.7% 23.3 34.7 12 448 180 42
Middle Georgia State University 3,403 4,286 55.7% 24.0 35.3 41 1,244 133 117
Savannah State University 1,109 1,853 62.6% 21.3 30.9 16 147 53 17
University of North Georgia 7,775 10,271 56.9% 21.0 31.8 36 731 224 312
State Universities 22,797 37,615 62.3% 22.3 34.1 282 5,694 951 878
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College 1,461 2,188 60.0% 21.0 9 214 36 20
Atlanta Metropolitan State College 500 940 65.3% 27.8 0 473 20 48
College of Coastal Georgia 963 2,192 69.5% 23.3 30 445 46 30
Dalton State College 1,759 2,776 61.2% 22.1 0 335 53 88
East Georgia State College 852 1,048 55.2% 20.0 0 91 9 9
Georgia Gwinnett College 4,553 6,477 58.7% 22.3 24 1,110 337 688
Georgia Highlands College 1,709 3,067 64.2% 23.6 5 850 56 69
Gordon State College 1,115 2,029 64.5% 22.5 19 388 10 18
South Georgia State College 577 1,217 67.8% 21.6 0 152 13 5
State Colleges 13,489 21,934 61.9% 22.5 87 4,058 580 975
Total 146,090 188,369 56.3% 21.8 31.2 1,225 21,509 21,657 9,926
ADMTE007 Semester Enrollment Report 7 Oct 21, 2022 4:01:44 PM
*Waiver data for Dalton State College is incomplete and the values displayed in column 6 are an undercount. The data will be updated in January 2023.