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Application for Maryland Gift Certication
6601 Ritchie Highway, N.E.
Glen Burnie, Maryland 21062
VR-103 (07-23)
If you are not a member of the immediate family as noted below, this form cannot be used. If the vehicle transfer qualies as a bona
de gift, this form must be completed and submitted with the properly assigned Maryland title. If last names are not the same, proof
of relationship must be submitted with this form.
Spouse Father Son Daughter Sister Grandmother
Mother Stepfather Adopted Son Adopted Daughter Half Sister Grandchild
Stepmother Father-in-Law Stepson Stepdaughter Brother *Uncle
Mother-in-Law Grandfather Son-in-Law Daughter-in-Law Half-Brother *Aunt
*For more information, please see the other side of page
Vehicle Title Information
Vehicle Year Make Title Number Vehicle Identication Number
Giver - Full Name(s)
Receiver - Full Name(s) Relationship to Giver
Federal and State law requires that you state the mileage in connection with this transaction. Failure to complete or providing
a false statement may result in nes and/or imprisonment. I certify to the best of my knowledge that the odometer reading is the
actual mileage of the vehicle unless one of the following statements is checked:
Odometer Reading (no tenths)
1. The mileage stated is in excess of its mechanical limits
2. The odometer reading is not the actual mileage.
Warning Odometer Discrepancy.
To be completed by giver(s) of vehicle: I/we certify under penalty of perjury that all statements made herein are true and correct to
the best of my/our knowledge, information and belief. I/we further certify that no money or other valuable consideration is involved
in this transfer. The transfer is not being made contrary to Maryland Vehicle Laws.
Signature of Giver Date Signature of Co-Giver Date
To be completed by recipient(s) of vehicle: I/we certify under penalty of perjury that all statements made herein are true and
correct to the best of my/our knowledge, information and belief. I/we further certify that no money or other valuable consideration is
involved in this transfer. The transfer is not being made contrary to Maryland Vehicle Laws.
Signature of Receiver Date Signature of Co-Receiver Date
Instructions on reverse*
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Instructions for transfer of title as a gift. This form may be used only for vehicles titled in this state
Vehicle (nanced) - If the title shows a lien, proof that the lien has been satised can be shown by the submission of a notice of security interest
ling or by a termination statement, on the lienholder’s letterhead, stating that the lien has been released. Included with this statement should be a
description of the vehicle by year, make, and the vehicle’s identication number. If the lienholder’s name is on the face of the title and the lien has not
been satised, a statement from the lienholder, authorizing the lien transfer, must accompany the transaction.
Please Note: Lien release letters must be accompanied by photo identication (State issued driver’s license or I.D. card) of the person presenting
the document to the MVA.
Adding a name to a title - To add a name to the title, please complete the assignment section on the reverse side of the title with both names where
“buyer/receiver” is indicated. The owner’s signature must be written in the space provided for “seller/giver.” The buyer’s application for the new
certicate of title section must be completed in the space designated for the names and signatures of both buyers.
Deleting a name from a title - To delete a name from a title, please complete the assignment section on the reverse side of the title with the
name of the person receiving the vehicle in the space provided for “buyer/receiver.” Both persons giving the vehicle as a gift must complete the
assignment section by providing their signatures in the space provided for “seller/giver.” The buyer’s application for new certicate of title section
must be completed by the person receiving the vehicle. If the vehicle is transferred from a joint ownership to another joint ownership, for example,
from mother and father to son and daughter-in-law, please follow the procedure for deleting a name from a title.
Transferring a title from an individual to another individual - To transfer the title of a vehicle from one individual, please complete the assignment
section on the reverse side of the title, by providing the name of the person receiving the vehicle in the space provided for “buyer/receiver.” In the
same section, the person giving the vehicle must provide his/her signature in the space provided for “seller/giver.” The person receiving the vehicle
must complete the buyer’s application for a new certicate of title and write his/her signature in the space provided for “buyer/receiver.”
Plates may be transferred if the vehicle is titled: (1) in the joint names of the spouses and is being transferred to the name of either spouse; (2) in
the name of either spouse and is being transferred to the joint names of the spouses; (3) in the joint name of a parent and child and is transferred
to the individual name of either party; (4) in the name of the individual and is transferred to the joint names of that individual and the individual’s
parent or child; (5) in the name of an individual and is transferred to the name of a spouse, a child or a parent of that individual. All other gift transfers
concerning family members, excluding spouses, parent and child, new plates must be purchased. This Gift Certication (VR-103) must be presented
along with the Maryland Certicate of Title (VR-2) completed on the reverse of the form or a completed Application for a Maryland Title (VR-5). A
copy of your current registration card along with the $10.00 transfer fee will complete the transaction for the transfer of plates. If you are transferring
plates and less than 12 months remain in the registration year, the registration will be renewed for an additional year (for a fee) when the vehicle is
Inspection - Generally, any transfer between spouses or between a parent and child are exempt from inspection. All other transactions require a
Maryland safety inspection.
*Allowable transfer of a vehicle from an Aunt or Uncle to a Niece and/or Nephew - On transfer of a vehicle titled in this State the vehicle is
exempt from the excise tax if the recipient is a niece and/or nephew of the transferor who is at least 65 years of age. If proof of relationship is not
available, complete Form VR-299 Gift Title Transfer from Aunt/Uncle to Niece and/or Nephew. No monetary or other valuable consideration may be
involved in the transfer.