TD Insurance
TD Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance
Certificate of Insurance
Issued by: TD Life Insurance Company (“TD Life”) under Group Policy Number TI004 and TD Home and Auto
Insurance Company ("TD Home & Auto") under Group Policy Number TGV007 (the “Group Policy” or "Group Policies")
to The Toronto-Dominion Bank (the “Policyholder”). Global Excel Management Inc. ("Global Excel") provides claims
and assistance services and CanAm Insurance Services (2018) Ltd. ("CanAm"), a subsidiary of Global Excel, provides
sales and policy administration under the Group Policy.
You have purchased travel insurance coverage what’s next? We want You to understand (and it is in Your best
interests to know) what Your coverage includes, what it excludes, and what is limited (payable but with limits).
Please take time to read through Your Certificate before You travel. Italicized and capitalized terms are defined
in Your Certificate.
Travel insurance covers claims arising from sudden and unexpected situations (e.g. accidents and emergencies).
To qualify for this insurance, You must meet all the eligibility requirements.
This insurance contains limitations and exclusions (e.g. Medical Conditions that are not Stable, pregnancy, child
born on trip, excessive use of alcohol, high risk activities, etc.).
This insurance may not cover claims related to Pre-Existing Medical Conditions whether disclosed or not at time
of purchase.
Contact Global Excel at 1-800-359-6704 +1-416-977-5040 (collect) before You need to cancel or interrupt Your
Covered Trip or Your benefits may be limited or denied.
In the event of a claim Your prior medical history may be reviewed.
If any of Your information is not accurate or complete, Your insurance plan will be voidable.
specific coverage, details, limitations and exclusions.
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, CALL 1-800-775-1669, or visit www.td.com/safetravels
24-hour Emergency Assistance
In a Medical Emergency, You must call Global Excel immediately, or as soon as reasonably possible. If not, benefits
will be limited as described in Section 6, underMedical Emergency Insurance Limitations and Exclusions.” Some
expenses will only be covered if Global Excel approves them in advance.
You can get help 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling:
from Canada or the U.S., toll-free, 1-800-359-6704; or
from other countries, +1-416-977-5040, collect.
Claims Support
To request a claim form or to receive claim-related support, call Global Excel from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, Monday to
Friday, toll-free at 1-800-359-6704 or collect +1-416-977-5040
Changes to Your Coverage
To cancel Your insurance or to make changes to Your coverage, call CanAm from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET, Monday to
Friday, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET on Saturday, toll-free at 1-800-775-1669
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3
Section 2: Eligibility .................................................................................................................................... 3
Section 3: Summary of Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Benefits ............................................. 4
Section 4: Definitions ................................................................................................................................. 4
Section 5: Description of Insurance Coverage ........................................................................................ 4
Trip Cancellation Coverage (before Departure Date) ............................................................................... 4
What to do if You need to cancel Your Covered Trip ................................................................................ 4
Trip Interruption Coverage (after Departure Date) .................................................................................... 4
What to do if You need to interrupt Your Covered Trip ............................................................................. 4
Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance Benefits ....................................................................... 5
Section 6: Limitations and Exclusions That Apply to All Benefits ...................................................... 11
Section 7: How to Become Insured, Extend or Increase Coverage ..................................................... 14
How to Become Insured .......................................................................................................................... 14
Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Coverage Period ....................................................................... 15
Trip Cancellation Coverage Period ..................................................................................................... 15
Trip Interruption Coverage Period ....................................................................................................... 15
Automatic Extension of Coverage ....................................................................................................... 15
When Your Certificate Terminates .......................................................................................................... 15
How to Extend Your Coverage Period if the Covered Trip is Extended .................................................. 15
Section 8: Insurance Premium ................................................................................................................ 15
About Your Premium ............................................................................................................................... 15
Premium Refund ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Section 9: Contract or Coverage Termination or Void by Insurer ....................................................... 16
Section 10 How to Submit a Claim ....................................................................................................... 16
Who to Contact to Submit a Claim .......................................................................................................... 16
Complete the Required Form .................................................................................................................. 16
Provide the Information requested .......................................................................................................... 17
If You Report the Claim Immediately ...................................................................................................... 17
If You Do Not Report the Claim Immediately .......................................................................................... 17
What Claimant Can Expect from Insurer................................................................................................. 17
Section 11 How to Contact Our Administrator.................................................................................... 18
Section 12 General Conditions ............................................................................................................. 18
Access to Medical Care .......................................................................................................................... 18
Benefit Payments .................................................................................................................................... 18
Coordination of Benefits with other insurance ........................................................................................ 18
Currency .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Group Policy ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Legal Action Limitation Period ................................................................................................................. 19
Relationship between Us and the Group Policyholder............................................................................ 19
Review and Medical Examination ........................................................................................................... 19
Right of Subrogation ............................................................................................................................... 19
Recovery ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Other Sources of Payment ...................................................................................................................... 19
Definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Complaint-Handling Process for TD Life Insurance Company ............................................................ 24
Coverage under this
Certificate is provided by:
Claims administration and
adjudication services are
provided by:
Sales and policy
administration services are
provided by:
TD Life Insurance Company
P.O. Box 1 TD Centre
Toronto, Ontario M5K 1A2
TD Home and Auto
Insurance Company
320 Front St West, 3rd Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3B6
Global Excel Management
Inc. (Administrator)
73 Queen Street
Sherbrooke, Quebec J1M
Phone: 1-800-359-6704 or
CanAm Insurance Services
(2018) Ltd. (Administrator)
73 Queen Street
Sherbrooke, Quebec J1M 0C9
Phone: 1-800-775-1669
Section 1: Introduction
Certificate of Insurance
Your Certificate of Insurance is part of Your contract and indicates the coverages and insurance to the
contract. You have the coverage(s) only if it was purchased.
How to contact Us
Prior to travel:
o Call CanAm from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET, Monday to Friday, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET on
Saturday, toll-free at 1-800-775-1669
When travelling and You require emergency assistance:
o From Canada or the U.S., toll-free, 1-800-359-6704; or from other countries, collect, +1-
o 24-hour Emergency Assistance:
In a Medical Emergency, You must call Global Excel immediately, or as soon as
reasonably possible. If not, benefits will be limited as described in Section 6: Limitations
and Exclusions That Apply to All Benefits, under “Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption
Insurance Limitations. Some expenses will only be covered if Global Excel approves
them in advance.
Section 2: Eligibility
Eligibility Requirements
You may apply for coverage if You are:
at least 18 years old on the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption
o If You are under 18 years old, a parent or guardian can provide authorization.
a Resident of Canada; and
a TD Bank Group customer, or the Spouse or Dependent Child of a TD Bank Group customer;
in Canada when You buy the coverage; and
purchasing coverage for the full duration of Your Trip up to a maximum of 365 days from the
Departure Date as indicated on Your insurance application or most recent Declaration of
If You fail to meet any of the conditions outlined above, Your insurance is void and Our liability is limited
to a refund of the premium paid.
Section 3: Summary of Trip Cancellation and Trip
Interruption Benefits
For complete details of benefits, please refer to the applicable sections within this Certificate.
Maximum Benefit Payable
Trip Cancellation
Insurance (Before
Departure Date)
Up to the Amount of Coverage purchased, to a maximum
insurable amount of $20,000 per Insured Person, per Covered
Trip Interruption Insurance
(After Departure Date):
Unused portion of pre-paid travel arrangements, up to the Amount
of Coverage purchased prior to departure, to a maximum
insurable amount of $20,000 per Insured Person, per Covered
One-way economy class ticket.
Meals and accommodation
Up to $350 per day, per Insured Person, up to a maximum of
$700 per Insured Person, per Covered Trip.
Return of deceased
Up to $10,000 towards transportation or burial in the event of the
death of an Insured Person.
Section 4: Definitions
Italicized and capitalized terms are defined. As You read through the Certificate, please refer to
Definitions on page 19 to ensure You have a full understanding of Your coverage, limitations and
Section 5: Description of Insurance Coverage
Trip Cancellation Coverage (before Departure Date)
Trip Cancellation coverage offers financial protection if unexpected events occur before departure and
cause cancellation of travel plans.
What to do if You need to cancel Your Covered Trip
After the Insured Person has cancelled their travel arrangements with the travel supplier, the Insured
Person will need to follow the instructions under Section 10, "How to Submit a Claim" to submit a claim.
It is important to call Global Excel immediately or within 24 hours at the emergency assistance number
found in Section 11, "How to Contact Our Administrator". Some expenses are only covered if they’re
approved in advance by Global Excel. All transportation expenses must be pre-approved.
The amount payable under Trip Cancellation Insurance coverage is limited to the cancellation penalties in
effect on the date the covered cause for cancellation occurs, so it’s important to cancel the Insured
Person’s plans immediately but no later than within 24 hours of cancellation with Your travel agent or
travel supplier.
Trip Interruption Coverage (after Departure Date)
Trip Interruption coverage offers financial protection if unexpected events interrupt travel plans on or after
departure date.
What to do if You need to interrupt Your Covered Trip
After the Insured Person has interrupted their travel arrangements with the travel supplier, the Insured
Person will need to follow the instructions under Section 10, "How to Submit a Claim" to submit a claim.
The Insured Person must call Global Excel immediately at the 24 Hour Emergency Assistance number
found in Section 11, "How to Contact Our Administrator". Some expenses are only covered if they’re
approved in advance by Global Excel. All transportation expenses must be pre-approved.
Only the expenses that are non-refundable on the day the covered cause for interruption occurs are
eligible for reimbursement, so contact Global Excel immediately but no later than within 24 hours to
discuss alternate travel arrangements.
When does Your Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance Coverage Start and End
Refer to Section 7, "Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Coverage Period" and "When Your Certificate
Terminates," for details on when Your coverage starts and ends.
Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance Benefits
Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance provides coverage for the following causes for
Cancellation and Interruption. Below is a summary of what benefits are available to You.
What are the Covered Causes? What benefits are You eligible for?
Trip Cancellation
Trip Interruption
Delayed Return
Unused portion of
pre-paid travel
Meals and
Meals and
Emergency of a member of Your Immediate Family
(who is not at Your destination), Your business
partner, Key Employee or Caregiver.
Unused portion of
pre-paid travel
Meals and
business partner, Key Employee or Caregiver
Member, business partner, Key Employee or
Immediate Family Member who is at Your
Unused portion of
pre-paid travel
Meals and
Meals and
Unused portion of
pre-paid travel
Return of
Return of
Unused portion of
pre-paid travel
Meals and
Meals and
Pregnancy and Adoption Trip Cancellation Trip Interruption
Delayed Return
the first 31 weeks of a pregnancy involving You,
Your Spouse, or a member of Your Immediate
Limitation: The confirmation of a multiple
pregnancy or the confirmation of a pregnancy as a
result of fertility treatment(s) are not considered
Unused portion of
pre-paid travel
Meals and
Meals and
the first 31 weeks of pregnancy involving Your
Travelling Companion, or a member of the
Immediate Family of Your Travelling Companion or
Travelling Companion’s Spouse.
Limitation: The confirmation of a multiple
pregnancy or the confirmation of a pregnancy as a
result of fertility treatment(s) are not considered
Unused portion of
pre-paid travel
Meals and
Meals and
after Your Effective Date if Your departure from
Your Home falls within 9 weeks before or after the
× ×
Companion’s Spouse’s pregnancy being confirmed
after Your Effective Date if Your departure from
Your Home falls within 9 weeks before or after the
of that adoption is scheduled to take place after
Your Effective Date of Insurance and before or
Unused portion of
pre-paid travel
Meals and
child , when the actual date of that adoption is
scheduled to take place after Your Effective Date
of Insurance and before or after Your Departure
Travel Visas and Government Advisories Trip Cancellation Trip Interruption
Delayed Return
Development Canada (DFATD) issues a written
formal Travel Warning during Your Trip, or, after
You purchase Your insurance but before Your
Departure Date, advising Canadians to avoid all or
non-essential travel to a destination included in
Unused portion of
pre-paid travel
Meals and
application is rejected for reasons beyond Your
Limitation: The non-issuance of an Immigration
and/or Employment Visa is not covered. The non-
issuance of a travel visa due to late visa application
× ×
issued or travel visa application is rejected for
reasons beyond Your Travelling Companion’s
Limitation: The non-issuance of an Immigration
and/or Employment Visa is not covered. The non-
issuance of a travel visa due to late visa application
Causes relating to Employment Trip Cancellation Trip Interruption
Delayed Return
with whom You or Your Spouse is employed on
Your Effective Date, which requires the relocation
Unused portion of
pre-paid travel
Meals and
to lay-off or dismissal without just cause.
Limitation: Loss of contract employment or self-
Companion’s Business Meeting beyond Your or
Your employer’s control or Your Travelling
Companion’s or Your Travelling Companion’s
reservists, active military, police, essential medical
Travelling Companion or Your Travelling
Companion's Spouse is employed on Your
Effective Date, which requires the relocation of
Companion's Spouse loses a permanent job due to
lay-off or dismissal without just cause.
Limitation: Loss of contract employment or self-
service in the case of reservists, active military,
police, essential medical personnel and fire
Travel Delays Trip Cancellation Trip Interruption
Delayed Return
conditions, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, for a
period of at least 30% of the Covered Trip, when
You choose not to continue with Your travel
Unused portion of
pre-paid travel
Meals and
carrier, due to weather conditions, earthquakes or
volcanic eruptions, for a period of at least 30% of
the Covered Trip, when You choose not to
carrier, due to weather conditions, earthquakes or
volcanic eruptions, for a period of at least 30% of
the Covered Trip, when You choose to continue
Cost of the next
occupancy charge
mechanical failure of that automobile, weather
conditions, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, a
traffic accident, or an emergency police-directed
road closure, causing You to miss a connection or
resulting in the interruption of Your travel
arrangements, provided the automobile was
scheduled to arrive at the point of departure at
least 2 hours before the scheduled time of
Unused portion of
pre-paid travel
Meals and
Meals and
resulting from the mechanical failure of that carrier,
a traffic accident, an emergency police-directed
road closure, weather conditions, earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, loss or theft of Your passports,
travel documents; causing You to miss a
connection or resulting in the interruption of Your
Other Risks Trip Cancellation Trip Interruption
Delayed Return
or negligent act that renders Your principal
residence uninhabitable or the business that You
Unused portion of
pre-paid travel
Meals and
a) Called for jury duty;
b) Subpoenaed as a witness; or
c) Required to appear as a party in a judicial
destination is rendered uninhabitable due to a
disaster or event independent of any intentional act
or negligent act that renders Your Travelling
Companion’s principal residence uninhabitable or
Unused portion of
pre-paid travel
Meals and
Companion's Spouse or Dependent Child being:
a) Called for jury duty;
b) Subpoenaed as a witness; or
c) Required to appear as a party in a judicial
Your Dependent Child.
Unused portion of
pre-paid travel
Meals and
Meals and
Companion or Your Travelling Companion’s
Spouse or Dependent Child.
Chart Legend:
Eligible for benefit
× :
Ineligible for benefit
The Benefits Listed Above Include the Following:
Trip Cancellation Insurance (before Departure Date):
If one of the covered causes listed above occurs after You purchase Your insurance, and before You
leave Home and You are unable to travel:
We will pay up to the Amount of Coverage for the prepaid, unused, and non-refundable travel
arrangements that are non-transferrable to another travel date; or
We will cover the cost of the next occupancy charge up to the Amount of Coverage (only
applicable if Your Travelling Companion must cancel their Covered Trip due to a covered cause
applicable to them).
Trip Interruption Insurance (after Departure Date):
If one of the covered causes listed above occurs after You leave Home on Your Covered Trip, We will
pay, subject to pre-approval by Global Excel:
Up to the Amount of Coverage for the non-refundable, unused portion of Your prepaid travel
arrangements, excluding the cost of prepaid transportation back to Your Home.
o The extra cost of Your one-way economy class transportation, subject to pre-approval by
Global Excel:
to rejoin a tour or group;
to Your next destination as stated in Your trip itinerary; or
to Your Home.
Fly to bedside or funeral:
o If You are required to interrupt Your Covered Trip to attend a funeral, or travel to the
bedside of a Hospitalized Immediate Family Member, business partner, Key Employee or
Caregiver, You have the option to purchase a ticket to the destination where the death or
Hospitalization has occurred. You will be reimbursed for the cost of the ticket, up to the
maximum amount of what it would have cost for one-way economy class transportation
via the most cost-effective route back to Your Home.
Note: Only available for use once during Your Coverage Period as indicated on Your most recent
Declaration of Coverage.
Exclusion: The "Fly to bedside or funeral" benefit replaces the option to obtain a return ticket to Your
Home. Additionally, the "Meals and Accommodation" benefit below does not apply under this fly to
bedside or funeral benefit.
Note: It is a condition of any transportation benefit under this Certificate that travel must be
undertaken on the earliest of:
The date when Your travel is medically possible; or
Within 10 days following Your originally scheduled Return Date if Your delay is not the
result of Hospitalization.
Meals and Accommodation:
o Up to $350 per day to a maximum of $700 per Insured Person, per Covered Trip, for
Commercial accommodations and meals;
Essential telephone calls and internet usage fees;
Taxi fares (or rental car in lieu of taxi fares).
In the Event of a Delay of Connecting Common Carrier:
o Up to $350 per day to a maximum of $700 per Insured Person, per Covered Trip, for
Overnight commercial accommodations (if delayed for 6 hours or more and the
delay occurs overnight);
Essential telephone calls and internet usage fees;
Taxi fares (or rental car in lieu of taxi fares).
Exclusion: This benefit can only be claimed if no other compensation was provided or offered by the
delayed connecting Common Carrier.
Note: It is a condition of any "Meals and Accommodation" benefit under this Certificate that travel
must be undertaken on the earliest of:
The date when Your travel is medically possible; or
Within 10 days following Your originally scheduled Return Date if Your delay is not the
result of Hospitalization.
Return of Deceased:
In the event of Your death during the Trip Interruption Coverage Period, We will pay, subject to
pre-approval by Global Excel, up to a maximum of $10,000 towards:
o The cost for preparation and transportation of Your remains from the place of death to
Your Canadian city of residence.
o The burial or the cremation of Your remains where Your death occurred and one
roundtrip economy class Common Carrier ticket if:
An Immediate Family Member is required to identify or obtain release of the
deceased; and
Global Excel approves this transportation in advance
Exclusion: The cost of a burial casket or urn is not covered. The cost of funeral expenses at home
province or territory is also not covered.
Section 6: Limitations and Exclusions That Apply to All
Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance Limitations
1. Pre-approval
It is important to cancel or interrupt Your Covered Trip immediately, but no later than 24 hours
following the covered cause for cancellation or interruption, as the amount payable under this
Certificate may be limited to any penalties imposed by Your travel provider(s) which are in effect
on the date the covered cause for cancellation or interruption occurs.
You must call Global Excel immediately, so that We may:
confirm coverage
provide assistance and pre-approval, where required
If it is not possible for You to call, We ask that You have someone call on Your behalf as soon as
possible. Otherwise, if You do not call Global Excel before You cancel or interrupt Your Covered
Trip, Your maximum benefit payable may be impacted.
2. Other Limitations
Trip Cancellation Insurance (before Departure Date):
The covered cause must occur after You purchase Your insurance, and before You leave Home
and You are unable to travel.
Trip Interruption Insurance (after Departure Date):
The covered causes must occur after You leave Home on Your Covered Trip, benefits are subject
to pre-approval by Global Excel.
Note: To be eligible for cancellation and interruption benefits for medical reasons under
this Certificate, a Pre-Existing Medical Condition must be Stable for a specified period of time
before Your Effective Date.
Pre-Existing Medical Condition Exclusions
Your Pre-Existing Medical Condition exclusion is determined by Your age, when You completed Your
Application for insurance. To be eligible for cancellation and interruption benefits for medical reasons
under this Certificate, a Pre-Existing Medical Condition must be Stable for a specified period of time
before Your Effective Date. The following table explains which Pre-Existing Medical Condition exclusion
and stability period applies to You.
Your Age
Pre-Existing Medical Condition exclusion that applies to You:
Age 64 and under
We will not pay for any expenses or benefits incurred directly or
indirectly as a result of Your Medical Condition or related condition
(whether or not the diagnosis has been determined), if at any time
in the 90 days before Your Effective Date, Your Medical Condition
or related condition has not been Stable, other than a Minor
Age 65 and older
We will not pay for any expenses or benefits incurred directly or
indirectly as a result of Your Medical Condition or related condition
(whether or not the diagnosis has been determined), if at any time
in the 180 days before Your Effective Date, Your Medical
Condition or related condition has not been Stable, other than a
Minor Ailment.
Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance Exclusions
In addition to the exclusion outlined above, under "Pre-Existing Medical Condition Exclusion," this
Certificate does not cover any services or expenses of any kind caused directly or indirectly as a result of
the following:
1. General misrepresentation
You must be accurate and complete in Your dealings with Us at all times.
a. Misrepresentation of Your health/medical information
This Certificate is issued on the basis of information in Your application or provided in
connection with Your application. When completing the application, Your answers must
be complete and accurate. In the event of a claim, We may review Your medical history.
If any of Your answers are found to be incomplete or inaccurate:
Your coverage will be void which means Your claim will not be paid, and
We will refund Your premium
Misrepresentation regarding any Medical Condition for which You or an Insured Person
gave Us or Global Excel, or CanAm false or inaccurate information about diagnosis,
Hospitalizations, Treatment, prescriptions or medications.
b. Misrepresentation of material facts other than Your health/medical information, e.g. departure
We will not pay a claim if You, any person insured under this Certificate or anyone acting
on Your behalf attempt to deceive or mislead Us, or makes a fraudulent, false or
exaggerated statement or claim.
This exclusion applies to You, Your Spouse, Your Dependent Children and Your Travelling Companion,
their Spouse and Dependent Children, whether or not they are travelling with You. It also applies to Your
parents and Your siblings and those of Your Travelling Companion, who live in the same home, whether
or not they are travelling with You.
2. a. Benefits in connection with a Medical Condition which is not Stable:
no benefit will be paid for any Medical Condition which is not Stable for a specified period of
time (as noted in the table in "Pre-Existing Medical Condition Exclusion" in the beginning of
Section 6, above) before Your Effective Date.
b. Travelling for the purpose of obtaining Treatment:
no benefit will be paid for a trip made for the purpose of obtaining a diagnosis, medical
Treatment, surgery, investigation, palliative care, or any alternative therapy, as well as any
directly or indirectly-related complication.
c. Travelling when Treatment could be expected
no benefit will be paid for any Medical Condition or symptoms for which it is reasonable to
believe or expect that Treatment or Hospitalization will be required during Your trip.
no benefit will be paid for any evident symptoms that would be reasonable to expect You to
investigate in the three (3) months prior to Your departure on a Covered Trip.
3. Illegal act
Situation where Your claim will not be paid:
claim that results from or is related to Your involvement in the commission or attempted
commission of a criminal offence or illegal act in the jurisdiction where the claim was incurred,
including driving while impaired or over the legal limit.
4. Abuse of alcohol, drug, or intoxicants
Situations where Your claim will not be paid:
any Medical Condition, including symptoms of withdrawal, arising from, or in any way related to,
Your chronic use of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants whether prior to or during Your Covered Trip;
any Medical Condition arising during Your Covered Trip from, or in any way related to, the abuse of
alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants.
5. Non-compliance with prescribed Treatment
Situation where Your claim will not be paid:
any Medical Condition that is the result of You not following medical Treatment as prescribed to
You, including prescribed or over-the-counter medication.
6. Claims related to expectant mother’s complications of pregnancy, or delivery
Situations where Your claim will not be paid:
claim related to routine pre-natal or post-natal care; or
claim related to pregnancy, delivery or complications of either, arising nine (9) weeks before the
expected date of delivery or any time after delivery.
7. Child born during the Covered Trip
Situation where Your claim will not be paid:
claim related to Your child born during the Covered Trip.
8. War or civil unrest
Situation where Your claim will not be paid:
an act of war, whether declared or undeclared; or
hostile or warlike action in time of peace or war; or
willing participation in a riot or civil unrest; or
rebellion; or
revolution; or
insurrection; or
any service in the armed forces while on duty.
9. Travel advisory
Situation where Your claim will not be paid or payment will be limited:
where an official travel advisory was issued by the Canadian government stating "Avoid all non-
essential travel" or "Avoid all travel" regarding the country, region or city of Your destination, before
Your Effective Date.
To view the travel advisories, visit the Government of Canada Travel site.
This exclusion does not apply to claims for a Medical Emergency or a Medical Condition unrelated to
the travel advisory.
10. Travel against medical advice
Situation where Your claim will not be paid:
any claim incurred after a Physician advised You not to travel.
11. Other Sports and High-Risk Activities
Situations where Your claim will not be paid:
accident that occurs while You are participating in:
o any sporting activity for which you are paid;
o any sporting event for which the winners are awarded cash prizes;
o any extreme sport or activity involving a high level of risk, such as those indicated below,
but not limited to:
parasailing, hang-gliding and paragliding;
parachuting and sky diving;
bungee jumping;
cave exploration
scuba diving, outside the limits of Your certification;
any airborne activity in any aircraft other than a passenger aircraft that holds a
valid certificate of airworthiness
any competition, speed event or other high-risk activity involving the use of a
motor vehicle on land, water or air, including training activities, whether on
approved tracks or elsewhere;
12. Inaccurate evidence of insurability
Situations where Your claim will not be paid:
with respect to Your failure to provide accurate and complete evidence of insurability as described
under Section 9: Contract or Coverage Termination or Void by Insurer.
13. Intentional self-inflicted injury
Situation where Your claim will not be paid:
intentional self-inflicted injury, suicide or attempted suicide (whether or not the Insured Person is
aware of the result of their actions), regardless of the Insured Person's state of mind.
14. Reasons for Cancellation or Interruption occurring outside the Coverage Period
Situation where Your claim will not be paid:
an incident that occurs outside the Coverage Period.
For example, no benefit will be paid with respect to an incident Medical Emergency that occurs after
11:59 p.m. ET on the last day of the Coverage Period, if You have not purchased top-up extended
Your Coverage Period.
NOTE: The day of departure counts as a full day for this purpose.
15. Non-emergency services
Situation where Your claim will not be paid:
non-emergency, experimental or elective Treatment (e.g. cosmetic surgery, chronic care,
rehabilitation including any expenses for directly or indirectly related complications).
16. Payment of benefit prohibited by Canadian law
Situation where Your claim will not be paid:
where the payment of the benefit is prohibited by Canadian law or where Canada has signed a
treaty or agreed to a sanction prohibiting such payment.
17. Reasonably Foreseeable Circumstances
Any anticipated event, occurrence, circumstance, or Medical Condition, which You had
knowledge of, on or before Your Effective Date, and which You knew might cause the
cancellation, interruption or delay of Your Covered Trip.
A Covered Trip the purpose of which is to visit or attend an ailing person, when the Medical
Condition or death of that person is the cause of the claim.
The scheduled change of a medical test or surgery that was originally scheduled before Your
Coverage Period.
18. Non-Payment of Premium
Pre-paid travel arrangements for which an insurance premium was not paid (e.g. not forming part
of the Amount of Coverage under this Certificate).
19. Travel Documents and Border Issues
The non-issuance of a travel visa due to late visa application.
Your refused entry at customs, border crossing, or security checkpoint for any reason.
20. Coverage and/or payment benefit prohibited by law
This coverage shall be null and void and no benefit will be payable where the coverage and/or
payment of the benefit is prohibited by Canadian law or by any other applicable national
economic or trade sanctions law or regulation.
Section 7: How to Become Insured, Extend or Increase
How to Become Insured
You are insured if You have proof of insurance. Your proof of insurance is in the form of the Declaration
of Coverage document that is provided to You when You complete Your Application for coverage. If You
do not receive Your proof of insurance before You depart on Your Covered Trip, You must contact
CanAm immediately.
You will have coverage once You complete all the following steps:
applicants meet the Eligibility Requirements for insurance under Section 2: Eligibility; and
apply for insurance; and
pay the required premium.
Once this is complete, You will receive Proof of Insurance.
Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Coverage Period
Trip Cancellation Coverage Period
The Trip Cancellation Insurance Coverage Period begins on the Effective Date indicated on Your
most recent Declaration of Coverage.
The Trip Cancellation Insurance Coverage Period ends on the Departure Date stated on Your
most recent Declaration of Coverage.
Trip Interruption Coverage Period
The Trip Interruption Coverage Period begins once You have departed from Your Home as
indicated on Your travel invoice or ticket, provided that the Covered Trip is reserved or purchased
with a travel supplier prior to Your Departure Date.
The Trip Interruption Coverage Period ends on the earlier of:
o The date You return to Your Home; or
o 11:59 PM ET of Your Return Date, as stated on Your most recent Declaration of
Automatic Extension of Coverage
The delay of a Common Carrier will result in an automatic extension of coverage up to a
maximum of 72 hours or until You return to Your Home, whichever is earlier.
When Your Certificate Terminates
Your Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance will automatically terminate on the earliest of:
The date the covered cause of cancellation occurred, if Your Covered Trip is cancelled before
Your departure from Your Home;
The date You return to Your Home;
11:59 PM ET of Your Return Date.
How to Extend Your Coverage Period if the Covered Trip is Extended
If You already have TD Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance coverage, You can apply to
extend the Coverage Period, by contacting CanAm by telephone, if each Insured Person qualifies for
coverage as described under Eligibility Requirements, except that:
You do not have to be in Canada when You apply to extend coverage; and
You can apply either before or after You depart on Your trip as long as:
- no Insured Person has suffered a Medical Emergency before You apply for this extension of
coverage; and
- You apply before 11:59 p.m. ET on the date on which the original coverage terminates;
Any extension is subject to approval by CanAm.
The terms, conditions and exclusions of Our Certificate issued as extended coverage apply to You and
may be different than Your existing coverage.
The terms, conditions and exclusions of the Certificate apply to You during the Extension Period.
Section 8: Insurance Premium
About Your Premium
Premiums will be based on:
the number of travellers to be insured as of the Effective Date of Your Certificate; and
the total cost of the trip for all travellers (including taxes); and
Our pricing that is in effect at the time of Your Application;
If You cancel Your insurance, some or all of Your premiums may be refunded, as described below.
NOTE: Please note that premium rates can be changed without notice.
Premium Refund
You may be eligible for a refund of Your Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance premium if:
Your Covered Trip is cancelled before You depart on Your Trip and:
o The supplier (e.g. tour operator, airline, etc.) cancels Your Covered Trip
and all penalties
are waived; or
o The supplier (e.g. tour operator, airline, etc.) changes the travel dates and You are
unable to travel on these dates and all penalties are waived; or
o You cancel Your Covered Trip before any cancellation penalties are in effect.
No refund of premium will be made in the event that a claim has been paid, incurred or reported
or if You have already departed on Your Covered Trip.
All requests for cancellation must be made to CanAm, in writing or by phone (see "How to Contact Our
Administrator" in Section 11).
by phonecancellation will be effective on the date of Your call; or
by written, mailed requestcancellation will be effective on the post-marked date of Your request.
Section 9: Contract or Coverage Termination or Void by
When Can the Insurer Void Coverage
Failure to disclose impacts Your benefits
This Certificate and all coverage hereunder is voidable by Us:
if the failure to disclose or misrepresent relates only to the amount of premium that should have
been paid; or
even if any failure to disclose or misrepresent does not relate to the cause of any claim.
May or may not be fully or partially refunded.
Section 10 How to Submit a Claim
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must report Your claim and provide completed claim form with required
supporting documentation to Global Excel as soon as possible, but no later than one (1) year after the
date it occurred.
Who to Contact to Submit a Claim
Once the Insured Person has cancelled his or her Covered Trip with the travel supplier, call Global Excel:
from Canada or the U.S., toll-free, 1-800-359-6704; or
from other countries, collect, +1-416-977-5040
Complete the Required Form
a) Request the Form
To request a claim form call Global Excel from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, Monday to Friday, toll-free at 1-
b) Time limit from date of event
If You are making a claim, You must send Global Excel the appropriate claim forms, together with
written proof of loss (e.g. original invoices and tickets, medical and/or death certificates) as soon as
possible. In every case, You must report Your claim and submit Your completed claim form with
required documentation within one (1) year from the date of the accident or the date the claim arises.
Failure to provide the applicable documentation may invalidate Your claim.
Provide the Information requested
To make a Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption claim, as part of the requirements above, under "Time
limit from date of event," We will need documentation to substantiate the claim, including but not limited to
the following:
completed claim form;
a medical document, fully completed by the legally qualified Physician in active personal
attendance and in the locality where the Medical Emergency occurred, stating the reason why
travel was not recommended, the diagnosis and all dates of Treatment;
written evidence of the covered cause of cancellation, interruption or delay;
travel supplier or tour operator terms and conditions detailing any cancellation penalties or
reimbursement for unused travel arrangements;
complete original unused transportation tickets and vouchers;
reports from the police or local authorities documenting the cause of the missed connection;
all receipts for the prepaid land arrangements as detailed in Your travel documents or itinerary
prior to departure;
all receipts for subsistence allowance expenses as approved by Global Excel;
original passenger receipts for new tickets;
detailed invoices and/or receipts from the service provider(s);
any receipts for or proof of refund already obtained from travel suppliers or tour operators;
the Insured Person will also be required to provide evidence of his or her actual or planned
Departure Date from his or her province or territory of residence;
where the claim relates to a Medical Condition, a signed “Release of Medical Information”
authorization to allow Us to obtain any further information required to complete the claim review.
NOTE: If Global Excel makes an advance payment for expenses that are later discovered to be ineligible
under this Certificate, the Insured Person must reimburse Us.
If You Report the Claim Immediately
If Global Excel guarantees or pays eligible expenses on behalf of an Insured Person, then You and, if
applicable, the Insured Person must sign an authorization form allowing Global Excel to recover those
from any health plan or other insurance; and
through rights You may have against other insurers or other parties (see Section 12: General
Conditions, under “Right of Subrogation”).
If Global Excel pays eligible expenses that are covered under other insurance or another plan, You and
the Insured Person (if applicable) must help Global Excel to seek reimbursement as required.
The Insured Person must also provide evidence of the actual departure date from his or her province or
territory of residence. If requested, an Insured Person must confirm any return dates to his or her
province or territory of residence, including any return dates related to an interruption in a Covered Trip.
NOTE: If Global Excel makes an advance payment for expenses that are later discovered to be ineligible
under this Certificate, the Insured Person must reimburse Us.
If You Do Not Report the Claim Immediately
It is important to cancel or interrupt Your Covered Trip immediately, but no later than 24 hours following
the covered cause for cancellation or interruption because the amount payable under this Certificate may
be limited to any penalties imposed by Your travel provider(s) which are in effect on the date the covered
cause for cancellation or interruption occurs.
If not, benefits will be limited as described under “Trip Interruption and Trip Interruption Insurance
Limitations” in Section 6. Refer to Section 11 under "How to Contact Our Administrator" for information
on how to get a claim form.
What Claimant Can Expect from Insurer
Once We have approved the claim, We will notify You and payment will be made within 60 days after
receipt of the required claim forms, documentation and written proof of loss. If the claim has been denied,
We will inform You of the claim denial reasons within 60 days after receipt of the required claim forms and
written proof of loss.
Section 11 How to Contact Our Administrator
How to Contact Our Administrator
1. 24-hour Emergency Assistance Number
To enquire about these benefits, or to make arrangements with respect to Trip Cancellation and Trip
Interruption Insurance, call Global Excel 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
from the U.S. or Canada, 1-800-359-6704;
from elsewhere, call collect, +1-416-977-5040.
2. Customer Service
To cancel Your insurance or to make changes to your coverage, call CanAm from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
ET, Monday to Friday, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET on Saturday, toll-free at 1-800-775-1669 or mail Your
request to:
Re: TD Travel Insurance
c/o CanAm Insurance Services
73 Queen Street
Sherbrooke, Quebec J1M 0C9
To request a claim form or for claims support, call Global Excel from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, Monday to
Friday, toll-free at 1-800-359-6704.
Section 12 General Conditions
Unless this Certificate or the Group Policy states otherwise, the following conditions apply to Your
Access to Medical Care
We and/or Global Excel will assist You to access care whenever possible, however will not be
responsible for the availability, quality or results of any medical Treatment, care or transport, or for the
failure of any Insured Person to obtain Treatment.
Benefit Payments
This Certificate contains provisions removing or restricting the right of the Insured Person to
designate persons to whom or for whose benefit money is to be payable. This means that under the
Group Policy, neither You nor any Insured Person has the right to choose a beneficiary who will receive
any benefits payable under this Certificate. Benefits are payable to You or, on Your behalf, to Your
medical service provider.
Coordination of Benefits with other insurance
All of Our coverages are excess insurance, meaning that any other sources of recovery You have will pay
first, and this insurance coverage will be the last to pay. The total benefits payable under all Your
insurance, including this Certificate, cannot be more than the actual expenses for a claim. If an Insured
Person is also insured under any other insurance certificate or policy, We will coordinate payment of
benefits with the other insurer.
All amounts shown are in Canadian currency.
Group Policy
All benefits under this Certificate are subject in every respect to the Group Policy, which alone constitutes
the agreement under which benefits will be provided. The principal provisions of the Group Policy
affecting Insured Persons are summarized in this Certificate. The Group Policy is on file at the office of
the Policyholder and upon request, You are entitled to receive and examine a copy of the Group Policy.
Legal Action Limitation Period
Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of insurance money payable under the
contract is absolutely barred unless commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions
or proceedings governed by the laws of Alberta and British Columbia), The Insurance Act (for actions or
proceedings governed by the laws of Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions or proceedings
governed by the laws of Ontario), or other applicable legislation. For those actions or proceedings
governed by the laws of Quebec, the prescriptive period is set out in the Civil Code of Quebec.
Relationship between Us and the Group Policyholder
TD Life Insurance Company and TD Home and Auto Insurance Company is affiliated with The Toronto-
Dominion Bank (“TD Bank”).
Review and Medical Examination
When a claim is being processed, We will have the right and the opportunity, at Our own expense, to
review all medical records related to the claim and to examine the Insured Person medically when and as
often as may be reasonably required.
Right of Subrogation
There may be circumstances where another person or entity should have paid You for a loss but instead
We paid You for the loss. If this occurs, You agree to co-operate with Us so We may demand payment
from the person or entity who should have paid You for the loss. This may include:
transferring to Us the debt or obligation owing to You from the other person or entity; or
permitting Us to bring a lawsuit in Your name; or
if You receive funds from the other person or entity, You will hold it in trust for Us; or
acting so as not to prejudice any of Our rights to collect payment from the other person or entity.
We will pay the costs for the actions We take.
In the event that You are found to be ineligible for coverage, or that a claim is found to be invalid, or
benefits are reduced in accordance with any policy exclusion or term or condition, We have the right to
collect from You any amount which We have paid on Your behalf to service providers or other parties.
Other Sources of Payment
The benefits payable, as described in this Certificate, are in excess of all other potential sources of
recovery, including alternative or replacement travel options offered by airlines, tour operators, cruise
lines and other travel suppliers and other insurance coverage (even where such other coverage is
described as excess) and will only become available after all other sources are exhausted.
In this Certificate, the following words and phrases shown in italics and capitalized have the meanings
shown below. As You read through the Certificate, please refer to this section to ensure You have a full
understanding of Your coverage, limitations and exclusions.
Means the series of questions that form Your application and are submitted:
on Your behalf when You apply by telephone; or
when You apply online.
The Application, which is used to determine Your eligibility, forms part of Your
insurance contract and is used to process Your request for insurance.
Amount of Coverage
Means the insurable amount of Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance that
You purchase under this Certificate. This is the maximum amount of money that You
may be eligible to receive in the event of an approved claim for Trip Cancellation or
Trip Interruption of a Covered Trip.
Business Meeting
Means a meeting, tradeshow, training course, or convention scheduled before Your
Effective Date between companies with unrelated ownership, pertaining to Your full-
time occupation or profession and that is the sole purpose of Your Trip. Legal
proceedings are not considered to be a Business Meeting.
Means the permanent, full-time person entrusted with the well-being of Your
Dependent Child or Children and whose absence cannot reasonably be replaced.
Means this Certificate of Insurance.
Change in Medication
Means the medication dosage or frequency has been reduced, increased, stopped
and/or new medication(s) has/have been prescribed.
Exceptions: A change from a brand name medication to a generic brand medication
of the same dosage does not constitute a Change in Medication.
Common Carrier
Means any land, air or water conveyance (e.g. passenger plane, ferry, cruise ship,
bus, limousine, taxi or train) which is licensed to carry passengers without
discrimination and for hire, excluding courtesy transportation provided without a
specific charge.
Coverage Period
Means the time between the Effective Date of Your Certificate and the return date
indicated in Your Application or most recent Declaration of Coverage.
Covered Trip
Means a trip:
made by an Insured Person outside the Insured Person’s province or territory
of residence; and
that begins on the Departure Date of Your Certificate and ends on the return
date shown in the Application or, Your most recent Declaration of Coverage;
That does not extend to or past:
o The date the Insured Person no longer meets the eligibility
requirements set out in Section 2;
o The date coverage terminates as described in Section 7.
That was booked or reserved prior to Departure Date from Your Home.
Declaration of Coverage
Means the document You receive when You apply for new or additional coverage
under the Group Policy, which includes Your Certificate number and confirms the
coverage You have purchased.
Departure Date
Means the date You leave Home, as shown on Your Covered Trip itinerary.
Dependent Child(ren)
Means Your natural, adopted, or step-children who are:
unmarried; and
dependent on You for financial maintenance and support; and
o under 22 years of age; or
o under 26 years of age and attending an institution of higher learning,
full-time, in Canada; or
o mentally or physically disabled.
NOTE: A Dependent Child does not include a child born while the child’s
mother is outside her province or territory of residence during the Covered
Trip, and as such, the child will not be insured with respect to that trip.
Dollars and $
Mean Canadian dollars.
Effective Date
Means the date and time the required premium is paid and the Certificate takes effect
as shown on Your insurance Application or most recent Declaration of Coverage.
Extension Period
Means the additional period of coverage which You purchase by contacting Our
Administrator as described in Section 7.
Group Policy or Group
Means TD Life Insurance Company (“TD Life”) under Group Policy Number TI004 and
TD Home and Auto Insurance Company ("TD Home & Auto") under Group Policy
Number TGV007.
Your Canadian province or territory of residence, if You requested coverage to
start when You depart on Your Covered Trip; or
The place You leave from on the first day of coverage and are scheduled or
ticketed to return to on the last day of coverage, in the case of Trip
An institution that is licensed as an accredited hospital that is staffed and
operated for the care and treatment of in-patients and out-patients. Treatment
must be supervised by Physicians and there must be registered nurses on duty
24 hours a day. Diagnostic and surgical capabilities must also exist on the
premises or in facilities controlled by the establishment.
A Hospital is not an establishment used mainly as a clinic, extended or
palliative care facility, rehabilitation facility, addiction treatment centre,
convalescent, rest or nursing home, home for the aged or health spa.
Hospitalized, or
Means to be an inpatient in a Hospital.
Immediate Family
Means an Insured Person's:
Spouse, parents, step-parent, grandparents, natural or adopted children, step-
children or legal ward, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, step-brothers, step-
sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews; and
mother-in-law, father-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law,
daughters-in-law; and
the Insured Person’s Spouse’s grandparents, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-
Insured Person(s)
Means a person:
who is eligible to be insured under this Certificate; and
who was named in the Application; and
for whom the required premium has been paid; and
on whom insurance has been issued under the Certificate.
Key Employee
Means a business partner, or an employee who is critical to the ongoing affairs of Your
business during the trip.
Exceptions: This applies exclusively to self-employed individuals.
Medical Condition
Means any disease, illness, or injury (including symptoms of undiagnosed conditions
complication of pregnancy within the first thirty-one (31) weeks of pregnancy; a mental
or emotional disorder, including acute psychosis that requires admission to a Hospital.
Medical Emergency
Means a sudden and unforeseen Medical Condition that requires immediate
Treatment. A Medical Emergency no longer exists when the evidence reviewed by
Global Excel indicates that no further Treatment is required at destination or You are
able to return to Your province/territory of residence for further Treatment.
Minor Ailment
Means any sickness or injury which does not require:
the use of medication for a period greater than fifteen (15) days; or
more than one (1) follow up visit to a Physician, Hospitalization, surgical intervention,
or referral to a specialist; or
which ends at least fourteen (14) consecutive days prior to the Departure Date of the
Covered Trip.
NOTE: A chronic condition or complications of a chronic condition are not considered a
Minor Ailment.
Means the ascent or descent of a mountain requiring the use of specialized equipment,
including crampons, pick-axes, anchors, bolts, carabineers and lead-rope or top-rope
anchoring equipment.
Means a person who is not You or Your Immediate Family Member or Your Travelling
Companion, licensed in the jurisdiction where the services are provided, to prescribe
and administer medical treatment.
Pre-Existing Medical
Means any Medical Condition that exists prior to Your Effective Date
Resident of Canada
and/or Canadian
Is any person who:
has lived in Canada for a total of 183 days within the last year (the 183 days do not
have to be consecutive); or
is a member of the Canadian Armed Forces.
Return Date
The date on which You are scheduled to return to Your Home. This date is shown on
Your insurance application or most recent Declaration of Coverage.
the person who the Insured Person is legally married to; or
the person the Insured Person has lived with for at least one (1) year and publicly
refers to as his or her domestic partner.
Means a Medical Condition, other than a Minor Ailment, is considered Stable when all
of the following statements are true:
1. there has not been any new Treatment prescribed or recommended, or change(s)
to existing Treatment (including a stoppage in Treatment); and
2. there has not been any change to any existing prescribed drug (including an
increase, decrease, or stoppage to prescribed dosage), or any recommendation or
starting of a new Prescription Drug; and
3. the Medical Condition has not become worse; and
4. there has not been any new, more frequent or more severe symptoms; and
5. there has been no Hospitalization or referral to a specialist; and
6. there have not been any tests, investigation or Treatment recommended, but not
yet complete, nor any outstanding test results; and
7. there is no planned or pending Treatment.
All of the above conditions must be met for a Medical Condition to be considered
Note: The following exceptions are considered Stable:
the routine adjustment of Coumadin, warfarin or insulin (as long
as they are not newly prescribed or stopped) and there has been
no change in Your Medical Condition; or
A change from a brand name medication to a generic brand
medication of the same dosage.
Travelling Companion
Means any person who travels with You during the Covered Trip and who is sharing
transportation and/or accommodation with You.
Exceptions: No more than three (3) individuals (including You) will be considered
travel companions on any one trip.
Treated or Treatment
Means a procedure prescribed, performed or recommended by a Physician for a
Medical Condition. This includes but is not limited to prescribed medication,
investigative testing and surgery.
We, Us and Our
TD Life with respect to the medically covered causes for Trip Cancellation and
Trip Interruption Insurance; and
TD Home & Auto with respect to the non-medically covered causes for Trip
Cancellation and Trip Interruption Insurance.
You, Your and Yours
Means the person(s) named as the Insured Person(s) on Your most recent Declaration
of Coverage, for which insurance coverage was applied and the appropriate premium
has been received by Us.
This is the end of Your Certificate of Insurance.
Complaint-Handling Process for TD Life Insurance
At TD Insurance we're committed to providing the best customer experience. Your confidence and trust
are extremely important to us. If you have a problem or concern, you can contact us in the way most
convenient for you. To do so, follow the complaint-handling process on our website at tdinsurance.com.
Step 1: Contact Our Administrator
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your claim, you may appeal the decision by contacting our
administrator by phone, mail, or email using the contact information provided below:
Global Excel
Attention: Appeals Department
73 Queen Street
Sherbrooke, Quebec J1M 0C9
Phone: 1-800-359-6704
Email: TDI.Claims@globalexcel.com
Step 2: Contact TD Insurance Customer Care
If you are not satisfied with the solution offered in Step 1, the problem will be escalated to the TD
Insurance Customer Care Department. At this level a TD Insurance Customer Care Manager will work
with you to understand the problem. The TD Insurance Customer Care Manager will provide you with the
decision on the matter. You may contact the TD Insurance Customer Care Department directly by phone,
mail or email using the contact information provided below:
TD Insurance Customer Care Department
PO Box 1
TD Centre
Toronto, Ontario M5K 1A2
Phone: 1-877-734-1288
Email: tdinsc[email protected]m
Please be sure to include your full name, address, telephone number, Certificate and/or claim number in
all inquiries.
Step 3 Contact the Senior Customer Complaints Office
If your problem or concern remains unresolved after you have followed Steps 1 and 2, you may contact
the Senior Customer Complaints Office (SCCO). The SCCO is dedicated to resolving disputes fairly and
professionally. If the SCCO determines that your concern has not been addressed by a Customer Care
Manager as outlined in Step 2, the SCCO may direct your problem to the appropriate business area for
investigation and response. Within five days of receiving your enquiry, the SCCO will write or call to
advise you if and where your problem has been redirected, whether it has been resolved, or in more
complex cases, what further steps are being taken and when you can expect a resolution. You may
contact the SCCO by:
Senior Customer Complaints Office
P.O. Box 1
TD Centre
Toronto, Ontario M5K 1A2
Phone: 416-982-4884 or 1-888-361-0319 (toll free)
Fax: 416-983-3460 or 1-866-891-2410 (toll free)
Email: td.scco@td.com
Please be sure to include your full name, address, telephone number, Certificate and/or claim number in
all inquiries.
Step 4 If your problem or concern remains unsatisfied after you have received the SCCO's final position
letter you may contact the appropriate OmbudService:
Contact for home and auto complaints:
General Insurance OmbudService (GIO)
4711 Yonge Street, 10
Toronto, Ontario M2N 6K8
Phone: 1-877-225-0446 (toll free)
Fax: 416-299-4261
Website: www.giocanada.org
Contact for life and health complaints:
OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance (OLHI)
20 Adelaide Street East, Suite 802
P.O. Box 29
Toronto, Ontario M5C 2T6
Phone: 416-777-9002 or 1-888-295-8112 (toll free)
Fax: 416-777-9750
Website: www.olhi.ca
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) supervises federally regulated financial institutions to
ensure that they comply with federal consumer protection laws.
The FCAC also helps educate consumers, and monitors industry codes of conduct and public
commitments designed to protect the interests of consumers. At TD Insurance, we comply with consumer
laws that protect you in various ways. For example, we will provide you with information about our
complaint-handling procedures. We also comply with the CBA Code of Conduct for Authorized Insurance
If you have a complaint regarding a potential violation of a consumer protection law, a public commitment,
or an industry code of conduct, you can contact the FCAC in writing at:
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Enterprise Building, 6th Floor
427 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario
K1R 1B9
The FCAC can also be contacted by telephone at 1-866-461-3222 (en français 1-866-461-2232).
For more information about the FCAC, please visit www.fcac-acfc.gc.ca Please note: The FCAC does not
become involved in matters of redress or compensation all requests for redress from TD Insurance
must follow the problem resolution process available in this site.
535106 (0523)
Consent to TD Insurance Handling of Your Personal Information and Privacy
You consent to Our Privacy Policy. You agree that TD Insurance which includes the Toronto Dominion
Bank and affiliated companies (collectively "TD") may handle your personal information as we set out in
our Privacy Policy. You can find our Privacy Policy online at td.com/privacy.
You have choices. The Privacy Policy outlines your options, where available, to refuse or withdraw your
Here is a summary of our Privacy Policy.
We collect, use, share and retain your information to:
Identify you
Process your application and assess your
Underwrite insurance
Provide you ongoing service
Communicate with you
Personalize our relationship with you
Determine the right product, premium or
Improve TD products and services
Protect against fraud, financial abuse and
Manage and assess our risks
Meet legal and regulatory obligations
We collect information (for the purposes set out above) from you and others including:
Fraud prevention agencies and registries From your interactions with us, including on
your mobile device or the Internet, cameras
at our property and records of your use of
our products and services
A personal investigation report prepared in
verifying and/or authenticating the
information you provide in your life or health
insurance application
We may share your information (for the purposes set out above) with these parties. Some of them
may be located outside your province/territory or outside Canada:
TD affiliates
Fraud prevention agencies and registries
Health-care professionals
Companies that we work with to provide
products or services
Insurance companies (including prospective
insurers and reinsurers)
Organizations who manage public
information data banks, or insurance
information bureaus , including the MIB
Group, Inc. and the Insurance Bureau of
We retain your information:
We keep your information for as long as we reasonably need it for the purposes set out above.
How we may communicate with you:
We may communicate with you about your application and about other products and services that may be
of interest to you. We may contact you by phone or text at the number(s) you have provided, or by mail,
email or other electronic methods.
You can opt out of receiving offers or choose how we contact you for marketing campaign purposes. You
may do so by contacting TD Life Insurance Company at 1-800-775-1669.
Any health care professional, medically-
related facility, insurance company,
government agency, organizations who
manage public information data banks, or
insurance information bureaus, including
MIB Group, Inc. and the Insurance Bureau
of Canada