2025 Sample Application:
If applying to Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS)
PAGE 1: Eligibility
PLEASE NOTE: The YYGS application is designed to save as you go, and you do NOT need to complete it all in one
sitting. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Continue" OR if you click on any other application
page title (e.g., Eligibility) on the left-hand menu, then it will auto-save your work.
Please review the eligibility criteria for Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) provided below.
Please read this carefully and answer the questions below to verify your eligibility. On the next page,
you will be able to indicate the specific session you are applying to. For updates about 2025 YYGS plans,
please review our COVID-19 website and visit our YYGS website.
Questions about Eligibility? Please contact YYGS.
Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS)
In order to apply to YYGS, applicants MUST fulfill ALL of the following requirements:
Age: Be between 16-18 years old on July 20, 2025 (first day of Session III)
English Fluency: Be able to participate in a rigorous academic curriculum conducted in English*
Grade Level: Be a current high school sophomore or junior (U.S. grade 10 or 11, or international
Graduation Date: Be graduating in May/June 2026 or 2027 from the Northern Hemisphere, or in
Nov./Dec. 2025 or 2026 from the Southern Hemisphere
Participation: Be first-time participants in YYGS.** If you have participated in ANY YYGS session in any
previous summer (2025 and prior), then you are NOT eligible to participate in any of the YYGS 2025
Required Components:
Activities list
One 400-word essay and one 200-word response
Two "fast take" responses (280 characters each)
Official school transcript
One recommender (who will complete the YYGS Recommendation Form ONLY)
English fluency test scores (TOEFL or DuoLingo), if available (submit or waive)
Need-based financial aid*** (submit or waive)
YYGS accepts applications from ALL countries, and offers the opportunity for students to apply for need-based
financial aid to students from ALL countries.
*YYGS includes university-level lectures, discussions, and group projects that require a high level of proficiency in
English. If you are unable to participate in YYGS due to English language fluency concerns, then you will be required
to withdraw from the program and return home at your own expense.
**If you previously applied to YYGS but were not offered admission or were unable attend AND you meet all the
eligibility criteria (noted above), then you are encouraged to re-apply for YYGS 2025.
***The "Need-Based Financial Aid" page only appears after you indicate citizenship on the "Personal Information"
page. You will not see it as an option until this is complete. Need-based financial aid is available equally to all
students from all countries around the world.
Early Action & Regular Decision
Please review all information provided on our Application Deadlines website before proceeding.
Eligibility Verification: YYGS
No, I DO NOT meet ALL of the YYGS requirements / I am NOT INTERESTED in YYGS.
Yes, I meet ALL of the YYGS eligibility requirements listed above.
PAGE 2: Session Selection
Session Preference
Below are the 2025 YYGS session offerings grouped by the dates when each session runs. You may click on the
hyperlinked titles to review session descriptions. Please indicate up to four (4) session topics and three (3) date
Questions about Session/Date Preference? Please contact YYGS.
Session I: June 22 July 4, 2025
Innovations in Science & Technology (IST I)
Literature, Philosophy, & Culture (LPC I)
Politics, Law, & Economics (PLE I)
Solving Global Challenges (SGC I)
Session II: July 6 - July 18, 2025
Innovations in Science & Technology (IST II)
Literature, Philosophy, & Culture (LPC II)
Politics, Law, & Economics (PLE II)
Solving Global Challenges (SGC II)
Session III: July 20 - August 1, 2025
Innovations in Science & Technology (IST III)
Literature, Philosophy, & Culture (LPC III)
Politics, Law, & Economics (PLE III)
Solving Global Challenges (SGC III)
Topic Preference
How many session preferences would you like to indicate?
1 - Please consider me for my first choice session ONLY
2 - Please consider me for my first and second choice sessions ONLY
3 - Please consider me for my first, second, and third choice sessions ONLY
4 - Please consider me for my first, second, third, and fourth choice sessions
First Preference
Innovations in Science &
Technology (IST)
Literature, Philosophy, &
Culture (LPC)
Politics, Law, & Economics
Solving Global Challenges (SGC)
Second Preference
Innovations in Science &
Technology (IST)
Literature, Philosophy, &
Culture (LPC)
Politics, Law, & Economics
Solving Global Challenges (SGC)
I want to be considered for my
first choice only.
Third Preference
Innovations in Science &
Technology (IST)
Literature, Philosophy, &
Culture (LPC)
Politics, Law, & Economics
Solving Global Challenges (SGC)
I want to be considered for my
first and second choices only.
Please explain why you chose the session(s) above, including your reasoning for how you ranked each session.
(100 Words)
SHORT ANSWER: We know students have many options for academic enrichment programs to which to
apply. Please explain why you chose to apply for YYGS specifically AND why you would be a great fit for
the program. What will you contribute to YYGS, and what do you hope to take away from YYGS and bring back to
impact your community? (100 Words)
Date Preference
Which dates are you AVAILABLE to attend YYGS? Please select all that apply.
Session I (June 22 July 4)
Session II (July 6 - July 18)
Session III (July 20 - August 1)
Which session dates would be your FIRST CHOICE preference to attend YYGS? Please select only one.
Session I (June 22 July 4)
Session II (July 6 - July 18)
Session III (July 20 - August 1)
Please explain your responses above, including both your availability across all three session dates as well as your
first choice session dates. (100 Words)
PAGE 3: Personal Information
First (Given/Prénom):
Middle (If any):
Last (Surname/Family Name):
Suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., I, II, III):
Permanent (Home) Address
Street Address
Postal Code
Mailing Address
Street Address
Postal Code
Valid From (optional)
Valid Until (optional)
Email Address
Current Email
Telephone Numbers (example +2127777777)
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Biographical Information
Citizenship Information
Primary Citizenship
Dual Citizenship (if applicable)
PAGE 4: Family Information
Parent/Guardian 1
Please enter information for the adult who is primarily responsible for your custody and care.
This is likely your parent or legal guardian, but may be another adult.
Given that the majority of applicants are typically 16-17 years old (minors), please note that our
staff needs you to provide this information for an adult who can be included on most communications to you.
Parent/Guardian 1: Name
First (Given)
Middle (if any)
Last (Surname)
Is parent/guardian 1 living?
If “No,” Please Note: Parent/Guardian 1 contact information needs to be for a living adult who current
assists (in any way) with your care and can be included in communications to you.
If you have a parent/guardian who is deceased, please enter their information in the Parent/Guardian 2
section below (including if more than one Parent/Guardian is deceased, you can note that in description
Does parent/guardian 1 have custody?
Parent/Guardian 1: Home Address
Same as my permanent address
Same as my mailing address
Add a new address
Parent/Guardian 1: Contact Information
*NOTE: Please provide the best email address for YYGS/YYAS staff to use to send important
materials that will need to be completed by your parent/guardian.
Primary Phone Number
Primary Phone Type Cell Home Work
Add alternative phone number?
Education Level
Graduate/Professional Degree
Bachelor Degree
Some College/University
High School Graduate
Some High School or Less
Is parent/guardian 1 employed?
If "Yes," please describe the nature of parent/guardian 1's employment and any/all ways they
earn an income, in your own words in as much detail as possible, including job title(s) and
organization(s)/company(ies) where relevant. For example, "works full-time as a biology teacher at Fairview
Middle School during the academic year, in the summer works part-time at a restaurant and sells vegetables
from garden at a weekly farmer's market."
If "No," please explain the situation in detail, and whether or not parent/guardian 1 currently
earns any kind of income/wages. For example, "previously worked as a software engineer at Microsoft,
was recently laid off, and currently collects unemployment benefits from government" or "chose to resign 5
years ago from working as a teller at a local Chase Bank in order to be a stay-at-home parent/guardian and
provide childcare."
OPTIONAL: Is there anything else you would like us to know about parent/guardian 1? If
needed, you can provide any information that was not covered in the previous questions.
Parent/Guardian 2
If you only have knowledge of one parent/guardian, please select 'No Parent/Guardian 2'. Otherwise, please
complete this section.
No Parent/Guardian 2
Parent/Guardian 2: Name
First (Given)
Middle (if any)
Last (Surname)
Is parent/guardian 2 living?
Does parent/guardian 1 have custody?
Parent/Guardian 2: Home Address
Same as my permanent address
Same as my mailing address
Add a new address
Parent/Guardian 2: Contact Information
Primary Phone Number
Primary Phone Type Cell Home Work
Add alternative phone number?
Education Level
Graduate/Professional Degree
Bachelor Degree
Some College/University
High School Graduate
Some High School or Less
Is parent/guardian 2 employed?
If "Yes," please describe the nature of parent/guardian 2's employment and any/all ways they
earn an income, in your own words in as much detail as possible, including job title(s) and
organization(s)/company(ies) where relevant. For example, "works full-time as a biology teacher at Fairview
Middle School during the academic year, in the summer works part-time at a restaurant and sells vegetables
from garden at a weekly farmer's market."
If "No," please explain the situation in detail, and whether or not parent/guardian 2 currently
earns any kind of income/wages. For example, "previously worked as a software engineer at Microsoft,
was recently laid off, and currently collects unemployment benefits from government" or "chose to resign 5
years ago from working as a teller at a local Chase Bank in order to be a stay-at-home parent/guardian and
provide childcare."
OPTIONAL: Is there anything else you would like us to know about parent/guardian 2? If
needed, you can provide any information that was not covered in the previous questions.
PAGE 5: Household Information
General Information
Whom do you live with permanently?
Parent/Guardian 1
Parent/Guardian 2
Parent/Guardian 1 and 2
Total number of adults age 19 or older currently living in your home?
Total number of children (including you) age 18 or younger currently living in your home?
Please use this space to describe the total number of people currently living in your home (if
you feel this could use further explanation).
Do you have any siblings?
If yes, how many siblings?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or More
Sibling Information (will be asked for each sibling)
Brother Sister Half-brother Half-sister Step-brother Step-sister
Education level
Graduate/Professional Degree
Bachelor Degree
Some College/University
High School Graduate
Some High School or Less
Is this sibling a YYGS or YYAS alumnus/a?
Yes, they are a YYGS alumnus/a
Yes, they are a YYAS alumnus/a
Yes, they are an alumna/us of both YYGS and YYAS
Yes, but I can't remember which program they did
No, they never participated in YYGS or YYAS
I don't know
Additional Household Members
Any additional relatives/members in your household?
If “Yes,” please list additional members (Name, Relationship, Age)
Other Household Information (Optional)
OPTIONAL: Is there anything else you would like us to know about the members of your
household? If needed, you can provide any information that was not covered in the previous questions.
PAGE 6: Education Instructions
On the next page, you MUST take these actions:
PART I - Official Transcript: Enter contact information for at least one “School Official” who YYGS staff
will contact in order to have them send us your Official Transcript.
What is an Official Transcript, and what information does YYGS need?
An Official Transcript is a document(s) provided by your school that includes a list of courses and grades
received from U.S. Grade 9 (or equivalent) to present. YYGS requires* that any Official Transcript(s) provided
Previous Courses: Include all courses taken and grades received from U.S. Grade 9 (or equivalent)
to present. Typically, this will include all courses taken/grades received to date (including while you
were ages 14, 15, and/or 16 years old).
Current Courses: Include any courses in which you are currently enrolled.
Date Received: Be submitted by your school official(s) to YYGS by Jan. 10, 2025 at 11:59pm EST.
YYGS reviews on a rolling basis, and our Early Action deadline is Oct. 20, 2024.
*If your school is unable to provide any of this information (above), please contact us.
What should I do if I have attended more than one school?
If your current school can provide a full transcript from U.S. Grade 9 to present, then you
should only add your current school to the application.
If your new school does not have your past records and you have switched schools since Grade
9 (age 13/14), then please add information for both your previous school(s) AND current school.
PART II - Additional Information: Share your current grade level, graduation date, and any awards
received. YYGS also offers the option to upload an Unofficial Transcript in this section.
How is an Unofficial Transcript different from an Official Transcript?
Unofficial Transcript: An Unofficial Transcript is provided by the student themselves. In Education
Part II, students have the option to upload their own transcript (this is not required).
Official Transcript: See "What is an Official Transcript?" definition (in the Part I section above). An
Official Transcript is provided by a School Official.
School Official: A "School Official" is any adult (typically 25 years of age or older) who works at your
school (typically a teacher, guidance counselor, principal, registrar, or other administrator). in
Education Part I, you must provide contact information (including an email address) for at least one
such School Official. YYGS then emails the School Official a unique link to securely upload your
Official Transcript directly to your application.
YYGS can only accept Official Transcripts via uploads to the unique link emailed to a
School Official; we do not accept mailed transcripts nor any transcripts via Parchment**.
**For schools that use Parchment, students and/or School Officials typically have the transcript sent to
themselves, and then they upload it themselves via the unique links provided by YYGS.
Please contact YYGS if you have additional questions about grade level, graduation date or
Below please find a few key reminders about submitting transcripts.
Transcripts can be received AFTER your application is submitted (our software
automatically attaches them to your file). You do not need to wait for your transcript in order to submit
your portion of your application.
To be eligible to be reviewed, an application must have an Official Transcript or
Unofficial Transcript submitted.
Common Example: While the application software requires you to provide contact information for a
School Official in Education Part I, if that School Official does not ultimately end up submitting your
Official Transcript, then in order for your application to be reviewed, you would need to submit an
Unofficial Transcript (either in Education Part II prior to application submission, or via your Applicant
Status portal after application submission).
PAGE 7: Education Part I Transcript and Additional Information
On this page, be sure to carefully read the instructions below and then complete each section. If you have any
questions or need any further information, please review the instructions on the previous “Education
Instructions” page and/or contact us.
IMPORTANT Step-By-Step Instructions: How to (1) add Institutions/Schools and (2) add contact
information for a School Official(s) to submit an Official Transcript.
Step 1. Add School/Institution: Click “Add Institution” link to add school information. If your
school is not on the drop-down list, just type the information in and click save. Please add only the
school(s) you attended in U.S. grades 9, 10, and/or 11 (or international equivalent); you may enter up to
four (4) schools.
Step 2. Add School Official: Once you finish submitting school/institution information, click “Add
School Official” link to add contact information for school administrators, principals, or guidance
Step 3. Continue: Once you click “Continue” at the bottom of the page, your school official(s) will
receive an email with instructions explaining how to submit Official Transcript online to YYGS.
Step 4. Confirmation: Check with your school official to make sure they received the email and
successfully submitted your transcript. You should receive a confirmation email once YYGS receives
your transcript from your school official. If you listed more than one school, you should check with
any/all school officials regarding the status of your respective transcripts.
Questions about Education? Please contact YYGS.
Coursework & Transcripts
Dates Attended
Add Institution
You must add your institution before you may add your school official.
PAGE 8: Education Part II
Unofficial Transcript(s) (Optional)
YYGS offers the option for students to upload an Unofficial Transcript. Please know that we still require
a school official to submit an Official Transcript on your behalf.
We encourage students whose transcript is in a language other than English to upload both the original and
English translation of the transcript. You do not have to pay for a translation service, and your English teacher
may translate this document for you.
Directions: To upload an Unofficial Transcript, contact your school or login to your school’s student portal.
You can download this document or take screenshots and upload the file(s) below:
Upload Transcripts
Please explain and/or elaborate on any of the uploads you provided (above).
School Information
Please provide information (below) for the following school:
[School Name Automatically Imported From Previous Page]
Where is your school located?
Rural (FAR from a city)
Suburban (NEAR a city)
Urban (IN a city)
Please select the answer that best describes your school?
Grade Level & Graduation Date
What GRADE LEVEL will you be on
the following date: January 10, 2025?
Sophomore (U.S. grade 10 or equivalent)
Junior (U.S. grade 11 or equivalent)
Senior (U.S. grade 12 or equivalent)
What month and year will you
GRADUATE high school/secondary school?
Eligible applicants from the Northern Hemisphere will graduate in
May/June 2026 or 2027, and from the Southern Hemisphere will
graduate in December 2025 or 2026.
Awards (Optional)
OPTIONAL: List a maximum of five (5) previous awards, honors, scholarships, fellowships,
and/or recognitions along with the date(s) they were received.
If you would like to skip this question and enter zero (0) awards, then please leave the dropdown menu blank.
Please indicate the number of awards, honors, scholarships, fellowships, and/or recognitions (noted
simply as "Awards" in the following questions) that you would like to share with YYGS.
*Please Note: If you choose to list awards, for each one you will be asked to note the year and month you
received the award, the name of the award, and a short description (140 characters).
PAGE 9: English Fluency Test Scores (Optional)
Instructions: Submitting English Fluency Test scores is not a requirement to apply. This portion of the
application is optional.
If you choose to submit your English Fluency Test scores, you must upload a copy of your score
results and report your score information below. YYGS accepts the Cambridge English Language
Assessment (Cambridge English), Duolingo English Test (Duolingo), International English Language Testing
System (IELTS), Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic), and/or Test of English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL).
Applicants who do not attend an English-medium school (a school that teaches all of its core subjects
in English) are encouraged to submit these scores if they are available; however, this is not a requirement.
If you choose to submit your English Fluency Test scores, then you may submit as many test scores as
you like.
Questions about English Fluency Tests. Please contact YYGS.
Add Test
Acceptable formats are .pdf, .doc, and .docx. If you would like to submit multiple score reports, please combine
them into a single .pdf file or word document and upload the file.
PLEASE NOTE: YYGS will only accept Cambridge English, Duolingo, IELTS, PTE Academic, and/or
TOEFL scores, and any/all other score reports submitted will be deleted.
PAGE 10: Recommendations
General instructions: YYGS requires one (1) recommendation. We encourage students to connect with
teachers, guidance counselors, coaches, adult club leaders (e.g., youth group leader, choir director, math club
supervisor), employers, and/or school officials to provide their recommendations. The longer
the recommender has known you, the better their recommendation will be.
Please click "Add Recommender" below. Your recommender will receive an email containing a link to
complete a standardized recommender form. The recommendation MUST be submitted by your
recommender to ensure confidentiality and authenticity. You may not submit your own
You should follow up with your recommender and kindly remind them of your request as the deadline
approaches. Please have your recommender check their spam folder if they cannot find the email. You will
receive an email confirmation after your recommendation has been submitted.
Our Early Action deadline is Oct. 20, 2024, and the final deadline to submit is January 10, 2025 at
11:59 PM EST.
Recommendations from parents/guardians, siblings, relatives, family friends, and/or paid
private tutors/counselors will NOT be accepted.
Questions about recommendations? Please contact YYGS.
Add Recommender
PAGE 11: Activities List
To help us better understand your life outside of the classroom, please start by listing one experience that is
most meaningful to you. This can be an extracurricular activity, community involvement, family
responsibility, or other pursuit.
Activity 1
Cadet Corps/Junior R.O.T.C.
Community Service/
Volunteer Work
Family Responsibilities
Foreign Language/
Foreign Exchange
School Spirit
Student Government/Politics
Work (Paid)
Date Started (Month, Year)
Date Ended (Month, Year) If Applicable
Currently participating in this activity?
Hours per week
Activity/Organization Name (65 characters maximum)
Position (65 characters maximum)
Description (130 characters maximum)
Why is this activity most meaningful to you? (100 words maximum)
Additional Activities
In addition to the activity that is most meaningful, you may include up to 2 additional activities that have been
particularly important to you.
Number of additional activities?
N/A - Not Applicable
Additional Activity 2 and/or 3 (will be asked for each)
Cadet Corps/Junior R.O.T.C.
Community Service/
Volunteer Work
Family Responsibilities
Foreign Language/
Foreign Exchange
School Spirit
Student Government/Politics
Work (Paid)
Date Started (Month, Year)
Date Started (Month, Year) If Applicable
Currently participating in this activity?
Hours per week
Activity/Organization Name (65 characters maximum)
Position (65 characters maximum)
Description (130 characters maximum)
PAGE 12: YYGS Essays:
**NOTE** We strongly suggest writing your essays first using writing software (e.g., Microsoft Word,
Text Editor, drafted as an email), then copy and paste into the spaces below. If you time out of your
login on this page, then you risk losing the essays you have written here, so be sure to save them
somehow before clicking "Continue" at the bottom of the page.
**AI NOTICE** While some students may choose to use ChatGPT or other AI tools to assist
them, your essay must be your own work, which should help YYGS learn more about you.
**PLAGIARISM NOTICE** Your written responses MUST be solely your own work and
ideas. Plagiarism, either full or in part, will result in your application being withdrawn.
ESSAY: This question is designed to allow you to explain your response in detail.
The YYGS application is designed to provide practice and experience with the process of applying to college or
university anywhere in the world. In that spirit, for the essay question this year, please answer the following
prompt from the Common Application:
Please reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your
thinking? What was the outcome?
(200-400 words)
FAST TAKE: These questions are designed to allow you to be creative.
If someone offered you a box with every inanimate object you have ever lost, what is the first
thing you are looking for? Why? (280 Characters)
What's one skill, talent, or hobby that you have always wanted to learn how to do? (280
SHORT ANSWER: This question is designed to allow you to summarize your thoughts.
We want to learn more about your background, beliefs, values, and/or the important people in your
life. Please tell us about something that has influenced you and articulate how it has shaped
you. (200 words)
PAGE 13: Need-Based Financial Aid
YYGS provides need-based financial aid, which is offered as a discount on tuition (covering up to 100% of
tuition). Students with any type of demonstrated financial need are encouraged to apply for YYGS need-based
financial aid below.
Demonstrated financial need is considered separately from each student's eligibility and application materials,
and students are encouraged to provide us with as much information as possible (the information
you provide will be kept confidential).
Though our programs cannot meet all requests for financial aid, we strive to meet as many requests as we can
in a given year.
If you choose to apply for financial aid, YYGS will ask you to provide a Statement of Need and Supporting
Documentation, which can include:
Parent/Legal Guardian's Tax Return for most recent year available (2023 or 2024) - Preferred
Parent/Legal Guardian's Bank Statements (2024-2025)
Parent/Legal Guardian's Employment Status/Income (e.g., Paystub, Letter from Employer)
Parent/Legal Guardian's Additional Income (e.g., Alimony)
Supporting Documentation: SNAP, TANF, and/or Federal Free or Reduced Lunch - U.S. Only
YYGS reserves the right to request more documentation, if necessary, to help us best understand your
demonstrated need.
Questions about Need-Based Financial Aid? Please contact YYGS.
Would you like to apply for financial aid to YYGS?
Would you like to apply for need-based financial aid to YYGS?
Yes, I would like to be considered for need-based financial aid (partial- or full-tuition discount)
No, I do not wish to be considered for need-based financial aid
If you responded “NO” to the question (above), then:
I understand by clicking 'No' in this application that I waive my right to request financial aid at any later
time in the YYGS application/admissions process.
NOTE: There is NOT a separate application for financial aid, so you must apply for it in this section of the
overall YYGS application.
If you responded “YES” to the question (above), then:
Assistance with Request
The Financial Aid request page is one place in the YYGS application where students are encouraged to get help
from a trusted adult in completing this form with as a much detail as possible (though it is okay to complete it
by yourself, if needed). It is also permitted for a family member to complete this request page by themselves, if
there is sensitive financial information that they wish to keep private from their child.
To help us better process your request, please indicate (below) who is completing this
Financial Aid request page.
ONLY the student applicant (with no help provided)
ONLY the parent/guardian or family member (with no help provided)
Student applicant with help from Parent/Guardian or Family Member
Student applicant with help from Mentor (non-family member, such as teacher, coach, pastor)
If “Other,” please explain:
Please note the FULL NAME(S) of the person(s) who is completing (or assisting with
completing) this financial aid request:
Please note below the RELATIONSHIP to the student of the person(s) who is completing (or
assisting with completing) this financial aid request. For example "student's mother" or "student's
Given that YYGS 2025 will be residential, all participants must be able to travel to New Haven, Connecticut,
USA. Students CANNOT attend the program remotely.
YYGS financial aid is given as discounts to offset tuition, but students fundraise and/or pay to arrange travel
for themselves (including any costs needed to get a passport and/or travel visa).
Please begin by reviewing our Visa & ESTA and Arrival & Departure webpages.
Then, please answer the following questions (below) so that we can best determine what costs
you anticipate incurring specifically related to paying for and arranging your own travel.
Do you currently have a Passport?
Yes, I have a passport
No, I do not have a passport
I live in the USA and would not need a passport to attend YYGS
Do you currently have any kind of travel visa that allows you to travel to and from the USA?
Yes, I have a travel visa
No, I do not have a travel visa
I live in the USA and/or would not need a travel visa to attend YYGS
If you do not have a passport and/or travel visa currently, then you will be asked to anticipate whether or
not you anticipate needing one to travel to and from YYGS, and if so, what the cost of this would be, and how
you anticipate securing one by May 5, 2025.
As noted on our Arrival & Departure webpage, the grand majority of students attend YYGS by booking
roundtrip airfare to JFK airport in New York City and then booking roundtrip GoShuttle transportation to
Yale's campus. Most students travel alone as 16 and 17 year olds, though a few students choose to have a
family member accompany them.
Please indicate how you plan to travel to and from YYGS, what costs you anticipate for this,
and any other important considerations related to your travel specifically (200 word max).
Statement of Need
**NOTE** We suggest writing your Statement of Need first using writing software (e.g.,
Microsoft Word, Text Editor), then copy and paste into the spaces below.
Please describe your demonstrated financial need, including any circumstances regarding your household
financial status that we should take into account when your financial aid application is reviewed.
This is typically a narrative describing (in as much detail as possible): who lives in your household(s), what
source(s) of income do you all have, what routine and/or unique expense(s) do you incur, and/or why would
paying for YYGS tuition present a significant financial barrier for you and your family.
Please feel free to include any special or "nontraditional" circumstances and details. You can also contact
YYGS with any questions about whether or not any information should be included.
Parent/Guardian's Supporting Documentation
Applicants requesting Financial Aid MUST provide at least one of the following types of Supporting
Documentation (see below).
Applicants are strongly encouraged to provide as many pieces of Supporting Documentation as possible to
demonstrate their financial need, and to describe any special circumstances within each section.
Tax Return
Can you provide a copy of your parent/guardian(s) recent (2023 or 2024) Tax Return?
You can upload multiple files, including supporting documentation for multiple
Please explain what information this Tax Return supporting documentation provides and what
currency amounts are shown - either in foreign currency (please specify) or U.S. Dollars
Bank Statement
Can you provide copies of recent Bank Statements (2024 or 2025), and/or do you have a letter
from a bank stating the amount of funds available?
You can upload multiple files, including supporting documentation for multiple
Please explain what information this Bank Statement supporting documentation provides and
what currency amounts are shown - either in foreign currency (please specify) or U.S. Dollars
Employment Status/Income
Can you provide supporting documentation (e.g. Paystub, Letter of Employment,
Unemployment Benefits) regarding the employment status and income of at least one of your
You can upload multiple files, including supporting documentation for multiple
Please explain what information this Employment Status supporting documentation provides
and what currency amounts are shown - either in foreign currency (please specify) or U.S.
Dollars (USD).
Proof of Income
Can you provide any Additional Income supporting documentation? (e.g., Alimony)
You can upload multiple files, including supporting documentation for multiple
Please explain what information this Proof of Income supporting documentation provides and
what currency amounts are shown - either in foreign currency (please specify) or U.S. Dollars
General Information
In the past 2 years, were you awarded a need-based scholarship/award to offset school fees?
How much did you receive in need-based scholarship/awards per year? Enter the amount(s) in
foreign currency (please specify) OR U.S. Dollars (USD) (e.g., €100 for one year, $200 USD each year
for 4 years).
You can upload multiple files, including Scholarship/Award/Loan supporting documentation.
Currently, does your family (at the permanent address of your parent/guardian) RENT or
OWN their home?
Pay Rent (to Landlord)
Pay Mortgage (Owns home)
Don’t Pay Rent or Mortgage
What is the total cost of the RENT (not including utilities) per month? Enter the amount(s) in
foreign currency (please specify) OR U.S. Dollars (USD) (e.g., €100 per month, $2,000 USD per
What is the total cost of the MORTGAGE per month? Enter the amount(s) in foreign currency
(please specify) OR U.S. Dollars (USD) (e.g., €100 per month, $2,000 USD per month).
Please estimate your family's TOTAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME for each of the last 3 years. We
suggest asking your parent/guardian or a school counselor for help with this. Questions? Please contact us.
Total household income for 2024 (before taxes) - Please estimate the amount(s) in foreign currency
(please specify) OR in U.S. Dollars (USD):
Total household income for 2023 (before taxes) - Please estimate the amount(s) in foreign currency
(please specify) OR in U.S. Dollars (USD):
Total household income for 2021 (before taxes) - Please estimate the amount(s) in foreign currency
(please specify) OR in U.S. Dollars (USD):
Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
Tuition for YYGS Residential is $6,500 USD. What is the maximum U.S. Dollar amount you and/or
your family might be able to contribute towards tuition? Please provide an USD estimate,
and contact YYGS with any questions.
MAXIMUM TOTAL TUITION (U.S. Dollar amount) you and/or your family could contribute:
Please explain your tuition responses (above). We encourage you to share as much information as possible
about what you and/or your family could or could not contribute and why. (200 word limit)
I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief the above information is true, correct, and accurately lists
all amounts and sources of income received in the timeframes specified.
PAGE 14: Additional Information
The following questions help us to better understand your background and interests.
Access to Technology
Please describe the frequency of your access to the internet (Choose ONE):
Consistent: you can access the internet most days at your home or school
Moderate: you can access the internet at a computer lab, library, or office during specific times
Limited: you have no personal access, but can use it at an internet café, or through a relative or friend
No access: you have no access to the internet, and do not use it regularly for educational or communication
Do you have access to any of the following technologies (Choose all the apply):
Computer (desktop, laptop, or tablet) WITH internet
Computer (desktop, laptop, or tablet) WITHOUT internet
Mobile Phone (such as a smartphone) WITH internet
Mobile Phone (such as a flip phone) WITHOUT internet
Please Select Female Male Prefer to self-describe
Gender Pronouns
Please Select He/Him/His She/Her/Hers They/Them/Theirs Prefer to self-describe
Colleges, universities, and programs are required by many groups - including the federal government and
accrediting associations - to describe the ethnic/racial backgrounds that their students and/or employees self-
Do you identify as Hispanic or Latino/Latina/Latinx?
I prefer not to answer
Regardless of your answer to the prior question, please check one or more of the following
groups with which you identify.
American Indian or Alaska Native (including all Original Peoples of the Americas)
Asian (including Indian subcontinent and Philippines)
Black or African American (including Africa and Caribbean)
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Original Peoples)
White (including Middle Eastern)
I prefer not to answer
Refugee Status
A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. A
refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or
membership in a particular social group.
Are you a refugee?
If “Yes,” please explain:
Past Academic Programs
Are you a YYAS and/or YYGS Alumni?
If “Yes, please specify the session/location and year you attended:
Have you attended any other academic summer program in the past?
If “Yes,” which program(s)?
Language Skills
(You may enter up to three languages)
Language 1
Language proficiency
Add a second language?
For students whose native language is not English, please describe your experience with all aspects --
reading, writing, listening, and speaking -- of the English language. Examples of experience are formal
schooling, immersion program, life experience, etc. (200 word max)
Heard About
How did you hear about YYGS? Please check all that apply.
After-School Program/Club
Community-Based Organization
Alumni of YYGS
Alumni of YYAS
Teacher/Counselor/School Official
Google/Search Engine
Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
YouTube, etc.)
Yale Student/Yale Alumni/Other Yale Connection
YYAS Website (African Scholars)
YYGS Website (Global Scholars)
Please summarize how you heard about YYGS in your own words.
YYGS Partner - After-School Program/Community Based Organization (CBO)/ Nonprofit/NGO
If you participate in an afterschool program or educational access/enrichment organization,
please identify the program you work with most often below:
A Better Chance
Aaron’s Presents
Boston Prep
Breakthrough San Francisco
Coney Island Prep High School
Cristo Rey New York High School
Delaware College Scholars
Democracy Prep
Evanston Scholars
Excel Academy
Forman Acton Foundation
Friendship Public Charter School
Fund for Advancement of Minorities through
Education (FAME)
Hartford Youth Scholars
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
Joyce Ivy Foundation
KIPP New Jersey
La Vida Scholars
Minds Matter
New Hampshire GEAR UP
Noble Network Summer of a Lifetime
Opportunity Network
Office of State Superintendent of Education (OSSE)
in DC
Palouse Pathways
Peak Education
Peninsula Bridge
Reach for Excellence
REACH Memphis
Schuler Scholar Program
SEO Scholars
Seoul Metropolitan Government
Seren Network
St. Ignatius Loyola Academy
St. Paul’s Foundation
Steps to Success
The Ellis Trust for Girls
The Sunflower County Freedom Project
The Wight Foundation
Yale Connection
Do you have any connections to Yale? (e.g., previously participated in a program at Yale;
attended a Yale-sponsored event; parent/guardian, sibling, or relative affiliated with Yale)
Please explain your connection with Yale.
PAGE 15: Student Conduct
Students are required to report any Student Conduct issues (noted below) to YYGS by completing this section
of the application. Our staff understands that such issues can arise in a variety of circumstances, and the
information you report will be considered in your application with this in mind.
If you report any issues in this section, you may still be able to participate in YYGS. However, failure to report
any Student Conduct issues (if applicable) to YYGS will result in your application being denied or withdrawn.
Disciplinary Violations
Have you ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at any school, summer
program, or job, whether related to academic misconduct or behavioral misconduct, that
resulted in your probation, suspension, removal, dismissal, or expulsion?
If “Yes,” please provide the approximate date of the incident(s) and explain the circumstances.
Felonies, Misdemeanors, and Infractions
Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor, felony, or other crime?
If “Yes,” please provide the approximate date of the incident(s) and explain the circumstances.
**NOTE** Should you be admitted to the program and your responses to either of the
questions above change between the time of application submission and time of attendance
(i.e., a new student conduct issue arises for you during that time), you have a responsibility to
inform YYGS staff at globa[email protected] (please see note at top of page).
PAGE 16: Certification by Applicant
Applicant: By signing below, I declare that I have spoken with my custodial parent(s) or legal guardian(s)
about my application to the YYGS program and that I have made my custodial parent(s) or legal guardian(s)
aware of all relevant aspects of the program, including dates, tuition (if applicable), and student
My signature certifies the accuracy and completeness of the information provided. The essays I have
submitted are my own work and all the information in my application is, to the best of my knowledge, correct
and honestly presented.
If accepted to the program, I also agree to abide by all laws, including federal, state, and local as well as Yale
University and program policies including, but not limited to, adherence to meeting times, curfews, and codes
of conduct.
I understand that any violations of Yale policies may result in immediate dismissal from the program and
return transportation expenses will be at the expense of myself/parent/legal guardian with no refunds,
including housing or tuition fees.
In place of your signature, please type your full legal name:
PAGE 17: Payment Options
YYGS receives over 10,000 applications annually. For any program or school, application fees typically
demonstrate an applicant's committed interest to applying for that program or school, and are used to offset
the significant costs of processing applications, including (but not limited to) costs associated with the
software platform hosting the application, staff time in reviewing applications, and more.
Application fees are non-refundable because regardless of the admission decision released to the
applicant, this fee was used to simply to process their application.
You can learn more about YYGS application fees specifically by visiting the Required Components page on
our website.
Payment Type
How do you plan to pay your application fee? Answering this question will help us to direct you to the
correct external payment processor in your portal after you submit the application.
DOMESTIC: payment in USD, including eChecks from U.S. bank account, or Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or
American Express credit or debit cards
INTERNATIONAL: payment in foreign currency, including bank wire, foreign credit or debit cards, and
other native options, like Alipay and UnionPay
FEE WAIVER*: students who apply for need-based financial aid can request a Fee Waiver from an
authorized official of their choosing (see below)
*This option only appears for students who fully completed the Need-Based Financial Aid page of the
Fee Waiver (Authorized Official) Request
To request an application fee waiver, please complete the Fee Waiver Form (linked within application).
Optional Page: Appears for those Eligible to be Dual Applicants to YYGS & YYAS
Dual Application to YYAS & Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS)
YYAS applications from students who will be between 16-18 years old by 20 July 2025 have the
option to be reviewed and considered for both YYAS and YYGS.
YYAS runs in July or August 2025, and offers both a 9-day residential program (in Kenya) for 100 students
and 6-day online program (virtually via Zoom) for 200 students. YYAS is designed for secondary school
students between the ages of 14-18 living on the African continent. YYAS tuition is free ($0) for all admitted
students, though for the residential program most students book their own travel arrangements (with YYAS
staff assisting students in connecting to fundraising resources).
YYGS is a two-week program in June, July, and Aug. 2025, and takes place residentially on Yale's campus in
New Haven, Connecticut, USA. YYGS offers need-based financial aid (up to full tuition coverage) to qualified
high-achieving, low-income (HALI) students between 16-18 years old, and helps those students fundraise
where needed as well. YYGS typically offers admission to around 1,800 applicants.
Please review the options below and select whether or not you would like to be considered for
both YYAS and YYGS.
YES, please consider me for both YYAS and YYGS.*
NO, please consider me for only YYAS.
* Please note that all dual applicants applying to both YYGS and YYAS will be required to
complete the YYGS Financial Aid form within this application. If you have any questions about
this, please register to view our free YYGS Financial Aid webinar and/or contact YYGS.
For Dual Applicants - YYAS Session Preferences
YYAS College Prep Workshop (online; 6 days)*:
17 July 2025 (Thursday) - 22 July 2025 (Tuesday)
YYAS Leadership Summit (residential in Kenya; 9 days)**:
9 August 2025 (Saturday) - 17 August 2025 (Sunday)
* *YYAS Workshop (online): The YYAS Workshop will offer admission to ~200 students, and is open to students
across all countries in Africa. To participate, students must be able to access Zoom and Canvas on their own mobile
phone, tablet, and/or computer with reliable internet for the duration of the program. The program will primarily focus
on career exploration, preparing for the university application process, and making the transition from secondary school
to university. Given the limited duration of the program, YYAS has strict attendance expectations where students are
unable to miss even one day of the program. Students who successfully finish the program will receive a pdf YYAS
Certificate of Completion that can be added to college and university applications. The YYAS Workshop (online) is
entirely free of charge.
** YYAS Summit (residential in Kenya): The YYAS Summit will offer admission to ~100 students, and is open to
students across all countries in Africa. Students will reside on a residential school campus in Kenya for nine (9) days. The
program will primarily focus on the same college prep topics as the online workshop in addition to leadership,
innovation, design, and 21
century skills. Given the limited duration of the program, YYAS has strict attendance
expectations where students are unable to miss even one day of the program. Students who successfully finish the
program will receive a pdf YYAS Certificate of Completion that can be added to college and university applications. The
YYAS Summit is tuition-free ($0) and provides free housing, meals, and all academic curriculum
TRAVEL: For the YYAS Summit (residential in Kenya), each student must be able to travel to and from Kenya, which
they will coordinate and pay/fundraise for themselves.
Please contact YYAS if you have questions regarding assistance in traveling to/from the YYAS Summit
and/or regarding connecting to fundraising resources.
After reviewing the information (above), please indicate for which sessions of YYAS you would like to
apply (select one):
YYAS Workshop Online
YYAS Summit in Kenya
Both YYAS Workshop Online and YYAS Summit in Kenya
If you prefer to apply for both, which session is your FIRST CHOICE preference? (select one)
YYAS Workshop Online
YYAS Summit in Kenya
Please explain why you are interested in the YYAS Workshop (online) and how you would be able to
access the program, and please provide as much detail as possible.
Please explain why you are interested in the YYAS Summit (residential in Kenya) and how you would be
able to access the program, and please provide as much detail as possible.
Please review the following statements (below).
- I have informed my parent/guardian of the YYAS Session Preferences I indicated on this page
- I have informed a teacher or adviser (an adult) at my school of the YYAS Session Preferences I indicated on this page
- I understand that YYAS does not provide any financial aid nor technology assistance to attend the program
Please type your full name to e-sign (below) to affirm you understand and commit to all statements
Page 18: Review
Please review your application components (below), and be sure to go back and complete any missing information. Once
you complete all required information, you can click Submit Application* at the bottom of the page.
If you are still waiting for a School Official to submit your Transcript(s), a Recommender to submit the Recommendation
Form, and/or for an Authorized Official to respond to a Fee Waiver request, then you can still click Submit
Application and track these materials in the Applicant Status Portal.
*Please Note: After you click "Submit Application," you can no longer edit nor view your application, and you will
automatically be taken to your YYGS Applicant Status Portal.
If you requested a fee waiver (open only to those who apply for Need-Based Financial Aid), then the portal will allow
you to track if your request is approved (fee waived) or denied (you will need to pay application fee).
If you need to pay your application fee, then the portal will provide instructions for how to pay. Please note that
you MUST pay through the portal specifically, and cannot submit payment outside of it.
All submitted YYGS applications require either an approved fee waiver or a paid application fee in order
to be reviewed.
We have detected the following errors with your application.
These errors must be corrected before submission.
Required Field or Error
e.g., “Essays” e.g., “Missing one or more essays”