Chapter 1: Administration
Adopted as Ordinance No. 642, October 2012 and amended by
Ordinance No. 657, June 2016
Chapter 2: Local Improvement Code
Adopted as Ordinance No. 629, May 2010
Chapter 3: Utility Code
Adopted as Ordinance No. 631, May 2010 and amended by
Ordinance No. 647, March 2014
Chapter 4: Business Code
Adopted as Ordinance No. 643, October 2012 and amended by
Ordinance No. 654, January 2015, Ordinance No. 658, June 2016,
and Ordinance No. 664, June 2017, Ordinance No. 675 & No. 676,
May 2021, Ordinance No. 680 adopted March 2022, and
Ordinance No. 681 adopted June 2022
Chapter 5: Nuisance and Offense Code
Adopted as Ordinance No. 664, October 2012 and amended by
Ordinance No. 679, October 2021
Chapter 6: Traffic Code
Adopted as Ordinance No. 630, May 2010 and amended by
Ordinance No. 678, October 2021
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1.005 City Seal
1.010 Records
1.025 Residency (amended by Ordinance 657)
1.030 Interpretation of Ordinances
City Government
1.105 City Council
1.110 City Administrator (amended by Ordinance 657)
1.118 Authority of City Council when Position of City Administrator is Vacant.
1.120 City Planning Commission
1.125 Local Budget Committee
1.205 Elections: General (amended by Ordinance 657)
1.210 Initiative and Referendum
1.305 Powers and Duties of Municipal Judge (amended by Ordinance 657)
1.310 Interpretation and Rules of Construction (amended by Ordinance 657)
1.315 Court Rules and Procedures
1.405 Personnel Policies
City Contracts
1.600 Contract Review Board and Contracting Agency
1.605 Opting Out of the Attorney General’s Model Rules
1.610 Authority of the City Administrator
1.005 City Seal
The following is adopted as the official seal of the City of Gold Beach and shall be
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used by imprinting upon all bonds and other obligations of the City of Gold Beach.
1.010 Records
(1) Record Retention Schedule. The schedules or record retention provided in
OAR chapter 166, as authorized by ORS 192.105 and 357.895, govern the retention and
disposal of all records on file in each department of the city.
1.025 Residency.
(1) An individual is a “Resident” of the City of Gold Beach for the purposes of
serving on a City Commission or Committee, or to be eligible for an elective city office as
referenced in Chapter III, Section 12 of the Gold Beach Charter if:
a) The individual resides within the city limits of Gold Beach and makes the City of
Gold Beach a fixed and permanent home; and
b) Gold Beach is listed as the individual’s residence address for federal income tax
purposes; and
c) If the individual is a property owner within the City of Gold Beach, the records of
the Curry County Tax Assessor list Gold Beach as the individual’s mailing address;
d) Gold Beach is listed as the individual’s residence address on their valid Oregon
driver’s license or state issued identification card; and
e) The individual is an elector as defined by Section 12 of the Gold Beach Charter.
(2) The City Administrator shall make the initial determination as to whether an
individual qualifies as a “resident” under this Section 1.025. The City Administrator’s
determination may be appealed pursuant to subsection (3) of this Section 1.025.
(3) A person aggrieved by a residency determination by the City Administrator
may appeal that determination to the City Council by filing a written request with the City
Administrator within five (5) calendar days of the City Administrator’s written decision. The
City Administrator shall immediately notify the Council and the Mayor of the appeal
request, and shall schedule a date for an appeal hearing as soon as practicable, but in no
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case later than twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date of the City Administrator’s
receipt of the appeal request. Prior to the appeal hearing, the City Administrator shall
transmit the appeal request together with the City Administrator’s written determination
and any facts, data, or exhibits that were part of said determination to the Council, the
Mayor, and the appellant. At the hearing, the appellant will have the opportunity to
present information to show that the appellant does meet the definition of “resident” in
this Section 1.025. The City Council may uphold or overturn the City Administrator’s
determination. All decisions of the City Council pursuant to this Section 1.025(3) are final
and binding.
1.030 Interpretation of Ordinances
(1) All words and phrases in ordinances of the City shall be construed
according to the common and approved usage of the language, but technical words and
phrases and such others as may have acquired a peculiar and appropriate meaning in the
law shall be construed and understood according to such technical or peculiar and
appropriate meaning.
(2) The following grammatical rules shall apply to the ordinances of the
City, unless it is apparent from the context that a different construction is intended:
(a) Each mention of gender includes the masculine, feminine and neuter
(b) The singular number includes the plural and the plural includes the
(c) Words used in the present tense include the past and the future
tenses and vice versa, unless manifestly inapplicable.
(d) The words “shall” and “must” mean mandatory; the word “may”
means permissive.
City Government
1.105 City Council
(1) City Council - Regular Meetings.
(a) The Council of the City of Gold Beach shall hold one regular meeting
each month at a time and at a place that it designates and to last no longer than
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10:30 p.m., unless there is unanimous consent to continue beyond that time.
(b) The regular meetings shall be held in the Council Chambers of the City
Hall of the City of Gold Beach.
(2) City Council - Special and Emergency Meetings.
(a) The Mayor, Administrator, or at the request of two Council members,
shall, call a special meeting of the City Council.
(b) Except upon consent of all members of the Council or in the case of
an actual emergency, public notice of the meeting shall be given at least twenty-four
(24) nor later than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting time. This notice shall
be reasonably calculated to give actual notice to interested persons of the time and
place for holding the meeting. Notice shall be deemed to be sufficient if it is
published in a newspaper of general circulation, in the City or posted in a
conspicuous place in City Hall.
(c) The Mayor or the City Administrator shall attempt to give notice of
the time and place of a special meeting to all Council members by email, telephone,
or letter sent to them at their address on file in the office of the City Administrator.
(d) In the case of an actual emergency, a meeting may be held upon such
notice as is appropriate to the circumstances, but the minutes for such a meeting
shall describe the emergency justifying less than 24 hours' notice.
1.110 City Administrator
(1) The Office of City Administrator and Procedures for Appointment.
(a) The City Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor with approval
of the majority vote of all incumbent members of the council.
(b) City Administrator shall receive such compensation as the City Council
shall fix from time to time.
(c) At the time of appointment the person so appointed as City
Administrator need not be a resident of the City of Gold Beach, Oregon, or the State
of Oregon, but within six (6) months from the date of appointment, said person shall
reside within fifteen (15) minutes traveling time from the location of the Gold Beach
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City Hall. The City Council may excuse the City Administrator from said requirement,
if deemed necessary, for good and appropriate cause.
(d) No member of the city council shall be eligible to receive the
appointment as city administrator during the term for which the member shall be
(e) The City Administrator shall be required to carry a bond for the
faithful performance of his duties in the amount of $50,000. The expense of said
bond shall be paid from the General Fund.
(2) Duties, Powers and Authority of the City Administrator.
(a) City Administrator shall devote his/her entire time to the discharge of
his/her official duties as outlined hereunder, and shall attend all meetings of the City
Council, unless excused therefrom, by the Council or the Mayor. He/she shall keep
the City Council advised, at all times, of the affairs and needs of the city and make
reports annually, or more frequently if requested by the Council, on all the affairs
and departments of the city.
(b) City Administrator shall be the chief administrative officer and head
of the administrative branch of the city and shall have the right to hire, discharge
and discipline all city employees and control their work. This power shall include the
power to transfer an employee from one department to another. City Administrator
shall supervise the departments to the end of attaining the utmost efficiency in each
of them. City Administrator shall also have the power to contract for necessary
services. City Administrator shall have no power to appoint or remove the Municipal
Judge, or other officers appointed pursuant to Chapter III, Section 10, of the Gold
Beach Charter of 1986, as such appointment and removal power is within the hands
of the Mayor and City Council pursuant to the Charter. City Administrator shall have
the right to control the work of such city-appointed officers.
(c) City Administrator shall enforce all codes and ordinances of the city,
including the provisions of all franchises, leases, contracts, permits and privileges
granted by, or running to the city.
(d) City Administrator shall act as purchasing agent for all departments of
the city and all purchases shall be requisitioned and signed by him/her or his/her
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(e) City Administrator shall supervise the operation of all departments
and public utilities owned and operated by the city, and shall have supervision
powers over all city real or personal property. Prior to acquisition, disposal, or
substantial improvements to real property owned by the City, the City Administrator
shall consult with the City Council before taking action to acquire, dispose, or
improve such real property.
(f) City Administrator or his/her designee shall act as budget officer and
prepare an annual budget for presentation to the City Budget Committee and City
(g) City Administrator shall supervise the expenditures of all
departments, divisions or services of the city and analyze and supervise the
functions, duties and activities of the various departments, boards and services of
the city, and all employees thereof, and make such recommendations to the Mayor
and the City Council with reference thereto, which in his/her judgment, will result, if
adopted, in greater efficiency of the overall operation of the City of Gold Beach's
(h) City Administrator shall develop and organize, when necessary,
improvement projects and programs, and aid and assist the Mayor and City Council
in the various departments and boards in carrying through to a successful
(i) City Administrator will make and keep an inventory of all personal
and real property owned by the city and advise the Mayor and Council of the
purchase of new machinery, equipment or supplies, which in his/her judgment the
same can be obtained under the terms and conditions which are most advantageous
to the city.
(j) City Administrator shall make, or cause to be made, studies and
surveys of the duties, responsibilities and work of the personnel appointed or
employed by the city. The City Administrator shall inform and update the Mayor
and City Council in regards to his/her decisions on abolition, consolidation, transfer,
removal of positions or personnel, or any other administrative decisions made by
the Administrator which in his/her judgment will increase administrative efficiency.
Such information reports to the Council may be made orally or in writing at the
discretion of the City Administrator.
(k) City Administrator shall perform such other duties as may be required
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of him/her by the Mayor and City Council, not inconsistent with the laws of the State
of Oregon, and the provisions of the Charter and Codes and Ordinances of the City
of Gold Beach.
(l) The City Administrator shall endeavor at all times to exercise the
highest degree of tact, patience and professional courtesy in his/her contacts with
the public and personnel employed by the city, to the end that the highest possible
standards of public service shall be maintained.
(3) Legislative Policy Making Prohibited. The City Administrator shall not
exercise any legislative making policy or legislative functions, nor attempt to commit or to
bind the Mayor or City Council to any action, plan or program regarding legislative policy or
legislative functions, and such shall remain exclusively the province of the city.
(4) Removal of City Administrator. The City Administrator may be removed, with
or without cause at any time, by majority vote of all incumbent members of the Council.
The action of the City Council in removing the City Administrator shall be final.
(5) Salary and Benefits. The salary and benefits of the City Administrator shall be
set by the City Council within the annual budget of the City of Gold Beach and may be
revised from time to time by the City Council in its discretion and legislative function.
1.118 Authority of City Council when Position of City Administrator is Vacant.
In the event that the office of the city administrator becomes vacant and the mayor
has not appointed an interim city administrator, the City Council by majority vote may
exercise the hiring authority normally granted to the city administrator to fill vacant city
positions at the department head level.
1.120 City Planning Commission.
(1) Creation. A City Planning Commission consisting of five (5) members is
hereby created.
(2) Appointment and Term of Office. The Mayor shall appoint the members of
the Planning Commission with the approval of the City Council. The members of the
Planning Commission shall meet all of the requirements of ORS 227.030 and at least four (4)
of the members shall be residents of the city. One member may be selected from outside
the city, but shall reside within the city urban growth boundary as that term is defined in
the City Comprehensive Plan.
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(3) Term of Office. Each member shall serve a term of four (4) years.
(4) Liaison. The City Council may appoint one of its members to be a liaison
between the City Council and the Planning Commission. Said liaison shall be in addition to
the five commission members and shall be permitted to engage in discussion of all matters
coming before the Commission but shall be a nonvoting and nonauthoritative party at the
Planning Commission's meetings and hearings.
(5) Vacancy and Removal. Any member of the Planning Commission who is
absent from three (3) consecutive regular Planning Commission meetings without just
cause, or who engages in misconduct or nonperformance of duty, may be removed by the
Mayor and Council after hearing. The hearing shall be conducted by the Mayor at a special
City Council meeting called for that purpose and the decision of the Mayor and Council shall
be final. Thereafter, the Mayor shall appoint, with the approval of the City Council, a
replacement member to fill that position. All Planning Commission members shall notify
the Planning Department Staff Person ten (10) days prior to any regular meeting, of an
intended absence from that meeting. Failure to so notify may be cause for removal by the
(6) Member’s Conflict of Interest. A member of the Planning Commission shall
not participate in any commission proceeding or action in which he may have a conflict of
interest as defined by ORS 224.135. Any actual or potential interest shall be disclosed at the
meeting of the commission where the action is being taken.
(7) Compensation. Members of the Planning Commission shall serve without
compensation. Preauthorized, reasonable and necessary expenditures may be reimbursed
by the City subject to City reimbursement policy.
(8) Budget. There shall be included in the budget of the City of Gold Beach an
amount to pay the reasonable and necessary expenses of the Planning Commission during
the succeeding year.
(9) Officers. The Planning Commission shall choose its own Chairman and Vice
Chairman from its own members and each shall serve as long as the commission wishes.
Planning Commission shall implement the duties outlined below.
(a) It shall be the duty of the Chairman to preside over all regular and
special meetings of the commission, to sign any documents necessary and exercise
the commission's powers.
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(b) It shall be the duty of the Vice Chairman to exercise powers of the
Chairman when the Chairman is absent.
(c) If the Chairman or Vice Chairman are both absent, a temporary
Chairman shall be appointed by a majority of the members present, provided that a
quorum is present.
(d) The Planning Staff shall keep written minutes and audio recordings of
Planning Commission meetings.
(10) Meetings. The Planning Commission shall hold one meeting a month at the
Gold Beach City Hall. A special meeting may be called by the written requests of a quorum
of the Planning Commission members. The time, place and agenda of all Planning
Commission meetings shall be given proper public notice.
(11) Quorum and Voting. For the commission to act at any regular or special
meeting, it shall be necessary that three of the members thereof be present. For a motion,
resolution or recommendation to be approved by the commission, it shall be necessary that
a majority of the members present at the meeting vote affirmatively for said motion,
resolution or recommendation. Any commission member serving as an officer shall have a
vote equal to all other members of the commission.
(12) Powers and Duties. The City Planning Commission shall have the following
powers and duties:
(a) All of the powers and duties set forth in ORS 227.090.
(b) The commission shall consider the comprehensive planning problems
of the City of Gold Beach, and shall review the layout and the proposed location of
streets, parks and playgrounds, and all other installations or improvements that is
believed advisable and beneficial, and shall outline the means and details of
obtaining or making said improvements. The commission shall make written reports
to the City Council and submit its proposals and decisions to the City Council in
(c) The Gold Beach City Council hereby directs and appoints as hearing
officer the Gold Beach Planning Commission and does delegate to said commission
all powers and duties as prescribed in ORS 227.165.
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(d) The Planning Commission shall have the authority to administer the
City of Gold Beach Comprehensive Plan, subdivision ordinance, zoning ordinance,
major and minor partitions, off street parking ordinance, annexation ordinance, and
dedication and vacations of lands for public use. The Planning Commission shall
review and investigate public testimony where necessary on any such actions, and
thereafter, make a written report and recommendation to the City Council. The
Planning Commission may also recommend to the City Council any amendments in
the above described ordinances, or suggest any new ordinances to the City Council
in regards to land use planning.
(e) The Planning Commission shall make and alter rules and regulations
for its internal governing and procedure consistent with the laws of this state, and
the codes, ordinances and city charter of the City of Gold Beach.
(13) Effective Recommendation. All written recommendations of the Planning
Commission to the City Council shall be binding as a final decision, unless within thirty (30)
days after commission decision, the City Council on its own motion, with written notice to
the Planning Commission and all affected parties, decides to review the Planning
Commission’s action; or unless an appeal of said action is filed pursuant to the appropriate
ordinance under which any hearing and decision was held. “Affected parties” is defined as
the applicant, or any person receiving written notification of a Planning Commission hearing
and any parties submitting written or oral testimony at the Planning Commission hearing on
the particular subject.
1.125 Local Budget Committee
(1) Mayor. The Mayor shall participate in the budget process as an ex-officio
member of the budget committee, but shall have no vote in the decisions of the budget
(2) Membership, Appointment and Term of Office. The Budget Committee
membership, appointment and term of office are subject to the provisions of ORS 294.414.
The committee shall consist of the five (5) members of the City Council and five (5)
additional members who shall be appointed by the City Council. The appointive members
of the Budget Committee shall be electors of the City and shall not be officers, agents or
employees of the City of Gold Beach. If less than five (5) electors are willing to serve, the
City Council and any electors who are willing to serve shall be the Budget Committee. If no
electors are willing to serve, the City Council shall be the Budget Committee. Each City
Council member shall serve as a Budget Committee member for his/her term of office.
Each appointed elector shall serve a term of three (3) years which term shall be staggered
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so that approximately one-third (1/3) of the terms of the appointive members end each
(3) Vacancy and Removal. If any appointive member is unable to serve the term
for which the member was appointed, or an appointive member resigns prior to completion
of the term for which the member was appointed, the Mayor, with approval of the Council,
shall fill the vacancy by appointment for the unexpired term.
If the number of City Council members is reduced or increased by law or charter
amendment, the City Council shall reduce or increase the number of appointive members of
the Budget Committee so that the number thereof shall be equal to but not greater than
the number of members of the City Council. In the event of a reduction, the City Council
may remove such number of appointive members as may be necessary. The removals shall
be made so that the number remaining will be divided into three equal or approximately
equal groups as to terms. In the event of an increase, additional appointive members shall
be appointed for such terms so that they, together with the members previously appointed,
will be divided into three equal or approximately equal groups as to terms.
(4) Compensation. Members of the Budget Committee shall serve without
compensation. Preauthorized, reasonable and necessary expenditures may be reimbursed
by the City subject to City reimbursement policy.
(5) Officers. The Budget Committee shall at its first meeting after its
appointment elect a chairperson, a vice-chairperson and a secretary from among its
members and each shall serve as long as the Committee wishes.
(6) Meetings. The Budget Committee shall meet from time to time at its
discretion. All meetings of the Budget Committee shall be open to the public.
1.205 Elections: General
(1) Precinct Boundaries. For election purposes the City of Gold Beach shall be
divided into such precincts as are formed from time to time by the Curry County clerk for
state general elections.
(2) Qualified Voters. All persons registered to vote with the county clerk of
Curry County, and residing in the city of Gold Beach, shall be qualified voters at all city
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(3) The Curry County Elections Department shall conduct all city elections and
the general laws of the state shall apply to notice of city elections, the conduct of city
elections, recounts of the returns therefore and contests therefore.
(4) The filing fee for candidacy to the city offices of Mayor or Councilor is set by
Resolution adopted by the Gold Beach City Council.
(5) State Election Laws. All matters relating to election procedure not expressly
set forth in the charter of the City of Gold Beach, Section 1.210, or this section shall be
governed by the election laws of the State of Oregon.
(6) Referral of Residency Determination to the City Council. If the City
Administrator determines that a candidate for City elective office does not meet the
definition of “resident” in Section 1.025 of this Code, the City Administrator must reject the
candidate’s filing. A candidate for elective city office may appeal the City Administrator’s
determination pursuant to Section 1.025(3) of this Code. in the case of an appeal of the City
Administrator’s determination by a candidate for an elective City position, the Council shall
schedule the appeal hearing for a date that will allow the City Administrator to timely
submit the candidate’s election materials to Curry County if the Council determines that the
candidate is eligible to hold elective office in the City. If the City Administrator rejects a
candidate’s filing, the City Administrator shall return the candidate’s filing fee if the
candidate does not appeal the City Administrator’s determination within the period
specified in Section 1.025(3) of this Code, or the City Council determines that the candidate
is not eligible to hold elective city office.
1.210 Initiative and Referendum
(1) Introductory Provisions.
(a) Definitions. As used in this Section:
(i) The term “measure” means: a legislative enactment by the
common council not necessary for the immediate preservation of the public
peace, health and safety; a part of such an enactment; or a proposed
legislative enactment for the city.
(ii) The term “voter” means a legal voter of the City.
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(iii) The term “petition” means an initiative or referendum
petition for ordering a measure to be submitted to the voters.
(iv) The term “refer” means to write, type, or print.
(v) The term “write” means to write, type, or print.
(b) This Code section provides a complete procedure for the voters to
exercise their initiative and referendum powers which, unless specifically stated to
the contrary, is intended to be supplementary to and not in conflict with the
procedures set forth by ORS 250.005, et seq.
(2) Initiative
(a) Manner of proposing measure. The manner of proposing a measure
by the initiative shall be to deposit at the office of the City Administrator a duly
prepared petition ordering the measure to be submitted to the voters.
(b) Form of petition. The initiative petition shall be in the form
prescribed by the Secretary of State pursuant to ORS 250.015.
(c) Presentation of Measure to City Council. If the initiative petition
contains the required number of verified signatures, the City elections officer shall
file the initiated measure with the City Council at its next regular meeting.
(d) Submission of Measure to Voters. The City Administrator shall cause
to be submitted to voters at the time provided by Section 1.310(6) a charter or
charter amendment proposed by the initiative and any other initiative measure not
enacted by the City Council within thirty (30) days after its proposal.
(3) Referendum
(a) Manner of referring measure. The manner of referring a measure
shall be:
(i) For a person to deposit at the office of the recorder a duly
prepared referendum petition for the measure, or
(ii) For the common council to order the submission of the
measure to the voters.
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(b) Form of petition. The referendum petition shall be in the form
prescribed by the Secretary of State pursuant to ORS 250.015.
(c) Time for referring measure to petition. No referendum petition shall
be deemed duly prepared unless it, and the signatures requisite to its being deemed
fully prepared, are deposited at the office of the City Administrator within thirty (30)
days after the City Council enacts the measure.
(d) Time for Council to refer measure. The City Council may refer a
measure only at the session at which it enacts the measure.
(e) Submission of measure to voters. The City Administrator shall cause a
referred measure to be submitted to the voters at the time fixed by this section.
(4) Petition.
(a) Presentation for checking, specifications, and preparation of titles.
No petition shall be deemed duly prepared unless:
(i) Prior to its circulation, a copy of it is deposited at the office of
the recorder, and
(ii) It is in the form required by the Secretary of State pursuant to
ORS 250.015, and
(iii) As circulated, it complies with the requirements of state law,
the specifications listed below and contains the ballot title, either that
prepared initially or that approved or prescribed on appeal, required by this
code for the measure for which it is being circulated.
(b) Checking, specifications, and preparation of titles. When a copy of a
petition to be circulated is deposited at the office of the City Administrator, the City
Administrator shall immediately:
(i) Check it for the legal sufficiency of the form in which it
(ii) Advise the person depositing it whether it is legally sufficient
in form, and if it is not so, how to make it so;
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(iii) Transmit the copy to the city attorney for preparation of a
ballot title.
(c) Requisite number of signatures. The number of signatures on a
petition requisite to its being deemed duly prepared shall be, for an initiative
petition, fifteen (15) percent, and for a referendum petition, ten (10) percent of the
electors registered in the City at the time the prospective petition is filed.
(d) Attachment of measure to sheets for signatures. No signature on a
petition sheet shall be counted unless attached to it at the time of the signing of the
signature is a copy of the measure to which the petition refers.
(e) Verification of signatures. No signature on a petition sheet shall be
counted unless the person who circulates the sheet verifies it by an affidavit in the
following form:
State of Oregon )
County of Curry ) ss
City of Gold Beach )
I, ____________________________, being first duly sworn, state that each
signer of this sheet signed it in my presence, and that I believe that he/she stated
his/her name and address correctly on the sheet and is a legal voter of the City of
Gold Beach, Oregon.
Address of Affiant:_____________________________
Subscribed and sworn to before me this _____ day of____________, 20___.
My Commission Expires:
(f) Certification of signatures. Within five (5) business days after a duly
prepared petition is deposited at the office of the City Administrator, the City
Administrator shall cause to be verified the number and genuineness of the
signatures and voting qualifications of the persons signing the petition by reference
to the registration books in the office of county clerk of Curry County. If a sufficient
number of qualified voters signed the petition, the City Administrator shall file the
same with the City Council within ten (10) business days after verification.
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(5) Ballot Title.
(a) Preparation of ballot title.
(i) The ballot title for a measure ordered by the common council,
or proposed to be ordered by a petition, to be submitted to the voters shall
be prepared and in the hands of the City Administrator within five (5) days
after the council orders the submission or after a copy of the petition is first
deposited at the office of the City Administrator.
(ii) When the common council orders submission of a measure to
the voters, or when a petition for ordering submission of a measure to the
voters is first deposited at the office of the recorder, the city attorney shall,
within the aforesaid period of time, prepare the title and cause the said title
so prepared to be filed in the record of the matter.
(iii) A voter who has signed the petition and who is dissatisfied
with the title, prepared and filed as aforesaid, within five (5) days after it has
been filed by the city attorney as aforesaid, may appeal to the City Council of
a written appeal deposited at the office of the City Administrator asking for a
different ballot title for the measure and therein stating why the title
prepared and filed is unsatisfactory.
(iv) Within three (3) days after the deposit of the appeal at the
office of the City Administrator, the City Council shall, either in regular or
special session, afford the appellant a hearing and either approve the title or
prescribe another ballot title for the measure. The title thus adopted shall be
the ballot title for the measure.
(b) Requisites of ballot title. The ballot title shall be in the form
prescribed by ORS 250.035 to 250.038.
(6) Election.
(a) Time to vote on measure. The time for voting on a measure which is
not adopted by the City Council or which is required to be submitted to the voters
shall be set forth in ORS 250.325.
(7) Effect on Measures.
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(a) Proclamation of Mayor.
(i) Immediately upon the completion of the canvass of the voters
on a measure submitted to the voters pursuant to this section, the Mayor
shall issue a proclamation:
(aa) Recapitulating the vote on measure,
(bb) Declaring whether the vote shows a majority of those
who voted on the measure to be in favor of it, and
(cc) In case the vote shows a majority of them to be in
favor of the measure, announcing it to be effective from the date of
the vote.
(ii) The City Administrator shall give public notice of the
proclamation by:
(aa) Publishing it once in a newspaper of general circulation
in the City, or
(bb) Posting copies of it in five (5) public places in the City,
including city hall.
(iii) The proclamation shall be filed with the measure.
(b) Effective date of measure. A measure submitted to the voters
pursuant to this Code shall take effect only when approved by a majority of the
voters voting upon it.
(c) Measures subject to referendum. A measure, so long as it is subject
to the referendum, shall have no effect.
(d) Conflicting measures. Of conflicting measures approved by the voters
at an election, the one receiving the greater number of affirmative votes shall be
(8) Criminal Provisions.
(a) Unlawful acts. No person other than a voter shall sign his name to a
petition; sign a petition with a name not his own; or sign his name to a petition with
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knowledge that he has previously signed his name to the petition. No person shall
knowingly circulate or deposit at the office of the City Administrator a petition which
to his knowledge contains a signature signed in violation of this Code. No person
shall procure or attempt to procure a signature to a petition by fraud. No person
shall make a statement which he knows to be false concerning a petition. No person
shall make a document for which this Code provides which contains a false
1.305 Powers and Duties of Municipal Judge.
(1) Municipal Court; Municipal Judge as Administrative Head of Municipal Court.
The Gold Beach Municipal Court is the tribunal exercising power for the
enforcement of the ordinances of the City of Gold Beach and such other enforcement
power as may be conferred by the state of Oregon. The municipal judge is the presiding
judge of the court and the court's administrative head, and shall exercise administrative
authority and supervision over the municipal court consistent with the Charter of the City of
Gold Beach, the U.S. Constitution, the Oregon Constitution, and any other applicable laws
and ordinances. To facilitate the exercise of that administrative authority and supervision,
the municipal judge may:
(a) Make rules and issue orders appropriate to that exercise;
(b) Require appropriate reports from staff of the municipal court;
(c) Establish time standards for disposition of cases;
(d) Propose a budget for the municipal court; and
(e) Undertake any other action authorized by law necessary to effectuate
the purposes of the municipal court and the office of municipal judge.
(2) Qualifications of Municipal Judge; Selection; Term of Appointment; Removal;
(a) Unless otherwise approved by a majority of the Council, the
municipal judge shall be a person of good character, shall be a citizen of the United States,
and shall be a resident of the state of Oregon. The municipal judge may be, but is not
required to be, an attorney. If the municipal judge is an attorney, then the municipal judge
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shall be a member in good standing of the Oregon State Bar Association.
(b) The municipal judge shall be appointed by majority vote of all sitting
councilors. Once appointed, the municipal judge shall serve at the pleasure of the Council
until the appointment is rescinded by resolution of the Council.
(c) The municipal judge may be removed at any time by a majority vote
of all sitting City Council members.
(d) Compensation for services provided by the Municipal Judge shall be
established by majority vote of the City Council.
(3) Absence or Vacancy in Office of Municipal Judge.
(a) When the municipal judge is incapacitated or otherwise absent, is
disqualified for prejudice, or when there is a vacancy in the office, the City Council may
appoint any person who meets the qualifications for appointment as municipal judge
(Section 2.1) to serve as municipal judge pro tempore. The municipal judge pro tempore
may perform the functions of the municipal judge, may hear proceedings and may enter
any judgment, order, or decree with the same force and effect as if done by the municipal
(b) Any appointment under this section shall be made by resolution of
the City Council, which shall designate the duration of the appointment.
(c) No action or proceeding pending in municipal court shall be affected
by the vacancy or absence of the municipal judge.
(4) Powers of the Municipal Court.
The municipal court shall have such powers as is conferred upon municipal courts
under the Oregon Constitution, the Charter of the City of Gold Beach, and Oregon law. By
way of illustration, but not limitation, the municipal court has the power:
(a) To enter judgments, orders and decrees necessary to effectuate the
exercise of its power to enforce the ordinances of the city as well as to enforce any
infractions or violations authorized to come before the municipal court pursuant to the
Oregon Revised Statutes regarding traffic violations.
(b) To compel compliance with and obedience to its judgments, orders,
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and decrees in or out of court.
(c) To preserve and enforce order in its immediate presence and in the
proceedings before it and to control, in the furtherance of justice, the conduct of the court's
ministerial officers and parties and witnesses connected with any proceeding before it.
(d) After finding of guilt, to impose a fine up to the limit allowed by the
statutory authority, city ordinance, and/or Oregon Revised Statutes as violated by any
defendant and may require defendant to pay such fines within appropriate periods as well
as the reasonable costs incurred as a consequence of court proceedings.
(e) To compel the attendance of persons to testify in any proceeding
pending in municipal court.
(f) To administer oaths in any pending proceeding, and in all other cases
where it may be necessary in the exercise of its powers or the performance of its duties.
(g) To adjourn any proceeding before the court from time to time as may
be necessary, unless otherwise expressly prohibited by city ordinance or state law.
(5) Sessions of Court; Place of holding Court; Scheduling; Legal Holidays.
(a) Sessions of municipal court shall be public, and shall be held in the
City of Gold Beach Council Chambers.
(b) Municipal court shall be held on the second and last Wednesday of
each month or such other dates as may be designated by the court. If the day appointed for
holding court is a legal holiday, the court shall be held the next Wednesday following which
is not also a legal holiday.
(c) Municipal court may be held and judicial business may be transacted
on any day other than Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, except that the court may
exercise the powers of a magistrate on any day.
(d) The municipal court shall be in session only for such time as may be
necessary to complete the judicial business of the city.
(6) Local Rules of Procedure.
The municipal judge may adopt local rules for the conduct of the municipal court
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that are not inconsistent with the rules of procedure established by this ordinance or any
rules made applicable to a municipal court by state law.
(7) Time for Decision.
Any question submitted to the court shall be decided and the decision rendered
within thirty (30) days after submission, unless prevented by sickness or unavoidable
casualty; provided that the time may be extended by stipulation in writing signed by the
parties and filed with the court before the expiration of the thirty-day period.
(8) Contempt of Court.
The court may exercise power to punish contempt in the manner provided by ORS
(9) Disqualification.
The municipal judge shall not hear any proceeding if any party moves the court for a
change of judge on grounds of prejudice against the party or the party's attorney. The
motion shall be supported by an affidavit by the party, under oath, stating that the
municipal judge is prejudiced against the party or the party's attorney, stating with
particularity the fact or facts supporting the existence of prejudice, stating the party cannot
or reasonably believes the party cannot have a fair and impartial hearing before the judge,
and that the motion to disqualify is not filed for the purpose of delay. Upon receipt of the
motion, the municipal judge shall grant the motion if grounds for disqualification actually
exist. Failure to allege specific facts supporting the existence of prejudice shall result in a
denial of the motion. The motion shall be filed not less than two weeks before the party's
first appearance, and failure to do so shall result in a waiver of a right to seek
disqualification. No party shall file more than one motion to disqualify in any proceeding.
(10) Administrative Search Warrants.
(a) Authorization. The municipal judge is authorized to issue
administrative search warrants authorizing the inspection or investigation at a designated
location upon application by the City Attorney, Building Official, Police Chief or Fire Chief, or
their duly authorized representatives, acting in the course of their official duties, whenever
an inspection or investigation of any place is required or authorized by any municipal
ordinance or regulation.
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(b) Grounds for Issuance.
(i) An administrative search warrant shall be issued only upon cause,
supported by affidavit, particularly describing the applicant's status in applying for the
warrant hereunder, the ordinance or regulation requiring or authorizing the inspection or
investigation, the location to be inspected or investigated, and the purpose for which the
inspection or investigation is to be made, including the basis upon which cause exists to
inspect. In addition, the affidavit shall contain either a statement that entry has been
sought and refused or facts or circumstances reasonably showing that the purposes of the
inspection or investigation might be frustrated if entry were sought without a warrant.
(ii) Cause shall be deemed to exist if reasonable legislative or
administrative standards for conducting a routine, periodic or area inspection are satisfied
with respect to the location or there is probable cause to believe that a condition of
nonconformity with a health, public protection or safety ordinance, regulation, rule,
standard or order exists with respect to the particular location, or an investigation is
reasonably believed to be necessary in order to determine or verify the condition of the
(c) Procedure for Issuing Search Warrant.
(i) Before issuing any administrative search warrant, the municipal
judge shall examine under oath the applicant and any other witness and shall be satisfied of
the existence of grounds for granting such application.
(ii) If the municipal judge is satisfied that cause for the inspection or
investigation exists and that the other requirements for granting the warrant are satisfied,
he or she may issue the warrant, particularly describing the same and identifying the title of
the person or persons authorized to execute the warrant, the place to be entered and the
purpose of the inspection or investigation. The warrant shall contain a direction that it be
executed on any day of the week between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. or where
the municipal judge has specially determined upon a showing that it cannot be effectively
executed between those hours, that it be executed at any other time of the day or night.
(d) Execution of Search Warrant.
(i) Except as otherwise provided in this section, in executing an
administrative search warrant, the person authorized to execute the warrant shall, before
entry, make a reasonable effort to present credentials, authority and purpose to the
occupant or person in possession of the location designated in the warrant and shall show
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him or her the warrant or copy thereof upon request.
(ii) In executing an administrative search warrant, the person
authorized to execute the warrant need not inform anyone of his or her authority and
purpose, as prescribed in subsection (1) of this section, but may promptly enter the
designated location, if, at the time of execution, the location is unoccupied or not in the
possession of any person or is reasonably believed to be in such condition.
(iii) A public safety officer may be requested to assist in the execution
of the administrative search warrant.
(iv) An administrative search warrant must be executed and returned to
the municipal judge by whom it was issued within 10 days from its date, unless the
municipal judge, before the expiration of such time, extends the time for five days by
endorsement thereon. After expiration of the time prescribed by this subsection, the
warrant, unless executed, is void.
1.310 Interpretation and Rules of Construction.
(1) Definitions.
As used in this code, the following mean:
(a) Building Official: The City Planner or his or her designee,
assigned to enforce the uniform, specialty, and other building codes.
(b) Code: The City of Gold Beach municipal Code and Ordinances.
(c) Codes Enforcement Officer: Any person designated by the City
Administrator to undertake enforcement of any city ordinance.
(d) Person: An individual, association, corporation, partnership,
trust or any other entity at law or in fact.
(e) Fire Department Official: The City of Gold Beach Fire Chief or his
or her designee.
(f) Public Safety Officer: The City of Gold Beach Chief of Police or his or
her designee.
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(2) Interpretation of Ordinances.
(a) All words and phrases in ordinances of the City shall be construed
according to the common and approved usage of the language, but technical words and
phrases and such others as may have acquired a peculiar and appropriate meaning in the
law shall be construed and understood according to such technical or peculiar and
appropriate meaning.
(b) The following grammatical rules shall apply to the ordinances of the
City, unless it is apparent from the context that a different construction is intended:
i. Each mention of gender includes the masculine, feminine and neuter
ii. The singular number includes the plural and the plural includes the
iii. Words used in the present tense include the past and the future
tenses and vice versa, unless manifestly inapplicable.
iv. The words “shall” and “must” mean mandatory; the word “may”
means permissive.
(3) Computation of Time.
Except when otherwise specifically provided, the time within which an act is to be
done shall be computed by excluding the first day and including the last day, unless the last
day is Saturday, Sunday or holiday, in which case it shall also be excluded.
(4) Construction.
The ordinances of the city shall be construed with a view to effect their objectives
and to promote justice.
(5) Effect of Repeal of Repealing Ordinance.
Whenever an ordinance which repeals a former ordinance is repealed, either
expressly or by implication, the former ordinance shall not thereby be revived unless it is
expressly so provided.
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(6) Prohibited Acts Include Causing and Permitting.
Whenever the ordinances of the city make an act or omission unlawful, such
ordinance shall include as unlawful the act or omission of causing, aiding, abetting, or
concealing such act or omission.
(7) Violations Outside City Limits.
An act made unlawful by any ordinance of the city shall constitute a violation when
committed on any property owned or controlled by the city, even though outside the city's
corporate limits.
(8) Continuing Violations.
Whenever an act is prohibited or declared to be unlawful or the doing of an act is
required or the failure to do an act is declared to unlawful, each day the violation persists
shall constitute a separate and distinct violation.
(9) Liability.
(a) A person is guilty of a violation if the act or omission is committed by
his or her own conduct or by the conduct of another person for which the persons is liable,
or both.
(i) A person is liable for the conduct of another person if:
(aa) The person is made liable by the ordinance defining the
violation; or
(bb) With the intent to promote or facilitate the commission of the
violation, the person solicits or commands such other person to commit
the violation, or aids or abets or agrees or attempts to aid or abet such
other person in planning or committing the violation, or having a legal
duty to prevent the commission of the violation fails to make the effort
the person is required to make.
(ii) In the prosecution for a violation in which liability is based upon the
conduct of another person, it is no defense that such other person has not been prosecuted
for or convicted of any violation based upon the conduct in question or has been convicted
of a different violation.
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(b) When an act is required, such that it may be done by an agent as well
as the principal, such requirement shall be construed to include all such acts performed by
the agent, acting under either authorized or apparent authority.
(c) In addition to the liability of a corporation, firm, partnership,
association, or joint stock company otherwise imposed by the ordinances of this city, such
an organization is guilty of a violation if;
(i) The conduct constituting the violation is engaged in by an officer,
employee or agent of the organization acting within the course and scope of their office,
employment or agency; or
(ii) The conduct constituting the violation is knowingly tolerated by the
officers, employees or agents or the organization.
(iii) A person is liable for conduct constituting a violation which he or
she performs or causes to be performed in the name of or in behalf of a corporation, firm,
partnership, association, or joint stock company to the same extent as if such conduct were
performed in his or her individual capacity.
(10) Classification of Offenses; Penalties.
(a) Unless otherwise provided by law or ordinance, all violations of city
ordinances are classified as infractions.
(b) If provided for in the ordinance defining the violation, the court may
order restitution in addition to any penalty or fine.
(c) The amounts for fines and penalties shall be set and from time to
time adjusted by resolution of the City Council. At the time any such fine and penalty
amounts are so adjusted, previous fines and penalties will be automatically repealed
whether previously set by ordinance or resolution.
1.315 Court Rules and Procedure.
(1) Citation; Complaint; Summons.
(a) A citation substantially conforming to the requirements of this section
may be used for citing violations of city code and ordinance.
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(b) A citation shall contain the following:
(i) Complaint.
(ii) Department record.
(iii) Summons
(c) A summons shall contain the following information:
(i) The name of the court; the name of the person or persons cited; the
date on which the citation was issued; the name of the complainant; and the time at which
the person cited is to appear in court.
(ii) A statement or designation of the violation in such manner as can
be readily understood by a person making a reasonable effort to do so and the date and
place the violation is alleged to have occurred.
(iii) A notice to the person or persons cited that a complaint will be filed
with the court based on the violation.
(iv) The maximum amount of penalty or bail, if any, fixed for the
violation, and a statement notifying the person that a money judgment may be entered up
to the maximum amount of the penalty or the cost of nuisance abatement, along with other
costs allowed by law if the defendant fails to appear.
(d) A complaint shall contain the following information:
(i) The name of the court; the name of the city in whose name action is
being brought; and the name of the defendant or defendants.
(ii) A statement or designation of the violation in such a manner as can
be readily understood by a person making a reasonable effort to do so and the time and
place of the alleged violation.
(iii) A verification that the complainant swears or affirms that he or she
has reasonable grounds to believe, and does believe, that the person or persons cited have
violated a provision of the code.
(e) The citation may also contain additional information as may be
appropriate for administrative departments of the city, including an indication of whether a
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written warning was previously issued.
(2) Persons Authorized to Issue Citations; Complaints by Private Citizens.
(b) A citation may be issued by the Codes Enforcement Officer, Public
Safety Officer or Fire Department Official if he or she has reasonable grounds to believe that
the person or persons to be charged are in actual violation of a provision, other than a
criminal provision, of the code. A citation may be issued by the Public Safety Officer if the
officer has probable cause to believe that the person to be charged with the violation is in
violation of a criminal provision of the code.
(c) Any person may seek to have the city issue a citation for violation of
the code by filing a complaint with the Codes Enforcement Officer, Public Safety Officer, or
Fire Department Official if such violation is a violation of a criminal provision of the code,
alleging under oath and upon personal knowledge material facts which, if proven, would
constitute a violation, provided that such person can testify at trial to material facts in the
(d) Any person who, in connection with the issuance of a citation or the
filing of a complaint under this subsection, knowingly certifies falsely to matters set forth
therein shall be subject to a penalty upon conviction of $1,000.00
(3) Delivery and Filing of the Summons and Complaint.
The Codes Enforcement Officer, Public Safety Officer or Fire Department Official, as
the case may be, shall cause summons to be served on the person cited and shall file the
complaint along with proof of service of the summons with the court.
(4) Right to Counsel.
(a) A defendant may be represented by counsel at any trial for a
violation, but defense counsel shall not be provided at public expense.
(b) At the defendant's first appearance in municipal court, the defendant
shall be informed by the court of his or her right to have counsel before pleading to the
violation and shall be asked if he or she wishes to obtain counsel before pleading.
(c) At any trial for an infraction, the city attorney may aid the Codes
Enforcement Officer, Public Safety Officer or Fire Department Official in preparing evidence
and obtaining witnesses, but shall not appear unless the defendant retains counsel. The
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court shall give the city attorney timely notice if defense counsel is to appear at trial.
(5) First Appearance; Return of Summons.
The defendant shall:
(a) Either appear in court at the time indicated in the summons; or
(b) Prior to such time, deliver to the court the summons together with
the amount of the penalty or bail, if any, set forth in the summons, along with a request for
a hearing or a written statement in explanation or mitigation; or
(c) Prior to such time, deliver the summons together with a waiver of
hearing and plea of guilty, along with the penalty or bail set forth in the summons.
(6) Effect of Defendant’s Written Statement in Explanation or Mitigation.
(a) If the defendant submits a written statement in explanation or
mitigation and does not request a hearing, the statement shall constitute a waiver of
hearing, a consent to judgment by the court and assessment of penalty, if, based on the
written statement and testimony or written statements of other witnesses, if any, the court
finds the defendant violated the provision of the Code with which the defendant has been
(b) If the defendant submits a request for a hearing along with the
written statement in explanation or mitigation and requests a hearing, the court shall fix the
date and time for hearing and shall mail notice to the defendant at least fifteen days in
advance of the hearing.
(7) Court-Ordered Hearing; Judgment on Failure to Appear.
(a) In any proceeding where the defendant fails to appear, the court
may, at its discretion, direct a hearing be held.
(b) The court may proceed to make a determination without a hearing in
the following circumstances:
(i) The defendant fails to appear at the time, date and place specified
in the citation and a hearing is not required under ordinance or statute.
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(ii) The defendant appeared at the time, date and place specified in the
citation and requested a hearing or was ordered by the court to appear at a subsequent
hearing, and the person fails to appear at the time, date, and place set for the hearing or
subsequent hearing on the matter.
(iii) A determination under this section shall be based on the citation
and on any evidence the court may, in its discretion, determine to be appropriate.
(iv) Upon making a determination under this section, the court may
enter judgment and may impose the penalty, along with a money judgment for costs,
assessments and any restitution authorized by ordinance or law.
a. If the court orders restitution, the court need not make a
determination of the defendant's ability to pay. The defendant may seek review of his or
her ability to pay by filing a written request with the court within one year after entry of
judgment. The court shall set a hearing on the matter, and may reduce the amount
restitution ordered if the defendant establishes at the hearing that he or she is unable to
pay the restitution in whole or in part.
(c) If judgment is entered under this section after the defendant has
failed to appear, on motion by the defendant and upon such terms as are just, the court
may relieve the defendant from the judgment, upon showing that the failure to appear was
due to mistake, inadvertence, surprise or excusable neglect. The motion must be made
within a reasonable time, but in no event more than one year after entry of judgment in the
matter, unless the judgment is for the abatement of a nuisance in which case the motion
must be made prior to the time the city has expended funds to abate the nuisance.
(d) No judgment may be entered under this section for failure to appear
unless the summons contained a statement notifying the defendant that a money judgment
may be entered against the defendant up to the maximum amount of the penalty, along
with other costs allowed by law if the defendant fails to appear.
(8) First Appearance.
At the time of first appearance, the court shall apprise the defendant of the nature
of the alleged violation, and advise the defendant that he or she may plead guilty or not
guilty, plead guilty with matters in mitigation, as the case may be. Upon a plea of guilty, or a
plea of guilty with matters in mitigation, judgment shall be entered. Upon a plea of not
guilty, the court shall set a trial date.
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(9) Discovery.
(a) Upon request by the defendant the Codes Enforcement Officer,
Public Safety Officer or Fire Department Official shall disclose to the defendant the
following material and information within his or her possession and control.
(i) The names and addresses of persons whom the city intends to call
as witnesses at trial, together with relevant written or recorded statements or memoranda
of any oral statements made by such persons.
(ii) Any written or recorded statements or memoranda of any oral
statements made by the defendant or co-defendant if the trial is to be a joint trial.
(iii) Any reports or statements of experts made in connection with the
particular case, including results of examinations and of scientific tests, experiments and
comparisons, which the city intends to offer into evidence at trial.
(iv) Any books, papers, documents, photographs, or tangible objects
which the city intends to offer into evidence at trial or which were obtained from or belong
to the defendant.
(b) Upon request by the city, the defendant shall disclose to the city the
following material and information within the possession and control of the defendant:
(i) The names and addresses of persons whom the defendant intends
to call as witnesses at trial, together with relevant written or recorded statements or
memoranda of any oral statements of such persons.
(ii) Any written or recorded statements, videotapes, or memoranda of
any oral statements made by the defendant or co-defendant if the trail is to a joint trail.
(iii) Any reports or statements of experts made in connection with the
particular case, including results of examinations and of scientific tests, experiments and
comparisons, which the defendant intends to offer into evidence at trial.
(iv) Any books, papers, documents, photographs, or tangible objects
that the defendant intends to offer into evidence at trial.
(c) All discovery requests shall be made not less than fifteen days, and all
discovery completed not less than ten days, prior to trial on the matter.
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(d) The following material and information shall not be subject to
discovery under this section;
(i) Work product, legal research, records, correspondence, reports or
memoranda to the extent that they contain opinions, theories or conclusion of city
attorney, the Codes Enforcement Officer, Public Safety Officer, Fire Department Official or
other city official in connection with the investigation, prosecution of the violation, or such
documents to the extent they contain opinions, theories or conclusions of the defendant or
defendant's attorney in connection with the defense of the violation.
(ii) The identity of a confidential informant where disclosure of the
identity of the informant is exempt under Oregon law and failure to disclose the identity of
the informant will not infringe on the constitutional rights of the defendant.
(e) The court may order any party who refuses to comply with a
discovery request under this section to permit inspection of the material, may grant a
continuance, may refuse to permit the witness to testify, may refuse to receive into
evidence material not disclosed, or may enter such other order it deems appropriate under
the circumstances. Upon a showing of good cause, the court may, after in camera
examination, enter an order that specified disclosures be denied, restricted or deferred or
make such other order it deems appropriate under the circumstances. The court shall make
a record of such examination, which shall then be sealed and preserved in the records of
the court, and made available to the appellate court in the event of an appeal.
(10) Trial Without Jury; Commencement; Burden of Proof; Proof of Mental State
Not an Element.
(a) The trial shall be by the court without a jury, and shall not be
scheduled for less than fifteen (15) days from the date of the citation, unless the defendant
waives the fifteen-day period.
(b) The city shall have the burden of proving the alleged violation, other
than a criminal provision of the code, by a preponderance of the evidence.
(c) A defendant may not be required to be a witness at trial.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the court may admit the
affidavit of any witness into evidence in lieu of taking testimony orally in court. The
authority granted under this subsection is subject to all of the following.
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Ordinance No. 642 ** Portions amended as Ordinance No. 657
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(i) In order to allow testimony to be presented by affidavit, the court
must adopt rules and procedures allowing for the use of affidavit (attached hereto as
“Exhibit A”).
(ii) The court shall allow testimony by affidavit only upon signed waiver
by the defendant of the right to have the witness present for examination in court.
(iii) The court may allow testimony by affidavit under this subsection
with respect to any matter including, but not limited to, matter described in ORS 40.460.
(iv) Nothing in this subsection requires the defendant or any other
witness to waive the right to appear if testimony is taken by affidavit as provided by this
(e) Unless specifically set forth in the ordinance which is the basis for the
violation, proof of a culpable mental state is not an element of a violation.
(f) The determination at trial shall be on the citation and upon any
evidence that the court, in its discretion, determines is appropriate. The court may make
such further investigation it deems necessary to resolve the case, and may call witnesses or
order the production of documents and things that pertain to the matter.
(11) Judgment as Lien.
Any judgment entered shall be a lien against any real property owned by the
defendant in the city, shall be entered upon the city's lien docket and may be foreclosed
according to law or ordinance.
(12) Procedure Upon Order of Nuisance Abatement.
(a) If the defendant fails to abate any nuisance within the time directed
by the court, the city may cause abatement to occur and seek a money judgment as
provided by this section. The court shall retain jurisdiction over the proceeding until final
order is entered that the nuisance has been abated.
(b) If the defendant fails to abate a nuisance within the time period
provided by the court, the city may cause the nuisance to be abated, and move the court for
entry of a money judgment. Upon receipt of the city's motion, the court shall cause a Notice
and Statement of Judgment to be mailed to the defendant at the defendant's address as
indicated on the most recent Curry County tax roll, or personally delivered to the
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Ordinance No. 642 ** Portions amended as Ordinance No. 657
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defendant. The Notice and Statement of Judgment shall state that objections to the
judgment must be filed with the court within twenty days of the date of mailing of the
Notice and Statement of Judgment or personal delivery thereof, as the case may be, and
that any objection shall state with particularity the grounds for the objection. The fact that a
contract was bid for nuisance abatement pursuant to Oregon public contracting law shall be
irrefutable presumption as to the reasonableness of the costs of abatement.
(c) Upon receipt of a timely and properly filed objection to Notice and
Statement of Judgment by the defendant, the court shall schedule a hearing on the grounds
for the objection. After hearing, or after the expiration of the twenty-day period for filing
objections, if no objection has been received, the court shall enter judgment for the city.
(13) Appeals.
(a) A party to a proceeding in municipal court may appeal from any
judgment or other final determinative order. Any appeal from the municipal court shall be
by writ of review, taken and perfected in the manner provided by ORS Chapter 34.
(b) In addition to any notices required to be served under ORS Chapter
34, notice of the appeal shall also be served upon the City Administrator.
(c) When the notice of appeal has been filed with the municipal court,
the appellate court shall have jurisdiction over the matter. Failure to serve a notice of
appeal on the City Administrator shall not preclude jurisdiction in the appellate court.
(14) Severability.
The sections and subsections of this ordinance are severable. The invalidity of any
one section or subsection shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections or
(15) Rules for the Use of Affidavit in Lieu of Taking Testimony at Trial.
(a) An affidavit must be in the witness’s own handwriting and shall
explain the relevant events in which they were involved or which they witnessed to the best
of their ability.
(b) The witness’s signature on the affidavit must be certified by a Notary
Public of the state of Oregon prior to submission of the affidavit to the court.
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Ordinance No. 642 ** Portions amended as Ordinance No. 657
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(c) A copy of the completed and notarized affidavit should be kept by the
person submitting the affidavit. The original must be submitted to the municipal court.
(d) Falsified affidavits submitted to the court are subject to prosecution
for perjury and a fine of up to $1,000.00.
1.405 Personnel Policies.
(1) Establishing Personnel Policies. The City of Gold Beach may establish
personnel policies by resolution of the City Council.
City Contracts
1.600 Contract Review Board and Contracting Agency.
The Gold Beach City Council is designated as the local Contract Review Board of the
City and shall have all the rights, powers, and authority necessary to carry out the provisions
of ORS Chapters 279A, 279B, and 279C ( the “Public Contracting Code”), City Public
Contracting Rules (“City Rules”) and the Gold Beach Code. The City Administrator, his or
her designee, and any other purchasing agent as authorized by City policy, is hereby
designated as the City’s “Contracting Agency” and may exercise all authorities, powers, and
duties granted to a Contracting Agency under the Public Contracting Code and City Rules,
unless otherwise limited by City Ordinance, resolution, or policy.
1.605 Opting Out of the Attorney General’s Model Rules
Public contracts shall be let by the City of Gold Beach in accordance with the State of
Oregon Public Contracting Code and City Public Contracting Rules, to be adopted by
resolution of the City Council and Local Contract Review Board if required by State law. The
City hereby opts out of the Mode Rules adopted by the Attorney General pursuant to ORS
279A.065, and hereafter those rules do not apply to the City.
1.610 Authority of the City Administrator
The City Administrator or his or her designee is authorized to:
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Ordinance No. 642 ** Portions amended as Ordinance No. 657
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(1) Enter into City contracts not to exceed $75,000 without additional
authorization of the Local Contract Review Board.
(2) Recommend that the Local Contract Review Board approve or disapprove
contract awards in excess of $75,000, or change orders or amendments to contracts more
than $75,000.
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Gold Beach Local Improvement Code - Page 1
2.005 Definitions
Public Improvements
2.105 Procedure for Making Public Improvements
2.110 Assessments
2.205 Standards and Specifications for Streets
2.206 Driveway Approaches
2.207 Street Lights
2.208 Streets
2.210 Regulation of Streets
2.305 Construction, Alteration and Repair
2.990 Penalty
2.005 Definitions.
(1) Definition of Terms. The following words and phrases when used in this Local
Improvement Code shall, for the purpose of this Code, have the meanings respectively ascribed
to them in this section except in those instances where the context clearly indicates a different
(a) “City” shall mean the City of Gold Beach, its City Council or such City
officer as the Council shall designate in general or in a particular case.
(b) “Obstruction” shall mean any excavation, tunnel, material, barrier or thing
that constricts, obstructs or prohibits the normal use and flow of traffic, vehicular or
(c) “Person” shall mean every natural person, firm, co-partnership,
association or corporation.
(d) “Sidewalk” shall mean the part of the street right-of-way between the curb
lines or the lateral lines of a roadway and the adjacent property lines.
(e) “Street” shall mean a way or place open as a matter of right to the use of
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the public for vehicular traffic and lying between the boundary lines of said place or way
as follows:
(i) Arterial Street. A street of considerable continuity which is
primarily a traffic artery for intercommunication between major geographic areas
or which carries a heavy volume of traffic.
(ii) Collector Street. A street supplementary to the arterial road system
and used for both through traffic and access to abutting properties.
(iii) Residential Street. A street providing direct access to abutting
residential property lot size and or dwelling density potential indicate urban
residential traffic volume.
(f) “Tunnel” shall mean an excavation requiring the removal of dirt or like
matter and including the driving or forcing of pipe through the ground.
Public Improvements
2.105 Procedure for Making Public Improvements.
(1) Initiation of Proceedings; Engineer's Report.
(a) Whenever the Council determines, upon its own motion or upon the
petition of the owners of two-thirds (2/3) of the property who are also two-thirds (2/3) of
the property owners which will benefit specially from the improvement, to make a local
improvement, the Council shall direct the City engineer or engineer employed by the City
to make a survey and plat of such project and to submit a written report for the proposed
improvement. The petition shall clearly state that each petitioner agrees to grant any
easements reasonably necessary to construction of the improvement without receiving
monetary compensation. If an individual wishes to pay for the engineering report PRIOR
to obtaining petition signatures, they may request reimbursement, from the City, for the
reasonable costs of preparing or obtaining the engineering report if the petition is
accepted by the Council.
(b) Unless the Council directs otherwise, the report shall contain:
(i) A full description of such project and a description of each lot,
tract, or parcel of land, or portion thereof, specially benefited thereby, with the
name of the record owner or owners and may contain the name or names of other
persons found to have any interest in or lien upon said property.
(ii) A description of the boundaries of the district benefited and to be
assessed for such improvement as shown by the Council’s resolution.
(iii) An estimate of the probable cost of such project, which estimate
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shall include legal, administrative, and engineering costs attributable to such
(iv) A recommendation of a fair apportionment of the whole or any
portion of the cost of the project to the property specifically benefited.
(2) Improvement Resolution; Public Hearing.
(a) Promptly after the filing of the engineer’s report, the City Administrator
shall prepare a notice stating that such report is on file in his office subject to
examination, fixing the dates when the same was filed, the estimated probable cost of
such proposed improvement, a brief statement of the area proposed to be assessed
therefore, and notifying all persons interested to present their objections to said report, if
any they have, before the City Council on a date specified in such notice, not less than ten
(10) days after the date of the first publication or posting, as hereinafter provided, of said
(b) The Council shall specify in a Resolution providing for the said
improvement whether the notice provided for in this section shall be published or posted
as herein provided.
(i) If the Council shall declare notice be published, the City
Administrator shall prepare the notice of publication containing the information
above set forth, together with the names of the record owners of the property and
a description thereof, either by street number or other legal description and cause
the said notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, either daily
or weekly, within the city; that publication shall take place at least twice prior to
the hearing provided for therein.
(ii) If the Council shall determine to give notice by posting, the City
Administrator shall prepare a notice containing the same information as provided
for by published notice, one (1) copy thereof shall be posted in the City Hall, and
at least two (2) copies thereof shall be posted within the confines of the area
where the proposed improvement is to be carried out. In addition, the City
Administrator shall cause to be mailed to the address of the record owners a copy
of said notice. Said notices shall provide for the hearing before the City Council,
which may not be less than ten (10) days from the date of the mailing or posting,
whichever is later, of the said notice.
(c) If the Council, after hearing the objections, if any there be, finds such
report to be reasonable and just, it may adopt the same or amend, and, as amended, adopt
the same by ordinance, embodying such report. It may require a supplementary or further
report from the City engineer or engineer employed by the City.
(3) Remonstrance.
Not later than seven (7) days after the public hearing provided for in section (2), a
remonstrance (filed with the City Administrator’s office) of the owners of two-thirds (2/3) of the
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property who are also two-thirds (2/3) of the property owners who will be assessed for the
improvement shall defeat a resolution or petition to effectuate an improvement. In such an
event, no further action to effect the improvement shall be taken for six (6) months.
(4) Procedure for LID Participants to Dissolve LID.
If two-thirds (2/3) of the original petitioners who requested formation of the local
improvement district wish to cancel the improvement, they may do so by presenting the Council
with a petition requesting dissolution. This request will be allowed on condition that all City
expenditures related to the improvement must be paid by the petitioners requesting dissolution of
the improvement district. The petition for dissolution must be presented to the Council PRIOR
to acceptance of a bid for construction of the improvement. Upon receipt of the dissolution
petition, the Council, by resolution, shall order the improvement be suspended for a period of not
less than six (6) months or abandoned. The City will bill the petitioners for their prorated portion
of the cost, with reimbursement to the City required within thirty (30) days of the billing date.
The individual assessments of the reimbursement amount shall be set forth in the resolution
suspending or abandoning the improvement. If any petitioner does not pay their portion within
thirty (30) days, the City may impose a lien on the petitioner's property for the amount due the
City in the manner provided in Section 2.110 (6)
(5) Manner of Doing Work; Contracts; Bids; Bonds.
The Council shall provide by resolution the time and manner of doing the work of such
project, and may provide for the City to do the work itself, award the work on contract, or any
combination thereof. In the event that the work is done under contract, the Council shall comply
with the requirements of public contract law and ordinance.
2.110 Assessments.
(1) Assessment Procedure.
(a) When the Council, after the hearing provided for in section 2.105(2), shall
have ascertained what it deems to be a fair, just, and proper assessment of benefits to the
property it determines to be specially benefited, it may pass an ordinance specifying in
detail such assessment, which ordinance may be passed at any time after the hearing
hereinbefore specified. In order to avoid deficit assessments or rebates, or for any other
reason deemed sufficient by the Council, such ordinance specifying and levying
assessments need not be passed until the work is completed and total costs determined.
(b) The City Administrator shall cause notice of the proposed assessments to
be mailed or personally delivered to the owner of each lot proposed to be assessed. The
notice shall state the amounts of assessment proposed on that property and shall fix a
date, not less than twenty (20) days from the date of delivery of the notice, by which time
written objections to the proposed assessment may be filed with the City Administrator’s
office. Any such objection shall state the grounds thereof.
(c) The Council shall consider the objections and may adopt, correct, modify,
or revise the proposed assessments and shall determine the amount of assessment to be
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charged against each lot in the district, according to the special and peculiar benefits
accruing thereto from the improvement, and by ordinance shall spread the assessments.
(2) Method of Assessment. The Council, in adopting a method of assessment of the
costs of the local improvement, may:
(a) Use any just and reasonable method of determining the extent of any
improvement district consistent with the benefits derived.
(b) Authorize payment by the City of Gold Beach of all or any part of the cost
of any such improvement, provided the method selected creates a reasonable relation
between the benefits derived by the property specially assessed, and the benefits derived
by the City as a whole.
(c) Use any method of apportioning the sum to be assessed as is just and
reasonable between the properties determined to be specially benefited.
(3) Notice of Proposed Assessment. The notice required to be sent to the owner of a
lot affected by a proposed assessment shall be sent by first class mail, addressed to the owner or
his agent. If the address of the owner or of the owner’s agent is unknown to the City
Administrator, he/she shall mail the notice addressed to the owner or his agent at Gold Beach,
Oregon. Any mistake, omission or failure with respect to such mailing shall not be jurisdictional
or invalidate the assessment proceedings, but there shall be no foreclosure or legal action to
collect until notice has been given by personal service upon the owner, or if personal service
cannot be had, then by publication once (1) a week for two (2) successive weeks in a newspaper
of general circulation in the city.
(4) Alternative Methods of Financing. When, in the opinion of the Council, on
account of topographical or physical layout, unusual or excessive public travel, or other character
of work is involved, or when the Council otherwise believes the situation warrants it, it may pay
what it deems a fair proportion of the cost of such improvement in relation to the benefits
derived by the property directly benefited from general funds of the City, and the amount to be
assessed to the property benefited shall be proportionately reduced. Nothing herein contained
shall preclude the Council from using other available means of financing improvements,
including federal or state grant-in-aid, sewer service or other types of service charges, revenue
bonds, general obligation bonds, or other legal means of finances. In the event any of such other
means of finance are used, the Council may, in its discretion, levy special assessments hereunder
to cover any part of the costs of the improvement not covered by such means.
(5) Appeal. Any person feeling aggrieved by assessments made as herein provided
may, within twenty (20) days from the passage of the ordinance levying the assessment by the
Council, appeal there from to the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Curry County. Such
appeal and the requirements and formalities thereof shall be heard, governed, and determined
and the judgment thereon rendered and enforced so far as practicable in the manner provided for
appeals from assessments in ORS 223.401, as now or hereafter amended. The result of such
appeal shall be a final and conclusive determination of the matter of such assessment, except
with respect to the City’s right of reassessment as provided herein.
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(6) Lien Recording; Notice of Assessment; Foreclosure.
(a) The Council upon completion of the project shall adopt a resolution
directing the City Administrator to enter in the docket of City liens a statement of the
respective amounts assessed upon each particular lot or parcel of land with the names of
the record owners thereof. Upon such entry in the lien docket, the amounts so entered
shall be immediately due and payable and shall be a lien and charge upon the respective
lots, tracts, and parcels of land against which the same are placed. Such liens shall be
superior to all other liens, except as otherwise provided by law.
(b) Within ten (10) days after making the entry in the City lien docket, the
City Administrator shall cause notice of the assessment to be published once in a
newspaper of general circulation in the City and to be mailed or personally delivered to
the owners of the assessed lots. The notice shall contain a brief statement of the
assessments and shall state that upon failure of the owner to make application to pay the
assessment in installments as provided by ORS 223.205-223.330 (Bancroft Bonding
Act), or upon failure of the owner to pay the assessment in full within thirty (30) days
from the effective date of the assessment ordinance, then interest will commence to run at
the rate determined by the City. In the event that any installment payments elected by the
owner are not paid in full within thirty (30) days of the installment payment due date, the
City may add a late fee of $10 for each such late payment. All late fees incurred shall be
added to the lien on the property which is established by subsection (a) of this section.
The amount of the late fee may be modified by a resolution adopted by the City Council.
(c) The City of Gold Beach may proceed to foreclose as delinquent any lien
sixty (60) days after the same shall have been entered in the lien docket, as provided for
foreclosures of liens in ORS 223.505-223.650, as now constituted or hereafter amended.
(7) Deficit Assessment. If the assessment is made before the total costs are known,
and it be found that the amount assessed is insufficient to defray the expenses of the project, the
Council may by resolution declare such deficit and prepare a proposed deficit assessment. The
City Administrator shall give notice thereof and of the hearing of objection thereto as above
described with reference to the original report, and the Council upon such hearing shall make a
just and equitable deficit assessment. Such deficit assessment shall be consolidated with the
assessment in the lien docket.
(8) Rebate. If, upon the completion of the project, it is found that any sum assessed
therefore upon any property is more than sufficient to pay the cost thereof, the Council must
ascertain and declare the same, and when so declared it must be entered in the docket of City
liens as a credit upon the appropriate assessment. If any such assessment has been paid, the
person who paid the same, or his legal representative, shall be entitled to the payment of any
portion of the rebate credit which exceeds the assessment by a warrant on the City treasurer.
(9) Abandonment of Proceedings. The Council shall have full power and authority to
abandon and rescind proceedings for projects hereunder at any time prior to the final consumma-
tion of such proceedings, and if liens have been assessed upon any property under this procedure,
they shall be canceled, and any payments made thereon shall be refunded to the payer, his
assigns, or legal representatives.
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(10) Curative Provisions. No assessment shall be invalid by reason of a failure to give
in any report, in the proposed assessment, in the ordinance making the assessment, in the lien
docket, or elsewhere in the proceedings, the name of the owner of any lot, tract, or parcel of land
or the name of any person having a lien upon or interest therein, or by a mistake in the name of
any such person or the entry of a name other than the name of such owner or other person having
a lien upon or interest in such property, or by reason of any error, mistake, delay, omission,
irregularity, or other act, jurisdictional or otherwise, in any of the proceedings or steps
hereinbefore specified, unless it appears that reasonable notice has not been given of the hearing
upon the proposed assessment or that the assessment as made, insofar as it affects the person
complaining, is unfair and unjust, and the shall have power and authority to remedy and correct
all such matters by suitable action and proceedings.
(11) Reassessments. If a local improvement assessment is declared void by a court, or
if the Council is in doubt as to the validity of the assessment, the Council may reassess the cost
of the improvement, in the manner provided by ORS 223.405 to 223.485, as now constituted or
hereafter amended.
2.205 Standards and Specifications for Streets.
(1) All parcels of land intended for vehicular use by the general public shall be
offered for dedication, except as otherwise provided herein.
(2) The location, width and grade of streets shall be considered in their relation to
existing and planned streets, to topographical conditions, to public convenience and safety and to
the proposed use of the land to be served by the streets. Street determination shall be
coordinated with consideration of access to building sites and with need for utility locations.
Proposed streets shall provide for the continuance or appropriate projection of existing streets in
the surrounding area and otherwise meet standards as outlined below.
(3) Standard minimum roadway requirements. Unless otherwise indicated in the
transportation element of the comprehensive plan, or in an adopted neighborhood circulation
plan, the street right-of-way and roadway widths shall not be less than the minimums shown in
table 1 and where applicable Table 2.
Standard Minimum Roadway Requirements
A: Minimum standards where both public water and public sewer are available.
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Type of Street
Minimum Right-
of Way Width
(feet) **
Minimum Paved
Roadway (Curb)
Width (feet)
Sidewalk Width
(feet) ****
Average Grade
both sides
both sides
Residential 50 32 4-both sides
one side only
50 36***
60-80 44 5-both sides
* Maximum of 200 feet can be to 18 percent.
** Additional right-of-way may be required for adequate protection of cuts and fills, slide
hazard, and drainage problems.
*** No on street parking where minimum standard is used. Developer is responsible for no
parking signage subject to city requirements.
**** Suitable alternative pedestrian routes may be provided as approved by planning
Note: All streets within this section shall have curbs and gutters.
B: Minimum standards for residential streets in areas where public sewer and/or public
water are not available.
1. Minimum right of way width - 50 feet.
2. Minimum paved roadway surface - 24 feet.
3. Minimum cul-de-sac radius requirements - 50 feet right of way, 30 feet paved.
4. Road surface shall be striped with a 4 foot walk/bike lane on one side.
5. Roadways may have gravel shoulders.
6. No on street parking is allowed where minimum standard is proposed. Developer
is responsible for applicable signage subject to city requirements.
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(4) Notwithstanding minimum standards as specified in Table 1 (A) above, the
following optional residential roadway standards found in Table 2 may be used in areas where
the average slope within the project area is greater than 15 percent. Area slope calculations shall
be done by a licensed engineer or surveyor and shall be approved by the city engineer.
Hillside Minimum Roadway Requirements
Minimum Right-
of-Way Width
Minimum Paved
Roadway (Curb
face to curb
face) Width
Marked Walk/
Bike Lane Average Grade Curb/Gutter
50 feet 26* 4’-one side
(Same as
Standard Road)
*Parking requirement
Parking bays as illustrated on Figure 1, shall be required to provide on street parking at
regular intervals along the roadway. These parking bays shall be spaced no more than
300 feet apart and shall provide on street parking at a minimum rate of two (2) spaces for
every lot proposed. These spaces are not to be assigned to specific lots or parcels. It
should be noted that this requirement does not effect the off street residential parking
A buffered parking bay (Figure 1) may be required by the planning commission in more
active street areas.
(5) Cul-de-sacs. A cul-de-sac street shall be as short as possible and shall have a
maximum length of 500 feet notwithstanding this requirement the length may be extended up to
800 feet without a variance if the planning commission determines that unusual circumstances
exit and based upon written documentation from the City Engineer and Fire Chief indicating that
said extension will not create a hazardous situation.
(6) Curves. Centerline radii of curves shall not be less than 300 feet on arterials, 200
feet on collectors, or 100 feet on residential streets.
(7) Construction of Streets and Roads to Meet Engineering Requirements. All streets
and roads constructed within the City of Gold Beach shall be constructed to the specifications of
the City Engineer and in accordance with the “Standard Specifications and Engineering
Requirements for Public Works Improvements” approved by the City Engineer, which Standard
Specifications are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference.
(8) Construction of Streets and Roads to Meet Public Works Requirements. All
streets and roads constructed within the city of Gold Beach shall be constructed to the “Standard
Specifications for Public Works Construction” as published by the American Public Works
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Association, Oregon Chapter, which are now in effect or which shall take effect in the future.
These specifications are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference.
(9) Alleys. When any lots are proposed for commercial or industrial usage, alleys at
least 20 feet in width shall be required at the rear thereof with adequate ingress and egress for
truck traffic unless alternative commitments for off-street service truck facilities without alleys
are approved.
(10) Street alignment. As far as practical, streets shall be in alignment with existing
streets by continuation of the centerline thereof. Staggered street alignment resulting in “T”
intersections shall, wherever practical, leave a minimum distance of 200 feet between the center
lines of streets having approximately the same direction and otherwise shall not be less than 125
(11) Intersection radius. Intersections of streets with fewer than four (4) moving lanes
of traffic for each street shall have a corner radius at the right-of-way line of not less than 30 feet.
The City Engineer may approve exceptions up to 5 feet less in order to match exiting conditions
or provide desired design controls.
(12) Street intersection angles. All streets within or abutting a development shall
intersect one another at an angle as near to a right angle as is practicable in each specific case
unless otherwise necessitated by topographical conditions or other pre-existing conditions.
(13) It is the desire of the City to have all preexisting nonconforming public roads
brought up to, at minimum, the minimum standards set forth above. However, in cases, due to
topography, water courses or odd shaped parcels or any other special circumstances whereby it is
impractical to comply with the above, said requirements may be modified in such a manner as
necessitated by the circumstances after inspection and written recommendation of the City
Engineer, and approval of the City Council.
2.206 Driveway approaches. The location and width of access driveways onto public
streets shall be subject to the following design standards and criteria:
(1) Minimum/maximum approach width, drive separation:
Use Minimum Width Optimum Width
Width between
Single and two
family dwellings
12’ 15’ 24’* 5’
All other
15’ 24’ 32’ 22’
*For up to two (2) parking stalls. For each additional parking stall within a garage that faces the
street from which it is accessed, an additional 12 feet of width may be added.
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(2) Distance from intersection. Driveway approaches shall be positioned from the
intersection of a residential street a distance of no less than 20 feet and 100 feet for collector and
arterial streets, provided however that such distances may be reduced by the city engineer where
impractical due to lot configuration and/or width.
(3) Number of accesses permitted. Access points to a public street shall be the
minimum necessary to provide reasonable access while not inhibiting the safe traffic circulation
and carrying capacity of the street. Except as further restricted by this section, properties of less
than 100 feet of frontage shall be limited to two (2) access lanes per frontage which may be
together or separate and properties exceeding 100 feet of frontage shall be limited to two (2)
access lanes per each 100 feet of frontage.
(4) Access driveway grade and surfacing. All driveway aprons shall be paved to a
minimum 5 foot width. Access driveways shall have a minimum travel surface of 12 feet for
single and two (2) family residential and 15 feet for all other residential accesses, 24 feet for
commercial and industrial accesses. Driveways shall be no greater than 20 percent and shall be
paved if greater than 12 percent. Driveway plans shall be approved by the City Planning
Director and City Engineer.
2.207 Street lights. Street lighting shall be provided along all proposed streets within
the City, and shall be provided to the following standards:
(1) Location. As part of a new street development, street lighting shall be installed at
intersections and at a maximum distance of 220 feet apart with the following exceptions:
(a) A cul-de-sac where the terminus is less than 150 feet from the nearest
lighted intersection; otherwise, a street light shall be installed at the end of a cul-de-sac.
(b) For streets serving industrial areas, there shall be a minimum of one (1)
street light at each intersection.
(2) Service. Nearest facility carrying 120 volts secondary and controlled by
individual photoelectric control devices. All services shall be underground.
(3) Materials and height. Galvanized steel, concrete, aluminum or fiberglass, or on
existing wood distribution facilities, 25 to 30 feet in height.
(4) Design standards for roadway average maintained luminance. The following
luminance values represent the lowest average maintained values that are currently considered
appropriate for the following roadways (measured in foot-candles):
Commercial Areas
Industrial Areas
Residential Areas*
*Mercury vapor luminaries only
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(5) Alternate Standards. Notwithstanding the above standard coastal road
development or other development where light pollution may be a concern in residential zones
may propose alternative lighting standards, provided that the level of luminance resulting from
the proposed alternate standards is equivalent to the level of luminance provided by the typical
standards, as provided in Sections 1-4 above. The request for alternate standards shall be
accompanied by calculations demonstrating equivalent luminance by an engineer registered in
Oregon, and must be approved by the City Engineer. Power for and maintenance of alternate
standards shall be the responsibility of the homeowners whose property is served by the alternate
standards, through the means of a Homeowners Association, formed in accordance with Oregon
law. The Homeowners Association shall hold the City harmless from damage claims arising
from negligence on the part of the Homeowners Association in supplying power to or
maintenance of said alternate standards. The City Attorney must review and approve the bylaws,
covenants, codes and restrictions of the Homeowners Association for the proposed alternate
2.208 Street Definitions.
(1) Arterial Street. A street of considerable continuity which is primarily a traffic
artery for intercommunication between major geographic areas or which carries a heavy volume
of traffic.
(2) Collector Street. A street supplementary to the arterial road system and used for
both through traffic and access to abutting properties.
(3) Residential Street. A street providing direct access to abutting residential
property lot size and or dwelling density potential indicate urban residential traffic volume.
2.210 Regulations for Streets.
(1) No Alterations. No person shall modify, alter or change any existing street in any
manner which would result in the street being out of conformance with the Standard
Specifications required by Section 2.205(1) of this Code or which would render conformance
with the Standard Specifications more difficult or expensive, without the prior appraisal of the
City Council.
(2) Application Requirements. It shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct, cut,
break, dig up, damage in any manner, undermine or tunnel under any public street or alley
without first making application to the City of Gold Beach, depositing security, and obtaining a
permit therefore as provided in this Section.
(3) Application for Permit. Applications for said permits shall be in written form
prescribed by the City Administrator’s office and shall specify the name and address of the
applicant; the date of the application; the name of the street or alley to be cut or tunneled under;
the exact location of the cut or tunnel; the nature of the street surface involved; the purpose of the
work; the size and nature of the cut or tunnel; the number of days required to complete the work;
and an agreement to deposit such security as required by the City to comply with the provisions
of this Section and with the specifications of the City pertaining to the conduct of the work; the
type and manner of material replacement to save the City and its employees harmless against any
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injury or damage that may result from the acts of the applicant, and to file a report of the work
done within 24 hours of its completion. Application for each permit to be issued for a limited
time and for a specific cut or tunnel in the street or alley shall be accompanied by a fee
determined by Resolution of the City Council.
(4) Security. Before the issuance of any permit, the City shall require the applicant to
file with the City either:
(a) A surety bond in an amount fixed by the City, conditioned that the
applicant will, immediately upon the completion of the work, remove all surplus earth,
rubbish or other material, replace the pavement cut or undermining in a condition as good
as or better than it was before, and keep the same in good repair, at his own expense, for a
period of time to be designated by the City, but not to exceed one (1) year from the
completion of said work.
(b) Cash or certified check in an amount equal to twice the estimated
replacement cost of the pavement to be cut, together with the cost of re-excavation and
refilling with proper material, if necessary, as determined by the City, to be held and
returned, subject to the same conditions as set forth above in the case of surety bonds.
(c) A blanket surety bond to cover all street cuts and tunnels made by any
particular applicant for a period of one (1) year from completion of the last cut or tunnel
made, in an amount to be fixed by the City, but not to exceed $5,000, and subject to the
same conditions as stated above with reference to bonds for particular street cuts.
(5) Issuance of Permit. If the City Administrator is satisfied that the excavation, cut
or tunnel is feasible and proper, that the application has been made in due form, and that
adequate security has been filed as required by the provisions of this Section, a permit shall be
issued which shall designate the name and address of the person to whom the permit is granted;
the date of the issuance of the permit; the street or streets or alley to be cut, tunneled under, or
obstructed; the nature of the street surface or pavement involved; the purpose of the work; the
size and nature of the cut, excavation or obstruction; the estimated cost of restoration; the nature
and amount of security deposited; the time within which the work is to be completed, as
determined by the City; and such other restrictions, specifications, and regulations as may be
deemed necessary or proper by the City for the safety of the public and the protection of the
public interest.
(6) Conduct of Work. All work under said permits shall be done in conformity with
the provisions of this Section, the terms of said applications and permits, and under the
supervision and subject to the approval of the City. Upon completion of the excavation, cut,
tunnel, or obstruction, all surplus earth, rubbish, or other material shall be removed immediately
and street or surface pavement shall be replaced in as good as or better condition that it was
(7) Adherence to and Exhibition of Permits. No work shall be undertaken other than
that specified in the application and permit for the particular cut, excavation, tunnel, or
obstruction. Upon demand of any City officer or employee, said permits shall be produced at the
place where the work is in progress, or such work shall be stopped until said permit is produced.
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(8) Barricades and Safety Measures. Whenever any person or corporation shall,
under the authority of this Section or otherwise, place any obstruction in any street or alley or
make any excavation therein for any purpose whatsoever, it shall be the duty of such person or
corporation to keep such obstruction or excavation properly safeguarded by substantial
barricades and to display lighted lanterns or other lights or flares from dusk until daylight in
conformity with such regulations as may be specified by the City. Whenever, in the opinion of
the City, the public safety is so seriously endangered by said cuts, excavations, tunnels, or
obstructions, as to require constant supervision from dusk to daylight to ensure that all barricades
are in proper condition, that all warning lights are burning, and that traffic is properly routed
around such barricades, the persons to whom the permit for the work has been granted shall be
responsible for furnishing a night watchman for that purpose.
(9) Liability for Accidents. Every person or corporation having occasion to place any
obstruction in any street or alley or to make any excavation therein under the provisions of this
Section or otherwise, shall be responsible to anyone for any injury or damage by reason of the
presence of such obstruction or excavation in the public streets and alleys and also shall be liable
to the City of Gold Beach, in the event that the City shall be held responsible for any accident
claims or otherwise arising out of the presence of any such obstruction or excavation in said
public streets or alleys.
(10) Liability Insurance. No permit shall be granted, or cut or obstruction made,
pursuant to this Section or otherwise, until the applicant therefore shall deliver unto the City
sufficient proof, in writing, that said applicant has in force a policy or policies of insurance
covering the liability occasioned by said cut or obstruction in the minimum amounts necessary to
insure against any and all liability the City may have under the Oregon Tort Claims Act.
The City and said applicant shall be named insured in said policy or policies of insurance
or, if a general liability policy is in force covering said applicant, said policy shall contain a
provision, or such provision shall be added thereto, which generally protects and covers the
owners of properties upon which said applicant is working.
(11) Repairs. All persons to whom such permits are granted shall be personally
responsible for the maintenance and repair of the street surface or pavement cut, dug up,
damaged, tunneled under, or undermined under the provisions of said permits, in as good as or
better condition than before such work was undertaken, at their own expense and for such period
of time as may be required by the City, but not to exceed one year.
(12) Option to City to Replace Pavement. Whenever, in the opinion of the City, it
would be to the best interests of the City for the City itself to replace or repair the street surface
or pavement cut, dug up, damaged, tunneled under, or undermined under the provisions of this
Section, such work shall be done by the City and the cost of said work shall be either charged to
the person to whom the permit for the said cut, excavation, or tunnel has been granted or
deducted from the security deposited by him with the City.
(13) Application to City Employees and Public Utilities. The provisions of this
Section shall not be deemed to apply to the construction or maintenance of pavement by the City,
by its employees, or by persons operating under contract with the City, nor to cuts or excavations
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made by the employees of the City water department, nor to the public utility corporations
operating under the provisions of franchises regulating street cuts or excavations by such
corporations; but both the employees of the City and all public utility corporations shall give
prior notice to the City of all street cuts and obstructions that would otherwise be subject to the
provisions of this Section.
(14) Violations. The City shall have the authority to commence such suits, actions, or
proceedings as may be necessary in courts of competent jurisdiction to restrain violations of this
Section, or to collect damages therefore. In addition, such suits, actions, or proceedings as may
be necessary, may be brought against persons obtaining permits under this Section who fail to
properly repair streets as set forth herein, upon the bond given to the City, or if security deposits
are insufficient. In any such suit, action or proceedings, the City may recover, in addition to the
actual damage and costs, such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees.
2.305 Construction, Alteration and Repair of Sidewalks.
(1) Duty to Repair Sidewalks. It is the duty of an owner or occupant of land
adjoining a city street to maintain in good repair the adjacent sidewalk whenever it becomes
damaged or deteriorated in any way whatsoever.
(2) Liability for Sidewalk Injuries.
(a) The owner of real property responsible for maintaining the adjacent
sidewalk shall be primarily liable to any person injured because of any negligence of such
owner in failing to maintain the sidewalk in good condition.
(b) If the City is required to pay damages for an injury to persons or property
caused by the failure of a person to perform the duty which this section (2) imposes, the
person shall compensate the City for the amount of the damages thus paid. The City may
maintain an action in a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this
(3) Standards and Specifications. Sidewalks shall be constructed, altered and
repaired in accordance with City’s Standard Specifications and Engineering Requirements for
Public Works Improvements. Such Standard Specifications shall be on file at the City
Administrator’s office and are adopted by reference as if fully set forth herein.
(4) Submission of Plans. No person shall construct, alter or repair a sidewalk within
the City without first making application for a permit and submitting the plans and specifications
for the proposed work. Said application shall be made to the City Administrator’s office, and all
applicable standards and specifications established under section (3) herein shall be met by said
plans. Thereafter, the City Administrator may issue a permit for the proposed work. The
applicant shall pay the permit fee established by Resolution of the City Council.
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(5) Supervision of Work. The construction, alteration or repair of sidewalks shall be
under the supervision of the City Administrator. The City Administrator or his/her designee may
inspect any materials and construction details as in his/her judgment may be necessary to ensure
compliance with the applicable standards and specifications.
(6) Notice to Repair or Make Alterations.
(a) If the adjoining property owner does not maintain the sidewalk in good
repair and the City Council determines, in the exercise of its discretion, to require
alteration or repair of the sidewalk, the City Council may, by resolution, direct the City
Administrator to issue a notice.
(b) The notice shall require the owner of the property adjacent to the sidewalk
to complete the work within sixty (60) days after service of notice. The notice shall also
state that if the work is not completed by the owner within the 60-day time period, the
City may complete it and assess the cost against the property adjacent to the sidewalk.
(c) The City Administrator shall cause a copy of the notice to be served
personally upon the owner of the property adjacent to the sidewalk, or the notice may be
served by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. If after diligent search the
owner is not discovered, the City Administrator shall cause a copy of the notice to be
posted in a conspicuous place on the property, and such posting shall have the same
effect as service of notice by mail or by personal service upon the owner of the property.
(d) The person serving the notice shall file with the City Administrator’s
office a statement stating the time, place and manner of service of notice.
(7) City May Alter or Repair Sidewalk. If the sidewalk alteration or repair is not
completed within sixty (60) days after service of the notice, the City Administrator may
complete it. Upon completion of the project, the City Administrator shall submit a report to the
Council. The report shall contain an itemized statement of the cost of the work.
(8) Assessment for Sidewalk Work Done by City. Upon receipt of the report, the
Council, by ordinance, shall assess the cost of the work against the property adjacent to the side-
walk. The assessment shall be a lien against the property and may be collected in the same
manner as is provided for the collection of street improvement assessments.
(9) Sidewalk Construction Requested by the Property Owner. If a property owner
petitions the Council for an order to build a sidewalk on the part of the street abutting on his
property agrees to pay cash or to make application to pay the cost in installments as provided by
the Bancroft Bonding Act (ORS 223.205 to 223.300), waives the right of service and publication
of notice of construction, and consents to the assessment of the property upon which the
sidewalk abuts, the Council may order the construction of the requested sidewalk, if in its
judgment the sidewalk should be built.
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2.990 Penalty.
Violation of this Code is punishable by a fine not to exceed $300. Each day’s violation
of a provision of this Code shall constitute a separate offense. The Gold Beach City Council
may amend the maximum penalty from time to time by resolution.
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Gold Beach Utility Code – Page 1
Amended by Ordinance 647, March 2014
3.000 Code Provisions as Law
3.010 General Savings Provision
3.020 Continuity of Existing Provisions
3.030 Interpretation of Term “City Administrator”
3.040 Severability
Water Code
3.100 Water Code Definitions
3.110 Council to Have Charge of Water System
3.120 Council Powers and Authority
3.125 Council to Set Rates and Other Charges
3.130 Broken Meter Rates
3.135 Adjustments and Refunds Other Than Deposit
3.140 Deposit
3.145 Application for Connection of Water Service
3.150 Installation of Service
3.155 Services Outside the City
3.160 Access to Premises for Inspection
3.170 Charges for Turning Water On or Off at Water Users Request
3.180 Charges for Inspecting, Testing, Repairing and Altering Meters
3.190 Temporary Disconnect
3.200 Meter Reading and Billing
3.205 Water Charge Liens
3.210 Penalty on Delinquent Bills
3.215 Procedure for Disconnect for Non-payment or Other Violation; Appeal Procedure
3.220 Alternate Procedure for Disconnection of Rented Premises for Non-Payment
3.225 Procedure for Reconnection
3.230 Water Use by Applicant
3.235 Outside Connections
3.240 Leaking or Unused Services
3.245 Water System Shut Off; Responsibility
3.250 Damage through Pipe and Fixtures
3.255 Use of the City Water and Private Water
3.260 Establishing Procedures for Reconnection after Use of Private Water Supply
3.265 Operating Valves or Hydrants without Authority
3.270 Penalty for Turning On Water without Authority
3.280 Charges for Service Pipes Connected without Authority
3.300 Cross Connections Regulated
3.305 Backflow Prevention Assembly Requirement
3.310 Installation Requirements
3.315 Access to Premises
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3.320 Testing and Repairs
3.325 Variances
3.330 Cost of Compliance
3.335 Termination of Service
3.350 Penalty
Sewer Code
3.400 Sewer Use and Charges
3.410 Definitions (amended 3/2014 by Ord No. 647)
3.415 Use of Public Sewers Required
3.420 Private Sewage Disposal
3.425 Building Sewers and Connections (amended 3/2014 by Ord No. 647)
3.430 Monthly Sewer User Fees
3.440 Temporary Termination of Sewer Service
3.445 Use of the Public Sewers (amended 3/2014 by Ord No. 647)
3.450 Protection from Damage
3.455 Powers and Authority of Inspectors (amended 3/2014 by Ord No. 647)
3.460 Procedure for Disconnection; Appeal Procedure; Penalties (amended 3/2014 by Ord No.
Systems Development Charge Code
3.500 Findings
3.510 Policy Provisions
3.515 Definitions
3.520 Systems Development Charge Provided
3.525 Collection
3.530 Exemptions
3.535 Credits
3.540 Compliance with State Law
3.545 Appeals
Electric Service Code
3.600 Franchise Required
3.000 Code Provisions as Law.
The provisions of this Code are the laws of the City of Gold Beach and not merely prima
facie evidence of the law.
3.010 General Savings Provision.
This Code shall not affect rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred
and proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this Code.
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Amended by Ordinance 647, March 2014
3.020 Continuity of Existing Provisions.
The provisions of this Code that are the same in substance as code or ordinance
provisions that are in effect immediately before this Code becomes effective are construed as
restatements and continuations of the prior provisions.
3.030 Interpretation of Term “City Administrator”.
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, any time this Code indicates that an
action is to be performed by the City Administrator, that action may be performed either by the
City Administrator or by the City Administrator’s designee. Designation of a designee of the
City Administrator may be done informally.
3.040 Severability.
The sections, subsections, paragraphs, provisions, clauses, phrases, and words of this
Code are severable. If a sections, subsection, paragraph, provision, clause, phrase, or word of
this Code is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, the
judgment shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Code. Every other
section, subsection, paragraph, provision, clause, phrase or word of this Code enacted,
irrespective of the enactment or validity of the portion declared unconstitutional or invalid, is
Water Code
3.100 Water Code Definitions.
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this
Water Code shall be as follows:
(1) “Approved back flow preventions assembly” means an assembly to counteract
back pressures or prevent back siphonage. This assembly must appear on the list of approved
assemblies, issued by the Oregon State Health Division.
(2) “Auxiliary supply” means any water source or system, other than the public
water system, that may be available in the building or on the premises.
(3) “Backflow” means the flow in the direction opposite to the normal flow or the
introduction of any foreign liquids, gases, or substances into the water system of the City’s
(4) “City” shall mean the City of Gold Beach, Oregon, including its duly authorized
officials, agents and employees.
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(5) “City system” shall mean the total water system of the City of Gold Beach
within and without the limits of the city of Gold Beach, Oregon.
(6) “Contamination” means the entry into or presence in a public water supply
system of any substance that may be deleterious to health and/or quality of the water.
(7) “Cross Connection” means any physical arrangement where a public water
system is connected, directly or indirectly, with any other non-drinkable water system or
auxiliary system, sewer, drain conduit, swimming pool, storage reservoir, plumbing fixture,
swamp coolers, or any other assembly which contains, or may contain, contaminated water,
sewage, or other liquid of unknown or unsafe contaminated water, sewage, or other liquid of
unknown or unsafe quality which may be capable of imparting contamination to the public
water system as a result of backflow. Bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable
sections, swivel or change over assemblies, or other temporary or permanent assemblies
through which, or because of which, backflow may occur are considered to be cross
(8) “Degree of hazard” shall be derived from the evaluation of a health, system,
plumbing or pollutional hazard.
(9) “Health hazard” means an actual or potential threat of contamination of a
physical or toxic nature to the public potable water system or the consumer’s potable water
system that would be a danger to health.
(10) “Personshall mean and include any person, firm, co-partnership, association,
corporation or other organization, whether he or it is acting for himself or itself or as the clerk,
servant, employee or agent of another; and the singular shall include the plural and the plural the
(11) “Plumbing hazard” means an internal or plumbing-type cross-connection in a
consumer’s potable water system that may be either a pollutional or a contamination-type
hazard. This includes, but is not limited to, cross connections to toilets, sinks, lavatories,
wash trays, domestic washing machines and lawn sprinkling systems. Plumbing-type cross
connections can be located in many types of structures including homes, apartment houses,
hotels and commercial or industrial establishments.
(12) “Pollutional hazard” means an actual or potential threat to the physical
properties of the water system or the potability of the public or the consumer’s potable water
system but which would not constitute a health or system hazard, as defined. The maximum
degree of intensity of pollution to which the potable water system could be degraded under
this definition would cause a nuisance or be aesthetically objectionable or could cause minor
damage to the system or its appurtenances.
(13) “Potable water supply” means any system of water supply intended or used
for human consumption or other domestic use.
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(14) “Premises” means any piece of land to which water is provided including all
improvements, mobile home(s) and structures located on it.
(15) “Reduced pressure principle assembly” shall mean an assembly containing
two (2) independently acting approved check valves together with a hydraulically-operated,
mechanically independent pressure differential relief valve located between the check valves
and at the same time below the first check valve. The assembly shall include properly
located test cocks and tightly closing resilient seated shut-off valves at the end of the
assembly. A check valve is approved if it appears on the list of approved assemblies issued
by the Oregon State Health Division.
(16) “System hazard” means an actual or potential threat of severe danger to the
physical properties of the public or consumer’s potable water system or of a pollution or
contamination that would have a detrimental effect on the quality of the potable water in the
(17) “Thermal Expansion” means heated water without the space to expand.
(18) “Water department” shall mean the total water department of the City of Gold
Beach, including office, service yard, and all employees connected therewith, clerical or field.
(19) “Water superintendent” shall mean the duly appointed water superintendent of
the City of Gold Beach or such employee as the water superintendent may delegate.
(20) “Water usershall mean any person specifically requesting delivery of water
from the city water system or using or consuming water from the city’s water system.
Terms not specifically defined herein shall have the meaning given in the Zoning Code
of the City of Gold Beach. Any words or phrases that are not particularly defined therein shall
be defined by the City of Gold Beach Building Code.
3.110 Council to Have Charge of Water System. The Council shall have charge of the
total water works, plant and system of the city of Gold Beach.
3.120 Council Powers and Authority.
(1) The Council is authorized and empowered to purchase, construct, keep, conduct,
extend, and maintain the water system and all necessary plants and facilities to furnish water to
the City and to areas adjacent thereto and to areas adjacent to the pipes, conduits, or aqueducts
constructed or used for such purposes, and to that end may acquire, by purchase or otherwise,
and own and possess such real and personal property within and without the limits of the City as
in the judgment of the Council may be deemed necessary and convenient.
(2) The Council shall have power and authority to enter into the necessary contracts
or agreements to purchase all necessary material, equipment, and supplies as it may deem
necessary or convenient to the conduct, extension, operation, maintenance, and management of
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Amended by Ordinance 647, March 2014
the city system, and to do any other act in the construction, operation, and maintenance of the
city system.
(3) The Council shall have power and authority to acquire any waterworks or water
plant, or part thereof, either by direct purchase or by condemnation proceedings, in the manner
prescribed by law for the appropriation of private property for corporate purposes or public use.
(4) The Council shall have power and authority to, and shall, from time to time,
make such regulations as may be necessary for the installation of water mains, and for the
apportionment of the cost thereof between property owners and the City.
(5) Excepting such installations as are deemed by the Council to be of benefit to the
city system as a whole, the Council shall not cause to be laid any water mains unless, in its
judgment, the revenue that will be derived from the water sales resulting from such installation
shall produce a revenue equal to ten (10) percent per annum of the cost of such project.
When the owner of property to be served by a water main, the income from which will
not equal a sufficient amount to justify the cost of the project thereof as provided by this Code
and such Council regulations desires such service, the Council may cause such project to be
done, in accordance with city specifications, at the sole cost and expense of the property owner;
such main becoming the sole property of the City upon completion of installation; and at any
time thereafter when the annual income from such main shall be sufficient to have justified its
construction, the City may reimburse the property owner at a price not exceeding the original
cost, less five (5) percent per annum for depreciation.
(6) The Council shall have power and authority, by resolution and publication, to
designate specific days, dates, or hours during which users of water from the city system may
use water for irrigation purposes, and may prohibit the use of water from the city system for
purposes of irrigation, and it shall be unlawful for any person to irrigate or sprinkle in violation
of such proclamation.
(7) The Council shall have power and authority to do any other act or make any
other regulation necessary and convenient for the conduct of its business and the due execution
of the power and authority given it by charter and not contrary to law.
3.125 Council to Set Rates and Other Charges.
(1) The Council shall have power and authority to establish all rates, deposits, fees,
penalties, and other charges for the use and consumption of water from the city system and the
connection thereto and to provide for the payment of water rates, deposits, fees, penalties, and
other charges and to shut off the water from any house, tenant, or place for which the water
rates, deposits, fees, penalties, and other charges are not duly paid; or when any rule or
regulation is disregarded or disobeyed. The establishment of said rates, deposits, fees, penalties,
and other charges shall be by written resolution without the necessity of amending this Code,
and such resolution, when duly and regularly passed, shall be the lawful rates, deposits, fees,
penalties, and other charges of the City.
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(2) The Council shall have power and authority to classify water services by service
pipe size, meter sizes, demand, nature of usage, or other means deemed equitable by the Council
and to establish rates and minimum charges by said classification; and the establishment of such
classification and such rates and minimums shall be by written resolution, without the necessity
of amending this Code; and such resolution, when duly and regularly passed, shall be the lawful
classification of water services and rates and minimum charges of the City.
(3) The Council shall have power and authority to enter into special agreements for
water usage and at special rates either greater or less than existing rates to water users within or
without the boundaries of the City.
3.130 Broken Meter Rates. Whenever a water meter is found by the meter reader to be
inoperative, an amount equal to the average billing of the three preceding months shall be billed
to the water user for that month.
3.135 Adjustments and Refunds Other Than Deposit. Adjustments and refunds, other
than deposit, of water bills or other charges may be made only upon motion by the Council.
3.140 Deposit.
(1) A water user shall make a deposit in the sum established by resolution of the
City Council prior to the time water service is provided to that water user.
(2) The cashier of the Water Department shall keep the total of such deposits in a
separate account known as “water deposit accounts” and shall keep records showing the source
of all receipts and purposes of withdrawals from said account. From this account the cashier
shall satisfy any delinquent water or sewer account. When a depositor closes an account and all
obligations have been fully satisfied, the cashier shall return any unused portion of the deposit
by check to the depositor. In the event the depositor does not apply for the return of the deposit
within thirty (30) days from the date that water service is discontinued, then such deposit shall
be forfeited to the City of Gold Beach, unless otherwise specified by the Council. The
provisions of this section shall not apply to the Curry County Courthouse, and other buildings,
offices, or agencies of said county, not to the Coos-Curry fire patrol, agencies of the state of
Oregon, United States of America, the Port of Gold Beach, or any other recognized and duly
incorporated municipal corporation or political subdivision of the state of Oregon. The City
Council may from time to time in its rates resolution exempt the requirements of this section to
the other groups or organizations or establishments using the city water system.
(3) If the owner of property has specifically requested delivery of water to that
property, has agreed to be responsible for such service and has agreed that if payment is not
made the City may impose a lien on the property, a deposit is not required.
3.145 Application for Connection of Water Service.
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(1) A person wishing water service shall make written application for a permit to
connect the premises to the city system or to request water turned on at the premises, on the
forms provided by the City. The applicant shall specify the location and the use for which the
service is required and shall agree to abide by the provisions of this Code. The applicant shall
pay the connection fee and deposit specified by resolution of the City Council and any charges
required by Section 3.150 of this Code. If no meter is installed, the applicant shall pay the cost
of the meter and its installation.
(2) A separate water service hook-up shall be required to each unit of property of
separate ownership, and in no event shall one service serve properties under separate
ownerships. At any time a property is divided into separate ownerships from one ownership,
then this clause shall also apply to separate ownership. Separate water services shall be required
to each individual building upon each unit of ownership. This section shall not apply to
condominium development as that term is defined in ORS Chapter 94. Condominium
developments may install a single meter for service of residential units under separate
ownership within the condominium developments only.
(3) Any person who wishes to change the use for which water service is required
shall apply for a new water service permit and pay all fees associated therewith.
3.150 Installation of Service.
(1) Where the applicant wishes service for a subdivision, major partition, planned
unit development, industrial connection, commercial connection, or multi-residential
connection, then said application shall be placed on the next regularly scheduled Council
meeting for approval by the City Council. Applicants shall specify in the application, the size of
development, estimated quantity of water to be used daily, and proposed number of living
and/or commercial units to be constructed within the development. Application for water
service shall be filed with the City Administrator’s office, either prior to, or at the same time,
that applicant files with other city authorities for a land use decision in regards to his specific
(2) All plans and specifications in regards to water distribution within the
development and all other plans and specifications shall be submitted to the city engineer for his
comments and approval as a part of being submitted to the City Council. The City Council shall
review the engineer’s recommendations and applicant’s design and specifications. The City
Council and/or the engineer may require any other pertinent information from the applicant
deemed to be necessary to review this matter. All costs of review of the applicant’s project shall
be paid by the applicant as charged to the City by the city engineer or any other source.
(3) Upon acceptance of the applicant’s specifications and design by the City
Council, the applicant shall post a cash bond to cover all costs of the improvements, including
the engineering, construction, legal and administration costs. At the same time, applicant shall
pay a connection fee to the city recorder and the City may commence, after posting of said
bonds and payment of fees to construct the necessary improvements, or receive bids on the
project in the City Council’s sole discretion. If the City Council requests bids, a cash bond to
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cover bid price shall be posted at the start of construction. Upon completion of the project, the
applicant shall install a service pipe at its sole cost, from the water main to the curb or property
line of the street in which the main is located and the City shall install curb stop, meter and
meter boxes at applicant’s expense and it shall be the duty of the City thereafter to maintain said
service line and any other capital improvements constructed under this section as a part of the
city water system to the curb or property line of the applicant.
(4) The applicant, at his own expense, shall install pipes from the curb or the
property line on the street on which the main is located to the facilities as desired on his
premises subject always to building, plumbing and sanitation codes of any municipal or
governmental body and any required inspections of the City.
(5) If an applicant is making application for a single-family dwelling or a single
commercial hook-up in an area where there is an adequate water main in the street adjacent to
the proposed premises, then upon application and payment of the appropriate connection fee, the
City shall install a service pipe from the main to the curb or property line of the street on which
the main is located, including curb stop, meter and meter box. The applicant shall pay the cost
of this work. It shall be the duty of the City to maintain said service line from the main to the
curb or property line of the street in which the main is located. The applicant shall pay, at his
own expense, and install pipes from the curb or property line of the street in which the main is
located to the facility as desired on applicant’s premises, subject always to the building,
plumbing and sanitation codes of any municipal or government entity and required inspections
of the City.
3.155 Services Outside the City.
(1) The City may furnish water to water users outside the boundaries of the City and
may charge such users rates fixed by the City Council. In case such service is to companies,
towns or water districts, the aforesaid shall furnish to the City a map of its system, the number
of water users and other information when called upon to do so.
(2) A water user receiving water service outside the city limits shall comply with
and be bound by the provisions of this Code.
(3) The City may refuse to sell water to water users who do not comply with the
requirements of this section.
(4) As a condition of the extension of water service to new users outside the City, all
owners of the property to which service will be extended shall be required to execute a consent
to annexation and assessment agreement prior to the extension of service. Said consent shall be
in such form as will allow it to be recorded to bind both the current and future property owners
pursuant to ORS 222.115.
(5) A person who wants confirmation from the City that it will provide water service
to property located outside the city limits shall submit an application for confirmation to the City
Council. The City Council may grant this application if it determines that it will be in the best
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interest of the City and its residents to do so. The City Council may impose such conditions as
are reasonable.
If the person seeking confirmation is a real estate agent, inquiring or applying on behalf
of a prospective purchaser or seller, the City Council may grant temporary confirmation. This
confirmation shall expire when the earnest money agreement expires or in ninety (90) days,
whichever first occurs. Thereafter, the person who wants confirmation may apply for
confirmation. If the person fails to do so, the City shall have no further obligation to furnish
water service.
3.160 Access to Premises for Inspection. Officials, agents and employees of the City
shall at all reasonable times have access to any premises served by the city system for the
purpose of inspection, repair or enforcement of any of the provisions of this Code; and in the
event that any inspection discloses excessive leaks or any undue waste of water, then the City
shall have the right to discontinue water service to such premises until satisfactory repairs have
been made.
3.170 Charges for Turning Water On or Off at Water User’s Request. When requested
by the water user or the water user’s designated agent, the Water Department shall, if available,
turn off the water at the meter to allow the water user to repair or replace plumbing on the
premises. The cost of such water turn on or off shall be charged to the water user as established
by resolution of the City Council.
3.180 Charges for Inspecting, Testing, Repairing and Altering Meters.
(1) When any water user or water user’s designated agent shall make a complaint
that the water bill for any particular period is excessive, the Water Department shall, upon
request, have such meter reread and the service inspected for leaks. Cost of such rereading and
inspection shall be charged to the water user as established by resolution of the City Council.
(2) Should such water user or agent desire that the meter be tested or changed, such
test or change shall be made by the Water Department, and the cost of said test or change shall
be charged to the water user as established in the resolution of the City Council. Should the
water user or agent desire that the test be conducted by a certified testing lab, the water user
shall pay all lab charges and the sum set by resolution of the City Council. However, should the
test of the meter show a registration in excess of three (3) percent in favor of the City, the
amount charged to the owner for such test will be cancelled or credited as the case may be and
the bill adjusted accordingly. The excess registration, not to exceed the three (3) previous
readings, shall be credited to the account. Where no such error is found, the amount charged for
such test will be retained to cover expense of such test or change.
(3) When any water user or water user’s designated agent shall request a relocation
or alteration of the service or meter location, either vertically or horizontally, a determination of
advisability of such relocation or alteration shall be made by the water superintendent. The
decision of the water superintendent shall prevail, subject to the order of the Council. In no
event shall the meter or service be relocated onto private property beyond the property line,
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except by order of the Council. The cost of such relocation or alteration shall be charged to the
water user as established by resolution of the City Council. However, should a service or meter
relocation or alteration be deemed beneficial to the City by the water superintendent, such
relocation or alteration may be done by the Water Department, whether desired by the water
user or not, and such relocation or alteration shall be at the expense of the City.
(4) Whenever a city-owned meter is burned out by hot water or damaged by
carelessness or negligence of the water user or water user’s designated agent, the Water
Department shall repair the damage and charge the water user as established by resolution of the
City Council.
(5) When a service pipe, curb stop, meter, or meter box is damaged or destroyed by
contractors or others in the performance of construction, excavation, hauling or other work, or
where service pipes are destroyed by electrolysis, the person, contractor, or company
responsible for such damage or destruction shall be billed by the City for the cost of repair or
replacement of such pipes, curb stops, meter, or meter box as established by resolution of the
City Council.
3.190 Temporary Disconnect.
(1) Upon written request of the water user, the Water Department shall turn off
water to the premises designated by the water user, and the water charges to that premises shall
cease for the temporary period. Upon written request by the water user, water service shall be
restored to the premises. The water user shall be charged a fee for temporary disconnection as
established by resolution of the City Council. A temporary disconnection shall not be for a
period of longer than six (6) months. At the end of six months, the water user will be charged
regular water user rates unless a new written request is made to continue temporary
disconnection status or for monthly maintenance status. Following a temporary disconnection,
failure to pay the water bill or make a new application for monthly maintenance rates will result
in termination of the service and the City of Gold Beach Water Department shall have the
authority to remove the meter.
(2) If a water user does not want to use water for a period of less than six (6)
months, but does not want the water disconnected, the water user may apply to pay a monthly
maintenance rate, rather than the regular monthly charge. This rate shall be set by resolution of
the City Council and is only applicable if no water goes through the water user’s meter during
that period. This rate is only applicable for a six-month period and at the end of six months, the
water user will be charged regular water user rates.
3.200 Meter Reading and Billing. Meters on all service connections will be read on or
about the third (3
) week of each month, and the water user shall be billed on or about the
fourth (4
) week of each month for water used since the preceding billing cycle. Said bills shall
be due and payable upon receipt, and shall become delinquent at 8:00 a.m. on the tenth (10
day of the following month.
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3.205 Water Charge Liens. If the property owner has agreed that a lien may be
imposed as set forth in Section 3.140 above, and if charges for water service are delinquent and
not satisfied by application of a deposit, such water service charges shall be a lien against the
premises served. The lien shall be entered on the ledger or records of the City and such ledger
or other records if not available on-line, this will not give priority unless recorded with county
see ORS 93.643 shall remain accessible for inspection by anyone interested in ascertaining the
amount of such charges against the property. The lien thereby created may be foreclosed in the
manner provided for by ORS 223.610, or in any other manner provided by law or city code or
3.210 Penalty on Delinquent Bills. To every water bill not paid by 8:00 a.m. on the
tenth (10
) day of the following month, there shall be added a penalty as established by
resolution of the City Council for the purpose of defraying the cost of collecting delinquent bills.
This penalty charge shall be promptly entered in the account file and collected by the same
procedure as regularly followed in the collection of water bills; provided however, that the
provisions of this section shall not apply to hospitals. Said penalties when collected shall be
turned into the water account.
3.215 Procedure for Disconnect for Non-payment or Other Violation; Appeal
Procedure. In every case where a water account is not paid by the tenth (10
) day of the month
after the bill is presented, or where any premises is in violation of this code, or in violation of
any part of the City Building Code, Zoning Code, Land Use Code, Sewer Code, or any land use
special condition placed upon the premises by the Planning Commission or City Council, the
following steps may be taken:
(1) In the case where the violation is a delinquency in the water bill, the Water
Department shall send written notice to the last known address of the water users and to the
premises as reflected by City water records, that water service will be disconnected seven (7)
days after the date of said notice unless the arrearage is immediately corrected. Said notice shall
indicate the amount of all arrearages, including penalty fees, and shall indicate that if any person
disputes the amount owing, they can appeal to the City Administrator in the manner provided in
subsection (5) of this section.
(2) In the case of any other violation, the City Water Department shall send written
notice to the last known address of the water users and to the premises as reflected by the city
water records that water service will be disconnected ten (10) days after receipt of said notice,
unless the violation is corrected prior to that date. Said notice shall indicate specifically the
violation causing the disconnection and shall indicate that if any affected person disputes the
violation stated in the notice, they can appeal to the City Administrator and the City Council in
the manner provided in subsection (5) of this section. Should the violation not be abated within
the said ten (10) days after receipt of the notice, the water superintendent shall be instructed by
written order from the City Administrator’s office to immediately terminate the water service
and remove the water meter from the subject property unless am appeal has been filed pursuant
to subsection (5) of this section.
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(3) Where there is a delinquency for nonpayment and notice has been sent as
described above, and the city water superintendent determines in his opinion that the water
meter has been tampered with after termination of service, the city water superintendent may
remove said water meter and shall make a written report to the City Water Department and City
Administrator, regarding the reasons for his opinion that the water meter has been tampered
with and the cause for its removal. The Gold Beach City Council may, under appropriate
circumstances of public safety, public welfare or hardship of cases, direct the water
superintendent not to remove the meter under the above described circumstances.
(4) Where the violation is failure to pay delinquent water or sewer fees and
penalties, water service may be reinstated upon payment of those fees. For any other violation,
water service shall not be reinstated until such time that all violations have been cured, and a
new application has been made and all fees required for initial application have been paid.
(5) A customer, occupant or owner of the premises who questions or disputes the
correctness of a notice of intent to disconnect service may file with the City Administrator a
request for a hearing within seven (7) days of the date of the notice. If a hearing has been
timely requested, the City Administrator shall hold an informal conference to attempt to
resolve the matter. In the case of a notice of intent to disconnect service for non-payment,
the decision of the City Administrator shall be delivered at the conclusion of the informal
conference and shall be final. In other cases, if no informal resolution is achieved, the City
Council shall hold a hearing and consider relevant evidence presented by the appellant and
the City. The Council shall determine whether the reasons prompting the notice of intent to
disconnect are correct. Notice of the decision of the Council shall be mailed by first class
mail to the customer at the billing address and to the occupant of the premises and to any
other address specified by the appellant. In the event of an appeal to the City Council,
service shall not be terminated until three (3) days after mailing of the notice of the decision.
A notice of intent to disconnect service shall include information about the appeal process
contained in this subsection.
3.220 Alternate Procedure for Disconnection of Rented Premises for Non-payment.
Any owner of real property who has requested water services and agreed to be responsible
therefor and who has rented the property to another may in writing request that the City
disconnect said rented premises at any time the water bill for service to said premises has not
been paid by the tenth (10
) day of the month for water used during the previous billing cycle.
The property owner shall inform tenants of such arrangement. The procedure to reconnect said
premises shall be the same as specified in Section 3.225 of this Code. This procedure does not
excuse the property owner from responsibility for any delinquent charges for water service.
3.225 Procedure for Reconnection. Whenever anyone shall apply for a reconnection or
a turn on of water service where an application for initial water service is not required by the
terms of this Code, the applicant shall pay all delinquent bills and a reconnection fee as
established by resolution of the City Council. In the event that the amount then on deposit for
such water service shall be less than the required amount, then the applicant shall also pay a sum
sufficient to raise said deposit to the required amount. The reconnection fee shall be paid even
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though no physical disconnection has been made. A separate fee shall be paid for each
3.230 Water Use by Applicant. No person supplied with water from the city system
shall use the water for any purpose other than that stated in the application or to supply in any
way other persons without application and permit to do so. Where a violation of these
provisions is found to exist, the City may discontinue service.
3.235 Outside Connections. No faucet shall be allowed on the outside of any building
excepting hose connections, which must be controlled by a separate stop. No faucet shall be
allowed on sidewalks, or at the curb line where they are accessible to the public.
3.240 Leaking or Unused Services. Where there is a leak under the street between the
main and the curb line, the Water Department shall make all repairs free of charge unless the
leak is on an unused or non-revenue-producing service. In such case, the Water Department
shall shut off the service pipe at the main. Where a water service pipe has been disconnected
from the main, the water user shall apply for a new permit and pay all charges required for a
new service connection whenever the user wishes a water service.
3.245 Water System Shut Off; Responsibility. The City reserves the right at any time
without notice to shut off the water supply for repairs or extensions, or any other reason in the
public interest. The City shall not be responsible for any damage, such as the bursting of
boilers, the breaking of any pipes or fixtures, stoppage or interruption of water supply, or any
other damage resulting from the shutting off of water. The City shall not be responsible for
broken pipes, leaks, or other defects to water lines or fixtures beyond the property line on
private property; and it shall be the duty of each property owner to install a shut-off valve on the
property served by the city system in order that the water may be shut off for repairing leaks in
the water lines, faucets, and any or all fixtures through which water is used upon such private
premises, and the City shall not be obligated to close any valve upon any street, alley, or other
public property in order to effect repairs on such property.
3.250 Damage through Pipe and Fixtures. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause
or suffer water from the city system to run, drain, or flow from property having a water
connection onto any other property or onto any public street or way; and the City shall in no
case be liable for damages occasioned by water running from open or faulty fixtures or from
broken or damaged pipes beyond the property line of the street.
3.255 Use of the City Water and Private Water. Sale of water by any person within the
City in competition with the city system is hereby prohibited, and each day that any sale or sales
be made shall be considered a separate offense; provided however, this section shall be subject
to the terms and conditions of the contract of purchase with Gold Beach Water, Light and Power
Company. Owners of buildings desiring to use both a city water supply and a supply of water
other than that furnished by the City may obtain city water at meter rates upon the following
conditions, and not otherwise. Under no circumstances shall a physical connection, direct or
indirect, exist or be made in any manner, even temporarily, between the city water supply and
that of a private water supply except in accordance with Sections 3.300 to 3.530 of this Code.
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Where such a connection is found to exist, means, the city water supply shall be shut off from
the premises. In case of such discontinuance, service shall not be reestablished until satisfactory
proof is furnished that the cross connection has been completely and permanently severed or an
approved cross-connection assembly has been installed in accord with Section 3.300 to 3.330 of
this Code.
3.260 Establishing Procedure for Reconnection after Use of Private Water Supply. In
the event a water user shall be disconnected for violation of Section 3.255 of the water code for
having a cross connection between the City and a private water source, or if a water user shall
request a disconnection for the purpose of using a private water source, the premises shall not be
reconnected to the city system until the water user has applied for new service and all charges
required for initial service have been paid in full. Each time a premises is disconnected, a new
application for service shall be required. In the event a water user requests disconnection for
this reason, the water user shall be informed of the provisions of this section.
3.265 Operating Valves or Hydrants without Authority. It shall be unlawful for any
person, without authority from the City, to remove, injure, open, close, or in any way tamper
with any water pipe, water main, shut-off, valve, or hydrant belonging to the City.
3.270 Penalty for Turning On Water without Authority. Should the water to any
premises served by the city system be turned on by any water user or other person without
authority from the City, the water may then be shut off at the main, or the meter removed. The
charge for shutting water off at the main, or for removing the meter, shall be as established by
resolution of the City Council. Water shall not again be furnished to such person until the
charges are paid.
3.280 Charges for Service Pipes Connected without Authority. It shall be unlawful for
anyone to cause or permit the extension of water service from one dwelling unit, building, or
parcel of land to another without authority from the City. When additional dwelling units,
buildings, or parcels of land are connected without the proper application and permit, the water
user whose premises is connected to the city water system may be charged at double the usual
rate and the service may be shut off by the City. In case water service shall be turned off as
provided in this section, the same shall not be turned on again until all water user charges have
been paid in full.
3.300 Cross Connections Regulated. No cross connections shall be created, installed,
used or maintained within the territory served by the City of Gold Beach, except in accordance
with this Code.
3.305 Backflow Prevention Assembly Requirements.
(1) Approved backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed at the expense of
the user, either at the service connection or within the premises, as determined by a certified
cross connection inspector contracted by or employed by the City of Gold Beach, whenever:
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(a) The nature and extent of any activity of the premises, or the materials
used in connection with any activity of the premises, or materials stored on the premises,
could contaminate or pollute the drinking water supply.
(b) Premises having any one or more cross connections as that term is
defined in section 3.100 of this Code.
(c) Internal cross connections that are not correctable, or intricate plumbing
arrangements which make it impractical to ascertain whether or not cross connections
exist are present.
(d) There is a repeated history of cross connections being established or re-
(e) There is unduly restricted entry so that inspections for cross connections
cannot be made with sufficient frequency or with sufficient notice to assure that cross
connections do not exist.
(f) Materials of a toxic or hazardous nature are being used such that, if
backflow should occur, a health hazard could result.
(g) Any mobile apparatus uses the City’s water or water from any premises
within the City of Gold Beach’s system.
(h) Installation of an approved backflow prevention assembly is deemed to
be necessary to accomplish the purpose of this Code in the judgment of a certified cross
connection specialist contracted by or employed by the City of Gold Beach.
(i) An appropriate cross connection report form has not been filed with the
(j) A fire sprinkler system using non-potable piping material is connected to
the City’s water system.
3.310 Installation Requirements.
To ensure proper operation and accessibility of all backflow prevention assemblies, the
following requirements shall apply to the installation of these assemblies:
(1) No part of the backflow prevention assembly shall be submerged in water or
installed in a location subject to flooding. If installed in a vault or basement, adequate drainage
shall be provided.
(2) Assemblies must be installed at the point of delivery of the water supply, before
any branch in the line, on private property located just inside of the property line. Alternate
locations must be approved in writing by the City prior to installations.
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(3) The assembly must be protected from freezing and other severe weather
(4) All backflow assembly prevention assemblies shall be of a type and model
approved by the State of Oregon Health Division and the City.
(5) Only assemblies specifically approved by The Oregon Health Division for
vertical installation may be installed vertically.
(6) The assembly shall be readily accessible with adequate room for maintenance
and testing. Assemblies two (2) inches and smaller shall have at least six (6) inches clearance
on all sides of the assembly. All assemblies larger than two (2) inches shall have a minimum
clearance of twelve (12) inches on the backside, twenty-four (24) inches on the test cock side,
twelve (12) inches below the assembly and thirty-six (36) inches above the assembly. Y”
pattern double check valve assemblies shall be installed so that the checks are horizontal and the
test cocks face upward.
(7) The property owner assumes all responsibility for all maintenance and testing of
the assembly, as determined and required by the City.
(8) If written permission is granted to install the backflow assembly inside of the
building, the assembly shall be readily accessible during regular working hours of 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
(9) If an assembly, with permission, is installed inside of the premises and is four (4)
inches or larger and is installed four (4) feet above the floor, it must be equipped with a rigidly
and permanently installed scaffolding acceptable to the City. This installation must also meet
the requirements set out by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the
State of Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Codes.
(10) RP assemblies may be installed in a vault only if relief valve discharge can be
drained to daylight through a “boresight” type drain. The drain shall be of adequate capacity to
carry the full rated flow of the assembly and shall be screened on both ends.
(11) An approved air gap shall be located at the relief valve orifice. This air gap shall
be at least twice the inside diameter of the incoming supply line as measured vertically above
the top rim of the drain and in no case less than one (1) inch.
(12) Upon completion of installation, the City shall be notified and all assemblies
must be inspected and tested. The testing and repairs of all assemblies are the financial
responsibility of the water user.
(13) All backflow assemblies must be registered with the City. Registration shall
consist of date of installation make model, serial number of the backflow assembly, and initial
test report.
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(14) Any water pressure drop caused by the installation of a backflow assembly is not
the responsibility of the City of Gold Beach.
(15) All new construction shall install an approved backflow assembly at the service
3.315 Access to Premises.
Authorized employees of the City, or their designated representatives with proper
identification, shall have access during reasonable hours to all parts of a premise and within the
building to which water is supplied. However, if any water user refuses access to a premise or
to the interior of a structure at reasonable times and on reasonable notice for inspection by a
cross connection specialist appointed by the City, a reduced pressure principle assembly will be
required to be installed at the service connection to that premise.
3.320 Testing and Repairs.
All backflow assemblies installed within the territory served by the City shall be tested
immediately upon installation, if repaired, if moved, and at least annually thereafter by a state
certified tester. All such assemblies found not functioning properly shall be promptly repaired
or replaced by the water user. if any such assembly is not promptly repaired or replaced, the
City may deny or discontinue water to the premise. All testing and repairs are the financial
responsibility of the water user.
3.325 Variances.
Any variances from the cross connection requirements of this Code shall be requested
in writing by the owner and approved by the City prior to assembly installation.
3.330 Costs of Compliance.
All costs associated with purchase, installation, inspections, testing, replacement,
maintenance, parts, and repairs of the backflow assembly are the financial responsibility of the
property owner.
3.335 Termination of Service.
Failure on the part of any customer to discontinue the use of all cross connections and
to physically separate cross connections, or failure to comply with any of the provisions of
this Code is sufficient cause for the immediate discontinuance of public water service to the
3.350 Penalty. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate, fail, neglect, or
refuse to comply with any of the provisions of this water code shall be guilty of a violation, and
upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $300; and each day during
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which any violation hereof shall continue and persist after due notice thereof shall constitute a
separate and distinct violation of this Code. The maximum fine may be amended from time to
time by resolution adopted by the Gold Beach City Council.
Sewer Code
3.400 Sewer Use and Charges.
(1) The City Council shall have exclusive control of and regulation over sewer use
charges, and shall, from time to time, by resolution set or change existing sewer service charge
(2) Sewer service charges shall be billed and collected with water service charges,
and shall be due and payable at the same times as such water charges, and shall be subject to
such penalties for delinquency as the Council shall from time to time determine in its rate
(3) In addition to all other remedies for failure to pay sewer service charges, water
service may be disconnected for nonpayment thereof, and water service shall not be restored
until both water charges and sewer charges have been paid in full. Any and all deposits with
the Water Department as security for water bills may also be applied to sewer charges, if an
excess exists over and above the amount necessary to pay balances due for water service.
(4) All city sewer charges shall be placed into special funds entitled “Sewer
Operating Fund,” which shall be used to pay all operating expenses of the city sewer system,
and “Sewer Debt Fund,” which shall be used for the repayment of sewer bonds until all of
said bonds plus interest shall be paid in full. Once each year at budget time, the City Budget
Committee shall estimate cash balances and anticipated revenue and expenses for the
forthcoming year, and insofar as cash balances and anticipated revenue shall not cover
operating expenses, and bond principal and interest during the forthcoming year, shall make
provisions to raise the additional revenue required.
3.410 Definitions. Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of
terms used in this sewer code shall be as follows:
(1) “BOD (denoting Biochemical Oxygen Demand) shall mean the quantity of
oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory
procedure in five days at 20C, expressed in milligrams per liter.
(2) “Building Drain” shall mean that part of the lowest piping of a drainage system
that receives the discharge from soil, waste, and other drainage pipes inside the walls of the
building and conveys it to the building sewer beginning two (2) feet (610 mm) outside the
building wall. (Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code definition)
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(3) “Building Sewer” shall mean that part of the horizontal piping of a drainage
system that extends from the end of the building drain and that receives the discharge of the
building drain and conveys it to a public sewer, private sewer, private sewage disposal system,
or other point of disposal. (Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code definition)
(4) “Building Sewer Combined” shall mean a building sewer that conveys both
sewage and storm water or other drainage. (Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code definition)
(5) “Commercial user” shall mean any premises used for commercial or business
(6) “Domestic Sewage” shall mean the liquid and water-borne wastes derived from
the ordinary living processes, free from industrial wastes, and of such character as to permit
satisfactory disposal, without special treatment, in the public sewer or by means of a private
sewage disposal system. (Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code definition)
(7) “Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU)” shall mean a volume of wastewater which
incurs the same costs for operations and maintenance as the average volume of domestic waste
discharged from an average residential dwelling unit in the treatment works service area. For
purposes of making this determination the City shall utilize the metered water use records of the
City. Where a user believes his wastewater discharge to the treatment works is substantially
different than his water consumption, an appropriate adjustment shall be made providing the
user demonstrates to the satisfaction of the City the actual wastewater discharge. The volume
attributed to an ERU where the BOD, suspended solids or other characteristic of the wastewater
discharged by a user is significantly greater than domestic waste shall be adjusted to account for
the difference in the costs of treatment. The superintendent shall file a list of ERU’s for each
commercial establishment.
(8) “FOG” shall mean a substance or material discharged into the public sewer that
has the potential to partially or completely obstruct a building sewer or any sewage works. FOG
includes both polar and non-polar FOG.
(9) “FOG Generatorshall mean any commercial user that discharges FOG into the
public sewer, including but not limited commercial users that operate food service
establishments, commercial laundries, car washes, filling stations, commercial garages, and
similar businesses with any type of washing facilities (including pressure washing and steam
(10) “Garbage” shall mean solid wastes from the domestic and commercial
preparation, cooking and dispensing of food, and from the handling, storage and sale of
(11) “Industrial Waste” shall mean any and all liquid or water-borne waste from
industrial or commercial processes, except domestic sewage. (Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code
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(12) “Natural outlet” shall mean any outlet into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake or
other body of surface or ground water.
(13) Non-polar FOGshall mean FOG not of animal or vegetable origin, including
but not limited to petroleum oil, grease, grit, sand, and lint.
(14) “Person shall mean any individual, firm, company, association, society,
corporation or group.
(15) “Ph” shall mean the logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions in
grams per liter of solution.
(16) Polar FOGshall mean FOG of animal or vegetable origin, including but not
limited to fats and oils.
(17) “Properly shredded garbage” shall mean the wastes from the preparation,
cooking and dispensing of food that have been shredded to such a degree that all particles will
be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers, with no
particle greater than 1/2 inch (1.27 centimeters) in any dimension.
(18) “Public Facilities User” shall mean any public owned facility user including but
not limited to: publicly owned recreational, medical, correctional, educational, or other similar
facility. Examples are fairgrounds, hospitals and assisted living facilities, jails, and schools.
(19) “Public Sewer” shall mean a common sewer directly controlled by public
authority. (Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code definition)
(20) “Residential User” shall mean user of a single family dwelling.
(21) “Sanitary sewer” shall mean a sewer which carries sewage and to which storm,
surface and groundwaters are not intentionally admitted.
(22) “Service area” shall mean all the area served by the Gold Beach sewage works.
(23) “Sewage” shall mean a combination of the water-carried wastes from residences,
business buildings, institutions, and industrial establishments, together with such ground,
surface and stormwaters as may be present.
(24) “Sewage treatment plant” shall mean any arrangement of devices and structures
used for treating sewage.
(25) “Sewage works” shall mean all facilities for collecting, pumping, treating and
disposing of sewage.
(26) “Sewer” shall mean a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage.
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(27) “Sewer user shall mean any person specifically requesting sewer service or
using city sewers.
(28) “Shall” is mandatory; “may” is permissive.
(29) “Slug” shall mean any discharge of water, sewage or industrial waste which in
concentration of any given constituent or in quantity of flow exceeds for any period of duration
longer than fifteen (15) minutes more than five (5) times the average 24-hour concentration or
flows during normal operation.
(30) “Storm Sewer” shall mean a sewer used for conveying rainwater, surface water,
condensate, cooling water, or similar liquid wastes. (Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code
(31) “Superintendent” shall mean the superintendent of sewage works and/or of water
pollution control of the City of Gold Beach, or his authorized deputy, agent or representative.
(32) “Suspended solids” shall mean solids that either float on the surface of, or are in
suspension in water, sewage or other liquids, and which are removable by laboratory filtering.
(33) “Watercourse” shall mean a channel in which a flow of water occurs, either
continuously or intermittently.
(34) Any words or phrases which are not particularly defined herein shall be
construed as defined in the Zoning Code of the City of Gold Beach, and if not defined therein,
then as defined by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code.
3.415 Use of Public Sewers Required.
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit or permit to be deposited in
any unsanitary manner on public or private property within the City of Gold Beach, or in any
area under the jurisdiction of said City, any human or animal excrement, garbage or other
objectionable waste.
(2) It shall be unlawful to discharge to any natural outlet within the City of Gold
Beach, or in any area under the jurisdiction of said City, any sewage or other polluted waters,
except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with subsequent provisions of
this Code.
(3) Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any
privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool or other facility intended or used for the disposal of
(4) The owner of all houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy,
employment, recreation or other purposes, situated within the City and abutting on any street,
alley or right-of-way in which there is located a public sanitary or combined sewer of the City,
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is hereby required at his expense to install suitable toilet facilities therein and to connect such
facilities directly with the proper public sewer in accordance with the provisions of this code
within ninety (90) days after date of official notice to do so, provided that said public sewer is
within 100 feet (30.5 meters) of the property line.
Any real property which was within 100 feet of the city sewer and further, had a
functioning subsurface disposal system operating and serving said property on or before
December 19, 1974, the original date of passage of the Gold Beach Sewer Code, shall not be
required to connect to the city sewer system so long as said subsurface sewage disposal system
operates within the standards and regulations of the Curry County Sanitarian and requires no
repairs thereunder. At the time that said subsurface sewage disposal system requires any repairs
pursuant to the standards and regulations of the Curry County Sanitarian, or the property
ownership is transferred after October 25, 1983, then said property shall upon either of those
occurrences be connected to the city sewer system within ninety (90) days of such occurrence.
The City Council, as of October 25, 1983, was required to identify all properties within the City
which met the above conditions for non-connection to the city sewer and the City was directed
to enter into a written agreement with each property owner in regards to such non-connection
and said agreement was to have been recorded in the records of Curry County, Oregon to give
notice to any prospective or actual new purchasers of said properties of the requirement of
connection to the city sewer system pursuant to this Code.
3.420 Private Sewage Disposal.
(1) Where a public sanitary or combined sewer is not available under the provisions
of section 3.415 above, the building sewer shall be connected to a private sewage disposal
system complying with the provisions of this section.
(2) Before commencement of construction of a private disposal system, the owner
shall first obtain a written permit signed by the superintendent. The application for such permit
shall be made on a form furnished by the City, which the applicant shall supplement by any
plans, specifications and other information as are deemed necessary by the superintendent. A
permit and inspection fee set by resolution of the City Council shall be paid to the City at the
time the application is filed.
(3) A permit for a private sewage disposal system shall not become effective until
the installation is completed to the satisfaction of the superintendent. The superintendent shall
be allowed to inspect the work at any stage of construction and, in any event, the application for
the permit shall notify the superintendent when the work is ready for final inspection, and before
any underground portions are covered.
(4) The type, capacities, location and layout of a private sewage disposal system
shall comply with all recommendations and regulations of the Department of Environmental
Quality of the state of Oregon. No permit shall be issued for any private sewage disposal
system employing subsurface soil absorption facilities without inspection of the superintendent
and a qualified representative of the Department of Environmental Quality of the state of
Oregon. No septic tank or cesspool shall be permitted to discharge to any natural outlet.
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(5) At such time as a public sewer becomes available to a property served by a
private sewage disposal system, as provided in section 3.415, a direct connection shall be made
to the public sewer within sixty (60) days and the private sewage disposal system shall be
abandoned, cleaned of sludge and filled with clean bank-run gravel or dirt.
(6) The owner shall operate and maintain the private sewage disposal facilities in a
sanitary manner at all times, at no expense to the City.
(7) No statement contained in this section shall be construed to interfere with any
additional requirements that may be imposed by the health officer.
3.425 Building Sewers and Connections.
(1) No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connections with or opening
into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a
written permit from the superintendent.
(2) There shall be four classes of building sewer permits:
(a) Residential, which shall include single-family residences, apartments,
duplexes and courts.
(b) Residential/commercial, which shall cover hotels and motels, etc.
(c) Commercial, which shall cover commercial non-residential uses.
(d) Industrial, for service to establishments producing industrial waste.
(3) Prior to receiving city sewer service, a person shall make application to the City
Administrator for a sewer hookup permit, on a form prescribed by the City. The application
shall include consent to allow city inspectors to enter onto the premises during business hours to
inspect, observe, measure, sample, and test sewage discharges. The application shall be
supplemented by any plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent in the
judgment of the City Administrator or the superintendent. The applicant shall state the use for
which sewer service is required.
(4) If the applicant is a FOG generator, in addition to the application materials
required by paragraph (3) of this section, the applicant must also submit the following
management plan for the City’s review and approval, which shall include:
(a) The name or position of the staff person in charge of compliance with the
City’s sewer regulations;
(b) Identification of the sources of FOG discharged by the user;
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(c) An employee training manual with new employee training and
continuous education programming regarding discharge of FOG;
(d) A description of disposal and recycling programs for FOG utilized by the
(e) A list of housekeeping practices related to FOG;
(f) Copies of signs or notices to be posted at drainage stations related to
disposal of FOG;
(g) Emergency contact information to enable the City to contact the user on
a 24 hour basis; and
(h) A requirement for documentation of actions taken to reduce discharge of
FOG, including but not limited to training sign off sheets and maintenance,
cleaning, and incident reports.
(5) If the use for which sewer service is required changes so that a different class of
building sewer permit would be applicable, the sewer user shall apply for a new permit and pay
all charges required for an initial permit.
(6) All costs and expense incident to the installation and connection of the building
sewer, and any inceptor or other device required by section 3.445(6) of this code shall be borne
by the owner. The owner shall indemnify the City from any loss or damage that may directly or
indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building sewer.
(7) A separate and independent building sewer shall be provided for every building;
except where one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot and no private sewer is
available or can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoining alley, courtyard or
driveway, the building sewer from the front building may be extended to the rear building and
the whole considered as one building sewer.
(8) Old building sewers may be used in connection with new buildings only when
they are found, on examination and test by the superintendent, to meet all requirements of this
(9) The size, slope, alignment, materials of construction of a building sewer, and the
methods to be used in excavating, placing of the pipe, jointing, testing and backfilling the
trench, shall all conform to the requirements, rules and regulations as now composed or in the
future amended by the state of Oregon through its authorized and delegated representative in
administering a state sewer code. In the absence of code provisions or in amplification thereof,
the materials and procedures set forth in appropriate specifications of the A.S.T.M. and
W.P.C.F. Manual of Practice No. 9 shall apply.
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(10) Whenever possible, the building sewer shall be brought to the building at an
elevation below the basement floor. In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to
permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage carried by such building drain shall be
lifted by an approved means and discharged from the building.
(11) No person shall make connection of roof downspouts, exterior foundation
drains, area way drains or other sources of surface runoff or groundwater to a building sewer or
building drain which in turn is connected directly or indirectly to a public sanitary sewer.
(12) The connection of the building sewer into the public sewer shall conform to the
requirements, rules and regulations as now composed or in the future amended by the state of
Oregon through its authorized and delegated representative in administering a state sewer code.
All such connections shall be made gastight and watertight. Any deviation from the prescribed
procedures and materials must be approved by the superintendent before installation.
(13) The applicant for the building sewer permit shall notify the superintendent when
the building sewer is ready for inspection and connection to the public sewer. The connection
shall be made under the supervision of the superintendent or his representative.
(14) All excavations for building sewer installation shall be adequately guarded with
barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and
other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner
satisfactory to the City. In addition, when any sewer work involves street or alley pavement
cuts or tunneling, the work shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of the Gold
Beach Local Improvement Code.
3.430 Monthly Sewer User Fees.
(1) All sewer users shall pay a monthly sewer user fee as established by resolution
of the City Council.
(2) There shall be assigned to each user an appropriate number of ERU’s and this
number shall represent the ratio of the cost incurred by the wastewater from the user to the cost
incurred by the wastewater from a residential dwelling unit.
(3) The user charge shall be calculated by multiplying the total number of ERUs for
each user by a constant cost factor. This cost factor shall be set by resolution.
(4) Should any user believe that he has been incorrectly assigned a number of
ERU’s, that user may apply for review of his user charge as provided in subsection 8 of this
(5) If it has been determined by the City that a user’s wastewater contribution is
incorrectly assigned, the City shall reassign a more appropriate value to that user and shall
notify that user of such reassignment.
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(6) Records of all assigned wastewater contributions forming the basis of the
charges shall be kept on file with the City and shall be open for public inspection.
(7) The sewer user charges established in this Code shall, as a minimum, be
reviewed bi-annually and revised periodically to reflect actual costs of operation,
maintenance, and replacement of the treatment works and to maintain the equitability of the
user charges with respect to proportional distribution of the costs of operation and
maintenance in proportion to each user’s contribution to the total wastewater loading of the
treatment works.
(8) Appeal of the rate established by the City shall be made in writing to the City
Administrator within ten (10) days of the billing of said use fee. The City Administrator shall
respond in writing within ten (10) days of receipt of the appeal. Any user who wishes to appeal
further shall request in writing that the City Administrator place their specific appeal on the next
scheduled regular City Council session. The decision of the City Council shall be final.
(9) Each user shall be notified on not less than an annual basis, in conjunction with a
regular bill, of that portion of the user charges which are attributable to the operation,
maintenance, and replacement of the wastewater collection treatment and disposal system.
3.440 Temporary Termination of Sewer Service.
(1) Upon written request of the sewer user, the City shall turn off water to the
premises and the monthly sewer charges to that premises shall cease for the temporary period.
Upon written request by the sewer user, water and sewer service shall be restored to the
premises. The sewer user shall be charged a fee for temporary disconnection as established by
resolution of the City Council. A temporary disconnection shall not be for a period of longer
than six (6) months. If a temporary disconnection continues for a period longer than six (6)
months, then the service shall be deemed terminated and the sewer user shall be required to
make a new application for service and to pay all fees required for initial water service.
(2) If a sewer user does not want sewer or water service for a period of less than six
(6) months, but does not want the water disconnected, the sewer user may apply to pay a
monthly sewer maintenance rate, rather than the regular monthly sewer charge. This rate shall
be set by resolution of the City Council and is only applicable if no water goes through the
sewer user’s water meter during that period. This rate is only applicable for a six-month period
and at the end of six (6) months, the sewer user will be charged regular sewer user rates.
3.445 Use of the Public Sewers.
(1) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any stormwater, surface
water, ground water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, uncontaminated cooling water or
unpolluted industrial process water to any sanitary sewer.
(2) Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage shall be discharged to such sewers
as are specifically designated as building sewers combined or storm sewers or to a natural outlet
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approved by the superintendent. Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be
discharged, or approval of the superintendent, to a storm sewer, building sewer combined or
natural outlet.
(3) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any of the following-
described waters or wastes to any public sewers:
(a) Any gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil or other flammable or explosive
liquid, solid or gas.
(b) Any waters or wastes containing toxic or poisonous solids, liquids or
gases in sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, to
injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to
humans or animals, create a public nuisance, or create any hazard in the
receiving waters of the sewage treatment plant, including but not limited to
cyanides in excess of two mg/l as CN in the wastes as discharged to the public
(c) Any waters or wastes having a pH lower than 5.5 or having any other
corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment
and personnel of the sewage works.
(d) Solid or viscous substances in quantities or of such size capable of
causing obstruction to the flow in sewers, or other interference with the proper
operation of the sewage works such as, but not limited to, ashes, cinders, sand,
mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, unground
garbage, whole blood, paunch manure, hair and fleshings, entrails; and paper
dishes, cups, milk containers, etc., either whole or ground by garbage grinders.
(4) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged the following-described
substances, materials, waters or wastes if it appears likely in the opinion of the superintendent
that such wastes can harm either the sewers, sewage treatment process or equipment, have an
adverse effect on the receiving stream, or can otherwise endanger life, limb, public property or
constitute a nuisance. In forming his opinion as to the acceptability of these wastes, the
superintendent will give consideration to such factors as to quantities of subject wastes in
relation to flows and velocities in the sewers, materials of construction of the sewers, nature of
the sewage treatment process, capacity of the sewage treatment plant, degree of treatability of
wastes in the sewage treatment plant, and other pertinent factors. The substances prohibited are:
(a) Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than 150F (65C).
(b) Any water or waste containing fats, wax, grease or oils, whether
emulsified or not, in excess of 100 mg/1 or containing substances which may
solidify or become viscous at temperatures between 32 and 150F (0 and
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(c) Any garbage that has not been properly shredded. The installation and
operation of any garbage grinder equipped with a motor of three-fourths
horsepower (0.76 hp metric) or greater shall be subject to the review and
approval of the superintendent.
(d) Any waters or wastes containing strong acid iron pickling wastes, or
concentrated plating solutions, whether neutralized or not.
(e) Any waters or wastes containing iron, chromium, copper, zinc and
similar objectionable or toxic substances; or wastes exerting an excessive
chlorine requirement, to such degree that any such material received in the
composite sewage at the sewage treatment works exceeds the limits established
by the superintendent for such materials.
(f) Any waters or wastes containing phenols or other taste- or odor-
producing substance in such concentrations exceeding limits which may be
established by the superintendent, as necessary, after treatment of the composite
sewage, to meet the requirements of the state, federal or other public agencies of
jurisdiction for such discharge to the receiving waters.
(g) Any radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half-life or concentration as
may exceed limits established by the superintendent in compliance with
applicable state or federal regulations.
(h) Any waters or wastes having a pH in excess of (9.5).
(i) Materials that exert or cause:
(i) Unusual concentration of inert suspended solids such as, but not
limited to, fullers earth, lime slurries, and lime residues; or of dissolved
solids such as, but not limited to, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate.
(ii) Excessive discoloration such as, but not limited to, dye wastes
and vegetable tanning solutions.
(iii) Unusual BOD, chemical oxygen demand or chlorine
requirements in such quantities as to constitute a significant load on the
sewage treatment works.
(iv) Unusual volume of flow or concentration of wastes constituting
“slugs” as defined herein.
(j) Waters or wastes containing substances which are not amenable to
treatment or reduction by the sewage treatment processes employed, or are
amenable to treatment only to such degree that the sewage treatment plant
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effluent cannot meet the requirements of other agencies having jurisdiction over
discharge to the receiving waters.
(k) Effluent containing more than 100 mg/liter of polar FOG
(j) Effluent containing more than 250 mg/liter of non-polar sediments
including sand, lint, and grit.
(5) If any waters or wastes are discharged or are proposed to be discharged to the
public sewers, which waters contain the substances or possess the characteristics enumerated in
section (4) above, and which in the judgment of the superintendent may have a deleterious
effect upon the sewage works, processes, equipment or receiving waters, or which otherwise
create a hazard to life or constitute a public nuisance, the superintendent may:
(a) Reject the wastes;
(b) Require pretreatment to an acceptable condition for discharge to the
public sewers;
(c) Require control over quantities and rates of discharge; and/or
(d) Require payment to cover the added cost of handling and treating the
wastes not covered by existing taxes or sewer charges;
(e) Require installation of grease interceptors, traps, or biological processes
that comply with standards adopted by the City prior to discharging into the
public sewer.
If the superintendent permits the pretreatment or equalization of waste flows, the design
and installation of the plants and equipment shall be subject to the review and approval of the
superintendent, and subject to the requirements of all applicable codes, ordinances and laws.
If the superintendent requires installation of grease interceptors, traps or biological
processes the grease inceptor, trap or biological process must be accessible for sampling,
cleaning and inspection, must be properly maintained by the FOG generator, and must remain in
continuous operation. The FOG generator must also provide a suitable location to allow city
staff to sample representative effluent discharged by the FOG generator.
(6) Where preliminary treatment or flow-equalizing facilities are provided for any
water or wastes, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by
the owner at the owner’s expense.
(7) When required by the superintendent, the owner of any property serviced by a
building sewer carrying industrial wastes shall install a sampling port, together with such
necessary meters and other appurtenances in the building sewer as to facilitate observation,
sampling and measurement of the wastes. Such manhole, when required, shall be accessibly
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and safely located, and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the
superintendent. The manhole shall be installed by the owner at his expense and shall be
maintained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times.
(8) All measurements, tests and analyses of the characteristics of waters and wastes
to which reference is made in this Code shall be determined in accordance with the latest edition
of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater,” published by the
American Public Health Association, and shall be determined at the control manhole provided,
or upon suitable samples taken at said control manhole. In the event that no special manhole has
been required, the control manhole shall be considered to be the nearest downstream manhole in
the public sewer to the point at which the building sewer is connected. Sampling shall be
carried out by customarily accepted methods to reflect the effect of constituents upon the
sewage works and to determine the existence of hazards to life, limb and property. (The
particular analyses involved will determine whether a 24-hour composite of all outfalls of a
premises is appropriate or whether a grab sample or samples should be taken. Normally, but not
always, BOD and suspended solids analyses are obtained from 24-hour composites of all
outfalls, whereas pH’s are determined from periodic grab samples.)
(9) No statement contained in this Code shall be construed as preventing any special
agreement or arrangement between the City and any industrial concern whereby an industrial
waste of unusual strength or character may be accepted by the City for treatment, subject to
payment therefore by the industrial concern.
(10) Industrial users shall comply with Section 204 of PL 92-500 and the rules and
regulations regarding Industrial Cost Recovery as published in the August 21, 1973, Federal
Register, Volume 38, Number 161.
3.450 Protection From Damage. No unauthorized person shall maliciously, willfully,
or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure,
appurtenance or equipment which is a part of the sewage works. Any person violating this
provision shall be subject to immediate arrest under charge of disorderly conduct.
3.455 Powers and Authority of Inspectors.
(1) With the consent of the property owner or other person with possession or
control of the property, he superintendent and other duly authorized employees of the City
bearing proper credentials and identification may enter onto private property for the purposes of
inspection, observation, measurement, sampling and testing in accordance with the provisions of
this Code. The superintendent or his representatives shall have no authority to inquire into any
processes including metallurgical, chemical, oil refining, ceramic, paper or other industries
beyond that point having a direct bearing on the kind and source of discharge to the sewers or
waterways or facilities for waste treatment.
(2) In the event that the superintendent cannot gain permission to enter onto
private property from the property owner or other person with possession or control of the
property, the superintendent may seek entry through any legal means including, without
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limitation, making application to any court of competent jurisdiction for issuance of a
warrant. The warrant application will identify the premises upon which entry is sought, and
the purpose for which entry is desired.
(3) The superintendent and other duly authorized employees of the City bearing
proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter all private properties through
which the City holds a duly negotiated easement for the purposes of, but not limited to,
inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, repair and maintenance of any portion of the
sewage works lying within said easement. All entry and subsequent work, if any, on said
easement, shall be done in full accordance with the terms of the duly negotiated easement
pertaining to the private property involved.
3.460 Procedure for Disconnection; Appeal Procedure; Penalties.
In every case where a sewer account is not paid by the 25th day of the month after the
bill is presented, or where any premises is in violation of this Code, the following steps may be
(1) In the case where the violation is a delinquency in the sewer bill, the Sewer
Department shall send written notice to the last known address of the sewer user and to the
premises as reflected by City records, that water service will be disconnected ten (10) days after
the date of said notice unless the arrearage is immediately corrected. Said notice shall indicate
the amount of all arrearages, including penalty fees and shall indicate that if any person disputes
the amount owing, they can appeal to the City Administrator in the manner provided in
subsection (3) of this section.
(2) In the case of any other violation, the City Sewer Department shall send written
notice to the last known address of the sewer user and to the premises as reflected by the city
records that water service will be disconnected twenty (20) days after receipt of said notice,
unless the violation is corrected prior to that date. Said notice shall indicate specifically the
violation causing the disconnection and shall indicate that if any affected person disputes the
violation stated in the notice, they can appeal to the City Administrator and the City Council in
the manner provided in subsection (3) of this section. Should the violation not be abated within
the said twenty (20) days after receipt of the notice, the superintendent shall be instructed by
written order from the City Administrator’s office to immediately terminate the water service to
the subject property unless an appeal has been filed pursuant to subsection (3) of this section.
(3) A customer, occupant or owner of the premises who questions or disputes the
correctness of a notice of intent to disconnect service may file with the City Administrator a
request for a hearing within seven (7) days of the date of the notice. If a hearing has been
timely requested, the City Administrator shall hold an informal conference to attempt to
resolve the matter. In the case of a notice of intent to disconnect service for non-payment,
the decision of the City Administrator shall be delivered at the conclusion of the informal
conference and shall be final. In other cases, if no informal resolution is achieved, the City
Council shall hold a hearing and consider relevant evidence presented by the appellant and
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the City. The Council shall determine whether the reasons prompting the notice of intent to
disconnect are correct. Notice of the decision of the Council shall be mailed by first class
mail to the customer at the billing address and to the occupant of the premises and to any
other address specified by the appellant. In the event of an appeal to the City Council,
service shall not be terminated until three (3) days after mailing of the notice of the decision.
A notice of intent to disconnect service shall include information about the appeal process
contained in this subsection.
(4) Where the violation is failure to pay delinquent sewer fees and penalties, water
service may be reinstated upon payment of those fees. For any other violation, water service
shall not be reinstated until such time that all violations have been cured, and a new application
has been made and all fees required for initial application have been paid.
(5) Any person violating any of the provisions of this Code shall become liable to
the City for any expense, loss or damage occasioned to the City by reason of such violation.
Section 6. Commercial, industrial, and public facilities users discharging into the public
sewer at the time this ordinance is effective will be required to comply with the requirements
of Section 3.445(4). If the commercial, industrial, or public facilities user does not comply
with Section 3.445(4), notwithstanding Section 3.460(2) of the Gold Beach Utility Code, the
City may proceed to notify the commercial, industrial, or public facilities user of the failure
to comply with this section and to immediately terminate water service to the premises. The
commercial, industrial, or public facilities user shall have all the appeal rights provided in
Section 3.460(3) of the Gold Beach Utility Code. In addition to termination of water service
the City may assess a penalty for failure to comply with this section subject to the fee
schedule in effect at that time. Each day of non-compliance with this section constitutes a
separate violation.
System Development Charge Code
3.500 Findings.
The City Council of Gold Beach makes the following findings regarding this System
Development Charge Code:
(1) The System Development Charge established herein is intended to be a charge
upon the act of development by whoever seeks the development. It is a fee for service because
it contemplates the development will receive essential municipal services based upon the nature
of the development. The time when the development occurs and the extent of the development
is within the control and discretion of the developer.
(2) The system development charge imposed by this Code is not intended to be a tax
on property or on a property owner as a direct consequence of ownership of property within the
meaning of Sec 11b, Art. XI of the Oregon Constitution or the legislation implementing that
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(3) Even if the system development charge herein imposed is viewed under Sec.
11b, Art. XI of the Oregon Constitution as a tax against property or against a property owner as
a direct consequence of ownership of that property, it is an incurred charge within the meaning
of that Section and the statutes implementing it because:
(a) It allows the owner to control the quantity of the service by determining
the extent of development to occur upon the property.
(b) It allows the owner to determine when the service is to be initiated or
increased by controlling when the development occurs.
(c) State law and the codes and ordinances of this City require the owner to
provide certain basic utility services to the property when it is developed for human
occupancy. The provision of these basic utility services is a routine obligation of the
owner of the affected property and essential to the health and safety of the community.
(4) Among the basic utility services to be provided on every property with a
structure designed for human occupancy, except ancillary buildings, are water and sanitary
sewer services.
(5) The System Development Charge imposed by this Code is based upon the actual
costs of providing existing or planned for capital improvements and does not impose charges on
persons not receiving a service and imposing a burden upon the City’s existing capital
3.510 Policy Provisions.
(1) Purpose: The purpose of the Systems Development Charge is to impose a
portion of the public cost of capital improvements upon those developments that create the need
for or increase the demands on capital improvements.
(2) Scope: The Systems Development Charge provided in this subchapter is
separate from and in addition to any applicable tax, assessment, charge, fee in lieu of
assessment, or fee otherwise provided by law or imposed as a condition of development. A
Systems Development Charge is to be considered in the nature of a charge for service to be
rendered or a service hookup charge.
3.515 Definitions. As used in this System Development Charge code, except where
the context otherwise requires, words and phrases have the following meaning:
(1) “Capital Improvement(s)”, means facilities or assets used for any of the
(a) Water supply, treatment and distribution;
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(b) Sanitary sewers, including collection, transmission and treatment;
(c) Storm sewers, including drainage and flood control;
(d) Transportation, including but not limited to streets, sidewalks, bike paths,
street lights, street trees, public transportation, vehicle parking, and bridges; or
(e) Parks and recreation, including but not limited to mini-neighborhood
parks, neighborhood parks, community parks, metropolitan parks, and other recreational
(2) “Development” means the act of conducting a building or mining operation, or
making a physical change in the use or appearance of a structure or land, which increases the
usage of any capital improvements or which creates the need for additional capital
(3) “Improvement Feemeans a fee for costs associated with capital improvements
to be constructed after the date this Code or ordinance 470, 499, 578 or 605 became effective.
(4) “Land Area” means all surface area of any parcel, including building area,
excepting any portion of the parcel within a recorded right of way for a public street or alley.
(5) “Parcel of Land.” A platted lot or any other tract of land which is occupied, or
may be occupied by a structure or other use; including the yards and other open spaces required
under the zoning regulations of the City, or reasonably attributable to an existing or proposed
(6) “Qualified Public Improvements.” A capital improvement that is:
(a) Required as a condition of development approval;
(b) Identified in the plan adopted pursuant to subsection 3.540(2); and
(c) Either:
(i) Not located on or contiguous to a parcel of land that is the
subject of the development approval. (As used in this definition “contiguous”
means: in a public way which abuts.); or
(ii) Located in whole or in part on or contiguous to property that is
the subject of development approval and required to be built larger or with
greater capacity than is necessary for the particular development project to
which the improvement fee is related.
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(7) “Reimbursement Fee.” A fee for costs associated with capital improvements
constructed or under construction when the fee is established, for which the City determines that
capacity exists.
(8) “Systems Development Charge.” A reimbursement fee, an improvement fee or
a combination thereof assessed or collected at any of the times specified in subsection 3.525(1).
It shall also include that portion of a water or sanitary sewer connection charge that is greater
than the amount necessary to reimburse the City for its average cost of inspecting and installing
connections with the water system or the sanitary sewer system. “Systems development charge”
does not include:
(a) Any fees assessed or collected as part of a local improvement district;
(b) A charge in lieu of a local improvement district assessment; or
(c) The cost of complying with requirements or conditions imposed upon a
land use decision.
3.520 Systems Development Charge Provided.
(1) System Development Charge established: Unless otherwise exempted by the
provisions of this Code or other local or state law, this Code continues in effect the Systems
Development Charge which was effective July 16, 1991 and imposes a System Development
Charge upon all new development within the City, and all development outside the boundary of
the City that connects to or otherwise uses the water and\or sewer system of the City.
(2) Council to Determine: The Systems Development Charge for any capital
improvement shall be fixed by the Council in one or more methodology resolutions that may be
amended or altered from time to time, at the discretion of the City Council. Each resolution
shall be based on a methodology which complies with the requirements of ORS 223.297 to
223.314. The City shall maintain a list of persons who have made a request for notification
prior to adoption or amendment of a methodology and shall mail them written notice at least
ninety (90) days prior to the first hearing to consider adoption or amendment of a methodology,
all as required by ORS 223.304.
3.525 Collection.
(1) The Systems Development Charge is immediately due and payable upon receipt
of application for a building permit or upon receipt of an application for connection to the sewer
system or water system of the City, or upon enlargement of a structure as provided in this Code,
whichever occurs first. If construction is commenced or connection is made to the sewer or
water system without an appropriate permit, the systems development charge is immediately
due and payable upon the earliest date that any such permit was required. The developer, owner
or other person benefiting from the development shall pay and the City Administrator shall
collect the applicable Systems Development Charge before issuing any building permit or
before permitting any connection to the water system or sewer system of the City. No
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connection to the sewer or water facilities of the City may be made unless the appropriate
Systems Development Charge has been paid or the lien and installment payment method has
been applied for.
(2) Whenever the full and correct Systems Development Charge has not been paid
and collected, for any reason, the City Administrator shall report to the Council the amount of
the uncollected charge, the description of the real property to which the charge is attributable,
the date upon which the charge was due, and the name or names of the owner or owners of
record title or the purchaser or purchasers under a recorded sales agreement of the described
land. The City Council shall set a public hearing and direct the City Administrator to give
notice of that hearing to each of those owners and contract purchasers together with a copy of
the Administrator’s report concerning the unpaid charge, either in person or by certified mail.
Upon public hearing, the Council may accept, reject or modify the Administrator’s report and, if
it finds that any charge is unpaid and uncollected, the Council may direct the City Recorder to
docket the unpaid and uncollected charge in the City’s record of liens and, upon completion of
the docketing, the City shall have a lien against the described land for the full amount of unpaid
charge, interest and the City’s actual costs of serving notice upon the owners or contract
purchasers. The decision of the Council shall be final and any aggrieved party may not appeal
the decision under section 3.545 of this Code. The lien shall be enforced in the manner
provided in ORS chapter 223.
(3) The owner of the parcel of land for which a Systems Development Charge is due
may apply, upon forms provided by the City, for the voluntary imposition upon the parcel of a
lien for the full amount of the Systems Development Charge and the payment of that lien in
twenty (20) semi-annual installments plus interest. The burden of showing the identity of the
owner of record or of the contract purchaser of record of the parcel shall be upon the applicant.
Upon receipt of such an application, the City Administrator shall compute the amount of the
Systems Development Charge and shall report to the City Recorder the amount of the charge,
the date upon which that charge is due, the name of the owner of record or the purchaser of
record, and the description of the property, and upon receiving that report the City Recorder
shall docket the lien in the City’s docket of liens and record it in the Curry County deed records,
and from the time that docketing is completed, the City shall have a lien upon that described
land for the amount of the charge and interest upon that charge at the rate of 4% + federal
reserve prime rate on the date of the lien. That lien shall be enforced in the manner provided
in ORS chapter 223 and shall have priority over all other liens and encumbrances.
3.530 Exemptions.
(1) Full Exemption: Any parcel of land which has established use:
(a) Of streets by an existing structure or a valid building permit issued for
the property; and
(b) Of water by connection to the City water system or a water tap order
issued for the property; and
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(c) Of sewers by connection to the City sewer system or a sewer connection
permit issued for the property before the effective date hereof;
is exempt from the systems development charge to the extent of the structure then existing on
the land or covered by the building permit issued for the land on or before July 16, 1991.
(2) When adopting the methodology resolution, the Council may establish full or
partial exemptions from all or part of the systems development charge.
3.535 Credits.
(1) When development occurs that must pay a System Development Charge under
Section 3.520 the System Development Charge for the existing use shall be calculated and if it
is less than the System Development Charge for the proposed use, the difference between the
System Development Charge for the existing use and the System Development Charge for the
proposed use shall be the System Development Charge required under Section 3.520. If the
change in use results in the System Development Charge for the proposed use being less than
the System Development Charge for the existing use, no System Development Charge shall be
required, however, no refund or credit shall be given.
(2) The limitations on the use of credits contained in this subsection shall not apply
when credits are given under subsection (3) of this section. A credit shall be given for the cost
of a qualified public improvement associated with a development. The credit provided for by
this subsection shall be only for the improvement fee charged for the type of improvement being
constructed and shall not exceed the improvement fee even if the cost of the capital
improvement exceeds the applicable improvement fee.
(3) When establishing the methodology, the council may provide for a credit
against the improvement fee, the reimbursement fee, or both, for a capital improvement
constructed as part of the development that reduces the development’s demand upon existing
public capital improvements or the need for future public capital improvements or that would
otherwise have to be constructed at city expense under the then-existing council policies.
(4) Credit shall not be transferable from one type of capital improvements to
another. If unused within ten (10) years from the date given, a credit shall expire and shall no
longer be applied to a systems development charge.
3.540 Compliance with State Law.
(1) The revenues received from the Systems Development Charges shall be
deposited to the fund for each capital improvement designated in a methodology resolution and
shall be budgeted and expended as provided by state law. The accounting of such revenues and
expenditures required by state law shall be included in the City’s annual financial audit required
by ORS Chapter 297.
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(2) The capital improvement plan required by state law as the basis for expending
revenues from the improvement fee of each systems development charge shall be the documents
identified in the applicable methodology resolution.
3.545 Appeals. Any person who is aggrieved by a methodology adopted by the
Council, by the expenditure of Systems Development Charges revenues or by a decision made
by the City Administrator under this Code may appeal that decision to the City Council by filing
a written request with the City Recorder within ten (10) days of the Council’s action adopting
the methodology or authorizing the expenditure or of receiving the City Administrator’s written
decision. Such appeal shall describe with particularity the decision from which the person seeks
reconsideration or appeals, the error of that opinion and the relief sought by the person from the
City Council. In determining the appeal, the Council shall determine whether the decision is
correct and may affirm, modify, extend or overrule that decision.
3.550 Regulations. The City Administrator may adopt such rules and regulations as
the Administrator deems necessary for the proper and uniform administration and interpretation
of this Code. Such rules and regulations shall be subject to review by the City Council.
Electric Service Code
3.600 Franchise Required.
(1) The term “person” shall mean and include natural persons, co-partnerships,
corporations and associations, whether or not operating for a profit.
(2) It shall be unlawful for any person not holding a franchise from the City of Gold
Beach, Curry County, Oregon, therefor, to install or maintain any power line, pole or poles,
conduits or any other equipment or facilities pertaining to the manufacture, transmission, or
distribution of electrical current upon any public street, alley, boulevard, avenue, road or
thoroughfare within said City; or to erect or construct any pole, post, tower, power line, or other
equipment or facility either upon, over, or beneath the surface of any such public street, alley,
avenue, boulevard, road, or thoroughfare within said city for said purpose.
(3) Any person who shall violate any clause or provision of this Section shall be
deemed guilty of a violation, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not
less than $25 or more than $500. Every such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate
offense for each and every day during which any provision or provisions hereof are violated by
him or it; and for every day during which any violation hereof shall continue, and for each
violation, such person shall be punishable therefor as herein provided. The minimum and
maximum fine prescribed by this subsection may be amended from time to time by resolution
adopted by the Gold Beach City Council.
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Gold Beach Business Code - Page 1
Ordinance No. 643 * Portions amended as Ord No. 669 adopted June 2019,
Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
4.000 Code Provisions as Law
4.010 General Savings Provision
4.020 Continuity of Existing Provisions
4.030 Interpretation of Term “City Administrator”
4.040 Severability
Business License Code (amended by Ordinance No. 676 adopted May 3, 2021)
4.100 Title
4.105 Purpose of Business License Code
4.110 Definitions
4.115 Requirement for License
4.116 Special Business License Endorsements
4.120 Exclusions from Business License Requirement
4.125 Illegal Business or Profession
4.130 License Required for Each Business and Location
4.135 License Term, Transfer of License
4.140 Application for License
4.145 License Fee Schedule
4.150 Display of License
4.155 Examination of Business Premises
4.160 Regulation of Residential Sales
4.165 Penalties and Civil Remedies
4.170 Revocation of Licenses
Special Business License Endorsements (Amended by Ord No. 676 adopted May 3, 2021)
Mobile Food Unit (MFU) Business License Endorsement
4.180.00 Title
4.180.05 Purpose of Business License Code
4.180.10 Definitions
4.180.15 Requirement for License
4.180.20 Exclusions from Business License Requirement
4.180.25 Illegal Business or Profession
4.180.30 License Required for Each Business and Location
4.180.35 License Term, Transfer of License
4.180.40 Application for License
4.180.45 License Fee Schedule
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Ordinance No. 643 * Portions amended as Ord No. 669 adopted June 2019,
Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
4.180.50 Display of License
4.180.55 Examination of Business Premises
4.180.60 Penalties and Civil Remedies
4.180.65 Revocation of Licenses
*NOTE Ordinance No. 671 adopted MFU Provisions as Section 4.6 of the Business Code. These MFU
provisions have not been amended or revised here except to rename them as a Special Business
License Endorsement and renumber the section.
Short-Term Rental (STR) Business License Endorsement
4.190 Short-Term Rental (STR) Business License Endorsement
4.190.00 Title
4.190.05 Purpose
4.190.010 Definitions
4.190.015 Annual Short-Term Rental (STR) Business License Endorsement
4.190.020 Application Information and Filing Fee
4.190.025 Term of Annual Business License Endorsement and Transferability
4.190.030 Business License Endorsement and Endorsement Renewal
4.190.035 Inspections
4.190.040 Violations
Transient Lodging Tax Code (amended by Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022 repealing Ord No. 675)
4.200 Title
4.210 TAX IMPOSED (amended by Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022)
4.265 LIENS
4.280 ADMINISTRATION (amended by Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022)
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Ordinance No. 643 * Portions amended as Ord No. 669 adopted June 2019,
Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
Gold Beach Sign Code
4.300 Title
4.305 Purposes
4.310 Definitions
4.315 Permit Required
4.320 Other Permits
4.325 Application for Permit
4.326 Application for Digital/EMC Sign (amended by Ord No. 669 adopted June 10, 2019)
4.330 Permit Fee
4.335 Permit and Fee Exceptions
4.340 Exempt Signs
4.345 Prohibited Signs
4.350 Nonconforming Signs
4.355 Maintenance of Signs
4.360 Inspections
4.365 Size and Spacing of Signs
4.370 Design and Construction
4.375 Projection and Clearance
4.380 Fin Signs
4.385 Pole Signs
4.390 Ground Signs
4.395 Roof Signs
4.400 Wall Signs
4.405 Projecting Signs
4.410 Combination Signs
4.415 Marquees
4.420 Electric Signs
4.425 Temporary Signs
4.430 Political Signs
4.435 Prohibited Conduct
4.440 Administration and Appeals
4.445 Sign Code Variance Procedures
4.550 Enforcement – Notice and Opportunity to Comply
4.460 Filing of Complaint; Temporary Restraining Order
4.465 Enforcement – Remedial Power of the Court
4.470 Enforcement – Violation
Vendor Assisted Tobacco Sales Code
4.500 Findings
4.505 Purpose
4.510 Definitions
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Ordinance No. 643 * Portions amended as Ord No. 669 adopted June 2019,
Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
4.515 Vendor Assisted Tobacco Sales Required
4.520 Exceptions
4.525 Non-Retaliation
4.530 Penalties
Social Gaming Code
4.000 Code Provisions as Law
The provisions of this code are the laws of the city of Gold Beach and nor merely prima
facie evidence of the law.
4.010 General Savings Provision
This code shall not affect rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred
and proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this code.
4.020 Continuity of Existing Provisions
The provisions of this code that are the same in substance as code or ordinance
provisions that are in effect immediately before this code becomes effective are construed as
restatements and continuations of the prior provisions.
4.030 Interpretation of Term “City Administrator”
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, any time this code indicates that an
action is to be performed by the City Administrator, that action may be performed either by
the City Administrator or by the City Administrator’s designee. Designation of a designee of
the City Administrator may be done informally.
4.040 Severability
The sections, subsections, paragraphs, provisions, clauses, phrases, and words of this
code are severable. If a section, subsection, paragraph, provision, clause, phrase, or word of
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Ordinance No. 643 * Portions amended as Ord No. 669 adopted June 2019,
Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
this code is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, the
judgment shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this code. Every other
section, subsection, paragraph, provision, clause, phrase or word of this code enacted,
irrespective of the enactment or validity of the portion declared unconstitutional or invalid, is
Business License Code
4.100 Title
This portion of the Gold Beach Code shall be known as Business License Code.
4.105 Purpose of Business License Code
The purpose of this Section is to provide revenue for municipal purposes and to
provide for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Gold Beach through the
regulation of businesses, occupations, and trades. A business need not be located within the
city in order to be subject to the provisions of this Section. This Section serves the public
interest by mandating that business will be carried on in compliance with
applicable laws and in a manner that protects the public’s health, safety, and welfare.
The business license fee shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other license or permit
fee, charge, or tax required under any other Municipal Code section or city ordinance. The
business license required by this Section shall not be construed to constitute a permit to
engage in any activity prohibited by law nor as a waiver of any other regulatory or license
requirement imposed by the city or state law.
4.110 Definitions
AUTHORIZED AGENT means a property management company or other entity or person who
has been designated by the owner to act on their behalf. An authorized agent may or may
not be the designated point of contact for complaints.
BUSINESS means any person, who sells, leases, or provides property, goods, food, things,
entertainment or services. The term “business” shall not include any activities conducted
solely for charitable, religious, community or public purposes. The term “business” shall
include providing property, goods, food, things, entertainment or services in return for
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Ordinance No. 643 * Portions amended as Ord No. 669 adopted June 2019,
Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
donations which are accepted for the benefit of the provider. See Section 4.120 for specific
exclusions from Business License Requirement.
ENDORSEMENT means standards established by the city which a business license applicant
must satisfy prior to the city issuing a business license. Any city-approved endorsements will
be clearly noted on the business license.
MOBILE FOOD UNIT (MFU) is defined as: any vehicle that is self-propelled, or can be pulled
or pushed down a sidewalk, street, highway, or waterway. A MFU must be designed and
constructed to move as a single piece. A MFU may not consist of multiple components that
are assembled at the operating location. Additions, porches, cabanas, stairs, or other
similar structural elements shall not be permitted to be added to the mobile vehicle. While
the MFU is not required to move locations, the MFU must be able to be mobile at all times.
The unit must be on wheels that are functional and appropriate for the type of vehicle. The
unit and all operations and equipment must be integral to the unit. This does not preclude
the use of one outdoor cooking unit such as a BBQ if the unit is licensed as a Class IV with the
health department.
NOT-FOR-PROFIT-ENTITY means any entity organized and operated exclusively for a
religious, charitable, humanitarian, or educational purpose and for whom the United States
or the State of Oregon has granted an exemption from the payment of income tax on that
OCCUPANCY means the right to the use or possession of any space in transient lodging for
dwelling, lodging, or sleeping purposes for less than 30 days.
OCCUPANT means any individual who exercises occupancy or is entitled to occupancy in
transient lodging for a period of 30 consecutive calendar days or less, counting portions of
calendar days as full days.
PERSON means any individual, firm, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company,
corporation, limited liability partnership, association, host, social club, fraternal
organization, fraternity, sorority, public or private dormitory, joint stock company, estate,
trust, business trust, receiver, trustee, syndicate, or any other group or combination acting
as a unit.
RENT means the consideration paid or payable by an occupant for the occupancy of space in
transient lodging valued in money, goods, labor, credits, property, or other consideration. If
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Ordinance No. 643 * Portions amended as Ord No. 669 adopted June 2019,
Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
a separate fee is charged for services, goods or commodities and the fee is optional, that fee
is not included in rent.
RENTAL OF REAL PROPERTY means the rental or offering for rent of real property for a
period of 30 days or more. Rental of real property includes, but is not limited to, the
following types of properties rented or offered for rent: hotel or motel rooms, automobile
or tourist courts, boarding houses, bed and breakfast rooms, mobile homes, or trailer parks,
residential or vacation homes, multi-family dwelling units, moorage units, and commercial
properties. Rentals for less than 30 days are SHORT-TERM RENTALS (STR) and subject to the
special endorsement provisions of Section 4.190.
SHORT-TERM RENTAL (STR) Also referred to as a Vacation Rental - means a house, duplex,
condominium, houseboat, trailer, or other residential dwelling unit where a person rents a
guest bedroom or the entire residential dwelling unit for transient lodging occupancy.
SHORT-TERM RENTAL HOUSING PLATFORM means a business or other person that
facilitates the retail sale of transient lodging by connecting occupants with transient lodging
providers, either online or in any other manner. Short-term rental hosting platforms are
transient lodging intermediaries.
TAX ADMINISTRATOR means the City Administrator or their designee.
TLT OR TAX means the transient lodging tax.
TEMPORARY MFU BUSINESS is defined as: a MFU operating for five (5) days or less in any
calendar year during the same time, or in the same location, as a community event such as
the County Fair, a concert, convention, holiday/community celebration, or similar event
located on publicly owned property.
a) Hotel, motel, lodge, and inn dwelling units that are used for temporary overnight
human occupancy;
b) RV sites or spaces within RV parks and/or campgrounds, tent sites and yurts in
private and public campgrounds used for temporary overnight periods of human
c) Houses, cabins, condominiums, or other single-family or duplex dwelling units, or
portions of any of these dwelling units that are used for temporary human
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Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
d) To protect and preserve needed local housing units, multifamily dwelling units such
as apartment units or similar non one- & two-family dwelling units are specifically
excluded as transient lodging or transient lodging facilities.
TRANSIENT LODGING INTERMEDIARY means a person other than a transient lodging
provider that facilitates the retail sale of transient lodging and:
a) Charges for occupancy of the transient lodging;
b) Collects the consideration charged for occupancy of the transient lodging; or
c) Receives a fee or commission and requires the transient lodging provider to use a
specified third-party entity to collect the consideration charged for occupancy of the
transient lodging.
TRANSIENT LODGING PROVIDER means a person that furnishes transient lodging.
TRANSIENT LODGING TAX COLLECTOR means a transient lodging provider or transient
lodging intermediary.
VACATION RENTAL See Short-Term Rental (STR)
4.115 Requirement for License.
Every business in the City of Gold Beach or conducting business within the city limits
of the City of Gold Beach, shall obtain a business license. No person shall do business in the
City of Gold Beach unless he has a license from the City of Gold Beach and has paid the
license fee prescribed herein. Any person representing himself or itself or exhibiting any
sign or advertisement that he or it is engaged in any business in the City of Gold Beach for
which a license fee is required by this code, shall be deemed to actually be engaged in such
business and shall be liable for payment of such license fee and subject to this code.
4.120 Exclusions from Business License Requirement.
(1) No person who is employed by another person and whose income is based
solely on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or annual wage or salary shall, for the purpose of
this code, be deemed a person doing business in the City of Gold Beach, Oregon. It is the
intention of the City that all licenses taxes and fees levied herein shall be borne by the
employer and/or owner for the privilege of doing business in the City of Gold Beach.
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Ordinance No. 643 * Portions amended as Ord No. 669 adopted June 2019,
Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
(2) No person who owns property which is listed or advertised for sale and who
is leasing this property until the sale can be completed shall be required to obtain a
business license solely because of this lease; provided the person furnishes proof to the City
Administrator that the person is actively attempting to sell the property.
(3) No person who delivers or distributes goods, food, and things exclusively to a
business in the City of Gold Beach that has a valid city business license shall be required to
obtain a business license.
(4) Nothing in this code shall be construed to apply to any person transacting or
carrying on any business within the City of Gold Beach, Oregon, which is exempt from such
license fee or regulation by the City, by virtue of the Constitution and/or laws of the United
States or the Constitution and/or the laws of the State of Oregon.
(5) No person, group, organization, club, etc. exempt from federal income tax
under Section 501(c) of the federal Internal Revenue Code shall be required to obtain a
business license. Proof of federal 501(c) status will be required by the City.
4.125 Illegal Business or Profession.
The levy or collection of a license fee upon any business shall not be construed to be
a license or permit from the City of Gold Beach, Oregon, to the person engaged therein, to
engage in any business which is unlawful, illegal or prohibited by the laws of the State of
Oregon and/or the United States and/or of the code or ordinances of the City of Gold
Beach, Oregon.
4.130 License Required for Each Business and Location.
A separate license is required for each business subject to this code and for each
separate location of each business. The intent of this code is to issue a license to a business
at a specific location and to require a separate license for all additional locations. An
established business may move to another location without paying an additional fee, by
applying for a TRANSFER OF LOCATION BUSINESS LICENSE. This transfer must meet all the
criteria of a new business license application.
4.135 License Term, Transfer of License.
All licenses shall be issued for a period of one year commencing July 1
continuing to June 30
of each fiscal year. All fees chargeable for said business licenses
shall be due on or before July 1
of each year and payable by July 31
without penalty by
the applicant for said license. Payments received after July 31
shall be subject to a late
charge of ten percent of the balance due per month.
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Ordinance No. 643 * Portions amended as Ord No. 669 adopted June 2019,
Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
An applicant who makes application for a new license after July 1
and before
December 31
shall pay the business license fee for an entire one-year period. An
applicant, who makes application for a new license after December 31
and prior to May
, shall be charged one-half the annual license fee. A license granted under such
application shall continue to June 30
of that fiscal year. An applicant who makes
application for a new license after May 31
may obtain a license for the month of June and
the following fiscal year by paying the annual license fee plus the fee for one month on a
prorated basis, or, in the alternative, may pay one-half the annual license fee for a license
which shall be effective only until June 30
. Such an applicant shall not be allowed to
purchase a license for one month at a one-month prorated amount only.
In the event a licensee sells or transfers his business, his license may be transferred
to the purchaser of said business without additional charge; provided, however, that the
business shall be carried on in the same manner, to the same extent and at the same
location as previously. Licenses may not be transferred from one location to another, even
if the nature, extent of the business and/or occupation remains the same in the new
location. A new license shall be obtained for each additional, new or changed location and
a new fee shall be paid therefore.
4.140 Application for License.
All applications for business licenses shall be made in writing and shall be made on
the application form which may be obtained from the City of Gold Beach business office.
Applications for any license hereunder must be signed by the applicant and in all cases must
set forth the true name of the person to be engaged in such business, the true owner
thereof, and the person(s) to be in charge of each unit thereof.
4.145 License Fee Schedule.
License fees under the authority of this code shall be paid annually unless otherwise
specified. The fee schedule for the license(s) and late fees granted under this code shall be
set by resolution of the City Council.
4.150 Display of License.
Every person licensed under this code shall display the license in some conspicuous
place on the premises of the business so licensed unless the business does not operate from
an enclosed permanent location in the City of Gold Beach, in which case all persons doing
business in Gold Beach shall have a copy of the license in their possession at all times. Each
business operating amusement or vending machines shall conspicuously display a copy of
the business license on each machine it operates.
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Ordinance No. 643 * Portions amended as Ord No. 669 adopted June 2019,
Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
4.155 Examination of Business Premises.
The City police chief and police officers are authorized to examine all places of
business licensed or subject to license for violation of provisions of this code. Said
investigation shall be done only at a reasonable business time and at reasonable intervals
under the circumstances.
4.160 Regulation of Residential Sales.
No person shall do business at a residence in the City of Gold Beach without
obtaining the express permission of the occupant of the premises to do business at that
4.165 Penalties and Civil Remedies.
Any person violating any of the provisions of the code shall, upon conviction thereof,
be punished by a fine not to exceed $500, or such other maximum amount as the Gold
Beach City Council may set from time to time by ordinance.
As separate and distinct remedies from the above, the City may bring suit in a court
of competent jurisdiction to obtain judgment and enforce collection of the license fees due
under this code and may avail itself of the right of mandamus or injunction in such courts to
properly enforce provisions of this code.
4.170 Revocation of Licenses.
All licenses are subject to all regulations imposed by the City. The final authority
concerning said licenses shall at all times be vested in the City Council, which may, as herein
provided, revoke, cancel or suspend any license for any fraud or misrepresentation in its
procurement, for violations of any provisions of the code, ordinances or Charter of the City
of Gold Beach, or for a violation of any state or federal statute or for any acts permitted by
the licensee on the premises which would be a violation of any City code or ordinance, state
statute, or federal statute, or which is a menace to the health, peace and general welfare of
the City.
Nothing herein contained shall be taken or construed as vesting any right of any
licensee, including a contractual right or obligation on the part of the City as to the amount
or character of the license hereunder.
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
When the City Council receives information which causes the Council to consider a
revocation of any privilege granted under this code, the Council shall give notice to the
licensee to appear and show cause why the license should not be revoked. The City
Recorder shall mail to the licensee via certified mail a notice citing the date, time and place
for appearance and the general statement of the allegations upon which the Council bases
the possible revocation. No formal pleading shall be necessary, except that the Council may
require a complaining party, if any, to appear at the same time and place to give testimony
concerning the Council investigation. Such hearing and investigation shall be informal. If
any licensee shall fail to appear after proper notice has been given and received, the Council
may revoke said license without further determination. After such hearing and/or
investigation, the Council shall vote to determine whether cause exists for revocation of a
license and take the appropriate action.
Whenever a license to conduct any business has been revoked by the City Council,
no license shall be granted or re-issued to the same person or at the same location for any
business without the approval of the Council. As a condition of such approval, the Council
may, in its discretion, require the applicant to file with the City a bond in the penal sum of
$1,000, which shall conform in all respects to the provisions of this code and which shall be
forfeited to the City if the person is thereafter convicted of a violation of federal state or
city laws or ordinances for which such license may be revoked. The bond shall be required
to be in force for the term of the license and shall not be surrendered or cancelled pending
a final determination of any charge or accusation by federal, state or city officials against
the licensee, of any violation of any state law or any law or code which might justify a
forfeiture of such bond.
All indemnity company bonds must be written by a surety company, licensed to do
business within the State of Oregon upon its regular indemnity bond form with the
particular provisions provided therein as required within this code. The City Attorney must
approve all such indemnity bond forms.
4.180 Mobile Food Unit (MFU) Business License Endorsement
(NOTE: MFU provisions were adopted in Ordinance No. 671 as Section 4.600 of the Business Code.
Those provisions have been incorporated directly in the Business License code as a Special
Endorsement and the Sections re-numbered. No other amendments or revisions were made)
4.180.00 Title
This portion of the Gold Beach Business Code shall be known as the Mobile Food
Unit (MFU) Business License Code.
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
4.180.05 Purpose of MFU Business License Code
This code is enacted for the purpose of providing diversity in dining options for citizens
and visitors and create entrepreneurial opportunities for new businesses when operated
safely. This code is not intended to regulate or supersede any of the State of Oregon Health
Authority (OHA) food safety program requirements for operating mobile food units.
4.180.10 Definitions
In addition to the definitions contained in the Business License Code Section 4.110 the
following additional definitions are adopted:
(1) Mobile Food Unit is defined as: any vehicle that is self-propelled, or can be
pulled or pushed down a sidewalk, street, highway, or waterway. A MFU must be designed
and constructed to move as a single piece. A MFU may not consist of multiple components
that are assembled at the operating location. Additions, porches, cabanas, stairs, or other
similar structural elements shall not be permitted to be added to the mobile vehicle. While
the MFU is not required to move locations, the MFU must be able to be mobile at all times.
The unit must be on wheels that are functional and appropriate for the type of vehicle. The
unit and all operations and equipment must be integral to the unit. This does not preclude
the use of one outdoor cooking unit such as a BBQ if the unit is licensed as a Class IV with the
health department.
(2) Temporary MFU Business is defined as: a MFU operating for five (5) days or
less in any calendar year during the same time, or in the same location, as a community event
such as the County Fair, a concert, convention, holiday/community celebration, or similar
event located on publicly owned property.
4.180.15 Requirement for License.
Prior to the commencement of any food service operations within the City of Gold
Beach, operators of a MFU business shall obtain a MFU Business License in addition to
compliance with the requirements for a regular business license as contained in Section 4.1
of the City Business Code. MFU business operators shall be required to continuously maintain
a valid food service permit complying with current Oregon Health Authority (OHA)
requirements. Proof of compliance with state health food service permitting shall be
required prior to issuance of a City MFU Business License and upon annual MFU Business
License renewal.
4.180.20 Exclusions from MFU Business License Requirement.
(1) Operation of an OHA licensed MFU business on a temporary basis as defined
in this code.
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
4.180.25 Illegal Business or Profession.
The issuance of an MFU business license shall not be construed to be a license or
permit from the City of Gold Beach, Oregon, to the person engaged therein, to engage in any
business which is unlawful, illegal or prohibited by the laws of the State of Oregon and/or the
United States and/or of the code or ordinances of the City of Gold Beach, Oregon.
4.180.30 MFU License Required for Each Business and Location.
(1) A separate license is required for each MFU business subject to this code and
for each separate location of each business. The intent of this code is to issue a MFU license
to a business at a specific location and to require a separate MFU license for all additional
locations. An established business may move to another location without paying an
additional fee, by applying for a TRANSFER OF MFU BUSINESS LICENSE LOCATION. This
transfer must meet all the criteria of a new MFU business license application.
(2) Licensed MFUs may only be located within the Commercial (4-C), Industrial (5-
I), and Public Facilities (7-PF) zones.
4.180.35 License Term, Transfer of License.
The MFU Business License term and license transfer shall be as defined in the Business
License code Section 4.135.
4.180.40 Application for License.
(1) All applications for MFU business licenses shall be made in writing and shall be
made on the application form which may be obtained from the City of Gold Beach business
office. Applications for any license hereunder must be signed by the applicant and in all cases
must set forth the true name of the person to be engaged in such business, the true owner
thereof, and the person(s) to be in charge of each unit thereof.
(2) As part of the MFU Business License review process the Mobile Food Unit shall
be inspected by the following City departments:
a. Public Works: for compliance with the City’s utility code specifically the
Fat/Oil/Grease (FOG) provisions; and
b. Fire Department: for compliance with fire suppression requirements; and
c. Planning Department: for review of contrary building code issues, traffic safety
and parking, and refuse receptacles.
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Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
(3) The MFU business operator shall ensure compliance with current Oregon Health
Authority (OHA) regulations (OAR Chapter 333 Division 162, and any revisions thereto).
4.180.45 License Fee Schedule.
License fees under the authority of this code shall be paid annually unless otherwise
specified. The fee schedule for the license(s) and late fees granted under this code shall be
set by resolution of the City Council.
4.180.50 Display of License.
Every person licensed under this code shall display the license in some conspicuous
place on the premises of the business so licensed.
4.180.55 Examination of Business Premises.
The City Administrator, or their designee, are authorized to examine all places of MFU
business licensed or subject to license for violation of provisions of this code. Said
investigation shall be performed only at a reasonable business time and at reasonable
intervals under the circumstances.
4.180.60 Penalties and Civil Remedies.
Any person violating any of the provisions of the code shall, upon conviction thereof,
be punished by a fine not to exceed $500, or such other maximum amount as the Gold Beach
City Council may set from time to time by ordinance.
As separate and distinct remedies from the above, the City may bring suit in a court
of competent jurisdiction to obtain judgment and enforce collection of the license fees due
under this code and may avail itself of the right of mandamus or injunction in such courts to
properly enforce provisions of this code.
4.180.65 Revocation of Licenses.
A MFU Business License may be revoked subject to the process outlined in the
Business License Code Section 4.170.
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
4.190 Short-Term Rental (STR) Business License Endorsement
4.190.00 Title
This portion of the Gold Beach Business Code shall be known as the Short-Term
Rental (STR) Business License Code.
4.190.05 Purpose
A short-term rental business license endorsement is a permission to operate a short-
term rental on property within the City of Gold Beach. This chapter provides an
administrative framework for licensing the annual operation of a short-term rental, in order
to ensure the safety and convenience of renters, owners, and neighboring property owners;
protect the character of residential neighborhoods; protect the City’s supply of needed
housing; and address potential negative effects such as excessive noise, overcrowding,
illegal parking, and nuisances.
It is the intent of these regulations to strike a reasonable balance between the need
to limit short-term rental options within neighborhoods to ensure compatibility, while also
recognizing the benefits of short-term rentals in providing recreation and employment
opportunities, as well as transitional housing for tourists, employees of businesses, and
others who are in need of housing for a limited duration.
4.190.010 Definitions
The following definitions apply in this chapter.
AUTHORIZED AGENT means a property management company or other entity or person
who has been designated by the owner to act on their behalf. An authorized agent may or
may not be the designated point of contact for complaints.
OCCUPANCY means the right to the use or possession of any space in transient lodging for
dwelling, lodging or sleeping purposes for less than 30 days.
OCCUPANT means any individual who exercises occupancy or is entitled to occupancy in
transient lodging for a period of 30 consecutive calendar days or less, counting portions of
calendar days as full days.
PERSON means any individual, firm, partnership, joint venture, limited liability
company, corporation, limited liability partnership, association, host, social club, fraternal
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
organization, fraternity, sorority, public or private dormitory, joint stock company, estate,
trust, business trust, receiver, trustee, syndicate, or any other group or combination acting
as a unit.
RENT means the consideration paid or payable by an occupant for the occupancy of space
in transient lodging valued in money, goods, labor, credits, property, or other consideration.
If a separate fee is charged for services, goods or commodities and the fee is optional, that
fee is not included in rent.
SHORT-TERM RENTAL (STR) Also referred to as a Vacation Rental - means a house,
duplex, condominium, houseboat, trailer, or other residential dwelling unit where a person
rents a guest bedroom or the entire residential dwelling unit for transient lodging
SHORT-TERM RENTAL HOUSING PLATFORM means a business or other person that
facilitates the retail sale of transient lodging by connecting occupants with transient lodging
providers, either online or in any other manner. Short-term rental hosting platforms are
transient lodging intermediaries.
TAX ADMINISTRATOR means the City Administrator or their designee.
TLT OR TAX means the transient lodging tax.
a. Hotel, motel, lodge, and inn dwelling units that are used for temporary overnight
human occupancy;
b. RV sites or spaces within RV parks and/or campgrounds, tent sites and yurts in
private and public campgrounds used for temporary overnight periods of human
c. Houses, cabins, condominiums, or other single-family or duplex dwelling units, or
portions of any of these dwelling units that are used for temporary human
d. To protect and preserve needed local housing units, multifamily dwelling units such
as apartment units or similar non one & two family dwelling units are specifically
excluded as transient lodging or transient lodging facilities.
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
TRANSIENT LODGING INTERMEDIARY means a person other than a transient lodging
provider that facilitates the retail sale of transient lodging and:
a. Charges for occupancy of the transient lodging;
b. Collects the consideration charged for occupancy of the transient lodging; or
c. Receives a fee or commission and requires the transient lodging provider to use a
specified third-party entity to collect the consideration charged for occupancy of the
transient lodging.
TRANSIENT LODGING PROVIDER means a person that furnishes transient lodging.
TRANSIENT LODGING TAX COLLECTOR means a transient lodging provider or transient
lodging intermediary.
VACATION RENTAL See Short-Term Rental (STR)
4.190.015 Annual Short-Term Rental (STR) Business License Endorsement Required
No owner of property within the Gold Beach city limits may advertise, offer, operate,
rent or otherwise make available for occupancy or use a short-term rental without a
business license with a STR rental endorsement. Advertise or offer includes through any
media, whether written, electronic, web-based, digital, mobile, or otherwise.
4.190.020 Application Information and Filing Fee
(1) Applications for short-term rental business license endorsements are to be on forms
provided by the City, and shall include the following:
a. Owner Information. Owner’s name, permanent residence address, telephone
number, email address (if available) and short-term rental address and telephone
b. Authorized Agent. The name, telephone number, mailing address and email of a
property management company or other entity or person who has been
designated by the owner to act on their behalf.
c. Representative Information. The name, telephone number, mailing address and
email of a local representative who can be contacted concerning use of the
property or complaints related to operation of the short-term rental. For the
purposes of this requirement, local means the representative’s address is within
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30 minutes travel time of the subject property.
d. Occupancy. Occupancy limits and number of bedrooms.
e. Parking. Statement that required off-street parking spaces are available (one (1)
off-street space per bedroom, but in no case less than a total of two (2) spaces),
with a photo(s), dated within the last 90 days, of interior and exterior parking
f. Site plan: interior showing STR layout, and exterior including a parking diagram
of the parking spaces.
g. Good Neighbor Guidelines. Written acknowledgement that a copy of the Good
Neighbor Guidelines has been reviewed and relayed to short-term rental tenants,
by incorporating it into the rental contract, including it in the rental booklet,
posting it online, providing it in a conspicuous place in the dwelling unit, or a
similar method.
h. Listing Number. For renewals, the listing numbers or website addresses of where
the short-term rental advertises.
i. Compliance declaration: a signed declaration by the owner or their authorized
agent of compliance with the following provisions:
1. No offensive noise, smoke, dust, litter or odor noticeable at or beyond the
property line will be generated as a result of the use of the property as a STR.
2. There shall not be an excessive generation of traffic created by the STR use.
Excessive Generation of Traffic is defined as traffic levels greater than
customary residential use of the property.
3. The STR must maintain the residential nature of the front and side yards. The
property shall be landscaped and maintained as a permanent residence
similar to the surrounding neighborhood.
4. The licensee will comply with the provisions of the City of Gold Beach
Transient Lodging Tax Code.
5. The licensee shall provide refuse receptacles and shall provide proof of waste
collection service.
Other Requirements. Such other information as the City Administrator or designee deems
reasonably necessary to administer this Section.
(2) Incomplete Application. If a license application does not include all required
materials, the application will be considered incomplete and the City will notify the
applicant, in writing, explaining the information required.
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
(3) License Fee. The fee for the application of a STR business license endorsement, and
any of its components requiring city action, shall be established by resolution of the
City Council.
4.190.025 Term of Annual Business License Endorsement and Transferability
(1) Term. A short-term rental business license endorsement shall be issued for a period
of 12-months, effective July 1st of each year, and may be renewed annually by the
owner provided all applicable standards of this chapter are met.
(2) Transferability. The business license endorsement shall be issued in the name of the
owner(s) and is not transferable.
4.190.030 Business License Endorsement and Endorsement Renewal
(1) Endorsement Must Be Obtained. An endorsement to a business license for a short-
term rental shall be obtained and renewed as required in this section. The ability to
operate a short-term rental in the City of Gold Beach shall be discontinued for failure
to obtain or renew an endorsement to operate as provided in this chapter.
(2) Application and Renewal Application Process. A person engaging in a short-term
rental who has not yet obtained a STR business license endorsement, or who is
required to renew an existing endorsement, shall do so as follows:
a. Existing Non-Conforming Short-Term Rentals. A business license endorsement
renewal application completed in accordance with the provisions of Gold Beach
Business License Code is due on July 1, 2021, and annually every year thereafter.
b. New Short-Term Rentals. A business license endorsement for a STR shall be
obtained before beginning operations.
c. Endorsement applications, completed in accordance with the provisions of this
code may be submitted and issued at any time.
1. For STR within the Commercial zone, the endorsement may be renewed
annually thereafter on July 1st of each year.
2. For STR within the Residential zones, the Council may, by resolution, set the
total number of Residential Zone STR endorsements to be issued. The
endorsements will be on a first come-first served basis. Preference will be
given to previously endorsed STR that have not experienced compliance
issues in the prior two (2) year period.
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Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
(3) Notice. On or about June 1 of each year, the City shall send notice to owners of
property with STR endorsements informing them that the endorsement must be
renewed no later than August 15 of each year and that failure to do so will result in
expiration of the endorsement. Notice shall be sent by first-class mail to the address
the owner provided with the endorsement on file with the City.
(4) Expiration of Endorsement. Failure of an owner to renew an endorsement by August
15 shall result in expiration of the endorsement, and the ability of the owner to
operate shall be conclusively presumed to be discontinued. If the owner or their
authorized agent continue to operate the STR without the necessary endorsement
they may be subject to enforcement action by the City.
(5) Approval Standards. The owner or authorized agent has the burden of proof to
demonstrate compliance with standards for the approval or renewal of an
endorsement. The approval standards also serve as continuing code compliance
obligations of the owner. To receive approval, an owner or authorized agent must
demonstrate that the approval standards listed below have been satisfied:
a. Proof of Use. For STR endorsement renewals, lodging tax remittance records
must demonstrate the that the unit has been rented at least 30 days within the
12-month fiscal year.
b. Lodging Tax Compliance. The unit shall be in compliance with lodging tax
requirements of Section 4.2 of the Gold Beach Business Code.
c. Violations. A STR business license endorsement that is revoked shall not be
renewed. An owner whose endorsement has been revoked shall not be eligible to
reapply for a new endorsement for a period of two years.
d. Mandatory Postings. The STR business license endorsement issued by the City
shall be displayed in a prominent location within the interior of the dwelling
adjacent to the front door. The endorsement shall contain the following
1. The name of the owner and authorized agent and a telephone number where
the owner and authorized agent may be contacted. Contact must be
available to guests 24/7, including holidays.
2. The property address.
3. The number and location of approved parking spaces and any overflow
parking, if offered.
4. The maximum occupancy permitted for the STR.
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5. Phone numbers and addresses for emergency responders and utility
6. Any required information or conditions specific to the operating license
7. Other information as established by resolution of the City Council.
4.190.035 Inspections
Dwelling units for which a short-term rental business license endorsement is being
sought, or has been obtained, shall be subject to initial inspection, and periodic re-
inspection, by the City to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter. The
timeframe for such inspections is subject to the City’s discretion and available resources.
4.190.040 Violations
Penalties, as specified in section 4.165-4.170, shall be imposed for one or more of the
following violations:
(1) Advertising; renting; using; or offering for use, occupancy or rent; a short-term rental
where the owner does not hold a valid endorsement issued pursuant to this section.
(2) Advertising; renting; using; or offering for use, occupancy or rent; a short-term rental
in a manner that does not comply with the endorsement requirements of this code.
(3) Failure to comply with the endorsement standards and operational requirements of
Section 4.190 of the Gold Beach Business Code.
(4) Failure by the owner to collect and remit the transient lodging tax as required by
Section 4.200 of the Gold Beach Business Code.
(5) Failure of the owner or owner’s representative to respond to tenant, citizen or City
complaints or inquiries. “Failure to respond” occurs if City staff is unable to reach the
owner or designated representative after three attempts within a 48-hour period,
using the information that the owner or designee has on file with the City.
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Transient Lodging Tax Code
4.200 Title.
This portion of the Gold Beach Code shall be known as the Transient Lodging Tax Code
of the City of Gold Beach.
OCCUPANCY means the right to the use or possession of any space in transient lodging for
dwelling, lodging, or sleeping purposes for less than 30 days.
OCCUPANT means any individual who exercises occupancy or is entitled to occupancy in
transient lodging for a period of 30 consecutive calendar days or less, counting portions of
calendar days as full days.
PERSON means any individual, firm, partnership, joint venture, limited liability
company, corporation, limited liability partnership, association, host, social club, fraternal
organization, fraternity, sorority, public or private dormitory, joint stock company, estate,
trust, business trust, receiver, trustee, syndicate, or any other group or combination acting
as a unit.
RENT means the consideration paid or payable by an occupant for the occupancy of space
in transient lodging valued in money, goods, labor, credits, property, or other consideration.
If a separate fee is charged for services, goods or commodities and the fee is optional, that
fee is not included in rent.
SHORT-TERM RENTAL means a house, duplex, condominium, houseboat, trailer or
other residential dwelling unit where a person rents a guest bedroom or the entire residential
dwelling unit for transient lodging occupancy. Generally, a short-term rental is zoned
residential or has a building occupancy that only allows for residential use.
SHORT-TERM RENTAL HOUSING PLATFORM means a business or other person that
facilitates the retail sale of transient lodging by connecting occupants with transient lodging
providers, either online or in any other manner. Short-term rental hosting platforms are
transient lodging intermediaries.
TAX ADMINISTRATOR means the City Administrator of the City of Gold Beach, or its
designee, which may include the Oregon Department of Revenue. If the city utilizes the Oregon
Department of Revenue as its tax administrator, it will comply with ORS 305.620 in that it will
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
follow the rules adopted by the Department of Revenue regarding the administration,
collection, enforcement and distribution of transient lodging taxes.
TLT OR TAX means the transient lodging tax.
(1) Hotel, motel, and inn dwelling units that are used for temporary overnight human
(2) RV sites or spaces within RV parks and/or campgrounds, tent sites and yurts in private
and public campgrounds used for temporary overnight periods of human occupancy;
(3) Houses, cabins, condominiums, or other dwelling units, or portions of any of these
dwelling units that are used for temporary human occupancy.
(4) To protect and preserve needed local housing units, multifamily dwelling units such as
apartment units or similar non one & two-family dwelling units are specifically
excluded as transient lodging or transient lodging facilities.
TRANSIENT LODGING INTERMEDIARY means a person other than a transient lodging
provider that facilitates the retail sale of transient lodging and:
a) Charges for occupancy of the transient lodging; or
b) Collects the consideration charged for occupancy of the transient lodging; or
c) Receives a fee or commission and requires the transient lodging provider to use a
specified third-party entity to collect the consideration charged for occupancy of the
transient lodging.
TRANSIENT LODGING PROVIDER means a person that furnishes transient lodging.
TRANSIENT LODGING TAX COLLECTOR means a transient lodging provider or transient
lodging intermediary.
4.210 TAX IMPOSED (Amended by Ordinance No. 681)
A. Each occupant shall pay a TLT in the amount of seven percent (7%) NINE PERCENT
(9%) of the rent. The occupant shall pay the TLT with the rent to the transient lodging tax
collector. TLT amounts shall be rounded down to the nearest cent. The transient lodging tax
collector shall maintain records of all rent charged and TLT payments received. If rent is paid
in installments, a proportionate share of the TLT shall be paid by the occupant to the transient
lodging tax collector with each installment unless the occupant pays the entire amount with
the first payment.
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
B. Bills, receipts or invoices provided to occupants shall list the TLT separately and must
accurately state the amount of tax. All amounts listed as TLT on invoices, bills or receipts
must be reported as TLT and, after collection, must be turned over to the city, less the five
percent (5%) administrative charge.
A. Every transient lodging tax collector shall collect the TLT at the time rent is paid, unless
an exemption applies. If payment is by credit card, for purposes of this section,
payment is made at the time credit card information is provided to the transient
lodging tax collector, not when the transient lodging tax collector ultimately receives
credit for the transaction. While holding the payment in trust for the city, a transient
lodging tax collector may commingle the tax proceeds with the transient lodging tax
collector’s funds, but the transient lodging tax collector is not the owner of tax
proceeds, except that, when a return is filed, the transient lodging tax collector
becomes the owner of the administrative fee authorized to be retained. Transient
lodging tax collectors may choose to file returns and remit payment based on amounts
accrued but not yet collected. The transient lodging tax collector is liable for any TLT
that should have been collected from the occupant, except in cases of nonpayment
of rent by the occupant.
B. Upon request of the city, transient lodging tax collectors must provide all physical
addresses of transient lodging facilities within the city limits and the related contact
information, including the name and mailing address, of the general manager, agent,
owner, host or other responsible person for the location.
A hosting platform for short-term rentals may collect a fee for booking services in connection
with short-term rentals only when those short-term rentals are lawfully registered as
operators with the city and possess a certificate of authority at the time the short-term rental
is occupied.
Transient lodging providers who receive any portion of the rent for transient lodging and
transient lodging intermediaries that provide booking service are both transient lodging tax
collectors and are jointly and severally liable for the tax.
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Ordinance No. 643 * Portions amended as Ord No. 669 adopted June 2019,
Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
No TLT shall be imposed upon:
A. A dwelling unit in a hospital, health care facility, long-term care facility or any other
residential facility that is licensed, registered or certified by the Oregon Department of
Human Services or the Oregon Health Authority;
B. A dwelling unit in a facility providing treatment for drug or alcohol abuse or providing
mental health treatment;
C. A dwelling unit that is used by members of the general public for temporary human
occupancy for fewer than 30 days per year;
D. A dwelling unit, the consideration for which is funded through a contract with a
government agency and the purpose of which is to provide emergency or temporary
E. A dwelling unit at a nonprofit youth or church camp, nonprofit conference center or
other nonprofit facility; or
F. A dwelling unit that is leased or otherwise occupied by the same person for a
consecutive period of 30 days or more during the year. The requirements of this
subsection are satisfied even if the physical dwelling unit changes during the
consecutive period, if:
(1) All dwelling units occupied are within the same facility; and
(2) The person paying consideration for the transient lodging is the same
person throughout the consecutive period.
A. Prior to commencement of business, all Transient Lodging Providers, Transient
Lodging Intermediaries, and Transient Lodging Tax Collectors are required to comply
with the provisions of the Business License Code, Section 4.1 of the Gold Beach City
Business Code.
B. Every person engaging or about to engage in business as a transient lodging provider
shall provide a completed registration form to the tax administrator within 15 calendar
days after demonstrating compliance with the Business License Code. The registration
form shall require the transient lodging provider to provide the name of the business,
any separate business addresses, and other information as the tax administrator may
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
require to implement this Chapter. Transient lodging providers who own or operate
transient lodging facilities in Gold Beach shall provide the address of the lodging
facility. The registration form shall be signed by the transient lodging provider. The
tax administrator shall, within 15 days after registration, issue without charge a
certificate of authority to collect the TLT. The transient lodging provider’s obligation
to collect the TLT is imposed once rent for transient lodging is paid, even if the
registration form has not been filed or if the certificate has not been issued. If the rent
transaction is facilitated online, the certificate of authority must be able to be viewed
by the occupant by clicking on a link to the certificate of authority at a reasonable place
during the payment transaction.
C. Certificates shall be non-assignable and non-transferable and shall be surrendered to
the tax administrator when the business is sold or transferred or when a transient
lodging facility ceases to operate at the location specified in the registration form.
Each certificate issued to a transient lodging provider for a specific lodging facility
shall be prominently displayed at the lodging facility and include:
(1) The name of the transient lodging provider;
(2) The address of the transient lodging facility;
(3) The date the certificate was issued; and
(4) The certificate number as assigned by the tax administrator.
A. Transient lodging tax collectors must submit a completed tax return form to the tax
administrator on or before the last day of the month following the end of each calendar
quarter, reporting the amount of tax due during the quarter and accompanied by
remittance of all tax collected, less a five percent (5%) administration fee. The return
shall be filed in such form as the tax administrator may prescribe. The tax
administrator if they deem it necessary in order to ensure payment or facilitate
collection by the City of the amount of taxes in any individual case, may require returns
and payment of the amount of taxes on other than monthly periods.
B. The transient lodging tax collector is entitled to the administration fee. If a transient
lodging facility has multiple owners, they are not entitled to retain additional fees.
C. Remittances are delinquent if not made by the last day of the month in which they are
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D. Returns shall show the gross rents collected, taxable rents, the total amount of TLT
collected and the amount of the administrative fee retained by the transient lodging tax
collector. Returns shall also show the exempt and excluded rents and the basis for
exemptions and exclusions.
E. The person required to file the return shall deliver the return, together with payment
of the amount of the tax due, to the tax administrator, to the appropriate office, either
by personal delivery, by mail, or by electronic tax return filed through a reporting and
payment portal furnished by the tax administrator, or its designee. If the return is
mailed, the postmark shall be considered the date of delivery.
F. The tax administrator may extend the time for making any return or remittance of the
tax by up to 30 days. No further extension shall be granted, except by the city council.
Any transient lodging tax collector to whom an extension is granted shall pay interest
at the rate of ten percent (10%) per month on the amount of the remittance due without
proration for a fraction of a month. If a return is not filed, and the remittance and
interest due is not paid by the end of the extension granted, then the interest shall
become a part of the tax for computation of penalties.
A. Interest shall be added to the overall tax amount due at the same rate established under
ORS 305.220 for each month, or fraction of a month, from the time the return to the tax
administrator was originally required to be filed to the time of payment.
B. If a transient lodging tax collector fails to file a return or pay the tax as required, a
penalty shall be imposed in the same manner and amount provided under ORS 314.400.
C. Every penalty imposed, and any interest that accrues, becomes a part of the financial
obligation required to be paid and remitted to the tax administrator.
D. Taxes, interest, and penalties paid to the tax administrator under this section shall be
distributed as other revenue under Section 4.280.
A. Deficiency Determination. The tax administrator may review tax returns and adjust
the amount due based on the information in the return, on information obtained
during a review or audit of records, or on the basis of other evidence. In the event of
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a deficiency, the tax administrator shall provide notice of the deficiency to the
transient lodging tax collector, who shall remit deficiencies within 10 business days of
the deficiency notice. Notice may be by personal delivery or certified or registered
a. In reviewing and adjusting tax returns, the tax administrator shall offset any
amount received in excess of remittances due against any shortages in
b. Except in the case of fraud or intent to evade the TLT, notice of deficiency
determinations shall be issued within three years of the period for which the
deficiency determination is made.
c. The time to remit deficient payment amounts under this section shall be
extended if the local tax trustee timely requests a redetermination.
B. Fraud Refusal to Collect Evasion. If any transient lodging tax collector fails to
collect, report or remit the tax as required, submits a fraudulent return, or otherwise
violates or attempts to violate this chapter, the tax administrator shall estimate the
tax due, and calculate the amount owing from the transient lodging tax collector for
tax remittance, interest and penalties and provide notice to the transient lodging tax
collector of the assessment. The determination and notice shall be made and mailed
within three years of the discovery by the tax administrator of the violation. The
determination is due and payable upon receipt of notice and shall become final 10
business days after the date notice was delivered if no petition for redetermination is
A. Any person affected by a deficiency determination may file a petition for
redetermination with the tax administrator within 10 business days of service of
notice of the tax deficiency. A determination becomes final if a petition for
redetermination is not timely filed.
B. If a petition for redetermination is filed within the allowable period, the tax
administrator shall reconsider the determination and grant an oral hearing if
requested. The petitioner shall be allowed at least 20 business days to prepare for the
C. After considering the petition and all available information, the tax administrator shall
issue a redetermination decision and mail the decision to the petitioner. During the
redetermination process, the tax administrator may agree to a compromise of the
amount due if there is a good faith dispute over the amount owing.
D. The decision of the tax administrator on redetermination becomes final and payment
is due 10 business days after the decision is mailed unless the petitioner files an appeal
to the city council within that time. The appeal shall be filed with the tax
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administrator. The city council’s decision shall be final when reduced to writing and
mailed to the petitioner and all amounts due must be paid within 10 business days of
mailing of the city council decision.
A. The city may bring legal action to collect on any amounts owed to the city under this
chapter within three years after remittance is due to the city or within three years
after any determination becomes final.
B. The city is entitled to collect reasonable attorney fees in any legal action brought to
collect on amount owed to the city under this chapter.
4.265 LIENS
The city may record a lien in the city’s lien docket against any real property owned by a
transient lodging provider who receives any portion of the rent from a transient lodging
facility located within the city as to any delinquent remittances by the transient lodging
A. Refunds by City to Transient Lodging Tax Collector. If the transient lodging tax
collector remits more tax, penalty or interest than is due, the transient lodging tax
collector may file a claim in writing stating the facts relating to the claim, within three
years from the date of remittance. If the claim is approved by the tax administrator,
the excess amount shall be either refunded or credited on any amount due from the
transient lodging tax collector.
B. Refunds by City to Occupant. A transient lodging tax collector may file a claim for
refund by filing a claim in writing within three years of payment providing the facts
relating to the claim for refund. If the tax administrator determines that the tax was
collected and remitted to the city and the occupant was not required to pay the tax
or overpaid, the city shall issue a refund to the occupant.
C. Refunds by Transient Lodging Tax Collector to Occupant. If an occupant has paid tax
to a transient lodging tax collector but stays a total of 30 or more consecutive days in
the same transient lodging facility, the transient lodging tax collector shall refund to
the occupant any tax collected for any portion of the continuous stay. The transient
lodging tax collector shall account for the collection and refund to the tax
administrator. If the transient lodging tax collector has remitted the tax prior to the
refund or credit to the occupant, the transient lodging tax collector shall be entitled
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to a corresponding refund or offset if the claim for refund is filed within three years
from the date of collection.
D. Burden of Proof. The person claiming the refund shall have the burden of proving the
facts that establish the basis for the refund.
A. Use of TLT Funds.
The revenue disbursement formula net 7% tax 9% TAX collected is as follows:
The revenue disbursement formula net 7% tax 9% TAX collected is as follows:
7% TAX
9% TAX
B. Records Required from Local Tax Trustee. Every local tax trustee shall keep records of
each transaction involving rent and/or collection of TLT. All records shall be retained for
at least three years and six months.
C. Examination of Records – Investigations. The tax administrator or agent may examine all
records of a local tax trustee relating to receipt of rent and TLT and remittance of tax
during normal business hours and may obtain copies of the records to audit returns.
D. Authority of Tax Administrator. The tax administrator shall have the power to enforce this
chapter, conduct audits, and to adopt rules, regulations and forms consistent with this
chapter. Rules and regulations of general application shall be mailed to all registered
transient lodging providers. The tax administrator may also issue written interpretations
on request of a transient lodging tax collector. As to the transient lodging tax collector to
whom the interpretation is issued, the City will act consistently with the interpretation
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until it is withdrawn, and the city shall provide 30 days’ written notice of withdrawal of
an interpretation.
E. Confidential Character of Information Obtained Disclosure Unlawful. The city shall
maintain the confidentiality of information provided by transient lodging tax collector.
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prevent:
a. The disclosure to, or the examination of records and equipment by, another city
official, employee or agent for collection of taxes for the purpose of administering
or enforcing any provisions of this chapter or collecting city business license fees.
b. Disclosure of information to the transient lodging tax collector and the transient
lodging tax collector’s agents.
c. The disclosure of the names and addresses of any persons to whom certificates of
authority have been issued.
d. The disclosure of general statistics regarding taxes collected or business done in
the City.
e. Disclosures required by ORS Chapter 192.
f. Disclosures required by ORS Chapter 297.
Any person aggrieved by any decision of the tax administrator may appeal to the city council
by filing a written appeal with the tax administrator within 10 business days of the serving or
mailing of the decision being appealed. The city manager shall schedule the hearing on a city
council agenda and provide the appellant notice of the hearing at least 10 business days
before the hearing. The city council may agree to a compromise of the amount of tax
remittance if there is a good faith dispute over the amount owing. Any person may appeal
the issuance of a rule or regulation issued by the tax administrator to the city council by filing
a written appeal within 10 business days of the mailing of the notice of the regulation.
A violation of this chapter is a Class A civil infraction. Each day that a violation remains
uncured is a separate infraction.
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
Gold Beach Sign Code
4.300 Title.
This portion of the Gold Beach Code shall be known and cited as the City of Gold Beach
Sign Code.
4.305 Purposes.
This code has been enacted for the following purposes:
(1) To provide minimum standards to safeguard life, health, property and public
welfare by regulating and controlling the quality of materials, construction, location,
electrification and maintenance of all signs and sign structures not located within a building. The
regulations of this Sign Code are not intended to permit any violations of the provisions of any
other lawful code or ordinance of the City.
(2) To ensure that signs are designed, constructed, installed and maintained so that
public safety and traffic safety are not compromised.
(3) To allow and promote positive conditions for meeting sign users' needs while at
the same time avoiding nuisances to nearby properties.
(4) To reflect and support the desired character and development patterns of the
(5) To allow for a variety in number and type of signs in commercial and industrial
zones while preventing signs from dominating the visual appearance of the area.
(6) To ensure that the constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech is protected.
(7) To allow for a variety in number and type of signs for a site. The provisions do
not necessarily assure or provide for a property owner's desired level of visibility for the signs.
4.310 Definitions. (Amended by Ordinance No. 669 adopted June 10, 2019)
For the purpose of this Sign Code, certain terms, phrases, and words shall have the
specific meaning they are given in this Code or, if not defined in this Code, the meaning given in
the Uniform Building Code. Where terms are not defined either in this Code or the Uniform
Building Code (UBC), they shall have their ordinary accepted meaning within the context of
which they are used. Webster's International Dictionary of the English Language shall be
considered as providing an ordinary accepted meaning. The following definitions control in this
Approved Plastic Material. Shall be those having a self ignition temperature of 650 degrees F,
or greater, when tested in accordance with UBC Standard No. 52-3, and a smoke density rating
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not greater than 450, when tested in accordance with UBC Standard 42-1 in the manner
intended for use, or a smoke density rating no greater than 75, when tested in the thickness
intended for use by UBC Standard 52-2 Approved plastic shall be classified as CCI or CC2, in
accordance with UBC Standard 52-4.
City Official. The City Administrator or designee.
Curb Line. Curb line is the line at the face of the curb nearest to the street or roadway. In the
absence of a curb, the curb line shall be established by the City Official.
Digital/Electronic Message Center (EMC) Sign. A digital/EMC sign is an on-premise sign with
a bright digital screen display, which may utilize incandescent lamps, LEDs, LCDs, plasma, or
a flipper matrix. They can display computer generated video or multimedia content and is
updated remotely by computer or playback device.
Fin Sign. A sign attached to and projecting out from a building face or wall and generally at right
angles to the building. Fin signs include signs projecting totally in the right-of-way, partially in
the right-of-way, or fully on private property.
Ground Sign. A sign supported by one or more supports placed in or upon the ground which is
not attached to any building.
Height. The height of a sign is the vertical distance above grade at the lowest point of grade
under any part of the sign to the highest point of the sign.
Illuminated Sign. Any sign which has characters, letters, figures, designs, or outline illuminated
by electric lights or luminous tubes.
Inoperable Vehicle Sign. Any sign attached or painted on a vehicle or trailer that is not
operable or does not have a current valid license.
Marquee. A permanent, fixed structure extending over the entrance to a building and serving
some purpose other than strictly to provide shelter.
Noncombustible. As applied to building construction material means a material which, in the
form in which it is used, is either one of the following:
(a) Material of which no part will ignite and burn when subjected to fire. Any
material conforming to UBC Standard No. 4-1 shall be considered noncombustible within
the meaning of this section.
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(b) Material having a structural base of noncombustible material as defined
in subsection a. above, with a surfacing material not over 1/8 inch thick which has a
flame-spread rating of 50 or less.
(c) Noncombustible does not apply to surface materials. Materials required
to be noncombustible for reduced clearances to flues, heating appliances, or other
sources of high temperature shall refer to material conforming to subsection (a) above.
No material shall be classed as noncombustible which is subject to increase in com-
bustibility or flame-spread rating beyond the limits herein established, through the
effects of age, moisture or other atmospheric condition.
(d) Flame-spread rating as used herein refers to a rating obtained according
to tests conducted as specified in UBC Standard No. 42-1.
Obsolete Sign. Any sign which no longer applies to the business, property or site upon which it
is located or which advertises a business which has been closed permanently. Any business
which does not operate for 120 consecutive days shall be deemed permanently closed unless
the operator establishes that the business will resume operations within one year.
Outline Illumination. Lighting around the exterior of a sign face consisting of exposed reflective-
type bulbs, incandescent lamps exceeding 40 watts, fluorescent lamps or neon tubing.
Pole Sign. A sign on a frame, pole, or other support structure which is not attached to any
building and is a sign wholly supported by a sign structure in the ground.
Projecting Sign. Projecting sign is a sign other than a wall sign, which projects from and is
supported by a wall of a building or structure.
Projection. The distance by which a sign extends over public property or beyond the building
Roof Sign. Signs erected, constructed and maintained wholly upon or over the roof on any
building, with the principal support on the roof structure.
Sign. Materials placed or constructed primarily to convey a message or other display and
which can be viewed from a right-of-way, private roadway or another property, excluding
Sign Face Area. The total area of a sign face, including all decorative or structural trim, facing
announcement, demonstration display, illustration, or any other attention-getting device,
exclusive of essential structural supports. (See figures 1-A, 2-A and 3-A) appendix page 1. This
excludes canopies, only the actual painted advertising message portion of the canopy is
included in the sign face area.
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
Sign Structure. Any structure which supports or is capable of supporting any sign.
Temporary Sign. A sign not permanently attached to a building, structure, or the ground.
Uniform Building Code or UBC. The Uniform Building Code promulgated by the International
Conference of Building Officials as adopted by the City of Gold Beach.
Vision Triangle. The vision triangle shown on appendix page 2, Figure 4A.
Wall Sign. A sign attached to or painted on the exterior wall of any building or other structure.
This includes signs attached to canopies, awnings, marquees or similar structures.
Directional Signs.
(a) Arrows that are painted on pavement to direct traffic.
(b) Words on pavement to indicate type of parking space.
(c) Signs directing the public to business not visible from the street or sidewalk.
(d) Signs directing traffic to parking areas.
(e) Signs directing the public to rest rooms and or aid stations.
(f) Signs-"entrance, exit, office" (indicating office of the business).
(g) Directional signs shall not include names or type of business.
Cluster Signs.
(a) Small individual signs attached to or suspended from a business name sign
structure advertising products sold on the premises.
(b) Small individual signs attached to the building wall. Each wall of a building shall
be considered a separate cluster.
(c) Each sign in a cluster shall not exceed 1.5 sq. ft.
Political Signs. Political signs are signs which advocate in favor of, or opposition to a candidate
for public office, a political party or a ballot measure.
Property. Property shall mean Tax Lot.
4.315 Permit Required.
(1) No person shall erect, re-erect, construct, alter or maintain any sign unless that
person obtains a sign permit for that sign.
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
(2) A separate sign permit is required for each sign and sign structure. Small
cluster signs advertising the same business may be included in one permit. For cluster signs-
each wall shall require a separate permit.
(3) A new sign permit is required each time a sign is relocated or reconstructed
unless relocation is required by action of the State, County or City.
(4) The City Official shall grant an application for a sign permit if the City Official
determines that the sign will meet all the requirements of this Code and all other requirements
of state and federal law.
(5) If the sign meets all the requirements of this Code except the size and spacing
requirements set forth in Section 4.365, and if:
(a) The sign was in place at the existing location on the date the first Gold
Beach Sign Ordinance became effective; and
(b) The sign meets all requirements of state and federal law (including ORS
377.700-377.840); and
(c) The sign has had proper permits (if required) issued for its construction
by all permit agencies,
then the City Official shall issue a sign permit which shall only authorize display of such a non-
conforming sign until major repair, maintenance or replacement is required. Major repair or
maintenance means repair or maintenance work costing more than 50% of the value of the
(6) Any person erecting, re-erecting, constructing, altering or maintaining a sign
without a valid sign permit shall remove that sign.
4.320 Other Permits.
(1) An additional electrical permit shall be obtained from the appropriate authority
for electrical signs.
(2) Obtaining a sign permit from the City of Gold Beach does not relieve the owner
of the sign from compliance with all other state or federal requirements nor from the
obligation to obtain all other necessary permits.
(3) Outdoor Advertising Signs require a permit from the Director of Transportation
under ORS 377.725 and shall comply with all applicable Oregon Administrative Rules, including
OAR 734-060-0005.
4.325 Application for Permit.
Application for a sign permit shall be made in writing upon forms furnished by the City.
Such application shall contain the name of the sign owner, location by street number of the
proposed sign or sign structure, the name and address of the contractor or erector, and any
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plans or other pertinent information required by the City where such information is necessary
to insure compliance with this Code.
4.326 Application for Digital/EMC Sign.
(1) Signs with a digital/EMC display may be permitted upon an application to the
City Council and must be in compliance with the following minimum standards. The Council,
at its discretion, may add addition conditions at the hearing:
a) Only one sign per property may feature a digital/EMC display sign. The standards
of Section 4.365 for total allowable property signage are also applicable.
b) The size of the digital/EMC sign may not exceed forty (40) square feet in size. This
measurement of allowable area is the actual sign face. Support structure and
other equipment necessary to safely mount the sign is not included or counted
toward the maximum 40 square feet.
c) Digital/EMC signs are only permitted on pole signs as defined in this code.
d) Only one continuous digital display is allowed on a sign face at a time.
e) The image or message on the digital display may not change more often than once
every ten (10) seconds.
f) The images on the digital display must be static and the transition from one static
display to another must be completed within two (2) seconds.
g) The digital display may not be illuminated to a degree of brightness greater than
is necessary for visibility. All digital/EMC display signs shall be equipped with a
light sensor that automatically adjusts the intensity of the sign according to the
amount of ambient light.
h) Digital/EMC illumination limits: the difference between the off and solid-message
measurements using the EMC measurement criteria shall not exceed 0.3
footcandles at night.
i) All permitted digital/EMC signs shall be equipped with a sensor or other device
that automatically determines the ambient illumination and programmed to
automatically dim according to ambient light conditions, or that can be adjusted
to comply with the 0.3 footcandles measurements.
j) Digital/EMC display signs must turn off, freeze the image or message in one static
position, or show a full black screen if a malfunction in the sign occurs.
k) Digital/EMC display signs operation and illumination is prohibited between the
hours of 9pm to 6am.
(2) Once a completed application and appropriate fee is received for a digital/EMC
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display sign, the City Official shall schedule the review of the application at the next regular
City Council meeting.
(3) A decision rendered by the City Council on a digital/EMC sign application is
final. Any appeal or further review of a proposal will require reapplication.
4.330 Permit Fee.
The applicant shall pay such fees as specified and amended from time to time by
ordinance of the City Council. Installation shall be completed not more than 90 days after the
permit date. A 45-day extension may be granted if applied for in writing. If the sign is not
installed within the times permitted, the permit shall be void. The square foot charge is based
on the total sign face area for each property as defined in Section 4.010 (18).
4.335 Permit and Fee Exceptions.
(1) The following signs and operations shall not require a sign permit or fee but
shall conform to all other applicable provisions of this Code:
(a) Temporary Signs.
(b) The changing of the advertising copy or message on a painted or
printed sign or sign which is specifically designed for the use of replacement copy.
(c) The painting, repainting, cleaning or normal maintenance of a sign face.
(d) Directional signs painted on the pavement.
(e) Directional signs painted on buildings or attached to posts or buildings
shall not be more than 2.25 square feet in area.
(f) Directional signs shall not be included in allowed sign space.
(g) Political signs (must be removed within 10 days following the final
election for which they are intended).
(2) Signs erected prior to February 14, 1989 that have a conforming valid paid
permit on file shall not require a fee but shall require a permit and shall conform to all other
applicable provisions of this Code:
4.340 Exempt Signs.
The following signs are exempt from the provisions of this Code, but may be subject to
other Gold Beach Codes or Ordinances:
(1) Signs legally erected in the right of way;
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(2) Building address numbers;
(3) National, international and state flags;
(4) All signs erected by a public officer in the performance of a public duty.
4.345 Prohibited Signs. The following signs are prohibited:
(amended by Ordinance No. 669 adopted June 10, 2019)
(1) Signs attached to or painted on a vehicle that is not operable
or does not have a current licenses;
(2) Signs with moving parts;
(3) Obsolete signs;
(4) Signs in areas zoned Residential which exceed three (3)
square feet unless the owner has obtained a conditional use permit for a
home occupation, in which case signs in excess of nine (9) square feet are
(5) Signs that block or partially block an existing sign, a traffic
control device, or access to any fire escape or other means of ingress or
egress from a building or an exit corridor, hallway, or doorway;
(6) Signs that impede traffic on any street, alley, sidewalk,
bikeway, or other pedestrian or vehicular travel way.
4.350 Nonconforming Signs.
(1) Signs not in compliance with the repair and maintenance standards of this Code
(Section 4.355), shall be brought into compliance not later than 30 days after notification by
the City.
(2) Signs not in compliance with the structural standards of this Code (Sections
4.365 and 4.370) shall be brought into compliance not later than 90 days after notification by
the City.
(3) The owner of signs or property not in compliance with the size or spacing
requirements of Section 4.365 of this Code shall remove all signs necessary to bring the signs
or property into compliance when the sign requires major repair or maintenance (see section
4.315 (5)).
(4) Whenever a nonconforming sign is reconstructed, a new sign permit is
required. Whenever a nonconforming sign is relocated, a new sign permit is required unless
the relocation is required by action of the federal, state, county or city government. No new
sign permit shall be granted unless the sign and property are in compliance with all require-
ments of this Code, including the size and spacing requirements of Section 4.365 of this Code.
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
4.355 Maintenance of Signs.
All signs and sign support structures, together with their support, braces, guys and
anchors, shall be kept in repair and in a proper state of preservation. The display surfaces of all
signs shall be kept neatly painted or posted at all times. Any sign or section, or part thereof,
which is damaged 50 percent or more by wind, storm, fire or other cause, or becomes
structurally unsound for any reason, shall be removed within ten days thereof, and not
replaced until a new sign permit is obtained through the City as provided in this Code.
4.360 Inspections.
All signs for which a permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the City Official.
Footing inspections may be required by the City Official for all signs having footings. All signs
containing electrical wiring shall be subject to the provisions of the governing electrical code
and the electrical components used shall bear the label of an approved testing agency. The
City Official shall order the removal of any sign that is not maintained in accordance with these
provisions or the provisions in Section 4.355.
4.365 Size and Spacing of Signs.
(1) Each property shall be allowed total sign face area which shall be equal to 1-1/2
square feet of signage for each linear front footage of the property on which the sign is to be
located except:
(a) Each property shall be allowed at least 50 square feet of total sign face
area and no more than 300 square feet of total sign face area except as set forth in
subsections (b) and (c) below.
(b) A double faced sign that displays the identical advertising copy on both
sides but can only be viewed from one direction shall have each side counted as 50% of
allowed sign face area for that sign.
(c) Any property serving more than one business shall be allowed an
additional ten square feet of total sign face area per business.
(2) No single sign face area shall exceed 200 square feet.
(3) For those signs which require a State permit, the minimum space between such
signs within the City of Gold Beach and on the same side of the highway shall be 300 feet. For
purposes of applying this spacing limitation, the following standards shall be used:
(a) Distances shall be measured lineally along the highway parallel to the
center line of the highway.
(b) A back-to-back, double-faced or V-type sign shall be considered one
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
4.370 Design and Construction.
(1) Signs and sign structures shall be designed and constructed to resist wind and
seismic forces as specified in this section. All bracing systems shall be designed and
constructed to transfer lateral forces to the foundations. For signs on buildings, the dead and
lateral loads shall be transmitted through the structural frame of the building to the ground in
such a manner as to not overstress any of the elements thereof.
(2) Signs will be designed and constructed to the following load standards:
(a) Wind Loads. Signs and structures shall be designed and constructed to
resist wind forces as specified in Section 23 of the Uniform Building Code.
(b) Seismic Loads. Signs and sign structures shall be designed and
constructed to resist seismic forces as specified in Chapter 23 of the Uniform Building
(c) Combined Loads. Wind and seismic loads need not be combined in the
design of signs or sign structures, only that loading producing the larger stresses need
be used. Vertical design loads, except roof live loads, shall be assumed to be acting
simultaneously with the wind and seismic loads.
(3) Allowable Stresses. The design of wood, concrete, steel or aluminum members
shall conform to the requirements of Chapters 25, 26, 27 and 28 of the Uniform Building Code.
Loads, both vertical and horizontal, exerted on the soil shall not produce stresses exceeding
those specified in Chapter 29 of the Uniform Building Code. The working stresses of wire rope
and its fastenings shall not exceed 25 percent of the ultimate strength of the rope or fasteners.
Working stresses for seismic loads combined with dead loads may be increased as specified in
Chapter 23 of the Uniform Building Code.
(4) Construction. Signs shall be constructed to the following standards:
(a) The supports for all signs or sign structures shall be placed in or upon
private property and shall be securely built, constructed and erected in conformance
with the requirements of this Code.
(b) Materials. Materials of construction for signs and sign structures shall
be of the quality and grade as specified for buildings in the Uniform Building Code. In
all signs and sign structures the materials and details of construction shall, in the
absence of specified requirements, conform with the following:
(i) Structural steel shall be of such quality as to conform with UBC
Standard No. 27-1. Secondary members in contact with or directly supporting
the display surface may be formed of light gauge steel, provided such members
are designated in accordance with the specifications of the design of light gauge
steel, as specified in UBC Standard No. 27-9, and in addition shall be galvanized.
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Secondary members, when formed integrally with the display surface, shall not
be less than No. 24 gauge in thickness. When not formed integrally with the
display surface, the minimum thickness of the secondary members shall be No.
12 gauge. The minimum thickness of hot-rolled steel members furnishing
structural support for signs shall be 1/4 inch, except that, if galvanized, such
members shall not be less than 1/8 inch thick. Steel pipes shall be of such
quality as to conform with UBC Standard No. 27.
(ii) Steel members may be connected with one galvanized bolt,
provided the connection is adequate to transfer the stresses in the members.
(iii) Anchors and supports when of wood and embedded in the soil,
or within 6 inches of the soil, shall be heartwood of a durable species or shall be
pressure-treated with an approved preservative. Such members shall be
marked or branded by an approved agency.
(c) Combustible Materials. Ground signs may be constructed of any
material meeting the requirements of this code. Combination signs, roof signs, wall
signs, projecting signs and signs on marquees shall be constructed of noncombustible
materials, except as provided in subsection (d) of this section. No combustible
materials other than approved plastics shall be used in the construction of electric
(d) Nonstructural Trim. Nonstructural trim and portable display surfaces
may be of wood, metal, approved plastics or any combination thereof.
(e) Anchors. Sign anchors shall conform to the following requirements:
(i) Members supporting unbraced signs shall be so proportioned
that the bearing loads imposed on the soil in either direction, horizontal or
vertical, shall not exceed the safe values. Braced ground signs shall be
anchored to resist the specified wind or seismic load acting in any direction.
Anchors and supports shall be designed for safe bearing loads on the soil and
for an effective resistance to pullout amounting to a force 25 percent greater
than the required resistance to overturning. Anchors and supports shall
penetrate to a depth below ground greater than that of the frost line.
(ii) Portable ground signs supported by frames or posts rigidly
attached to the base shall be so proportioned that the weight and size of the
base will be adequate to resist the wind pressure specified in this section.
(iii) Signs attached to masonry, concrete or steel shall be safely and
securely fastened thereto by means of metal anchors, bolts or approved
expansion screws of sufficient size and anchorage to support safely the loads
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(iv) No wooden blocks or plugs or anchors with wood used in
connection with screws or nails shall be considered proper anchorage, except in
the case of signs attached to wood framing.
(v) No anchor or support of any sign shall be connected to, or
supported by, an unbraced parapet wall, unless such wall is designed in
accordance with the requirements for parapet walls specified for seismic zones
in the Uniform Building Code.
(f) Display Surfaces. Display surfaces in all types of signs may be made of
metal, glass, approved plastics or wood.
(g) Height and Setbacks. All sign installations shall comply with the current
Zoning Ordinance of the City of Gold Beach requirements for set-backs and building
height. The total height shall be the combination of sign and building if the sign is roof-
4.375 Projection and Clearance.
(1) Signs shall conform to the clearance and projection requirements of this
section, including Tables A and B contained in subsections 7 and 8 of this section.
(2) High Voltage Power Lines. Signs shall be located not less than 6 feet
horizontally or 12 feet vertically from overhead electrical conductors which are energized in
excess of 750 volts. The term "overhead conductors" as used in this section means any
electrical conductor, either bare or insulated, installed above the ground, except such
conductors as are enclosed in iron pipe or other material covering of equal strength.
(3) Fire Escapes, Exits or Standpipes. No sign or structure shall be erected in such a
manner that any portion of its surface or supports will interfere in any way with the free use of
any fire escape, exit or standpipe.
(4) Obstruction of Openings. No sign shall obstruct any opening to such an extent
that light or ventilation is reduced to a point below that required by the Uniform Building
Signs erected within 5 feet of an exterior wall in which there are openings within the
area of the sign shall be constructed of noncombustible material or approved plastics.
(5) Projection over Alleys. No sign or sign structure shall project into any public
alley below a height of 14 feet above grade, nor project more than 12 inches where the sign
structure is located 14 feet to 16 feet above grade. The sign or sign structure may project not
more than 36 inches into the public alley where the sign or sign structure is located more than
16 feet above grade.
(6) Clearance from Streets. Signs shall not project within 2 feet of the curb line.
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(7) Clearance Requirements for Projecting Signs.
Less than 8 Not permitted
8’ 1’
8’ to 16’ 1’ plus 6” for each foot of clearance in excess of 8’
Over 16’ 5’
(8) Maximum Thickness of Projecting Signs.
5’ 2’
4’ 2’6
3’ 3’
2’ 3’6
1’ 4’
4.380 Fin Signs.
(1) Fin signs shall be constructed of noncombustible material, except as otherwise
provided in this Code.
(2) All supports of fin signs shall be placed upon private property and shall be
securely built, constructed and erected to conform with requirements specified in this Code.
(3) Fin signs may project beyond the property or legal setback in accordance with
projection limits specified in this Code, with permission of the adjacent property owner over
which the sign projects.
(4) The thickness of that portion of a fin sign which projects over public property
shall not exceed the maximum set forth in Table B.
4.385 Pole Signs.
(1) Pole signs shall be constructed of noncombustible material, except as otherwise
provided in this Code.
(2) All supports of pole signs shall be placed upon private property and shall be
securely built, constructed and erected to conform with requirements specified in this Code.
(3) Projection of pole signs shall conform to the requirements of this Code.
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4.390 Ground Signs.
(1) Ground signs shall be constructed of any material meeting the requirements of
this Code, except as otherwise provided in Section 4.370.
(2) Ground signs shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of this
(3) Ground signs shall not project over public property or beyond a legal setback.
4.395 Roof Signs.
(1) Roof signs shall be constructed of noncombustible materials, except as
otherwise provided in this Code.
(2) Roof signs shall be thoroughly secured and anchored to the frame of the
building over which they are constructed and erected and shall be designed in accordance with
the requirements specified in this Code.
(3) Projection. Roof signs may project over public property or beyond a legal
setback line complying with the requirements as specified in this Code with permission of the
adjacent property owner over which the sign projects.
(4) Clearance and Access. A passage clear of all obstructions shall be left under or
around, and immediately adjacent to, all signs exceeding a height of 4 feet above the roof
thereunder. Such passages shall be not less than 3 feet wide and 4 feet high and shall be at
parapet or roof level. There shall be one such passage or access opening as follows:
(a) For each roof sign upon a building.
(b) An access opening for every 50 lineal feet of horizontal roof sign
(c) Within 20 feet of walls and parapets when roof signs are at right angles
to a face of the building.
4.400 Wall Signs.
(1) Wall signs shall be constructed of noncombustible material, except as
otherwise provided in this Code.
(2) Wall signs shall be designed in accordance with the requirements specified in
this Code.
(3) Projection. No wall sign shall have a projection over public property or beyond
a legal setback line greater than the distances specified in this Code nor shall it extend above
any adjacent parapet or roof of the supporting building.
(4) Thickness. The thickness of that portion of a wall sign which projects over
public property or a legal setback line shall not exceed the maximum as set forth in Table B.
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4.405 Projecting Signs.
(1) Projecting signs shall be constructed of noncombustible materials, except as
otherwise specified in this Code.
(2) Projecting signs shall be designed in accordance with this Code.
(3) Projection. Signs may project over public property or a legal setback line a
distance determined by the clearance of the bottoms thereof above the level of the sidewalk
or grade immediately below, as set forth in Table A with the permission of the property owner
over which the sign projects.
(4) Thickness. The thickness of a projecting sign exclusive of letters and trim shall
not exceed that set forth in Table B.
4.410 Combination Signs.
(1) Combination signs are signs incorporating two or more types of signs as defined
and described in the Code. Combination signs shall be constructed of noncombustible
materials, except as otherwise specified in this Code.
(2) The individual requirements specified in this Code for roof, projecting and pole
signs shall be applied to combination signs which incorporate one or more of those types of
(3) All supports of combination signs shall be placed in or upon private property
and shall be securely built, constructed and erected to conform with the requirements of this
(4) Projection. Combination signs may project over public property or beyond a
legal setback line as specified in this Code with permission of the property owner over which
the sign projects.
(5) Thickness. The thickness and height of that portion of a combination sign
which projects over public property shall not exceed the maximum as set forth in Tables A and
4.415 Marquees.
Signs may be placed on, attached to, or constructed in a marquee. Such signs shall, for
the purpose of determining projection, clearance, height and material, be considered a part of
and shall meet the requirements for a marquee as specified in the Uniform Building Code.
4.420 Electric Signs.
(1) Electric signs shall be constructed of noncombustible materials, except as
otherwise allowed by this Code.
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(2) The enclosed shell of electric signs shall be watertight, except that service holes
fitted with covers shall be provided into each compartment of such signs.
(3) Installation. Electrical equipment used in connection with display signs shall be
installed in accordance with local and state codes and Gold Beach Codes or Ordinances
regulating electrical installation.
(4) Erector’s Name. Every electric sign projecting over any street or alley or public
place shall have painted on the surface of the sign the name of the sign erector and date of
erection. Such name and date shall be of sufficient size and contrast to be readable from a
reasonable distance. Failure to provide such name and date shall be grounds for rejection of
the sign by the City Official.
(5) Lighting shall illuminate the advertising message only.
4.425 Temporary Signs.
(1) No permits are required for temporary signs.
(2) Temporary signs shall be limited to a maximum of 18 square feet, except
banners for which a state sign permit is obtained.
(3) Temporary signs shall be included in determining the total allowable sign space
for each property as limited by Section 4.365 of this Code.
(4) Except as provided in subsection (5) of this section, no temporary sign shall
remain in place more than 40 days in any one calendar year or more than 40 consecutive days.
Signs in place for a longer period of time shall be removed unless a sign permit for a
permanent sign is obtained.
(5) Temporary signs exempt from 40-day time limit are:
(a) Signs displayed only during business hours and removed from view at
the end of each day.
(b) Real estate signs posted on the property for sale, rent or lease. Such
signs shall be removed ten days after the close of escrow or recording of sale
(6) Temporary signs shall comply with section 4.370 (2) (a) and sections 4.375 (1)
through 4.375 (4) of this Code.
4.430 Political Signs.
(1) No permits are required for political signs.
(2) Political signs shall be limited to a maximum of 32 square feet.
(3) Political signs shall be included in determining the total allowable sign space for
each property as limited by section 4.365 of this Code.
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Ordinance No. 643 * Portions amended as Ord No. 669 adopted June 2019,
Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
(4) Political signs must be removed within ten (10) days following the final election
for which they are intended.
(5) Political signs shall comply with section 4.370 (2) (a) and sections 4.375 (1)
through 4.375 (4) of this Code.
4.435 Prohibited Conduct.
(1) No person shall install or attach any sign or poster to any utility pole, city sign
pole, city sign standard or state sign pole or standard within the City of Gold Beach.
(2) No person shall erect, construct, maintain, repair or alter any permanent or
temporary sign except in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
(3) No permanent sign shall be installed in a vision triangle. A temporary sign may
be installed in a vision triangle, however, no temporary sign shall be located more than 30
inches above the road surface adjacent to the curb in the vision triangle. Height shall include
supports and trim. (See Figure 4, page 18-A.- this is not part of the ordinance we have.)
4.440 Administration and Appeals.
(1) The City Official or designee is hereby authorized and directed to administer
and enforce all of the provisions of this Code.
(2) Alternate Materials and Methods of Construction. The provisions of this Code
are not intended to prevent the use of any material or method of construction not specifically
proscribed by this Code, provided any such alternate has been approved as provided in this
subsection. The City Official may approve any such alternate provided he/she finds that the
proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the provisions of this Code and/or the State
Building Code, and that the material, method, or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at
least the equivalent of that prescribed in this Code in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire
resistance, durability, and safety. The City Official shall require that sufficient evidence or
proof be submitted to substantiate any claims that may be made regarding its use.
(3) Appeals.
(a) An affected person may appeal to the City Council from a decision of
the City Official or designee made pursuant to this Code. Such appeal shall be taken
within fifteen days of the decision by filing with the City Official a notice of appeal,
specifying the action appealed from and the grounds for appeal. The City Official shall
forthwith transmit to the City Council all the papers constituting the record upon which
the action appealed from is taken.
(b) The decision of the City Official which is under appeal shall remain in
effect during the appeal unless the City Official certifies to the City Council that, by
reason of facts stated in the appeal, the City Official concludes that a stay is necessary
to avoid immediate harm to the public health, safety or welfare or to property; in
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
which case the decision shall be stayed until the appeal is decided. If the City Official
refuses to grant a stay, the decision will remain in effect unless a stay is granted by a
court having jurisdiction of the matter.
4.445 Sign Code Variance Procedures.
The City Council may grant sign code variances in accordance with the following proce-
(1) Application. An application and related information shall be submitted by the
applicant in the manner prescribed by the City Official, together with the fee established from
time to time by ordinance passed by the City Council.
(2) Notice. Within ten days of receipt of a complete and accurate application, and
at least ten days before the City Council hearing, the City Official shall mail notice of the
request to abutting property owners and occupants, including properties that would be
abutting were it not for intervening streets or alleys.
(3) Timeline. Unless the applicant agrees to a longer time period, the City Council
shall hold a hearing on the application and shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny a
variance, with findings and conclusions thereon, within 30 days of receipt of a complete and
accurate application.
(4) Criteria. The City Council's decision shall be based on the following
(a) Strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of certain of the
regulations would result in practical difficulties and unnecessary physical or economic
hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this Code.
(b) A practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship may result from:
(i) The size, shape or dimensions of a site, or the locations of
existing structures thereon;
(ii) Geographic, topographic or other physical conditions on the site
or in the immediate vicinity, or
(iii) Population densities, street locations or traffic conditions in the
immediate vicinity.
(c) An economic hardship is one which results from an individual's inability
to fairly and reasonably amortize the value of a nonconforming sign within the period
of time prescribed by this Code. The power to grant variances does not extend to an
economic hardship related to the cost, size or location of a new sign, or to the
convenience of the applicant; nor is it intended to extend to the convenience of
regional or national businesses who wish to use a standard sign, when those do not
conform to the provisions of this Code.
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Ord No. 675 & Ord No. 676 adopted May 2021,
Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
(5) The City Official or designee shall mail a copy of the decision to the applicant
and persons who have requested a copy on the date it is rendered.
(6) Expiration of Variance. Unless actual construction or alteration has begun
within 90 days, a variance approval terminates. However, prior to expiration, the applicant
may request in writing and the City Official or designee may extend approval for six-month
periods. The City Official or designee shall not extend approval for more than two years from
the first effective approval date.
(7) Compliance with Conditions Required. If a variance is granted subject to certain
conditions or a substitute plan, compliance with the conditions or the substitute plan is
required. Departure from approval conditions or the substitute plan is a violation of this Code.
4.550 Enforcement - Notice and Opportunity to Comply.
(1) The City Official or designee shall give written notice of any violation of this
Code to the owner or lessee of the sign or property in question. The notice shall state the
alleged violation and the relief sought.
(2) The owner or lessee shall have ten days to execute and deliver to the City
Official or designee an assurance of voluntary compliance. The assurance shall set forth what
actions, if any, the owner or lessee intends to take with respect to the alleged violation. The
assurance of voluntary compliance shall not be considered an admission of a violation for any
purpose. If the City Official or designee is satisfied with the assurance of voluntary compliance,
it may be submitted to the Municipal Court for approval and, if approved, shall be filed with
the clerk of the court as an order of the court.
(3) The City Official or designee may reject any assurance:
(a) Which does not provide for correction of the violation or removal of the
sign in a reasonable time and manner; or
(b) Which does not provide for restitution in specific amounts to the City or
to any person in cases involving any ascertainable loss of money or property as a result
of the alleged violation; or
(c) Which does not contain any provision, including but not limited to the
keeping of records, which the City Official reasonably believes to be necessary to insure
the continued cessation of the alleged violation.
(4) Willful violation of any of the terms of an assurance of voluntary compliance
which has been approved and filed with the court shall constitute a contempt of court.
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Ord No. 680 adopted March 2022, and Ord No. 681 adopted June 2022
4.460 Filing of Complaint; Temporary Restraining Order.
(1) After the expiration of ten days from the date of notice given under this Code,
the City Official or designee may bring suit in the name of the City in the Municipal Court to
restrain the violation, to seek a civil penalty, or both.
(2) If the City Official or designee alleges that he/she has reason to believe that the
delay caused by complying with the notice provisions of section 4.455 of this Code would
cause immediate harm to the public health, safety or welfare or to property, he/she may
immediately institute a suit under subsection (1) of this section.
(3) A temporary restraining order may be granted without prior notice to the
owner or lessee if the Municipal Court finds there is a threat of immediate and irreparable
harm to the public health, safety or welfare or to property and demonstrates that reasonable
efforts to give prior notice were unsuccessful. The court shall fix a time not to exceed ten days
after which the temporary restraining order shall expire by its terms, unless within the time
fixed, a hearing is held and, for good cause shown, the court extends the restraining order or
provides for any other equitable relief.
4.465 Enforcement - Remedial Power of the Court.
(1) The Municipal Court is empowered to hear and determine violations of this
Code. In addition to any other penalty provided by law, the court is empowered to issue any
injunction, order or judgment necessary to restore to any person any money or property of
which he/she was deprived by any violation of this Code, or which is necessary to insure
cessation of the violation.
(2) City may apply to any other court of competent jurisdiction to obtain any relief
authorized by law to prohibit the continuation of any violation of this Code.
4.470 Enforcement - Violation.
(1) Any person violating any of the provisions of this Code may be punished, upon
conviction thereof, by a fine not to exceed $300, or such other amount as the Gold Beach City
Council shall set from time to time by ordinance. A violation as to each individual sign
occurring for one day shall be considered a separate violation.
(2) The conviction of any person for violation of any of the provisions of this Code
shall not operate to relieve such person from paying any fee or damages or prevent City from
taking other remedial action to ensure compliance with this Code.
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Vendor Assisted Tobacco Sales Code
4.500 Findings.
(1) Youth addiction to tobacco products is a public health problem with grave
health consequences.
(2) Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in Curry County.
(3) Each day in Oregon, the equivalent of a classroom full of children begins
smoking. In Curry County, 22% of students begin smoking before age 13, 28% of high school
students’ smoke and 6% chew tobacco.
(4) More than half the tobacco retail outlets in Curry County have self-service
tobacco displays when customers, including young people, have access to cigarettes, spit
tobacco, and cigars without the assistance of a store employee.
(5) Cigarettes are the item most frequently taken by shoplifters.
4.505 Purpose.
The purpose of this Code is to limit the sale of tobacco products to minors by way of
vendor assisted tobacco sales.
4.510 Definitions.
(1) “Minor” – Any person under eighteen years of age.
(2) “Self-Service Displays” – Open display of tobacco products to which the
public has access without the assistance of a store employee.
(3) “Tobacco product” – Any tobacco cigarette, cigar, pipe tobacco, smokeless
tobacco, chewing tobacco, or any other form of tobacco which may be
utilized for smoking, chewing, inhalation, or other means of ingestion.
(4) “Tobacco Retail Store” – A retail store utilized primarily for the sale of
tobacco products and accessories and in which the sale of other products is
merely incidental.
(5) “Vendor Assisted” – Only a store employee has access to the tobacco
product and assists the customer by supplying the tobacco product; the
customer does not take possession of the tobacco product until after it is
4.515 Vendor Assisted Tobacco Sales Required.
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Except as provided in Section 4.520., no person or business may sell, permit to be
sold, or offer for sale any tobacco product by means of self-service displays or any means
other than Vendor-Assisted Sales.
4.520 Exceptions.
This Code shall not apply to Tobacco Vending Machines regulated by Oregon State
Law, Tobacco Retail Stores, or to any business, retailer or establishment that is licensed by
the Oregon Liquor Control Commission for a dispensing license and required to be posted
preventing minors from access to the premises.
4.525 Non-retaliation.
No person or employer may discharge, refuse to hire or in any manner retaliate
against any employee, applicant for employment or customer because such employee,
applicant, or customer reports or attempts to prosecute any violation of this Code.
4.530 Penalties.
Violation of this Code shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed two hundred and
fifty dollars ($250.00) or such other maximum fine as the Gold Beach City Council shall set
from time to time by ordinance. The Gold Beach Police Department shall have the authority
to enforce this Code.
Social Gaming Code
This section REPEALED BY ORDINANCE NO. 654, January 26
, 2015
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5.000 Code Provisions as Law
5.010 General Savings Provision
5.020 Continuity of Existing Provisions
5.030 Interpretation of Term “City Administrator”
5.040 Severability
Dog Control
5.050 Definitions
5.055 Dogs Running at Large Prohibited
5.060 Dogs Must be Licensed
5.065 Enforcement
5.070 Penalties
5.075 Impoundment
5.080 Release of Impounded Dogs
Discarded Vehicles
5.100 Definitions
5.105 Declaration of Public Nuisance
5.110 Prohibited Action
5.115 Police Duty
5.120 Entry upon Private Property
5.125 Hearing by City Council
5.130 Abatement of City and Appraisal
5.140 Disposal of Vehicle
5.150 Redemption Before Sale
5.155 Assessment of Costs
Nuisance Code
5.200 Title and Definitions
5.205 Prohibited Animal Nuisance
5.210 Nuisances Affecting Public Health
5.220 Nuisances Affecting Public Safety
5.225 Attractive Nuisances
5.230 Snow and Ice
5.235 Noxious Growths Prohibited
5.240 Scattering Rubbish
5.245 Trees
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5.250 Fences
5.255 Surface Waters, Drainage
5.260 Radio and Television Interference
5.265 Junk
5.270 Soliciting
5.275 Container Burning and Open Burning
5.280 Unenumerated Nuisances
5.285 Notice of Abatement
5.290 Abatement by the Property Owner
5.295 Joint Responsibility
5.300 Abatement by the City
5.305 Assessment of Costs
5.310 Summary Abatement
5.315 Penalties
5.320 Separate Violations
Dangerous Buildings
5.350 Definitions
5.355 General Regulations
5.360 Nuisance
5.365 Initial Action
5.370 Hearing; Mailed Notice
5.375 Published and Posted Notices
5.380 Council Orders; Notice
5.385 Abatement by City
5.390 Assessment
5.395 Summary Abatement
5.398 Penalty
Offense Code
5.400 Definitions
5.405 Prosecution Procedures–State Statutes Adopted
5.410 Violations — State Statutes Adopted
5.415 Soliciting or Confederating to Violate Code
5.420 Offenses Outside City Limits
5.425 Attempt to Commit Offenses
5.430 Separate Violations
5.435 Penalties
5.440 Nuisance Abatement
5.500 Disorderly Conduct at Fires
5.510 Unnecessary Noise
5.515 Discharge of Weapons
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5.520 Violating Privacy Of Another
5.525 Release of Child Confined in Vehicle
5.530 Place of Amusement
5.535 Poisoning of Animals
5.540 Police and Fire Communications
5.550 Obstruction of Building Entrances
5.555 Open Cellar Doors or Grates
5.560 Obstruction of Fire Hydrants
5.565 Vending Goods on Streets or Sidewalks
5.570 Begging REPEALED (Ord No. 679)
5.575 Lodging
5.580 Posted Notices
5.585 Hauling
5.590 Curfew
5.700 Park Rules and Regulations
5.705 Application for Written Permission
5.710 Authorization
5.715 Penalty
5.720 Separate Violations
5.000 Code Provisions as Law.
The provisions of this Code are the laws of the City of Gold Beach and not merely prima facie
evidence of the law.
5.010 General Savings Provision.
This Code shall not affect rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred and
proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this Code.
5.020 Continuity of Existing Provisions.
The provisions of this Code that are the same in substance as code or ordinance provisions that
are in effect immediately before this Code becomes effective are construed as restatements
and continuations of the prior provisions.
5.030 Interpretation of Term “City Administrator”.
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, any time this Code indicates that an action
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is to be performed by the City Administrator, that action may be performed either by the City
Administrator or by the City Administrator’s designee. Designation of a designee of the City
Administrator may be made informally.
5.040 Severability.
The sections, subsections, paragraphs, provisions, clauses, phrases, and words of this Code are
severable. If a section, subsection, paragraph, provision, clause, phrase, or word of this Code is
declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, the judgment
shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Code. Every other section,
subsection, paragraph, provision, clause, phrase or word of this Code enacted, irrespective of
the enactment or validity of the portion declared unconstitutional or invalid, is valid.
5.050 Definitions.
(1) The term “dog” as used in this Code shall mean male and female dogs, either
sterilized or not, and whether licensed or not.
(2) Running at large definition: A dog shall be considered to be running at large
when it is off or outside the premises belonging to the person having the
control, custody or possession of the dog unless the dog is under the
complete control of such person by means of an adequate leash, or is within
a vehicle.
5.055 Dogs Running at Large Prohibited.
The running at large of dogs within the City of Gold Beach is prohibited at all times.
5.060 Dogs Must be Licensed.
All dogs within the City of Gold Beach must be licensed at all times as provided by Oregon
Revised Statutes Chapter 609.
5.065 Enforcement.
The police department of the City of Gold Beach shall have charge of the enforcement of this
Code. It shall impound any dogs detained for violation of this Code in the Curry County animal
shelter through the Curry County animal control officer. Any pick-up fee and any boarding fee
charged to the owner will remain the property of Curry County, any fines or assessments
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imposed pursuant to Section 5.070 of this Code shall remain the property of the City. .
5.070 Penalties.
Any dog found running at large may be impounded, whether licensed or not, and its owner
shall be subject to citation into the municipal court. Each violation of this code constitutes an
individual and separate offense. The maximum fines shall be set by resolution of the Gold
Beach City Council.
5.075 Impoundment.
Any dog impounded under the authority of this Code will be retained for the amount of time
provided in Oregon Revised Statutes 609.090, and after that period of time will be disposed of
as provided by Oregon Revised Statutes 609.090.
5.080 Release of Impounded Dogs.
Any dog impounded under the authority of this Code shall be released to its owner upon
payment of any pick-up and boarding fees charged by the Curry County animal shelter and any
and all fines imposed by the municipal court. If any dog is impounded for lack of a license,
then a license must be obtained in addition to any other fees and/or fines.
5.100 Definitions.
As used in this Code, unless the context requires otherwise:
(1) “Costs” shall mean the expense of removing, storing or selling a discarded
(2) “Chief of Police” includes any authorized law enforcement officer of the City of
Gold Beach.
(3) “Discarded” shall mean any vehicle that does not have lawfully affixed thereto
an unexpired license plate and is in one or more of the following conditions:
(a) Inoperative.
(b) Wrecked.
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(c) Dismantled.
(d) Partially dismantled.
(e) Abandoned.
(f) Junked.
(g) Discarded vehicles may be deemed to include major parts thereof
including but not limited to bodies, engines, transmissions and rear
(4) For the purposes of this chapter only, a vehicle rendered temporarily
inoperative but otherwise legally parked outdoors on public right-of-way
adjacent to the vehicle owner’s residence or on private property shall not be
considered a discarded vehicle if the vehicle is secure, not creating a hazard,
and repairs to the vehicle are made within thirty (30) days.
(5) “Vehicle owner” shall mean any individual, firm, corporation or unincorporated
association with a claim, either individually or jointly, of ownership of any
interest, legal or equitable, in a vehicle.
(6) “Person in charge of property” shall mean any agent, occupant, lessee, contract
purchaser, owner or person having possession, control or title of property
where a vehicle is located.
(7) “Vehicle” shall mean every device in, upon or by which any person or property
is or may be transported or drawn upon a public highway, and includes vehicles
that are propelled by any means as defined in ORS 801.590.
5.105 Declaration of Public Nuisance.
The open accumulation and storage of a discarded vehicle is hereby found to create a
condition tending to reduce the value of private property, to promote blight, deterioration and
unsightliness, to invite plundering, to create fire hazards, to constitute an attractive nuisance
creating a hazard to the health and safety of minors, to create a harborage for rodents and
insects and to be injurious to the health, safety and general welfare. Therefore, the presence
of a discarded vehicle on private or public property is hereby declared to constitute a public
nuisance, which may be abated in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
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5.110 Prohibited Action.
It shall be unlawful to store or permit the storing of a discarded vehicle upon any private
property within the City unless the vehicle is completely enclosed within a building, stored
behind a site obscuring fence, hedge or wall, or stored by a lawfully conducted business
dealing in disabled vehicles or vehicle repairs .
5.115 Police Duty.
(1) It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, whenever a discarded vehicle is found
upon private property to:
(a) Make an investigation to discover the owner of the vehicle and the
person in charge of the property upon which such vehicle is located and
give written notice to them by personal service or by registered or
certified mail that the vehicle is in violation of this Code; and
(b) If the owner of the vehicle is not found, to place a notice upon the
windshield or some other part of the vehicle where it can be easily
(2) The notice shall state that a certain discarded vehicle is in violation of this Code
and that within fourteen (14) days of the date of mailing, delivery or posting of
the notice:
(a) The vehicle must be removed from the City or to the storage yard of a
business enterprise dealing in discarded vehicles or vehicle repair
lawfully conducted within the City; or
(b) Completely enclosed within a building, stored behind a site obscuring
fence, hedge or wall.
(3) The notice shall also state that the alternative to compliance with Subsection
(2) of this section is to petition the City Administrator and request appearance
in writing before the City Council within fourteen (14) days of sending or
posting of the notice and show cause why such vehicle should not be
immediately abated as provided in this Code.
(4) The notice shall also state that failure to comply with this Code authorizes the
City to remove the vehicle and assess the cost of removal against the property.
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5.120 Entry upon Private Property.
(1) The Chief of Police is authorized at all reasonable times to enter upon private
property and examine any vehicle for the purpose of determining whether or
not it is in a discarded condition. However, before entering upon private
property, the chief shall obtain the consent of an occupant thereof or a warrant
of the municipal court authorizing his or her entry for the purpose of
inspection, except when an emergency exists.
(2) No search warrant shall be issued under the terms of this Code until an affidavit
has been filed with the municipal court, showing probable cause for such
inspection by stating the purpose and extent of the proposed inspection, citing
this Code as the basis for such inspection, whether it is an inspection instituted
by complaint or other specific or general information concerning the vehicle in
question or the property on which it is situated.
(3) It is unlawful for any person to interfere with or attempt to prevent the Chief of
Police from entering upon private premises and inspecting any vehicle when an
emergency exists or the chief exhibits a warrant authorizing entry.
5.125 Hearing by City Council.
Pursuant to a request pursuant to Section 5.115(3), the City Council shall fix a time for a
hearing to show cause why a discarded vehicle nuisance should not be immediately abated.
The Council shall receive the evidence and testimony of the Chief of Police and other
interested persons concerning the existence, location and condition of the vehicle. After the
hearing, the Council may authorize and order the vehicle removed by the City in accordance
with the provisions of this Code. The Council shall make its order in the form of a resolution
that declares the vehicle to be a public nuisance. The resolution may order the removal of
more than one vehicle and the Council may consolidate the hearings and orders relating to
more than one vehicle. The persons receiving the notice specified in Section 5.115 shall be
provided with copies of the resolution of the Council. In addition, the Council may impose
conditions and take such other action as it deems appropriate under the circumstances in
order to carry out the purposes of this Code. The Council may delay the time for removal of
said vehicle where, in its opinion, delay is justified by the circumstances. It shall refuse to
order the removal of the vehicle where the vehicle, in the opinion of the Council, is not subject
to the provisions Sections 5.100 through 5.155 of this Code. The Council shall not be bound by
the technical rules of evidence in the conduct of the hearing.
5.130 Abatement by the City and Appraisal.
(1) Fourteen (14) days after the giving of notice required in Section 5.115 or seven
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(7) days after adoption of a resolution declaring a vehicle to be a public
nuisance as set forth in Section 5.125, whichever is later, the City may abate
the nuisance and may remove the vehicle by use of City employees or duly
authorized independent contractors. It shall be unlawful for any person to
interfere with, hinder or refuse to allow such employees or contractors to
enter upon private property for the purpose of removing a vehicle under the
provisions of this Code.
(2) After removing the vehicle, the City shall cause it to be appraised by any person
who holds a certificate issued under Oregon Revised Statutes 819.480.
5.140 Disposal of Vehicle.
The City shall dispose of the vehicle in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes 819.210 and
819.215, as constituted when this Code is adopted.
5.150 Redemption Before Sale.
(1) A vehicle impounded under the provisions of this Code may be redeemed by
its owner or by the person in charge of the property from which the vehicle
was removed, before a sale or disposition has taken place by applying to the
police department, whereupon the individual shall:
(a) Submit evidence of his or her ownership or interest in the vehicle,
satisfactory to the Chief of Police, that such claim is rightful;
(b) Pay the costs due and owing at the time the application to redeem is
made; and
(c) Give evidence that the nuisance character of the vehicle will not be
allowed to be resumed.
(2) Upon compliance with Subsection (1) of this section, the Chief of Police shall
execute a receipt and cause the vehicle to be returned.
5.155 Assessment of Costs.
(1) After disposing of the discarded vehicle and deducting the money, if any,
received from any sale of the vehicle from the costs, incurred by the City in
removal, storage and sale of the vehicle, the City Administrator shall give
notice of assessment of abatement costs, as provided in Section 5.115, to the
person in charge of the property from which the vehicle was removed. The
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notice of assessment of abatement costs will specify:
(a) The unpaid costs of abatement:
(b) That the cost as indicated will be assessed to and become a lien against
the real property unless paid within thirty (30) days from the date of the
notice of assessment of abatement costs.
(c) That if the person in charge of the property objects to the cost of the
abatement indicated, he or she may file a written notice of objection
with the City Administrator not later than twenty (20) days from the
date of the notice of assessment of abatement costs.
(2) Objections to the proposed assessment shall be heard and determined by the
Council not later than twenty (20) days from the date the City Administrator
receives written notice of objection from the person in charge of the property.
(3) If the costs of the abatement are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date
of the notice of assessment of abatement costs, or the date of decision by the
Council on the objection to the proposed assessment if such objection is filed
by the person in charge of the property, an assessment of the costs shall be
made by resolution of the City Council and shall be entered in the docket of city
liens and, upon such entry being made, shall constitute a lien upon the real
property from which the nuisance was removed or abated.
(4) The lien shall be enforced in the same manner as liens for street improvements
are enforced and shall bear interest at the rate of nine (9) percent per annum.
Such interest shall accrue from date of the entry of the lien in the lien docket.
(5) An error in the name of the person in charge of the property shall not void the
assessment, nor will a failure to receive the notice of the proposed assessment
render the assessment void. The assessment shall remain a valid lien against
the property.
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5.200 Title and Definitions.
This section shall be known as the Nuisance Code of the City of Gold Beach and the following
definitions shall apply herein:
(1) “Citymeans the City of Gold Beach, Oregon.
(2) “City Administrator” means the City Administrator of the City of Gold Beach or
the Administrator’s designee.
(3) “Person” means a natural person, firm, partnership, association or corporation.
(4) “Persons in Charge” means any agent, occupant, renter, lessee, owner or
person other than the owner, having the possession or control of property or
any person being caused to come into existence or continuing existence of a
nuisance as defined in this Code.
(5) “Noxious Growthsmeans the following:
(a) Any vegetation, including grass and\or weeds, which:
(i) Poses a fire hazard because it is dry and more than twelve (12)
inches high and is either within 100 feet of a structure or an
opened public right-of way; or within thirty (30) feet of other
types of combustibles; or is otherwise a fire hazard as
determined by the City Fire Chief;
(ii) Encroaches onto an opened public right-of-way or across a
property line;
(iii) Poses a traffic hazard because it impairs the view of a public
thoroughfare or otherwise makes use of the thoroughfare
hazardous, impairs the view of street signs, or in the opinion of
the City Chief of Police is a traffic hazard based on sound
principles of traffic management;
(iv) Creates an unsafe area to which children may be attracted;
(v) Is used for habitation by trespassers;
(vi) Harbors rodents or other animals that pose a health threat to
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humans or is otherwise a health hazard as determined by the
Curry County Department of Health; or
(vii) Are listed as noxious or invasive by federal, state or county
(b) The term “noxious growths” does not include:
(i) Vegetation that constitutes an agricultural crop;
(ii) Vegetation the removal of which may be inadvisable because it
exposes the land to erosion;
(iii) Vegetation (not including Irish Furze (also known as gorse),
Scotch Broom, or blackberry vines) that is maintained as an
ornamental hedge, privacy screen or windbreak no wider than
five (5) feet; unless the ornamental hedge, privacy screen or
windbreak constitutes a fire hazard under subsection 5(a)(i) of
the Section; or
(iv) Vegetation that is maintained as a safety barrier at the top edge
of a steep slope or other hazardous location.
5.205 Prohibited Animal Nuisance.
(1) Dangerous Animals. No person in charge of an animal that is dangerous to the
public health or safety shall permit the animal to be exposed to the public. If the animal is
exposed to the public, it may be taken into custody by the City and disposed of in accordance
with the procedures provided by the Code for the impoundment of dogs, Code sections 5.050
to 5.080, except that before the animal is released by the City, the municipal judge must find
that proper precautions will be taken to ensure the public health and safety;
(2) Removal of Carcasses. No person shall permit an animal carcass under his or
her ownership or control to remain upon public property, or to be exposed on private
property, for a period of time longer than is reasonably necessary to remove or dispose of the
(3) Animals at Large. Except for household pets, no person in charge of an animal
shall permit the animal to be at large. Animals at large may be taken into custody by the City
and disposed of in accordance with the procedures provided by the Code for the
impoundment of dogs, Code sections 5.050 to 5.080.
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5.210 Nuisances Affecting Public Health.
No person shall cause or permit a nuisance affecting public health on property under his or her
ownership or control. The following are nuisances affecting public health and may be abated
as provided in this Code.
(1) Privies. Open vaults or privies constructed and maintained within the City,
except those constructed or maintained in connection with construction
projects in accordance with the Health Division regulations.
(2) Debris. Accumulations of debris, rubbish, manure and other refuse that are not
removed within a reasonable time and that could affect the health of the
(3) Stagnant water. Stagnant water that affords a breeding place for mosquitoes
and other insect pests.
(4) Water pollution. Pollution of a body of water, well, spring, stream or drainage
ditch by sewage, industrial wastes or other substances placed in or near the
water in a manner that will cause harmful material to pollute the water.
(5) Food. Decayed or unwholesome food that is offered for human consumption.
(6) Odor. Premises that are in such a state or condition as to cause an offensive
odor or which are in an unsanitary condition.
(7) Surface drainage. Drainage of liquid wastes from private premises.
(8) Cesspools. Cesspools or septic tanks which are in an unsanitary condition or
which cause an offensive odor.
5.220 Nuisances Affecting Public Safety.
(1) No person shall create a hazard by:
(a) Maintaining or leaving in a place accessible to children a container with
a compartment of more than one and one-half cubic feet capacity and a
door or lid which locks or fastens automatically when closed and which
cannot be easily opened from the inside; or
(b) Being the owner or otherwise having possession of property upon
which there is a well, cistern, cesspool, excavation, or other hole of a
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depth of four (4) feet or more and a top width of twelve (12) inches or
more, fail or refuse to cover or fence it with a suitable protective
5.225 Attractive Nuisances.
(1) No owner or person in charge of property shall permit thereon:
(a) Unguarded machinery, equipment or other devices that are
attractive, dangerous and accessible to children.
(b) Lumber, logs or piling placed or stored in a manner so as to be
attractive, dangerous and accessible to children.
(c) An open pit, quarry, cistern or other excavation without safeguards or
barriers to prevent such places from being used by children.
(2) This section shall not apply to authorized construction projects with reasonable
safeguards to prevent injury or death to playing children.
5.230 Snow and Ice.
No person in charge of property, improved or unimproved, abutting on a public sidewalk shall
(1) Snow to remain on the sidewalk for a period longer than the first two (2) hours
of daylight after the snow has fallen.
(2) Ice to remain on the sidewalk for more than two (2) hours of daylight after the
ice has formed unless the ice is covered with sand, ashes or other suitable
material to assure safe travel.
5.235 Noxious Growths Prohibited.
(1) No person in charge of real property shall allow noxious growths on the
property. Noxious growths are hereby declared a nuisance.
(2) It shall be the duty of any owner or person in charge of real property to abate
noxious growths from said property. The person in charge shall be liable for the
cost of the abatement as provided in this Code.
(3) No person in charge of property may allow noxious vegetation to be on the
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property or in the right-of-way of a public thoroughfare abutting on the
property. It shall be the duty of the person in charge of the property to cut
down or to destroy grass, shrubbery, brush, bushes, weeds, or other noxious
vegetation as often as needed to prevent them from becoming unsightly, from
becoming a safety, health or fire hazard, or, in the case of weeds or other
noxious vegetation from maturing or from going to seed.
(4) Between February 1 and November 30 of each year, the City Administrator may
cause to be published three (3) times in a newspaper of general circulation in
the City a copy of Subsection (3) of this section as a notice to all owners of
property of their duty to keep their property free from noxious vegetation. The
notice shall state the City intends to abate all such reported nuisances ten (10)
or more days after notifying the person in charge of the property and to charge
the cost of doing so on any particular parcel of property to the person in charge
of the property.
(5) If the noxious growths have not been privately abated in accord with the
published notice, the City may provide written notice to abate the nuisance in
the manner provided by Section 5.285 of this Code. If the nuisance remains
unabated ten (10) days after such notice is given, the City Administrator may
cause the nuisance to be abated and assess costs therefore as provided in
Section 5.305 of this Code. The City Administrator may enter upon the
property at reasonable times for the purpose of investigating and abating
conditions prohibited by this Code.
(6) The procedure provided by this Code is not exclusive and is in addition to any
other procedure authorized by the Gold Beach Code or ordinance and the City
Administrator may abate noxious growths that are an imminent danger to
human life or property within the City. The cost of abatement shall be assessed
and collected as provided by this Code.
(7) Each day’s violation of a provision of this Section 5.235 shall constitute a
separate offense. The abatement of a nuisance herein provided shall not
constitute a penalty for a violation of this Code, but shall be in addition to any
penalty imposed for a violation of this Code.
5.240 Scattering Rubbish.
No person shall deposit upon public or private property any kind of rubbish, trash, debris,
refuse or any substance that would mar the appearance of the property, create a stench or fire
hazard, detract from the cleanliness or safety of the property or would be likely to injure a
person, animal or vehicle traveling upon a public way.
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5.245 Trees.
(1) No person in charge of property that abuts upon a street or public sidewalk shall
permit trees or bushes on his property to interfere with street or sidewalk traffic. It
shall be the duty of the person in charge of property that abuts upon a street or public
sidewalk to keep all trees and bushes on his premises that encroach into the street or
public sidewalk, including the adjoining parking strip, trimmed to a height of not less
than eight (8) feet above the sidewalk and not less than ten (10) feet above the
(2) No person in charge of property shall allow to stand a dead or decaying tree that is a
hazard to the public or to the persons or property on or near the property.
5.250 Fences.
(1) No person in charge of property shall construct or maintain a barbed-wire fence
thereon, or permit barbed-wire to remain as part of a fence along a sidewalk or
public way; except such wire may be placed above the top of other fencing not
less than six (6) feet, six (6) inches high.
(2) No person in charge of property shall construct, maintain or operate an electric
fence along a sidewalk or public way or along the adjoining property line of
another person.
5.255 Surface Waters, Drainage.
(1) No person in charge of a building or structure shall suffer or permit rainwater,
ice or snow to fall from the building or structure onto a street or public
sidewalk or to flow across the sidewalk.
(2) The person in charge of property shall install and maintain in proper state of
repair adequate drainpipes or a drainage system, so that any overflow water
accumulating on the roof or about the building is not carried across or upon the
5.260 Radio, Television, and Wireless Communication Interference.
(1) No person shall operate or use an electrical, mechanical or other device,
apparatus, instrument or machine that causes reasonably preventable
interference with radio, television or wireless communication reception by a
radio or television receiver or wireless communication device of good
engineering design.
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(2) This section does not apply to devices licensed, approved and operated under
the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission.
5.265 Junk.
(1) No person shall keep any junk outdoors on any street, lot, premises, or in a
building that is not wholly or entirely enclosed, or that blocks doors used for
ingress or egress.
(2) The term “junk” as used in this section includes all old motor vehicles, old
motor vehicle parts, abandoned auto-mobiles, old machinery, old machinery
parts, old appliances or parts thereof, old and other metal, glass, paper, lumber,
wood or other waste or discarded material.
This section shall not apply to junk kept in a commercial junkyard or automobile wrecking
5.270 Soliciting.
No person shall solicit, cause any other person to solicit, or perform any act furthering
solicitation of, any person located on private property or premises not open to the public,
between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. each day. Solicitation is defined as any act that
constitutes a request, appeal or application to obtain something.
5.275 Container Burning and Open Burning.
(1) Permit Required. Except as set forth in subsection (6), a permit is required to
kindle or maintain any open fire, bonfire or rubbish fire and for container
burning. There shall be three (3) types of permits:
(a) An open burning permit, limited to a maximum of seven (7) days per
(b) A container burning permit, limited to one (1) year from the date of
issue. Each container and each location must have a separate permit.
(c) A commercial fire permit limited to seven (7) days for building
demolition or land clearing.
(d) The Fire Chief or designee shall issue the required permit if deemed
necessary after an inspection and assurances from the applicant that
all burning will take place in compliance with the terms of this Code. A
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commercial permit shall be reviewed within seven (7) days of
(2) Except as set forth in subsection (7), no person shall kindle or maintain an open
fire, bonfire or rubbish fire or burn any material in a container without a permit
to do so. No person shall kindle or maintain a bonfire or rubbish fire or burn any
material in a container except in strict compliance with the terms of this Code.
(3) No person shall dispose of waste matter by burning except as follows:
(a) All burning shall take place during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
unless otherwise specified by the Fire Chief.
(b) Burning shall be confined to incinerators or approved burning
containers except as follows:
(i) If any open burning permit to engage in such burning is
obtained from the Fire Chief or designee;
(ii) Such burning is done at a distance of more than twenty-five
feet (25’) from any building, structure or other combustible
waste matter; and
(iii) A charged garden hose with a shut off and adjustable nozzle
or other like water supply is on hand and a competent person
is on constant attendance until all fire has been extinguished.
Applicants for such permit must be in legal control of the lot
or parcel of land on which the burning is to be done.
(4) Offensive Smoke and Odors. Nothing shall be burned under permit or
otherwise, which shall, in burning, cause or create a dense smoke or noxious
odors. Materials which shall not be burned include but are not limited to, the
following: wet or organic kitchen garbage and wastes, any petroleum based
products or plastics, treated wood products, metals, and commercial
construction and/or demolition debris. Barrel burning of small amounts of
clean construction/demolition debris from non-commercial, home projects will
be permitted in accordance with a permit as provided in this Section 5.275.
(5) Fire Hazard Prohibited. No person shall construct, erect, install, maintain or use
any burning container or barbecue pit or open or pile burn any combustible
material so as to constitute or occasion a fire hazard or as to endanger the life
or property of any person thereby. All liability for an escaped fire, including but
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not limited to personal property damage to property of the permittee and any
other person, and all fire suppression costs resulting from the fire, are the sole
responsibility of the permittee, or, in the instance of a fire for which no permit
was acquired, the person who ignited the fire.
(6) A permit is not required for the following open fires:
(a) Outdoor recreation fire used for cooking when the fire is confined in a
commercially manufactured fireplace or barbecue.
(b) Fires set and maintained for firefighting training or for otherwise
training fire protection personnel.
(7) Fire Chief May Prohibit. The Fire Chief may prohibit any outdoor fires when
atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fires hazardous.
(8) Kindling of Fire on Land of Others Restricted. No person shall kindle a fire
upon the land of another without permission of the owner thereof of his or
her agent and any permit required by this Section 5.275.
(9) Types and Construction of Burning Containers. No person shall use a burning
container unless it meets the following standards:
(a) Commercial, industrial and apartment type incinerators shall be
constructed in accordance with the provisions of the Building and
Mechanical Codes.
(b) Residential burning containers (such as burn barrels) shall be
constructed of brick, concrete, hollow tile, metal (steel), or other fire
resistive material, shall have no openings greater than one-quarter inch
(1/4”) wide that are not covered by a spark arrester as described in
subsection 9 (c) of this section, shall be equipped with a spark arrester
and shall be set on a fire resistive pad, bare mineral surface, or be
approved by the Fire Chief.
(c) Every burning container shall be equipped and maintained with a spark
arrester constructed of iron, heavy wire mesh of at least 14 gauge wire
or other non-combustible material, with openings not larger than one-
quarter inch by one-quarter inch (1/4” x 1/4”).
(d) Every burning container shall be constructed and maintained in
accordance with the requirements of the State of Oregon Department
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of Environmental Quality.
(11) Location. All burning containers shall be located as follows:
A residential burning container shall not be located less than twenty
(20) feet away from:
i. Any building or structure;
ii. Rubbish;
iii. Dry grass or weeds;
iv. Vegetation; and
v. Other combustible materials
The twenty (20) foot minimum requirement shall apply both
horizontally and vertically. In addition, a residential burning container
shall not be located less than ten (10) feed from any property line.
(b) The restrictions in this subsection 11 shall not apply to commercially
manufactured barbecues and outdoor fireplaces which meet the
requirements of subsections 9 (b) and 9 (c) of this section.
(12) Maintenance. Every burning container, barbecue pit and the equipment
therefore shall be maintained in good condition and repair at all times.
5.280 Unenumerated Nuisances.
(1) The acts, conditions or objects specifically enumerated as defined in Sections
5.205 to 5.275 are declared public nuisances; and such acts, conditions or
objects may be abated by any of the procedures set forth in Sections 5.285 to
5.310 of this Code.
(2) In addition to the nuisances specifically enumerated within this Code, every
other thing, substance or act that is determined by the Council to be injurious
or detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare of the City is declared a
nuisance and may be abated as provided in this Code.
5.285 Notice of Abatement.
(1) Upon determination by the City Administrator that a nuisance exists, the City
Administrator shall send a Notice to Abate to the person in charge of the
property on which the nuisance exists by registered or certified mail to the last
known address of the person in charge and shall also conspicuously post a
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notice on the property.
(2) The Notice to Abate shall contain:
(a) A description of the real property, by street address or otherwise, on
which the nuisance exists.
(b) A direction to abate the nuisance within ten (10) days from the date
of the notice.
(c) A description of the nuisance.
(d) A statement that, unless the nuisance is removed, the City may abate
the nuisance and the cost of abatement will be charged to the person
in charge of the property.
(e) A statement that failure to abate a nuisance may warrant imposition
of a civil penalty.
(f) A statement that the person in charge of the property may protest
the order to abate by giving notice to the City Administrator within
ten (10) days from the date of the notice.
(3) An error in the name or address of the person in charge of the property shall
not make the notice void.
(4) Any mailings to the person in charge of the property shall deem to have been
received by such person upon mailing by the City to the address found in the
records of the Curry County Assessor.
5.290 Abatement by the Person in Charge.
(1) Within ten (10) days after mailing of such notice, as provided in Section 5.285,
the person in charge of the property shall remove the nuisance or protest that
no nuisance exists.
(2) A person in charge of the property protesting that no nuisance exists, shall file
with the City Administrator a written statement which shall specify the basis
for so protesting.
(3) The statement shall be referred to the Gold Beach Municipal Court for a
hearing at its next succeeding sitting. At the time set for the hearing, the
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person in charge of the property may appear and be heard by the Court; and
the Court shall determine whether or not a nuisance in fact exists. A
determination by the Court shall be required only in those cases where a
written statement has been filed and the person in charge of the property or
representative appears at the hearing.
(4) If the Court determines that a nuisance does in fact exist, the person in charge
of the property shall, within ten (10) days after the Court determination, abate
the nuisance.
5.295 Joint Responsibility.
If more than one person is responsible for the nuisance, they shall be jointly and severally
liable for abating the nuisance or for the costs incurred by the City in abating the nuisance.
5.300 Abatement by the City.
(1) If, within the time allowed, the nuisance has not been abated by the person in
charge of the property, the City Administrator may cause the nuisance to be
(2) The officer charged with abatement of the nuisance shall have the right at
reasonable times to enter into or upon property to investigate or cause the
removal of a nuisance.
(3) The City Business Office shall keep an accurate record of the expense incurred
by the City in physically abating the nuisance and shall include therein a charge
in an amount to be set by resolution of the City Council or fifteen (15) percent
of those expenses (whichever is the greater) for administrative overhead.
5.305 Assessment of Costs.
(1) The City Business Office by certified or registered mail, shall forward to the
person in charge of the property a notice stating:
(a) The total cost of abatement, including the administrative overhead.
(b) That the cost as indicated will be assessed to and become a lien against
the property unless paid within thirty (30) days from the date of the
(c) That if the person in charge of the property objects to the accuracy or
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reasonableness of the cost of the abatement as indicated, he or she
may file a notice of objection with the City Business Office within ten
(10) days of the date of the notice setting forth the bases for objecting.
(2) If a notice of objection is filed within ten (10) days after the date of the notice,
the Gold Beach Municipal Court shall schedule a hearing to hear and determine
the objections to the costs assessed.
(3) If the costs of the abatement are not paid within thirty (30) days from the date
of the notice or from the date of the decision of the Municipal Court, if an
objection is filed pursuant to subsection (2) of this Section 5.305, an assessment
of the costs, as stated in the notice from the City Business Office, or as
determined by the Municipal Court shall thereupon be entered in the docket of
city liens and, upon such entry being made, shall constitute a lien upon the
property from which the nuisance was removed or abated. If the person
responsible is not the owner of that property, then the City also may impose a
lien upon property owned by the person responsible.
(4) The lien shall be enforced in the same manner as liens for street improvements
are enforced and shall bear interest at the rate of nine (9) percent per annum.
The interest shall commence to run from the date of the entry of the lien in the
lien docket.
(5) The City shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees for any litigation regarding
collection of the costs of abatement or filing of the lien as described above with
Curry County and any foreclosing of such lien through any appropriate legal
action as set by any trial or appellate court.
(6) An error in the name of the person responsible shall not void the assessment,
nor will a failure to receive the notice of the proposed assessment render the
assessment void, but it shall remain a valid lien against the property.
5.310 Summary Abatement.
The procedure provided by this Nuisance Code is not exclusive, but is in addition to procedure
provided by other laws; and the Fire Chief, the Chief of Police, or any other city official may
proceed summarily to abate a health or other nuisance which unmistakably exists and which
imminently endangers human life or property. The costs of such abatement may be assessed
as provided in Section 5.305 of this Code.
5.315 Penalties.
Except as otherwise provided herein, any person or persons who shall be convicted of being
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the creator or keeper of a nuisance, or otherwise guilty of a violation of any of the provisions of
this Code shall be subject to the maximum fine set by resolution of the City Council for the first
offense and all subsequent offenses.
5.320 Separate Violations.
(1) Each day’s violation of a provision of this Code, or each act separate unto itself,
constitutes a separate offense.
(2) The abatement of a nuisance is not a penalty for violating this Code, but is an
additional remedy. The imposition of a penalty does not relieve a person of the
duty to abate the nuisance; however, abatement of a nuisance within ten (10)
days of the date of notice to abate, or if a written protest has been filed, then
abatement within ten (10) days of Municipal Court determination that a
nuisance exists, will relieve the person responsible for the imposition of any
fine under Section 5.315 of this Code except a fine from violation of Section
5.350 Definitions.
For the purpose of this Code:
(1) The term “dangerous buildings” shall include:
(a) A structure which, for the want of proper repairs or by reason of age
and dilapidated condition or by reason of poorly installed electrical
wiring or equipment, defective chimney, defective gas connections,
defective heating apparatus, or for any other cause or reason, is
especially liable to fire and which is so situated or occupied as to
endanger any other building or property or human life.
(b) A structure containing combustible or explosive material, rubbish, rags,
waste, oils, gasoline or inflammable substance of any kind especially
liable to cause fire or danger to the safety of such building, premises or
to human life.
(c) A structure which shall be kept or maintained or shall be in a filthy or
unsanitary condition, especially liable to cause the spread of contagious
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or infectious diseases.
(d) A structure in such weak or weakened condition, or dilapidated or
deteriorated condition, as to endanger any person or property by
reason of probability of partial or entire collapse.
(2) The term “person” shall include every natural person, firm, partnership,
association or corporation.
(3) “City official” means any Councilor, mayor, city employee, or any agency or
employee of any agency under contract to the City for services.
5.355 General Regulations.
(1) Administration. The City building official is the primary city official authorized
to enforce the provisions of this Code, but any other city official may act under
the authority of this Code.
(2) Inspections. The City building official or another city official is hereby
authorized to make such inspections and take such actions as may be required
to enforce the provisions of this Code.
(3) Right of Entry. Whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce any of
the provisions of this Code and whenever the City building official or another
city official has probable and reasonable cause to believe that there exists in
any building any condition that would make such building a dangerous building
as defined herein, then said city official, including the building official, may
enter into such building at reasonable times to inspect said premises for any
violations of this Code.
5.360 Nuisance.
Every building or part thereof which is found by the Council to be a dangerous building is
hereby declared to be a public nuisance; and the same may be abated by the procedures
herein specified, or a suit for abatement thereof may be brought by the City.
5.365 Initial Action.
Whenever a city official shall find or be of the opinion that there is a dangerous building in the
City, it shall be his duty to report the same to the City Council. Thereupon, the Council shall,
within a reasonable time, fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon.
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5.370 Hearing; Mailed Notice.
By certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, the City Administrator shall notify the
owner of record of the premises whereon the building in question is located, that a hearing will
be held concerning the nuisance character of the property and the time and place of the
hearing . A copy of this notice shall also be posted on the property in addition to notices
prohibiting entry into building. At the hearing the Council shall determine by resolution
whether or not the building is dangerous. The Council may, as a part of the hearing, inspect
the building; and the facts observed by the Council at such inspection may be considered by it
in determining whether or not the building is dangerous. At the hearing the owner or other
person interested in the property or building shall have the right to be heard. At such hearing
the Council shall have the power to order any building declared to be dangerous removed and
abated, if in its judgment such removal or abatement is necessary in order to remove the
dangerous condition; or the Council shall have the power to order the building made safe and
to prescribe what acts or things must be done to render the same safe.
5.375 Published and Posted Notices.
Ten (10) days’ notice of any hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in
the City or by posting notices thereof in three (3) public places in the City. If the last-
mentioned notice be published or given as herein required, no irregularity or failure to mail
notices shall invalidate the proceedings.
5.380 Council Orders; Notice.
Five (5) days’ notice of findings made by the Council at a hearing and any orders made by the
Council shall be given to the owner of the building, the owner’s agent or other person
controlling the same, and if the orders be not obeyed and the building rendered safe within
the time specified by the order (being not less than five (5) days), then the Council shall have
the power and duty to order the building removed or made safe at the expense of the
property on which the same is situated.
5.385 Abatement by City.
In the event that the Council orders are not complied with, the Council must specify with
convenient certainty the work to be done and shall file a statement thereof with the City
Administrator, and shall advertise for bids for the doing of the working the manner provided
for advertising for bids for street improvement work. Bids shall be received, opened and the
contract let.
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5.390 Assessment.
The Council shall ascertain and determine the probable cost of the work and assess the same
against the property upon which the building is situated. The assessment shall be entered in
the docket of city liens and shall thereupon be and become a lien against the property. The
creation of the lien and the collection and enforcement of the cost shall all be performed in
substantially the same manner as in the case of the cost of street improvements, but
irregularities or informalities in the procedure shall be disregarded.
5.395 Summary Abatement.
The procedures of this Code pertaining to Council declaration of a dangerous building need not
be followed where a building is unmistakably dangerous and imminently endangers human life
or property. In such an instance, the chief of the fire department, the fire marshal or the Chief
of Police may proceed summarily to abate the building.
5.398 Penalty.
Any person who shall be the owner of, or shall be in possession of, or in responsible charge of
any dangerous building within the City and who shall knowingly suffer or permit the building to
be or remain dangerous beyond the time specified in the order of the Council pursuant to
Section 5.380, shall be guilty of a violation of this Code and shall, upon conviction thereof, may
be fined a maximum amount as set by resolution of the City Council for the first and all
subsequent offenses. Each day’s violation of a provision of this Code constitutes a separate
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5.400 Definitions.
The definitions contained in Oregon Revised Statutes chapters 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166,
167, 471, 475, and 480.110 to 480.160, as constituted when this Code is adopted, are adopted
by reference and made a part of this Code.
5.405 Prosecution Procedures State Statutes Adopted.
The procedures applicable to the prosecution of violations contained in the Oregon Revised
Statutes as constituted when this Code is adopted, are adopted by reference and made a part
of this Code, and all references therein to district attorney shall include the city prosecutor or
the city attorney. These shall include, but not be limited to, those provisions relating to
defenses and burden of proof, general principles of criminal liability, parties and general
principles of justification.
5.410 Violations — State Statutes Adopted.
Each violation made an offense against the state under the provisions of the Oregon Revised
Statutes chapters 161, 162, 163 164, 165, 166, 167, 471, 475, and 480.110 to 480.160, as
constituted when this Code is adopted, are adopted by reference and made a part of this Code
and designated an offense against the City. A person who violates any one of the provisions
within the jurisdiction of the City is in violation of this Code, and shall be charged with the
offense of violating section 5.410 of this Code, and reference shall be made in the charging
instrument to that particular section of the Oregon Revised Statutes, as incorporated by
reference, which has been violated. If any other section of this Code or any other code or
ordinance creates a specific violation offense in conflict with a violation offense incorporated
by reference in this Code, the provisions of the violation offense incorporated by reference
shall govern.
5.415 Soliciting or Confederating to Violate Code.
No person shall solicit, aid, abet, employ or engage another, or confederate with another, to
violate a provision of this Code or any other code or ordinance of the City.
5.420 Offenses Outside City Limits.
Where permitted by Oregon law, an act made unlawful by this Code shall constitute an offense
when committed on any property owned or leased by the City, even though outside the
corporate limits of the City.
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5.425 Attempt to Commit Offenses.
A person who shall attempt to commit any of the offenses mentioned in this Code or any code
of the City, but who for any reason is prevented from consummating such act, shall be deemed
guilty of an offense.
5.430 Separate Violations.
Whenever in this Code, or any code of the City of Gold Beach, an act is prohibited or is made or
declared to be unlawful or an offense, or the doing of an act is required, or the failure to do an
act is declared to be unlawful or an offense, each day a violation continues shall constitute a
separate offense.
5.435 Penalties.
Violation of any provision of this Offense Code is punishable by a maximum fine set by
resolution of the City Council for the first and each subsequent violation provided, however, in
the case of a violation of any provision of this offense code where the offense is identical to an
offense created by state statute, and the state law offense carries a lesser penalty, punishment
shall be limited to the lesser penalty prescribed in the state law. In addition to the above
penalties, the municipal court may also impose any fees, penalties, or assessments provided
for by state law, and may order the offender to pay restitution where appropriate. The
municipal court judge, at his or her discretion, shall determine the amount of fine and any fees
to be assessed in accordance with the provisions of this code.
5.440 Nuisance Abatement.
No provisions in this Code shall preclude the abatement of a nuisance as provided in the
general Sections 5.285 through 5.310 of this Code.
5.500 Disorderly Conduct at Fires.
No person at or near a fire shall obstruct or impede the fighting of the fire, interfere with fire
department personnel or fire department apparatus, behave in a disorderly manner or refuse
to observe promptly an order of a member of the fire or police department.
5.510 Unnecessary Noise.
No person shall create or assist in creating or permit the continuance of unreasonable noise in
the City of Gold Beach. The following enumeration of violations of this section is not exclusive
but is illustrative of some unreasonable noises.
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(1) The keeping of an animal that by loud and frequent or continued noise disturbs
the comfort and repose of a person in the vicinity.
(2) The use of an engine, thing or device which is so loaded, out of repair or
operated in such a manner as to create a loud or unnecessary grating, grinding,
rattling or other noise.
(3) The use of a mechanical device operated by compressed air, steam or
otherwise, unless the noise created thereby is effectively muffled.
(4) The construction, including excavation, demolition, alteration or repair, of a
building other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., except upon
special permit granted by the City.
(5) Operating or permitting the use or operation of any device designed for sound
production, amplification, or reproduction, including but not limited to a radio,
drums and other musical instruments, phonograph, tape recorder, television
set, loud speaker or other similar device so loudly as to disturb persons or
normal sensitivities in the vicinity thereof.
5.515 Discharge of Weapons.
No person within the city limits other than a police officer in the line of duty shall discharge a
firearm, blowgun, bow and arrow, crossbow, BB gun, explosive device, or any other weapon
which propels a projectile by use of gunpowder or other explosive or jet or rocket propulsion.
The City Council may approve certain areas as firing ranges, and these areas shall be exempt
from this section. Also exempt from the application of this section are (1) a person discharging
a firearm in the lawful defense of person or property and (2) a person discharging a firearm in
order to butcher domestic livestock for personal consumption if the discharge will not
endanger persons or property.
5.520 Violating Privacy Of Another.
Except as otherwise allowed by this Code, no person other than a police officer performing a
lawful duty shall enter upon land or into a building used in whole or in part as a dwelling
without permission of the owner or person entitled to possession thereof and while so
trespassing look through or attempt to look through a window, door or transom of the
dwelling or that part of the building used as a dwelling with the intent to violate the privacy of
any other person.
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5.525 Release of Child Confined in Vehicle.
It shall be lawful and the duty of any police officer or peace officer of the City, state, or county
finding a child confined, locked, or left unattended in violation of the terms of Oregon Revised
Statutes 163.545, to enter the vehicle and remove the child. The officer, may, if necessary,
break the doors, windows, or locks of the vehicle.
5.530 Place of Amusement.
(1) No person shall employ a person under eighteen (18) years of age in or about a
cardroom, poolroom, billiard parlor or dance hall, unless the establishment is a
“recreational facility” as defined in subsection (4) of this section.
(2) No person under eighteen (18) years of age shall enter, visit or loiter in or about
a public cardroom, poolroom or billiard parlor.
(3) No person operating or assisting in the operation of a public cardroom,
poolroom, billiard parlor or public place of amusement shall permit a person
under eighteen (18) years of age to engage therein in any game of cards,
pool, billiards, dice, darts, pinball, games of like character, or games of
chance, either for amusement or otherwise.
(4) This section shall not apply to the playing of billiards or pool in a recreational
facility. As used in this section, a “recreational facility” means an area,
enclosure or room in which facilities are offered to the public to play billiards
or pool for amusement only, and:
(a) Which is clean, adequately supervised, adequately lighted and
(b) In which no alcoholic liquor is sold or consumed; and
(c) Access to which does not require passing through a room where
alcoholic liquor is sold or consumed.
5.535 Poisoning of Animals.
No person shall put out or place any poison where it is reasonably possible the same may be
ingested by any horse, cattle, sheep, hog, dog or other domestic animal.
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5.540 Police and Fire Communications.
No person shall operate any generator or electromagnetic wave or cause a disturbance of such
magnitude as to interfere with the proper functioning of any police or fire department radio
communication system.
5.550 Obstruction of Building Entrances.
No person shall obstruct any entrance to any building or any stairway or hall leading to any
5.555 Open Cellar Doors or Grates.
No owner or person in charge of property shall permit a cellar door or grate located in or upon
a sidewalk or public pathway to remain open except when such entrance is being used and,
when being used, there are adequate safeguards for pedestrians using the sidewalk.
5.560 Obstruction of Fire Hydrants.
No owner of property adjacent to a street upon which is located a fire hydrant shall place or
maintain within eight (8) feet of such fire hydrant any bush, shrub or tree or other obstruction.
5.565 Vending Goods on Streets or Sidewalks.
No person shall use or occupy any portion of a street or sidewalk for the purpose of vending
goods, wares or merchandise by public outcry or otherwise, unless a license has first been
5.570 Begging. (REPEALED Ord No. 679, October 2021)
No person shall physically accost another person for the purpose of begging or soliciting alms upon the
streets or in any public place.
5.575 Lodging.
No person shall lodge in a car, outbuilding or other place not intended for that purpose
without permission of the owner or person entitled to the possession thereof.
5.580 Posted Notices.
No person shall affix a placard, bill or poster upon personal or real property, private or public,
with-out first obtaining permission from the owner thereof or from the proper public
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5.585 Hauling.
No person shall haul sand, gravel, rock, wood or other substance in any vehicle or conveyance
that is so constructed or in such condition as to allow the sand, gravel, rock, wood or other
substance to fall on and litter the public streets of the City.
5.590 Curfew.
(1) No minor under the age of eighteen (18) years shall be in or upon any street,
highway, park, alley or other public place between the hours of 12:00 midnight
and 4:00 a.m. of the following morning, unless:
(a) Such minor is accompanied by a parent, guardian or other person
eighteen (18) years of age or over and authorized by the parent or by
law to have care and custody of said minor; or
(b) Such minor is then engaged in a lawful pursuit or activity which requires
the presence of the minor in such public places during the hours
specified in this section; or
(c) The minor is emancipated pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes
419B.550 to 419B.558.
(2) No parent, guardian or person having the care and custody of a minor under
the age of eighteen (18) years, shall allow such minor to be in or upon any
street, highway, park, alley or other public place between the hours specified in
subsection (1) above, except as otherwise provided in that subsection.
(3) Any minor who violates subsection (1) of this section may be taken into custody
as provided in Oregon Revised Statutes 419C.080, 419C.085 and 419C.088, and
may be subject to further proceedings as provided in Oregon Revised Statutes
chapter 419C.
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5.700 Park Rules and Regulations.
The following rules are hereby adopted for the regulation and use of municipal parks in and
for the City of Gold Beach, Oregon, and shall be observed at all times, by all persons using
any park and/or park facilities:
(1) In general, park use is on a first come, first served basis. Pavilion use is by
reservation only. A reservation to use the pavilion shall be made with the Park
Superintendent through the Administrative Office at City Hall.
(2) No fires or camp stoves shall be allowed except in the following designated areas:
(a) Park camp stoves or fireplaces provided for such purposes.
(b) Portable stoves in established picnic areas and areas specifically designated
for portable stoves.
(c) No fire shall be left unattended and every fire shall be completely
extinguished before user leaves the park area.
(3) No person, except a police officer or Park Superintendent, acting within the scope of
his or her employment, shall:
(a) Hunt, pursue, trap, kill, injure, molest or remove any bird, reptile, amphibian,
or animal from confines of any city park, nor disturb in any manner the habitat of
any bird or animal within the confinement of a city park.
(b) Discharge any firearm, pellet gun, bow and arrow, sling shot, or other
weapon or instrument capable of injuring any person, bird or animal.
Notwithstanding the forgoing, bow and arrow target practice competition may be
held without prior written permission of the City Council.
(c) Possess any loaded firearm in any park area unless authorized under Oregon
state statue (ORS 166.173).
(4) Flowers, shrubs, foliage, trees, plant life or products of any type, shall not be picked,
cut, mutilated, or removed from any park area without express written permission
from the City Council or Park Superintendent.
(5) No person except Park Superintendent or park employees, acting within the scope of
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their employment, shall mutilate, deface, damage, or remove any table, bench,
building, sign, marker, monument, fence, barrier, fountain, faucet, traffic marker, or
other structure or facility of any kind in or from the park area.
(6) No person shall, except under special written permission and regulation of the City
Council, dig up, deface, or remove any soil, stones, rocks, or other substance, making
any excavation, quarry any stone, or lay, or set off any blast, or roll any stones or
other objects, or cause or assist in doing any of the said things within any park area.
(7) No person shall, except in specifically designated area within the park, erect signs,
markers, or inscriptions of any type without permission from the City Council or Park
(8) No person in any park area may, without written permission from the City Council:
(a) Operate any type of fixed or mobile concession, or commercial enterprise.
(b) On behalf of a commercial enterprise, solicit, sell, or offer for sale, peddle,
hawk, or vend, any commercial goods, wares, merchandise, foods, liquids or other
(9) Motor vehicles, including motorcycles and motorbikes, shall be operated only on
roads, and in parking areas constructed or designated for motor vehicular use. No
motor vehicle, motor-bike or motorcycle, shall be operated on any grass or trail, or
in any part of the park area, not constructed or specifically designated for motor
vehicle use, or on any road or trail posted as closed to the public, or on any road or
trail where signs are placed and erected by authority of the City Council prohibiting
the driving of motor vehicles, including motorcycles and motorbikes. Automobiles,
trailers, and all other vehicles shall be parked only in designated parking areas.
(10) No person shall operate a motor vehicle within any park area at a speed in
excess of ten (10) miles per hour.
(11) No person shall operate or use, any noise producing machine, vehicle, device
or other instrument in such a manner that it is disturbing to other park area visitors,
except park maintenance vehicles.
(12) No dog, cat, or other animal of any kind shall be brought into or kept in a
park area unless confined in a vehicle or on a leash. The Park Superintendent and
city park employees are hereby authorized to undertake any reasonable measures,
including the removal of the animal from the park area, deemed necessary by said
park employees to prevent interference by said animal with the safety, comfort and
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well being of the park area users or the appearance and sanitary condition of the
park area. No animals, other than disability assistance animals as allowed by law
shall be allowed in any building.
(13) No person shall allow an animal to defecate in a public park, unless the
owner or custodian of such animal immediately removes and properly disposes of
the animal waste.
(14) No person shall ride, drive, lead, or keep any saddle horse, or other
domesticated animal, in the park area, except cats and dogs on a leash or confined
in a vehicle.
(15) No bottles, cans, ashes, waste paper, garage, sewage, or other rubbish,
refuse, shall be left in any park area, except in the receptacles specifically designated
for that purpose. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit any waste paper,
garbage, rubbish, or refuse that was produced from activities outside the confines of
any city park, in any waste receptacle located in a city park.
(16) No person shall set up or use a public address system in any park area
without prior written permission of the City Council.
(17) No person shall wash any clothing or other materials in any park stream or
park restroom.
(18) No overnight camping shall be allowed.
(19) No person other than law enforcement officers or authorized city personnel,
shall enter or remain in any park area during the period between one hour after
sunset and one hour after sunrise.
(20) No minor child under the age of five (5) years old shall be permitted in any
park area, unless the child is accompanied by a responsible person of at least twelve
(12) years of age.
(21) Rules and Regulations for Use of Tennis Courts.
(a) Time limit for play shall be one (1) hour if other persons are waiting to make
use of the facilities.
(b) No glass bottles or other glass containers shall be brought or kept inside any
tennis court area.
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(c) No bicycles, skates, skateboards, or other similar instruments shall be
allowed inside any tennis court area.
(d) No dogs, or other animals shall be allowed inside a tennis court area.
(e) Tennis courts within any city park are for the use of the public and no private
or public lessons shall be given where a consideration is charged for the same
without prior written permission of the City Council.
(f) Any person wishing to schedule any type of organized tennis tournament, or
other organized activity using the tennis courts, shall make application to the Park
Superintendent, at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the anticipated
activity. The Park Superintendent shall be authorized to schedule and regulate all
organized activities involving the tennis court area.
(22) Rules and Regulations for Use of Kid Castle.
a) Time limit for play shall be one (1) hour if other persons are waiting to make use
of the facilities.
b) No glass bottles or other glass containers shall be brought or kept inside any Kid
Castle area.
c) No bicycles, skates, skateboards, or other similar instruments shall be allowed
inside the Kid Castle area.
d) No dogs, or other animals shall be allowed inside the Kid Castle area.
e) Kid Castle is located within a city park and is for the use of the public. No private or
public lessons using Kid Castle shall be given where a consideration is charged for
the same without prior written permission from the City Council.
(f) Any person wishing to schedule any type of organized activity, using the Kid Castle
facilities, shall make application to the Park Superintendent, at least fourteen (14)
days prior to the date of the anticipated activity. Park Superintendent shall be
authorized to schedule and regulate all organized activities involving the Kid Castle
(g) Smoking. No smoking shall be permitted in the Kid Castle area at any time.
(h) Smokeless Tobacco. Smokeless tobacco (such as chew) and spitting shall not be
allowed in the Kid Castle area.
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(23) Alcoholic Beverages. No alcoholic beverages shall be sold or consumed in the
park without written permission from the City Council.
5.705 Application for Written Permission.
Any person required to obtain written permission from the City Council for any activity in a
city park as described in Section 5.700 of this Code shall submit a request for said
permission to the City Administrator and the City Administrator shall place said item on the
agenda of the City Council for its next regularly scheduled Council meeting.
5.710 Authorization.
The City Park Superintendent and all city park employees and city police, are hereby
authorized and directed to enforce, by all lawful means, full compliance by the public with
Section 5.700 of this Code.
5.715 Penalty.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this Section 5.700 of this Code shall, upon
conviction thereof in the municipal court of the City of Gold Beach may be punished by a
maximum fine as set by resolution of the City Council. In addition to the above penalties,
the court may also impose any fees, penalties, or assessments provided for by state law, and
may order the offender to pay restitution where appropriate.
5.720 Separate Violations.
Each violation of a provision of this Parks Code shall constitute an individual and separate
Section 2. The following ordinances and all ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby
1. Ordinance 560.
The following ordinances were previously repealed and incorporated into this Code:
1. Ordinance No. 156
2. Ordinance No. 161
3. Ordinance No. 271
4. Ordinance No. 331
5. Ordinance No. 332
6. Ordinance No. 335
7. Ordinance No. 338
8. Ordinance No. 351
9. Ordinance No. 355
10. Ordinance No. 367
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11. Ordinance No. 378
12. Ordinance No. 391
13. Ordinance No. 409
14. Ordinance No. 412
15. Ordinance No. 417
16. Ordinance No. 419
17. Ordinance No. 434
18. Ordinance No. 473
19. Ordinance No. 485
20. Ordinance No. 531
21. Ordinance No. 551
22. Ordinance No. 554
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Gold Beach Traffic Code adopted as Ordinance No. 630
Amended by Ord No. 678 adopted October 2021 – Page 1
6.000 Code Provisions as Law
6.010 General Savings Provision
6.020 Continuity of Existing Provisions
6.030 Interpretation of Term “City Administrator”
6.040 Severability
6.050 Applicability of State Traffic Laws
6.060 Definitions
6.100 Powers of the Council
6.110 Duties of the City Administrator
6.120 Public Danger
6.130 Standards
6.140 Authority of Police and Fire Officers
6.150 Gold Beach Traffic Commission Membership
6.160 Traffic Commission Quorum and Rules
6.170 Traffic Commission Powers and Duties
6.180 Traffic Commission Reports
6.190 Traffic Commission Compensation
General Regulations
6.200 Crossing Private Property
6.210 Unlawful Riding
6.220 Skateboards and Sleds on Streets
6.230 Damaging Sidewalks and Curbs
6.240 Removing Glass and Debris
6.250 Unlawful transfer of property on street (this section added Ord No. 678)
Parking Regulations
6.300 Method of Parking
6.310 Prohibited Parking or Standing
6.320 Storage of Motor Vehicles on Streets
6.330 Use of Loading Zone
6.340 Unattended Vehicles
6.350 Standing or Parking of Buses and Taxicabs
6.360 Restricted Use of Bus and Taxicab Stands
6.370 Extension of Parking Time
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6.380 Exemption
6.400 Bicycle Operating Rules
6.410 Impounding of Bicycles
6.500 Pedestrians Must Use Crosswalks
6.510 Right Angles
Funeral Processions
6.600 Funeral Processions
Parking Citations and Owner Responsibility
6.700 Citation on Illegally Parked Vehicle
6.710 Failure to Comply with Parking Citation
6.720 Owner Responsibility
6.730 Registered Owner Presumption
Impoundment and Abandoned Vehicles
6.800 Impoundment of Vehicles
6.810 Abandoned Vehicles
6.900 Penalties
6.000 Code Provisions as Law.
The provisions of this Code are the laws of the City of Gold Beach and not merely prima
facie evidence of the law.
6.010 General Savings Provision.
This Code shall not affect rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred and
proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this Code.
6.020 Continuity of Existing Provisions.
The provisions of this Code that are the same in substance as code or ordinance provisions
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that are in effect immediately before this Code becomes effective are construed as restatements
and continuations of the prior provisions.
6.030 Interpretation of Term “City Administrator”.
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, any time this Code indicates that an
action is to be performed by the City Administrator, that action may be performed either by the
City Administrator or by the City Administrator’s designee. Designation of a designee of the City
Administrator may be made informally.
6.040 Severability.
The sections, subsections, paragraphs, provisions, clauses, phrases, and words of this Code
are severable. If a section, subsection, paragraph, provision, clause, phrase, or word of this Code is
declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, the judgment shall
not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Code. Every other section, subsection,
paragraph, provision, clause, phrase or word of this Code enacted, irrespective of the enactment
or validity of the portion declared unconstitutional or invalid, is valid.
6.050 Applicability of State Traffic Laws.
The following provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes, as the same appear as of the date of
the adoption of this ordinance, are hereby adopted by reference and made part of this ordinance:
Chapters 153, 801, 802, 803, 805, 806, 807, 809, 810, 811, 813, 814, 815, 816, 818, 819,
820, 821, 822 and 825, ORS 221.333 and ORS 476.715
A violation of any of the above enumerated chapters or sections shall be considered
offenses against the City of Gold Beach when committed within its boundaries. Insofar as any of
said chapters or sections above set forth conflict with any provisions of the city charter, or of any
other code or ordinance of the City, then the charter, code or other ordinance shall take
precedence, and shall be in full force and effect.
6.060 Definitions.
In addition to the definitions contained in ORS Chapters 153 and 801 to 822, the following
words and phrases, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning, shall mean:
(1) “Bus stop.” A space on the edge of a roadway designated by sign for use by buses
loading or unloading passengers.
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(2) “Funeral procession.” The procession attending the burial of a deceased human.
(3) “Loading zone.” A space on the edge of a roadway designated by sign for the
purpose of loading or unloading passengers or materials during specified hours of specified days.
(4) “Motor vehicle.” Every vehicle that is self-propelled, including tractors, fork-lift
trucks, motorcycles, road building equipment, street cleaning equipment and any other vehicle
capable of moving under its own power, notwithstanding that the vehicle may be exempt from
licensing under the motor vehicle laws of Oregon.
(5) “Person.A natural person, firm, partnership, association or corporation.
(6) “Street.” The terms “highway,” “road” and “street” when used in this Code or in
the portions of state law adopted by section 6.100 shall be considered to be synonymous unless
the context clearly indicates otherwise. Street” includes alleys, sidewalks and parking areas
owned and maintained by the City.
(7) “Taxicab stand.” A space on the edge of a roadway designated by sign for use by
(8) “Traffic lane.” That area of the roadway used for the movement of a single line of
6.100 Powers of the Council.
(1) Subject to state laws, the City Council shall exercise all municipal traffic authority
for the City except those powers specifically and expressly delegated herein or by another
(2) The powers of the City Council shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) Designation of through streets.
(b) Designation of one-way streets.
(c) Designation of crosswalks, safety zones and traffic lanes.
(d) Intersection channelization and designation of areas where drivers of
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vehicles shall not make right, left or U-turns, and the times when such prohibitions apply.
(e) Designation of truck routes.
(f) Designation of parking zones and time limitations, including the form of
permissible parking and any fees charged therefore.
(g) Restriction of the use of certain streets by any class or kind of vehicle to
protect the streets from damage.
(h) Authorization of greater maximum weights or lengths for vehicles using City
streets than specified by state law and consistent with the provisions of ORS 810.060.
(i) Initiation of proceedings to change speed zones.
(j) Revision of speed limits in parks.
6.110 Duties of the City Administrator. The City Administrator shall implement the
ordinances, resolutions and motions of the council and his or her own decisions by installing traffic
control devices. Such installations shall be based on the standards contained in the Oregon
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways.
6.120 Public Danger. Under conditions constituting a danger to the public, the city police
chief or the chief’s designee may install temporary traffic control devices deemed by the chief to
be necessary.
6.130 Standards. The administrative actions of the City Administrator shall be based
(1) Traffic engineering principles and traffic investigations.
(2) Standards, limitations and rules promulgated by the Oregon Transportation
(3) Other recognized traffic control standards.
6.140 Authority of Police and Fire Officers.
(1) It shall be the duty of police officers to enforce the provisions of this Code.
(2) In the event of a fire or other public emergency, officers of the police and fire
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department may direct traffic as conditions require, notwithstanding the provisions of this Code.
6.150 Gold Beach Traffic Commission Membership.
(1) There is established a Gold Beach Traffic Safety Commission which shall consist
of a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of seven (7) voting members and non-voting ex officio
members that may include the City Administrator, Superintendent of Public Works, Chief of
Police, Fire Chief, Superintendent of Schools, and representatives from Oregon State Highway
Department and Curry County. The voting members shall consist of one (1) member from the
City Council, who shall serve as chairperson, with the remaining members appointed from the
community at large; all of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to Council approval.
The voting members shall elect a Secretary, for the Commission, from its body.
(2) Term and Vacancies. The term of the voting members shall be four (4) years,
expiring on December 31 of the fourth year. Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment
pursuant to Article IV, Section 18 of the City Charter of 1986 and Council Rules in effect at the
time of the appointment. The newly filled position will continue for the unexpired portion of
the term.
6.160 Traffic Commission Quorum and Rules.
The majority of the commission present, shall constitute a quorum. The Commission
may make rules and regulations for its government and procedure, consistent with the laws of
the state and the City Charter and Ordinances, and shall meet at least once every ninety (90)
6.170 Traffic Commission Powers and Duties.
The powers and duties of the Traffic Commission shall be as follows:
(1) To develop and recommend coordinated traffic safety programs;
(2) To recommend traffic safety priorities for the City;
(3) To review and recommend project applications for funding;
(4) To serve in a liaison capacity between the City and Oregon Traffic Safety
Commission in developing the statewide highway safety program and in meeting the National
Highway Safety Program Standards;
(5) To act in an advisory capacity to the Gold Beach City Council and the City
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Administrator in the implementation of official traffic safety activities;
(6) To provide research and information to official agencies of the City;
(7) To promote public acceptance of official City traffic programs;
(8) To foster public knowledge and support of traffic law enforcement and traffic
engineering problems and needs; and
(9) To cooperate with the public and private school systems in promoting traffic
safety education programs.
6.180 Traffic Commission Reports.
The Traffic Commission shall submit copies of its minutes to the City Council and shall
make reports as may be requested of them by the City Council.
6.190 Traffic Commission Compensation.
Members of the Traffic Commission shall receive no compensation for services
General Regulations
6.200 Crossing Private Property.
No operator of a vehicle shall proceed from one street to an intersecting street by crossing
private property. This provision shall not apply to the operator of a vehicle who stops on the
property for the purpose of procuring or providing goods or services or other business purposes.
6.210 Unlawful Riding.
(1) No operator shall permit a passenger and no passenger shall ride on a vehicle upon
a street except on a portion of the vehicle designed or intended for the use of passengers. This
provision shall not apply to an employee engaged in the necessary discharge of a duty, or to a
person riding within a truck body in space intended for merchandise, provided all available safety
belts are in use.
(2) No person shall board or alight from a vehicle while the vehicle is in motion upon a
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6.220 Skateboards and Sleds on Streets. No person shall use the streets for traveling on
skateboards, skis, toboggans, sleds or similar devices, except where authorized.
6.230 Damaging Sidewalks and Curbs.
(1) The operator of a motor vehicle shall not drive upon a sidewalk or roadside
planting strip except to cross at a permanent or temporary driveway.
(2) No unauthorized person shall place dirt, wood or other material in the gutter or
space next to the curb of a street with the intention of using it as a driveway.
(3) No person shall remove a portion of a curb, a portion of a roadway, or move a
motor vehicle or a device moved by a motor vehicle upon a curb or sidewalk without first
obtaining authorization from the City Administrator and posting a bond, if required in the
discretion of the City Administrator. No person shall paint any curb any color without express
authorization of the council. Any person who causes any damage to curbs or roadways shall be
responsible for the cost of said repair.
6.240 Removing Glass and Debris. A party to a vehicle accident or a person causing
broken glass or other debris to be upon a street shall remove the glass and other debris from the
street, except where authorized tow company personnel on scene are authorized and/or directed
by their company policy to effect such cleanup.
6.250 Unlawful transfer of property on street. (this section added Ord No. 678)
A. A person commits the offense of unlawful transfer on a street if the person:
(1) While a driver or passenger in a vehicle on a highway, road or street within the
boundaries of the city, creates a traffic hazard by giving or relinquishing
possession or control of, or allows another person in the vehicle to give or
relinquish possession or control of, any money or tangible personal property to a
pedestrian; or
(2) While a pedestrian, creates a traffic hazard by accepting, receiving, or retaining
possession or control of any money or tangible personal property from a driver or
passenger in a vehicle on a highway, road, or street within the boundaries of the
B. This section does not apply:
(1) If the vehicle is legally parked;
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(2) To law enforcement officers acting in their official capacities; or
(3) If the pedestrian is participating in a “pedestrian activity,” as defined by OAR
Chapter 734, Division 58, for which a permit has been issued by the Oregon
Department of Transportation, so long as all terms of such permit are being met.
Parking Regulations
6.300 Method of Parking.
(1) Where parking space markings are placed on a street, no person shall stand or park
a vehicle other than in the indicated direction and, unless the size or shape of the vehicle makes
compliance impossible, within a single marked space.
(2) The operator who first begins maneuvering a motor vehicle into a vacant parking
space on a street shall have priority to park in that space, and no other vehicle operator shall
attempt to interfere.
(3) Whenever the operator of a vehicle discovers that the vehicle is parked close to a
building to which the fire department has been summoned, the operator shall immediately
remove the vehicle from the area unless otherwise directed by police or fire officers.
6.310 Prohibited Parking or Standing. In addition to complying with the motor vehicle
laws of the State of Oregon prohibiting parking,
(1) No person shall park or stand:
(a) A vehicle where it poses a traffic hazard because it impairs the view of a
public thoroughfare or otherwise makes use of the thoroughfare hazardous, impairs the
view of street signs, or in the opinion of the City Chief of Police is a traffic hazard based on
sound principles of traffic management.
(b) A vehicle in an alley other than for the expeditious loading or unloading of
persons or materials and in no case for a period in excess of thirty (30) consecutive
(c) A motor truck as defined by ORS 801.355 on a street between the hours of
9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of the following day in front of or adjacent to a residence, motel,
apartment house, hotel or other sleeping accommodation.
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(d) A vehicle taller than five (5) feet in parking zones marked as restricted to
vehicles over five (5) feet in height.
(2) No operator shall park and no owner shall allow a vehicle to be parked upon a
street for the principal purpose of:
(a) Displaying the vehicle for sale.
(b) Repairing or servicing the vehicle, except repairs necessitated by an
(c) Displaying advertising from the vehicle.
(d) Selling merchandise from the vehicle, except when authorized.
(3) No operator shall park and no owner shall allow a vehicle to be parked upon
private property or premises opened to the public without the permission of the owner or
occupier of the premises. The positioning of a vehicle or other personal property for a period of
over 24 hours on private property or premises opened to the public, without permission of the
owner or occupier, shall constitute prima facie evidence that the vehicle is parked in a prohibited
6.320 Storage of Motor Vehicles on Streets. No person shall store or permit to be stored
on a street or other public property, without permission of the City Administrator, a motor vehicle
or personal property for a period in excess of 24 hours. Failure to move a motor vehicle or other
personal property for a period of 24 hours shall constitute prima facie evidence of storage of a
motor vehicle.
6.330 Use of Loading Zone. No person shall stand or park a vehicle for any purpose or
length of time, other than for the expeditious loading or unloading of persons or materials, in a
place designated as a loading zone when the hours applicable to that loading zone are in effect. In
no case, when the hours applicable to the loading zone are in effect, shall the stop for loading and
unloading of materials exceed the time limits posted. If no time limits are posted, then the use of
the zone shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes.
6.340 Unattended Vehicles. Whenever a police officer finds a motor vehicle parked
unattended with the ignition key in the vehicle, the police officer is authorized to remove the key
from the vehicle and deliver the key to the person in charge of the police station.
6.350 Standing or Parking of Buses and Taxicabs. The operator of a bus or taxicab shall
not stand or park the vehicle upon a street in a business stand, or park the vehicle upon a street in
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a business district at a place other than a bus stop or taxicab stand, respectively; except that this
provision shall not prevent the operator of a taxicab from temporarily stopping his vehicle outside
a traffic lane while loading or unloading passengers.
6.360 Restricted Use of Bus and Taxicab Stands. No person shall stand or park a vehicle
other than a taxicab in a taxicab stand, or a bus in a bus stop; except that the operator of a
passenger vehicle may temporarily stop for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading
or unloading passengers, when stopping does not interfere with a bus or taxicab waiting to enter
or about to enter the restricted space.
6.370 Extension of Parking Time. Where maximum parking time limits are designated,
movement of a vehicle within a block shall not extend the time limits for parking.
6.380 Exemption. The provisions of this Code regulating the parking or standing of
vehicles shall not apply to a vehicle of the city, county, state or of a public utility while necessarily
in use for construction or repair work on a street, or a vehicle owned by the United States while in
use for the collection, transportation or delivery of mail.
6.400 Bicycle Operating Rules. In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of
this Code and state law pertaining to bicycles, a person shall:
(1) Not leave a bicycle, except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, the person shall
leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance. A
person shall not leave a bicycle in violation of the provisions relating to the parking of motor
(2) Not ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk.
6.410 Impounding of Bicycles.
(1) No person shall leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of
the person in charge or the owner thereof.
(2) A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of 24 hours may be
impounded by the police department.
(3) In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this ordinance may
be immediately impounded by the police department.
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(4) If a bicycle impounded under this ordinance is licensed, or other means of
determining its ownership exist, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner. No
impounding fee shall be charged to the owner of a stolen bicycle which has been impounded.
(5) A bicycle impounded under this Code which remains unclaimed shall be disposed of
in accordance with the City’s procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property.
(6) Except as provided in Subsection (4), a fee of $5.00 shall be charged to the owner
of a bicycle impounded under this section.
6.500 Pedestrians Must Use Crosswalks. No pedestrian shall cross a street other than
within a crosswalk in blocks with marked crosswalks or if within 150 feet of a marked crosswalk.
6.510 Right Angles. A pedestrian shall cross a street at a right angle unless crossing within
a crosswalk.
Funeral Processions
6.600 Funeral Processions.
(1) A funeral procession shall proceed to the place of interment by the most direct
route which is both legal and practicable.
(2) The procession shall be accompanied by adequate escort vehicles for traffic control
(3) All motor vehicles in the procession shall be operated with their lights turned on.
(4) No person shall unreasonably interfere with a funeral procession.
(5) No person shall operate a vehicle that is not a part of the procession between the
vehicles of a funeral procession.
Parking Citations and Owner Responsibility
6.700 Citation on Illegally Parked Vehicle. Whenever a vehicle without an operator is
found parked in violation of a restriction imposed by this Code, the officer finding the vehicle shall
take its license number, and any other information displayed on the vehicle which may identify its
owner, and shall conspicuously affix to the vehicle a parking citation for the operator to answer to
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the charge against him or pay the penalty imposed within five (5) days during the hours and at a
place specified in the citation.
6.710 Failure to Comply with Parking Citation. If the operator does not respond to a
parking citation affixed to a vehicle within a period of five (5) days, vehicle will be considered to be
6.720 Owner Responsibility. The legal owner of a motor vehicle, as shown on the records
of the Oregon Department of Motor vehicles at the time of a violation of the laws governing
parking of a vehicle, shall be responsible for the offense, except when the use of the vehicle was
secured by the operator without the owner’s consent, or if a transfer of title has occurred but the
transfer has not yet been recorded at the time of the violation. In the later instance, the new
owner shall be responsible for payment of the parking violation. The name and address of the
new owner is to be supplied in writing to the Gold Beach Police Department and verified by the
Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles.
6.730 Registered Owner Presumption. In a prosecution of a vehicle owner charging a
violation of a restriction on parking, proof that the vehicle at the time of the violation was
registered to the defendant shall constitute a presumption that the defendant was then the owner
in fact.
Impoundment and Abandoned Vehicles
6.800 Impoundment of Vehicles.
(1) Whenever a vehicle is placed in a manner or location that constitutes an
obstruction to traffic or a hazard to public safety, a police officer shall order the owner or operator
of the vehicle to remove it. If the vehicle is unattended, the officer may cause the vehicle to be
towed and stored at the owner’s expense. The owner shall be liable for the costs of towing and
storing, notwithstanding that the vehicle was parked by another or that the vehicle was initially
parked in a safe manner but subsequently became an obstruction or hazard. Vehicles may also be
impounded as a result of traffic crimes and violations as described in Oregon Vehicle Code.
(2) The disposition of a vehicle towed and stored under authority of this section shall
be in accordance with the provisions of this Code relating to impoundment and disposition of
abandoned vehicles.
(3) The impoundment of a vehicle will not preclude the issuance of a citation for
violation of a provision of this Code.
(4) Stolen vehicles may be towed from public or private property and stored at the
expense of the vehicle owner.
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(5) Whenever a police officer observes a vehicle parked in violation of a provision of
this Code, if the vehicle has four (4) or more unpaid parking violations outstanding against it, the
officer may, in addition to issuing a citation, cause the vehicle to be impounded. A vehicle so
impounded shall not be released until all outstanding fines and charges have been paid. Vehicles
impounded under authority of this subsection shall be disposed of in the same manner as is
provided in Subsection (2) of this section.
6.810 Abandoned Vehicles. Abandoned and disabled vehicles shall be governed,
impounded and disposed of as provided in ORS 819.100 to 819.260. The Gold Beach Police
Department shall be the authority to act on behalf of the City in accord with ORS 819.140.
6.900 Penalties.
(1) Penalties for violations of provisions of state law shall be those penalties provided
by state law.
(2) Violation of Sections 6.200 through 6.240 and Section 6.320 is punishable by fine
not to exceed $100.00.
(3) Violation of Sections 6.300, 6.310 and 6.330 through 6.370 is punishable by fine not
to exceed $50.00.
(4) Violation of Section 6.400 is punishable by a time not to exceed $50.00.
(5) In addition to the above penalties, the court may also impose a unitary
assessment as provided by ORS 137.290 and may order the offender to pay restitution.
(6) The maximum penalties prescribed by this section may be revised from time to
time by resolution of the Gold Beach City Council.
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