Guideline for issuing a residential water rate notice
outside South East Queensland
Version 2.00 1 November 2020
This publication has been compiled by the Urban Water Supply Planning team in the Department of Natural Resources, Mines
and Energy.
© State of Queensland, 2020
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The Queensland Government is committed to providing accessible services to Queenslanders from all culturally and
linguistically diverse backgrounds. If you have difficulty in understanding this document, you can contact us within Australia on
13QGOV (13 74 68) and we will arrange an interpreter to effectively communicate the report to you.
Deputy Director General, Natural Resources
Linda Dobe
Version history
Original guideline
This version provides clarification of administrative details to be
provided to customers (differentiation between volumetric and
service charges and customer enquiry details), and includes
examples of waterwise materials and messages.
Table of contents
1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2 How this guideline applies to you .............................................................................................. 5
2.1 Who it applies to ............................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 When it applies ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 How to use this guideline ............................................................................................................... 6
3 Requirements for water rate notices .......................................................................................... 7
3.1 Frequency of issue ......................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Information that must be included .................................................................................................. 7
3.3 Additional information that should be included............................................................................... 9
3.3.1 Water restrictions ............................................................................................................ 9
3.3.2 Messaging on efficient water use .................................................................................... 9
3.3.3 Trigger messaging ........................................................................................................ 10
4 Glossary ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Appendix 1: An example of a water rate notice ............................................................................... 13
Appendix 2: Examples of additional information ........................................................................... 14
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1 Purpose
This guideline aims to ensure customers receive consistent and relevant information in a water rate
notice for the supply of water to residential premises outside of South East Queensland (SEQ) (where
the water supply is measured and charged for by the water service provider or related local
government). This guideline also aims to encourage customers to better monitor their water use and
promote efficient water use. It does this by providing comparative data to customers about their water
consumption at a household and against the broader community in an accessible format.
For the purposes of this guideline, a water rate notice is an invoice, rate notice or account notice
issued by a registered service provider or related local government to a customer for the supply of
water to a residential premises, or a utility charge for a water service issued under the Local
Government Act 2009.
This guideline specifies what information is required to be included in a water rate notice for the
supply of water to residential premises outside SEQ
. It includes:
the frequency at which a water rate notice must be issued for the supply of water to
residential premises
types of information that must be included
additional information to promote efficient water use, that should be included
examples of additional information.
This guideline has been prepared consistent with the National Guidelines for Residential Customers
Water Accounts 2006 (the National Guidelines), which were developed as part of the Delivery Pricing
and Demand Management actions under the National Water Initiative
. The requirements for issuing
an account for a water rate notice by a SEQ water service provider were also considered when
preparing this guideline
2 How this guideline applies to you
This guideline replaces the ‘Guidelines for issuing a rate notice or account for the supply of water to
residential premises: For water service providers outside South East Queensland dated June 2015.
No substantial changes have been made to the requirements for issuing a water rate notice. This
guideline (compared to the previous version) clarifies administrative details that are to be provided in
a water rate notice (refer to section 2.2). This guideline also gives additional examples of material and
messages that water providers can use in a water rate notice to encourage efficient water use (refer
to section 2.3 and Appendix 2).
2.1 Who it applies to
A related local government or water service provider (water provider) outside the SEQ region who
provides a retail water service to residential premises and where the supply of water is measured and
charged by the water provider must comply with this guideline (required under section 138 of the
Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008). A water provider must comply with this guideline,
despite the requirements for levying rates under the Local Government Act 2009.
The regulator has made these guidelines as allowed for under section 138 of the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability)
Act 2008 accessible at
The National Guidelines can be accessed at
The requirements for issuing a water account in SEQ are stated in section 99AV of the South East Queensland Water
(Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009.
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This guideline does not apply to water supplied to common property under the Body Corporate and
Community Management Act 1997 or the Building Units and Group Titles Act 1980.
This guideline does not place requirements on a water provider for issuing a water rate notice to non-
residential customers. However a water rate notice can be issued to non-residential customers in the
same format, as long as this is consistent with customer service standards.
Water providers to whom this guideline does not apply may find the content of this guideline useful
and may apply all or part of the guideline at their discretion, consistent with their customer service
standards and business needs.
South East Queensland water service providers
A SEQ service provider
must issue an account for water services and wastewater services in
accordance with the South East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009
and the South East Queensland Customer Water and Wastewater Code, 2017. The South East
Queensland Customer Water and Wastewater Code states that if the water service provider is a
withdrawn SEQ council
, accounts for water services will be in the form of a rate notice.
This guideline does not impose any additional requirements on a SEQ water service provider
(including withdrawn councils). However this guideline does provide examples for how additional
information could be provided in a water rate notice by a SEQ water provider, such as information
relating to water restrictions and efficient water use (refer to section 2.3 and Appendix 2).
2.2 When it applies
The date at which a water provider is required to comply with this guideline depends on the date the
water provider was registered as a service provider:
a water provider that was registered by 1 November 2020must continue to comply with the
previous version until 1 November 2021, at which time must comply with this guideline
a water provider registered after 1 November 2020must comply by 1 November 2021 or
within a year of being registered, whichever is the greater.
2.3 How to use this guideline
To assist water providers to understand their compliance obligations with respect to the requirements
of these guidelines, the following is provided:
The word ‘must’ indicates it is required to be complied with (in accordance the Water Supply
(Safety and Reliability) Act 2008).
The word ‘should’ indicates a recommended course of action.
The Glossary (section 4) provides further definitions of key terms used throughout this guideline.
Under the South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009, a SEQ water service
provider is defined as a distributor-retailor; and either a withdrawn council (Gold Coast City Council, Logan City Council
or Redland City Council) or a corporate entity established by a withdrawn council.
Matters that are required to be stated in any account from a SEQ water service provider to a customer for water and
wastewater services are stated in section 99AV of the South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail
Restructuring) Act 2009.
Under the South-East Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009, a withdrawn council is the
Gold Coast City Council, the Logan City Council or the Redland City Council.
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3 Requirements for water rate notices
Water rate notices can be sent to a physical property or to an electronic address (e.g. email address).
A water rate notice must be issued to the owner of the premises upon which the water was used (i.e.
the property owner), unless the owner of the premises has made a written request for water rate
notices to be sent to another nominated person (such as a real estate agent).
Water rate notices also must comply with the process for billing, metering and accounting stated in a
water provider’s customer service standards (CSS). These processes for billing, metering and
accounting may vary across water providers. A water provider should not issue a water rate notice
that is based on estimated water usage to a customer for two or more consecutive billing periods.
3.1 Frequency of issue
Regular issuing of water rate notices is important for residents to receive timely data and better
manage their water use. The minimum frequency for the issue of a water rate notice that a water
provider must comply with is presented in Table 1. However, where possible, a water provider should
issue water rate notices on a quarterly basis (even if this means levying the water utility charge
separately to other charges).
Table 1 - Minimum frequency of issue of water rate notice
Size of water provider
(number of connections)
Minimum frequency
Small (less than 1,000)
Medium (1,000 to 25,000)
Large (more than 25,000)
3.2 Information that must be included
A rate notice for the supply of water to residential premises located outside SEQ, issued by a water
provider must include the types of information described in Table 2 for each billing period. An example
of a water rate notice that satisfies these requirements is provided in Appendix 1.
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Table 2 - The type of information that must be included in a water rate notice
Required information
Details that must be included on a water rate notice
Type of form
Rate notice to owner (or other preferred term used by the water provider)
Customer’s billing details
Customer’s name and billing address
Property details
Property address where water services were provided
Billing period for water
Dates that the billing period for the supply of water commenced and
concluded, to which the water rate notice applies
Days in period
Number of days in billing period
Meter readings
For properties where the meter has been readcurrent and previous meter
For properties where meters have not been read directly by the water
service provider for that billing periodprevious meter reading and an
estimate of what the meter would read, a description of the method of
estimation of the meter reading and the anticipated date of the next actual
meter reading.
Total water consumption
Total volume of water supplied, in kilolitres (1 kilolitre = 1000 litres)
Details of how to contact the water provider for billing enquiries
The charge
The total charges for the water service including a differentiation between:
the charge for being provided with the service (the fixed access charge)
the volumetric charge for water provided
Payment details
Details of the methods for paying the water rate notice and a clear due date
for payment
Details of any concessions, discounts or rebates applied in working out the
amount charged under the water rate notice
Any interest to be charged for late payment of the water rate notice
Daily average household
Average daily water supplied during the billing period for the household in
litres per day (calculated by dividing the total water consumption for the
billing period by the number of days in the billing period)
Comparative data
For small water service providerspictorial (e.g. graphical) and numerical
information of average or median daily water consumption for the billing
period for the household presented in litres per day compared to:
the previous billing period
the same billing period in the previous year.
For medium and large water service providerspictorial (e.g. graphical)
and numerical information of average or median daily consumption for the
billing period for the household, presented in litres per day, compared to:
the previous billing period
the same billing period in the previous year
the average or median use for all residential customers (households) in
the local area for the current billing period, based on postcode, suburb or
a similar basis.
This is a requirement to be in a water rate notice for a unit that is on a premises that has more than one sole-
occupancy unit (under section 140 of the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008).
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3.3 Additional information that should be included
As well as providing comparative data to assist customers to monitor their water use, a water rate
notice is a good avenue for delivering additional information such as relevant water restriction details,
and water saving messages and tips to assist customers to be more water efficient. Water providers
can also include information on concessions that customers may be eligible for, managing
infrastructure on the property, or advice about the water provider’s policies (e.g. hardship policy, or
concealed leaks policy).
Additional information provided to customers can be tailored to focus on particular issues faced by a
location and can vary between bills.
3.3.1 Water restrictions
Information on any currently applicable water restrictions should be provided, including the level of the
restriction, the water use target and key elements of the restrictions.
For water supply schemes that rely on surface water storages (such as a dams or weirs), information
could be provided about the level of water stored as a percent (%) of the full storage level. This can
help educate the community on their water supply source and encourage efficient water use.
3.3.2 Messaging on efficient water use
Residential water rate notices provide a good opportunity for water providers to educate customers
about efficient household use of water (i.e. waterwise behaviours). One or more of the messages on
efficient water use provided in Table 3 should be included on each water rate notice. See Appendix 2
for examples of typical messages about efficient water use and Waterwise Queensland materials that
may be included.
Table 3 - Examples of messages on efficient water use that could be included in a water rate
Message on efficient
water use
How to be more water
the importance of checking for and repairing leaks
kitchen water saving tips, e.g. using the kitchen plug instead of running
bathroom water saving tips, e.g. taking shorter showers
laundry water saving tips, e.g. using the washing machine less by only
doing full loads
outdoor water saving tips, e.g. use a broom to sweep outside, not the
hose; wash your car with a trigger hose or bucket and wash it on the
lawn; install a rainwater tank; top up pools with rainwater and use a
pool cover
the benefits of greywater use in gardens (subject to local government
requirements for greywater use).
Water efficient
mulch to reduce water lost to evaporation
tips on how to choose plants suited to the local climate and soil type,
and how to choose drought tolerant species
the potential to reduce evaporation and protect plants by including
shaded areas and wind-breaks in gardens.
Initiatives to manage
water consumption
information on available programs that help customers save waterfor
example, council rebate schemes
how to read a water meter to monitor water consumption
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3.3.3 Trigger messaging
Trigger messages’ could be used in a water rate notice for customers with relatively high water use.
Trigger messages are targeted messages that can be included in a water rate notice when prompted
by water use observations such as marked changes in water use in a premises over time, or across
similar premises in a local area or suburb.
Example trigger messages include:
for customers whose water consumption is twice the average for that suburb, a message on
water efficient gardening could be automatically displayed on the water rate notice
encouraging watering outside of the middle of the day
for customers whose water consumption is twice the amount for the corresponding period in
the previous year, a leak detection message could be displayed urging the resident to check
their property for leaking taps and pipes.
Tailored messaging could also be triggered for a water account when entering a typically high water
use period (e.g. summer), when water levels have reached a particular low level, or when a water rate
notice is issued to a new customer.
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4 Glossary
Annually means once during the 12 month period.
Billing period
The period during which the water provider measures the volume of water supplied to the
customer’s premises for the purpose of charging for the water.
Customer service standards (CSS)
A standard prepared and published by a service provider for the supply of its registered
service under section 115 of the Water Supply (Safety & Reliability) Act 2008
Greywater is wastewater generated from the bath, shower, washbasin, laundry and kitchen. It
does not include water from your toilet, which is known as blackwater.
Half-yearly means at intervals of six months.
Large water service provider
A retail water service provider with more than 25,000 connections to a registered service.
Medium water service provider
A retail water service provider with more than 1000 but not more than 25,000 connections to
a registered service.
A device, including equipment related to the device, for measuring the volume of water
supplied to a place and installed on infrastructure that supplies retail water services at the
Registered water service
A water service for which the service provider is registered under chapter 2, part 3 of the
Water Supply (Safety & Reliability) Act 2008.
The chief executive of the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy.
Related local government
A local government that charges for the supply of water for a retail water service if the retail
water service is provided by a provider who is not the local government.
Residential connection
A physical connection to a residential premises that enables the supply of water.
Residential premises
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As specified under the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008,
residential premises are premises used, or intended to be used, as a place of residence or
mainly as a place of residence.
Retail water service
The reticulation of water in a service area for a water service. The term does not include an
irrigation service or a bulk water service in any area or the supply of recycled water in any
Service area
An area declared under section 161 of the Water Supply (Safety & Reliability) Act 2008 for
either or both of the following:
a retail water service to customers
a sewerage service to customers.
South East Queensland (SEQ region)
As specified under section 341(a) of the Water Act 2000 the SEQ region includes the local
government areas of Brisbane City Council, Gold Coast City Council, Ipswich City Council,
Lockyer Valley Regional Council, Logan City Council, Moreton Bay Regional Council, Noosa
Shire Council, Redland City Council, Scenic Rim Regional Council, Somerset Regional
Council and Sunshine Coast Regional Council.
Small water service provider
A retail water service provider with 1000 or less connections to a registered service.
Water rate notice
A water rate notice can be a utility charge for a water service issued under the Local
Government Act 2009, or an invoice, rate notice or account notice issued by a registered
water service provider or related local government to a customer for the supply of water to a
residential premises.
Water service
Water harvesting or collection (e.g. water storages, groundwater extraction or replenishment
and river water extraction); the transmission of water; the reticulation of water; drainage, other
than stormwater drainage; or water treatment or recycling.
Water provider (water service provider)
A person registered under chapter 2, part 3, of the Water Supply (Safety & Reliability) Act
2008 as a service provider for a water service.
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Details of methods for paying the account (e.g. direct
debit, BPAY, credit card, cheque, Post billpay)
Appendix 1: An example of a water rate notice
For billing enquiries contact: (07) 3333 1234
Water rate notice
Property location: 123 Sample Avenue,
Account summary for water usage period
29/9/20 - 30/12/20 (92 days)
Fixed access charge $300
Volumetric charge (usage @ $2.69/kL) $138.58
Meter no. ABC123
This reading 1695
Last reading 1660
Consumption (kL) 61
Estimate or actual read: Actual
Customer reference number
Bill number
Date issued
Due date
Total charge due
Total water consumption (kL)
Average daily usage
current period (litres/day)
Average daily usage
same period last year (litres/day)
Your last account
Amount billed
Amount paid
Your current account
Current charges
Total Due
Customer information
Details of concessions, discounts or rebates applied in working out the amount charged, and any
interest charged for late payment (examples below)
“We may give a concession to pensioners with a Pensioner Concession Card, or a Department of
Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card”
“If you are having difficulty paying your rate notice, we can help with flexible payment options to
help you plan your payments”
A $5 late payment fee or interest (at X%),whichever is higher, may be charged on overdue
Water use this
billing period
Your local
average for this
billing period
Water use last
billing period
Same time last
Litres per day
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Appendix 2: Examples of additional information
This Appendix provides examples of additional information that water service providers should
provide as part of a water rate notice, as described in Table 3. These examples include Queensland
Government Waterwise resources and materials that have been developed by water providers.
A range of Waterwise factsheets and other community resources are available that can be used in
conjunction with a water rate notice to give more detailed information about improving household
water efficiency. These are found in the ‘using water wisely’ section of the Queensland Government
website (, and include:
home water audit
home Waterwise quiz
guidelines for water efficient gardens
‘think before you flush’ sticker
‘think at the sink’ sticker
fact sheets on:
efficient irrigation
irrigation of active playing surfaces
being waterwise with your swimming pool and spa
rainwater tanks
being waterwise at home
detecting leaks and reading your water meter
water saving tips for your garden
residential evaporative air conditioners
brochures on:
water’s journey to your tap and beyond
how to be waterwise
The following images are from water service providers around Queensland.
Waterwise images (DNRME 2019)
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Image - Waterwise tips at home
Sourced from: Townsville City Council 2020, How to save water at home,
waste-and-environment/water-supply-and-dams/saving-and-consumption, accessed 20/03/2020.
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Image - How much is a kilolitre of water?
Source: Gympie Regional Council 2019, Water wise,, accessed
Image - Excerpt from a Yarra Valley water rate notice
Sourced from: Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council
2006, National guidelines for residential customers’ water
accessed 28/07/2020.
Guideline for issuing a residential water rate notice outside South East Queensland 17
Image - how water could be used in the home
Sourced from: Southern Downs Regional Council, March 2020, Water restrictions,
here/water---wastewater/water-restrictions, accessed 28/07/2020.
Guideline for issuing a residential water rate notice outside South East Queensland 18
Image - ‘The Ins and outs of your water and sewerage bill’
Sourced from: Unitywater 2020, The ins and outs of your water and sewerage bill,
outs, accessed 28/07/202.
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