Program Review Template
Program Review Questions
Program Review Answers
1. Strengths:
What do we do well?
What do we do better than
anybody else?
What unique resources do
we have that others don’t?
What do others see as your
2. Weaknesses:
What factors that are within
your control detract from
your ability to obtain or
maintain a competitive
What areas need
improvement to accomplish
your objectives or compete
with your strongest
What do people in your
market see as weaknesses?
What factors cause you to
lose market share?
3. Opportunities:
What opportunities exist in
your market or the
environment that you can
benefit from?
Has there been recent
market growth or have
there been other changes in
the market that create an
opportunity? Is the
opportunity ongoing, or is
there just a window for it
(new technologies, changing
demographics, industry
Is the perception of your
program positive--why?
4. Threats:
What obstacles do you face?
What are your competitors
Is changing technology
threatening your position?
Do you have unsustainable
cost issues?
Are quality standards or
specifications changing
Data Sources for Program Reviews
Available on MCC’s Web Advisor:
Student Performance
Course Data
Major/Graduation (Degree or Certificate)
Faculty Data
Cost Benefit
Workforce Projections
Available on MCC’s SharePoint Assessment of College Effectiveness/Student
Learning Outcomes Annual Reports:
Best Practices & External Trends in your Program/Department
Analysis of ACE/SLO Data
Next Steps
Resources Needed for Next Steps
Online Resources:
Texas Higher Education Data
U.S. Department of Education, Data & Research
Baylor Center for Business & Economic Research
Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce, Customized Reports
Office of the State Demographer
U.S. Census Bureau
Texas Association of Community Colleges, Data & Information
American Association of Community Colleges, Data Points
MCC’s Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness:
Report request form
How long does it take to complete a data request?
To ensure accuracy it takes three weeks to complete and thoroughly review a data
request. This timeframe can be adjusted for special circumstances, such as grant
deadlines, legislative requests and other high priority requests. Note that our office
has many of the most commonly requested figures available on our publications
What type of information can the Office of Institutional Research provide?
Official Enrollment Information
Graduation and Retention Rates
Faculty Headcount
Historical Data
Course Information
Degrees Conferred
Other Statistical Data
How does the data request process work?
After your request is submitted you will receive a confirmation page with the request
number. This number will be used to track the request throughout the process. Next
an email will be sent as a follow up to let you know the request has been received.
The request is then assigned to an analyst who may need to follow up with you
regarding the request should any questions arise.