Fritz Neugebauer Preface 6
Renate S. Meissner, MSc Autobiographical Testimonials as Individual Landmarks
of Collective Memory 7
Mag. Dr. Manfred Müller Life Stories as Textual Memorials
The Collection of Memories from the Archives of the National Fund
of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism 13
Jewish stories
Lizzi Jalkio Every day is farewell 20
Edith J. Now which hand is Jewish and which is Aryan? 38
Alice Hirschfeld … may you be destined for a happy and prosperous future 46
Peter S. When will we be able to live again? 52
Susan Course It is a good country to which you are headed 86
Victor Gans … how wonderful it is to be free 90
Eva A. So, now this flirting is well and truly over … 108
Hans Reichenfeld … I think I’ll play my cello instead 118
Chava Guez Back then, in the beautiful city Vienna 124
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Table of Contents Lives Remembered 5
Kurt Flussmann Stations of my life 130
Jenny de Nijs … even the greatest love doesn’t help 140
Stories of Viennese Czechs
Vera Bezecná 1938 was a year of great suffering for our whole family … 166
Deserters‘ stories
Richard Wadani I was a deserter 168
Kurt Püringer … sentenced to death 171
Fritz Maria Rebhann … on the run after undermining military morale 172
Gottfried A. … we didn’t want to have anything to do with this war 174
Stories of the “Righteous”
Maria Springer We lived under great pressure 192
Stories of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Hermine Liska When they took me away it was terrible 195
Stories of “Children of Spiegelgrund”
Anna Maierhofer The Spiegelgrund Song 198
Rudolf Karger I was a child of Spiegelgrund 200
Stories of Descendants of Victims of Euthanasia
Maria M. No one can replace a mother 207
Stories of Carinthian Slovenes and Partisans
Bartholomäus O. I was so terrified, I couldn’t speak 208
Theresia Hafner It was as if I had lost a brother 211
Ferdinand Hafner … and so I kept quiet when I was questioned 214
Hemma V. Suddenly there was only German 217
Johann Kežar Our area was called “bandit-land” 220
Stories of “Asocials”
Ingeborg R. For we were asocials 225
Ludwig W. Adamec The dignity of work 228
Franziska Jagerhofer I only knew work 236
Stories of Roma und Sinti
Anton Müller My number was Z6835 238
Adolf Papai If it had lasted another year, there would have been none of us left 244
Walpurga Horvath … I stayed, I stayed alive 250
Koloman Baranyai Today they are taking the Roma away 257
Thanks 262
Legal disclosure 262
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