PEGAS response to
German Grid
Development Plan Gas
2018 - 2028
Powernext SAS
PEGAS response to German Grid Development Plan Gas 2018 - 2028
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© Powernext SAS pegas is the gas trading platform of
eex group operated by powernext
PEGAS welcomes the German Transmission System Operators draft Grid Development Plan
2018-2028. Hereby, we would like to take part in the respective consultation initiated by the
German Federal Network Agency BNetzA.
With its various product and process innovations, especially by operating the respective
national balancing energy markets, the Pan-European trading platform PEGAS has managed
to establish itself as reliable partner to German Market Area Managers (MAMs) and to
European Transmission System Operator (TSOs), in the past 8 years.
In this consultation, PEGAS will only respond to Chapter 1 on the foreseen market area
integration and takes this opportunity to present its own proposal for a cost-efficient and
market-based solution to manage potential arising congestions in the grid when merging both
German gas market areas. In our point of view, market-based congestion management
products should be prioritized over any further physical grid developments, regulated storage
use or bilateral traded load flow commitments. Thus, market-based measures should be
considered in any case within the planning of the German market area integration.
PEGAS response to German Grid Development Plan Gas 2018 - 2028
Page 3
© Powernext SAS pegas is the gas trading platform of
eex group operated by powernext
1. PEGAS Position
1.1. Market Area Integration
1.1.1. According to § 21 (1) of the German Gas Grid Access Regulation (GasNZV), both
German Market Areas have to be merged into a common market area until April 1, 2022
the latest. In their draft grid development plan the transmission system operators argue
that, in view of the network planning decision, first a common capacity model must be
developed. The model, underlying the Grid Development Plan Gas 2018-2028, is
therefore based on the available capacity models of the two market areas.
How should, in your point of view, the market area integration be reflected in the
scenario framework of the Grid Development Plan Gas 2020-2030?
In our point of view, the planned market area integration should be used as an opportunity to
reduce regulatory and administrative hurdles. The procedure in France, where an integration
of both market areas is planned for November 2018, provides a good example for a well-
functioning market dialogue. Therefore, we urge responsible parties in Germany, such as
TSOs and MAMs, as well as regulators (BMWI
, BNetzA) to consult market participants on
trade and process-related issues. This should be done timely in a clear, binding and
transparent manner, including a transparent follow-up of the results. In view of the high
importance of the German gas market for international gas trading, the respective consultation
should be undertaken in both languages, in German and in English. This procedure will clearly
help to provide planning certitude to all market participants operating in Germany and thereby
avoid that procedural or regulatory uncertainties put the targeted strengthening of the German
gas market at risk.
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
PEGAS response to German Grid Development Plan Gas 2018 - 2028
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© Powernext SAS pegas is the gas trading platform of
eex group operated by powernext
Which priorities should be set in the development of the capacity model for the
common German market area?
o A binding determination of the exact date and the name of the new gas market area:
Market participants need to know when long-term investments/hedges can be conducted
in the new common German gas market area.
o A timely consultation between market participants: TSOs and regulators should consult on
the design and application of market price-based measures which allow for the
maintenance of capacities, especially freely allocable entry/exit capacities. This could help
to foster gas trading on the common German Virtual Trading Point (VTP).
PEGAS response to German Grid Development Plan Gas 2018 - 2028
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© Powernext SAS pegas is the gas trading platform of
eex group operated by powernext
2. PEGAS proposal for the implementation of cost-effective and
market price-based measures
In order to foster gas trading on the common German VTP, existing free allocable transport
capacities for the entry/exit model should be maintained. When merging both market areas
physical congestions in the gas grid are likely to arise. In order to manage those physical
congestions, we advise for the use of market price-based measures which constitute an
efficient alternative to any further grid expansion and achieve the same desired physical effect.
We urge for a timely consultation on the concrete design and application of the mechanism to
guarantee a successful implementation of such market-based congestion measures. The
consultation could help the effect that many market participants would be willing to offer
congestion management products to TSOs and MAMs. Those congestion management
products have the advantage of providing a cost-effective, anonymous, non-discriminatory
alternative which is tailored to the needs of TSOs. The well-functioning of those products is
already visible in the balancing market today where they are already successful in place.
Example France: Exchange-based products for an elimination of physical congestions
Since November 2017, the two TSOs GRTgaz and Teréga have successfully traded market
price-based congestion management products in France. This proves to be the most efficient
way possible to manage already existing grid congestion in between the market areas PEG
Nord and TRS. The same products will also be used by French TSOs from November 2018 to
avoid congestions in the then merged French Market area TRF, so that entry and exit
capacities for trading on the French VTP remain freely allocable.
General functioning of market price-based congestion management products:
1. A congestion in between two gas grids has been detected by the TSOs. This means that
gas from the oversupplied grid cannot, or only insufficiently, flow into the undersupplied grid.
2. To fix this network bottleneck, TSOs can trade congestion management products that allow,
synchronously, within only one transaction:
PEGAS response to German Grid Development Plan Gas 2018 - 2028
Page 6
© Powernext SAS pegas is the gas trading platform of
eex group operated by powernext
A. To sell gas from the oversupplied network area
B. To buy gas in the undersupplied network area
C. To eliminate the physical bottleneck through market price-based trading in this way
3. TSOs inform the trading partners registered with PEGAS for the congestion management
product on the existence of congestions in advance, providing the following information:
A. Duration (Hours, Within-Day (RoD), Day, Weekend,...)
B. Direction (where will the TSOs gas buy and where will the TSOs gas sell)
C. Name of the congestion management product traded (e.g. WD OGE Mitte/OGE Süd)
D. Required trading volumes in MW for removal of congestion
E. Selection of possible physical exit/entry points in the over- and undersupplied grid,
which the trading partner may use for transport nomination according to the transaction.
4. After receiving the respective information from the TSOs trading participants place their
orders in the price-transparent order book of the congestion management product. This will be
done anonymously and in a competitive manner.
5. TSOs first trade the most cost-efficient offer, then accordingly the second best, third best...
6. The respective trading partner executes an entry nomination in the undersupplied and an
exit nomination out of the oversupplied network according to duration and quantity of the
traded congestion management product and thereby solves the transport bottleneck.
PEGAS favors the use of congestion management products within the planning of the market
area integration in Germany. Congestion management products provide a market price-based
alternative to any physical network expansion, regulated storage use or bilateral traded load
flow commitments. This concept has already proven successful in practice and can help
serving the needs of German TSOs.
PEGAS response to German Grid Development Plan Gas 2018 - 2028
Page 7
© Powernext SAS pegas is the gas trading platform of
eex group operated by powernext
We would be pleased to support the German transmission system operators, regulators and
market participants in the presentation and consultation of the design and application of
possible congestion management products in order to enable the realization of a cost-effective
market integration with the help of market-based instruments.
PEGAS is the central gas trading platform of EEX Group operated by Powernext. PEGAS provides its
members with access to all products on one single platform and allows them to trade natural gas
contracts in the Austrian, Belgian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian and UK market
areas. The product range of PEGAS covers spot and derivatives contracts for the major European gas
hubs as well as trading in location, time spread, and options products on the TTF hub. This setup
enables market harmonization and forms the preferred pan-European natural gas market. For more
Regulation & Communications
Powernext SAS
Tel.: +33 173 03-7608