Smoke Control Association
Guidance on Smoke
Control to Common
Escape Routes in
Apartment Buildings
(Flats and Maisonettes)
Revision 2: October 2015
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Contributions to this guide are gratefully acknowledged from the following people:
Conor Logan Colt International Ltd
Richard Brooks Advanced Smoke Group Ltd
David Royle Advanced Smoke Group Ltd
Paul White Advanced Smoke Group Ltd
Andy Bartlett Belimo Automation UK Ltd
Michael Moss Belimo Automation UK Ltd
Benjamin Mossop City of London Corporation District Surveyors Office
Paul Compton Colt International Ltd
Hugh Mahoney Fan Systems Group Ltd
Ian Doncaster Fire and Smoke Solutions Ltd
Gerard Sheridan Fire Design Solutions Ltd
Gary Daniels Hoare Lea Fire Engineering
Stewart Miles International Fire Consultants Ltd (IFC)
Gordon Garrard JGA Fire Engineering consultants
Paul Grimwood Kent Fire & Rescue Service
Matthew Ryan London Fire Brigade
Guy Foster London Fire Brigade - Fire Safety
Hugh Mahoney PSB UK Ltd
Paul Hanson Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
Will Perkins SE Controls
Michael Duggan Smoke Control Association / FETA
Date of publication: First edition November 2010
Revision 1: June 2012
Revision 2: October 2015
© Federation of Environmental Trade Associations 2015
All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study or research allowed under applicable copyright legislation, no part
of the publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Federation of Environmental Trade Associations, 2 Waltham Court, Milley Lane, Hare
Hatch, Reading, Berkshire RG10 9TH.
FETA uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in the light of available information and accepted
industry practices but do not intend such Standards and Guidelines to represent the only methods or procedures appropriate for the situation
discussed. FETA does not guarantee, certify or assure the safety or performance of any products, components, or systems tested, installed or operated
in accordance with FETA's Standards or Guidelines or that any tests conducted under its Standards or Guidelines will be non-hazardous or free from
FETA, and the individual contributors, disclaims all liability to any person for anything or for the consequences of anything done or omitted to be
done wholly or partly in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this booklet.
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1 Foreword ..................................................................................................................... 5
2 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Primary Objectives ......................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Smoke Control Methods ................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 7
3 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 8
4 Terms and Definitions .................................................................................................. 9
5 Objectives and Performance Criteria ......................................................................... 11
5.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Objectives..................................................................................................................... 12
5.2.1 Commentary ................................................................................................................. 12
5.2.2 Recommendations ........................................................................................................ 13
5.3 Performance Criteria .................................................................................................... 14
5.3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 14
5.3.2 Tenability criteria for means of escape ........................................................................ 15
5.3.3 Tenability criteria for fire fighting ............................................................................... 16
5.3.4 Code-compliant travel distance systems ...................................................................... 17
5.3.5 Extended travel distance systems ................................................................................. 18
5.4 Fire Service Intervention .............................................................................................. 22
5.5 Documentation ............................................................................................................. 23
6 System types ............................................................................................................. 24
6.1 Commentary ................................................................................................................. 24
6.2 Natural Ventilation ....................................................................................................... 24
6.2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 24
6.2.2 General principles ........................................................................................................ 24
6.2.3 Corridor/lobby vents .................................................................................................... 24
6.2.4 Natural smoke shafts .................................................................................................... 25
6.2.5 Stair vents ..................................................................................................................... 25
6.2.6 Free Area Calculation .................................................................................................. 26
6.2.7 Control ......................................................................................................................... 28
6.3 Pressure differential systems ........................................................................................ 29
6.3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 29
6.3.2 General principles ........................................................................................................ 29
6.3.3 Areas to be pressurised ................................................................................................ 30
6.3.4 Supply air system ......................................................................................................... 31
6.3.5 Pressure control ............................................................................................................ 31
6.3.6 Accommodation air release (AAR).............................................................................. 31
6.3.7 Power supply and controls ........................................................................................... 32
6.4 Mechanical (Powered) smoke ventilation .................................................................... 32
6.4.1 General principles ........................................................................................................ 32
6.4.2 Mechanical Extract, Natural Inlet ................................................................................ 34
6.4.3 Mechanical Extract, Mechanical Inlet ......................................................................... 36
6.4.4 Mechanical Extract only .............................................................................................. 37
6.5 Small Single Stair Buildings ........................................................................................ 38
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6.5.1 General principles ........................................................................................................ 38
6.5.2 Natural ventilation........................................................................................................ 38
6.5.3 Pressurisation ............................................................................................................... 39
6.5.4 Mechanical (powered) ventilation ............................................................................... 39
7 Interaction with other Fire Protection Systems and other Building Systems .............. 42
7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 42
7.2 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems ..................................... 42
7.3 Automatic fire suppression .......................................................................................... 42
7.4 Fire Separating Elements ............................................................................................. 42
7.5 Ground floor / exit level final exit ............................................................................... 43
7.6 Ventilation of lobbies to ancillary accommodation ..................................................... 43
8. Equipment and Installation ............................................................................................ 45
8.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 45
8.2 Equipment Guidance Notes ......................................................................................... 46
8.2.1 Automatic opening vents ............................................................................................. 46
8.2.2 Smoke control damper (specifically for use in ductwork) ........................................... 48
8.2.3 Smoke control ducts .................................................................................................... 48
8.2.4 Builders work shaft used for smoke control .............................................................. 48
8.2.5 Control equipment........................................................................................................ 49
8.2.6 Power supply equipment ............................................................................................. 52
8.2.7 Inverters ....................................................................................................................... 53
8.2.8 Fans .............................................................................................................................. 53
8.2.9 Pressure sensing devices .............................................................................................. 54
8.3 Cabling and Electric Power Supply Installation .......................................................... 54
9 Commissioning and Acceptance Testing ................................................................... 56
9.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 56
9.2 Documentation ............................................................................................................. 56
9.3 Test Procedures ............................................................................................................ 56
9.3.1 Airflow measurement ................................................................................................... 56
9.3.2 Stairwell ventilator ....................................................................................................... 57
9.3.3 Wall mounted ventilator............................................................................................... 57
9.3.4 Natural ventilator shaft system .................................................................................... 57
9.3.5 Mechanical shaft system .............................................................................................. 58
9.3.6 Pressure differential system (pressurisation and de-pressurisation) ............................ 59
10 Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 60
11 References ................................................................................................................ 61
11.1 EU Directives ............................................................................................................... 61
11.2 Legislation .................................................................................................................... 61
11.3 Standards ...................................................................................................................... 61
11.4 Guidance and papers .................................................................................................... 63
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1 Foreword
When this guide was first produced back in 2012, it quickly became the default reference
document for many designers, installers and approving authorities throughout the UK and
even beyond.
Due to its popularity and the ever increasing complexity of building design, it very quickly
became necessary to update it and so I am very pleased to be able to introduce this latest
revision from the Smoke Control Association.
The prevention of smoke spread through buildings is of critical importance, but little
guidance is currently available in one publication. This document provides details and
gives recommendations not previously covered in other standards or codes of practice and
should make a significant contribution to improved understanding of smoke control
Contained within the document are sections on the different types of system and their
function, information on all the relevant legislation, standards and codes of practice. The
SCA particularly recognises the importance of using certified products for smoke control
applications, and is particularly pleased to see these topics addressed here.
Included in this revision are many new recommendations, updated product standards, a
new section on Fire Service Intervention and a limitation on the extension of travel
distances to which all member organisations have agreed.
I would like to thank the working group for their hard work and dedication in producing this
guide, and appreciate the contribution made by the many practitioners, Building Control
Officers, fire engineers and Fire Officers who gave up their valuable time.
The Smoke Control Association in conjunction with other experts from the fire industry
promotes high standards of fire protection. The SCA is sure that this Guide will continue to
be an essential reference work within the industry and shows a commitment from our
members of using best practice in all that they do.
Conor Logan
Chairman of the Smoke Control Association
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2 Introduction
This document covers information and requirements on the design, calculation methods,
installation and testing of systems intended for smoke control within the common escape
routes within apartment buildings.
The provision of such systems is recommended in order to improve the conditions for
escape and fire fighting.
2.1 Primary Objectives
The primary objective of the smoke ventilation system is to protect the staircase and
protect the common circulation areas. The performance criteria and the design of the
system vary depending on the layout of the common corridor or lobby.
Where the travel distances are no more than 7.5m in distance from the door to the
staircase (or sterile lobby) to the most remote apartment entrance door, the primary
objective of smoke control in residential buildings is to protect the staircase enclosure by
ensuring that the stairway(s) remain relatively free from smoke and heat in the event of a
re within a dwelling.
Note: where a sterile lobby is provided to the staircase, e.g. a lobby not approached by
apartments or other areas of significant fire risk, there is no restriction on the travel
distance in the lobby, whether the lobby is ventilated or not, and the travel distance can be
measured from the apartment door to the door to the sterile lobby.
However, where corridors are extended, the primary objective of the smoke control system
is to protect both the common corridor and the staircase enclosure. There are considered
to be two forms of extended corridors:
I. Extended corridors These typically have no more than 15m travel distance from
the furthest apartment door to the staircase or sterile lobby. The primary objectives
of the smoke control system are to protect the common corridor for means of
escape and the staircase enclosure for means of escape and fire-fighting.
II. Significantly extended corridors These typically have more than 15m travel
distance from the furthest apartment door to the staircase door or sterile lobby. The
primary objective of the smoke control system is to protect both the common
corridor and the staircase enclosure for means of escape and Fire Service
operations. The increased length of the corridors can adversely affect fire-fighting
operations and require additional consideration of design factors such as tenability
limits, time lines and fire sizes.
Note: regardless of the corridor design, it is recommended that the maximum travel
distance should be limited to 30m from the furthest apartment door to the staircase
door. See section 5.4.
This guidance document also covers the provision of systems where no communal lobbies
or corridors are provided, such as small single stair buildings as detailed in Approved
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Document B or BS 9991. Here the primary objective is solely to protect the staircase
enclosure, with an emphasis on Fire Service access rather than means of escape.
2.2 Smoke Control Methods
The effect of the air movement forces, including buoyancy experienced by hot gases on
the fire storey, thermal expansion of hot gases in the fire zone and even stack effect, can
cause smoke to spread through leakage paths in vertical barriers between rooms, e.g.
doors, walls, partitions, from the apartment of fire origin and into the corridor.
The ventilation methods most commonly used to limit the degree of smoke spread, or to
control its effects, in the common areas of residential apartment buildings are:
a) Natural smoke control systems.
b) Mechanical smoke ventilation systems.
c) Pressure differential systems.
The design implications for each of the three system types are considered within this
design guide.
2.3 Responsibilities
Through this document, the Smoke Control Association provides guidance on the design
of smoke control systems in apartment buildings. While there is limited guidance in both
Approved Document B and BS 9991 for either designers or approving authorities, this
document sets out the information and parameters that the designer should incorporate
into the design when using calculations and/or CFD models.
Smoke control systems form one element of the overall fire engineering strategy for
apartment buildings and should not be designed in isolation. It is the responsibility of the
designer of the smoke control systems to ensure that any proposed systems complement
the fire safety strategy and provide a suitable level of fire safety, just as it is also the
responsibility of the architect and fire engineer to ensure that building layout provided to
the smoke control system designer is adequate for the purpose. Early consultation by the
design team with a smoke control system designer is therefore recommended.
For the design and approval process to be successful it is strongly recommended that,
except perhaps in the simplest cases, the system objectives, the scenarios to be
calculated or modelled, the modelling criteria, the expected reporting and the success
criteria are all agreed and documented prior to commencement of design.
Guidance in this document is based around compliance with Building Regulations.
Designers should note that they should also consider the requirements of the Construction
(Design and Management) Regulations, the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare)
Regulations, the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order and any other relevant legislation.
Consultation with the regulatory authorities may assist in achieving an appropriate design.
While this document predominantly references the principles of Approved Document B and
BS 9991 and BS 7346-8, the majority of the principles are relevant where other design
guidance is utilised (such as the Technical Standards in Scotland) although reference
should be made to the authority having jurisdiction.
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3 Scope
The principles detailed within this document are specifically designed for apartment
buildings containing flats or maisonettes. No specific limitations are set within this
document on the age, disability, or familiarity of the occupants to each other or to the
building provided that they are able to evacuate the building without considerable
assistance. On this basis this document can be used for the design of smoke ventilation
systems for the following examples of apartment buildings:
a) Owner occupied housing
b) Social housing, including assisted living and extra care accommodation.
c) Apartments provided for short term rental, including student apartments and apart-
hotels, if designed and constructed to the same principles as apartment buildings.
This document is not considered suitable for use for prisons, hospitals, nursing homes or
other building types where the occupants are not considered able to evacuate without
substantial assistance. Notwithstanding this, system designers and approving authorities
may wish to consider the principles detailed in this document where insufficient other
design guidance exists.
While this design guide is intended for buildings operating a stay put evacuation policy, it
may also be appropriate for buildings operating staged, phased or simultaneous
evacuation. Where such evacuation policies are considered the system designer and
authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) should carefully consider the evacuation policy on the
design objectives.
Where such evacuation policies are considered, the system designer and authority having
jurisdiction (AHJ) should carefully consider the impact of the evacuation on the design
objectives, and any supporting justification put forward (including how any computer
modelling used will account for the proposed evacuation regime and the potential need to
maintain tenable conditions within the corridors throughout the whole of the means of
escape phase).
This document specifies smoke control systems designed to control the spread of smoke
from the apartment of fire origin into the common escape routes. It covers methods for
calculating the parameters of the smoke control systems as part of the design procedure.
It gives test procedures for the systems used, as well as describing relevant and critical
features of the installation and commissioning procedures needed to implement the
calculated design in a building. It covers systems intended to protect means of escape
from common escape routes such as stairwells, corridors and lobbies, as well as systems
intended to protect fire service access routes.
The systems incorporate smoke control components in accordance with the relevant
British and European Standards. This document gives requirements and methods for the
evaluation of conformity for smoke control systems as well as testing regimes.
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4 Terms and Definitions
1.1. Authority having jurisdiction (AHJ)
Organisation, office or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of
legislation or standards, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a
1.2. Common escape route
Designated route from the front door of an apartment to a place of safety or relative
1.3. Compartment
Enclosed space, comprising one or more separate spaces, bounded by elements of
construction having a specified fire resistance and intended to prevent the spread of
fire (in either direction) for a given period of time
1.4. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
The use of computers to solve mathematical equations that simulate the flow of
fluids, heat transfer and other associated phenomena. (Note: For the purposes of
this paper, CFD modelling can be used to predict fire, smoke movement, heat,
radiation, ventilation flow etc based on the input parameters provided)
1.5. Depressurisation
Smoke control using pressure differentials where the air pressure in the fire zone or
adjacent spaces is reduced below that in the protected zone
1.6. Design fire
Hypothetical fire having characteristics that are sufficiently severe for it to serve as
the basis of the design of a smoke control system
1.7. Fire engineering strategy
A strategy developed using application of scientific and engineering principles to the
protection of people, property and/or the environment from fire
1.8. Fire resisting (resistance)
The ability of a component or construction of a building to satisfy for a stated period
of time, some or all of the appropriate criteria specified in the relevant standard test.
1.9. Fire Separation
A compartment wall, compartment floor, cavity barrier or construction enclosing a
protected escape route and/or a place of special fire hazard.
1.10. Manual control point
The term manual control point encompasses generic phrases such as fire fighters
switch, call point, break glass etc. (refer to
1.11. Mechanical (or powered) ventilation
Ventilation caused by the application of external energy to displace gases through a
ventilator Note: fans are usually used
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1.12. Natural ventilation
Ventilation caused by buoyancy forces resulting from differences in density between
smoky and ambient air gases due to temperature difference
1.13. Pressurisation
Smoke control using pressure differentials, where the air pressure in the spaces
being protected is raised above that in the fire zone
1.14. Primary power supply
Power supply that is used whenever it is available (Note: usually the normal mains
supply to the building)
1.15. Secondary power supply
Power supply that automatically replaces the primary power supply in the event of
its failure (Note: usually provided by batteries, generators or a separate mains
1.16. Steady state design
Design based on the largest fire with which a smoke control system is expected to
Note: there is no expectation that this fire size will be maintained for any significant period in
1.17. Stay put strategy (as per BS 9991)
Strategy normally adopted in blocks of flats and maisonettes whereby, when a fire
occurs in a flat or maisonette, the occupants of that dwelling evacuate, but
occupants of all other dwellings can safely remain in their dwellings unless directed
to leave by the fire and rescue service
1.18. Tenable
Measure of the level of exposure to hazards from a fire that can be tolerated without
violating safety goals
1.19. Time dependent design
Design based on a fire for which the heat release rate and/or other parameters
change with time
1.20. Time line
A sequence of events and times representing actions that is sufficiently severe for it
to serve as the basis of the design of a smoke control system
1.21. Vent
An operable ventilation opening, either direct to outside or into a ventilation shaft,
from a stair, lobby or corridor Note: The term has the same meaning in ADB
1.22. Zone model
A computer program using simplified calculations treating the space or spaces
modelled as a series of homogenous zones and taking average characteristics for
those zones
NOTE: These definitions are taken from or based on definitions in relevant British or European Standards or
other HEVAC guides wherever possible.
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5 Objectives and Performance Criteria
5.1 General
All residential ventilation systems are intended to help protect means of escape (MOE)
and assist fire-fighting operations (FF) in case of fire in a dwelling.
Generally, for most smoke control systems applied in apartment buildings, the common
spaces requiring smoke ventilation are the stairs and the lobbies and/or corridors opening
onto the stairs. The level of protection will vary with the design of the stair core and
corridors and the type of ventilation system provided.
Where the building design and the ventilation system are in direct conformity to ADB to the
Building Regulations or equivalent (outside England and Wales), there is no requirement
to consider objectives or performance criteria as the ventilation system is deemed to be
suitable by virtue of its prescription to the relevant document. This section then does not
In other cases it is necessary to consider the objectives and performance criteria for the
system. Depending on the design of the common escape routes, this can either take the
form of an assessment to ensure that the proposed design provides equivalenceto the
prescriptive systems or a detailed engineering analysis.
Where travel distances are compliant with the relevant code of practice, a smoke control
system can be designed to show equivalence to the code compliant solution, based on the
same building layout and geometry.
Where travel distances are extended and/or corridor sub-divisions are removed in
buildings with a stay-putpolicy, proving equivalencyto code compliance is not
appropriate. A detailed engineering analysis is required although in every design strategy
the relevant prescriptive benchmarks and functional requirements should be used for
As with any alternative solution there are a number of methods which allow the
investigation and demonstration of its performance. These range from hand calculations
through to more sophisticated computer models such as zone models and CFD. Each
method offers different benefits with associated limitations, ranging from fast calculations
with limited spatial and temporal resolution to extensive spatial and temporal resolution
with extended calculation time.
It is the responsibility of the assessing engineer to determine which method of
investigation should be used. It is recommended, however, that the technique to be used
be agreed with the relevant approving authorities prior to an assessment being performed.
It is further recommended that, where an authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) is unfamiliar
with the technique used or does not have the necessary technical knowledge to assess
the technique, a peer review should be considered.
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There is often confusion regarding fire fighting stairs in residential buildings. While specific
reference should be made to the relevant design guide to which the building is
constructed, in the case of buildings designed using BS 9991 or ADB, fire fighting stairs
are recommended when the top storey is more than 18m above fire service access level.
However, as long as the building layout conforms to ADB and the normal corridor/lobby
ventilation is provided, there is no requirement for a dedicated fire fighting lobby and the
more onerous ventilation recommendations for a fire fighting lobby do not apply. See
clause 17.14 of ADB: 2006 (as amended).
5.2 Objectives
5.2.1 Commentary
Fire statistics show that the majority of fire deaths in residential buildings are caused by
smoke inhalation and not through direct exposure to the fire. In high rise buildings, the flow
of heat and smoke from a fire creates even greater risks for the occupants and fire-fighters
Most design guides identify the primary means of controlling the flow of smoke in
residential buildings as the fire rated separation (i.e. the provision of protected escape
routes and protected stairwells), with smoke control designed to supplement these
As stairs will be used by the majority of the occupants of the building, potentially for a
longer duration than the common escape routes on the floor of fire origin, as well as being
an access and egress route for the fire service, it is considered of primary importance to
protect the stair(s) irrespective of the design of the smoke ventilation system.
The ability of the system to prevent smoke from entering the staircase is affected by the
proximity of the apartment door to the staircase. Although there is no control on this
proximity in many design guides, including ADB and BS 9991, where possible, apartment
doors should not be located in close proximity to doors to the staircase. Some smoke
leakage into the staircase due to thermal expansion of hot gases in the fire zone
(apartment of fire origin) may occur irrespective of the door location. This is because fire
induced expansion of gases can result in a build-up of pressure, leading to a rapid flow of
hot gases out of the compartment when the apartment door is opened, especially if the
staircase door is already open. However, in most cases, the initial expansion forces
dissipate quickly and the leakage of smoke into the stair due to this action is limited and
may be acceptable to the designer and the approving authorities where it does not
adversely affect the tenability conditions within the stair.
Work by the BRE and others, as confirmed in ADB, has made it clear that it is not possible
to keep common corridors and lobbies completely free of smoke (except possibly by
pressurisation systems with protection extended past the entrance door to each dwelling).
Any system should, however, be designed to promote tenable conditions for travel through
the ventilated corridors/lobbies during the escape period. It should be noted that this may
only be possible during periods when the apartment door is closed and the flow of smoke
from the apartment into the corridor is substantially reduced by the passive fire protection
provided by the door.
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5.2.2 Recommendations
The guidance provided describes single corridors with single direction travel but the
recommendations also generally apply to building designs with multiple corridors or
corridors with multiple direction of travel.
The design objective of any system should be to maintain relatively smoke free conditions
within the staircase such that it can be used for evacuation and fire service access/egress
at all times. Where the travel distance from the furthest apartment to the door to the
staircase or the door to a sterile lobby does not exceed 7.5m, this is considered to be the
only design objective. Therefore, where a mechanical ventilation system is provided to the
common escape routes, it is not considered necessary to assess conditions within the
corridor or the sterile lobby against specific performance objectives. The system provided
should have at least equivalent performance to a compliant natural ventilation system and
conditions should not be made worse. Where a compliant natural ventilation or
pressurisation system is provided then generally no further consideration is required.
Where the building design follows BS9991 or, where the AHJ is willing to accept the
proposal, and travel distances from the furthest apartment entrance door to the staircase
door does not exceed 15m, and the building is provided with residential sprinklers meeting
the design guidance given in BS 9251, then irrespective of building height it is considered
appropriate for the smoke ventilation system to meet the same performance criteria as a
system provided for a building where the travel distance from the apartment of fire origin to
the door to the staircase does not exceed 7.5m.
Where sprinklers are not provided and where the travel distances from the apartment to
staircase or sterile lobby are over 7.5m but do not exceed 15m, the performance
objectives of the system are to maintain the staircase relatively free of smoke and to
ensure the designers specified tenable limits for means of escape are met within the
corridor. Additional performance objectives for protection of fire fighters are required where
the building is of significant height and, therefore, under the relevant design guide (e.g.
ADB) additional provisions for fire-fighting access, such as fire-fighting shafts, may be
required.Note: generally natural ventilation is not appropriate for corridors of this length, so the system
provided should be mechanical.
Where the travel distances from the apartment to staircase or sterile lobby exceed 15m,
the performance objectives of the system are to maintain the staircase relatively free of
smoke and to ensure the designers specified tenable limits for means of escape and Fire
Service operations are provided within the corridor. This may necessitate discussions with
the Fire Service and
authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), prior to design or installation of the
smoke control system, to ensure the system performance allows the operational
requirements for fire fighters to be met, irrespective of building height.
Any ventilation design will form part of an overall fire safety strategy and should not be
designed in isolation. The designer of a smoke ventilation system should define how it fits
into the fire safety strategy.
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5.3 Performance Criteria
5.3.1 Introduction
Before setting any performance criteria it is necessary to set the design conditions under
which these criteria should be met.
In its study of smoke ventilation where travel distances are code compliant, BRE focused
its research on steady-state conditions, examining a number of design fires and fixed
door openings. This approach allows a straightforward comparison of different geometries
and ventilation methods. It does not, however, capture the transient nature of an actual fire
scenario, where the fire develops with time and doors open and close at various stages
during the event. Nevertheless, an analysis of steady-state conditions can provide a
convenient way to assess a smoke ventilation system, in particular with regard to the
protection afforded to the stair enclosure and to after the arrival of the fire service, where
fixed door opening conditions may be relevant.
The alternative approach, employing a timeline of events and actions, is more realistic but
generally requires additional analysis and consideration of time dependent performance
criteria, e.g. the time to return a corridor to conditions suitable for means of escape.
Performance criteria are generally based on tenability. The main criteria of interest could
include visibility, gas temperature, thermal radiation and toxicity within the common
corridors, lobbies and stair enclosures. Selection of appropriate performance (acceptance)
criteria for assessing a fire engineered system design should be established at the start of
the design process, typically at the qualitative design review.
Pressure differences between the corridor/lobby and adjacent stairs and accommodation
should not cause door opening forces to exceed 100N. It is important also to consider the
potential impact of the pressure difference between the dwelling and the corridor to ensure
that smoke is not unduly pulled into the corridor when the dwelling door is in a closed
position. The maximum acceptable level of depressurisation in the corridor relative to the
apartment will depend on factors such as the doorset construction, including the
performance of the smoke seals and size of gap under the door.
Air flows from the stair enclosure into the corridor, in the situation where the door is open,
might be adopted as a performance criterion, with a minimum design air speed set to
prevent the flow of smoke into the stair.
It is recommended that performance criteria and accompanying fire scenarios be agreed
with the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) as part of the approval process, preferably in
advance of detailed calculations or modelling. This will be relevant particularly where the
performance is being assessed against specific tenability criteria rather than against a
code-compliant solution.
Typical performance criteria and accompanying fire scenarios are discussed below for
both code-compliant and extended travel distances, and encompass both steady-state and
time-dependent design analyses. While these are offered as a suitable point of reference
for use in apartment buildings, they are not exhaustive and should not restrict the use of
alternative criteria and scenarios that are considered more suitable for a specific project. It
is the responsibility of the designer to determine which fire scenarios and performance
criteria should be used.
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5.3.2 Tenability criteria for means of escape
Where system performance is being assessed deterministically (and not compared to an
ADB compliant one) it will generally be necessary to set acceptance limits for one or more
performance criteria based on tenability. It is not appropriate to give definitive values here
as they need to be established on a case by case basis as part of the overall fire strategy.
However, published information is available (see, for example, BS 7974:2001 and
associated PD 7974 series Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of
buildings, BS 7899-2:1999 Guidance on methods for the quantification of hazards to life
and health and estimation of time to incapacitation and death in fires, the SFPE Handbook
of Fire Protection Engineering and the ASHRAE Handbook of Smoke Control Engineering
and CIBSE Guide E Fire Engineering). Some recommendations that might be considered
are provided below. The appropriate choice for an individual system should take into
account the specific design details such as travel distances, occupancy characteristics etc.
Exposure gas temperature and thermal radiation flux (irradiance) limits of 60°C and
represent typical acceptance limits in respect to tenability for means of escape.
Visibility distance and toxicity levels may also be important performance criteria in respect
to means of escape. Both are functions of the smoke concentration, with visibility being
approximately inversely proportional to the density of soot particulate. Care and
engineering judgement is required as the calculated values will be strongly dependent on
the choice of soot and toxic yields (generally an input parameter in a zone or CFD model)
and also the ventilation conditions. Visibility distance is a widely used performance
criterion for smoke control design, and in addition to allowing an estimate of how far a
person could see provides a measure of the toxicity associated with the smoke. It is
generally accepted that if visibility is acceptable then the toxicity condition is likely also to
be acceptable, at least for the exposure times during the escape. It should be noted,
however, that visibility distance is a working engineering parameter rather than a precise
measure of how people will respond in a real emergency.
A commonly adopted conservative visibility distance limit is 10m (approx. 0.1m
density) as measured to a light reflective surface, representing an approximate value
through which persons unfamiliar with a building would be prepared to travel (see, for
example, ref: T. Jin,
Studies on Human Behavior and Tenability in Fire Smoke,
Proceedings, 5th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, pp. 3
22, 1997). A
lower value of 5m might be acceptable where the persons escaping are familiar with the
building and the travel distance is relatively short. At a visibility distance of 5m (approx.
optical density) conditions will remain tenable with respect to asphyxiant gases for
at least 30 minutes (see PD 7974-6) for the majority of fires.
An alternative, and potentially more rigorous, approach is to determine whether or not the
stair door is visible from the apartment entrances. This involves calculating the spatially
averaged visibility distance along the line of sight from the apartment to the stair door,
which could be seen on the proviso that the average visibility distance exceeds the travel
distance. This approach is explored further, for example, in the ASHRAE Handbook of
Smoke Control Engineering.
It is often difficult to maintain a minimum visibility distance when the apartment door to the
corridor remains open; this is because the corridor fills with smoke generated by the
apartment fire. BRE Report 213179 found that it was difficult under most fire scenarios to
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keep the corridor clear of smoke when the apartment door remained open (even partially).
This highlights the importance of the reliability and the maintenance of the door closing
While the protection to the stair is of primary importance, where there are extended travel
distances the rate of smoke clearance from the corridor is also likely to be an important
requirement of the smoke control system. A time dependent analysis will be required to
determine how long it takes to return the corridor to a specified visibility or other tenability
criteria once the apartment door has closed or the smoke ventilation system activates
(these will not generally be the same). A time of two to three minutes is typically
acceptable to the approving authorities. The event that marks the start of the smoke
clearance period should be clearly identified in the presented results.
5.3.3 Tenability criteria for fire fighting
While it is acknowledged that it is extremely challenging to design smoke ventilation
systems to maintain tenable conditions for occupant means of escape in common corridor
and lobby areas once the door to the flat of fire origin has been opened for fire service
intervention, consideration should be given to what additional protection these smoke
ventilation systems can offer fire fighters during fire fighting operations. This is of particular
importance when dealing with common escape routes that do not accord with prescriptive
guidance contained in the relevant approved codes of practice (for example, Approved
Document B Volume 2, or BS9991 guidance).
Although fire fighters will be wearing suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when
conducting search, rescue, and fire fighting activities within a building, this equipment does
have limitations. Fire fighters themselves also have different, individual physiological
capabilities which can further limit their ability to perform tasks, depending upon the fire
scenario and conditions in which they are working.
Therefore, for common escape routes where smoke ventilation systems are being
proposed to justify extended single direction travel distances of more than 7.5m in length
(or more than 15m where appropriate suppression is provided in accordance with BS9991
guidance), specific assessment of the conditions within these spaces should be completed
by the system designer to demonstrate that effective fire service intervention can actually
be achieved. This should also be considered where extended travel distances are
proposed in corridors with two or more directions of escape/ fire fighter access.
Publicly available and recent research relating to fire fighter tenability is somewhat limited
at present, however it is suggested that the criteria in Table 5.1 (as adopted by the
Australasian Fire Authorities Council (AFAC)) could be applied by system designers when
assessing this issue:
Page 16 of 68
Table 5.1 Illustrative fire fighter tenability conditions
Maximum air
heat flux
Remarks Recommended
distance from
apartment door*
Routine 25 100 1
General fire-
Hazardous 10 120 3
Short exposure
with thermal
Extreme 1 160
4 4.5
For example,
snatch rescue
Critical <1 >235 >10
Considered life
* This column and remarks are not part of the original research document and are the opinion of the SCA
** Measured at a height of 1500mm from FFL
Figure 5.1 Fire fighter tenability conditions
5.3.4 Code-compliant travel distance systems
Where the travel distance in the corridor or lobby is code-compliant the primary issue is
the protection afforded to the stair enclosure. As acknowledged in ADB, for example,
performance criteria in the corridor are not explicitly demanded; adequate levels of safety
are provided by the fire separation and limited travel distance.
Adopting a steady-state analysis allows a direct and potentially less time consuming
design process. With the fire size, compartment ventilation provisions and door opening
distances fixed, conditions (e.g. visibility, temperature) in the corridor and stair can be
compared for different smoke ventilation schemes. In particular, conditions can be
compared for the proposed smoke ventilation system against those generated by a code-
compliant system, e.g. an alternative mechanical system against a code-compliant one as
described in ADB.
It is important when adopting this approach to use the same fire scenario boundary
conditions for the proposed and code-compliant designs.
Table 5.2 shows one set of boundary conditions, based on those used in BRE project
report 213179. These are for an un-sprinklered fire in a simplified representation of a
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dwelling, comprising a single room with floor dimensions 5m by 5m and height 2.2m,
vented to the outside by a size of opening sufficiently large that replacement air is
available to enable combustion within the room, but also small enough that most of the
smoke is exhausted into the corridor (and not to the outside via the vent).Three stages of a
fire scenario are indicated. Note that it is the flow of smoke passing through the dwelling
entrance door and its associated temperature that determine the severity of the fire
scenario in respect of the common areas rather than the fire size per se. Note also that
heat losses to the compartment (room) boundaries account for a significant (majority)
proportion of the heat generated by the fire.
Table 5.2 Illustrative steady-state design boundary conditions (buildings without
sprinkler protection, code compliant travel distances) taken from BRE report
Fire size
and stair
Size of
low level
vent to
of smoke at
Flow of smoke from
Fire stage
(kg/s) *
250 0.1
(1.3m W by
0.5m H)
210 0.2 40 1.25 x 10
Early stages of fire,
relevant to period
following initial MOE
1000 0.5
(1.4m W by
0.7m H)
360 0.9 350 5 x 10
Developed fire,
relevant for later
MOE and arrival of
fire service
2500 0.78
(2.1m W by
0.9m H)
690 1.4 1100 12.5 x 10
Immediately prior to
flashover in fire
relevant for fire
service intervention
This value corresponds to an effective heat of combustion of 20 000 kJ kg
and a soot yield of 10%, and then
represents an upper bound on the premise that all the soot enters the corridor (and is not vented to the outside or
deposited on the internal surfaces). Alternative heats of combustion or soot yields would have a direct impact on the
amount of soot entering the corridor.
If employing the steady-state design conditions in Table 5.2 it is recommended to either
model a fire in a room with similar dimensions and ventilation conditions as used in the
BRE study or alternatively to impose the smoke flow as an explicit boundary condition at
the location of the apartment door. Where the geometry or ventilation conditions are
significantly different to those used in the BRE study, the designer may need to consider
alternative steady-state design boundary conditions. Note that while the data in Table 5.2
describe more closely conditions corresponding to an open plan apartment, they are
considered nonetheless to provide a useful design fire scenario to allow a comparative
analysis of more general apartment layouts. The data may not be appropriate where the
size of fire is controlled by the operation of sprinklers or water mist.
5.3.5 Extended travel distance systems
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Where the common area travel distance in the corridor or lobby exceeds that of a code
compliant layout, then a time-dependent analysis is likely to be necessary. This might
include a set of separate steady-state analyses, each representing a stage in the fire
scenario where conditions are quasi-steady, e.g. during fire fighting operations and where
the door opening positions are fixed and the fire is burning at a (potentially full-developed)
steady-state. However, the designer will need to undertake time-dependent calculations or
simulations of part, or all, of the fire scenario timeline, e.g. to determine the time required
to return the corridor to tenable conditions following a period of smoke exposure.
When a time-dependent approach is used, it is recommended that the fire scenario time
line is first established and agreed with the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Table 5.3
presents a typical time line, and covers most of the events that might be considered in the
design of the smoke control system. Other events, such as occupants escaping from other
apartments, can be added as required.
The actual timings will depend on various factors such as the internal geometry of the
apartment and the fire service attendance time and will generally need to be agreed on a
project by project basis.
Table 5.3 Typical time line for time-dependent design
Event Note
Start of fire Ignoring any smoldering period
Fire continues to burn at an increasing rate
A medium growth, t-squared fire (e.g. see PD 7974-1) is
widely adopted
Fire detected in apartment
Door to apartment opens (for occupant escape)
Door to apartment closes
Generally this will be between 10s and 20s after the door
Door to stair opens (for occupant escape)
Door to stair closes
Generally this will be between 10s and 20s after the door
Ventilation system reaches operational state
Smoke detection in the corridor will initiate the ventilation
system. Full operation not likely to occur until after the
first occupants have evacuated the corridor.
Ventilation system continues operating
Ventilation assists in protecting the stair, and depending
on the performance criteria, to clear smoke from the
Fire continues to burn at an increasing rate to
reach max heat release rate for design
Assuming sufficient ventilation is available in the
apartment and there is no fire suppression (e.g.
Additional ventilation by glazing failure is likely to be
Fire service access door(s) opens
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Door to stair opens (fire service arrival) and
remains open
The degree of door opening is case dependant
Door to fire apartment fully opens (fire fighting
Ventilation protects the stair and reduces severity of
conditions in the corridor.
Recommendations for suitable design fires can be found, for example, in PD 7974-1:2003
and the BRE Trust publication FB 29 (2011) Design Fires for use in Fire Safety
Engineering. The growth of the fire is likely to take a form similar to that shown in Figure
Figure 5.2 Typical time-dependent design fire (buildings without sprinkler
It is likely that a medium growing t-squared fire (see PD 7974-1:2003) will be a suitable
choice for a typical residential fire scenario. The size to which the fire grows will be
strongly influenced by the availability of ventilation (air) to the apartment from the outside
and whether suppression (sprinklers or water mist) is available.
If a medium growing t-squared fire is assumed, then after 5 minutes the heat release rate
will be approximately 1MW. This size of fire might be considered as appropriate at the time
the occupants of the fire apartment make their escape.
Unless the fire is controlled by a suppression system, subject to sufficient availability of
fuel and air it will continue to grow. Typically, fully-developed, or post flashover, conditions
will occur as the fire grows and once the upper smoke layer temperature has reached
about 600°C.
In order to provide reasonably worse case (onerous) fire conditions up to the point of
flashover, it is generally necessary to allow for just sufficient ventilation (from the outside at
low level) to maintain most combustion within the apartment, i.e. to allow the fire to
continue to burn and not become under-ventilated. This will generate the most onerous
conditions with the maximum smoke and heat entering the corridor when the apartment
door is opened and is representative of the methodology adopted in BRE project report
213179 which supported the current guidance on smoke ventilation in ADB. While a small
Page 20 of 68
opening (to the outside) will suffice in the early stages of the fire, a larger one will be
required if the fire is allowed to grow. Timing and size of this opening needs to be justified.
If post-flashover, fully-developed fire conditions involving all or most of the combustible
items in the room are to be included in the fire load, then it is likely that a significant
amount of glazing will have failed and the fire has reached its ultimate ventilation
controlled state.
For the purpose of justifying a smoke control system at fire service access time it is
generally reasonable to consider a fixed area fire size with sufficient ventilation to support
complete combustion inside the room of fire origin and to generate conditions akin to those
at flashover. Typically, in the absence of a suppression system, this will involve a fire
generating of the order 2 to 6 MW depending on compartment size, and a ventilation (e.g.
window) opening area in the range 1 to 3 m
(depending on the fire size and vent aspect
ratio). The choice of the fire size and ventilation opening conditions needs to be
considered carefully by the fire engineer and agreed with the authorities having
jurisdiction. The need to complete a sensitivity analysis in relation to the fire size and
extent of the glazing failure may, in some cases, be required.
It would generally be expected that the fire and the apartment is included within a CFD
model for the later stages of the fire scenario (after the fire service arrives and the stair
and apartment doors are opened). This allows the full dynamic interaction between the
apartment and the common areas to be included. However, at the initial stages of the fire
scenario, where the rate of smoke clearance from the corridor is being examined, it might
be more practical to impose the smoke, heat and soot source terms directly as a boundary
condition at the apartment door. For example, if the fire is assumed to grow to 1MW as
discussed above, then Table 5.4 presents boundary conditions that are considered
appropriate to apply directly at the (open) apartment door, where it has been assumed
(conservatively) that all the smoke generated by the fire (gaseous components and soot
particulate) enters the corridor. Typically, the corridor might be exposed to this level of
smoke for a period of 10 to 20s as the occupants make their escape: the actual time
period would be agreed as part of the fire strategy time line.
Table 5.4 Illustrative boundary conditions at the opened apartment door at the
initial MOE stage (time-dependent design; assuming all smoke vents into corridor after 5 minutes
of a medium t
Fire size
of smoke
Flow of smoke from dwelling Condition
Mass (gas)
(kg/s) *
1000 120 ** 1.0 *** 5.0 x 10
Early stages of fire, relevant to
period following initial MOE
* This value corresponds to an effective heat of combustion of 20 000 kJ kg
(e.g. PU foam) and a soot yield of 10%.
** 120°C is a representative smoke temperature for persons to still be able to evacuate at the apartment door, A
sensitivity analysis using ambient and 220°C (maximum tenable limit for very short exposure) might be considered.
*** 1kg/s is a representative of conditions where most of the smoke is transported through the door (e.g. see relevant
entry in Table 5.2), A sensitivity analysis using 0.3kg/s and 1.5kg/s might be considered, representing lower and upper
bounds derived from a compartment fire engineering analysis for a 1MW fire.
Page 21 of 68
Where water suppression is to be considered, it might be appropriate to assume that the
fire grows until the suppression activates and then remains fixed at this size. Fully-
developed or flashover conditions would not subsequently be reached.
5.4 Fire Service Intervention
The national guidance for the design and construction of apartment buildings, flats and
maisonettes has historically encouraged the principles of compartmentation and ventilation
to protect occupants and assist the fire-fighting operation, particularly where a stay put
policy is in place. Such design principles are based on a reliance that occupants not
affected by fire or smoke will remain within their flats during the fire-fighting intervention
phase. However, occupants not at immediate risk are free to evacuate at any stage and
enter common escape routes despite the principle in design and advice to stay put.
Consideration should be given to the likelihood of uncontrolled occupant movements
within common areas and both designers and the Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) should
establish and align their strategies and areas of responsibility, taking such scenarios into
There are, however, some key aspects that should be considered when designing smoke
control systems as compensation for extended travel distances:
In the design and construction of extended length corridors beyond 7.5 metres
served by a single stair, BS 9991 recommends that, in single stair buildings above
11m in height with accommodation on two (or more) sides of the common stair, the
various wings of the building should be isolated by fire doors in order to prevent
corridors from becoming contaminated by smoke. Where corridors are provided
with smoke control systems as compensation for extended travel distances these
cross corridor doors may be omitted, providing the designer is able to demonstrate
that the ventilation provisions can provide acceptable tenability for occupants using
escape routes to exit the building.
Despite the absence of suitable research in this area, designers should be aware
that single direction travel distances over 30m in length (measured from the
staircase door to the furthest flat entrance door) in common escape routes are
considered to present onerous conditions for fire fighters. It is therefore
recommended that they are not proposed.
It is acknowledged that it is unlikely a mechanical smoke ventilation system can be
designed to maintain tenable conditions in corridors for escaping occupants once
fire fighting has begun or if the door to the flat of fire origin remains open for any
other reason.
It should be noted that where stay put policies are incorporated into the buildings
fire strategy, particularly where single direction travel exists, the approving
authorities may place a much greater emphasis on the need for sprinklers or fire
suppression systems in flats and/or the provision of cross corridor suitably fire
resisting doors to separate extended corridors into manageable sections.
• As outlined in section 6.4.1 of this document, it is recommended that smoke
ventilation systems extract smoke away from the stairs where single direction travel
distances exceed 7.5m. This will help to ensure that the staircase is adequately
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protected from the products of combustion, as well as assist with fire fighter access
(ideally fire fighters will be approaching the flat of fire origin with the flow of inlet air).
The FRS have expressed their concerns in relation to the lengths of undivided
corridor that fire fighters may have to navigate to carry out rescues or reach safety
in situations where fire conditions deteriorate during intervention. Therefore the
designer should consider that corridor sub-divisions may increase fire fighter safety.
Where cross corridor doors are provided the ventilation strategy should take these
into account when demonstrating performance capability.
There needs to be an understanding and acceptance of responsibility between
approving authorities, smoke control system designers and the Fire and Rescue
Service that the risk to occupants should not be increased beyond that provided by
a fully code compliant layout.
Where extended common escape route smoke ventilation solutions are proposed, it
is recommended that designers discuss all relevant fire service intervention aspects
with the local fire and rescue service.
5.5 Documentation
Results should be presented in an appropriate form for each agreed criterion. Sufficient
information should be provided to allow relevant parties to assess the analysis undertaken
in relation to checking and meeting the required performance criteria.
The results of the analysis should be documented and may be provided in the form of a
report, together with any necessary supporting animations from advanced modelling.
The documentation should include at least the following information:
A description of the residential area and the proposed ventilation system
The design criteria and performance objectives of the analysis
The scenarios investigated
Details of the techniques used and related information
The results of the analysis
A statement as to whether the design criteria and objectives have been met
Summary input/output data for the modelling used
For time dependent analyses, graphical results should be presented wherever possible to
quantitatively show conditions plotted against a time line.
A sensitivity analysis should be carried out and presented such that it allows important
outputs between different scenarios to be easily compared.
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6 System types
6.1 Commentary
Smoke control can be achieved by natural, mechanical or a combination of mechanical
and natural ventilation methods. Mechanical systems may be designed to allow extended
travel distances subject to agreement from the approving authorities.
Four different system types are considered:
Natural ventilation
Pressure differential
Mechanical (powered) smoke ventilation
Small single stair building
Small single stair buildings have been provided with their own system type since the
functional requirements for the systems, whether natural, pressurisation or powered are
slightly different to other residential building types.
6.2 Natural Ventilation
6.2.1 Introduction
ADB, while allowing both natural and mechanical ventilation to common corridors/lobbies,
makes the presumption that natural ventilation is the norm and mechanical ventilation is an
Natural ventilation has many benefits including simplicity, reliability, low noise and low
energy use. However its performance can be sensitive to wind effects and, for natural
shaft systems, there is a relatively large loss of floor space.
ADB provides recommendations for natural wall vents, natural vent shafts and vents at the
head of the stair. The guidance in this section is intended to support the guidance in ADB.
6.2.2 General principles
Natural ventilation works by harnessing the natural forces of wind and thermal buoyancy to
drive flow through the ventilator. For this application, the intended driving force is the
buoyancy of hot smoke from the fire. Since buoyancy forces can be small compared to
wind forces the performance in use can be significantly affected by wind.
For natural ventilation to operate effectively there needs to be both a source of inlet air and
an exhaust opening. For a wall mounted vent, the vent generally provides both inlet at the
bottom of the vent and exhaust at the top. Otherwise inlet air can be provided through the
stair door when it is opened. To assist this, and to vent any smoke which enters the stair, a
vent is needed at the head of the stair.
ADB recommends that the stair and the corridor/lobby adjoining the stair (i.e. the one the
stair door opens onto) be ventilated.
6.2.3 Corridor/lobby vents
ADB recommends:
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A vent with a minimum free area of 1.5m
should be located on an external wall of
each corridor/lobby to be ventilated.
The vents should be located as high as practicable and such that the top edge is at
least as high as the top of the door to the stair.
In single stair buildings the vents should be actuated by smoke detectors in the
corridors/lobbies served. In multi-stair buildings the vents may be manually
actuated. In either case the vent at the head of the stair needs to automatically
open with the vents.
NOTE: In reality it is unlikely that escaping occupants will manually activate the corridor/lobby vents
during the means of escape phase. It is beneficial to automate the activation of corridor/lobby vents as
per the guidance for a single stair building. Additional considerations regarding manual corridor/lobby
vents are described in
6.2.4 Natural smoke shafts
The requirements for a natural smoke shaft are given in 2.26 of ADB: 2006 and
reproduced below.
Vents, designed in accordance with the relevant guidance given in 6.2.3 above, should:
discharge into a vertical smoke shaft (closed at the base) meeting the following criteria:
i. Minimum cross-sectional area 1.5m
(minimum dimension 0.85m in any direction),
opening at roof level at least 0.5m above any surrounding structures within a horizontal
distance of 2.0m. The shaft should extend at least 2.5m above the ceiling of the highest
storey served by the shaft;
ii. The minimum free area of the vent from the corridor/lobby into the shaft and at the
opening at the head of the shaft and at all internal locations within the shaft (e.g. safety
grilles) should be at least 1.0m
(see Appendix C of ADB:2006);
iii. The smoke shaft should be constructed from non-combustible material and all vents
should have a fire/smoke resistance performance at least that of an E30Sa fire door.
The shaft should be vertical from base to head, with no more than 4m at an inclined
angle (maximum 30º); and
iv. On detection of smoke in the common corridor/lobby, the vent(s) on the fire floor, the
vent at the top of the smoke shaft and to the stairway should all open simultaneously.
The vents from the corridors/lobbies on all other storeys should remain closed.
Note: designers should be aware that the relationship between the vent and the shaft may
restrict the free area and should take this into account, where possible, when selecting,
locating and sizing the vent.
Shaft construction should comply with 8.2.4
6.2.5 Stair vents
ADB recommends that a vent with a free area of at least 1.0m
be provided between the
top storey of the stair and the outside. This is to be operated automatically. See 6.2.6 and
The design of the stair vents should meet the guidance given in 6.2.3 above.
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6.2.6 Free Area Calculation
Measurement of the free area of a vent is defined in Appendix C to ADB: 2006,
reproduced below. Use of any other form of measurement should be justified as part of a
fire engineering analysis.
The Smoke Control Association offer the following guidance for interpreting Diagram C7.
The free areas defined in ADB are geometric in nature and in order to correlate these with
a CE Marked ventilator they should be approximated to an aerodynamic free area.
Consequently, where a ventilator CE Marked to EN12101-2 is used in accordance with 5a
(above) then the declared aerodynamic free area of the vent must be no less than 1.0m
for a 1.5m
requirement and 0.7m
for a 1m
Where 5b (above) is used then the following methodology should be followed:
1. Establish the maximum free area of the ventilator by multiplying the height by the
width of the internal throat dimensions of the ventilator irrespective of obstructions
such as actuators or blades (Av)
2. Measure the free areas that can be reasonably achieved when the vent is in the
emergency open position (see illustrations below). Subtract obstructions such as
damper or louvre blades, overhanging soffits, builders work reveals, frame sections
etc. (AvCalc).
3. Sum the free areas measured in 2.
4. Compare Av to AvCalc.
5. The free area of the installed ventilator is MIN(Av,AvCalc).
Page 26 of 68
Note 1 : Ideally where doors or side hinged flaps are used as ventilators into a smoke shaft
the door or flap should open to 90º.
Note 2: Roof mounted ventilators can be susceptible to positive wind pressures. Single
flap ventilators should be opened to a minimum of 140 degrees and double flap ventilators
should be opened to a minimum of 90 degrees per leaf.
Note 3: Top hung ventilators should not be installed for natural smoke ventilation.
Fig a Typical bottom hung vent with overhang Fig b Typical bottom hung vent with
window reveal
(Note: If AvCalc from figure a. is greater than
AvCalc from figure c. then use AvCalc from
figure c. when comparing AvCalc to Av.)
Fig c Typical bottom hung vent Fig d Typical side hung vent
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6.2.7 Control Minimum control requirements
The minimum control requirements for natural ventilation are set in ADB:
Design should be based on a single floor level being affected by the fire and therefore only
the smoke vents on the floor of fire origin and any other design critical vents (such as the
head of the smoke shafts and staircase) are required to open. System designers should
avoid opening ventilators on multiple floor levels, especially where connected by a smoke
shaft, to avoid smoke spread to otherwise unaffected parts of the building, and/or
reduction of ventilation rate from the floor of fire origin.
For single stair buildings the controls should be fully automatic, operating from smoke
detectors in the corridor/lobby at each storey. The vent on the fire affected floor only, the
vent at the head of the smoke shaft and the vent at the head of the stair are required to
open simultaneously. The vents on all other storeys should remain closed even if smoke is
subsequently detected on floors other than the fire floor.
For multi-stair buildings smoke detectors are not required and the vents may be manually
opened (where travel distances are code compliant). However, when any vent is opened
the vent at the head of the stair is required to open simultaneously.
NOTE: In reality it is unlikely that escaping occupants will manually activate the corridor/lobby vents during
the means of escape phase. It is beneficial to automate the activation of corridor/lobby vents as per the
guidance for a single stair building. Additional considerations regarding manual corridor/lobby vents are
described in
Consideration should be given, when positioning the manual activation switches, to ensure
that these are not susceptible to vandalism or accidental operation, leaving multiple vents
open. Additional considerations
It may be concluded from reading that for multi-stair buildings simple manual
windows can be used as vents to the corridors/lobbies. In this case, some additional
issues need consideration:
Since the vent at the head of the stair has to open automatically when any vent is
opened, each window will need a limit switch or other device to initiate this
automatic opening;
Manual windows may be opened by occupants for general ventilation or other
purposes. This would cause nuisance opening of the stair vent which, if not
weathered, may allow significant water entry if left open in the rain;
Windows on upper storeys often have restricted opening to prevent falls, making it
difficult to achieve the desired free area;
Windows opened manually can lead to smoke ingress on non-fire floors.
These problems can be overcome be installing automatic opening vents forming part of
the overall smoke control system. Day to day ventilation can be achieved through local
control such as a publicly accessible switch but on fire activation, any automatic opening
vents on non-fire floors must close safely.
Page 28 of 68
Consideration should be given to mitigating the risk of entrapment when vents close
automatically, for example through the installation of movement sensors. Additional Fire Service controls
While ADB does not require a central fire-fighters panel, in complicated buildings, a central
fire-fighters panel may be desirable. Care should be taken to avoid adding over-
complexity and risk of inappropriate operation.
The fire service will usually require some manual control for fire service use. Simplicity is
recommended as fire-fighters will rarely have the time or knowledge to make proper use of
complex controls.
Control should also be designed to ensure that the system responds to the first point of
detection only and that subsequent detectors operating do not further activate the system.
Any controls provided for fire service use should be clearly identified with permanent
signage, indicating what function the controls have and that they are for Fire fighter use
Designers should also refer to the equipment guidance notes given in 8.2.5 below.
6.3 Pressure differential systems
6.3.1 Introduction
It is generally recognised that pressure differential systems (usually pressurisation as
opposed to depressurisation in this context) can provide a high level of protection to stairs
and lobbies.
The aim of a pressure differential system is to establish a pressure gradient (and thus an
airflow pattern) with the protected escape stair at the highest pressure and the pressure
progressively decreasing through lobbies and corridors.
With the correct level of pressure differential it is possible to be certain that smoke from a
typical apartment fire will not enter the stair under normal conditions.
A decision as to whether such a system is appropriate to a particular project should be
taken in context with the overall design strategy for means of escape, fire-fighting and
property protection within the building.
6.3.2 General principles
Air will naturally try to move from an area of higher pressure to an area of lower pressure.
By increasing the pressure in the protected areas (i.e. the escape routes) above that in the
areas where the fire is likely to occur (in this case the apartments), it is possible to prevent
smoke spread into these escape routes. This is usually achieved by pressurising the parts
of the escape route to be protected.
In a building, the movement of smoke and air is restricted by the building fabric. If the
building fabric were leak free, a pressure differential could be maintained once developed
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with no further action. However, since buildings leak, air needs to be continually blown in
to maintain a pressure differential.
The amount of air that is required will be dictated by how much leakage is present. This is
usually a function of the number of doors which will permit leakage around the perimeter,
the area and type of wall construction and any other openings which could let air out from
the protected space.
A difficulty is that when doors to the protected space are opened as people escape and
the fire service attend, the leakage area increases substantially, making it difficult to
maintain a significant positive pressure. It is therefore necessary to design a system that is
robust enough to provide sufficient protection even under conditions with some doors open
while limiting the pressure differentials achieved with all doors closed. Too much pressure
when all doors are closed will make doors opening into the pressurised space difficult to
open and will impede escape into the protected area.
BS EN 12101-6 provides guidance on the performance to be achieved by a pressure
differential system under both doors closed and doors open conditions and on which
doors should be considered open. Under the 2005 edition of BS EN 12101-6, for a
residential building, a system intended to protect means of escape is Class A and a
system designed to assist fire-fighters is Class B.
Table 1: Classes of system
System class
Examples of use
A For means of escape. Defend in place.
B For means of escape and fire-fighting.
C For means of escape by simultaneous evacuation.
D For means of escape. Sleeping risk.
E For means of escape by phased evacuation.
F Fire-fighting system and means of escape*.
* included for use in Austria and not normally specified in the UK
BS EN 12101-6 also provides a suitable calculation method to assess the air flow rates
required through the system.
A pressure differential system requires three main components:
- a means of maintaining the pressure differential (usually a supply air system)
- a means of avoiding excess pressure differentials (usually a pressure relief damper
or variable speed drive to the fan)
- a means of releasing air flowing through the open door to avoid eventual pressure
equalisation (usually ventilators, automated windows or a natural ventilation shaft).
6.3.3 Areas to be pressurised
To provide the best level of protection, all of the common escape route from each
apartment door to the final exit door would be pressurised. Unfortunately this is usually
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impractical due to the difficulties of providing and maintaining air release facilities from
each apartment. It is therefore normal to provide air release from the common
To protect means of escape (Class A), if there are no lifts, the stair only is usually
pressurised. If there are lifts, then both the stair and either the lifts or lift lobbies may be
pressurised in order to prevent smoke spread through the lifts.
To protect fire-fighters (Class B), the stair, lobbies and fire-fighting lift should be
6.3.4 Supply air system
BS EN 12101-6 allows a single fan set to be used for each system, but recommends
separate risers for supply to the stair and lift and lobbies/corridors (if pressurised). A
standby fan is recommended if the building has only one stair.
Fans and ducts are not expected to operate at high temperature, so ambient rated fans
and standard ducting to DW144 are adequate unless the duct crosses fire compartment
boundaries, in which case relevant portions of the duct should be fire resisting. A supply
grille is recommended at least every 3 storeys in the stair although, to keep grille sizes
down, more are commonly used.
Inlet air should be taken from a point unlikely to be affected by smoke. When inlet is taken
at roof level BS EN 12101-6 recommends dual inlets taken from 2 facades. Where this is
impracticable, inlets separated by at least 5m and facing opposite directions are commonly
accepted as sufficient. In either case in-duct smoke detection should be provided to shut
down an inlet affected by smoke.
6.3.5 Pressure control
As noted earlier, there will be a difference between the air flow required to maintain
pressurisation when all doors are closed and the air flow required to maintain the design
velocity through an open door. The open door air flow is usually the greater.
A gravity operated pressure relief damper is usually mounted in the roof of the stair, sized
to relieve the excess air flow at the design pressure. A sizing method is given in
BS EN 12101-6 and manufacturers data should always be consulted.
An alternative method is to use a variable speed drive to the fan, controlled from pressure
sensing in the stair. Care needs to be taken in selection and commissioning to achieve the
speed of response required by BS EN 12101-6 to avoid overpressures that can prevent
doors from opening or slam violently, possibly resulting in injury, damage or preventing
6.3.6 Accommodation air release (AAR)
Although often forgotten, this is an important part of the system. AAR is required on the
accommodation side of every door leading from the pressurised areas into the
unpressurised areas. In residential buildings this usually means the common lobbies or
Normal options are:
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- automatic windows or vents
- natural shafts
- powered shafts
- HVAC system or other building leakage routes
Designers should carefully consider the positioning of AAR, if within an apartment, as this
will be challenging for the responsible person to manage, monitor and maintain.
If AAR is to be provided by automatic windows or vents, these need to be located on two
facades for each lobby/corridor. This is usually impractical so AAR is provided by shafts,
with fire resisting dampers or vents at each level, with only the vent on the fire floor
AAR shafts may be natural or powered. If a powered shaft is selected care should be
taken to ensure that the combined effect of the pressurisation supply and the AAR does
not cause excess pressure differentials to occur.
Extract fans used in powered AAR shafts should have an appropriate temperature rating
for the application and standby fans should be provided.
Where an HVAC system or shaft passes through multiple compartments, it should have an
appropriate level of fire resistance. Fire dampers may not be used in an AAR system.
6.3.7 Power supply and controls
A maintained power supply should be provided, with automatic changeover to the
secondary power supply in case of interruption of the primary supply.
The main control panel should be located either within the pressurised space or in a
separate one hour fire resisting compartment.
A fire service control should be provided at the entrance to the stairs. It should provide, as
a minimum, status of the power supply and each fan (run, trip) and an off/auto switch,
protected against unauthorised use. The switch may also have a test position for ease of
testing in use.
6.4 Mechanical (Powered) smoke ventilation
6.4.1 General principles
Mechanical smoke ventilation may be used as an alternative to natural ventilation systems.
The recommendations of this section are based on the assumption that a shaft system will
be used, but there is no reason why any floor level may not have its own dedicated
mechanical system.
Benefits of mechanical systems include specified extraction rates, low wind sensitivity,
known capability to overcome system resistances and reduced shaft cross sections.
Requirements of mechanical systems include a maintained power supply, fire resisting
wiring, temperature classified equipment and a standby fan.
Suitable air inlet and exhaust is needed to prevent damage to the system and to ensure
that excessive pressurisation or depressurisation of the ventilated area does not occur.
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This ensures that excess smoke is not drawn from the apartment of fire origin and that
escape doors are neither rendered inoperable nor pulled open.
Design should be based on a single floor level being affected by the fire and therefore only
the smoke vents on the floor of fire origin and any other design critical vents (such as the
head of the smoke shafts and staircase) are required to open. System designers should
avoid opening ventilators on multiple floor levels, especially where connected by a smoke
shaft, to avoid smoke spread to otherwise unaffected parts of the building, and/or
reduction of extract rate from the floor of fire origin. See section and
Smoke shafts should be constructed of non-combustible material, The fire resistance of
the shaft should be equivalent to the requirements of the elements of the structure through
which it passes.
All vents to the lobbies/corridors should have a fire/smoke resistance performance at least
equivalent to that of an E30Sa fire door. The fire rating of the vent needs to be agreed
with the AHJ.
Activation of the system is subject to discussion with the AHJ and other interested
stakeholders, however the system is typically activated on detection of smoke in the
common corridor / lobby. Upon activation of the system the smoke vent(s) on the fire floor,
the vent(s) at the top of the smoke shaft(s) and the vent at the head of the stairway should
open and any fans should run at the design speed. The vents on all other storeys should
remain closed even if smoke is subsequently detected on floors other than the floors of fire
Basic mechanical systems are commonly provided simply as an equivalent to the natural
ventilation systems described in Approved Document B. It is possible to design systems
providing a higher performance that may then be used to allow extended travel distances
in corridors although care should be taken when considering removal of corridor
subdivision doors. In this case the system objectives and performance should follow the
guidance in section 5.
Note: As well as limiting the potential travel distance through smoke these doors may also limit the number
of apartments needing evacuation by fire fighters and protect fire fighters. Removal of these doors may
compromise fire fighter safety.
The location of extract and inlet points should be designed to protect the stair and to
ensure that the layout minimises the potential for heat and smoke in the corridor/lobby to
affect escaping occupants and fire fighters. It is important to ensure that the location of
the inlet air source in relation to the point of smoke extract does not create dead spots in
the protected zone.
It is recommended that extracting smoke away from the stairs should be the default
position where travel distances are in excess of 7.5m. This will normally result in the
extract shaft(s) being positioned remote from the stair. Where it is not possible to provide
the extract(s) in a remote location from the staircase for extended corridor systems, the
location of the extracts should be subject to early discussions with the AHJ.
When calculating the rate of extract and making fan selections, adequate allowance should be
made for system leakage, including for example, leakage through ductwork, smoke shaft and all
other closed dampers in the system. Calculation of the leakage rate should take account of the
pressure to which the system is subjected. Some guidance on smoke shaft leakage rates is given
in section 8 of this guide, but it is important that any published data is adjusted according to the
system pressure.
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The following are examples of typical design principles for mechanical systems:
6.4.2 Mechanical Extract, Natural Inlet
The system comprises mechanical extract shaft(s) serving one or more common spaces
on all, or some, floor levels supplemented by the provision of natural air inlet provided by
automatically opening vents or permanent vent to the outside (either directly or by way of a
shaft, stairway or duct). Typically the mechanical extract is by a shaft although it can be via
fans direct to the outside. Design of the system is dependent on the layout of the building
and the recommended performance and design criteria as detailed in Section 5.
The mechanical extract should discharge directly to the outside. Where only a single
mechanical extract is provided duty/standby fans should be provided as fan failure would
result in failure of the system.
The area of natural air inlet openings should be sufficient to ensure not only that an excess
pressure differential does not occur across a closed door but also that the pressure
differential does not otherwise compromise means of escape by pullingexcessive
amounts of smoke through door cracks or other leakage sources from the apartment of fire
origin into the corridor.
Mechanical extract can be designed such that the system provides a steady extraction rate
throughout all the stages of the fire (e.g. means of escape and fire-fighting).
Alternatively the system can be provided with a variable rate of extraction, varied to reflect
the different stages that occur during the fire. For example the system may incorporate an
increased extraction rate (boost facility) that provides a higher level of ventilation (e.g. on
commencement of fire-fighting activities). The transition between normal mode and boost
mode should be manual (see The decision regarding the ventilation rates,
undertaken by the designer, should reflect the specific risks presented within the building.
Figure 6.4.2a Indicative layout showing a typical mechanical extract and natural
inlet ventilation solution for a common access corridor using two shafts
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Figure 6.4.2b Indicative layout showing a typical mechanical extract and natural
inlet ventilation solution for a common access corridor using an inlet vent directly
from the outside and an extract shaft
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6.4.3 Mechanical Extract, Mechanical Inlet
Typical examples are:
a) Reversible fans which provide mechanical extract and mechanical air inlet. With
this design, the system can be controlled by the fire detection system so that the fan
closest to the initial point of detection can be selected as the smoke extract fan in
means of escape mode with selected fans providing air inlet.
b) Systems with dedicated extract and inlet fans.
The system design is dependent on the exact requirements to match the building layout
and other arrangements are possible.
A mechanical extraction system provided with mechanical inlet requires careful balancing
to ensure that the common access spaces are not overly pressurised or depressurised for
all fire scenarios.
While the extract fan should be specified to operate at the appropriate temperature range,
the inlet fans need not be temperature rated unless a reversible system is used.
This system can be designed to provide a steady extraction rate throughout all the stages
of the fire. Alternatively the system can be provided with a variable rate of extraction, to
reflect the different stages that occur during the fire and the requirements of the building.
The transition between normal mode and fire fighting mode (e.g. the operation of any
reversible fans) should be manual (see The decision regarding the ventilation
rates, undertaken by the designer, should reflect the specific risks presented within the
Where an inverter forms a component of the fan extract system, the impact of failure of the
inverter should be considered. Typically this will result in the system running at the highest
extract rate unless a standby inverter is provided.
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Figure 6.4.3 Indicative layout showing mechanical inlet and mechanical extract
ventilation for a common access corridor.
6.4.4 Mechanical Extract only
The system comprises mechanical extract shaft(s) serving one or more common spaces
on all, or some, of the floor levels. The system uses a single mechanical extract shaft, with
replacement air typically provided by natural leakage. Air replacement forms a key
component of a mechanical extract only system and the designer should specify how this
is to be achieved and how this is to be confirmed and tested onsite to ensure excessive
pressure does not occur across a closed door or otherwise compromise means of escape
by pulling smoke into the common escape routes from the adjoining space.
The design of the system is dependent on the layout of the building and the recommended
performance and design criteria (as detailed in Section 5).
The design of the system should take into consideration that the source of inlet air should
not compromise normal passive fire separation. Any such inlets should be automatic in
operation and should not be temperature controlled (see section 7.5).
Where only a single mechanical extract is provided the fans should be duty/standby fans
as fan failure would result in failure of the system.
Mechanical extract can be designed so that the system provides a steady extraction rate
or alternatively the system can be provided with a variable rate of extraction, varied to
reflect the different stages that occur during the fire. The decision regarding the ventilation
rates, undertaken by the designer, should reflect the specific risks presented within the
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Mechanical extract only systems using natural leakage for replacement air are not suitable
where extended travel distances occur, unless specific consideration of the risks is
undertaken by the designer and approval obtained from the authority having jurisdiction.
6.5 Small Single Stair Buildings
6.5.1 General principles
In England and Wales a small single staircase building is considered to be one which
meets the following criteria:
a. the top floor of the building is no more than 11m above ground level;
b. there are no more than 3 storeys above the ground level storey;
c. the stair does not connect to a covered car park;
d. the stair does not serve ancillary accommodation unless the ancillary
accommodation is separated from the stair by a protected lobby, or protected
corridor, which has not less than 0.4m
permanent ventilation or is protected from
the ingress of smoke by a mechanical smoke control system; and
e. a high level openable vent, for fire and rescue service use, is provided at each floor
level, with a minimum free area of 1m
. Alternatively, a single openable vent may be
provided at the head of the stair which can be remotely operated from the fire and
rescue service access level.
Buildings which do not comply with the criteria, unless otherwise approved by the AHJ,
should be designed in accordance with Sections 6.2 to 6.4 above (as appropriate).
Designers of buildings using other codes of practice should discuss the applicability of the
guidance given below with the AHJ.
Those buildings which do comply with the small single staircase building criteria can be
provided with natural or powered extract or pressurisation.
6.5.2 Natural ventilation
Smoke ventilation from the common areas should be designed in accordance with the
guidance given in Diagram 9 of ADB: 2006.
The smoke ventilation should otherwise comply with the guidance given in Section 6.2
above (e.g. with regards to calculation of ventilation area, provisions of control points etc.)
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6.5.3 Pressurisation
Pressurisation may be used as an alternative to natural ventilation as a means of
protecting the staircase. The design of the system should be as per Section 6.3, for a
means of escape (Class A) system if BS EN 12101 Part 6 is used as the basis of design.
It may not be acceptable to provide a pressurisation system where access is required into
a residents apartment in order to maintain any part of the equipment. External access is
recommended; for example, if an air release path is required via a vent from an apartment,
the actuator of the vent should be accessible from a location outside of the apartment.
The system designer should provide an access and maintenance statement in the O&M
manual on how the equipment can be readily maintained and replaced in the event of
6.5.4 Mechanical (powered) ventilation
Mechanical ventilation may be used as an alternative to natural ventilation as a means of
protecting the staircase. The design will vary depending on the building layout.
Page 39 of 68 With an unventilated common lobby
Where the apartments access the staircase by an unventilated common lobby, ventilation
of the stair is required for fire-fighting (only). It is not needed for means of escape. It can
therefore be actuated by a fire fighters switch and is not required to operate automatically.
A fire fighters manual control point should be provided at the designated fire service
access point in accordance with
The system is likely to pull smoke into the staircase if it is operated while the
apartment/lobby door is open. It is therefore recommended that the system is only used to
clear the staircase of smoke post fire fighter attendance and/or to ensure that the smoke
layer does not descend below the floor of fire origin if excessive quantities of smoke are
already flowing into the staircase, or are likely to flow into the staircase.
It is important that a replacement air source is provided, usually via a manually opening
door to the outside of the building. The air inlet route is not usually permitted to be via an
enclosed corridor which is accessed by apartments or other accommodation (residential or
otherwise), unless this has been specifically addressed by the system designer, as a fire
occurring in one of these apartments may affect the ability of the system to operate
effectively (e.g. smoke may be pulled into the staircase rather than clean air).
The systems extract rate is considered to satisfy the functional requirements if it meets the
higher of the following:
a) A minimum of 10 air changes is provided to the staircase, or
b) The minimum extract rate is not less than 2m
Note: These values have not been scientifically proven but are based on good practice. The minimum
flow rate ensures sufficient air flow into the staircase and is solely based on the committees opinion. It is
acceptable for a designer to alter these values subject to approval from the authority having jurisdiction.
Duty and standby fans should be provided. With no common lobby
Where no common lobby is provided and the apartments directly access the stair, the
system is required to be automatic and activated by smoke detection in line with the
guidance given in ADB. The system is intended for use for both means of escape and fire
service access. A fire fighters override should be provided in accordance with with
an on/auto/off function.
It is likely that smoke will enter the staircase when the door to the apartment of fire origin is
opened and this smoke may reduce the visibility distances in the staircase to below the
recommended tenability limit. This is unavoidable and also occurs when natural ventilation
is used.
To mitigate against excess smoke entering the stair the following criterion is applied:
When the doors from the apartment to the stair are closed the maximum pressure
difference in the staircase should be no more than -15Pa to -20Pa. For pressure
differences greater than this there is considered to be a risk that excessive smoke may
enter the staircase via door leakage paths.
Note: the recommended limit is based on the experience of the working group and limited research and is
subject to further scientific assessment. It should be noted that at -25Pa, CIBSE Guide E identifies that doors
opening into staircase may be pulled open.
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To ensure the system operates correctly a suitably sized, automatic opening, replacement
air inlet source should be provided at the base of the stair. Replacement air should ideally
be provided naturally. If this is not possible a mechanical alternative is acceptable
provided the stair is kept at a negative pressure. The air inlet route is not usually permitted
to be via an enclosed corridor which is accessed by apartments or other accommodation
(residential or otherwise), unless this has been specifically addressed by the system
designer, as a fire occurring in one of these apartments may affect the ability of the system
to operate effectively (e.g. smoke may be pulled into the staircase rather than replacement
The systems extract rate is considered to satisfy the functional requirements if it meets the
higher of the following:
a) A minimum of 10 air changes is provided to the staircase, or
b) The minimum extract rate is not less than 2m
Note: These values have not been scientifically proven but are based on good practice. The minimum flow
rate ensures sufficient air flow into the staircase and is solely based on the committees opinion. It is
acceptable for a designer to alter these values subject to approval with the authority having jurisdiction.
All testing during commissioning should be undertaken with the doors closed.
Duty and standby fans should be provided.
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7 Interaction with other Fire Protection Systems and other
Building Systems
7.1 Introduction
The designer should consider all interactions between the smoke control system and other
systems to ensure that the smoke control system meets its intended design performance
when required to do so in an emergency.
Where smoke control systems interact with other systems:
a) Any interaction in a fire situation should not compromise the operation and
effectiveness of the smoke control system and visa versa;
b) The smoke control system should work with other fire protection systems as defined
by the fire strategy.
The designer may need to consider the specific performance of individual manufacturers
systems and equipment, and take this into account in the design of the smoke control
7.2 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems
Unless specifically designed to aid the smoke control system, HVAC systems in common
areas should be switched off upon detection of fire or manual operation of the smoke
control system.
Where HVAC ducts may cause unacceptable spread of smoke or fire, they should be shut
off by an appropriate smoke or fire damper upon detection of fire or manual operation of
the smoke control system.
7.3 Automatic fire suppression
Provision of automatic fire suppression systems in individual apartments or
common/ancillary areas does not remove or reduce the need for smoke control.
The effect of automatic fire suppression systems should only be taken into account when
all areas that could affect the system are fitted with an appropriate automatic fire
suppression installation. In this case a reduction in the design fire size may be justified.
7.4 Fire Separating Elements
The design of the smoke control system components should be such that there is no
reduction in the level of fire separating elements provided.
Where fire dampers are to be used to enforce lines of fire separating elements in
conjunction with a mechanical smoke ventilation system, intumescent type dampers
should not be used as the cooling effect of the ventilation system is likely to prevent the
temperature build up necessary for the dampers to function correctly. Motorised fire and
smoke dampers, of a suitable rating, operated by a smoke detector in the smoke zone
should be used.
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7.5 Ground floor / exit level final exit
A ventilated common lobby serving the stair and accommodation at the final exit level
should not be regarded as suitable as part of the final exit route from the stair. It is
important to ensure the protection to the stairway is maintained throughout the stairway
and its final exit.
Diagram A in Figure 7.5 below shows a typical layout and lobby ventilation system on an
upper floor. If this layout is repeated at the final exit level with the ventilated common lobby
forming part of the final exit route from the stair, as indicated in Diagram B, escaping
occupants may be forced to escape through a smoky lobby to the final exit door.
Diagrams C and D show alternative layouts which avoid escaping occupants being
exposed to smoke and therefore provide the correct level of protection.
Figure 7.5 Location of lobby ventilators at Ground / exit level
7.6 Ventilation of lobbies to ancillary accommodation
The prescriptive codes recommend for means of escape that ancillary accommodation
(e.g. car park or places of special fire hazard) is separated from the staircase by means of
a natural ventilated lobby (e.g. where ADB recommends for a small single staircase
building a 0.4 m
vent). This is normally achieved by a fire rated plenum linking the lobby
to the outside of the building allowing any smoke in the lobby to be ventilated.
This natural ventilation provision cannot always be easily achieved. An alternative
approach may be to use one of the following mechanical ventilation systems:
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1. Mechanical extraction from the lobby at a rate equivalent to the natural vent and a
pressure not exceeding 20 Pa across the lobby doors. The fan discharge should be
ducted to the outside.
2. Positive pressurisation of the lobby above the surrounding space.
In developing the above system, the replacement air should be taken from the sterile area
ensuring smoke is not actively drawn into the lobby. This could be from the staircase or
riser and where dedicated active openings are provided, they should be controlled by a
local smoke detector.
Duty and standby fans should be provided to ensure the system operates in the event of
component failure.
All testing during commissioning should be carried out with the doors closed.
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8. Equipment and Installation
8.1 Introduction
A smoke control system must operate in the intended manner when called upon to do so
in an emergency situation. To ensure the system operates correctly, it is essential that the
processes of planning, design, installation, commissioning and maintenance are
undertaken by competent parties and that clear responsibilities are established.
Typically a smoke control system is made up of a number of components, interconnected
and controlled in a way which meets the performance requirements set out in the system
design. The products will generally meet European or International product standards.
The Construction Products Regulation (CPR) came into force in July 2013 and introduced
a mandatory requirement on manufacturers to only place products onto the European
Union market which comply with relevant harmonised standard. EN12101 is the umbrella
regulation which covers smoke and heat control systems. Several parts of EN12101 are
harmonised under the CPR is therefore essential for any stakeholder to incorporate
products which comply with this standard into the construction.
Compliance with the CPR is demonstrated by the manufacturer issuing a Declaration of
Performance (DoP) for the product. As these products are designed to protect life, under
the CPR’s System of Attestation of Conformity, they must be tested to an Assessment &
Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) Level 1. This means that the
manufacturer MUST appoint a Notified Body accredited to the relevant part of EN12101 to
issue the manufacturer with a certificate of constancy of performance for the product which
is necessary to allow the manufacturer to issue the DoP.
The certificate of constancy of performance will be based on:-
Type Testing of the Product
Initial Inspection of the Factory Production Control
Continuous surveillance, assessment and evaluation of the Factory Production
The DoP will contain information about the essential characteristics of the product. These
characteristics will indicate the suitability of the product for the required function.
The installation of these products should be undertaken in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and the SCA encourages the use of third party accreditation
schemes (for example, the SCA supports the FIRAS scheme for Installation and
Maintenance of Smoke Control Systems).
Guidance on these processes can be found in BS 8519, BS9999 and BS9991 as well as
the recently published BS 7346 Components for smoke control systems: Part 8 Code of
practice for planning, design, installation, commissioning and maintenance. These
documents serve to illustrate best practice, including minimum performance criteria and
sample certification. Furthermore these documents set out the statutory responsibilities for
smoke control systems.
A smoke control system should be installed and commissioned in accordance with a
detailed engineering plan which should have considered as a minimum:
Sub division of system into zones
Component selection and compatibility
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• System activation
Location of components and equipment
Electrical power supplies and cables
Cause and effect summary
• System performance
The following sections provide useful notes on equipment selection. This information is
intended to supplement the guidance given in BS 7346 Part 8, BS 9991 and BS 9999.
8.2 Equipment Guidance Notes
A summary of equipment and relevant test standards is included in Annex A
8.2.1 Automatic opening vents Automatic opening louvre, automatic opening casement windowused for
external wall ventilation smoke ventilation
All casement windows or louvre windows placed on the market for smoke ventilation
purposes should be CE marked to BS EN 12101 Part 2. It is essential that stakeholders
satisfy themselves that products carrying CE marks are supported by DoPs relevant to
their proposed use. Automatic opening casement window, automatic opening sloping roof
window, automatic opening rooflight, automatic opening louvre used for
stairwell ventilation
These products may be used for both inlet and outlet according to the design of the
system. Where the product is used for smoke outlet then, under the rules of the CPR, it
must be CE marked to BS EN12101 Part 2.
It is important that care is taken when selecting a suitable product and factors such as
prevailing wind direction, proximity to other buildings, the angle of opening and the type of
ventilator should all be taken into account as incorrect product selection can adversely
affect the operation of the system leading to negative discharge. Where roof mounted
hinged single flap ventilators are used for smoke extract a minimum opening angle of 140
degrees is recommended. Where an automatic opening vent
is used solely for air inlet to
the smoke control system, then it should also comply with BS EN12101-2. Automatic opening rooflight, automatic opening louvre used for
ventilation to top of smoke shaft
These products may be used for both inlet and outlet according to the design of the
system. Where the product is used for natural smoke outlet then, under the rules of the
CPR, it must be CE marked to BS EN12101 Part 2.
It is important that care is taken when selecting a suitable product and factors such as
prevailing wind direction, proximity to other buildings, the angle of opening and the type of
ventilator should all be taken into account as incorrect product selection can adversely
affect the operation of the system leading to negative discharge. Where roof mounted
hinged single flap ventilators are used for natural smoke extract a minimum opening angle
of 140 degrees is recommended.
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Where an automatic opening rooflight or louvre is used above a smoke extract fan (or inlet
fan on a push pull system) the activation of the unit must fail safe to the open position. Automatic opening shaft ventilator (actuated fire door) used for ventilation
from corridor or lobby into smoke shaft
ADB requires the following: “all vents should have a fire/smoke resistance performance at
least that of an E30Sa fire door”. In some applications a greater fire resistance may be
required See section 6.4.1.
In principle, the requirement is a combination of a fire door controlled by an actuator
retrofitted on site. The product must perform two functions according to its required
activation in an emergency condition.
When the door is deployed on non-fire floors of a smoke shaft, it must close or remain
closed (under the dictates of the smoke control system) and the door assembly, frame,
seals and hinges should have as a minimum the fire resistance and leakage rate
equivalent to that of a fire door that has been fire tested on both sides complete with
smoke seals for the duration required by the application
The door shall be tested in the orientation in which it is to be installed (e.g. horizontal
and/or vertical). This can typically be evidenced by testing of the door to EN1634-1 and
When the door is deployed on the fire floor, it must open and remain open during the
means of escape and firefighting mode.
It is the performance of the actuating mechanism that is the principle key element and the
door should open to its fire open position in less than 60 seconds and remain open (time
as required by EN12101-2).
Actuators shall have evidence of testing following the method as described in Appendix G
of EN12101-2, noting their ability to open a door at 300°C after ramping up from ambient
conditions for 5 minutes and stay open for a further 25 minutes.
Evidence should be available that the actuator used can perform 1000 operations (as
required by EN12101-2). If day to day ventilation is facilitated by opening and closing the
vent the number of operations should be extended to 10,000.
Recent experience of fires in residential buildings has reinforced the need to maintain
smoke and fire separation. Smoke control systems must not contribute to the cross
compartment proliferation of smoke and fire.
Magnetic locks with spring openers should not be used, as the magnets on floors above
the fire floor can fail leading to the opening of the VENTILATOR, smoke contamination at
the upper levels and breach of compartmentation.
In the same way, other failsafe actuators, spring openers and fusible links should not be
used as the characteristics of these opening mechanisms can lead to a reduction in the
compartmentation of the smoke shaft.
Page 47 of 68 Automatic opening shaft ventilator (alternatives to an actuated fire door)
used for ventilation from corridor or lobby into smoke shaft
There are various acceptable alternatives to the fire door solution described in
1) An actuated hinged flap of whatever material that has been separately tested in the
same manner as a fire door to EN1634-1 and EN1634-3 (bottom or side hinged is
2) A smoke control damper that has been certificated for use partitions to EN12101-8.
3) A fire damper tested to EN1366-2, but fitted with an ON/OFF actuator and no
fusible link. Ambient closed blade leakage should not exceed 360 m
at 300
Pascals and this should be recorded in the test report.
In each case of the above:
1) The product shall be tested from the shaft side for fire resistance (as a minimum).
2) The product shall be tested for maintenance of opening from the non-shaft side (as
a minimum).
3) The product shall be tested in the orientation in which it is to be installed (e.g.
horizontal and/or vertical).
4) When the product is deployed on the fire floor, it must open and remain open during
the means of escape and firefighting mode.
5) It is the performance of the actuating mechanism that is the principle key element
and the product should open to its fire open position in less than 60 seconds and
remain open (time as required by EN12101-2).
6) The above tests prescribe the requirements for actuators, but if changes are
proposed, actuators shall have evidence of testing following the method as
described in Appendix G of EN12101-2, noting their ability to open a door at 300°C
after ramping up from ambient conditions for 5 minutes and stay open for a further
25 minutes.
7) Evidence should be available that the actuator used can perform 1000 operations
(as required by EN12101-2). If day to day ventilation is facilitated by opening and
closing the vent the number of operations should be extended to 10,000.
8) Magnetic locks with spring openers should not be used, as the magnets on floors
above the fire floor can fail leading to the opening of the VENTILATOR, smoke
contamination at the upper levels and breach of compartmentation.
8.2.2 Smoke control damper (specifically for use in ductwork)
Smoke control dampers should as a minimum be classified to BS EN 12101-8. Further
guidance on the application of the products is given in BS 7346 Part 8.
8.2.3 Smoke control ducts
Any smoke control ducts should as a minimum be classified to BS EN 12101-7. Further
guidance on the application of the products is given in BS 7346 Part 8.
8.2.4 Builders work shaft used for smoke control
Builder’s work smoke shafts used for smoke control should follow the guidance given in
Approved Document B, BS 9991 and BS 7346 Part 8.
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The shaft should be constructed from non-combustible materials and be smooth internally.
The size of the shaft should be in accordance with the design specification. The shaft and
its ancillary components should maintain fire separation between corridors, lobbies and
floors at all times. Suitable guarding should be provided where necessary to prevent injury
when any ventilator is open to a shaft (e.g. floor grilles).
A builder’s work shaft should have a maximum leakage rate of 3.8 m
per hour per m
50 Pascals. This figure is derived from leakage data for walls in BS EN 12101-6 and is
used to set a benchmark to limit air leakage from the shaft.
Whenever shaft systems are used, it is likely that the shaft will pass through a number of
compartments, in which case it should be constructed to the same level of fire separation
as the floors/walls through which it passes.
The smoke shaft should only contain equipment directly associated with the smoke
ventilation system. No other building services should be contained within the smoke shaft.
All vents to the lobbies/corridors should have a fire/smoke resistance performance at least
equivalent to that of an E30Sa fire door. The fire rating of the vent needs to be agreed with
the AHJ.
8.2.5 Control equipment
All control equipment used for smoke control systems should comply with ISO 21927-9. A
control system may be centralised, distributed or a mixture of both.
Where both are used, care should be taken such that an activation of a distributed
override device does not compromise the capability of the central control panel or vice
The nature of the system should be that under quiescent conditions the control equipment
should be in automatic mode. In this mode the control equipment should be protected
against improper use. Control panel
Consideration should be given to the location of control panels and control equipment.
Most control panels complying with ISO 21927-9 are only designed to operate at ambient
temperatures. Therefore they should be located such that the risk of exposure to high
temperatures is minimised. It is acceptable to locate control panels which do not provide
the primary system indication below the bottom of the lowest vent in the smoke shaft, if
adequately protected.
In all instances the fan control panel should be located in a separate fire compartment to
that which it is designed to serve. Where fans are used for smoke extract, it is
recommended that the control panel(s) ensure automatic changeover from duty to standby
fan (and starting circuit) in the case of a duty fan failure. The controls should be located
remote from the potential fire location.
Any fan starter circuit/panel, with or without inverters, needs to be as robust as possible to
ensure that the fan will run for as long as practically possible in emergency mode.
Consideration should be given to access for maintenance purposes.
Page 49 of 68 Manual control point
The term manual control point encompasses generic phrases such as firefighters
switch, call point, break glass etc. and refers to a distributed activation device, located in or
adjacent to the zone that it serves and designated to activate (or deactivate) the zone that
it is located in.
There are several functions possible, for example:
Simple activation (breakglass) or frangible panel which is only capable of
activating the zone/device
Auto/on switch that is capable of overriding the automatic function of the system
and activating the zone/device, or returning it back to its automatic state
Auto/on/off switch that is capable of overriding the automatic function of the
system and activating/deactivating the zone/device, or returning it back to its
automatic state
Manual control points should be clearly visible and located and/or labelled so their purpose
and function is clear. This should include clear indication of what the manual control point
is associated with (for example, head of stair vent or corridor vent). Manual control points
should comply with ISO 21927-9 and be coloured deep orange to RAL 2011.
Where these are for FRS use only, they should be mounted at a height of 1.8-2.0m from
floor level to discourage tampering.
Note: EN 60335-2-103:2003 sets out safety requirements for automatic gates, windows
and doors. Where a potential hazard is evident (such as an automatically closing window
or door) the close function of the manual control point should operate on a biased off
principle and should be located in sight of the window or door. Manual control points (MCP) for mechanical systems
For mechanical systems a fire fighters override switch providing off/auto facility should be
installed close to the designated fire service access point. For systems that are switchable
between a normal and boost mode, (i.e. two-speed systems with different means of
escape and fire-fighting extract rates), the MCP should be provided in a place of relative
safety (usually the stair enclosure) at each floor level so that fire fighters can operate it
locally, prior to entering the risk area on the relevant floor. Variations to these
recommendations might be considered as part of the consultation process with the AHJ. Manual control points (MCP) for mechanical systems (speed control)
For systems that are switchable between a ‘normal’ and ‘boost’ mode, (i.e. two-speed
systems with different means of escape and fire-fighting extract rates), the MCP should be
provided in a place of relative safety (usually the stair enclosure) at each floor level so that
fire fighters can operate it locally, prior to entering the risk area on the relevant floor.
Variations to these recommendations might be considered as part of the consultation
process with the AHJ.
Note: Due to the potential for keys to be misplaced or lost, it is generally advisable to avoid using key
operated manual control points as fire fighting operations may be significantly impacted if the relevant
keys are not available.
If the use of key operated manual control points cannot be avoided, then their use should be carefully
considered and discussed with the local fire and rescue service. How relevant keys will be stored on
site and made available to the fire service, whether the keys have been provided with robust fobs to
Page 50 of 68
prevent loss if dropped, and whether fobs will indicate where a key can be used and its function will all
need to be clearly discussed and defined as part of this process. Centralised control and indication equipment
There are no specific requirements for centralised control and indication facilities set out in
any of the relevant design guides. However, in complex buildings, a centralised
firefighters panel with indication showing the location (e.g. block and floor) of fire detection
and the status (e.g. dampers open / closed, duty fan running) of all systems may be
beneficial and should be considered. Furthermore, it is common that there is no
requirement for a fire alarm panel to be provided in residential buildings with a stay-put
evacuation strategy and the smoke control panel may be the only form of indication
available to the Fire Service.
The provision of centralised control and indication facilities may be particularly important
where non-code-compliant designs, such as common corridors with extended travel
distances, are proposed and the protection of the means of escape for occupants as well
as access routes for the Fire Service may rely upon the successful operation of
performance-based smoke control systems.
In such cases, it is strongly recommended that the indication of system faults (e.g. failed
dampers or fans) and the indication of the status of key system components when the
system is operating are provided. Such indication is likely to assist with regular
maintenance and fire safety management by providing indication of any system faults that
may occur and this will also assist the Fire Service in the event of an incident.
It is recommended that the monitoring of key system components be derived from direct
feedback from the components (e.g. damper actuator end-switches or equivalent) and not
simply from command status. This is particularly critical where a smoke control system is
provided as a compensatory measure for non-code-compliant designs as safe occupation
of the building may be contingent upon the availability of the smoke control system.
Indication of the status of key system components may be via the fire alarm panel if no
smoke control system control and indication panel is provided.
All power and control cabling should comply with the relevant recommendations of BS
8519:2010.Control and indication panels should comply with ISO 21927-9 and be provided
with a secondary power supply.
Where Graphic User Interface (GUI) panels (e.g. touch screen panels) are used, these
panels should not be the only means for Fire Service manual override of the system or for
the control of critical functions. In particular, provision of a centralised control and
indication panel should not replace manual control points for Fire Service use as the Fire
Service may need to control critical changes in fan speed locally (for example, in the case
of two-speed systems with means of escape and fire-fighting extract rates).
Control/override panels should incorporate the following:
A simple, user friendly interface, considering the needs of the Fire Service
The ability for the panel (whether GUI type or positive switched) to be used by
firefighters wearing gloves
Access level/security protection of the maintenance functions
Page 51 of 68
Protection from tampering when the panel is located in a public area, while
continuing to allow override functionality for the Fire Service when the system is
Suitable reliability, resilience and robustness for the application.
Simplicity of control and indication equipment is recommended, as firefighters will rarely
have the time during an incident or the specialised knowledge to make appropriate use of
complex controls.
In addition to the above, it is important that clear and concise operational instructions for
firefighters on the system operation and its controls are provided, especially where it is
expected that firefighters may need to manually interact with the system. Such information
should be appropriately sited in a suitably identified premises information box or folder,
marked For Fire Service use only.
The location of the centralised control equipment should be clearly indicated at all fire
service access points.
The AHJs should always be consulted regarding additional requirements for control and
indication equipment where non-code-compliant designs are proposed.
If the central fire-fighting control panel allows control of ventilators remotely, then care
should be taken to ensure that occupants are not endangered by remotely closing vents.
Refer to section Automatic smoke detection
Any smoke detection system used to operate the smoke control system should comply
with either BS5839 part 1 at a minimum standard of L5 or ISO 21927-9. The detectors
should comply with EN54. If the system is only compliant with ISO 21927-9 then the
detection system should be used solely for the activation of the smoke control system and
cannot be used as a fire alarm system
8.2.6 Power supply equipment
EN12101 Smoke and heat control systems: Part 10 power supplies is harmonised under
the Construction Products Regulation and requires manufacturers to only place power
supplies for smoke control systems onto the UK market which comply with this standard. It
is therefore essential for any stakeholder to incorporate products which comply with this
standard into the construction.
Compliance with this standard is demonstrated by the manufacturer issuing a Declaration
of Performance (DoP) for the power supply. As these products are designed to protect life,
under the CPR’s System of Attestation of Conformity, they must be tested to an
Assessment & Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) Level 1. This means that
the manufacturer MUST appoint a Notified Body accredited to EN12101Part 10 to issue it
with a certificate of constancy of performance of the product. This is an essential
requirement to allow the manufacturer to issue the DoP.
The certificate of constancy of performance will be based on:-
Type Testing of the Product
Initial Inspection of the Factory Production Control
Page 52 of 68
Continuous surveillance, assessment and evaluation of the Factory Production
The output of the power supply equipment (primary and secondary) should be
independently sufficient to satisfy the maximum demands of the system.
The power supply equipment should either have inherent resistance to or be protected
from mechanical damage. Each connection to the power supply should be via an isolating
protective device reserved solely for the smoke control system and independent of any
other main or sub-main circuit. The power supply, isolating devices and related equipment
should be clearly labelled as to their purpose and be secured against unauthorised
8.2.7 Inverters
Power supplies for life safety systems derived from frequency inverters in order to vary the
speed of the fan motor should be equipped with a fail-safe fire mode. The fire mode should
effectively disable the motor protection function to enable, if necessary, the inverter/motor
to run to destruction.
If the life safety ventilation system is required to have multiple speeds in fire mode, in order
to perform the required duty, each speed should be separately hard-wired and initiated
from the individual fire alarm interface modules.
When necessary to maintain the operation of the critical life safety equipment, the inverter
should be equipped with a Direct on Line (DOL) or Star Delta bypass.
Designers of smoke control systems who wish to have variable speed operation in
emergency mode due to the nature of the design of the smoke control system should
satisfy themselves that the combination of fan and inverter are compatible and will operate
satisfactorily under the design conditions.
Inverters, like other computer operated devices, are particularly sensitive devices and
should be located in suitably designed panels, protected from significant variations in, and
excesses of, temperature, humidity and dust. There is considerable variation in the
reliability and robustness of inverters on the market and the system designer should
ensure that the product used is of a suitable quality.
8.2.8 Fans Smoke extract fans
All fans used for smoke extract should be tested and certified to BS EN 12101-3 Smoke
and heat control systems. Specification for powered smoke and heat exhaust ventilators
Designers of smoke control systems who wish to have variable speed operation in
emergency mode due to the nature of the design of the smoke control system should
satisfy themselves that the combination of fan and inverter are compatible and will operate
satisfactorily under the design conditions. Care should be taken to ensure continuity of
power supplies to all fans (see 8.3).
Designers should also clearly define what temperature rating of fan they are using, and
provide a statement as to why this rating is appropriate for the project in question.
Page 53 of 68 Supply fans
Supply fans used for air inlet to smoke ventilation and pressurisation systems are not
expected to operate at high temperature, so ambient rated fans may be used (to ISO
5801, AMCA 210-85). BS EN 12101-6 allows a single fan set to be used for each
pressurisation system in a multi-stair building but a standby fan is recommended if the
building has only one stair. Care should be taken to ensure continuity of power supplies to
all fans (see 8.3).
Where a reversible system is proposed both sets of fans should be CE marked to BS EN
8.2.9 Pressure sensing devices
Pressure sensing devices are typically utilised in a system to protect against excessive
pressure differentials across escape doors. The pressure sensing devices give outputs to
the control system which will vary the speed drive to the pressurisation fan to prevent over
pressure occurring. Care needs to be taken in selection and commissioning as the speed
of response required by EN12101-6 is difficult to achieve.
The operational reliability of pressure sensing devices needs to be maintained to ensure
the correct operation of the system therefore location of sensors and ongoing maintenance
regimes need to be considered.
Failure modes of pressure sensors should ensure that, on sensor failure, high pressure
differentials do not create excessive door forces.
8.3 Cabling and Electric Power Supply Installation
8.3.1 Cabling
To ensure correct operation of the smoke ventilation system power and control cables
must maintain their integrity during a fire incident. Cables should comply with the following
categories for fire survival in accordance with BS 8519 as appropriate for different
Category 1 (PH30/30 minute survival time) Means of Escape systems
Category 2 (PH60/60 minute survival time) Means of Escape systems
Category 3 (PH120/120 minute survival time) Fire Fighting systems
Only single-operation, automatic natural smoke control systems which offer no firefighting
facility to change the system status after initial operation are considered to be suitable for
use with Category 1 cable (e.g. a smoke ventilation system in direct conformity to ADB).
Where a smoke control system has a fire fighting interaction, whereby a fire fighter can
change the status of the smoke control system, then the system is regarded as a category
3 system in accordance with BS 8519, and both power and control cables should have a
120 min fire survival time.
BS 8519 specifies separate test standards for power and control cables. Generally it is
considered that any cables providing power to the main control panel and fans should be
considered a power cable, whilst cables to dampers and other devices should be
Page 54 of 68
Page 55 of 68
considered control cables. BS 8519 specifies the test standard BS 8491 for power cables
and BS EN 50200 for control cables.
There are circumstances where elements of cabling may not need to satisfy the categories
identified in BS8519. In these instances an engineering view should be applied. For
example where the fan control panel and smoke ventilation fans are located on the open
roof, the roof is fire resisting and the cables between the fan control panel and the fans do
not run through a fire compartment, it may be acceptable to relax the cable specification
set out in BS 8519 providing sufficient justification is evidenced.
8.3.2 Power Supplies
If a smoke control system fails to the operational position on loss of power, then only one
power source is required, in all other cases a dual supply is required
If the primary power source fails, then the power supply should be automatically switched
over to a secondary power source. Failure of or damage to one of the power sources
should not cause the failure of the other power source or the failure of the supply of power
to the system.
Each power supply should provide the power requirements of the worst case scenario at
design duty under ambient conditions.
For electrical systems it is generally recommended that the primary power source is taken
from the public utility supply. Secondary power can be supplied from an alternative utility
supply from another substation, a generator, a UPS or batteries.
Guidance on the provision of power supplies for life safety systems within residential
buildings is further provided within BS 9991.
8.3.3 Power Distribution
For mechanical systems the primary and secondary power cables should only come
together in the fire resisting enclosure or fire resisting roof area housing the fan control
panel by means of an automatic transfer switch (ATS) conforming to BS EN 60947-6.
The enclosures surrounding the ATS and the fan control panel should be provided with a
minimum of 60 minutes fire resisting construction.
The electrical distribution system should conform to BS 7671 and the relevant parts of BS
EN 60947, BS 7346 Part 8 and BS 8519.
9 Commissioning and Acceptance Testing
9.1 Introduction
Testing any form of ventilation system is a fundamental part of the process of setting to
work and the proving of its performance against the design criteria.
As smoke control systems are primarily life safety systems and/or for assistance to the fire
and rescue service it is imperative that the smoke control system is tested by the installer
and then offered for witness testing to the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) to prove its
compliance with the project specification and the approved design criteria.
BS7346 Part 8 sets out the recognised code of practice for commissioning and
acceptance testing of a smoke control system including examples of certification. The
following sections provide useful guidance intended to supplement that given in BS 7346
Part 8.
In addition extract rates for mechanical systems should be proven. Guidance to testing
airflows can be found in the BSRIA Guide – Commissioning Air Systems.
Where smoke tests/ system demonstrations are being completed for AHJ to witness, it
would be expected that the specialist contractor confirms the method statement for the
test/ demonstration in advance, which would include agreed acceptance criteria.
9.2 Documentation
All smoke control systems should be handed over to the end user with a complete set of
documentation. This should include at least:
Design information detailing the performance criteria for the system and a
description of the system
A control philosophy or cause and effect diagram
As installed drawings
Relevant CE marking or type test certificates
• Installation and commissioning certificates
Witness testing certificates or other evidence that the system was tested in front of
the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ)
• Operation, maintenance and testing instructions
Instructions for fire service use
This information should meet the requirement of regulation 38 of the Building Regulations
(England and Wales), requiring the person carrying out the work to provide sufficient
information for persons to operate and maintain the building in reasonable safety. It will
also assist the eventual owner/occupier/employer to meet their duties under the
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order.
9.3 Test Procedures
9.3.1 Airflow measurement
There is no specific guidance for recording smoke extraction rates in mechanical smoke
extraction systems.
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Where it is difficult to undertake reliable pitot tube readings for mechanical smoke
extraction systems due to the orientation of dampers, shafts and the fan location, the
following guidance should be used.
BSRIA BG49/2013 clarifies that damper/grille flow rates can be considered as the average
velocity multiplied by the grille face area with no correction for the free area of the grille.
The readings should be taken as per the grid system recommended in Table 6 of the
BSRIA document and the most favourable reading should be taken in each position
making an allowance for the deflection of the grilles. In some circumstances depending on
the grille finish, it may be necessary to record the readings 500mm away from the grille by
means of a clear 4 sided box extension and the velocity multiplied by the box area.
It is recommended that the flow rates are recorded at the closest and most remote damper
from the fan to ensure the required extraction rate through the damper/grille is achieved.
9.3.2 Stairwell ventilator
Operate each stairwell ventilator via the activation of the designated manual or
automatic device.
Inspect the motor drive for correct operation and extension.
Measure the size of the opening provided by the ventilator in accordance with
Appendix C, paragraph 5, of ADB and check the area for compliance with the
specified area or confirm the product meets the declared aerodynamic free area.
Check the operation of the manual control point(s) to ensure the system operates
as requested.
Check that a secondary power supply is available on loss of the primary power
Reset the system on completion of test.
Provide a certificate of test
Provide a certificate of compliance.
9.3.3 Wall mounted ventilator
Operate each wall ventilator via the activation of the designated initiating manual or
automatic device.
Inspect the motor drive for correct operation and extension.
Check the ventilators operate in accordance with the design cause and effect and
inspect for correct operation and extension.
Measure the size of the opening provided by the ventilator in accordance with
Appendix C, paragraph 5, of ADB:2006 and check the area for compliance with the
specified area or confirm the product meets the declared aerodynamic free area.
Check the operation of the manual control point(s) to ensure the system operates
as requested.
If present, check that a secondary power supply is available on loss of the primary
power supply.
Reset the system on completion of test.
Provide a certificate of test
Provide a certificate of compliance.
9.3.4 Natural ventilator shaft system
Operate each shaft ventilator via the activation of the designated manual or
automatic device.
Page 57 of 68
Inspect the motor drive for correct operation and extension.
Check the ventilators into the smoke shaft operate in accordance with the design
cause and effect and inspect for correct operation and extension. Only one shaft
ventilator should open at any time, all ventilators on other floors should remain
closed. The test should confirm that this continues to be the case even if an
automatic signal is received on floors other than the original floor.
Measure the size of the opening provided by each of the ventilators in accordance
with Appendix C, paragraph 5, of ADB and check the area for compliance with the
specified ventilator areas.
Check the operation of the manual control point(s) to ensure the system operates
as requested.
Check the cross sectional area of the smoke shaft and that it complies with the
specified design area.
• Where appropriate:
Check that the minimum dimension of 850mm (in any direction) for the shaft has
been complied with.
Check the shaft opening at roof level is at least 0.5m above any surrounding
structure within a horizontal distance of 2.0m
Check that the smoke shaft extends at a minimum of 2.5m above the ceiling of
the highest storey served by the shaft.
Check that a secondary power supply is available on loss of the primary power
Reset the system on completion of test.
Provide a certificate of test
Provide a certificate of compliance.
9.3.5 Mechanical shaft system
Operate each shaft ventilator via the activation of the designated manual or
automatic device.
Check the automatic change over is operational for the standby fan.
Check the automatic change over is operational for the secondary power supply.
Check the ventilators in the smoke shaft and the fans operate in accordance with
the design cause and effect and inspect for correct operation.
Measure the flow rate into the shaft system at the ventilator furthest from the fan
Only one shaft ventilator into one shaft should open at any time, all ventilators on
other floors should remain closed. The test should confirm that this continues to be
the case even if an automatic signal is received on floors other than the original
Check the maximum forces required to open escape doors whilst the system is
operating in means of escape mode and record results. The recorded force must
not exceed 100N.
Check the operation of the manual control point(s) to ensure the system operates
as requested. Where a manual control point for firefighting use is provided at each
floor level to switch between fan speeds then the operation of this switch should
also be checked that it results in the correct action.
Carry out a cold smoke test if appropriate (generally only for systems used to allow
extended travel distances).
Reset the system on completion of test.
Provide a certificate of test
Provide a certificate of compliance with the design intent.
Page 58 of 68
9.3.6 Pressure differential system (pressurisation and de-pressurisation)
BS EN 12101-6 provides a detailed set of test procedures which should be carried
out, and recorded for this type of system and in addition to the test readings taken
in accordance with the standard, the following inspections are also recommended:
Operate each motorised damper by activation of the designated manual or
automatic device.
Check that the fan(s) operate at the same times as the opening of the dampers,
measure its performance and check against the design value.
Check the automatic change over is operational for the standby fan.
Check the automatic change over is operational for the secondary power supply.
Inspect the motor drive for correct operation and extension.
Operate the ventilators and fans in accordance with the design cause and effect
and inspect for correct operation and extension.
Check the maximum forces required to open escape doors while the system is
operating in means of escape mode and record results. The recorded force must
not exceed 100N.
Check the operation of the manual control point(s) to ensure the system operates
as requested.
Where applicable, the operation and function of the pressure sensors should also
be checked.
Reset the system on completion of test.
Provide a certificate of test
Provide a certificate of compliance.
Page 59 of 68
10 Maintenance
It is the responsible persons duty under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order to
ensure that any smoke control system provided in their building for life safety and/ or fire
fighting purposes is adequately maintained in effective working order at all times. The
premises fire risk assessment should fully account for the type of smoke control system
installed, its operation, and what monitoring checks and maintenance regime it is
subjected to.
Routine inspection and maintenance of the smoke control system should be carried out in
accordance with BS 9999:2008, Annex V.
Smoke control equipment should only be maintained by a competent person with
specialist knowledge of smoke control systems, adequate access to spares and sufficient
information regarding the system (such as the manufacturers operation and maintenance
instructions as a minimum). The SCA encourages the use of third party accreditation
schemes (for example, the SCA supports the FIRAS scheme for Installation and
Maintenance of Smoke Control Systems).
Further guidance on the maintenance of smoke control systems is available in BS 7346-8.
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11 References
11.1 EU Directives
Council Directive CPR 89/106/EEC on Construction Products Regulation
Council Directive EMC 89/336/EEC on Electromagnetic Compatibility (as amended)
Council Directive LVD 2006/95/EC on Low Voltage Electrical Equipment (as amended)
11.2 Legislation
The Building Regulations 2010 No. 2214 as amended, The Stationery Office, London,
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 No. 320, The Stationery
Office, London, 2007
The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 No. 3004, The Stationery
Office, London, 1992
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 No.1541, The Stationery Office, London,
Approved Document B (Fire Safety) Volume 2 Buildings other than dwelling houses
(2006 Edition), The Stationery Office, London, 2006 including the 2010 and 2013
Approved Document L2A: Conservation of fuel and power (New Buildings other than
dwellings) 2013 edition, The Stationery Office, London, 2013
2013 Technical Handbook, Domestic, The Scottish Government, Building Standards
Division, 2013
DFP Technical Booklet E: 2012 Fire Safety, Department of Finance and Personnel,
Belfast, 2012
DFP Technical Booklet F2: 2012 Conservation of fuel and power in buildings other than
dwellings, Department of Finance and Personnel, Belfast, 2012
11.3 Standards
BS 476-20:1987 Fire tests on building materials and structures. Method for determination
of the fire resistance of elements of construction (general principles)
BS 476-22:1987 Fire tests on building materials and structures. Methods for determination
of the fire resistance of non-load bearing elements of construction
BS 476-24:1987, ISO 6944:1985 Fire tests on building materials and structures. Method
for determination of the fire resistance of ventilation ducts
Page 61 of 68
BS 5588-1:1990 Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings. Code of
practice for residential buildings (withdrawn)
BS 5588-5:2004 Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings. Access
and facilities for fire-fighting (withdrawn)
BS 5839-1:2013 Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings. Code of practice for
design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of systems in non-domestic premises
BS 7899-2:1999 Code of practice for assessment of hazard to life and health from fire.
Guidance on methods for the quantification of hazards to life and health and estimation of
time to incapacitation and death in fires
BS 7974:2001 Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings.
Code of practice
BS 8434-2:2003+A2:2009 Methods of test for assessment of the fire integrity of electric
cables. Test for unprotected small cables for use in emergency circuits. BS EN 50200 with
a 930
flame and with water spray
BS 8491:2008 Method for assessment of fire integrity of large diameter power cables for
use as components for smoke and heat control systems and certain other active fire safety
BS 8519:2010 Selection and installation of fire-resistant power and control cable systems
for life safety and fire-fighting applications. Code of practice
BS 9991:2011 Fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings
Code of
BS 9999:2008 Code of practice for fire safety in the design, management and use of
BS EN 54 (all parts) Fire detection and fire alarm systems.
BS EN 1363-1:2012 Fire resistance tests. General requirements
BS EN 1364-2:1999 Fire resistance tests for non-load bearing elements. Ceilings
BS EN 1366-1:1999 Fire resistance tests for service installations. Fire resistance tests for
service installations. Ducts
BS EN 1366-2:1999 Fire resistance tests for service installations. Fire dampers
BS EN 1366-8:2004 Fire resistance tests for service installations. Smoke extraction ducts
EN1366-10:2011 Fire resistance tests for service installations. Smoke control dampers
BS EN 1634-1:2014 Fire resistance and smoke control tests for door, shutter and,
openable window assemblies and elements of building hardware. Fire resistance tests for
doors, shutters and openable windows
Page 62 of 68
BS EN 12101-2:2003 Smoke and heat control systems. Specification for natural smoke
and heat exhaust ventilators
BS EN 12101-3:2002 Smoke and heat control systems. Specification for powered smoke
and heat exhaust ventilators
BS EN 12101-6:2005 Smoke and heat control systems. Specification for pressure
differential systems. Kits
BS EN 12101-7:2011 Smoke and heat control systems. Smoke duct sections
BS EN 12101-8:2011 Smoke and heat control systems. Smoke control dampers
prEN 12101-9 Smoke and heat control systems. Control equipment
BS EN 12101-10:2005 Smoke and heat control systems. Power supplies
BS EN 12589:2001 Ventilation for buildings. Air terminal units. Aerodynamic testing and
rating of constant and variable rate terminal units
BS EN 13501-4:2007+A1:2009 Fire classification of construction products and building
elements. Classification using data from fire resistance tests on components of smoke
control systems
BS EN 60335-2-103:2003 Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety. Particular
requirements for drives for gates, doors and windows
BS EN 60730-2-6:2008 Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use.
Particular requirements for automatic electrical pressure sensing controls including
mechanical requirements
BS EN 61000-6-3:2007+A1:2011 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic standards.
Emission standard for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments
BS EN ISO 5801:2008, BS 848-1:2007 Industrial fans. Performance testing using
standardized airways
BS ISO 21927-9:2012 Smoke and heat control systems. Specification for control
ANSI/AMCA Standard 210-07 | ANSI/ASHRAE 51-07: Laboratory Methods of Testing
Fans for Certified Aerodynamic Performance Rating
11.4 Guidance and papers
BRE project report 204505, Smoke Shafts protecting Fire-Fighting Shafts: their
performance and design, Building Research Establishment Ltd, Garston, 2002
BRE project report 213179, Smoke Ventilation for Common Access Areas of Flats and
Maisonettes (BD2410)
Final Factual Report, Building Research Establishment Ltd,
Garston, 2005
BSRIA Guide BG 49/2013, Commissioning Air Systems, BSRIA, Bracknell, 2013
Page 63 of 68
Page 64 of 68
CIBSE Guide E, Fire Engineering, 3
edition, CIBSE, London, 2010
DW/144, Specification for sheet metal ductwork, HVCA, London, 2014
LDSA paper, Mechanical Smoke Venting of Residential Lobbies and Fire Fighting Shafts.
LDSA Fire engineering performance criteria Paper, London District Surveyors Association,
London, 2006
SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering. 4
edition, Society of Fire Protection
Engineers, Bethesda, 2010
T. Jin, Studies on Human Behaviour and Tenability in Fire Smoke, Proceedings, 5th
International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, pp. 322, 1997
Annex A: Equipment List
Product Location
Associated Standards
External Wall
EN12101-2, EN 60335-2-103
EN12101-2, EN 60335-2-103
Stairwell Vent
Inlet/ Outlet
EN12101-2, EN 60335-2-103 AD-B
Inlet/ Outlet
EN12101-2, EN 60335-2-103 AD-B
Inlet/ Outlet
EN12101-2, EN 60335-2-103 AD-B
Inlet/ Outlet
EN12101-2, EN 60335-2-103 AD-B
Smoke Shaft
Inlet/ Outlet
EN12101-2 AD-B
Inlet/ Outlet
EN12101-2 AD-B
Page 65 of 68
E30Sa Fire
EN12101-2 Annex G, BS 476-22, BS1634-1, EN1364-2, EN1363-1, EN 60335-2-
Vent (Smoke
Inlet/Outlet EN12101-8, EN1366-2, prEN1366-10, EN13501-4, EN 60335-2-103 AD-B
External Wall
Louvre Outlet
Stairwell Vent
Roof light Outlet
Louvre Outlet
Extract Fan
Smoke Shaft
Inlet Fan
Smoke Shaft
Fan Inlet
ISO 5801 AMCA210-85
Relief / Non
Special test to EN12589
Page 66 of 68
Volume Flow
Rate (PDS)
EN60730-2-6, Special test on basics of EN12589
EN12101-7, EN13501-4, BS 476-24, EN1366-8, EN1366-1
Work Shaft
BS 476 BS 7346-8 AD-B
Control Systems
prEN12101-9,ISO 21927-9, EN12101-10, LVD 2006/95/EC, EMC 89/336/EEC
Panels -
Control Point
prEN12101-9, ISO 21927-9, EN12101-10, LVD 2006/95/EC, EMC 89/336/EEC ,
prEN12101-9, ISO 21927-9, EN54, BS5839
LVD 2006/95/EC, EMC 89/336/EEC
EN12101-10, LVD 2006/95/EC, EMC 89/336/EEC
BS 8491, BS 5839 enhanced, BS8519
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EN12101-2 Annex G, EN 60335-2-103, LVD 2006/95/EC, EMC 89/336/EEC
E30Sa Fire