Guidance to support a temporary change
to a simultaneous evacuation strategy in
purpose-built blocks of flats
Version 4
(This fourth edition replaces the previous version of the guide issued
Issued on: 18/08/2022
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The Guidance to support a temporary change to a simultaneous evacuation strategy in
purpose-built blocks of flats supports Responsible Persons to meet their existing duties and
guide them towards a consistent, standardised approach to a change in evacuation strategy
and implementation of interim measures. For the purpose of brevity, this document will be
referred to as the ‘Simultaneous Evacuation Guidance’ or simply ‘the Guidance’ throughout.
Origins of the Simultaneous Evacuation Guidance
The Grenfell Tower fire in June 2017 was a national tragedy that resulted in the greatest loss of
life in a residential fire since the Second World War.
In the days and weeks following the fire, it emerged that many more buildings had similar
cladding to that which contributed to the fire spread at Grenfell Tower. The level of risk to
residents as a result of a fire involving these external wall systems could not be ignored. To
enable people to continue to live in relative safety in their own homes, interim solutions were
needed to mitigate the risk. These interim fire safety arrangements can be adopted to mitigate
the risk of a fire and the risk to life.
Waking watches began to be put into use for some of these high rise residential buildings
shortly after the Grenfell Tower fire, with the principle being adapted from the long-standing
historical use of waking watch as an interim measure. For example, as a temporary measure to
address failure of fire alarm systems in hotels and to avoid prohibition of the use of the
It became clear following the Grenfell Tower fire that no central guidance existed on how to
consistently implement these arrangements. In response to this need, a group of industry
professionals convened to produce a technical guide on arrangements to support a temporary
change to the evacuation strategy. The first edition of the Simultaneous Evacuation Guidance
was drafted and released to meet the emerging scale of the problem, and to support
Responsible Persons to implement measures effectively and consistently.
Impact of delays in fully remediating buildings
Those who have been involved with each edition of the Guidance are deeply conscious of the
impacts on affected residents that arise from the identification of fire risks, and the delays in
fully remediating buildings or applying other suitable and sustainable fire safety arrangements.
This includes an inability to sell properties or access new mortgage products, increased
insurance costs and financial uncertainty about the cost of works and interim measures, and
unacceptable impacts on mental health and wellbeing. This is exacerbated when there is an
extended use of waking watch rather than timely remediation to address the issues, or swift
installation of a common fire alarm system or a more sustainable mitigation measure, such as a
sprinkler system if appropriate, which has been evidenced as being far more cost effective.
In March 2020, the UK Government announced £1 billion to support the remediation of unsafe
non-aluminium composite material (ACM) combustible cladding systems on residential
buildings over 18 metres in height, in both the private and social housing sectors in England.
This was further to £600 million already in place to remove combustible ACM cladding and, in
February 2021, the Government announced a further £3.5 billion for the removal of combustible
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cladding on high rise blocks over 18 metres in height. Government funding announced to date
amounts to £5.1 billion.
Whilst these steps have been taken, it seems that in some cases,
barriers to remediation may remain for some time.
This Guidance underscores the firm and long held expectation of the Government and those
who have been involved with each edition of the Guidance, that, where it is not possible to
remediate immediately, building owners should install common fire alarms or alternative
technology to reduce or remove the dependence on waking watch and then work to remediate
the building or implement a sustainable long-term alternative as quickly as possible. This is the
clear expectation for buildings where remediation may be delayed. This approach should, in
almost all circumstances, reduce the ongoing financial burden on residents where they are
funding a waking watch.
In support of this position, and building on the third edition of this Guidance, the UK
Government has made over £60m available in England to install alarms and replace costly
waking watch measures in all residential buildings where a waking watch is in place at cost to
leaseholders. Over 300 buildings have benefited from the fund and over 200 of these buildings
have now installed a common alarm system.
There is a clear expectation for Responsible Persons to move quickly to install a common fire
alarm and to remove or reduce dependence on waking watch in accordance with this guidance.
We would like to thank the following sector stakeholders, who have given their time and
expertise in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire to produce, provide significant comment, or
contribute to the reviews of each edition of this Guidance:
Association of Residential Managing
Agents (now part of the Property Institute)
Department for Levelling Up, Housing
and Communities
End Our Cladding Scandal
Federation of Private Residents
Fire Brigades Union
Fire Industry Association
Fire Officers Association
Fire Protection Association
Fire Sector Federation
Government’s Independent Expert
Advisory Panel
Health and Safety Executive
Home Office
Institution of Fire Engineers
Local Government Association
London Councils
London Fire Brigade
Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing
National Fire Chiefs Council
National Social Housing Fire Strategy
UK Cladding Action Group
Please see Leasehold high rise blocks: Who pays for fire safety work?
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Fourth edition
This fourth edition of the Guidance is the product of a review commissioned by the Government
following the written statement by Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP, then Secretary of State for
Housing, Communities and Local Government, on proportionality in building safety. The review
follows the withdrawal of the Government’s Consolidated Advice Note, and the publication of
Publicly Available Specification 9980:2022 Assessing the external wall fire risk in multi-
occupied residential buildings (PAS 9980). It has also provided the opportunity to address
feedback, concerns, and questions put forward by stakeholders, including leaseholders, in the
time since the last review. Such changes can be seen in both the layout and content of this
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Foreword ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Scope .................................................................................................................................... 6
Fire Risk Assessment ........................................................................................................... 6
Background and Context ....................................................................................................... 7
Managing a Change to an Evacuation Strategy .......................................................................... 9
Interim Measures Overview................................................................................................. 10
Engagement with Residents ............................................................................................... 11
Detection and Warning ........................................................................................................ 12
Waking Watch ..................................................................................................................... 14
Alternative Immediate and Transition Period Interim Measures .......................................... 16
Evacuation .......................................................................................................................... 16
Evacuation Considerations for Vulnerable Persons ............................................................ 17
Training Requirements for Waking Watch Personnel .......................................................... 18
Provision of Information for Fire and Rescue Services ....................................................... 19
Removal of Temporary Measures ....................................................................................... 19
Duties of the Responsible Person ....................................................................................... 20
Appendix A Common Fire Alarm System ............................................................................... 21
Appendix B Considerations for a Waking Watch .................................................................... 23
Appendix C Waking Watch Specification ................................................................................ 24
Appendix D General Management Considerations ................................................................. 27
Appendix E First Aid Fire Detection and Alarm Systems ........................................................ 31
Appendix F Interim Measures Proforma for FRS .................................................................... 32
Appendix G Maintaining Fire Safety Provisions ...................................................................... 33
Glossary .............................................................................................................................. 39
Bibliography and Other Resources ..................................................................................... 43
Disclaimer: The purpose of this non-statutory guidance is to support building owners, Responsible Persons,
associated fire safety specialists, Fire and Rescue Services, and other appropriate enforcing authorities to assist
with a consistent, standardised approach. This guidance does not constitute legal advice. All parties’ legal duties
remain those specified by law, in particular the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, the Housing Act 2004,
and the Building Regulations 2010. If any parties consider that difficulties arise in relation to compliance with their
particular duties in any relevant legislation, they should take legal advice.
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This Guidance is primarily designed to apply to buildings:
that pose a significant and immediate risk to the safety of residents;
that cannot support a stay put strategy; and
where making an immediate change to the evacuation strategy, by implementing
short term interim measures, is the only alternative to immediate prohibition of the
building by the appropriate enforcing authority.
This Guidance is underpinned by the notion that waking watch is an immediate interim
measure. This is only appropriate where there is an immediate risk to residents requiring a
measure for detecting fire and alerting residents.
Within a month, Responsible Persons should make a plan for implementing more
sustainable means for supporting the evacuation strategy.
Where a waking watch is
implemented, it should only act as an immediate solution. The plan should form part of the
fire safety arrangements, and should be subject to ongoing monitoring and review by the
Responsible Person.
Interim measures are not a substitute for remediation, and remedial
work should be progressed as quickly as possible.
This Guidance outlines options for mitigating the risks within unsafe buildings by utilising a
series of interim measures once the decision to change evacuation strategy has been
made. Where there is the option of remediating the risk in the immediate term, this should
take priority, rather than installing longer term mitigating measures. The aim of the
Responsible Persons actions should be to make the building safe without incurring
unnecessary significant additional costs to residents. Safety solutions should look to
minimise these costs where possible. Further detail on the timeframes referred to
throughout this document can be found in section 4 and the glossary.
This Guidance is primarily intended to help Responsible Persons fulfil their duties under
the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (the Fire Safety Order), although it is
likely that the principles of the Guidance could also be applied to future building safety
In keeping with other guidance within the fire sector, the presentational convention of this
Guidance is that its recommendations are expressed using the principal auxiliary verb
Fire Risk Assessment
The fire risk assessment should be undertaken by a Competent Person to ensure a
suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks, and the identification of the fire precautions
which are required to ensure the building is safe. Guidance on choosing a competent
assessor, as well as a code of practice for the competency of fire risk assessors, is
available on the Fire Sector Federation website.
Further guidance on what should be included in the plan is outlined below.
The plan should include costings, timeframes, a resident engagement strategy, and procurement process. It
should also consider the principles of prevention as referred to in Article 10 of the Fire Safety Order.
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No single set of criteria can be applied to all types of buildings in all circumstances given
the complex interactions between people, buildings, and fire. Fire risk assessments need
to be specific to the building in question and consider any potential fire spread in
conjunction with the other fire safety provisions. Assessments should determine whether
the safety measures in the building support the current evacuation strategy and make
recommendations for an appropriate change where necessary (i.e. a change from a stay
put to a simultaneous evacuation strategy).
The fire risk assessment must be reviewed and updated to reflect the risk posed by a
combustible external wall system and/or other significant failings in the general fire
precautions. Additional guidance on this type of risk assessment can be found in PAS
9980. Such assessments should only be carried out by a competent fire engineer or other
competent building professional.
Whilst undertaking the assessment of the building, the Responsible Person should make
best endeavours to engage with residents in order to pre-warn them of any action that
may be needed. Where it is envisaged that temporary mitigating measures may be
required, the Responsible Person should also look to engage with relevant suppliers
where necessary. For example, fire alarm companies to minimise the reliance on more
costly measures, such as a waking watch.
When determining the risk within a building, the review of the fire risk assessment should
take account of the needs of vulnerable residents and the effect that building safety risks
may have on their ability to safely evacuate. Where steps are taken to add in temporary
measures, the fire risk assessment should consider the effectiveness of communication
with all residents in the building to ensure messages are clearly understood, accounting
for areas such as different languages and cognitive abilities. Responsible Persons should
ensure that the changes to the evacuation strategy should be communicated in a format
that is easily accessible and can be understood by all. They should take into consideration
different languages, faiths, and religions, and evaluate any impact on the persons within
their premises.
Background and Context
Purpose-built blocks of flats are generally designed and built to support a stay put
evacuation strategy. The use of a stay put strategy is a choice made by architects and
designers early in a building’s design, which will inform other fire safety features within the
building. For example, the level of fire alarm and detection systems. This means that only
residents from flats directly affected by fire, heat, or smoke should need to evacuate.
Residents in unaffected flats should be protected by general fire precautions provided in
the building. Those residents should, therefore, be safe to stay put during a fire in their
building, unless affected by heat or smoke or otherwise directed by the Fire and Rescue
Service (FRS). They may also choose to leave for other reasons. In many cases,
residents may not even be aware of a fire elsewhere in the building.
A stay put strategy relies on the fire separation between each flat, and between flats and
the common parts, such as escape corridors and stairs, to ensure that the fire and smoke
does not spread throughout the building unrestricted and uncontrolled in a way that affects
the safety of occupants. This fire separation is achieved through different means, such as
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fire-resisting doors, fire-resisting walls, floors, and ceilings separating flats. The external
walls of the building should also adequately resist the spread of fire.
A Responsible Person, with advice from a Competent Person where necessary, may
determine that all or parts of the building can no longer support a stay put strategy.
A change in evacuation strategy will be necessary where there is a risk of fire and/or
smoke spread, either internally or externally, which would place residents at risk if they did
not quickly evacuate the building.
A temporary change from a stay put strategy should be able to provide a level of
confidence that the risk to persons can be mitigated to continue occupation of the building,
despite there being clear risks that need to be urgently addressed. It is important that a
clear explanation of the fire safety management strategy of the building and the temporary
interim measures is communicated to all the residents. This information should be
documented and recorded for best practice.
Responsible Persons should notify the local FRS of any change to the evacuation strategy
as they will need to consider their operational response.
Where the main issue is the external wall system, the Responsible Person should:
check there are no potential routes for fire spread from the interior of the building
out onto, or into, any combustible external wall systems present;
close any car parks in which a vehicle fire could impinge on any combustible
external wall systems that may be present; and
ensure that external fuels sources that could allow a fire to spread to any
combustible external wall systems that may be present are removed or managed
appropriately (for example, bin stores).
Since the publication of previous editions of this Guidance, the Department for Levelling
Up, Housing and Communities have withdrawn the Advice for Building Owners of Multi-
storey, Multi-occupied Residential Buildings guidance (also known as the Consolidated
Advice Note).
PAS 9980 has been published and this is the preferred methodology for the fire risk
appraisal of external wall construction and cladding of existing blocks of flats.
Appendix G gives details of where there should be an assurance that their building’s
existing fire safety provisions are working correctly, and signposts further information and
resources to support Responsible Persons to meet their ongoing responsibilities and
improve the safety of residents.
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Managing a Change to an Evacuation Strategy
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Interim Measures Overview
Interim measures may need to be implemented until a building has been remediated or
until an alternative permanent mitigation has been installed. Responsible Persons should
make a plan within a month that outlines the steps that will be taken to move away from a
waking watch and towards remediation or an alternative permanent sustainable solution.
Where a ‘first aid fire alarm’
system is to be implemented, every effort should be made to
install a common fire alarm as soon as practicable. Until this is possible, the premises’ fire
risk assessment should outline the expectations for ensuring that either a first aid fire
alarm or waking watch are fit for detecting a fire and giving a warning to residents in the
affected areas of the building.
The following table gives an outline of the recommended timeframes referred to and
examples of actions that a Responsible Person for a building should take. Please note: all
timeframes are given from the time where the need to change evacuation strategy is
At once
As soon as it is identified by the Competent Person, via the fire
risk assessment process, that interim measures are necessary.
Transition Plan
Within a month
Where a waking watch is implemented, as soon as practicable
but within a month, the Responsible Persons should make a
plan for implementing sustainable means for supporting the
evacuation strategy to allow the building to transition away from
a waking watch. Such a plan should include details such as
costings, timeframes, a resident engagement strategy, and
relevant procurement processes. In the immediate and
transitional term, this plan could include the installation of a first
aid fire alarm system. It should also consider the principles of
Transition Period
No longer than 6
The amount of time needed for the Responsible Person to
implement the transitional plan and put in place more
sustainable measures to allow the building to transition away
from a waking watch, such as by moving to installation of a
common fire alarm as outlined in Appendix A. This should take
place as soon as practically possible and within no longer than
6 months of the risk being identified, other than in exceptional
No longer than 12
The time required to formulate, and where possible commence,
a longer-term remediation plan, as soon as practically possible
and no longer than 12 months.
12 months or more
The period by which the remediation plan is in place and
A first aid fire alarm system is defined in Appendix E.
The principles of prevention are a requirement of Article 10 of the Fire Safety Order and are further detailed in
Schedule 1 Part 3 of the Fire Safety Order.
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Engagement with Residents
Responsible Persons should proactively engage with residents as soon as possible when
a temporary change is made to the building’s evacuation strategy. The implementation of
immediate mitigating measures should take account of the cost in proportion to the risk.
Engagement should include explaining to all residents, so far as is practicable:
the risk identified in the building;
steps they can take to help reduce the risk of a fire;
what measures are being put in place;
what actions will be necessary in order to remove the reliance on a waking watch;
how long measures are likely to last.
Where a waking watch is implemented, the Responsible Person should:
explain to residents why this is necessary;
carry out initial remediation works or other actions to improve safety or mitigate the
inform the local FRS of the change in evacuation strategy;
explain the steps being taken to progress measures that are needed, such as the
installation of a common fire alarm system; and
detail the actions to be taken by residents in the event of a fire, including liaison
with the waking watch if there is a fire in their flat.
Cost options should be provided to leaseholders, and leaseholders should be involved in
the choice of interim measures. However, this should not delay the implementation of
immediate and transitional term measures where an imminent risk has been clearly
identified, and where a delay in implementation of interim measures would lead to
prohibition of the building.
It is essential that residents are informed as soon as practicable about the reasons for the
change of the evacuation strategy, the purpose of it, and what actions will be taken in the
event of a fire. It is unlikely that relying on a simple mail drop or information on communal
notice boards will be sufficient. Resident meetings supported with written advice are more
The ongoing use of a waking watch will rapidly deplete financial resources that could be better utilised on the
installation of a common fire alarm system or remediation.
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appropriate. These should be supplemented by the Responsible Person or their
representative, supported where necessary by the Competent Person, proactively
engaging with residents to ensure that they understand the situation and any subsequent
changes/works that might be happening. For these resident engagement meetings,
language support, including English for Speakers of Other Languages and British Sign
Language, may need to be provided.
It is important that, as part of this process, occupants understand the evacuation strategy
as well as the evacuation procedures, and what action they should take to exit the building
safely. In buildings where there is a waking watch, residents should be made aware of
how the waking watch will raise the alarm, and the actions to take upon discovering an
alarm. The residents should be made aware of the identities of those carrying out the
waking watch, and how to contact them to either raise the alarm or report an issue. As
best practice, Responsible Persons should record and document the actions they have
taken to engage with residents.
Detection and Warning
A temporary simultaneous or partial evacuation strategy relies on two key essential
early detection of a fire and warning of occupants; and
management of the evacuation.
Interim arrangements in blocks of flats should consist of measures to ensure that
residents who need to evacuate are alerted to a fire at the earliest opportunity to enable
them to escape safely. The safest and most effective way of ensuring this is by installing a
suitable common fire detection and alarm system conforming to British Standard 5839
Part 1 Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings Code of practice for design,
installation, commissioning and maintenance of systems in non-domestic premises (BS
5839-1). Further details about the design of common fire alarms is given in Appendix A.
As an immediate and transitional term solution, it may be possible to make use of other
technological solutions to act as a means for detection and warning within the building,
whilst waiting for a common alarm system to be installed (referred to in this Guidance as a
first aid fire alarm). Further details about first aid fire alarms are given in Appendix E.
The purpose of a common fire alarm is to ensure early detection and warning of a fire
throughout the affected areas of the building and, in particular, warning within individual
A common fire detection system is an interim measure and should not be relied on as a
long-term solution or an alternative to remediation. There may be some circumstances
where a common fire detection system is part of a package of permanent mitigating
measures. Where this is the case, it should be agreed by the Responsible Person,
together with advice from a Competent Person. The local FRS should be consulted to
establish if the proposals will meet the requirements of the Fire Safety Order. A common
fire detection system can generally be installed within a few months, subject to the
circumstances of the building and any required consultation periods, but it is unlikely that
installation can be carried out quickly enough to offer an immediate solution in cases
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where there is a risk of serious and imminent danger to residents. In such cases, the
Responsible Person will need to consider other temporary measures to provide detection
and warning. Such measures are detailed below and in Appendix E.
It is important that all flats are provided with working smoke alarms to ensure the safety of
residents in the event of a fire within the flat. It is best practice that smoke alarms should
be mains wired with a tamper-proof battery back-up. These are independent of any
communal fire alarm and detection system specified as an interim measure.
Where a common fire alarm system is proposed to be installed, it might be possible to
maintain some utility for this system rather than removing it entirely once the building has
been remediated. For example, consideration could be given to whether it could be
converted into an evacuation alert system for use by the FRS, as described in British
Standard 8629:2019 Code of practice for the design, installation, commissioning and
maintenance of evacuation alert systems for use by fire and rescue services in buildings
containing flats (BS 8629), or as a means of giving a remote warning of a fire in a flat.
Where this is the desired long-term outcome, this future conversion should be discussed
with a competent fire alarm engineer at the design stage, prior to the initial installation of
the common fire alarm system.
Where a common fire alarm system has been installed, a review of the premises fire risk
assessment should be carried out to determine what, if any, ongoing interim measures are
required within the building. Onsite assistance may no longer be required at this point
depending on the circumstances in the building. Please see Appendix D for further details
of general management considerations.
BS 8629 emergency evacuation alert systems
In 2019, BSI published BS 8629. This standard offers a specification for systems for use
by FRSs to assist in the evacuation of residential buildings. Whilst the systems clearly
offer benefit in the evacuation of buildings and their application is supported by FRSs, in
the context of the current guidance, these systems on their own would be unsuitable as a
mitigation measure. The waking watch and common fire alarm systems are intended to
detect fire as well as warn occupants, something which BS 8629 systems are unable to
facilitate. The two systems should be treated as being for different purposes.
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Waking Watch
A waking watch is a means of detecting a fire and warning residents of the need to
evacuate. A waking watch should be replaced with an alternative means of detection and
warning as soon as possible. Responsible Persons should make a plan within a month
that outlines the steps that will be taken to move away from a waking watch, and includes
the pathway to remediation or an alternative permanent sustainable solution.
If a waking watch is implemented, then the Responsible Person should take reasonable
steps to assure themselves that all flats have working smoke alarms. This may involve a
range of interactions and the provisions of the lease and/or tenancy agreement may need
to be considered. Correspondence with residents should make clear that the necessity for
working smoke alarms are part of arrangements to ensure collective safety.
The fire risk assessment or other documentation should identify the operational
requirements for the waking watch, including the areas that need to be patrolled,
frequency of patrols, and the means of raising the alarm for residents who need to
The number of persons required for a waking watch is based on how long it would take to
a warn residents of a fire (see further details in Appendix C). The waking watch should be
able to warn all residents who need to evacuate before the escape routes are affected by
fire and smoke.
In assessing the required evacuation time, considerations given by the Responsible
Person in conjunction with a Competent Person should include the areas outlined below.
The external wall system Consideration should be given to the type and extent
of any unsafe cladding and insulation materials and potential for disproportionate
fire spread. The proximity of the cladding to windows, vents, stairways, and other
architectural features that could assist the spread of fire needs to be taken into
account. PAS 9980 gives details of a methodology for assessment of external wall
A waking watch is a system whereby suitably trained persons continually patrol the
necessary areas of the building and the exterior perimeter in order to detect a fire, raise
the alarm, and alert the FRS. Those same individuals can then carry out the duties that
may be required to manage an evacuation if needed. More detailed considerations for
the waking watch are detailed in Appendix B.
A waking watch is an immediate solution to reduce the risk in a building and allow for
continued occupation where, without them, the risk of fire may lead a Responsible
Person to determine occupation is no longer appropriate or lead an FRS to serve a
prohibition notice. A waking watch should only be used in the immediate or transitional
term, and, where significant risk of fire spreading in a building has been confirmed, to
allow time for a more sustainable plan to be made without the need for residents to
leave their homes. In all cases, an automatic fire detection and alarm system is the
most suitable mitigating measure if there is any expected delay in remediation.
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Risk of internal ignition of the external wall system For example, from fires
inside the building via unprotected window reveals and the proximity of ignition
sources, such as domestic appliances, or from ignition sources on any balconies
present. Unprotected penetrations through the wall system should also be
The height of the building This reflects the difficulty of external firefighting,
especially above 11 metres. External firefighting at heights above 18 metres may
require the use of high reach appliances. It is unlikely for these to be available in
the initial stages of a fire and typically would not be able to support firefighting
above 30 metres.
The occupancy of the building This includes factors that influence the number
of people particularly at risk, which may include the presence of persons with
restricted mobility, young persons, and persons with cognitive impairments.
Provision of sprinklers or other automatic fire suppression systems Such
systems may limit the spread of fire from an internal flat to outside allowing more
time to escape.
Other known fire safety issues For example, poor compartmentation, or the
lack of or poor standards of other general fire precautions in the building.
In the case of a building with the highest level of risk of external fire spread (for example, a
system incorporating polyethylene core ACM), the time from detection of the fire by the
waking watch to alerting all residents who need to evacuate and confirming evacuation
has started should not generally exceed a time of 10-15 minutes when a confirmed fire
within a flat or elsewhere necessitates simultaneous evacuation.
In the case of a building which has a notable fire hazard
or known compartmentation
issues, then the 10-15 minutes should form the basis of an assessment of the evacuation
time limit. This time may be increased subject to an appropriate assessment of the risk
within the building. This should be suitably justified in the assessment by a Competent
Person, taking into account the PAS 9980 methodology to include appropriate information,
such as confirmed external wall properties or confirmed extent of compartmentation
issues following an intrusive survey.
The timeframe of the waking watch to alert all residents who need to evacuate should be
suitably justified in the fire risk assessment by a Competent Person.
Waking watch personnel should not initiate a simultaneous evacuation in the event of a
false alarm from a domestic smoke alarm, or a small fire that has been extinguished. This
would be confirmed through liaison with the occupants of the relevant flat.
Examples could include: ACM with fire retardant polyethylene filler (category 2 in screening tests) with phenolic
foam insulation (as described in test 7 of Government cladding screening programme) or other combustible façade
elements, such as high pressure laminate or expanded polystyrene systems. Further information on the
Government’s large scale fire tests of ACM is available on the UK Government website.
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Alternative Immediate and Transition Period Interim
Subject to a risk assessment by a Competent Person, an alternative temporary system of
detection and warning to waking watch could be used until a system as detailed in
Appendix A is installed. Further details of the considerations that should be accounted for
in the fire risk assessment for such alternatives are given in Appendix E.
Any alternative approach should be able to detect a fire in the building and give an audible
warning to all residents. Air horns, klaxons, domestic smoke detectors (hard wired or radio
linked), other technological solutions,
or a combination could be used. The means of
raising the alarm should be loud enough to rouse residents from their sleep and needs to
account for those with impairments, which may mean an audible warning on its own is not
sufficient. Where an alternative approach is used, it should be tested weekly but it should
not be the cause of an evacuation of residents, and results of the testing should be
On detection and warning of a fire in a simultaneous evacuation building, there needs to
be appropriate arrangements in place to ensure that all residents evacuate the building or
to a relevant place of safety. It is the duty of the Responsible Person to ensure that there
are appropriate arrangements in place to ensure the ongoing control, management and
monitoring of the evacuation plans.
The Fire safety risk assessment: means of escape for disabled people guide states “The
Fire and Rescue Service’s role in fire evacuation is that of ensuring that the means of
escape in case of fire and associated fire safety measures provided for all people who
may be in a building are both adequate and reasonable, taking into account the
circumstances of each particular case. Under current fire safety legislation, it is the
responsibility of the person(s) having responsibility for the building to provide a fire safety
risk assessment that includes an emergency evacuation plan for all people likely to be in
the premises, including disabled people, and how that plan will be implemented. Such an
evacuation plan should not rely upon the intervention of the Fire and Rescue Service to
make it work.”
The management of an evacuation is a key part of a change to evacuation strategy. The
change in strategy should be communicated to all residents in the building and this
communication should be repeated regularly, recorded, and any fire action notices
Further details of detection and alarm system requirements are given in Appendix E.
Further information about managing an evacuation is given in Appendix D.
A change to the evacuation strategy is a means of mitigating the risk in a building until
longer term solutions are implemented. In most cases, this will require remediation of
any unsafe external wall system, reinstatement of compartmentation or alternative risk
reduction, for example sprinklers, or a combination of these measures.
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updated. The Fire Safety Order requires drills to be carried out for staff (see Appendix D).
The Fire safety risk assessment: means of escape for disabled people guide outlines that
“The level of effort required of a disabled person may not be acceptable for a practice or
false alarm or in everyday activities. The procedures put in place should take account of
this and allow for simulation in the case of fire drills or other emergency evacuation
practices”. It may be necessary in some buildings to maintain an onsite presence, which
could be the residents themselves,
to manage the evacuation and liaise with the FRS.
This should be considered as part of the fire risk assessment.
In buildings where there has been a change in evacuation strategy and the fire risk
assessment has determined that an onsite presence to oversee the evacuation of the
building is required, a document should be prepared to specify the number of persons
required and procedures to be followed. This document should be made available to
residents and to the FRS when requested.
Evacuation Considerations for Vulnerable Persons
Where a fire occurs, every occupant of the building should have the means to start their
evacuation before the FRS arrive. Some residents may require assistance to do this,
whilst other vulnerable residents may identify that they are able to self-evacuate. Detailed
information about the principles of the evacuation of vulnerable persons can be found in
the Fire safety risk assessment: means of escape for disabled people guide, and also
within the Fire safety risk assessment: sleeping accommodation guide.
The Responsible Person should make and record reasonable endeavours, through a
range of methods, to identify anyone who may need assistance to evacuate their flat and
the building in the event of a fire in the resident’s flat or elsewhere in the building. The
Responsible Person should, with the engagement of the individual, develop a Personal
Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) that, as a minimum, should include how the
individual is made aware of a fire in the building and their route, facilities, and options to
support their evacuation. For example, additional signage, lighting, handrails, tactile
flooring, and evacuation information in accessible formats. In addition, their location and
resources required for them to evacuate the building or, if it comes to it, be rescued from
the building should be recorded in the Secure Information Box.
The Government’s
published response to the PEEPs consultation of 2021 identified concerns over
practicality, safety and proportionality with mandating PEEPs in high rise residential
buildings. The Government’s Emergency Evacuation Information Sharing (EEIS) Plus
consultation, which was open from 18 May to 17 August 2022, proposed alternative
measures to support fire safety of mobility impaired residents. The Government is due to
consider the responses to the 2022 EEIS Plus consultation, and is expected to publish a
response and the decision on any new legislative requirements in due course.
For the purposes of this document, the need to consider a PEEP or other measures that
may be appropriate to support disabled and vulnerable persons should include people
Where residents are used to assist in the evacuation of disabled persons, they should receive suitable training.
Please see Appendix D for further information.
For further information about the contents of Secure Information Boxes, please see the FIA and NFCC Code of
Practice for the Provision of Premises Information Boxes in Residential Buildings.
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with mobility, sensory, and/or cognitive impairments where their impairment affects their
ability to evacuate by themselves or respond to a signal for them to evacuate.
It is accepted that some people who need assistance to evacuate may choose not to
engage with the development of a PEEP process. As a minimum, the location of these
residents and the resources needed to rescue them, if known, should be recorded in the
Secure Information Box.
Ideally, the development of any PEEP would lead on from a person-centred fire risk
assessment (PCFRA). The PCFRA considers individual characteristics, behaviours, and
capabilities to identify risk from fire in the resident's own flat, and the value of adaptations
and control measures to reduce that risk, such as greater detection coverage, Telecare
linked/monitored detection, safer smoking/cooking aids, and personal protective
suppression in areas of risk. These measures are particularly important for those who
cannot evacuate their flat by themselves. The local FRS may be able to give further
advice in this area, as well as carrying out a Safe and Well or Home Fire Safety Check
visit. Further information about PEEPs and PCFRAs can be found in the following:
Fire Safety in Specialised Housing guide
Fire safety risk assessment: means of escape for disabled people guide
Fire safety risk assessment: sleeping accommodation guide
Online home fire safety check tool
Training Requirements for Waking Watch Personnel
Where a waking watch is implemented, all members must receive suitable training in the
areas detailed below.
The early identification of a fire within the building.
How to alert other residents. This could be done by knocking on doors or using
other measures, for example, klaxons if it can be assured residents can hear them
in their flats. It should be established that the means of raising the alarm is loud
enough to rouse residents from their sleep.
Management of the evacuation, including calling the FRS and any responsibilities
in relation to PEEPs where they are in place.
Liaising with the FRS on arrival.
The other general duties as outlined in Appendix D.
Contact details for the waking watch should be given to residents as another means to
raise their awareness of any fires that occur in the building.
Residents can carry out the responsibilities of waking watch (and assist in any other duties
that may have been identified by the fire risk assessment to manage the evacuation of
their building) if they fulfil the training requirements. Further details are given in Appendix
Where a third-party contractor is employed to carry out the function of a waking watch, the
Responsible Person should assure themselves that appropriate checks (Disclosure and
Barring Service [DBS]) have been undertaken for their staff.
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It is essential that the arrangements for the temporary move to a simultaneous evacuation
strategy are tested in the form of regular exercises to ensure that all members of the
waking watch team understand their roles, and that the system remains appropriate for
the specific building. Further advice for quality assurance is given in Appendix D.
Provision of Information for Fire and Rescue Services
Where a temporary simultaneous evacuation strategy is adopted, the Responsible Person
should notify the local FRS as soon as practicable. The identification of a change in risk in
the premises may mean that the FRS has to update their plans for tackling a fire in the
building should one occur. Appendix F gives a pro forma for the information that FRSs will
find useful as they may need to update operational information about the premises. The
FRS should also be notified where there are any changes to the temporary measures
adopted within the premises.
It is expected that FRS operational crews will visit the premises to update their tactical
Removal of Temporary Measures
Any interim measures should only be removed when:
the required remedial works have been completed, or when a package of measures
enabling the building to be safely occupied in the longer term have been
the fire risk assessment has been reviewed by a competent person;
residents have been notified of the change taking place;
the local FRS has been notified that the simultaneous evacuation strategy has
ceased; and
the building has returned to the stay put strategy.
Any interim measures can be removed if replaced by a more effective measure. For
example, a waking watch should be replaced either by the installation of a common fire
alarm system or first aid fire alarm as detailed in Appendix E, or by other mitigation
measures, such as carrying out remediation works to make the identified risk safe (for
example, by repairing or replacing defective compartmentation measures such as fire
doors, cavity barriers or service penetrations). All interim measures should be removed
once remedial works make it safe to do so and this has been confirmed in the reviewed
fire risk assessment.
A common fire alarm system is only a temporary measure and not an alternative to
remedial works designed to reduce the risk from a non-compliant wall system. Where it is
proposed to keep the common fire alarm system, Responsible Persons and residents
should be aware of the ongoing maintenance requirements, such as routine testing and
maintenance. This will require accessing individual flats to maintain these temporary
systems. This will need to be built into the ongoing fire safety arrangements for the
building to ensure compliance with the Fire Safety Order.
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Duties of the Responsible Person
The Responsible Person duties are laid out in Part 2 of the Fire Safety Order.
The following list outlines some of the duties of the Responsible Person:
They should ensure that a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment has been
made which considers the risk to residents and clearly identifies the appropriate
evacuation strategy for the building.
They should ensure that the fire risk assessment is reviewed regularly, particularly
if there is reason to suspect that it is no longer valid. For example, after work has
been carried out on the premises or where there is concern following a drill or
They should ensure that there are appropriate arrangements in place to ensure the
ongoing management and monitoring of the evacuation strategy and other fire
safety provisions in the building, including testing and maintenance of fire safety
Where there is a waking watch in place or where the fire risk assessment has
recommended on-site persons to assist in managing the evacuation of the building
or any other identified duties, their roles and actions should be clearly defined, and
the individuals undertaking this function should be competent to fulfil the role. This
means they have sufficient training (as detailed in Section 11) and experience or
knowledge and other qualities to ensure they can fulfil the role. If the Responsible
Person employs these individuals directly, it is a requirement to take into account
their capabilities in relation to health and safety in respect of fire prior to allocating
them these tasks.
They should ensure any processes and procedures put in place allow compliance
with other applicable legislation, such as the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. For example,
welfare/toilet facilities must be considered for the wellbeing of staff if employed,
such as washing, toilet, rest, and changing facilities, and somewhere clean to eat
and drink during breaks.
They should ensure that residents are informed of the procedures and actions to be
taken in the event of a fire this should be repeated regularly.
Inform the local FRS of a change to a temporary simultaneous evacuation.
It is recommended that Responsible Persons continue to engage with their local
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Appendix A Common Fire Alarm System
Automatic fire detection and alarm system supporting simultaneous
evacuation system design and considerations
Location and coverage of the detection system
A.1. The common fire alarm system should be designed in accordance with the
recommendations of BS 5839-1 for a Category L5 system, except that the sound pressure
level of the fire alarm signal within flats need only be 85dB(A) at the open doorways of
every bedroom in each flat. The design of the alarm should also account for residents who
are unable to hear an audible signal, and appropriate additional devices should be
provided in accordance with BS 5839-1. Any fire detection and fire alarm system should
be designed, installed, and commissioned by an appropriately qualified, third-party
certificated, Competent Person/s.
A.2. It is generally advised that smoke detection should not be used as it is likely to trigger
false alarms. However, there may be some circumstances where lack of
compartmentation may mean that smoke detection is required in order to give a warning
before smoke enters the means of escape. The choice of fire alarm and fire detection
system should be the result of a risk assessment by a Competent Person.
A.3. It should be noted that compliance with the recommendations of BS 5839-1 for a Category
L5 system does not necessitate the provision of break-glass manual call points, though
these may be incorporated within the system, which is then properly described as a
Category M/L5 system (for example, in a purchase specification).
A.4. A decision as to whether to incorporate manual call points in the system needs to carefully
balance the benefits of the earlier warning that manual call points can give and the risks
that repeated false activations may pose to the effectiveness of evacuating the building in
a real fire incident.
A.5. Where the primary benefit of manual call points is for use by those managing the
evacuation, they should be key operated to prevent malicious operation.
A.6. Where manual call points are provided, they should not be used for routine testing of the
fire detection and alarm system because, to avoid complacency, it is desirable that
residents never hear the system operate other than in the event of a real fire. However,
where a temporary system is installed for a period of longer than six months, a short
functional test of the system should be carried out at the time of six-monthly servicing by a
competent contractor.
Coverage for buildings with a combustible external wall system
A.7. In every flat, the system should generally incorporate heat detectors within each room that
has a window that overlooks an area of external wall with an external wall system where
there is a risk that fire could spread into the combustible external cladding that results in a
significant or notable fire hazard, except possibly toilets and bathrooms. Heat detectors
should also be included in any other rooms, such as plant rooms and other ancillary
facilities with windows or vents or non-fire-stopped penetrations, through which a fire
could spread and ignite. Consideration might also need to be given to the provision of
smoke detectors within common parts, but these detectors should not initiate the general
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evacuation of the building. They may give a warning only to the building’s management
A.8. An immediate evacuation signal should be triggered by the operation of any single heat
A.9. The evacuation signal should not rely on the coincident operation of two heat detectors,
sometimes described as “double knock”, as such an arrangement would not result in early
enough operation of the evacuation signal in the event of a serious fire that might affect
combustible external wall systems.
Coverage for buildings with other defects
A.10. For buildings where notable fire hazards have been identified, such as missing
compartmentation barriers including fire resisting walls, floors or cavity barriers, the
common fire alarm system should be designed to take account of the findings of the fire
risk assessment. This should consider areas such as the likely path of fire and smoke
spread, the residents that may be affected by this spread, and areas where a warning will
need to be given. Care should be taken in specifying the type of detection in these
systems to ensure that false alarms are minimised. For example, use of multi-criteria
detectors should not cause an alarm from normal cooking activity.
Additional considerations
A.11. In line with the individual PEEP process, specific measures, such as a vibrating pager or
visual alarm device, may be required if people with hearing impairments have been
A.12. It is critical that the common alarm system installed in the premises does not have any
adverse effect on the other fire safety provisions in the building. For example, the
installation of a wired system must not create a route for fire and smoke to spread in fire
resisting walls which were previously imperforate. If the system is an extension of the
smoke detection system provided for a smoke control system, care must be taken to
ensure that the operation of the smoke control system and any zone plans are not
compromised by the new communal system.
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Appendix B Considerations for a Waking Watch
B.1. Training must be given to waking watch members and those assisting with evacuation as
needed to ensure they fully understand the purpose of their role and what individual tasks
they are responsible for, both during normal activities and in the event of a fire. This
training should include an overview of existing fire protection features in the building and
how they may affect an evacuation in the building. For example, smoke control systems or
evacuation lifts. They should be given general health and safety training, and specific fire
training to support safe systems of work.
B.2. In the event of a fire, after calling the FRS, the priority for the waking watch is to initiate
the evacuation of the building. Therefore, it is not advisable to expect team members to
actively engage in first aid firefighting.
B.3. Training will need to be repeated if any of the waking watch members change and further
training if any other interim arrangement changes. All members of the waking watch
should receive regular refresher training.
B.4. Specific instruction should be provided on the communication processes amongst the
waking watch team, and how to ensure that they do not place themselves or others at risk.
B.5. It is important that the waking watch can immediately and consistently communicate with
each other. The method of communications should be available throughout the building.
Radios are often the most appropriate way of achieving this and should be supported by
an appropriate radio protocol. Where radios are to be used, a check should be made to
ensure that they operate throughout the areas to be patrolled by the waking watch
members with no drop in signal, which may make them unusable.
B.6. Communication processes should include set words for checking in and raising the alarm.
Radio traffic should be kept to a minimum to ensure that the system is available for
appropriate communications.
B.7. It is unlikely that mobile phones will provide an appropriate method of communication
between members of the waking watch. These require more than just a single button
actuation, and will not be available for the instant and simultaneous relay of messages to
multiple team members. Mobile phones also rely on being connected to a network and this
may not always be possible.
B.8. Mobile phones may be the most appropriate method of calling the FRS if no land line is
B.9. Responsible Persons should also be aware of any social media communications groups
that exist within their building and take account of this as part of their planning. However,
this should not be relied upon as the main communication method between waking watch
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Appendix C Waking Watch Specification
Definition of a waking watch
C.1. A waking watch is a system whereby suitably trained persons continually patrol all floors
and the exterior perimeter of the building in order to detect a fire, raise the alarm, and can
assist in the management of building evacuations. Persons making up a waking watch can
include a group of volunteers or residents of the building subject to full consent by
residents, the staff of a third-party contractor, or persons employed directly by the
Responsible Person (for example a concierge). For the purpose of this Guidance, a
member of a waking watch is one who has:
received appropriate training in accordance with the duties for waking watch
outlined below;
been employed, contracted, or assigned a role to act in accordance with the
requirements of the waking watch systems that have been implemented as part of
the premises fire risk assessment; and
is appropriately equipped to carry out their duties.
C.2. Provided that they meet the criteria outlined above, members of the waking watch can be
paid or volunteers.
C.3. Where trained volunteers or residents form the waking watch, their primary function
should be their waking watch role. Other activities should not compromise this function.
Role specification of a waking watch
C.4. The number of persons forming the waking watch along with their duties should be
determined and recorded as part of the premises fire risk assessment. Duties of the
waking watch will be partly dependent upon the building in which it is set up. The basic
duties of the waking watch will include:
continually patrolling the common areas of the building, or part of the building
depending upon size, in order to identify the occurrence of any fire in common
areas and flats (this may include investigating the sounding of smoke or heat
responding to the presence of fire by raising an alarm with other waking watch
personnel alerting any personnel involved in managing an evacuation;
calling the FRS;
raising the alarm within a set area of the building;
where relevant, assisting in carrying out duties connected to any PEEPs that have
been formulated;
reporting to building management once the alarm has been raised throughout the
area of the building in which the waking watch member was patrolling; and
using technology and aids supplied to manage the evacuation.
C.5. Other general duties should include the following list:
Patrolling, or routinely checking as necessary, the perimeter of the building in order
to identify and report risks of fire to the Responsible Person. These risks may
include, for example, skips, or a build-up of combustible material adjacent to the
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building, or cars parked close to the combustible external wall systems or blocking
the means of escape.
Checking corridors and stairwells to ensure they are clear of combustible materials
and to monitor escape routes to see they are kept free of obstructions, for example,
build-up of refuse on escape routes.
Checking the fire precautions within the building, for example, fire doors closing
fully and lighting units working correctly.
Providing reassurance to residents of the building.
Person specification
C.6. Persons forming the waking watch should be fit and active enough to be able to carry out
patrolling duties for the duration of their shift. They should also have the maturity to carry
out their duties and act in accordance with instructions from the management of the
building in the event of an incident. Other areas that should be considered regarding those
carrying out a waking watch are that they should be:
physically and mentally capable of undertaking the waking watch role which may
involve long hours and a high degree of repetition;
able to communicate emergency instructions in a manner that is understood by a
wide range of persons with differing abilities and languages;
able to remain calm and be able to follow pre-set plans in high pressure situations;
able to undertake training which will give them knowledge regarding the areas
outlined below.
C.7. Where a waking watch is formed, the requirements of The Fire Safety (Employees
Capabilities) (England) Regulations 2010 should be taken into account.
C.8. Members of the waking watch should be clearly identifiable in order to provide
reassurance and confidence to residents. Persons forming a waking watch should be
apprised in writing of their duties and responsibilities. They should receive sufficient
training to ensure that they are able to carry out the duties expected by their role.
Recommendations for competency and training requirements for waking watch members
C.9. There are currently no specific qualifications applicable to this role, but similar roles do
exist which cover some of the areas that a member may require, for example, security and
stewarding roles or fire marshal / fire warden roles. It is recognised that those forming the
waking watch may come from a range of occupations and former occupations.
C.10. Waking watch members should receive sufficient training to ensure that they are able to
carry out the duties expected by their role. The Responsible Person should keep a record
of this training, including details of the individuals involved and content covered. Areas this
training may cover include:
the principles of fire;
how to spot indications of a fire;
how to spot building deficiencies or fire safety issues;
how to raise the alarm in the event of fire;
how to call the FRS to the premises;
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how to communicate with those managing the building and other waking watch
an understanding of how residents are likely to react in a fire or on instruction to
an understanding of how to instruct residents that evacuation is necessary and
ensure a safe evacuation;
how to carry out the actions of any PEEPs that have been formulated;
an understanding of the specific building in which they are providing waking watch
including layout and evacuation routes; and
how to notify the Responsible Person of any building deficiencies discovered whilst
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Appendix D General Management Considerations
Risk management and mitigation
D.1. The Competent Person’s advice in conjunction with a review of the fire risk assessment
should identify whether or not any additional risk management or mitigation measures are
D.2. General duties that may need to be considered as part of broader risk mitigation
measures include
the following list:
Routine checks of the perimeter of the building, as required, in order to identify and
report risks of fire to the Responsible Person. For example, skips, or a build-up of
combustible material adjacent to the building, or cars parked close to the
combustible external wall systems or blocking the means of escape.
Routine checks of corridors and stairwells to ensure they are clear of combustible
materials and to monitor escape routes to see they are kept free of obstructions.
For example, build-up of refuse on escape routes.
Checking the fire precautions within the building. For example, fire doors closing
fully and lighting units working correctly.
Providing reassurance to residents of the building.
Managing an evacuation
Requirements for managing an evacuation
D.3. Management of a building that has temporarily changed to a simultaneous evacuation
strategy should facilitate a rapid, effective, and coordinated evacuation.
D.4. There may be some management duties that could still be required where a common fire
alarm system has been installed, and the Competent Person’s advice in conjunction with a
review of the fire risk assessment should determine whether or not any additional duties
are required. Any person can assist with an evacuation, such as volunteers or residents,
so long as they are appropriately trained to ensure they are able to carry out the duties
effectively. For example, where a group of affected buildings form an estate under
common management, any existing staff who manage the site on a 24-hour basis could
perform any evacuation management duties if there is a method of informing them
immediately of the fire alarm actuating, and if they can reach any building in a reasonable
D.5. A member of a waking watch, trained residents, or existing on-site staff (for example a
concierge) can perform the duties that assist in managing an evacuation.
D.6. Duties may include the following list.
Ensuring that the FRS are called as soon as possible (if the alarm is not connected
to an alarm receiving centre) by dialling 999 and asking for the fire service. Those
assisting in managing the evacuation of the building will need to provide key
information about the building and its address/location, including:
o knowledge of premises including the address, number of floors and flats,
number of staircases, location of gas and electric isolation points, and the
location of a Secure Information Box where present;
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o where the fire started, i.e. flat number and floor or externally;
o that a simultaneous evacuation is under way; and
o where known, the number and location of any people who may not be able
to self-evacuate.
Where relevant, ensuring that actions that form part of any PEEPs are carried out.
Further information on this area can be found in the Fire safety risk assessment:
means of escape for disabled people guide. The Government’s published response
to its PEEPs consultation of 2021 outlined concerns which were raised regarding
other residents supporting evacuation of mobility-impaired residents, and it is
expected that a working group will be convened by the Government to explore this
Liaising with the attending FRS to provide information, as necessary.
D.7. Some of the above management duties can be complied with by an Alarm Receiving
Centre to call the FRS and Secure Information Boxes with information for the FRS. CCTV
could be considered to undertake duties for monitoring the outside of a building and
corridor and stair areas, as outlined in paragraph C.5. If all of the duties required to
manage an evacuation, as outlined above, can be carried out by other means, it
may be acceptable for there to be no physical evacuation management presence in
the building. This should be decided in conjunction with a review of the fire risk
assessment by a Competent Person, to provide details of how these functions are to be
carried out.
D.8. Responsible Persons should ensure that, where relevant, information on residents who
may need assistance to evacuate is available to the FRS. Guidance about the type of
information that may be useful for FRSs attending incidents in buildings has been
produced in the form of the Code of Practice for the Provision of Premises Information
Boxes in Residential Buildings. This aims to promote best practice and to ensure
consistency of application and regulation, especially in keeping residents safe in high rise
residential buildings. Responsible Persons may be able to use this guidance in order to
fulfil some of the requirements for managing their building’s evacuation strategy. If this is
proposed, then details should be recorded as part of a review of the premises’ fire risk
D.9. As a minimum, the information required should include details of each resident for which a
PEEP has been agreed but is not yet accounted for, namely:
the flat number and floor of the resident; and
the assistance required by the resident.
D.10. The fire risk assessment or other appropriate document should identify the operational
requirements for managing the building evacuation (if required), including any areas
where routine checks may be needed, the frequency of these checks, and, if necessary,
how they assist with those who need help when evacuating.
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Quality assurance
D.11. Where a building has changed from a stay put strategy and the Competent Person
recommends either a waking watch or a common fire alarm and management of the
evacuation, it will also be necessary for the Responsible Person to implement a suitable
quality assurance process. These processes will serve three main purposes:
to ensure that measures in their building are fit for purpose and address the risks
to identify gaps which may have been overlooked in the initial assessment of the
building; and
to refine systems that have been implemented.
Fire evacuation drills
D.12. From experience in non-domestic premises, it is well known that frequent testing of
systems aimed at alerting occupants of a fire can lead to the assumption that, when the
alarm is raised, it is for a routine test (or false alarm) which can lead to a delay in the
evacuation of occupants. For this reason, fire evacuation drills that take place for the
waking watch or common fire alarm should be solely for the purpose of testing the actions
of any persons coordinating the evacuation of the building and waking watch members.
Residents, unless part of the waking watch, do not need to be part of these drills. It is
recommended that drills be carried out:
as part of initial training for the waking watch and any building management; and
whenever a new person joins the waking watch.
D.13. Routine/monthly drills will need to be carried out more frequently if there is a turnover of
waking watch members. The Responsible Person should be able to demonstrate that
effective drills are taking place. The local FRS may want to see evidence of these drills
taking place and, in some cases, witness them being carried out. Drills should aim to test
the actions of management and waking watch members, and should include simulation of
discovering a fire, raising the alarm, and communications between team members. Where
PEEPs are in place, there may also need to be exercises to ensure that team members
are aware of the actions they should carry out.
D.14. Throughout the drill, the Responsible Person and nominated observers should pay
particular attention to:
waking watch members raising the alarm in their designated areas;
whether waking watch members are easily able to cover their designated area;
any difficulties with the opening of final exit doors;
the roles of specified people, for example, anyone with duties relating to managing
the evacuation;
whether building management are simulating their actions and are able to
coordinate waking watch members and relay information suitably, the time taken for
the actions of the waking watch to be carried out, and, where present, simulate
sounding the common fire alarm; and
Government guidance notes that state the level of effort required of a disabled
person may not be acceptable for a practice, false alarm, or in everyday activities.
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The procedures put in place should take account of this and allow for simulation in
the case of fire drills or other emergency evacuation practices.
D.15. The drill and quality assurance exercise should not be conducted in a manner that will be
obvious to residents.
D.16. Capturing and sharing learning will help to improve the overall management of the
evacuation. This can be achieved by on the spot debriefs where you will discuss the fire
drill and gather feedback from everybody. Lessons learned should be captured in a report,
which is completed by members of the waking watch, the building managers, and
comments from observers should be collated. Any conclusions and remedial actions
should be recorded and implemented.
Routine monitoring
D.17. Along with fire drills, the Responsible Person should arrange for routine recorded
monitoring of the actions of any waking watch. A waking watch is reliant on the constant
patrolling of the premises and continued vigilance of those carrying out these duties.
Whilst the role involves long hours and a high degree of repetition, it is important that
duties are carried out consistently and in accordance with defined routines and
responsibilities. Monitoring will help to identify that scheduled actions are taking place and
that sufficient cover is being provided. Where a waking watch is used for a protracted
period (which is not supported or advised), consideration should be given to implementing
systems such as a patrol monitoring system in order to assure that consistent patrolling is
taking place.
Fire safety risk assessment: means of escape for disabled people guide, p.5.
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Appendix E First Aid Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
E.1. Where the fire risk assessment for a building determines that a stay put strategy can no
longer be maintained, there should be some means for detecting a fire within the building
and alerting residents. In the immediate and transitional term, it may be possible to make
use of detection and warning systems (other than a waking watch) for this purpose, while
a common fire alarm in accordance with Appendix A is being arranged.
E.2. Whether or not the use of an alternative technological solution is a cost-effective measure
and faster to procure and install when compared to a common fire alarm, will depend on
the individual circumstances of the building. It may be that moving directly to the
installation of a common fire alarm is still the most efficient and effective option. Any such
proposals should be suitably justified in the fire risk assessment by a Competent Person.
E.3. Where it is proposed to install a technological solution to act as a first aid fire detection
and alarm system, the decision-making process should be documented as part of the fire
risk assessment. The risk assessment will need to ensure that the system will provide
effective coverage in the necessary areas of the building. The coverage should be
sufficient to mitigate the risk within the building. It is important that any such system
provides an alert to all occupants in the affected areas of the building.
E.4. In a building where the risk is from a combustible external wall system, first aid fire
detection and alarm systems should look to provide similar coverage to that outlined in
Appendix A.
E.5. In buildings where there are issues that are not related to the external wall system, such
as missing or defective fire resisting compartmentation, a temporary system should be
able to detect a fire and give warning before the fire can affect the means of escape for
people in the affected areas of the building. For example, in flat entrance halls and
communal areas.
E.6. It is likely that any system that is based on smoke detection will lead to an increase in
false alarms within the premises. This should be considered when installing the system,
as the positioning of the detectors can help minimise this. If there is an option for multi-
criteria detectors to be used as part of the solution, this may help to minimise false alarms.
Where there are cases of false alarms, the Responsible Person should maintain regular
communications with residents to mitigate complacency and evacuation fatigue.
E.7. Any first aid fire alarm and detection systems should be maintained in accordance with the
manufacturers recommendations and recorded for best practice. Residents should be
made aware of plans for routine testing. It may be necessary to carry out additional
checks to ensure the linking of detectors. There should also be a process for residents to
alert the Responsible Person to any faults to detectors in their flats.
E.8. First aid systems should only be used as an interim measure for a limited time. A system
conforming to the requirements outlined in Appendix A should be installed as soon as
practicable, as this provides greater resilience for buildings until necessary remediation
works can be carried out.
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Appendix F Interim Measures Proforma for FRS
Contact Details
Phone number
Company name (if applicable)
Building Information
Interim Measures
Reason for interim measures (please tick all that apply)
Combustible external wall system (ACM)
Combustible external wall system (non-ACM)
Compartmentation issues
Missing / inappropriate cavity barriers
Structural issues
Other (please provide further details below)
Type of interim measures (please tick all that apply)
Waking watch
Onsite management
Simultaneous evacuation strategy
Common fire alarm
Fire suppressions system
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans
First aid fire alarm
Other (please provide further details below)
Is the building already staffed on a full or part time basis
(for example by a concierge)?
Full Time
Part Time
If you have ticked ‘waking watch’ above, please provide
the date that it was first implemented
If you ticked ‘waking watch’ or onsite management’
above, please provide the name of any provider (if
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Appendix G Maintaining Fire Safety Provisions
G.1. A change from a stay put evacuation strategy to a simultaneous evacuation strategy is
significant. Where this change occurs, as part of the required review of the premises’ fire
risk assessment, it is vital to check preventative and protective measures are working as
designed, and that they are subject to a suitable and sufficient system of maintenance.
Maintenance of these measures is a specific requirement for Responsible Persons under
the Fire Safety Order. Where interim measures are implemented, the Responsible Person
should ensure that these are subject to routine maintenance.
G.2. Where it is found that measures are not working as required, steps should be taken to
return them to the required level of operation. This appendix aims to consolidate and
centralise the most relevant and up to date information to assist those responsible for
maintaining fire safety provisions.
G.3. Where a change has been made to the evacuation strategy, Responsible Persons must
give particular consideration to the fire safety provisions in the building that protect the
means of escape, and those provisions that support effective firefighting and protect
firefighters. This is essential to ensure that, in the event of a fire, people in the building can
evacuate as quickly and safely as possible.
G.4. A number of incidents at buildings operating a temporary simultaneous evacuation
strategy have identified that fire safety provisions are not always suitably maintained. This
appendix is provided to assist Responsible Persons of all buildings in assuring themselves
that suitable management systems are in place to ensure that fire safety provisions are
operating effectively, and maintained in efficient working order and good repair.
Smoke control systems
G.5. An appropriately designed, installed, and maintained smoke control system is essential to
effectively managing fire safety risks in a residential building.
G.6. Smoke control can play a critical role in protecting escape routes in residential buildings in
the event of fire. The primary objective being to protect the staircase enclosure, but the
system may also be designed to provide protection to the adjacent lobby or corridor.
G.7. The type of smoke control system will depend on the age and size of the building along
with other factors, such as corridor/lobby sizes and numbers of stairs. In older buildings,
this may take the form of natural non-automatic ventilation. This can be through either
openable vents or vents which are permanently open. In newer buildings, it is more likely
the smoke control system may involve automatically operated functions that are controlled
via a fire detection system in the common parts.
G.8. Responsible Persons should be aware of the type of smoke control system in their
building and how this is intended to control the spread of smoke in the event of fire. These
details should be available in original design information, but if it is not, then the
Responsible Person should seek professional advice from a Competent Person in order to
understand how the system installed is intended to function.
A list of third-party accredited Competent Persons can be found on the Smoke Control Association’s website.
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G.9. There should already be a system of testing and maintenance in place for any smoke
control system. The standards for the maintenance and testing of smoke control systems
are set out in British Standard EN 12101 Smoke and heat control systems and British
Standard 9999:2017 Fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings Code
of practice. These British Standards recommend the following testing of smoke control
systems should take place.
Weekly testing by the Responsible Person to ensure that the smoke ventilation is
operating effectively. A weekly test should involve the simulated actuation of the
system to ensure that any fans and powered exhaust ventilators operate correctly,
smoke dampers close (or open in some cases), natural exhaust ventilators open,
and other features, such as automatic smoke curtains, operate as required.
Every three months, there should be an actuation of all smoke control systems
where all zones should be separately tested, and it should be ensured that the
items detailed above operate correctly.
At least annually, there should be a full system inspection and test carried out by a
suitably qualified person.
G.10. A record of this testing and maintenance should be kept for best practice.
G.11. If the Responsible Person is in any doubt as to the tests that should be carried out, then
they should contact the manufacturer and/or installer of the system for further
G.12. When a decision is made to change the evacuation strategy, it is recommended that,
unless a full system test has been undertaken recently, one should be arranged to ensure
that the smoke control system is in efficient working order. Where any problems are
identified, immediate action should be taken to remedy any defects in the operation of
smoke control systems.
G.13. Where defects cannot be remedied immediately, a review of the fire risk assessment
should be carried out to determine what interim and/or mitigation measures are required
and how long these should remain in place. It is likely that temporary arrangements will be
required until the smoke control system is repaired and has been tested to evidence that it
is functioning effectively. The FRS should also be informed of these measures as they
may mean that additional measures for firefighting need to be considered.
G.14. The interim or mitigation measures to be put in place will vary from building to building,
and the Responsible Person should seek professional advice from a suitably qualified fire
engineer. The local FRS should also be informed and consulted on the planned mitigation
G.15. The Smoke Control Association provides advice on issues related to smoke control
systems and has published Guidance on Smoke Control to Common Escape Routes in
Apartment Buildings (Flats and Maisonettes). This is available on the Smoke Control
Association website, along with other specific advice (please note you must register for
free to access resource documents).
There may be instances where the manufacturer/installer cannot be contacted due to the age of the building. In
these cases, advice should be sought from a Competent Person. A list of third-party accredited Competent
Persons can be found on the Smoke Control Association’s website.
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G.16. There have been issues with electromagnetic holding devices for vents, which can have
an unpredictable performance leading to failure under fire conditions. Such failure can
occur due to a loss of power to the devices, or through the magnetic fields of the devices
being weakened as temperatures in and around the smoke shaft increase. The use of
electromagnetic holding devices as part of any smoke ventilation shaft installation should
therefore be reviewed as part of the fire risk assessment, with the intent of replacing these
devices with a more robust form of vent actuator. Where it is not practicable to replace
electromagnetic holding devices for vents or the work cannot be carried out immediately, a
review of the fire risk assessment should be carried out to determine what mitigation
measures are required and how long these should remain in place.
G.17. A review of the smoke control system should also ensure that compartmentation
throughout any smoke shafts meets the required level of fire resistance.
Fire doors
G.18. Flat entrance fire doors leading to shared or communal areas are designed to provide fire
and smoke protection and are part of a layered approach to most fire strategies for
residential buildings. This is essential to protect the means of escape and ensure that, in
the event of a fire, people can evacuate as quickly and safely as possible.
G.19. It is important that all fire doors, including flat entrance front doors, those in common areas
such as cross corridor doors, and those protecting stair enclosures, including the self-
closing devices, are routinely inspected and maintained by a suitably qualified
professional. Residents and all flat owners should be made aware of the significant
importance of a working self-closing device on all fire doors and the procedure for
reporting any defects.
G.20. Where letterplates and other openings have been installed in fire doors, a qualified
professional should assess whether these meet the requirements of the tested fire
G.21. There may be instances where fire door closers require adjusting to ensure that occupants
are easily able to overcome the force required to open them. In these instances, wherever
possible, these should close with a minimum pressure of the opening force not more than
30N from (the door in the closed position) to 30° open, and not more than 22.5N from
30° to 60° degrees of the opening cycle.
G.22. Responsible Persons should ensure that all flat entrance doors meet the fire and/or smoke
resistance performance stated in the Fire safety in purpose-built blocks of flats guide.
Where doorsets do not meet the required performance, they should be replaced with ones
that do. A risk assessment process should be used to determine how urgently such
doorsets should be replaced.
Facilities for firefighters
G.23. The Responsible Person must ensure that any facilities provided for the use by or for the
protection of firefighters are subject to a suitable system of maintenance.
G.24. All facilities provided for firefighters should be checked, including firefighters lifts and dry
or wet rising mains, to ensure they are maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working
order, and in good repair.
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G.25. Maintenance requirements for fire mains include the following:
Wet or dry rising fire mains and the accompanying inlet and/or outlet boxes should
be regularly inspected for damage and repaired where necessary. Where provided,
outlet straps to fire mains should be checked to see that they are in place and
A six-monthly check by a competent person to ensure that dry mains inlets, landing
valves, drain valves, door hinges, and locking arrangements for inlet and landing
valve boxes are ready for immediate use, and spindles, glands, and washers are in
a satisfactory condition;
For wet mains, a competent person should ensure that booster pumps and their
associated mechanical and electrical apparatus are functioning correctly, and
storage tanks are full of clean water.
An annual inspection by a Competent Person.
G.26. If you have any concerns whatsoever, you should contact your local FRS, who will, if they
have not already done so, carry out an inspection to check functionality.
G.27. A lift for use by the FRS is one with protection measures, controls, and signals that enable
it to be used under their direct control when fighting a fire.
G.28. It should be noted that the standard and functionality of lifts provided for FRS use has
changed over the years. The Responsible Person should understand the type of lift and
functionality provided in their building. Lifts should be maintained to the standard to which
they were installed. Further information on lifts provided for the FRS can be found in
Annex B of British Standard 8899:2016 Improvement of firefighting and evacuation
provisions in existing lifts Code of practice (BS 8899). Guidance on who a Responsible
Person might turn to for advice on lift compliance can be found on the Lift and Escalator
Industry Association website.
G.29. As a matter of best practice, lifts should be maintained to the standard to which they were
installed or uprated to. Typical maintenance requirements for lifts for use by the FRS
include (BS 8899) the following:
A weekly activation of the firefighter lift switch to check the lift returns to the FRS
access level, parks with its doors open, and does not respond to landing calls. Any
connections to any Building Management Systems that are present should also be
checked on a weekly basis.
A monthly check of the secondary power supply, which will involve the simulation of
a failure to the primary power supply. Where the secondary power supply is a
generator, it should energise the lifts for at least one hour.
Annually, a full test of the firefighter lift’s operation should be carried out by a
Competent Person in accordance with the appropriate British Standard.
G.30. In order that FRS personnel, when first arriving at the lift, can identify the features
provided with the lift, any lift intended to be used by FRS personnel should have an
indelible label as shown in Figure 1 of BS 8899.
G.31. Responsible Persons should ensure that there is sufficient roadway access and
hardstanding for firefighting vehicles attending incidents. Good access to your building will
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allow firefighting to commence as expediently as possible. Factors that may cause access
issues may include parked cars or street furniture in the near vicinity of the building.
G.32. If any firefighting facilities are not available for use, you should contact your local FRS.
This does not replace the need to ensure that all facilities provided for the protection of
firefighters are maintained in an efficient state and in working order.
Other measures
G.33. In addition to the measures outlined above, Responsible Persons should also carry out
the following actions.
Check that there are no combustible materials, for example, storage of refuse, in
the vicinity of the external wall system at ground level or on any balconies.
Ensure that there are measures to prevent combustible materials from
accumulating in such locations, for example, with temporary barriers or instructions
to residents.
Ensure residents are made aware that the use of barbecues and smoking on
balconies creates a significant risk to other residents and is therefore discouraged
whilst there is a risk of fire spread on the external wall systems of combustible
construction. Property rules, where they exist or are permitted, should prohibit the
use of barbeques and smoking on balconies. Any existing, new, or revised property
rules should be issued as part of the communications recommended in the
Information to residents and leaseholders/owners section below.
Check that any waste/rubbish stores are secure and that a fire in these locations
could not spread to affect any areas at risk from rapid fire spread. Waste/rubbish
chutes, where present, should be risk assessed to ensure that they do not present
a risk of fire spreading between flats or common parts depending upon their
Close any car parks or adjacent car parking where a vehicle fire could impinge on
cladding. This may require the support of superior landlords and the cooperation of
other Responsible Persons. Where difficulties are encountered with other
Responsible Persons, your local FRS may be able to assist.
Check all walls that separate flats, plant, and storerooms etc. from escape routes to
ensure there are no obvious routes for fire or smoke spread, for example, through
holes where services, such as pipes and cables, pass through walls. Further advice
about this area can be found on the Association for Specialist Fire Protection
Information to residents and leaseholders/owners
G.34. Residents and leaseholders must be advised to ensure all smoke alarms are present and
working in their flat, and to report concerns about fire safety measures in the building (for
example, presence of combustible materials in escape routes) to their landlord, and
understand the purpose and importance of any short-term interim measures being taken.
Additional information about refuse and chute rooms can be found in the Fire Safety in Purpose-Built Blocks of
Flats guidance
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G.35. The Responsible Persons should engage with residents of the building to ensure that they
fully understand the emergency fire procedures in the building. Fire procedure notices
should be updated, where necessary, to ensure they are accurate. This is particularly
important where a stay put strategy is temporarily being changed to one of simultaneous
The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 (the Regulations) are being introduced
under Article 24 of the Fire Safety Order and will come into force on 23
January 2023.
The Regulations apply to England only. The Regulations can be found on the UK
Government website. The Regulations will require Responsible Persons in multi-
occupied residential buildings to take specific actions, depending on the height of the
some provisions will apply regardless of height;
more will be needed once a building reaches 11 metres, and
further requirements will be introduced when a building reaches 18 metres (or 7
storeys) or more.
These regulations will require action from Responsible Persons, as they impose new
legal requirements for Responsible Persons. In addition to the guidance above, it is
important that Responsible Persons familiarise themselves with the Regulations and
the legal requirements they will impose, and the full guidance and factsheets which
have been made available by the Home Office.
Further information on when to submit information and the preferred format for
providing information, will be detailed within the Home Office guidance, which is
currently being produced. The Home Office has indicated that this guidance will be
published in 2022 in advance of the Regulations being fully in force on 23
Further information is available on the UK Government website.
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Assembly point
A designated place where people have been told to gather after evacuating a building in
the event of a fire or other emergency.
Note: an alternative assembly point that has protection against inclement weather may be
Common parts
Those areas of a building that are not for the exclusive use of individual residents, for
example, common corridors, stairways, plant rooms, and other ancillary areas.
Fire alarm systems
Common fire alarm A fire alarm system that will detect a fire in all parts of the
premises, including within flats and the common parts, and give an audible warning
throughout the building, including within all flats and within the common parts. A common
fire alarm system should be installed in accordance with the requirements of Appendix A.
First aid fire alarm A temporary technological solution providing a system of fire
detection and alarm that can be used while the installation of a common fire alarm is
arranged. The use of such systems should be justified by a Competent Person in the fire
risk assessment.
Competent Person
According to the Fire Safety Order Article 18 (5), a person is to be regarded as competent
for the purposes of this article (Safety Assistance) where they have sufficient training and
experience or knowledge and other qualities to enable them properly to assist in
undertaking the preventative and protective measures. Guidance on the competency
standard for fire risk assessors and guidance on choosing a competent risk assessor is
available on the Fire Sector Federation website.
Evacuation strategy
A process whereby people leave premises in case of an incident, for example a fire, and
reach a place of safety.
Simultaneous evacuation Procedure in which all parts of a building are evacuated in
the event of fire at one time.
Partial change Where some parts of a premises remain with a stay put strategy while
others change to a simultaneous evacuation strategy.
Stay put A strategy based on the design principle that only the residents of the flat of
fire origin need to escape initially, while other residents may remain in their own flats
unless their flat is affected by fire or smoke, they feel threatened, or they are instructed to
leave by the FRS. A stay put strategy does not preclude residents, who are aware of a fire
within the building but not affected directly by it, from deciding to evacuate.
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On-site management personnel
On-site arrangements to facilitate a rapid, effective, and coordinated evacuation, and to
liaise with the FRS to provide an essential link with them during operations.
External wall system
External construction of a building including external walls, cladding, insulation, filler
materials, and cavity barriers.
General fire precautions
This term is used to describe precautions that are required under the Fire Safety Order to
ensure the premises are safe (see Articles 4 and 8).
Interim measures
Urgent temporary measures which are to be put in place to address an unacceptable risk
to occupants of a building. This could include but is not limited to the use of waking watch
or temporary alarm systems or wider measures, for example, closing any car parks in
which a vehicle fire could impinge on cladding or restricting the use of balconies or
barbecues. See also: Temporary.
Mitigation measures
Measures to mitigate the identified risk until the significant issues are resolved.
Person-centred fire risk assessment
An assessment of the risk from fire focused on a specific resident, carried out with the
involvement of the resident, taking into account the physical and cognitive characteristics
of the resident, their lifestyle, preferences, and a contextualised consideration of relevant
behavioural history. The outcome is a proportionate person-centred action plan that takes
into account informed decision making and dignity of the resident, while resulting in
tolerable risk from fire.
Person-centred planning
Person-centred planning is a way of asking what people want, the support they need, and
how they can get it. It assists people in leading an independent and inclusive life.
Notable fire hazard
A fire hazard that could cause harm to residents due to the unplanned spread of fire
beyond the original fire compartment. Examples could include: ACM with fire retardant
polyethylene filler (category 2 in screening tests); other combustible façade elements,
such as high pressure laminate; or missing compartmentation barriers
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP)
A plan put in place, where necessary, for the appropriate assistance provided to an
individual resident to evacuate the building. A resident who requires a PEEP should be
involved in its formulation and consent to the arrangements put in place.
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Remediation plan
A plan to remove or reduce the risk of building deficiencies that have been identified within
the premises fire risk assessment.
The term ‘residents’ is used when referring to the occupants, regardless of tenure, of the
flats. The term includes all those who live in the building.
Note: when referring to the need to alert relevant persons of the need to evacuate a
building, the term residents is inclusive of any visitors or guests.
Responsible Person
The person, including corporate entities, on whom duties are imposed by the Fire Safety
Order to ensure the safety of occupants of a building from fire (see Article 3).
Note: duties are also imposed on persons other than the Responsible Person (see Article
Smoke ventilation system
A system to control and/or prevent the spread of smoke in protected routes in the event of
fire. The primary objective of a smoke ventilation system is to protect the common parts.
These areas may exist on the floor level where the fire has originated and in stairwells,
enabling those occupants who feel threatened or who are at greatest risk to escape. Such
systems will further assist firefighters to gain access.
A device provided as part of a common fire alarm system that will give an audible warning
in the event of fire.
Non-permanent measures implemented to mitigate an unacceptable risk in a building as
an interim measure, adopted for the safety of residents while works to rectify the identified
fire safety failings are carried out. Temporary measures could include the use of a waking
watch or the preferred option of the installation of a common fire alarm system along with
suitable on-site evacuation management, where necessary. The installation of a
temporary fire alarm and detection system is preferred over a continued use of a waking
watch system.
Timeframes for Responsible Persons
Immediately At once: As soon as it is identified that interim measures are necessary by
Competent Persons and the fire risk assessment process.
Transition period No longer than 6 months: The amount of time needed for the
Responsible Person to implement the transitional plan, and put in place more sustainable
measures to allow the building to transition away from a waking watch, such as by moving
to installation of a common fire alarm as outlined in Appendix A. This should take place
as soon as practically possible, and within no longer than 6 months of the risk being
identified, other than in exceptional circumstances.
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Short-term No longer than 12 months: The time required to formulate, and where
possible commence, a longer-term remediation plan as soon as practically possible and
within no longer than 12 months. Remediation plans may be dependent upon factors such
as the design of the building, the different types of tenures, particularly leaseholders, and
the needs of residents. It is unlikely that measures in place for longer than 12 months will
prove to be cost beneficial when compared to installing a common fire alarm.
Longer-term 12 months or more: The period by which the remediation plan is in place
and underway.
Transition plan
Within a month: Where a waking watch is implemented, as soon as practicable but within
a month, the Responsible Persons should make a plan for implementing sustainable
means for supporting the evacuation strategy to allow the building to transition away from
a waking watch. Such a plan should include details such as costings, timeframes, a
resident engagement strategy, and relevant procurement processes. It should also
consider the principles of prevention. In the immediate and transitional term, this plan
could include the installation of a first aid fire alarm system.
Waking watch
A system whereby suitably trained persons continually patrol all floors and the exterior
perimeter of the building in order to detect a fire, raise the alarm, and carry out the role of
evacuation management.
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Bibliography and Other Resources
Relevant legislation:
The Building Regulations 2010
The Fire Safety Act 2021 and associated Home Office Guidance
The Fire Safety (Employees Capabilities) (England) Regulations 2010
The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 Home Office factsheets
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
The Housing Act 2004
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (the Fire Safety Order)
Relevant guidance:
Check your fire safety responsibilities under the Fire Safety Order
Fire safety in purpose-built blocks of flats guide
Fire Safety in Specialised Housing guide
Fire safety risk assessment: means of escape for disabled people guide
Fire safety risk assessment: sleeping accommodation guide
Standards and codes of practice:
British Standard 5839 Part 1 Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings
Code of practice for design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of
systems in non-domestic premises (BS 5839-1)
British Standard 8629:2019 Code of practice for the design, installation,
commissioning and maintenance of evacuation alert systems for use by fire and
rescue services in buildings containing flats (BS 8629)
British Standard 8899:2016 Improvement of firefighting and evacuation provisions
in existing lifts Code of practice (BS 8899)
British Standard 9999:2017 Fire safety in the design, management and use of
buildings Code of practice
British Standard EN 12101 Smoke and heat control systems
Code of Practice for the Provision of Premises Information Boxes in Residential
The regulations will come into force on 23
January 2023 following the publication of supporting guidance which
is due later in 2022.
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Publicly Available Specification 9980:2022 Assessing the external wall fire risk in
multi-occupied residential buildings (PAS 9980)
Useful websites and further information:
Association for Specialist Fire Protection website
Disabled Facilities Grants
Fire Sector Federation website
Government guidance on Aluminium Composite Material (ACM) cladding
Government written statement on proportionality in building safety
Leasehold high rise blocks: Who pays for fire safety work?
Lift and Escalator Industry Association website
Online home fire safety check tool
Smoke Control Association website