2024 Guide
Sunday, April 14, 2024
Golds Gym
100 Landing Ave, Smithtown, NY 11787
Welcome to the Long Island Region Powerlifting Competition 2024 Guide!
This guide contains information about event offerings, athlete paperwork, coach
certifications, and other important competition details that will help make your
competition experience the best it can be.
Please reference the Table of Contents on pages 3 and 4, and feel free to contact
any Special Olympics New York staff member using the table on page 17 if you
have any additional questions.
How to Use
Overview of Competition
What is the Long Island Region Powerlifting Competiton? (Page 5)
What events are offered at the Long Island Region Powerlifting Competition?
(Page 5)
How do I register my training club? (Page 5)
What powerlifting weight classes are offered at the Long Island Region
Powerlifting Competition? (Page 6)
My group has never competed at the Long Island Region Powerlifting
Competition before. What do we need to do? (Page 7)
My group has competed at the Long Island Region Powerlifting Competition in
the past. What do we need to do for this year? (Page 8)
Venue Information (Page 9)
Projected Schedule of Events (Page 9)
When will we receive the full schedule of events? (Page 9)
Who will my athletes compete against? (Page 10)
Competition Guidelines and Attire (Page 10)
Athlete and Coach Requirements
What paperwork do athletes need to compete? (Page 11)
When does athlete paperwork expire? (Page 11)
How many coaches do I need on my team? (Page 12)
What certifications do coaches need? (Page 12)
How do I obtain my coach certifications? (Page 13)
When do coach certifications expire? (Page 13)
How do I know what athletes or coaches on my team need new paperwork or
certifications? (Page 13)
Benefits Provided by Special Olympics New York
Can I get equipment for my team from Special Olympics New York? (Page 14)
Does Special Olympics New York provide transportation to the Long Island
Region Powerlifting Competition? (Page 14)
Table of Contents
Other Opportunities for Involvement
Are there other Special Olympics competitions besides the Long Island Region
Powerlifting Competition to compete in? (Page 15)
Can my company or organization support the Long Island Region Powerlifting
Competition and/or Special Olympics New York? (Page 15)
Dates and Contact Information
Important Dates (Page 16)
Staff Contact Information (Page 17)
Table of Contents
Training clubs may register for any of the below events.
What events are offered?
Our Special Olympics New York Long Island Region Powerlifting Competition is a
competition that offers powerlifting.
Approximately 30 athletes ages 14 and up compete as part of training clubs
(teams) in this competition.
What is the Long Island Region Powerlifting
Visit our competition website to access the competition registration form for the
specific sport you wish to compete in. The competition registration form should
be sent to the Downstate Competition Team (see page 17).
However, there is more to this competition than just registering please review
this guide to learn more about how Special Olympics can assist your program
with coach certifications, equipment, transportation, and more.
How do I register my training club?
Male Weight Classes
and Registration Codes
111 lb (53 kg)
130 lb (59 kg)
145.5 lb (66 kg)
163 lb (74 kg)
183 lb (83 kg)
205 lb (93 kg)
231 lb (105 kg)
264 lb (120 kg)
264.75+ lb (120+ kg)
Female Weight Classes
and Registration Codes
95.75 lb (43 kg)
103 lb (47 kg)
114.50 (52 kg)
125.50 (57 kg)
139 lb (63 kg)
158.5 lb (72 kg)
185 lb (84 kg)
185.25+ lb (84+ kg)
What powerlifting weight classes are offered at the
Long Island Region Powerlifting Competition?
Athlete Recruitment
Recruit athletes for your team
and have them complete their
athlete paperwork. Send all
athlete paperwork to your
Regional Program Team.
Meet with Us
Schedule a brief meeting with
your Regional Program Team
to let them know you intend to
create a training club.
Online Trainings
Begin your Sport Assistant and
Level I coach certifications
through our Coach Education
Portal. These are entirely
online, self-paced courses.
Coach Recruitment
Recruit additional coaches for your
team (if needed) and have them
complete their coach trainings. All
coaches must be certified as Sport
Sport-Specific Training
Have at least one coach from
your team participate in a sport-
specific training to become a
certified Level II coach.
Request Equipment
Request any needed sports
equipment from our office using
an equipment wish list. We will
do our best to provide
equipment for your team!
Attend the Long Island Region
Powerlifting Competition.
Please see the diagram below. If you have any questions about this process, your
Regional Program Team (see page 17) is more than happy to assist!
My school or group has never competed at this
competition before. What do we need to do?
Register for Competition
Submit a powerlifting registration
with your athletes scores to our
Have your team practice the
events leading up to the Long
Island Region Powerlifting
Competition so you can record
their scores at practice.
Collect Paperwork
Collect athlete paperwork and
ensure your coaches
certifications are up-to-date by
using the report created by
your Regional Program Team.
Send Roster
Send your Regional Program
Team your team roster. We will
create a report showing what
athlete paperwork or coach
certifications may be expired.
Request Equipment
Request any needed sports
equipment from our office
using an equipment wish list.
We will do our best to provide
equipment for your team!
Have your team practice the events
leading up to the powerlifting
competition so you can record their
scores at practice.
Register for Competition
Submit a powerlifting registration
with your athletes scores to our
Attend the Long Island Region
Powerlifting Competition.
Please see the diagram below. If you have any questions about this process, your
Regional Program Team (see page 17) is more than happy to assist!
My school or group has competed at this
competition in the past. What do we need to do
for this year?
Golds Gym
100 Landing Avenue
Smithtown, NY, 11787
This competition will take place on Sunday April 14, 2024. A schedule of events is
listed below. Please note this schedule is subject to change.
11:30 am: Weigh in/ Check in
12:15 pm: Opening Ceremonies
1:15 pm: Rack heights
1:30 pm: Squat begins, followed by bench press, then dead lift
4:30 pm: Competition ends
Projected Schedule of Events
All athletes will be competing at Golds Gym.
Venue Information
Training clubs competing will receive their full schedule of events from Sport
Directors on the day of the event.
When will we receive the full schedule of events?
All powerlifters must wear a one-piece and form fitting suit without any looseness
when worn. The suit must be constructed entirely of fabric or synthetic textile
material, such that no support is given to the lifter by the suit in the execution of
any lift.
Competition Guidelines and Attire
All athletes will be divisioned based upon entry scores listed on their team's
competition registration form to ensure they compete against athletes of similar
Please put the correct scores on the competition registration form. The Games
Management Team, in conjunction with sport officials, have the right to disqualify
athletes if their final scores on competition day are significantly greater than their
entry scores, in accordance with Special Olympics Sports Rules Article 1.
Who will my athletes compete against?
All athletes must have current athlete paperwork on file with the office to compete.
All athlete paperwork should be submitted to the Program Team (see page 17).
This paperwork includes:
What paperwork do athletes need to compete?
1. Athlete Registration Form
4. Communicable Disease Waiver
2. Athlete Release Form
3. Athlete Medical Form*
*Please note that the Athlete Medical Form must be signed by a licensed medical
professional. The athlete does not need a new physical (the doctor can use the
information from the most recent well visit), but it does have to be on our
paperwork with the date of the exam.
An athletes medical form expires after 3 years from the date of the exam.
Otherwise, athlete paperwork does not expire. Other forms do not need to be re-
submitted every year unless the athletes personal information has changed.
When does athlete paperwork expire?
There is no maximum number of coaches a team can have. However, you must
keep a 1:3 ratio of coaches to athletes.
Anyone who is coaching or volunteering with your team must be certified as a
Sport Assistant or higher (see diagram below).
At least one person per team must be certified as a Level II Coach and is
considered the head coach of the team. There is no limit to the number of Level II
coaches on a team.
How many coaches do I need on my team?
What certifications do coaches need?
Sport Assistant
Complete Background Check, Special Olympics General
Orientation, Protective Behaviors Training, Concussion Course
Anyone who is coaching/volunteering with your team needs to
be certified as a Sport Assistant.
Level I Coach
All Sport Assistant requirements +
Coaching Special Olympics Athletes
Level II
All Level I requirements +
Sports-Specific Course
At least 1 Level II
Coach is required
on each team.
All Sport Assistant and Level I Coach certifications can be obtained entirely online
through our Coach Education Portal. The Program Team (see page 17) can provide
you with the appropriate link.
The Level II Sports-Specific Course varies. Please contact your Regional Program
Team for details.
How do I obtain these coach certifications?
The Regional Program Team will create a report called an Errors and Exceptions
that shows exactly which athletes and coaches have expired paperwork and/or
To receive an Errors and Exceptions for your team, please submit a roster of all
your athletes and coaches to your Regional Program Team. We will use that roster
to create an Errors and Exceptions, which we will send to you that describes
exactly who needs updated paperwork or renewed certifications.
The earlier in the season you can send us your roster, the sooner you will receive
an Errors and Exceptions.
How do I know what athletes or coaches on my
team need new paperwork or certifications?
The Background Check, Protective Behaviors Training, Concussion Course, and
Sports-Specific Course expire 3 years after the date on which they were
All other courses do not expire.
When do coach certifications expire?
Yes! Pending our budget, we can provide equipment to teams that need it for
training purposes. To request equipment, please contact your Regional Program
Team (see page 17).
Can I get equipment for my team from Special
Olympics New York?
Yes! Pending our budget, we can provide transportation to athletes and coaches
via a bus. We cannot provide transportation to parents or siblings of athletes or
other non-certified school staff.
If you would like to request transportation to the Long Island Region Powerlifting
Competition, please complete a transportation request form, which can be found on
the website, and submit to the Downstate Competition Team (see page 17). Please
be aware that you will most likely be riding with another team.
Does Special Olympics New York provide
transportation to the Long Island Region
Powerlifting Competition?
Yes! There are other competitions throughout the year.
All unexpired athlete paperwork applies to other competitions. The only new form
needed for a regional or super-regional competition is a registration form for that
specific competition.
We also offer competitions in other sports during our fall and summer seasons. To
view our calendar of events, please visit our website.
Are there other Special Olympics competitions to
compete in?
Yes! We offer various opportunities to sponsor or become vendors at our signature
events, including the Long Island Region Powerlifting Competition. We anticipate
approximately 30 athletes, 10 coaches, and 30 volunteers in attendance, and we
cannot host this event without the support of our community. We hope to see you
For more information on sponsorship, donations, or how to become a vendor,
please contact the Development Team (see page 17).
Can my company or organization support the
Long Island Region Powerlifting Competition
and/or Special Olympics New York?
Please see the list below of important dates to keep in mind throughout the
season. Please note that these dates are subject to change.
Important Dates
If you have a question that is not listed in this guide or if you need to obtain a
form, link, etc. from a staff member, please use the table below:
Staff Contact Information
Long Island Office Address
560 Broadhollow Road, Suite 106
Melville, New York 11747
I need more information on...
Who should I contact?
Staff Emails
Athlete paperwork
Long Island Program
Jesse Lodispoto
Director of Program
Emily Mohlin
Associate Director of Program
Coach certifications
Equipment requests
Downstate Competition
David Durandisse
Director of Competition
Emmanuel Lindsay
Associate Director of Competition
Sport rules
Competition registration
Sponsorship opportunities
Long Island Development
Alexis Dawson
Director of Development
Rebecca Hoffmann
Director of Development