The Cross Stitch Podcast
Season 3 Episode 53
Hey, everyone.
So, I talk a lot about books on this podcast. I love reading. I know a lot of you love reading as well.
So, I also know a lot of you listen to audiobooks while you're cross stitching. Now, I have done that
before, but not a lot, and I've never done it with a fiction book before -- until now.
This week while we were in isolation, I -- we were in self-isolation for 11 days, if you didn't hear that
on the podcast last week. And I listened to a fiction book while I was cross stitching. There was not
much time for my hobbies, so I doubled up.
You would think being at home all day meant there was more time for my hobbies, but they were
just -- we were just busy, and kids and homeschooling and everything.
I didn’t think I would ever do this, actually. I've mentioned before that I love being all in on a book
when I'm reading, like, a fiction book. But you know what, I thought, you know, I'm going to try it.
And it wasn't as hard to get into the book as I thought it would be. I could definitely get into it. It
wasn't the same as reading a book, but it was pretty good still. I enjoyed it.
And I think I will be doing it more often now. And especially throughout summer, again, when the
kids are home and I'm not going to have a lot of time to do my hobby. You know, there's just --
summer is just busy.
So, I definitely think I'm going to do this more. I'm onboard with the fiction books on Audible now.
And the only thing I think, really, is that it has to be a book that -- maybe more of a lighter read, you
know, YA. I read a YA one. YA, is that how you say that? Yes. I read that -- well, listened to that
kind of book while I was stitching last week. Although, it did have some, like, heavy themes in it, it
was also quite light.
It was actually Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry. It's a quite a good book. I enjoyed it. I gave it four stars
on Goodreads.
But I have listened to so many non-fiction Audible books that I thought I would mention them here
for you. I have seven for you to listen to you while you're stitching.
I am definitely an expert on the non-fiction Audible books. I've listened to a lot. And, you know, you
can listen to non-fiction when you're stitching as well. I know not all of you will listen to non-fiction,
but some of these -- well, I have mix, you know. Some are biographies, some are more personal
development. So, let's dive in.
Number one is Talking as Fast as I Can by Lauren Graham. Lauren Graham plays Lorelei Gilmore in
Gilmore Girls, and she is in -- is it Parenthood? We don't have that in the UK, I really wish we did.
And she's in the new Mighty Duck series on Disney Plus, which we've started watching with the kids.
Like, it's something we can all watch and enjoy together, so that's fun.
I love her. I love Gilmore Girls. I watch Gilmore Girls every year. I re-watch it in the Autumn. I think
it's amazing. And Lauren Graham, when -- so she's reading the book. That's why I like non-fiction
books on Audible, or like listening to audiobooks on -- like, non-fiction ones. Because with
biographies it usually is the person reading it as well, which I find -- I just like it. There's just more of
a connection there.
Obviously, I know Lauren's voice so much from playing Lorelei. And she's just the same in the book.
And, you know, I've never really been one to read, like, memoir or biography or anything, but on
Audible it's just different. It's kind of like listening to a podcast.
So, that is my first book. I just loved this book so much. And if you are a fan of Gilmore Girls, I really
recommend this book. You know, you find out a lot about that show and the beginning stages and
the new series that came out and the cliffhanger at the end of the new -- well, it wasn't a series.
Like, the four-part thing they did.
So, I really recommend that book. I loved it and Lauren's just so funny.
So number two, this is actually the first ever Audible book that I listened to. And that is You Are A
Badass by Jen Sincero. Actually, I think You Are A Badass At Making Money
was the first one. And then I listed to You Are A Badass after.
But I thought I'd recommend You Are A Badass because that is her first book. I think it's, like, her
first -- well, maybe her first like proper famous kind of self-help personal development book. And
then she noticed how many people loved the chapter on money, so she also wrote You Are A Badass
At Making Money, which I also love.
But You Are A Badass is just -- again, Jen reads this book. I love her voice. She just gives you kind of
like a kick up the bum kind of thing. She's just very motivating. I just really enjoyed this book.
And it is like a really good book to kind of dip your toe in, like, self-help, personal development and
growth and things like that. I've gone a lot deeper now, but this book really was like the first kind of
-- maybe not the first stepping stone, but it was the first time really where I'd heard anyone talk
more about mindset and, you know, changing your mind first before, like, you change your actions.
And changing who your being before you change what you're doing.
So, I really enjoyed this book a lot. I kind of want to re-listen to it, but it's on an old Amazon account
and I'll have to remember the login because I switched Amazon accounts. So, I need to like
remember the login and go and relisten to this. Because it is amazing. I really highly recommend
that book.
So, number three is actually not a book I finished yet. I'm in the middle of listening to it. And I'm
probably three-quarters of the way through. And that is Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey.
Now, he reads this book. I think the only way you can read this book is by listening to it because it's
his voice. And the way he reads it, I can't imagine you'd get the same experience actually reading
the pages. The way he talks it, just -- it's so good. I can't even -- it's so good.
I mean, I love his voice anyway. That southern voice is just, like, amazing. I love that accent, I just --
so that is, like, cherry on top of a actually really good book.
So, he doesn't say it's a memoir or a biography. He calls it a playbook. And it just has all these
stories in about, like, things that were red lights to him. Like, a red light, meaning it paused him, it
made him stop, and things that were green lights and, like, helped him develop and grow.
And you know, some of the things he -- I've heard him on podcasts talking about the book and he's
saying some of the things you might think is a red light, but actually they're green lights. And you
know, he just have these, like, poems that break out in the middle of the book. And this is why I
don't think you would get the same experience actually reading it. I mean, I don't know. If anyone
has read it, you'll have to let me know. Because the way he reads the poems in the middle -- so
good, like, amazing.
And again, like, I love this -- I've never been like this. But recently, I'd say in the last year or so, I
absolutely love looking into celebrities lives. Not from, like, a gossip-y, like what are they doing with
their life now kind of thing, but how did they get where they are. And Matthew has a really good
story about how he ended up getting into acting. It's amazing.
So, I really recommend that book. Especially if do you like Matthew McConaughey, you like learning
about celebrities, and things like that. It is -- I enjoyed it a lot.
Number four, is another celebrity book. Again, I don't -- I think she calls it a biography, but I can't
remember. But it is The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer.
Now, I'm not -- I don't really watch Amy Schumer in comedies. I've watched her film now because
she talked about the film so much in the book. Not like loads, but she mentioned it, but now I've
seen her film.
I think she has two films, doesn't she? Is I Feel Pretty the other that's hilarious too? Anyway, the
book is so funny. It is hilarious. It's like having a standup show in a book. And then, of course, it
goes to, like, actually this is really sad and emotional. And then you get a bit angry at some of the
things. Not that Amy does, that people do. You know, she talks about gun laws in America and --
just lots of things. There's lots of --
So, I would say, like -- in fact, I think I might put a trigger warning on this book actually. Before you
read it, I would recommend reading some review if you are triggered by certain events happening in
books, like sexual assault or gun crime. Because she does talk about that in the book, which I wasn't
expecting, actually. I was quite shocked when I heard two of the stories that happened in the book.
But obviously, like, it is about her life, and she couldn't have left them out. But there is that, like,
comedy mixed with so much sadness. If you have seen her film, Trainwreck, or no about her dad, oh
my gosh, like, she has been through so much. And yet, it was, like, comedy mixed with a lot of
sadness as well. But some parts are genuinely just absolutely hilarious and had me laughing so
And again, Amy is reading it. So, like, so funny. I really recommend that book. And I would say
there's more comedy then there is heaviness to it. So, don't let that put you off. Like, it's not like it's
sadness all the way throughout, but there were -- there are elements of, like, scenes and things in
that book that you might just want to check on before you read it. I wish I had. I was kind of like,
oh, that came out of nowhere.
So, number five is The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi. This book, if you listen to the Lazy Genius
on podcasts, it's like her whole podcast in a book, but better. It's so good.
You know, there's just so many practical tips in the book for just, like, leading an easier life. You
know, she just has so many questions and prompts for you to just like really chew on. Like, what is
important to you? What do you actually want to spend time doing? What do you want to spend
less time doing? What should you delegate? It's so good. It's been a while since I read it or listened
to it. I think -- the day it came out I got it or I pre-ordered it so I had it when it came out. But I love
And you know, I love supporting podcasters who have books because, you know, a lot of podcasters
-- I'm a bit different in the sense that I have, like, a whole business behind me. But, you know, a lot
of podcasters, they basically only get their money from ads. So, when they have a book I really love
to support them with buying their book because you're getting all that free content every week off
them. And yes, sometimes you have to listen to ad here or there, but other than that, like, they're
just there every week for you. So, I always like buying their books.
I genuinely love this book as well. Like, I would have bought it because I have gotten so much value
from Kendra. I say she doesn't have a business, actually she does. She has lots of guides and things,
but most of her effort is into the podcast.
And yeah, I was really -- this book was so good. I loved it. I listened to it very quickly. So, yeah,
another one I recommend if you want to just -- especially throughout the summer, I think it's a great
one to listen to through the summer, to just kind of set your days up right and just -- and, yeah, I just
really enjoyed the book.
Number seven is a similar theme, it's from a podcaster who you know I talk about a lot. And that is
Share Your Stuff, I'll Go First by Laura Tremaine. So, she has the 10 Things to Tell You podcast. This
book, oh, my gosh, I loved it so much.
Again, to me, Laura is kind of like in the celebrity status because of her husband. So, you kind of get
a peek into Hollywood life, which is really cool. I found that interesting. And you also just -- Laura's
just so down to earth and just nice.
And she talks a lot about mental health and taking care of ourselves. She also loves to read. I get a
lot of book recommendations from Laura and from her podcast. And I just love the questions she
asks. One of them was, like, when was their magic in your life. And she spoke about -- well, I don't
want to spoil the story, actually, but she just spoke about when there was magic in her life. And I
was just like, what an amazing question. And obviously, she prompts you to also answer the
questions yourself as well, just like on her podcast.
I just love the book so much, it was so nice. And I actually pre-ordered it, so go lots of the bonuses
too, and I haven't even gone through them yet. This book, I think it came out February, I think it
was. I think it was, yeah. So, I still need through -- like, she has these tapes where she recorded
extra interviews with people in the book, and I still haven't even listened to them, and I'm just
desperate to because it was so fascinating the people she talks about and just her life.
And yeah, it was such a good book. I highly recommend it. If anything, just for the journaling
prompts that you get in there as well. So, that's a great one to read while you're -- or listen to while
you're stitching.
Oh, I just said number seven, and that was number six. I'm sorry.
Number seven is Becoming by Michelle Obama. I have not actually finished this book yet, but
everything I've listened to so far is amazing. Again, Michelle is reading it. In fact, all of these books,
the author of the book read them. Obviously, I like books where the author reads them.
I think whatever your feelings are about presidents of countries, I think it's fascinating that like -- I
mean, I know it's not his book, it's her book, and I don't want to diminish that by talking about her
husband. But listening to how she grew up, because that's where I'm up to right now -- I'm about a
third of the way through the book, I think. And just listening to how she grew up and where she
grew, and then thinking, you became first lady of the United States of America. Like, it's insane
when you think about where people start out and where they can end up.
So, oh my gosh, I just love this book so much. And it's just so nice to listen to. And I Just love
hearing the stories and, you know, thinking about it now, all these people live in the States -- and I
love the States, you guys. I can't wait to come and visit when we are allowed to leave the country.
Which we kind of are now, but we're choosing not to. I love getting peeks into life over there, to be
And you know, when you're younger and you learn about politics and things like that, to me,
honestly, it was so boring. I'm not going to lie. I did not enjoy learning about politics. But -- and you
know, in fact, I was the same with history as well. History, I was just not interested in learning about
history in school. I dropped that as soon as I could.
But look, when I listen to books or read books that have story in about politics, or stories in about
history, I am so gripped. I learn so much from listening to people's stories and I think a lot of us do. I
swear they should set us -- well, maybe not all of us learn this way, but, you know, if I could just read
some of the books that I read now, I probably would have had a much bigger interest in some of
these things in school.
But I just love learning through stories, and I learned so much about -- oh, my gosh, just a lot. I've
learned a lot from non-fiction books and I love non-fiction books. And talking about the history
piece, this is one of my tangents. But for example, I just read a book called -- oh, my gosh, what was
it called?
Oh, my goodness, I can't remember what it was called and it literally, like, blew me away and I could
not -- oh, The Kingdoms. It was called The Kingdoms. And in that book, you know, it was set in the
1800s, 1900s, and I just learned so much about history from that book. And part of me was having
to Google did this actually happen or is this like -- because it's a fiction story, but it's got so much
history seeped throughout it. And was absolutely entranced in this book. I loved it so much. I
literally couldn't put it down. I was walking around the house reading at the same time. It was so
So, yeah, I just love learning through stories and non-fiction books, you know, because -- different to
fiction whereas, like, I know this is all true. Like, this actually happened. I just love learning that
way. And I just love learning about people's lives. We all lead such different lives. I love getting a
peek into how we all live and how different we all live, and I think that's amazing.
So if you haven't tried non-fiction before, one of these books -- I just think if any of these spoke out
to you, I highly recommend trying a non-fiction book. I think most of us read non-fiction. I read
probably -- no, I'm probably 50/50 actually, but I just love non-fiction as well. I really do. I love, love
the stories that come out through listening or reading non-fiction books.
So they're my top seven for now. I'm sure that will change. I'm listening to many more. Once I've
listened to some fiction books on Audible, I'm sure I'll come back in and do seven fiction books you
can listen to while stitching. Because, to be honest, most of the ones I have on my list right now are
all brand new books.
I think I've mentioned. If I haven't mentioned it on here, I've definitely mentioned it on Instagram.
My summer reading list this year is pretty much all brand new books that only came out this year.
And that isn't like me. I don't really read new books very often, but I am this year. So some of them
are just difficult to get hold of, so I will put them on Audible instead.
I'm sure I'll be back with some fiction books in a few months when I've listened to some. That is
actually one more thing I like with Audible and stitching at the same time. You can get through a
book much faster. And when your to-read list is 200 books long, probably more than that, you kind
of want to -- you don't want to rush through them, but at the same time, you do want to kind of try
and get through as many books as you can because there's just so many to read.
So, I do enjoy that about listening to books while stitching. It's just because you can just read more,
then, or listen to more, but you're also reading. I don't know, what do people say? Do you say
you're reading when you're listening to an Audible book? It's confusing, isn't it. But, yeah, you can
just get through so many more books because there are just so many books out there to enjoy.
So, that's it for today, I hope you enjoyed this episode. I hope you gave you some books to go and
listen to. You can grab them on Audible.
If you're not on Audible yet, I probably have a link or there'll be a link. I'm Amazon have a free trial
where you can sign up to get a free Audible book, and I think you get to keep it as well, even if you
don't sign up to Audible after. So that's really good as well. So just go and try it, you can literally try
it risk free and see what you think.
And even if you don't listen while stitching, I listen to Audible books all the time, like when I'm
cleaning, cooking, doing the dishes. And I think non-fiction are easier to listen when you're doing
things like that because you're not getting into the story. And you can easily pause and things like
So, with fiction books on Audible, I really had to sit down and listen. I couldn't really just potter
around the house sort of listening to them. It wasn't the same. I had to sit and listen to it and
obviously do some stitching at the same time.
So, yes, I will be back next week with another episode. So I will see you then.