The magazine for clients and friends of Brabender Technologie GmbH & Co. KG
Firmly on the Ground
The flat-bottomed feeder,
FlatTwin, was developed
for pharmaceutical clients.
Getting into Fibers
The new fiber feeder,
FiberXpert, also doses
long-fiber materials.
Exhibition K –
Positive Views
Brabender Technologie
impressively exhibits its
innovative resources.
2 FLUX 03
Dear business partners, dear colleagues,
K years are always particularly special. The
entire industry rides the wave of exhibition
euphoria; each company aiming to sail above
the rest. This year, we are proud to introduce
real innovations with the fiber feeder FiberXpert
and the flat-bottomed feeder Flat-Twin, which
were both met with great interest. Needless to
say, we will be presenting both models to you
once more in this issue.
The second biggest event of this year was of an
internal nature: In the run-up to the exhibition
our employees from abroad were invited to a
joint meeting. We regularly conduct large training
events in order to ensure equal standards for
our clients around the world. For this purpose
our employees are all linked through internal net-
works, easing their workload and strengthening
their connections with each other.
We would like to wish you a peaceful holiday
season and a prosperous start to the new year!
Kind regards,
Horst Vohwinkel and Bruno Dautzenberg
General Manager
Brabender Technologie
GmbH & Co. KG
General Manager
Brabender Technologie
GmbH & Co. KG
FLUX 03 3
FLUX is the customer magazine of
Brabender Technologie GmbH & Co. KG
Brabender Technologie GmbH & Co. KG
Kulturstrasse 55 – 73
47055 Duisburg, Germany
Phone: +49 203 9984-0
Editorial team:
Brabender Technologie GmbH & Co. KG
C&G: Strategische Kommunikation GmbH
Copyright and rights of use of texts and
Brabender Technologie GmbH & Co. KG
Release date: December 2016
FLUX 03 3
Getting into Fibers
New paths for processing long-fiber materials
Exhibition K - Positive Views
Impressive innovation strength
Service in China
Brabender Technologie (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
K49 New Construction
According to plan
From the Regions
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Firmly on the Ground
FlatTwin, the flat-bottomed feeder for the
pharma industry
Joint Meeting:
Internationally connected
Exhibition K –
This year, the leading worldwide exhibition for the plastics and rubber industry, the
K in Düsseldorf, surpassed all expectations. The industry is currently in great shape,
with a growing worldwide and high-quality business-to-consumer market. Brabender
Technologie also impressively exhibited its innovative resources at this year's K, and
was subsequently rewarded with a surge of interested new contacts.
4 FLUX 03
FLUX 03 5
6 FLUX 03
Bruno Dautzenberg, General Manager
of Brabender Technologie, provides
an initial review: “We have recorded
a pronounced increase in exhibition
contacts – roughly 20 percent more
than in K 2013. As a consequence
of this, we have a very high quota of
new contacts and significantly more
concrete enquiries. Even we were
astonished by this.”
One third of enquiries came solely
from visitors and clients from German
speaking regions. Though there was
also a notable increase in the share of
international visitors. Klaus Donsbach,
Public Relations Manager, added: “No
region emerged as especially strong,
aside from the consistently strong
India. Interestingly, there was a very
encouraging visitor response from
China. However, as is well known,
the Chinese market is covered by its
own exhibitions.”
FLUX 03 7
K 2016 – IN A
Brabender Technologie presented itself
at the leading worldwide industry exhibition
from 19
to 26
October 2016 in Düsseldorf
as one of the 3,285 exhibitors from the
plastics and rubber industry. They brought:
triple innovation power with FiberXpert,
FlatTwin and a control concept, abundant
motivation and an outstanding atmosphere.
230,000 industry visitors from over 160
different countries visited the K throughout
the eight days – an increase of roughly
5.5 percent in comparison to 2013. An
increased quota of new international ex-
hibition contacts was also acknowledged
by Brabender Technologie – many of these
with specific interest.
"Pictures of an
K 2016 on the
8 FLUX 03
The innovations: FiberXpert,
FlatTwin and control
Brabender Technologie demonstrates high
innovative strengths with three innovations,
exhibited by the Duisburg specialist in feeding,
weighing and discharging of bulk materials.
As expected, the fiber feeder FiberXpert and
the flat-bottomed feeder FlatTwin have both
incited interest and purchasing intentions.
As Brabender Technologie always develops
innovations to closely fit the requirements
of clients and the market. Both devices will
be separately introduced in this FLUX issue.
The third innovation, the new control system,
promises a big step into the future.
“Our new fiber feeder FiberXpert has really
gained a foothold. We have received an enor-
mous amount of enquiries specifically for
this device. It is remarkable that we were
able to gain considerable interest from the
research and development sector in addition
to the industrial users. This particular new
development came at precisely the right time.
There was also interest from universities and
research institutes, for whom an innovation
such as FiberXpert should deliver new results.
The exhibition crew at K 2016
In our view, this confirms that we have struck
a current topic of the future”, explained Bruno
What’s more, the second new introduction,
the flat-bottomed feeder FlatTwin, was very
well received in design and engineering by the
pharma industry clients. Now, in the months
following the exhibition, it will be further op-
timised and achieve market maturity in 2017.
Visitors and clients were able to experience
the third new development, the new control
concept, live in a demonstration: The reactions:
overwhelmingly positive. The clients: won
over. “It’s important to keep your finger on the
pulse of the market. That’s why we reviewed
our investment programme for the exhibition
and thanks to much positive feedback we
quickly reached the decision that the right idea
is headed in the right direction”, explained
Klaus Donsbach.
Service seminar and representatives
In the run-up to the exhibition, two particular
highlights took place. During a five-day course,
profund profund
FLUX 03 9
The multi tool exhibits important production and control units.
Brabender Technologie gathered those re-
sponsible for all of the service units from each
operating region. Ralf Eikermann, customer
care leader, helped to organise the meeting
which takes place once every three years:
“Here we have practically all of the service
leaders who work for Brabender Technologie
around the world, with us in Duisburg. This
is an event that does not only encourage
a sense of community, but it also plays an
important role in training and exchanges.” The
second event of the two days in the run-up
to the exhibition was an additional represen-
conference, carried out by Brabender
Technologie for the leaders of subsidiaries and
international representatives. This was also a
great success. You can learn more about it in
this issue.
The dates for the next K event in three years’
time have already been announced. Brabender
Technologie will once again put forward inno-
vations from 16
to 23
October 2019 and be
a visitor magnet for an international audience.
As a visit to K is simply indispensable for those
who wish to remain competitive!
Fiber feeder FiberXpert opens up new paths for processing long-fiber
into bers
10 FLUX 03
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12 FLUX 03
There are many fibers with great
characteristics: Glass or carbon fibers,
for example, are reinforced in plastic
compounds, something made use of in the
car industry for dashboards and other com-
ponents. Wood flour can also be modified
with plastics or serve as a filler. One thing
all fibers have in common is that they aren’t
easy to feed.
“Many problems disappear over time, for ex-
ample the twining of glass fibers due to friction
in the tube extruder”, reports Norbert Marek,
the idea generator for the development. “But
one problem remains: fiber length. Brabender
Technologie has now found a fitting solution for
this as well.” The new innovative FiberXpert
dispenses both long and irregular fibers, whilst
ensuring they do not intertwine or knot. Conse-
quently, this enables the precise dispensing of
natural fibers, wood fibers, carbon fibers and
also film shreds, something which caused a
stir with its first appearance at the K in 2016.
New application possibilities
There is already an initial client: He uses the
fiber feeder for dispensing crushed film shreds
from the film edge trim. They arise from the
manufacturing of plastic film, whereby the
edges are cut-off in the polishing stack. “The
top priority was saving raw materials. With
film manufacturing, ten to 30 percent of sorted
waste is accurate, and its further utilisation was
previously very complicated”, Norbert Marek
explains the motivation of the clients. “The new
device enables us to lead the film waste back
into the process chain as flakes.” This saves
resources and optimises the manufacturing
There are plenty of further possible applica-
tions, for example natural fibers. This irregular
material can be dispensed reliably, precisely
and continuously for filler material or wood
plastic composites. The new device is also
able to solve the recycling problem for carbon
fibers. They will be laminated onto components
to strengthen a part. Thereby the regular re-
maining pieces are accurate, causing costly
waste disposal costs. With the FiberXpert the
remaining pieces and also recycled fibers can
be used again and again.
Operating mode
The dispensing of long fibers is made possible
through the use of a special fiber screw, a
steep face tank and a special agitator geometry
and placing. “This unparalleled and innovative
FLUX 03 13
development causes a pressure filling of the
screw”, explained Norbert Marek. As the flow
characteristics of products often vary, a specific
design was implemented. The company re-
mains silent on the precise design of the feeder.
In contrast, the relevance of control for a
safe-functioning fiber feeder is no secret. The
relationship between the screws and the ag-
itator speed is essential “Our Controller CM
plus and CB are responsible for that”, stressed
Norbert Marek. The specific relationship be-
tween screws and agitator can be individually
determined in trials at the technology centre
and be readjusted upon start-up.
Hitting the market nerve
“We are sure that this innovation has hit
the nerve of the market”, according to both
General Managers Horst Vohwinkel und Bruno
Dautzenberg. “With this device we solve a
well-known feeder problem and open new
processing routes for materials previously
considered non-dispensable.”
The fiber feeder FiberXpert
also dispenses long and
irregular fiber, ensuring they
do not intertwine or knot.
14 FLUX 03
14 FLUX 03
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Firmly on
The specific requirements of pharmaceutical clients
came selectively to the forefront for Brabender
Technologie during the development of
the flat-bottomed feeder FlatTwin.
16 FLUX 03
“We have realised what the market wants”,
Ralf Kanter confirms the motivation behind
the development of a flat-bottomed feeder.
Along with Robert Fedges, his colleague in
engineering, he first presented the previously
undisclosed innovation to a broad expert audi-
ence, including separate representatives, shortly
prior to the K plastics exhibition in Düsseldorf.
Ralf Kanter explains: “The proven mechanics
of the stirring agitator within the existing twin
screw feeder do not fulfil the specific require-
ments of the pharmaceutical production in all
applications.” The new flat-bottomed feed-
er, with the name FlatTwin and expected to
reach market maturity in the second quarter
of 2017, manages the balancing act over many
different powder dispensing areas: for example
in the production of medicinal products with
delayed-release for implant rods.
Gravimetric feeding system,
material flow without mixing
“The client assumes, without articulating it,
the precise feeding with integrated digital load
cells”, explains Ralf Kanter. Robert Feldges
adds: “The material is weighed and feeded
based on mass.” All uses of the FlatTwin
share the common feature that the powder
may only be minimally or not at all
mixed. Therefore, conven-
tional agitators do not
come into question.
In contrast to
The new flat-bottomed feeder
FlatTwin feeds powder for
pharmaceutical products.
Production processes in the phar-
maceutical industry are subject
to strong regulations, which also
place the highest requirements on the
dispensing technology. Therefore, in
addition to the double screw feeder
from the standard programme, Bra-
bender Technologie developed the
flat-bottomed feeder “FlatTwin” for
dispensing powders in pharmaceutical
application. The feeder is the result of
close collaboration with the clients.
FLUX 03 17
twin screw feeder from the standard pro-
gramme, in the flat-bottom of the device the
powder filling the tank is lifted by an embedded
horizontally turning agitator. This movement
and the resulting material flow, “first in –
first out”, prevents or largely prevents mixing –
a significant difference to conventional oper-
ations. Two concave screws with a 20 milli-
metre diameter, found in a trough under the
flat-bottom, transport the material further to
the vertical outlet, which can be found in the
right angle on the screw tube. The dispensing
capacity is the result of motor equipment and
the size of the tank (six to 140 cubic decimeter
per hour). In this way, the size of the tank is
orientated around the client’s wishes.
Simple handling as a requirement
“The cleaning and disassembly, and also as-
sembly, of a feeder for pharmaceutical purposes
must be possible under harsh conditions”, Ralf
Kanter further explains the key focusses of
the development. “For instance, we find this
framework in the containment department,
where the workers must operate the device
wearing firmly installed gloves. If they were
able to disassemble the device without the
use of tools, to clean it for example, the work
process would be optimised”
With its parts made from high-quality stainless
steel, the FlatTwin addresses this: Its cap is
attached to the tank with four easy to turn
brackets. To remove the agitator unit from the
flat-bottom the plug needs to be unscrewed –
also using a simple twisting motion. This has
the additional advantageous effect of removing
the entire screw tube together with the screws
inside as a whole for cleaning. Material residues
would no fall out and be lost during cleaning.
Client proximity as driver of innovation
The FlatTwin was developed in close collabo-
ration with users who are in a constant con-
structive exchange with Brabender Technologie.
That’s also going to be the case in the future.
Ralf Kanter explains the philosophy of the firm:
“We also establish client proximity for the
completion of documentation”, explains Robert
Feldges. “We give clients all of the necessary
documents complete and correct which they
need for examination by the authorities for their
production to be approved. Alongside operating
and maintenance manuals, and material certif-
icates, this also includes specific certificates.
When it’s required, the client can also receive,
for example, a surface area certificate or docu-
ments for exporting welders from us.”
Apparently those responsible at Brabender
Technologie have hit a nerve with the new
"familiy member". Even if a few months elapse
before market introductions, the positive re-
actions from the clients at the Düsseldorf
exhibition prove that Brabender Technologie is
heading in the right direction with FlatTwin.
“We always have ‘an ear on
the market’ and listen to it
carefully. Through this we
find out what is needed and
what we can improve.”
Robert Feldges,
Mechanical Engineering
+49 203 9984 - 260
18 FLUX 03
Prior to the K exhibition, in October Brabender
Technologie invited all those responsible
for service, sales and business leadership
to the international summit meeting in
FLUX 03 19
usus usus
As the saying goes, the third time marks
a tradition. From this perspective, the
service seminar is an institution by
now. All worldwide service leaders first met
in 1998, at that time only a small group with
six participants. Those responsible for service
established the event to take the ever grow-
ing globalisation of Brabender Technologie
into account and to initiate a very successful
personal exchange amongst all Brabender
Technologie service leaders.
20 FLUX 03
Service seminar 2016
18 years later, Brabender Technologie is able to
look back upon an array of intensive, constructive
and cooperative seminars and conferences,
which, above all, have developed close relation-
ships. Everyone knows one another, everyone
communicates and will usually find that the prob-
lems they are having are universal. Established
contact simplifies exchanges and helps to offer
an outside perspective to certain experiences,
and to categorise them accordingly. Last but
not least is the formation of a community spirit
amongst the leading employees around the world.
In the initial years, service seminars took place
on an annual basis, with the three year pattern
first established in the run-up to the 2013 K
“The service seminar was a great
opportunity to get more know-
ledge, share experiences with
colleagues and to cultivate the
company culture of Brabender
Eduardo Carvalho Santos,
“The participation on this seminar
is simply a must if you want to be
technically updated. The service
seminar also provides certain
advantages for sales persons.”
Kamran Bigham,
Brabender Technologie,
exhibition. 27 service leaders and technicians
from all sales regions travelled to this year's
seminar. Ralf Eikermann, customer care leader,
explained for the team of organisers: “Partici-
pation in the service seminar is not obligatory.
Despite this, all participants enjoy coming as
the active exchange amongst the people is
highly important to them.”
In the evenings there are sporty events such
as bowling, social events such as the visit to
the König brewery in Duisburg or events with a
more informative tone, such as the gasometer
exhibition in Oberhausen. Nevertheless, Ralk
Eikermann stresses: “We do not just want to
strengthen personal relationships, we also want
to improve specialist training and content ex-
Gian Luigi Cassera,
“The service seminar is always
an interesting learning / update
process. It has been a pleasure to
share a moment together where
school and relax time were well
FLUX 03 21
“The opportunity to meet fellow
Brabender service engineers and
representatives from around the
world and share experiences with
one another was extremely beneficial
to my continued growth in my career
as a service technician.”
Brad Morris,
Brabender INC.,
Sepp Keller,
Keller Prozesstechnik,
“We were able to personally verify
how much Brabender Technologie
has invested in further development.
This enabled us to have a close look at
several new facilities that will benefit
service in China. We are proud to be
a member of the Brabender group!”
Mu Dongyi,
Brabender Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.,
changes.” Therefore the five days are
always well packed with content. For
instance, this year the line up included
new control components along with
accessories and their connection to
the main computer, practical exercises
for the “SmartService” maintenance
software, the new “FiberXpert” and
“FlatTwin” feeders, the food feeder
for dried fruit and also a visit to the
new K49 construction.
Representatives conference 2016
Exactly like for the service seminar,
Brabender Technologie gathers it is
representatives from all subsidiaries
and offices worldwide every three
“The service seminar is an essential
way to continue our learning and
understanding of the Brabender
family of controls and feeders. This
enables us to perform our duties
both effectively and efficiently.”
Neil Eardley,
Genesis Process Solutions,
years for the two days prior to the K
exhibition – this year there were 47
At the start, general managers Bruno
Dautzenberg and Horst Vohwinkel took
all participants to the same stand and
simultaneously cast a glance over the
recent company developments. Bruno
Dautzenberg and Bernd Hüppmeier,
sales manager for Germany, Austria and
Switzerland, summarised the develop-
ments and trends of their respective
markets most asked by the represen-
tatives and added a small analysis.
Additionally, certain innovations were
introduced by the responsible engineers
and sales employees, and exhibited for
personal assessment.
The first day was rounded up with a
workshop as well as the extranet – an
information platform for the worldwide
representative and subsidiaries of Bra-
bender Technologie, forming part of
the company’s online communication
structure. The conference culminated
with a tour of the new K49 construction.
Many positive reports from this years
participants highlight that the organ-
isers found the perfect balance for the
service seminar and representatives
“Once more I really enjoyed myself
participating in the service seminar.
The topics were very informative, the
speakers who introduced the new
matters really motivated us, and the
evening programme was very well
22 FLUX 03
Service in China:
When the first German extruder
manufacturers started their
business in China, they installed
feeders from Brabender Technologie.
The service remained in their hands,
and since then technicians have often
travelled East to operate, maintain
facilities, and to train workers on-site.
The cultivation of personal networks
plays an important role in the
Chinese business world. Anyone
who has ever had anything to do with
business in the People’s Republic will
recognise the importance of: First
pleasure, then business, and they
would know: Guanxi. This word with
many complex meanings is used to
describe how personal public rela-
tions are formed, and why they are
important, amongst other things.
Because in China, business is solely
carried out on an interpersonal level.
Contracts and agreements are clas-
sified as a common thread, enabling
the involved parties to often deviate.
There is no questioning the fact that China is a special and exciting market.
When sales began in Asia approximately 35 years ago, Brabender Technologie
had already initiated business with Chinese clients, and one thing quickly
became clear: The potential for Brabender Technologie’s special technology
is enormous.
Thus Guanxi is somewhat challenging
for foreigners. Similarly, so are the
favours linked to Guanxi, relying on
give and take in the long term.
The early years
During the 80’s, the first service techni-
cians lay the foundation for good Guanxi
for Brabender Technologie in China.
Over the years they were able to win
over the Chinese clients as partners for
a long term collaboration with expertise
and experience – a partnership that still
exists today. Antonio Seising, sales
manager for Asia-Pacific can confirm
this: “Chinese clients expect a lot, not
just from the product, but also from the
service. They want to be wooed in such
a way that is barely understandable to
Europeans. Our success here is due
to the fact that we have long-term em-
ployees both in China and Germany.”
Around-the-clock service
The benchmark of expectations for
technical support is conceivably
high: Production facilities must run
seamlessly 24 / 7 for 365 days a year.
As a first step, in 1997 Brabender
Technologie – at that time still KG –
established a representative office in
Beijing. At that time there was one
employee, who spoke both English
and Chinese, and was in charge of con-
tinually ensuring spoken and cultural
communication with Chinese clients.
In 2005 followed the establishment of
Brabender Technology (Beijing) Co.,
Ltd., which was at the same time a
requirement and the go-ahead for
independent transactions in China.
Status quo
How great this decision was is visible
today, approximately ten years later: In
the meantime, Brabender Technology
(Beijing) Co., Lts. provided the entire
Chinese market with sales, service,
replacement parts and separate parts
production. At the Beijing site there
are 17 employees. Four of these were
trained by the technical support in
FLUX 03 23FLUX 03 23
Germany. In order to fulfil the require-
ments from several client's production
facilities in China and to guarantee
quick reaction when necessary,
Brabender Technologie established
two further service sites: Guangzhou
in 2008 and Shanghai in 2011, each
with two local service technicians
who were trained in Germany as well.
Since then the previous representative
office in Beijing had developed into
a spacious office and an attached
production site in an industrial park
in Tongzhou.
A long journey
Although the Chinese still know and val-
ue the quality of Brabender Technologie,
the Chinese market is rapidly growing.
New production sites are opening and
entering the scene with a quick pace and
new processing technologies. What’s
more: In recent years, competitive pres-
sure has also risen due to professionally
equipped Chinese competitors. Antonio
Seising has long since recognised these
challenges and provides resistance:
“We are able to offer a very structured
service in China. And with our new
developments we can at least keep
up with the latest trends and, as a rule,
remain one step ahead of the market.”
The Chinese plastics industry is giving
birth to many new innovations in the
materials sector and is providing the
Duisburg company with the chance to
accept new challenges for dispensing
technology straight from the market.
This leads to (new) Chinese clients,
who no longer remain stationary in
the low-wage sector, to bring a large
amount of potential for integration
with automation systems. Brabender
Technologie is continuing to work on
a standard China feeding line. The
company is already delivering feeders
for simple processing applications
which were manufactured in Beijing
with Chinese parts and others "Made
in Germany".
Due to the successes that the feeder
specialist has achieved within the
food and pharmaceutical market in
Europe and America, the clientele
is currently expanding, and should
reach China. Soon a new Brabender
Technologie base will be opening in the
west-Chinese metropolis Chongqing,
in order to offer their well-known ser-
vice in the region. Some clients have
already begun to construct production
lines in west China.
In China, for China
– true to the mot-
to in the future the middle kingdom
will continue to play an important role
in the company group. Thus providing
top expert knowledge and an excel-
lent service structure. And Guanxi,
of course.
Office and production site in Beijing
Employees in direct exchange
Team China – in the middle, Yang Hongjun, leader of Brabender Technology China
(right) and Antonio Seising, sales manager Asia-Pacific (left)
24 FLUX 03
According to plan
Roughly seven months ago – in May – work commenced on
the new construction for the company headquarters in
Duisburg. Thanks to efficient system construction and
experienced construction partners from Goldbeck,
everything is on schedule.
Outside the foyer
FLUX 03 25
When Brabender Technologe moves
into the new building at 49 Kulturstraße
in May 2017, it will mark the start of a
new era for the company. Following
the move, all of the business man-
agement units for the laboratories,
the technology centre, production
and shipment will find themselves
under one roof, and also a new sort of
production process will be introduced.
The 4300 square metre large hall
provides significantly more space
for production, whereby several pro-
duction steps are optimally merged.
General Manager Bruno Dautzenberg
explains: “We have shifted to a more
integrated work process, in particular
for the assembly of standardised plant
components. Now we can use up our
capacity more efficiently.”
Scaffolding and construction vehicles
still dominate the landscape. The crane
for the technology centre, the cen-
trepiece of the new company head-
quarters, is already suspended eight
metres high. In the future, clients will
be able to duplicate real conditions for
their trials with Brabender Technologie
plants. The visitor rooms opposite
provide guest with an inspiring atmo-
sphere during their meetings, with a
view over the technology centre.
On the floors for the management,
administration and laboratories, under-
floor heating has already been installed,
with embedded boxes for power and
internet cables. Warm air, and air con-
ditioning for the summer, will be made
possible by district-heating and its use
throughout the whole building. The
Duisburg district heating is derived
from power-heat exchange, industrial
waste heat, renewable energy sources,
and is also used outside of the heating
Sideward view of the new construction
Underfloor heating on all floors
The interior view of the new production hall
The new technology centre: The crane is already suspended
26 FLUX 03
From the regions
Year after year ... the festive period and new year are just around
the corner. Employees from all around the world like to send
the clients and friends of Brabender Technologie best wishes on
these occasions. We wish you a merry Christmas and a great
start to a successful year in 2017.
Brabender Technologie, Duisburg
Wir wünschen Ihnen und Ihren Familien ein frohes Weihnachtsfest!
We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!
FLUX 03 27
Service Vostok, Moscow, Russia
Желаем крепкого здоровья, большого успеха во всех
делах и начинаниях и большого счастья в личной жизни!
We wish you great health, much success in all beginnings
and matters and good luck in your private lives!
Brabender Technologie Middle East, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Nawa`y ang panahong na ito ay maglapit sa atin
upang ipagdiwang ang pagmalhal ni Kristo!
May this season bring us together to share
the love of Christ!
Brabender Technology Co. (Beijing), Ltd., China
新年快乐 / Happy Spring Festival = Happy Chinese New Year
恭喜发财 / Wishing You Prosperity
Brabender Technologie Inc., Mississauga, Canada
May Peace, Good Health and Prosperity be yours now and throughout the coming New Year!
Brabender Technologie, India
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from India!
Brabender Technologie GmbH & Co. KG
Kulturstrasse 55 – 73
47055 Duisburg, Germany
Phone +49 203 9984 -0
Fax +49 203 9984 -155