Updated: 8-20-2021
Transfer Degree Map: HCC Associate of Science in Biology (Biology
Majors) to University of Houston-Downtown
Bachelor of Science in Biology
4 Year Suggested Academic Plan for Transfer
*Based on UHD & HCC Catalog year of 2021-2022 Note: There may be some minor changes in courses due to recently approved course
First Year - Freshman
Fall Semester Spring Semester
HCC UHD Course Name Hrs HCC UHD Course Name Hrs
EDUC 1300 (1) Seminar Learning Frameworks: 1
Year Exp. 3 ENGL 1302 ENG 1302 Composition II 3
BIOL 1406 BIOL 1301/1101 Biology I for Science Majors 4 CHEM 1412 CHEM 1308/1108 General Chemistry II 4
CHEM 1411 CHEM 1307/1107 General Chemistry 4 MATH 2413 MATH 2401 Calculus I 4
ENGL 1301 ENG 1301 Composition & Rhetoric I 3 BIOL 1407 BIOL 1302/1102 Biology for Science Majors II 4
MATH 2412 MATH 1404 Pre-calculus 4
Total 18 Total 15
Second Year Sophomore
Fall Semester Spring Semester
HCC UHD Course Name Hrs HCC UHD Course Name Hrs
CHEM 2423 CHEM 2301/2101 Organic Chemistry I 4 BIOL 2421 MBIO 2305/2105 General Microbiology 4
PHYS 1401 PHYS 1307/1107 College Physics I 4 Core 40 Core 40 Refer to catalog for options 3
GOVT 2305 POLS 2305 Federal Government 3 PHYS 1402 PHYS 1308/1108 College Physics II 4
HIST 1301
HIST 1305
United States History to 1877 3 HIST 1302 HIST 1306 United States History after 1877 3
Total 14 Total 14
Third Year Junior
Fall Semester Spring Semester
HCC UHD Course Name Hrs HCC UHD Course Name Hrs
BIOL 2303/2103 General Genetics w/lab 4 BIOL 3306 Biological Evolution 3
UL BIOL (3) Upper Level BIOL (any content area) 3 UL BIOL (3) Upper Level BIOL (Environmental Area) 3
UL BIOL (3) Upper Level BIOL (Plant/Fungal Area) 4
UL BIOL high
impact lab
Options: 3300, 4230, 4232, 4260, or
4399 (4399 is Honors course)
Options: MATH 2402, CS 1408, CS
4 Creative Arts Choose from UHD core curriculum 3
POLS 2306 Texas Government 3
Total 15 Total 14-15
Fourth Year - Senior
Fall Semester Spring Semester
HCC UHD Course Name Hrs HCC UHD Course Name Hrs
Social and
Choose from UHD core curriculum 3 STAT 3311 Statistical Analysis for Natural Science 3
UL BIOL (3) Upper Level BIOL (any content area) 3 UL Elective Approved Upper Level Elective 5
UL BIOL (3) Upper Level BIOL (Organismal Area) 4
Options: BIOL 4311, MBIO 4311, SUST
4301 3
TCOM (writing)
TCOM 3302, 3325, 3326, 3329, or
Upper Level BIOL (Cell/Molecular
3 UL BIOL (3) Upper Level BIOL (any content area) 3
COMM (90) Choose from core curriculum 3
Total 16 Total 17
EDUC 1300 is required for First Time in College (FTIC) students only. If not FTIC, students should consider prereq’s for Calculus I (see note 2).
(2) Students may be placed in MATH 2413 through placement testing OR by completing all MATH prerequisites (MATH 1314, 1316, and 2412). Student should consult
with advisor regarding placement testing.
(3) Biology Content Area Options (prereq’s may be required for some selections):
Cell/Molecular Area: (BIOL 4320, 4330, 4230, or 4232(not previously taken); MBIO 4320/4120, CHEM 4340/4140, 3390/4390 (if approved).
Plant/Fungal Area: BIOL 3330/3130, 3310/3110, 3340/3140, 3390/4390 (if approved).
Environmental Area: BIOL 3302/3102, 4260 (not previously taken), 4360, 4340, 4350, MBIO 3340, 3390/4390 (if approved).
(4) Organismal Area: BIOL 3304/3104, 3305/3105, 3320/3120, 4303, 4313/4113, 4344, 4305, 3390/4390 (if approved); MBIO 3320 or MBIO 4340/4140.Up to 6
hours of undergraduate research may be counted as approved upper level electives towards the degree.
Articulation Agreement Information Standard and Program to Program (P2P)
Standard Agreement &
P2P Agreement
(Associate of Science in Biology (Biology Majors) to
Bachelor of Science in Biology)
Optional Partnership
Joint Admission provides students the opportunity to maximize
utilization of facilities and programs offered jointly by HCC and UHD:
o Student ID at HCC and UHD
o Student computer/internet account, access to computer labs
and access to libraries at HCC and UHD
o Student access to sporting events at UHD
o Free electronic transfer transcript transmission/evaluation
o Application fees will be waived for HCC students who apply to
UHD within 6 months of earning an Associate’s degree.
Cooperative Advising allows students to access embedded advisors
at both institutions for students who are:
o Admitted (either through regular or joint admissions) at UHD
o All HCC students with an expressed interested in transferring
to UHD
o Advising for all degree programs at UHD
Employee discount provides HCC employees an opportunity to apply
discounts or waive fees at UHD:
o Application fee will be waived for UHD employees
o Recognize the eligibility of HCC employees to apply for
scholarship programs.
Transfer of Credit & Student Benefits
Credits from HCC that are transferrable to UHD degree programs
may be specified in any program-to-program articulation
Reverse transfer
HCC students will be allowed access to academic advising
services at UHD
HCC Honors students admitted to UHD will receive:
o Acceptance to UHD Honors Program with a minimum GPA
(GPA varies by the College in which the program resides)
o UHD will accept a minimum of 12 hours of transfer Honors
credit; eligible for merit and need-based aid commensurate
with qualifications
Program Specific
The Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology requires a
grade of “C” or higher in all upper-level science
courses to be applied to the degree.
Program Admission
Transfer Admission Criteria (15 or more earned college-level
credit hours) 2.0 GPA
Student must be in Good Academic Standing at last institution
For a course taken more than once, the highest grade will be