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For University Teacher Certifications in: Early Childhood-Grade 6; Grades 4-8; Special Education
STUDENT SIGNATURE: ___________________________________
HCCS COURSE REQUIREMENT (SU) Comment / Disapproval Approval Date
Transfer / Substitution Transfer Signature
Institution Course (TR)
Required Academic Core
ENGL 1301 English Composition I
ENGL 1302 English Composition II
ENGL Literature (UHV prefers American Lit)
OR ENGL 2328
Oral Communication (SPCH 1315 or 1321)
MATH 1314 College Algebra or higher
Biological Lab Science (Choose one course from: BIOL
1308/1108, 1406, 1411, 1413, 2401, or 2416)
Chemical Lab Science (Choose one course from CHEM
1305/1105, 1405, 1411, or 1413)
HIST 2301 Texas History or HIST 1301
HIST 1302 U.S.History after 1877
GOVT 2301 American Government I
GOVT 2302 American Government II
Visual/Performing Arts (Choose one course from ARTS
1301, 1303, 1304; DANC 2303; DRAM 1310, 2361,
2362, 2363, 2366; MUSI 1306, 1308, or 1309)
Social/Behavioral Science (TECA 1354 or GEOG 1303)
Cross Cultural Studies (EDUC 1325 recommended)
Major Area Requirements
MATH 1350 Math for Teachers I
MATH 1351 Math for Teachers II
Physical Lab Science (Choose one course from ASTR
1403, 1404; BIOL 2406; ENVR 1301/1101, 1401;
GEOL 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404; PHYS 1401,
2321/2125, or 2425)
EDUC 1301 Introduction to the Teaching Profession
EDUC 2301 Introduction to Special Populations
Note: For Gulf Coast Teacher Education Consortium list of schools and the AAT agreements, see Transfer Office website. Also EDUC 1200 is highly recommended but not required.
Bilingual certification also requires SPAN 2311-2312 (SPAN 2311 has course prerequisites).
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x The student must earn a minimum 2.0 GPA on sixty (60) total college-level semester hours, must complete a minimum eighteen (18) hours of coursework in the Houston
Community College, must complete TSI requirement unless exempt, and have an application to graduate on file in the Registrar’s office in order to graduate.
x Elective courses are college-level semester hour courses, taken to fulfill the HCC associate degree sixty (60) semester hour requirement. Prerequisite college-level
courses taken to satisfy the required HCC course curriculum can count as course electives.
x The above curriculum is recommended to give students the best preparation for success after transfer in a Teacher certification program. If a student has already taken
other courses than the recommended ones above, the following options will also count toward the AAT and toward guaranteed transfer to the university offering the
above certifications.
ENGL Literature options: May choose from ENGL 2322, 2323, 2327, 2328, 2332, 2333, 2334, 2335, 2336, 2341, 2342, 2343, 2353 or 2374. (Some schools have
preferences. See Transfer Office website for Gulf Coast Teacher Education Consortium list of schools and the AAT agreement.)
Mathematics options: May choose MATH 1314, 1316, 1324, 1325, 1342, 2412, 2413, 2414, or 2415.
Cross/Multicultural Studies options: Choose from ANTH 2302, 2346, 2351; ARTS 1301, 1303, 1304; ECON 2311; EDUC 1325; ENGL 2322-2374; DANC 2303;
GEOG 1302, 1303, 2312; HIST 2311, 2312, 2321, 2322, 2328, 2371, 2381; HUMA 1301, 1305, 2319, 2323; MUSI 1306, 1308, 1309; PHED 1304; PHIL 1301,
1304, 2307, 2316, 2317, 2321; PSYC 2370, 2374; SOCI 1301, 2319, 2374; SPCH 1318, any Foreign Language 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312; SPAN 2313, 2315, 2321, or
x If a student has already taken core curriculum courses differing from the designated AAT courses above, then the student should follow the AA degree plan and the
specific university’s transfer plan leading to teacher certification.