2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 1
The Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Definitions: NEW: Wellbeing, Breath-hold Diving, Diver, Explanation, REVISED: Animal Welfare, Strategic Plan,
REMOVED: Certification
Animal Welfare, Care, and Management: NEW: 1.8.3, REVISED: 1.2.2, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.5.7, 1.5.9, 1.5.13, 1.6.1,
1.8.1, 1.8.2, REMOVED: 1.5.14
Veterinary Care: NEW:,, 2.0.5, 2.0.7, 2.0.8,, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.1.5, 2.1.6, 2.1.7,, 2.2.3,
2.3.3, 2.3.4, 2.3.5, 2.5.4,, 2.7.4, 2.9.2, REVISED: 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.4, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.3.2, 2.7.2, 2.8.1,
MOVED: 2.4.2
Conservation: REVISED: 3.1.1
Education and Interpretation: REVISED: 4.3.1
Scientific Advancement: REVISED: 5.4
Staff: NEW: 7.6.1, REVISED: 7.6, 7.9
Physical Facilities: REMOVED: 10.3.3
Safety and Security: NEW:, 11.2.8, 11.5.4, 11.6.4, 11.7.6, 11.7.7, REVISED: 11.3.5, 11.3.6, 11.6.3,
11.7.2, 11.7.5, REMOVED: 11.3.3
Guest Services: REVISED: 12.6
Position Statement Regarding Animals Acting as Ambassadors: REVISED
Policy on Animal Program Engagement: NEW
Animal Welfare, Care, and Management: REVISED: 1.2.2, 1.3.1, 1.5.0, 1.5.3, 1.5.4, 1.5.7, 1.5.9, 1.5.12, 1.5.13,
1.5.16, 1.6.1
Veterinary Care: REVISED: 2.2.1
Conservation: NEW: 3.3.0, MOVED: 3.3.1, 3.3.2 (Now 1.8.1, 1.8.2)
Physical Facilities: NEW:,, REVISED: 10.2.1
Elephant Standards: REVISED: E.
Ambassador Animal Policy: REVISED
Recommendations for Developing a Facility Ambassador Animal Policy: REVISED
General Administrative Policies: NEW: Implementation of New Standards, REVISED: Offsite Facilities, REVISED:
2 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Provisional Accreditation
Definitions: NEW: Support Organization
Conservation: NEW: 3.2.3, REVISED: 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3.1, 3.3.2
Physical Facilities: REVISED: 10.2.1
Cetacean Standards: REVISED: C.1 General Considerations
General Administrative Policies: NEW: Museums Within Animal Facilities
Staff: REVISED: 7.9
Safety & Security: REVISED: 11.5.2
General Administrative Policies: REVISED: Mentoring Program
Elephant Standards: NEW: E-
Animal Welfare, Care, and Management: NEW: 1.4.2, 1.4.6, 1.4.9, 1.4.12, 1.4.13, REVISED: 1.4.0, 1.4.1, 1.4.4.,
Veterinary Care: REVISED: 2.6.2
Finance: REVISED: 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5
Safety & Security: REVISED: 11.8.1
Master & Strategic Planning: REVISED: 13.1
Standards For Elephant Management & Care: REVISED: all sections
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 3
Table of Contents
Significant Additions and Changes (Last 5 Years) 1
Important Notes Regarding These Standards 5
Definitions 6
Acronyms 9
Preamble 11
1. Animal Welfare, Care, & Management 13
2. Veterinary Care 21
3. Conservation 27
4. Education and Interpretation 28
5. Scientific Advancement 30
6. Governing Authority 31
7. Staff 32
8. Support Organization 34
9. Finance 35
10. Physical Facilities 36
11. Safety/Security 38
12. Guest Services 44
13. Master & Strategic Planning 45
Related Policies 83
4 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
General Administrative Policies of the Accreditation Commission 113
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 5
1. Achieving and Maintaining AZA Accreditation: To achieve and maintain AZA accreditation zoological parks
and aquariums must be judged by the AZA Accreditation Commission as meeting and/or exceeding AZA
standards, and embracing AZA practices and philosophies.
2. Documentation: Having proper documentation of programs, activities, and other occurrences is essential to
meeting these standards. If an institution is taking proper steps to comply with a standard but fails to document
such action, it will not be considered in compliance (for example, having determined that collectors have the
necessary permits, but having no documentation of this).
3. Accreditation standards: These standards are for accreditation of institutions and related facilities. In the case
of related facilities, an education program is not required, nor are standards directly related to the presence of the
visiting public. However, if the facility has an education program, and/or hosts public groups on a regular basis, all
related standards must be met.
4. Authority: The Accreditation Commission, and its agents, shall determine if a facility is meeting standards, and
incorporating modern zoological practices and philosophies. The Visiting Committee is an arm of the Accreditation
Commission. However, the Accreditation Commission is the final authority in interpreting these standards and
assuring they are applied equally to all.
5. Order of Sections: Placement of items in this document has no bearing on importance to accreditation
processing as all areas are considered pertinent for the operation of a professional institution.
6. Performance standards versus engineering standards: With few exceptions, AZA standards are primarily
performance standards (i.e., measuring the level of achievement considered acceptable to fulfill a performance
characteristic, and choice in method for meeting the goal). This differs from engineering standards, where exact
and precisely measured steps are required to fulfill an engineering characteristic, with little or no variation in
method for meeting the goal.
7. Subjectivity: Due to the large number of variables existing between institutions, some standards necessarily
allow for certain levels of subjectivity by both the Visiting Committee and the Accreditation Commission. In
addition, the opinion of one team may be slightly different than another team. In such cases, the Accreditation
Commission is the final authority in interpreting these standards and assuring they are applied equally to all.
8. Continuous Progress and Rising Standards: As the science of zoology and aquatic studies grows in
knowledge, so too do AZA standards rise to accurately reflect current understanding and modern practices, and to
drive continuous improvement in institutions accredited by AZA. What was acceptable under AZA standards in the
past may not be considered sufficient five years later when an institution’s next accreditation inspection takes
place. Institutions are expected to continually progress and improve in all areas so as to keep up with rising
standards and qualify for AZA accreditation.
9. Policies: It is possible that a newer version of a policy contained in this book may have become available since
the book was assembled. In such a case, the most current version of the policy would apply.
6 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
ACCREDITATION: the establishment and maintenance of professional standards and the qualitative evaluation of
organizations in the light of those standards. Through this process a profession is judged based on criteria
selected by experts in that field, rather than by outside agencies and/or individuals that are not actively employed
in that field.
ADJACENT: Next to, close to, adjoining. AESTHETIC: pertaining to the beautiful.
ANIMAL WELFARE: an animal’s (or group of animals) collective physical and mental states over a period of time,
and measured on a continuum from good to poor. Refers to the science of animal welfare.
ANIMAL WELLBEING: a state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy; achieved by AZA facilities giving animals
lifelong opportunities to thrive.
AQUARIUM: Usually at least one public building which contains aquatic animals. However, the animals are
usually split into numerous exhibits. [For full definition see Basic Definitions, 2023 Guide to Accreditation of
Zoological Parks and Aquariums.]
BREATH-HOLD DIVING: A diving mode in which the diver uses no self-contained or surface-supplied air supply.
CEO/DIRECTOR: The person with the authority and responsibility for the operation of the institution. Other titles
may include president, chief executive officer, superintendent, supervisor, manager, etc.
CONSERVATION: For the purposes of AZA’s accreditation program, conservation is understood to be active
stewardship of the natural environment, including wildlife, plants, energy and other natural resources.
CURRENTLY ACCREDITED APPLICANTS: Currently accredited applicants are those institutions that are AZA-
accredited at the time the application is submitted and processed.
CURRENTLY UNDER REVISION: Policies within this document are continuously being revised as science moves
forward and we continue to learn new and better methods. If a policy is currently being reviewed for updating
(noted as Currently Under Revision) the current policy appearing in this booklet still applies, but the notation
serves as a notification that the document is being reviewed and may be updated in future editions.
DEFENSIVE INTERVAL PERIOD: a financial metric indicating the number of days an entity can operate without
needing to access long-term assets or additional outside financial resources.
DIVER: An employee (paid or unpaid) working in water using an apparatus (including snorkels) which supplies
breathing gas at ambient pressure.
ENGINEERING STANDARDS: Standards that require exact and precisely measured steps to fulfill an
engineering characteristic, with little or no variation in method for meeting the goal.
ENRICHMENT: A process to ensure that the behavioral and physical needs of an animal are being met by
providing opportunities for species-appropriate behaviors and choices.
EXPLANATION: A component of the standard that provides additional details regarding the requirements of that
specific standard.
GOVERNING AUTHORITY: The agency with authority to govern the operations of the institution (such as the city,
county/provincial, or federal government body, private corporation, foundation, society, board of directors, or other
similar entities).
INSTITUTIONAL COLLECTION PLAN (ICP): An ICP is a document designed to thoughtfully assess the reasons
for having each taxon in the collection. The ICP should be updated on a regular basis (minimally every 5 years).
The ICP should include a statement of justification for all species and individuals in the institution’s planned
collection. The ICP should consider such criteria as status in the wild, status in zoos and aquariums, existence
and priorities of cooperative management programs, ability to maintain the species in a physically, psychologically
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 7
and socially healthy environment, exhibit value, exhibit suitability, need for husbandry and other research,
recommendations stated in AZA TAG’s Regional Collection Plans and any other issues specific to the institution’s
mission and vision.
INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS: Institutions located outside the United States may apply for accreditation
under the same rules as those located within the United States. In some rare cases, processing of applications for
international institutions may not be possible within the standard six-month time frame, and may require a year or
more before the Commission hearing can be scheduled. In addition, the amount of the Visiting Committee deposit
may be higher due to increased travel costs associated with inspecting institutions located outside of the United
States. If possible, AZA will assign an individual who is fluent in the applicant’s native language to the inspection
team for all international institutions, but the questionnaire and all primary materials submitted must be in English.
If AZA is unable to assign individuals who speak the native language, the institution is responsible for providing an
interpreter. Brochures and other pre-printed materials must be accompanied by a translation. If you have any
questions about this please contact AZA.
MASTER PLAN: A written long-range plan that provides an organization with direction to develop or improve land,
facilities, a building complex, etc.
MENTOR (PEER CONSULTANT): An individual deemed qualified and assigned by the Accreditation Commission
to assist an AZA-accredited institution in addressing identified concerns or preparing for the AZA accreditation
process. Non-accredited facilities see Pathway Towards Membership below.
MODERN ZOOLOGICAL PRACTICES AND PHILOSOPHIES: Understanding, engaging, and committing to the
advancement of standards, practices, related policies and philosophies in all areas assessed by AZA through
accreditation constitutes “modern zoological practices and philosophies”. These accepted best practices and
philosophies define excellence in our profession, and are what distinguish AZA-accredited institutions from other
institutions that have animals for guests to see and appreciate. The word “practices” represents the tangible while
“philosophies” refers to an overall perspective.
NEW APPLICANTS: “New” applicants are those institutions applying for accreditation for the first time, or any
institution that is not currently AZA-accredited, regardless of whether it has been AZA-accredited in the past.
OCEANARIUM: Usually aquatic animals housed in several public buildings contained in a park setting. The
exhibit scale is very large with other attractions/services scattered among the exhibits.
PATHWAY TOWARDS MEMBERSHIP: PTM is a program for non-member facilities that are interested in
preparing for and eventually undergoing the AZA accreditation process, and who wish to have a Coach assist
them. As part of the program a Coach will be assigned by AZA to help the facility identify areas that need to be
addressed, will review and help update policies and procedures, internal documents, record keeping, and all
areas involved in the accreditation and AZA membership process. The Coach can advise as to the facility’s
readiness, and can also provide guidance on assembling the application, if desired. Additional benefits are
included with the program. Check with AZA’s Membership Department for more information.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: standards that measure the level of achievement considered acceptable to fulfill
a performance characteristic, and choice in method for meeting the goal.
PERMANENT (cultural institution): an institution founded by an authority which intends it to continue indefinitely.
POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS ANIMALS: Potentially dangerous animals are those species that could
likely cause serious injury or death to a human through attack, disease transmission, etc. While some
species are obviously dangerous, the Commission acknowledges there is not complete agreement of
potentially dangerous species among all zoo/aquarium professionals or regulatory agencies. Member
institutions are expected to provide their own analysis and justification of the species they consider
potentially dangerous in their collections and to demonstrate that appropriate procedures are in place to
prevent harm to staff, guests, volunteers, etc. Institutions are encouraged to err on the side of caution in
determining what species should be considered potentially dangerous.
8 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
PROFESSIONAL STAFF: a paid fulltime employee who commands an appropriate body of special knowledge
and has the professional training, experience and ability to reach zoological park or aquarium management
decisions consonant with the experience of peers, and who has access to and knowledge of the literature of the
REGULAR BASIS: regular hours, so that access is reasonably convenient to the public.
RELATED FACILITY: For the purpose of AZA’s accreditation programs, a related facility is defined as:
organizations holding wildlife that are not commercial entities, and are not open to the public on a regularly
scheduled, predictable basis. The facility shall be under the direction of a professional staff trained in animal
husbandry, and shall be further defined as having conservation and preservation as part of its missiona mission
that shall have a beneficial, tangible, supportive impact on the zoological and aquarium professions. This includes
wildlife refuges or rehab centers, non-invasive research facilities, survival centers, breeding farms, and/or similar
organizations.” The Accreditation Commission, and its agents, shall determine whether a facility meets the
definition of a related facility.
STRATEGIC PLAN: A written plan defining an organization’s focused direction and core mission areas, including
main goals and resources necessary to achieve these goals and strategic success.
SUPPORT ORGANIZATION: A subordinate or independent organization and non-governing entity, usually a
public charity, one of whose primary purpose is to support through a formal agreement an accredited zoo or
aquarium by performing mutually agreed upon functions such as fund raising, endowment, membership,
education, guest services and public relations.
WELFARE: (see “animal welfare/wellness” above).
WILDLIFE: non-domesticated animal life.
WILDLIFE PARK: Animals maintained in a public park setting, usually in very large exhibits that include animals
which are free-ranging within the exhibit.
ZOOLOGICAL PARK: A collection of animals which are housed in many public exhibits, both indoors and
outdoors. [For full definition see Basic Definitions, 2024 Guide To Accreditation of Zoological Parks and
Aquariums, page 14.]
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 9
AAZV American Association of Zoo Veterinarians
ACM Animal Care Manual
AED Automated Emergency Defibrillator
APMC Animal Population Management Committee
ARKS Animal Record Keeping System
AVMA American Veterinary Medical Association
CAP Conservation Action Plan
CBSG Conservation Breeding Specialist Group
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
GFI Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
ICP Institutional Collection Plan
ICS Incident Command System
ID Identification
NASPHV National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PPEQ Permanent Post Entry Quarantine
RPM Responsible Population Management
SAG Scientific Advisory Group
SCUBA Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
SDS Safety Data Sheets
SSC Species Survival Commission
SSP Species Survival Plan
TAG Taxon Advisory Group
TB Tuberculin/Tuberculosis
An electronic animal records-keeping system
UL Underwriters Laboratories
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
UV Ultraviolet
10 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
WAZA World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
ZIMS Zoological Information Management System
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 11
Accreditation Standards
AZA Accreditation PURPOSE
AZA accredited zoos and aquariums are complex operations with important goals. The highest goals of AZA
accreditation include exemplary animal care and welfare, and inspiring guest engagement through effective
education and conservation. AZA accreditation standards and requirements represent decades of
modernization utilizing science, experience, and an unrelenting resolve to create environments where
animals thrive, a positive and lasting impact on guests, and to conserve our world’s wild animals and wild
The AZA Accreditation Program provides all zoos and aquariums the opportunity to examine, meet, or
exceed the highest standards in the profession. The accreditation process combines internal (stakeholder)
and external (peer-review) comprehensive assessment, resulting in the most scrutinized, specialized and
dynamic organizations in the world dedicated to animal care, welfare and well-being, public engagement,
education, and conservation and science.
Institutions successfully accredited by AZA must continuously demonstrate excellence in all areas of
operations and regularly adapt to new and evolving standards.
AZA Accreditation PROCESS
To achieve AZA accreditation, an institution requires extraordinary vision and leadership, and a
comprehensive team effort to attain excellence in all areas of operations and management. The accreditation
process begins when institutional stakeholders study and commit to the gold-level standards available under
the accreditation tab at AZA accreditation requires full adherence to all standards on a daily basis.
The core areas of self and peer evaluation include:
Animal Care, Welfare, & Management (Excellence in Animal Care and Welfare)
Veterinary Care (Excellence in Animal Health Care)
Education & Interpretation (Innovation in Science and Conservation Education)
Conservation & Scientific Advancement (Measurable Impact in Science)
Strategic & Master Plan (Values, Goals, Plans, and Outcomes)
Governance (Oversight, Ethics, and Community Leadership)
Finance (Business Management and Accountability)
Staff (Professional Team Development and Management)
Guest Services (Quality Guest Amenities and Attraction Services)
Safety & Security (Public and Animal Safety, Staff Training, and Preparedness)
Physical Facilities (Quality Construction, Maintenance, and Design of all Facilities)
Support Organizations (Internal Support and Partnerships)
(continued next page)
12 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Understanding, engaging, and committing to the advancement of standards, practices, related policies and
philosophies in all areas assessed by AZA through accreditation constitutes “modern zoological practices
and philosophies.” These accepted best practices and philosophies define excellence in our profession, and
are what distinguish AZA-accredited institutions from other institutions that have animals for guests to see
and appreciate. The word “practices” represents the tangible while “philosophies” refers to an overall
Because of the many variations among institutions, the majority of AZA standards are carefully designed to
be performance standards (i.e., assessing the level of achievement considered acceptable to fulfill a
performance characteristic, and choice in method for meeting the goal). This differs from engineering
standards, where exact and precisely prescribed steps are required to fulfill an engineering characteristic,
with little or no variation in method for meeting the goal. AZA institutions may achieve performance standards
in a variety of ways, but all standards must be met.
AZA Accreditation PRODUCT
AZA accredited institutions are differentiated as exemplary facilities through the vigorous and voluntary
commitment to shared high standards, achieving measurable goals, and continually pursuing outcomes that
benefit animals, guests and communities. These standards include assuring excellence in animal care and
welfare, conservation, education, and research. Accredited institutions house, display, present, and interpret
all animals in their care in a manner that is respectful to the animal and that inspires appreciation for wildlife
and nature, while prioritizing animal and human health and safety. Animals are housed and cared for in a
manner that meets their social, physical, behavioral, and nutritional needs, with considerations for lifelong
care. Meaningful conservation messages are integral components of exhibits and interpretation.
Distinguishing characteristics of an AZA-accredited institution include:
Extraordinary focus on animal care, welfare, and well-being*
Modern facilities and practices for comprehensive veterinary care
Scientific advancement in animal care and conservation
Focus and participation to support sustainable animal populations
Exhibit aesthetics and habitat studies, planning, and design
Innovative and inspirational educational programs and experiences
Excellence in guest engagement and effective guest services
Economic development and community partnerships
Professional staff development and training
Comprehensive preparedness in public and animal safety
Sound business planning and financial management
Dynamic and mission-driven strategic and master planning
“Raising the bar” and regularly advancing operational standards
*AZA zoo and aquarium standards support the premise of five opportunities to thrive. These tenets propose that
animals: (1) Nutrition - receive nutritionally complete diets that bring out the natural feeding response and behavior;
(2) Environment - are afforded comfortable living experiences with choice and control to promote mentally and
physically healthy behaviors; (3) Physical Health - experience good physical health; (4) Behavior - are provided quality
spaces to live in with appropriate social groupings that promote natural, species-appropriate and motivated behavior;
and (5) Psychological Wellbeing - develop natural coping skills and avoid chronic stress; and comfort, interest, and
tranquility are commonly experienced.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 13
IMPORTANT NOTE: All AZA accredited institutions and related facilities must follow all local, state, and
federal laws and/or regulations. Some AZA standards may be more stringent than existing laws and/or
regulations. In such cases, the AZA standard(s) must be met.
General Considerations:
Animal welfare, care, and sustainable population management are among the most critical and complex
tasks performed by AZA zoos and aquariums. Administration and management must be guided by modern
professional principles establishing plans and procedures to execute those functions.
Providing excellent animal care and public education about wildlife results in direct and indirect contact
between animals and humans, whether staff, volunteers, or guests. Benefits of such contact are multifold.
They include maximizing quality in healthcare, behavior management, and sanitation, along with the
educational value of connecting an increasingly urban public to animals and nature. In doing this there are
significant risks to consider as well, such as injury to animals and people, psychological stress, and potential
transmission of infectious disease. It is important for all zoos and aquariums to strategically assess the
benefits and risks of animal contact throughout their institutions, and to implement the best, most productive
and safe human-animal interactions possible. (See standard 11.4.1 for further information.)
Welfare Considerations:
AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums operate based on three core principles: animal welfare, safety, and
guest engagement. Excellence in animal welfare is the underlying foundation on which all standards and
practices are premised and developed. All reasonable concerns regarding the welfare of individual animals
or groups must be thoroughly assessed and corrected. Institutions are required to incorporate commonly
accepted welfare guidelines and follow a documented process for assessing animal welfare and wellness.
Failure to comply with all welfare-based standards present in all sections of this document will result in the
loss of AZA accreditation.
1.1 Local, State, Provincial, and Federal Laws
1.1.1. The institution must comply with all relevant local, state/provincial, and federal laws and/or
regulations, including those specific to wildlife. It is understood that, in some cases, AZA
accreditation standards are more stringent than existing laws and/or regulations. In these cases
the AZA standard must be met.
1.2. Animal Care Manuals
1.2.1. As available, the institution must review and provide access for all paid and unpaid animal care
staff, to all AZA Animal Care Manuals (ACMs) that have been approved and that apply to
species at the institution.
Explanation: A listing of approved ACMs is available on AZA’s website at: Institutions
should check regularly for updates.
14 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
1.2.2. The animal’s habitat should be of a size and complex nature to promote and support behaviors
appropriate to the animal’s biology. AZA housing guidelines outlined in the Animal Care Manuals
(ACMs) should be followed when available.
1.3. Documents and Policies
1.3.1. The institution must follow an Institutional Collection Plan (ICP). The ICP must be re-evaluated
and updated at minimum every five years.
Explanation: The purpose of an ICP is to establish and manage a systematic decision-
making process to select and sustain all the species in a facility’s animal collection. A
functioning ICP should address and contain the components described in the Institutional
Collection Planning Guidelines written by the AZA Animal Population Management
Committee, which can be found online in AZA’s Accreditation Resource Center at
(you will be requested to log in using your individual membership user name and
1.3.2. The institution must follow a written policy on responsible population management that
incorporates all requirements contained in AZA’s Policy On Responsible Population
Management [AZA’s “RPM Policy”]. (See pages 98 – 107 of these standards for further
Explanation: Policies on animal acquisition, transfer (including breeding loans), euthanasia
and reintroduction must be regularly reviewed and kept current with all applicable laws
and/or regulations. Such policies must also incorporate all policies and/or resolutions
adopted by AZA regarding hunting ranches, animal auctions, research, pets, participation in
SSPs, and TAGs, and other issues involving the acquisition, transfer, euthanasia or
reintroduction of wildlife.
Records must be maintained for all transactions involving acquisition, transfer, euthanasia
or reintroduction of animals to and from the institution and must include the terms of the
transaction. In making the decision to transfer an animal(s) to a non-AZA accredited facility
the AZA institution must document that the receiving institution is willing and able to provide
proper care and welfare for the animal(s) and that the transfer is done in accordance with
AZA’s RPM Policy.
Copies of all relevant permits, importation papers, declaration forms, titles, and other
appropriate documents establishing a record of legal acquisition must be maintained (as
detailed in AZA’s RPM Policy). When such information does not exist (the institution’s
maintenance of confiscated wildlife) an explanation must be provided regarding such
1.4. Records
1.4.0. The institution must show evidence of having a zoological records management system for
managing animal records, veterinary records, and other relevant information.
Explanation: The institution’s zoological records management system includes the overall
philosophy and operational framework by which animal records, veterinary records and
other relevant information are created and managed. The scope of records management
should include all stages of the information life cycle from the time of creation, use,
preservation, and disposition. Key elements include guidelines for documentation of
transactions for animals or parts thereof, government/legal compliance (e.g. import/export
permits, licenses), record keeping procedures (e.g. role that staff members play in creating
and managing records, data flow, timeliness of records entry, data quality control,
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 15
validation, extraction, analysis, reference and use, managing public requests for
information), recordkeeping hardware and software specifications, records retention and
archives management for long-term retention of vital records.
1.4.1. An animal inventory must be compiled at least once a year and include data regarding animals
added and removed from the institution’s collection whether by birth, transfer, death, or
introduction to the wild.
1.4.2. The inventory must include all species owned by the institution and those on loan to and from the
1.4.3. Animals must be identifiable, whenever practical, and have corresponding ID numbers. For
animals maintained in colonies/groups or other animals not considered readily identifiable, the
institution must provide a statement explaining how record keeping is maintained.
1.4.4. Animal records and veterinary records, whether in electronic or paper form, must be duplicated
and stored in a separate location. Animal and veterinary records are defined as data, regardless
of physical form or medium, providing information about individual animals, or samples or parts
thereof, or groups of animals. Digital systems are preferable. A disaster preparedness and
business continuity plan should be in place for vital animal and veterinary records, and those that
have long-term or permanent retention requirements.
Explanation: The institution must prevent animal and veterinary records from being lost or
destroyed in a catastrophe. A complete and up-to-date set of these records must be
duplicated and stored in separate locations (e.g., not in the same building, if kept on site).
Consideration should be given to physical distance, natural hazards, and assessment of
records storage vendors to assure they provide appropriate storage conditions and adhere
to federal requirements when selecting the separate location.
For electronic systems, backups should be performed weekly, at a minimum. The integrity
of the backup system should be periodically assessed to assure that data can be reliably
restored from the backup location.
The institution must have a copy of the software vendor’s business continuity plan if animal
and veterinary records are cloud hosted, and internal business continuity plans for all
record systems hosted by the institution. For records maintained in paper-based systems,
the institution must be able to demonstrate its process for business continuity including
duplication, dispersal/remote storage, and backup/recovery procedures.
Vital animal and veterinary records are those required to reestablish animal care in the
event of a disaster.
1.4.5. At least one set of the institution’s historical animal and veterinary records must be stored and
protected. The institution should be able to demonstrate how it provides security, protection, and
long-term access for vital animal and veterinary records that have enduring legal, research, or
reference value, including, but not limited to permits, titles, declaration forms, and other pertinent
1.4.6. The institution should develop a records retention schedule and policy for its animal and
veterinary records to make certain they are created, managed, and appropriately preserved or
otherwise disposed of according to minimum legal, administrative, and historical values. [See
2.0.4 for veterinary records.]
16 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
1.4.7. A paid staff member must be designated as being responsible for the institution’s zoological
records management system. That person must be charged with establishing and managing the
institution’s animal records, as well as with keeping all paid and unpaid animal care staff
members apprised of relevant laws and regulations regarding the institution’s animals.
1.4.8. At least one member of an institution’s paid staff responsible for animal record keeping must
have the proper training required to properly manage the system.
Explanation: AZA’s Institutional Records Keeping (IRK) course and the Zoological
Registrars Association (ZRA) Training Certificate Program are examples of options to
obtain appropriate training.
1.4.9. Training should be provided for all staff who record data directly into the institution’s zoological
data records system (registrars, animal care specialists, veterinarians, etc.) to assure consistent
data entry and data management.
1.4.10. Animal records must be kept current.
Explanation: For animal care specialists and other paid line staff, animal events,
identification, and husbandry information should be recorded in animal care specialist
reports or via direct entry into the zoological records management system on the same day
whenever possible, but no later than the day following. Acquisition, transfer, death, and
reintroduction data should be entered into the zoological records management system
within two weeks and retained for at least five years after the animal’s death or transfer.
1.4.11. The institution must have a zoological records management system that provides sufficient detail
to enhance husbandry, welfare, breeding, conservation, and medical health advancements to
move forward the critical knowledge of the species through permanent and retrievable
information and analysis.
1.4.12. When a specimen is transferred to another institution, all data for that animal within the
zoological records management system, including any historical data from previous holding
institutions, must be transferred with the animal to assure the receiving institution can provide
the best possible care.
Explanation: The zoological records management system is the application in use by the
transferring institution i.e., Species360, Tracks, Oerca, other digital record keeping, or
paper-based systems. Animal care records include, but are not limited to husbandry,
medical, lab, welfare and documentation for imported animals such as cleared permits,
customs clearance, wildlife agency clearance, etc.
For the sake of ease, efficiency and enhanced analytical capabilities, digital systems are
preferable with records transferred in a computer readable format. If the institution does not
use a digital animal management system and/or additional records are stored outside of
the system, copies of all paper records for the animal must be transferred to the receiving
1.4.13. For AZA studbook-managed species, all data required to manage these programs effectively
must be submitted to Species360 for use in ZIMS for Studbooks.
1.5. Animal Welfare, Care, and Well-Being
1.5.0. The institution must have a process for assessing animal welfare.
Explanation: This process must be both proactive and reactive, transparent, and include
staff or consultants knowledgeable in assessing quality of life for animals showing signs of
physical or mental distress or decline. The process must also include a mechanism to
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 17
identify and evaluate the welfare impacts of significant life events or changes in the
animal’s environment as identified by the individual institution. Examples of life
events/changes could include construction events, unusual weather events, noise intrusion,
change in housing, changes in animals exhibited/housed with or nearby, change in an
animal’s role within the collection, or involvement in informal or structured
presentations/programming as an ambassador animal, involvement in research projects,
etc. Animal welfare is defined as an animal’s collective physical and mental states over a
period of time, and is measured on a continuum from good to poor using both input and
output based measures. Further information on the establishment of an animal welfare
assessment process is available from AZA, and online in AZA’s Accreditation Resource
Center at (you will be requested to log in using
your individual membership user name and password).
1.5.1. All animals must be well cared for and presented in a manner reflecting modern zoological
practices and philosophies, exhibit design, and balancing animals’ welfare requirements with
aesthetic and educational considerations.
1.5.2. All animals must be housed in habitats/environments which are safe for the animals and
promote their physical, social, and psychological wellbeing. All animals must be kept in appropriate groupings which meet their social and welfare needs. All animals should be provided the opportunity to choose among a variety of conditions within
their environment.
1.5.3. If animal presentations are part of the institution’s programs, an educational/conservation
message must be an integral component. Messages may include conservation, animal welfare,
natural history information, etc.
1.5.4. If an animal is acting as an ambassador, a written policy on the use of live animals in programs
must be followed and incorporate the elements contained in AZA’s Recommendations For
Developing an Institutional Ambassador Animal Policy” (see pages 89 – 94) and include a risk
management plan for each ambassador animal (see 11.4.1). Animals in ambassador programs
must be maintained and cared for by paid and/or unpaid trained staff, and housing conditions in
their primary enclosures must meet AZA standards. While outside their primary enclosure,
although the conditions may be different, animal safety and welfare must be assured at all times.
Explanation: An animal is considered to be acting as an ambassador when it meets the
conditions outlined in the “Guide to Assessing When an Animal is Acting as an
Ambassador” flow chart (see page 84). As stated in the AZA Ambassador Animal Policy,
the management of ambassador animals requires special consideration. Although the
housing conditions for ambassador animals may look different at times in comparison to
those provided to exhibit animals, institutions must provide comparable social, physical,
behavioral and nutritional opportunities to ambassador animals. Primary housing
enclosures (this does not include short-term holding for programs or transport) for any
given ambassador animal species must provide sufficient space for comfort, exercise, and
shelter, and have sufficient complexity for animals to engage in species-appropriate
behavior. Ambassador animals should be housed socially when appropriate for the species
and individual animals, except in cases where the animal(s) may not be able to thrive or
compete with conspecifics (e.g. hand-reared, imprinted, or certain non-releasable rehab
animals). Also, providing ambassador animals with enrichment activity and opportunity for
choice and control in their environment and incorporating time limitations (including animal
rotation and rest periods), where and when appropriate, is essential to ensuring effective
care and management. Activities associated with programs may provide some of these
needs from time to time, but should not be instead of enrichment and housing complexity in
18 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
their primary enclosures. An education, conservation, and welfare message must be a
component of all programs.
1.5.5. For animals used in offsite programs and for educational purposes, the institution must have
adequate written protocols in place to protect the rest of the animals at the institution from
exposure to infectious agents.
Explanation: To protect the health of the animals at the institution, written protocols
required above, and their implementation, must include a veterinary risk assessment and
veterinary approval.
1.5.6. Institutions that include elephants in their collection must follow the AZA Standards For Elephant
Management & Care. Institutions that include cetaceans in their collection must follow the AZA Standards For
Cetacean Care & Welfare.
1.5.7. Within the animal’s habitat, there should be particular emphasis on species appropriate physical
environments including weather, temperature, sound, vibration, light, and air and water quality.
Explanation: Animals should be protected or provided accommodation from inclement
weather. Animals should be able to regulate cold and heat stress throughout the year, with
special attention paid to climate-mismatches between the native environment of the animal
and the zoo or aquarium environment. Animals should be protected from excessive or
disturbing sensory inputs including excessive noise and vibration. Animals should receive
lighting suitable to their biology throughout the 24-hour and annual periods, with
consideration for providing dark periods at night and attention given to animals and
environments where light needs to be provided artificially. Animals should be provided with
suitable air quality and water quality. Animals participating in presentations or programs
outside of their primary habitat must be provided protection from inappropriate physical
environments as per above during programs and transport to and from programs.
1.5.8. The institution must develop and implement a clear and transparent process for identifying,
communicating, and addressing animal welfare concerns from paid or unpaid staff within the
institution in a timely manner, and without retribution.
Explanation: A committee or some other process must be identified and communicated to
all paid and unpaid staff to address any concerns for animal welfare within the institution.
This committee or process is intended to supplement the normal chain-of-command to
assure that any personal conflicts do not have undue influence over the process or its
outcomes, or if the complainant believes that the welfare concern has not been adequately
addressed through normal channels.
The committee or process should include the following elements:
Clear communication of the process to paid and unpaid staff.
Ready access to the committee or process by all paid and unpaid staff.
Paid staff with the experience and authority necessary to evaluate submitted
observations and implement any necessary changes.
Timely feedback to the person submitting the observation. Examples of Institutional
Animal Welfare Processes can be obtained at
center (you will be requested to log in using your individual membership user name and
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 19
1.5.9. The institution must have a regular program of monitoring water quality for fish, marine
mammals, and other aquatic animals. A written record must be maintained to document long-
term water quality results and chemical additions.
Explanation: Monitoring of selected water quality parameters will provide confirmation of
the correct operation of filtration and disinfection of the water supply available for the
animals. Additionally, high quality water enhances animal health programs instituted for
aquatic animals. Appropriate water quality parameters must also be monitored for aquatic
animals while participating in programs.
1.5.10. Temporary, seasonal and traveling live animal exhibits, programs, or presentations (regardless
of ownership or contractual arrangements) must be presented and maintained at the same level
of care as the institution’s permanent resident animals, with foremost attention to animal welfare
considerations, both onsite and at the location where the animals are permanently housed.
Explanation: Institutions must perform due diligence demonstrating that the contracted
vendor has the expertise, resources, and facilities to provide for the animals’ physical,
psychological, behavioral, and social needs. Contracted vendors should be monitored
periodically to assure that proper care of the animals is being maintained.
1.5.11. Animal transportation must be conducted in a manner that is safe, well-planned and coordinated,
and minimizes risk to the animal(s), employees, and general public. All applicable laws and/or
regulations must be adhered to.
Explanation: Planning and coordination for animal transport requires good communication
among all involved parties, plans for a variety of emergencies and contingencies that may
arise, and timely execution of the transport. Safe animal transport requires the use of
appropriate conveyance and equipment that is in good working order. The equipment must
provide for the adequate containment, life support, comfort, temperature control,
food/water, and safety of the animal(s). Safe transport also requires the assignment of an
adequate number of appropriately trained personnel (by institution or contractor) who are
equipped and prepared to handle contingencies and/or emergencies that may occur in the
course of transport. At no time should the animal(s) or people be subjected to unnecessary
risk or danger.
1.5.12. Paid and/or unpaid staff assigned to handle animals during presentations or programs must be
trained and in compliance with the institution’s written animal handling protocols. Staff handling
of animals during animal transport and programs must be evaluated regularly to assure
continued adherence to the institution’s protocols. Such training must take place before handling
may occur.
1.5.13. Animals maintained where they will be in contact with guests must be carefully monitored, and
treated humanely at all times. When in operation, animal contact areas (petting, feeding,
touching of animals) must be supervised by trained, paid and/or unpaid staff. Contact area
animals must have access to rest or escape areas where they can avoid contact with guests, if
they choose.
1.5.14. [Removed]
1.5.15. All animal habitat and holding area air and water inflows and outflows must be securely
protected to prevent animal injury or egress.
1.5.16. When sunlight or other lighting sources are likely to cause overheating of, or discomfort to, the
animals (including Ambassador Animals before, during, or after programs and presentations),
sufficient shade (in addition to adequate shelter structures) must be provided by natural or
artificial means to allow all animals to protect themselves from direct sunlight. [Formerly 10.3.4]
20 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
1.6. Enrichment and Husbandry Training
1.6.1. The institution must follow a formal written enrichment program that promotes species-
appropriate behavioral opportunities.
Explanation: An enrichment program should be based on current science, and should
include the following elements: goal-setting, planning and approval process,
implementation, documentation/record-keeping (see standard 1.6.3), evaluation, and
reassessment. The enrichment program should also apply to animals in quarantine, as
appropriate and possible. In some cases, the features and complexity of the exhibit may
provide sufficient enrichment. Animals acting as ambassadors who are removed from their
primary enclosure for programs or presentations might be enriched by such activity;
however, participation in programming should be evaluated to determine whether the
animal shows an enrichment benefit. Enrichment items no longer in use, or no longer
effective, should be removed from habitats and holding areas. Furthermore, participation in
programs should be considered supplementary to the regular enrichment program and not
be the only form of enrichment. Further information on the establishment of an enrichment
program is available from AZA, and online at
(you will be requested to log in using your individual membership user name and
1.6.2. The institution must have a specific paid staff member(s) or committee assigned for enrichment
program oversight, implementation, assessment, and interdepartmental coordination of
enrichment efforts.
1.6.3. Enrichment activities must be documented and evaluated, and program refinements should be
made based on the results, if appropriate. Records must be kept current.
1.6.4. The institution should follow a formal written animal training program that facilitates husbandry,
science, and veterinary procedures and enhances the overall health and well-being of the
Explanation: An animal training program should be based on current animal training best
practices in the zoological field and should include the following elements: • goal-setting
(what behaviors to be trained, what species/individuals of priority), • planning (process for
developing and approving training plans), anddocumentation (record of success).
1.7. Commercial Collectors
1.7.1. Institutions that acquire aquatic animals from the wild must make a good faith effort to determine
that collecting procedures are done in a sustainable manner.
1.7.2. Institutions dealing with commercial collectors must determine that the collectors are properly
permitted to conduct legal collections of animals (including aquatic animals) from the wild.
Explanation: The institution must be proactive in ensuring that any commercial collectors
utilized are properly permitted to conduct legal collections of animals from the wild.
1.8. Participation/Support
1.8.1. The institution must fully participate, as defined in the Facility Engagement in Animal Programs
Policy, in every SSP that pertains to an animal within their collection, and must follow agreed
upon SSP breeding and transfer recommendations. This includes acquiring animals from, and
transferring to, non-AZA entities.
Explanation: Every “animal within their collection” refers to each animal that is on site,
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 21
regardless of ownership, and to animals that are located at an alternate location, but still
owned by the facility.
1.8.2. The institution must provide requested information regarding its animals in a timely fashion to
AZA Animal Program Leaders, including Studbook Keepers, SSP Coordinators, and TAG
1.8.3. The institution must support any Animal Program Leaders (i.e., TAG Chairs, SSP Coordinators,
Studbook Keepers) who are employed at their facility in accordance with the Statement of
Institutional Support in the Facility Handbook on Animal Program Engagement.
Welfare Considerations:
AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums must assure the health of all animals in their care. In addition to a
strong foundation of professional animal care staff, the utilization of a highly qualified veterinarian and
veterinary staff, and the access to modern veterinary facilities is required. All concerns regarding the health
of animals must be assessed, treated, and corrected as a priority utilizing the expertise and resources of the
veterinary team and as also available through AZA and AAZV.
2.0. Veterinary Care Program
2.0.1. Many of the standards below are based on the Zoo and Aquarium Veterinary Medical Program
and Hospital Guidelines, and the policies developed or supported by the American Association
of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV). Institutions should consider these guidelines as overarching
guidance for their veterinary care program. The most recent edition of the medical programs and
hospitals booklet is available at the AAZV website, under “Publications”, at
m_veterinary_.pdf, and can also be obtained in PDF format by contacting AZA staff.
2.0.2. The veterinary medical program must emphasize disease prevention and promote positive
animal welfare. [Formerly 2.4.1]
Explanation: Preventative medicine programs (vaccinations, TB testing, parasite exams,
etc.) must be in force for all of the institution’s animals and must be under the direction of a
qualified veterinarian. Preventative health programs should be based on species and taxa needs and should include
quarantine as required, periodic, risk-based health assessments (visual and/or under
anesthesia), parasite surveillance procedures and control, immunization, infectious disease
screening, dental prophylaxis when applicable, and periodic reviews of diets, husbandry
techniques, and vermin control. The veterinarian will determine what vaccinations are appropriate for each species in the
collection. Vaccinations administered should be based on the disease status of domestic and
wild animals in the area surrounding the facility, and known species susceptibilities.
2.0.3. Institutions must be aware of, and prepared for periodic disease outbreaks in wild or other
domestic or exotic animal populations that might affect the institution’s animals (ex Avian
Influenza, Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus, etc.). Plans should be developed that outline steps
to be taken to protect the institution’s animals in these situations.
2.0.4. Complete medical records must be accessible on site for all animals in the collection that have
22 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
received veterinary attention. [See 1.4.7 for animal records.]
Explanation: Medical records must be maintained under the direction of the veterinarian.
Ideally, medical records should be computerized employing programs developed for use
in zoos and aquariums. Veterinary staff should have access to an appropriate number of
computers capable of handling the medical record software. Medical records should be
kept separate from the inventory records and be easily accessible. Duplicate record sets
should be stored electronically or in hard copy at another site, or in fireproof storage on
2.0.5. Diseased, injured, or stressed animals must be reported promptly so that the animal(s) can be
assessed for the need for veterinary care. Provision of prompt and appropriate veterinary care
which is based on professionally accepted methods of diagnosis and treatment must be the
standard of care for the institution.
2.0.6. Paid and unpaid animal care staff should be trained to assess welfare and recognize abnormal
behavior and clinical signs of illness and have knowledge of the diets, husbandry (including
enrichment items and strategies), and restraint procedures required for the animals under their
care. However, animal care staff (paid and unpaid) must not diagnose illnesses nor prescribe
treatment. [Formerly 2.4.2.]
2.0.7. In order to promote positive animal welfare as well as population sustainability, trends in the
overall health and mortality of the animals should be monitored and evaluated over time to
strengthen the preventive medicine program.
2.0.8. Pre-shipment visual or physical examination must be performed by the consignor’s responsible
veterinarian to ensure that animals may be safely transported and are free of clinical symptoms
of infectious diseases. Any tests required by regulations of the receiving state or country must be
performed. The consignor and consignee share the responsibility for health care prior to, during,
and after shipment of animals. Complete medical records should be shared with the receiving institution in advance of
shipment. If they are not, they must accompany the animal(s) when they are transferred to
another facility.
2.1. Veterinary Coverage and Staff
2.1.1. A full-time staff veterinarian is recommended. In cases where such is not necessary because of
the number and/or nature of the animals residing there, a consulting/part-time veterinarian must
be under written contract to make at least twice monthly inspections of the animals and to
respond as soon as possible to any emergencies.
Explanation: Because of their size or nature, exceptions may be made to the twice monthly
inspection requirement for certain institutions (e.g., insects only, etc.).
2.1.2. So that indications of disease, injury, or stress may be dealt with promptly, veterinary coverage
must be available to the animals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
2.1.3. The veterinarian is responsible for the medical and surgical care of the animals and must be fully
acquainted with the entire animal collection care staff and animal facilities.
2.1.4. The institution’s veterinarian is responsible for arranging for the availability of other suitably
experienced veterinarian(s) to be on call when they themselves are unavailable.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 23
2.1.5. The institution’s regular and back-up veterinarian(s) must be familiar with the application of
professionally accepted measures of therapy, methods of anesthesia and restraint, and
prophylaxis appropriate for each species, or have access to sources of this information.
2.1.6. If a contract veterinary service is provided by a group veterinary practice, there should be one
veterinarian who is responsible for the medical program at the institution and the other
veterinarians in the group practice should be considered as back-up veterinarians.
2.1.7. Veterinarians should obtain continuing medical education relevant to the types of animals being
cared for at the institution they serve.
Explanation: Many states and/or other government entities require a specific number of
continuing medical education hours in order to maintain licensure. A veterinarian
responsible for the medical program at a zoo, aquarium or similar facility should be able
to demonstrate that a portion of their continuing education is relevant to the types of
animals being treated and cared for at that facility.
2.2. Pharmaceutical
2.2.1. Written, formal procedures must be available to paid and unpaid animal care staff for the use of
animal drugs for veterinary purposes, and appropriate security of the drugs must be provided.
Explanation: Such procedures should include at minimum the following: those persons
authorized to administer animal drugs, situations in which they are to be utilized, location of
animal drugs and those persons with access to them, and emergency procedures in the
event of accidental human exposure. Outdated drugs must be marked as such and stored
separately from all other drugs. All controlled substances must be stored in a securely
locked container of substantial construction appropriate for the types of drugs in the
For the purposes of this standard, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) definition of a
drug is applicable:
A substance recognized by an official pharmacopoeia or formulary.
A substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention
of disease.
A substance (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body.
A substance intended for use as a component of a medicine but not a device or a
component, part or accessory of a device.
Biological products are included within this definition and are generally covered by the
same laws and regulations, but differences exist regarding their manufacturing processes
(chemical process versus biological process). Analgesia, anesthesia or other pain management modalities should be provided during invasive
procedures that cause more than momentary distress to an animal.
2.2.2. The use of drugs in zoos and aquariums must comply with the federal Animal Medicinal Drug
Use Clarification Act of 1994 (AMDUCA) and associated regulations, as well as all other
applicable federal, state, and local laws and/or regulations.
Explanation: AMDUCA provides zoo/aquarium veterinarians with prescribing and
dispensing options important for the health and welfare of animals under their care; a
critically important resource given the lack of drugs labeled for use in zoo/aquarium
animals. Additional information concerning the requirements of extra-label drug use can be
24 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
found at:
2.2.3. The institution should maintain an adequate supply of drugs for use in cases of medical
emergency in its animal collection. Drugs should not be used beyond their expiration date
without the approval of the attending veterinarian.
2.3. Facilities and Equipment
2.3.1. Capture equipment must be in good working order and available to authorized, trained personnel
at all times.
2.3.2. The institution’s veterinary facilities must have, or have access to, medical, surgical, and
diagnostic equipment needed for the health management of the animals under their care.
2.3.3. All medical equipment must be properly maintained and calibrated as indicated by the
manufacturer or best practices.
2.3.4. All facilities should have access to surgical facilities that are clean, free from excessive noise and
unnecessary pedestrian traffic, have adequate lighting, ventilation, and temperature controls, and
that can be easily cleaned and disinfected.
Explanation: Because of their size or nature, exceptions may be made to the surgical
facility requirement for certain institutions (e.g., insectarium).
2.3.5. Diagnostic laboratory services must be available onsite or via contracted services to assist with
the examination of biological samples and the diagnosis of disease. Diagnostic capabilities
should include access to cytology, microbiology, parasitology, hematology, blood chemistry,
urinalysis, serology, and other appropriate laboratory procedures.
2.4. Preventative Medicine
2.4.1. [See 2.0.2.]
2.4.2. [See 2.0.6.]
2.5. Necropsy
2.5.1. Deceased animals should be necropsied to determine the cause of death for tracking morbidity
and mortality trends to strengthen the program of veterinary care and meet SSP-related
Explanation: Necropsies provide information as to the cause of death as well as underlying
pathology that may be related to nutritional status, other aspects of husbandry, or
preventive medicine. Necropsy data, should be reviewed on a regular basis to identify any
group health implications or necessary changes in animal management. Trained staff under
the direction of a veterinarian may perform necropsies. All deceased animals (or a sampling
from a mass mortality) should be evaluated by gross necropsy supported by histopathology
under veterinary discretion. SSP necropsy protocols should be followed.
While a good faith effort should be made to perform a gross necropsy on all deceased
animals (or an appropriate sampling from a mass mortality), there are cases, such as
advanced decomposition of fish or invertebrates, in which post mortem examination is
neither possible nor practical. Resources, either internal or external for histopathology and
other ancillary diagnostic testing should be available and utilized at the discretion of the
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 25
2.5.2. The institution should have an area dedicated to performing necropsies.
Explanation: To minimize transmission of potential contagion, necropsies should be
performed in a dedicated room. Alternatives to a necropsy room (such as a lab bench, cart,
biosafety cabinet, or outdoor area) should be assessed for health risk posed to other
animals, staff, and guests.
2.5.3. Cadavers must be kept in a dedicated storage area before and after necropsy. Remains must be
disposed of in accordance with local/federal laws.
2.5.4. A veterinary pathologist should be available as a consultant or as permanent staff to assist in
diagnosis and interpretation of disease processes and trends.
2.6. Nutrition
2.6.1. Animal food preparation and storage must meet all applicable laws and/or regulations.
2.6.2. The institution must follow a written nutrition program that meets the behavioral and nutritional
needs of all species, individuals, and colonies/groups in the institution. Animal diets must be of a
quality and quantity suitable for each animal’s nutritional and psychological needs.
Explanation: Nutrition programs should be developed using the recommendations of
appropriate AZA TAGs or SAGs, and the AZA Nutrition Advisory Group
. Diet formulation criteria
should include each animal’s individual history and natural history, feeding ecology and
behavioral needs. For institutions located in the U.S., meat processed on site must be
processed following all USDA (or federal) standards. For institutions located outside of the
U.S., a process equal to or exceeding that of USDA standards must be followed.
2.6.3. If the institution uses browse plants as part of the diet or as enrichment items for its animals, the
items must be identified and reviewed for safety prior to use.
Explanation: At minimum, the program should identify what plants are safe to feed and to
which species, which parts of the plant are safe, whether the browse plants have been
treated with any chemicals or if they are near any point sources of pollution. The institution must assign at least one qualified paid or unpaid staff member to oversee
appropriate browse material for the animals (including aquatic animals). The institution’s animal care program must address the potential risks of animals (including
aquatic animals) being exposed to toxic plants growing in or near their exhibit space. Exhibits
should be checked regularly during the growing season.
2.6.4. If not in separate buildings, animal food preparation areas must be physically separated from
other functions such as the animal hospital (including animal treatment, isolation, holding,
deceased animal storage) and employee lounges and offices. Animal food must not be stored in
the same area as animal drugs. Animal food and human food must not be stored in the same
location (refrigerators, freezers, etc.).
2.7. Quarantine In order to reduce the risk of disease introduction associated with the transfer of animals into an
institution, practices of quarantine or risk assessment/mitigation, or a combination of the two
should be utilized.
Explanation: Where risk assessment and mitigation cannot be performed prior to transfer,
traditional “time-based” quarantine practices should be used.
26 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
2.7.1. The institution must have holding facilities or procedures for the quarantine of newly arrived
animals and isolation facilities or procedures for the treatment of sick/injured animals.
2.7.2. Written, formal species or taxa-specific quarantine protocols and facility requirements should be
followed when available and applicable. They must be available and familiar to all paid and
unpaid staff working with quarantined animals.
Explanation: Examples of such species or taxa-specific requirements include, but may
not be limited to:
Quarantine facilities for newly imported primates must meet specialized
requirements of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, WHO, or other
similar international regulatory bodies.
The quarantine or isolation of elephants should follow the Recommendations for
the diagnosis, treatment, and management of tuberculosis (Mycobacteria
tuberculosis) in elephants in human care 2015.
Traditional “terrestrial animal” quarantine protocols are not necessarily directly
applicable to fish and terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates, and a different
paradigm should be used. Despite this, a risk analysis and quarantine protocol
for fish and terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates should be developed with input
from the facility’s veterinarian and animal care staff.
2.7.3. [See 2.0.1.]
2.7.4. Sanitation and disinfection protocols within or in close proximity to animal areas should be
developed in consultation with the veterinarian.
2.8. Pest Control
2.8.1. Pest control management programs must be administered in such a manner that the animals,
paid and unpaid staff, the public, and wildlife are not threatened by the pests, contamination
from pests, or the control methods used. Pest control programs must be regularly reviewed and
approved by the veterinarian prior to implementation.
2.9. General Policy and Practice
2.9.1. The institution must follow a written euthanasia policy which adheres to the current AVMA
Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals (search at, or the AAZV Guidelines for the
Euthanasia of Nondomestic Animals (search at
Explanation: The AZA Policy on Responsible Population Management: Acquisition,
Transfer, Euthanasia and Reintroduction by Zoos & Aquariums, references an institutional
euthanasia policy. This policy should be tailored to the needs of the institution, outlining
appropriate procedures and responsibilities for all taxa within the institution’s collection. All
paid and unpaid animal care staff should be familiar with this policy, and the institution
should advise and involve related care-givers in the decision.
2.9.2. Euthanasia must be performed by personnel who are knowledgeable and skilled in performing
the procedure.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 27
General Considerations:
Impactful and sustainable conservation initiatives are a priority for AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums. These
include contributing to and promoting the long-term survival of species in natural ecosystems, and full support
of AZA ex situ programs such as Saving Animals From Extinction (SAFE). Green practices, education,
conservation studies, advocacy, and engagement programs emphasizing the institution’s and community’s
role in ecosystem conservation and stewardship of natural resources should inspire conservation action with
measurable outcomes both at the institution and in the community/society-at-large to address the causes of
species endangerment.
Welfare Considerations:
Conservation ethics, practices, messaging, and funding helps improve the welfare of animals in the wild and
their counterparts in human care. Animal welfare should be considered as a component of field conservation
projects supported by AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums.
3.1. Mission
3.1.1. Conservation must be a key component of the institution’s mission and messaging.
Explanation: For the purposes of AZA accreditation, conservation is understood to be
active stewardship of the natural environment, including animals, plants, and other natural
resources. Conservation actions supporting the mission should be proportional to the size
and scope of the organization.
3.2. Conservation Program
3.2.1. The institution must follow a written conservation action plan/strategy with defined measurable
outcomes with the goal of demonstrating continuous improvement in each area. The plan must
include components outlining the institution’s commitments to its conservation practices,
including each of the following:
Field conservation efforts (e.g., supporting local and/or global priorities including paid
staff or volunteer involvement of field programs, or financial support of impactful field
programs). Such programs are those that have a direct and measurable impact on
animals and habitats in the wild.
Natural resource conservation and sustainability/green practices such as water
conservation initiatives; energy use reduction and alternative sources; waste
management for recyclables, compostables, combustibles, and toxic and hazardous
materials; sustainable purchasing and contracts; green construction, and other green
Connecting the animal collection with saving species in the wild (e.g., conservation
messaging, advocacy, supporting reintroduction programs, donating to and/or
engaging in applied research, etc.)
Conservation education, advocacy, and engagement programs measured against the
written conservation goals of the institution.
Explanation: Each institution must participate in practices that implement its conservation
action plan/strategy, which itself should include a variety of measurable and impactful
28 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
outcomes. Metrics for monitoring and assessing impact may include, but are not limited to,
measures of direct conservation impact (population sizes, area conserved, etc.),
conservation spending (both gross amount and percentage of operational budget are
instructive), number of staff dedicated to conservation, etc. Being the lead agency or
partnering with other agencies/organizations on field conservation programs is one of the
most significant ways AZA institutions can demonstrate their role in ecosystem
conservation and wildlife preservation. AZA institutions have the responsibility to
demonstrate responsible resource management, acting as leaders in their communities.
Helping guests and paid and unpaid staff engage in the conservation commitments of the
institution is core to our missions. Lists of programs and projects submitted to AZA’s Annual
Report on Conservation and Science (ARCS)-related surveys serves as evidence that the
institution is following its conservation action plan/strategy.
3.2.2. Each institution must evaluate, measure, and monitor the impact of its written conservation
action plan/strategy.
Explanation: Some form of regular evaluation of conservation efforts must occur.
Measurement of impact can include assessment of achievement of programmatic goals,
actual measure of impact on species and habitat conservation, and/or some other
quantitative measure of success.
3.2.3. The institution must submit ARCS (Annual Report on Conservation and Science) surveys
annually to AZA.
Explanation: AZA collects ARCS surveys annually from member facilities and compiles the
data to illustrate the collective effort dedicated to field conservation, research, education,
and green practices. Full participation is necessary to accurately measure and report the
cumulative conservation activity of accredited institutions and related facilities to local,
regional, national, and international stakeholders (e.g. community, government, funders,
partners). Institutions and related facilities should maintain records of the past five years of
ARCS survey submissions for review by accreditation inspectors during on-site inspection.
3.3. Participation/Support
3.3.0 The institution should participate in SAFE species programs. The institution may indicate at what
level it desires to participate in each SAFE program.
General Considerations:
This section includes all questions related to education and interpretation. Collectively, education and
interpretation refer to: programming on-site and off-site for targeted audiences such as school groups,
teachers and families, as well as all types of interpretive methods for guests, for example, graphics, exhibits,
ambassador animal use, and paid or unpaid staff interpretive presentations. Institutions may differ
organizationally in how they accomplish these tasks (e.g., some institutions may have an Exhibits
Department, or graphics may be coordinated by the Art Department).
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 29
Welfare Considerations:
AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums must be innovative and dynamic conveyors of their science-based
mission and goals. Knowledge creates awareness that leads to change, and impacts animal welfare in both
AZA-accredited institutions and in the wild. Educated populations are overwhelmingly more supportive of
actions and practices that promote the care, welfare, and conservation of wildlife.
4.1. Mission
4.1.1. Education must be a key component of the institution’s mission.
Explanation: Education is an important component in the conservation mission of each
institution. Effective educational programming is a proven method of increasing awareness
and participation in stewardship of the natural world.
4.2. Education Program
4.2.1. The institution must follow a written education plan that includes goals and objectives.
Explanation: The institution’s education plan must include a copy of its education
vision/mission, as well as strategic goals and objectives. The plan may include a copy of
the organizational chart, and description of how the education department interacts with
other departments on issues such as exhibit and graphics’ development, paid and unpaid
staff presentations, in situ conservation programs, etc. The plan should include the
institution’s conservation messages.
4.2.2. The education department must be under the direction of a paid staff person who is trained or
has experience in educational programming. Education personnel should be involved in the
development of exhibits, graphics, and interpretation, as well as all structured programs for the
visiting public.
4.2.3. Institutions should participate in active, ongoing collaborative partnerships with organizations
and individuals that can contribute to the expansion of their educational dimension. Such
partnerships may include community groups, other informal education institutions (museums,
science centers, nature centers, etc.), school districts, institutes of higher learning, other
conservation organizations and government agencies.
4.2.4. Institutions should provide paid and unpaid staff access to informational resources with the goal
of supporting excellence in programs, animal management, and exhibits. These resources may
include a facility library, access to an offsite library or electronic access to internet resources.
4.3. Evaluation/Interpretation
4.3.1. Education programs should be evaluated on a regular basis for effectiveness, and must reflect
current content.
Explanation: Evaluation of education programs, such as classes, camps, interpretive
presentations and talks, should be evaluated for effectiveness in achieving established
goals and objectives. Evaluations should assess impact on conservation-related
outcomes (knowledge, attitudes/affect, and behavior), and must assess more than
participant satisfaction. Results from evaluations should be used to improve the existing
programs and to create new programs. The content of educational programs must reflect
current scientific information and be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. Current,
accurate conservation messages should be an integral part of the educational content.
30 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
4.3.2. The institution should have a thorough understanding of the needs of its audiences and as such
provide programs to meet these needs.
Explanation: Zoo and aquarium education can be accomplished by programs offered to a
wide variety of audiences and paid/unpaid staff through an assortment of programmatic
methods: publications, exhibit interpretation, on-site presentations, tours, summer camps,
speaker’s bureau, outreach programs, teacher training, etc. The institution need not reach
ALL audiences equally, but a thoughtful approach to audience selection should be evident
e.g., a clear understanding of their audience’s needs, including the needs of under-
represented groups and groups with special abilities. Similarly, not all types of
programming must be used equally, but a thoughtful approach to program development
must be evident. Programming should include local/global conservation issues and topics,
the role of zoos and aquariums in conservation, information on AZA and other
conservation-oriented organizations; as well as ways that the institution acts as a resource
in its community for wildlife conservation education and related issues. Programming
should clearly address cognitive, affective, and behavior outcomes (i.e., options for
individual action that encourages stewardship in conserving the environment).
4.3.3. The exhibit graphics and other interpretive devices must be in good condition and functioning,
and be based upon relevant scientific knowledge and reflect relevant interpretive methods.
Explanation: The interpretive program must be based on the thoughtful development of
conservation messages for the institution. Exhibit interpretation may include information
regarding the animal’s natural history, conservation, care and welfare, ecology, relation to
humans, correct taxonomic identification and current status (i.e., endangered or
threatened), as well as botanical collections, and specific environmentally responsible
behaviors guests are being encouraged to take. In particular, inclusion of interpretation on
AZA’s cooperative management programs (e.g., SSPs and TAGs) is encouraged.
General Considerations:
Contemporary animal management, welfare, husbandry, veterinary care, and conservation practices should
be based in science. A commitment to scientific advancement through research studies, both basic and
applied, is a trademark of the modern zoological park and aquarium. Scientific studies should be justified in
terms of the contribution to the understanding of biological principles, or to outcomes that are expected to
benefit humans, animals, or the ecosystem.
Welfare Considerations:
Studies performed or supported by AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums advance knowledge and
understanding of animals and the individual needs of each species. Through knowledge gained, AZA-
accredited institutions help to improve the welfare of animals both in human care and their counterparts in
the wild.
5.0. The institution must have a demonstrated commitment to scientific study that is in proportion to
the size and scope of its facilities, staff (paid and unpaid), and animals.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 31
5.1. Scientific studies must be under the direction of a paid or unpaid staff member or committee
qualified to make informed decisions.
5.2. The institution must follow a formal written policy that includes a process for the evaluation and
approval of scientific project proposals, and outlines the type of studies it conducts, methods,
staff (paid and unpaid) involvement, evaluations, animals that may be involved, and guidelines
for publication of findings.
5.3. The institution should maximize the generation and dissemination of scientific knowledge
gained. This might be achieved by participating in AZA TAG/SSP sponsored studies when
applicable, conducting and publishing original research projects, affiliating with local universities,
and/or employing staff with scientific credentials.
5.4. The institution must have a process or policy to assure the welfare of animals being used for
scientific research purposes.
General Considerations:
The governing authority should be fully informed of and willing to support (in theory and finance) the
continued advancement of the institution’s mission, goals, and objectives (including, but not limited to, animal
welfare, conservation projects, education, scientific studies, advancement in exhibit design, and quality guest
Welfare Considerations:
It is critical that an AZA-accredited zoo or aquarium’s governing authority provide the institution with attentive
and consistent support to assure the institution’s ability to continuously provide good animal welfare.
Consistent and strong leadership and support by a governing authority may help avoid or mitigate shortfalls
and other conditions that could potentially affect the quality of animal welfare within the institution.
6.1. The governing authority must be supportive of the institution abiding by the AZA Accreditation
Standards, Code of Professional Ethics, and Bylaws.
Explanation: The Commission must be assured that the institution’s governing authority
understands and is supportive of the institution abiding by the AZA Accreditation
Standards, Code of Professional Ethics, and Bylaws.
6.2. The governing authority must recognize and support the institution’s goals and objectives.
6.3. The governing authority has the responsibility for policy matters and oversight of the institution.
The CEO/Director must be responsible for the day-to-day management of the institution,
including animal acquisition, transfer, welfare, euthanasia, and reintroduction, paid and unpaid
staff, and programs.
6.4. While the governing authority may have input, the decisions regarding the institution’s animals
must be made by the professionals who are specifically trained to handle the institution’s
32 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
animals, staff (paid and unpaid), and programs.
6.5. The lines of communication between the CEO/Director, the governing authority, and the support
organization must be clearly defined. Additionally, the governing authority and support
organization must be structured so that their relationship to the professional staff (paid and
unpaid) is clearly understood and followed.
Explanation: If clear lines of communication do not exist, a breakdown in the operation of
the institution and care of the animals could occur. It is essential to have a good working
relationship between the governing authority, support organization, CEO/Director, and the
paid and unpaid staff.
6.6. The CEO/Director must have the opportunity to attend meetings that would affect operations of
the institution.
General Considerations:
In applying for accreditation, AZA-accredited institutions, along with their paid and unpaid staff and their
governing authority, agree to abide by AZA’s: • Accreditation standards and policies, • Code of Professional
Ethics, • Bylaws, • Acquisition, Transfer, Euthanasia and Reintroduction Policy, • all duly adopted resolutions
and position statements, and • agree to support AZA’s objectives. To fulfill this commitment, it is expected
that an institution’s professional staff and, at minimum, its senior executive (i.e., zoo or aquarium
CEO/Director) should participate in AZA at the Professional Fellow level.
Welfare Considerations:
AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums must have a sufficient number of properly trained staff to care for the
animals and assure good animal welfare, maintain high quality operations, and work to continually evolve
(modernize) the institution. Continuing professional development of staff is required to ascertain that staff is
up-to-date with the latest information and best practices.
7.1. The institution must be under the direction of a compensated CEO/Director. The CEO/Director or
a designee must be available to the institution on a full-time basis.
7.2. In the event a CEO/Director has several “jobs” (i.e., also directs other areas of a park system),
clear priorities must be established, with each job having separate and distinct descriptions.
7.3. There must be an adequate number of trained paid and unpaid staff to care for the animals and
to manage the institution’s diverse programs.
Explanation: Although there is no set formula for prescribing the size of the staff (paid and
unpaid), some of the criteria that may be used to define what is considered “adequate”
include the number and type of species within the institution, the general condition of the
animals and exhibits, and past staffing practices.
7.4. Compensation for paid staff should be competitive with other similar positions in the
local/regional/national market, as appropriate.
Explanation: Institutions must be able to recruit and retain qualified paid staff. Competitive
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 33
compensation is a key component in recruitment and retention of paid staff. Some positions
can be successfully recruited for locally, while others are competitive on a more regional or
national basis (e.g., animal care specialists).
7.5. Paid full-time staff members should receive opportunities for training and development.
Explanation: All paid full-time staff institution-wide should be provided opportunities for
training and professional development. Funding should be provided for travel,
meeting/conference participation, tuition, on-line training, and other professional
opportunities when possible. Training and development opportunities may also be offered
by qualified staff within the institution.
7.6. All paid and unpaid staff must maintain a professional attitude and behavior in all working
relationships to support the activities of the organization.
Explanation: Institutions must follow best practices to support and maintain a healthy
organizational work culture, and should have mechanisms in place to understand and
address detrimental workforce dynamics.
7.6.1. The institution must have policies and procedures in place to address concerns regarding
inappropriate workplace behavior, including but not limited to: harassment, discrimination, and
retaliation, and must follow these policies and procedures.
Explanation: Institutions should be committed to providing a work environment free from
unlawful behavior. Institutions should have in place and fully implement policies that
prohibit unlawful conduct and provide a clear process for addressing any complaints
about such conduct. Institutions should consult with their general counsel to develop
these policies and procedures. The aim of this standard is to assure that the institution
has in place policies and procedures and implements them when they are invoked. It is
not the role of the Accreditation Commission to evaluate or be the final arbiter of the
outcomes of those processes, but rather to assure that the facility has and uses their
written policies and procedures.
7.7. The institution should encourage paid and unpaid staff to actively participate in AZA committees
and programs, as well as programs developed by other conservation-oriented organizations,
including through virtual means such as email, teleconference, etc.
7.8. Paid and unpaid staff must be provided access to the latest edition of the AZA accreditation
standards and related policies (available at
Explanation: It is important that paid and unpaid staff understand the significance of
accreditation and what to expect during the accreditation process and Visiting Committee
7.8.1. The standards and related policies should be reviewed by institutional leadership annually to
maintain continued compliance between accreditation visits.
7.9. The institution must follow a written diversity, equity, access, and inclusion program. Programs
must be proactive and transparent, with measurable goals for assessing progress, and must
have a paid staff member(s) or committee responsible for oversight.
Explanation: Programs must reflect recognition of the important connection between
mission and community, and present an on-going effort to enhance diversity, equity,
access, and inclusion. Programs should consider regional/national/international differences
and be designed to be most relevant and impactful for the specific facility and the
communities it serves. Efforts may address areas including training and onboarding of staff,
workforce (paid and unpaid staff) recruitment and retention, target audiences (such as
34 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
current and future guests, members, participants in education programs), and supplier and
vendor diversity. Programs must be reviewed and evaluated on a regular basis for
effectiveness, impact and content. Refinements should be made as needed. Further
information on the establishment of a DEAI program is available from AZA, and online at (you will be requested to log in using your
individual membership user name and password).
7.10. Programs utilizing volunteers (unpaid staff) should also include provisions for recruitment,
interviewing, retention, and training, and periodic evaluation. This process must be under the
supervision of a paid staff member(s) charged with overseeing volunteer programs.
7.11. The institution’s CEO/Director must hold individual membership in AZA at the Professional
Fellow level.
Explanation: The CEO/Director of an institution that is not AZA-accredited at the time
application is made must obtain individual membership as a Professional Fellow at such
time as accreditation of the institution is granted.
7.12. Institutions should encourage paid staff to assume leadership roles in AZA animal programs.
Institutions with paid staff in leadership roles in these programs must provide continuing support
to the staff member assigned and take steps to assure that the staff member assigned manages
the program efficiently, and communicates with participants in a timely manner.
Welfare Considerations:
It is important for an AZA-accredited zoo or aquarium’s support organization to recognize and understand the
components of good animal welfare and to support the institution in areas that will enhance its ability to
continuously provide good welfare to the animals in its care (for example, funding staff training and
development, etc.). Support organizations that are primarily focused on individual institution memberships
should support animal welfare through communications with the membership about the care provided daily
by the institution to assure good welfare for the animals in its care.
8.1. The support organization must recognize the overall authority of the institution’s CEO/Director,
and the role of the governing authority, for the management of the institution and its programs.
Explanation: The institution’s CEO/Director must have final authority over the support
organization regarding the animals, exhibits, paid and unpaid staff, programs, long-range
plan, and any matters affecting the institution.
8.2. A support organization must share the institution’s goals and objectives and provide
resources/support for same.
Explanation: A support organization must have a good working relationship with the
institution and share its objectives.
8.3. A formal agreement must be in place that delineates the roles and responsibilities of the support
organization. This agreement must be kept up to date, reflecting the most current relationship,
and be adhered to in practice.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 35
Welfare Considerations:
A healthy, stable financial condition is critical to assuring the institution’s ability to continuously provide good
animal welfare. An inadequate financial position and/or contingency plan have a direct and negative affect on
the quality of animal welfare and continued modernization of the institution.
9.1. The institution, regardless of whether operating on a profit or nonprofit basis, must provide
sufficient evidence of its financial stability by submitting adequate financial reports, including
operating and capital budgets.
Explanation: Proof of adequate financial support includes the submission of operating and
capital budgets that clearly show sources of income, as well as expenses and any debt.
Budget submissions should include sufficient detail on expenditures for facilities
maintenance, animal care, professional development, and depreciation. In the case of
financial reports other than audited statements, the Primary Reviewer or the Commission
shall determine what constitutes sufficient evidence.
9.2. The institution must be able to provide compensation sufficiently competitive to recruit and retain
professional, qualified staff.
Explanation: The financial information must include a breakdown of salaries or salary
ranges for all paid full-time staff. Institutions should participate in AZA’s salary survey and
other financial benchmarking efforts.
9.3. General liability insurance coverage, via independent carrier or internal means, must at minimum
be provided for guests, paid and unpaid staff, and physical facilities.
Explanation: The amount and nature of insurance coverage should be sufficient to cover
any reasonably anticipated incident.
9.4. The institution must indicate sources and amounts of funding for capital improvements and
major maintenance, repairs, and replacements.
Explanation: Capital improvements, maintenance, and major repairs include renovations,
maintenance of buildings/grounds/exhibits, new construction, and demolition of outdated
9.5. The institution, regardless of whether operating on a profit or nonprofit basis, must have a written
contingency plan in the event that significant decreases in operating income should occur.
Explanation: A financial contingency plan should contain sufficient detail to explain how the
institution will provide for critical animal and operating needs over a three to six month
period (i.e., a defensive interval period). [See “Definitions”, page 6]
9.6. Institutions owned by individuals must have a written contingency and/or financial succession
plan in place in the event of the death or incapacitation of the owner(s).
36 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
General Considerations:
While the Commission is interested in the institution’s future plans, accreditation will be based upon
operations and facilities existing at the time of the Visiting Committee inspection. Consideration will also be
given to historical patterns and repetitive issues, if they exist.
All United States institutions must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Welfare Considerations:
The condition, size, appropriateness, and functionality of animal areas have a direct impact on animal
welfare. AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums must consider these factors when assessing welfare for each
individual animal or group of animals in their care. Institutions are required to incorporate commonly
accepted welfare guidelines and follow a documented process for assessing animal welfare and wellness,
especially the spaces in which they live. All facilities within an institution reflect the organization’s
commitment to quality and modernization.
10.1. Housekeeping, Improvements, and Maintenance
10.1.0. The institution should be in good repair (buildings, exhibits, walkways, railings, structures,
signage, etc.).
10.1.1. Good housekeeping must be regularly practiced.
Explanation: Pest control, proper drainage, clutter in work areas, excessive use of
extension cords, “permanent” extension cords, and other housekeeping activities require
continuous attention.
10.1.2. The institution should follow a written capital improvements, major repair and replacement
Explanation: The capital improvements, major repairs and replacement program should
include a description of how facilities are assessed along with a written schedule of current
and anticipated renovations, new construction, improvements to existing buildings,
grounds, exhibits, and demolition of outdated structures.
10.1.3. The institution should follow a written maintenance plan that outlines the institution’s strategy for
identifying and addressing maintenance and major repairs in a timely manner. The plan should
include a schedule of improvements, anticipated cost and timetable for completion, and a plan
for funding maintenance needs.
10.2. Equipment
10.2.0. All mechanical equipment must be kept in working order.
10.2.1. Critical life-support systems for the animals, including but not limited to plumbing, heating,
cooling, aeration, and filtration, must be equipped with a warning mechanism, and emergency
backup systems must be available. Warning mechanisms and emergency backup systems must
be tested at least annually.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 37
Explanation: Facilities such as aquariums, tropical rainforest buildings, or other exhibits
which rely on climate control for life-sustaining conditions must have emergency backup
systems and a mechanism for warning if those systems are malfunctioning. The life-support
assessment and warning mechanisms may be automated systems or may be monitored by
qualified paid or unpaid staff. If monitoring is intermittent, its frequency must be such that
life support failures will be identified before deleterious effects occur. Enclosures (tanks) used to exhibit or maintain fish and/or aquatic invertebrates must have a
warning mechanism to alert staff about critical life support failures in a timely manner. A risk
assessment should be performed for each enclosure (tank) in order to identify the critical
parameters needing to be monitored. Automated systems are preferable, but not mandatory. In
those cases, in which manual monitoring is relied upon, the interval for system evaluation must
be less than the survival time for enclosure inhabitants in case of a life support failure.
Explanation: Aquatic systems with fish and/or aquatic invertebrates are particularly
threatened by life support system failures. The inability of the system to maintain
adequate water flow, oxygen, temperature, and gas saturation can result in catastrophic
morbidity/mortality in tank occupants. Shallow, warm water, high biological loaded
enclosures, such as stingray touch tanks, are especially vulnerable. Monitoring
protocols, either automated or manual, must be developed in a manner capable of
detecting system failures prior to the onset of untoward effects on the tank occupants. Staff, paid or unpaid, responsible for monitoring life support function for aquatic animal
enclosures must be trained to recognize and mitigate life support system anomalies.
Explanation: The effectiveness of a life support monitoring system reliant on manual
evaluations is dependent on the training of the paid or unpaid staff doing the monitoring.
These individuals must be trained to recognize life support system failure(s); potential
impacts that such failures may have on system inhabitants; troubleshooting and
mitigation of system failures; and the application of emergency measures taken to
preserve animal health in the face of life support system failure(s).
10.2.2. Systems and methods for fire protection and security must be in place and functional to provide
a reasonable level of safety on a 24-hour basis. Routine maintenance records that detail safety
checks of the equipment should be kept current.
Explanation: Any appropriate combination of night security, patrols, fire and smoke
detection systems and alarms, monitors, or building design features can be used.
Compliance with local building codes is required, including fire extinguishers, sprinkler
systems, etc.
10.3. Animal Enclosures
10.3.1. Lighting must be sufficient in all indoor facilities, including night houses, so that maintenance can
be accomplished and animals can be observed. A means for emergency lighting must be
10.3.2. Ventilation must be sufficient in all indoor facilities, including animal holding.
10.3.3. [Removed]
10.3.4. [See 1.5.16]
10.4. Public Areas
10.4.1. Lighting in public areas must be sufficient for the safe maneuvering of the visiting public.
38 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
10.4.2. All walkways must be kept in good repair.
Welfare Considerations:
One of the three core principles upon which AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums operate is safety. Facilities
must be properly maintained, infrastructure sound, proper practices in place, staff aware and trained, and a
culture of safety inherent throughout the institution. All reasonable concerns regarding the welfare of
individual animals or groups, guests, and staff must be thoroughly assessed and corrected.
11.1. General
11.1.1. The institution must be in compliance with all applicable laws and/or regulations regarding
employee and volunteer training for safety in the workplace.
11.1.2. Training and procedures must be in place regarding zoonotic diseases.
Explanation: Diseases that can be transmitted between animals and humans (Zoonotic
disease, zoonoses) present a potential risk for paid and unpaid staff and the visiting public.
The institution should design facilities, develop animal care protocols and present animals
for public contact in ways that minimize this risk (e.g., hand-washing or hand sanitizing
stations and signage, where applicable, etc.). Institutions must train appropriate paid and
unpaid staff in methods to prevent zoonotic disease. The National Association of State
Public Health Veterinarians (NASPHV) has prepared a Compendium of Measures to
Prevent Disease Associated with Animals in Public Settings which should be followed by
institutions presenting animals for public contact
). The institution must have an occupational health and safety program.
Explanation: An effective occupational health and safety program is based on hazard
identification and risk assessment. The nature of the program will depend upon animal
species, potential hazards, facility design, and workplace activities. The extent and level of
participation (e.g. vaccinations, TB testing, parasite exams, immunizations, personal
protective equipment, etc.) will vary depending upon potential hazard exposure and risk
11.1.3. A tuberculin (TB) testing/surveillance program must be established for appropriate paid and
unpaid staff in order to assure the health of both the paid and unpaid staff and the animals.
11.1.4. Paid and unpaid staff working with toxic/hazardous materials must be trained in the proper
handling, labeling, and storage of those materials. The institution must follow a written policy on
those procedures and it must be available to handlers. Institutions using ozone, chlorine or other oxidizing agents as a means of water treatment must
have facilities and protocols in place for the safe usage of these chemicals. Staff working in the
vicinity of ozone, chlorine, or other oxidizing agents must be properly trained to handle
emergency releases or spills.
Explanation: Ozone, chlorine, and other oxidizing agents are commonly used to maintain
water quality in aquatic animal habitats. The production and application of these chemicals
pose significant hazards to staff and animals. The equipment used to produce, store and
apply these agents, along with the protocols for their use, should control their application
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 39
and prevent exposure of animals and staff to hazardous levels. Areas where ozone is
produced and applied should be monitored to assure that they are within any applicable
regulatory exposure limits for staff. Alarms must be used to detect high ozone levels in
confined spaces regardless of generator output. Mechanisms and/or protocols must be in
place to cease production and restore safe conditions when dangerous levels of ozone are
detected both within and outside exhibits.
Standard 1.5.9 states, “Monitoring of selected water quality parameters will provide
confirmation of the correct operation of filtration and disinfection of the water supply
available for animals.”
Standard states, “Enclosures (tanks) used to exhibit or maintain fish and/or
aquatic invertebrates must have a warning mechanism to alert staff about critical life
support failures in a timely manner.”
11.1.5. Whether paper or electronic, Safety Data Sheets (SDS) must be located in areas for easy
access by paid and unpaid staff.
11.2. Emergency Procedures
11.2.0. A paid staff member or a committee must be designated as responsible for ensuring that all
required emergency drills are conducted, recorded, and evaluated in accordance with AZA
accreditation standards (see 11.2.5, 11.5.2, and 11.7.4 for required drills).
11.2.1. The institution should have an automated emergency defibrillator (AED) and must provide
training to appropriate paid and unpaid staff.
11.2.2. The institution must have appropriate alarms and fire extinguishers readily available and provide
training to appropriate paid and unpaid staff.
11.2.3. The institution must have a written plan available for first-aid and other various health
emergencies and provide training to appropriate paid and unpaid staff.
11.2.4. All emergency procedures must be written and provided to appropriate paid and unpaid staff.
Appropriate emergency procedures must be readily available for reference in the event of an
actual emergency.
Explanation: An integrated emergency management and response system should combine
zoo/aquarium personnel and appropriate local agencies in any incident management
planning and response. An example is the US-based “Incident Command System” (ICS).
ICS is a standardized, on-scene, all-hazards incident management system. ICS enables a
coordinated response among various jurisdictions and agencies, and provides a clear chain
of command and structure; this allows local zoo/aquarium paid and unpaid staff to fully
participate with other agencies through a unified command structure. It establishes a
shared understanding through common language and processes, and collaborative
objectives for planning and managing resources that allow for the integration of facilities,
equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications operating within a common
organizational structure. Interactive web-based training for ICS-100 is free, and can be
found at the US FEMA webpage
40 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
11.2.5. Live-action emergency drills (functional exercises) must be conducted at least once annually for
each of the four basic types of emergency (fire; weather or other environmental emergency
appropriate to the region; injury to guest or paid/unpaid staff; and animal escape). Four separate
drills are required. These drills must be recorded and results evaluated for compliance with
emergency procedures, efficacy of paid/unpaid staff training, aspects of the emergency
response that are deemed adequate are reinforced, and those requiring improvement are
identified and modified. (See 11.5.2 and 11.7.4 for other required drills).
Explanation: Emergency drills determine if institution paid and unpaid staff are aware of
emergency procedures, and understand their respective duties and responsibilities.
Emergency drills enable the institution to identify potential areas that could cause problems
in the case of an actual emergency. The institution must have in place appropriate
emergency procedures to handle the four basic types of emergencies identified above, and
procedures for additional types of emergencies to which the institution may be particularly
vulnerable. Paid and unpaid staff must be trained in these procedures, and records of such
training must be maintained.
For the purposes of AZA accreditation standards, a “drill” is a pre-planned, simulated
interactive exercise that tests the capability of an organization to respond to an emergency
event. It should be designed to physically re-create an emergency situation and
subsequent response outside of an actual emergency or warning, such as a storm warning.
Results stemming from an actual emergency are of interest, and must be appropriately
analyzed, but cannot be counted as a drill for accreditation purposes. These live-action
drills may be supplemented (not replaced) with table-top drills or other emergency
preparedness scenarios.
11.2.6. The institution must have a communication system that can be quickly accessed in case of an
Explanation: There should be immediate access to designated persons in case of an
emergency via walkie/talkie, pager, mobile telephone, intercom, telephone, alarm, or other
electronic devices.
11.2.7. A written protocol should be developed involving local police or other emergency agencies and
include response times to emergencies.
11.2.8. Active shooter training for paid and unpaid staff should occur and be reviewed on a regular
basis. Training should be tailored to the institution.
11.3. Facilities/Animal Exhibits
11.3.1. All animal exhibits and holding areas must be secured to prevent animal escape.
Explanation: Particular attention must be given to shift doors, gates, and animal care
specialist access doors (as well as double-door safe entry systems), and exhibit barrier
dimensions and construction, to provide for staff (paid and unpaid) and public safety.
Locking or latching mechanisms are necessary to meet this standard for dangerous
11.3.2. All exhibit service areas must be safely lighted, free of debris and other hazards, and provide
space to allow for safe servicing. Also, service exit doors must be clearly marked and in good
working order. All locks and shift doors must be in good working order.
11.3.3. [Removed]
11.3.4. Electrical service in all wet environments, aquatic exhibits, and associated service areas must be
Drills Required:
4 annually
(see 11.5.2 &
11.7.4 for other
required drills.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 41
equipped with ground fault circuit interrupters (GFI).
11.3.5. All public access areas must be equipped with exit signs. Exit doors must be unobstructed and
comply with local building codes for emergency egress.
11.3.6. There must be barriers in place (for example, guardrails, fences, walls, etc.) of sufficient strength
and/or design to deter public entry into animal exhibits and other sensitive areas that pose a risk
to animal or human safety.
Explanation: Barriers between public pathways and exhibits and non-public spaces
should be designed and maintained such that they are not prone to being breached by
guests regardless of size or age. Vegetation only is not a sufficient barrier. Risk
assessments should be done for all areas where potential breaches could occur. Security
and safety measures should be in place to monitor guest behavior and respond
immediately in the event of an incident.
11.4. Risk Management
11.4.1. A written risk management plan must be developed and implemented.
Explanation: Risk management is defined as identification and assessment of potential risk
for injury/harm to the visiting public, and employees, and mitigating or preventing injury or
harm via best-practice methods. Examples of risk to employees include potential contact
with any of the institution’s animals, wet floors and poor lighting and ventilation in work
areas, poorly constructed/planned exhibit service areas, cluttered work space, inadequate
training, animal shift mechanisms not in proper repair, and potential contact with narcotic
drugs and used hypodermic needles.
Examples of risk to the visiting public include human-animal contact, wet floors, poor
lighting, insufficient barrier fencing, cracks and/or holes in guest walkways, condition of
handrails, steps and walkways, rotted wood, etc. Such potential hazards must be
minimized whenever possible.
While recognizing potential benefits of human-animal contact, the institution’s risk
management plan should follow best practices to protect humans (paid and unpaid staff,
guests, etc.) and animals from potential injury or disease resulting from physical contact
with each other. The plan should include a written assessment and determination of those
species and individual animals with which staff (paid and unpaid) and guests may, or must
not, have direct or indirect contact.
11.5. Dangerous Animals
11.5.1. Institutions maintaining venomous animals must have appropriate antivenin readily available,
and its location must be known by all paid and unpaid staff working in those areas. An individual
must be responsible for inventory, disposal/replacement, and storage of antivenin.
Explanation: It is the responsibility of the institution to verify that appropriate antivenins are
available locally for all venomous species maintained at their institution, and for which
antivenin is produced. Institutions may rely on the antivenin supply of local hospitals and
treatment facilities, but it is also the institution’s responsibility to guarantee that these
inventories are maintained adequately. Such arrangements must be documented.
Antivenin intended for use in humans should be managed and stored in accordance with
local, regional and federal regulations. Suitable procedures should be developed and
implemented in collaboration with appropriate human health professionals.
11.5.2. Institutions maintaining venomous animals must have emergency alarm systems and/or
42 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
protocols in place specifically addressing animal bite injury, attack, or escape from enclosure. All
areas housing venomous animals must be equipped with appropriate alarm systems, and/or
have protocols in place to notify paid and unpaid staff in the event of a venomous animal
emergency. These systems and/or protocols must be routinely checked to assure proper
functionality. Live action envenomation drills must be conducted at least annually to assess
emergency alarm systems and/or protocols. The live action envenomation drill is in addition to the
emergency drills required in 11.2.5 and 11.7.4 and the drill should be recorded and evaluated in the
same manner as other emergency drills. (see 11.2.5 and 11.7.4 for other required drills).
11.5.3. Institutions maintaining potentially dangerous animals must have appropriate safety procedures
in place to prevent attacks and injuries by these animals. Appropriate response procedures must
also be in place to deal with an attack resulting in an injury. These procedures must be practiced
routinely per the emergency drill requirements contained in standards 11.2.5, 11.5.2, and 11.7.4.
Whenever injuries result from these incidents, a written account outlining the cause of the
incident, how the injury was handled, and a description of any resulting changes to either the
safety procedures or the physical facility must be provided to AZA staff, and maintained on file at
the institution for five years from the date of the incident.
11.5.4. Enclosures holding venomous animals must be labelled as such. When venomous animals are
housed in a community setting (i.e., with multiple species), the venomous animal must be
specifically identified.
11.6. Security/Firearms
11.6.1. Adequate security systems must be provided on a 24-hour, year-round basis.
Explanation: The Commission recognizes that all institutions may not be able to provide
security personnel on a 24-hour basis; however, every attempt should be made to provide
security when the institution is closed to the visiting public. Security responsibilities should
include regular rounds of the entire institution to detect problems. If it is impractical to
provide security personnel, the Commission may approve the use of electronic systems or
other security measures.
11.6.2. Security personnel, whether employed by the institution, or a provided and/or contracted service,
must be trained to handle all emergencies in full accordance with the policies and procedures of
the institution. In some cases, it is recognized that Security personnel may be in charge of the
respective emergency (i.e. shooting teams).
11.6.3. Stored firearms must be in a locked cabinet of sufficient construction and design to impede
unauthorized entry, and located in a secure area and accessible only to authorized personnel
trained in their use.
11.6.4. Personnel authorized to utilize firearms must have adequate training on safe operation, and
must practice on a regular basis to safely operate the weapons during an emergency response.
11.7. Diving
General Considerations:
For the purposes of accreditation, the term “diving” includes the diving mode in which the diver uses self-
contained (SCUBA) or surface supplied compressed air and/or “breath-hold diving” in which the diver uses
no self-contained or surface-supplied compressed air (i.e., snorkeling or skin diving). “Diver” refers to an
employee (paid or unpaid) working in water using an apparatus (including snorkels) which supplies breathing
gas at ambient pressure.
Drill Required:
1 annually (see
11.2.5 & 11.7.4
for other required
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 43
Further information on how dive programs are evaluated is available from AZA, and online at (you will be requested to log in using your individual
membership user name and password).
11.7.1. Institutions which utilize diving as a part of regular operations and/or maintenance shall meet
minimal operational safety standards for such diving. Such institutions must comply with
applicable laws and regulations for their location and follow standards mandated by the Federal
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) if located in the U.S. If the institution is
located outside of the U.S. it must comply with that country’s equivalent body.
Explanation: Diving programs range in complexity from intermittent exhibit maintenance to
bona fide in situ scientific diving. Additionally, recreational diving in the form of “pay to dive
with…” programs may be offered to zoo and aquarium guests. Institutions located in the
U.S. must make an assessment of their individual underwater diving components in order
to determine which OSHA standard (commercial diving, scientific diving, recreational
diving) is most appropriate for that aspect of the institution’s underwater diving program.
Since federal OSHA regulations do not specifically address breath-hold diving, attention
should be given to how the activity conforms to the OSHA general duty clause (employers
are required to provide their employees with a place of employment that “is free from
recognizable hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious harm to
employees.”) A risk assessment should be done that includes consideration of shallow
water blackout (
). A protocol that is designed
to minimize these risks, provide training, and outlines an emergency plan should be in
place, implemented, and documented. If the institution is located outside of the U.S., it must
comply with that country’s equivalent, and should also do a risk assessment that includes
consideration of shallow water blackout ( A
protocol that is designed to minimize these risks, provide training, and outlines an
emergency plan should be in place, documented, and implemented.
11.7.2. Institutions which utilize diving as a part of regular operations and/or maintenance must appoint
a dive safety officer with the credentials, responsibilities, and authority to fulfill that role. At
minimum, a dive safety officer should be a certified dive instructor, or an equivalent, to meet the
credentialing requirement. Dive safety officers whose institution engages solely in snorkeling or
breath-hold diving may only be certified as a skin-diving instructor, or an equivalent.
Explanation: Diving programs vary in their complexity, work load, size, and function from
institution to institution. While the qualifications of the dive safety officer must be
commensurate with the nature of the institution’s dive program, the individual in this role
must be trained to evaluate and remediate dive skills in an in-water setting. The dive safety
officer’s responsibilities must be structured such that they are familiar with and capable of
assessing dive safety.
11.7.3. Institutions which utilize diving as a part of regular operations and/or maintenance must follow a
dive manual which has, as one of its components, a section on diving safety.
11.7.4. Institutions which utilize diving as a part of regular operations and/or maintenance must conduct
at least one live-action emergency dive safety drill annually. These drills must be recorded and
evaluated to assure that procedures are being followed, that training for paid and unpaid staff is
effective, and that what is learned is used to correct and/or improve the emergency procedures.
Records of these drills must be maintained and improvements in the procedures duly noted
whenever such are identified. (See 11.2.5 and 11.5.2 for other required drills.)
Drill Required:
1 annually (see
11.2.5 & 11.5.2
for other required
44 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Explanation: at least one live-action drill is required annually. Additional practice exercises
may consist of a variety of activities, including discussions, tabletop simulations, or actual
drills. A drill is defined as a training exercise that physically re-creates an emergency
situation and response outside the circumstances of an actual emergency. Results
stemming from an actual emergency are of interest, but may not be counted as a drill for
accreditation purposes.
11.7.5. Institutions which utilize diving as a part of regular operations and/or maintenance must develop
and implement a dive emergency plan for each tank into which divers enter. All divers must be
trained in the procedures associated with emergency plans associated with tanks in which they
dive, and must receive periodic training at the frequency necessary to maintain proficiency for
each exhibit that they dive.
11.7.6. Institutions which utilize diving as a part of regular operations and/or maintenance should
establish a mechanism to periodically evaluate medical fitness to engage in diving activities.
11.7.7. Institutions which utilize diving as a part of regular operations and/or maintenance must establish
a mechanism to ensure life support diving equipment is maintained to regulatory or manufacturer
11.8. Perimeter Fence
11.8.1. Perimeter fencing must be separate from all exhibit fencing or other enclosures, and be of good
quality and construction. All facilities must be enclosed by a perimeter fence which is at least 8’
in height (2.4 meters) or by a viable barrier approved by the Accreditation Commission. The
fence must be constructed so that it protects the animals in the facility by restricting animals
outside the facility and unauthorized persons from going through it or under it and having contact
with the animals in the facility, and so that it can function as a secondary containment system for
the animals in the facility.
Explanation: There are rare instances where the terrain surrounding the facility provides a
viable barrier. The Accreditation Commission will determine what constitutes a “viable
barrier” and the facility may request a waiver. However, most facilities must be enclosed by
a perimeter fence. Facilities located in rural areas within the U.S. and which are PPEQ-
approved (permanent post-entry quarantine) must meet special USDA standards for
fencing. Institutions which are entirely enclosed within a building may be exempt from this
General Considerations:
All United States institutions must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Welfare Considerations:
Guest perception drives success. AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums must continually strive to provide
diverse, high quality experiences for all guests. Leadership in animal care and welfare requires building and
maintaining living environments that present well to the guest and support healthy animals engaged in
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 45
natural behaviors. This is among the top things guests cite as leading to a positive impression of the
institution and an overall inspiring experience.
12.1. The institution must provide accessibility and public amenities for all guests.
Explanation: Each institution must consider accessibility for all guests as improvements are
12.2. The institution must have certain basic facilities to accommodate guests, including restrooms,
food and beverage services, and rest areas.
12.3. The institution should have common conveniences for guests, including gift facilities, institution
trail maps (paper or electronic), unobstructed and visible directional signage, etc.
12.4. The institution must present to the visiting public a positive, professional, clean, and aesthetically
pleasing environment.
12.5. The institution should have a guest services training program, especially for front-line paid and
unpaid staff that have a potential for regular engagement with guests. A guest services training
program should, among other options, include training in staff courtesy, how to handle guest
complaints, knowledge about wayfinding and daily activities, the importance of communicating to
guests about the meaning of AZA accreditation, and mission-based messaging.
12.6. The institution should have a process for proactively seeking, acquiring and evaluating guest
feedback regarding their experiences.
Explanation: Guest feedback provides the institution with a better perspective on areas of
strength, and opportunities for improvement as perceived by its target audiences.
Common methods for acquiring guest feedback include in-person and/or self-guided
kiosk surveys, comment cards, online feedback (e-mails), and “secret shopper”
programs. Feedback should assess more than guest satisfaction, and results should be
used to improve existing programs and adjust operations.
12.7. The institution’s website should be professional in appearance and content and should provide
up-to-date information such as hours of operation, admission information, location, programs,
and AZA affiliation.
Welfare Considerations:
As a science-based institution focused on animal care and welfare, conservation, and the continued
advancement of guest and community engagement, a strong commitment to master and strategic planning
for continuous change and evaluation is the foundation of adhering to “modern zoological practices and
philosophies”. Strategically assessing all aspects of operations and routinely renovating and/or replacing old
exhibits with new modern habitats that are designed with animal welfare in mind, is something that is
expected of all AZA-accredited institutions. In addition, continuous and careful planning for new and
innovative education programs and guest experiences reflects commitment to professionally recognized best
practices and modern philosophies.
46 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
13.1. The institution should follow a written master plan and strategic plan regarding facility innovation,
planning, growth and community development, and should review or update the plans every five
years at minimum. (See pages 6 -7 for definitions of master plan and strategic plan.)
13.2. Maintaining and advancing “modern zoological practices and philosophies” should be
incorporated into the institution’s master plan and strategic plan. (See page 7 for definition of
modern zoological practices and philosophies,” and see the Preamble for further clarification.)
13.3. The institution’s master plan and strategic plan should incorporate its mission, and the
organizational values, goals, and objectives used in the design and development of animal
exhibits and guest experiences.
13.4. Animal welfare (including requirements under standard 1.5.0) must be applied or considered
during the design and development of all new and/or renovated animal facilities (including exhibit
space and holding areas).
Rev: 11/2023
Standards for Elephant Management & Care 47
Standards for Cetacean Care & Welfare 75
General Related Policies 83
General Administrative Policies 113
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 47
Approved March 2011, Revised April 2012, Revised May 2020
This revision of the Standards includes updated information from AZA’s policy on Maximizing Occupational Safety
of Elephant Care Professionals at AZA-accredited facilities which was distributed on August 15, 2011 and
updated on September 12, 2014, as well as updated science-based information about elephant welfare.
The Standards are written to focus on a results-based assessment. They serve as a guide for institutions to
measure their success in enhancing occupational safety and welfare for elephants and for AZA accreditation
inspectors to measure the success of AZA’s elephant care programs. Thus, in addition to each Standard, there is
a Measurement and an Explanation to assist with understanding and meeting or exceeding each Standard.
The ultimate goals of these Standards are to provide the safest work environment for elephant care professionals
and to provide the highest quality of elephant management and care which will result in excellent overall elephant
well-being in our institutions. Ultimately, the success of AZA’s elephant care programs will allow AZA institutions
to contribute to elephant conservation and ensure that elephants are in our future for generations to come.
AZA Accreditation Policies on Variances
(excerpted from General Administrative Policies of the AZA Accreditation Commission)
Elephant Management and Care Requesting A Temporary Variance Under the AZA Standards. Institutions
requesting a temporary variance under the AZA Standards For Elephant Management & Care should submit that
request to the AZA Accreditation Commission at the time it becomes apparent that a temporary variance may be
needed. The request should be in the form of a letter detailing the temporary variance being requested, and
should include all necessary documentation. The Commission will consider the requested temporary variance and
will thereafter notify the institution of its decision. Temporary variances must be re-applied for prior to the
expiration date contained in the variance, or documentation must be provided that the reason for the temporary
variance has been addressed. NOTE: institutions not currently AZA-accredited must be in full compliance with
AZA standards at the time application is made.
Elephant Management and Care Special Welfare Variance. In cases where an elephant’s physical and/or
psychological welfare is believed to be at risk by implementation of a standard, an institution may request a
special welfare variance under the AZA Standards For Elephant Management & Care. To qualify for a special
welfare variance, the elephant(s) in question must be considered geriatric, and the institution must provide
evidence that the elephant’s welfare will be at risk without the variance, or that moving the elephant could result in
serious injury or death. Evidence must be in the form of documentation from the institution’s veterinary and animal
management professional staff. The request for a special welfare variance must be in the form of a letter detailing
the variance being requested, and containing all necessary documentation. The AZA Accreditation Commission
will consider the request and will thereafter notify the institution of its decision. If granted, the variance will be for
three (3) years and must be re-applied for prior to the expiration date contained in the variance. If granted,
institutions must submit an annual report documenting the status and health of the elephant(s), including
veterinary records, assessments, behavioral profiles, and the written recommendations of the institution’s
veterinary and animal management professional staff. NOTE: for the purpose of this variance, welfare is defined
as physical health and function, and psychological well-being.
Elephant Management and Care Substantial Compliance Extension [to an existing variance]. In cases
where a deadline is set in a standard, and an institution has an existing variance until that deadline but has not yet
achieved full compliance by the deadline, a Substantial Compliance Extension of the existing variance may be
considered by the AZA Accreditation Commission. Approval may be granted only if the institution can
demonstrate clear and steady progress toward compliance with the standard, is actively engaged and working
towards full compliance, and has identified a realistic completion date. Regular updates will be required until
48 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
compliance is achieved, and the Commission may require an inspection of the elephant program, at its discretion,
as a condition of maintaining accreditation.
E.1. Abiotic Environmental Variables (address both exhibit and off-exhibit areas)
E.1.1 Temperature
Standard Outdoor Daytime: Sufficient sheltered areas must be provided to protect elephants from
adverse weather. Water suitable for drinking or bathing must be available at all times to meet the
elephant’s cooling needs in the ambient environment.
Measurement: No instances of frostbite, heatstroke, sunburn, illnesses, or elephant deaths related to
environmental temperature/weather exposure.
Explanation: Water, mud, dust, soil, or sand must be available for elephants to dust themselves to assist
with thermoregulation. Sufficient sheltered areas must be provided to protect elephants from adverse
weather. When exposure to prolonged sunlight is likely, sufficient shade by natural or artificial means
shall be provided to allow all elephants the choice to seek protection from direct sunlight. A sufficient
number of shaded areas must be provided to assure that all individuals can have access to shade when
desired and that subordinate elephants are not excluded from the shade. Elephants exposed to
temperatures below 40°F (5°C) for longer than 60 minutes, must be monitored hourly to determine when
to provide access to supplemental heat, direct sunlight, or access to indoor barn stalls or other options for
thermal management.
Standard Outdoor Nighttime: Elephants kept outdoors when temperatures are under 40°F (5°C)
overnight, must be provided with supplementary heat and adequate shelter from adverse weather.
Measurement: No instances of frostbite, illnesses or elephant deaths related to environmental
temperature/weather exposure.
Explanation: Institutions should consider designing facilities and habitats that allow elephants outdoor
access as much as possible weather, health, and safety permitting. Elephants can tolerate moderate
temperature extremes if they have been acclimatized to the ambient conditions. Multiple sheltered areas
must be provided to ensure that all elephants have sufficient access to shelter and protection from the
elements. Institutions may install outdoor heat sources to extend the amount of time the elephants are
able to remain outside. Radiant or forced air heating are examples of acceptable heat. There may be a
need to provide supplemental heat for young, geriatric, or compromised elephants at temperatures above
40°F (5°C).
Standard Indoor: Indoor areas must be heated to a minimum temperature of at least 55°F (13°C)
during the colder months of the year. One room must be capable of maintaining a temperature of at least
70°F (21°C) and be free of drafts for accommodating sick or debilitated elephants. Care should be taken
to control excessive heat indoors.
Measurement: No instances of illnesses or elephant deaths related to environmental
temperature/weather exposure.
Explanation: At elevated indoor temperatures, the use of fans, cross-ventilation, access to water, cool
substrate, allowing elephants access to an outside area, or other cooling measures should be employed
as needed. Elephants should be provided with the opportunity to thermoregulate themselves as much as
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 49
E.1.2 Humidity and Ventilation
Standard: Indoor ventilation systems for elephants should provide enough fresh air to meet the
respiration needs of the elephants, control moisture build-up within the structure, and move enough air to
dilute airborne disease organisms.
Measurement: Fresh air and good quality air flow are evident in the barn and are provided through
passive and/or mechanical systems.
Explanation: At elevated indoor temperatures, the use of fans, cross-ventilation, access to water, cool
substrate, allowing elephants access to an outside area, or other cooling measures should be employed
as needed.
E.1.3 Illumination
Standard: Ample lighting must be provided for elephant care professionals and other employees to work
safely around elephants, day or night.
Measurement: When elephant care professionals are working around or interacting with the elephants,
the elephants should be able to be clearly seen and their movements/behavior observed at all times
within their indoor areas. Adequate light must be provided to monitor the safe use of all equipment (ERD)
and the movement of all doors and gates.
Explanation: Natural daylight cycles are adequate for elephants, even in temperate regions. When kept
indoors for extended periods, fluorescent, or incandescent lights provide a sufficient spectrum of
illumination. Skylights, in addition to interior lighting, are effective and recommended.
E.1.4 Facilities
E.1.4.1. Space guidelines
E. Indoor space
Standard: Indoor facilities must provide sufficient space and environmental complexity to
both allow for and stimulate natural behavioral activities and social interactions resulting in
healthy and socially well-adapted elephants. Indoor facilities must provide adequate room
for elephants to move about and lie down without restriction (Holdgate et al., 2016b).
Appropriate space should be available to allow elephants to be separated either through
individual stalling or through the use of tethers (See Restraint). Indoor housing for
both males and females must be designed to accommodate an elephant that can reach up
to 24 ft (7.3 m) vertically. All ceilings, wire, pipes, etc. must be out of reach or adequately
Measurement: Elephants that are thriving exhibit a natural behavioral repertoire at a
normal frequency when in any space at the facility. If there are elephant behavioral, social,
or medical issues shown to be caused by insufficient space, there must be a program in
place (from a programmatic and/or facility perspective) to address the issue.
Explanation: Space is one of the most difficult measures to standardize (Meehan, et al.,
2016b). There is no scientific data which clearly indicates the amount of space needed for
an elephant to be healthy and socially well-adapted. Meehan et al. (2016b) state that the
facility size alone is not correlated with individual elephant welfare. It is the quality of the
overall programmatic approach to good elephant management, the quality of its social life,
and the quality of the space from an elephant’s perspective that determines adequacy of
the facility as it relates to elephant welfare, not simply the square footage of the
environment (Greco et al., 2016b; Holdgate et al., 2016a). For facilities in climates that
require elephants to be indoors for significant amounts of time, it is highly recommended
50 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
that larger interior common spaces be developed to enhance social interactions and allow
for greater movement and diversity of space during inclement weather conditions as well as
overnight. Minimum recommended stall space (i.e. temporary holding, overnight, etc.) is not
less than 600 sq ft (56 sq m) for males or females with calves, and not less than 400 sq ft
(37 sq m) for females.
E. Outdoor space
Standard: Outdoor habitats must provide sufficient space and environmental complexity to
both allow for and stimulate natural behavioral activities and social interactions resulting in
healthy and socially well-adapted elephants.
Measurement: Elephants that are thriving exhibit a natural behavioral repertoire at a
normal frequency when in any space at the facility. If there are elephant behavioral, social,
or medical issues shown to be caused by insufficient space, there must be a program in
place (from a programmatic and/or facility perspective) to address the issue.
Explanation: Space is one of the most difficult measures to standardize (Meehan et al.
2016b). There is no scientific data which clearly indicates the amount of space needed for
an elephant to be healthy and socially well-adapted. Meehan et al. (2016b) state that total
exhibit size alone is not correlated with individual elephant welfare. It is the quality of the
overall programmatic approach to good elephant management and the quality of the space
from an elephant’s perspective that determines adequacy of the facility as it relates to
elephant welfare, not simply the square footage of the environment (Greco et al., 2016b;
Holdgate et al., 2016a). Thus, if the elephants are healthy and socially adapted, then
whatever is being provided meets the Standard. Recommended minimum size for outdoor
habitats is not less than 5400 sq ft (500 sq m) per elephant.
E. Behavior
Standard: The facility and program provides a complex physical and social environment
which stimulates natural behaviors, social interactions and activity levels resulting in
healthy, socially well-adapted elephants.
Measurement: The elephants are physically healthy and socially well-adapted without
aberrant behavior or excessive aggression within the social group. Elephant behavior fits a
natural frequency and diversity of behaviors, and elephants are provided with opportunities
for choice, cognitive challenges, and complex behavioral repertoires.
Explanation: There is no current data to indicate what amount of activity, or what daily
walking distance is most appropriate for optimal elephant welfare. The basic needs may be
different for each elephant. Since the goal is healthy, socially well-adapted elephants, how
it is achieved is less important than that it is achieved. Studies of Asian and African
elephants in zoos have shown that elephants walk an average of 5.3 km/day with no
significant difference between species, also indicating that there are associations between
distance walked and social, housing, management (such as diverse feeding strategies),
and demographic factors (Greco et al., 2016; Holdgate et al., 2016a). No association
between distance walked and health or behavioral outcomes were found.
E. Exhibits and renovations
Standard: All institutions planning new construction or modifying existing elephant facilities
must include the following: adequate infrastructure to manage and care of elephants with
barriers in place that provide employee safety space; facilities to safely accommodate adult
males; and, adequate infrastructure to minimize the need for regular tethering. The design
of indoor and outdoor areas must contain areas where elephants can exercise and socialize
together, and avoid socializing if/when desired.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 51
Measurement: Design plans for exhibits and renovations are reviewed and are consistent
with the AZA Standards for Elephant Management and Care.
Explanation: AZA’s commitment to elephants will only be successful if all facilities live up
to their commitment to care for growing family herds and adult males, and to comply with
SSP breeding recommendations. A key consideration in the design of elephant facilities is
the promotion of species-appropriate behaviors. Elephants are a social species and herds
often perform activities together, such as feeding, drinking, walking, resting, and wallowing.
Enrichment opportunities should be integral parts of both indoor and outdoor areas (Greco
et al., 2016a). Outdoor areas should encourage locomotion for exercise and natural
footwear. Rocks, tree stumps, or large sturdy objects should be provided in the habitats so
that the elephants may use them as visual barriers and/or for rubbing and scratching. The
use of both wet and dry wallows is encouraged to assist with skin care and protection
against the sun and biting insects. Barriers within and between habitats should allow some
degree of auditory, olfactory, and tactile contact between separated herd members as
appropriate at their choice.
E.1.4.2 Substrates
E. Outdoor
Standard: Outdoor habitat surfaces must consist primarily of natural substrates (e.g., soil,
sand, grass). Elephant areas must have a variety of substrates, must be able to be cleaned
easily, and must have good drainage to prevent unwanted standing water.
Measurement: Elephant feet are in good condition and need only periodic pad and nail
trimming. Excessive buildup of dead skin is not apparent and dusting materials are
available for the elephants and used at a normal frequency.
Explanation: Providing a combination of hard substrates to promote normal wear of
footpads and soft substrates, such as earth and sand, to promote dust bathing is preferred.
Recent studies have shown that decreased time spent on hard substrates may enhance
foot and musculoskeletal health, and encourage recumbent rest, and thereby enhance
elephant welfare (Holdgate et al., 2016b; Miller et al., 2018;). Providing a variety of soft
substrates will promote behaviors, such as foraging, wallowing, bathing, digging, and
resting. The use of both wet and dry wallows is encouraged to assist with skin care and
protection against the sun and biting insects. Elephants may rest on mounds of earth
(Holdgate et al., 2016b).
E. Indoor
Standard: Indoor substrate must be able to be cleaned daily and must be quick to dry.
Hard floor surfaces must be relatively smooth to prevent excessive pad wear, but not so
smooth that they become slippery when wet.
Measurement: Indoor floors are cleaned daily and dry within two hours of cleaning.
Elephant feet are in good condition and show no excessive pad wear due to floor
roughness and no elephant injuries due to slipping on the floors.
Explanation: Recent studies have shown that decreased time spent on hard substrates will
enhance foot and musculoskeletal health, and encourage recumbent rest, and thereby
enhance elephant welfare (Holdgate et al., 2016b; Miller et al., 2018;). Some institutions
use sand, barn stall mats, straw, or shavings for insulation and/or to provide a softer
surface for elephants to stand or lie on. In new construction and renovations, natural,
changeable indoor substrate should be considered.
52 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
E.1.4.3. Change and variation in the environment
Standard: All institutions must have a written environmental enrichment plan for their
elephants and show evidence of implementation (See 4.4 Enrichment).
Measurement: Enrichment plan and records of daily enrichment activities are reviewed.
Elephants are provided with complex environmental and enrichment opportunities that elicit
a normal frequency and diversity of behaviors.
Explanation: An effective enrichment program, including environmental, social, and
cognitive enrichment, should promote species-appropriate behaviors (Greco et al., 2016a).
Varied terrain and habitat furniture provide more complexity in the environment as well as
exercise opportunities, such as walking, turning, reaching, stretching, climbing, bending,
digging, pushing, pulling, and lifting. A good environmental enrichment program includes
the rotation of exhibit furniture and enrichment items on a regular schedule.
E.1.4.4. Cleaning
Standard: Enclosures, both indoor and outdoor, must be cleaned of feces and urine daily.
Measurement: Daily cleaning is observed.
Explanation: Frequent daily manure removal is recommended and may be necessary for
both sanitary and aesthetic reasons.
E.1.4.5 Safety and Containment
E. Containment
Standard: Elephant containment barriers must be sufficient to prevent elephant escapes.
Measurement: There must be no failure of containment barriers.
Explanation: A recommended minimum height of walls, cables and horizontal railings for
adult elephants is 8 ft (2.4 m). The use of electric fences is not sufficient as a primary
containment barrier. A wide variety of building materials can be used for elephant
containment barriers. The barriers must be safe for the elephants, must be able to
withstand an elephant’s strength, must contain the elephant in a specific space, and must
prohibit direct contact between elephants and the visitors. Recommended materials for
barriers include solid concrete, rock walls or horizontal steel rails, pipe, or cable.
E. Elephant care barriers and restraints
Standard: All institutions must have adequate infrastructure to manage and care for
elephants with barriers and/or tethers in place to increase occupational safety. All elephant
care professionals at AZA facilities with elephants must not share the same unrestricted
space with elephants, except for certain, limited exceptions. [NOTE: see E.4.2.1 for details]
Measurement: Adequate infrastructure exists and is used by elephant care professionals
to care for elephants without sharing the same unrestricted space with the elephants,
except in certain, well-defined circumstances.
Explanation: AZA is committed to maximizing the safety of elephant care professionals. In
order to maximize safety while working in restricted contact, elephant care professionals
must always monitor the position of themselves and their elephant(s) in relation to the
barrier/tethers, the reach of the elephant(s) especially the reach of the trunk and the
behavior of the elephant(s). The head and/or torso of a person must never cross the plane
of the primary containment barrier unless the elephant is on tethers. Routine husbandry
should not be performed exclusively while elephants are on tethers.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 53
E. Dry moats
Standard: The use of dry moats with steep sides and hard bottoms as primary containment
should be limited.
Measurement: A written elephant moat extraction protocol must be in place for facilities
employing moats out of which an elephant cannot easily climb.
Explanation: Dry moats may pose a substantial threat to elephants, especially those out of
which an elephant cannot easily climb. Where present, moats should be wide enough for
an elephant to turn around, have a soft, dry bottom, and should include a gradually sloped
ramp so that the elephant can easily climb out of the moat or ditch.
E. Doors and gates
Standard: Doors and gates must be in good condition and must be engineered to
withstand an elephant’s strength.
Measurement: All doors and gates are observed operating properly and containing
elephants. No elephant or personnel injuries because of hydraulic or electrically-powered
door operation have occurred.
Explanation: Door and gate design is extremely important to ensure the safety of both
elephants and elephant care professionals. If hydraulic or electrically powered drives are
used to operate doors or gates, there must be a manual back-up system or a back-up
generator in place in case of failure or electrical outage. Door operation must be continually
monitored with a direct line of sight or with video the entire time the door is in motion to
prevent elephant or human injury.
E. General exhibit considerations
Standard: Ceiling and fixture heights (e.g., lights, heating units, plumbing, etc.) must be
built so that elephants do not harm themselves or damage the facility.
Measurement: There should be no elephant injuries due to poor design or insufficient
heights of ceilings and fixtures.
Explanation: Areas for both males and females must be designed to accommodate an
elephant that can reach up to 24 ft (7.3 m) vertically. All ceilings, wire, pipes, etc. must be
out of reach or adequately protected.
E. Safety assessment program
Standard: Each institution must have an established method of regularly evaluating its
elephant facility and program safety. The institution must document and be able to
demonstrate how safety is assessed on a regular and consistent basis and how safety
issues are resolved. Facilities shall conduct safety evaluations at least semi-annually. Each
institution must specifically address its elephant program in the risk management policy
required by AZA Accreditation Standard 11.4.1.
Measurement: Program and facility safety evaluations and safety issue resolutions are
documented. All identified safety issues are resolved or are in the process of resolution.
Explanation: Each institution should establish a safety assessment program based on its
own needs and resources. A safety assessment program may include a safety assessment
team, including elephant care team and management, animal health care team and experts
in risk management and safety.
54 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
E.1.4.6 Transport
Standard: All applicable Federal regulations and/or IATA Live Animal Regulations must be
met and AZA Recommended Elephant Preshipment Guidelines and AZA Transport
Guidelines for Elephants should be followed.
Measurement: Elephant transports have been accomplished safely and in an appropriate
Explanation: Elephants are typically transported in trailers or crates specifically designed
for moving elephants. The trailer compartment or crate used for transport should be sized
so that the elephant can stand up comfortably, but not turn around. The elephant should
not be compressed by the containment front or back. The trailer or crate should be
equipped with tethering options as needed. Elephants should be monitored and provided
with food and water at regular intervals during the transport. The IATA Live Animal
Regulations are available for purchase at
Guidelines for
transport and pre-shipment testing are available from the AZA Elephant TAG/SSP
Veterinary Advisor (Miller, 2018c-d).
E.1.5 Water
E.1.5.1 Water quality
Standard: Water suitable for drinking must be made available at all times. Frequent
drinking opportunities throughout the day may be necessary to meet the elephant’s needs
in the ambient environment.
Measurement: Water sources for all elephant indoor and outdoor areas are identified and
method of delivery determined is appropriate.
Explanation: Most facilities provide either continually running or automatic watering
devices in outdoor habitats and barns. If these are not present, the method of providing
potable water at all times must be identified and written protocols in place to ensure
appropriate water availability to the elephants.
E.1.5.2 Presentation of water, and water sources
Standard: While outdoors and weather permitting, elephants must have regular access to
water sources, such as a pools, waterfalls, misters/sprinklers, or wallows that provide
enrichment and allow the elephants to cool and/or bathe themselves.
Measurement: Outdoor water sources are present in sufficient quantity to accommodate all
elephants at one time.
Explanation: It is recommended that pools be constructed with rounded edges, and
without corners. Artificial pools should have multiple and/or lengthy gently sloping exit and
entrance areas, with non-slip surfaces, and at an angle no greater than 30°. Vertical sides
on pools should be avoided in areas where elephants have direct access to the pool side.
Steps should be wide enough for elephants to place more than one foot on at a time and
small enough for baby elephants to step up or down. There should be more than one
entry/exit point to the pool in order to prevent one elephant from inhibiting the exit or
entrance of other elephants into or out of the pool. It is recommended that one body of
water or pool be deep enough to allow for buoyancy, as this can allow for non weight-
bearing exercise and that it be deep enough to allow an adult to be fully immersed when
laying on its side, or at least six feet deep. However, shallow wading and splashing pools
are also excellent activity areas for elephants and are to be encouraged.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 55
E.2. Biotic Variables
E.2.1 Food and Water
E.2.1.1 Provision of food and water
E. Water
Standard: When water containers are used, drinking water must be cleaned and refreshed
daily. Containers must also be cleaned daily. (See E.1.5.1 Water quality).
Measurement: Water sources are clean and water is fresh.
Explanation: The ability to monitor water consumption by the elephants may be important
in sick or compromised elephants.
E. Food (See 3.1 Diet for all life stages)
E. Food item variability
Standard: Elephants must be offered a balanced diet composed of an appropriate variety
of food items provided in quantities that are sufficient for each elephant to maintain weight
and appropriate body condition. Diets must be developed under the direction of the
institution’s nutritionist, veterinarian, and/or consultant.
Measurement: Diet sheets and written feeding protocols are reviewed and determined to
be aligned with the recommendations. Elephant weights and/or body condition scores are
Explanation: Nutritional content is a critical tool for assessing overall nutritional well-being.
Daily intake records may also be valuable to maintain. Recommended food items include
hay, supplemented with fruits, vegetables, a pelleted supplement (Williams et al., 2014).
Fresh browse should be made available daily, if possible. Overall energy content of the diet
must be assessed in relation to the body condition scores for each elephant and diet
composition adapted as needed. AZA Nutritional Guidelines for Elephants are available
upon request from AZA Elephant TAG/SSP Nutrition Advisor.
E. Feeding schedules and variability food presentation
Standard: Varied feeding schedules dispersed both spatially and temporally throughout the
day and night are required.
Measurement: Written feeding protocols and schedules are reviewed.
Explanation: Mechanisms to deliver food to elephants during the day and night should be
implemented (e.g., changing animal care team schedules, automated feeders, hanging
feeder nets, etc.). Highly unpredictable feeding schedules can be associated with
decreased risk of obesity and other positive welfare outcomes (Greco et al., 2016a; Morfeld
et al., 2016). Feeders should be located in multiple locations to discourage undue
competition or aggression over feed items.
E. Opportunities to forage for food
Standard: Opportunities must be provided for elephants to acquire food using multiple
foraging behaviors. Food must be provided in areas where it is less likely to be soiled.
Excess or waste food must be removed daily.
Measurement: Written feeding and enrichment protocols are reviewed.
Explanation: Opportunities for searching, browsing, grazing, reaching, opening, etc. can
56 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
be provided by scatter-feeding, hiding foods in crevices and substrates around the exhibit,
or by using elevated feeders such as hanging hay nets that encourage an elephant to
reach for and manipulate its trunk to gain access to the food. Mechanisms that promote
physically active feeding behaviors can be incorporated into a comprehensive enrichment
plan for the elephants (Greco et al., 2016a).
E.2.2 Social Considerations
E.2.2.1 Group Composition
E. Age and sex structure of social group
Standard: Each zoo with elephants must have a minimum of three females (or the space to
have three females), two males or three elephants of mixed gender.
Measurement: The institutional commitment to elephants must be reviewed. If the
institution is not in compliance with the Standard, plans for meeting the Standard and a
timeline must be submitted to the AZA Accreditation Commission.
Explanation: Good welfare is supported by spending more time in larger, stable social
groupings (Meehan et al., 2016a) If a zoo cannot meet this Standard in terms of space,
they must apply for a variance. If a zoo does not meet the social requirements, they must
apply for a variance. In the case of social requirements, before the variance can be issued
by the AZA Accreditation Commission, the zoo (a) must describe their plan to obtain
additional elephants or describe their plan for de-acquisitioning their elephants, and (b)
must describe what will occur if they experience the loss of one elephant. [NOTE: see
Accreditation Policies On Variances in the Introduction section of these standards on page
47 for further details on variances.]
E. Adaptable management
Standard: All facilities must include the ability to flexibly manage their elephants, allowing
the separation of groups or individuals as required.
Measurement: Each institution must be able to demonstrate and/or describe how they
would successfully isolate individuals or groups as needed for elephant management or
Explanation: The ability to adapt to changing conditions and situations is critical to the
success of any elephant program.
E. Male elephant socialization
Standard: If an institution cares for one or more males, separate facilities for isolation must
be available, and a program of social contact in place.
Measurement: Each institution must be able to demonstrate and/or describe how they
would successfully isolate and socialize males, if needed.
Explanation: Males may be housed alone, but not in complete isolation; opportunities for
tactile, olfactory, visual, and auditory interaction with other elephants must be provided
(Rasmussen et al. 1982). In the wild adult males are primarily solitary. However, they do
have regular contact with other elephants. Guidelines for the development and long-term
management of all-male elephant herds are needed as this may become increasingly
important with increased breeding success in the future and the production of more male
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 57
E. Birth and postpartum management
Standard: Facilities for birth and postpartum management must be available.
Measurement: Each institution with current and future breeding females must be able to
demonstrate and/or describe how they would successfully manage and care for elephant
mothers and calves during birth and postpartum period. Written protocols must be in place
for births and reintroductions of mothers/calves to herd.
Explanation: First time mothers in particular may require significant management. Initial
protection of the calf and management of the mother are critical to a successful birth.
Introduction of the new calves and mothers to the herd must be accomplished both
cautiously and expeditiously. Reintroduction of the calves and mothers to the herd should
be accomplished when appropriate and safe for the mother/calf.
E. “Emigration” of adolescents
Standard: Offspring should remain with their mothers until they are naturally weaned and
mother and calf are acclimated to separation.
Measurement: Offspring are remaining with their mothers until they are at least three years
Explanation: Natural, gradual weaning of offspring is preferred when possible (Prado-
Oviedo et al., 2016). Some flexibility is necessary in cases of health challenges, maternal
rejection and/or when infants cannot be re-established in their social group. In cases of
maternal rejection, calves should be introduced to other conspecifics as soon as possible.
Males are generally managed with the herd during adolescence until natural age-related
behavioral changes may indicate separation. There is no specific age when this may occur.
Indicators that males may need to be separated include aggression, play-fighting, or
reproductive behavior that causes disruption within the herd or risk of injury to individuals in
the herd. Guidelines for the development and long-term management of all-male elephant
herds are needed as this may become increasingly important with increased breeding
success in the future and the production of more male calves.
E. Multigenerational herds
Standard: When possible, multigenerational herds should be maintained.
Measurement: Multigenerational herds are being maintained when possible.
Explanation: Both elephant SSPs prioritize the maintenance of stable, social multi-
generational groupings that include both juvenile and adult elephants (Meehan et al.,
2016a; Prado-Oviedo et al., 2016). Much of the behavioral repertoire of elephants is
learned, rather than innate. A multi-generational herd allows the transfer of species-
appropriate behaviors within a herd through experience and observational learning.
E. All male herds
Standard: There are no standards for all male herds at this time, though standards may be
developed in the future.
Measurement: Not applicable at this time.
Explanation: Guidelines for the development and long-term management of all-male
elephant herds are needed as this may become increasingly more important with increased
breeding success in the future and the production of more male calves.
58 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
E. Variations in social affiliation
Standard: A behavioral profile must be maintained for each individual elephant and
updated annually.
Measurement: Profiles are reviewed.
Explanation: The elephant care team must be aware of each elephant’s social
compatibility and the dominance hierarchies of the herd. Institutions must have the ability to
manage social compatibility as well as dominance and aggression among an elephant
herd. Institutions must have the ability to manage introductions and separations of
elephants, including; a new female to an existing herd, females to males for breeding,
calves to their mothers, and calves and mothers to the herd. Elephant areas must be
designed to allow for separate and group housing during periods of social incompatibilities,
without interfering with the normal movement of elephants in and out their living space.
E. Inter-individual distances
Standard: Facility must be designed and resources must be provided to allow for ample
feeding, shade, water, and wallowing locations.
Measurement: Facility must have sufficient structures for all elephants to participate in
natural behaviors.
Explanation: Elephants are a social species and herds often perform activities together,
such as feeding, drinking, walking, resting, and wallowing.
E.3. Health and Nutrition
E.3.1 Diet for all life stages
Standard: Elephants should be fed according to the recommendations of the AZA
Nutritional Guidelines for Elephants (Williams et al., 2014). Diet and exercise programs
must be in place for elephants.
Measurement: Diet and exercise programs are reviewed and show evidence of being
modified, as needed, to maintain elephant physical well-being.
Explanation: A nutritionally complete and well-balanced diet is essential for elephants to
thrive. Obesity is a health concern for all animals, including elephants, and excessive
weight gain should be avoided due to its negative effect on health, reproduction, and
welfare (Morfeld et al., 2016). For infants, a normal growth rate should be 1 to 2 lbs per day
over the first three years. Excess weight early and too rapid growth may cause long-term
harm to the elephant’s physical well-being. Significant exercise and limiting the high-energy
supplements will help control weight gain in calves and elephants of all ages. If changes
are made to diets as a result of seasonal availability of items, then care should be taken to
implement changes gradually (over 1-2 weeks) to avoid digestive upsets (Ullrey et al.,
1997). AZA Nutritional Guidelines for Elephants are available upon request from AZA
Elephant TAG/SSP Nutrition Advisor.
E.3.2 Influence of the following variables on dietary requirements
E.3.2.1 Body size
Standard: Elephant weights and/or body condition scores must be recorded, at minimum,
three times a year. Diet and exercise programs must be in place for elephants.
Measurement: Weight records and/or body condition scores are reviewed. Diet and
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 59
exercise programs are reviewed and show evidence of being modified, as needed, to
maintain elephant physical well-being.
Explanation: Several models exist for assessing elephant body condition (Morfeld et al.,
2016; Sreekumar and Nirmalan, 1990; Wemmer, 2006).
E.3.2.2 Reproductive status
Standard: Elephants’ diets should be carefully monitored during pregnancy, and elephants
should engage in a prenatal exercise program to control excessive weight gain during
Measurement: Weight records and/or body condition scores should be reviewed.
Explanation: Elephants should be prevented from significant weight gain during
E.3.2.3 Activity levels
Standard: Activity levels should be sufficient to maintain the physical and psychological
well-being of the elephant.
Measurement: Exercise protocols are reviewed.
Explanation: In the absence of scientific data to indicate the precise amount of activity
needed to maintain good physical and psychological well-being of an elephant, activity
levels, weight, body condition, and diet composition and consumption should be holistically
reviewed regularly to maintain appropriate overall health parameters.
E.3.2.4 Browse program
Standard: Every institution must have a browse program/protocol as a part of their
elephant management program.
Measurement: Browse protocol and elephant health/dental records are reviewed.
Explanation: Elephants must be provided with browse material large enough to avoid
molar impaction and rotation. Since elephant teeth migrate forward (not vertically), it is
important that the right type of food is offered to promote dental health and allow for the
natural progression of each molar.
E.3.3 Medical management
Standard: A veterinarian with experience in large mammal medicine must be on call at all times to deal
with routine elephant health evaluation and treatment and medical emergencies.
Measurement: Records of annual medical exams and other treatments are reviewed. Copies of AZA
Elephant TAG/SSP medical protocols should be on file and are utilized at the institution.
Explanation: The elephant care team must work closely with the veterinary and nutrition teams to
balance medical and nutritional requirements with behavioral components and activity levels for each
elephant. Guidelines for routine health exams, transport, quarantine, preshipment testing, and necropsy
are available from the AZA Elephant TAG/SSP Veterinary Advisor (Miller, 2018a-d).
E.3.3.1 Quarantine and hospitalization
Standard: Quarantine protocols, periods and parameters for elephants must be in place.
Measurement: AZA Elephant TAG/SSP medical protocols and institutional written
protocols are on file and are utilized at the institution.
Explanation: Due to the size, strength, and social nature of elephants, it may be logistically
60 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
difficult to maintain isolation from other animals during arrival and quarantine. The AZA
Recommended Elephant Preshipment Guidelines (Miller, 2018c) provide a comprehensive
list of tests to detect disease prior to shipment. It is important that the receiving institution
work closely with the sending institution to ensure that all recommended tests are
conducted and results reviewed. Following the preshipment protocol may help compensate
for some of the quarantine compromises that may be required. Regardless of preshipment
test results, every attempt should be made to maintain some degree of physical separation
from the resident elephants after arrival. Current quarantine practices recommend a
minimum quarantine period for most species found in zoos and aquaria. Quarantine
protocols at each institution should be made by the veterinary team in consultation with the
elephant care team. Social concerns, veterinary requirements, physical facility design, and
availability of trained elephant care professionals will dictate the quarantine length and
protocol. For additional information, refer to the AZA Quarantine Guidelines for Elephants
(Miller, 2018b).
E. Management of social taxa
Standard: Every institution must have the ability to introduce, manage and maintain social
groups of elephants.
Measurement: Daily records of social groups are reviewed. Introduction protocols/records
are reviewed. Elephant social behavior is observed and deemed to be occurring at a
normal frequency and diversity for the species.
Explanation: As a highly social species, elephants must be introduced or returned to a
social group as soon as appropriate. Although interaction between an elephant care team
and elephants can be beneficial, they are not a sufficient substitute for species-appropriate
elephant-to-elephant interactions.
E.3.3.2 Preventive medicine
Standard: Each elephant must be given a thorough annual physical examination (Mikota et
al. 1994).
Measurement: Written documentation of the annual exams and their results, the weights
and the body condition scores are reviewed. Written protocols are in place for all
preventative elephant medicine and the AZA Guidelines for Comprehensive Elephant
Health Monitoring (Miller, 2018a) are available and utilized.
Explanation: Institutions should adhere to the 2017 Recommendations for the Diagnosis,
Treatment and Management of Tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) in Elephants in
Human Care (Backues & Wiedner, eds., 2017). A veterinarian or trained veterinary
technician must perform fecal examinations to look for parasites and other problems on a
regular basis (Samuel et al., 2001). Results must be recorded. These results must be
reviewed after each measurement is taken. Regular vaccinations, as determined by the
veterinary team and in concert with the AZA Guidelines for Comprehensive Elephant
Health Monitoring (Miller, 2018) should be considered. Annual vaccinations may include
rabies and tetanus.
E. Daily care
Standard: All elephants must be visually inspected and behaviorally assessed on a daily
Measurement: Daily records and reports are reviewed, with special attention devoted to
determining that normal behaviors are occurring at a normal frequency, including affiliation
and aggression.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 61
Explanation: An assessment must be made and any unusual behavior (including
instances of aggression), physical characteristics or activities should be immediately
reported to the supervisor, and recorded. Specifically, reports should include observations
such as condition of urine and feces, eating and drinking patterns, administration of
medications (if any), and general condition and behavior.
E. Foot care
Standard: The elephants should be free of foot injuries or foot disease. The elephant care
team must be trained to provide foot care and the elephants must be trained to accept that
care. Each elephant institution must have a written protocol for foot care. If foot injuries or
foot disease are present, a current treatment regimen must be in place.
Measurement: Elephant feet are inspected and in good condition, needing only periodic
pad and nail trimming. Records and protocols on file and foot care/treatment protocols are
reviewed. Implementation of the protocols/treatment is evident in condition of the
elephant’s feet.
Explanation: An institution’s foot care protocol should include daily cleaning and inspection
of all elephants’ feet (Csuti et al., 2001). If foot injury or disease is present, evidence should
be documented of the institution’s review of the potential cause or causes of the foot injury
or foot disease. Where causes are identified, changes made to address these causes must
be documented.
Taking baseline foot radiographs or thermographs of all adult elephants and keeping them
on file is suggested. In some cases, it may be appropriate to annually monitor selected
elephants (i.e., those that have a history of chronic foot problems). Recent studies have
shown that decreased time spent on hard substrates will enhance foot and musculoskeletal
health, and thereby enhance elephant welfare (Miller et al., 2018).
E. Skin care
Standard: Elephants must be trained to accept regular skin care and the elephant care
team must be trained to provide that care.
Measurement: Elephant skin is inspected and in good condition. Each elephant facility
must have a written protocol for routine skin care and show evidence of its implementation.
These records and protocols are reviewed.
Explanation: An elephant’s skin must be thoroughly inspected on a daily basis and cared
for as needed through bathing, removal of dead skin, and treatment of dry skin or other
skin problems. The elephant’s skin should be supple, free of dead skin buildup, not cracked
or dry and free of folliculitis.
E. Daily exercise
Standard: An exercise program must be in place for the herd as a whole or for each
individual elephant. Each elephant institution must have a written protocol for routine
exercise and show evidence of its implementation.
Measurement: Exercise protocols are reviewed, with special attention given to both the
amount and need for elephant care professional directed exercise and the normal daily
non-elephant care professional directed activity patterns of the elephants.
Explanation: There is no current data to indicate what amount of activity, or what daily
walking distance is most appropriate for optimal elephant welfare. The basic needs may be
different for each elephant. Since the goal is healthy, socially well-adapted elephants, how
it is achieved is less important than that it is achieved.
62 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
The weight and/or the body condition score, combined with the absence of disease, foot
and leg problems are the indicators that the amount of exercise is sufficient for the elephant
on their specific diet in their specific situation. As with humans or any other species, overall
health is a combination of factors, including exercise, diet and psychological factors.
E. Husbandry
Standard: All elephants must be trained to reliably present the behaviors listed on the AZA
Standard Elephant Program Behavioral Components checklist. All elephants must be
trained to permit a complete body exam daily and to allow successful completion of all
necessary care and husbandry procedures.
Measurement: The AZA Standard Elephant Program Behavioral Components checklist
should be completed by the institution annually, and maintained for review during
accreditation inspection.
Explanation: The key to keeping elephants healthy and treating them when they are sick
relies on the ability to monitor, test and administer health care and treatment. Proactive
training makes monitoring elephant health possible and makes diagnostic testing and
therapeutic treatment in times of compromised health less stressful for the elephant and
the elephant care team.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 63
Checklist of AZA Standard Elephant Program Behavioral Components
If individual elephants vary, please note the number of elephants that fall into each
Eye exam
Ear exam
Mouth exam
Tooth exam
Tusk/Tush exam
Vaginal exam
Bathe/scrub skin
Treat skin
Trim all feet
Tusk/Tush trim
Blood collection (note frequency
of collections)
Urine collection
Rectal palpation
Rectal fluids
Transrectal ultrasound
Accepts injections
Accepts oral medications
Trunk wash for TB testing
Foot x-ray
Leg restraint
Allows husbandry procedures to
be performed by staff
Allows veterinary procedures to
be performed by vet
Enters chute (remains inside
with doors closed)
Allows chute walls to move
64 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
E. Elephant Restraint Devices (ERD)
Standard: All elephant facilities should have an ERD. If a facility does not have an ERD,
the elephant care team must demonstrate a method of restraint that allows necessary
husbandry, veterinary, and reproductive procedures to occur in a safe and efficient manner
for all elephants in their collection. Use of the ERD must not be weather dependent.
Measurement: ERD in place and functional. All elephants are acclimated to enter the ERD
and remain inside confidently with doors closed, or the institution demonstrates its
protocols and ability to do ERD functions without the ERD.
Explanation: ERDs must effectively restrict the movement of an elephant while
simultaneously allowing elephant care team access to the elephant for veterinary
procedures. ERDs must be able to comfortably contain an elephant for prolonged
veterinary or husbandry procedures
E. Restraint
Standard: All elephants must be trained to allow restraint using ERDs, rope, chain, or other
materials of sufficient strength. Elephants must not be subjected to unnecessary prolonged
restraint. Any planned restraint over two hours must be approved by the institution’s
administration, elephant management team, and veterinarian. The institution’s safety
committee and/or the institutional animal welfare committee should be included in the
decision-making process. All new construction and major renovations must be designed in
a manner that minimizes the regular need for tethering.
Measurement: Protocols for tethering are reviewed.
Explanation: Tethering is an acceptable method of temporary restraint for elephants.
Prolonged tethering may be necessary for transport and for veterinary treatment. Elephants
can be easily trained to accept tethering. For additional information, refer to the AZA
Transport Guidelines for Elephants (Miller, 2018d).
E. Immobilization
Standard: Veterinary protocols must be established for potential immobilization of an
elephant, either for standing or full sedation.
Measurement: Veterinary immobilization protocols are reviewed.
Explanation: The Elephant TAG/SSP Veterinary Advisor can be consulted for the most
current and effective sedation and immobilization techniques.
E. Management of neonates and geriatric animals
Standard: Neonatal exam and hand-rearing protocols must be part of the written birth
protocol, even though a neonatal exam and hand-rearing may not be necessary.
Management and treatment plans for each geriatric elephant should be developed by the
elephant care team and veterinarian and revised regularly as the elephant ages.
Measurement: Birth protocol is reviewed, including plans for neonatal exam and hand-
rearing. Geriatric management and treatment plan is reviewed. Annual reports of births and
mortalities are reviewed.
Explanation: There are hand-rearing protocols available from successful breeding
institutions. Specific treatment for geriatric elephants will be developed with coordination of
the veterinary and management teams.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 65
E. Management during pregnancy
Standard: Pregnant elephants must have a written diet and exercise program to prevent
excessive weight gain during pregnancy.
Measurement: Birth protocol is reviewed, including plan for exercise and diet management
during pregnancy.
Explanation: An elephant that is overweight at time of parturition significantly increases the
risk of dystocia and other parturition complications. Elephants in good body condition
should gain no more than 5% of their body weight during pregnancy. Nulliparous females
over age 24 years have had limited success delivering calves and have experienced
dystocias and retained fetuses. Institutions should take all factors into account and
research the potential challenges and options available when considering breeding
elephants in this reproductive class.
E.3.4 Reproduction
E.3.4.1 Reproductive assessments and monitoring
Standard: Each male and female elephant of potential reproductive age must have an
initial reproductive assessment and follow-up assessments on a regular basis by
transrectal ultrasound (Hermes et al., 2000; Hildebrandt et al., 2000a; Hildebrandt et al.,
2000b), and all female elephants of potential reproductive age must have their
progesterone cycle monitored to verify current reproductive status and assess overall
reproductive health (Brown, 1998; Brown 2000; Brown et al., 2016).
Measurement: There should be evidence that samples for reproductive assessment for
females are taken and analyzed at least annually. Semen samples collected from bulls
regularly (annually where practical) should exist to document current viability. AZA
Elephant SSP Breeding and Transfer recommendations are followed.
Explanation: Exceptions for reproductive assessment include elephants with known
reproductive problems, actively breeding elephants, or those with documented
medical/behavioral conditions that preclude them from breeding.
E.3.4.2 Birth protocols
Standard: Breeding facilities must have a birth protocol in place, which provides for care of
the mother during pregnancy and parturition and safety of the calf immediately after birth.
Measurement: Birth protocol is reviewed.
Explanation: In order to avoid incidents of calf injury or unsuccessful births due to lack of a
plan or lack of preparedness, a detailed birth protocol must be written for all pregnant
elephants. For first time mothers, this protocol must include the ability to restrain the mother
and retrieve the calf at parturition if necessary. The protocol must include methods of care
of the mother in case of birth complications requiring veterinary intervention. There are
several excellent birth protocols available from successful breeding institutions.
E.3.4.3 Hand-rearing and reintroduction protocols
Standard: Written hand-rearing and reintroduction management plans should be included
as a part of the birth protocol.
Measurement: Birth protocol is reviewed, including plans for hand-rearing and
reintroduction management.
66 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Explanation: Protocols must be in place and supplies on hand well in advance (at least 30
days) of earliest expected parturition date in case hand-rearing is necessary. Every attempt
should be made to reunite an elephant calf with its mother as soon as safely possible
following birth.
E.4. Behavior management
Standard: All institutions must have an elephant training program in place which allows elephant care
professionals and veterinarians to accomplish all necessary elephant care and management procedures.
A training program must lead to reliable accomplishment of Checklist of AZA Standard Elephant Program
Behavioral Components (See E. Husbandry).
Measurement: Review training and health records and observe elephant/staff interactions to determine if
elephant training program is successful and that elephant care needs are being successfully met.
Explanation: Elephant training terminology and descriptions of specific trained behaviors are outlined in
the Checklist of AZA Standard Elephant Program Behavioral Components (See Husbandry). This
checklist includes behaviors that every elephant and elephant care professional must know so that basic
husbandry and veterinary practices can be accomplished.
E.4.1 Daily behavioral assessment
Standard: A daily behavioral assessment will be conducted for each elephant and all unusual behavior or
any instances of aggression should be documented.
Measurement: Daily records and incident reports are reviewed, with special attention given to the
presence of normal behaviors occurring at a normal frequency, including affiliation and aggression.
Explanation: A daily assessment should be made and any unusual behavior (including instances of
aggression) should be immediately reported to the supervisor, and recorded in a daily log, and/or on an
AZA Elephant Incident Report Form, if appropriate. A standardized AZA Elephant Behavior List has been
developed to provide elephant care professionals with a consistent, systematic set of labels for describing
behavior in the daily records or report, in elephant profiles, during conversations with coworkers, during
regular elephant team meetings, and when making elephant management decisions about individual
elephants in their care. All AZA institutions are encouraged to use this terminology to improve accuracy
and consistency in behavioral observations within institutions and across institutions. Assessing elephant
behavior, identifying the precursors to aggression and the proper use of the AZA Elephant Behavior List
is included in the course curriculum of PEM I and II.
E.4.2 Successful methodologies for managing elephants
E.4.2.1 Elephant management in AZA facilities
Standard: All elephant care professionals at AZA facilities with elephants must not share
the same unrestricted space with elephants, except for certain, limited exceptions.
Measurement: Elephant care is provided without sharing space, except for certain, limited
exceptions as defined by AZA.
Explanation: Restricted contact is defined as managing elephants with a primary
containment barrier between human and elephant and/or with tethers in place. Tethers may
be used and if used must be placed on at least two (2) legs of the elephant (one front and
one back). Tethers must be placed on the elephant from outside of the primary
containment barrier prior to entry into the shared space. Routine husbandry should not be
performed exclusively while elephants are on tethers.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 67
In order to maximize safety while working in restricted contact, elephant care professionals
must always monitor the position of themselves and their elephants(s) in relation to the
barrier/tethers, the reach of the elephant(s) especially the reach of the trunk, and the
behavior of the elephant(s). The head and/or torso of a person must never cross the plane
of the primary containment barrier unless the elephant is on tethers.
When there are crises or medical emergencies or for birth management, written shared
space protocols used with dangerous animals apply. Examples include critically ill
elephants, elephant down, hand rearing and/or training of elephant calves (up to 24 months
of age) and in rare cases geriatric cows that require special care as prescribed by the
veterinarian. The following are not considered to be crises or medical emergencies and
therefore are not exceptions: trunk washes, foot care, blood draw, research, exercise,
bathing, donor/guest interaction, routine husbandry, calf training (after 24 months of age),
transportation, and routine care and facilities maintenance (e.g. feeding and cleaning of the
barn and/or habitat).
E. Elephant Guide
Standard: The elephant guide specifically known as a “bull-hook” or “ankus” (herein
referred to as “elephant guide”) must not be used in the care and management of
elephants, or in routine training.
Measurement: Daily elephant care and management and routine training are provided by
elephant care professionals without the use of an elephant guide.
Explanation: Modern elephant programs are constantly evolving and improving as
research advances the scientific knowledge of elephant management and care. The “bull-
hook or “ankus” is considered to be an antiquated tool no longer used for training in
professional elephant care programs. Elephant care professionals have a wide range of
other tools and training methods, including targets, clickers, and whistles. Elephant care
professionals should be instructed and knowledgeable in the proper use of the tools used
by their institutions. The PEM I and II course curricula include information about all of the
training tools used in AZA-accredited institutions, and will introduce new training tools as
they are developed.
In general, the elephant guide consists of a handle with a tapered curved metal guide tip
attached on one end. Handle length may be 200 cm (79”) or shorter and the diameter may
vary between 1.25-3 cm (0.5-1.2”). Fiberglass, wood, lexon, delrin, and nylon are preferred
materials for the handle. The length of the guide tip is between 1.9-3.8 cm (0.75-1.5”). The
width of the guide tip is 0.95 cm (0.375”) or wider. Stainless steel and titanium are preferred
materials for the guide tip. This information is for illustrative purposes only and is not
meant to provide explicit parameters for what qualifies as an elephant guide.
E.4.2.2 Training methods
Standard: All institutions must have an elephant training program in place which allows
elephant care professionals and veterinarians the ability to accomplish all necessary
elephant care and management procedures. Each institution will adopt and implement an
institutional training methodology that promotes the safest environment for elephant care
professionals and ensures high quality care and management of the elephants for routine
husbandry, medical management, physical well-being, and overall elephant welfare. All
institutions must train their elephant care professionals to manage and care for elephants
with barriers and/or tethers in place that provide occupational safety. A training program
must be consistent with the PEM I course curriculum and must lead to reliable
accomplishment of Checklist of AZA Standard Elephant Program Behavioral Components
(See E. Husbandry).
68 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Measurement: Institutions must be able to demonstrate that all AZA Standards for
Elephant Management & Care are met and all behaviors on the Checklist of AZA Standard
Elephant Program Behavioral Components (See E. Husbandry) can be
accomplished. Institutions must demonstrate that elephant care professionals are trained to
manage and care for elephants with barriers and/or tethers in place.
Explanation: Appropriate elephant training may employ a wide range of training aids or
tools, such as targets, acceptable guides, clickers, whistles, and elephant care
professionals should be instructed and knowledgeable in the proper use of the tools used
by their institutions. The PEM I and II course curricula include information about all of the
training tools used in AZA. (Also see E., Elephant Guide, above).
E.4.2.3 Elephant management policy
Standard: All institutions must have a written Elephant Management Policy. This policy
must be consistent with AZA Standards for Elephant Management and Care.
An institution’s Elephant Management Policy must include a description of the following key
a) Elephant program’s missions and goals.
b) Elephant care and management policies, including guidelines and protocols for care
and welfare, training, and transport.
c) Plan to separate elephants from each other, safely manage elephants that are
aggressive towards other elephants, safely move elephants from one location to
another, and safely manage elephants that are aggressive toward humans.
d) Clear protocols for frequency and duration when elephant care professionals and
elephants may share the same unrestricted space.
e) Personnel management policies, including guidelines for elephant care professional
f) Individual elephant profiles and incident reports for all cases in which elephants show
aggression toward humans, regardless if any injury actually resulted.
g) Emergency response protocols. Institutions must be able to demonstrate readiness to
respond to an emergency, such as a human injury, an elephant escape, or to natural
h) Written protocol for routine foot care and evidence of its implementation
i) Written enrichment plan and evidence of its implementation
j) Written exercise plan and evidence of its implementation
Measurement: An updated institutional Elephant Management Policy exists and all records
and annual reports pertaining to elephant care and or management are reviewed.
Explanation: This policy should be developed with input from many parties, including
elephant care professionals, managers, curators, veterinarians, safety experts and
directors. It should follow a thoughtful process taking into account the animals, personnel,
and facility.
E.4.3 Introductions
Standard: Institutions must have the ability to manage elephant introductions and separations. Protocols
must be in place for safe and effective introductions and control of potential social issues.
Measurement: There must be appropriate facilities and protocols in place for all phases of elephant
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 69
introductions. Institution must be able to demonstrate their ability to introduce and separate elephants.
Explanation: All institutions must have the expertise and the appropriate facilities to be able to manage
both elephant introductions and separations, including introductions/separations of a new female to a
herd and, if the institution is a breeding facility, females to males for breeding, newborn calf to its mother,
and calf and mother to the herd. When doing full introductions, it is important to proceed gradually and
maintain the ability to intervene in any aggressive escalation. Institutions should be able to provide
sufficient open or barrier enhanced space for one elephant to avoid another and multiple gates to
facilitate safe separation of the elephants. Some elephants are able to very rapidly move through the
introductory stages and may become frustrated or increasingly aggressive if the introduction moves too
slowly. Hence, continual behavioral assessment of the introduction is important.
E.4.4 Enrichment programs
Standard: All institutions must have a written environmental enrichment plan for their elephants and show
evidence of implementation.
Measurement: Enrichment plan and records of daily enrichment activities are reviewed. Enrichment
programs are behavior based and a cogent and effective method for recording, evaluating, and assessing
the behavioral impact of enrichment is in place.
Explanation: An effective enrichment program, including environmental, social, and cognitive enrichment,
should promote species-appropriate behaviors (Greco et al., 2016a). A useful resource on enrichment
programs for elephants can be found at
E.5. Management Structure, Safety and Program Assessment
E.5.1 Management structure, technical skills and competencies
Standard: Each institution must demonstrate a management structure which provides (1) elephant care
professional training; (2) program development and maintenance; and (3) communication with others
about the elephant program. The elephant program’s manager(s) and elephant care professionals must
demonstrate knowledge about all emergency protocols and continually improve elephant management
techniques as the industry standards evolve. Overall responsibility for the program must be clearly
All elephant care professionals, managers, and directors must complete PEM I within three (3) calendar
years from the date they begin working in that capacity. Veterinarians are encouraged but not required to
take PEM I. All elephant managers must complete PEM II within three (3) calendar years from the date
they begin working in that capacity.
Measurement: Institutional elephant management responsibility is clearly defined and understood by
elephant manager(s) and elephant care professionals.
Explanation: Most institutions typically assign one person to be the Elephant Manager, however, some
institutions have more than one person sharing the duties described above.
E.5.1.1 Elephant care professional safety proficiency
Standard: Each institution must implement standardized methods and protocols to
evaluate and maintain records of each elephant care professional’s safety-proficiency, in a
manner that integrates his/her experience level with the specific behavior profiles of the
elephants in his/her care.
Measurement: Standardized elephant care professional training program materials are
reviewed. Written evaluations of each elephant care professional’s safety-proficiency exist
70 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
and are up to date.
Explanation: An elephant care professional training and safety proficiency program should
include regular check-ins with the elephant manager(s) and should assess the progress of
all elephant care professionals in safely handling the elephants at his or her institution.
E.5.2 Animal and elephant care professional safety
Standard: A minimum of two qualified elephant care professionals must be present within visual and
auditory contact during any contact with elephants and any time an elephant care professional is within
trunk’s reach of an elephant.
Measurement: Review incidents of elephant care professional injury during interaction with elephants.
Expectation of two-person minimum is clearly defined and understood by elephant care professionals.
Explanation: A qualified elephant care professional is a person the institution acknowledges as a trained,
responsible individual, capable of and specifically experienced in the training and care of elephants. The
two qualified elephant keepers should be in close enough proximity to one another to allow the second
person to intervene if required. Each institution must use their standardized methods and protocols to
evaluate the performance of each elephant care professional and deem when his/her experience level is
sufficient to care for the institution’s elephants.
E.5.2.1 Elephant aggression
Standard: Any elephant that displays aggression towards an elephant care provider(s)
must be immediately documented.
Measurement: Daily reports, elephant profiles, and incident reports should be reviewed.
Explanation: AZA is committed to maximizing the safety of elephant care professionals
while continuing to advance the care and welfare of the elephants. Individual elephants
occasionally display aggression towards elephant care professionals which may warrant
incident reports.
E.5.3 Visitor safety
Standard: Elephant areas must be designed to ensure that unsupervised physical contact is not possible
between the visitors and the elephants. Any physical contact between visitors and the elephants must be
directly supervised and under the control of qualified elephant care professionals.
Measurement: No incidents of visitor injury or inappropriate contact with elephants.
Explanation: All elephant/human interaction must be supervised by qualified elephant care professionals.
E.5.4 Program assessment
Standard: Using the AZA Elephant Program Annual Report Form, each institution must perform an
annual review of its overall elephant management program.
Measurement: Annual reports are submitted by 15 January each year and, if feedback is provided by the
AZA Accreditation Commission, the institution is addressing the feedback appropriately.
Explanation: Elephant management continues to evolve as new information, knowledge and
technologies become available. An annual review of the entire program will assist in identifying areas of
unwanted change, assessing programs strengths and needs, and developing action plans to meet the
goals of the program. The AZA Accreditation Commission and/or an AZA team member will follow up
where institutional reports indicate challenges in meeting the elephant safety standards.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 71
E.6. Conservation, Education, and Research
E.6.1 Conservation and research activities
Standard: All institutions should contribute to in situ and ex situ conservation and research efforts.
Measurement: Records of participation in situ and ex situ conservation and research efforts should be
Explanation: Institutions should contribute to elephant conservation through public education, scientific
research, and the support of field conservation. Elephants are an important flagship species and the
cornerstone of many members’ African and Asian areas. Every institution should contribute in some way
to in situ conservation of elephants and their habitats (Hutchins and Smith, 2000). AZA members are
strongly encouraged to provide financial, personnel, logistical, and other support for priority research and
conservation initiatives, such as AZA SAFE and International Elephant Foundation. Every institution
should contribute in some way to elephant research activities (Hutchins and Smith, 2000). Involvement in
one or more of the following disciplines is strongly recommended: behavior, cognition, reproduction,
communication, enrichment, health (disease/pathology, nutrition), and education.
E.6.2 Education programs
Standard: Every institution should institute a program to educate zoo visitors about elephant and
elephant conservation issues (Hutchins and Smith, 2000).
Measurement: Records of elephant education program should be reviewed.
Explanation: Assistance is available from the Elephant TAG/SSP Education Advisor. Every institution
should have up-to-date educational graphics and information about elephants on display to the public.
E.7. Cooperative management
Standard: All acquisition, disposition, transfer, or breeding of elephants in AZA institutions is subject to
approval of the AZA Elephant TAG/SSP. All breeding, management and transfer recommendations of the
AZA Elephant TAG/SSP should be followed.
Measurement: Records of participation and cooperation with the Elephant TAG/SSP should be reviewed.
Explanation: The goals and mission of the AZA Elephant TAG/SSP will only be met if each AZA
institution with elephants honors its commitment as either a holding or breeding facility (Smith and
Hutchins, 2000; Wiese, 2000; Weise and Hutchins, 1994; Weise and Olson, 2000; Faust & Marti, 2011a;
Faust & Marti 2011b). Each institution must make every effort to abide by the TAG’s Regional Collection
Plan (Fischer, 2017) and SSP breeding and transfer recommendations (Fischer et al., 2017; Hagan et al.,
2017). The success of cooperative breeding programs depends on all institutions supporting these
72 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Backues, K. and Wiedner, E. (2017). 2017 Recommendations for the Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment of
Tuberculosis in Elephants in Human Care. 2017 Stakeholders Task Force on Management & Research Priorities of
Tuberculosis in Elephants. International Elephant Foundation.
Brown, J. (1998) The need for routine elephant blood draws. Animal Keeper’s Forum 25: 357-359.
Brown, J. (2000). Reproductive endocrine monitoring of elephants: An essential tool for assisting captive management. Zoo
Biology 19: 347-367.
Brown, J.L., Paris, S., Prado-Oviedo, N.A., Meehan, C.L., Hogan, J.N., Morfeld, K.A., and Carlstead, K. (2016). Reproductive
health assessment of female elephants in North American Zoos and association of husbandry practices with reproductive
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Csuti, B., Sargent, E.L., and Bechert, U.S., eds. 2001. The Elephant’s Foot: Prevention and Care of Foot Conditions in
Captive Asian and African Elephants. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA.
Faust, L. and Marti, K. (2011a). Technical report on Zoo Risk modeling of the North American African elephant population.
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Faust, L. and Marti, K. (2011b). Technical report on Zoo Risk modeling of the North American Asian elephant population.
Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Taxon Advisory Group, and Species Survival Plan. Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago; 2011
Fischer, M. (Ed..) (2017). AZA Elephant TAG Regional Collection Plan.
Fischer, M., Gray, C., and Ray, J. (2017). Population analysis & breeding and transfer plan for the Asian Elephant Species
Survival Plan. Silver Spring, MD: Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Greco, B., Meehan, C.L., Miller, L.J., Shepherdson, D.J., Morfeld, K.A., Andrews, J., Baker, A.M., Carlstead, K., and Mench,
J. (2016a). Elephant management in North American zoos: Environmental enrichment, feeding, exercise, and training.
PLoS ONE 11(7): e0152490. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152490.
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of zoo elephants: Using epidemiology to better understand stereotypic behavior of African elephants (Loxodonta africana)
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Species Survival Plan. Silver Spring, MD: Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Hermes, R., Olson, D., Goritz, F., Brown, J.L., Schmitt, D.L., Hagan, D., Peterson, J.S., Fritsch, G., and Hildebrandt, T.B.
(2000). Ultrasonography of the estrous cycle in female African elephants (Loxotana africana). Zoo Biology 19: 369-382.
Hildebrandt, T.B., Goritz, F., Pratt, N., Brown, J.L., Montali, R., Schmidt, D.L., Fritsch, G. and Hermes, R. (2000a).
Ultrasonography of the urogential tract in elephants (Loxotana africana and Elaphas maximus): An important tool for
assessing female reproductive function. Zoo Biology 19: 321-332.
Hildebrandt, T.B., Hermes, R., Pratt, N.C., Fritsch, G., Blottner, S., Schmidt, D.L., Ratanakorn, P., Brown, J.L., Reitschel, W.
and Goritz, F. (2000b). Ultrasonography of the urogential tract in elephants (Loxotana africana and Elephas maximus): An
important tool for assessing male reproductive function. Zoo Biology 19: 333-345.
Holdgate, M.R., Meehan, C.L., Hogan, J.N., Miller, L.J., Soltis, J., Andrews, J. and Shepherdson, D.J. (2016a). Walking
behavior of zoo elephants: Associations between GPS-measured daily walking distances and environmental factors,
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Shepherdson, D.J. (2016b). Recumbence behavior in zoo elephants: Determination of patterns and frequency of
recumbent rest and associated environmental and social factors. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0153301.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 73
Hutchins, M. and B.R. Smith. (1999). AZA Elephant Planning Initiative: On the Future of Elephants in North American Zoos.
American Zoo and Aquarium Association, Silver Spring, MD.
Landolfi, J. (2019a). Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus (EEHV) research and necropsy protocol supplement. Available
from the AZA Elephant TAG/SSP Pathology Advisor.
Landolfi, J. (2019b). Elephant TAG/SSP research and necropsy protocol. Available from the AZA Elephant TAG/SSP
Pathology Advisor.
Meehan, C.L., Mench, J.A., Carlstead, K., and Hogan, J.N. (2016a). Determining connections between the daily lives of zoo
elephants and their welfare: An epidemiological approach. PLoS ONE 11(7):e0158124. Doi:
Meehan, C.L., Hogan, J.N., Bonaparte-Saller, M.K., Mench, J.A. (2016b). Housing and Social Environments of African
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Miller, M.A. (2018a). Guidelines for comprehensive elephant health monitoring program. Available from the AZA Elephant
TAG/SSP Veterinary Advisor.
Miller, M.A. (2018b). Quarantine guidelines for elephants. Available from the AZA Elephant TAG/SSP Veterinary Advisor.
Miller, M.A. (2018c). Recommended elephant preshipment guidelines. Available from the AZA Elephant TAG/SSP Veterinary
Miller, M.A. (2018d). Transport guidelines for elephants. Available from the AZA Elephant TAG/SSP Veterinary Advisor.
Miller, M.A., Hogan, J.N., and Meehan, C.L. (2016). Housing and demographic risk factors impacting foot and
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Morfeld, K.A., Meehan, C.L., Hogan, J.N., and Brown, J.L. (2016). Assessment of body condition in African (Loxodonta
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Samuel, W.M., Pybus, M.J., and Kocan, A.A. (2001). Parasitic Diseases of Wild Mammals. Second Edition. Iowa State
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Smith, B. and Hutchins, M. (2000). The value of captive breeding programmes to field conservation: Elephants as an
example. Pachyderm 28: 101-109.
Sreekumar, K.P. and Nirmalan, G. (1990). Estimation of body weight in Indian elephants (Elaphus maximus indicus).
Veterinary Research Communication 14: 5-17.
Ullrey, D.E., Crissey, S.D., and Hintz, H.F. (1997). Elephants: Nutrition and dietary husbandry. Fact sheet #004. AZA
Nutrition Advisory Group Handbook. American Zoo and Aquarium Association, Bethesda, MD.
Wemmer, C., Krishnamurthy, V., Shrestha, S., Hayek, L.A., Thant, M, and Nanjappa K.A. 2006. Assessment of body condition
in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Zoo Biology 25(3):187-200.
Wiese, R.J. (2000). Asian elephants are not self-sustaining in North America. Zoo Biology 19: 299-309.
74 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Wiese, R.J. and Hutchins, M. (1994). Species Survival Plans: Strategies for Wildlife Conservation. American Zoo and
Aquarium Association, Bethesda, MD.
Wiese, R.J. and Olson, D. (2000). State of the North American African elephant population and projections for the future. Zoo
Biology 19: 311-320.
Williams, J, Tollefson, T. and Valdes, E. (2014). Elephant nutrition: Current concepts and recommendations. Available upon
request from AZA Elephant TAG/SSP Nutrition Advisor.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 75
Approved July 2017
These standards are in addition to AZA general Accreditation Standards and Related Policies, all of which remain
applicable. Institutions that include cetaceans in their care (whales, dolphins, porpoises) must follow these AZA
Standards for Cetacean Care & Welfare. For reference, general standards that relate to individual cetacean
standards are included in brackets at the end of the cetacean standard. There may be other general standards
that apply in addition to those that are bracketed. All general standards can be found on pages 1346 of this
C.1. Responsible Population Management
General Considerations:
In addition to this section, the institution must meet, at minimum, all requirements contained in AZA’s Policy
on Responsible Population Management (RPM Policy) [pages 98 107]. Documentation records for the
acquisition of all cetaceans must be provided as evidence that no animals were originally obtained from a
drive fishery.
C.1.1. Acquisition
C.1.1.1. The institution must provide for each animal’s proper care and welfare in accordance with AZA
C.1.1.2. Any cetacean may only be added to an AZA-accredited institution’s care by means of current
best practices. Institutions should not acquire animals collected from any drive fishery post 2004.
However, AZA-accredited institutions must consider providing housing and care to cetaceans in
critical need regardless of collection origin. [See also General Standard 1.3.2]
C.1.1.3. The institution’s responsible population management plan must prohibit the collection of
cetaceans from the wild except on a case by case basis where it is essential to maintain healthy
and diverse managed cetacean populations, or for rescues, or as part of a threatened or
endangered species conservation program. [See also General Standard 1.3.2]
Explanation: AZA-accredited institutions must comply with applicable laws, and should also
consider introducing and caring for non-releasable cetaceans from rescue programs.
C.1.1.4. Institutions acquiring cetaceans from the wild must prove that the population in the wild remains
sustainable. [See also General Standards 1.3.2, 1.7.1]
Explanation: AZA supports environmentally sustainable and beneficial acquisition from the
wild when conservation is a positive outcome.
C.1.1.5. The institution must maintain detailed and complete acquisition and chain of custody records
through disposition, consistent with the AZA Policy on Responsible Population Management
(“RPM Policy”). [See also General Standards 1.3.2, 1.4.5, 1.4.7]
76 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
C.1.2. Transfer
C.1.2.1. Cetaceans must only be transferred or loaned pursuant to compliance with the AZA Policy on
Responsible Population Management (“RPM Policy”). [See also General Standard 1.3.2]
C.1.2.2. In making the decision to transfer any cetacean to a non-AZA accredited facility, the institution
must comply strictly with the specific procedures and requirements of the AZA RPM Policy,
including documentation that the receiving non-AZA institution can provide proper care and has
a record of good animal welfare. [See also General Standard 1.3.2]
C.1.2.3. Unless a cetacean is rescued, rehabilitated, and then released back into its natural habitat under
the direction of the national or local authority, cetaceans cannot be released to the wild. This
does not apply to cetaceans that are part of a permitted and scientifically-based reintroduction
program with the ultimate goal of sustaining a threatened or endangered population. [See also
General Standard 1.3.2]
Explanation: All relevant local, state/provincial, and federal laws and/or regulations for
release into the wild must be followed. In cases where an AZA standard is more stringent
than existing law, the AZA standard must be met.
C.2. Conservation, Research, and Education
General Considerations:
Conservation efforts are a priority for AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums. AZA institutions that house
cetaceans have a unique opportunity to educate and connect guests with these animals and their
ecosystems. Cetacean holding members also have the professional skills and resources to facilitate both in
situ and ex situ conservation research and initiatives that support marine mammals in their ecosystems.
Participation in these types of activities should be demonstrated and should be in proportion to the size and
scope of the institution. [See also General Standards 3.1.1, 3.2.1, 3.3.4]
C.2.1. Conservation and Research
C.2.1.1. AZA-accredited institutions should participate in or support in situ and ex situ conservation and
research efforts for cetaceans. [See also General Standards 3.2.1, 3.3.4]
Explanation: AZA institutions are strongly encouraged to provide financial, personnel,
logistical, and other support for priority research and conservation initiatives.
C.2.2. Education
C.2.2.1. The institution must have education programs about cetaceans to improve public understanding
and appreciation for these animals and their ecosystems. [See also General Standards 4.2.1,
C.2.2.2. Education programs about cetaceans must be based on current scientific knowledge. [See also
General Standard 4.3.1]
C.2.2.3. Education programs about cetaceans must be under the direction of a paid staff person who is
knowledgeable about cetaceans and has a working rapport with the facility’s zoological experts
in cetacean care and welfare. [See also General Standard 4.2.2]
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 77
C.3. Care for Cetaceans
General Considerations:
Care, welfare and sustainable population management are among the most critical and complex tasks
performed by AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums. Administration and management of husbandry programs
must be guided by modern professional principles establishing plans and procedures to execute those
functions. Cetaceans have both general care requirements similar to all other mammals and some that are
specific to their species. All AZA-accredited institutions must uphold a commitment to provide for the health
and wellbeing of the animals, and must invest in the resources necessary to properly care for the species
they foster.
C.3.1. Food/Nutrition
C.3.1.1. Cetaceans must be provided with appropriate nutrition. A consistent review of food intake vs.
body weight (body condition/score) is recommended. [See also General Standard 2.6.2]
C.3.2. Veterinary Program
C.3.2.1. A veterinarian with experience in cetacean medicine must be on call at all times. Physical
examinations must be performed regularly, as prescribed by the veterinarian (at least annually)
on each cetacean residing at the institution, and regular visual examinations (at least quarterly)
must be performed by the veterinarian. Medical imaging equipment in the form of ultrasound and
radiography should be readily available. [See also General Standards 2.0.2, 2.1.2, 2.3.2]
Explanation: As with all other preventative care programs, at minimum, exams must include
food intake vs. body weight and general body condition, blood sampling for hematology
and chemistry, and all other lab tests deemed appropriate by the attending veterinarian in
collaboration with curatorial staff.
C.3.2.2. Physiological values and serum banks should be established for each cetacean residing at the
institution. [See also General Standard 1.4.8]
C.3.2.3. Health, medical and husbandry records are covered under the general AZA accreditation
standards, section 1.4 [see page 14].
C.3.2.4. AZA-accredited institutions must disinfect and maintain cetacean handling equipment and all
related areas. [See also General Standards 10.1.0, 10.1.1, 10.2.0]
C.3.2.5. The institution must comply with the applicable sections on quarantine of the most recent edition
of the Guidelines for Zoo and Aquarium Veterinary Medical Programs and Veterinary Hospitals,
published by the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV)
. [See also General Standard
78 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
C.4. Cetacean and Guest Interactive Programs
General Considerations:
The AZA recognizes the value and positive impact of interactive and ambassador animal programs.
Cetacean interactive programs provide a unique opportunity for guests to engage and connect with whales
and dolphins, and to appreciate the behaviors and characteristics of these animals. Program development
and management must be conducted in a way that prioritizes animal and guest safety, as well as maximizes
opportunities for guest education and experience. The following standards apply to an in-water interactive
program where one or more guests are entering the water with the animals.
C.4.1. Interactive programs must be managed in areas that include open spaces where the animals
can swim away from program participants if they choose. [See also General Standards,
C.4.2. The amount of time each cetacean participates in interactive program activities must be
determined by the managing curator or paid supervisory staff member based on a number of
factors, including the behavioral observation of the animal. Cetaceans undergoing medical
treatment may only participate in interactive programs with the approval of the attending
veterinarian. [See also General Standard 1.5.4]
C.4.3. Proper training of cetaceans that participate in guest interactive programs must take place at all
AZA-accredited institutions and be under the supervision of qualified paid staff with appropriate
training and experience. Paid staff must manage the interaction between animals and guests,
and must be prepared to stop the interaction should the situation warrant. [See also General
Standards 1.5.4, 1.5.12, 1.6.4]
C.4.4. The ratio of guests to animals should be determined by the type of interactive program being
offered, and must be approved by the managing curator or paid supervisory staff. [See also
General Standard 1.5.4]
C.4.5. The ratio of paid staff to cetaceans during interactive programs should be 1:1. [See also General
Standards 1.5.4, 1.5.13, 11.4.1, 11.5.3]
Explanation: The behavior of each individual animal and guest may vary at any given time,
requiring supervisory staff to focus on many different factors simultaneously.
C.4.6. In addition to a 1:1 ratio of paid staff to cetaceans (see 4.5. above) there should be at least one
additional paid staff member assigned to provide safety oversight of all interactions during each
session. The number of safety observers should be based on the number of guests and animals
participating. Safety observers, dedicated solely to the task, must have an unobstructed view of
the interactions at all times. [See also General Standards 1.5.4, 1.5.13, 11.4.1, 11.5.3]
Explanation: The safety observer(s) must provide oversight throughout the interaction to
assure that encounters are conducted in a safe manner for all involved.
C.4.7. Interactive programming must include an educational component. Guests should also receive
instructions about appropriate behavior, and broader warnings that feeding, approaching, or
swimming with cetaceans in the wild can harm both the cetaceans and humans, and is illegal in
waters of some countries including the United States. [See also General Standards 1.5.3]
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 79
C.5. Reproduction and Perinatal Care
General Considerations:
The success of cooperative breeding programs is a fundamental AZA priority. Genetic diversity and
demographic stability are vital to the population sustainability of species under human care. In many
instances, they are also vital to the survival of a species worldwide. To focus on these twin goals, AZA has
long required members to participate fully and cooperatively in the scientifically managed breeding of
hundreds of species. These basic principles apply to cetacean-holding institutions.
A small number of jurisdictions prohibit breeding of certain cetaceans. AZA opposes government breeding
bans on AZA-accredited institutions. Government bans are contrary to modern science, hinder vital
reproductive, behavioral, and other scientific research that can be essential to the survival of a species, and
are inconsistent with the long range welfare of the animals in human care and in the wild. Members in these
jurisdictions cannot legally comply with the standards in this section 5 but must comply with all other AZA
C.5.1. The institution must follow a written breeding plan to optimize the population sustainability of the
species in collaboration with other cetacean-holding institutions. [See also General Standard
C.5.2. Institutions engaged in cetacean reproduction should have paid staff with expertise in cetacean
C.5.3. Institutions engaged in cetacean reproduction must have facilities appropriately sized and
designed to facilitate nursing, calf rearing, and separation from other animals if necessary. [See
also General Standards 1.5.2, 10.3.3]
Explanation: Habitats housing females with calves must have sufficient straight-line glide
paths for nursing, based on the professional judgment of the managing curator or paid
supervisory staff and the attending veterinarian.
C.5.4. The institution must follow a detailed birth protocol and contingency plan which provides for the
care of the mother during pregnancy and parturition and safety and care for the calf.
C.6. Behavioral Management and Training
General Considerations:
AZA considers behavioral management and applied animal training through the use of positive reinforcement
to be critical and integral to maximizing the health and wellbeing of cetaceans.
C.6.1. The institution must engage all cetaceans in a behavior management program that enhances
their care and welfare. [See also General Standard 1.6.4]
Explanation: Proper management programs should be individually as well as group based.
Animal training techniques must be accomplished through positive reinforcement and
operant conditioning that are designed to improve the animal’s psychological and physical
80 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
C.7. Environment
General Considerations:
The management of water and environmental quality in cetacean habitats should meet the basic
physiological needs of the species. Consideration should be given to contemporary and emerging scientific
understanding of best practices in cetacean husbandry.
While zoos and aquariums may be required to meet minimum space government standards such as those of
the U.S. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), AZA seeks to strengthen cetacean animal
welfare by focusing on output based welfare standards. AZA strongly supports scientifically based research
that aims to optimize animal health and welfare.
There is considerable variation in the design of water treatment systems, and the establishment of optimum
water parameters should be based on the physiological needs of the animals and the effectiveness of the
water processing techniques involved.
Water systems of cetacean habitats can be open (flow-through), closed or semi-closed.
In open systems, water enters from a natural source or municipal line, passes through the habitat and exits
as waste water into a natural source or municipal sewage system. Open systems typically do not require
mechanical filtration, but filters or screens may be added to improve water clarity and reduce intake of fouling
organisms or organic material.
Semi-closed systems rely on a lower replacement of habitat water which necessitates both filtration and water
treatment to maintain a healthy environment for the animals.
Closed systems require the most intensive water treatment since virtually all of the water is reused or
recirculated. Processes may include disinfection, temperature control, removal of solids, and color reduction.
C.7.1. Space
C.7.1.1. Habitats must provide consideration of the 3-dimensional space use, and provide sufficient
space and environmental complexity to stimulate and promote natural behavioral activities and
social interactions, resulting in healthy and socially-adapted cetaceans. [See also General
Standards 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 10.3.3]
Explanation: Habitats must provide sufficient space so that the animal can make normal
postural and social adjustments with adequate freedom of movement to be able to
demonstrate species appropriate behaviors that promote positive welfare.
Space is one of the most difficult measures to standardize. There are no definitive scientific
data which clearly define the amount of space needed for a cetacean to be healthy.
Species-specific needs should dictate the size and architecture of the habitat required to
enhance the animal’s physical, psychological, and behavioral well-being. In-house
experience and the experiences of other institutions, field biologists, or other experts
should be considered in determining the best designs to meet these needs.
It is the quality of both the space and overall programmatic approach to good cetacean
management that determines adequacy of the facility, not simply the square
footage/volume of the habitat. Thus, if the cetaceans are healthy and socially adapted, then
what is being provided meets the standard. It is inaccurate to say that because a facility
has a certain amount of space it has good cetacean management.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 81
C.7.1.2. Cetacean habitats must be designed to maintain cetaceans in appropriate social groups based
on current scientific knowledge. [See also General Standards,]
Explanation: Each cetacean requires an environment that allows for social contacts and
positive interactions with other cetaceans. The institution must be able to mitigate situations
involving incompatible animals. This may be accomplished through a number of
methodologies including training, transferring animals from one habitat into another,
allowing animals to separate themselves from each other, or by other means.
C.7.2. Environmental Quality
C.7.2.1. Environmental conditions for animals must be designed, constructed, and managed to promote
positive health and welfare; animals must be protected from environmental conditions which
could be detrimental to their health and welfare. [See also General Standards 1.5.7, 1.5.9,
1.5.14, 1.5.15, 1.5.16]
Explanation: Environmental conditions to be considered include, but are not limited to,
sunlight/UV exposure, temperature, air quality, water quality, and sound. Natural or
anthropogenic environmental factors must be mitigated or eliminated when there is the
possibility and/or evidence of potential negative impacts on the animals.
C.7.2.2. Water temperatures must be maintained within appropriate thermal tolerances for the species.
[See also General Standard 1.5.2]
C.7.2.3. Indoor facilities should provide sufficient air exchanges with filtration technology appropriate to
the location’s outside air quality to effectively minimize exposure to particulates, chemical
compounds, contaminants or pathogens that could be detrimental to the health and welfare of
the animal. Institutions must implement an airborne environmental monitoring plan and mitigate
concerns as deemed necessary by appropriate experts/professionals/scientific standards. [See
also General Standards 1.5.2, 10.3.2]
C.7.2.4. The institution must minimize exposure of cetaceans to noises that have the potential to cause
auditory discomfort or distress due to high amplitude or other characteristics. Both in-air and
underwater noise must be considered in facility design for cetaceans, including the type and
location of mechanical equipment, choice of habitat materials, and the sound profile of in-water
equipment and activities. Noise exposure should be monitored with a system that is sensitive to
the full frequency range of the species’ hearing range and with systematic behavioral
observations that would detect startle or avoidance behavior. [See also General Standard 1.5.2]
C.7.3. Water Quality
C.7.3.1. Cetacean habitats must be designed and constructed to minimize the unsanitary accumulation
of materials that may be detrimental to the health and well-being of the animals. This should
include management to reduce and eliminate debris, and the growth of opportunistic or fouling
organisms that could present a physical hazard to the animals (such as mussels, barnacles,
etc.). [See also General Standards 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.9]
C.7.3.2. Baseline water quality parameters for cetacean habitats with acceptable range variances
appropriate to the facility and species must be established by qualified senior curatorial and
veterinary staff. These parameters must meet all regulatory requirements and be sufficient to
maintain the health of the animals. Routine surveillance should monitor baseline parameters and
track variances and trends in deviation from baseline parameters. In addition, known and
predictable habitat extremes which may be beyond established variances should be monitored
(such as seasonal high and low water temperature in outdoor habitats). [See also General
Standard 1.5.9]
82 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
C.7.3.3. Source water for cetacean habitats should be adjusted as needed to meet the physiological
needs specific to the species, and to optimize animal health and welfare. [See also General
Standards 1.5.2, 1.5.9]
C.7.3.4. Water filtration, disinfection, turnover of replacement water, and water chemistry management
must be monitored and sufficient to meet the needs of the species, and must comply with
acceptable parameters and ranges established by qualified senior curatorial and veterinary staff.
[See also General Standard 1.5.9]
C.8. Transportation
General Considerations:
The transport of cetaceans is executed through a detailed planning process managed by curatorial staff
experienced in cetacean transport and approved by a qualified veterinarian. Careful attention is placed on
assuring cetacean transports are executed safely and efficiently, and consider the animals’ unique
physiologies and their environmental requirements. In addition to adhering to AZA’s general standard on
transport (see general standard 1.5.11, page 19), AZA-accredited institutions must also follow the cetacean-
specific standards listed below. These standards apply to movement of cetaceans requiring more than two
hours for transport from the time of removal from the habitat to the destination habitat.
AZA strongly supports the continued evolution of science to ensure continual improvement of animal welfare.
C.8.1. A pre-transport examination must be conducted by a qualified veterinarian to determine if the
cetacean is fit for transport. [See also General Standards 1.5.11, 2.4.2]
C.8.2. A thorough written transport plan is required prior to transport and should include, at a minimum,
mode of transport, roster of transport personnel and designated responsibilities, time line,
equipment list, contingency plan, and emergency contact information. [See also General
Standards 1.5.11, 11.2.4]
C.8.3. Cetaceans should be monitored continuously during transport. One attending qualified paid or
unpaid staff member per cetacean should be used on transports of four or less animals, with a
minimum of two attending paid staff per transport, one of which includes a veterinarian. If more
than four cetaceans are transported, additional qualified paid and/or unpaid staff should be
added (the number to be determined by the managing curator or paid supervisory staff and the
attending veterinarian). [See also General Standard 1.5.11]
C.8.4. Cetaceans should be properly secured, in open-top containers with the appropriate amount of
water for proper welfare. In the event of emergency and/or rescue situations alternate methods
may be considered as approved by the attending veterinarian. [See also General Standards
1.5.11, 10.3.3]
C.8.5. Water parameters, air temperature, and cabin pressure should be dictated by the approving
veterinarian and managed appropriately by the transport supervisor. [See also General Standard
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 83
Related Policies
Revised and approved by the AZA Board of Directors July 2022
Modified from “Program Animal” to “Ambassador Animal” to avoid confusion with “Animal Programs”; approved by
the CEC; no change to meaning of these terms January 2015
Updated and approved by the Board July 2008 & June 2011
Originally approved by the AZA Board of Directors 2003
The Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA) recognizes many benefits of ambassador animal presentations,
including elements of public education that inspire our visitors and community members to take action to better
care for animals and conserve the natural world. An explanation of the value and impact of ambassador animal
presentations can be found in the AZA Conservation Education Committee’s “Ambassador Animal Position
Ambassador animal presentations also bring a host of responsibilities, including the safety and welfare of the
animals involved, the safety of the staff and public, and accountability for the take-home, educational messages
received by the audience. Therefore, AZA requires all accredited facilities that house animals that act as
ambassadors to develop a Facility Ambassador Animal Policy that clearly identifies and justifies those species
and individuals acting as ambassador animals, and details their long-term management plan and educational
program objectives. For the purpose of this policy, the AZA accreditation standards, and a facility’s ambassador
animal policy, the definition of when an animal is acting as an ambassador animal is as follows:
While some animals may be designated specifically as "Ambassador Animals" within a facility’s collection,
accreditation standards and policies for ambassador animals apply to any animal in the collection when it is acting
as an ambassador animal. An animal is acting as an ambassador when:
it is being presented to visitors AND the animal leaves its primary enclosure
it is being presented to visitors (inside or outside of its enclosure) AND visitors are intended to have direct
contact (i.e. feeding, touching, swim with, etc.)
This definition is designed to assist staff, accreditation inspectors, and the Accreditation Commission in
determining when animals are designated as ambassador animals and the periods during which the ambassador
animal related Accreditation Standards are applicable. In addition, the ambassador animal definition establishes a
framework for understanding the various dimensions of an animal’s involvement and visitor interaction during
ambassador animal activities. The flow chart at the end of this document further clarifies circumstances under
which an animal would be considered to be acting as an ambassador.
Additional information on what should be included in a Facility Ambassador Animal Policy can be found in “AZA’s
Recommendations for Developing a Facility Ambassador Policy.”
84 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 85
June, 2023
The AZA Conservation Education Committee (CEC) endorses the appropriate inclusion of animals acting as
ambassadors by zoo and aquarium professionals seeking to create conservation education experiences that are
engaging and effective in conveying cognitive and affective (emotional) messages about the conservation of
wildlife and wild places. These experiences must take into consideration the wellbeing of the animal, the specific
education/conservation messaging related to the species and visitor perceptions of the experience. For the
purpose of this statement, an animal is acting as an ambassador when it is being presented to visitors and the
animal leaves its primary enclosure or it is being presented to visitors (inside or outside of its enclosure) and
visitors are intended to have direct contact (e,g, feeding, touching, swim with, etc.). Ambassador Animal-related
Accreditation Standards are applicable to all animals during the times that they are designated as an
ambassador. The purpose of this document is to address the conservation educational value of ambassador
animals. For policies, practices, and standards regarding animal wellbeing, refer to the AZA Ambassador Animal
Audience Engagement
Zoos and aquariums are ideal venues for developing emotional connections to wildlife and fostering an
appreciation for the natural world. Research on Why Zoos & Aquariums Matter (WZAM) has shown that “visitors
arrive at zoos and aquariums with specific identity-related motivations and these motivations directly impact how
they conduct their visit and what meaning they derive from the experience” (Falk et al. 2007). Knowing this about
our visitors, Zoo and Aquarium educators need to create and deliver effective conservation education messaging
through a variety of strategies. Zoo and aquarium visitors expect a high standard of care for the animals in Zoos
and Aquariums (Rank et al. 2018). Because visitors are often unaware of the high standards for care and animal
wellbeing in AZA organizations, experiences with Ambassador Animals are an important opportunity to share
these standards to ensure that the public has a better understanding of the care that our animals require as well
as the excellent care that they receive (Rank et al. 2018).
Conservation education in zoos and aquariums connects our visitors and audiences with the animals in our care.
As we learn more about our visitors' prior knowledge as well as what motivates them through the WZAM research
as well as others, educators have adapted their craft in order to develop highly engaging programs that increase
knowledge, foster empathy, and inspire behavior change (Falk et al. 2007). Experiences that include the
presentation of animals as ambassadors can be a powerful approach for meeting these educational goals. Recent
studies have demonstrated their positive effects on visitor engagement and learning. Ogle (2016) found that the
inclusion of ambassador animals in learning experiences has proven to be an effective technique to increase
visitor knowledge and their awareness of conservation. Research by Miller and Wünschmann also found that after
an animal encounter, both conservation attitudes and guest knowledge increased (Miller 2013, Wünschmann et
al. 2017).
Outcomes of Experiences with Ambassador Animals
There is a growing body of research demonstrating the cognitive, affective, and behavioral outcomes of
experiences with Ambassador Animals. While continued research will contribute to a deeper understanding of
these outcomes and contributing factors, including taxon, program type, and facilitation style, the value of
Ambassador Animal experiences to furthering our collective mission is clear. In order to further this mission, we
must be intentional about crafting experiences that create positive outcome for wildlife, including conservation
action and increased empathy, while avoiding delivering unintentional messages, including those that could lead
to increased demand for wildlife as pets.
86 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
A few representative studies are listed below. The Ambassador Animal Scientific Advisory Group maintains an
active research bibliography. We encourage any interested parties to refer to that database for additional
● Ogle (2016) demonstrated that visitors reported feeling more knowledgeable and more likely to take
action to protect aquatic wildlife after visiting an interactive exhibit that allowed visitors to touch aquatic
● Miller, et al. (2013) found a short-term increase in conservation-related knowledge, attitudes, and
behavioral intentions following an interactive experience with dolphins. Additionally, this study
demonstrated a sustained retention of conservation-related knowledge and reported conservation
behaviors for people who attended a dolphin show as well as long-term retention of conservation-
related knowledge, attitudes, behavioral intentions, and reported conservation-related behavior for
participants in a dolphin interaction program.
● In a phenomenological study at the Bronx Zoo, Rank, et al. (2021) found that participants frequently
emphasized connections with the animal through personal experiences, an outcome related to empathy
● Povey (2002) recorded a marked difference in learning between visitors observing animals on exhibit
versus being handled during informal presentations. Visitors to demonstrations utilizing a raven and
radiated tortoises were able to answer questions correctly at a rate as much as eleven times higher
than visitors to the exhibits.
● Cronin, et al. (2022) demonstrated the importance of considering unintentional messages regarding
non-domesticated animals as pets in Ambassador Animal experiences, indicating a segment of the
public who have an interest in having non-domesticated animals as pets. Zoos have a responsibility to
integrate messaging in experiences to ensure that is not the outcome of any ambassador experience.
Unintentional outcomes must be considered in these experiences.
Elements of Effective Ambassador Animal Experiences
The observation of animals has been shown to promote affective responses in visitors. Integrating best practices
in conservation education and interpretation such as framing, modeling, etc. increases the impact (Minarchek et
al. 2021).
Experiences that feature animals acting as ambassadors are facilitated by many different teams in AZA facilities,
so consistent professional development for those teams is necessary to be best prepared to craft and facilitate an
effective experience. Key elements to an effective experience include interpretation techniques, intentional
messaging, and experience assessment (Ogle & Nelson 2022).
● Training in Interpretive Techniques: Team members who are presenting animals in an ambassador role
should be trained in best practices, including informal science education, environmental education,
interpretive techniques, and empathy building. This will increase the chance that these experiences will
not only entertain, but effectively engage and educate guests, as the team members are seen as
reputable sources of information and are more effective at sharing that information in meaningful ways
(Nekolný & Fialová 2018).
● Intentional Messaging: It is imperative for us to be mindful and deliberate about the intended outcomes
and messaging we provide to our guests to promote learning and encourage conservation action (Ogle
& Nelson 2022). Experiences that include animals acting as ambassadors should have pre-determined
learning outcomes along with an aligned messaging for maximum guest impact.
● Assessment: Experiences in which animals act as ambassadors should be assessed for effectiveness
in generating intended guest impact. These assessments will not only serve as a means of improving
their guest outcome but also validate their merit (de Mori et al. 2019). In addition, Spooner points out
that “zoos should also seek and evaluate more complex outcomes than simply increasing knowledge”
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 87
(Spooner 2021). These outcomes could include assessing how interpretive messaging, animal
handling/presentation, and animal behaviors impact visitor perceptions of animal wellbeing and
education/conservation messages.
Providing educational experiences that connect our visitors with wildlife and inspire conservation action is crucial
to the fundamental mission of zoological facilities. We are increasingly finding that animals acting as
ambassadors in various, diverse learning experiences is an effective way for AZA organizations to fulfill this
mission. The Conservation Education Committee supports the inclusion of animals as ambassadors in
educational experiences, provided that there is an intentional learning goal that is related to the facility’s or AZA’s
mission of engaging people to conserve wildlife and the experience is delivered in a way that supports participant
learning and maintains a high degree of animal wellbeing.
This paper was developed by members of the Conservation Education Committee, with feedback from the
Ambassador Animal Scientific Advisory Group (AASAG).
de Mori, B., Ferrante, L., Florio, D., Macchi, E., Pollastri, I., & Normando, S. (2019). A Protocol for the Ethical
Assessment of Wild Animal-Visitor Interactions (AVIP) Evaluating Animal Welfare, Education, and Conservation
Outcomes. animals.
Cronin, K. A., Leahy, M., Ross, S. R., Wilder Schook, M., Ferrie, G. M., & Alba, A. C. (2022). Younger
generations are more interested than older generations in having non-domesticated animals as pets. PLOS ONE,
Falk, J.H.; Reinhard, E.M.; Vernon, C.L.; Bronnenkant, K.; Deans, N.L.; Heimlich, J.E., (2007). Why Zoos &
Aquariums Matter: Assessing the Impact of a Visit. Association of Zoos & Aquariums. Silver Spring, MD.
Miller, L., Zeigler-Hill, V., Mellen, J., Koeppel, J., Greer, T., & Kuczaj, S. (2013). Dolphin shows and interaction
programs: benefits for conservation education? Zoo Biology.
Minarchek, M. J., Skibins, J. C., & Luebke, J. F. (2021). The Impact of Interpretive Messaging and Animal
Handline on Visitors' Perceptions of animal Welfare and Empathetic Reactions. Journal of Interpretation
Nekolný , L., & Fialová, D. (2018). Zoo Tourism: What Actually Is a Zoo? Sciendo.
Ogle, B. (2016). Value of Guest Interaction in Touch Pools at Public Aquariums. The Universal Journal of
Ogle, B., & Nelson, N. (2022). Examining a general audience's perception of cheetahs Acinonyx jubatus in
education programming: A pilot study. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research.
88 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Povey, K.D. (2002). Close encounters: the benefits of using education program animals. Annual Proceedings of
the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, 117-121.
Spooner, S. L., Farnsworth, M. J., Ward, S. J., & Whitehouse-Tedd, K. M. (2021). Conservation Education: Are
Zoo Animals Effective Ambassadors and Is There Any Cost to Their Welfare. Journal of Zoological and Botanical
Rank, S. J., Roberts, S-J., & Manion, K. (2021). The impact of ambassador animal facilitated programs on visitor
curiosity and connections: A mixed-methods study. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 8(4), 558-575.
Rank, S. J., Voiklis, J., Gupta, R., Fraser, J. R., & Flinner, K. (2018). Understanding Organizational Trust of Zoos
and aquariums. Iowa State Summer Symposium on Science Communication.
Wünschmann, S., Wüst-Ackermann, P., Randler, C., Vollmer, C., & Itzek-Greulich, H. (2017). Learning
Achievement and Motivation in an Out-of-School Setting--Visiting Amphibians and Reptiles in a Zoo Is More
Effective than a Lesson at School. Research in Science Education.
Kolar/Manion 2023
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 89
Revised and approved by the AZA Board of Directors July 2022
Modified from “Program Animal” to “Ambassador Animal” to avoid confusion with “Animal Programs”; approved by
the CEC; no change to meaning of these terms January 2015
Updated and approved by the Board July 2008 & June 2011
Originally approved by the AZA Board of Directors 2003
Membership in AZA requires that a facility meet the AZA Accreditation Standards collectively developed by our
professional colleagues. Standards guide all aspects of a facility’s operations; however, the accreditation
commission has asserted that ensuring member facilities demonstrate the highest standards of animal care is a
top priority. Another fundamental AZA criterion for membership is that education be affirmed as core to a facility’s
mission. All accredited public facilities are expected to develop a written education plan and to regularly evaluate
program effectiveness.
The inclusion of animals in educational presentations, when done correctly, is a powerful tool. AZA’s
Conservation Education Committee’s Ambassador Animal Position Statement describes the research
underpinning the appropriate use of ambassador animals as an important and powerful educational opportunity to
convey cognitive, behavioral, and effective messages about conservation and wildlife.
Ongoing research, such as efforts coordinated through AZA’s Ambassador Animal Scientific Advisory Group
(AASAG) and research conducted by individual AZA facilities, helps zoo educators to continually assess the
impact of ambassador animals on visitor experience and learning, as well as how participation in programs
impacts the animals. Consistent evaluation of programs should assess how interpretive messaging, animal
handling/presentation, and animal behaviors impact visitor perceptions of animal welfare and take-home
messages (e.g. an animal’s suitability as a pet, conservation status, etc.)
When utilizing ambassador animals our responsibility is to meet both our high standards of animal care and our
educational goals. Additionally, as animal care professionals we must address both the species’ husbandry needs
and the welfare of the individual animal. AZA, through its Animal Welfare Committee, has given the responsibility
to develop taxon- and species-specific animal care standards and guidelines to the Taxon Advisory Groups (TAG)
and Species Survival Plan® Programs (SSPs). Experts within each TAG or SSP, along with their education and
ambassador animal advisors, are charged with assessing all aspects of the taxon’s and/or species’ biological and
social needs and developing Animal Care Manuals (ACMs) or Ambassador Animal Guidelines (AAGs) that
include specifications for when animals are acting as ambassadors in education programs.
However, even the most exacting standards cannot address the specific circumstances of individual animals and
programs at each AZA facility. Therefore, each facility is required to develop and follow an ambassador animal
policy that articulates program benefits, and provides clear guidance for use when animals are acting as
ambassadors, including clear plans for on-going evaluation of visitor impacts and animal welfare. The following
recommendations are offered to assist each facility in formulating its own Facility Ambassador Animal Policy,
which incorporates the AZA Ambassador Animal Policy and addresses the following matters:
Within each facility, key stakeholders should be included in the development of that facility’s policy, including, but
not limited to representatives from:
• Education Department
• Animal Husbandry Department
• Veterinary and Animal Health Department
• Conservation & Science Department
90 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
• Behavioral Husbandry Department/Committee
• Animal Welfare Department/Committee
• Ambassador Animal staff (if in a separate department)
• Volunteer Management Department
• Departments that regularly request ambassador animal programming (e.g. special events, development,
marketing, zoo or aquarium society, administration)
Staff from all levels of the organization (e.g., curators, keepers, education managers, interpreters, volunteer
The following components are recommended for inclusion in this policy:
Facility ambassador animal programs must include a philosophical statement that outlines the facility’s position
on how animals are presented to the public and highlights the commitment to animal wellbeing, public education,
and conservation. AZA’s position is that the presentation of animals in up close and personal settings, including
animal contact, can be extremely positive and powerful, as long as:
1. The programs and locations in which ambassador animals are used are specifically defined.
2. Animal and human welfare and safety remain top priorities.
3. Animals are presented in a way that showcases and respects their individual and species traits and
characteristics, and represents their natural behaviors and abilities. Consideration should be given to how animals
will be presented (e.g. on leashes, held in the hand, training walls, etc.) and appropriate handler behavior and
actions should be specified in the facility’s ambassador animal policy. Animals should be presented in a way that
conveys appropriate conservation/education messages and ensures the comfort of the animal and safety of the
animal and guests.
4. A meaningful education and/or actionable conservation message is an integral component. Examples include
threats and/or conservation successes to the species or habitats in the wild, important adaptations or
characteristics unique to the species, human/wildlife interactions, conservation actions visitors could take on
behalf of the species, animal care and welfare considerations, and training and enrichment programs.
5. Suitable species and individual animals are used.
The Facility Ambassador Animal Policy should include a comprehensive list of all types of programs, exhibits,
and events, both on and off site, where animals may act as ambassadors. Some facilities may have different
rules or guidance for different locations or types of programs; others may apply the same rules to all
circumstances. Examples include:
I. On-site programming
A. General visitor experiences (no registration required):
1. On-grounds programming with animals being presented outside their exhibit or primary
enclosure (presentations, lectures, parties, special events, and media)
2. Children’s zoos and contact yards*
3. Behind the scenes open houses/tours that involve participants interacting with animals
4. Shows/presentations
5. Touch pools/tanks *
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 91
*could be structured if ticketed or controlled entry
B. Structured Programming (registration involved) and controlled settings that include, but are not limited
to, the following:
1. School group programs
2. Summer Camps
3. Overnights
4. Birthday Parties/Private events
5. Animal rides
6. Public animal feeding programs
II. Offsite and Outreach
1. Media (TV, Radio, Podcast; may be live or pre-recorded)
2. Fundraising events
3. Field programs involving the public interacting with animals in nature
4. School visits
5. Library visits
6. Nursing Home or hospital visits (therapy)
7. Senior Centers
8. Civic Group events
9. Community Centers
10. Festivals or outdoor community events
While policies may differ from setting to setting, each setting should be addressed separately. In all settings, the
most important consideration should be the maintenance of positive animal welfare and health. Evidence of these
considerations includes methods to assess stress and distress during the presentation and transport, and
limitations and restrictions on who/when/how physical interactions with the animals will take place.
It is expected that the Facility Ambassador Animal Policy addresses compliance with appropriate local, national,
and international regulations, as well as AZA Accreditation Standards.
All AZA accredited facilities must follow a Facility Institutional Collection Plan (ICP). Ambassador animals are part
of a facility’s overall collection and must be included in the collection planning process. The AZA Guide to
Accreditation contains specific requirements for the institutional collection plan. For more information about
collection planning in general, please see the Accreditation Resource Center in the Members Only section of
The following recommendations apply to animals acting as ambassadors:
1. Listing of approved animals to act as ambassadors (to be periodically amended as the collection changes).
Justification of each species should be based upon criteria such as:
Temperament and suitability for program use
Husbandry requirements
92 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Husbandry expertise
Veterinary issues and concerns
Ease and means of acquisition/disposition according to the AZA Code of Professional Ethics
Educational value and intended conservation message
Conservation Status
Compliance with TAG and SSP guidelines and policies
Support of TAG and SSP needs for additional space, messaging goals, and breeding
2. Evaluation of individual animal behavior, demeanor, and welfare throughout the animal’s lifetime to assess
appropriateness to serve in an ambassador animal role and to ensure that participation in programs
continues to educate and inspire visitors.
3. General guidelines as to how each species (and, where necessary, for each individual) will be presented to
the public, and in what settings.
4. The collection planning section should reference the facility’s population management policies.
As noted in the AZA Accreditation Standards, if animal presentations are part of a facility’s programs, an
educational and conservation message must be an integral component. This is a critical component of
presentations that utilize ambassador animals.
The Ambassador Animal Policy should address the specific messages related to the use of ambassador animals,
as well as the need to be cautious about hidden or conflicting messages that may be conveyed by the way the
animal is handled or behaviors presented (e.g., “petting” an animal while stating verbally that it makes a poor pet).
It is highly recommended to encourage the use of biofacts in addition to the presentation of live animals.
Whenever possible, ambassador animal programs should include evaluation of the effectiveness of education
The safety of our staff and the public is one of the greatest concerns in working with ambassador animals.
Although extremely valuable as educational and affective experiences, contact with animals poses certain risks to
the handler and the public. Therefore, the human health and safety section of the policy should address:
1. Minimization of the possibility of disease transfer from animals to humans, and vice-versa (e.g., handwashing
stations, no touch policies, use of hand sanitizer, additional guidelines for presentation of animals at events with
2. Safety issues related to handlers’ personal attire and behavior (e.g., discourage or prohibit use of
long earrings, perfume and cologne, not eating or drinking around animals, smoking, etc.)
3. Procedures and protocols to ensure protection of the public and animal handlers from injury.
AZA’s Animal Contact Policy provides guidelines in this area. These guidelines were incorporated into
accreditation standards in 1998.
Along with human and animal safety, animal health and animal wellbeing are of the highest priorities to AZA-
accredited facilities. As a result, the Facility Ambassador Animal Policy should make a strong statement on the
importance of animal welfare. The policy should address:
1. General housing, husbandry, and animal health concerns (e.g. that the housing and husbandry for animals
when acting as ambassadors meets or exceeds general AZA standards and that the physical, social, and
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 93
psychological needs of the individual animal, such as adequate rest periods, provision of enrichment, visual
cover, contact with conspecifics as appropriate, etc., are met).
2. Wherever possible provide a choice for animal program participation and train handlers to recognize signs of
comfort, stress, and distress of animals in presentations (e.g., methods in place to allow animals to retreat to
refuge areas for touch tanks or contact yards, voluntary crating, evaluation of willingness/readiness to participate
by handler, animals trained to signal a choice to end presentations, etc.).
3. The empowerment of handlers to make decisions related to animal health and welfare, such as withdrawing
animals from a situation if safety, health, or welfare is in danger of being compromised.
4. Requirements for supervision of contact areas and touch tanks by trained staff and volunteers.
5. Frequent evaluation of human/animal interactions to assess safety, health, welfare, etc.
6. Ensuring that the level of health care for the animals is consistent with that of other animals in the collection.
7. Include a lifelong plan for each animal to ensure that animal care and welfare are maintained to meet AZA
standards if/when an animal is no longer part of the facility’s ambassador animal collection.
8. Lengthy “down” times in ambassador animal use occur and staff should ensure that animals accustomed to
regular human interactions can still maintain such contact and receive the same level of care.
9. Ensuring that housing and enrichment programs provide sufficient choice and complexity and that these are
equal to those for animals living on exhibit.
10. Policies in place that adapt to evolving public and animal health situations, with specific species and taxa
considerations (e.g. COVID-19, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, zoonoses, etc.).
Facilities are encouraged to provide taxonomically specific protocols, either at the genus or species level, or the
individual level. Some taxon-specific guidelines may affect the use of ambassador animals. To develop these,
facilities should refer to the Animal Care Manual on the AZA website.
Taxon and species-specific protocols should address:
1. How to remove the individual animal from and return it to its permanent enclosure, including suggestions for
operant conditioning training.
2. How to crate and transport animals.
3. Signs of stress, stress factors, distress, and discomfort behaviors.
4. Situation-specific handling protocols (e.g., whether or not animal is allowed to be touched by the public, and
how to handle in such situations).
5. Guidelines for disinfecting surfaces, transport carriers, enclosures, etc. using environmentally safe chemicals
and cleaners where possible.
6. Animal facts and conservation information.
7. Limitations and restrictions regarding ambient temperatures and weather conditions.
8. Time limitations (including animal rotation and rest periods as appropriate, duration of time each animal can
participate, and restrictions on travel times and distances).
9. The numbers of trained personnel required to ensure the health and welfare of the animals, handlers, and
10. The level of training and experience required for handling this species.
11. Taxon/species-specific guidelines on animal health.
94 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
12. The use of hand lotions or other chemicals by program participants that might touch the animals.
The Facility Ambassador Animal Policy should address a number of logistical issues related to ambassador
animals, including:
1. Where and how the ambassador animal collection will be housed, including any quarantine and separation for
animals used off-site, when applicable.
2. Procedures for requesting animals, including the approval process and decision making process, and
determination of whether or not an individual animal is appropriate in an ambassador role.
3. Accurate documentation and availability of records, including procedures for documenting animal usage,
animal behavior, and any other concerns that arise.
Thorough training for all animal handling staff (keepers, educators, and volunteers) is imperative to ensure proper
handling and assessment of animal behavior, comfort, and welfare, including knowledge of the conditions under
which an animal should be removed from a program.
Facilities may have separate training protocols and procedures for staff who work with ambassador animals.
Specific training protocols can be included in the Facility Ambassador Animal Policy or reference can be made to
a separate training protocol.
It is recommended that the staff training section of the policy address:
1. Personnel authorized to handle and present animals.
2. Handling protocol during quarantine.
3. The process for training, qualifying and assessing handlers, including the training of those authorized to train
other handlers.
4. The frequency of required training sessions and consistent handling for handlers to remain qualified to handle
5. Animal training protocols and personnel authorized to train animals.
6. The process for addressing substandard performance and noncompliance with established procedures.
7. Medical testing and vaccinations required for handlers (e.g., TB testing, tetanus shots, rabies vaccinations,
routine fecal cultures, physical exams, etc.).
8. Training content (e.g., taxonomically specific protocols, natural history, relevant conservation education
messages, presentation techniques, interpretive techniques, etc.).
9. Protocols to reduce disease transmission (e.g., zoonotic disease transmission, proper hygiene and hand
washing requirements, as noted in AZA’s Animal Contact Policy).
10. Procedures for reporting injuries to the animals, handling personnel, or public.
11. Visitor management (e.g., ensuring visitors interact appropriately with animals, do not eat or drink around the
animal, etc.).
12. Any additional training requirements or limitations on staff that may take animals off-site and on overnight
All policies should be reviewed regularly with particular focus on maintaining compliance with AZA standards and
example practices. Accountability and ramifications of policy violations should be addressed as well (e.g.,
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 95
retraining, revocation of handling privileges, etc.). Facility policies should address the frequency of which the
Facility Ambassador Animal Policy will be reviewed and revised, and how accountability will be maintained.
Following development of taxon-specific recommendations from each TAG and SSP related to ambassador
animal use, the facility’s policy should include a statement regarding compliance with these recommendations. If
the facility chooses not to follow these specific recommendations, a brief statement providing rationale is
96 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Apes, including chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, orangutans, and gibbons, are intelligent, sensitive, long-lived and
highly social animals. As humans’ closest living relatives, they are fascinating, and ape infants are magnetically
appealing. These attributes have made apes popular as performers in commercial entertainment and advertising
programs. But this popularity and attractiveness masks the often cruel and dangerous practices commonly
required to make apes compliant in such appearances.
This White Paper presents a brief summary of the justification for:
Eliminating the use of apes as performers in commercial entertainment.
Establishing standards to ensure that public presentations and interpretive programs portray apes
respectfully and accurately represent the biology and conservation status of apes.
1. An ape infant normally remains with its mother for several years in a group environment, learning social
skills essential for development of normal adult behaviors. But apes destined to be performers or
photographic props are typically removed from their mother shortly after birth and, thus, are denied
opportunities for normal social and psychological development. This has several commercial advantages
to an owner. Infants removed in this manner will be appealing and remain submissive for handling by
humans for several years. Mothers whose infants are removed will resume sexual cycling and produce
another profitable infant quickly.
But apes raised by humans in the absence of other members of their species will not normally acquire the skills to
be socially and sexually competent as juveniles and adults. They may never readjust to life in a normal social
group, and thus they are usually relegated to social and sexual isolation, which often leads to abnormal behaviors
such as self-mutilation. For these reasons, it typically is not feasible to involve these individuals in conservation-
based breeding programs.
2. Although endearing as infants, apes generally become physically powerful and unpredictable as they
near adulthood. Their continued use as performers or props is potentially very dangerous to their
handlers and audiences. Thus, handlers of ape performers often must use food deprivation, physical
abuse, continuous tranquilization, or even electric shock to maintain control. Additionally, the animals may
be modified to reduce their ability to cause harm, for example by removing their teeth. It should be noted
that the apparent “smile” of a performing chimpanzee is actually a well-documented expression of fear.
Such physical and psychological effects are difficult to alleviate even if the ape is rescued and placed in a
caring environment. More often however, when ape performers become too difficult to handle, they lose
their commercial value and are sold to roadside menageries with inexpert handlers and often inhumane
3. Dressing apes in human clothing, or training them to engage in unnatural (usually human) behaviors,
while entertaining to some, inaccurately portrays their biology and conservation status. Since
conservation efforts rely on informed public opinion, these practices serve to undermine communications
vital to achieving conservation. The use of apes in advertisements and other commercial performances
can lead people to conclude falsely that apes make good pets.
4. Because apes and humans are genetically so similar, both are susceptible to many of the same
communicable diseases. Close and unprotected contact between performing apes, their handlers, and
audiences can threaten all with viral, bacterial, and parasite infection.
In summary, the use of apes in media and commercial performances should be eliminated.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 97
Adopted by the AZA Board of Directors
July, 2023
AZA members are committed to managing robust animal populations in zoos and aquariums to assure that
animals are available to meet individual program goals and fulfill our collective mission. Successful population
management relies on highly collaborative, communicative, and engaged relationships among AZA members and
Animal Programs (i.e., Taxon Advisory Groups (TAGs), Species Survival Plans® (SSPs), and AZA
Studbooks). Therefore, all AZA member facilities must fully engage with and participate in each SSP that pertains
to an animal that the facility own or is part of their collection. Further, each Animal Program Leader (i.e., TAG
Chair, SSP Coordinator, and Studbook Keeper) must fully engage with each facility that is part of their Animal
Program. Animal Program engagement is defined and explained in the Facility Handbook on Animal Program
Engagement and within the Animal Program Handbooks.
98 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Approved by the AZA Board of Directors
January 12, 2016
Currently Under Revision 6-2022
The stringent requirements for AZA accreditation, and high ethical standards of professional conduct, are
unmatched by similar organizations and far surpass the United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal
and Plant Health Inspection Service’s requirements for licensed animal exhibitors. Every AZA member must
abide by a Code of Professional Ethics ( [NOTE: also found on pages
108 – 112 of this booklet]. In order to continue these high standards, AZA-accredited institutions and related
facilities should make it a priority, when possible, to acquire animals from and transfer them to other AZA
member institutions, or members of other regional zoo associations that have professionally recognized
accreditation programs.
AZA-accredited institutions and related facilities cannot fulfill their important missions of conservation,
education, and science without live animals. Responsible management and the long-term sustainability of
living animal populations necessitates that some individuals be acquired and transferred, reintroduced or
even humanely euthanized at certain times. The acquisition and transfer of animals should be prioritized by
the long-term sustainability needs of the species and AZA-managed populations among AZA-accredited
institutions and related facilities, and between AZA member institutions and non-AZA entities with animal
care and welfare standards aligned with AZA. AZA member institutions that acquire animals from the wild,
directly or through commercial vendors, should perform due diligence to ensure that such activities do not
have a negative impact on species in the wild. Animals should only be acquired from non-AZA entities that
are known to operate legally and conduct their business in a manner that reflects and/or supports the spirit
and intent of the AZA Code of Professional Ethics as well as this Policy.
This AZA Policy on Responsible Population Management provides guidance to AZA members to:
1. Assure that animals from AZA member institutions and related facilities are not transferred to individuals
or organizations that lack the appropriate expertise or facilities to care for them [see taxa specific
appendices (in development)],
2. Assure that the health and conservation of wild populations and ecosystems are carefully considered as
3. Maintain a proper standard of conduct for AZA members during acquisition and transfer/reintroduction
activities, including adherence to all applicable laws and regulations,
4. Assure that the health and welfare of individual animals is a priority during acquisition and
transfer/reintroduction activities, and
5. Support the goals of AZA’s cooperatively managed populations and associated Animal Programs
[Species Survival Plans
(SSPs), Studbooks, and Taxon Advisory Groups (TAGs)].
This AZA Policy on Responsible Population Management will serve as the default policy for AZA member
institutions. Institutions should develop their own AZA Policy on Responsible Population Management in order to
address specific local concerns. Any institutional policy must incorporate and not conflict with the AZA acquisition
and transfer/transition standards.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 99
II. Laws, Authority, Record-Keeping, Identification and Documentation
The following must be considered with regard to the acquisition or transfer/management of all living animals and
specimens (their living and non-living parts, materials, and/or products):
1. Any acquisitions, transfers, euthanasia and reintroductions must meet the requirements of all applicable
local, state, federal and international laws and regulations. Humane euthanasia must be performed in
accordance with the established euthanasia policy of the institution and follow the recommendations of
current AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals (2013 Edition
[NOTE: this link opens an “errorwindow.
Click “yes”, and “yes” again when the window opens a second time; next close the AVMA small window
that opens; finally click “OK” on the final window asking for a “trustworthy” source, and the document will
open] or the AAZV’s Guidelines on the Euthanasia of Non-Domestic Animals. Ownership and any
applicable chain-of-custody must be documented. If such information does not exist, an explanation must
be provided regarding such animals and specimens. Any acquisition of free-ranging animals must be
done in accordance with all local, state, federal, and international laws and regulations and must not be
detrimental to the long-term viability of the species in the wild.
2. The Director/Chief Executive Officer of the institution must have final authority for all acquisitions,
transfers, and euthanasia.
3. Acquisitions or transfers/euthanasia/reintroductions must be documented through institutional record
keeping systems. The ability to identify which animal is being transferred is very important and the method
of identifying each individual animal should be documented. Any existing documentation must accompany
all transfers. Institutional animal records data, records guidelines have been developed for certain species
to standardize the process (
4. For some colonial, group-living, or prolific species, it may be impossible or highly impractical to identify
individual animals when these individuals are maintained in a group. These species can be maintained,
acquisitioned, transferred, and managed as a group or colony, or as part of a group or colony.
5. If the intended use of specimens from animals either living or non-living is to create live animal(s), their
acquisition and transfer should follow the same guidelines. If germplasm is acquired or transferred with
the intention of creating live animal(s), ownership of the offspring must be clearly defined in transaction
documents (e.g., breeding loan agreements).
Institutions acquiring, transferring or otherwise managing specimens should consider current and possible
future uses as new technologies become available. All specimens from which nuclear DNA could be
recovered should be carefully considered for preservation as these basic DNA extraction technologies
already exist.
6. AZA member institutions must maintain transaction documents (e.g., confirmation forms, breeding
agreements) which provide the terms and conditions of animal acquisitions, transfers and loans, including
documentation for animal parts, products and materials. These documents should require the potential
recipient or provider to adhere to the AZA Policy on Responsible Population Management, and the AZA
Code of Professional Ethics, and must require compliance with the applicable laws and regulations of
local, state, federal, and international authorities.
7. In the case of animals (living or non-living) and their parts, materials, or products (living or non-living) held
on loan, the owner’s written permission should be obtained prior to any transfer and documented in the
institutional records.
8. AZA SSP and TAG necropsy and sampling protocols should be accommodated.
100 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
9. Some governments maintain ownership of the species naturally found within their borders. It is therefore
incumbent on institutions to determine whether animals they are acquiring or transferring are owned by a
government entity, foreign or domestic, and act accordingly by reviewing the government ownership
policies available on the AZA website. In the case of government owned animals, proposals for and/or
notifications of transfers must be sent to the species manager for the government owned species.
III. Acquisition Requirements
A. General Acquisitions
1. Acquisitions must be consistent with the mission of the institution, as reflected in its Institutional Collection
Plan, by addressing its exhibition/education, conservation, and/or scientific goals regarding the individual
or species.
2. Animals (wild, feral, and domestic) may be held temporarily for reasons such as assisting governmental
agencies or other institutions, rescue and/or rehabilitation, research, propagation or headstarting for
reintroduction, or special exhibits.
3. Any receiving institution must have the necessary expertise and resources to support and provide for the
professional care and management of the species, so that the physical, psychological, and social needs
of individual animals and species are met.
4. If the acquisition involves a species managed by an AZA Animal Program, the institution should
communicate with the Animal Program Leader and must adhere to the AZA Facility Engagement in
Animal Programs Policy (see page 97).
5. AZA member institutions should consult AZA Animal Population Management (APM) Committee approved
TAG Regional Collection Plans (RCPs), Animal Program Leaders, and AZA Animal Care Manuals (ACMs)
when making acquisition decisions.
6. AZA member institutions that work with commercial vendors that acquire animals from the wild, must
perform due diligence to assure the vendors’ collection of animals is legal and using ethical practices.
Commercial vendors should have conservation and animal welfare goals similar to those of AZA
7. AZA member institutions may acquire animals through public donations and other non-AZA entities when
it is in the best interest of the animal and/or species.
B. Acquisitions from the Wild
Maintaining wild animal populations for exhibition, education and wildlife conservation purposes is a core function
of AZA-member institutions. AZA zoos and aquariums have saving species and conservation of wildlife and
wildlands as a basic part of their public mission. As such, the AZA recognizes that there are circumstances where
acquisitions from the wild are needed in order to maintain healthy, diverse animal populations. Healthy,
sustainable populations support the objectives of managed species programs and the core mission of AZA
members. In some cases, acquiring individuals from the wild may be a viable option in addition to, or instead of,
relying on breeding programs with animals already in human care.
Acquiring animals from the wild can result in socioeconomic benefit and environmental protection and therefore
the AZA supports environmentally sustainable/beneficial acquisition from the wild when conservation is a positive
1. Before acquiring animals from the wild, institutions are encouraged to examine alternative sources
including other AZA institutions and other regional zoological associations or other non-AZA entities.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 101
2. When acquiring animals from the wild, both the long-term health and welfare impacts on the wild
population as well as on individual animals must be considered. In crisis situations, when the survival of a
population is at risk, rescue decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis by the appropriate agency
and institution.
3. AZA zoos and aquariums may assist wildlife agencies by providing homes for animals born in nature if
they are incapable of surviving on their own (e.g., in case of orphaned or injured animals) or by
euthanizing the animals because they pose a risk to humans or for humane reasons.
4. Institutions should only accept animals from the wild after a risk assessment determines the zoo/aquarium
can mitigate any potential adverse impacts on the health, care and maintenance of the existing animals
already being housed at the zoo or aquarium, and the new animals being acquired.
IV. Transfer, Euthanasia and Reintroduction Requirements
A. Living Animals
Successful conservation and animal management relies on the cooperation of many entities, both AZA and non-
AZA. While preference is given to placing animals with AZA-accredited institutions or related facilities, it is
important to foster a cooperative culture among those who share AZA’s mission of saving species and excellence
in animal care.
1. AZA members should assure that all animals in their care are transferred, humanely euthanized and/or
reintroduced in a manner that meets the standards of AZA, and that animals are not transferred to those
not qualified to care for them properly. Refer to IV.12, below, for further requirements regarding
2. If the transfer of animals or their specimens (parts, materials, and products) involves a species managed
by an AZA Animal Program, the institution should communicate with that Animal Program Leader and
must adhere to the AZA Facility Engagement in Animal Programs Policy (see page 97).
3. AZA member institutions should consult APM Committee-approved TAG Regional Collection Plans,
Animal Program Leaders, and Animal Care Manuals when making transfer decisions.
4. Animals acquired solely as a food source for animals in the institution’s care are not typically
accessioned. There may be occasions, however, when it is appropriate to use accessioned animals that
exceed population carrying capacity as feeder animals to support other animals. In some cases,
accessioned animals may have their status changed to “feeder animal” status by the institution as part of
their program for long-term sustained population management of the species.
5. In transfers to non-AZA entities, AZA members must perform due diligence and should have documented
validation, including one or more letters of reference, for example from an appropriate AZA Professional
Fellow or other trusted source with expertise in animal care and welfare, who is familiar with the proposed
recipient and their current practices, and that the recipient has the expertise and resources required to
properly care for and maintain the animals. Any recipient must have the necessary expertise and
resources to support and provide for the professional care and management of the species, so that the
physical, psychological, and social needs of individual animals and species are met within the parameters
of modern zoological philosophy and practice. Supporting documentation must be kept at the AZA
member institution (see #IV.9 below).
6. Domestic animals should be transferred in accordance with locally acceptable humane farming practices,
including auctions, and must be subject to all relevant laws and regulations.
102 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
7. AZA members must not send any non-domestic animal to auction or to any organization or individual that
may display or sell the animal at an animal auction. See certain taxa-specific appendices to this Policy (in
development) for information regarding exceptions.
8. Animals must not be sent to organizations or individuals that allow the hunting of these individual animals;
that is, no individual animal transferred from an AZA institution may be hunted. For purposes of
maintaining genetically healthy, sustainable zoo and aquarium populations, AZA-accredited institutions
and related facilities may send animals to non-AZA organizations or individuals (refer to #IV.5 above).
These non-AZA entities (for instance, ranching operations) should follow appropriate ranch management
practices and other conservation minded practices to support population sustainability.
9. Every loaning institution must annually monitor and document the conditions of any loaned specimen(s)
and the ability of the recipient(s) to provide proper care (refer to #IV.5 above). If the conditions and care
of animals are in violation of the loan agreement, the loaning institution must recall the animal or assure
prompt correction of the situation. Furthermore, an institution’s loaning policy must not be in conflict with
this AZA Policy on Responsible Population Management.
10. If living animals are sent to a non-AZA entity for research purposes, it must be a registered research
facility by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and accredited by the Association for the Assessment &
Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care, International (AAALAC), if eligible. For international
transactions, the receiving facility must be registered by that country’s equivalent body having
enforcement over animal welfare. In cases where research is conducted, but governmental oversight is
not required, institutions should do due diligence to assure the welfare of the animals during the research.
11. Reintroductions and release of animals into the wild must meet all applicable local, state, and
international laws and regulations. Any reintroduction requires adherence to best health and veterinary
practices to ensure that non-native pathogens are not released into the environment exposing naive wild
animals to danger. Reintroductions may be a part of a recovery program and must be compatible with the
IUCN Reintroduction Specialist Group’s Reintroduction Guidelines
12. Humane euthanasia may be employed for medical reasons to address quality of life issues for animals or
to prevent the transmission of disease. AZA also recognizes that humane euthanasia may be employed
for managing the demographics, genetics, and diversity of animal populations. Humane euthanasia must
be performed in accordance with the established euthanasia policy of the institution and follow the
recommendations of current AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals (2013 Edition
) or the AAZV’s Guidelines on the
Euthanasia of Non-Domestic Animals.
B. Non-Living Animals and Specimens
AZA members should optimize the use and recovery of animal remains. All transfers must meet the requirements
of all applicable laws and regulations.
1. Optimal recovery of animal remains may include performing a complete necropsy including, if possible,
histologic evaluation of tissues which should take priority over specimens’ use in education/exhibits. AZA
SSP and TAG necropsy and sampling protocols should be accommodated. This information should be
available to SSP Programs for population management.
2. The educational use of non-living animals, parts, materials, and products should be maximized, and their
use in Animal Program sponsored projects and other scientific projects that provide data for species
management and/or conservation must be considered.
3. Non-living animals, if handled properly to protect the health of the recipient animals, may be utilized as
feeder animals to support other animals as deemed appropriate by the institution.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 103
4. AZA members should consult with AZA Animal Program Leaders prior to transferring or disposing of
remains/samples to determine if existing projects or protocols are in place to optimize use.
5. AZA member institutions should develop agreements for the transfer or donation of non-living animals,
parts, materials, products, and specimens and associated documentation, to non-AZA entities such as
universities and museums. These agreements should be made with entities that have appropriate long-
term curation/collections capacity and research protocols, or needs for educational programs and/or
Appendix I: Definitions
Acquisition: Acquisition of animals can occur through breeding (births, hatchings, cloning, and division of marine
invertebrates = “fragging”), trade, donation, lease, loan, transfer (inter- and intra-institution), purchase, collection,
confiscation, appearing on zoo property, or rescue and/or rehabilitation for release.
Annual monitoring and Due diligence: Due diligence for the health of animals on loan is important. Examples of
annual monitoring and documentation include and are not limited to inventory records, health records, photos of
the recipient’s facilities, and direct inspections by AZA professionals with knowledge of animal care. The level of
due diligence will depend on professional relationships.
AZA member institution: In this Policy “AZA member institutions” refers to AZA-accredited institutions and
related facilities (zoological parks and aquariums). “AZA members” may refer to either institutions or individuals.
Data sharing: When specimens are transferred, the transferring and receiving institutions should agree on data
that must be transferred with the specimen(s). Examples of associated documentation include provenance of the
animal, original permits, tags and other metadata, life history data for the animal, how and when specimens were
collected and conserved, etc.
Dispose: “Dispose/Disposing of” in this document is limited to complete and permanent removal of an individual
via incineration, burying or other means of permanent destruction
Documentation: Examples of documentation include ZIMS records, “Breeding Loan” agreements, chain-of-
custody logs, letters of reference, transfer agreements, and transaction documents. This is documentation that
maximizes data sharing.
Domestic animal: Examples of domestic animals may include certain camelids, cattle, cats, dogs, ferrets, goats,
pigs, reindeer, rodents, sheep, budgerigars, chickens, doves, ducks, geese, pheasants, turkeys, and goldfish or
Ethics of Acquisition/Transfer/Euthanasia: Attempts by members to circumvent AZA Animal Programs in the
acquisition of animals can be detrimental to the Association and its Animal Programs. Such action may also be
detrimental to the species involved and may be a violation of the Association’s Code of Professional Ethics.
Attempts by members to circumvent AZA Animal Programs in the transfer, euthanasia or reintroduction of animals
may be detrimental to the Association and its Animal Programs (unless the animal or animals are deemed extra in
the Animal Program population by the Animal Program Coordinator). Such action may be detrimental to the
species involved and may be a violation of the Association’s Code of Professional Ethics.
“Extra” or Surplus: AZA’s scientifically-managed Animal Programs, including SSPs, have successfully bred and
reintroduced critically endangered species for the benefit of humankind. To accomplish these critical conservation
goals, populations must be managed within “carrying capacity” limits. At times, the number of individual animals in
a population exceeds carrying capacity, and while meaning no disrespect for these individual animals, we refer to
these individual animals as “extra” within the managed population.
104 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Euthanasia: Humane death. This act removes an animal from the managed population. Specimens can be
maintained in museums or cryopreserved collections. Humane euthanasia must be performed in accordance with
the established euthanasia policy of the institution and follow the recommendations of current AVMA Guidelines
for the Euthanasia of Animals (2013 Edition
) or the
AAZV’s Guidelines on the Euthanasia of Non-Domestic Animals.
Feral: Feral animals are animals that have escaped from domestication or have been abandoned to the wild and
have become wild, and the offspring of such animals. Feral animals may be acquired for temporary or permanent
Group: Examples of colonial, group-living, or prolific species include and are not limited to certain terrestrial and
aquatic invertebrates, fish, sharks/rays, amphibians, reptiles, birds, rodents, bats, big herds, and other mammals,
Lacey Act: The Lacey Act prohibits the importation, exportation, transportation, sale, receipt, acquisition or
purchase of wildlife taken or possessed in violation of any law, treaty or regulation of the United States or any
Indian tribal law of wildlife law. In cases when there is no documentation accompanying an acquisition, the
animal(s) may not be transferred across state lines. If the animal was illegally acquired at any time then any
movement across state or international borders would be a violation of the Lacey Act.
Museum: It is best practice for modern zoos and aquariums to establish relationships with nearby museums or
other biorepositories, so that they can maximize the value of animals when they die (e.g., knowing who to call
when they have an animal in necropsy, or specimens for cryopreservation). Natural history museums that are
members of the Natural Science Collections Alliance (NSCA) and frozen biorepositories that are members of the
International Society of Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) are potential collaborators that could
help zoos find appropriate repositories for biological specimens.
Non-AZA entity: NonAZA entities includes facilities not accredited by the AZA, facilities in other zoological
regions, academic institutions, museums, research facilities, private individuals, etc.
Reintroduction: Examples of transfers outside of a living zoological population include movements of animals
from zoo/aquarium populations to the wild through reintroductions or other legal means.
Specimen: Examples of specimens include animal parts, materials and products including bodily fluids, cell lines,
clones, digestive content, DNA, feces, marine invertebrate (coral) fragments (“frags”), germplasm, and tissues.
Transaction documents: Transaction documents must be signed by the authorized representatives of both
parties, and copies must be retained by both parties*. In the case of loans, the owner’s permission for appropriate
activities should be documented in the institutional records. This document(s) should be completed prior to any
transfer. In the case of rescue, confiscation, and evacuation due to natural disasters, it is understood that
documents may not be available until after acceptance or shipping. In this case documentation (e.g., a log) must
be kept to reconcile the inventory and chain of custody after the event occurs. (*In the case of government owned
animals, notification of transfers must be sent to species manager for the government owned species).
Transfer: Transfer occurs when an animal leaves the institution for any reason. Reasons for transfer or
euthanasia may include cooperative population management (genetic, demographic or behavioral management),
animal welfare or behavior management reasons (including sexual maturation and individual management
needs). Types of transfer include withdrawal through donation, trade, lease, loan, inter- and intra-institution
transfers, sale, escape, theft. Reintroduction to the wild, humane euthanasia or natural death are other possible
individual animal changes in a population.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 105
Appendix 2: Recipient Profile Example
Example questions for transfers to non-AZA entities (from AZA-member Recipient Profile documents):
Has your organization, or any of its officers, been indicted, convicted, or fined by a State or Federal
agency for any statute or regulation involving the care or welfare of animals housed at your facility? (If
yes, please explain on a separate sheet).
Recipients agree that the specimen(s) or their offspring will not be utilized, sold or traded for any purpose
contrary to the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Code of Ethics (enclosed)
References, other than (LOCAL ZOO/AQUARIUM) employees, 2 minimum (please provide additional
references on separate sheet):
Reference Name
AZA Member?
Reference Name
AZA Member?
106 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Veterinary Information
How are animals identified at your facility? If animals are not identified at your facility, please provide an
explanation about why they are not here:
Where do you acquire and send animals? (Select all that apply)
AZA Institutions
Non-AZA Institutions
Exotic Animal Auctions
Pet Stores
Hunting Ranches
Private Breeders
Non-hunting Game
Entertainment Industry
Research Labs
What specific criteria are used to evaluate if a facility is appropriate to receive animals from you?
Please provide all of the documents listed below:
1. Please provide a brief statement of intent for the specimens requested.
2. Resumes of primary caretakers and those who will be responsible for the husbandry and management of
3. Description (including photographs) of facilities and exhibits where animals will be housed.
4. Copy of your current animal inventory.
Only if Applicable:
5. Copies of your last two USDA inspection reports (if applicable).
6. Copies of current federal and state permits.
7. Copy of your institutional acquisition/disposition policy.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 107
(in-house use only) In-Person Inspection of this facility (Staff member/Date, attach notes):
(Local institution: provide Legal language certifying that the information contained herein is true and correct)
(Validity of this: This document and all materials associated will be valid for a period of 2 years from date
of signature.)
Example agreement for Receiving institution (agrees to following condition upon signing):
Recipient agrees that the animal(s) and its (their) offspring will not be utilized, sold or traded for the purpose of
commerce or sport hunting, or for use in any stressful or terminal research or sent to any animal auction.
Recipient further agrees that in the event the recipient intends to dispose of an animal donated by
(INSTITUTION), recipient will first notify (INSTITUTION) of the identity of the proposed transferee and the terms
and conditions of such disposition and will provide (INSTITUTION) the opportunity to acquire the animal(s)
without charge. If (INSTITUTION) elects not to reclaim the animal within ten (10) business days following such
notification, then, in such event, (INSTITUTION) waives any right it may have to the animal and recipient may
dispose of the animal as proposed.
Institutional note: The text above is similar to the language most dog breeders use in their contracts when they
sell a puppy. If people can provide that protection to the puppies they place, zoos/aquariums can provide it for
animals that we place too! Some entities have been reluctant to sign it, and in that case we revert to a loan and
our institution retains ownership of the animal. Either way, we are advised of the animal’s eventual placement and
108 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
The continued existence of zoological parks and aquariums depends upon recognition that our profession is
based on the respect for the dignity of the animals in our care, the people we serve, and most importantly, for
each other. Members of the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums (known as American
Zoo and Aquarium Association or “AZA”) have an important role in the preservation of our heritage. To fulfill
this role, we must understand the relationships we share with the public, the animals under our care, and with
each other. A consequent obligation of membership is to maintain high standards of ethical conduct.
Members must have the courage and foresight to live up to their responsibilities within principles of
A code of ethics provides standards by which we can judge our professional conduct. We must find in our
consciences the point against which to test our actions. It is our desire to maintain the respect and
confidence of fellow members and the public that ought to provide us with incentive for the highest degree of
ethical conduct. The possible loss of that respect and confidence numbers among the severest sanctions
So long as our profession is guided by these principles, ours will continue to be a respected profession.
Code of Professional Ethics
The following Code of Professional Ethics of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) shall form the
basis for all disciplinary actions of the Association.
Deviation by a member from the AZA Code of Professional Ethics or from any of the rules officially adopted by the
Board of Directors supplemental thereto, or any action by a member that is detrimental to the best interest of the
zoo and aquarium profession and the AZA, shall be considered unethical conduct. The member shall be subject
to investigation by the AZA Ethics Board and, if warranted, to disciplinary action by the Ethics Board and/or the
AZA Board of Directors. The Code is intended as an inspirational guide for members and as a basis for
disciplinary action.
This Code cannot apply to nonmembers, except as they have agreed to follow the Code in a signed agreement to
participate in an AZA program. This Code defines the type of ethical conduct the public has a right to expect, not
only of staff members of an institution but also of their nonprofessional employees and associates in all matters
pertaining to professional zoological park and aquarium employment. The director and/or governing authority of a
member institution should ultimately be responsible for the conduct of their employees and others affiliated with
the member institution.
The Obligations of Professional Ethics set forth are aspirational in character and represent the objectives towards
which every member should strive.
The Code’s Mandatory Standards, unlike the Obligations of Professional Ethics, are mandatory in character and,
if violated, may result in disciplinary action. The Mandatory Standards, to be uniformly applied to all members,
establish a level of conduct below which no member may fall without being subject to disciplinary action. The
Code makes no attempt to prescribe either disciplinary procedures or penalties for violation of Mandatory
Standards. The severity of judgment against a member found to be in violation of a Mandatory Standard shall be
determined by the character of the offense and the attendant circumstances. The Ethics Board, in applying the
Mandatory Standards, may find interpretive guidance in the basic principles embodied in the standards and
objectives reflected in the Obligations of Professional Ethics.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 109
The Board of Directors and Ethics Board shall be responsible for interpreting the Code of Professional Ethics,
subject to all provisions of the Charter and Bylaws. The Ethics Board shall investigate allegations, render
decisions, and prescribe subsequent actions and/or penalties. An appeal may be made to the AZA Executive
Committee within thirty (30) days of the date of mailing the Ethics Board decision to the complainant and
defendant. Appeals may be granted if the Executive Committee concludes that the complainant or defendant
appealing the Ethics Board decision has demonstrated that (1) there are new facts, not known at the time of the
Ethics Board investigation, which the Executive Committee believes may have changed the outcome; or (2) the
Ethics Board did not follow relevant AZA procedures; or (3) the penalty recommended by the Ethics Board was
excessive under the circumstances. An appeal shall be granted upon a majority vote of the AZA Executive
Committee. If the request for an appeal is granted, the Board of Directors shall hear the appeal at its next
regularly scheduled meeting. The appellate decision of the Board of Directors shall be final and cannot be
I. Obligations of Professional Ethics
In order to promote high standards of conduct in our profession, the AZA has formulated the following basic
principles for the guidance of its members:
A. Realize that I have moral responsibilities not only to my professional associates, my fellow employees,
and the public, but also to the animals under my care.
B. Display the highest integrity, the best judgment or ethics possible, and use my professional skills to the
best interests of all.
C. Deal fairly with members in the dissemination of professional information and advice.
D. Use only legal and ethical means when seeking to influence governmental legislation or regulations.
E. Promote the interests of wildlife conservation, biodiversity, and animal welfare to the public and to
F. Maintain high standards of personal, professional, and business conduct and behavior.
G. Promote the interests of AZA and do my full share of work in support of the concepts and ideals of AZA.
H. Cooperate with qualified zoos/aquariums and other qualified persons/organizations in breeding programs
of endangered and other species.
I. Aid the professional development of those who enter the zoological park and aquarium profession by
assisting them to understand the functions, duties, and responsibilities of the profession.
J. Seek opportunities to be of constructive service in civic affairs and, to the best of my ability, advance the
understanding of all nature to the community in which I live.
K. Encourage publication of significant achievements in breeding husbandry, medical technology,
architecture, etc., in the appropriate publications generally familiar to members.
L. Endeavor at all times to improve zoos and aquariums.
110 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
II. Mandatory Standards
1. Maintaining Integrity and Competence of the Zoological Park and Aquarium Profession
a. A member shall make no materially false statement or deliberately fail to disclose a material fact in
connection with an application for membership or accreditation in AZA.
b. A member shall not endorse the application for membership in AZA of a person known by that member to
be unqualified in respect to character, education, length of service, or some other relevant factor.
2. Misconduct
a. A member shall not violate a Mandatory Standard.
b. A member shall not solicit the aid of another individual to circumvent, or assist another to violate, a
Mandatory Standard.
c. A member shall not knowingly engage in activities contrary to local, state, federal, or international laws as
such laws relate to our profession; and a member will, to the best of his or her ability, cooperate with
governmental agencies regulating animal welfare and animal transactions.
d. A member shall not engage in conduct that adversely affects, or is prejudicial to, the concepts and ideals
of the AZA.
e. A member shall make every effort to assure that all animals in his/her collection and under his/her care
are disposed of in a manner which meets the current disposition standards of the Association and do not
find their way into the hands of those not qualified to care for them properly.
3. Disclosure of Information
a. A member shall not knowingly misinform others regarding animal records or specimen disposition,
professional information, and advice.
b. A member shall not alter animal records or alter the facts concerning age, condition, or other material
information about any animal in order to affect the sale, trade, loan, or other transaction with respect to
such animal.
c. A member shall immediately bring to the attention of the Ethics Board of the AZA any information
concerning a clear violation of a Mandatory Standard.
d. A member shall issue no statement to the public which they know (or should know) to be false or
General Advisories
The policies outlined below have been previously adopted by the AZA Board of Directors and are considered to
expand the interpretation of the AZA Code of Professional Ethics that was developed to guide ethical conduct of
all members. Amendments can be proposed by the AZA Board of Directors, the Ethics Board, and/or AZA
members. Any proposed changes shall be reviewed by the Ethics Board and, as appropriate, by legal counsel.
Proposed changes shall be submitted to the AZA Board of Directors for action.
Animal Auctions (1981)
AZA members offering wildlife for sale at auctions attended by the general public are in violation of the AZA Code
of Professional Ethics, specifically Mandatory Standards, 2-e, which states, “As a member of AZA, I pledge
to...make every effort to assure that all not find their way into the hands of those not qualified to care
for them properly.”
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 111
Use of Animal Exchange (1984)
Individuals may utilize Animal Exchange to purchase specimens if the following criteria are followed: the individual
should, during the initial contact, identify his or her intentions and make the seller aware if the specimen(s) will go
to the purchaser’s private collection and not the zoo in question (adopted by the Ethics Board at the direction of
the AZA Board).
Notification of Ethics Code Violations (1986-revised 1993)
Copies of all final actions (the denial of an appeal to the Executive Committee or notification to the complainant
and defendant of the appellate decision) regarding violations of the Code of Professional Ethics shall be sent to
the Director, Chief Executive Officer, or Governing Authority of the institution of the defendant(s) involved. Such
final actions shall be published in Communiqué, including a brief and factual statement of the action, including the
name(s) of the defendant(s) involved in the violation and a listing of the sections of the Code which were violated
to provide guidance for AZA members.
Procurement of SSP Animals (1986-modified 1990-revised 1993)
Attempts by members to circumvent AZA conservation programs in the procurement and/or disposition of
specimens of SSP animals are detrimental to the Association and its conservation programs. Such action may be
detrimental to the species involved and could be construed as a violation of the Association’s Code of
Professional Ethics. All Association members should work through SSP species coordinators and appropriate
propagation groups in efforts to procure or dispose of specimens of SSP species.
Ethics Board
The Ethics Board, elected by the membership, has separate duties from the AZA Board of Directors. The Ethics
Board shall consist of nine (9) members. The Ethics Board proposed guidelines on the function of the Ethics
Board for consideration during the San Diego Annual Conference in 1977. The AZA Board of Directors
unanimously adopted these guidelines and revised them in 1993:
All Ethics Board matters shall be handled in accordance with the objectives and standards of the Association’s
Code of Professional Ethics.
Matters called to the attention of the Ethics Board must be in writing and addressed to the Chairman or any
member of the Ethics Board. The ethics charge must be signed by the complainant and must contain a full
statement of the matter to be reviewed by the Ethics Board.
An individual filing an ethics complaint shall be advised that full disclosure of the complaint shall be made
available to all parties concerned. At this time, the complainant has the right to withdraw the complaint; and thus,
the matter will be closed.
The Ethics Board, the complainant, and the defendant shall at all times during the investigation maintain strict
confidentiality regarding the case.
The initial responsibility of the Ethics Board is to determine the validity of the charge(s). If the charge(s) appears
to be valid, the Ethics Board shall initiate a full investigation. Once a full investigation is initiated, the Ethics Board
must determine if an Ethics Code violation has occurred and what action and/or penalty is necessary. In making
its determination, the Ethics Board shall consult, where necessary or appropriate, with AZA legal counsel. The
Ethics Board has the responsibility and authority to issue a judgment and determine disciplinary actions. The AZA
Board of Directors serves as an appellate board.
The AZA Board of Directors may also direct the Ethics Board to perform additional duties as needed. The
following procedures are hereby established:
112 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
The Chairman of the Ethics Board will distribute copies of all duly received ethics complaints to members of the
Ethics, Board, the AZA President & CEO, Executive Director, Executive Vice President, and the AZA Board
Liaison to the Ethics Board. All correspondence pertaining to the case shall be marked “Confidential.” The
Chairman shall request each Ethics Board member to render an opinion as to the validity of the complaint and
make a recommendation on how to proceed and action to be taken.
The Chairman shall review all recommendations, suggest an Ethics Board action and, if necessary, arrange an
appearance before the Ethics Board and/or a site visitation.
The Ethics Board may dismiss any charge for which there is insufficient evidence to pursue the investigation or for
which there is no apparent violation of the Ethics Code. The complainant, defendant, and the Board of Directors
shall be notified by the Ethics Board of the decision, for which there is no appeal.
The Ethics Board may determine that there is no clear violation or proof of a violation but that there is concern
about the conduct of a member. The Ethics Board may issue a letter of concern.
If the Ethics Board determines that a violation of the Code has occurred, the following options shall be
considered: (A) Letter of Reprimand from the Ethics Board. (B) Letter of Reprimand from the Ethics Board and the
AZA Board of Directors. (C) Censorship and suspension of certain membership privileges (up to 2 years), to be
determined on a case-by-case basis. (D) Expulsion from AZA membership for a minimum of two years. The
Ethics Board may function as an investigative body as it determines whether or not a violation has occurred. The
Ethics Board shall make its determination based upon the greater weight of the evidence presented to it. Ethics
matters often do not involve legal matters but are founded on moral values and industry standards and practices.
Where necessary or appropriate, the Ethics Board shall consult with AZA legal counsel.
The Ethics Board shall deliberate, during a meeting or conference call, on the final determination and action to be
taken. Actions by the Ethics Board shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of its members. When a two-thirds (2/3)
majority vote of guilty is not received the issue shall be dropped.
The Chairman of the Ethics Board shall submit a report to the President & CEO, Executive Director, Executive
Vice President, AZA Board Liaison Representative, and legal counsel, if necessary, with the Ethics Board’s
findings and course of disciplinary action to be taken prior to advising the complainant and defendant.
The Chairman of the Ethics Board shall advise the complainant and the defendant of the findings and action taken
by the Ethics Board.
An appeal may be made to the AZA Executive Committee within thirty (30) days of the date of mailing the Ethics
Board decision to the complainant and defendant. Appeals may be granted if the Executive Committee concludes
that the complainant or defendant appealing the Ethics Board decision has demonstrated that (1) there are new
facts, not known at the time of the Ethics Board investigation, which the Executive Committee believes may have
changed the outcome; or (2) the
Ethics Board did not follow relevant AZA procedures; or (3) the penalty recommended by the Ethics Board was
excessive under the circumstances. Appeals shall be granted upon a majority vote of the AZA Executive
Committee. The AZA Board of Directors shall hear the appeal at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The
appellate decision of the Board of Directors shall be final and cannot be appealed.
At least one member of the Ethics Board shall be present during the appeal.
The Ethics Board shall notify the complainant and the defendant of the final action of the AZA Board of Directors
once the appellate decision has been rendered.
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 113
General Administrative Policies of the Accreditation Commission
Accidents or Incidents Involving Potential Injury or Welfare. Should an accident or incident occur at an
accredited institution or related facility involving serious staff injuries, serious public injuries, serious animal
injuries/mortalities/incidents/escapes, or significant barrier breaches, Accreditation staff should be notified and a
written report must be submitted to the Accreditation Commission within thirty (30) days explaining what
happened and noting what corrective actions are being taken by the institution as a result. The Commission will
determine if a special inspection or other action is necessary and will notify the institution in writing once a
decision has been made. All information submitted to the Commission will be kept strictly confidential.
Considerations for submitting such reports include:
Staff Injuries site and/or animal-related injury to staff resulting in death, dismemberment, permanent
disability or significant trauma requiring admittance to an emergency care facility.
Public Injuries site and/or animal-related injury to people other than staff, resulting in death,
dismemberment, permanent disability or significant trauma requiring admittance to an emergency care
Unusual Animal Injury/Mortality Eventsunusual circumstances resulting in death/grievous trauma to
a single animal or group of animals; incidents of mass mortality of a species; or multiple deaths across
species related to a similar cause (i.e., multiple deaths due to a single pathogen or etiology,
environmental factor, or other disease factor).
Animal Transport Incidentsescape of any species during transport; unforeseen death of individuals
or groups of individuals related to transport between facilities.
Animal Escapesescape of a dangerous animal or mass escapes of any species. A dangerous animal
is defined as an animal that could potentially cause serious injury to a human.
Barrier Breaches incidents in which a guest, other unauthorized individual, or feral animal crosses
animal containment, putting themselves, others or the animal in jeopardy of serious injury death.
Accidents Resulting in Human Fatality: An on-site inspection shall be automatic after any accident involving an
animal that results in a human fatality. The inspection shall focus on the incident and shall be scheduled to take
place as soon after the incident as can be reasonably scheduled. Site related human fatalities not involving an
animal shall be immediately assessed by AZA relative to the AZA Accreditation Standards. The Commission shall
determine if a special inspection is necessary in those cases and will notify the institution in writing once a
decision has been made. Institutions are responsible for submitting a written report to the Accreditation
Commission as noted under “Accidents Involving Injury or Welfare,” above.
Accreditation Cycle: The cycle of accreditation shall be five years, after which an institution must undergo the
full accreditation process again. Exceptions: • In cases where an applicant processes and is granted accreditation
on a cycle in conflict with the geographic rule, its initial accreditation cycle will be shortened to four and a half
years to place it on the proper seasonal cycle for future inspections (see Geographic Location, page 116). • If an
extension is granted, the year of extension shall be deducted from the institution’s subsequent five-year
accreditation cycle if the institution receives accreditation at the end of the year of extension (see Extensions of
Accreditation, page 116). If an institution is granted provisional accreditation, the provisional year shall be
deducted from the institution’s subsequent five-year accreditation cycle if the institution receives accreditation at
the end of the provisional year (see Grant Provisional Accreditation, page 31 of the 2024 Guide to the
Accreditation of Zoological Parks and Aquariums).
114 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Achieving Accreditation: Accreditation can only be achieved by a judgment from the AZA Accreditation
Commission that the applicant institution meets or exceeds all AZA standards, and supports and employs AZA
practices and philosophies. This decision is preceded by a lengthy application and full evaluation process,
involving information from a number of sources, including a thorough on-site inspection.
Addition of an Elephant Inspector. For institutions with elephants, an inspector who specializes in elephants will
be added to the regular team and will focus on the institution’s elephant program.
Addition of a Specialist Inspector. It is occasionally necessary for a specialist inspector to be added to an
inspection team. The Commission will determine, on a case by case basis, when this is justified and will notify the
institution. Examples would be zoological parks with aquarium facilities of a sufficient size and nature to require
an inspection team member specializing in aquatics. The same would be true of aquariums with exhibits
containing land-based animals, etc.
Attendance At The Hearing (Who Should Be There). The institution’s CEO/Director must attend the hearing to
answer questions, authorize action, and to make any statements desired. The CEO/Director may bring to the
hearing any individual(s) he or she would like to have present. This may include members of the institution’s staff,
governing authority, support organization, or local government officials. If the CEO/Director cannot attend, a
written notification must be provided to AZA as soon as possible. The notification must include an explanation,
and give full authority to an individual selected by the CEO/Director to represent the institution in place of the
CEO/Director Requirement For Applicants Not Currently AZA-Accredited. Any institution not currently
accredited may not apply for accreditation if it is without a permanent, full-time CEO/Director. Materials may not
be submitted under the leadership of an Interim or Acting Director.
CEO/Director Vacancy. When a vacancy occurs in the position of CEO/Director the AZA-accredited institution
must notify the Accreditation Commission in writing, and a follow-up letter must be submitted to the Commission
every six months thereafter reporting the status of the search until such time as the position is filled. The status
update must include details as to what has occurred, how the institution is being managed in the interim, and an
estimate as to when it is expected the position may be filled. An AZA-accredited institution that is without the
services of a permanent, full-time, compensated CEO/Director for longer than one year may be subject to loss of
accreditation and membership. An AZA-accredited institution that is temporarily without a permanent fulltime
CEO/Director must process for accreditation on its regular 5-year cycle. Extensions may not be granted.
Institutions that are not accredited by AZA may not apply without a permanent fulltime CEO/Director in place.
CEO/Director Vacancy Occurring Immediately After Receiving AZA Accreditation. If a CEO/Director vacates
his or her position at the institution within ninety days of receiving accreditation, the Commission may, in its
discretion, require written biannual progress reports, or may require that the institution reprocess again at the
earliest opportunity to do so once a new CEO/Director is in place.
Change of Governance. A change in governance refers to a change of the governing authority, such as from a
governmental agency to society or vice versa. If a change in governance occurs, a letter or affidavit from the CEO
or chairperson of the new governing authority is required pledging to uphold and abide by accreditation standards,
including the AZA Charter & Bylaws, Code of Ethics, Policy on Responsible Population Management, and other
related policies. The letter must be sent to the Commission within 30 days of the governance change.
Change of Location. In the event of a relocation of an accredited institution, the institution must reprocess for
accreditation as soon as the new location is officially open. An application must be received by the submission
deadline that falls immediately prior to, or following, the opening.
Change of Ownership. A change in ownership refers to the sale or formal transfer of ownership of an institution.
In the event of a change in ownership of an accredited institution, the institution must reprocess for accreditation
within 12 months, regardless of when its accreditation is scheduled to expire. A letter or affidavit from the CEO or
chairperson of the purchasing or receiving organization is also required pledging to uphold and abide by
accreditation standards, including the AZA Charter & Bylaws, Code of Ethics, Policy on Responsible Population
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 115
Management, and other related policies. The letter must also indicate the new owner’s intent to submit materials
applying for accreditation within the required time period. The letter must be sent to the Commission within 30
days of final sale or transfer.
Change of Scope. Accredited institutions must notify the Commission in writing in the event that a change in the
scope of its facility occurs (for example, the opening of a new exhibit of significant proportions, or an exhibit that
changes the overall scope of the institution, such as an aquarium in a zoo, or land-based animals in an aquarium,
etc.). The Commission may assign a team, or individual, to conduct an inspection. Cost of such inspection shall
be borne by the accredited institution concerned. (See Interim or Special Inspection page 117, and Follow-up
Inspections, page 116.)
Complaints. If a documented, written complaint is received from a member of the general public, the institution’s
staff, or a professional colleague regarding an AZA-accredited institution, the Commission will take steps to
investigate the situation. In most cases this will involve reaching out to the institution for their comments and to
obtain specific documentation related to the complaint (e.g., exhibit photos, policies, procedures, etc.). Based
upon its findings, the Commission will make recommendations to the institution to ensure that accreditation
standards are being maintained, or take appropriate action. In some cases the Commission may assign a team to
conduct an inspection. (See Interim or Special Inspection page 117, and Follow-up Inspections, page 116.)
Determining Compliance. The AZA Accreditation Commission, based on the collective professional training and
experience of its 16 member panel, is the body officially tasked with determining whether a standard is being met
or not. The Commission’s decision is absolute. In cases of denial of accreditation, an appeal of that denial may be
made to the AZA Executive Committee [see page 32 of the 2024 Guide to the Accreditation of Zoological Parks &
Elephant Management and Care Requesting A Temporary Variance Under the AZA Standards.
Institutions requesting a temporary variance under the AZA Standards For Elephant Management & Care should
submit that request to the Accreditation Commission at the time it becomes apparent that a temporary variance
may be needed. The request should be in the form of a letter detailing the temporary variance being requested,
and should include all necessary documentation. The Commission will consider the requested temporary variance
and will thereafter notify the institution of its decision. Temporary variances must be re-applied for prior to the
expiration date contained in the variance, or documentation must be provided that the reason for the temporary
variance has been addressed. NOTE: institutions not currently AZA-accredited must be in full compliance with
AZA standards at the time application is made.
Elephant Management and Care Special Welfare Variance. In cases where an elephant’s physical and/or
psychological welfare is believed to be at risk by implementation of a standard, an institution may request a
special welfare variance under the AZA Standards For Elephant Management & Care. To qualify for a special
welfare variance, the elephant(s) in question must be considered geriatric, and the institution must provide
evidence that the elephant’s physical and/or psychological welfare will be at risk without the variance, or that
moving the elephant could result in serious injury or death. Evidence must be in the form of documentation from
the institution’s veterinary and animal management professional staff. The request for a special welfare variance
must be in the form of a letter detailing the variance being requested, and containing all necessary
documentation. The AZA Accreditation Commission will consider the request and will thereafter notify the
institution of its decision. If granted, the variance will be for three (3) years and must be re-applied for prior to the
expiration date contained in the variance. If granted, institutions must submit an annual report documenting the
status and health of the elephant(s), including veterinary records, assessments, behavioral profiles, and the
written recommendations of the institution’s veterinary and animal management professional staff. NOTE: for the
purpose of this variance, welfare is defined as physical health and function, and psychological well-being.
Elephant Management and Care Substantial Compliance Extension [to an existing variance]. In cases
where a deadline is set in a standard, and an institution has an existing variance until that deadline but has not yet
achieved full compliance by the deadline, a Substantial Compliance Extension of the existing variance may be
considered by the Accreditation Commission. Approval may be granted only if the institution can demonstrate
116 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
clear and steady progress toward compliance with the standard, is actively engaged and working towards full
compliance, and has identified a realistic completion date. Regular updates will be required until compliance is
achieved, and the Commission may require an inspection of the elephant program, at its discretion, as a condition
of maintaining accreditation.
Enforcement of Standards. Institutions holding accreditation from AZA must maintain all AZA standards, and
support AZA practices and philosophies during the period that accreditation is held. If AZA has evidence that this
is not taking place, it will work with the institution to see that standards are met, or will take whatever action is
appropriate to ensure the integrity of its process, including removal of AZA-accreditation when deemed necessary.
(See Interim or Special Inspection page 117, Follow-up Inspections, page 116, and Rescinding Accreditation,
page 118.)
Extensions of Accreditation. Under extenuating or special circumstances extensions of accreditation may be
granted to extend current accreditation by one year. An institution desiring an extension must submit a request in
writing to the Accreditation Commission, including a full explanation as to why the extension is being requested,
as soon as possible to avoid a potential lapse in accreditation and AZA membership. Before considering the
request, the Commission may require a site visit to assess the institution’s ability to maintain accreditation
standards during the period of extension. If a site visit is deemed necessary, it must take place prior to any
decision being made by the Commission. The Commission will thereafter make a determination, and the
institution will be notified. A second extension will be considered only in extreme cases, and will require a site
visit. If an extension is granted, the year of extension shall be deducted from the institution’s subsequent five-year
accreditation cycle should the institution receive accreditation at the end of the year of extension. [NOTE: Missing
a deadline will not be considered an acceptable reason for extension of accreditation. Extenuating or special
circumstances shall not include a vacancy in the position of CEO/Director.]
Follow-up Inspections. A follow-up inspection shall be conducted for all provisionally accredited and tabled
applicants at the end of the tabled/provisional period, as a condition of proceeding forward in the process. While
on site, the inspection team may, at their discretion, inspect all or portions of the institution. Cost of such
inspection shall be borne by the institution as a requirement of maintaining and/or achieving accreditation.
Mid-Cycle Inspections, page 117).
Geographic Location and Accreditation Cycle. To optimize weather conditions for inspectors and to create a
more even distribution of the case load for the Commission, institutions located in geographic areas that typically
experience a mild winter season will be placed on a five-year accreditation cycle that affords a fall-winter
inspection (i.e., will have their accreditation expire in March). Institutions located in geographic areas that typically
experience a harsh winter season will be placed on a five-year accreditation cycle that affords a spring-summer
inspection (i.e., will have their accreditation expire in September). In cases where an applicant processes and is
granted accreditation on a cycle in conflict with the geographic rule, its initial accreditation cycle will be shortened
to four and a half years to place it on the proper seasonal cycle for future inspections. NOTE: Because aquariums,
by their nature, are primarily indoor facilities, they will be placed on a five-year accreditation cycle that affords a
fall-winter inspection (i.e., will have their accreditation expire in March).
Implementation of New Standards: The Accreditation Standards and Related Policies document is thoroughly
reviewed and updated annually. New editions are released in the Fall for the following year. New standards and
revisions go into effect beginning January 1
. (Example: The 2024 standards will be released in Fall 2023 and
will go into effect on January 1, 2024.) All facilities are expected to begin implementing new standards as
soon as they are released. It is not practical to expect facilities to be fully up to speed as soon as new
standards go into effect, but they should begin to develop a plan for implementation as quickly as possible.
Institution’s Membership In AZA. An institution’s membership and participation in AZA must be maintained as a
condition of accreditation.
Institutions Under Construction. Institutions currently being constructed may apply for accreditation prior to the
opening date; however, the onsite inspection will not take place until the institution is officially open to the general
2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies 117
public and a permanent, fulltime CEO/Director has been on board for at least six months. (See Deadlines and
Early Submittals page 19 of the 2024 Guide to the Accreditation of Zoological Parks and Aquariums).
Institutions Within Institutions. In order to be accredited, a zoological park or aquarium which is a part of a
larger institution (such as a university, museum, or botanical garden) must be distinct enough to be separately
identified and must adequately fulfill the definition of a zoological park or aquarium as earlier defined. When
accreditation is granted in such cases, it will apply only to the zoological park or aquarium concerned and not to
the nonzoological activities of the larger organization in fields in which AZA has no expertise.
Interim or Special Inspections. The Accreditation Commission or AZA Board of Directors may, at its discretion,
assign a team to conduct an interim or special inspection of any AZA-accredited institution at any time during the
five-year accreditation period. While on site, the team may, at their discretion, inspect all or portions of the
institution. Cost of such inspection shall be borne by the institution as a requirement of maintaining and/or
achieving accreditation. (See Mid-Cycle Inspections, page 117).
“Last Minute” Inspector Replacements. Although it is highly unusual, a “last minute” change in inspectors may
become necessary in a sudden emergency. In this case, there may not be sufficient time for AZA to follow its
standard procedure and provide the institution with a list of potential replacements. Every effort will be made to
alert the institution in advance, but in extreme circumstances, AZA will assign a replacement inspector and notify
the institution thereafter.
Mid-Cycle Inspections. The Accreditation Commission may, at its discretion, require a mid-cycle inspection as a
condition of maintaining accreditation. When such an inspection is required, the visiting team will focus on key
areas identified when accreditation was issued, and will also review the institution as a whole. Cost of such
inspection shall be borne by the institution as a condition of maintaining accreditation. An application and
application fees are not required.
Mid-cycle inspections may apply to the following:
Institutions that are granted provisional accreditation and receive full accreditation one year later; or
institutions whose initial (new) applications are tabled and receive accreditation at the end of the tabling
Institutions that meet minimum standards when accreditation is granted but that the Commission believes
may be challenged in successfully maintaining AZA standards throughout the full five-year cycle of
Institutions with a large number of identified concerns; institutions with significant safety and/or animal
welfare concerns; institutions that are not well prepared for the inspection.
Multiple Facilities Under One Authority. If two or more institutions are under the same ownership and
governing authority, administration, or control, are located adjacent to each other, and public admittance for all
institutions is covered by a single entrance fee, they will be considered as a single institution. In such cases, the
institution(s) should first submit a request in writing for the consideration of the Commission. All facilities are
subject to inspection. Should the Commission determine that the institutions do not meet the above criteria,
processing as separate facilities will be necessary.
Museums Within Animal Facilities. If a museum exists within an animal facility, adjacent to an animal facility, or
if an animal facility exists within a museum, only the animal facility is inspected and considered as falling under
AZA’s standards of accreditation.
Offsite Facilities. The inspection will include an institution’s offsite facilities. An offsite facility is one that is owned
and operated by the institution, functions in support of the institution, but exists at a separate location away from
the institution itself. Institutions must list all offsite facilities in the space provided on the application for
accreditation. Examples of offsite facilities include, but are not limited to: food storage areas, maintenance and
equipment facilities, quarantine spaces, and animal holding areas or exhibits. The Primary Reviewer, in
consultation with the inspection team chair, will determine which of these areas must be inspected.
118 2024 Accreditation Standards & Related Policies
Provisional Accreditation. The Commission may implement provisional accreditation at any time during the
five-year cycle if it concludes that accreditation standards are not being consistently met and/or maintained. In
such case, if practicable, the institution shall receive immediate notice of the Commission’s decision. The
Commission may also choose to conduct an on-site inspection, after which the facility will be afforded an
opportunity for a hearing. The hearing will be scheduled for an upcoming monthly virtual meeting of the
Commission. The Commission may take any additional action it deems appropriate upon consideration of the
Rescinding Accreditation
. The Commission may rescind accreditation at any time if it concludes that
accreditation standards are not being consistently met and/or maintained. In such case the institution shall
receive immediate notice of the Commission’s decision. The Commission may also choose to conduct an on-site
inspection, after which the facility will be afforded an opportunity for a hearing. The hearing will be scheduled for
an upcoming monthly Zoom meeting of the Commission. The Commission may take any additional action it
deems appropriate upon consideration of the issues. Rescinding or denial of accreditation is appealable under
the bylaws to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.
Seasonal Closings. Institutions that are closed for winter months must be on a summer inspection schedule. No
regular accreditation inspections will be done when institutions are closed for the winter.
Special Welfare Variance. In cases where it is believed that an animal’s physical and/or psychological welfare
would be at risk by the implementation of a standard, an institution may request a special welfare variance. To
qualify for a special welfare variance, the animal(s) in question must be considered geriatric or handicapped, and
the institution must provide evidence that the animal’s welfare will be at risk if the standard as written is imposed,
or that moving the animal isn’t possible and/or could result in serious injury or death. The request for a special
welfare variance must be in the form of a letter detailing the variance being requested, and containing all
necessary documentation from the institution’s veterinary and animal management professional staff, and any
other experts involved. The AZA Accreditation Commission will consider the request and will thereafter notify the
institution of its decision. If granted, the variance will be for three (3) years and must be re-applied for prior to the
expiration date contained in the variance. NOTE: for the purpose of this variance, welfare is defined as physical
health and function, and psychological well-being. For elephants, see “Elephant Management and Care Special
Welfare Variance” (page 115).
Temporary Closings. Institutions temporarily closed to the public will retain their accreditation and their AZA
membership. Should an institution’s cycle of accreditation review fall within the period of temporary closure, an
extension must be requested in writing prior to the institution’s regular deadline for submission of accreditation
materials. During the period of closure, a written Progress Report must be submitted every six months until such
time as the institution has re-opened. Upon re-opening, the institution must submit materials for full accreditation
review by the first deadline that falls after re-opening. In the case of institutions closed for less than six (6)
months, a waiver may be requested in writing.
Rev. 11/2023
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