December 2023
The terms and conditions set out in this document are the Rental Terms.
The Country Specific Terms are local variations and additions to the Rental Terms. The Country
Specific Terms for the country where you are collecting the vehicle will apply to your rental.
The Electric Vehicle Terms are terms and conditions which apply in addition if you are renting an
Electric Vehicle.
The Rental Agreement is the document you sign when you pick up your vehicle (generally headed
“Rental Agreement” or “Rental Record”) which includes a summary of your rental (e.g. length, services
taken and an estimate of charges to be paid) and a QR code and link which directs you to the full
Rental Terms, Country Specific Terms as well as the Electric Vehicle Terms, if they apply.
When we refer to the Rental Agreement we mean (1) the signed document, (2) the Rental Terms, (3)
the applicable Country Specific Terms and (4) if applicable, the Electric Vehicle Terms. By signing the
Rental Agreement document, you indicate that the summary details are correct as well as your
acceptance of these terms. The Rental Agreement begins at the agreed start of your rental period.
The Rental Agreement is made with the Hertz company or franchisee named on it and all references
to “Hertz”, “we”, “us and “our” are to that company.
We are responsible to you for providing the vehicle in good overall and operating condition and may
replace the vehicle in the event of mechanical breakdown provided that any such breakdown is not
due to your fault or that of an Additional Driver, does not arise as a result of breach of the Rental
Agreement and subject to availability. Our responsibility covers death or personal injury resulting from
our acts or omissions. It does not extend to other losses arising from your rental unless they are a
direct and foreseeable result of our negligence or breach of the Rental Agreement. In this case our
responsibility to you will not cover loss of profits or loss of opportunity.
You must care for, use and return the vehicle in accordance with the Rental Agreement.
Please read the Rental Agreement carefully to understand your obligations in full.
If you do not comply with these Rental Terms we reserve the right to refuse to provide rental services
to you in future.
IMPORTANT: You are responsible to us if the vehicle is returned late, lost or damaged, as well
as for traffic fines and other charges that arise during the rental.
We aim to resolve all disputes amicably. If you dispute any credit or debit card charges or damage
billing, please communicate this directly to us within 14 days of the end of your rental term, please
include details of your rental agreement and/or your RES ID, with full information and any supporting
evidence. Customer Relations will re-evaluate the case and if they agree, a revised charge will be
invoiced and where payment has been taken, you will be refunded (in whole or in part as appropriate).
If they do not agree, they will proceed to collect the sum invoiced. Customer Relations aim to deal
with all customer contacts within 14 days.
If we are still unable to resolve the matter to your satisfaction, you can contact an independent
adjudicator, whose decision will be binding on us. For contact details and information about any
available independent dispute resolution services, please click here.
If we are unable to resolve a dispute, the law of the country where you signed the Rental Agreement
will apply. Any part of the Rental Agreement which is held to be illegal or unenforceable under
applicable law shall be considered to have been deleted, leaving the remainder in full force and effect.
When you rent with us, you consent to us processing your personal information in accordance with
our Privacy Policy. Please see click here to see our Privacy Policy or here for a summary.
If your rental is a 28 Days+/MultiMonth or Minilease rental for several months the terms of the 28
Days+/MultiMonth Addendum apply in addition to the Rental Terms.
For other leisure bookings, if your rental is for 28 days or longer you must return the vehicle to one of
our rental locations at least every 28
day or at any time when requested by us so that we can perform
certain service checks and renew your Rental Agreement. Please note that during this time if we
provide you with a temporary replacement vehicle we cannot guarantee that it will be the same
make/model or equivalent but we will endeavour to return the original vehicle to you as soon as
possible. We reserve the right to terminate the Rental Agreement at any time by giving you 30 days’
notice either orally or in writing (including by email). Please also see the Country Specific Terms.
Your Rental Agreement shows any prepaid sums as well as any charges agreed at the start of the rental
which have not been prepaid, and your agreement to pay these and any other charges that arise
during your rental.
IMPORTANT: We typically reserve an amount on your credit or debit card (or take a deposit) at
least equal to the estimated charges shown on your Rental Agreement. This will be released (or
repaid) on return following payment of the rental charges. However, please be aware that it
may take up to 30 days for any unused preauthorisation or deposit to be released.
Please click here for an explanation of the main charges and potential additional charges that may
arise from your rental. We will provide you with a final Statement of Charges when you return the
vehicle during the location’s opening hours. You can obtain the final invoice online here.
Definition: All references to the vehicle” in these Rental Terms are to the vehicle we supply to you
for your rental, including any replacements, plus all parts and accessories belonging to the vehicle and
any additional equipment provided to you, such as child seats, NeverLost or other GPS units, DVD
players, snow chains, portable WiFi devices etc. Electric Vehicle means any vehicle which uses
exclusively battery power rather than diesel or petrol fuel and all of their parts and accessories. Hybrid
vehicles count as vehicles (not Electric Vehicles) for the purposes of these Rental Terms.
Condition: We will provide a summary of any pre-existing damage on our Vehicle Condition Report
(VCR) at the start of your rental. It is important that you check the condition of the vehicle and
compare its actual condition with the VCR before leaving. Any differences must be reported to the
location staff so that the VCR can be updated before you leave the location premises. Please click here
to understand how we will process damage caused during your rental.
Care: You are responsible for looking after the vehicle and reducing the risk of breakdown and damage
by complying with our Rental Restrictions (below). You must also make sure you use the correct fuel
and check the tyres regularly. If any warning light is displayed in the vehicle requiring you to refill any
other fluid such as oil you must refill it as necessary and we will refund the cost of the refill to you on
presentation of a receipt. If you are renting an Electric Vehicle, the Electric Vehicle Terms will also
It is your responsibility to drive and park the vehicle carefully and in accordance with local traffic
regulations and in a manner appropriate to the road conditions at the time. You should not rely on
any GPS device as they do not always show the current speed limit or road configuration for any area.
Fuel: We will supply your vehicle with a full tank of fuel. You will need to return the vehicle with a full
tank or pay for the additional fuel required to fill the tank on return, including a Refuelling Service
Charge for the convenience of having us refuel the vehicle for you.
Please click here for a full explanation of your fuel options.
If you are renting a hybrid vehicle we do not guarantee any level of battery charge at collection.
Charging is your responsibility whilst you are renting the vehicle and any use of public charge points
must be in accordance with their terms and conditions and at your own cost and expense.
Currency conversion: If you are renting outside the country where you live we may give you the
option to pay in your home currency using a competitive rate of exchange. Please click here for
further details.
IMPORTANT: You are responsible for returning the vehicle in the condition we provided it in,
subject to fair wear and tear. You will be responsible to us, to the extent allowed under
applicable law, for any additional damage found on return.
If you are renting an Electric Vehicle this section does not apply. Please see the Electric Vehicle Terms
for the terms relating to battery use and charging.
Use: The vehicle belongs to us and you may not sub-rent, transfer or sell it. You may not use the
To carry passengers for remuneration (e.g. as a taxi or car sharing arrangement or similar).
Off road or on roads unsuitable for the vehicle (including racetracks).
When it is overloaded with passengers and/ or baggage.
To tow or push any vehicle, trailer or other object (without our express permission).
To carry anything which may harm the vehicle (including but not limited to highly flammable,
toxic, explosive or combustible materials such as nitrous oxide or any other hazardous
materials and substances) or delay our ability to rent the vehicle again (because of its
condition or smell).
To carry cargo for remuneration (trucks, vans and other vehicles suitable for transportation of
cargo may only carry cargo for personal use unless you have our express permission).
For motor sports purposes, in particular driving events where it is important to achieve
maximum speed, or for the associated practice and training drives, such as races, rallies or
other competitions.
For vehicle tests and/or driving tests or driver safety training.
In restricted areas, including airport service roads and associated areas.
In contravention of any traffic or other regulations.
For any illegal purpose.
The Country Specific Terms may include additional Rental Restrictions which apply to the country
where you are collecting and driving the vehicle.
Authorised drivers: Unless someone is named on the Rental Agreement, or added later with our
express permission, they are not authorised by us to drive the vehicle. Authorised drivers may not
drive if they are over-tired or under the influence of any substance that may impair their consciousness
or ability to react, such as alcohol, drugs or certain medication.
Driving abroad and cross-border travel: You may only drive the vehicle in the country of rental. If you
want to drive the vehicle in any other country, you must gain our prior permission and the Cross
Border Fee will apply.
Multiple rentals: You may not rent more than two vehicles at any time with us unless you have set up
a corporate account with us and have our prior permission to do so.
Your rental may be subject to a maximum number of miles included in the rate. If you exceed this
mileage then additional fees may apply. See the Charges section below.
You are responsible for all fines, road tolls, congestion charges and other similar charges (including
parking fines or charges) incurred in relation to the vehicle during your rental. Some of these will be
sent to us for payment, which we will pay and recover from you by way of reimbursement.
Alternatively, we may be required to provide your details to the relevant authority or other third party,
who will contact you directly. Where we pass your details to a third party this will be in accordance
with our Privacy Policy.
Assistance: If you experience any problem with the vehicle due to mechanical failure or accident you
should call Emergency Roadside Assistance (please see the Country Specific Terms for contact details
or check the vehicle’s key ring, your Rental Agreement or the in-vehicle stickers) and they will arrange
help. Although this service is included in your rate, you will be responsible to us for any breakdown
call out costs we incur where you are at fault (including, but not limited to, misfuelling or running out
of battery charge, lost or locked-in keys). Please note that you must not allow anyone to service or
repair the vehicle without our permission.
Premium Emergency Roadside Assistance (PERS): In some countries you can buy this additional
product to cover breakdown call out costs where you are at fault. For full details click here.
IMPORTANT: If you do not comply with these Rental Restrictions:
You will be responsible for any damage, losses and expenses we suffer as a result.
You may lose the benefit of breakdown products, insurance or waivers of liability.
You may be required to pay additional charges.
We may terminate the Rental Agreement and take the vehicle back at any time at your
expense, and you will not be entitled to a refund for any unused portion of the rental
rate charged.
IMPORTANT: In addition to any fine or charge you incur, we may also apply an Administration
Fee to contribute towards the time and costs we incur in dealing with these matters.
If you have an accident you agree to co-operate with us and our insurers in any investigation or
subsequent legal proceedings.
You must also take the following steps:
1. Always:
a. Inform the rental location and the local police (by telephone or, if cannot be reached
on the phone, visit the nearest police station) immediately.
b. Complete a European Accident Statement (you will find these or a similar document
in the glove compartment of the vehicle) and immediately send a copy to the rental
location (the email address is on the Rental Agreement); and
c. Check the Country Specific Terms for any additional requirements and variations that
apply in that location.
2. Also, if anyone is injured:
a. Report the accident to the local police;
b. Do not admit fault;
c. Take a note of the names,addresses and contact details of everyone involved,
including witnesses.
3. Also, if the vehicle is not driveable contact Emergency Roadside Assistance (click here for
contact details).
Responsibility: If the vehicle is lost, stolen or damaged during your rental, you are responsible for all
losses we suffer (up to the full replacement value of the vehicle ) and all costs that we incur unless the
loss or damage is directly due to us or we have been reimbursed by a third party or their insurers.
Security: You are responsible for the security of the vehicle and should try to minimise the risk of theft
or vandalism by parking in a safe place. Always remove valuable items (including any removable radio,
DVD player or NeverLost or other GPS unit) from sight and make sure the vehicle is locked. You must
also comply with our return instructions (click here or see Return below).
Theft: If the vehicle is stolen, you must:
IMPORTANT: If you fail to comply with these accident instructions your waiver products may be
void. Please check your Country Specific Terms for full requirements.
IMPORTANT: Your liability to us may include (amongst others):
Cost of repairs
Replacement cost of missing or damaged accessories or parts
Loss of rental income
Towing and storage charges
Loss in value of the vehicle and/or
An administration charge to recover our costs for dealing with these issues and any
related claim.
1. inform the local police;
2. call Emergency Roadside Assistance
3. call the renting location
As soon as you can, you must also:
4. complete the Theft Report at the renting location.
You must be able to show that you have taken appropriate care by returning the keys to us as well as
a copy and/or reference of the police report, otherwise our applicable waiver products will be
Insurance and Waiver Options
Your rental rate automatically includes Third Party Liability Insurance which protects you and any
authorised driver against claims from any other person for death, personal injury or damage to
property caused by the vehicle during the rental. In addition (if not already included in your rate) you
can choose:
Optional Waivers such as SuperCover, CDW and TP: to reduce or eliminate your liability
to us for damage to or loss of the vehicle; and
Personal Insurance (PI): to provide cover for you and your passengers for (i) death, injury
and medical expenses, and (ii) loss of or damage to possessions, when using the vehicle.
Terms and conditions apply to these products and it is important that you check these. If you accept
our optional products you agree to the additional product terms and conditions. Please click here to
see the additional terms.
Third party insurance: If you have purchased excess waiver insurance or similar from a third party to
cover your liability to us for the excess under our waiver products, you will remain liable to us for any
amount due up to the excess and must seek reimbursement from your insurer.
Vehicles may contain onboard computers which periodically suggest software updates.
You must not update the in-vehicle software at any time unless specifically requested to do so by a
Hertz representative. If a software update prompt is received during your rental, please ignore this
or press cancel.
If you do update the software (other than following the explicit instruction of a Hertz representative)
this is at your own risk and Hertz accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever including, but not
limited to, any loss of use, interruption of service, incompatibility with training materials or otherwise.
IMPORTANT: To the extent allowed under applicable law, our insurance and waiver products
will be void if you breach the Rental Agreement, or if the loss or damage is caused intentionally.
Our waivers may also be invalid if the loss or damage is caused by your gross negligence or that
of an authorised driver. For full details of exclusions click here.
Requirements: You need to return the vehicle to the return location by the time stated on your Rental
Agreement, or as otherwise agreed with us, otherwise additional charges may apply (see Variations
Outside Operating Hours: You may return the vehicle outside location opening hours with our prior
agreement, in which case you must:
park in our car park or, if unavailable, a secure place nearby and lock the vehicle.
leave all relevant documents (such as parking access ticket, European Accident Statement,
fuel receipt (if returning the car full), receipts for any other fluids refilled) on the driver’s seat.
Post the keys with clear instructions where to find the vehicle through the location’s secure key box.
The key box will be clearly marked do not post the keys through the normal office mailbox. Do not
give the keys to anybody when you park the vehicle even if they appear to be our employee.
Change to time or location: If you want to change the time or place of return or arrange for us to
collect the vehicle, you should contact the renting location via email using the address on your Rental
Agreement. Any amendment to the agreed return arrangement is at our discretion and may involve
additional charges.
Early return: Where you have selected a pay later rate, committed to a rental term and then brought
the vehicle back early we will recalculate the cost of the rental at the rates current at the time of
return. You will only pay for the days used but the recalculation may result in an increased or
decreased overall price.
In addition we reserve the right to make an Early Return Charge to compensate us in part for our
inability to rent your vehicle during the remaining time reserved for your use. For details, please click
Late return: Your rental charges are calculated in 24 hour periods from the time shown on the Rental
Agreement. If you return the vehicle late you enter into a new 24 hour period and will be charged for
that and every successive 24 hour period you enter before return at a current, standard rate.
IMPORTANT: If you return the vehicle out of hours you will remain fully responsible for the
vehicle, including any damage, until we are able to locate it during opening hours. The rental
charges will be calculated up to the time when the location reopens.
IMPORTANT: A change to the Return Time might involve an increase to your rental charges,
because a different (current) rate may apply. If you change Return Location we may charge a
One Way Fee to cover our cost of returning the vehicle to its original location.
To help you, we typically allow a short ‘grace period’ to return the vehicle without being charged an
extra day. Please click here or ask at the counter for details.
In certain circumstances, we may also apply a Late Return Charge towards costs we incur if you return
the vehicle other than at the agreed time. For details, please click here.
Notification: We will check the vehicle on your return and add any additional charges arising from
your use of the vehicle, such as for fuel, vehicle condition/damage/missing accessories and early/ late
return, to your invoice. Please click here for a detailed list of potential charges.
Invoice and payment: We will provide an invoice or Statement of Charges on your return or by email
or post. You can also find your invoice on our website by clicking find my invoice” and entering your
details. If you don’t pay your charges within the time indicated on your invoice we may charge you
the applicable statutory commercial interest on the outstanding charges.
More information… CHARGES
Your Rental Record/Agreement provides an estimate of the charges applicable to your rental. These
charges may typically include the following:
Rental Rate
The agreed rental rate is shown as a per week or per day amount, includes
third party insurance. The rental rate may include Collision Damage Waiver
(CDW) and/or Theft Protection (TP). This will be stated on the Rental
An estimated mileage may also be included in your rental rate. A fee may
apply if you exceed this estimate.
Location Service
Charged at certain locations (e.g. airports and railway stations) to reflect
the higher cost of providing services from there.
IMPORTANT: Some charges can’t be finally determined on return, such as for major or hidden
damage or any fines we later receive relating to your rental. We will notify you, by email using
the address we hold for you, of any such charges before taking payment when these are
IMPORTANT: As agreed in your Rental Agreement, we may take any charges owed by you from
the credit or debit card taken at the rental location, without any further authorisation from you.
Vehicle Licence Fee
Passes on your share of the charges we incur for keeping the vehicle on the
Young Driver
May apply if you or any additional driver is under 25 years old.
Cross-Border Fee
Applies if you drive the vehicle outside the country of rental. Grants you full
roadside assistance and unlimited vehicle exchange if needed while you are
abroad. Please note that you must seek our prior permission to drive the
vehicle across country borders and failure to obtain our permission may
result in additional fees and charges being applied and/or insurance and/or
waiver products being invalidated.
Additional Driver
We apply a standard fee for each additional driver added to your rental to
cover our additional insurance costs.
One Way Fee
May apply if you return the vehicle to a location different from the start
location. You will be advised at the time of reservation if your journey is
Delivery &
Collection Charges
Apply if you request that your rental vehicle is delivered to or collected from
a location other our rental location.
Insurance & Waiver
The Rental Agreement will show if our insurance and waiver options have
been accepted or declined by you or are otherwise included in your rate.
We also show the per incident excess applicable to Collision Damage
Waiver (CDW) and Theft Protection (TP) and the full charge for the agreed
rental period, inclusive of tax.
Optional equipment
The Rental Agreement lists any optional equipment you have selected, such
as baby/ child seats, winter tyres, Neverlost or other GPS unit, showing the
full charge for the agreed rental period.
Estimated Rental
Your total estimated charges at the start of the rental including tax. Charges
are ‘estimated’ because they exclude any potential fuel or other charges
you may incur through your use of the vehicle during your rental.
Total Estimated
Rental Charges
The Estimated Rental Charges plus the maximum fuel charge you could
incur if you return the vehicle empty (i.e. a full tank of fuel with a refuelling
service charge at current rates).
You may incur additional charges as a result of your use of the vehicle or other incidents that occur
during the rental. These include the following:
Fuel Purchase Option
Refuelling Price
Refuelling Service
If you have rented an Electric Vehicle, please see the Electric Vehicle Terms for
additional/alternative specific charges.
Hybrid Vehicle cable
replacement charge
Extra Cleaning
Smoking Charge
If you have rented an Electric Vehicle, please see the Electric Vehicle Terms for
additional/alternative charges.
Local Road and Toll
Traffic Fines and
Fines Administration
Early Return Charge
Additional Rental
Late Return Charge
All charges are calculated in accordance with our current rates and subject to final calculation at
the end of the rental.
More information… FUEL
Fuel is not included in your rental rate. Your vehicle will be provided with a full tank of fuel and you
can decide how you wish to pay for the fuel you use during your rental. You have the following options:
Fuel Purchase Option (FPO), often referred to as “full to empty”.
We charge you at the start of your rental for a full tank of fuel at a price competitive with local fuel
stations. You will then not need to refill the tank before returning and will have nothing more to pay
us for fuel.
This is a good option for high mileage journeys where you are likely to use a full tank.
Please note that we do not provide a refund for unused fuel.
Often referred to as a “full to full policy.
Return the vehicle with a full tank of fuel purchased from a local petrol station.
This is a good option for low mileage journeys.
A good option if you are in a hurry, did not take FPO and do not have time to refill the tank on return.
Fuel charges
We will charge you a price per litre to refill the tank, including or in addition to a Refuelling Service
Charge for our service of re-fuelling for you. These prices are indicated on your Rental Agreement.
For your convenience we generally provide two estimates of charges on your Rental Agreement to
illustrate the potential cost of returning the vehicle without refuelling:
without fuel (i.e. assumption that the vehicle is returned full); and
with a full tank of fuel included (i.e. assumption that the vehicle is returned empty to show
the maximum charge);
If you have any further questions, please ask at the counter when you pick up your vehicle.
If you have rented a hybrid vehicle this section applies. You are not required to ensure that it is
returned with any particular level of battery charge.
If you have rented an Electric Vehicle this fuel section does not apply. Please refer to the Electric
Vehicle Terms.
More information… DAMAGE
Your responsibility for damage to the vehicle is set out at the Damage and Theft section of these
Rental Terms. This policy covers how we assess and charge for damage and how we deal with any
disputes relating to damage assessed.
We will provide a summary of any pre-existing damage on the Vehicle Condition Report (VCR) at the
start of the rental. Please check to make sure it is correct before you leave the rental location. We will
also inspect the vehicle on your return and record any new damage (excluding fair wear and tear) on
a Damage Appraisal Report (DAR) and will provide a copy to you.
IMPORTANT: Fuel gauges may still indicate that the tank is “full” many miles after it was last re-
filled. To deal with this practically, we ask you to refill the tank within 10 miles/15 km of the
return location and bring your fuel receipt with you when returning the vehicle. If you do not do
so, we reserve the right to apply a charge please ask at the counter for details.
Fair wear and tear
This means “ordinary wear due to reasonable use” and includes minor scratches and chips, small dents
and normal wear on tyre treads and wiper blades. Please check the section “What we mean by
chargeable damage” at the bottom on your Vehicle Condition Report which you will be sent by email.
At peak times you should allow 20 to 30 minutes to complete the inspection with our staff and agree
any damage. If you don’t have time to do this any new damage will be assessed and charged in your
Hidden damage
Some damage will not be apparent on post-rental inspection, such as damage caused to inaccessible
parts of the vehicle (e.g. the engine, fuel tank or clutch) or hidden by adverse light or weather
conditions. If we find any such damage we will notify you using the email address we hold on record
for you, with evidence, before we charge you.
If you have purchased an applicable damage waiver product then we will charge you for the damage
up to the value of the excess that applies (which may be zero or a reduced excess) unless the wavier
product has been invalidated.
There are two common scenarios for damage assessment and charging:
i. Damage covered in our matrix
We aim to deal with damage in a quick and practical way by using our damage repair matrix. This
contains the average cost of repairing the most common and minor damage based on the costs of
body repair shops for parts and labour. The damage matrix is audited by impartial third party auditors
on an annual basis.
Where possible we will charge for the damage in line with our matrix. We will email you the Damage
Appraisal Report (DAR) explaining the details of the damage charges, including pictures, at the time
of return. The damage costs and any applicable admin fee will be included in your final invoice.
ii. Damage not covered in our matrix
We will refer your case to our damage assessor for evaluation. We aim to complete this assessment
within 20 days. However, it can take up to 90 days if a third party or the police are involved. We will
email you the Damage Appraisal Report (DAR) listing the damage, including the pictures, at the time
of return. We will send you a separate invoice for the damage costs and any applicable admin fee
once the damage assessor has completed their evaluation. You will be notified of the cost using the
email address we hold on record for you, at least seven days before we charge your credit card.
Notification and evidence
We will provide evidence of any damage charge we make, which should include (i) the Rental
Agreement number, date and return location, (ii) a damage appraisal from a repair body shop and/
or the invoice for the repairs, and (iii) a signed VCR, any Accident Report Form, photographs of the
damage in situ and of the odometer.
1. If you dispute a damage charge please communicate this to us within 14 days of the end of your
rental term with details of the Rental Agreement and/or RES ID and we will send full information,
including any arguments and supporting evidence you provide, to our Customer Relations team,
who will re-evaluate the case. If they agree with you a revised charge will be invoiced and where
payment has been taken you will be refunded in whole or in part. If they do not agree, they will
proceed to collect the sum invoiced.
2. Customer Relations aim to deal with all customer contacts within 14 days.
If we are still unable to resolve the matter to your satisfaction you can contact an independent
adjudicator, whose decision will be binding on us. For full details and contact information, please
click here.
More information…INSURANCE & WAIVERS
We provide insurance and waiver products to cover the principal risks you incur when driving the
vehicle. These may be included in your rate or available as optional extra products.
Key benefits, limitations and exclusions for these products are summarised below.
TPLI is automatically included in your rental
rate. It:
meets all legal requirements for third
party liability.
protects you and any authorised driver
against claims from any other person
(including your passengers) for death,
personal injury or damage to property
caused by your use of the vehicle during
your rental.
To the extent allowed under applicable law
your insurance and waiver products will be void
and no longer protect you if:
you are in breach of your obligations
under the Rental Agreement see in
particular the Rental Restrictions section
of these Rental Terms.
the loss or damage is caused intentionally.
the driver was not authorised by Hertz as
the main or additional driver
Your liability to us for loss of or damage to the
vehicle may extend to the full value of the
vehicle. You can reduce or eliminate this
liability by taking the waiver products set out
NB: some of our waivers (e.g. CDW and TP)
might be included in your rate (check your
Rental Agreement) and are subject to an excess.
The others (e.g. SuperCover and Glass & Tyres)
are optional and supplement CDW and TP by
further reducing or eliminating the excess in
certain circumstances.
In addition to the limitations listed in the TPLI
section above, your waiver products will be void
meaning that your liability to us for damage or
loss will not be reduced or eliminated - where
you or an authorised driver are grossly negligent
(e.g. act in a way they know or should know is
likely to cause harm or damage) including in
particular in the following circumstances:
Failure to assess the vehicle’s height:
Striking overhead or overhanging objects.
Driving into a barrier that is too low for
the vehicle to pass beneath.
Driving into a barrier in a car park before
it fully opens.
Driving on unsuitable road conditions:
Driving on a road in bad condition without
due care resulting in damage to the
Driving on a beach causing damage by salt
water and/or sand.
Driving through flooded roads causing
damage to the engine.
Improper use of the vehicle examples:
Putting wrong fuel in the vehicle or
otherwise contaminating the fuel tank or
contaminating the AdBlue tank.
Damage occurring as a result of ignoring a
warning light.
Burning a clutch (which requires
persistent ill use) or using the hand brake
Damage to the wheel rim caused by
driving with a flat tyre.
Fitting unauthorised objects to the
interior or exterior of the vehicle.
CDW is often included in your rate and reduces
your liability to us to the amount of
the applicable excess (stated on your Rental
Agreement) which applies to each incident of
damage caused other than by theft, attempted
theft or vandalism.
Examples of damage covered by CDW include:
Impact with a fixed or moving object (e.g.
damage caused if you have an accident).
Loss of control of the vehicle provided
that this is not caused by the gross
negligence of your or any authorised
Natural events, such as snow, hail, flood
or rock fall.
Fire caused by vehicle defect, including
electrical fault, or from adjacent fire or
explosion, criminal or terrorism acts.
Tyres and window damage caused by
objects on or thrown up from the road.
TP is often included in your rate and reduces
your liability to us to the amount of the
applicable excess (stated on your Rental
Agreement) which applies to each incident
related to loss of or damage to the vehicle
caused by theft, attempted theft or vandalism.
Examples of incidents covered by TP include
Damage caused by breaking and
entering the vehicle.
Attempted theft of the vehicle or its
accessories (e.g. radio).
Vandalism (e.g. bent aerial, broken
Theft of the vehicle.
Carrying especially dirty or smelly
materials that require extra cleaning costs
or that damage or burn the interior.
Contribution to damage to/theft of the vehicle:
Damage resulting from locking the keys in
the vehicle or losing the keys.
Damage resulting from leaving the
windows open.
Loss of the vehicle caused by failure to use
the anti-theft system (if provided).
Loss of the vehicle when you are unable
to return the keys.
Additional limitations:
Accessories. Our waivers do not extend to
any accessories (e.g. NeverLost® or other
GPS units, portable Wi-Fi units, ski racks,
snow chains, child seats etc) you rent. You
will be charged for replacement of these
items if they are lost or damaged for any
Parts. Unless the vehicle was stolen or
involved in an accident, our waivers do
not extend to any removable parts of the
vehicle if they are missing at the time of
return (e.g. keys, key fobs, charging
cables, parcel shelves, warning vests or
triangles, SD GPS cards, 1
aid boxes, fire
extinguishers etc)
Damage Administration Charges. CDW,
TP and Glass & Tyres do not reduce or
eliminate the damage administration fee
that may be applied in case of each event
of damage during the rental.
Theft of your possessions. Damage to or
theft of personal and work-related effects
and goods transported in the vehicle are
not covered by our waivers. You can buy
cover for personal effects that you own by
taking Personal Insurance (PI).
SC is an optional product and gives you peace of
mind for your rental by:
Eliminating your potential liability to us
for the CDW or TP excess for loss of or
damage to the vehicle during your
Waiving your responsibility to us for any
damage administration charges that
would otherwise be payable.
Some terms and conditions and exclusions
apply. Please see here and refer to the Country
Specific Terms.
G&T is an optional product and a cheaper
alternative to SC. Where available, it eliminates
your potential liability to us for the CDW or TP
excess for damage to the vehicle’s glass
(including sun roof) and tyres only.
PI is an optional insurance designed to meet the
demands and needs of those seeking cover for
risks not met by the above insurance and waiver
products. Cover is provided for all occupants of
the vehicle for:
Death, injury and medical expenses
arising from an accident.
Damage to or loss of personal possessions
in the vehicle.
For full details about PI, ask for a leaflet at the
counter or visit our website.
Cover is provided as fixed lump sum payments
subject to small applicable excesses and may be
void if you are in breach of your obligations
under the Rental Agreement unless you can
show the incident was totally unconnected with
the breach.
Exclusions include:
Loss of or damage to certain items,
including jewellery, cash, animals, work
related items and cargo.
Stolen items where the vehicle was not
locked or they were left in plain sight or
overnight in the vehicle.
Pre-existing illnesses or medical
PERS is an optional product which supplements
the Emergency Roadside Assistance included in
your rate. It provides cover for the vehicle
recovery and call out costs you would otherwise
be responsible for if the reason for the
breakdown or call out was your fault.
Examples of call out costs covered include:
Lost keys or keys locked inside the
Running out of fuel or using the wrong
Flat battery.
You will remain responsible for:
Cost of any replacement battery or
Damage incurred to the vehicle as a
result of the call out, including
replacement glass.
Replacement fuel where wrong fuel was
Travel costs for any replacement
In each case arising from call out incidents that
were your fault.
More information… PRIVACY SUMMARY
We need to collect and store personal information about you to provide the services you request.
When you rent with us, you consent to us processing your personal information in accordance with
our Privacy Policy.
The key points about our use of personal information are set out below. For full details see our Privacy
We use your personal information for our legitimate interests, including statistical analysis, credit
control and protection of our assets. This may include disclosing your personal information to insurers
and other organisations to assist in recovery procedures and counter fraudulent claims.
If you use a CDP number (price discount or other benefits) linked to a company we may share your
personal information with that company in relation to your rental to process the discount and credit
any membership points.
We track the location of certain vehicles via GPS technology for security reasons and may retain such
information as necessary for those purposes.
We will only use your personal information for marketing purposes with your consent and where you
have been given the opportunity to decline. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the
unsubscribe link in any email or by emailing eupri[email protected].
You have the right to access, correct and/or request deletion of the personal information we hold
about you see our Privacy Policy for details.
More information… CONTACTS
If you need to discuss any aspect of your rental or, ultimately, are not happy with your rental
experience, you have the following options:
If you have any questions or problems during
your rental (e.g. to change the return time or
If we are unable to resolve an issue to your
satisfaction you can contact the European Car
place) you can email the location at any time
using the address provided on the Rental
Agreement or click here for details.
You can raise any other issues arising from the
rental with our location staff on return.
If you have an accident or breakdown you
should contact the Emergency Roadside
Assistance number (click here).
Rental Conciliation Service (ECRCS) provided you
are an EU or UK resident and you were renting
in a different country within the EU or the UK.
The ECRCS is an independent conciliation service
staffed by people who understand the car rental
industry. They review any complaints against a
Code of Conduct for car rental companies,
prepared by Leaseurope on behalf of the
industry, which we have signed up to.
If a company has acted outside the
requirements of the Code, the ECRCS will
automatically find against them. Otherwise,
they will decide on the merits of the case.
We will comply with the decision of the ECRCS.
You can contact the ECRCS at
[email protected] or visit their website at
Alternatively, if your issue is not eligible for the
ECRCS, but concerns a European country, you
can seek online dispute resolution (ODR)
through or contact the
European Consumer Centres Network
(www.ECC-Net) to get more information about
your rights.
You are, of course, free to continue to seek
redress through any other means, such as
through the courts, if you remain unsatisfied.
If you disagree with any charges on your return,
or have a complaint relating to your rental
experience, you should contact Customer
Services who will help to resolve any issues:
by email using our webforms (click here)
through Livechat on our website or by
clicking here
We aim to deal with all customer contacts within
14 days.
Choose Your Currency (CYC) is an optional service that provides foreign rental charges in
your home currency.
When you use your VISA or Mastercard to pay for transactions abroad you generally pay in local (i.e.
foreign) currency. Your credit card company then converts the charges you paid into your home
currency, if different, and shows them on your credit card statement. CYC replaces the currency
conversion normally carried out by your credit card company with a service provided by our acquiring
bank, who convert the charges using a competitive rate of exchange for the day you receive your
rental receipt. The charges for your rental will then appear on your rental invoice in your home
currency rather than in the local currency of the rental location.
At participating locations in Europe, we will ask you if you wish to see your rental charges in your home
currency or in local currency. Your choice will be recorded on your Rental Agreement.
If you choose to receive your rental charges in
your home currency, CYC will apply and the
conversion will be made at the rental location.
Your invoice will show your rental charges in
your home currency, the exchange rate used
(including a conversion fee) and the original
charges in local (i.e. foreign) currency. The home
currency charges will then be sent to your credit
card company and will appear on your credit
card statement.
If you choose to receive your rental charges in
local (i.e. foreign) currency, your invoice will
show your rental charges in the currency of the
rental location. These charges will be sent to
your credit card company which will convert
them into your home currency and post them to
your credit card statement indicating the rate of
exchange used. Many credit card companies
charge a fee for this service.
Electric Vehicle Terms (“EV Terms”)
When do these EV Terms apply?
If your rental vehicle is an Electric Vehicle (EV) then these EV Terms will apply. They form part of the
Rental Agreement and apply in addition to the terms contained in the Rental Terms.
In these EV Terms, an EV means a battery operated vehicle which uses battery power rather than
diesel or petrol fuel.
These EV Terms do not apply to Hybrid Vehicles (i.e. vehicles which use battery power and other fuel)
if you are renting a Hybrid Vehicle please refer to the Rental Terms.
We take the privacy of our customers very seriously and handle personal data in accordance with our
Privacy Policy.
We are not responsible for and have no control over how vehicle manufacturers process your personal
data during your operation of the vehicle. To know how vehicle manufacturers collect and use your
personal data including telematic data, please see the privacy policy maintained by each vehicle
manufacturer on its official websites. (Tesla, Polestar, Lynk&Co, Stellantis, Renault, Kia, Maxus,
Hyundai, BMW, Mercedes, VW, etc. For reference only, we do not guarantee the accuracy of its
content and URLs utilised.)
Choice of vehicle
Caring for your EV
We recommend that you charge the battery as often as possible to keep it in the 20-80% range of
charge. Charging the EV when the battery status is below 20% will mean that the charge time is
The vehicle information on our website will describe a range which is theoretically achievable on a
full charge based on available market data. Please be aware that this is a theoretical range only and
is not guaranteed - battery life is affected by a number of factors including model, driving style,
terrain/road conditions, weather conditions, battery composition and age.
CHARGE STATUS: When you collect the EV we will try to ensure that the EV has a charge status of at
least 80%. The battery status will be recorded on your Rental Agreement.
During your rental you should plan charging stops in advance of low battery status. Recharging EVs
is fundamentally different to refuelling a petrol/diesel counterpart. Best practice is to charge wherever
you park, including overnight stays and supplementing with rapid charging as required.
CHARGING STATIONS: We have partnered with several partners, including Shell Recharge to create
an approved network of charging stations (each a Network Charging Station). We recommend that
you use Network Charging Stations to charge the EV during your rental to remove the need for you to
register with a charging provider and to streamline your charging experience. If the EV you have
rented is a Tesla then Tesla Superchargers are also part of the approved network.
When using a Network Charging Station with the Charging Fob or Charge Card provided with the EV
or a Tesla Supercharger, you will not have to pay at that time, instead, for your convenience, we will
IMPORTANT: You must ensure that you are comfortable with the capabilities and any limitations
associated with your rental vehicle. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that it is appropriate
for your needs. On occasion we may substitute your selected vehicle with another and in that
situation you must check that it is suitable for you.
IMPORTANT: You must not allow the battery charge to fall below 10% as this significantly
impairs the battery life and may damage the battery. Breakdown caused by low battery will be
your sole responsibility. Please see the breakdown section of the Rental Terms for guidance of
what to do in such event.
IMPORTANT: It is your responsibility to ensure that the EV has sufficient remaining battery to
complete your journey or get you to a charging station.
pass on the total cost of your use of Network Charging Stations at the end of your rental this includes
the electricity consumed, idle/parking fee (where applicable) and, where charged by the supplier, a
per transaction fee. We may invoice you separately for the cost of your use of Network Charging
Stations and charge the cost against your credit card without further authorisation from you. This
charge may be applied several days after the rental has ended. If your rental rate includes the use of
Network Charging Stations then a fair use policy applies.
You can find more information about our Network Charging Stations here. However, you can charge
the EV at any public or private charging station at your sole discretion.
Charging stations must be used in accordance with the instructions provided at that location. You are
solely responsible and liable for your use of any charging station.
If you misuse or damage a charging station (whether a Network Charging Station or other charging
station) we may receive a fine or a claim for damages. If this happens we will pass that fine or
damages on to you together with an administration fee (see Charges below).
You must ensure that you use the charging station and cable (either the cable provided with the EV or
a tethered cable attached to the public charger) in a responsible and considerate manner to ensure
that you do not cause a trip hazard or other danger to members of the public.
We reserve the right to support investigations and provide any relevant information to third parties
in connection with misuse of and/or damage to charging stations.
CHARGING FOB/CHARGE CARD: We may provide you with a Charging Fob on the EV key ring or a
Charge Card when you collect the EV to enable you to use Network Charging Stations. The Charging
Fob/Charge Card must remain on the key ring at all times.
IMPORTANT: If you choose to use a charging station which is not a Network Charging Station
you may be required to register with the alternative provider and may also incur a fee for
charging the vehicle. You are responsible for any such registration (including accepting any
terms and conditions and privacy policy) and any fees.
IMPORTANT: Parking fees are separate to charging fees always check the parking rules on
entry to a car park or a charging station.
IMPORTANT: When using a public charging station (including a Network Charging Station), at
the end of your charging session you must move the vehicle. If you do not then you may be
subject to Idle Fees or a parking fine which we will pass on to you together with the Fines
Administration Fee where applicable (see the Charges section below).
You will be responsible for returning the Charging Fob/Charge Card in the same condition at the end
of your rental period. This will be part of the checking process at the end of the rental. If you do not
return the Charging Fob/Charge Card then charges will apply (see Charges below).
The Charging Fob/Charge Card must only be used to charge the EV that you have rented. Hertz
monitors use across the Network Charging Points. Any misuse of the Charging Fob/Charge Card is a
breach of these EV Rental Terms and will result in you being liable for any costs incurred with the
Charging Fob/Charge Card together with applicable Additional Usage Charges set out below.
CABLE: One or more charging cable(s) will be provided with the EV. This could include:
1. EV to Charging Station (Mode 3) connector cable which will enable charging up to 11kW when
connected to an appropriate Type 2 socket Charging Station. The speed is limited by the EV's
onboard charger and specification of the cable; and/or
2. EV to Domestic - (Mode 2) connector cable which will enable charging up to 3kW via an
appropriate domestic socket.
Please notify Hertz staff if no cables are present when you collect the EV. If this is not noted at the
time of collection you will be liable for the replacement cost of the cable(s) logged in our systems as
included with that EV (see Charges below).
Charging cables are to be used with care and attention and in accordance with user manuals. If you
use a cable other than in an EV charging socket then you are responsible for any loss or damage
Battery Status
The cost of recharging the EV is not included in your rental rate. You can decide how you wish to
recharge the EV. You have the following options:
We will record the EV’s battery status before you collect the EV and measure it again on your return.
IMPORTANT: You must notify us immediately if you lose or damage the Charging Fob/Charge
Card during your rental (please see Contact section of Rental Terms).
IMPORTANT: Rapid/Super charging on the Network Charging Points is always via a cable and
connector tethered to the Charging Station (due to power and safety requirements). You will
not need to use the Cables provided by Hertz when using rapid/super chargers.
IMPORTANT: Only the cables provided with the vehicle should be used when charging it (apart
from when use of a rapid Network Charging Point dictates that a cable tethered to the unit is
used). You are responsible for any loss or damage to the cable(s), other than fair wear and tear.
Please see Charges below.
If you return the EV with at least the same level of charge or 80% (whichever is lower), you will not
incur any further recharging costs.
If you return the EV with a level of charge lower than recorded level of charge at pick up then we will
recharge the EV for you. Recharging Fees will apply and will be added to your invoice or billed
separately. Please see Charges below.
If the EV is returned with a critically low battery and cannot therefore be unlocked we will charge you
for the costs involved in gaining access to the EV and any damage caused to the EV as a result of this.
This is excluded from SuperCover (if available).
If the EV has a charge status of at least 80% at pick up, at the start of your rental you can opt in to take
the CPO and pay a certain fee to cover the cost of electricity to recharge the EV at the end of your
rental (“CPO fee”). The CPO fee is a flat fee based on the vehicle model and its battery capacity
calculated at price per kW competitive with EV charging stations. The CPO fee is added to your invoice
at the end of your rental. As long as the EV has a level of 10% or more when you return it to us, you
will not need to recharge the EV before return and will have nothing more to pay for the recharge at
the end of the rental (you’ll still need to pay for on rent charging).
If the EV is returned with a level of charge below 10% the Recharging Service Fee will be payable in
addition to the CPO fee (please see here for more information).
If you have taken out the CPO and you return the EV with a level of charge of 70% or more:
CPO will be cancelled and CPO fee will not be charged; and
if the level of charge is below 80%, we will recharge the EV for you applying the standard
Recharging Fees. Please see Charges below.
This is a good option if you are likely to use up a lot of the battery charge and want to avoid the hassle
of recharging the EV yourself. If you have any further questions, please ask at the counter when you
pick up your vehicle.
Please note that we do not provide a refund for unused electricity.
One Way Rental
The EV must be returned to the location as indicated on the Rental Agreement as not all of our
locations support electric vehicles. If you return the EV to an unsupported location we may need to
transport the EV to another location. If this happens we reserve the right to charge the One Way Fee
specified in the Rental Terms to recover our costs of transportation and loss of use and/or change the
rental rate.
Network Charging
Station usage
When you use a Network Charging Station using the Charging Fob or
Charging Card provided with the EV we will pass on the total cost of your
use of Network Charging Stations at the end of your rental this includes
the electricity consumed and, where charged by the supplier, a per
transaction fee. This means you do not have to pay for charging the EV
when you plug it in to a Network Charging Station, we’ll add it to your
invoice when you return the EV or bill you later. If you use other third party
charging stations you’ll have to register and pay for electricity charges at
the point of use.
Fee(s)/Service Fee
We will record the EV’s battery status before you collect the EV and
measure it again on your return. To avoid the recharging costs, we ask you
to return the EV with at least the same level of charge or 80% (whichever
is lower). If you return the EV with a level of charge lower than this, then
we will recharge the EV for you. We will charge you for the cost of
electricity used to recharge the EV plus a service charge (“Recharging Fee”)
. The price per kW/h is indicated on the Rental Agreement and includes the
Recharging Fee.
If the EV battery status is below 10% on return an additional Service Fee
will apply in addition to the Recharging Fee because this increases our
turnaround times and involves staff time.
Service Fee = +€25 (inc VAT)/sterling equivalent
Charge Purchase
Option (CPO)
You agree to pay a certain CPO fee to cover the cost of recharging the EV
(although no refunds are given for any unused electricity).
If you lose or damage the EV’s entry key/card we will charge you
€170/£170 per key or €40/£40 per card for replacement. This is excluded
from SuperCover (if available).
If a cable is lost or damaged (other than fair wear and tear) you will be
charged the replacement cost. This is excluded from SuperCover (if
Replacement cost depends on cable type and location:
Mode 2 Cable (EV-to-
Domestic)(inc VAT)
Mode 3 Cable (EV-to-
Charging Station) (inc VAT)
400€ unless otherwise stated in Country Specific Terms.
Charging Fob/Charge
If the Charging Fob/Charge Card is lost or damaged (other than fair wear
and tear) then you will be charged €20 (or sterling equivalent) (inc VAT)
so that we can replace it. This is excluded from SuperCover (if available).
Additional Usage
If the Charging Fob/Charge Card is misused (whether with or without your
authority) then you are responsible and liable for any loss or damage
caused to the Charging Station used and any fines or charges that we incur
will be passed on to you, plus the Damage/Fines Administration Fee.
Charging Station
If you cause any damage to a Charging Station we will pass on any fine or
other charge that we receive. This may be a significant amount depending
on the amount/type of damage caused. You will be responsible for the
entire amount. We will also charge the Damage Administration Fee for
dealing with this.
Charging Station
Parking Fine / Idle
If you are using a public Charging Station (including a Network Charging
Station) and you do not move the EV when the charging session has ended
then you may prevent others from charging their vehicles. You may be
liable for an Idle Fee or other parking fine. The amount of fee or fine will
be shown at the Charging Station or in its terms and conditions and/or on
the EV’s onboard display. We will pass this on to you and may also charge
the Fines Administration Fee.
Please be aware of parking regulations (as is normal practice) at any site
you visit. Separate parking fees may apply.
Administration Fee
Standard charge to recover our costs for dealing with loss or damage
caused during your rental.
Fines Administration
Standard charge to recover our costs for dealing with fines and charges
incurred during your rental.
Country Specific Terms UK
Travel Restrictions
Allowed for all vehicles rented in the United Kingdom and
driving to the Republic of Ireland, with express prior
permission from Hertz.
Forbidden for all vehicles
If you do not comply with these driving restrictions your Rental Agreement will be invalid and you will
lose the benefit of all insurance and waiver coverage you have taken. You will also be responsible to
us for any additional costs we may incur as a result.
Driving outside the UK
You cannot drive nor drop-off a vehicle outside the UK, except if driving it to the Republic of Ireland.
This will only be allowed with our express prior permission, issuance of a VE103B certificate and, if the
drop off and pick up location are different, subject to a one-way fee. If we have reason to believe that
that you have taken our vehicle outside the UK without the right to do so, this will constitute a breach
of our rental terms and your insurance and waiver products will be void and no longer protect you.
You will also be charged £1,980/€2,317 to recover the costs generated by the repatriation of the
24 hour emergency roadside assistance
If you have an accident or breakdown call 0800 28 94 94.
Please note that you are responsible for an excess in the event of damage or theft.
Failure to report an incident may result in additional charges.
Customer's own insurance
If, with our prior consent, you provide your own insurance to cover third party claims you will remain
responsible to us for any third party liability we incur arising from your rental until it is paid by your
insurer. Trucks and vans which carry cargo for remuneration must always provide their own insurance.
Driving licence
You are not able to rent if you or any additional driver have any endorsements or convictions for
dangerous driving, drink driving or unauthorised taking of a vehicle in the last 5 years or your driving
licence is invalid.
Glass & Tyres
Please note that the product G&T is only available as a package with PERS.
Personal Insurance (PI)
Please note that the product PI is not available in the UK.
Delivery and Collection Service
This product is available in the UK only. Hertz will deliver and/or collect your vehicle within a 10-mile
radius of the Hertz branch. Please see our website for details.
Some terms and conditions and exclusions apply. For more information, please see here.
To maintain complete transparency we have listed below what is classified as damage which will be
charged for when the vehicle is returned. Where a measurement is given below, any damage smaller
than the measurement is considered to be fair wear and tear and will not be charged.
Vehicle bodywork:
Scratches and scuffs: Greater than 10mm or less than 10mm if the bare metal is showing
Dents: Diameter greater than 10mm
Glass: Any chips or cracks
Tyres: Any damage to the tyre, including damage to the sidewall of the type, punctures and where the
vehicle has been driven on a flat tyre.
Vehicle interior:
Trim: Any damage to the internal trim
Upholstery: Any stains or burns to seats or carpets
Additional items:
Mirrors: Any cracks to mirror or glasses Light Clusters: Any cracks to light clusters
Alloy Wheels: Scratches greater than 10mm
Wheel Trims: Any damage greater than 10mm
Parts: Any broken or missing original equipment as noted
Light Clusters: Any cracks to light clusters
Locks: Any damage
Fuel contamination
Any damage that is caused intentionally or by gross negligence of you or an authorised driver.
Additional charges
In addition to the charges arising from your Rental Agreement set out in More Information…
CHARGES, you will reimburse us for our reasonable administration and recovery costs which we
may incur in collecting payment of outstanding charges, including the use of third parties and
Electric Vehicles Scotland
If you have rented an EV in Scotland, for your convenience, you can purchase our CPS Energy Prepay
Card (‘CPS Card) to use during your rental. For £15 per day you can use the CPS Card for unlimited
EV charging at Charge Place Scotland electric vehicle charging stations with your rental vehicle. At
the end of your rental, the CPS Card fee will be charged to the card used for your reservation.
For more information about the Charge Place Scotland network, including location maps, please see
You can still use our Network Charging Stations (Shell Recharge and Tesla) or other third party charging
stations but these are subject to separate fees (please see here). We believe the CPS card is good
value if you are renting and driving an EV in Scotland and don’t have access to free charging but please
note that we do not issue any refund or discount if you do not use £15 per day worth of electricity for
any reason.
You must return the CPS card at the end of your rental otherwise a lost card fee of £15 will be applied
in addition to the per day charge. This is excluded from SuperCover (if available).
If you lose the CPS card during your rental please let us know immediately by calling the location you
collected the EV from to let them know. They will cancel the card and you wont be charged the day
rate for the remaining rental days, you will still be charged a lost card fee on return.
The CPS card may only be used with your rental vehicle. We monitor usage and if it is found to have
been used with another EV you will be charged the Additional Usage Costs fee (please see here).
Official Correspondence
All official correspondence should be addressed to our registered head office at Hertz House, 11 Vine
Street, Uxbridge UB8 1QE.