When do these EV Terms apply?
If you are hiring an Electric Vehicle (EV) then these EV Terms will apply. They form part
of the Rental Agreement and apply in addition to the terms contained in the Rental
In these EV Terms, an EV means a battery operated vehicle which uses battery power
rather than diesel or petrol fuel.
These EV Terms do not apply to Hybrid Vehicles (i.e. vehicles which use battery power
and other fuel) if you are renting a Hybrid Vehicle please refer to the Rental Terms.
Electric Vehicle Rental Terms (EV Terms)
We take the privacy of our customers very seriously and
handle personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Tesla users only:
Please be aware that Tesla may have access to certain of your
personal data when renting a Tesla. This is governed by this
Privacy Notice - tesla.com/legal/privacy.
Choice of vehicle
IMPORTANT: It is your sole responsibility to decide which
vehicle to select for your rental. You must ensure that you
are comfortable with the capabilities and any limitations
associated with the vehicle that you select.
We recommend that you charge the battery as often as possible
to keep it in the 20-80% range of charge. Charging the EV when
the battery status is below 20% will mean that the charge time is
IMPORTANT: You must not allow the battery charge to fall
below 10% as this significantly impairs the battery life and may
damage the battery. Breakdown caused by low battery will be
your sole responsibility. Please see the breakdown section of
the Rental Terms for guidance on what to do in such an event.
The vehicle information on our website will describe a range
which is theoretically achievable on a full charge based
on available market data. Please be aware that this is a
theoretical range only and is not guaranteed - battery life
is aected by a number of factors including model, driving
style, terrain/road conditions, weather conditions, battery
composition and age.
Charge Status:
When you collect the EV we will try to ensure that the EV has
a charge status of at least 75%. The battery status will be
captured by our i-check technology.
During your rental you should plan charging stops in advance
of low battery status. Recharging EVs is fundamentally
dierent to refueling a petrol/diesel counterpart. Best practice
is to charge wherever you park, including overnight stays and
supplementing with rapid charging as required.
IMPORTANT: It is your responsibility to ensure that the EV has
sucient remaining battery to complete your journey or get
you to a Charging Station.
Charging Stations:
We have partnered with Shell Recharge to create an approved
network of Charging Stations (each a Network Charging
Station). We recommend that you use Network Charging
Stations to charge the EV during your rental to remove the
Pick Up
During your rental
Caring for your EV
need for you to register with a charging provider and to
streamline your charging experience. If the EV you have
rented is a Tesla then Tesla Chargers are also part of the
approved network. If your rental rate includes the use of
Network Charging Stations then a fair use policy applies.
You can find more information about our Network Charging
Stations here. However, you can charge the EV at any public or
private Charging Station at your sole discretion.
IMPORTANT: If you choose to use a Charging Station which
is not a Network Charging Station you may be required to
register with the alternative provider and may also incur a fee
for charging the vehicle. You are responsible for any such
registration (including accepting any terms and conditions and
privacy policy) and any fees.
Charging Stations must be used in accordance with the
instructions provided at that location. You are solely
responsible and liable for your use of any Charging Station.
If you misuse or damage a Charging Station (whether a
Network Charging Station or other Charging Station) we
may receive a fine or a claim for damages. If this happens
we will pass that fine or damages on to you together with an
administration fee (see Charges below).
IMPORTANT: Parking fees are separate to charging fees –
always check the parking rules on entry to a car park.
You must ensure that you use the Charging Station and
cable (either the cable provided with the EV or a tethered
cable attached to the public charger) in a responsible and
considerate manner to ensure that you do not cause a trip
hazard or other danger to members of the public.
We reserve the right to support investigations and provide any
relevant information to third parties in connection with misuse
of and/or damage to Charging Stations.
IMPORTANT: When using a public Charging Station (including
a Network Charging Station), at the end of your charging
session you must move the vehicle. If you do not then you
may be subject to a parking fine or Idle Fees which we will
pass on to you together with the Fines Administration Fee
(see the Charges section below).
Key Fob/Charge Card:
We may provide you with a Key Fob on the EV key ring or a
Charge Card when you collect the EV to enable you to use
Network Charging Stations. The Key Fob must remain on the
key ring at all times.
IMPORTANT: You must notify us immediately if you lose or
damage the Key Fob/Charge Card during your rental (please
see Contact section of Rental Terms).
You will be responsible for returning the Key Fob/Charge Card
in the same condition at the end of your rental period. This will
be part of the checking process at the end of the rental. If you
do not return the Key Fob/Charge Card then charges will apply
(see Charges below).
The Key Fob/Charge Card must only be used to charge the EV
that you have rented. Hertz monitors use across the Network
Charging Points. Any misuse of the Key Fob/Charge Card is a
breach of these EV Rental Terms and will result in additional
usage charges.
One or more charging cable(s) will be provided with the EV.
This could include:
IMPORTANT: Rapid/Super charging on the Network Charging
Points is always via a cable and connector tethered to the
Charging Station (due to power and safety requirements).
You will not need to use the Cables provided by Hertz when
using rapid/super chargers.
Please notify Hertz sta if no cables are present when you
collect the EV. If this is not noted at the time of collection you
will be liable for the replacement cost of the cable(s) logged in
our systems as included with that EV (see Charges below).
IMPORTANT: Only the cables provided with the vehicle should
be used when charging it (apart from when use of a rapid
Network Charging Point dictates that a cable tethered to the
unit is used). You are responsible for any loss or damage
to the cable(s), other than fair wear and tear. Please see
Charges below.
Cables are not designed to be used in normal domestic power
outlets. If you use a cable other than in an EV charging socket
then you are responsible for any loss or damage caused.
1. EV to Charging Station (Mode 3) connector cable which
will enable charging up to 11kW when connected to an
appropriate Type 2 socket Charging Station. The speed is
limited by the EV’s on-board charger and specification of the
cable; and/or
2. EV to Domestic - (Mode 2) connector cable which will
enable charging up to 3kW via an appropriate domestic
We will record the EV’s battery status before you collect the EV
and measure it again on your return. We ask you to return the
EV with at least the same level of charge or 75% (whichever
is lower). If you return the EV with a level of charge lower than
this then we will recharge the EV for you. Recharging fees will
apply and may be added to your invoice or billed separately.
Please see Charges below.
If the EV is returned with a critically low battery and cannot
therefore be unlocked we will charge you for the costs
involved in gaining access to the EV and any damage caused
to the EV as a result of this. This is excluded from SuperCover
(if available).
The EV must be returned to the location it was collected from
as not all of our locations support electric vehicles. If you return
the EV to an unsupported location we may need to transport
the EV to another location. If this happens we reserve the
right to charge the One Way Fee specified in the Rental Terms
to recover our costs of transportation and loss of use and/or
change the rental rate.
Battery Status
One Way Rental
If you loose or damage the EV’s entry key/card we will
charge you €170/£170 per key or €40/£40 per card
for replacement.
If a cable is lost or damaged (other than fair wear and
tear) you will be charged the replacement cost. This is
excluded from the SuperCover excess waiver/reduction
(if available).
Replacement cost depends on cable type and location:
If you cause any damage to a Charging Station we
will pass on any fine or other charge that we receive.
This may be a significant amount depending on the
amount of damage caused. You will be responsible for
the entire amount. We will also charge the Damage
Administration Fee for dealing with this.
If you are using a public Charging Station (including a
Network Charging Station) and you do not move the EV
when the charging session has ended then you may
prevent others from charging their vehicles. You may be
liable for an Idle Fee or other parking fine. The amount
of fee or fine will be shown at the Charging Station or in
its terms and conditions. We will pass this on to you and
may also charge the Fines Administration Fee.
Please be aware of parking regulations (as is normal
practice) at any site you visit. Separate parking fees may
Teslas only:
The Idle Fee for Teslas is (a) €0.50/£0.50 per minute if
there are vacant charging spaces at the location or (b)
€1.00/£1.00 per minute if there are no vacant charging
spaces at the location. Charges will apply during the
period from the end of your charging session until the
EV is moved. This is charged to Hertz directly by Tesla
and we will recover it from you.
Standard charge to recover our costs for dealing with
loss or damage caused during your rental.
Standard charge to recover our costs for dealing with
fines and charges incurred during your rental.
If the Key Fob/Charge Card is lost or damaged (other
than fair wear and tear) then you will be charged €20
(or sterling equivalent) (inc VAT) so that we can replace
it. This is excluded from SuperCover (if available).
If the Key Fob/Charge Card is misused (whether with
or without your authority) then you are responsible and
liable for any loss or damage caused to the Charging
Station used and any fines or charges that we incur
will be passed on to you, plus the Damage/Fines
Administration Fee. In addition you will also be charged
the Recharging Fee set out above for unauthorised use
of the Charging Station/Key Fob/Charge Card.
400€ unless otherwise stated
in Country Specific Terms.
Mode 2 Cable
EV-to-Domestic (inc VAT)
Mode 3 Cable
Station (inc VAT)
Charging Station Damage
Charging Station Parking Fine/Idle Fee
Damage Administration Fee
Fines Administration Fee
Key Fob/Charge Card
Additional Usage Costs
© 2021 Hertz System, Inc. All rights reserved. CS 1121037
We will record the EV’s battery status before we rent
the EV to you and measure it when you return the EV.
We ask you to return the EV with at least the same level
of charge or 75% (whichever is lower). If you return the
EV with a level of charge lower than this then we will
recharge the EV for you at the rate of €0.80/sterling
equivalent (inc VAT) per kW/h.
e.g. 75% on rent charge – 55% return charge = 20%
20% x 100% battery capacity = 20
20 x 0.8€ = 16€ Recharging fee.
If the EV battery status is below 20% on return an
Administration Charge will apply in addition to the
recharging fee because this increases our turn around
times and involves sta time.
Administration Charge = +€25 (inc VAT)