College Planning Worksheet
Academic Preparation
Current GPA ________________ Class Rank ________________
Level of courses in high school?
Standard ___________ Demanding ____________ Very Demanding ____________
How many years at the high school level of the five core subjects will you have taken by
graduation (in grades 8-12)?
English _____________
Social Studies _____________
Math _____________
Science _____________
Foreign Language _____________
Standardized Test Results:
PSAT: Critical Reading Math Writing
SAT: Critical Reading Math Writing
ACT: Composite Writing
Interests & Aptitudes
1. Are there any majors or academic interests you would like to pursue in college?
2. What high school courses are most interesting to you? Why?
3. What courses do you find most challenging? Why?
Extracurricular Contributions
1. What are the five most important non-academic activities, skills or accomplishments that you
would like a college of interest to know about?
2. What are some talents or skills that set you apart from your peers?
2. List any sports that you have played throughout high school. Include positions, awards,
honors, etc.:
4. List any volunteer and community service related activities:
5. List any job(s) you have held since entering high school:
Special Considerations
1. Are you a legacy? If so, who and where?
2. Are there any special circumstances in your life, past or present, that you feel a college should
know about?
College Characteristics by level of importance
A. Location
Kind of
Not Really
Not Sure
Close enough to commute
Within 3 hours of home
In state
As far away from home as possible
In a large city, urban area
Just outside of a city
Within 45 minutes of a city, suburbs
Out in the country, rural
Near a particular area ie: the beach, skiing, etc...
B. Size
Small - Undergrad enrollment under 1,500
Medium - Undergrad enrollment at 1,500-6,000
Large - Undergrad enrollment at 6,000-12,000
Very Large - Undergrad enrollment at 12,000+
Most classes with under 25 students
Most classes with under 50 students
Most classes with over 50 students
All classes taught by professors
Some classes taught by graduate students
Many majors to choose from
Close faculty-student relations
C. Type
Public college/university
Private college/university
Church related to college
Historically black college
Strong major
Single sex college
Military Academy
Two year college
Four year college
D. Atmosphere
Very diverse (geographic, social and/or ethnic)
Sense of school pride
Conservative or traditional values
Liberal values
Emphasis on pre-professional majors
Strong liberal arts curriculum
Active Greek life
Active social activities on campus
Emphasis on academic rigor
Popular and competitive sports
Emphasis on community service and volunteerism
School with prestige and name recognition
Attractive campus
Diverse student population
Student population similar to myself
Desirable campus housing
Housing options: suites, townhouses, freshman dorms, etc.
E. Opportunities
Undergraduate research
Study abroad opportunities
Career planning and/or placement programs
Graduate/professional advising