Ontario Women’s Hockey League
Rules & Regulations Policy
Section 1 League Liaisons
Each Association/Independent team shall designate one person as the main contact for the League. This
designated person shall be called the League Liaison. The responsibilities of the League Liaison (LL) shall be
to maintain communication between the League and all teams of the Association/Independent team. The
duties include the following:
a. Communication between a team in the Association/Independent team and the League on all
matters other than immediate scheduling/ immediate game portal access.
b. All discipline matters regarding any team in the Association;
c. Notifying the League about teams the Association wishes to enter in the league for the next season
of play by the date set out in Section 5 a);
d. Registering the contact information for each team in the manner prescribed by the League by the
required date as set annually by the League.
e. Monitoring and ensuring that each team is duly registered with the League before its first league
The League Liaison must have full e-mail service and must inform the League of any changes in contact
information immediately. The League Liaison must have the authority to speak for the Association at all
times. The League will only deal with individual teams through the League Liaison.
It is the policy of the OWHL to respond only to concerns and issues raised by each association's League
Liaison. Any comments other than operational questions sent directly to the OWHL will be forwarded back
to the association's League Liaison in adherence to the policy.
Section 2 Player Eligibility
a. All players must be properly registered on their team’s OWHA team registration form as per OWHA
b. An eligible player must be registered within the League. House league players will be eligible when
picked up from within their own association.
Section 3 Team Rosters
OWHA approved rosters will be recognized as the official roster. Players and team staff must be registered
with the OWHA before they are eligible to play/participate in the OWHL.
Section 3.1 Quebec Teams
1) General eligibility of all Quebec teams will be reviewed on an annual basis.
2) All Quebec teams must provide Hockey Quebec approved team roster form to OWHA.
3) If approved, Quebec teams agree to submit player and staff registration via OWHA online
registration platform.
4) Quebec teams are required to follow all OWHL Rules & Regulations and the Code of Discipline in
the OWHA handbook. Failure to follow any of these documents will result in further disciplinary
action which could include expulsion from the OWHL
5) Ontario teams travelling to Quebec for LEAGUE games will not have to submit a sanction form with
the OWHA.
6) It is the responsibility of any Ontario team travelling to Quebec for non-league games (including
exhibition and tournament) to obtain appropriate sanction form from the OWHA. Forms are to be
submitted to the OWHA for approval
Section 4 Association and Team Responsibility
a. Each Association and Independent team shall file its OWHL Registration Form in accordance with
OWHA requirements.
b. On or prior to a date set annually by the OWHA, each team shall supply a cheque or money order
payable to the OWHA to cover the entry fees for the forthcoming season. The entry fees are non-
refundable, unless the team provides written notice to the OWHA, on or prior to the Category
Deadline Date, of its decision to withdraw from the League.
c. U9 and U11 teams are required to a play two (2) mandatory OWHA sanctioned games against two
(2) different teams at their own OWHA registered level or higher in order to place their team in the
most appropriate category. All other divisions are highly recommended to also play two (2) OWHA
sanctioned games in order to best categorize their respective teams. At the completion of each
game, the game sheet must be submitted via RAMP for verification.
d. Each team must enter online game sheet data, and submit game sheets, in accordance with Section
e. Game supervision at the request of a team/association Any request for a member(s) of the OWHL
to attend a game or series of games must be submitted by the Association President or the
Association Liaison to leagues@owha.on.ca .
f. If an Association President/ Liaison requests that the OWHA be present at a league game (or series
of games), there will be a charge of $50 per game. Additional mileage charges will also apply.
Section 5 Scheduling for 2022 Season
a. The League will notify League Liaisons of the date of the Scheduling meeting.
b. Scheduling will provide flexibility to accommodate OWHA provincial playdowns and championships.
Each team must undertake to have sufficient ice time to meet regular season requirements by the
set completion date annually.
c. All changes to game times, dates or locations of games must be reported to [email protected]
at least forty-eight (48) hours before actual game time so the online system may be properly
updated, and referees informed. Failure to do so will result in a $50.00 fine payable by the HOME
Regular Season: One (1) team representative and Ice schedulers will schedule all required games by the
scheduling date. Games will be scheduled to reflect a balanced schedule. Any changes throughout the
season will be handled by the League Liaison and the League. It will be each team’s responsibility to ensure
on an ongoing basis, that the dates, locations and times for all games are correct in the schedule posted on
the website. The League website will be considered to be the sole source of official schedules.
Section 6 Pick-up Players
a. A team may use any eligible player to a maximum of three (3) but not to exceed the number of
players currently registered with their team. Pick-Ups are not permitted for suspended players.
Each player must be listed with “P-UP” for Pick-Up, beside her name on the game sheet.
b. For Regular Season League games, a team may pick up any eligible player, to a maximum of three
(3) pick up players, from a lower category to bring the total team strength to, but not exceed, the
number of officially registered players on the team. The OWHA may authorize the movement of a
goaltender for emergency situations only, identified as being situations in which the team would
have no roster goalie available to play.
c. Pick Up players are not eligible for Championship Weekend. (Exception for Goalies with League
d. Special permission may be granted, on approval from the OWHA, for a team to pick up players from
another Association or Independent team. It is the responsibility of the team to make specific
written application (OWHA Pick-Up Consent Form) to the League, stating their rationale for the
request. The form can be found on the OWHA website and must be e-mailed to
e. An OWHA Pick-Up Consent Form is not required where a player is transferred from a lower team
within the same association.
f. A Pick-Up Player is defined as EITHER from:
i) a lower age level and the same classification or lower;
ii) the same age level and lower classification:
(E.g.): 1 U15 A team can call from U13 A team
(E.g.): 2 U15 A team can call from U13 BB team
(E.g.): 3 - U15 A team can call from U15 BB team
(E.g.): 4 U15 A team can NOT call from U13 AA team
g. Any team found to have violated the Pick-Up Players rule by virtue of not having complied with any
of the requirements or limits specified in Rule 7, subsections a) through e) will forfeit the game in
which the violation(s) was found to have occurred and by a score that is in accordance with
subsection 9) of the Forfeiture Policy listed in the OWHA Handbook. Teams violating Rule 7, as
above, will be considered by the League to have used an ineligible or illegal player and the violation
will be reported to the OWHA as a suspendable offence.
Section 7 Suspensions
In the event of any suspendable offences, the OWHA Discipline Policy must be followed in its entirety.
a. The Discipline Board shall be struck by the Discipline Chair consisting of not less than three (3)
members for the purpose of hearing any particular matter concerning a Suspension. The Discipline
Chair can, at his/her discretion, offer the use of teleconferencing for teams that must travel long
distances or in the event of inclement weather. Teams attending a OWHA Suspension Hearing must
be represented by a rostered staff member.
b. A suspension(s) to any coach, manager, trainer, player, or support person (on the bench or
timekeeping at the time of the infraction) in any OWHA sanctioned game league, tournament
and/or exhibition in or outside the Province of Ontario shall be served in the next OWHA sanctioned
game(s) including tournaments. Exhibition game cannot be used to serve suspensions.
c. The Discipline Board shall suspend any member where such conduct in and/or around an arena or
other place, or by such action violates the OWHA Code of Conduct, and as such bring discredit to
the League and/or the sport of Women’s hockey.
d. Where a matter regarding a suspension may directly or indirectly relate to a member, such member
shall declare a conflict of interest.
e. Where a coach, manager, trainer, player or support person receives a suspension in any OWHA
game outside the jurisdiction of the league, the onus is on the coach of the team to advise the
League of such suspension prior to the team’s next League game even if the suspension has already
been served. Failure to report any such suspension will result in an additional one game suspension
to the head coach of the team.
f. All members must follow the minimum suspension guidelines as circulated by the OWHA. These
suspensions must be served at the next OWHA sanctioned event(s). NOTE: Exhibition games are
g. For any suspendable offence occurring in a League game, the OWHA must be notified by the
offending team within 24 hours via email at stats@owha.on.ca, or before their next game,
whichever comes first. Failure to do so will result in suspensions being issued to the head coach.
Section 8 Protests & Appeals
a. Members can only protest a game regarding an interpretation or violation of a OWHL rule e.g.,
not adhering to the agreed curfew, or if there is an improperly registered, unregistered, ineligible,
or suspended player participating. All issues regarding game officials must be forwarded to
b. Notification that a game is being protested MUST be communicated to leagu[email protected]
within twenty-four (24) hours of the infraction(s).
c. To Protest, a team must:
i. With respect to protest relating to the interpretation of a playing rule, notify the referee
verbally of the protest before, during, or at the end of the game, before they leave the ice,
ii. With respect to an improperly registered, unregistered, ineligible, or suspended player or
team official, notify the OWHA Office within forty-eight (48) hours of the starting of the
game. These are the only situations which are eligible to be protested to the League.
d. Prepare the protest in writing;
e. File the protest with league[email protected] within forty-eight (48) hours of the start time of the
f. Accompany the protest with a cheque or money order in the amount of $200.00 payable to the
g. E-mail, deliver or send by registered mail a copy of the protest to the protested team within forty-
eight (48) hours of the start time of the game.
h. Within seven (7) days of the protest being filed, the OWHA shall set a date for the hearing of the
protest. The hearing may be virtual or in person, at the discretion of the OWHA, and the date will
be no more than fifteen (15) days after the filing date. Teams attending a Protest Hearing must be
represented by a rostered staff member.
i. Decisions are final and binding and not subject t o Appeal.
j. Refunded fees for protests will be at the discretion of the committee.
Section 9 Officials
a. It is recognized that there is currently a critical shortage of certified officials in Ontario and in
Canada. As such, games may proceed will fewer than the ideal number of on-ice officials. Some
games normally officiated by 3 officials will be officiated by 2 officials. At certain levels, a 1 official
system may be utilized with prior OWHA approval. At all times, associations and coaches are to be
in control of themselves and their teams and support fair play for all involved,
b. It is the responsibility of every association, team, and participant to treat officials with respect at all
times. If there are concerns, there is a process to address these concerns after the completion of
the game.
c. Officials must be currently certified and fully vaccinated and provide their OWHA (or Hockey
Quebec) ref number or certification number along with their name to the timekeeper so that it can
be entered into the Gamesheet App.
d. In U15 AA, U15 A, U18 AA, U18 A, U18 BB, U22 A, a three-official system is desirable. In all other
divisions, a two-referee system is desirable. Failure to comply (schedule the appropriate number of
officials) may result in a fine of $100 against the offending team.
e. A game may proceed with one official less than the number required provided that the official(s)
and both teams agree before the game commences. Once started the game may not be stopped or
protested unless an injury occurs to the referee that prevents the official from completing the
game. If the game does not proceed it is considered un-played and must be rescheduled within
seven (7) days. A single on-ice official may not officiate a scheduled three-official game without
prior approval from the OWHA. Any game officiated in a manner that is not compliant with this
section will be considered not played and must be rescheduled within seven (7) days and will result
in a fine of $200 against each team; in addition, the coach of each team will be assessed a
f. All games will use the fast face-off protocol. The puck shall be put into play at the indicated start
time of the game regardless of whether both teams are lined up in face off position.
g. Officials are to be at ice level at game time and are to order the clock started for a three (3) minutes
warm up period as soon as both nets are pegged and available for the teams to begin their warmup.
Once the game clock has started, the officials shall not initiate the Fair Play procedures at this time,
due to Covid-19 protocols. When two minutes have elapsed, a game official will blow the whistle to
let the teams know they have one minute to get to their benches and get their starting line up to
centre ice. If teams fail to be ready a delay of game penalty is to be assessed.
Section 10 Cancellation and Rescheduling Rules
a. After scheduling day(s), teams will be allowed a period of three (3) calendar days to change times
and/or locations of games on the originally submitted schedule, after which time the team’s
schedule will be marked Final and entered into the League’s on-line game system. Any changes
made during the 3-day grace period must be made known to the team’s opponent. After a team’s
regular season schedule is marked final, each team will be allowed to rearrange a maximum of
three (3) games during the season. Any more than three (3) changes will subject a team to a $100
disciplinary fine per game change payable to the OWHA.
b. Cancellation of a regular season, playoff (if conducted) or championship game by a team may be
done without cancellation penalty up to two weeks (14 days) prior to the day a game is scheduled.
Any cancelled game must be rescheduled as provided below.
c. Ice costs for a game cancelled less than two weeks before the game day becomes the responsibility
of the team which gives notice of cancellation unless the ice is used by the non-cancelling team, or
some other team. In addition, the cancelling team will be assessed a minimum $100.00 disciplinary
fine payable to the OWHA.
d. Games cancelled must be rescheduled for a future date within seven (7) days of game cancellation.
Any team that does not reschedule within the seven (7) day period will be assessed a $100.00
disciplinary fine payable to the OWHA. A rescheduled game is not considered to be locked into the
schedule until leagu[email protected] has been notified.
e. The OWHA reserves the right to issue an additional $500.00 fine, payable to the OWHA, to any
team who either fails to show for a scheduled league game without just cause; cancels a scheduled
league game within twenty-four (24) hours of its playing time without just cause; or refuses to
reschedule a cancelled game. In addition, the OWHA shall have the right to suspend all or any
member of the team staff of the offending team for up to one (1) year and to refuse the admission
of teams from the offending association for the next season.
f. For the purposes of this Section 11, a team that withdraws from the League shall be deemed to
have cancelled all of its remaining scheduled games.
g. If a game must be cancelled because one or both teams cannot travel due to inclement weather or
as a result of a public health notice (e.g., COVID Outbreak), the following policy is in effect:
1. The team cancelling the game must DIRECTLY contact by PHONE and speak to a designated
team representative before this game is officially considered cancelled. Note: E-mail and
voice messages will not be considered as proper notification
2. The League Designate (league@owha.on.ca) is to be notified by both teams that the game
has been cancelled.
3. The cancelled game is to be rescheduled for a future date within seven (7) days.
4. Costs of unused ice time and officials for the cancelled game to be shared evenly by both
5. To be eligible for any League awards, teams must play all their regular season games.
6. Games cancelled because of bad weather conditions or as a result of a public health notice
(e.g., COVID) are not included in the three (3) allowed cancellations.
Section 11 Starting Games Times
The following guideline for Regular Season and Playoff game start times must be followed unless alternate
arrangements are mutually agreed upon by both teams:
Monday to Friday game start times must be such that starting travel time from the visiting
centre is no earlier than 5:00 p.m.
Sunday to Thursday game start times must be such that allowing for a reasonable post-game
change period, the visiting team arrives home no later than:
U9 10:00 p.m.
U11/U13/U15 10:30 p.m.
U18/U22 11:30 p.m.
Section 12 Game Lengths (for 2021/2022)
Teams in the OWHL-LLFHL Divisions and Categories to follow:
a. All League games including Championship games shall consist of three (3) stop time periods of ten,
ten, twelve (10-10-12) OR twelve, fifteen, fifteen (12-15-15) as designated for that division.
The following divisions will play 10-10-12
All U9
All U11
U13 A, BB, B, C
U15 BB, B, C
U18 B, C
The following divisions will play 12-15-15
All Senior
All U22
U18 AA, A, BB
U15 AA, A
U13 AA
Teams in the OWHL-ODWHA Divisions and Categories to follow:
1.5 hour games 15-15-20 for:
U18AA, A & BB
U15AA, A & BB
1.0 hour games 10-10-12 for:
All other teams.
b. All League games are STOP TIME. Running time is not allowed and, if used, the game will be
replayed at the cost of the home team.
c. No time outs are allowed in regular season games. If a team request a time out during a regular
season game, the team will be fined $100 and the coach will be suspended for one game.
d. The number of regular season games will be standardized at 26 or less for all ages and categories.
And 20 for U9 and U11 ages and categories.
Section 13 Game Sheets
a. Electronic gamesheet data is collected for insurance purposes. Any falsification of data may make it
invalid for insurance claims. It is important that the game sheet data be entered accurately both
during and as soon as the game has been completed. The officials must review the data entered into
the electronic game sheet via the code they have been provided and sign off on the game as soon as
possible following the end of the game.
b. It is the responsibility of the home team to provide the game codes to other parties (visiting team,
officials, and timekeeper). Both the home and visiting team must access the electronic game sheet,
via their respective code, to select the players and staff for that particular game at least fifteen
minutes prior to the scheduled game time.
c. All teams must use the RAMP Game sheet App for all League games. Failure to do so is a $25 fine per
game payable to the OWHA.
d. If any players on your team have different sweater numbers for home and away, then please modify
the appropriate numbers via the game sheet app. You DO NOT have to name your starting line-up.
With the exception of goalie, player positions are not necessary. The option to identify your C’s and
A’s is available through the game sheet app by selecting the player’s name and choosing their role.
Section 14 Notification of Game Results
a. All league games must be created and entered into RAMP at least 5 days prior to the start of the
game. Failure to do so in the regular season will result in a fine of $100 per day to the offending
association until the game sheet data is entered. It is the responsibility of the visiting team to confirm
the stats of the game and work with them in correcting any discrepancies.
b. In the case off a suspendable offences, whether in the regular season or in the playoffs, the offending
team must notify the OWHA via email at stats@owha.on.ca with suspension information within 1 day
(24 hours) of the game or before the next game, whichever comes first.
Section 15 Tie-Breakers Regular Season
a. If teams are tied at the end of the Regular Season the following criteria will be followed: (same as
OWHA Playdowns)
i. Number of wins against all divisional opponents, including crossover games.
ii. Record against other tied teams
iii. Goals scored minus goals against all divisional opponents
iv. Fewest goals allowed against all divisional opponents
v. Most periods won against all divisional opponents
vi. First goal scored during regular season
vii. Most goals scored against all divisional opponents
viii. Flip of coin by a neutral party agreed to by the OWHA Designate.
Section 16 Curfews
1. All League games must start at their designated starting times. Curfews will be allowed for all
regular season games.
2. All League games shall consist of three (3) stop time periods as designated for that division. (Refer
to Section 13 Game Lengths)
3. A three (3) minute warm up will start each game.
4. All games are STOP time. Running time is not allowed and, if used, will result in the game being
replayed if the visiting team loses the game.
5. All Regular season games played under OWHL jurisdiction must have a curfew notice. When a team
creates a game through the RAMP Game Portal, after all the game details are entered, in the NOTES
box, please enter the Curfew information. This information will show on the RAMP Gamesheet APP
in the game details just above the game codes.
a. If the game is played in an arena with no curfew, the notification will read “NO
CURFEW”. The game must be played in its entirety.
b. In arenas where there is a curfew, the notification will state “CURFEW and a specified
time of day” (e.g., CURFEW 10:20 p.m.). The game must stop at the specified time.
c. The curfew notice must have either a NO CURFEW notation or a specified curfew time.
Whether the curfew notice reads NO CURFEW or has a specified time, a rostered
member of the Coaching Staff of both teams is required to be notified prior to the start
of the game.
d. All game officials (referee(s) & timekeepers) must be notified of the curfew as well. They
will be able to see this information via the RAMP Game sheet app on the game details
e. Failure to follow any of Rule 5, subsections a) through d) could result in a forfeit of the
game by the home team should the game be protested. If, in the sole judgement of the
OWHA and its Protest Committee, the result of the game was not affected by the
breaking of Curfew rule, the protest can be dismissed. The league does retain the right
to fine the home team a maximum of $200 in the event the home team does not follow
the provisions of Section 17.
f. The actual start time of the game is to be recorded on the game sheet by the
timekeeper. For the purpose of the time of day, the arena clock will be the official time
piece. In the case of no time-of-day clock being present, the referee(s) will designate,
prior to the start of the game, what the official time piece will be and advise both
coaches of such a decision.
g. It will be the responsibility of the timekeeper to sound the end of game horn when the
official time piece reaches the designated curfew time, and the game will be considered
over at that point. Under no circumstances is the game to continue past the designated
curfew time.
6. Games that must be curfewed due to a serious injury that requires medical assistance to be called
or due to a serious mechanical equipment failure in the arena that makes playing dangerous or
impossible are permitted to be ended even if the game sheet says no curfew.
7. Any regular season game curfewed after the start of the third period will be considered a complete
game at the point of curfew. Any regular season game curfewed before the start of the third period
will be considered to have been cancelled within the rules and without penalty and will be required
to be rescheduled.
Section 17 Awards
Awards will be presented to the regular season winner of each geographical grouping for all divisions and
categories. Teams which are recategorized up by the OWHA are ineligible to receive the lower-level awards.
Game Protest Form
2021-2022 Season
Protesting Team/OWHA
Opposing Team/OWHA
Game Date
Game Location
o The protest is in respect to an interpretation or violation of an OWHL rule, OR,
o The protest is in respect to an improperly registered, unregistered, ineligible, or suspended player
Description of issue under protest: (attach additional pages as required)
o I verbally informed the referees that I would be protesting the game before they left the ice
o The referees documented the intent to protest on the game sheet
o I notified (by email) the OWHL Discipline chair, within 24 hours of the scheduled start of the game,
our intent to protest
o I filled out and emailed a copy of this protest form to the Discipline Chair and Opposing Team Staff
within 48 hours of the scheduled start of the game.
o For violations involving ineligible players or team staff, I have also notified the OWHA Regional
Director of this protest within 48 hours of the scheduled start of the game.
o I will send a hard copy of this protest, along with all supporting documents and a cheque for $200
to the OWHL, Attn: Discipline Chair
o I have copied the league Coordinator in correspondence
Name of official submitting protest:
Attachments submitted in support of protest.