Audio-Video Surveillance
The following disclosure form is provided to help sellers and buyers
understand and comply with Florida law with respect to home
surveillance devices.
Image courtesy of basketman at
Florida law requires the consent of all parties to record telephone calls or in-person conversations, including
videotaped conversations that capture sound.
If a Seller has security cameras that also record any conversations, i.e. have audio recording capabilities; all parties
must consent to that recording.
With respect to video recording only, it is permissible as long as written notice is clearly given on the premises or the
recording device is immediately obvious.
Property Address: ____________________________________________________________________
For the Seller
My property (check one) has does not have a video or audio surveillance device/system
My device/system (check one) does does not capture audio
For the Buyer
I understand that I may be recorded during the time I am in the Seller’s property and consent to such recording.
Buyer Name (Print): ___________________________________________________________________
Buyer Signature: ______________________________________________________________________
Buyer Name (Print): ___________________________________________________________________
Buyer Signature: ______________________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________
Seller Name (Print): ___________________________________________________________________
Seller Signature: ______________________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________
Note to Listing Agent: Please indicate the presence of a video or audio surveillance device/system in the MLS