623 Union Street Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone 615-259-2000 Fax 615-742-6057
For The University of Tennessee
The following represents an agreement between Sheraton Nashville Downtown and The University of
Tennessee, on behalf of its __________________
Daniel McMullen InqInquiring
Printed Date:
Event name:
Contact Person:
Arrival Date:
Departure date:
SALES MANAGER: Daniel McMullen
TELEPHONE NUMBER: 615-742-6037
FAX NUMBER: 615-742-6057
EMAIL: dmcmullen@sheraton-nashville.com
The Hotel agrees that it will provide, and agrees that it will be responsible for utilizing room nights in the
pattern set forth below (such number and such pattern, the “Room Night Commitment”):
Run of House
Hotel confirms the following non-commissionable group rates plus applicable state and local taxes (currently
15.25% and a $2.50 per room/per night City tax) in effect at the time of check in (The University of
Tennessee is tax exempt and will not be charged taxes):
Single Rate
Double Rate
Triple Rate
Quad Rate
Run of House
623 Union Street Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone 615-259-2000 Fax 615-742-6057
In the event that a guest who has reserved a room within your blocks checks out prior to the guest’s
reserved checkout date, an early departure fee of $50 will be charged to that guest’s individual account.
Guests wishing to avoid this fee must
advise the hotel at or before check-in. The hotel will deduct any such
fees that are collected from any amount you may owe as sleeping room attrition.
The hotel provides a variety of facilities and services not specifically described in this contract, which are
available to groups and individuals at additional charge. A list of the hotel’s pricing for these facilities and
services is attached to this contract, or is available to individual guests upon request.
In the event of reductions in the Room Night Commitment of more than (%), the Hotel may adjust any
concessions previously offered in this Agreement, including those concessions offered on a complementary
basis, and may also adjust the Function Space in direct proportion to the reduction in the Room Night
In the event that a reduction of more than 10% occurs, will be charged the difference of the contracted and
the actual number of rooms picked-up multiplied by group’s contracted room rate.. The Sheraton Nashville
Downtown may also adjust any concessions previously offered in this agreement including those
concessions offered on a complimentary basis. In addition, the Sheraton Nashville Downtown Hotel may
adjust the function space in direct proportion to room block reductions greater than 10%.
Additionally, if the nightly group pick-up exceeds the original contracted nightly block or the minimum nightly
guarantee, then the actual nightly number of rooms reserved one week prior to the main arrival date, will
become the revised and final minimum nightly guarantee.
(Check One)
Individual Reservation/Rooming List must be made no later than
Reservations will be by:
Individual Call In Please contact the Hotel Direct, Toll free 1-800-447-9825 or via Fax at 615-742-
6056. Once and individual reservation has been made, any changes should be made directly with our Group
Reservations Department. A credit card number or 1 nights advanced deposit will be required to secure a
room out of this block. Cancellations must be received 72 hours prior to arrival or 1 night room and tax will
be assessed.
Rooming List You shall submit a rooming list to the Hotel @ 615-742-6057. Please be sure to include
name of attendees, arrival and departure dates, and if available, the times of arrival and departure.
Cancellations must be received 72 hours prior to arrival or 1 night room and tax will be assessed.
Starwood is pleased to offer Groups a customized website reservations system for this event, known as
StarGroups, which allows group attendees to book their hotel reservations on the internet with links to
Group’s website, conference information, dining, entertainment, and city information. StarGroups also allows
your organization to better manage and market your event by giving you instant access to information about
reservations and registration. The StarGroups website is provided at no charge to the group or individual
attendees. Please contact your Sales Manager or Convention Services Manager for details.
623 Union Street Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone 615-259-2000 Fax 615-742-6057
Your program is not considered definite until Payment Information is received.
1. DIRECT BILLING: If you wish to establish credit with the Hotel for the purpose of direct billing a
portion of your account through the use of a Master Account for any of the above listed events you
agree that the Hotel may review any available credit reporting services and will attempt to confirm
your credit based on such sources. A minimum of (2) Hotel References must be provided.
PAYMENT OF DIRECT BILLING: Subject to the approval of credit by the Hotel, authorization to
direct bill may be issued and payment will be required 30 days upon receipt of an invoice from the
Hotel. For any charges that remain unpaid after (45) days from the date of the invoice, a late
payment charge equal to or less 1 ½% per month, or the highest rate permitted by the Tennessee
Prompt Pay Act, §§ 12-4-701, et. seq
., shall be applied on the remaining balance until paid in full.
We request that you review your Master Account with the Hotel Accounting Department prior to
your departure.
If you are sending materials to the hotel for use in a banquet room, please ship to arrive no earlier than three
(3) days prior to the event. Items must be labeled as follows:
Name of Group and On-Site Contact address to the person that will be looking for it.
c/o Sheraton Nashville Downtown Hotel
623 Union St
Nashville, TN 37219
Hold for Name & Date
Box(es) ____of____(Multiples boxes Must be numbered)
Name of Hotel Catering / Convention Services Manager
Box Deliveries will be assessed a handling fee determined by weight. These charges will be posted to your
Master Account. The Hotel will not be responsible for the safe keeping of personal or rented equipment.
Outgoing packages being shipped back by the hotel will be assessed a minimum charge of $5 per piece.
PARKING ~ Valet and Self-Parking
Currently, our parking garage is operated by Towne Park, which connects to the Sheraton Nashville
Downtown Hotel. Current parking garage prices for overnight guest are $22.00 daily for self parking ~
$26.00 daily for valet. Parking rates are subject to change without notice and prevailing rates will apply at
the time of your meeting.
_______Individuals will pay own Daily Parking Charges
_______Please bill Daily Parking______Self______Valet Parking to the Master Account
Our current guest room internet price is $9.95 per day/per device for basic internet service. Upgraded
access is available for $11.95 per day/per device. Internet access rates are subject to change without notice
and prevailing rates will apply at the time of your meeting.
_______Individuals will pay own Internet charges
_______Please bill Daily Internet______Basic______Upgraded Service to the Master Account
As per our agreement, the following method of payment will be utilized with the group
Direct Bill All Charges Direct Bill Guestrooms Direct Bill Banquet Charges
Direct Bill Parking Individuals Pay Own Guestrooms & Incidental Charges
* Each guest of the hotel will be required to present a credit card upon check-in, regardless of the method of payment chosen to take care of the room, tax
and incidentals*
623 Union Street Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone 615-259-2000 Fax 615-742-6057
Based on the requirements outlined by Daniel McMullen InqInquiring, the Hotel has reserved the function
space set forth on the below Function Information Agenda/Event Agenda.
Should your group require exhibit tables; the Hotel will provide individually skirted six foot tables at $25.00
per table, excluding electricity, plus service charge. This is a one time fee assessed on the first day of
All meeting room, food and beverage, and related services are subject to and service charge (currently
24%) in effect on the date(s) of the event.
Daniel McMullen InqInquiring agrees that it will provide a minimum food and beverage revenue of $
(exclusive of applicable service charges) as part of the Event. If provides less food and beverage revenue, it
agrees to pay Hotel the difference between what was actually spent on food and beverage as part of the
event and the food and beverage minimum.
Due to licensing requirements and quality control issues, all food and beverage to be served on the Hotel
property must be supplied and prepared by the Hotel. All food and beverage prices are subject to a 24%
service charge
The performance of this Agreement by either party is subject to acts of God, government authority, disaster
or other emergencies, any of which make it illegal or impossible to provide the facilities and/or services for
your meeting. It is provided that this Agreement may be terminated for any one or more of such reasons by
written notice from one party to the other without liability.
The Hotel shall obtain and maintain and provide evidence of insurance upon request in amounts sufficient to
provide coverage for any liabilities, which may reasonably arise out of or result from the Hotel’sobligations
pursuant to this contract. The University of Tennessee is self-insured under the Tennessee Claims
Commission Act, Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 9-8-301 et. seq., which provides worker’s compensation coverage
and covers certain tort liability for actual damages of up to $300,000 per claimant and $1,000,000 per
Any liability of the Group to Hotel and third parties for any claims, damages, losses, or costs
arising out of or related to acts performed by the University under this Agreement will be governed by the
Tennessee Claims Commission Act, Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 9-8-301, et. seq
Davidson Hotel Company is an equal opportunity employer. All federal EEO and affirmative action
requirements in race, sex, religion, nation origin, handicap and Veteran status, veterans or disabled veterans
status as found in 41CFR 60-1.4, 60-250.4 and 60-741.4 are herein incorporated by reference.
623 Union Street Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone 615-259-2000 Fax 615-742-6057
Both the Group and the Hotel shall be responsible for compliance with the public accommodation
requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act as defined by law. The Hotel shall provide, to the extent
required by the Act, such auxiliary aids and/or services as may be reasonably requested by Group for use
in sleeping rooms and public areas of the hotel, provided that Group gives reasonable advanced written
notice to the Hotel of such needs. Group shall be responsible for the cost of any auxiliary aids and services
(including engagement of and payment to specialized service providers, such as sign language interpreters),
necessary for use in the meeting space used by the group, other than those types and quantities typically
maintained by the Hotel.
Group agrees to comply with all applicable U.S. federal, state and local laws governing the agreement and
event, including any rules regulations or requests of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Any notice required or permitted by the terms of this contract must be in writing. Notice may be sent via
facsimile transmission and will be considered effective as of the date and time of the facsimile confirmation
If either party agrees to waive its right to enforce any term of this contract, it does not waive its right to
enforce any other terms of this contract.
We have the right to review and approve any advertisements or promotional materials in connection with
your function that specifically references any name or logo of the Sheraton Nashville Downtown.
We have no insurance for and are not responsible for any loss or damage to your property. If required, in our
sole judgment, in order to maintain adequate security measures in light of the size and/or nature of your
function, you will provide, at your expense, security personnel supplied by a reputable licensed guard or
security agency doing business in the city or county in which we are located, which agency will be subject to
our prior approval. Such security personnel may not carry weapons. For the safety of persons and property,
no fireworks or incendiary devices may be used indoors at the hotel. Group agrees to comply with all
applicable federal, state and local laws, including health and safety codes and federal anti-terrorism laws
and regulations including all provisions of the Patriot Act and regulations of the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security and the Office of Foreign Assets Control. Group agrees to cooperate with the Hotel and
any relevant governmental authority to ensure compliance with such laws.
In the unlikely event that you should decide to cancel this event at any time after execution of this
Agreement, the following cancellation charges will apply, which are not a penalty and represents a
reasonable effort by the Hotel to establish its loss and are liquidated damages:
Date of Signature to 120
Days prior to arrival
(50% total
623 Union Street Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone 615-259-2000 Fax 615-742-6057
119 days to arrival
(100% total
Such payment shall be made by certified check or wire transfer and shall accompany your notice of the
exercise of this cancellation option. Any attempted exercise of this right without the inclusion of payment, as
set forth above, shall be invalid. Proper notice of cancellation is not default rather an exercise of a right
under this Agreement to cancel without any further obligation.
In compliance with the requirements of Tenn. Code Ann. § 12-4-124, Hotel hereby attests that it shall not
knowingly utilize the services of an illegal immigrant in the United States in the performance of this
Agreement and shall not knowingly utilize the services of any subcontractor who will utilize the services of
an illegal immigrant in the United States in the performance of this Agreement.
The maximum amount that The University of Tennessee will pay for goods and services under this
Agreement is $________ (“Maximum Financial Obligation”). The University’s Maximum Financial Obligation
is not subject to increase for any reason, unless this Agreement is amended by a written amendment that is
signed by authorized officials of both parties
This contract, with exhibits attached (if any) constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and may
not be amended or changed unless done so in a writing signed by Hotel and Group.
The undersigned represent that they are authorized to sign and enter into this contract.
Notice may be sent via facsimile transmission and will be considered effective as of the date and time of the
facsimile confirmation of transmission.
If you accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement please indicate you acceptance by signing and
returning this agreement no later than May 10, 2012, which is your option date, or the above space will be
automatically released without notice. Once reviewed for changes, we countersign and return to you within
five (5) business days. This document shall then constitute the full and complete binding contract and the
arrangements shall be considered confirmed and definite. We appreciate your business!
Agreed on behalf of:
Authorized Acceptance Signature for The Sheraton Nashville Downtown Hotel
623 Union Street Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone 615-259-2000 Fax 615-742-6057
_____________________________ ___________________________
Daniel McMullen Date
Authorized Acceptance Signature for Daniel McMullen InqInquiring
______________________________ ____________________________
Finalization of Program
1. Final menu selections should be submitted four weeks prior to the function to insure the availability of the
desired menu items
2. Final guarantees must be received seventy-two (72) business hours prior to your function. If the guarantee is
not received, the original expected or minimum amount will be used as the guarantee and the hotel will prepare
the charges for the number of persons estimated on the contract.
3. All food and beverage must be supplied and prepared by the Sheraton Nashville Downtown Hotel. No outside
food and beverage are permitted to be brought into the hotel.
4. All prices are subject to change.
5. Should your group require exhibit tables; the Hotel will provide individually skirted six foot tables at $25.00 per
table, excluding electricity, plus service charge. This is a one time fee assessed on the first day of usage.
Amendments to Program
1. If a change from the original room set-up is requested on the day of the function, an additional labor charge of
$25 per person, per hour will be added to the banquet check.
2. Function rooms are assigned based on the anticipated number of guests. The hotel reserves the right to adjust
room assignments based on your final guarantee and reserves the right to move functions to comparable
meeting or banquet rooms other than those appearing on this contract. In the event of substantial fluctuations in
the number of attendees, plus (+) or minus (-) thirty percent (30%), the hotel also reserves the right to change
additional set-up or room rental fees.
Cancellation of Program
1. The client assumes responsibility for and will make payment based on estimated total revenues if the function is
canceled. Please refer to the contract for the scheduled of cancellation specifics.
Billing Procedures
2. All banquet and meeting charges are subject to a 24% service charge, and 9.25% state sales tax.
3. The on-site contact of the designated representative at the completion of each event must sign all banquet
checks. Any discrepancies in counts or charges should be identified and resolved at that time.
Hotel Approval
1. The hotel reserves the right to exercise final authority over bands, DJ’s, musicians and other entertainment in
regard to volume and professionalism, whether they are engaged by the customer or through the hotel. The
hotel reserves the right to require security for any functions the hotel deems appropriate or necessary at the
client’s expense.
2. Any items to be put on meeting room or lobby walls or any directional signs must be approved by the hotel.
Specific Responsibilities of the Customer
1. Admittance to your function room for set-up and take down and meeting attendee arrivals and departures must
coincide with the event times on the contract. Should any revisions at the beginning or ending times of an event
be requested the hotel would make every effort to accommodate the request. The hotel reserves the right to
add additional room rental charges or set- up fees to the function should this occur.
2. If you are sending materials to the hotel for use in a banquet room, please ship to arrive no earlier the three (3)
days prior to the event. Items must be labeled as follows:
Name of Group and On-Site Contact-address to the person that will be looking for it.
c/o Sheraton Nashville Downtown Hotel
623 Union St
Nashville, TN 37219
Hold for Name & Date
Box(es) of (Multiple boxes MUST be numbered)
Name of Hotel Catering / Convention Services Manager
623 Union Street Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone 615-259-2000 Fax 615-742-6057
Box Deliveries will be assessed a handling fee determined by weight. These charges will be posted to your
Master Account.
The hotel will not be responsible for the safe keeping of personal or rented equipment.
3. The hotel will make arrangements for security personnel, if required, which the customer is responsible for
payment of.
4. Outgoing packages will be assessed a minimum charge of $5 per piece.
Specific Responsibilities of the Hotel
1. The Sheraton Nashville Downtown Hotel assumes no responsibility for the damage or loss of any merchandise
or articles brought into the hotel. Arrangements may be made for security by contacting your catering
2. The hotel shall not be liable for non-performance of the contract when such non-performance is attributable to
labor troubles, disputes or strikes, accidents, government (Federal, State or Municipal) regulations of or
restrictions upon travel or transportation, non-availability of food, beverage or supplies, riots, national
emergencies, acts of God and other causes whether enumerated herein or which are beyond the reasonable
control of the hotel.