Google Classroom Parent Guide
Google Classroom Explained
Google Classroom is accessible from any computer with internet
access. Your child will sign in using his or her school email address
and password.
In Google Classroom, teachers assign work to the students
digitally, without paper. They can do it from school (or home, if
they don’t quite finish something). They can submit it to the
teacher online, and can be returned to your student with
comments, edits, suggestions, and/or grades.
Google Classroom Explained
Google Classroom allows for more feedback, and for teachers to
know a lot more about exactly what each child accomplished
each day.
In addition, teachers can setup reminders for the students of
upcoming events/ projects. You can see those too. Be sure to
accept the email invite to receive the email summaries of your
child’s progress.
Google Classroom Explained
As a parent, you can login and see what assignments have been
sent to your child, whether your child has completed them, and
how they did. You will be able to see and get a sense of what’s
happening in the classroom.
Teachers will assist students with the process of joining their
Google Classroom Explained
This is an example of a student’s view upon joining a class:
Guardian Email Summaries - Staying Informed
Parents and guardians are instrumental to student success at
school. It’s important to keep guardians updated with what’s
happening in the classroom.
Guardians will be able to sign-up to receive daily or weekly email
digests of their student’s progress, upcoming work and class
announcements. Teachers will invite guardians directly.
Guardian Email Summaries - Staying Informed
As a guardian, you can receive email summaries showing your
student’s progress in classroom. You can choose the frequency of
the emails, such as daily or weekly. You can unsubscribe or
remove yourself from Classroom at any time.
Guardian email summaries include:
Missing workWork that’s late at the time the email was sent
Upcoming work—Work that’s due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or work
that’s due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails)
Class activity—Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by
Example of Guardian Email Summary:
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I receive email summaries of my students classroom work?
Your student’s teacher will send you an email invitation. Aer you accept the invitation,
you’ll receive regular email summaries of your student’s work.
Why haven’t I received an email invitation?
You won’t receive an email invitation if you’re not listed as the guardian of the student. If
you haven’t received the invitation, check your spam folder. Otherwise, contact your
student’s teacher and ask him or her to send another.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a Gmail address to be invited?
No. You can use your current email address to receive an invitation.
Do I need Gmail or a Google Account to receive email summaries?
No. When you click Accept in the email invitation, you receive weekly summaries to that
email address.
However, with a free Google account, you can make changes to your email
summaries—for example, how oen you receive them.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I manage my guardian email settings?
To manage email summary settings, you need a free Google Account. A Google Account
allows you to:
-Set the frequency of your emails
-Update your locale
-View all students connected to your account
You don’t need a Gmail address to create the account. You can create a Google Account
with your current email address.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I delete the email invitation?
Contact your student’s teacher and ask him or her to send another invitation.
I’ve accepted the invitation for guardian notifications. Where will the emails
be sent?
If you don’t have a Google Account, guardian email summaries are sent to the email
address you signed up with. This is the same email address where the invitation was sent.
If you have a Google Account, sign in to the Classroom email settings page to check the
email address where summaries are sent.
Frequently Asked Questions
I want guardian summaries sent to a different email address. Can I change the email
To change the email address where you receive summaries, contact your student’s
teacher. Ask him or her to delete your current information and send an invitation to your
new email address.
Can I sign in to Classroom and view my student’s work and classes? Can I sign in to
the Classroom mobile app?
Guardians can’t sign in to Classroom, either on a computer or on a mobile device. To see a
summary of your student’s work, you must receive an email invitation from your student’s
teacher or the school administrator.
Recommended Resource for Guardians
Google Classroom Help Center