Student Naame
PhD Individual Development Plan (IDP)
or Date
Advisor Comments (how will you help student achieve goals/what are consequences for lack of progress):
Instructions: Students should complete IDP (with their advisor) by fall quarter of year two, and update it
prior to each fall quarter progress review. The IDP is designed to foster communication in a variety of areas
to ensure that the student and advisor are discussing short- and long- term goals and make efficient progress
toward earning his/her degree. Both research and training goals should be discussed, as well as the level of
effort and commitment necessary to meet these goals. Training goals are expected to evolve over time.
What are your long- and short- term career goals? What skills and competencies do you need to
develop to meet these goals, and how do you plan to do so?
Short-term goals (include a quarter by quarter timeline):
Long-term plans:
Research Goals
What are your short- and longer-term research goals, and what will be required to achieve these
goals? (may include experimental plans, collaborations, publishing papers, attending
conferences, etc.)
Additional Training Goals
What are your additional
Annual Goals:
Long-Term Plans:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Graduate Student Signature
Advisor Comments (how will you help student achieve goals/what are consequences for lack of progress):
What are your additional training goals and needs, and what are your plans for achieving these goals? (may
include developing better teaching, writing, and communication skills)
Long-term goals:
Advisor Comments (how will you help student achieve goals/what are consequences for lack of progress):
_________________________ ______________________
Student Signature Date Advisor Signature Date