10 Answers to Common Virginia Speeding Ticket Questions
What Are the Prepay Fine and Court Costs for My Speeding Ticket?
If you prepay your speeding ticket you will pay $51 in court costs in addition to a fine. The fines
are calculated by each mile per hour over the speed limit. If you were ticketed in a Highway
Safety Corridor, then your fines double. If you go to court instead of prepaying your ticket the
judge sets the fine and the fine amount can be $0-$250 and the court costs are $61. Not showing
up to your court case if you choose not to prepay will cost you an additional $35 in court costs.
46.2-870 Speeding Generally - $6 per mph over the speed limit
46.2-871 Speeding: School Buses - $6 per mph over the speed limit
46.2-872 Speeding: Special Permit Vehicles - $6 per mph over the speed limit
46.2-873 Speeding in School Zone - $7 per mph over the speed limit
46.2-874 Speeding in Business/Residential Districts - $6 per mph over the speed limit
46.2-876 Speeding: Passenger Vehicles w/ Trailers - $6 per mph over the speed limit
46.2-878 Exceeding Speed Limit Set by DOT - $6 per mph over the speed limit
46.2-878.1 Speeding in a Work Zone - $7 per mph over the speed limit
46.2-878.2 Speeding: Certain Residential Zone - $200 + $8 per mph over the limit
46.2-881 Speeding in Certain Bridges/Tunnels - $6 per mph over the speed limit
How Many Points Is My Va Speeding Ticket?
Speeding more than 20 mph over the limit -6 Demerit Points
Speeding 10-19 mph over the limit - 4 Demerit Points
Speeding 1-9 mph over the limit - 3 Demerit Points
46.2-877 (Driving too slowly) - 3 Demerit Points
Should I Hire a Virginia Traffic Attorney?
You can always get a free consultation from a Virginia Traffic Attorney, so why not get a free
consultation before making any decisions about your speeding ticket. If you are not sure whether
you need an attorney consider these possibilities.
Is this traffic ticket a criminal offense (for example: Reckless Driving)?
Will this traffic ticket increase my auto insurance?
Will conviction affect my job?
Can I afford the DMV points?
Will this violate my DMV probation or Control Period?
Do I have other pending traffic or criminal cases?
Did this traffic ticket involve an accident?
For more information on whether hiring an attorney is right for you click here.
How Do I Beat a Virginia Speeding Ticket?
In order to be convicted of speeding an officer needs to be able to establish that speed measuring
device (radar, lidar, or pace) was working properly, was calibrated correctly and was used
For more information about possible lidar, radar, and pacing defenses click here.
Should I Get My Speedometer Calibrated?
If you plan on testifying in court that you were not speeding or if you do not know whether your
speedometer was accurate, get your speedometer calibrated. identifying an inaccurate
speedometer is important to your case and important to preventing future speeding tickets. For a
list of places in Virginia and Maryland where you can get speedometer calibrations click here.
Should I Take a Virginia DMV Driver Improvement Class?
If you have a Va Driver’s license and your DMV point balance is negative (for example -5) and
you have NOT taken a Driver Improvement Course in the last 2 years then you may want to take
a Driver improvement class prior to your speeding ticket trial. Otherwise, consult with a
speeding ticket attorney prior to taking a driver improvement course to find out if doing so will
disqualify you from a court ordered speeding ticket reduction program. For more information
about when and how to take a DMV driver improvement course, click here.
Can I Appeal My Speeding Ticket Case?
You can appeal any speeding ticket or other case in General District Court within 10 calendar
days from your GDC court date. Appeals are submitted by filing out a form at the GDC court
clerk’s office within 10 days. When you appeal a speeding ticket to Circuit Court, you will be
innocent pending appeal and the circuit court judge will completely redo the trial without
knowing what was said or done in the first trial. For more information about appealing speeding
tickets click here.
What is Virginia Traffic Court Like?
Traffic court is often crowded, rushed and systematic. A single traffic court judge in a large
jurisdiction may hear 200 cases in one morning. Traffic court rules and procedure vary from
jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Many court do not allow phone, computers, or recording devices. To
watch an instructional video about Fairfax County Traffic Court click here.
Will My Speeding Ticket Affect My Auto Insurance?
Yes it can. Here are some general rules about when speeding tickets affect auto insurance
premiums. For more information about the effects of speeding tickets on auto insurance click
The better your driving record is, and the lower your premium, the more likely it is for your
insurance to go up significantly.
If you have insurance through a preferred provider (an insurance company that specializes in
covering only good drivers), a conviction is more likely to raise your insurance rates.
If you are charged with speeding more than 20 mph over the speed limit (or in some cases more
than 15 mph) you may see a significant increase in insurance premiums.
Young drivers (under 25), drivers who recently acquired their current insurance policy, or drivers
who recently qualified for a good driver discount are more likely to experience a dramatic
increase in insurance premiums.
If you have previously been convicted of a traffic offenses within the last year.
Your DMV points and your insurance company’s point system are not related. You must talk to
your insurance provider if you want to know how they weigh specific offenses.
Can a Traffic Attorney Get My Speeding Ticket Dismissed?
A traffic attorney may get a traffic ticket dismissed if there are legal defenses available or if the
driver qualifies for a local traffic school program and such a program is available in that
jurisdiction. Frequently, a competent speeding ticket attorney can get a speeding ticket reduced
to a lower level traffic infraction that carries less sever effects on insurance, points or the driver’s
Most qualified speeding ticket attorneys offer free consultations over the phone or in person and
are able to explain the likely outcomes of your specific case. For more information on local
speeding ticket attorneys click here.
Luke J. Nichols
Nichols & Green pllc
(703) 383-9222